#mission pays basque
useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
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Fine that the Francoist dictatorship authorities made the director of Sant Jordi choir pay for having sung an unauthorized Catalan song on April 23rd 1964. This fine is kept as a historical document in the archive of the University of Barcelona.
General Francisco Franco's fascist dictatorship of Spain (1939-1975) banned and persecuted the use of the Catalan language for many years, allowing it towards the end of the dictatorship only in certain settings and under strict supervision of the police and censorship authorities. The dictatorship had the objective of eliminating the Catalan language, culture, and identity, and making all Catalan people become Spanish people. Cultural elements of Catalan culture were forbidden, such as certain songs, dances, and celebrations of traditional holidays, and people were imprisoned, tortured, and even sentenced to death for defending the right to exist of the Catalan people. The same persecution was suffered by the other nationalities under Spanish rule (mostly Basques and Galicians).
The choir Coral Sant Jordi, named after Catalonia's patron saint (Saint George), was founded in 1947 by Oriol Martorell. Its objective was to sing choir music with a focus on traditional Catalan music. The choir toured around Catalonia singing these songs with a great vocal quality, and became a symbol of cultural resistance against the dictatorship's attempt of ethnocide.
In the 1960s, the dictatorship wanted to become a normalized part of Europe and the international community. The regime opened Spain's borders to survive as a fascist stronghold, and thanks to the help from the USA (who was promoting fascist governments around the world), fascist Spain was accepted in the UN, normalized its relations with many countries, and opened its borders to tourism. To look more acceptable, it did some reforms among which they allowed speaking the local languages (Catalan, Aranese Occitan, Basque, Galician, etc) in public in some acts, as long as the person who was going to do it applied for official permission and turned in everything they were going to say or, in the case of a concert, the track list of all the songs that they were going to sing and all their lyrics as well as if they were going to speak between songs. The censorship authorities could accept or deny this application, and very often they censored parts of what was going to be said or sung, or whole songs.
On April 23rd 1964, the choir Sant Jordi sang in a fundraising event to raise money for a church. Like all Catholic churches, this church is under the title of a saint, virgin, or similar. In this case, the church is dedicated to Saint George, who their choir is also named after. In the concert, the choir sang an extra song that wasn't on the tracklist that they had submitted to be approved by the censorship authorities. This extra song was the "Goigs de Sant Jordi" (goigs are a traditional Catalan music genre of songs dedicated to exalting a particular saint or Virgin). This is a goigs song composed in the year 1885 in the Catalan language, which explains the saint's story and asks: "patron of knighthood, watch over my homeland and for its rebirth".
For having sung this, the Spanish government made Oriol Martorell (conductor of the choir) pay a fine of 10,000 pesetas, a huge amount at the time. Oriol appealed the resolution many times, even reaching the Supreme Court, but as was expected they did not repeal it, and he (with support from the rest of the choir) had to pay the fine.
Under the cut I've included the whole lyrics of the unauthorized song translated to English.
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This is a print of goigs song they sang. This one is from an act in 1990, kept in the archive of Jaume I University. These are the translated lyrics:
GOIGS OF SAINT GEORGE. Patron saint of Catalonia.
Since the heaven entrusted you the most excellent mission: Patron of knighthood, watch over my homeland and for its rebirth.
Art, history, and legend have embroidered your mantle and have given you the best offering with the quill and the chisel. From the north to the south, from the east to the west: Patron...
You were born in Cappadocia of a palatial lineage, honoured patrician, you were Diocletian’s knight; your illustrious hierarchy gave you great demeanour: Patron...
You follow the blessed law of crucified Jesus, which was persecuted in Rome as the most depraved crime. You, with all the courage, resolutely embrace it: Patron...
Like a willow, if it’s stripped off its branches, it grows more branches and lushness, new Christians aren’t missing either when there’s more rigour for them. One day you spoke in the council and they destined you to torment: Patron…
You were tied to a wheel, your flesh teared out; when they left you for dead, they found you well healed. Such a miracle soon converted many people: Patron…
The emperor, then, wants to convince you, sweetly, and gives you seductive offers, but he doesn’t get anything from you. Refusing idolatry you defect the Caesar: Patron…
He doesn’t receive the affront freely and immediately orders you be beheaded; seven gold-winged angels take you up to heaven. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary welcome you smiling: Patron…
Up in heaven they proclaim you patron of the good knights; the sword they gave you there is Lucifer’s fright. On your Shield was printed the red cross on a silver field: Patron…
There was a gentle princess, stealer of love, and a ferocious monster wants to capture her, traitor; but you, with bravery, turn up to attack: Patron…
On the first lance stroke the monster falls down pierced; the virgin, already released, takes him away well tied up; all the town, with happiness, branches and palms beat: Patron…
Clovis’s wife builds sumptuous temples for you, and you have pious altars from Calp to the Pyrenees; Sir Ramir also erected for you a monument near Viana: Patron…
You help, near Girona, the undefeated emperor, and you give back the golden sceptre to Borrell of Barcelona; your shining image used to appear to king Peter: Patron…
When April comes and is crowned with the roses from the gardens, Barcelona celebrates you more than all the paladins. People of all hierarchies sings to you devoutly: Patron…
Look over the loved homeland, for its freedom, for the well-rooted faith, for the holy brotherhood. And if the great day came to save it in combat: Patron of knighthood, watch over my homeland and for its rebirth.
Since the heaven entrusted you to free the good believer: Patron of knighthood, watch over my homeland and for its rebirth.
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docpiplup · 7 months
Fifth part of the bookscans of Al Andalus. Historical Figures, here's the previous part
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expelled from their homes, since they had not surrendered peacefully, but had fought.
Charlemagne, chastened, realized that the pacts signed with the Muslim lords of northern Spain deserved no trust. He would never set foot on the Peninsula again, and subsequently dedicated itself to strengthening its borders with Hispanic Islam. For this he created the kingdom of Aquitaine, whose mission consisted of not taking our eyes off the activity of the Muslims of the places bordering Gaul.
From the disaster suffered by Charlemagne in Roncesvalles we have remains what some consider the most beautiful song of deeds of literature, La Chanson de Roland, an authentic gem of the epic poetry. Within the Spanish Ballads we find two romances that have this fact as their theme: Of the battle of Roncesvalles and the Romance of Doña Alda. The Basques also preserve a song dedicated to Roncesvalles, the Altabizaren cantua, which according to the Irishman Macnab, was written in the same century in which this event took place. But Ibn al-Arabí, who had been the originator of this whole story, was not reflected in any of these beautiful romances!
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Amrus ben Yusuf: the muladí of Huesca
Muladí comes from an Arabic word that translates as "mixed race or foreigner", and was applied to those Christians who converted to Islam and continued living among the Muslims. There were many who decided to abandon Christianity, possibly for practical reasons, including stopping paying taxes, or reaching a position of social relevance among the new owners of the country and there were not a few who achieved it. There was also sincere converts, since in those centuries the roots of the Christianity was not as deep as it may seem.
