#mirabel madrigal palette
hey-color-palettes · 1 year
Could you please do a colour palette based on Mirabel Madrigal from Encanto?
Thank you in advance!
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12717c || #ecb666 || #c98483 || #ae6592 || #423271
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In honour of Antonio’s birthday, you may have this fic. For nobody in particular.
Mirabel stresses about Antonio’s sixth birthday and making it more than perfect (to make up for last year), to the point she completely crashes when the day finally rolls around. Antonio doesn’t want to spend the day without her.
Mainly fluff!
The Best Gift of All
Chatting idly, Dolores and Luisa made their way into Casita, each carrying crates of decoration and treats and other supplies. The Madrigals were hoping to get everything prepared for when Antonio returned home for school for his birthday party. They both winced as Camilo suddenly pushed between them, grumbling under his breath and tearing up a streamer in his hand.
“¡Ay! Careful, Camilo! You almost made me drop this,” his sister chided.
“You know, the party is happening in Casita, Camilo. You’re going the wrong way.” Luisa teased. “Aren’t you helping us with decorations?”
Camilo made a face at them, “I was! But if I’m in a room with her any longer, I’m gonna actually punch her!”
Luisa raised an eyebrow curiously at him, while Dolores rolled her eyes. She settled her gaze on Isabela, who was busy conjuring up piles of amber leaves in the courtyard - there was already a thick enough layer that covered the tiles, swishing and crunching under foot.
“Isabela Cristina Rojas Madrigal, you better be behaving yourself in there,” she muttered, just loud enough to be heard.
“I am.” Isabela insisted.
“Uh huh, you mean to tell me you haven’t messed with Camilo or anyone else at all?” Dolores challenged. She was very unconvinced, even if Isabela sounded innocent.
No sooner had she said those exact words, had she and Luisa crossed the threshold, only for a massive pile of leaves to be dumped on them.
Dolores scowled. Isabela burst out laughing uproariously at the reaction, collapsing onto the floor. The mass amount of leaves breaking her fall. Luisa shook herself off, chuckling a little in amusement at her fellow prank victim. Camilo, who clearly hadn’t walked off in this time to see the prank, was also laughing along, bracing himself against the wall.
“I despise you all.” Dolores hissed.
“No, you don’t, you liar,” Isabela scoffed at her. “You love us and our antics.”
Luisa nudged Dolores playfully, “Come on, it was just a little prank. And the look on your face was priceless. I can’t believe you fell for that, as if Milo would ever be mad at Bela.”
“What?” Camilo piped up. “That wasn’t part of anything - hell, I didn’t even know Isabela was gonna do this. I am actually about to punch someone!”
“Right, so what else am I telling Isabela off for?” Dolores inquired.
“Not her! I’m talking about Mirabel!”
“Mirabel?” Dolores and Luisa questioned simultaneously. They shot each other a confused glance.
Isabela nodded, “Oh yeah, she’s been wound up all morning.” She gleamed off into the dining room, presumably where Mirabel was. “It’s actually insane. I think her mind has finally snapped, like a brittle stem. She keeps yelling at everyone.”
“Don’t say that about my hermanita!” Luisa snarled. “She’d never do anything like that!”
“It’s true! She’s an actual nightmare!” Camilo exclaimed, pulling at his hair in frustration. “Every time I try helping, she immediately starts yelling at me! ‘Primo, that streamer doesn't go with the palette of the room. Don’t you know basic colour coordination? You need to use orange’! ‘No, that’s not orange, that’s tangerine’! ‘No, that’s not orange, that’s mango’! Like, for fuck’s sake, it’s all fucking orange!”
Everyone turned to Luisa, who winced under the pressure. “Okay, yeah, maybe she would do that. A little… But she wouldn’t yell if she didn’t have a reason to yell!”
“Enough, I’m not dealing with you lot arguing all afternoon.” Dolores quickly intervened, stepping between them. “Camilo, why don’t you head into town and calm down? See how Tío Bruno and Agustín are getting along? Isabela, you can get rid of the rest of these pranks that I’m sure you’ve set up throughout the entire house.”
“How have you come back to being mad at me?” Isabela pondered aloud.
Dolores ignored the comment. “Luisa and I will finish the decorating and preparations here. And deal with Mirabel. Isabela can help when she’s done.”
Camilo huffed but didn’t really argue, disappearing down the road. Isabela tried to convince Dolores to let her leave her pranks in place, as Antonio would find them funny, but lost that debate and was made to remove them all. Which Dolores supervised. Luisa set the crates aside for the time being and was very disbelieving of the whole Mirabel thing. She was constantly babbling away at how Camilo had probably done something to upset her or was being overdramatic as usual.
With the pranks gone, they finally made their way into the dining room to where Isabela had said Mirabel was. The younger girl had been charged with the present wrapping - something Mirabel enjoyed way more than the average person for whatever reason. And, to her credit, the gifts she had already wrapped looked wonderful.
“See?” Luisa whispered to the older two. “Look how happy and peaceful she is. She’s so precious. I knew Camilo was lying.” She grinned, crossing her arms smugly. “Don’t you two look stupid?”
Dolores opened her mouth immediately - she never did like being made to look less intelligent than she believed she was - but Isabela simply held an arm out stopping her. Isabela being oddly calm and not immediately also trying to argue with Luisa was strange, and maybe for a second, some doubt appeared in Luisa’s face.
Isabela waved her hand, creating a tiny pink flower of some kind. She flicked it with her fingers, sending it directly towards Mirabel. Only for it to be immediately and harshly crushed under a book, with a force and speed that was very unlike Mirabel.
“Isabela Madrigal, you incompetent twit!” She screeched. “Fuchsia is not part of the colour scheme! It isn’t even a complimentary colour! You need to learn how to use your eyes properly, young lady.”
“Still seven years older than you, sis.” Isabela reminded, lazily.
