1dlovesss · 1 year
Tomei 2 cafezinhos hj e ficou 100cals direitinho
Amanhã vou comer antes de fazer a cirurgia dos sisos p me despedir de comida sólida e também p não passar mal mas dps só sopa, comprei umas sopas saudáveis de 150cals, misso e hondashi pra fazer missoshiro q eu amoo o plano é comer uma sopinha por dia
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terezayamashita · 2 years
#leiamulheres #alzheimer #ebookgratis#bookstagram  @portalplena  Abraços Dobrados Agradecidos, Compartilhados e Mãos e Mente em Movimento! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tereza Yamashita (@tereza_yamashita) Para relembrar, um conto 2011…Ainda comemorando o Dia da Imigração Japonesa. 19/06/20192 COMENTÁRIOS [Missoshiro] — Ohayô, senhor Klauss. — Ohayô, menina. — Eu já falei…
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fuckingskinnybitchh · 2 years
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boa e velha safe food, missoshiro
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catto172 · 2 years
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Muitos médicos e enfermeiros que socorreram as vitimas do bombardeio atômico nas cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki sobreviveram após o contato, isso porque estudos realizados descobriram que as substâncias presentes no missô – do missoshiro – ajudam na prevenção da morte celular provocada pela radiação. Graças a essa descoberta, quando ocorreu o acidente em Chernobyl, a Russia exportou muita soja de misso para ajudar na prevenção da contaminação. #ahazoutaste #comidajaponesa #japa #japanesefood #sushidelivery #sushilovers #curiosidades (em Belo Horizonte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkquSwr5Xu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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burain · 2 years
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kuamrak · 6 years
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Sabe o que vai muito bem nesse frio? Uma missoshiro quentinha! Conhece todo o nosso cardápio de pratos quentes? Confira! www.kuamrak.com.br #kuamrak #feitocomamor #winteriscoming #misso #missoshiro #sopa #frio #inverno #curitiba #curitibacool #indicocuritiba (em Kuamrak)
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atwi22 · 3 years
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🍱🥢 ...pequenos prazeres da vida adulta... . . . #fridaymood #japanesefood #tepan #sushi #missoshiro #sextafeira #fome #foodporn #almoço #fotododia #fridayfeeling (em TARO TATUI) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKW0AZ9p04W/?igshid=1wwx0s6c6oupg
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ladutra · 4 years
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Missoshiro com algas wakame e chá de cavalinha com erva cidreira. Amo caldinhos e chazinhos. 🍀🍜☕🍵 #comidadeverdade #comidasparaofimdomundo #bebidasparaofimdomundo #drinksfortheendoftheworld #chadeervas #algas #wakame #cavalinha #cidreira #misso #missoshiro (em Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGZbc2JRQp/?igshid=1bclnj3koiff3
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aliaslua · 4 years
Living with the Turtles (headcanons)
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo x Reader
Summary:  A secret mission that only the four brothers could accomplish requires them to become your personal bodyguards. How would each one of them react to sharing a house with you?
Category: Platonic relationship, domestic fluff, deep friendship.
A/N: This actually could be a whole fic (maybe someday) but honestly I was just feeling very into domestic turtles today so I decided to post this. Let me know what you think!
You can also read it in AO3! <3
The order was clear, you needed to be hidden. To fade, become invisible. After a team of outlaw scientists from the old Sacks' company discovered that you DNA carried a sequence of molecules that was thought had disappeared from the human species many decades ago - the only sequence that could serve as a basis for creating new mutagens - your blood became the most precious material in the planet and you, the most wanted person in the world. The Federal Program for Assistance to Threatened Victims and Witnesses had no option but to hide you in the only place where you would be safe 24 hours a day, seven days a week: the old train station where New York's newest heroes lived.
How will each of them react to the brutal change of sharing their house with a stranger?
When Chief of police Vincent set up an urgent meeting with the Hamato brothers to make a request and warned that the fate of the world depended on it, Leo prepared to receive a mission that would involved discipline, discretion and unmatched fighting skills but when he realized they would have to spend the next few months being bodyguard to a human, his confidence immediately morphed into pure nervousness.
He is a true gentleman and is desperate to be the best host possible. Before you arrived, he ordered the whole family to clean the Lair with a military streak and himself inspected every room. He and Donatello built a private room  for you using some of the shoji screens from the meditation room and he provided a bed and headboard.
He's absolutely nervous the day you arrive. You are their first official guest and he will do everything to make your stay perfect. Because of that, your first interactions with him is a little awkward. He doesn't allow you to collaborate in any domestic activity and spends the first two weeks asking if you need anything ("No," You always answer "I am very comfortable, thank you.").
After a few days getting to know you better and seeing your determination to participate in the routine of the house, he finally manages to relax a little and takes this opportunity to share some house tasks with you. Despite that, he continues to treat you like royalty: pulling chairs, opening doors, covering you with a blanket at night and carrying you to your bed whenever you sleep on the couch -and then he ensures that the house is quiet, so you can rest. Nothing will interrupt your sleep, your peace, your security, your stay will be perfect, he will do anything to make you feel at home.