This was the case of our character, Amrus ben Yusuf, whom the Christian chronicles will know him as Amorroz, born in Huesca and one of the staunchest defenders of the policies of al-Hakam I. After the death of Abd al-Rahman I, his son Hisham, a very pious emir, introducer of the Maliki doctrine in Spain, and who Driven by his religious fervor, he dedicated himself to waging war on the Northern Christians. Al-Andalus remained at peace and therefore the new emir was able to dedicate himself
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to harass the Asturian monarchy. But his reign was to be very short, just seven years, and was succeeded by his second son, al-Hakam I.
But the arrival of the new emir was greeted with rebellions in all the border marches. In the most remote areas of Córdoba, the authority of the emir hardly represented anything and the governors lived in a regime of almost total independence. The insurrections against the power of the emirate were more than frequent and al-Hakam had the unfortunate luck to have to face them all. In this hard task, he will have a paladin who will always be at his side: Amrus, who will not hesitate to take radical measures when the matter is serious. This muladí would become famous on what was known as the “day of the pit.”
In the year 797, the always restless Toledo, inhabited mostly by muladíes, rose up against the Umayyad power to recognize a rebel Ubayd Allah ben Jamir, who together with a poet of Toledo, Girbib ben Abd Allah, dissatisfied with the emir, had in charge of calming down the spirits. It wasn't the first time this happen, nor would it be the last, and al-Hakam's predecessors had already had to work hard to put a stop to the rebels of Toledo.
Amrus, who at that time ruled the stronghold of Huesca, was commissioned by the emir to subdue that uprising by the means that it considers opportune. And there went Amrus willing not to disappoint his lord.
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He began by eliminating the leader of the rebellion, Ubayd Allah ben Jamir, who fell into a trap prepared by him and then decided to give a lesson to the people of Toledo that they would find difficult to forget.
Amrus, according to him to avoid friction with the population, said that the best would be that, along with his troops, he would settle on a mound near the city. Towards the northwest, near the bridge over the Tagus River, rose a small fortress, possibly on the site now occupied by the Alcazar. When the enclosure was more or less finished, the emir, in agreement with Amrus, he sent an army under the command of his son, the prince Abd al-Rahman, pretending that he was going on an expedition against the Christians and that "coincidentally" had to pass near Toledo. It was a good occasion to invite the prince to visit Toledo, and Amrus, accompanied by the most important people of the city, they came out to receive him and begged him to honor them with his presence.
Abd al-Rahman seemed somewhat reluctant to accept the invitation, but In the end he agreed to it and to celebrate it the most influential mula-díes of Toledo were invited to the new fortress to celebrate a banquet in honor of the emir's son. Until then everything was more or less normal, but as the guests arrived, they became enter through a narrow passage, at the very edge of a large ditch, and the Amrus's executioners cut off their heads, while their bodies was thrown into the pit. That was the " castle of you will go and no you will come back"!
The number of those beheaded was very large. Maybe not as much as 5,000, according to some chroniclers; maybe about 700
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being a very high number. What the leading class of Toledo was thus beheaded and the terrible impression produced by this event remained, for a long time, both among the Muslims and among the muladies of Toledo and from other cities.
Dozy narrates that terrible day like this: "At daybreak, a doctor that had not seen anyone leave through either of the two door, became suspicious and asked the people gathered near the entrance of the castle what had happened to the guests who had arrived early. "They must have gone out through the other door," they answered- It's strange!-the doctor then objected -; I have been for some time at the other door and I haven't seen anyone leave. After watching the steam rising above the walls, exclaimed:
Unfortunates! I swear to you that this vapor is not the smoke of a feast, but the vapor of the shed blood of your brothers, beheaded"
When things got really bad, al-Hakam knew that he could count on Amrus and so he also entrusted him with the submission of Zaragoza, the capital of the Upper March, as seditious as Toledo.
After the advent of al-Hakam, the two best generals of his father, Abd al-Karim ben Mugith and his brother, Abd al-Malik, in those moments at enmity with the new emir, they tried to evict the Aragonese chief Bahlul ben Marzuq from Zaragoza, to They settled in the city, but they did not succeed. He got a Cordoban army, and
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Bahlul fled towards upper Aragon. Later this Bahlul, would take over Huesca, while other small rebellions by the Banu Qasi took place, who were descendants, it seems, of Musa ben Fortún, that Aragonese count who converted to Islam in the first moments of the conquest.
Given this panorama, it was evident that the action of Amrus who, also with full powers of the emir, came to Zaragoza in 802. Its activity was frenetic. Persecuted and killed Bahlul; took over the fiefdom of the Banu Qasi, and harshly punished to the muladíes of Huesca for their rebellious attitude. In that same year he ordered the construction of the stronghold of Tudela, between Zaragoza and Pamplona, an intermediate point that would serve as support in that always upheaval area. In this stronghold there was his son, Yusuf, commanding a strong garrison. He reinforced the walls of Huesca and put one of his cousins in charge of this city. Al-Hakam could sleep peacefully when it came to the Upper March... but even the most faithful soul is tempted in some occasions.
Installed on the banks of the Ebro, Amrus lived like a prince, enjoying your well-earned peace of mind. He had everything, or almost everything he could want, but he began to think that he too, which had garnered so much success for the emir of Cordoba, could become independent of his tutelage. It seems that he came to engage conversations with the Frankish monarch, Louis the Pious, so that supported their independence intentions and all these maneuvers reached al-Hakam's ears. The emir acted intelligent, and instead of openly declaring war on that subject that now
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showed to be unfaithful, but that he had served him so many times with loyalty, he sent troops to the border, under the command of General Abd al-Karim ben Mugith, urging him not to act with the weapons until seeing Amrus's reaction to the message that the emir gave him.
This message from al-Hakam was written in the most praiseworthy and affectionate towards the muladí that you can imagine and Amrus, after reading it, was ashamed of his thoughts. He left Zaragoza and marched towards Córdoba to, once again, bear witness the emir his fidelity. Al-Hakam showered him with attention and gifts and confirmed him in the government of the Upper March. Amrus, after of this trip, he only lived two years and at his death the son of the emir, Abd al-Rahman, took charge of this March, for some time, to later pass to the son of Amrus, such was the good memory that his father had left in the emirate of Cordoba.
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The "Rabadis": adventurous spirits
Most historians consider the emir al-Ha-kam I despotic and cruel. There is no doubt that his character was too impulsive and his justice extremely summary, but it is also true that his reign was affected by a series of rebellions and serious events that he had to repress as best he could. He never enjoyed the appreciation of his subjects who considered him inflexible, little inclined to piety, although it was not like that, abusive with taxes and little given to listening advice from no one. However, Dozy believes that he also had humanitarian feelings, like any other man, and that, despite of his cruel actions, his bad reputation was due, especially, to the wrath of the rebellious alfaquis, whom this emir never appreciated. And in this context, the terrible events of the suburb, rabad in Arabic, took place.
