#misogynist bullshit
soryualeksi · 2 years
"We should have tested whether the women participants scored better in this [test of observation of changing details in a movie] than the men. I mean, it's basic evolution. Men needed the tunnel vision during thell hunt, while women needed to keep a wide overview over the home cave."
I'm trapped in a fucking Mario Barth routine.
EDIT: Found out that the issue HAS been studied, gender differences in inattentional blindness I mean, and NO gender differences have been found. Fucker.
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cheecats · 11 months
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In light of how grossly disrespectful and dismissive some (not all) DC voters have been, here is something for a lovely lady who deserved better. [X]
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hamartia-grander · 2 months
It's actually really frustrating when I see a valid critique of Mizora or discussion of how Wyll deserves to be separated from her only for it to be undermined by comments about her looks. Y'all don't need to become misogynists to defend Wyll. you know that right.
Our response to Mizora-centric Wyll content, or to someone not taking the abuse Wyll faces seriously because it's Mizora, should never be "but Mizora isn't even attractive", because regardless, that isn't the issue and just distracts from the topic by suggesting it would be understandable if we found Mizora attractive (Bad!!!). Our response should be hey, actually, it's really fucked up that a black man's abuse is sexualised at all.
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unicoreads · 14 days
The way we watch Alicent get pimped out by her dad, sworn to secrecy by the king, forced into a marriage with the same man (who isold enough to be her dad), maritally raped by said old ass husband & forced to carry his heirs in quick succession, all while still growing up herself and losing her only friend…….yet somehow, someway, there are people out there who………blame Alicent…the child? Book!Alicent is a different story, but to sit and WATCH show!Alicent go through all of this manipulation and grooming and abuse, and hate her?! Yeah some of y’all are sick 😭 I’m not even joking because like…..what?!
We are supposed to feel bad for Rhaenyra being forced to marry………but not Alicent? Why? Someone tell me why & quickly!! And don’t you dare say “sHE seDucEd vISerYs”, no, she was manipulated and then told to keep it secret by her king! He knew it was wrong yet didn’t gaf, so where is his hate? Are we being hypocrites guys?
We are supposed to feel bad for Rhaenyra & her kids, but not Alicent & hers who were ignored and treated like shit? Once again where is Viserys’ hate? QUICKLY, tell me!!! He’s neglecting his kids guys, we don’t support that do we?
We are supposed to hate Alicent for how she treated Rhaenyra, but not Rhaenyra for how she treated Alicent? (Especially when it was shown Alicent was trying and she didn’t become hateful until RHAENYRA LIED to her) Why, tell me, tell me, tell me. And don’t you dare say “sHE BEtRayEd hEr bY mARryInG ViSeRYs” SHE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE!!! If we know Rhaenyra didn’t and we feel oh so bad for her, and we know most noble women don’t have a choice, then why are we mad at Alicent like she did? tell me please I BEG!
We scream girl boss for Rhaenyra wanted a son for a son, sorry make that sons for a son, yet Alicent is Beelzebub for wanting Justice for her son (WHO WAS A KID!!!! He hadn’t done shit yet, he was sweet and dragonless & got bullied, then maimed, YOU WOULD BE MAD TOO, lie & say you wouldn’t 😐) anyone who doesn’t understand Alicent’s motives behind the eye for an eye incident is either not a parent or is a heartless monster 🤷‍♀️
Y’all quite literally watched Alicent’s villain origin story and said why she so mad? Are you…..are you seriously dumb or just fucking with me? 😭
Y’all are pro Rhaenyra because she’s a “feminist” yet y’all hate every women who isn’t Rhaenyra……to me it sounds like…….✨hypocrisy✨
And how does one stand for a war against misogyny only to participate in the misogyny themselves? 🤔
The dance is a war against misogyny yet……….no one is stopping the misogyny, just dressing it up with cute excuses and throwing the blame onto the other side………..
