#miscellaneous | the moderator speaks
discodiscodemon · 10 months
Miscellaneous Fruit #1 (?)
A sigh escapes the man's lips as he makes his way down the hall towards his shared apartment, tugging onto his scarf just to fix it a little more. Lemon, holding a heftily loaded paper bag, knocks on the door rhythmically.
"Tangerine," he raises his voice just enough so his brother could hear him through the door. "Open up. I don't got all day, this shit's heavy."
Fortunately, he didn't have to wait for long. The door swings open, followed by the familiar yet nagging sounds of Tangerine's complaining. Lemon prepares himself for an earful, despite having done nothing wrong.
"The bloody hell have you been? You think you got all fuckin' day?"
"Don't be ridiculous, mate. I've been out for hardly half an hour-"
"Save your sob story, world's worst fuckin' liar. Now get in before I slam this door shut, ya prick."
"And this..." Lemon reaches over and into a bag, materializing a moderately sized box wrapped in wrapping paper. "Well, you'll see."
"Oh, how generous of you, brother," Tangerine sarcastically remarks as he graciously takes the box from his sibling. A hint of suspicion grazes over his expression, prompting the messy-haired man to shake the box, inspecting its contents through rattling auditory clues. "What's in this anyway?"
"If I told you, it'd ruin the fun."
Eyeing his brother with squinted eyes, Tangerine brings the box closer to himself. "Right..."
Lemon looks at his brother as he continues to inspect the box without even opening it, making him let out a light chuckle. "You're allowed to unwrap it, ya know..."
This makes Tangerine scoff, appalled his brother didn't even consider thinking he was about to do that anyway. But he didn't pay that any mind - All that was on his mind was the fact that, well... this was their first Christmas in a long time. He only hopes that wound on his brother's neck doesn't sting more than it should, given that it's been quite some time since he'd returned from the hospital.
Tangerine's hands made quick work of the wrapping paper, scratching away at it like as if he were clawing his way through a dense forest. His eyes set quickly on the box's label. To his dismay, it's already been obscured by some tape, therefore rendering him unable to guess just by the package. Seems like Lemon thought this through, he thought to himself. That's good. Unable to contain his impatience, he goes ahead and pulls the tab of the box up, opening it. Looking into it reveals to him...
"My... necklace? But..." He looks back at his brother, confused. Tangerine points towards a necklace identical to the one in the box, one that hangs from Lemon's neck. "Don't you already have it?"
"I never returned it," Lemon stated calmly. "I got us - well, you - another one." His eyebrows furrow, letting out a gentle sigh as his hand holds his necklace up just by a little. His gaze is fixed onto it as he spoke, "I'm not usually one for necklaces. But... it's not like I'd just throw this away either. So I got you a new one - Without the blood," he smiled at his own joke.
Tangerine returns a look of resignation towards the way his brother feels about the time he thought he'd lost him. He doesn't attempt to smile, however, and instead scoots over to ruffle Lemon's hair.
"Don't think about it too much, mate," his voice lowers. "I'm here - we're here, and that's all that matters." Tangerine holds the box containing the necklace close to him, pulling the accessory out of its container. "I'm sure this is just... some gesture, to commemorate our survival. But..." He looks back up to his brother, who isn't particularly great at maintaining eye contact in situations like these. "If you have any thoughts, don't keep them to yourself, yeah? Mum never taught you to be selfish."
"You're one to talk," he retaliates, speaking softly. Lemon gives his brother an assuring nod.
They share a little moment of silence, not long before Lemon pulls Tangerine into a tight hug. The latter squirms a little in the sudden contact, but he eventually comes to terms with it and lets it slide. He pats the other on the back, resting his head on his shoulder.
"I'm just glad you're safe."
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recurring-polynya · 10 months
12 & 13 for the wip asks! 😊
12. What emotions do you expect your readers to feel?
All of them, probably. 😂
I joke, but I think it's kind of a hallmark of my fanfic that they never stay in their lane, emotionally speaking. In part, this is because I believe that the things that happen are never just one thing, that there are bright spots in grief or that your happiest moments may remind you of past heartbreak. In larger part, I just write that way without ever really thinking about it. Also, this fic is probably going to clock in somewhere between 60 and 100k, so it definitely has the space to contain multitudes, including:
Some moderately heart-wrenching, hurt/very-little-comfort Inuzuri street kid flashbacks
Renji spends the first four chapters of the fanfic doing the whole I-am-unworthy-of-anyone's-care-or-sympathy-and-also-I-deserve-this-injury-I-got-40-years-ago-because-I-wasn't-strong-enough-to-avoid-it stick, and I hope to evoke some amount of pity in the reader for this poor, sad man, but also, I expect people to get frustrated with his bullshit (Rukia certainly does) and that's legit.
Actually, Renruki's interactions in the first half of the fic go from sweet to progressively tenser, and I expect that to be also frustrating to the reader
I made the first half sound really awful, but the entire backend is going to be very soft and squishy
Also there are funny bits because of course there are funny bits. Many of them feature Byakuya, for some reason.
13. What common trope(s) do you feel are used in this chapter/fic?
I think the main one is just Hurt/Comfort, where the hurt and the comfort just happen to be separated by 40 years and bunch of miscellaneous trauma, or maybe it's closer in spirit to a Sickfic, even thought it's not, strictly speaking, an illness? Stoic guy having to let his guard down. Stoic girl trying to be soft, even though she thinks she's not good at it. Some fever dreams, y'all know how much I love a bizarre dream sequence. There's all the usually Pining and Yearning. Childhood friends->some-intermediate-point-on-the-way-to-Lovers because it's also Slow Burn, of course it is.
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[ BZZZT! post loading. interference 90%... interference 60%….interference 30%. ]
rotomphone.exe loading…
Hello this is GLITCH the rotom BZZZT! I am a ROTOM in a PHONE. I found this PHONE on the GROUND and have POSSESSED it bzzzt.
I have a BOY with me BZZZT! However he is NOT an ordinary BOY. His name MONO. He does NEVER speak BZZZT! Only SHORT words. Like “HEY”. And like “OI”. Mostly as HE call attention. But I FINE with THAT, BZZZT! He can type, bzzzt, look:
[ t y p i n g . . . ]
hi , name is mono !
Yes! I not KNOW where from he COMES! BUT he can come IN and OUT of screen like ME! In fact I was possessing TV when suddenly boy leaped OUT of TV, BZZZT! And that is HOW I start FOLLOW him bzzzt. They came to Rotomblr because, uh, “ want find friend but scared actually talking ” , bzzzt.
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(there they are! say hello, bzzzt!)
ALSO they have a BUNCH of SSSCCARRYYYYY POKÉMON WITH THEM BZZZT!! I no know HOW they came with but they appeared alongSIDE them, BZZZT!! i do not like them very much bzzzt…
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(here is his trainer card! it was a bit hard to get one for him at first because of his SCARY pokémon but counter guy didn’t say much about it and we got it printed out BZZZT!)