“Then act like it!”
The others stood quietly taking this in. Dolores hummed in satisfaction that Luisa hadn’t been proven right, while Luisa was immediately trying to excuse her previous statement.
“That’s what she’s been like,” Isabela concluded to the pair beside her. “I don’t know why Camilo got so mad about it. I think it’s funny. I’m just proud that she does have a backbone in there somewhere - and, to be honest, if it only comes out for Antonio, that’s fine by me. As long as she actually has one. I was starting to worry it broke in Casita’s fall.”
“How sisterly of you, Isabela.” Dolores commented.
“I know, I’m such a good role model.”
Luisa shuffled out from between Isabela and Dolores, stepping closer to Mirabel, reaching for a hug as usual.
Mirabel shifted away from the hands. “Don’t you dare touch me, I’m in the middle of folding a corner! It needs to be even!” She explained, pointing with her lips to the book that she was now wrapping.
“I mean, does it really matter? It’s gonna be ripped off in seconds, Antonio won’t even notice what it looks like.” Isabela said.
“Isabela is right. People don’t care about wrapping. You are fussing over nothing,” Dolores added.
“How dare you? This is very important!” Mirabel countered. “And I’m sorry if you don’t care about the little things as much as I do - it is honestly your mistake - but I am not going to be the reason for Antonio having another ruined birthday!” She stopped, taking a breath to calm herself. “I would rather die.”
Mirabel clearly intended for some of that to be quiet, or maybe not even heard at all. But given how close Luisa was and Dolores’ enhanced hearing, and Mirabel not thinking clearly, it was heard. Even Isabela, who did not have the benefit of the other two, seemed to work it out, judging by the silence that fell over the room.
As soon as the corner was folded over and stuck down, Luisa made her move again, closing her arms around her sister. Too quick for Mirabel to pull away again. She was horribly tense, not that Luisa was by that - something had to be upsetting her for her to be so unlike herself. Bony joints poking into Luisa’s sides. She didn’t even move to reciprocate the hug, but she was too tired to fight it. Instead, she rubbed a hand at her temples, glaring slightly.
“Hermanita, I think you need to stop for doing this and take some time calm down, okay?” Luisa attempted to console Mirabel, however, seemed to have the opposite effect as Mirabel burst into tears.
“How can you even suggest that?” Mirabel sobbed. “At this rate, his birthday is going to be a disaster, Luisa! He’s going to hate me! Everything needs to be perfect but there’s only an hour until school ends and we haven’t finished decorating Casita! I’m staying to help! I could be on death’s door and I am still going to work my last breath into this. I haven’t finished wrapping the presents because I have to keep fixing everything Isabela and Camilo do because they keep doing it wrong! I haven’t even had the time to make the arequipe I promised Antonio yet!”
Luisa eyed her sister sadly, sympathetically.
“There isn’t even enough ribbon for the presents. How can it be a real celebration without ribbon?” Mirabel weeped into her hands.
Isabela blinked in confusion, “Don’t you have a shit ton of ribbon in your room—”
“Now’s not the time, Isabela.” Dolores hushed her before Mirabel could shrug off this defeat and immediately go back to working.
Luisa broke from the hug, crouching down beside Mirabel’s chair. She lifted her sister’s head up gently, slowly - she is going to assume that Mirabel has given herself some kind of headache from all this stress. And, knowing Mirabel, it won’t be as simple as headache or migraine. She’ll have been worrying about this for months - as early as the 15th of November, as soon as Luisa’s party was over because Antonio’s would have been next important birthday for Mirabel; she wouldn’t have given a care to her own.
“I get that you want the best for Antonio, we all do, but you are taking it a little bit too far, okay? You are hurting yourself over this, Mirabel, and that’s not okay. And somewhere inside you know you’re overthinking and overworking yourself.” Mirabel just glanced away, stubbornly. At least, she had stopped arguing, that accounted for something. “I’m gonna take you up to bed now, so you can calm down and try sleep a little. And before you say anything, it’s not up for debate. I will carry you up the stairs and put the piano in front of your door if I have to.”
Mirabel wasn’t sure what time it was.
She hadn’t fallen asleep but she wasn’t paying enough attention. Luisa had covered the windows, so there was no natural light to disturb her supposed sleep, and took the alarm clock so Mirabel couldn’t just set it for when Antonio would come back from school.
She felt ill. She had all day. Okay, fine, maybe the whole week leading up to Antonio’s party, but she didn’t want to say anything. The attention shouldn’t be on her. Not again. (And she was sure it would just pass. A couple of restless nights of poor sleep and a few skipped meals wasn’t too bad, right? Heck, half of her family barely sleep the recommend amount for her age! Who were they to talk?) In spite of her effort, she’s done it anyways. Ruined everything, like always.
Too engrossed in her own misery, she hadn’t noticed the opening and closing of her door. In her defence, the party seemed to be going on loudly downstairs - chatter, music, her father twisting his ankle while dancing, laughter, a food fight started by presumably Camilo or Isabela. It was only their family, but it might as well have been the whole town with how loud they were.
Carefully, she lifted her head to find Antonio stood at the end of her bed, wearing a party hat embellished with a big number six. In his hands, he was holding a glass of juice and a plate with a slice of cake.
Of course it was him to check on her. He was sweet like that. But it hurt her more than just having her mother come and confront her about not taking care of herself.
“Dolores said you weren’t feeling well enough to come to the party, so I brought the party to you.” He explained.
Well… this wasn’t going how she thought it would.
Antonio shuffled around to the side of the bed as Mirabel adjusted her pillows, sitting up. He handed the glass to her. “I remembered you said apple was your favourite, so I had Papa make that. Is that right?”
Mirabel was still trying to catch up. “Y-yes, you are. But you don’t need to know that—”
“And Tía Julieta said to bring you some food because she doesn’t think you’ve eaten.” He gestured to the plate, which he placed on her bedside table, pushing her glasses aside to make room. “Oh, she says she’s going to speak with you later about that.”