Living with Leonardo is a bit like being a soldier in a barracks, but without all the shouting. From Monday to Monday you have a schedule and after you finally manage to convince him to teach you a little self-defense, the training is hard and disciplined. Unlike the barracks, however, Leonardo is very comprehensive with your physical and mental limitations and it's more than willing to adapt your training depending on what you need most on the day. Weary? Deep meditation. Muscle pain? Yoga. Feeling unmotivated? Cardio.
Then when you finally get to know each other better, after a few weeks living together, Leonardo is like a mentor to you. He always has excellent advice and is always available to listen to you, regardless of how repetitive or superficial your problems are.
Leonardo's cooking skills are truly awful. It was during dinner, in fact, that you really started bonding. The pasta was slimy and bland and the sauce tasted like old ketchup: You had to intervene. Only when he saw how well you cooked - and wow that's a pretty good knife control! - he realized that you not only had a lot to learn, but a lot to teach. You have taken on the responsibility of teaching him how to cook the basics ever since and you will never forget his face when he first tasted missoshiro.
You're both obsessed with Chinese fighting movies. Every wednesday you watch a movie together and no matter how hard you try, you can't convince him that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is better than "House of Flying Daggers".
Of all the brothers, he is the one who gets used to your presence faster (even before Mikey) and his generosity is essential to make you feel welcome.
It is not even possible to define with words the intensity of the fight that Raphael and Leonardo had when he told them that he had accepted the mission of hiding the human carrier. Once again Leonardo had made a decision without consulting the whole team but more important than that: Raphael was going to have to share the house with someone he didn't know and there was nothing in the world that made him more angry - and nervous - than that.
Deep down, Raph was more anxious than angry. Knowing that he was going to share his only intimate and personal space - his house  - with someone he didn't know made him feel super vulnerable, exposed. In fact, he was scared. He feared the possible looks of dread, disgust, repulsion. He knew that few things in the world could hurt more than a look of hatred and he was not at all comfortable with the reality that he might have to LIVE with someone who found him disgusting.
But when you arrived, the looks didn't come. You looked nervous, but not scared, let alone disgusted. As the days went by, Raphael realized that the only feeling you had before arriving at Lair was gratitude and after he actually understood that in fact he made you feel safe, the warmth in his chest was enough for him to forgive your invasion.
Sometimes you are just as scary to Raphael as he is for most humans. That day when he caught you alone in the kitchen taking the cookie sheet out of the oven, he realized that. You are so… small, so fragile and soft. He feels that if he breathes too hard or too close to you he will dismantle you, like a house of cards. It's also impressive to him how much noise such a small creature can make. God! Are your shoes made of iron? How can biting into toast be that loud? Even your breathing seems loud to him. But it is not your fault, you always answer, it's not like you're a trained ninja.
Raphael is the last one to be comfortable with your presence but when that day finally comes and he admits he likes it when you are around, he also decides that you are one of them now and for you he ride or die. Silently he swears eternal loyalty to you and from that day on, rest assured, you don't need to be afraid of anything anymore.
Because of this, Raph becomes strangely jealousy and possessive. You are now his best friend and he needs to know if everyone around you is good enough, well-intentioned enough and ensuring your joy and well being are now part of the mission. It's a little overwhelming at first but when you adjust the intensity it's wonderful to have someone who takes such good care of you.
His affection is always returned. You love his company and think it's funny how such a big man can be so soft. And soft he is, since what you most have in common is the appreciation for period romances. You love watching all the adaptation films from Jane Austen's books and maybe he cried at the end of Reason and Sensitivity - he will deny it until the end - but your favorite activity for you to do together is when you read to him while he works out. You are like a personal audiobook and he will never stop making fun of you for crying while reading Mr. Wentworth's letters.
Despite the affection, he is really a tease. He doesn't miss a single chance to remind you how small you look to him and nicknames like Tiny Temper and Shortstop are recurring. You always repay it whenever you can but ultimately you know that he doesn't mean bad.
Donatello thinks that the idea of protecting the source of the conflict is brilliant, it seems much more rational to avoid a war before it happens and proceed a mission with a more discreet and strategic course of action than to appeal to physical strength and weapons. That said, he hates having someone else around as much as Raphael. Unlike him, however, Donatello is not afraid of rejection, he is... Uncomfortable. Privacy is a right that he considers essential and imagining that he may receive someone who is intrusive in his own home makes his head hurt.
Therefore, he receives you with extreme coldness. He helps with the organizing of their home and your personal space, of course, he doesn't want you to feel unwelcome, but it's essential for him to draw the line between mission and personal life and he wants to make that very clear. His room is off limits, the computer area is off limits and specially the laboratory is off limits.
But he soon realizes that his coldness is unnecessary and maybe even a little rude since you seem excellent at respecting personal limits and spaces. He was prepared to spend a long time refusing to answer invasive and indiscreet questions, but you seemed to have a genuine and respectful interest. In the end, he found your polite curiosity very charming.
