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rookedcrow · 17 days ago
you shouldn't be walking around.
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the singular problem with adrenaline is that it's finite ------ there will always come a time when it knocks your feet out from under you, and usually when it's least expected. it's a problem she's dealt with countless times, but she hasn't gotten any better at being able to predict when she'll take the long tumble off that ledge of feeling better than she really is.
arlathan was no different ---- more than enough venatori to make her stomach churn, another archdemon to worry about ... and now not just the one, but two elvhen gods ringing in her ears. ( as if being less than plussed about the connection between her and solas wasn't enough; having elgar'nan in her head, however briefly, left her rattled more than she'd expected it to. ) adrenaline had gotten her through bringing the rest of the dalish back to camp and checking in with strife and irelin in the aftermath. past that ----- she couldn't be sure, but she had to have been asleep with a migraine the size of the forest she'd just left for at least a day or two; and with a pair wobbly legs still attempting to remember how to shuffle themselves around the lighthouse.
his concern is appreciated, of course --- but as she always seems to, she attempts to play down how she's feeling with a bob of her shoulders. "it's this or climbing the walls i'm afraid," she exhales a laugh, but she knows there's more than a fair bit of truth to it. "but if you'd rather i was hanging from the light fixtures, it can be arranged." sitting idle isn't something she's good at on her best days ----- maybe there's a part of her that thinks if she keeps moving, elgar'nan won't be able to catch up to her again.
"oh," a pause as she weighs the consequences of asking the question on the tip of her tongue, "you wouldn't have any sort of enchantment or ward to keep someone out of your thoughts, would you? ... is that even possible?"
@mistakenmessiah / MOUTH.
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whomuses · 3 months ago
"Let me take you to my favourite place."
There's a pause; as if Gale doesn't know how to process what is being said to him. After all, great wizard that he is, he knows how to summon near any illusion that could be wanted... but he was curious none the less. "Alright." he said, after a moment, "I'm excited to see just where that might be."
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fortunesblade · 3 months ago
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"Heavy is the burden of my journey," he softly sang, the tune just above a whisper. It's a voice not yet confident with the way it sounded and woven with a sense of melancholy. And yet he continued. Each word handled with care on the tip of his tongue. "It won't lift with music or talk. Reasons for my sorrow to be there." Quiet string of hums followed after to fill the silence as they worked.
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@mistakenmessiah ♥'d for a small starter
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chaos--mode · 3 months ago
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it had been a simply mistake. a miscalculation on her part ; after days of messing about with the wisps and their strange puzzle, Ren had finally managed to make a bit of progress. sure, maybe she should have told someone what she was up to, or had Davrin and Assan watch over her as she ran about the roof of the Lighthouse ...
she has no excuse beyond that, if she is being honest. she simply hadn't thought of it in her excitement. and then, well. then she fell.
she hadn't even really noticed that she was hurt, until @mistakenmessiah had dragged her to the infirmary. and then, well ; ❝ next time something like this happens, you have to promise to tell me. ❞
no i absolutely will not, is the first thought that comes to Ren's mind at the words. she glares at her forearm, mostly wrapped in a bandage now. she can still see the mottled flesh underneath, a canvas of blues and purples that she has to admit is rather grotesque.
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❝ it looks worse than it is, ❞ she murmurs, because it's true. she is fine. it barely even hurts.
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PROMPTS FOR PATCHING UP WOUNDS. ( currently accepting! )
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theydragon · 3 months ago
"Did you just...get jealous over me?"// for @mistakenmessiah (i can't spell your ocs name and im on mobile but you know who this is for <3)
Taash could only blink before their face immediately scrunched up. "What? No? I don't get jealous."
They sounded bratty and a bit like a child who'd just been caught playing with frogs when they shouldn't have been. Was Taash jealous? Maybe? Who needed to know? Who cared? Taash didn't get jealous. Taash was the exact opposite of jealous...wait what was the opposite of jealous??
{{ you can shove what ever you want for taash to be jealous over i trust ya homie/because of give me chaos, give me scandal
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calperna · 3 months ago
her face is tipped upwards to the endless expanse of sky as she stands with hands planted on the low stone ridge of the upper balcony. perhaps sky is the wrong word for this place, this odd slip of fade that does not feel like solid ground but does not feel like where her mind drifts when she is asleep.
"this cannot truly be the fade," calpernia speaks abruptly as she turns her head but slightly - only enough to glance at her strange company from the corner of her eye, "there are too many of us mages here. while i can speak only for myself, it feels ... odd, that none have succumbed to a demon yet, and their temptations would be stronger were we fully in the fade." she speaks with a certainty she does not have. it is sheer practice in the art of never appearing unsure that the doubt is kept fully from her voice.