The emiral city of Córdoba had grown a lot. From Africa and from the East any Arabs and Berbers from the Maghreb continually arrived attracted by the prosperity of al-Andalus. The mosque had to be expanded larger to accommodate the number of believers who came to pray to it, and
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The city was expanding beyond its walls. After the Roman bridge over the Guadalquivir was restored, there was no longer a problem for the population to settle in a suburb on the left bank of the river, which reached the vicinity from a village, Shaqunda, ancient Roman Secunda.
The inhabitants of this suburb were of very diverse origins and they carried out a multitude of diverse jobs. Besides of what could be considered the Cordoba plebs, there were many small Mullawad and Christian artisans and merchants, but due to its proximity to the main mosque and the emiral palace, many Cordobans who were employed, either in the mosque or in the palace, they settled there. Among this diverse population, also found the alfaquíes, religious leaders of the doctrine Malikí, who had reached a very prominent position and a very notable influence at court, especially with the emir Hisham, father of al-Hakam I.
This suburb will soon become a focus of discontent towards the emir's policy, promoted by the same alfaquies who with al-Hakam had neither the appreciation nor the influence that they achieved with his predecessor. On the other hand, in the city al-Hakam did not enjoy of many sympathies so it was only a matter of time before the situation exploded.
And it happened that one day a rumor spread through the city that seventy-two leading citizens had been executed and that their corpses were going to be exposed, crucified, on the right bank of the Guadalquivir. The mood be-
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gan to exalt, without knowing or without asking themselves the reason for these executions. What happened was that a plot had been hatched to overthrow the emir and put in his place one of his cousins, the Umayyad Muhammad ben al-Qasim. Many notable people from the Córdoba of that time were involved in this conspiracy. Al-Hakam's cousin pretended to accept the proposal, but was immediately to tell the emir, also providing him with the list of the conspirators. Inthat same day, the emir ordered them to be arrested and executed, taking advantage of the occasion to order the murder of two of his uncles, sons of Abd al-Rahman I, who had been imprisoned since his ascension to the throne, possibly to prevent them from rebelling against him or challenging him for power. Between the crucified were figures of great social relevance, such as the son of a cadi, a palace eunuch, a market inspector and even a alfaqui. The impression that this action produced in Córdoba could not be more negative towards the emir, and the discontent, already notable, increased.
There was a plotting everywhere, at any time of the day. In the mosques, in the markets, in the streets discontent was chewed, while everyone distrusted everyone, believing they saw spies and confidants of the emir throughout the entire city.
Al-Hakam, aware of the mood, equipped himself withweapons, restored the walls, surrounded himself with a strong personal guard under the command of a Christian, Count Rabí, and prepared himself for the worst.
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Google Translate Writes: Will, the Bog Monster
Hey, look what day it is - it's April Fool's Day! We all know what that means: It's time for the fourth annual Google Translate Writes! For those who haven't read them yet, every year I take a light-hearted oneshot of mine and put it through ten layers of Google Translate, then post the results here on Tumblr (and now on ao3 too!). This year, we're doing Will, the Bog Monster, a quick lil thing I wrote nearly a year ago. Read it at the link - then look below the cut (or on ao3!) to see how this simple story survived being translated into Corsican, Shona, Basque, Hausa, Belarusian, Nepali, Afrikaans, Lao, Sindhi, and Urdu!
Yes, Demon Lord
After five years, Hill thought he would learn about parenting. He left Will in the ward for the long missions, traveled to Will and stayed with the people on the short missions. In a few years from Wensley, when she's more confident, maybe start dating him. Will was now loud and reckless, preferring to play rather than be quiet, and Halt saw no harm in being quiet for a while.
Love is a good thing, all things considered. It is very social, social and social. He was slightly intimidated by Helt and sometimes tried to mimic Helt's expressions, but his quick smile disappeared after a few minutes.
Now the wand is ready for reception. He put Will's things on one seat and his on the other, but that meant he didn't have to pay a lot for two seats. He finishes packing Will's things and tries to figure out how to get Will's horse in—Will has trouble sleeping without him.
He got up and sat on the table. "Father?
"Huh?" He stopped without looking. He tried to be a horse.
- what do you study?
He stopped and looked. - What do I know?
"Children are doctors. I was a child," said Mrs. Cherry from the ward.
A smile tugged at the corner of Halt's mouth. "He said you are alive, don't wake up."
Thinking this, Halt tried to mount the horse. He gave up and decided to wear some clothes though he left the rest.
But he had to remember that Will had repeatedly asked follow-up questions, and then Will had asked him what he was afraid of. - Where did you find me?
Several possible answers flashed through Hilt's mind in a split second. For some unknown reason the solution is "I went into the ground, dug a hole, and found you on the ground."
- Did I go in the water?
He stopped and took off the rest of his shirt. After a while he thought he could get away with it, he couldn't go back now. "Yeah, it took weeks for the stomach odour to go away."
He will have a smile on his face. "I know I have feathers in my hair!"
And trees also came out of the mine. Get Abelard out of his bed, go,” said Halt, lowering the chair.
Stop forgetting all about the second day of the conference. He collected a large log, occasionally listening to and watching other first-timers.
Crowley walked down the hall, still looking at them. - Is he waiting?
"Do you know why Willy spends all day looking at people like this monster?"
"I don't know," Halt said with a knowing look on his face. If Crowley had known the truth, Holt would never have heard the end of it.
Crowley raised an eyebrow. 'Are you sure? No one understands us.'
"Sure," said Holt. He put the figs in the pot and stood up. "Now stop asking awkward questions and help them prepare."
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The main (right-wing) newspaper in Euskadi wonders why Vaya Semanita was fun and now people criticise Akelarre?
We don't know. But let's wild guess!
Could it be because Vaya Semanita premiered about 25 years ago?
Could it be that they were Basques mocking Basques?
Could it be that Akelarre was created by a Catalan production coompany that wanted a show to take clips out of and spread them on Spanish-speaking sm?
Could it be that the the concept is a Spaniard - the host is just Basque by birthplace, let's not forget - making fun of Basques?
Could it be that Basques being the butt of the joke after 8 apellidos vascos, Mission: Pays Basque, Las brujas de Zugarramurdi, Presunto culpable, Cuerpo de élite, La pequeña Suiza, Allí Abajo - we're sure we're leaving more shows out - is tiresome and saturating??
Clearly it's just that Basque people can't laugh at ourselves.
Friendly reminder that when a Basque show was based on Basque people giving their opinions on Spaniards, it was cancelled.
Talking about lack of self-mockery skills.
