#mistake on trips
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papanowo · 6 months ago
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get a grip loverboy !!!
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travelhind · 2 years ago
What Do You Think About This 👇
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months ago
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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enderscribbles · 1 year ago
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Chilchuck's one good sweater. This tag from the chilchuck fits post by @crypt1dcorv1dae had me inspired so i went into a doodle frenzy about Marcille dressing this middle aged man up for his first date in years... she is ecstatic
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and you say hello and i lose. etc
(id in alt.)
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 6 months ago
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”- Oscar Wilde.
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corseque · 2 months ago
one of my new year's resolutions was to stop thinking about how DA4 sucks, and I failed within a week because I was thinking about how good Emet-Selch is and I started mentally comparing them and getting So Mad. The BioWare devs played FFXIV!! They had the exact framework of how to conclude a complicated antagonist's story. Why was it so fucking difficult? Almost every single element was the same, it just fell on its face because the world and Solas were simplified and stupid. Poor Solas. I'm actually so glad that Emet gave me Solas closure years ago, but I'm surprised at how bad the re-opened wounds hurt me.
I made a Spotify playlist of all the canon FFXIV music that is related to Emet-Selch in my mind, and the playlist is literally 3 hours and 45 minutes long. Imagine if Veilguard had music!! Imagine if Solas had that much music after two video games. Imagine if the music related every character under a beautiful overarching theme. ARGHH I tear my hair out. We were so close to greatness. It really was within reach. It didn't even need to be AS good as Emet-Selch, it just needed to be at least one step of complication in a way I couldn't predict. I'm just frustrated that there was not even a SINGLE further step than what I had already thought about. There wasn't any kind of complication. It was exactly what I thought, and then it was over as soon as everything I already knew about for 10 years was finally revealed to everyone. The key to the story was Solas saying "oh my bad." What kind of simple and easy story is that?? I hate everything so much always forever ahhh I can't even type coherently. Filled with a baby rage about it months later.
Emet-Selch, please give me closure again
oh well, I'll just go back to trying not to think about it now
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ssruis · 6 months ago
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Under the boisterous light of that first magnitude star, shall we dance a dance together?
Based on:
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404-art-found · 9 months ago
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I have nearly 10k words of masked/bracken yuri in my drive. this story has been taking some time to cook but I'm very fond of these two. they are the same pair as my other masked + bracken art. they have some crazy communication issues at first because the bracken is put off by the masked's clingyness, but she learns it's not trying to kill her and it learns to not smother so aggressively. she uses it as a large pillow and it keeps holding her hand and being very unintentionally distracting as she tries to patrol the facility
brackens squint or close their eyes as a sign of great affection and trust. like cats
they don't have concrete names yet but perhaps Myrrh (or maybe Myrtle?) for the bracken and Doe for the masked, we'll see
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astrobuggy · 4 months ago
For a family who talks a lot about caring for one another and having a strict moral code, they're pretty easy to turn on one person if they dare lay finger on another family member and planning to kill said family member
The celestial family has no such thing as strong bonds and it showing like a bitch right now since they're (possibly, POSSIBLY!) Thinking about disowning Lunar from the family
(Also, I'd be damned if I was Lunar and my best friend who watched me DIE is threatening to kill me. Like dawg.... WEVE BEEN THROUGH THICK AND THIN AND YOURE PLANNING ON WHAT AGAIN?! You've known me for like 2 years (?), my whole existence basically, and you've known my sister for like a year (?) MF YOURE PRACTICALLY MY BROTHER AT THIS POINT WHAT HAPPENED TO BRO BEFORE HOES (Earth is not a hoe, she is an elegant woman I just needed to use that saying because it fits with the situation 😃👍) )
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year ago
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Nicholas Galitzine as Jeff BOTTOMS (2023)
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dollypopup · 9 months ago
Penelope did nothing wrong
fuck you!!! Penelope did everything wrong!! She has made not 1 (one) good decision in the entirety of her life!!! And guess what?
she wins! her husband is down bad obsessed with her, she'll mend her friendship with her bestie, she has a career, she marries into a rich, nice family!
Penelope Featherington girlfailed her way to victory! She's not for the peeps who are always making good choices and coming out on top. She's for me, for us messes, and it means so much to me that she fucks up and is loved dearly. Don't you dare take that away!
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sereneslash · 18 days ago
i love lottie LMFAOOOOOOO obsessed that her plotline so far is just getting travis to trip balls every single day and actively encouraging his paranoia so he can talk to the woods with her. absolute cinema
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dragonanon · 7 months ago
Y’all I need Jesus 😭 My mind is running wild with an idea that’s a bit of Hellaverse and One Piece crossover.