Ah. There it is.
She was expecting Antonio to leave after that, he had given her a drink and some food like he’d been encouraged to do by the adults - he was free to go now - but, instead, he clambered up onto the bed, sitting across from her.
“Wait, I’m confused,” Mirabel said. “I don’t get why you’re up here with me. I’m fine. You can go downstairs and enjoy your party.”
“I want to be here. I want to be here with you! I don’t care about the cake and the balloons and the music, I want to be here.” Antonio insisted, offering his best puppy dog eyes. “I didn’t get to spend my last birthday with you.” Because she left as soon as the camera made an appearance and was losing her mind the rest of the evening about the cracks in the walls. She’s a terrible cousin. “I wanted to make up for it this year because you are my bestest friend!”
Mirabel just stared at the boy with tears in her eyes.
“But if you really want me to go, I can.” Antonio offered. He was fiddling with his sleeve nervously, as though expecting to be turned away.
She placed the glass aside, reaching over for Antonio’s hands. Wiping tears from her eyes with her spare hands, “Of course you can stay with me if you’d like, primito. It’s your birthday, you can do whatever you’d like.”
His eyes practically lit up. He clambered over to her, hugging her tightly. She returned the embrace, pulling him into her lap, hoping to hide some of her tears. She didn’t even know what was making her cry so much at this point. Perhaps just the sheer relief that she hadn’t disappointed him after all? The clarification that it was just a silly anxious thought in her head, rather than some fact she’d been dreading coming true?
When they pulled away, Mirabel was still rubbing at her eyes. “Well, what would you like to do first? You can tell me all about your day at school—”
“Can you read to me?” Antonio asked. “Like you use to do? In the nursery?”
She nodded, “I’d be more than happy to read to you. You’ll have to go get something though, I don’t have anything here for you in my hundreds of books. I mean, I doubt you’d be interested in reading An Analytical Study of Needlepoint or Colombian Philosophy and Morality Through the 1500s.”
Antonio bit his tongue, thinking. He agreed that those books did sound a bit boring - he didn’t really understand some of those words in the title anyways. A lightbulb flickered in his head.
“I know, I’ll go get the book you got me!”
Mirabel watched him jump off the bed fondly, skipping towards the door. She can’t believe she ever thought he’d be mad at her.
“Happy Birthday, Antonio,” she smiled.
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izavella21 · 4 months
The Use of Color in Character Design
One detail in character design that I’ve grown to really like is when certain colors, and sometimes patterns or accessories, are used to convey or hint at some type of connection between the characters involved. 
Here are some examples that I really like:
(Please note that a lot of these are my own speculation. I have no idea if these details and meanings were the artist’s and designers’ intentions when designing these characters, so please take this with a grain of salt)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tails looks up to Sonic, and they’re close friends. Sonic and Tails both wear red and white shoes, as well as similar gloves. (I love that most of the Sonic characters’ gloves look like the basic cartoon white gloves at first glance, but they’re stylized to fit that character’s personality)
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Later in the Sonic IDW comics, we get Surge and Kit, who are based on Sonic and Tails. Obviously, they wear the same shade of yellow, and their gloves and wrist bracers are identical. In this case, they were literally made for each other, so I think it would make sense for Starline to have them be matching to a degree. 
Encanto is full of examples of color used like this! A lot of details in the Encanto characters’ character designs show their connection. But for now, I’m going to focus on color specifically.
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Okay, first, all the Madrigals are shown wearing white at their gift ceremony, before switching to a more colorful outfit afterwards. This is most prominently shown with Antonio, and briefly in Mirabel’s flashback.
Pepa’s side of the family wears warm colors. Mostly shades of yellow and orange. 
Dolores is shown wearing mostly red, which makes her stand out, but also blend in with her parents and siblings, at least to me. I’m not sure if that means anything. Antonio also wears a red scarf, so in that regard, Dolores matches her brother. 
Julietta’s side of the family wears shades of blue. 
Everyone except for Isabela that is. I’ve seen some people say that Isabela’s dress is pink, and I’ve heard others say that it’s purple or lilac. I think both make sense for her. Pink is Abuela’s color, and Isabela is shown to be the favorite grandchild. And if you really look into it, Abuela Alma seems to try to live her ideal life through Isabela, hence she might have influenced Isabela’s wardrobe, hence them both wearing pink.
Or, if you think Isabela’s dress is a pale purple, that also works, because purple can be made by mixing pink, Alma’s color, and blue, Jullieta’s color. 
In her song “What Else Can I Do?” Isabela’s dress gets painted with several colors, the most prominent of which being blue, yellow, and red, which are the colors of the Colombian flag, where Encanto is based.
At the end of the movie, Isabela’s dress is colored mostly blue, the same color as her parents and sisters.
Bruno wears green, which is yellow and blue mixed together. In other words, Bruno’s color is his sisters’ colors mixed together. 
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And Mirabel’s dress contains lots of images that relate to her family’s gifts, but there’s no image relating to Bruno. However, Mirabel’s connection to Bruno is shown by her glasses being green, Bruno’s color.
The most obvious one: Junko’s outfit is black and white with red details. Similar to Monokuma.
Mukuro’s outfit when she’s disguised as Junko has a similar color palette. Makes sense. She’s in disguise, so she’s supposed to look identical to Junko at first glance. Does this count as foreshadowing to the mastermind reveal?
Chiaki’s design shares multiple elements with Usami/Monomi, including a similar shade of pink.
Not sure if this was intentional or not, but Hajime and Nagito have similar colors in their designs (mostly white and green). They are very much foils for each other.
Kaede and Kaito have similar colors in their design. There’s a lot of parallels between them and they play similar roles, particularly when it comes to supporting Shuichi. This one might be coincidence, but still.
