#miraculous ladybug gigantitan
mlb-a-rewrite · 4 months
Miraculous Ladybug: A Rewrite; Episode 3
Synopsis: A toddler is upset when she cannot reach the cookie jar and is akumatized. While initially she wreaks havoc, targeting anything that looks edible in her giant form, It becomes clear that Hawkmoth cannot control her enough to get her to target Ladybug and Chat Noir, choosing to deakumatize her himself.
Villain: Gigantitan
Literally just a giant fucking baby
Conflict: Defeating Gigantitan
Key Events/Scenes: 
Hawkmoth deakumatizes the baby himself, showing that is something he is able to do.
Chat starts to quip with Ladybug. 
The heroes comment on the fact that this villain is a literal toddler.
Marinette, Alya, and Nino are walking home together after school when the attack happens and Marinette runs off.
Adrien was on his way to go to his Mandarin lesson with Fu when they were attacked, he sneaked off into the library before seeing Fu.
Chat is much more like we see him in the main show, much more rizzler, but still not quite in full swing. He’s warming up, getting there, slowly but surely.
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bananagreste · 3 months
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ladynoir, oh, ladynoir ↳ day 402
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car-toons · 1 year
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Character development at its finest, Adrien’s degrading self confidence.
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 30 - Gigantitan
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix looked out at the Louvre from her bedroom window. A large portion of it was closed off by the request of Gabriel Agreste for a photo shoot for a new, upcoming line. She watched as a few people went in and out until Adrien arrived with Kagami beside him. She waited until there was a knock at her door. She turned as Alim stepped inside.
            “You’re all set. I’ve had the section Tikki showed me sectioned off separate from where the photoshoot is happening.”     
            Alix smiled and hugged Alim. “Thanks, Dad. Did you let people know too?”
            “Yup. You won’t have to worry about anyone bothering you.”
            Alix grinned, threw on her hoodie, and ran out to the Louvre. She ran through the museum to the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices. She inspected the base of the statue when she found an odd symbol. She pressed her kwatagama against it. The room darkened and she was surrounded by red portraits of past ladybug holders. She marveled at all of them until she saw one that was distorted with no clear display.
            “That one,” Tikki said, pointing to the distorted portrait.
            Alix reached out and touched the anomaly. The other portraits vanished as a red silhouette of an adult woman materialized. She watched in awe as the light faded to reveal an older version of her suited up in a ladybug-themed roller derby outfit. The older Alix’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled.
            “Hello, Mini Me.”
            “No way. You… you’re… you’re me!”
            “Almost. I’m from a timeline that no longer exists.”
            “What? How is that possible?”
            The older Alix let out a breath and took a seat. “It’s quite a tale. Come, sit, and I’ll share the events that brought you here.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “See, this timeline, you as the ladybug holder, it’s because of me.”
            “Come and I’ll tell you everything.”
            Adrien took a seat as a breather. He looked around at the empty corridors with each end guarded by Kagami and Gorilla. He sighed and took a breath. A creeping sensation crawled up him the entire time he had been out. He had tried to shake it, but it never let up.
            “Adrien, why don’t you take ten and stretch your legs while we set up?” Vincent offered.
            Adrien nodded and waved down Kagami. “Let’s go on a walk.”
            Kagami nodded and accompanied Adrien as they walked around the desolate museum. They encountered a few others in other areas. Adrien hoped that would help his unease, but it grew as they walked around.
            “Adrien, are you ok? You seem unwell.”
            “It’s… well, it’s something. I just feel… uneasy. Like something is coming.”
            “Noted. And, in the future, you’ll do well to let me know these things sooner.”
            Adrien nodded. They continued their walk around when a chill came over him. He turned and Kagami was gone. His eyes widened as he turned around in search of her when Marinette appeared beside him. Panic shocked him as he jumped back.
            “Marinette. You scared me.”
            “S-sorry. I… I hope you don’t mind, but I was hoping we could… you know… talk?”
            “I… I don’t know. I really should be getting back to the photoshoot. Besides, I should find Kagami and-.”
            Marinette paled as she took a step closer to Adrien. “Please, Adrien, give me a chance. I…!”
            “Get away from him!” Kagami roared.
            Adrien turned as Kagami charged in, tossing Alya into a wall. He moved closer to Kagami when Alya jumped up and tackled Kagami.
            “No! You stay away from him! You’re ruining this for Marinette!” Alya howled.
            “She has no right to be near him. Not when he belongs to me!” Kagami yelled.
            “What?” Adrien gasped.
            “You’re wrong! He belongs to Marinette!” Alya countered.
            Adrien’s jaw dropped as he stepped back.
            “Wait, Adrien! I promise it’s not what it sounds like!” Marinette pleaded.
            Adrien shook his head and ran. Plagg poked out from his jacket.
            “Plagg, I don’t know what to do. I can’t-!”
            “Do you know where the statue of Joan of Arc Listening to Her Voices is?” Plagg asked.
            “What? I mean, yes.”
            “Go there. Now.”
            Adrien nodded and headed for the statue.
            Alix let out a breath as she took in the story the older Alix told her. “That’s… I’m sorry that happened. But, with this wish, you made this timeline?”
            “Something like that. I wanted whatever led to the events of Chat Blanc to never occur. I thought so long as I was one of the holders, I could stop it. And here you are, as the ladybug. Though I do worry with my timeline being remembered if something will happen.”
            “Tikki said something would. That a condition would be unmet that would need to be fulfilled later. That it was worth the risk because she trusts me, and she wanted me to find a new guiding light in… you.”
            “Did she? She’s a sweetheart, isn’t she?”
            “And a bit of a nag. Almost like… like a mother.”
            The older Alix smiled. “It almost sounds like you need not look far for your guiding light.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Come on, what’s the fun if I tell you? Besides, I don’t think I can be much. We don’t seem too different. You and I. Us.”