As a succubus working under Asmodeus, your job is to basically portal up to the human world and spread lust amongst the humans. You’re damn good at your job as evidenced by the fact that your numbers always exceed the minimum quota you’re given, so as one of the top employees you have the privilege of getting to be much closer with Asmodeus and Fizzaroli than most other demons working for them; they’re honestly more like father figures to you rather than your superiors, and you welcome being their lowkey unofficially adopted daughter.
Between your excellent work performance and the love and support of your unofficial dads, life is pretty damn easy and straightforward for you…until it isn’t.
You don’t know how the hell it happened, you had been in human disguise on Earth and drumming up some nice lust in a small village, literally just doing you job as normal. Your markvictim, a slim blond with facial hair, had been one of the EASIEST people to ensnare in a long time. You barely had to say “hello” before the man already had hearts in his eyes and was practically falling at your feet, and when you invited him to go someplace private for a bit of “fun”, he damn near died on the spot due to blood loss from a massive nosebleed. Needless to say, you quickly had him in bed and oozing with yummy lust for you.
From there it all happened so fast(let’s be real here, it was probably Luffy’s fault lol), one thing led to another and after a series of shenanigans, your true form and identity are revealed to a group of humans, a group of pirates to be exact…Sure you knew that taking such an easy target would have SOME consequence, but fuck man!
Now standing before the “straw hat pirates”, as they call themselves, in your true demonic form with horns, wings, and tail all out for the whole world to see, you’re stared at in a cocktail mixture of awe, fear, and curiosity by all these humans. With the uncomfortable silence hanging in the air, you feel more naked and vulnerable than you ever have been in your entire life. And as a succubus, that’s saying quite a lot!
You’re in quite the predicament here, and your fear only grows as you realize just how completely and utterly fucked you are here. You can’t just fuck off back to Hell when there’s a whole gaggle of humans running around that now knows about the existence of Demons and Hell, but you can’t exactly kill any of them either. Not just because you’re SEVERELY outnumbered, but you’d ALSO get into some pretty deep shit with your dads.
So that leaves you with one option, offer a deal and hope to Lucifer that they accept. With that plan in mind, a green haired man you’d later come to know as “Zoro”, FINALLY breaks the agonizing silence with a simple question; “What the fuck are you?” and with that, you get to work setting this admittedly ridiculous plan into motion.
As calmly as you can, you explain that you’re a succubus; a demon from Hell just here to do her job of getting people to be horny on main. From there, you explain the predicament you’re all in right now, how you can’t just leave them to their devices because they all know, and have seen too much now. They all seem to tense for a moment as one of them, a man with a long nose who you’d later know as “Usopp”, asks in a shaky voice if you’re going to kill them now. They all breathe a sigh of relief and Usopp actually sobs when you clarify that no, that’s not happening. “I couldn’t kill you all even if I wanted to. Not only do you have me completely outnumbered, but even if I did succeed somehow, it would land me in MAJOR hot water with my bosses. So yeah, I’m not doing that.”
A red headed woman who later introduced herself as “Nami”, responds by asking what it is you plan to do then. This whole time, you’ve noticed that she’s been eyeing the hell out of your Asmodean crystal; a huge magenta jewel set in the center of a beautiful golden cuff that encases nearly half of your left forearm. It was a gift from Asmodeus himself on your first day of work, and it hasn’t left your arm since. You know damn well what the glint of greed in one’s eyes looks like, and you’re all too happy to use that to your advantage.
“Well, given that I can’t leave you all alone and death isn’t an option, I’d like to make a proposal; You all keep your mouths shut about what you’ve seen and learned, and let me continue my work as needed and in peace. You’re not to utter even a peep to another soul not already in this room. In exchange…You’ll have a succubus eternally at your service~”
This prompts the captain who you’ve been told is named “Luffy”, an admittedly boyishly cute man in your humble opinion, to speak up and ask what exactly you mean. Up to this point, he’d just been staring at you in slack jawed awe, but your proposal seemed to bring him back to reality and now he had to sate his growing curiosity and excitement.
A playful smirk paints itself on your black lips as you begin to elaborate, your fangs poking out ever so slightly as you speak. “Well hon, being a succubus, I have MANY powers at my disposal~ You’ve already seen that I can disguise myself as one of you humans, AND charm my way into getting whatever I want from humans. But that’s BARELY scratching the surface of what I’m capable of~ For starters, I can change my disguise as I see fit, what you all saw was just one of the millions of different appearances I can take.” To back up this claim, you quickly cycle through a few different human disguises you’ve used throughout the years; completely changing your form into at least 12 completely different women of all different shapes, sizes, and races. With your point having been made, you shift back to your Demon form and continue.
