#missed an event at work today
packitandgo · 5 months
gets stressed
lies down about it
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disfrutalaisla · 1 year
I feel like we brushed right over cucurucho saying that ANOTHER person was going to be sent to replace Forever in his nether mission since he’s gone missing
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fantasykiri5 · 5 months
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Day 6 of @hermitadaymay and it’s the one and only Sans Undertale!!
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22plus15 · 5 months
had to get ready and leave in 40 minutes this morning but i still opened instagram the second i opened my eyes just to make sure it wasn’t a dream 😭
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ninja-yogurt · 1 month
Thinking about how as a kid I was pretty convinced my cat was kind of apathetic to me because I would pick him up and drag him to my room when I wanted to cuddle with him and he didn't approach me on his own very often, especially compared to his brother who would happily demand attention from anyone and everyone. And how my brother and I got little rubber mice one Halloween and I lost mine and was devastated and kind of bratty about it, and went to cry on the floor of my room for reasons I don't really remember. And my cat, who never approached me in his own, comes up to me with the mouse in his little mouth and drops it next to me.
And I don't think he understood why I was upset but the fact that he saw me upset and decided to bring me something to cheer me up, and came up to me of his own volition, I was convinced for the rest of his life that he was one of the most emotionally intelligent cats I'd ever met, and that he loved me more than anyone else in the world. I swear nearly every expression of love he had was something he picked up from me. He loved being picked up like the person petting him was too impatient to wait for him to approach them. For years he'd come running at the sound of my fingers rubbing together in an attempt at a snap, but when I figured out how to actually snap he ignored it. I wasn't very good at petting gently, and his favorite thing was when somebody used all their strength to push against his head while they pet him. I read a book on cat communication when he was still a kitten and spent an evening headbutting him because it said that's how they say hello and communicate affection, and I don't remember him headbutting everything and everyone in sight before that but he sure did enjoy it afterwards.
When I came home from college he would frequently be standoffish towards me until I, allergic to him, would sneeze for the first time, and then he would demand attention like it took that to be sure I was who I said I was. He would get cuddlier when I sneezed, probably because I would frequently turn to him after and say in a sweet, fond voice, "yes! This is all your fault, yes!" Sometimes he'd make eye contact with me before he sneezed. I think he thought the sneezing itself was affection. Once when I came home I cuddled with him until he was half asleep on my lap and at 1 am I started trying to move him without waking him up, or annoy him into moving himself, because I didn't have the heart to just abandon him but I needed to go to bed. He must have been more awake than I thought because when I fully lifted up one leg so it was next to him instead of under him he just readjusted on the other one, and then did the same with the other leg. It was pretty impressive for a cat who once accidentally rolled off a couch because I was standing across the room and he got too excited about trying to convince me to approach him that he forgot where the edge was.
I took so many pictures of him and asked my family to take and send so many pictures and videos and video chats with him that he also got excited by smartphones, because a camera pointed at him meant he got extra attention. It was so hard to get good pictures of him; if he noticed the camera he got very wiggly.
He had a fang taken out when he was starting to get older, because it was infected, and he figured out how to eat without it but he never quite figured out how to close his mouth consistently. He's always had a remarkably expressive face; i swear he used to smile when he was happy and I never needed to see the rest of his body to tell when he'd been startled. But for a cat who frequently looked confused before, sometimes having one lip snagged inside his mouth really improved the look. My mom started saying he had an Elvis face now.
Losing the tooth did not stop him from stealing a piece of toasted turkey ham from a plate on the table once. I was walking back from the kitchen, trying to help my dad prepare breakfast, and as I approached he decided the best thing to do when caught red handed with a piece of meat about a full quarter of your size is to sprint off with it, which might have worked better if it wasn't a quarter of his size and he didn't have a missing tooth. He made it most of the way across the room with it hanging from his mouth, somehow swinging slightly and dragging on the floor at the same time, before he gave it up. I wish I'd gotten it on camera, because I was the only one who saw the whole thing.
He stopped meowing as much and couldn't really purr by the end. What he'd do instead of meowing was squeak like a rusty wheel if he wanted food and wail like he was dying if he wanted attention and nobody was in the room with him. Occasionally he'd go into my parents' room when there were people around and wail because nobody was in his extra special cuddle spot. For about fourteen years of his life the only time I heard that meow was when he had bladder crystals and had to be rushed to the vet, and when he got stuck once hanging from one of those scratching posts that could hang from a doorknob, flipped his head back so it was upside down in relation to the ground and he was staring at me, and gave one of the saddest meows I've ever heard in my life. (Unfortunately for him it took me a few seconds to stop laughing my head off to actually come help, but he was fine). I came home when he was older and suddenly he'd realized that that wail meant immediate attention, and why not abuse it in exchange for more cuddles.
I miss him a lot. It was my first birthday without him this past week. Last year my favorite present was handmade by my brother, and when it arrived I got extra pictures of it before it was shipped out lying on top of him (cat, not brother). I dreamt about him a lot, for a while, but I haven't since a dream where I spent a bunch of time cuddling with him and he purred like a motorboat. I like to think it was him telling me he'll be ok, even if I don't dream about him again for a while.