            “Maybe not, but we’re also different. You survived an apocalypse while I’m bitching and moaning about my dying mother leaving me. Seems incredibly different circumstances, no?”
            The older Alix chuckled. “Alright, I’ll give you that. Maybe I can help then, though I’m not sure how.”
            “Well, how did you do it? How did you survive for so long given everything? You could have given up at any point, but you didn’t. How?”
            “Yes. You’re right in a lot of things. I had no reason to keep going. I lost everything. My home, my friends, my family, and my future. I lived just to survive, nothing more. By that reasoning, I should have given up, but I couldn’t. Not so long as there was hope. Hope and a single fool fighting for the impossible. After all, no cause is lost so long as there is still one fool willing to fight for it.”
            “What if all hope is gone? What then?”
            The older Alix chuckled. “Hope is never gone. You simply need to remind yourself what’s worth living for, but also what’s worth dying for.”
            “What about with me? I… I had hoped to see my mother again in death that I nearly left my friends and family. I… I also can’t deny a part of me still wants to find her, but… you know.”
            “And is our mom your only reason for living?”
            “No! I have my friends, family, and myself.”
            “Then why do you want to give up just to see one person when you have so many more worth living for?”
            “Because… because I miss her. I feel like she left me too soon. When I needed her most. I know people come in and out of our lives, that death is a natural thing, but it doesn’t ease the pain. I don’t even understand how you managed seeing Dad and Jalil’s deaths, including your own.”
            “Because I redirected that grief to help me drive forward. I could have laid down and died like you, but I couldn’t. I knew I could set everything right, but not just for the living, but the dead too. I carried their burdens with me, using them to remind myself what I could save. In your case, I would use it to remind myself why I still live. You say you feel like Mom abandoned you, yes?”
            “I do.”
            “Then redirect it. Use that feeling to push you forward to be there for those in your life. Your friends and family. Always be there for them when they need you, just as Mom was once in life. Let your strength come from your defiance, just as I did. Accept the outcome but defy fate the outcome it desires. Create the outcome you want through your defiance.”
            Alix knotted her brows in thought when she saw Adrien stumble into the room. He took several deep breaths when he spotted her. He broke down in tears as he tackled her.
            “Alix! Oh, thank goodness you’re here! I need your help. Please!”
            Alix furrowed her brows and opened her mouth when Marinette, Alya, and Kagami ran into the room after Adrien.
            “Great, you’re here,” Alya hissed.
            “What the hell is going on?” Alix demanded.
            “Nothing. Stand aside,” Kagami ordered.
            Alix sneered. She pushed past Adrien and stood against Kagami. “Never. You have no power over me, bitch.”
            The older Alix whooped and hollered. “Ata girl! You got it! Show them they can’t oppose such defiance. Protect the one you care about!”
            Alix’s eyes widened slightly before she smirked. “I would sooner like to know what the hell happened that Adrien is running from you.”
            “I was doing my job of protecting him. Nothing more,” Kagami reflected.
            “I don’t believe you. Adrien wouldn’t have ran unless something happened. So, I’ll ask again. What did you do?”
            “Yeah, cunt ass bitch! What the fuck did you do?” the older Alix yelled.
            Alix grimaced, aware that none of them could see the older her besides her and Tikki. Though she did admire her older self’s energy.
            “Fine. If you must know, I told them to stay away from Adrien because he is mine. Our parents have arranged our betrothals,” Kagami admitted.
            “What?” Adrien, Marinette, and Alya yelled.
            “Oh, that’s fucked. You aren’t going to let this stand, are you?” the older Alix asked.
            Alix shook her head. “No, I’m not. Neither of your parents have any right to arrange such things without your consent. And I know damn well Adrien had no idea.”
            “That doesn’t matter. We owe-.”
            “You owe nothing! Who fucking cares what your parents want or what they did. This is your life, not your parent’s. You should live it as you want, not how they dictate.”
            “My mother gave up everything to raise me. The least I can do is this,” Kagami countered.
            “I’m sorry, but how the fuck is your mother being the leader of cutting-edge technology and CEO of her own fucking company her giving up everything to raise you. Seems very far from giving up everything to me.”
            Kagami snarled. “I don’t expect from French, wanna-be punk girl to understand how things are with my family. I am from a family of samurai women. We follow orders because we choose to. And I’m choosing to bring face to my family by following my mother’s orders. What are you doing that remotely brings face to your muddled, watered down bloodline of a family?”
            Alix considered as she glanced back at Adrien and her older self. She felt doubt cross her, but it faded when she saw them. Adrien, who counted on her, and her older self, who was the embodiment of defiant will, but also her mother. Without even remembering their mother, they were so much alike. A pang of guilt and regret hit her heart, before a fire was lit.
            Alix turned and decked Kagami in the jaw. “That. That is what I’m doing to bring ‘face’ to my family. We don’t bow to fucking overlords who think they rule the world. We don’t bend our knees to corrupt shitheads that think they know better. We rise and fight against assholes like you. My mother used to when she was alive, and I will always do it. For her, for those I love, and myself!”
            Kagami glared daggers at Alix. “You’re going to regret this, crossing paths with me. All your talk of chaos and purposeless fighting with be for nothing. You will bow to my will, and that of my mother’s. Just you wait and see.”
            “You’re wrong. I know what I fight for… and what’s dying for. Do you?”
            Kagami opened her mouth, then shut it before she stormed off.
            Alix snorted and turned to Alya and Marinette. “As for you two, stay away from Adrien. Marinette, he’s already told you he’s not interested.”
            “No, he didn’t. He-!” Alya started.
            “No, I did. I very much told her and Lila that I’m not interested,” Adrien butted in.
            Alya furrowed her brows and turned to Marinette. “He did? Why didn’t you tell me?”