Last but not least, Kaito’s associated with the color purple, Shuichi is associated with blue, and Maki is associated with red. Blue and red mixed together makes purple. In other words, Kaito’s color is his sidekicks’ colors mixed together. 
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I think this is my favorite example on this list because it's subtle, and it doesn't register until well into the game.
At the start of V3, Shuichi Kaito and Maki have no meaningful relationship with each other, so you don’t think the colors used in their designs have any meaning. Then as the story progresses, their friendship gradually forms and develops. Key word being GRADUALLY, until you get to the scene in chapter 4 where they sit down and chat, and that scene has a dedicated image of them sitting together in a circle (also, Kaito is pictured between Shuichi and Maki, which makes the detail of their colors even more apparent). And you can look at that image and go “oh, that detail makes so much sense now!”.
Thank you for reading!
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waitingonavision · 2 years
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Moisés “Mo” Bondia! Official OC Info Post
Age: 55 (his age during the film)
Gender: AMAB/male (cis); he/him pronouns
Height: 5’6” (170 cm)
Physical description: Has glasses with oval frames, medium brown skin tone, and dark curly hair (3A?) with a puff on the front right side and grey streaks on the both sides; bearded. Wide-set eyes, broad nose; he’s lightly freckled on his cheeks and has dimples.
Dresses no differently than the townspeople but does wear a Sephardic style kippah (aka a yarmulke; photo is for reference) on his head. He’s on the chubby side, with round cheeks and a little double chin.
His clothing palette consists of goldish-browns and blues.
More art and info under the cut!
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I’m still trying to tweak his clothing style...
Personality: Mostly soft-spoken but has a bit of a mischievous/joking streak; very dorky sense of humor. Patient for the most part; has a calm, deliberate way of speaking. On the guarded side–vigilant around new people, though he tries to be as open and friendly as possible. Has a poor sense of direction.
Enjoys wine (the doofy jokes really come out when drunk) and singing (but is bad at it). He is a big Jewish nerd™. His family escaped with their chumash (the Torah/Five Books of Moses), a prayer book or two, and a few other things.
His name, Bondia, means “good day” (from the Hebrew surname, Yom Tov). It’s shaped his outlook on life, despite, or because of, the trauma of his childhood–he was five when he and his parents fled the bandits (at the beginning of Encanto).
Background [cw for parental death and depression]: Moisés and his parents, Ester (mother) and Jonás (father), have been in the Encanto since its creation. His parents both passed away by the time he’s in his mid-late 20s. Because he’s really the only Jew in the Encanto, he feels like the odd one out (in that sense, he has a kinship with Bruno and, to an extent, Mirabel). The townspeople get along with him, despite his differences.
Ester’s and Jonás’ deaths occurred one after the other and hit Mo very hard, and he went through a period of depression and, just, not taking care of himself very well. He wasn’t always chubby (fairly average build in his teens and early twenties), and actually lost an unhealthy amount of weight after his parents’ deaths but eventually recovered–he’s able to sympathize with Bruno in this way. He is body confident and prefers himself chubby.
Relationship with the Madrigals and others: After the Madrigals discover Judaica among their heirlooms/possessions, Mo falls into the role of a rabbi and helps the family explore their Jewish ancestry and reclaim that part of their identity. He worries about his motivation (e.g., having more Jews around will make him less lonely, is that why he’s doing what he’s doing?) and wonders if the Madrigals, especially Bruno, are actually interested (he is/they are).
Bruno becomes Mo’s study partner. Mo helps Bruno through the conversion process, doing his best to offer support when Bruno struggles with guilt over leaving Catholicism. They are not romantically involved, though I’ve toyed with the idea of a queerplatonic relationship. (Mo is likely panromantic and maybe ace.)
He and the Padre have an odd friendship. They spar over theology and general religion a lot, getting into intense debates, yet they can be seen chatting companionably at the bar(?)/other places.
Other info: Works as the Encanto’s calligrapher. He knows Spanish and Hebrew, and maybe some Ladino (Judeo-Spanish). There are a lot of challenges to being Jewish in the Encanto, but he and eventually the Madrigals make it work.
He likes flowers and sketching landscapes.
Pokémon AU info: He has a bunch of Litwick that hang out around him (8, + 1 shiny) and provide light on Shabbat. Also trains a Bramblin that eventually evolves into a Brambleghast, a Golurk, and a Smeargle. He picks up a stray Mareep.
The Litwick are a reference to a menorah. Bramblin reminds me of the burning bush, so I gave it to Mo. Golurk seems to be based on the Golem of Prague from Jewish legend. Smeargle reflects his work as a calligrapher. And Mareep because Moses is a shepherd in the Torah.
my fic, “A Time for Building”
this art post/compilation of Encanto OCs by @cheetee​
other random bits of info via asks
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Hey cool idea! Maybe Mirabel with Deja vu? I think that could look pretty cool
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Color palette Deja Vu and Mirabel Madrigal ❤️ hope you like it
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blednokrov · 3 years
Are both Isabela and Luisa the leading/"golden" children of the family now in your Encanto AU, since they share the color green with Pedro in terms of design? (since Isabela's colors matched Alma's in the original Encanto universe, which implies that she's chosen by Alma to be the next matriarch of the family) Also, is there a thematic reason on why both Bruno and Julietta shares magenta as their color?
So, let's talk about colors!
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The main three and Abuelo are just flipped on the RGB (it might be not so clear bc Pepa's blue is more "clear skies" blue and therefore not so deep and might look like cyan)
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Regarding Julieta's kids, they have palettes that actually make their own little color wheel (if we consider the whole family making the large hue wheel of rainbow colors)
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This is about how strong their sister bond is! And look - the only one who doesn't have green undertones in her palette is Mirabel - the one who is Abuelo's actual center of attention and successor (also unofficially known between younger Madrigals as "the favourite grandkid"). There is no "golden child" in this family dynamics mainly b.c. they are balanced differently - no golden child AND no scapegoat, but other "family roles" instead (you can google them if you are interested ;) )
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The long story short: those who have green(ish) tones in their palette want Abuelo's attention, but not necessarily have it.