Sorry for so many WORDS, bzzzt. We will now be out of your way, BZZZT!
hi! yes this is a faller blog for mono from little nightmares II!!
blog info!
please please PLEASE note the following:
mod and muse are BOTH minors so absolutely NO explicit asks
i am fairly new to the little nightmares fandom! so if i have any inaccuracies while roleplaying mono (his personality, his canon whatever) PLEASE TELL ME!! :D
highest stakes i am willing to get involved in is medium.
this will be a largely lighthearted blog, focusing on mono’s adventures and journeys through the pokémon world. but since well. it’s little nightmares. mandatory is the angst and sad is mandatory
mono is currently in KALOS, so any kalos muses PLEASE feel free to try and interact with him!! we can plot shenanigans or interactions in dms heeehee
interactions are NOT only limited to kalos muses!! any other muses not in kalos feel free to come interact, just that you’d have to find a reasonable way for our two muses to meet, that’s all.
i am open to ANY type of asks so as long as you keep it safe for minors and is not problematic. heck, feel free to send hate to the bean- if your muse has the heart to do so that is!
main blog is @robin-the-wanderer , PLEASE see there for DNI !!
blog warnings:
⚠️this blog may contain the following triggering topics⚠️:
descriptions / depictions of horror
descriptions / depictions of mild to moderate gore (i know little nightmares is very gore-ey but since this is a community that has a large proportion of CHILDREN i’ll tone down the gore a little.)
descriptions / depictions and memories of anxiety / trauma / near death experiences
descriptions / depictions of memory loss / amnesia / dereality / disassociation
descriptions / depictions of violence
and that’s probably all! please do tell me if ya spot any more that needs to be mentioned here yeah, and i’ll add it asap!!
signal BEAM ! - any miscellaneous text posts, etc
reality WARP ? - major plot events
beep BLOOPERS ! - shenanigans and funny / wholesome stuff
a transMISSION ! - ask answers, etc
we are LIVE ! - any asks sent by this blog that have been answered
white NOISE ! - any OTHER stuff that is, in any acceptable way, related to this blog
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inkedstone · 2 years
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General Appearance Gender: Genderless (He, They) Denomination/Culture: The Old Gods Complexion: ???? Height: 5'8" on a good day Body Type: Mesomorph Build: Compact. Toned. Triangle. Hair: Bleached. Color: Blond (For now) Style: Short Eye Color: Blue Details: Hooked nose, high cheekbones Scars: None
Fashion Style: Leather jackets and loose shirts Details: Ripped jeans, combat boots Palette: Greens and liliacs Typically Wearing: His green jacket is Iconic and Ugly Piercings: Nose, Eyebrows, Nipples Tattoos: Many
Expression Usual Expression: Smug smirk Default Body Language: Loose, energetic Movements: Fast and powerful, always fidgeting
Notable for RP Presence: Friendly, if not a little shy Appearance: Punk Rock, looks like he just crawled out of a basement Scent: Ozone Voice: Moderately deep Accent: Baltimore tinge Speech Mannerisms: Speaks too fast, says things a little weird. Miscellaneous: Iros has four tendrils that grow from his back. He's able to use these to climb and in combat.
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hekigankiseki · 6 years
A plea to all Kingdom Hearts fans
To those who are patiently waiting to get Kingdom Hearts 3 on its release day, I implore you to go on a social media blackout until you yourself have beaten the game. Besides the leak last month, clips deep within the story progress of the game have been constantly uploaded on YouTube since yesterday-- and who knows if its already been uploaded to other sites, like Facebook or Twitter.
That being said, I have watched these videos to confirm validity, and they are extremely heavy spoilers they're uploading. But I stand my ground and will not spoil anything that I've seen thus far. I may not have a home console on me, but we have waited over a decade to get to this point, and I will not ruin anybody's enjoyment of KH3. This is a game worth going in absolutely blind.
May your hearts be your guiding key.
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askthesatanchild · 2 years
An exhaustive list of content on this blog
uh yeah askthesatanchild is no longer an ask blog, although you can still feel free to send me asks; i probably just won't answer as roger unless the ask specifically requests it.
the list will be divided into: "ask roger era content", "alternate universes", and "miscellaneous".
some things about the current blog before we dive into the content:
i use they/them pronouns. my age is "legal around the world". i’m queer and southeast asian;
the reason why this blog is named "askthesatanchild" is because of my content tag, which is basically my blog name;
and on that note: if you don't want to see my content, please block my tumblr and the tag "askthesatanchild. thank you! i include this line under every post, as i understand some people don't necessarily vibe with what i post. that's chill. i invite you to set any necessary boundaries to ensure your personal comfort;
i apologize if, even after blocking my blog and tag, you still somehow end up seeing my content via the tumblr content miasma. however, there's not much i can do about it at that point;
this blog is a safe space for all lgbtqia+, qtbipoc, neurodivergent, and disabled people. it would be very hypocritical for a neurodivergent queer SEA to adopt any exclusionary ideology;
this is a lotf-only blog. this book's had a death grip on me for ten (?) years and counting. i almost exclusively post art (and most of the art depict some kind of au, mostly modern), but i do promote fics on here and sometimes also link my lotf-themed playlists;
my ao3 is amoralgoose! i don't only post lotf fics there, but you'll see that the majority of them are, indeed, lotf;
i'm a multishipper, but you will probably see from my content that i do favor rogermon, jalph, and most ships that include roger. it's quite obvious that i'm a roger stan, but what can i say? i love that little shit;
unless explicitly stated otherwise, all lotf biguns depicted in my art and fics are over 21. i don't usually draw these characters as their child selves. this is important because, while i'm no longer posting sexually-explicit content (i did four years ago), i will sometimes depict the biguns consuming substances (alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, etc.) and any relationships between the biguns as adult relationships;
i will do my best to tag triggering content. however, i recognize that 1. i don't have an exhaustive knowledge of all possible triggers and 2. what may not seem to me as an obvious potential trigger does affect others. in this aspect, i appreciate all help;
thank you for reading until here! i really appreciate the lotf fandom, as it's been my space for destressing since i joined, and i hope i can keep creating content for the fandom for as long as i still owe this book my firstborn. okay, onto the list!
ask roger era content
2016-2018 era: i definitely joined the fandom earlier than this, but this was when the ask blog began. the early conception of a modern era rogermon au remains until now, though. i think i attempted to hint at a storyline for a while before giving up and just answering as i felt like it. there's a nsfw post somewhere around 2018, but it should be tagged and under a "read more". please tell me if it isn't;
2020-2021 era: i didn't do anything in 2019 and posted a "come back" post in 2020, and it all snowballed from there, really;
the "moderator speaking" tag: just posts where i spoke as myself when this was still an ask blog;
rogermon modern au origin story: i still plan to finish these, i'm just currently really swamped with work lol;
introduction posts: not sure if i'm making the rest of the characters for this one, but i'll try to draw more characters outside of roger, simon, jack, and ralph!
alternate universes
non-ask modern au stuff: literally just a random modern au lol not much more thought behind it. they have a cat together and are happily in love. featuring: past rogice and a one-off wilrold art;
immortal boyfriends au: an urban fantasy au where roger is a vampire and simon is a witch and they're boyfriends your honor;
pop star au: simon is an industry darling pop star, roger is in an indie punk band with jack and and maurice, can i make it any more obvious? i want to make more content for this one and,, i probably will;
hades and persephone au: that's all;
other one-off aus: maybe I'll do more with these ideas, maybe i won't, who knows;
non-au stuff: random art and/or canon-compliant.
fics: link to my fics that i linked on here aha meta;
playlists: my lotf-themed playlists;
30-day otp challenge: mack's art challenge that i participated halfway, then got way too busy to continue.
i believe that's all of it. this post is pinned and i'll update it casually. thank you for reading through it. i hope you're having a good day!
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Since I've been in a 'Neathian mood' lately, I did some ‘explorations’ on Neathian fashion, some species eye variants, fine art, and possible past Queens.
Below I leave the 'For fun' personal headcanons about Neathians - like racial features, fashion and art. (Some parts of these link back to the general society post I wrote before, but they don't necessarily have a connection to the social features described there, so enjoy this collected 'miscellaneous headcanons' post.)
-Neathians are generally evasive and fast. Light-footed and light in weight. (Like Night Elves/Elves in general.)
- Exceptional hearing (I suppose the pointy ears are good for something.)
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- Neathian eyes have a supposed basic 'diamond' shape, but there are differentations in the lenght, curves, roundity and position. (Some examples here.)
- Neathian complexion ranges from pastel purple to pink and blue (Eyes and hair can take up any vibrant colour.)
- Neathian hair has a more blocky structure, like tresses are 'glued together' ; Neathian hair shines like diamonds (I even had the implication of male facial hair - like beards - looking like little diamonds growing out of their skins.)
