#miss ice cream
kidfrompluto · 1 year
August 12. 1989
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months
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(All the memes I made..)
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ubemaster (they are ube colored to me)
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viperwhispered · 5 months
Too Little
Part three of Jamil (not) dealing with feels here we go. Jamil x reader, Jamil’s pov Previous parts: part one, part two
This was stupid.
Here he was, rolling around in bed, unable to sleep because thoughts of you filled his mind.
It had been futile of Jamil to think that he could simply brush your presence aside, that he could treat you like just another schoolmate and not let you consume his mind. 
Not when every quiet moment had him reach for his phone in hopes of a new message from you.
Not when you kept on finding new ways to make his heart skip a beat every time he saw you.
Not when he missed you more acutely every time you weren’t there.
So, despite his best efforts, his mind treaded those same paths, time and again, occupied by all the parts of you. Your expressions, your mannerisms, your words, every single detail committed to his memory and played over and over.
He suspected that at this point he’d be able to recreate most of your expressions just from memory. Your voice, too, playing so clearly in his mind.
Not to even mention those oh so tantalizing what ifs, supplying him with even sweeter temptations than the confines of reality and memory could provide.
What it would feel like to touch you, to hold you, to kiss you, to-
No. No no no. He would not go there.
Jamil could feel the heat burning in his cheeks and he rolled over, groaning into his pillow.
This was ridiculous. Absolutely preposterous.
Yet, there was no getting out of it.
He wanted you.
He wanted more of you, so much more than what he had.
Because each taste of you left him craving more, each glimpse made him want to uncover everything there was to you.
Even the parts you might consider ugly, as sappy as that was.
What kind of people did you like, anyway?
Charming? Intelligent? Funny?
Rich and influential? 
Did you even like guys? Or relationships in general?
Just the thought - relationship - made Jamil's cheeks burn even brighter, made his legs twitch under the covers.
Yet, somehow, it did not sound so bad.
To have you.
To be yours.
To know and be known.
He huffed and turned over onto his back.
As if his duties left room for something for himself, left enough of him to share with someone like that.
And would you like what you saw in him, anyway?
Yet, his excuses were beginning to sound more and more hollow.
After all, he was nothing if not resourceful, and so far you’d shown no signs of shying away, even as you dug your way deeper.
Jamil stared at the canopy over his bed with unseeing eyes.
He’d have to do something about this.
Because if he didn’t, he might just lose his mind.
But was the alternative any better? Could he even handle it? The full force of you, if - and it was a big if - you were to accept him.
Even now, when you looked at him in that particular way of yours… He never could hold your eyes for long when that happened. The softness and the warmth he saw were far too overwhelming, always forcing him to turn away lest he made a complete fool of himself.
If he were to have that, with the full force of affection intention behind it… How could he even bear it?
Like the other day… You’d found Jamil in the middle of his chores and dragged him away, his to-do list crumbling when you grabbed his hand and led him outside.
He was all too aware of how his protests had been half-hearted at best. How your sudden appearance, your touch had shut down every sensible part of him, leaving him unpleasantly raw.
And by the time he’d gathered himself, nearly convinced himself he had other things he should be doing instead, you were sharing ice creams outside Sam’s, to celebrate the first warm day of the year.
As if it wasn’t warm in Scarabia year round.
As if he hadn’t been too preoccupied by your happiness and enthusiasm to bring himself to heel.
Sometimes, it was all he could do not to be swept away by you, barely keeping his head above the surface.
So, what choice did he have but to act?
You’d made a home in his heart already, whether he asked for it or not.
All he could do was take control of what he could.
Eta: you can find part 4 here and part 5 / the final part here. Oh dear I'm starting to get tempted to write this from the reader's pov as well. Or maybe I'll just have to ramble about the thought process behind this at some point to get that out of my system. I also considered going to a more horny direction with this but decided to go with this kind of yearning in the end. But, if the horny version is of interest for y'all, maybe I can do that as an alternative / supplementary thing to this series, or some sort of a standalone at some point. Hope y'all enjoyed! One or two more parts are still to come. Tag list: @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist @mazapanmiau @perilous-pasta @twstgo If you'd like to be tagged for any future works, do let me know! Also feel free to specify if you only want tags for particular kinds of works (like sfw/nsfw for example).