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andyinmiddleearth · 3 years
Encanto’s “What Else Can I Do?” as a defiance of the white supremacist, cisheteronormative patriarchy in Latin America
When we see Isabela actually see what she can do in “What Else Can I do?” instead of just making roses bloom I felt like that was a metaphor about the fight for women’s liberation in Latin America. Latin America is full of misogyny, cissexism, and machismo, which of course is a consequence of colonization, since prior to that many indigenous cultures in Latin America revered and honoured AFAB people. In ancient Mexica society, for example, people that died in childbirth were regarded with the same status as warriors since it was believed that in death they rode towards the sun just like the most fierce and brave warriors did. Another example is that in the Inca empire women were also allowed full agency on their relationships and polyamory existed with women having multiple partners. But when the Spanish colonizers came to our lands they messed everything up when they imposed their machista, misogynistic and cissexist views on us, and this was passed down because of the colonization that they forced on our ancestors through torture, slavery, and the caste system.
Going back to Encanto, when it is revealed that Isabela was going to marry Mariano for her family and not because she wanted to, it reminded me a lot of the pressure women in Latin America face to enter a cishet marriage (and usually with a rich man if the women come from rich families). At least in my country, Mexico, women that are unmarried by their mid-thirties are expected to “vestir santos” (being an old maid) or remain a “solterona.” (spinster). I’ve had women in my Mexican family that were pressured to marry young so they could soon give children to their husbands and families, and I was reminded of that when Dolores said Mariano wanted five babies with Isabela. In a way, I felt like Isabela was going through the exact same pressure that I have seen the women in my family go through, and the pressure was even more present considering how she’s described as the most beautiful Madrigal cousin, as “señorita perfecta Isabela,” because then macho men would find her even more desirable and feel entitled to her. And Isabela being an indigenous woman would make this situation even more dangerous for her due to the MMIW (Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women) crisis that unfortunately also takes place in Latin America, and isn’t solely confined to the U.S. and Canada like what many people think.
But then after talking to Mirabel, Isabela realises that she is so much more, and she starts exploring by blossoming new and exciting flowers instead of the roses she though she was confined to. She even changes the color palette of the dress at the end! And maybe I’m reading too much into this cause I wrote this at 3 AM but, to me this felt like an ode to the women’s liberation in movement in Latin America, and specifically an ode to the liberation of indigenous women. Isabela’s new flowers for me represented that she no longer feels like she has to comply to the white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarcado by being stereotypically feminine and can instead explore her true potential. Pink roses like the ones Isabela bloomed at first are often deemed as stereotypically feminine, and women of color like Isabela often have to be hyper-feminine in order to be seen as women since white supremacy upholds the racist idea that whiteness is inherently more feminine. This means that WOC may often be misgendered and/or masculinised due to racism, which is an issue that needs to stop. And also, Isabela’s new hanging vines, carnivorous plants, jacarandas, strangling figs, and so on felt to me like they represented all roles indigenous women in Latin America can and should take, such as doctors, lawyers, scholars, scientists, artists, etc., instead of being confined to the roles of wives and mothers (although of course, women can also be those, but those roles should be voluntary and not imposed upon women.) These plants being carnivorous/strangling/dangerous in any way also felt to me like a protest against femicide in Latin America, since our women are often unsafe due to macho men, and thus Isabela’s new plants suggest a call to action not just to protect women, but for women to learn how to protect themselves too.
Isabela also not marrying Mariano thus reinforces this idea of women (specifically indigenous women) not being solely confined to the roles of wives and mothers, and with the help of Maribel Isa realises she doesn’t have to marry a man she doesn’t love just for the sake of cisheteronormative patriarchal approval. I also loved how calm Mariano was about Isabela not going through the engagement, and how he is portrayed as having so much love to give. We need more representation of loving, sensitive men that respect women like him, ESPECIALLY of Latino men like this, since our men are often viewed as violent and as a danger to white women due to racism, and male Latino characters that are machista and/or have toxic masculinity are rampant through Latine media. And as a male-aligned Latino, this is the representation that I have looked for as someone that is also loving and respectful of women.
I also enjoyed seeing how Dolores and Mariano ended up as a possible couple, with Dolores saying to take things slow when Mariano wanted to marry her. Having Dolores (an Afro-indigenous woman) have agency over her love life also feels liberating considering how many women in Latin America often don’t get that choice. It also shows that unlike what TERFs think, heterosexual relationships can be loving and healthy as long as the man lacks toxic masculinity (which Mariano does) and loves and respects his female partner, which is happily consenting to that relationship out of her own volition and not driven by familial or cisheteronormative patriarchal pressures.
Disclaimer: I am a Mexican transgender guy, NOT a woman, and as such I am not an authority on this issue, especially since I am not Colombian and this movie is set in Colombia.This is just what I thought after watching the movie, since I grew up in a Mexican household that was only composed of women, and as such I saw my family member’s struggle represented in Isabela’s liberation. If they are comfortable, I encourage BIPOC, Afro-Latina (and Latina women overall), Colombian, and/or indigenous women to add on to this, or correct me if they feel like I am saying something that is off.
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zymstarz · 3 years
For the palette palooza:
Counting Stars for Mirabel Madrigal? ^v^
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sailorwritesstuff · 3 years
let's talk about Alma Madrigal. NOW.
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warnings: spoilers duh, mentions of death, and emotional and verbal abuse, but also This is less of a polished essay and more of the ramblings of a madman. I most likely will rewrite this entire thing when I gather all my thoughts completely.