            “Uh. Well, because… because it wasn’t, uh, important?” Marinette attempted.
            Alya shook her head and grabbed Marinette’s wrist. “That’s it. We’re leaving.”
            Alya dragged Marinette away before she could get another word out. Alix sighed and turned back to Adrien and her older self. Adrien approached her and sang his praises, but her focus was on her older self.
            “You did good. I’m proud of us, you, me? Ah, forget it. I’m proud.”
            Alix smiled. “Thank you.”
            “Uh, for what?” Adrien asked.
            “Not you. The other me.”
            “Other you?”
            “Yeah. You can’t see her. Only I can. Tikki brought her back so we could meet, and I couldn’t be happier.”
            “Oh? What’s she doing?”
            “She’s showing me how to be the best version of myself.”
            “Nah. I’m showing you the person you always have been. You said it all yourself. Now let’s see you practice what you preach, bitch. Once you do, you’ll be where you need to be. After that little display, I can say you’re well on your way,” the older Alix reassured.
            Alix smiled, but it faded when screams tore through the air. She hid in the corner and transformed before she headed out to the source. She stopped dead when she saw a giant baby in a neon onesie.
            “What the hell is that?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Seriously? Hawkmoth brought this back?” the older Alix asked.
            “He used this before?”
            “Yeah. I remember the thing just wanted a damn lollipop, and that my Ladybug-,” the older Alix started.
            Bloody Bug’s eyes widened as she used her Lucky Charm to create a massive lollipop. She held it up and gave it to the baby. It gleefully took it while she looked it over for the Akuma. She eyed the bracelet, broke it, and released the Akuma. She caught it, purified it, and let it go. The giant baby reverted to a normal sized one as she grabbed the lollipop. She threw it up and used her Miraculous power.
            “That was so much simpler than what my Ladybug did. Fuck this! How the hell was Marinette more worthy than us?” the older Alix complained.
            “Wait, what?”
            The older Alix opened her mouth as light particles flew up from her body. “I’m sorry. Time’s up. For now, I hope.”
            Bloody Bug nodded. “See you soon.”
            The older Alix bowed her head as she vanished.
            Bloody Bug sighed. She turned to the baby as its mother came back for it. She headed back to the room with the statue and de-transformed. She didn’t see Adrien, though she assumed he returned to his photoshoot.
            “So, what did you think?” Tikki asked.
            “That was… amazing. Did you see how cool she was? Or, well, me? And the fact that she went through all that and never gave up. Not like I did. But I’ll be better now. That I can promise.”
            “I’m glad she was able to help you. But now that you have, be prepared for the worst to come.”
            “I’m ready. I know what I must be, though it won’t be easy, but I’m not alone. Right?”
            Tikki giggled and nuzzled Alix. “We’ll be here at your side. Always.”
            Alix smiled and cradled Tikki. “Then let’s face the future together, always. Now, let’s go check on Adrien, and piss off that bitch ass puppet.”
            “I don’t know, Alix. Do you really want to make her angrier than she already is?”
            “I will, for Adrien because he’s worth fighting for to see him happy.”
            Tikki smiled. “Then let’s go.”
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yeet-noir · 2 years
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Like ya the concept is a little dorky, but it’s honestly cute and whimsical. And yes he’s ugly, but ugly affectionate.
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Likeeeeee this is just ugly uggo ugly. And it just cries the entire time like no slay value whatsoever.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Gigantitan - Stalkernette
I should note that this is an alternate universe where Alya never found out about the schedule in Copycat.
(Marinette is hanging out with her Girl Squad in her room.)
Alya:  Thanks for showing up, girls. So, check this out. I've got the...biggest...scoop! But FYI, it's seriously hush-hush. Top secret, classified information.
(Alix perks up.)
Alix: You know who Ladybug is?!
(Rose, Juleka, and Mylene gasp in surprise.)
Alya: Nope.
(They grown in disappointment.)
Alya: But it’s almost as good! Marinette’s got a crush on-
Alix, Juleka, Mylene and Rose: Adrien?
Marinette: What?! How did you know?
Mylene: Well... it’s pretty obvious.
Alix: Yeah you’re practically belting it out everytime you see him.
Marinette: So, do you think... I mean... Adrien knows too?
Rose: Nope. Guys like him are terrible with signals.
Alix: Yeah if he had some muscle on him, he’d be a total himbo.
(The rest of the girls nod in agreement.)
Alya: Alright. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to arrange a ridiculously romantic date between Marinette and Adrien.
(The four other girls have different expressions on their face. Mylene looks nervous, though she looks anxious most of the time. Alix seems neutral about the whole thing. Juleka seems unsure and even a little bit sad, why that is, Marinette has no idea. Rose would usually be all about this sort of thing, but notices her girlfriend’s displeasure at the moment.)
Alya: What’s the matter?
Juleka: I dunno yet. Maybe nothing. What do you have in mind?
(Marinette smiles once again, seemingly unaware to the uncomfortable air in the room, something that Alya was picking up on.)
Marinette: Thank you girls, I knew I could count on you.
Alya: Well, I’ll let Marinette explain the rest.
(She looks a bit concerned as she sits down with the other girls.)
Marinette: Alya and I came up with a plan.
Alya: Actually you came up with the plan. I just gave it a name.
 Marinette: Whatever. It’s called “Operation: Secret Garden”.
Mylene: Excuse me, but why do we need a plan? I mean, can't Marinette just go up to Adrien and ask him out?
Rose: Yeah, I mean, I’ve always loved these super romantic dream dates, but couldn’t we just help Marinette with straight-up confessing her feelings?
Alya: Girls, I get it, but you know Marinette. Now each of you will have a codename-
Alix: Codenames? The hell is this, Ocean’s Eleven?
Marinette: Save the questions for the end. Now let’s start with Step 1.
