#mirabel and mateo
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futurstic-divineawakened · 1 year ago
That’s it that’s the relationship Madrigal women
Juileta: Ah Matte!
Mateo: Senorita Julieta!
At this point that’s his mom and he is her son
Pepa: You are such a nice boy!
Mateo: Thank you Señora
He thinks Pepa is cool. And she
Isabela: Mateo
Mateo: Isabela
Respect, however Isabela will not hesitate to hurt him if he does something to Mirabel
Luisa: Hey Mateo
 can you help-
Mateo: What do you need ?
Normal sibling relationship. Mateo just wants her to rest more
Abuela: Such a fine young man, so smart and handsome
Mateo: I am honored Dona
Extremely polite, Abuela is making sure he’s good for Mirabel
Mirabel: You’re marvelous
Mateo: and you’re the Miracle
Mirabel: I guess we make a magical team!
. ;)
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meepxii · 1 year ago
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The Madrigal-Fontana family
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Mateo Vicente Madrigal Fontana
He is a twin, and the oldest child of his family. His gift is to make astral trips to any part of the world by meditation. When he's using his gift, a third eye glows pink on his forehead and he can also levitate. He's the edgy cousin of the family.
Fun facts about him:
Mateo doesn't like his middle name (Vicente). The only one who can call him that is his mother.
He's a calm boy, but gets into trouble very often 'cause he has no filter and can sound "rude."
He's Itzel's favorite child, and they're very close.
He and his twin sister are the closest, and do many things together, and although sometimes he can't stand her and treats her rudely, he's always behind his sister, protecting her.
He likes poetry and is a hopeless romantic.
His favorite place is the beach, and he goes there whenever he needs peace.
When he uses his gift, the pink third eye that appears on his forehead is real and functional. His sister sometimes pokes it to annoy him.
He likes to meditate in Dolores' room.
He's the only one of the Madrigal-Fontana children who got Bruno's wavy hair.
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Dalia Elizabeth Madrigal Fontana
She's Dalia, Mateo's twin sister. Dalia has the gift of making clones of herself and other people. She can make up to five clones, and they function as a hive mind if she wants. She can also let them act on autopilot. She's daddy's little princess, and the spoiled brat of her family.
Fun facts about her:
Dalia is Bruno's favorite child. The two of them formed a very strong bond since she was a baby, and Bruno fulfills many of her whims. For the same reason, she grew up accustomed to getting what she wants, and if she doesn't get it, she gets frustrated and cries. She knows that's not okay, and it's something she's still working on.
Since she was a child she's very involved in the theater that her father founded and he relates a lot with her cousin Camilo, so she loves to act, and her biggest influences are the two of them. For that reason she got a gift similar to Camilo's.
Her way of showing affection, in addition words of affirmation, are her jokes. She likes to play pranks on her close family and friends.
She shows off her family quite a bit, and she's a big fan of her parents' relationship.
She gets into trouble easily because she is very talkative, mischievous and witty.
She has a strong sense of loyalty toward her loved ones, so she's the first to defend them when they are getting attacked. More specifically, Bruno and Esmeralda.
Her best friend is her twin brother, and they both watch each other's backs.
She is a good girl, but it's better to have her as a friend than an enemy, because she brings out the worst side of her.
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Perla Esmeralda Madrigal Fontana
And this is Esme, the youngest of the Madrigal grandchildren. Her gift is earthbending. She's a sweet and naive girl, and since her power is directly related to her emotional strength, she's unable to get out of control. She has had problems in the town due to the limited scope of her power, and they often compare her negatively with her father.
Fun facts about her:
Esmeralda is considered the baby of the family, and her parents and siblings treat her as such.
She is abuela's favorite granddaughter because of her resemblance to Bruno, and since Esme was a child, she's been overprotective of her.
She's also very close to Julieta's daughters, especially Isabela. As a child she took her gardening together, which influenced her gift of earthbending.
Despite being introverted, she has always been a very sociable and kind girl, although a little naive.
She is such a crybaby.
She takes guitar lessons with her dad and Mirabel.
She also likes to do crafts with her mom. The two of them are in charge of making the scenery for Bruno's plays.