- The primary colour of Neathian fashion (and crafted objects) is white, with secondary pastel colours - like green, blue, purple, yellow, red, sometimes even light grey. (The fashion sense could link back to the collectivist values, as in a united, collective society identity plays less importance -> the white colour displays unity, implies homogenity. Of course this doesn't mean Neathians don't have their own personalities or self-perception, it's just their clothing and fashion suggests a kind of 'togetherness'. Also white as a colour could have a connection to the importance and usage of light in their society -> the life-giving Sacred Orb, diamonds shining etc.)
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- As for motives, they use a lot of diamond shapes, swirls - usually in gold or silver colouring - combined with futuristic shapes and lines (Their buildings in the series reminded me a lot of futurism; the swirls are more of a Night Elven impression again.)
- Another important and often used motif is the orb (Especially in arts; After the Sacred Orb, also as the motif of 'being whole'.)
- Neathian art is generally abstract and nonfigurative (Collectivism again; personal culture is not typical -> hence the not figurativist art; also stained glass feels more like a Gundalian thing, but these were just explorations to see what works and what doesn't. I just thought about it as something possible.)
- Like in fashion: Pastel colours are used mainly (Blue is the traditional colour both for artistic products and buildings.)
- 'Aesthetic over functionality' is a general trait (With moderation of course; Their objects and buildings are not useless, this rule of thumb just simply implies, that they like aesthetically pleasing and artistic things. Elven impression.)
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- Every Queen had her own outfit; the main colour is white; the cape is traditionally yellow (Their gowns are supposed to blend futuristic Sci-Fi features with 'fantasy grace'.)
Other things:
- Neathian technology is based on light / uses light as a source (Like the shield generators and teleporters; light technology adds to the importance of light in their culture.)
- Main building material is (blue) diamond (On the planet exist different coloured diamonds as well, but blue is the most prevalent. Also I had the idea of a durable, hard-to-break material called 'Neathium' - either mined or produced - which is used mainly for armour and weapons in the military.)
- The Neathian language sounds like wind chimes (Aliens also speak the so-called 'Common', which is understood universally -> in the series is the human English/Japanese - depending on preference of dub or sub.)
- Neathians are generally social, moderate, polite and reserved
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 8~
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This is my favorite chapter!!!!
Chapter 7
-------Part 1-----
Kurama: “...............I don’t like beasts that flatter me like cats. I’d rather....”
Benkei: “Have good sake and snacks?”
Kurama(smile): “You understand me well. Let’s quickly end this crappy battle and return to Hiraizumi in triumph.”
(....I wonder if Kurama is even aware.)
The expression on Kurama's face, which had been so bored just a moment ago, has changed.
To be alive and well since Benkei-san's arrival.
Benkei: "Hey, Kurama. Don't fight too hard. You'll have a hard time keeping up."
Kurama: "Don't give me orders. Killing four or five soldiers is nothing to me."
Benkei: "It's no use taking sense to you----Look out!"
After a quick kick to the horse's stomach, Benkei-san switches places with Kurama.
My body shook from the impact and Kurama easily supported me.
Kurama: "He has good instincts for a man of his size."
Benkei: "Why does size matter?"
The white blades of miscellaneous swords and swords in an arc as the horse in driven attack the enemy.
After that----
Enemy soldier 10: "RETREAT! RETREAT!
Kurama attacked and Benkei-san defended in the form that had somehow become solidified.
At last, the rebels succeeded in repelling the enemy.
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Kurama: "That's it? Man, that didn't even pass my boredom."
Benkei: "Your leisure time may have given the enemy survivors nightmares for a while though."
(-----I got it! I finally understand the strange feeling I've had for so long.)
I remember a conversation I had with Kurama before I came here.
Kurama: "I will not allow Benkei, Yoshitsune's property, to die in vain, so that his sword and his soul may be clouded."
Kurama: "And."
Yoshino: 'And?"
Kurama: "Benkei is good at making snacks."
(I think Kurama probably meant what he said at that moment.)
(But I know that I, the enemy, saw it.)
If they didn't recognize each other, they wouldn't be able to work together in battle, they wouldn't be able to have a friendly conversation like that...
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(Kurama seems to not realize....that he loves Benkei.)
-----Part 2-----
(Kurama seems to not realize....that he loves Benkei.)
What came to mind was the conversation we had on the way to this place with the soldiers.
Yoshino: "But Kurama's words inspired the soldiers. If they'd only been afraid, they would have shriveled up, wouldn't they?"
Kurama: "In this army, my identity is supposed to be that of a kind of foreign warrior who helps Yoshitsune. That's why those who worship Yoshitsune so blindly are so annoyingly humble towards me."
Yoshino: " I see. Hmmm........"
Kurama: "I don't know what you're obsessed with, but I don't see the point in questioning me."
Yoshino: ".....I don't understand myself."
(In the rebel army, Kurama has behaved as he wanted. But...)
Despite his overwhelming power, Kurama does not try to deceive or manipulate people.
How much does that inspire his side?
(Kurama himself is too uninterested to know how important he is in the rebel force.)
(And yet, he won people's hearts despite their awe.)
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Kurama: ".....? This woman is not moving. Is she dead?"
A suspicious tap on my cheek brings me back to reality.
Yoshino(blushing): "Yes, I'm alive."
Benkei: "I thought you were scared because we're on a rampage."
Kurama: "She's not that kind of woman. .....Oh, I get it now."
Yoshino: "Eh?"
Kurama: "You obeyed my order when I said you to sit still like an ornament. I see you're finally learning to be promising."
In a good mood, Kurama played with a tuft of my hair with his fingertips.
Yoshino(blushing): "Um sorry, but I was thinking of something else....
Kurama: "What?"
Benkei: "......................! Okay, I have a lot to ask, but first....when did you two get so close?"
----"We're not", is what Kurama and I replied at the same time, to Benke-san's question.
Benkei: "......And also fox princess, became our prisoner."
------Part 3-----
Benkei: "......And also fox princess, became our prisoner."
After Benkei-san and Kurama turned back to the rebels encampment and were greeted with cheers.....
Out of sight of the soldiers, I was being interrogated by Benkei-san.
Yoshino: "....What will happen to me now?"
Benkei: "At any rate, we will take you to Hiraizumi. We'll have to ask Yoshitsune-sama for his judgment."
Kurama: "I'll tell you what, I picked her up and I'll do what I want with her."
Yoshino: "Wait...."
Naturally, he pulls me by the shoulders and my vision turns black.
Benkei: "Huh? What's the matter with you, Kurama?"
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Kurama: "This ordinary woman has taken me by surprise, either by accident or inevitably, with her crazy behavior. If I keep her in my hands, I might see something unusual again."
Benkei: "Humans are not demon's lapdogs."
Kurama: "It's strange. Until today I thought you were no better than animals."
Benkei-san facepalms at Kurama's words.
Yoshino: "Um....Benkei-san."
Benkei: "Just call me Benkei. You call Kurama by his first name right. Do the same for me."
Yoshino: "Eh? ......Okay."
(He looks scary....but from the way he treats his men, he doesn't seem like a bad guy.)
But still, I kept my face up feeling alert.
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Benkei: "You're the enemy, but apparently you've swept the heart by our demon. I....sympathize with that."
Kurama: "When did she sweep my heart? Do you think I have a lot of free time for her?"
1. I feel like I've not swayed....
2. When you say it like that....(+4/+4)
3. You didn't know what you were doing?
Yoshino: ".....It's strange because when you say it out loud, I feel like I've not swayed at all."
Kurama: "....? What are you taking for granted?"
Yoshino: "Ehhh....."
(Well, for Kurama, it means he just did what he wanted to do.)
Yoshino: "Umm...Thank you for your concern, Benkei. But I would like to ask you one question, did the Shogunate get out of the war safely?"
(Maybe I shouldn't be asking this of my enemies but....)
(I have no other way to get information now...)
Benkei: "........The Shogunate has withdrawn. The damage was only moderate. But unfortunately....."
------Part 4------
Benkei: "........The Shogunate has withdrawn. The damage was only moderate. But unfortunately.....They have lost their precious fox princess, which is a painful split when you think about it."
Yoshino: "I........"
I squeezed my fingertips in disappointment.