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devarriaga · 2 years
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name. devon enrique cisneros arriaga nicknames. dev, kique (close friends + fam) age. thirty one. hometown. manhattan, ny (born in mexico) length of time in vc. a few days - ish
tidbits ...
born in culiacán, mexico to a basque mother and mexican father, devon had all the love any child could ever need running through his veins. it’s just a shame, that love would later be snuffed out. not long after esteban cisneros was killed by a drug cartel in their home, did carla arriaga flee with her newborn son. they took up refuge in carla’s family home where she raised devon by herself until he was three and she met a rich, charming man from the city at the hotel where she worked in mexico. the two hit it off and entered into a whirlwind marriage rather abruptly. but carla was easy to love and adam couldn’t wait to build a life with her and her son.
they followed adam to the big apple where he’d lived his entire life. he came from a long lineage of bankers, politicians and business mongrels. the sudden, instantaneous transition from rags to riches really did a number on devon. he went from having nothing to everything in a matter of a few short weeks. over the years, this turned a warmhearted, humble kid into a stone cold prick. one that was easily swayed by money and power. after all, it made his life easier.
in time and age, devon began to emulate his stepfather by putting material belongings and possessions, along with social status, over genuine human connections. he made okay grades, partied too hard, and slept around way too much. he was your typical teenage lothario.
least he was... until he met her. a brown eyed, 5′4 beauty who swept him off his feet with her bright smile and heavenly dripped laugh. kiraz sayar had taken his clipped wings and reattached them. taught him how to fly and soar to new heights, persuaded by her love and light. so much so, he let it blind him. before devon knew it, he let her sunny heart overshadow his darkness.
for awhile, everything was glorious. the devil had found his angel and as crazy as it sounded, he loved her. in the best ways he knew how. but, it wasn’t always sunshine and roses. kira might’ve pulled devon from the depths of his own hell but she couldn’t completely eradicate his purgatory.
all that love crashed and burned the second self doubt, insecurities and jealousy coiled around his heart. the love that blossomed, was washed out and demolished by rain. devon let his uncertainties, hesitations and poisonous fears ruin them. ruin her. he pushed her away, right into the arms of another man who he’d later come to learn had fathered her child. a child that wasn’t his. a child that has yet to be born and yet he despises with every shred of hatred his being can muster.
when he found out she cheated (despite her having every reason to at the time) devon was livid. he couldn’t look at her anymore without seeing scarlet red clouding his vision. in a desperate attempt to preserve his dignity or ego, he had his family pay her off and chase her out of the city she started to make her home. in devon’s eyes, she didn’t belong in new york and he didn’t want her there.
after she left though, all that pain and loathing and visceral hate still hadn’t let up. it wasn’t every day that someone so pure hearted and so naive was able to pull the wool over his eyes. it bothered him to his core. still does. to the point, he’s on a mission to fix that. vancouver’s his opportunity to settle a score he refuses to lose. besides, he needs answers. a cure for the violent ache in his chest. an emptiness that didn’t exist until she broke his heart. maybe if he’s satisfied, he’ll be able to let her go. put back what’s broken and start over again.
        either way..... if there’s one thing about the devil, he always gets his due.
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coulisses-tv · 3 months
"Mission Pays Basque" avec Florent Peyre à revoir sur TF1 lundi 1er juillet 2024 (vidéo)
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terrecorse · 6 months
Lettre de Ange Rovere à Monseigneur Bustillo
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Je me permets, une nouvelle fois, de venir vers vous après avoir lu et relu l'entretien que vous avez accordé au journal « Le Pélerin ».
Que l'homme Bustillo soit favorable à l'autonomie de la Corse est son droit le plus absolu. Même si, pour cela, il met en avant des raisons que la simple raison ne saurait, du moins à mes yeux, admettre : les cas du Pays Basque espagnol et de la Vénétie. C'est oublier deux choses : l'histoire de l'Espagne et de l'Italie n'est pas celle de la France, le raisonnement par analogie n'est pas un raisonnement par la preuve. Mais laissons cette controverse.
L'évêque justifie sa position en évoquant « le principe de subsidiarité porté par l'Église ». Cet argument fait problème. Il est au cœur, vous le savez mieux que moi, de la théologie de saint Thomas d'Aquin ; il sert de fondement à « Rerum novarum » qui en 1891 définit ce qu'on appelle la « Doctrine sociale de l'Église », prolongée par Jean-Paul II dans « Centesimus annus » et confortée par le Cardinal Ratzinger du temps où il était Préfet pour la Doctrine de Foi » avant d'occuper le trône de Saint Pierre. Il ne vous a pas échappé que ce principe figure en toutes lettres dans le traité de Maastricht puis dans celui d’Amsterdam. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'analogies mais d'inspirations partagées. Si l'Église affirme qu'existe un « ordre moral transcendant et universel qui ne peut que s'édifier que sur Dieu » s'imposant à tous les chrétiens, les traités, et vous l'assumez implicitement, ont transposés ce principe en droit européen : la subsidiarité européenne s'impose aux États membres mais a également pour vocation de réguler les relations des « collectivités de base » (communes, régions etc…) avec l'État dont elles sont constitutives. Elle substitue une méthode de répartition des tâches aux valeurs dont est porteur l'État-Nation construit par les citoyens dans leurs luttes multiformes pendant des décennies. Pour la France, ces « valeurs » s'appellent la « solidarité nationale » caricaturée sous le vocable « Jacobinisme ». Savez-vous, Éminence, que le budget de l'État inscrit dans ses dépenses 500 millions d'euros pour que le prix du KW/H soit le même à Dunkerque et à Bonifacio ? Vous préconisez que la CDC ait la maîtrise de la santé ; Dieu nous en préserve alors qu'elle n'arrive pas à régler le problème des déchets.
Vous êtes, Éminence, évêque de l'Église de Corse, communauté de chrétiens aux options politiques diverses, incluant, je suis bien placé pour le savoir, les communistes qui, pour la plupart, se marient à l'église, baptisent leurs enfants et tiennent à un enterrement religieux. Par-delà leurs choix citoyens, tous les catholiques de cette île doivent être, par leur pasteur, respectés dans la manière dont ils vivent leur foi. L'évêque se doit de rassembler « le Peuple de Dieu » devoir d'autant plus impérieux que vous soulignez « l'unité culturelle...autour de la tradition catholique » qui est effectivement une des composantes de notre culture, comme d'ailleurs la laïcité ou notre attachement aux services publics, vecteurs essentiels de la démocratie française.
La question de l'autonomie fait d'autant plus débat que ses contours ne sont pas définis. Une partie de la droite s'interroge par crainte de voir disparaître le socle républicain sur lequel s'est construite la nation française ; une grande partie de la gauche aussi, et pour les mêmes raisons. Les diverses composantes du nationalisme sont au bord de l'affrontement. La mission de l'évêque est-elle d'endosser l'habit du militant politique en faveur d'un camp ? À un moment dramatique de notre histoire récente Mgr Thomas a su prendre la hauteur nécessaire et gagner le cœur de tous les insulaires par ses engagements pour la paix. Dans les années 1990, la voix de l'Église a accompagné et cautionné le « débat identitaire » qui s'est finalement soldé par ce que les nationalistes qualifient « d'années de plomb : plus de 40 assassinats par ans entre clans rivaux. Le Ciel fasse que l'avenir ne nous réserve pas ce bégaiement de l'histoire tragique et sanglant. À la place qui est la votre vous pouvez contribuer à l'éviter. Vous évoquez, Éminence, la Vierge Marie. Le « Dio salvi Regina » qui appelle à l'unité des chrétiens autour de la mère du Christ, Mère de Miséricorde, n'est pas celui que vous entonnez tous les dimanches. Je vous ai fait parvenir le texte original qui n'a rien à voir avec l'hymne qui clôture chaque messe et transformée, pour des raisons politiques, en chant xénophobe et d'exclusion. Il serait temps que l'Église de Corse revienne à ses fondamentaux : la paix dans les cœurs dans le respect de l'autre.