(Also like it’s not far fetched to believe Rhaenyra would’ve had Alicent’s kids dealt with, especially since she’s hated Aegon since before he was a baby. My guy was 2 and she was beefing with bro like…. And you can’t say “AliCEnt & OtTo didN’T lEt tHeM hAVE a rElAtiOnsHIP” ummm SHOWwise that is untrue Rhaenyra just didn’t wanna fuck with them kids 😂)
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mzminola · 10 months
This is not a perfect analogy but I am making it anyway to try to convey what being online has been like for me lately.
Seeing people say "Oh, Jews are fine, I just hate zionists!" is like seeing "Oh, women are fine, I just hate feminists!"
Zionism and feminism are both very broad socio-political movements that have changed focus over time, that ostensibly have some very basic core tenets but you really need to ask the specific person you're talking to how they personally define it to be sure.
Both have been subject to legitimate criticism, and hostile reactionary bullshit. Had waves, sub-movements, splinters, people with damn near opposite views sharing the term and people with seemingly identical views rejecting it.
You can give working, broad definitions like these:
Feminism is the belief that all people should be treated equally regardless of gender, with a focus on women's rights due to systemic oppression.
Zionism is the belief that all peoples have the right to self determination and safety, with a focus on Jewish people finding it in Israel.
You can also give different definitions! Many people give different definitions! Many people also hold these beliefs but use different names for them for various reasons.
There are self-described zionists who are jingoistic, racist, etc, and who attribute those attitudes to their zionism. Just as there are feminists who are misandrist, bio-essentialist, transphobic, homophobic, and so on, who attribute those attitudes to their feminism.
There are also incredibly selfless, compassionate activists working for positive change in the world who consider themselves zionists and feminists.
It has been very jarring to see people, who I respect, uncritically reblogging posts or headlines that use "zionists" as a stand in for "bad people", just as jarring as it would be to see them sharing things that use "feminists" that way. Especially when those posts contain easily debunked conspiracy theories that I know you'd have seen right through if the OP said "Jews" but because they said "zionists" you swallowed it whole.
I am not asking anyone to stop sharing important information, petitions, news articles, resources, and so on. I am asking you to slow down and stop spreading inflammatory language that paints a broad socio-political movement for Jewish self-determination as inherently bad. The same way I would ask you not to spread inflammatory language that paints gender equality & women's liberation as inherently bad.
If the information is important, please look for other, more neutrally worded posts. Or verify the links yourself and make a fresh post! There is no situation online in which the only way to share information must be to spread such language.
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marybeatriceofmodena · 3 months
I can't fucking believe yall were up Rings of Power's ass when HotD decided to have Our Lady of Sorrows of Westeros cause a civil war because she forgot her own trashbag of a son was named after Aegon the Conqueror and she took a dying man's rambling about some pretty fundamental history as him designating him as heir. Like, I'm supposed to think this lady is smart. What even.
And if any Alicent stans want to come for me I want you to seriously sit down. And think about how your fave is written. How she reacts to things. How she processes information. Like, this is someone who's been in court for 20+ years and still doesn't get the basics. I hate Philippa Gregory's books with a passion but Mary Boleyn was a smarter bitch than this. This is a writers' problem.