I like to preface this by saying I am going to attempt to be non-biased in the fact that I don't like her as a person and associate her with my own mother and say that I do enjoy her thoroughly as a character, who has depth and a reason behind her actions. However nothing that I say about her is meant to justify her actions. Even so INTENSE Alma Madrigal slander will not be tolerated.
that being said...
I enjoy her as a character I think it's interesting watching her interact with each of her family members and all the small details that go into her behaviors even as far as the photos on the wall.
I think it's very interesting her color palette that they chose for her because her main color being magenta (specific shade of magenta is #97253E If you were curious.) and her other surrounding colors being a darker magenta/purple and black. But first I want to talk about the light magenta and then talk about her black shawl. magenta is the color of universal harmony and emotional balance. Everything that she supposed to be for the family she's the holder of the candle, The matriarch, Her job is to make sure her family thrives and succeeds however after so many years of taking care of other people outside of her family she forgets that that's what her main focus should be. But her black shawl is important!! as you know Black is a grieving color (although it wasn't always that way and the black was actually often worn to weddings while white was a grieving color but that's a topic for another time)
in the film during the song dos orgaquitas Her husband dies She leads all these people to safety and then automatically she finds herself in her early twenties essentially a mayor to this town while taking care of three newborn triplets with no husband and no time to mourn. immediately after she settles down she puts on her black shawl and she puts on a fake smile and she walks in front of the people of her newfound Encanto.
her not being able to grieve plays a big part in the movie but I specifically want to talk about how it affects her relationship with Isabela.
Isabela is notably the more indigenous looking of The third generation. She looks almost identical to her grandmother and I some people have pointed out Isabela is her favorite. I think it's an interesting detail but in the background when Mirabel is staring at the photos of all of her cousins and her mama and her siblings getting their gifts. Alma and every picture has two hands on the candle except for in Isabela's picture where she has her hand placed firmly on her shoulder and she smiling proudly. and then with the wedding proposal as some people have already pointed out she specifically chose Mariano. SHE chose him. and he looks almost identical to Pedro (Her late husband if you missed it)
I think it's also important to understand that that's why Isabella's color palette is different from the rest of "the cool tone family" who's comprised mostly of deep blues and rich purples. It's lavender because it's a much closer color to magenta. (It's similar to Dolores who wishes to be more like Isabela who's the only one in the warm colored family to sport red)
All the pressure she's putting on Isabela isn't intentional it's her trying so hard for her firstborn grandchild her favorite grandchild to have the life that she never got to She's living vicariously through her because she looks like her It's her form of self-projecting and grieving Something she's been putting off for YEARS She's never properly grieved.
Which is why the scene with Mirabel by the river is so important. she's finally talking about it with someone.
by no means does hurt inability to properly grieve excuse her of the years of pressure she projects onto the rest of her family But what says the most is the fact that she didn't notice. A lot of people who do that project onto their family members or put so much pressure on them they notice the growing drift and the quiet voices whenever they enter the room. They will almost ALWAYS notice the fear of disappointing them and they either a.) Ignore it because they don't want to admit that they're in the wrong or B.) notice, and ignore it because they can't realize why their family is distancing themselves. But she doesn't notice until the event of the movie. Even when Bruno left because he was scared of how she would react to his bad vision.
All in all I think she was written well and she is much like a real person She's got flaws and she is not my favorite character by a long shot however she is very interesting and I feel like more people should look more into her character. However her ending did leave a lot to be desired It doesn't feel really like she grasped the entire concept of moving on and rebuilding their family. and I wish that her "apology" would have been more.
Her "apology" to Mirabel seems half-assed so much that some people didn't even realize she was apologizing.
and her "apology" to Bruno is almost non-existent because she isn't apologizing to just him for all the things that she put him specifically through she throws it out like a general apology to the entire family.
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also A somehow unpopular opinion but besides Mirabel and Bruno. But Pepa, Isabela, and Luisa in that order deserve an apology the most.
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mar64ds · 3 years
Mirabel Madrigal
-First impression
Loved her design!!!! The designs of this movie in general are fantastic
-Impression now
She's so sweet and funny, she might be one of my favorite disney protagonists now, she has so much personality
-Favorite moment
The scene at the end with her and Alma made me cry so much
-Idea for a story
Honestly I want a tv show of this movie so hopefully many stories will be made
-Unpopular opinion
Her family is not abusive I can't take this anymore I'm at my limit, hopefully this isn't an unpopular opinion
-Favorite relationship
Her and Antonio were so cute TT_TT
-Favorite headcanon
Bi color palette so bi headcanon
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For @jacarandaaaas, based on the premise of “madrigal grandkids having a sleepover.”
Post rebuild, the girls plus Camilo have a sleepover. I have no other words to describe that than chaos ensues.
The Madrigal Sleepover
“—And that is how I told Bubo Marquez to go fuck himself.”
“Oh, you’ve finally gotten back to the point of this story?” Luisa asked, only half-joking because it had definitely taken a good ten minutes to reach the conclusion. Isabela rolled her eyes at her.
“I still can’t believe people think you like men,” Dolores muttered.
“I’m just so proud that I have such an amazing cousin who can kick ass!” Camilo exclaimed. “Seriously, where were you when I was getting bullied in school for being weird? I could have gotten out of so many fights, if I had the ‘my older cousin will beat you up’ excuse! Because frankly the sister one didn’t really work out.”
His sister rolled her eyes, “That is an exaggeration you weren’t bullied in school. Or at the very least, not anything comparable to a man trying to kiss you against your will.”
“No, I guess I can’t relate to that…” Camilo admitted. He looked a bit wishful at the concept of a boy kissing him - he was gladly awaiting his first kiss still. It made Isabela and Luisa gag. “Well, neither can the rest of my cousins. No man would try it with Luisa. And Mirabel…”
He trailed off, all eyes falling to the girl in question. Mirabel was curled up against Luisa, definitely not far from falling asleep. The only movement being the slow rise and fall of her chest. Isabela clambered over Dolores and flashed a torch briefly over her. Briefly because Luisa immediately shoved her older sister into Dolores to shield Mirabel from the attack.