Pour finir, permettez-moi de vous poser une question. Vous êtes cardinal, membre de la Curie, donc du gouvernement du Vatican État souverain. Vous intervenez de plus en plus dans le débat politique d'un autre État souverain : ainsi votre préconisation d'une forme de « laïcité corse » dans le sillage de Monsieur Talamoni. S'il s'agit d'une démarche personnelle, elle outrepasse le rôle que vous confère la loi de 1905 ; s'il s'agit d'une initiative cautionnée par le Vatican elle est en violation du droit international et suscite en moi nombre de questions.
Veuillez pardonner Éminence la longueur de cette lettre. Mais j'ai la faiblesse de croire que les questions posées méritaient de l'être. Au moins pour deux raisons : une vie consacrée à l'engagement citoyen mais aussi à l'histoire de cette île, notamment de son Église.
Croyez, Éminence, en ma parfaite considération.
Ange Rovere
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latribune · 6 months
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dataplusweb-blog · 1 year
Qu est ce que l agriculture régénératrice
Qu'est-ce que l'agriculture régénératrice et peut-elle sauver le climat ?
"Mission Régénération", un film documentaire qui met à l'honneur l'agriculture régénératrice. © Destiny Distribution
A l'occasion de la sortie en salle le 9 novembre du film "Mission Régénération", GEO.fr dresse un panorama de l'agriculture régénératrice - une approche centrée sur la préservation des sols et de leur rôle crucial dans le stockage de carbone, le cycle de l'eau et la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments - avec l'éclairage de Félix Noblia, agriculteur et président de l'association Fermes d'Avenir.
Réchauffement climatique, sécheresse, perte des bénéfices nutritionnels des aliments : et si la solution se trouvait... sous nos pieds ? C'est en tout cas ce que défendent les partisans de l'agriculture régénératrice - une approche mise à l'honneur par "Mission Régénération", un film documentaire américain réalisé par Josh et Rebecca Tickell et narré par l'acteur américain Woody Harrelson, qui sort en salle le 9 novembre.
Mais de quoi s'agit-il exactement ? "L'agriculture régénératrice, c'est une agriculture qui - comme son nom l'indique - va régénérer l'écosystème", répond Félix Noblia, agriculteur installé dans le Pays Basque et président de l'association Fermes d'Avenir. L'un des principes fondamentaux : abandonner le "travail du sol" et en particulier le labour, qui consiste à ouvrir la terre et à la retourner en profondeur avant d'y déposer les graines (semis).
⋙ La biodiversité des sols, ce "monde caché" sous nos pieds, évaluée à l'échelle mondiale pour mieux la protéger
Pour comprendre ce que la fin du labour signifie concrètement, il faut d'abord schématiser le fonctionnement du sol. Celui-ci se compose à la fois d'éléments minéraux (azote, phosphore, potassium, magnésium, soufre, calcium...), utilisés par les plantes pour croître, et d'éléments organiques (à base de carbone) sous forme d'humus, c'est-à-dire de racines et de végétaux en décomposition.
Les sols, un équilibre fragile
Lorsque les plantes réalisent la photosynthèse, elles utilisent l'énergie fournie par le Soleil pour transformer le CO2 capté dans l'air en oxygène (O2) et en sucres. Ces sucres sont en partie transférés vers le sol à travers les racines. Se forme alors un équilibre fragile entre deux processus majeurs : l'humification, ou formation d'humus, et la minéralisation, qui correspond à la transformation de la matière organique en minéraux - ces derniers redevenant alors disponible pour les plantes.
"Le problème du travail du sol, c'est qu'il augmente de façon très importante le coefficient de minéralisation", explique Félix Noblia. Ainsi, alors que la minéralisation est à peine supérieure à l'humification dans un écosystème naturel (en forêt, par exemple), en revanche, dans les champs labourés, son taux est triplé. "On déstocke massivement le carbone des sols", interprète l'agriculteur.
Ainsi, lors des mois de l'année qui correspondent au labour - entre septembre et octobre - dans les régions dotées des territoires cultivés les plus étendus (Amérique du Nord, Europe et Asie), des pics d'émission de CO2 sont observés, comme le montrent des images de la modélisation par la NASA des flux de carbone atmosphériques à l'échelle mondiale sur l'ensemble de l'année 2006 (NASA, 2014).
Et le déstockage du carbone en agriculture conventionnelle n'est pas le seul effet pervers à déplorer. En effet, le sol joue également un rôle crucial dans le cycle de l'eau. "C'est un peu comme lorsque l'on cuit des légumes à la poêle. Quand la partie qui se trouve directement en contact avec l'ustensile perd son eau, elle se met à brûler", illustre Félix Noblia. En privant le sol de tout couvert végétal pendant une partie de l'année, celui-ci se déshydrate et se transforme alors en poussière.
L'agriculture régénératrice lutte contre la désertification
Un processus que l'on désigne sous le terme de "désertification", et qui ne cesse de s'aggraver. "La désertification a le visage de plus de 3,2 milliards de personnes qui vivent sur des terres dégradées, partout dans le monde. Il y a urgence à agir", avait déclaré le président Emmanuel Macron dans un message vidéo à l'occasion de la COP15 sur la désertification, organisée en Côte d'Ivoire (5/2022).
"Il y a 10.000 ans, le Sahara n'était pas un désert : c'était un territoire cultivé par des civilisations très prospères. De même, on nous apprend à l'école que le berceau de la civilisation européenne se nichait entre le Tigre et l'Euphrate (deux fleuves situés dans l'Irak actuel, NDLR). Désormais, cette zone est devenue largement infertile", pointe l'agriculteur.
Un rapport publié par l'Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM) des Nations unies et le service européen sur le changement climatique Copernicus a récemment révélé que le continent européen est celui qui se réchauffe le plus rapidement sur Terre (hors Arctique), avec une hausse des températures plus de deux fois supérieure à la moyenne planétaire au cours des trente dernières années (11/2022).
⋙ Réchauffement climatique : l'Europe se réchauffe plus vite que la planète selon l'ONU
Si les énergies fossiles sont - à juste titre - pointées du doigt dans cette accélération du réchauffement, Félix Noblia, lui, y voit également l'influence de la destruction des sols. "Comme les castors avec leurs barrages, nous devons aussi faire en sorte de retenir l'eau, car sans eau, il n'y a pas d'agriculture."