(As she lays out the convoluted and insane plan, the girls just look at her as if she’s lost it. Alya is smiling, but the others can tell it’s fake. When she decides to go to the bathroom, Alya drops the smile and turns to the other girls.)
Alya: Ok, I’m gonna be real with you guys. It’s terrible.
Alix: No shit.
Rose: Then why did you go along with it?
Alya: Because we’re best friends. I figured it was the nice thing to do. I planned on you guys politely rejecting it, then we could sit down and have a talk with her about the obsession with Adrien.
Juleka: But I thought you loved them as a couple.
Alya: Yeah at the start, before it turned Marinette into a total paranoid Adrien stan. Seriously, it’s getting to the point where all she talks about is “Adrien” this and “Adrien” that. It’s driving me-
(She notices Marinette opening the door.)
Alya: Hey girl! We all have some thoughts on the plan.
Marinette: Is it great or what?
Juleka: It’s bad.
Rose: And probably illegal.
Mylene: And does it need to be so extravagant? I feel like Adrien would be happier with like... a simple lunch date, or something.
(Alya drops the act and looks to Marinette.)
Alya: Girl, I told you this was too much.
Marinette: Becauussee, it has to be perfect.
Alix: Well it wouldn’t even work in the first place. If “Buttercup” finds out that the “chariot” is gone, he’ll just text his “nanny”, won’t he?
(Marinette chuckles at this question.)
Marinette:  Impossible. "Buttercup" always leaves his personal items in the car when he's on a photo shoot, even his phone!
(She blushes at just the thought of it. The other girls look shocked.)
Alya: Marinette... how do you know about that?
Marinette: I know everything about Adrien! It’s all thanks to the schedule.
Rose: S-schedule?
Marinette: This one!
(She pulls out a large copy of Adrien’s schedule from the ceiling.)
Marinette: I know when he’s got fencing, basketball, his photo shoots, everything! 
(She sees that everyone in the room, including Alya, have looks of utter shock on their face.)
Alya: What the fuck?!
Marinette: What! What’s wrong?!
Alya: What’s wrong?! Marinette, this is messed up! You know everything about him!
Rose: Yeah! It’s horrifying!
Marinette: It’s romantic! It shows just how much I care about him?!
Juleka: Did you care enough about him to ask if it was ok?
Marinette: *stammering* I, well, I- no, but-
Alix: Exactly! Because you know this is wrong!
Mylene: How could you have even known any of this? He couldn’t have told you.
Marinette: I had to do some digging on the interent, ok?
(As she tries defending herself, Alya snaps a photo of her next to the schedule.)
Marinette: What are you doing?!
Alya: Getting evidence. I’m gonna go over to Mr. Agreste and show him what’s going on. Alix, Mylene, Juleka and Rose are witnesses.
(As she says this, the rest of the girls follow suit in taking photos.)
Marinette: Please, no! You can’t! If you do, they won’t let me see him again!
Alya: Well that’s a good thing. Now that I know how crazy it made you. And you should be thankful we’re not taking this to the police.
(Marinette is freaking out now, she has tears in her eyes as she tries to stop them from leaving.)
Marinette: B-but, girls. We’re friends!
Mylene: We’re going to get you help, Marinette. That is what good friends do.
Alya: Goodbye, Marinette.
Alix: If I catch you anywhere near my house, I’m callin the cops, and if you try to stop me, I’m kicking your ass.
Rose: We hope you get better, Marinette.
Juleka: We really do.
(As they leave, Marinette can’t help but sob on her bed. Tikki comes out and looks concerned for her holder.)
Tikki: Is this why you didn’t want me to see what was under the ceiling.
Marinette: I did it for him... I did it for him...
Tikki: Just... try to get some rest, Marinette. We’ll talk about this later.
(All of a sudden, Marinette’s sobs turn to giggles, getting louder and louder. Tikki backs off in fear as her holder begins rocking back and forth.)
Marinette: Hee hee heee... They betrayyed meeee. But that’s ok, Tikki. I’ll stop them!
Tikki: M-m-Marinette?
Marinette: I won’t let them bring us apart. Adrien’s my soulmate, my one true love! And I know just what to do. TIKKI, SPOTS ON!
(She undergoes the transformation into Ladybug.)
Marinette: I know! I’ll find those traitors and I’ll tie them up. Then we can just.. talk, make sure they never talk to Adrien ever again! It’s perfect! PERFECT! PERFECT! PERFECT!
Tikki: Marinette! Please stop! This isn’t you!
Marinette: Oh but it is! And I didn’t even need an akuma to find out. All I needed was... betrayal. And soon, Adrien’s gonna be mine! AALLL MINE!!
(She began cackling like a madwoman, using her yoyo to swing out of her room, looking to pay her old friends a visit.)
So yeah, bet you weren’t expecting that ending, huh? Yep, Marinette’s gone full yandere, without even becoming an Akuma. I could make a sequel to this but IDK. This is just for fun, but there’s some actual criticism in there. As always, shoutout to @artzychic27 and @msweebyness. Lemme know what you think in the comments, reblogs, and asks.
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and now that season 5 is finished…
What are the bad writing decisions, you can predict for season 6 ?
just for laughs
Off the top of my head, I'd say
Marinette won't feel guilty about hiding the truth from Adrien at all.
Adrien will learn the truth about his father from Lila, but he won't hold Marinette accountable because he thinks that he was still a good person or because Marinette "Did it out of love".
Lila will create some new kind of Akuma that's supposedly meant to be more powerful, yet more often than not, it's just used on the same targets (Mr. Pigeon, Gigantitan, Glaciator, etc.).
A good chunk of Ladybug's team (seriously, it's been five seasons and we don't have an official name for this?) will be busy overseas for very mundane reasons and can't be bothered to come back and help Ladybug until the finale.
Either that, or Lila manages to recruit some of the temp heroes to her side so we can have another Battle of the Miraculous.