She is the most attached to Bruno's rats of the Madrigal-Fontana children, and there isn't a day when she doesn't have a rat on top of her.
Of her siblings, she's the most similar to the Madrigal family, and she inherited many of her abuelo Pedro's traits.
She doesn't get along well with her maternal grandmother, who has always preferred her sister Dalia for being more like the Fontanas.
I don't think I've ever published anything of my fankids here, sooo... here they are! I tried to use a color palette consistent with the Madrigal family, without filling it completely with green. It was also very fun to make the patterns representative of their gifts.
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pupsmailbox · 11 months ago
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NAMES ⌇ abel. acher. achille. adam. adrien. adĂ©lie. aelin. alaida. alexis. alice. alya. ambroise. amelia. amour. ana. anahera. andras. angaile. ange. angel. angela. angelesse. angelette. angelica. angelina. angeline. angelique. angelissa. angelita. angeliza. angella. angelo. angelus. angelyna. angie. angĂ©. angĂ©lique. anna. antoine. apolline. ariel. astrid. aurora. aurore. azazel. baal. behemoth. berrie. bethany. blaise. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. blushe. bowette. cain. caleb. camille. capucine. carmen. cary. casimir. cassandra. cassiel. castiel. cathy. celeste. celestine. celine. cerberus. cerise. charmeine. cher. cherie. cherub. choirette. christian. christine. chĂ©rie. cielo. claire. claude. cloud. cloudisse. cynthia. cyril. daisy. damien. damon. danni. dina. divina. divinesse. divinette. divinne. donovan. dova. dulcengel. eden. elena. elouan. elysia. emmy. engel. enzo. erebus. eryn. estelle. esther. evangelina. evangeline. evangelista. eve. faith. felix. fiacre. fleur. fortune. francette. francis. gabriel. gabriella. gaby. gemini. genesis. ghoul. giselle. godefrey. grace. gwenaĂ«l. halo. heartette. heather. heaven. heavenelle. heavenesse. hel. helena. henri. hera. honorĂ©. hyacinthe. icha. isaac. isabelle. isidore. jacques. jade. jennifer. jin. jocelyn. jordan. joseph. josephina. julia. kage. karine. kasdeya. katie. kenzo. keres. kilian. lacey. lambise. lamia. laura. leila. leilani. levi. leviathan. liam. lightion. lilia. lilin. lilith. lola. louis. lucia. lucien. lucifer. lĂ©o. madeleine. madeline. malachi. malvina. mal’akhi. marc. mare. marie. marin. marine. mary. mateo. maxime. melantha. michael. michelangelo. michelle. minerva. mirabelle. morgan. moros. nadia. narcisse. nazaire. nicholas. noah. noelle. octave. ocĂ©ane. odin. olivia. onyx. ophelia. orpheus. pheobe. pinkette. pinkion. piĂ©rre. priscilla. prosper. rainier. ramiel. raphael. ravana. raymond. robin. rogue. rosaire. roxxane. ruby. rue. ruelle. rĂ©mi. sabel. salome. salomon. samael. samuel. sara. sephora. sephtis. sera. seraph. seraphim. seraphina. seraphine. serenity. seth. skye. soan. softetta. sol. sonata. sophia. soraya. strawbette. sugarette. sylvain. sylvianne. sĂ©raphin. tatiana. theodore. timothee. tristan. uriel. ursula. valentine. valerie. venetia. vera. victor. victoria. victorien. vionetta. virtue. vivian. vivien. willow. wingette. wolf. xavier. xela. yann. yasmine. yvette. zacharie. zoe. ángel. ánxela. éloi. étienne.