Quand la santé des sols va de pair avec celle des consommateurs
En préservant le fonctionnement des sols, l'agriculture régénératrice préserverait non seulement le stockage du carbone, contribuant ainsi à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, mais aussi la fertilité des terres cultivées face à la désertification, et même... la santé des consommateurs ! Un point sur lequel l'agriculture régénératrice rejoint d'ailleurs, en partie, l'agriculture biologique.
"En conventionnel, la manière de fertiliser le sol correspond à l'ajout d'engrais de synthèse dits "NPK" - pour 'azote, phosphore et potassium'. En bio, ces engrais de synthèse sont interdits, et l'on utilise donc des engrais organiques - notamment du fumier, beaucoup plus riche en minéraux : on y trouve non seulement les éléments "NPK", mais aussi du magnésium, du soufre, du calcium, etc., détaille Félix Noblia. La plante se nourrit mieux, ce qui améliore la qualité nutritionnelle des produits."
Par ailleurs, ce recours aux engrais organiques plutôt qu'aux engrais de synthèse aurait également un impact sur notre climat : "à lui seul, l'azote de synthèse représente les deux-tiers du bilan d'émission de gaz à effet de serre des grandes cultures céréalières", note l'agriculteur.
⋙ Agriculture : peut-on se passer en grande partie des engrais chimiques ? La réponse est oui, selon une synthèse scientifique
Si les paysans qui choisissent d'adopter l'agriculture régénératrice doivent certes faire face à un "creux de productivité qui est difficile à passer : (...) 5 tonnes à l'hectare contre 10 avec les engrais de synthèse", la perte financière est néanmoins compensée par une importante "baisse des charges d'exploitation" (coût de l'essence pour faire fonctionner les tracteurs, par exemple) : "dans mon cas, c'est une diminution de moitié en 5 ans", se félicite le Basque.
Adopter l'agriculture régénératrice, un enjeu politique
La solution viendra-t-elle du consommateur, tout autant désireux de protéger la planète que de se nourrir plus sainement ? "Je ne pense pas", rétorque Félix Noblia, soulignant le problème posé par les limites budgétaires des ménages. "Il faut forcer l'Etat à changer de politique agricole. Sinon, ce n'est pas la peine de compter faire de l'agriculture dans les prochaines années", fustige-t-il. "La question, c'est est-ce que les gens auront faim maintenant, ou est-ce qu'on attend que le climat nous rattrape, et dans ce cas, on aura faim plus tard."
A l'occasion de la COP27 sur le climat qui se tient à Charm el-Cheikh en Egypte, des experts notent que seulement 3 % des financements publics pour le climat sont dévolus à l’agriculture et à l’alimentation, alors que ce secteur pèse pour un tiers des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (Le Monde, 11/2022). "Pour changer l'agriculture, il faut mettre les moyens ; or, ce n'est pas le chemin qu'on prend, est c'est très préoccupant", se désole le président de Fermes d'Avenir.
⋙ COP27 : Le monde au bord du "suicide collectif" climatique, avertit le patron de l'ONU
Si l'agriculteur se réjouit que le documentaire américain "Mission Régénération" puisse désormais sensibiliser le public à ces enjeux - "j'aurais rêvé que l'on puisse faire un tel film en France", glisse-t-il, son combat se poursuit également à travers le projet ReGeneration, visant à attirer des investissements pour soutenir les agriculteurs dans leur transition en leur fournissant un accompagnement à la fois technique et financier.
A lire aussi :
L’agriculture française face au changement climatique : ce que l’on sait et comment on s’adapte
Agriculture : comment nourrir la planète tout en protégeant l’environnement ?
Claude Grison, prix de l’inventeur européen 2022 : “On peut dépolluer les sols et l’eau avec des plantes”
Réchauffement climatique : quelle est cette crue centennale qui menace Paris ?
Participez à un projet de Gecko-localisation pour cartographier le gecko en France
Recyclage du plastique : la France parmi les pays les plus innovants
Qu'est-ce-que le biochar, nouvelle star des investisseurs pour l'agriculture et le climat ?
Qu'est-ce que l'agriculture raisonnée ?
Qu’est-ce que l’agriculture extensive ?
Qu’est-ce que l’agriculture productiviste ?
Au Salon de l'Agriculture, on peut aussi admirer des chiens
Comment les sols et l'agriculture peuvent aider le climat
Réchauffement climatique et agriculture intensive : une combinaison fatale aux insectes
L'OCDE conseille de réorienter les subventions à l'agriculture vers le climat
Un salon de l'Agriculture pour convaincre, sur fond de défis alimentaires et climatiques
Inde : Gange en danger, peut-on encore sauver le fleuve sacré ?
Climat : qu'est-ce que la menace du "thermomètre mouillé" ?
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Agriculture : peut-on se passer en grande partie des engrais chimiques ? La réponse est oui, selon une synthèse scientifique
Climat: l'agriculture souhaite être une solution au réchauffement
Chanvre, cannabis : un outil dans le "champ" de l'agriculture contre le réchauffement climatique ?
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8 - Qu'est-ce que l'agriculture régénératrice et peut-elle sauver le climat ?
"Mission Régénération", un film documentaire qui met à l'honneur l'agriculture régénératrice. © Destiny Distribution.
A l'occasion de la sortie en salle le 9 novembre du film "Mission Régénération", GEO.fr dresse un panorama de l'agriculture régénératrice - une approche centrée sur la préservation des sols et de leur rôle crucial dans le stockage de carbone, le cycle de l'eau et la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments - avec l'éclairage de Félix Noblia, agriculteur et président de l'association Fermes d'Avenir.
NASTASIA MICHAELS Publié le 08/11/2022
Réchauffement climatique, sécheresse, perte des bénéfices nutritionnels des aliments : et si la solution se trouvait... sous nos pieds ? C'est en tout cas ce que défendent les partisans de l'agriculture régénératrice - une approche mise à l'honneur par "Mission Régénération", un film documentaire américain réalisé par Josh et Rebecca Tickell et narré par l'acteur américain Woody Harrelson, qui sort en salle le 9 novembre.
Mais de quoi s'agit-il exactement ? "L'agriculture régénératrice, c'est une agriculture qui - comme son nom l'indique - va régénérer l'écosystème", répond Félix Noblia, agriculteur installé dans le Pays Basque et président de l'association Fermes d'Avenir. L'un des principes fondamentaux : abandonner le "travail du sol" et en particulier le labour, qui consiste à ouvrir la terre et à la retourner en profondeur avant d'y déposer les graines (semis).
⋙ La biodiversité des sols, ce "monde caché" sous nos pieds, évaluée à l'échelle mondiale pour mieux la protéger
Pour comprendre ce que la fin du labour signifie concrètement, il faut d'abord schématiser le fonctionnement du sol. Celui-ci se compose à la fois d'éléments minéraux (azote, phosphore, potassium, magnésium, soufre, calcium...), utilisés par les plantes pour croître, et d'éléments organiques (à base de carbone) sous forme d'humus, c'est-à-dire de racines et de végétaux en décomposition.
