#mirabel as Dragon
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purplepenguintime · 9 days ago
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Reject modernity, embrace tradition
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the-bell-lord · 8 days ago
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Have you tried … not dying?
Oh yeah did I mention my rat au loop is a shapeshifter ? (Aka I draw them as whatever I want hehe)
Post feels too short … bonus doodles under the cut …
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Loop gonna meet the family one way or another
even if Siffrin has to carry them ..
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synergysilhouette · 1 year ago
Disney hero/villain tropes and personalities I'd like them to revisit or try for the first time.
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An optimistic male lead. Pessimistic leads are a dime a dozen, so having someone who's more innocent and sees the world in a positive light would be awesome.
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2. A male hero/female villain dynamic. Male villains are more common than female in Disney canon (though the female villains have better odds of being iconic), and usually when we have a female villain, we have a female hero. It'd be neat having a male protagonist and a female antagonist.
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3. A villain who's kinda right, or has selfless or selfless-adjacent (ie not "I'm doing this just for me," but "I'm doing this for someone I care about--and maybe me too") intentions and bad methods. I feel like Disney has done this trope before (or at least tried), but I'd love them to do this more; a complex villain who CHALLENGES the protagonist to grow as a person, whether they're doing "I'm selfish but now I understand how it hurts others" or "I thought I was doing everything right but now I see the situation isn't so black and white."
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4. A forgotten/fallen hero as the villain. I like the idea of someone who was originally a typical Disney protagonist, only to get to a situation where they gave in to their fear, hope, despair, grief, etc. I remember the 2015 remake of Cinderella doing a really good parallel to how both Cinderella and the Tremaines had suffered grief, but while it embittered the Tremaines, Cinderella held strong, making them resent her further (particularly Lady Tremaine).
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5. A shy Disney protagonist. Most Disney protagonists are pretty outgoing and/or social, so having someone who isn't the best at socializing would be a cool Disney lead--plus if it was a musical, the singing could either all be done from the protagonist and co's minds rather than out loud, or the protagonist only sings when they think they're alone. Perhaps they eventually gain the confidence to sing publicly.
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6. A hero and villain romance. This may not be something that you wanna have with a film that caters to a younger audience (glamorizing abusive relationships and such), but if done correctly, I like the idea of a villain redemption and subsequent falling in love with the protagonist. As such, they'd probably have to be a secondary villain in order to keep their crime/kill count low. It's a controversial idea, but I do like the enemies to lovers trope (note: ENEMIES to lovers, not two people who pester, annoy or argue with each other then fall in lover over time; not a fan of that).
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esoogthegoose · 1 month ago
HELLO :3 I play In Stars and Time and Dungeons and Dragons.
Here’s what dice sets I think ISAT characters would choose from my collection!
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crosspunzel · 5 months ago
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When is femslash time
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jamiehearth · 2 months ago
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Here is some stuff from my sketch book, made with ink, water color markers, copics and pencil.
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faline-cat444 · 27 days ago
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Including a bit of art already seen from the bowling set
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velvet4510 · 14 days ago
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teamdilf · 29 days ago
I heard you all like Papae Solas… 👀
I’ ve posted my next Papae!Solas fic - The Dread Wolf’s Pup!
Solas has an errand to run and a cranky toddler in tow. In an effort to placate his daughter, he brings her to a fountain honouring the Dread Wolf and reveals a particular skill set of his.
A preview:
“Flufferflies!” Mirabelle shouts at him and he pinches his nose, realizing the source of Mirabelle’s strife: Iris put a load of laundry on before leaving for the market. In that load of laundry is Mirabelle’s favourite pair of pants, which are patterned with anatomically inaccurate butterflies.
“You’ll need to wear a different pair today. They’re in the laundry, which means they’re wet,” he says, glancing at his watch once more. “Why don’t you pick another pair and I’ll get you a bowl of animal crackers for the drive?”
Once, he thought himself above bribery. That was before he had a toddler.