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ abo/above. adore/adore. ae/ae. ae/aer. an/angel. angel/angel. angelic/angelic. arch/angel. archangel/archangel. arrow/arrow. aura/aura. ay/aym. ballet/ballet. beau/beau. beauty/beauty. being/being. beloved/beloved. black/black. bless/bless. bless/blessing. blessing/blessing. bloom/bloom. blue/blue. bow/bow. broke/broken. bun/bun. celeste/celestial. celestial/celestial. cher/cher. cherub/cherub. cherub/cherubim. chirp/chirp. choir/choir. clou/cloud. cloud/cloud. cold/cold. cross/cross. crown/crown. cu/cupid. cupid/cupid. curse/curse. dark/dark. deity/deity. delicate/delicate. div/divine. div/divinity. divine/divine. dove/dove. drift/drift. empty/empty. er/ero. ero/ero. ethe/ethereal. ethereal/ethereal. ey/eyr. fai/faith. faith/faith. fall/fall. fall/fallen. fate/fate. faun/fauna. feather/feather. flight/flight. float/float. flower/flower. fluff/fluff. fly/flight. fly/fly. glow/glow. gold/gold. grace/grace. gra/grace. grudge/grudge. hae/haer. ha/halo. halo/halo. harp/harp. he/hym. hea/heaven. heal/heal. heart/heart. heaven/heaven. heaven/heavenly. hell/hell. hol/holy. holy/holy. hush/hush. hx/hxm. hy/hym. hymn/hymn. id/idol. ix/ix. kind/kind. kyr/kyr. lace/lace. lamb/lamb. life/life. light/light. lo/love. lyr/lyr. lyre/lyre. melancholy/melancholy. metallic/metallic. mirror/mirror. mist/mist. misty/misty. mon/mon. moral/moral. omen/omen. peace/peace. perfect/perfection. pink/pink. pure/pure. pure/purr. radiant/radiant. ribbon/ribbon. rose/rose. sacred/sacred. saint/saint. scept/scepter. self/self. ser/seraph. seraph/seraph. seraph/seraphim. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shining. shx/hxr. silk/silk. sin/sin. sing/song. sky/sky. smite/smite. snake/snake. snow/snow. soar/soaring. soft/soft. somber/somber. sorrow/sorrow. spark/sparkle. spirit/spirit. sugar/sugar. swan/swan. sweet/sweet. taint/taint. tether/tether. thorn/thorn. thxy/thxm. thy/thyn. tru/trumpet. unholy/unholy. unknown/unknown. vae/vaer. val/valentine. vio/vior. water/water. white/white. wi/wing. wing/wing. wraith/wraith. wrath/wrath. yellow/yellow. ðe/Ă°im.â€ĂŸe/ĂŸim. ȝe/ȝim. ☀ . ☁ . â›Ș . ✹ . ⭐ . 🐑 . đŸ‘ïž . đŸ‘Œ . đŸ•Šïž . đŸ•Żïž . 😇 . đŸ€ . 🩱.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year ago
Giant siren au
can we see more of the caretakers, with some info on them as well pls. Any short info will do. I really like their designs and I'd like to know more about them ïżœïżœïżœïżœ
Of course‌‌
So. Getting a job as a caretaker is actually very selective. Alma herself is the one who chooses them. And even then, they gotta have certain requirements.
So Hortencia and Roberto are the day time caretakers. This is usually the easiest to get into, you really just have to wake up super earlier and be able to handle sleepy guppies, and give them to their parents on pick up. Hortencia is the oldest of all the caretakers, and has been working there the longest; since around Isabela and Dolores. Roberto is newer,but has been there long enough, and works well with the guppies.
Emilia and Mateo work the afternoon shift. By far the hardest to get into. They have to be fast enough to keep up with them, and keep them entertained for hours while the other adults go about their day, if theguppy can’t come along. Keep in mind, not every single guppy is there during the afternoon. Emilia mostly keeps them entertained and fed, but she is capable of chasing after them if needed. Mateo is usually out in about, and takes the guppies out to play in the reefs, typically in groups of no more than 6-8.
Ignacio and Maria work the night shift. This shift is really only given to deep sea/trench dweller sirens. And one of the caretakers is almost always a jellyfish siren. This is, in Alma’s words, just so they have much easier access to the box and moon jelly fish that are most common around the grotto. Ignacio is basically like a night light. He stays inside and monitors the underwater and ground level grotto when the guppies are asleep. Especially the toddlers and the babies, who typically takes above ground since they can’t swim as well as the older kids. Maria is like a body guard of sorts, and patrols the outer regions, occasionally going to the surface. She has to deter ships from coming too close to the main island.
