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Mischka Clementine (#dedce0 to #ec6900)
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I LOVE them!
I just treated myself to new sketching brushes that I been experimenting with so have this doodle of Kojot and Vizsca before they got injected.

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Tovak y Mischka E. sus M. C. en una D. M.
Versión En Español
Hola amigos ¿cómo están?, espero que bien amigos, bueno amigos, aquí va un nuevo dibujo y que presento a dos personajes originales que pertenecen a un querido artista del fandom furry y que aparecen en un dibujo mío por primera vez para probar situaciones en dónde los personajes en cuestión crecen tanto de tamaño que llegan a una dimensión vacía y que para llenarla se ponen a hacer actividades que dejan ver que a pesar de sus masivos tamaños siguen encontrando un modo de superar sus límites y quizás intentar revertir las cosas al estado que estaba antes de que la situación que les tocó vivir se saliera de las manos que llevaran a un punto donde las leyes lógicas del tiempo y espacio no se aplican y solo queda improvisar esperando alguna situación que haga revertir la situación, bueno amigos, sin dar más vueltas presento a Tovak y Mischka Entrenar sus Masivos Cuerpos en una Dimensión Multiversal
Aquí vemos al gran oso pardo acompañado de su amigo erizo, quiénes tras seguir creciendo de manera incontrolable llegan a una dimensión vacía en donde los universos son tan pequeños que apenas pueden ser vistos ante sus propios ojos, cosa que lleva a que comiencen a darse cuenta de qué tan pequeños son ellos en realidad ante un universo que se abre sus ojos y que el joven erizo le pregunta a su amigo oso si se había acabado con su apetito insaciable y menciona que si, pero eso porque los universos en esa dimensión son tan pequeños que apenas pueden ser comidos, cosa que lleva a que se cuestione sobre lo que deba hacer ahora y que el joven erizo le cuenta que utilice unos cuantos deseos de las galletas que había comido antes el oso pardo y que este al darse cuenta de ello se pone a conceder algunos deseos que se le corren en la mente dentro de ellas está el hecho de tener un cuerpo muscular que le permita moverse tras estar consumiendo grandes cantidades de comidas y que lo habían hecho tan gordo que apenas podía moverse, hacer crecer los aparatos reproductivos de ambos chicos a tal punto que pudieran ser visibles al mirar hacia su entrepierna, crear un par de pesas gigantes con pequeños universo dentro de ellas y con ello, ponerse a iniciar una rutina de ejercicios que le permita no sólo mantenerse en forma, sino también poder sacar provecho el hecho de que tienen una dimensión multiversal tan grande que prácticamente dispondrán de una cantidad de tiempo ilimitada para poder hacer ejercicios físicos y vivir la vida, mientras esperan encontrar una forma de volver a sus tamaños normales y tal vez, retomar sus vidas como simples animales del bosque
Bueno amigos, espero que les guste, ya que es un dibujo que quise hacer para probar el tema de la macrofilia acompañado de algo de súper musculatura al ver la mayor tonificación que se observa de ambos chicos en sus apariencias físicas, mientras esperan poder disfrutar de su tiempo en esa dimensión que los universos son tan pequeños que se ven como simple pixeles ante los ojos mortales, haciendo que tengamos muchos universos que no lleguen a verse y que incluso, estos universos pasen de manera impercidible que llevan a que prácticamente tiendan a no existir ante los ojos de los pocos que llevan a superar las barreras del tiempo y espacio y darse cuenta lo pequeño, vacío e insignificante que puede llegar a ser todo a ese nivel, además de que ha pasado mucho tiempo que no dibujo personajes originales de otras personas y que en este caso lo hago con uno de mis artistas favoritos del fandom furry y que ha estado retomando sus actividades y con mejores trabajos que nunca, así que disfruten el dibujo y nos vemos
Tovak y Mischka (C) DNAPalmhead
English Version
Hello friends, how are you?, I hope that you are well friends, well friends, here is a new drawing and I present two original characters that belong to a dear artist of the furry fandom and that appear in a drawing of mine for the first time to test situations in where the characters in question grow so large that they reach an empty dimension and to fill it they start doing activities that show that despite their massive sizes they continue to find a way to overcome their limits and perhaps try to revert things to the state that was before the situation they had to live got out of hand that would lead to a point where the logical laws of time and space do not apply and it only remains to improvise waiting for some situation that will reverse the situation, well friends, without giving more laps I present Tovak and Mischka Train their Massive Bodies in a Multiversal Dimension