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anxiousapplepie · 2 months ago
Have been scrolling the blog. I do think an ISAT/RK AU would be cool, but if it does happen you should definitely finish base RK first, especially if you are feeling burnt out from ISAT at all!
It would be very sensible to finish showing off the basics of RK before combining it with ISAT :3 Especially since the RK AU version of Siffrin and Loop will only make sense once I introduce you guys to the Bugs. I am not sure how long it will take for me to get back into an ISAT mood either, but until then I'm gonna keep drowning myself in roses and plant politics and love every second of it!
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believeintheruin · 1 year ago
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I just wanted to give Siffrin a therapy dragon cuz he deserves it and then my brainrot went brrrrr and I drew the whole crew with the dragon plus a Lil Loop doodle cuz how could I not.
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dragondrawer28 · 1 year ago
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Found the fic Take Back the Kingdom by @impossiblefangirl0632 and @optimistic-violinist and proceeded to read it like five times in about two weeks? And it's amazing, you should read it. It's about the Encanto being a mythical kingdom like Atlantis or El Dorado and the grandkids being sent to modern times and then finding each other (and also Bruno) without remembering each other at first. Lots of feels, lots of magic, lots of hurt and lots of comfort.
There was a description of a ceremonial robe that Mirabel made in chapter 27 and I had to get the concept of it on paper. There was a mention of sigils and/or symbols, but I didn't know what they might look like so I didn't add them. I did add beading, but it might be hard to see.
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synergysilhouette · 3 months ago
Is Disney Animation in it's "Lost Identity" era?
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For a few years, Disney has seemed strangely off for the most part with their creative output. I wanted to open the floor for this discussion, opining that after the HUGE success they achieved in the early to mid-2010s, if executive interference and other factors started to encroach upon creative freedom with their storytelling. I was gonna start with "Raya and the Last Dragon," but I opted to start with "Frozen 2" due to the eye-opening documentary on it. This post will include both information about the production of some of Disney's recent films as well as my own theories.
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Frozen 2--The sequel to the highest-grossing Disney film ever (not adjusted for inflation), "Frozen 2" was an even bigger phenomenon than it's predecessor. That said, it didn't have as much staying power, with criticism towards the clunky and confusing story. It was revealed during the documentary "Into the Unknown: The Making of Frozen 2" that while wanting to write a more mature, darker story, screenwriter Jennifer Lee was thrown a curve ball when an early screening of the film included families with kids of as young as four years old. She commented that they wouldn't understand what they were seeing, and this proved to be somewhat true, as the kids left feedback for more Olaf. Lee then rewrote the script to be simplified, and included more of Olaf. There was also shown to be a bit of disarray in their studio; other creatives at Disney mentioned the film's confusing nature, and even those in charge of the story were still trying to figure out the kinks. Scrapped concepts (though I'm not sure if they were related to the early screenings) include an alternate prologue with more detail into Agnarr and Iduna's pasts, a scene where Anna and Elsa uncover Iduna's secret room with books and notes on magic, a scene where Iduna and Agnarr discuss telling Anna about Elsa's powers, and a deleted song where Kristoff struggles to propose to Anna (though IDK if this is just for the scene or if it carries on like in the final product). Overall, the desire to come up with something epic as well as Disney's feedback seems to have made this film trip over it's own feet.