After that, he showed you the lab on his own and was even happier when you got interested but didn't touch anything. He finally had someone around  with the same enthusiasm for science as he and he even started doing research based on your doubts. Enjoy, he's a great teacher.
But what you most like to do together is to sit on the huge couch in the living room with a cup of coffee and talk for hours on complex matters. Ethics, morals, economic and social configurations, what is the fate of the world? Why are we here? You certainly do not have the same theoretical background to refute him, but he loves your interest and loves to hear your subjective takes. A debate partner is everything he always dreamed of.
It's also a relief for him to be able to open up to someone other than his own brothers and he likes to hear the solutions you would give to his dilemmas from the perspective of a person who has lived a life so different from his. He also loves to watch you, but he will never admit it: Humans are fascinating, and he finds your ways and habits very funny.
Before you arrived he did a thorough research to understand what vitamins, minerals and supplements you would need to take while out of sunlight and with restricted access to various foods, so you also got you a personal doctor and nutritionist.
The first week living with Michelangelo were almost unbearable. It may be fair to say that he was the only one among the brothers really pleased with your arrival and it was good to be warmly welcomed by at least one of them, but Mikey's excitement was a little overwhelming. He spent all day filling you with praise, flirting, asking about your life and life on the surface and it felt like he talked so much that he sucked all the air out of the room.
Knowing that your relationship could nor go on like that, in the second week of your stay you sat him on the couch and asked him to chill out just a little. You explained that for you it was super important to know that one of them was happy with your arrival and that you knew that he wanted to do everything to make your stay the best possible but for that he didn't need to treat you like a creature from another world, perfect and sovereign, you just wanted to be treated like ... an equal. That was more than enough. Michelangelo ceased to be a dedicated servant and became a great friend.
You couldn't ask for anything else in the world. Mikey was the perfect friend for a situation that could be unbearable without an icebreaker. He's fun, lovable and after you had that conversation, extremely relaxed and comfortable around you. His loyalty is unquestionable and every day he shows affection without hesitation.
He loves spending all the time he can with you and has volunteered to become your personal teacher of the art of graffiti. Leonardo can't know, but you are responsible for the new tags on the subway cars and on the doors of abandoned houses. Mikey loves to watch you do your hair and help you choose the clothes you are going to wear that day and you find it funny how that dynamic makes it look like he is playing house for the first time.
You made homemade pizza once and he asked you to marry him, a request to which you answered yes, of course. He made you a ring from the pizza crust and you drank soda with your arms crossed just like in weddings.
The most sensitive of the brothers. He always know when you're not feeling good and always has the right answer to make you feel better (that is, burrito blanket and reality shows).
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armandoakio · 6 years
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#Missoshiro - sopa de missô (pasta de soja) - no 🍴 almoço / #almoco japonês de domingo, 📆 28/10/2018, na 🏠 Cidade de #Santos, Estado de São Paulo (SP), 🇧🇷 #Brasil. (em Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpfVIkvn7Aw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x004zf4cksnj
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Receita de Missoshiro
Receita de Missoshiro
3 colher(es) (sopa) de missô 1 xícara(s) (chá) de cebolinha verde picada(s) 200 gr de tofu em cubos médios 1 litro(s) de caldo
Caldo 1 litro(s) de Água 4 colher(es) (sopa) de flocos de peixe 1 pedaço(s) de kombu
Dissolva o missô em uma xícara com um pouco do caldo, passe numa peneira e acrescente à panela com todo o caldo. Adicione o tofu e…
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largodoparaiso · 7 years
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📸 @myheartchoices ・・・ Japanese food 🍣😍👏🏻#lunch #lunchtime #japanesefood #sashimi #greentea #missoshiro #uokatsu #paraiso #sampa #brazil #largodoparaiso (at Peixaria Uo Katsu Alimentos)
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nandaramos · 7 years
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Amo! 🍤🍱🍣🍲🍙🍷😋😍 #Domingão #AmoMuito #Delícia #Temaki #Sashimi #Sushi #Tepanyaki #LulaEmpanada #Missoshiro #Guioza #ChickenKatsu #Yakissoba #Harumaki #Shimeji #ComidaJapa #KatsuroJaguaré #JapaneseFood #Vício (em Katsuro Restaurante Japonês)
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nildatakeuti · 7 years
#Repost @lojanakayoshi (@get_repost) ・・・ Vem se aquecer do frio com a gente!😁 missoshiru e banchá pra acompanhar! 🎌 [buffet das 11h às 14h30] . . . #lojanakayoshi #lojanakayoshiindaiatuba #indaiatuba #nakayoshi #missoshiro #frio #samui
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pzjunior · 7 years
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Ehh ferias acabando mas terminando com estilo!! Amanha tem mais 😁😍😎!!! #like4like #together #family #familia #lafamiglia #zandonas #shimeji #sashimi #salmao #salmon #tofu #gyoza #sakura #misso #missoshiro #gohan #arroz #japones #japanese #food #chef #top #jantar #dinner #bymyself #shoyo (at Zandona's House)
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chikokahwage · 7 years
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É simples: Você me completa#missoshiro 🇯🇵🐉 (em Casa Do FODA)
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