Here we see the great brown bear accompanied by his hedgehog friend, who after continuing to grow uncontrollably reach an empty dimension where the universes are so small that they can barely be seen before their very eyes, which leads them to begin to realize about how small they really are before a universe that opens its eyes and that the young hedgehog asks his bear friend if his insatiable appetite had ended and he mentions that yes, but that's because the universes in that dimension are so small that can barely be eaten, which leads him to question what he should do now and that the young hedgehog tells him to use a few wishes from the cookies that the brown bear had eaten before and that he realizes it he begins to grant some wishes that run through his mind within them is the fact that he has a muscular body that allows him to move after consuming large amounts of food and that they had made him so fat that he could barely move, grow the reproductive systems of both boys to such an extent that they could be visible when looking at his crotch, creating a pair of giant weights with small universes inside them and with that, starting an exercise routine that allows him not only to stay in shape, but also to be able to take advantage of the fact that they have such a multiversal dimension that they will have practically an unlimited amount of time to exercise and live life, while they wait to find a way to return to their normal sizes and perhaps resume their lives as simple animals of the forest
Well friends, I hope you like it, since it is a drawing that I wanted to do to test the theme of macrophilia accompanied by some super muscularity when seeing the greater toning that is observed in both boys in their physical appearances, while they wait to be able to enjoy their time in that dimension that the universes are so small that they are seen as simple pixels before mortal eyes, causing us to have many universes that cannot be seen and that even these universes pass by in an imperceptible way that leads to the fact that they practically tend not to be seen. exist before the eyes of the few who lead to overcome the barriers of time and space and realize how small, empty and insignificant everything can be at that level, plus it's been a long time since I've drawn original characters from other people and that in this case I do it with one of my favorite artists of the furry fandom and who has been resuming his activities and with better works than ever, so enjoy the drawing and see you
Tovak and Mischka (C) DNAPalmhead
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Badgley Mischka Spring/Summer RTW 2003
#fashion#90s#runway#haute couture#high fashion#vouge#fall couture#girlblogger#naiomi campbell#spring rtw#badgley mischka#2000s runway#2000s#2000s aesthetic#early 2000s#spring summer#spring fashion#spring outfit#floral
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BADGLEY MISCHKA Resort 2025 if you want to support this blog consider donating to: ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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Badgley Mischka - Spring 2000 RTW
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Badgley Mischka, ss03.
#badgley mischka#dress#dresses#summer#summer vibes#girlblogger#high fashion#90s supermodels#runway#it girl#photoshoot#y2k#editorial
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Badgley Mischka Spring/Summer 2022!
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I have previously talked about wedding dress Barbies of various kinds, including Ruth Handler's original vision that Barbie as a character would not wed. She may model wedding gowns, dream of a wedding, or attend a friend's wedding as a guest, but Barbie is to remain single forever. She is not dependent on a man.
That said, there's way more wedding dress Barbies than I could have ever hoped to have mentioned in that initial post, and ever since I made the post, I've been keen to talk about more of them.
Consider, for example, Couture Confection Bride, a Bob Mackie Barbie featuring extensive floral embroidery on her mermaid tail wedding gown.
If she is not good enough for you, though, perhaps you prefer the (also Bob Mackie) Empress Bride Barbie.
But perhaps you were looking for a designer gown outside of the Mattel usuals. Or, put another one, you're wondering what kind of wedding dresses Barbie might wear outside of my enormous crush on Bob Mackie.
The Carolina Herrera doll was released twice - once as a Gold Label blonde Barbie, and once as a Platinum Label brunette Barbie. I personally don't know which I like better, as they are both stunning.
Badgley Mischka have done several collaborations with Mattel, for evening gowns as well as bridal, but I really must acknowledge their bridal Barbie as a standout.
I simply must draw attention, however, to the Reem Acra bride Barbie, who I have long considered to be possibly the best Bridal Barbie that has ever been released.
What do you think? Am I biased?
#barbie#barbie collectibles#bob mackie#bob mackie barbies#bridal barbies#wedding barbies#wedding dress#reem acra#badgley mischka#empress bride barbie#couture confection bride barbie
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Lindsay Ellingson at Badgley Mischka FW07
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Badgley Mischka / Fall 2014 RTW
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badgley mischka spring-summer 2003 rtw
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BADGLEY MISCHKA Spring/Summer RTW 2024 if you want to support this blog consider donating to: ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
#badgley mischka#fashion#spring summer#spring rtw#spring summer 2024#spring rtw 2024#edits#2024#ready to wear
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Badgley Mischka - Spring 2000 RTW
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