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Raya and the Last Dragon--First reported in 2018, RATLD is Disney's forray into a fantasy story inspired by Southeast Asian culture. While the diversity was praised, the way it was implemented was not, with East Asians voicing many of the characters, and the film coming off as an amalgam of the region rather than a specific SEA country/countries. While there aren't really notes that suggest too much exec influence, the film did have it's own unique production experience. For one, the film underwent heavy changes seven months before the film was released, including Paul Briggs and Dean Wellins being replaced as directors by Don Hall and Carlos Lopez Estrada, with the former two becoming co-directors, though John Ripa later replaced Wellins as co-director, Qui Nguyen joined Adele Lim as a co-writer, Peter Del Veccho joining Osnat Shurer as co-producer, and Cassie Steele was replaced by with Kelly Marie Tran as Raya (due to changing Raya from a loner to giving her more swagger). That's...a LOT of changes in the crew less than a year before the film is supposed to be released. I do also want to note that they chose NOT to make the film a musical because it took away from the seriousness of the film, yet the film features a good amount of comedy, meaning that there's some kind of dissonance here. It also sounds surprising that Disney wasn't interested in doing another musical given the success their musicals have had throughout their tenure, especially at the time RATLD was set to come out. And the directors even told "Empire" when the film was close to release that there was a cut of the film with broken bones. While they might have been joking (at least the source I saw thought they may have been joking), it wouldn't be surprising if the film came off as too violent to Disney or their test audiences, and they had the story softened. Another thing I find odd is the ending; it's been commented that Namaari's redemption arc isn't really solid, and the message of trusting others ends up being muddled. A personal theory of mine is that the story had better execution of the message originally, or perhaps Namaari was never planned to be redeemed, but Disney wanted a happier ending and either pressed for Namaari to be redeemable or wanted her to be fully forgiven by the end of the film. If that was the case, it may have been a last-minute choice, given that she doesn't really show this in the final product.
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Encanto--Given that this film was a critical and commercially successful film (at least for COVID) with staying power, there isn't much for me to note/theorize on the film, since it doesn't seem to suffer from the same issues the prior two films do. After Jared Bush, Byron Howard, and Lin-Manuel Miranda discussed having extended families, they opted to focus on a musical surrounding one. Disney resisted the idea of focusing on 12 characters at first (and Miranda wasn't surprised since they removed Moana's 8 brothers, reasoning that she had other priorities to focus on), and like many films, went through variations. Co-director and Co-writer Jared Bush mentioned that it was difficult to contend with, and seeing how condensed Luisa, Isabela, and Dolores' storylines were in the film, I do wonder if Disney continued to pressure them to remove characters and/or shorten the storylines. Given that the Madrigal family was originally much larger and there was a deleted fistfight between Isabela and Mirabel, I wouldn't be surprised.
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Strange World--Okay, for this one, I REALLY don't have much to say. The film comes off as very generic, and the concept art and deleted scenes (that I've seen, anyway) don't seem to suggest why Disney greenlit this film, though the generational themes does seem right up their alley, and the environmentalism message is timely. I'd blame it on the massive change done with Raya, as Hall and Nguyen were brought onto that team, and then once that was done, only had about a year left to work on "Strange World," which...well, as "Moana 2" will tell you, having only a year to do things--even with a cool idea--is not going to amount to much success.
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Wish--It's all been said before, and there's no defense for why this shouldn't have been spectacular besides exec influence for whatever reason. Deleted concepts here include Amaya as the sole villain, an Amaya/Magnifico villain couple, a removed member of The Teens, Star having a human form and being Asha's soulmate (though what that means is anyone's guess; we were all hoping it was romantic), and Star actually having a model, meaning him being removed was probably a last-minute thing. Add to that the fact that character designs changed, personalities were simplified, and Julia Michaels said that she and Benjamin Rice were only given a storyboard to go off of each time they did the songs, despite meeting with execs every Tuesday. Seeing how bland "Wish" was, exec interference shouldn't be ruled out. Such a shame that Disney did this for their anniversary film.
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Moana 2--Originally planned as a TV show announced in 2020, it was revealed on February of this year that it was planned to be reworked into a film, with the crew behind the show only being alerted of this in January. They literally had ten months to refit the series into a film, and I'm sure they still had to deal with pushback. The only reason they were able to do this is because animation usually happens roughly a year before the film is released. As such, they had to deal with technically being behind schedule with their animation, leaving little--if anything--to rewrite and fix.
Overall, it seemed the past half-decade has been turmoil for Disney struggling to give their creatives time and room to breath when storytelling, more concerned with their brand than long-lasting success. Really hope "Zootopia 2," "Frozen 3," and their 2026 original film don't suffer from these issues. Kinda hopeful since Z2 test screenings went well and F3 was pushed from 2026 to 2027.