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When you see a horny post and it's fine but then misogyny comes out at the end and jumpscares you
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neuropoppins · 1 month
How people can still not think that gender being put into law and replacing sex doesn't affect your lives is astonishing. Our rights are based on sex based rights - so removing sex from law and replacing it with Self ID Gender Identities invalidates and removes sex based laws and protections. Who fought for these sex based protections? It was women! Why? Because we need them! We need safe spaces where we can undress and be vulnerable without being assaulted, we need to be able to choose a fellow female to do intimate care for us when we need it - like in a hospital, having a cervical smear, in a rape crisis center choosing a rape counsellor, choosing a sexual partner, joining a support group or dating group. Gender being put into law and replacing sex is meaning women are being criminalised for asking for sex based accommodations (you know, the ones we fought for for decades and rightly won and shouldn't have to politely be asking for AGAIN). Did you know a rape survivor got told she is not welcome in the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre because when she asked who her rape counsellor would be they gave a male name. The rape counsellor is actually female, as in biologically female, but identifies as non-binary and had their name changed to a male name. Of course the rape victim was concerned and asked if the rape counsellor was a man or a woman - she was assured that only "women" are at the centre. So she questioned the SEX of the rape counsellor (I mean, they had a male name so of course it was going to be questioned) and she was told that she was being a bigot and was thereby not welcome at the centre. A worker in the ERCC questioned how to handle this situation and was put under a disgusting disciplinary procedure, bullied, called a transphobic bigot and hounded out of her job position - for asking important questions on behalf of the rape survivors coming to the centre!
This is just one of so many stories of how women's lives are affected by this and how society is criminalising people who don't conform to the new laws that we must be bigots if we care about sex. This affects everyone whether you realise it or not, there will come a time when the crossover of sex v gender smacks you in the face and you are left in the position that many people, especially women, are currently facing in their lives now.
Perhaps your elderly grandma has gone into a care home - will she be a bigot if she asks for a female carer to bathe her? What if she turns to you and asks you to help advocate for her in the care home? What position will you choose? Will you say biological sex matters to your grandma or will you tell your grandma to stop being a bigot and let the male nurse bathe her against her wishes and instincts?
Is your friend a lesbian and being coerced into accepting males as lesbians and being told her same-sex attraction is outdated and phobic?
Maybe you have an autistic child who is confused in school and is asking you questions about male and female and how to tell the difference. Will you tell them there are no differences? Or that the differences are bigoted? Will you tell these "little white lies" knowing that they might believe it to be literal fact and not understand there is a difference and that this is politics, not science.
Or maybe you've been telling this lie about sex and gender for so long your child believes they are literally the opposite sex if they declare themselves so, and that the world believes this too - only to grow up in a world where reality is actually quite different. They are met with common sense and a changing societal attitude which contrasts with what you've told them. They find out that sex and gender are not the same thing and that sex does matter to people and people have been telling "little white lies" to them this whole time and now they feel like an idiot. But it's too late, they've joined the lie and have been shouting it from the rooftops, declaring people bigots! They're in too deep.
A life setup based on a temporary societal dishonesty cloaked as truth, when in reality it is cowardice and ignorance. We're setting up generations of people to feel "unnacepted", "oppressed", "born wrong" and that the world is against them and hateful. We're setting ppl up to feel they must be evil if they acknowledge sex differences and understand that sex is binary and immutable.
Not to mention how it affects how you are allowed to talk about yourself, your life, others, the world around you. Changes the language you can use and how people will perceive you depending on the language you use. Restricts how you interact with others, in a workplace, school, social settings, medical settings. Affects how you type out a Facebook status or a comment on a thread. Who you follow or click "unfollow". How you learn to judge others and be judged yourself. How we set up societal norms, belief systems and indoctrination. How we treat those who dissent. Who we distance ourselves from, who we smile and nod at whilst feeling differently inside, who we fear and who we've lost. So much has been affected.
Where do you draw the line? Because we do all know where the line is - we just don't say it aloud because we don't want to offend or look like a "bigot". But that line is there, clear as day! You know it, I know it, we all know it. Stop being so afraid of how people may wrongly view you if you say the most ordinary thing in the world: sex matters.
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bumblingbee1 · 10 months
What's not so funny, is that during International Women's Day, misogynistic men were just whining and trying their damndest to make it all about men.