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These guys aren’t the only caretakers, but they are always on shift. There are younger caretakers, sort of like trainees??? Usually they help the main caretakers, especially during mealtimes. But mealtime in Guppy Grotto is like a battlefield 😭 it’s always recommended that the parents take the guppies home for meals if they’re able, though it’s fine if they can’t. This was said mainly by Alma but literally ask anyone who was old enough to remember the last two “incidents” involving guppies WHICH. IRONICALLY. WERE LEAD BY CAMILO AND MIRABEL AND LATER ANTONIO 💀💀 (though it’s not entirely their fault)
The grotto is in the center of the community. Both on the ground level on the main island and the underwater region. Underwater is for obvious reason. Above ground is so if guppies who are playing the forest get lost, they just have to keep going towards the island and will eventually find the entrance to the grotto. Humans can find it, but it’s rare.
I went on a rant 🌚 but hopefully is enough‌‌‌ I Love getting these kinda questions, I like world building for AUs <333 🩈🩈🩈
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andromedavwrites · 11 months ago
Sorry if I’m yapping I’m just obsessed - sorry what ok continuing
Idk if you’re waiting reveal it or something but can you please say you’re fancasts (is it considered a fancast if you’re literally the creator? Or the half creator since it’s a reboot?) for your reboot?
I love eah fancasts / just fancasts in general and the way you’ve mentioned some of them in other posts makes me so curious
i never talk about my cast but here’s the list!!(i probably fucked up names on this, i have like five times)
these aren’t set in stone obv, and one of them is a joke bc i thought it would be funny if a certain someone played Rumplestiltskin-
Raven Queen played by Callie Haverda
Apple White played by Mckenna Grace
Madeline Hatter played by Momona Tamada
Briar Beauty played by Kyleigh Curran
Cedar Wood played by Maliah Baker
Ashlynn Ella played by Trinity Likins
C. A. Cupid played by Sarah Dorothy Little
Blondie Lockes played by Ava Kolker
Ginger Breadhouse played by Iman Vellani
Duchess Swan played by Rina Johnson
Darling Charming played by Clementine Lea Spieser
Farah Goodfairy played by Cheyenne Hinojosa
Cerise Hood played by Ashley Sarmentio
Daring Charming played by Tait Blum
Dexter Charming played by Jacob Tremblay
Sparrow Hood played by Dallas Young
Hunter Huntsman played by Mateo Gallegos
Humphrey Dumpty played by Issiah Russel-Bailey
Kitty Cheshire played by Miya Cech
Lizzie Hearts played by Sofia Chicorelli Serna
Alastair Wonderland played by Walker Bryant
Bunny Blanc played by Xochtil Gomez
Chase Redford played by Parker Bates
Courtly Jester played by Trixie Hyde
Meeshell Mermaid played by Sophie Grace
Jillian Beanstalk played by Brianni Walker
Hopper Croakington II played by Jentzen Ramirez
Melody Piper played by Oona O’Brian
Ramona Badwolf played by Symonne Harrison
She played by Izabella Rose
Poppy O’Hair played by Anais Lee
Holly O’Hair played by Mirabelle Lee
Brooke Page played by Pixie Davies
Gus Crumb played by Jace Chapman
Helga Crumb played by Camron Seely
Travis Thumb played by Amari O’Neil
Prudence Step played by Lilo Baier
Charlotte Step played by Ava Ro
Lily Bo-Peep played by Lotus Blossom
Zypherus Wynd played by Camren Conerly
Aquilona Wynd played by Trinitee Stokes
Charity Charming played by Kaylin Hayman
Clara Lear played by Scarlet Spencer
Mahlee Black played by Daria Johns
Coral Witch played by Michela Luci
Nathan Nutcracker played by Finn Little
Justine Dancer played by Priah Ferguson
Witchy Brew played by Pilot Saraceno
Nina Thumbell played by Ella Noel
Felix Princely played by Jackson Dollinger
Tucker Merry played by Miguel Cazarez Mora
Marsha King played by Alexa Nisenson
Jackie Frost played by Anya Taylor-Joy
Northwind Frost played by Logan Lerman
Milton Grimm played by Frank Whaley
Giles Grimm played by Kieran Mulroney
Baba Yaga played by Olga Kurylenko
Rumplestiltskin played by Danny DeVito
Pied Piper played by Collin Donell
Mad Hatter played by Paul Wesley or Alex Hefner
The White Queen played by Kate Winslet
Mr. Badwolf played by Con O’Neil
Momma Bear played by Nathalie Boltt
Papa Bear played by William Baldwin
Coach Gingerbread played by Hill Harper
Snowelle White played by Alison Brie
Elvira Queen played by Clemence Poesy
Good King played by Matt Lanter
Snow Queen played by Lisa Kudro
Snow King played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Lance Charming played by Dan Stevens
Bryce Frost played by Shailene Woodley
Pie played by ?