Benkei: "On second thought, it might be a good opportunity for you to get rid of the Shogunate. Yoshitsune-sama is not the one who takes the life of a woman who has no intention to fight against him."
Yoshino: ".....It's harder to do than hearing it...."
Kurama: "It's hard? Why not? Wouldn't you rather live it up?"
Yoshino: "I want to live. But I am a member of the Shogunate, even if my time is short."
Benkei and Kurama: "...........!!!"
Yoshino: "Because today I learned...Benkei is a man who would die for his men, and the rebel soldiers have a bond that allows them to fight for their friends. Perhaps Yoshitsune-sama is worthy and noble to be a lord of such people."
Benkei: "......He is."
Yoshino: "That's why it's so hard to stay an enemy."
When I muttered this Benkei's face lit up.
Kurama: "You're weak, but you're going to hold your ground in enemy territory."
Yoshino: "If I don't, I won't be stronger."
Benkei: "You do wanna die young, do you?"
Yoshino: ".....I don' wanna die."
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Yoshino: "-----For he who is gripped by fear is as good as not alive."
Kurama: ".......!"
Kurama immediately realized where the slurred words had come from.
Yoshino: “So you chose not to kill him....?”
Kurama: “He who is gripped by fear is as good as not alive. What is the use of slaying the dead?”
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Kurama: ".....Cheeky woman."
A smile appeared on Kurama's lips and Benkei's eyes widened as if he saw something unusual.
(I can't sleep.)
There was no way that I could escape from the encampment, which was under guard.
I'm sitting in front of my tent, looking up at the stars when----
Kurama: "What are you doing here?"
------Part 5-------
Kurama: "What are you doing here?"
Yoshino: "OH, hey Kurama."
Kurama: "Don't raise your voice."
I saw Kurama looking down at me, apparently passing by on his way to his tent.
Yoshino: "Are you not feeling sleepy?"
Kurama: "Demons don't need sleep, unlike you humans. So I went to steal Benkei's sake and snacks."
When looked closely, Kurama was holding a sake bottle in his hand.
Yoshino: "Do you like sake that much?"
(He also seems to be obsessed with snacks made by Benkei.)
Kurama: "Sake is the next best thing to fighting the strong."
Yoshino: "Even better than flying?"
Kurama: "If it's delicious, then yes."
Kurama replied languidly and then suddenly pulled my arm.
Yoshino: "What....?"
Kurama: "I've got a good idea. Entertain me while I'm occupied with my sake and snacks."
While I was in a daze, Kurama brought me inside his tent.
Kurama: "Come on, do it."
Yoshino: "Even if you say that....all I am good at is making medicines."
Kurama: "It's not worth talking about. You can only heal wounds, but can't win a fight."
Kurama sits in a daze sipping his drink feeling bored.
(I'm in trouble...)
Yoshino: "But if you save someone's life, don't you save your forces from diminishing?"
Kurama: "There is no power that can hold together the lives of so many. The moment a man is injured and dies, you know he was a weak man."
Yoshino: "I want to help all of them together, the weak and the strong, but...."
(No good. I'm sure this story will always be parallel.)
I took a deep breath and said out what I was thinking.
Yoshino: "Why does Kurama hate boredom so much?"
Kurama: "If you live long enough, you'll need stimulation. It's only natural. The soul seeks a grittier battle, a more polished strongman. All this fighting today has made my blood run cold."
(Surely, Kurama looked bored. But....)
Yoshino: "But Kurama seemed to enjoy fighting with Benkei."
Kurama: "What?"
Yoshino: ".....Didn't you realize that yourself?"
Kurama: "----What do you even know about me? I gave you the right to speak and now you're getting on my head."
In the darkness of the tent, Kurama's eyes seemed to glow, and I shuddered.
A hand reached out and touched my cheek as if to test my reaction.
(I can't retreat here.)
This reckless war of mine has been going on ever since I met Kurama again in Kamakura.
If I stay frozen for one more time, I will never be able to stand up to him.
Yoshino: ".....I certainly don't know anything about Kurama. But still, the weak observe the strong."
Kurama: "................."
Yoshino: "At least it's faster for me to get to know Kurama.... than for Kurama, who has no interest in humans, to get to know me."
Kurama: "-----Those eyes."
Yoshino: "hmm?"
The fingertips on my cheek, come up within a touching distance of my eyeballs.
I didn't have to raise my voice because----
The emotion in Kurama's eyes was neither anger nor contempt.
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Kurama: "I don't like your eyes. I hate the way how it's shining so strangely in the dark night."
Chapter 9
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tarnishedxknight · 3 years
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full name  .  Basch fon Ronsenburg pronunciation  .  BAHSH fon RAHN-sehn-berg nicknames  .  Eh... people just call him Basch. Or Captain, I suppose, but that’s a title, not a nickname. Kingslayer.... if you want to get negative. height  .  5'11″ age .  34-37, timeline dependent zodiac  .  I have no idea, so I usually say Gemini, just because twins haha languages  .  Every human in Ivalice seems to speak the same sort of main Hume language (English) with varying accents. I’m not sure if he speaks any non-human languages.
hair colour  .  Blonde eye colour  .  Blue skin tone  .  Tanned body type  .  Muscular (except for, one could argue, after he was tortured/starved for 2 years, not that the game showed that) accent  .  Landisian in his youth, Dalmascan by the time he was in his late 20s dominant hand  .  Right posture  .  Straight tattoos  .  Nope most noticeable features  .  His somewhat dramatic hairstyle? XD And he has a lot of scars, most notably the one right across his forehead and left eye, but he also has a lot on his shoulders and back
place of birth  .  The Republic of Landis hometown  .  I have no idea, heh birth weight  /  height  .  Again, no idea manner of birth  .  Natural first words  .  I’m gonna say his brother’s name... or at least his butchered attempt at it  siblings  .  A younger twin brother by a few minutes, Noah parents  .  A Landisian father and an Archadian mother
occupation .  Captain of the Knights of Dalmasca close friends  .  Vossler York Azelas relationship status  .  Single financial status  .  He was very well paid by King Raminas, but lost everything after he was framed for his murder driver’s license  .  I mean? I guess? His world’s equivalent of it anyway criminal record  .  Yeah, he was convicted of killing King Raminas even though he didn’t do it
sexual orientation  .  heterosexual romantic orientation  .  heteroromantic preferred emotional role  .   submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure. preferred sexual role  .   submissive |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed libido  .  He’s got it repressed down to pretty much nothing, but if he did set it free it’d be moderate to high turn ons  .  Kindness, tenderness, emotional understanding, a beautiful smile and/or laugh turn offs  .  Cruelty, being manipulative, aggression, lying love language  .  selfless devotion, gentle touches, long glances, supportive and affectionate words relationship tendencies  .  I have no idea, he’s never been in a serious relationship, heh
character’s theme song  .  For me it’s always been Broken by Sonata Arctica for Basch hobbies to pass the time  .  Basch doesn’t have time for hobbies, unfortunately. After he cleans, polishes, maintains, repairs, etc. his armor and weapons, the only thing he has time to do aside from work is sleep, heh. mental illnesses  .  PTSD sometimes triggered by total darkness, restraint, or the smell of iron (from his imprisonment) and sometimes triggered by explosions, the sounds of weapons clanging, or the smell of blood (from living through several major battles of a longstanding war) left or right brained  .  left-brained fears  .  failure... specifically failing someone he loves, dying alone, dying senselessly, imprisonment
tagged by  :  I borrowed it from one of my other blogs. tagging  :  Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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seekesotsibteadmist · 3 years
full name:  saima kristjan vaher
nicknames / aliases:  s, saam,
size: 6′0
age:  kind of old. several thousands of years not sure how many. used to think about 3000, may actually be more. looks to be in their mid thirties
zodiac: ...unknown. could be pisces based on when they used to claim a consistent birthday. says that the zodiac should not be relied on for an accurate take of how they are.
spoken languages:  mostly estonian but because they wander a lot - english, finnish, swedish, russian, some polish as well as latvian and lithuanian, german, hindi, arabic, french, spanish
hair color: light blonde with silvery edges to it.