We'll get a new disabled character or a character who's a person of color, and while Astruc will boast about how inclusive this makes his show, they'll only appear for an episode or two at most.
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baenyth · 8 months
First Half of Miraculous Season 2 Done. Here's my thoughts:
The Collector: A pretty good start! They made the teens smart while still being dumb teens!
Despair Bear: Chloe needs a therapist, arguably moreso than a redemption arc and especially a downward villainous spiral. Also Dangit Grandpa
Prime Queen: Wow, this was a lot more chill than expected. Even Cat Noir was left aghast at what Nadja was doing, Nadja seemed to be pressuring Ladybug and Cat Noir more for views than anything else, and I'm not entirely sure Akuma personalities can be trusted.
Befana: Fun fact: This was the episode that got me into Miraculous in the first place because of how shocking it was. And then I discovered even more. In hindsight from watching the other episodes, it was relatively darker, but mostly because it's Marinette's friends and family that are getting G-rated killed instead of random civilians like every other episode.
Riposte: Kagami is here! I don't see too much chemistry with her and Adrien yet, but she's cool and I like her and feel like I could be friends in real life. Also this feels like a relatively uncommon trope, but I wish "X is blatantly a woman but no one notices" was spedran through by someone with brains.
Robustus: Pretty good, all things considered. From what I've heard about Miraculous lore, creating sapient or at the very least semi-sapient AI isn't that uncommon for weirdness hotspots, and I'm putting Max in the list of characters I think should have figured out Ladybug and Cat Noir's identity. (There's four now!)
Gigantitan: It turns out my favorite parts of Miraculous are the slice-of-life bits instead of the superhero bits the show is about! We got to see more of Marinette's friends! Alix! Mylene! Julie! The Eeby Deeby herself! Also it was really sweet to see Adrien's bodyguard calm down just by looking at the kid. Adrien's true daddy.
Dark Owl: No wonder these two aren't allowed to know eachothers' identities, considering how much of a loose tongue Marinette has!
Glaciator: Alright, it's finally time to talk about the sins of Marinette and Cat Noir, considering the fan content I osmosed before watching the series was heavy salt stuff, and I wanna see how much it holds up. So far Cat Noir has acted as if he's already dating Ladybug previously, and in this episode he got mad at Ladybug for not showing up at a date when she herself said she might not come due to having other plans. Isn't he supposed to be used to not-showing-up disappointment as Adrien due to his dad? Is it different because he's Cat Noir? Is this a breaking point? No matter, he eventually calms down and is ultimately the less bad member of the relationship. Marinette, meanwhile, doesn't have as many misdemeanors to her name but they're a lot worse. She stole Adrien's phone to get rid of an embarrassing message and got away with it too, what the hell, and also owns the schedule. Although I don't believe she stalked Adrien and made it herself due to how busy she is as both Marinette and Ladybug, that's just weird and wrong. I'm reluctant to call her a stalker, but her actions are still wrong. Ultimately, this relationship is going to need a lot of therapy and counseling to not crash and burn. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah. The ice cream episode. I think the ice cream guy can be wrong and he doesn't understand that.
Sapotis: Silly little fun episode, also it introduces the first new Miraculous holder! I'm honestly fine with it so far if it means more screentime for side characters. I honestly really like seeing Marinette's classmates. They're neat. Also I was this close to putting Alya on the list but she proves time and time again that she doesn't actually know Ladybug's identity.
Gorizilla: In this episode we are introduced to Adrien's deranged parasocial fanbase. I'm starting to understand some of his father's decisions at this point. This is what I was talking about with the schedule, by the way. These obsessive stalker creeps make Marinette look reasonable, and I wouldn't be surprised if the one guy who I'm pretty sure becomes Party Crasher discreetly stalked Adrien to get his schedule. Restraining orders need to be filed.
Captain Hardrock: One of the funniest episodes, up there with Dark Cupid. Also Luka is here! And he already has great chemistry with Marinette! And more Rosie and Julie content even if it's crumbs!
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therubyfox · 3 months
So a year or two ago I saw this amazing post on tumblr about colour symbolism in Miraculous (I really wish I could source it here but I can’t find it anywhere I am literally kicking myself right now). Anyway, it is an incredible theory and once start seeing the connections you can’t stop. The basic idea is that the some of the colours that characters wear or are associated with symbolise their general motivations. The theory focuses specifically on the colours red, white and black. The meanings kind of evolved as more people reblogged but from what I remember the basic gist is this:
Red= duty / loyalty
White= control
Black= love
I think they actually said that black was romance, but that definition is just a little too limiting in my opinion and broadening in it out allows you to make more connections. I am also broadening out red as well to include loyalty for the same reasons (besides duty and loyalty are also pretty similar, so it’s not that much of a stretch).
Anyway, I bring this up because I saw the post at some point during season 4—definitely before the release of season 5 anyway, but looking back on the latest season just made me realise that oh my god they were so right. So, I’m just going to show you some of things I’ve noticed when it comes to this theory, especially surrounding season 5. (Buckle up guys, this is gonna be a long post).
But before I get into all that, I just want to mention that the placement of the clothing also informs the meaning behind the colour. This was also mentioned in the original post too I believe, but I can’t remember exactly how it worked so I’m just gonna put my own spin on it based on what I noticed.
So when I say the placement of the clothing I’m really just talking about whether the colour is the top or bottom layer of clothing—jacket vs. T-shirt, blazer vs. shirt etc.. The bottom layer is the character’s core motive, with the top layer being more secondary. A lot of the time the secondary motive informs the core one, so it kind of becomes the means with which they achieve their core motive. For example, a character wearing a red coat with a black T-shirt could be interpreted as loyalty or duty coming from a place a love—they do what they believe is right because of the people they love etc.