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intothefrisson · 2 months
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I will never recover actually. Absolute devastation.
Based off this post
intothefrisson Twitter/Insta
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7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
0 episode since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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bluehairperson · 3 months
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I had a dream I was making a fanart of him eating ice cream 🥺🥺
This below is the first version I made, which I guess might be more on character. But the version above is more dream accurate. He had a silly expression like :P and both the background and the gelato scoops were very colorful, even tho I can't recall the specific flavours.
I don't know if he would actually like pistacchio and strawberry, I can see him more ordering "boring" flavours like cream or hazelnut. But oh well. The flavour down here is red... cause... wine. Apparently wine ice cream actually exists even tho I've never seen it.
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slutforstabbings · 10 months
just once i'd like to see a pregnancy fic where the happy ending is the relief the characters feel after the abortion lol. just once.
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chowpatty-ka-icebear · 4 months
"Heere Moti main naa chaahoon, Main to chaahoon, Kamra Thanda." ☀️🧊
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@wizardcherryblossom bas main aur tum aur glass bhar ke ice cubes... 👉🏻👈🏻
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employee052 · 3 months
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messin around with the manga tools in csp using a manga im reading as reference sdjfh (feat. narry as sensei only hes a bitch /aff)
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abby-howard · 2 years
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Part 2 of my 2023 hourlies; Part 1 here!
---CW family death (not sad)---
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There is nothing as great as woodruff flavoured pudding just look at it!!!! A+ grade german food!!! Just the prettiest thing
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thescarletgoat · 2 months
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Awwwww look he misses his boyfriend
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ahundredtimesover · 8 months
Mimi I need to know how my asdoah are doing please 😭 they are 5 now right? I love this story so much and I miss them
A Still Day or A Hurricane
"Jinnie, what flavor do you want?" Jungkook asks his daughter, adorable in her braided pigtails - that he did - as she tiptoes to look inside the ice cream display.
She'd insisted that she's a big girl now and doesn't need him to carry her around all the time, and Jungkook felt the tiniest bit of heartbreak at the thought of the little one slowly growing up.
"I want bubblegum!" She squeals, before briefly looking behind her and then back at her father. "Hyun-jung and Hyun-woo want chocolate chip and strawberry, dada."
Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows at the little one who looks back at him with the sweetest smile.
"Your brothers are babies, Jinnie. They can't even talk!"
"But I know they want to try it," she pouts.
"And they can't because they're too young," Jungkook answers.
"But... I want to try it."
She flashes those puppy-dog eyes of hers that she does whenever she's not getting what she wants, and Jungkook is about to give in until he hears you clear your throat to remind him that he has to stand his ground. You're standing nearby with the stroller where your twin sons are, watching in amusement as Jungkook and Heejin have another one of their stand-offs that you have too much fun being a spectator of.
"That's too much sugar, sunshine," he says, kneeling down to talk to her. "You already had nutella pancakes this morning. Just choose one flavor and then we'll get that in a cone."
"What if we get them in baby scoops!"
"They don't have baby scoops," he responds, hoping she doesn't call his bluff. "Because babies can't have them."
"But I'm a big girl!"
"Yes, and big girls follow their dada when he says that you've had too much sweets already."
"But you eat a lot of sweets," she crosses her arms now, cute little eyebrows furrowing in frustration.
"Because that's dada's job, sunshine. And I'm an adult."
"But mama calls you 'baby'!"
You snort, unable to hold in your laughter at your daughter's arguing prowess, prompting Jungkook to turn to you with a frown.
"That's a term of endearment, Jinnie, the way I call you sunshine or how mama calls you bubba. We call you those because we love you," he explains. "And mama calls me that because she loves me."