Butternut played by ?
Cheshire Cat played by Stephanie Hsu
Queen of Hearts played by Meghan Ory
White Rabbit played by Joe Arquette
Cook played by Olivia Hack
i have spent
 so long thinking about my cast for this i would DIE if i got even half of these actors to play the characters in the reboot!!
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casitafallz · 2 years ago
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LTRL AU | Packed Issues
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As it turned out, breaking and entering was very easy.
Isabela had started first by having Fran check out the house to make sure it was empty and that the area around was quiet. A few houses had windows facing towards them but
Isabela used her gift to grow the nearby bushed just a little bit to mask the direct line of sight then a series of bush-trunk-like steps that gave her a direct access to his bedroom window.
Fran had given her a set of old clothes which were burgundy and green and a scarf which she kept around her head when she built the steps up, not that it was overly high given it didn’t have a second floor. No one robbed a home in familiar clothes.
“All he wants is three changes of clothes, sandals and the big book under his bed with the decorative box next to it.” Fran reminded as she began her ascent up.
“Okay.” Isabela didn’t wait for anything less than a warning before she lowered herself carefully down and got to work; straight to his wardrobe where inside was his clothes and a bag. She grabbed that before she realised one thing; it was full.
She frowned carefully, opening it up to see it already packed, his clothes by the stale scent. Did he prepack and forgot? She could see a few empty hangers and more empty spaces on the shelves
at least it looked emptier than it should. She just took that instead and dropped it out the window.
“Oh you’re faster than I ex—ow!” Fran swore softly.
Isabela dropped softly to peer under the bed where she wrinkled her nose at the mess underneath before she began to move some of the lost laundry before the box was the first thing she uncovered.
It was
 about the size of a show box and handcrafted with beautiful carvings etched into floral patterns on all of its sides. As tempted as she was, Isabela didn’t open it and just tucked it off onto the side before she found the huge freaking tome of a book.
She shoved the mess back into place, struggling to the window with both but withdrew all her plants away as Fran shut the shutters again and they quickly hurried back towards Fran’s.
Only for Fran to lead her to the backyard where she saw a wagon set up behind a wall; out of immediate sight.
“So soon?”
“It’s my Abuelo’s wagon he had to carry stuff when they fled. They kept it in good condition so we use it. Just load up here for now. All I’ll need is to get the donkey and we’ll be good to leave.” Fran shrugged, setting the bag into the top then took the offered box and book and opened up a small compartment and tucked to book inside for safekeeping.
“You gonna steal one?” Isabela guessed with a smile.
“Yep, why stop at robbing Mateo’s house?” Fran winked before pulling a tarp back over the few bags in, “Why don’t you start getting stuff to pack? Or some supplies made in advance?”
.yeah.” She knew that was what she should go and do but
that risked going back home. Abuelita would no down try and talk her down but
 she didn’t want to deal with that right now. “Have you got any sacks and baskets I could use?”
Fran paused for a moment, “Not
many. We use our baskets every day. We tend to only have Maize and potato sacks at our disposal.”
“Can you get them?” Isabela asked hopefully. “I can’t produce the dried-out kernels but I produce it all on the cobs whole.” They didn’t have time to dry them out and make it easier to transport with most of them
 she had to grow the whole plant first to do so. She hadn’t learned how to just make the maize kernels by itself, or wheat either. So it was a lot of manual work that neither of them had time for.