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seedlessmuffins · 1 year
ney didn’t post his usual « allez psg » story today which means he only watched the games for leo and now that leo’s gone he won’t watch
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cinewhore · 1 year
Stumbling out of my emails today
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supercantaloupe · 4 months
technically the contract for my new internship (signed & submitted, but i haven't actually started yet or turned in my payment info or anything) states that i'm supposed to start on monday. so strictly speaking i haven't lost hours on the job due to being sick this week, i guess. but in communication it was agreed that i would start this past monday for a lighter possibly part-time week of mostly onboarding and getting-to-know-the-office type work. which obviously i've missed due to hacking my lungs out in my house for the past eight days...it's not the end of the world for me to start next week, my boss is totally fine with it and wants me to be okay before starting, and it's not like i will have missed anything terribly important like a performance or something. and missing one week's worth of a paycheck is not going to ruin me financially, thankfully. but still, y'know, disappointed to have lost a week of productivity, especially in such a lucrative (job experience wise not necessarily money wise. but the money isn't terrible either.) internship i'm super lucky to have gotten in the first place. very much looking forward to finally starting on monday and putting this shit behind me
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chi-arts · 5 months
I only found out about Chuuya-week on the weekend and I'm devastated that I didn't know earlier q.q
I'll still try to get at least one or two sketches done, I love him and I want to do something. But I simply don't have the time for more than that and that sucks
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garoujo · 2 years
omg i got an interview for a new job i applied for!!! eeeeeee i am nervous but also excited ૮꒰っ´༥`ς꒱
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0wnw1sn · 8 months
hey guys just watched la la land i’m gonna do something really impulsive
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bio--exorcist · 11 months
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"I've seen The Exorcist 167 times, and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it!"
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mikesbasementbeets · 7 months
bought tickets to see live music for first time in about two years life is ok again maybe
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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aw yeeeeeee all ft4 5☆s get!!!!!!!!!
#special shoutout to megu who only got one (rip)#and extra special shoutout to dai who gets the most features in these 5☆s lmaoooooooo#the daizo one is there bc i need to brag about it and my lil’ crackship from the best ft4 event in the game#tbt when i maxed out aizo from dupes while trying to get a dupe dai… sads#and yeah. anyways sorry for the tling inactivity i’ve been burned out from dealing with 2 workstations over the past week s o b s#i’ve screen recorded mona’s main story though so all that’s left is to debate whether to sub it as vids or to just type it like usual…#decisions decisions………. _(:3 」∠)_#i’ll try to speed through sischange tomorrow though before i inevitably get work burnout again this coming week—#just honeypre things#fedora throttle4#aaaa but maaaan… i got the notif that the ft4 dj i bought last week reached the proxy warehouse today… i can’t wait to read itttttt#i miss ft4 so much… they’re such lads~~~ they have great chemistry with each other~~~ and their songs are so fun to listen to too~~~#like y’know that bouncy thing yui does with his voice when he sings syllables that end with the letter u…#it makes taste the greatest ft4 song imo. yui and rio sound like they’re having a total blast#and yui does that voice bouncy thing with p. much all his ‘-ru’s pretty prominently in the song. it’s such ear jelly y’knowwwww#and the girl guest vocals were super sweet to the ear too!!!!! they all sounded so great in that song i love it so much#i’d pay cash moneys for a taste mv no dip. just so that i can loop it with pretty visuals all day long <3333333#wait what was the main point again? hm. well. anyways stan ft4!!!!!!!
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frecht · 2 years
kind of annoyed at my friend :/
#ok so at the cafe at my school theyre having an event thats basically come play board games#and she texted the discord yesterday and said 'who wants to go to this?' and i said yes! i would!#and so i checked in with her bc its this afternoon like do you still want to go? what time should we go ?#bear in mind that she is the one who INVITED evwryone#and she said she has too much work#and i knoww i shouldnt like judge how much work she has but like she had only one class today.#couldnt she have done more of her work earlier considering that she MADE PLANS?????#and i really wanted to go to it i miss playing board games bc usually the only games i can play at school are. uno & cards against humanity#but im from a family who likes weird games my dad finds on Kickstarter (this is a lie only my dad and i play them. my sister and i refuse)#and i only get to play my weird kickstarter games at home!#not that i think theyll have weird kickstarter games :/ but at least itll be VARIETY!!!#SORRY i dont actually like uno and cards against humanity that much. but i need to play something else#i brought fluxx this semester but no one will play it bc they all wanted to play uno and cah first and by the end of those we were tired#they were done to death by like senior year of high school bc theyre the ONLY games anyone will play!!!!#and its honestly an effort to even laugh at any cah jokes at this point . sorry theyre so rarely funny.#and i feel bad bc i have one friend who laughs really easily and so they crack up and im just sitting there like . a corpse#talkin
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awkward-smirks · 2 years
tw for this diary entry: v brief mentions of suicide and maybe some depressive thoughts ??? idk
(don't comment on this post please)
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