Les sols, un équilibre fragile
Lorsque les plantes réalisent la photosynthèse, elles utilisent l'énergie fournie par le Soleil pour transformer le CO2 capté dans l'air en oxygène (O2) et en sucres. Ces sucres sont en partie transférés vers le sol à travers les racines. Se forme alors un équilibre fragile entre deux processus majeurs : l'humification, ou formation d'humus, et la minéralisation, qui correspond à la transformation de la matière organique en minéraux - ces derniers redevenant alors disponible pour les plantes.
"Le problème du travail du sol, c'est qu'il augmente de façon très importante le coefficient de minéralisation", explique Félix Noblia. Ainsi, alors que la minéralisation est à peine supérieure à l'humification dans un écosystème naturel (en forêt, par exemple), en revanche, dans les champs labourés, son taux est triplé. "On déstocke massivement le carbone des sols", interprète l'agriculteur.
Ainsi, lors des mois de l'année qui correspondent au labour - entre septembre et octobre - dans les régions dotées des territoires cultivés les plus étendus (Amérique du Nord, Europe et Asie), des pics d'émission de CO2 sont observés, comme le montrent des images de la modélisation par la NASA des flux de carbone atmosphériques à l'échelle mondiale sur l'ensemble de l'année 2006 (NASA, 2014).
Et le déstockage du carbone en agriculture conventionnelle n'est pas le seul effet pervers à déplorer. En effet, le sol joue également un rôle crucial dans le cycle de l'eau. "C'est un peu comme lorsque l'on cuit des légumes à la poêle. Quand la partie qui se trouve directement en contact avec l'ustensile perd son eau, elle se met à brûler", illustre Félix Noblia. En privant le sol de tout couvert végétal pendant une partie de l'année, celui-ci se déshydrate et se transforme alors en poussière.
L'agriculture régénératrice lutte contre la désertification
Un processus que l'on désigne sous le terme de "désertification", et qui ne cesse de s'aggraver. "la désertification a le visage de plus de 3,2 milliards de personnes qui vivent sur des terres dégradées, partout dans le monde. Il y a urgence à agir", avait déclaré le président Emmanuel Macron dans un message vidéo à l'occasion de la COP15 sur la désertification, organisée en Côte d'Ivoire (5/2022).
"Il y a 10.000 ans, le Sahara n'était pas un désert : c'était un territoire cultivé par des civilisations très prospères. De même, on nous apprend à l'école que le berceau de la civilisation européenne se nichait entre le Tigre et l'Euphrate (deux fleuves situés dans l'Irak actuel, NDLR). Désormais, cette zone est devenue largement infertile", pointe l'agriculteur.
Un rapport publié par l'Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM) des Nations unies et le service européen sur le changement climatique Copernicus a récemment révélé que le continent européen est celui qui se réchauffe le plus rapidement sur Terre (hors Arctique), avec une hausse des températures plus de deux fois supérieure à la moyenne planétaire au cours des trente dernières années (11/2022).
⋙ Réchauffement climatique : l'Europe se réchauffe plus vite que la planète selon l'ONU
Si les énergies fossiles sont - à juste titre - pointées du doigt dans cette accélération du réchauffement, Félix Noblia, lui, y voit également l'influence de la destruction des sols. "Comme les castors avec leurs barrages, nous devons aussi faire en sorte de retenir l'eau, car sans eau, il n'y a pas d'agriculture."
Quand la santé des sols va de pair avec celle des consommateurs
En préservant le fonctionnement des sols, l'agriculture régénératrice préserverait non seulement le stockage du carbone, contribuant ainsi à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, mais aussi la fertilité des terres cultivées face à la désertification, et même... la santé des consommateurs ! Un point sur lequel l'agriculture régénératrice rejoint d'ailleurs, en partie, l'agriculture biologique.
"En conventionnel, la manière de fertiliser le sol correspond à l'ajout d'engrais de synthèse dits "NPK" - pour 'azote, phosphore et potassium'. En bio, ces engrais de synthèse sont interdits, et l'on utilise donc des engrais organiques - notamment du fumier, beaucoup plus riche en minéraux : on y trouve non seulement les éléments "NPK", mais aussi du magnésium, du soufre, du calcium, etc., détaille Félix Noblia. La plante se nourrit mieux, ce qui améliore la qualité nutritionnelle des produits."
Par ailleurs, ce recours aux engrais organiques plutôt qu'aux engrais de synthèse aurait également un impact sur notre climat : "à lui seul, l'azote de synthèse représente les deux-tiers du bilan d'émission de gaz à effet de serre des grandes cultures céréalières", note l'agriculteur.
⋙ Agriculture : peut-on se passer en grande partie des engrais chimiques ? La réponse est oui, selon une synthèse scientifique.
Si les paysans qui choisissent d'adopter l'agriculture régénératrice doivent certes faire face à un "creux de productivité qui est difficile à passer : (...) 5 tonnes à l'hectare contre 10 avec les engrais de synthèse", la perte financière est néanmoins compensée par une importante "baisse des charges d'exploitation" (coût de l'essence pour faire fonctionner les tracteurs, par exemple) : "dans mon cas, c'est une diminution de moitié en 5 ans", se félicite le Basque.
Adopter l'agriculture régénératrice, un enjeu politique
La solution viendra-t-elle du consommateur, tout autant désireux de protéger la planète que de se nourrir plus sainement ? "Je ne pense pas", rétorque Félix Noblia, soulignant le problème posé par les limites budgétaires des ménages. "Il faut forcer l'Etat à changer de politique agricole. Sinon, ce n'est pas la peine de compter faire de l'agriculture dans les prochaines années", fustige-t-il. "La question, c'est est-ce que les gens auront faim maintenant, ou est-ce qu'on attend que le climat nous rattrape, et dans ce cas, on aura faim plus tard."
A l'occasion de la COP27 sur le climat qui se tient à Charm el-Cheikh en Egypte, des experts notent que seulement 3 % des financements publics pour le climat sont dévolus à l’agriculture et à l’alimentation, alors que ce secteur pèse pour un tiers des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (Le Monde, 11/2022). "Pour changer l'agriculture, il faut mettre les moyens ; or, ce n'est pas le chemin qu'on prend, est c'est très préoccupant", se désole le président de Fermes d'Avenir.
⋙ COP27 : Le monde au bord du "suicide collectif" climatique, avertit le patron de l'ONU
Si l'agriculteur se réjouit que le documentaire américain "Mission Régénération" puisse désormais sensibiliser le public à ces enjeux - "j'aurais rêvé que l'on puisse faire un tel film en France", glisse-t-il, son combat se poursuit également à travers le projet ReGeneration, visant à attirer des investissements pour soutenir les agriculteurs dans leur transition en leur fournissant un accompagnement à la fois technique et financier.