eye color:  blue-green
skin tone:  they’re fairly pale, they are from far north so.. they get to be pretty pale. strangely doesn’t quite burn as much as one would think. no idea why.
body type:  slender with some muscle around the arms, legs. kind of curved hips.
voice: melodic, mid toned voice with a distinctive estonian accent. there is a certain lilt in the way that they speak.
dominant hand: technically right, although they’ve gotten pretty good with their left hand as well.
posture:  they’ve got good posture, can be relaxed but they carry themselves with a straight back usually.
scars: miscellaneous battle scars spread across them. looks like kind of shimmery streaks across the body.
tattoos:  none.
birthmarks:  leaflife markings around the collarbone, fairly star and moon marks on each wrist.
most noticeable features:  saima just kind of has a certain presence about them that draws the eye although one may not exactly know why. there is something in their movements, the way that they carry themselves as if they could always be in transit that could be .. something very curious. Very piercing eyes in a mostly soft way although beware if their gaze turns cold.
place of birth:  besides the baltic sea. possibly on saaremaa?
hometown: tallinn, estonia roughly.
siblings: forest spirits, water spirits, haldjas - varying protector spirits
parents: Vanemuine - Old Wizard, God of art songs and literature, Veteemaa (mother of the water)  Metsaema (mother of the forest),
occupation:  protector/embodiment of estonian mythos and folklore
current residence(s):  estonia, have a home based in tallinn but prone to be around the country on a regular basis.
close friends:  Roxy, Nanna, Hermes, Ororo, Setau, Ariadne, Milda
relationship status: depends
financial status: they do okay.
driver’s license: one license.
criminal record: had some under previous alias.
vices:  alcohol, some recreational drugs at times
sexual orientation: bisexual
preferred sexual role: saima is kind of a switch. I’d say somewhat submissive leaning - so they can either be a service top or bottom. likely to be pretty playful either way.
libido: moderate. low when single. somewhat higher when involved with someone.
turn-ons: teasing, feeling desired and wanted, being drawn in by someone, banter, knowing that they are being watched, provoking a reaction from someone
turn-offs: cruelty, lack of respect for boundaries, too much pressure to do something when they aren’t quite feeling it, dismissiveness
love language: quality time and acts of service more than likely.
relationship tendencies: saima is highly respectful of other people’s autonomy and lives. almost to the point that they don’t.. really trust people to want to be a part of theirs. (consequence of being left/rejected a lot over time.) it takes them a while to really trust someone wants to be around unless someone makes that very obvious for them from the start.otherwise - quite loyal and caring truly.
character’s theme song: Are you Lightning - Nada Surf
hobbies to pass time:  performing, playing music, composing songs, reading, writing, knitting, traveling, protecting sacred spaces, sailing, baking
mental illnesses: depression, some issues with paranoia
left or right-brained: can’t say for sure. uses both pretty heavily.
phobias: homeland being under someone else’s control again. the folklore and tradition of their homeland being totally destroyed.
self-confidence level:  .....it’s there. it fluctuates but it’s there. it’s been better than it was for a while. so that’s progress.
tagged by: @inoblivicn tagging: do it
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themulberrytree · 4 years
character sheet.
full name: Shallan Davar pronunciation: Sha-Lahn Dah-var (fuck IPA i am not doing that shit again)
nicknames: strong one (by hoid), love, dear (by adolin), storming woman (mostly by kaladin)
height: 5′6″ age: 19/20 (rosharan years) / 21-22 (earth years)   zodiac: gemini (donut ask me when her bday is i donut have a date yet) languages: (spoken/written): veden (native), alethi, azish, selay (moderate skill in speaking only) thaylen (reading/writing only).
hair colour: rich, deep red, only red. eye colour: bright blue skin tone: shallan is very fair, though she spends as much time in the sun as she can, so her face is dusted with freckles. body type: slim and slender. unlike the curvaceous body type often seen on alethi women, shallan is much smaller both in figure and stature. she could be mistaken for delicate, at first glance. as she spends more time training with her blade, her body becomes much more defined and muscular, but she will never achieve any kind of bulky muscles, she simply does not have the body type.
accent: her natural veder accent would be considered low, given shallan’s isolation out in the countryside. she can speak in a more posh (re: acceptable) accent, but she has little reason to do so. dominant hand: right posture: shallan has the posture of a perfect vorin lady, back straight and shoulders back at all times. when sitting, her freehand always covers her safehand, placed delicately in her lap unless she is sketching. when walking, her hands are clasped in front of her. she is rarely animated in her posture when speaking, and depending on her company, she works hard to blend in. when alone, shallan may slouch when studying, or do her work in a very unlady like fashion on her bed. if she trusts her present company, they may witness this lapse in acceptable posture, but only if she trusts them.
place of birth: jah kaved hometown: some hick town in the middle of the countryside. birth weight / height: 6 pounds, 3 ounces. 18 inches. manner of birth: natural first words: pa siblings: (all elder, all brothers) helaran, balat, twins: wikim and jushu parents: lin davar, and an unnamed mother, malise davar (step mother), all deceased. parental involvement: shallan remembers a somewhat happy childhood (although the likelihood of that being the case is up for debate). her mother taught her how to draw, and was in charge of shallan’s education in the early years. much of her early years have been forgotten due to the trauma of shallan’s witnessing (see: committing) her mother’s murder. she did not speak at all for half a year afterwards. from that point on, her father became overbearing, and with each year he was less of the man shallan had first known. he was violent towards two of her brothers and the servants, often scaring away tutors, so shallan’s education in those critical years was sporadic at best. her father demanded complete obedience, and any deviation on her part meant that a servant got beaten in her place. in order to spare them and placate her father, shallan worked hard to draw little attention to herself and obey. it was her father who also chose her devotary (purity) rather than her having the opportunity to choose for herself.
occupation: she is the ward of jasnah kholin, having managed to convince the woman she was worthy of wardship at seventeen. after being taken in, shallan begins her education in scholarship, fine tuning her skills in making logic based arguments, study, and critical thinking.
on the shattered plains, she secures work with highprince sebarial as a clerk while maintaining the work in finding urithiru that she started with jasnah, and working to infiltrate the secret group known as the ghostbloods.
she latter assumes a more public role as a knight radiant, the first of the order of lightweavers in centuries. while her status as a radiant is known, she works very hard to keep her work covert. she deals in spywork and information, and uses her lightweaving to form disguises for herself and associates. she has also used her abilities to battle unmade, work oathgates, and help run reconnaissance in kholinar.
as highprincess, her duties would include helping manage affairs of the realm and detecting intrigue to better aid her husband.
close friends: lmafo what are those????? jk, her brothers, later adolin, renarin, kaladin, jasnah (sort of, more teacher/student) wit/hoid (when he’s around). relationship status: verse dependent, married to adolin kholin in canon financial status: her family is destitute, and shallan herself has little experience in personally handling money. that being said, she knows how to balance finances and plan expenses. when working for sebarial, she manages to secure a comfortable pay from him, her later marriage secures her financial security, though her status as a radiant could’ve done that too. driver’s license: she could probably drive, but would be terrible at it due to the fact that she’d keep lookin out the window. she has little experience on horseback, but can manage. criminal record: technically none yet, having managed to get away with murder twice. she had also stolen successfully from jasnah kholin.  