“That combined with my charming powers means I can EASILY spy and obtain any information you want~ But more than that, I can INSTANTLY take you anywhere you could possibly want.”
That last bit seemed to really pique everyone’s interest, especially Luffy’s; his eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement as he asked you how that was possible.
“Time to make the hard sale here.” You think to yourself. With a smile, you raise your left arm and with a flourish of your right hand, show off your Asmodean crystal. You have to bite back a laugh as Luffy audibly “oohs” and “ahhs” at the glowing magenta stone while Nami practically salivates over it.
“With this lovely thing right here~ This bad boy is an Asmodean crystal; a mystical jewel bestowed upon me as a succubus working for Asmodeus. With it, I can open a direct portal to ANYWHERE in Hell AND the Human world~”
Zoro is quick to call bullshit, but you’re more than willing to prove otherwise as you respond by asking for a destination, anywhere in the entire world. The green haired man huffs in amusement, and sarcastically suggests an island clear on the other side of the world.
Smirking, you hold your crystal clad arm up close you and with quick, firm, rub of your right hand, the crystal glows brightly and suddenly shoots out a bright beam of light that stops just shy of hitting the wall before a large, diamond shaped portal appears. The edges of the portal glow brightly and the aforementioned island is now CLEARLY visible to everyone in the room.
With a shit eating grin, you strut up to Zoro, who seems bewildered by what he’s seeing as gets up close to check out the portal. With a giggle, you give him a hearty shove, causing him to fall through with a shout and you hop through after him, completely ignoring the concerned shouts of the remaining crew as the portal snaps shut behind you, blinking out of existence like it was never there to begin with.
The room devolves into chaos, with Luffy whining about how it’s not fair that he didn’t get to go too, while Nami yells at him for not being more concerned about Zoro just disappearing.
After a few minutes, the portal reappears with a flash, and out of it hops you followed closely by a noticeably paler Zoro, much to Sanji’s disappointment. The portal disappears again whilst Zoro goes to sit down, and just says “She’s not fucking joking, she really CAN go anywhere.”
The room erupts into chaos again, this time however, Luffy is practically on top of you, demanding you join his crew right now.
You’re a bit taken aback, you’d expected you’d have to list at least a LITTLE more of what you’re capable of to win them over, but this was not an unwelcome surprise in the slightest.
“Are you sure you’re willing to accept my proposition so quickly? I haven’t even finished telling you what all I can-“
Luffy interrupts you before you can finish your sentence saying that there’d be plenty of time for you to talk about your powers later, right now he just wants to start teleporting to different places.
You smile, fangs on full display. “Guess it’s a deal then~ It’ll be a pleasure working with y-“
You’re cut off again, this time by Luffy stretching his limbs around you in a tight hug whilst rambling about all the different places he wants to go right now.
As you’re stood in the middle of everyone buzzing with excitement and curiosity, all you can think to yourself is “What in the Seven Rings have I gotten myself into??”
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probablynottola · 5 months ago
Louis tripping right after being turned and looking so happy and high... If his drain-and-drug era would have happened in the 80s or 90s instead of the 70s i do belive that mdma would have cured him. Like PLEASE PLEASE can we all collectively imagine the interview with young Daniel and the Loumand fight scene in s02e05 if Daniel (and then Louis) would have been high on mdma instead of coke??? Louis would have talked about all his love for Lestat, had intensely intimate sensual time with Daniel, and probably told Armand (once he would have arrived) how much he loved and appreciated him as a dependable partner. Then they would all smoke a joint for the comedown, play some music and braid Armand's hair or something. cuddle, have a nap. restore world peace.
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desultory-novice · 20 days ago
Late Field Trip Addendum…
Starflung's comment tags are some of the most joyous I've seen but as I read the ones around Noir and starstruck's mini adventure, I realized I wasn’t sure if I’d made it clear starstruck is quite a bit heavier than an ordinary dee! Too heavy for teen boy Noir to shoulder without a lot of strain!! However...
Noir is not all that he seems on the surface either!
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Raquelle here to tease Noir that he’s over a decade away from being part of Starflung’s shipping event! Don’t worry. Despite the shojo bubbles and cherry petals, he and starstruck are just friends!
PS: This is specifically Tourney!Noir, thus why he looks like a mess on the inside. That painful amalgam (ie "Noir Soul") was what Blanc forced into the tourney, although Noir generally looked like his Shiver Star-era self on the outside!
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kathairoette · 1 year ago
【New Friends...? - AKA the Atem + Yami + Mao fanbook!】
Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen has passed on. As his chosen heir to the throne, Prince Atem has gone through every test but one -- to complete the Millennium Puzzle. Months go by with little success, but when he finally finishes it, something happens that not even his father could have prepared him for...
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