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luxurytravelcurator · 2 years
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Dinner tonight with dear friends and partners at LEKU Miami - Rubell Museum. Favorite #Basque Restaurant in #Wynwood Miami w/ favorite people. Stay tuned for my next upcoming trips: Turks & Caicos ( NOV 15-17 ) . Miami #ARTBasel and #Art Week ( 27 NOV - 05 DEC ). Turkey ( DEC 9-15 ). Argentina ( DEC 23-JAN 17 2023)… and more, including 2022 FIFA Qatar World Cup Subscribe to my IG Chanel, for full access to exclusive content, curated tips and recommendations, unique experiences, vip amenities and benefits, plus much more. My mission is to transform Tourists into Travelers by experiencing unique travel experiences, moments and destinations worldwide. Luxury Travel Curator, Concierge, Blogger & Lifestyle Consultant. Over 28 years curating the world of Authentic and Sophisticated Travel, Hospitality & Lifestyle, one destination at the time. Member of the exclusive @VirtuosoLTD Luxury Network, #AmericanExpress Membership Rewards, Fine Hotels & Resorts and Pay with Points Programs. Luxury #TravelAdvisor. #Jetsetter #Globetrotter #BonVivant. Founder of @LGTNetwork Luxury #GayTravel Curator, member of @IGLTA. #Travel #Hotel #Restaurant & #Airline reviews. Follow, read and share my travel experiences worldwide. #TravelAgent, #TravelBlogger, #WeddingPlanner #TravelBlog #LuxuryTravel #Luxury #Lifestyle #LuxuryTravelCurator #Concierge #Blogger #VirtuosoTravel #Miami #Florida #lekumiami #rubellmuseum #GPSCarlosMeliaMIAMI @lekumiami @rubellmuseum @livunltd @yiorg_v84 @abbienewman7 Luxury Travel Curator & Co Mobile & WhatsApp +1 (917) 754-5515 / Email [email protected] / www.luxurytravelcuratorco.com (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzmQpxD_lo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mobilitykilop · 2 years
Wing commander privateer righteous fire upgrade
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#Wing commander privateer righteous fire upgrade how to
#Wing commander privateer righteous fire upgrade series
You take on combat missions as well as trading and smuggling cargo in the lawless expanse of the Gemini Sector, far from the frontlines of the escalating Terran-Kilrathi War. As the titular ‘privateer’, you eke out a meager living on the far edges of space. In Privateer, you control a new character: ‘Brownhair’ aka Grayson Burrows.
#Wing commander privateer righteous fire upgrade series
The next installment in the Wing Commander main series was still a year or so away when players were treated to the biggest departure from tradition in the series so far, Wing Commander: Privateer. The use of pre-existing engines to build from gave Origin devs the freedom to experiment without being too concerned about reinventing the wheel. With Wing Commander: Academy, Origin had seen the value in developing smaller games with existing technology in order to recoup the costs from developing their bigger releases.
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi.
And you can talk everybody except Retros into getting friendly anyway. If you have behaved well, most people will be friendly. It's cool not to have red dots on the screen each time you jump.Ĭomments : jt: It depends who you kill. By the time you get to him, everyone in the universe wants your head on a stick.
#Wing commander privateer righteous fire upgrade how to
If you have flown for Goodin and Murphy, you can now go back to Masterson and he'll tell you how to find his friend Monte.Ĭomments : While you're at Basque, make sure you check out who is in the bar.Ĭomments : Yeah, our old friend, Mr. Fortunately this time you have a chance to repair and reload, but remember that making a permanent enemy of the Militia is a bad idea. There are more Militia attacks once they realise that you have Brilliance on board.Land, then return to Tuck's pirate base (Sherwood Nav 3). Fortunately this is the last one and you get a nice amount of pay for it too.įly Brilliance to Basque in Pyrennes system. Tayla says that this is a long mission, but it is actually another three jump-er. There are two Militia attacks in this mission, and you can attack them if you wish, but be advised that there is no place to restock missiles on Speke or on Tuck's.At least the pay is good, but Junction is usually well defended.įly Brilliance to Speke in Junction system. You're doing another Brilliance run, this time a bit further away. When the militia attack you, you can either return fire which could make them permanently hostile, or you can just run to the next jump point.Militia upon entering New Caledonia system. Land, then return to Tuck's (Sherwood Nav 3). Brilliance is highly illegal and even though you have a hidden cargo area, the Militia have found a way to scan it.įly Brilliance to Saratov in Prasepe system. Now on to the Tayla that we know: the smuggler. With no scripted encounters, you just have random encounters to face, and since pirates are friendly while you work for Tayla, that doesn't leave much to worry about.Meet Tayla in the bar on Tuck's.ĥ (119CE, Junction, Nexus, Capello, Sherwood) Your first mission is a cargo mission, although unlike Tayla's cargo in Privateer, this cargo is legal.įly Tayla's personal goods to Tuck's pirate base in the Sherwood system. Tayla's missions aren't essential, but flying them will give you a bit of extra cash to buy ship upgrades before starting on the more difficult missions. Wing Commander Privateer : Righteous Fire
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unetealombre · 7 years
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arphang · 3 years
DON A L’ASSOCIATION PATOUNES DE CHATS DE SAUVETERRE DE BEARN. Semaine dernière nous avons eu la chance de recevoir en don, une belle quantité de paquet de nourriture pour chat, en grande majorité, et un peu pour chiot. Nous avons distribué les colis alimentaires, comme habituellement aux personnes qui en avaient besoin mais avec ce petit plus, cette fois-ci, pour celles et ceux qui possèdent un…
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francebleucinema · 7 years
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VIDEO - "Mission Pays Basque" vu par les premiers spectateurs... basques
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I’m form england, and as part of my Spanish studies we study the film Ocho Apellidos Vascos.
I was just wondering what your view on the film is and how it’s perceived in Euskal Herria?
Thank you!!
Kaixo anon!
Ocho apellidos vascos was huge when it premiered - which is actually like 8 years ago?? 😵 Time flies!
It was the first comedy that featured Basque people - it was a taboo topic when ETA was active - and people loved it. It was an actually fun comedy and many Basque people - us included - enjoyed the movie. Yes, it has its flaws and it relies mostly on stereotypes, but there were certain private jokes just for Basques and we laughed. It was nice.
It's its legacy what we find insufferable. Due to its huuuuge success, comedies featuring Basque people and their stereotyped personality became a trend and their result wasn't near as good: Cuerpo de élite, Allí Abajo, Mission: Pays Basque, La pequeña Suiza, all terrible if you ask us.
And then producers thought, why stay on comedy lane, let's get serious and let's show how was Euskal Herria in ETA times: Presunto culpable, Fé de etarras, Patria, La linea invisible, which are worse on our book because they added propaganda to the mix.
So we have mixed feelings towards Ocho apellidos vascos because it was a light, easy to watch, stereotype-based comedy that just happened to make Basque people likeable and marketable. What followed was too much and too annoying, especially for people like us Basques not used to get any representation - accurate or not - in Spanish cinema or TV. Most people we know wished the freaking trend of including Basque people in everything was over soon.
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