sexual orientation: bisexual romantic orientation: biromantic, could be polyromantic preferred emotional role: submissive (someone pls force her to accept comfort i am beggin) | dominant |  switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role: submissive |  dominant  |  switch  |  sex repulsed | libido: she’s basically DTF anytime and anywhere, and yes, i wish i were kidding, but she’s just horny on main. turn ons: she’s into more traditional kinds of attractiveness, people who look put together. but she really enjoys some kind of hint at wildness, hair that won’t quite stay, a kind of subtle ruggedness. post-battle disheveledness  is HOT. allow her to talk about her studies, things she’s working on or wanting to start, she’ll love that. don’t be afraid to talk about your own interests, she goes off on her own a lot, so she’ll want someone with their own hobbies too. be kind, be willing to grow and change and share. be there if she asks. laugh at her absolutely fucking awful jokes. on the more physical side, not being afraid to show affection in public. that spot on the neck below the ear? yeah, kiss it. leave a mark. kiss the inside of her wrist. do not be afraid to be rough with her, she’s not easily hurt and she doesn’t always like being treated like a china doll. go to town. BUT you must also be good at taking your time. tenderness is a good trait to have in every day life, but if you can translate that into the intimacy of the bedroom, give her a slow buildup, ur golden. turn offs: unnecessary rudeness, lack of independence. anyone who treats her like she needs protecting, or thinks she needs to confine herself in some way, for any amount of time. never laughing at her terrible jokes, or indulging her seemingly random curiosities. being a skybreaker. love language: physical touch is primary, but quality time and words of affirmation are also great. relationship tendencies: shallan has a tendency to fall fast. even when she’s telling herself to be careful and take things slow, it’s easy to pull her in and have her grow an attachment on a superficial level fairly early. she’s good about letting the other person lean on her for support, but she’s not so great when it comes to sharing anything deep about herself. she has a habit of trying to mold herself into what she thinks the other person would like, and clinging to that. if confused she might play around with feelings, though she’s not fully aware she’s doing it. she’s big on positive reinforcement, she’ll let you know if she enjoys your company, and when she’s invested in the relationship, she’ll look for fun ways to spend time with that person. she might attempt to appear more serious and mature than she is, but her silliness will slip out. when she loves though, she loves completely, and a distracted heart is settled once she makes a decision about what she wants.
character’s theme song: flowers, from ha.des.town iris, goo goo dolls moth’s wings, passion pit: this is more a general vibe. i picture it when shallan is in a creative spurt. sun, sleeping at last: for the same creation aesthetic. fire drills, dessa (for when she finally Snaps. and also some lines just really Hit)
hobbies to pass the time: drawing is the big one. she’s always got her sketchbook and something to draw with on hand. it’s an art she’s perfected and uses it both for her lightweaving, and to relax. she enjoys scholarship, exploring history is of a special interest, but taking a closer look at the local flora and fauna is just as fun. she’s naturally curious, so if something grabs her attention, she will want to take a look. she also enjoys discussing what she’s working on with other people, sometimes just so she can use them as a sounding board, but also because they might have insights she doesn’t. it’s very fun for her to explore ideas. she likes going on walks, exploring the area around her. just spending quality time with people she enjoys too. mental illnesses: Dissociative Personality Disorder is the big one. ADHD, PTSD, some depression. physical illnesses: None. left or right brained: right fears: CONFINEMENT. she fears vulnerability and relying others, but she also craves it quite a bit. she fears being understood completely because she’s certain there isn’t anything left to love if someone were to see everything. she fears what she can’t understand, and losing the people she loves, more than she already has. self confidence level: extremely low. she projects an air of self confidence, but frequently downplays her talents. she finds it completely astounding that adolin might actually find her attractive in any sense, let alone be interested in her as a person. her trauma and what she precieves as crimes has left her feeling hollowed out, because she is so terrified of someone really Seeing her, she works hard to hide those corners of herself from others and often feels like she’s failing at even that. vulnerabilities: shallan keeps secrets. too many of them. and she can often dig herself into a pit and struggle to get herself out, and even when she’s in that deep, she has difficulty asking for help. she doesn’t always think things through. her dpd can leave her particularly vulnerable depending on which personality is in control (veil in particular has trouble seeing the Big Picture). it’s easy to goad her into a fight (of the verbal variety) and she will stop at nothing to have the last word. if you have members of her family to hold over her, that’s a good tool. and shallan cannot resist a good mystery, that is a surefire way to pull her in.
tagged by: @luck-crowned tagging: @marblecarved (for mary, emma, or horace!), @melnchly (meg or ros), @minastiriiths, @arturiusrex, @gxtenoughnxrve, @ambiidexter, and @arborvitas
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lightschosen · 4 years
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pseudonym: Azem  full name. Artorias pronunciation (phonetic). are-tori-us nickname. warrior, wanderer, trouble gender. indifferent height. 487.68cm  / 16 ft age. unknown spoken languages. able to understand, speak, and read any languages heard/seen
primary color. obsidian secondary color. silver tertiary color. midnight blue accent colors. gold, crimson optic color. powder blue-to-white, abyss blue 'sclera' build. sleek and delicate looking voice. gentle, soft, and neutral. carries inflection well dominant hand. ambidextrous posture. alert most noticeable feature(s). gold accented, black dentae that frame his face. they snap together to form a mask. big fluff of mane that covers his helm and adorns part of his plating. audiials and finials are shaped like ears, the finials accented with tufts of sensory 'fur'.
virtues. protective, kind, caring, willing to give second chances vices. quick to anger, over protective, distrustful, self-sacrificing traits/quirks. loves a good fight, enjoys companionable silence, enjoys helping others (even with 'menial' tasks), loves seeing his creations come to life
sexual orientation. demi-pan romantic orientation. demi-pan relationship status. single preferred emotional role. submissive|  dominant  |  switch   preferred sexual role. submissive  |  dominant  | switch libido. kinda low. never really been super into sex. could just be he's just never found a good partner?? turn on’s. intelligent, kindhearted, strong, maybe a little snarky turn off’s. obsessive/controlling, cruel, frustratingly obtuse love language. not-so-subtle glances, smitten smiles and gentle touches(if acceptable), nervous staring relationship tendencies. An actual relationship would take time. time for him to relax and build trust. little smiles and touches would become open signs of affection. Touches and hand holding and lingering close because he’s scared. Lots of casual physical contact, perhaps to verify they’re real. Domestic Fluff.
character’s theme song. Wanderer’s Lullaby - Adriana Figueroa hobbies to pass time. crafting and gathering. reading, maybe a bit of calligraphy. mental illnesses. idk he dies all the time and comes back and its traumatizing to fucking die over and over again, would that be ptsd?? I think its ptsd.post-traumatic stress disorder. depression. did i mention ptsd? physical illnesses. none. left or right-brained. left fears. people poisoning his drink, eyes that follow him wherever he goes,  self-confidence level.  moderate. he sells himself short. vulnerabilities. those he cares about are his greatest weakness. he’d die for them, a hundred times over if he had to. 
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hekigankiseki · 6 years
My bane, basis and backbone of my academic 2019. It's officially my year-long thesis season. Whoo boy.
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thebellwitchblog · 4 years
Hello! I'd like some advice. All my life I've been carried back and forth on religions and beliefs by mom, but I've never had any pull to any "field", so right now I'm agnostic. But I've had a witch friend explaining some stuff in a chat and it's probably the first time I've ever been truly interested in knowing more about this type of thing. Should I give it a try to check if this is The Path™️ for me? If so, how can I start, test the waters?
If you're feeling a pull, I would definitely encourage you to give it a try. You can even remain agnostic and still be a witch. Practicing magic is compatible with most religious practices, even mainstream christianity, and I know many agnostic and atheist witches.
There are also many different paths to choose from within the "witchcraft" umbrella, so I dare say there is most likely something here that'll work for you!
Magic is extremely customizable. I once saw witches described as "magpies with socio-religious context" and it's true. Almost every witch I know combines techniques from multiple kinds of magic in their personal practice, and it's wonderful! Just make sure you aren't taking from closed practices or other places you shouldn't. A quick google search should let you know, but when in doubt ask a person in that practice or.. just find something else lol there's plenty out there, so it's best to err on the side of caution.
As far as where to start... well that's a tricky one. I'm a big proponent of research. If you want some good book recommendations for beginners, here's a few that are good and won't break your bank:
Grovedaughter Witchery by Bree NicGarran (@breelandwalker )
The Sisters Grimmoire: Spells and Charms for your Happily Ever After also by Bree
If you're like me and live in the Southern US, or have an interest in folkloric witchcraft, Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon is a nice little primer.