“Christ, Luisa, Mirabel’s fine,” Dolores muttered, pushing Isabela off her and trying to preserve her glass. Isabela fell straight off the bed to the floor, cackling to herself.
Mirabel yawned, eyelashes fluttering, “Is it bedtime yet?”
“Nope,” Isabela grinned, head poking up. “It’s only just turned ten. Come on, you old, little lady, you can’t be tired already. We’ve barely done anything yet. And you missed my great story, I’m gonna have to tell it again.”
“Is this still the one about you threatening to chop a man’s private parts off and feed them to your carnivorous plants?”
“Damnit, you heard? That sucks!”
“Well, I’m not asleep… yet.”
Luisa sat Mirabel further up, tapping her arm gently to further wake her up. “Well, Bela’s right. We haven’t done much yet. You can do a little longer and then we’ll let you go to bed.”
“I physically don’t think I can.” Mirabel said. She was ignored though.
“So, what should we do now?” Camilo asked, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I think we should—”
“I swear to God, if you say the ‘switch the alcohol out for water prank’ again,” Dolores warned.
“No, hermana! I would never!” He mocked offence at the accusation. He lifted the yellow blanket beside him to reveal a collection of makeup palettes, lipsticks and several hair accessories. “Makeovers! A staple of all the best sleepovers!”
Dolores and Luisa peered over. The former looked more hesitant, while the latter looked fairly intrigued and even excited by the idea. Mirabel raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the messily kept containers or just the makeup in general - Camilo wasn’t sure, but he knew his cousin wasn’t the biggest fan in “covering her face in chemicals” as she would say.
Isabela, on the other hand, swatted him hard and he spluttered out petals, “Bitch, when did you steal my shit!?”
“Who said anything about stealing? I’m just borrowing it.”
“No, I’m with Isabela,” Dolores piped up. “I didn’t hear you ask her.”
“Okay, okay, I shoulda asked first!” Camilo held his hands up in surrender. “But… can we do makeovers? Please?! Dolores?” Then smirking, “I bet I could make Mariano propose to you.”
Dolores glared at him. “Isabela, be a dear and slap him for me.”
“Gladly!” Isabela did as instructed, making Camilo hit her back. Vines abruptly yanked him off the bed in response.
“Well, I think it’s a good idea,” Luisa offered. “I wouldn’t mind someone doing my makeup. Bela? You want a go?”
“Oh no, if we’re doing this, I wanna do Dolores.” Isabela insisted, already grabbing her cousin’s hand to prevent her from running off.
“Hey, she’s my sister!” Cried Camilo as he dragged himself back onto the bed.
“So? I called dibs first. And I’m the eldest.”
“That’s not fair!”
“Fuck yeah, it is! Maybe next time don’t steal and you’ll get to have things your way.”
“Yeah, but—”
Dolores groaned a little. “For God’s sake, you can do it together. Just stop arguing.”
Camilo and Isabela relented, seemingly coming to an agreement that they could work on Dolores together and immediately began discussing ideas. That had Dolores backpedaling and trying to argue that they use one of them instead.
Luisa only chuckled, pulling Mirabel closer. “I guess it’s you and me, hermanita.”
“Oh,” Mirabel said. “You wouldn’t want me to do that. I don’t know much anything present beauty trends. I barely know what half of this stuff is.”
“I’m sure you can come up with something.”
Now… if you were to walk by at any point over the next hour, you would be understandably confused with what was going on.
Dolores was constantly complaining and crying out, claiming she had been poked in the eye or her hair was being pulled too tightly. There were several points where the others genuinely stopped to ask if she was alright. She was. Just being dramatic as Camilo and Isabela assaulted her with products. Somewhere along the way, they had both given up on trying to work together to do a good job and were now just trying to make Dolores look as silly as humanly possible. Not that she would know; she was kept well away from a mirror.
Meanwhile, Luisa had happily sunk into the part of an exaggerated and comedic Marie Antoinette that she was unofficially given to play. Mirabel, having woken up a little more, had decided to make Luisa look like the ideal fashions worn by French aristocrats at Versailles, during Louis XVI’s reign. Isabela (after giving up with her cousins) even provided some dye from her plants that could whiten Luisa’s hair, which had been teased high and decorated with ribbons and beads. In contrast to Dolores, Luisa was clearly enjoying herself and greatly liked teasing the others - even if Mirabel kept pointing out the inaccuracies of her acting.
“You look ridiculous,” Dolores commented.
Luisa gasped in horror. “Guards, behead that filthy peasant immediately!” She cried out in her best attempt at a French accent, pointing a finger accusingly. “It will probably be an improvement.”
“No, seriously, prima, you look like someone from the 1880s.” Camilo said.
“1780s,” Mirabel corrected.
“Does it matter? Ain’t it the same thing? Boring, old shit that’s all history is.”
Mirabel didn’t say anything for a moment. The other three wished in silence. “You did not say that to me,” she muttered. “In fact, stop talking to me. You and your incompetence is giving me a headache.”
“Just say ‘fuck off’, sis.” Isabela begged.
“Why don’t we play a board game?” Dolores suggested. “I’ll go get one—”
“No, I want to play Charades. And as the queen of France, I should get to pick.” Luisa beamed, smug as anything.
“Right, fine.” Dolores huffed. She pulled herself to her feet. “You all play a few rounds of Charades. I’ll go clean my face and then come back with a couple of boardgames.”
Mirabel quickly followed, “I’m coming with. To get medicine; I can’t deal with a headache all evening.”