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iobartach · 3 months ago
@mistakenmessiah // continued from; open!
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With constrictions removed, emotions motivated action. Here, a slash; there, a carving blow, that tore free more circuitry as it was extracted from the wall. What he destroyed could be repaired and mended, at his own expense, a fee that was more than worth the price of admission for what it enabled, a chance to cut loose--
Suddenly, sound, words spoken. Had he been found? Going immediately on alert, Miguel whips around on the spot, feet stumbling beneath him in his hurry. Succeeding immediately in efforts made to lure his focus away from an inanimate structure, the Spider frowned inwardly, suspicious of the proposal-- and the intention behind it. That said however, as much as his mind was on guard, the damage was already done, for the poison that was the promise of a tougher target, that could withstand his heinous strength better grew vastly in appeal, reaching every part of his being before settling. And sinking in.
"Why are you offering this?" By his sides, his taloned fingers twitched in anticipation, desperate to be used again as hidden crimson hues shift to the conjured object and remain there... for quite some time. "I'm not an animal." Eventually remembering to speak, the particular phrase he repeated was loaded with venom, striking a nerve so strongly that it drew the masked webslinger a step closer, the urge to tear accumulating with every second spent debating a new course of action. "So why offer to help?"
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nobodyexpectsthe · 3 months ago
" aren't you going to say i told you so? "
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"i'm being the bigger person," the inquisitor says, one hand splayed across the other man's chest to keep him from falling further. "by thinking it very loudly. haven't i told you i can handle myself?"
carefully he eases the other down to a sit. the touch lingers, ensuring he is steady before the hand falls away to reach into his bags for an herbal mixture to restore the lost mana.
"i understand the impulse to self-sacrifice, alanis. believe me, i do," his gaze drops, scanning through his satchel until he finds what he's looking for. "but heed me, if the choice between saving me or yourself ever arises again, you choose yourself. that's an order."
he presses the drink into the other mage's hands, meeting his gaze.
"you are the closest thing we have to a fighting chance at finishing this - and i will not forgive myself if it's wasted on me."
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woodcries · 18 days ago
@mistakenmessiah sent: " yeah, I can play the role of nurse AND say "I told you so" at the same time, actually. " surprise me with one of your dnd muses?
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  𝐈𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐘. which was probably why the cleric found it so aggravating now. lucky for him, the spell of silence that was keeping her from doing her own magic and healing meant she could do nothing but glare, both at him and her own staff, for not being able to anticipate the spell.
  a disgruntled sigh left her lips. the healer needed healing this time. go figure.
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sonoftheshield · 3 months ago
[ BACK-UP ]: the sender arrives just in time to help the receiver in a fight.
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Colt stumbled back against the alley wall, blood trickling from a cut on his brow and his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. The fight wasn’t going well—not that he’d admit it aloud—but even he could feel the odds tilting against him. His fists clenched, a wry grin pulling at his lips despite the situation, when suddenly, a blur of movement caught his attention.
“Alanis?” he called out, disbelief and relief mingling in his voice.
Sure enough, there he was, stepping into the fray with a calm, unshakable presence that only Alanis could manage. Colt exhaled a sharp laugh, bracing himself against the wall for a moment. “You always this good at making an entrance, or you just like showing me up?” he quipped, voice strained but tinged with gratitude.
Pushing himself upright, he wiped the blood from his brow with the back of his hand and shifted back into position. The adrenaline masked most of the pain as he readied himself to dive back into the fight. “Not that I’m complaining, but you didn’t have to get your hands dirty just for little old me,” he added with a smirk.
Still, there was no denying the tension in his shoulders eased just a little now that Alanis was here. He felt steadier, more sure of himself. Colt might not say it out loud, but having backup—especially from him—meant a hell of a lot.
“Alright,” he said, glancing at Alanis with a crooked grin, “let’s show these guys what teamwork looks like.”
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rookedcrow · 3 months ago
you call THAT a PLAN ?
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it isn’t the most ideal of situations, if she’s honest ---------- the way she’s gotten them more or less ( she’ll argue less, but then again, she can be a stubborn one ) stuck on a stonework ledge barely wide enough for one of the sea birds that perch around dock town, let alone the lot of them. the waiting around part for the perfect opportunity to jump off that same stonework ledge isn’t much of a romp either.
but the reason she’s got them all playing dock town gargoyles is legitimate, at least; hearing so much as a whisper about venatori means she’s going to look into it before they leave the city and head back home to the lighthouse. ( and s it really her fault that a supposedly secret organization likes to pick somewhere holed up and out of the way to gather? it just means she has to get a little creative when it comes to how they’re going to crash the party. and when she says crash, she means it literally. )
“you’re telling me you’ve never jumped through a skylight before? no death from above?” there’s a lilt to her voice, and a curl at the corner of her mouth ---- one that hints at those questions not being completely serious. it’s a way to help pass the time until they start hearing the conversations pick back up below at least.