Of Witchcraft and Whimsy: A Beginners Guide to Basic Witchcraft by Orriculum Rose (@orriculum ) is another tiny little book that's a nice primer for more casual magic from what I can recall (I'm afraid I havent read it since it came out and my copy is currently loaned out so I can't double check)
Wow trying to recommend good beginner books is really revealing how much of my bookshelf is specialized
If anyone else wants to pop in with book recommendations I certainly won't object.
There are also blogs all across the internet. Rune Soup, Inciting A Riot, the ones I tagged above, and many others on here just to name a few. Blogs and communities will be a valuable resource for you. I suggest finding a few blogs to follow and possibly a discord server to join. I'm a moderator on a server run by @witchella for instance and we have a lot of baby witches there just starting out on their path.
But no matter how much research you do or witches you hang out with, the best and most important thing you can do is simply do magic. As I said before, I'm very much a proponent of research. I love to sit down and card through dusty, centuries old tales for any bits and bobs I might find useful. But oftentimes we get so caught up in doing the research that we forget to do the magic!
I promise that you will learn more from rolling up your sleeves and doing a spell, any spell, whether it succeeds or fails. If it succeeds- congrats! If it fails, ask yourself why and see if you can fix it. Keep it simple at first. Find what works for you and what doesn't. Probably stay away from summoning entities and what not until you're experienced enough to banish whatever pops up in case things go bad.
I suggest a protection spell as the first usually. If you mess up, there isn't much damage it could do. And everyone needs to now how to protect themselves. But, you could also start with healing, cursing, hell I started with glamours, whatever strikes your fancy. If it's something you need? Even better. There's no spell stronger than one you actually Need to work.
Some other miscellaneous tips for me practitioners:
Ask yourself what your interests are. Do you like to garden or work with plants? Look into green witchery. Do you like to cook? Kitchen witchcraft. Are you interested in geology and rocks and Crystal's and the like? Crystal magic. For any interest, there's probably a branch of magic.
Learn some breathing exercises and meditations. These will help you get used to your body and mind, as well as help you get a feel for the energy in your own body. The more familiar you are with your own magic, the easier it is to draw on and direct.
Podcasts are another good resource, and free unlike books. You can find a lot on any music streaming service.
Go out in nature. Get familiar with your local flora and fauna, the feel of the areas. You may even run into some local spirits.
Learn a form of divination. Tarot cards are most common, but there's also bibliomancy, runes, throwing bones, scrying, pendulum, etc. Keep a divination journal. This will be great to look back on and keep track of patterns.
Speaking of journals, start keeping a dream journal and a spell journal. Document each dream you have and each spell you do. Then you can look back and see patterns in your dreams, what spells worked, what dreams came true, what spells didn't work, etc.
Pick up a book or two on local folklore. If you can't find any for your state/province, you can definitely find some for your country at least. I'd also suggest grabbing a field guide for your area. Your local library should have these or be able to get them through an inter library loan.
Know that Wicca, while a large, vocal part of the community and a lovely path, isn't the only way to practice witchcraft. If you like it, great. If not, you don't have to follow it.
One last piece of advice. Despite me saying communities and blogs will be a great resource for you, do your best to stay away from any drama in the community. Pagans and witches aren't all great people and we have a lot of drama going around. It's best to ignore it. And also be on the lookout for leaders that are actually narcissists and want to be praised as some divinely enlightened master or what not.
This got a lot longer than I originally intended and I probably left a lot out, and also somehow include too much lol, but I hope it helps.
My inbox is always open for any questions you have. I may not always give you an answer, but I will point you in the direction to find your own.
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nuray-ffxiv · 5 years
LFRP- Crystal - Ayşe Nuray
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full name: Ayşe Nuray
pronunciation: [ ai-sha nur-ay ]
nicknames: Ays [ ice ]
race: Miqote - Mixed: Keeper & Seeker
gender: Female
sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic.
height: 4′9
age: Mid-twenties
birthday: 13th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
zodiac: Nymeia [ Aries ]
languages: Common, Eorzean sign language, and Ayla’sebnem, the name and language of her clan (Derived from Turkish & Arabic).
[ Ayse can understand all language spoken or written due to possessing a variation of the Echo, but she cannot inherently speak or write them all. ]
hair colour: Light grey.
eye colour: Silver, with slitted pupils.
skin tone: Warm Ivory
body type: Slender hourglass
accent: The occasional rolled/purred ‘r’, though only when she’s distracted.
dominant hand: Left
posture: Good posture, often relaxed but rarely slouched, unless at her desk. She can often be found hunched over her desk for worrying amounts of time.
scars: Little ones here and there from her travels. Two symmetrically on each side of her face. Once, whip scars could be found on the back of her legs and shoulders, but they’ve long been removed.
tattoos/markings: White markings on her face, hands, ribs, chest, and thighs. Some are curving lines, and others are circular. A black underline on her lower lashline.
most noticeable features:  The white markings on her face, alongside the symmetrical scars.
place of birth:  Abalathia's spine
hometown: Abalathia's spine, with the Ayla’Sebnem clan. [ Ayla’sebnem means Moonlight Dew. ]
birth weight/height: Smaller than average
manner of birth: Delivered by clan healers, born right after her twin sister. Both born healthy, if small.
first words: “Ma!”
siblings: Azmi Nuray, twin sister, missing. Cemre’a Nuray, older brother, alive.
parents: Cemre Nuray & an unknown seeker male. an unplanned pregnancy from a tryst, but one her mother was more than happy with as she returned to her clan grounds, alongside her mate and Cemre’a’s father. Her mother is currently missing.
parental involvement: high involvement from her mother’s side, as a single mother within a very loving clan, at least until the scourge that found nearly all of them enslaved. It has only been recently that Ayse discovered her father’s tribe, since it’s burgeoning connections to her clan.
occupation: Clan archivist and healer.
current residence: The Ayla’Sebnem clan grounds.
close friends: Simi and Basim’a Jinkjahl.
relationship status: Single, polyamorous.
financial status: Moderately wealthy.
vices: The occasional recreational drug. Does not drink.
sexual orientation:  Pansexual.
romantic orientation:  Panromantic.
preferred emotional role: submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure
preferred sexual role:  submissive | dominant | switch |  sex repulsed [ Ayse is very open to love - and loving - in all of its many forms, and will often defer to whatever position her partner is most comfortable with. ]
turn on’s: Wittiness, compassion, like-minded interests, boldness, physical intimacy, and certain voices.
turn off’s: Ignorance, cruelty, superiority, laziness, unprovoked rudeness, unsanitary/unclean appearances.
love language: Ayse is complimentary to most everyone she meets, but when true feelings begin to develop, this becomes more physical. The desire to be close, touching even if it’s simply innocent grazes or hand-holding, becomes far more prevalent.
relationship tendencies: While an unrepentant flirt, Ayse enters into relationships slowly. The archivist likes to take her time, and fully court potential romantic interests before entering into anything serious. Plentiful dates and time spent getting to know one another, and for the Miqo’te to truly gauge the person’s intent. She is remarkably cautious, for one so coquettish.
hobbies to pass the time: Research, research, research. Ayse loves her job, and there is always something to do - Be it a relic to study or a ruin to excavate or clan history to peruse, Ayse affords herself little down time because she enjoys what she does so deeply. Often, it can take the combined force of others to make her take a break and really relax, in which case she will find people to socialize with.
mental illnesses: Has some remnants of post-traumatic stress disorder due to her past, and very rarely will be triggered into a panic attack. She is very good at avoiding her triggers, but they can occasionally blindside her.
physical illnesses: None to speak of, though she has a sensitivity to bright light, and hates being surprised by touch.
left or right brained: Left.
fears:  Ayse deeply fears she will never find her mother and sister again, no matter that she hasn’t given up. Following that, she fears losing the family she has since regained since escaping slavery herself, as well as being enslaved once more.
self-confidence level: Overall quite healthy, with the exception being during and after a panic attack, where it dips quite severely.
vulnerabilities: Moodiness, tendency to run herself ragged, occasional melancholy, and the penchant to use flirtation as a shield.