Neither of the pair knew what to say when they returned a good half hour later to find Camilo had been banished to a corner of the room and held there in Isabela’s vines, meanwhile Isabela and Luisa (who was now without her makeover) were covered in plant dye and play-fighting. It seems like Isabela had gotten ahold of some scissors as some point because Luisa was missing more than half her hair. Multicoloured clumps of hair scattered about the room.
“What the actual fuck?” Dolores muttered.
“She started it!”
“She said I could cut it!”
“I thought you were all going to play Charades?” Mirabel inquired. She was quick to push by Dolores and play mediator, trying to convince her sisters to separate. “In hindsight, why did we both leave?”
“Because these three are impossible,” Dolores replied, rolling her eyes. “What exactly did you do?”
Camilo huffed in offence, “I didn’t do anything! I swear! Isabela just moved me here for no reason! Please, hermana! Help me?”
“We were both teasing Bela about how she doesn’t get as many ladies as I do.” Luisa explained. “Then I gave her permission to cut my hair because why not? It’s hair, it’ll grow back. And, well, I think we just got carried away… whoops.”
“Whoops?” Mirabel echoed, unimpressed. Then sighed heavily. “Oh, I’m too young and too tired to deal with this,” she mumbled, settling back into the pile of pillows. “I’ll just have Mama chastise you for it tomorrow morning.”
Isabel shrugged, “Guess us three will be sleeping in then.”
“I refuse to believe that the two of us are somehow related to you three.” Dolores continued. With several more glares at Isabela, her cousin finally relented and released Camilo. The pair joining Mirabel on the floor. Luisa and Isabela slowly made their way over, with Isabela going to finish the haircut. Because apparently if Luisa was going short, she was going all the way.
They went on to play Charades and then a few rounds of card games, though Dolores begrudgingly did so and then tried to claim that she wasn’t enjoying it. Mirabel fell asleep within three minutes of sitting down, so Luisa had taken her back to her own room - to prevent Camilo and Isabela from using her as the victim of some prank. Speaking of, Isabela, Luisa and Camilo only seemed to get more hyper, but that was balanced out by Dolores also getting a little more giddy herself. They then moved on to playing a quick round of Truth or Dare. That was ended by Luisa, who felt that Isabela’s dares were “death sentences” and Dolores’ truths were “too cruel and personal”. Camilo had just enjoyed the drama of the girls, snacking on cocadas.
That had transitioned into a game of Who’s Most Likely To? With very predictable results, but the four of them were enjoying themselves.
“Most likely to get a tattoo?” Camilo asked.
Everyone’s eyes turned to Isabela, who grinned. “That’s fair. Who’s most likely to get caught robbing a bank?”
“Without our gifts? Any of you three.” Dolores answered. “I’m much too clever. Who’s most likely to get hungover and continue a day of work following, without raising suspicion?”
“What a scandalous question for you, Lola!” Isabela teased, hitting her arm playfully. “What would Mariano think of you?”
“I’m the most likely to continue working,” Luisa chuckled, unashamedly. “Can’t say I wouldn’t be caught though. Isabela’s the one with the highest alcohol tolerance, but we’ve yet to see Camilo fully drink, so who knows?”
Isabela shook her head. “No, no. I think it would be you, sis.”
“I’m with Bela,” Camilo piped up. “You’d show up, tough it out and then collapse the second you got back to Casita.” He stood up, dropping down into Mirabel’s form and leaning over to Luisa, “And then I’ll say ‘I told you so’.” Then, shifting into his sister, “‘Because we are always right.’”
The four of them - yes, including Dolores - burst into laughter, so much so that Isabela worried that they might wake the adults, instantly flicking a flower into each of their mouths to shut them up.
When only Mirabel and Antonio showed up for breakfast the following morning, Julieta and Pepa had gone to hunt down their missing children. They found them all huddled, fast asleep, in Luisa’s room in a mass pile of blankets and pillows and a fairly large mess. The two smiled together as they watched from the doorway.
“They are just like we were,” Pepa said.
“Yes, they are exactly like…” Julieta trailed off, pausing. Her eyes widened. “Is that Luisa’s hair?”
Pepa cackled, pulling her sister away and shutting the door. It would be better to let the kids sleep in. “Don’t act so surprised, Juli. You remember the time we shaved Bruno’s head bald?”
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(A coloured drawing of the Madrigals in modern clothes, using the palettes of various sexuality/gender flags, creating casual Pride outfits. Also featuring various animal friends of Antonio and rainbows. Titled “Happy Pride Month!”).
Happy Pride Month, everyone! Apologies for this being a little late, but I’ve been busy and was really eager to do something for Pride.
All of you are valid and this blog is a safe space for you all.
Pride flags in the image - based off my headcanons:
Agustín and Julieta - allies
Félix - bisexual
Pepa - trans
Bruno - homosexual and trans (also demiromantic but isn’t pictured due to crop)
Antonio - non-binary (he/they pronouns)
Camilo - homosexual
Luisa and Isabela - lesbians
Dolores - pansexual
Mirabel - aromantic asexual
And, just to be clear, Alma is not against anything, I just didn’t have time to finish her and thus left her out
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What is Pedro's color? Is it red like Alma's or brownish like the pants he wore in the past? Or something else?
It changes throughout the AUs he features in.
In canon, he’s wearing white shirt and brown bottoms - not very eye-catching like the rest of the Madrigals’ colour palettes and closer to the likes of Mariano and the background characters. Which is what I would use for a canon drawing of him.
In concept art, he’s depicted as wearing some shades of green. Possibly as a nod to Bruno. I use this for the likes of Fracture - the symbolism of the colour works well and puts him closer with some of his favourites, Bruno, Julieta and Mirabel. And is (almost) a contrast to Luisa, who retains her usual purple.
Though in other AUs, I have put him in red - a closer colour to Alma’s and also a nod to Dolores, who he would probably get along great with.
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