(Oh, and some shameless promotion for my account: check out how I'd rewrite the revival era, as well as individual posts that go into the specifics on my guide page: https://www.tumblr.com/synergysilhouette/741045631364235264/my-alternate-takes-on-disney-films?source=share)
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mockscreens · 1 year ago
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please like/reblog if you save!
more disney lockscreens here!
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artbysarf · 2 years ago
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Disney Animated Ladies as Monster High (pt 3/4)
(pt 1,2,3,4)
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One of the issues with disney movies lately is some of the disney female protagonists is the adorkable personality. Which worked with Rapunzel and Anna but as time passed on, it seem to be the norm which the problem came once Wish revealed. Although despite that issues, all but Asha have reasons the way they are.
Rapunzel and Anna have been isolated from everyone with Rapunzel in the tower with only a chameleon as her friend and it didn't help that Mother Gothel is abusive to her while Anna stays in the castle with her sister being distant to her. I am not sure she is close with any of the servants since they are servants. Of course, they are socially awkward but they improve with Rapunzel having to experience social interaction in her TV series while Anna no longer has this in the sequel.
Moana is mostly serious and adventurous, which overshadows her quirkiness as only shown during her time in the ocean compared to the island as she fulfilled her duty as future chief. She has some laughable moments, but it doesn't stop her to continue her goal to saved the world and she is usually the serious of the two which the other is Maui.
Mirabel's quirkiness is the way she is because of how she isolated by her family and her village didn't pay much attention to her due to her being giftless which is why she tries her best to fit in. Her main personality is being empathetic as she helps her family with Antonio being brave enough with her favorite cousin by her side, Luisa talking about pressure that Mirabel listened, and Mirabel helping Isabel to let go of perfectionist. She can also be seen sassy like how she talks about Isabel.
Whereas Asha has no reason for the need to be quirky and awkward, she seems to be accepted by her friends, family, and the kingdom before the events of the story. She could have been an introverted, graceful woman who admired the king that she wanted to fulfilled his footsteps before realizing the truth.
Raya, Judy, Elsa, and Merida are the four disney female protagonist (not counting Pixar, I only included Merida since she is a princess) to not have that personality which is why are likable. The only issues they have is the movie itself especially Raya's movie theme being the trust message that is dangerous to followed, Zootopia's twist villain, the way Elsa is handle in the movies, and the bear curse parts.
Disney TV shows also have this issues with female protagonists, but not gonna say much since I am not sure if you know or not.
I haven’t seen like 3 of the movies listed here (Moana, Raya and the Last Dragon, and Brave) 😂 but I’ll trust that you know what you’re talking about, since I’ve seen Asha being compared to previous “adorkable” female leads like Rapunzel, Anna, Moana, and Mirabel in other Wish reviews.
The other 4 can have their quirkiness justified by being extremely sheltered and/or an outlier in their respective communities. However, this is not true of Asha, who is not only well known but also loved in Rosas—by her family, her friends, and heck, even the QUEEN.
It definitely feels like Disney got too comfortable with its formula, and in trying to please both modern audiences and older fans, they ended up pleasing no one. They’re so focused on making sequels and live action remakes now (which I guess is… easier??) 😅 I don’t know why Disney doesn’t make characters that are unique yet strong in their own ways. They’re capable of innovative characters (even if the execution of the overall stories aren’t great), as we see in Frozen and Zootopia (movies I have seen).
I did hear there was a lot of executive meddling in Wish’s production, so I wonder if this is why Asha had an unexplained quirkiness to her rather than a character that makes more sense for what she is and where she comes from. With her dad being a philosopher, I could see Asha working better as a quiet and introspective type who learns to be brave and to speak up for her own dreams and the dreams of those she loves rather than being a passive stander-by. This would actually give her a stronger character arc and growth rather than remaining static as she does in the actual movie we got 😔
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