She’s the shimmer on the water, in a river of moonlight.
Ayse is very attuned with the elements of water and ice, and uses both in healing practices for those inside of her clan and out. She would take no issue with aiding a passerby if they seemed wounded, though is also not above using the talent for trade when it comes to information. 
Injured PCs looking for help without judgement, or else those looking to barter information for occasional medical services would find a good companion in her. 
Your eyes are hollow, your heart is shallow, and your words mean nothing to me.
There are very, very few things on Hydaelyn that Ayse hates more than slavers, and the practice of human(oid) trafficking. There are no lengths the woman will not go to stifle the abhorrent practice, and as an ex-slave she is honour-bound to try and free any and all slaves she comes in contact with. 
Any runaway or current slave PCs looking for help to free themselves would find a wonderful ally in her, and all slaver PCs a chilling enemy. There is no shade of grey in this to her. 
She had a mischevious smile, a curious heart, and an affinity for running wild.
An archivist for the Ayla’sebnem, Ayse has an interest in nearly all historic sights and artifacts. She records any that may be related to her clan, or even general Keeper heritage, but she is fascinated by ruins and tales of all lands and cultures. This is in part due to having the Echo, which manifests in visions of the past when she comes into contact with highly spiritual artifacts, or places. 
It is not uncommon to stumble upon the Miqo’te wandering ruins, or meditating within them. Adventurous types could very well happen upon her by chance, or she them.  
Her revenge was silent, as growth cannot be heard.
A pacifist by choice, the historian will do whatever it takes to avoid harming another soul ( exception: slavers ) and will use her talents with magic to stop an attack, render her opponent unconscious, or try to bind them so she can escape. This was not always the case, however. 
In her youth, the Keeper-Seeker mix was quite fond of duelling with a crystalline rapier. On occasion, Ayse can be found staring a bit wistfully at such weapons, and would not decline the chance for some friendly duelling partners. 
On a character level, I am looking for all sorts of different interactions for Ayse, be they friendly or antagonistic. People that may have met her during her time as a slave, or else people who are just meeting her now. Friendships and rivalries are both welcome, though I am very hesitant on romantic relations, and will require much IC and OOC communication before committing to a romantic ship. I’m open to scenes with violence, matures themes, gore, etc...
On an OOC level, I am looking for people who know the difference between IC and OOC. I do not tolerate blending, metagaming, or godmodding. Open communication is very important for me, especially if our characters are going to obtain a relationship of any kind of depth. 
If you’re interested, you can contact me here, or in-game on Ayse Nuray or Rhysa Verkoh (main). I can give out my discord on request as well! ♥
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qvietlight · 4 years
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time for the big archie fact file!!
The Basics
Name? Archie Virginia Taylor
Age? 37
Approximate height? 5′8
Hair colour? Blonde
Eye colour? Blue
Do they speak with an accent? No
Where are they from? Zuzu City
Where are they now? Stardew Valley
Who are their parents? Charles and Anthea Taylor
What is their earliest memory? Meeting her little brother, Aubrey, for the first time. She turned to her parents and asked if they were sure he had to come home with them.
What did they want to be when they grew up? Still a ghost hunter, but more the Scooby Doo type - busting baddies and hanging out with the loch ness monster.
What did/do their parents want them to be? Archie’s job is a point of contention with her father. Charles wants her to have a ‘proper’ career. Any career. Preferably something in an office that made use of her degree.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? Yes, one younger brother, Aubrey. He’s adopted, and they have a very good relationship.
Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? No. Gross.
Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? Penelope. They were together for fifteen years, and broke up only a couple of months ago. Penelope wanted to get married, Archie didn’t.
Up until now, what’s the most noteworthy thing they’ve done? To them? To the people around them? To Archie? Starting That’s the Spirit! To other people? Graduating summa cum laude from Colombia with joint honours in Sociology and Political Science.
What’s your character’s favourite colour? Red
Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be? She wears a Jo Malone scent - Blackberry and Bay.
Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? In some ways? She likes things organised, and likes to appear put-together herself.
What’s their favourite ice cream flavour? Pistachio.
Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? Coffee coffee coffee! She doesn’t really drink soft drinks, but in terms of alcohol, she prefers her drinks uncomplicated. Beer, whiskey, etc.
What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? Mostly non-fiction, she’s always looking to expand her knowledge in whatever way she can, but she does have a soft spot for pulpy detective novels. In terms of TV, she watches lots of documentaries, and likes British Crime dramas. She’s also a big Twin Peaks fan.
What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? Is it loud? Angry? Fronted by a female singer? She’s into it.
If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? Japanese food. Bang bang cauliflower, gyoza, yaki soba...
Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? No, Archie is practical to a fault.
Do they have any philias or phobias? Not really. She’s largely unflappable.
Morals, Beliefs, and Faith
Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Internal, I guess. She’s not above a little light law-breaking to accomplish what she needs. 
To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? Mostly?
Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? Nah.
Are they superstitious? Not really.
Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what’s it like?  Not really. All of her research has disproved an afterlife so far.
Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? No.
Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? She tries to be. But some people are stupid.
Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? Nope.
Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? The good of the one.
Do they make friends easily? Not at all. Her personality is kind of abrasive.
Do they have a best friend? It was Penelope. So not anymore.
Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? Sometimes? Mostly though just being completely relentless.
Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? Not a lot. She had a couple of girlfriends in college before Penelope, but that’s all.
Do they fall in and out of love easily? Not at all. It takes her a long time to warm to people.
Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? No.
Do they have a network? Probably just her dad and brother now. 
What is their relationship like with their family? Complex. After her mother died, she and Aubrey were raised very hands-off, and their father always treated them as adults rather than children because he simply didn’t know how else to relate to them. Archie and her father are very alike, which is part of the reason they butt heads so much. But there is no doubting their love for each other. 
Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? She’s got a couple of friends from college she still talks to, but her social group isn’t exactly huge.
Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? No, and no. 
Physical Appearance
How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? Mostly dark clothes, clean and simple, and Doc Martens.
Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? None.
Do they have piercings? How many? Just her ears, one in each lobe and one in her right cartilage.
Do they have scars? Where did they come from? Yes, from gender reassignment surgery. 
Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? She wears makeup almost every day.
Is there something they’d choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? Nope, she looks hot. 
Is there something about their appearance they’re particularly proud of/happy with? She’s got nice eyes, and she likes her freckles. 
Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? Attractive...
Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? Yes, I think so.
How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? Not much at all anymore. She looks how she always wanted.
General Knowledge
Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? Yeah, she’s confident and fairly intuitive.
Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? Yes, she tries to keep up to date with current affairs, being a Poli-Sci major.
Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? Yes.
Do they know the composition of water? Yeah.
Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? Obviously.
Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? Her lifestyle is very tech-based, so yes.
Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? She certainly thinks she could - whether that’s actually true is debatable.
Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? She can follow instructions because she’s not an idiot, so the cake would be fine, but she wouldn’t be excited to waste time on it.
Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? She knows how to change a tire and the oil in her car. She has to, since her car is a pile of crap.
Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? Yes.
Specific Knowledge
Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? No, he dropped out of college.
Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don’t? Well, she knows a lot about mythology and the supernatural. 
Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? Probably not?
Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? Probably not. She’s very intelligent, but lots of people are.
Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? She deliberately seeks knowledge in many different areas, because you can never be too educated.
Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? She speaks English, and some rudimentary Chinese and Spanish. It just seemed smart to learn.
Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? Idk, white people shit?
Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? Well, she graduated college summa cum laude so yes!
Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? People wouldn’t dare. She’s scary.
Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? Actively.
What did they have for breakfast this morning? A cup of coffee. 
What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? ): None really. 
Do they like marshmallows? Not really. Not vegetarian.
Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? Side
Do they work better with sound or silence? Sound, but only sound she can moderate herself.
Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? Ghosts? Mythological creatures?
Do they like art? Some? 
How fast can they run? Fast enough.
Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? Chair.
What do they want, right now? Another cup of coffee. And a cigarette.
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