“don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”
@mistakenmessiah / DUSTY TOYBOX.
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whomuses · 3 months ago
"I'm just tired. I just want a nice meal and a bed to sleep in."
"I must admit, the road often feels natural for me; I am by design something of a wanderer." Halsin replied, with an easy smile, "But I do not deny the pleasure of a hot meal and an actual bed are rather calling me too, at this moment. Do not worry; I am sure we are not far from it being an option. And, if being cold is an issue," he chuckled indulgently, "It will not be the first time I have taken bear shape to warm my compatriots."
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fortunesblade · 3 months ago
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@mistakenmessiah “Go to bed before I cast a spell that teleports you there.”
Mindless he traced routes along the surface of a map in silence. Marking out points of potential interest for his next expedition. Till said silence is suddenly broken by his companion. Ears visibly twitched at the harmless threat. He turned with a sour expression etched into his face as he looked to the other. Brows furrowed and lips tugged down in a thin frown.
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It took only a glance to note that Alanis wasn't doing any better than himself as of current. Both sleep deprived and failing to take proper care of themselves. And that for obvious reasons riled the freckled face elf more. "Well, do tell, where did you get that ADUACITY from, lover? Me--- me go to bed? You look like you lost a tussle in a tavern and left with two black eyes." He argued with a dramatic gesture of his hands , "Cast that on yourself first then get back to me."
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chaos--mode · 3 months ago
@mistakenmessiah embraced the chaos : i have taken precautions to minimize the damage.
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ren scoffs. she doesn't necessarily mean to, it just sort of. comes out. one moment she is silently staring at alanis with narrowed eyes and a doubtful expression, and the next she is rolling her eyes and biting the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning.
❝ you've taken precautions, ❞ she parrots, though her tone is mocking. she crosses her arms, stance crooked and exaggerated, more for show than any sort of natural posture. ❝ need i remind you that we are dealing with the blight. what sort of precautions do you think you could take that would be better than my protections? ❞
and there is the crux of the issue, really ; this is what she is here for. alanis can be as practiced with magic as he pleases, can lord his skills and talent over her as much as he wants. ren is the one that knows the blight. this is how she can help, why she was called upon. he cannot take her purpose from her.
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DRAGON AGE: THE VEILGUARD PROMPTS PT 1. ( currently accepting! )
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melihel-shadowhorn · 3 months ago
[ lean ] sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder
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“I’m glad you’re here.” 
She leaned her head on his slowly, carefully, suddenly all too aware of the pointy horns on her head and the cold of her skin. 
“It would be a waste to not share this beautiful night.”
Bathed in the starlight, she observed the vast sky, the pale milky way in her full glory, her tail twitching behind their backs. 
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wiedzm1n · 3 months ago
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@mistakenmessiah  said  :  [  MEND  ]   for  sender  to  treat  receiver’s  wound  which  leads  to  them  having  to  remove  an  article  of  clothing  resulting  in  revealing  scars  hidden  beneath
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this  wasn’t  broklion,  the  witcher  knew  without  even  having  to  open  his  eyes  and  examine  his  surroundings  to  make  that  distinction.  say  one  thing  for  geralt  of  rivia,  say  that  he  knew  broklion  forest;  the  home  of  the  dyrads,  and  the  immense  healing  powers  that  dwelled  within.  after  all,  the  witcher  had  spent  more  than  enough  time  there  to  become  acquainted  enough  to  easily  distinguish  when  he  wasn’t  there  or  vice  versa.  at  first,  he  cursed  himself  and  his  miserable  luck  for  not  miraculously  ending  up  there.  but  then  he  shook  his  head,  considering  himself  lucky  that  the  fiend  had  obviously  missed  a  fatal  strike  when  they  both  killed  each  other.
but  damn  did  his  side  hurt.  and  no  doubt  the  warmth  running  down  the  entire  length  of  his  side  was  a  clear  indication  that  his  wound  was  still  open.  and  bleeding  rather  profusely.
despite  the  temptation,  geralt  wasn’t  keen  on  complaining.  granted,  the  man  hovering  above  him  wasn’t  as  familiar  to  him  as  the  dryads  were  but  given  his  limited  options  …  shit.  he  was  already  pulling  his  shirt  up  and  over  his  head  by  the  time  he  even  realized  what  he  was  doing.
❝  how’s  it  look?   ❞   he  asked  through  gritted  teeth.  his  knuckles  white  from  his  grip  on  the  damp  fabric  of  his  discarded  shirt.
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