"Sometimes I call him a child, too, when he's being stubborn and acting like one," you chime in, with Jungkook glaring at you this time. "But can you listen to dada, please? We can come back here tomorrow and try the other flavors, is that okay?"
"Hmm, okay," she says softly after a while, jutting her bottom lip in submission. "I want bubblegum today."
Jungkook orders it then gives it to her, her smile already bright as she hums in satisfaction. But he knows he won't get over the look on her face from earlier, so he turns to the guy behind the counter and orders strawberry for you and chocolate chip for him. Heejin doesn't notice, as she focuses on her sweet treat that she's been looking forward to all day.
"Hey sunshine, do you want to try? Mama and dada got strawberry and chocolate chip, too," Jungkook says, anticipating her look of surprise.
It doesn't disappoint, as she turns towards him with her wide eyes and excitedly opens her mouth so he could feed her. She turns to you after, licking from the top of your scoop then giggling in enjoyment.
"You happy now?" Jungkook asks, wanting to hear it from her.
"Yes!" She squeals. "Dada, can you carry me on your shoulders?"
"I thought you're a big girl now," he counters.
"But I'm dada's big girl," she says, leaving Jungkook a giddy mess and unable to resist.
He lifts her up and shifts her so she could sit on his shoulders, something he doesn't want her to outgrow even if she's getting heavier and heavier, but it's something he'll keep doing for as long as she keeps asking for it.
Next to him, you're pushing the stroller and eating the ice cream you don't mind having on this sunny day. "She's a stubborn one, isn't she?"
"A good negotiator, too. I wonder where she got that from," Jungkook laughs.
"Definitely me," you chuckle. "But she's so sweet and so clingy. She definitely got those from you. Even those puppy dog-eyes and that adorable smile. Are you sure you're not the other biological half of her? What if you donated sperm and you just forgot?"
"Babe, I'm pretty sure that's something I would remember," he looks at you blankly.
"Just saying. She just takes so much from you and it's amazing," you smile, knowing it's something that Jungkook loves hearing.
He hums in satisfaction, laughing as Heejin calls for him and then you to feed her your respective ice creams. He thinks he did well, explaining things to her even if he eventually gave in. He won't deny it though, he lives for these banters with her; it's something he knows is pretty special about their relationship. As is when she's on his shoulders and she softly places her hand on his cheek, like now.
That is, until he feels something sticky on his skin.
"Jinnie, did you wipe your hands?" He asks, prompting you to look up at your daughter with smudged ice cream on her chin.
"Oops," she laughs. "Sorry, dada."
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
The logbook is soooo funny, what the hell is happening there? I’m not even talking about the lore implications, I just mean why does it exist and why are the prompts in the book like that?
Like, pages are covered in blood, it’s a children’s book. It’s got spooky writing about how the writer is scared and dead and can’t see and it’s an activity book for kids. Who is buying their children activity books that contains a section where they write their end of life preferences??
It also has that FNaF style of humor where it’s like “Thought about how you aren’t doing what you wanted with your life? Write it here!” Or “Make a list if your favorite things and also consider making this page in to a legally binding will!” Which is all stuff that lots of kids probably wouldn’t think was funny. (Edited to add because I just had to say this ig) It’s a very tired employee style of humor, not a lot of 7 year olds will relate.
But it’s definitely for kids, because if it was for adults or older fans then it would be set up like an actual employee handbook and not an activity book?? Whose idea was this thing? Why is it so funny???
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rickybaby · 5 days
thinking a little more positively about after f1 — what do you think he’ll move onto? do you think he’ll stay a public figure, or will he take the route of a quiet life? and, what would you like to see him do in the future?
I think he’s going to take a long long long time for himself before he even thinks about what he wants to do. And I love that for him.
I wouldn’t be surprised if, after all that’s happened, he decides to withdraw completely from public life. As a fan, I will simply be glad to have what and when he decides to share anything with us
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