Ladybug / Marinette
Ok, time to put this theory into action, and what better place to start than the main character? Ladybug’s costume is pretty straightforward: red with black spots. The red obviously represents her duty as a hero, her main motive when in costume. and the spots could either represent her love for Paris or if you’re a Ladynoir shipper, her love for Chat Noir, it could really go either way.
Her civilian outfit is where it starts to get interesting though. Marinette wears a black blazer with a white top underneath. With the white as the core motive and the black as the secondary one, this indicates love from a place of control, and this is backed up by the events of show. Marinette clearly does love Adrien but she can also be very particular about how she approaches her love. She knows every detail about him, such as the schedule she has in “Copycat”, and feels the need to control every detail when she tries to confess to him, such as Operation: Secret Garden in “Gigantitan”. This controlling nature is only solidfied in the episode “Derision” after Kim pranks her on their date. “I should’ve had a plan […] I’ll never tell another boy that I love him before I know everything about him” (11:53-12:04).
Chat Noir / Adrien
Chat Noir is also pretty simple when it comes to colour symbolism in the show. His suit is all black, indicating that his main motive is love. In earlier seasons this most likely symbolised his love for Ladybug but now that he is with Marinette we can assume that it symbolises his generally loving attitude, whether it be towards his friends, family, maybe even Paris itself.
His civilian clothing also points to this same idea, with his T-shirt being black. Adrien also has a white over shirt, but rather than this representing some need for control, I’d argue this more so symbolises Gabriel’s control over him, which of course, does inform a lot of Adrien’s actions. Gabriel’s control pushes the black down another layer—it suppresses it. Instead showing off his colours proudly like he does as Chat Noir he has to leave them cloaked under a white surface, trying to navigate his core motive of love while being unable to fully shake off the white. Think of the many times when Gabriel has kept him away from his friends, like in the episode “Bubbler” where he wasn’t allowed to have a birthday party, or in “Revolution” when Gabriel ships him off to London for the next school year.
Interestingly, this isn’t the only instance where a white top layer indicates control thrusted onto the character wearing the colour. Kagami also follows a similar pattern sporting a white blazer and a controlling mother. She also has both red and black in the bottom layers so make of that what you will.
Another thing to note is that many of Adrien’s modelling outfits are fully white, such as the one in the fragrance ad or the angel outfit in “Simpleman”, representing the complete control Gabriel has over him when he is modelling. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but the only modelling outfit that is not white (apart from the stock photos like the ones in the mansion perhaps) is the one that he wears in “Queen Wasp”. Instead of fully white this suit is fully black, and it is topped off with a black pigeon hat, a hat that Marinette, who is in love with Adrien, made. Additionally, this is the episode where Gabriel almost gives up being Hawkmoth because of how Adrien was attacked by Style Queen in the previous episode. He is less controlling of Adrien and more loving in this episode, even go so far as to hug him in his first public appearance since Emilie’s death, and the black suit reflects that.
However, the idea that Adrien’s all-white clothes represent Gabriel’s control isn’t even just limited to modelling. When Chat Noir is akumatised in “Chat Blanc” his suit also becomes fully white.
In season 5, the Alliance rings are also closely linked to the colour white. The Adrien and Kagami avatars wear all white, indicating the controlling nature of the alliance and the fact that The two of them have no control over how their image is used. Even the virtual space that the avatars exist in is an empty white void, reminiscent of the padded rooms the two are placed in during the season 5 finale, rooms which are used to confine and control the two.
The only time when the Alliance interface is not white is when it changes to red. There’s two times this has happened as far as I’m aware: in “Revelation” when Hoaxer enters the Alliance rings and feeds the people fake news, and in “Confirmation” when Gabriel creates fake footage of Ladybug and Chat Noir kidnapping Adrien and Kagami’s avatars. In both of these scenarios, someone is preying on the public’s loyalty to the alliance rings and their sense of duty to get them to do their bidding.
And look, I know I’ve been straying away a from Adrien a bit, but I also just want to mention that the colour white is often associated with the rich and powerful of Paris in general. This is most clearly seen in “Emotion”, where the VIP party’s dress code is literally all white, reflecting how all the people in that room control Paris.
Speaking of rich and powerful, Gabriel also draws from the colour triad. He does have a few layers that aren’t one of these three colours but his very bottom layer is a white shirt, which isn’t a surprise really, we just went over how he is controlling with both Adrien and the alliance rings. He also has a striped red tie symbolising either his loyalty towards Emilie or the fact that he believes it is his duty to bring her back to life. The white stripes also indicate control, probably to reflect the way that he will do anything in his power to bring Emilie back, like using the miraculous wish, because he is incapable of accepting that sometimes things happen beyond your control and all you can do is move on.
In season 5 he wears all white as his obsession with the wish—his means of complete control, takes over. It could also represent how he’s become even more controlling of Adrien despite pretending to be more loving, (because again, he literally ships his own son off to a different country). Interestingly, in the episode “Destruction” he is inflicted with a cataclysm, a black cataclysm, which could be a visual metaphor for his love for Emilie literally destroying him, which is a really cool in my opinion.
Lila Rossi
Lila is definitely the most interesting character to analyse under this theory, because not only do her clothes draw from the colour triad but even her name does. According to nameberry.com, Lila means night (ie black) and Rossi means red in Italian. She also wears a red cardigan with black underneath—duty or loyalty from a place of love. If we take Lila claims at face value then this makes sense, like in the episode “Chameleon”, when she catches a napkin with her sprained wrist to protect Max, all the while saying things like “I didn’t have a choice” (i.e duty) and “Why wouldn’t I Max […] you’re my friend” (i.e love) (5:40-42 and 5:47-50). But of course, Lila is a liar which means that everything from her name to even the clothes she wears is a carefully constructed illusion.