Yet I haven't seen any of them post anything about international men's day, which is today. Gee, I wonder why... (I already know lmao)
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alicentsaegon · 22 days
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"News spread quickly across all of Prythian, about the sudden elopement of the wretched, volatile Berron Vanserra, nephew and only heir to the High Lord of Autumn. The male reached three hundred yet still took no consort. Not merely an elopement, but a mating ceremony, at that. Word of how he then ripped his little mate's fiancé apart, challenging the younger male to a Blood Duel as cruel as the soil of the Court they inhabit. The young female in question being the lady Abella. How he carried his little mate away, and no one present at the hasty ceremony could tell if the young female was laughing or screaming as he took her away from watchful eyes and then claimed her, still coated in the dead males blood. It was a blessed union by the Mother nonetheless, the birth of the youngest Vanserra, Eris, just a mere year later being proof of that. No one in Prythian could predict that shortly after Beron would take place as High Lord after his uncle's sudden passing, or how close and near he would keep his young Lady of Autumn, the closest thing a male as could have to an equal. Or that young, bright eyed Eris would be the first born of a long, long line of heirs."
@foxcort is this anything ;-;. This is practically AU fanfic territory but acotar is bare bones of a story held together by fans
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uncanny-tranny · 14 days
I promise you can speak about and denounce undesirable behaviour without attributing it to some in-born, immutable, unchanging trait that you must "civilize" away.
In this specific instance that inspired this, you really don't need to attribute bad behaviour that's done by a man with unchanging character traits. This isn't even solely about men, because doing this affects everyone, men included.
"Men needed to be civilized out of behaving this way!" Who are you expecting to be doing the civilizing and why? This is just defending the idea that women are responsible for training up men - the millenia-old idea that a man's failings are actually a woman's fault, not his.
As a man, I am responsible for my actions. You don't need to dehumanize me in order to preserve your misogyny and your need to hate a group of men. Don't get me wrong, this rhetoric absolutely is not good for men to face. It especially targets men who have experiences with marginalized identities. If you're on my page, you know that this is something I deal with personally, have personal stakes in that affect my life daily. I just also think we really need to remember that this issue exists in a context where women and other folks will inevitably be punished as a direct result of these ideas as well.
I need to make that last part emphatically clear: even if this rhetoric (somehow) only hurt men, it would still be wrong. It would still be wrong! I want to - as a man - remind people (especially those who already have decided to dehumanize entire groups of people) that nobody is safe from being exempt from punishment due to this rhetoric.
#feminism#politics#when you attribute behaviour to in-born traits you remove a person's agency and ability to make choices#and yes it is dehumanizing. the whole point of being a person is AUTONOMY#i fail to see how this wouldn't also just give shitty people an 'out' for their poor behaviour#you have given everyone a built-in excuse and punishing innocent people who may be affected by those poor decisions#so no i don't accept the In Their Nature argument as a valid or a praxis-led theory#you will ONLY hurt the people you claim to defend. you must start seeing behaviour as a CHOICE if you want to change this#as a man i recognize that i am a human. i MAKE choices. *I* affect the people around me#ME. not this bullshit idea that i must be trained out of in-born unchanging traits that fuel every tiny 'decision' i make#i do NOT need excuses or punishment because i am a 'threat' by being a man. i don't need that patronizing misogynistic bullshit#not to sound too passionate but the women i love in my life do NOT have a responsibility to 'train me'#i love and respect the women in my life too much to degrade them by expecting that from them#and in this case it WOULD be degrading because it relies on Woman As Eternal Caretaker and FORCES them to Train Men Up#because of the character limit in tags this is pretty restrictive but i am not JUST thinking about women in this case#but because this is kind of a tangent i want this to be optional#oddly enough the 'read more' tab is so annoying (i think) on mobile. it's so clunky and i hate using it if i don't NEED to#i'm just so deeply frustrated because i still see this so much and it scares me for many reasons#much of that fear is knowing that other people in my life will also be targeted by this despite Not being men...#but they are nonetheless fully intended to be targets of this rhetoric. they are not collateral damage they are INTENDED to also be affected
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soryualeksi · 1 year
Starting shift as a 2-people team with a guy who seems okay-ish: "hm this is probably gonna be an okay-ish day"
Ending shift as a 2-people team with that guy: "I'm beginning to think he collects the hair of the women at work from their used uniforms and keeps them in a labelled folder at home. :/"
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rainy-writers · 2 months
I hope in episode 8 Daemon comes back to Dragonstone and cusses Rhaenyra the fuck out. Okay so what you’ve been kissing girls while I’m away. What do you fucking mean you’ve missed majority of your small council meetings? What do you mean you refuse to take sound advice from men who are more experienced than you whether you like them or not? What do you mean you keep sneaking away without telling anyone and completely leaving your supporters in the dark? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN YOUVE GIVEN OUR DRAGONS, THE ONLY REASON WE EVEN HAVE THIS FUCKING THRONE, SO CASUALLY TO PEOPLE WHO COULD BETRAY YOU WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT IT COMPLETELY FUCKING RUINS YOUR ELDEST SON AND HEIRS ONLY CLAIM TO THE FUCKING THRONE????
