#miss my son dearly
milesgmorales · 1 year
thinking it's time for a sv double feature
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idiot-izuku · 2 months
“come on, deku!”
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vs. “come on, deku!”
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fishyfishcake · 10 months
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i've never drawn these guys
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dyrewrites · 3 months
Roleplaying was last night and my chaotic puppet was having a bit too much fun being a gremlin and my son's gremlin-coded vampire was enabling her.
At some point they're arguing over what a witch's blood (a witch who is standing right there and we haven't spoke to yet) might taste like.
This, of course, upsets the witch. We ended up stealing some of the gumdrops off her gingerbread trailer and running away. She caught up to us later, shot very big holes in us--and the party who had nothing to do with this and I should feel bad about getting them roped into it...but I don't--with her spell "evil blunderbuss" and we gave them back.
Which is when my puppet (not my character, who is also a puppet, but her puppet, who is hand operated and does all the talking) started giving backhanded compliments to my son's vampire.
And one of our friends suggested I was negging him. Then went further when we started yelling at each other and said we sounded like a weird married couple.
My, out of character, response as I pointed to my husband, "we don't do that."
"That's because you're normal. I said weird."
My husband, "as I understand it, from the other married people we know, yelling is normal."
"You guys don't yell?"
Me, my husband, our son, our son's friend, and our other friend all started shaking our heads. (to be fair, the one asking only sees us on rp nights so he wouldn't know, the rest see us more often)
"No arguing?"
More shaking heads and my son, "never even raise their voices."
Husband, "we try to embody the Addams family approach to marriage."
Friend nods, "as all should."
So my husband and I are weird...but not screaming at each other like chaotic gremlins with one braincell between them weird.
Gremlins who maybe owe their party an apology but will patently refuse to ever give one (we got her to leave us alone, we apologized, it's fine).
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redwayfarers · 4 months
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Aforementioned Cassander reasons that somehow seem to have affected Stephanivien as well
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fukinkitty · 1 year
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its him! my favorite guy!!
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hkpika07 · 2 years
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He’s the one, he’s the number one! He’s Thomas the tank engine!
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phasmophobie · 10 months
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”  listen,  princess,  nothing  in  life  is  given  to  you.  you  either  take  it  or  watch  someone  else  do  it.  i've  wasted  enough  time  on  missed  opportunities,  what  about  you?  “
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
@valiisthea brought to my attention a fun little detail I missed about the feast scene at Phoenix Gate --
Elwin fucking. playfully ballroom dancing with Tyler while they're all singing Rosaria's anthem adfgl;jkgkl;f
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mccoyquialisms · 5 months
I’m gonna do it. I’m going to move to another city.
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silenthilllz · 1 year
i know i shouldnt get mad when people hate characters, its fine not everyone has to like someone
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bonyato · 1 year
How the fuck did i manage to forget that dragons exist as a concept for so long head in hands
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dwn012 · 1 year
I've been on such a heatman kick its kind of insane
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anemodaycare · 27 days
Bllah.!! Throws lil Haitham in dadas inbox..!!
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ah... al haitham the babiest of babies...
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twipsai · 3 months
i need to give more splatoon promokid art
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universewolfpup · 4 months
(‘Fun to be asked’ ask game): 9, 18, 22
9. Tell a story about your childhood
When i was younger, we’d go visit my grandma, and she’d always be making handmade tortillas !! she’d always make me one and put lime juice and salt on it, and it’s one of my most fondest memories i have with her :) 
18. Do you believe in ghosts/aliens ?
I’d say i believe in ghosts kinda, but i don’t think i believe in aliens. :p
22. Say three things about someone you love 
Three things i love about my cat, Pinocchio !! 
1) i love his fur pattern !! i love that his belly fur is an almost rusty red with cream <33
2) i love how he likes to lie down on my feet whenever i go out to see him \o/
3) i love that he brought us a dead squirrel that one time and my mom freaked out so hard akjdhkdhg
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