In the episode “Confrontation” it is revealed that Lila has actually been juggling two fake identities: Lila Rossi and Cerise Bianca. Now this is where it gets really interesting because Lila’s second identity also draws from the colour triad too. Cerise is a shade of red similar to that of cherries or rubies and guess what Bianca means in Italian? That’s right—white.
This can mean a few different things. Perhaps her Cerise persona is more noticeably controlling. Lila’s name directly reflected her clothing, with her first name indicating the the bottom layer (the core motive) and her second name the top layer (the means) so if we apply the same logic to Cerise then maybe her name indicates that this persona’s motives are control from a place a duty, in other words being bossy and controlling because she feels like it’s her job to lead and help everyone.
Another interpretation could be that these are Lila’s true motivations, especially with her being named after the colour white, and if you really want to stretch it, then you could also argue that the red indicates loyalty to herself; she controls everyone because it exclusively benefits her.
it could also be interpreted as somewhere in between. Instead of it being solely Cerise’s fake motivations or Lila’s true motivations it is rather a step closer to the truth. The loyalty to herself theory is, like I said, a stretch. If anything, her true motivation is probably just control for control’s sake, and in this Cerise persona her true colours are shining through a little.
I couldn’t really find a natural place to put this but I also just want to point out here that when she was akumatised into Hoaxer she still had the red and black colour scheme that she does as Lila because she’s still using the same tactics that she does as a civilian, pretending that all she does is out of love and duty. She does also however have splashes of white on her belt, tail and ends of her hair, so maybe that also symbolises her true colours showing through too.
I’m honestly curious to see if Cerise’s clothes will change in season 6 to reflect her name, especially with a lot of the other characters getting new outfits too. Either way I think it’s really interesting how both her fake identities are based off of these three colours.
The great thing about this theory is that it’s not just confined to these four characters. Plenty of more characters also wear these colours, such as Kagami, who I briefly touched on, Emilie (and Amelie by extension), Tomoe Tsurugi, even Nathalie. The only reason why I didn’t delve into these characters is because this post is getting pretty long and I think I’ve made my point, but really, I’ve barely scratched the surface here. There is so much significance with these three colours, they are literally everywhere.
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faiirygrahamdevanily · 2 months
🐞🐈‍⬛every miraculous episode in 10 words or less season 2
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🐞🐈‍⬛links to the other seasons: season 1 post | season 2 post | season 3 post | season 4 post | season 5 post (links will be added once posts are published)
🐞🐈‍⬛If you count 11 words on some, count again <3
📘🦋Collector: adrien has his rapunzel realization moment but forgets everything 2sec later
🎙❤️Prime Queen: chat noir loving chouquettes & purring on live tv
🍨🌕Glaciator: rejecting eachother to go on a moon date together
🛎🧸Despair bear: a cute little teddy bear being hilarious
🥐🎸Troublemaker: penny and nathalie should open an underpaid assistant support group
👶🏾🍭Gigantitan: operation secret garden gettting ruined by a giant lollipop seeking baby
🍬🪽Befana: handmade lucky charm bracelets being THE best gift ever
🎼🎤Frightningale: you're right plagg, people are blind, VERY blind
👳🏻‍♀️⛲️Gorizilla: radiant carefree dreamy adrien the fragance
🤖🔋Robostus: markov being an absolute king for messing with hawkmoths security system
🦉🦸‍♂️The dark owl: new fear unlocked, principal turning into an owl
💄💋Zombiezou: teachers birthday escalating into a zombie apocalypse
🪀🚖Reverser: taxis being a public heath hazard
🤺🥈Riposte: adriens 'just a very good friend' knows NOTHING about fencing
🎹🧀Captain Hardrock: camembert you're the cheese of my dreams
🦊🪈Sapotis: pyjama party turning into alyas first akuma fight
🌊🧜‍♀️Syren: adrien playing with ladynoir dolls while ladybug is mixing power ups
❄️⛸️Frozer: inviting your 'very-good-friend' to your date will NOT go well
🦕✨️Queens Battle 1 - Style Queen: All's not gold that glitters, unless you're a gold glitter statue
🐝🪮Queens Battle 2 - Queen wasp: what do chloé and felix have in common? EVERYONE knows their hero identity
🧢🥖Anansi: carapace saving the day!
🐝🎉Malediktator: 'nobody is useless' defending chloé did NOT age well dear adrien
🧦⛓️Sandboy: plagg noo who turned you into a sock?!?
🦊🐞Heroes day 1 - Catalyst: silly delusional illusionist fox illusioning illusions again
🦋🦚Heroes day 2 - Mayura: hawkmoth changing his name, again
🎄🎅🏼Santa Claws: the boy that she secretely looooves is a sad lonely kitty
sneek peak season 3
🪄💋Puppeteer 2: match my freak and it's wax lips on wax lips
🐈‍⬛🤍Cat blanc: black kitty good, white kitty bad
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spiceynoodls · 2 months
MLB Episodes Chronological
Some of these aren’t released yet (according to the wiki) but there will be links posted as I go
beware. This is a LONG ASS LIST.
Season 1:
Stormy Weather
Lady Wifi
The Evillustrator
Princess Fragrance
Dark Cupid
Mr. Pigeon 
The Bubbler
Simon Says
Roger cop
Dark blade
The Pharaoh
The Puppeteer
The Mime
Guitar Villain 
Kung Food
Santa Claws
Season 2
The Collector
Prime Queen
Despair Bear
The Dark Owl
Captain Hardrock
Queen’s Battle
Heroes’ Day
Season 3
Miraculous World: Shanghai - The Legend of Ladydragon
Gamer 2.0
Stormy Weather 2
Ikari Gozen
Party Crasher
The Puppeteer 2
Cat Blanc
The Battle of the Miraculous 
Miraculous World: New York - United Heroez
Season 4
Gang of Secrets
Mr. Pigeon 72
Furious Fu
Sole Crusher
Queen Banana
Gabriel Agreste
Mega Leech
Glaciator 2
Dearest Family
Kuro Neko
Shadow Moth’s Final Attack
Season 5
The Kwamis’ choice
The Final Day
Miraculous World: London - At The Edge of Time 
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Miraculized with the roster would be a perfect finale tbh.