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
ive been unhealthily fixated on kubosai for the past few weeks, i just have no idea how to put it into words. kuboyasu aren and saiki kusuo are in love btw
#they are.#been thinking a lot about t*rusai and k*bosai and all three of them together#(really long rant in these tags that shouldve been a rant post but im not changing it soz i got carried away LMAO->)#see the thing is that k*bosai is my absolute favorite ship ever. but i get genuinely pissed when people smack talk t*rusai#idk like i get why people wouldnt ship kbs and i really dont care. and i also get that a lot of people have differing opinions and-#wont ship trsai. i honestly cant wrap my head around why (other than people who just hate teruhashi and are misogynistic) but im okay with-#agreeing to disagree and i dont care yk??#but people so often make these long discussion posts just yapping and yapping and making up shit about how trsa 'wouldnt work'#and its always just... actual complete bullshit. like unreadable word vomit.#sorry. but its true.#thats why it gets me so mad#i cant think of a single reason why you would feel the need to do that#why cant you be normal and just. not like a ship. just dont like it. hate it even. but dont make up shit just to shit on it#its so dumb i have to force myself to just scroll past them every time i encounter one#usually on tiktok or tumblr#if i read them i wont be able to stop myself from making the most concerned and upset noises ever cuz what is actually wrong with you#theyre always the biggest dumbest stretches ever and they ignore their actual development and pretend it didnt happen#it just makes me wonder why people are so okay with making fun of that ship but get mad if anyone even dislikes theirs#and then they complain about people 'shitting on their opinion'#LIKE ?? NOBODY CARES THAT U HATE THE SHIP. I CERTAINLY DONT GAF.#but ur in the main tags advertising ur hatred for it and sounding stupid as shit for no reason? UR SHITTING ON PEOPLES SHIP ON PURPOSE#AND THEN GETTING MAD AT ANYONE WHO EVEN SAYS 'i disagree actually' IM LAUGHING SO HARD STOP IM KILLING MYSELF#the one time i ever talked in that much detail about why i disliked a ship was bevause somebody specifically asked me#and yk what ?? i have literally gotten death threats over it. im not allowed to hate that ship but everyone else can do whatever i guess#okay sorry. rant over.#is that controversial i cant tell. i dont really care and im not tagging anyway#meows post
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gouinisme · 8 months
"this website is becoming misogyny central" ok i'm with you "it's the fault of these transmasc weirdos" *starts making fire alarm noises*
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wilberave · 5 months
sure wish people on the internet could talk about transmasc people like actual human beings who wake up every day and live in a world that wants us fucking dead but yeah all the jokes about being the weakest link in the trans community or how disgusting and unappealing our bodies are are sooooo funny. and it’s so important to keep policing our appearance and how we discuss our real lived experience with transphobia and misogyny incase we don’t accidentally say or do something exactly like a cis man would. but also keep making sure that we’re soft and cute and quiet and hairless because we don’t want to be too gross and yucky like those real men i mean—fuck
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