Imagine Ladybug and Chat having to go through all of these millions of akumas with different powers to get to Monarch. We could probably even see past Akuma powers! Like having a giant Miraculized to mean Gigantitan, flying ones, invisible ones, ones that breath underwater and create ice, etc
Just going through all to get to the final boss.
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mrplushgore · 1 year
Some silly Miraculous doodles
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The dude with the cigarette is Roger re-imagined as a detective. I think it'd be funny to have him as a detective trying to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir are, but we had Alya for that, and as a detective, he wouldn't be able to give out his overbearing amount of tickets.
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Redraws from Gigantitan. That episode felt like an anime filler episode, what with the lack of lore, the fake out Akuma and Hawk Moth acting kinda silly.
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Redraw from Riposte. I don't think Nino and Kagami have ever met, so here they are.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 14 days
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usagirln12003 · 2 months
Alya Césaire: Hogwarts AU
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Alya Césaire is a Half-Blood witch that was born on the 16th of January 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Gryffindor House.
She has an Apple wand with a Phoenix Feather core.
Her Patronus is a Red Fox.
Her favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts and her least favorite subject is Potions.
She was one of the Gryffindor Prefects of her year and a Chaser for the Quidditch team since her fifth year.
Alya is rather energetic, passionate, funny, confident, adventurous, yet down to earth. Her foresight has come in handy many times. When it comes to anything involving Ladybug and Cat Noir, she easily becomes very excited and has a single goal of updating everyone at Hogwarts quickly.
Alya doesn't like being undermined or doubted by others, especially when it comes to her work. If someone points out something wrong to her, she is too stubborn to admit they are right. Though her research is generally right when she takes her time, Alya tends to jump to conclusions, like quickly suspecting Chloé of being Ladybug after seeing the girl with her own Ladybug suit and toy yo-yo and mistaking them for the real ones. She also has a habit of never checking her sources or doing ethical investigating for gossiping, while demanding others to provide proof for their claims, she doesn't do that herself often.
Her reporter's edge seems to have calmed down thanks to her alter ego as Rena Rouge being aware that there are lines when it comes to exposing secrets learning that despite not being told everything as friends there was still trust between them.
Alya is extremely loyal, supportive, helpful, and sometimes pushy, such as when she goes out of her way to encourage and (sometimes literally) push Marinette into spending time with Adrien. She is also very stubborn when it comes to doing things her way, such as the photoshoot of Marinette's fashion line. At times, she can be a bit demanding at times just as keeping Nino in line about revealing Marinette's crush on Adrien. As well as have a dramatic side to her personality, such as when she pretends to be a unicorn with Manon and later makes an excuse to Adrien's photographer, to make Marinette a support model for Adrien, instead of her. Having to babysit her younger siblings at home during the summer, she is great with kids, though sometimes she pushes her responsibility of watching them on Marinette so she can go on dates with Nino.
As described by Cat Noir, Alya is a "brave chick", unafraid to get close to Imperius cursed individuals in her pursuit of the truth, tending to forget her safety at times and, needs rescuing by the very superheroes she is observing. As Ladybug, Marinette calls Alya bossy, feisty, and bold. Her bravery and determination have helped both civilians and superheroes, such as when she makes a plan with her classmates to save Marinette and sacrifices herself in the process or rides a bike to distract Gigantitan from harming Ladybug, showing a more compassionate side towards her beloved ones in danger and great skills in leadership.
Alya holds great admiration and respect for the two superheroes, especially Ladybug, wishing to know anything and everything about her. Much more, she wildly dreams of knowing Ladybug's identity, not once thinking about the consequences of revealing the truth to everyone, as Marinette mentioned to her several times. However, she would respect her desire to keep it secret. Alya wishes to work alongside her and that dream came true when the superheroine chose her to wield the Fox Miraculous and asks for her help in defeating Sapotis. She greatly values the trust Ladybug has in her, making her someone of her word above her burning desire to continue helping her teammates and returns her Miraculous back.
During a trip to Hogsmead, upon seeing a statue of her Imperius cursed alter ego she felt remorseful about her actions. Despite respecting Ladybug as the guardian and her best friend, she impulsively took the Turtle Miraculous when it was not required in Ladybug's plan. Just as easily as she fell for Lila's deception in the past, Alya ends up being fooled by Hawk Moth's tricks showing she has a lot to learn. When Ladybug quickly exposes the identity of Sentinino, Alya becomes devastated at the realization that her impulsiveness almost turned catastrophic. This event prompts her to self-reflect, ultimately learning from her mistake which earns Ladybug's decision of turning her into a permanent miraculous holder.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Thomas Astruc confirmed in Twitter that the Miraculous Ladybug can revert/heal injuries/death/anything inflicted by akumas/sentimonsters with her fixing power but limited to the apparition of the akumatized villain/sentimonster: https://twitter.com/Thomas_Astruc/status/666948051811069953
So, I think this could explains why she didn't use the Miraculous Ladybug in Representation. I mean, she don't even need to invoke her Lucky Charm to use the Miraculous Ladybug, since in Weredad after the battle with Gigantitan, the power is used without the summoned Lucky Charm. But even if she needed to invoke her Lucky Charm to use the Miraculous Ladybug, in Miraculer, Ladybug uses the power after the battle with the Lollipop Sentimonster, even though she didn't even use the Lucky Charm to defeat the Sentimonster.
Yeah I figured that, it's why she wasn't able to go back to Paris in the New York Special after the senti had disappeared and repair everything then.
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