She was sure once they had found a place, to get a garden they could use it as backstock and for show. But coming in, they had to prepare and
sure fabric would be long-term. If she could get raw fruits and veg made, then they had an immediate start-up for quick cash.
“Okay. Go home and pack. I’ll bring the wagon around at eight tonight.” Fran patted her arm, though waved her off in her typical manner to get going.
Mirabel sat quietly in her room, the gift she had been planning to give just
sat on her knee but her insides continued to roll with her anxiety it wasn’t just about learning Isabela was just going to up and leave them all but
this was the first
real argument she had had with her sister.
The last time almost ended with her death.
This time, it hadn’t. But her heart still raced about it.
She still felt
angry at her Hermana. She was
going to leave them all. Her statement felt like it had value because
Isa was part of the family. Sure, it was a little broken but
they were still a family. Not only leave them but
also meant the baby wouldn’t be born into their family here either; he wouldn’t get to see how loved he would be growing up with them
Antonio—god she was already dreading when Antonio would find out. His little heart was fixed on befriending that baby as his own best friend.
Leaving meant making their broken family more broken. No way to repair the damage and
 for what? Mirabel couldn’t understand it still. Things were hard but Isabela had coped well; she had what she needed here
 Abuelita was the best and
 they had time.
A soft knock pulled her mind to see Luisa pottering in carefully with Tio Bruno. In her hands, she had a tray with a reflective green shine off it that told her what it was.
Mirabel’s eyes lingered on it. “Take a seat. Is it fixed?” she offered the chairs
“Not fully but Tio’s an expert at puzzles,” Luisa spoke, setting it down.
Mirabel’s breath paused as she finally set eyes upon the image but her heart ached to see such a small, and beautiful baby boy, looking otherwise oblivious in his crib and looking to be seconds away from sucking his hand and—oh, he was wearing her knot hat. The effect was slightly ruined by the cracks that ran through down through his left ear.
“We’re glueing it down onto the tray base than just to the edges,” Tio spoke, pulling out a bottle of glue from his under his ruana. “I’m
really not up for making a new one just yet but I’m happy to fix this one.”
He went to sit on the floor but Casita shifted the boards to fling a chair under him, almost falling off in the process before he righted himself and carefully took the tray and moved back some of the loose pieces that had slid.
Luisa looked a little lost,  fiddling with a single piece of the vision’s edge between her fingers but her mind looked to be a world away.
“Tio,” Mirabel started, “did you know Isabela was leaving?”
Bruno’s fingers paused a little, his eyes flickering up to her face nervously. “I did.” His tone was careful.
Mirabel raised her eyebrow at him. “Seriously?!”
Bruno set the glue down, eyeing the door for a moment. “You’re mad about that?”
“She’ll break this family apart if she leaves, Tio.” Mirabel whined, “Why didn’t you tell us? Ma or Abuela?”
“I told your Abuelita.” Bruno wiped his hands down the front of his ruana. “I trust her with discretion more than my mother.”
“Abuelita’s supporting her leaving.” Mirabel gave him a look, “You told her and she’s giving her permission to just
Bruno shrugged, far too casually. “I know. But having anyone go off on her would speed up her leaving or worse, believe never coming back is the best option.” He gave her a look, which made her shrink back “Señora Rojas is a smart woman and do you think she would be supporting Isabela’s choices blindly?”
Mirabel opened her mouth to answer but Luisa spoke first.
Bruno nodded approvingly to Luisa. “Señora Rojas knows more than you two. Do you understand why Isabela is leaving?”
“She wants to get away from us?” Luisa offered, “We thought
she got sick of her punishments.”
“She’s dealt with the punishments for almost eleven months now, Luisa.” Bruno reminded, surprisingly with an edge that reminded her of Abuela when she was slightly inconvenienced. “It’s not about the punishments. The family may be a factor but it’s not the cause.”
Mirabel made a discontent noise, folding her arms back around herself. “Didn’t sound like it.”
“Everyone says things that they don’t mean when they’re emotional,” Bruno stated. “I know why she’ll be leaving and
I think it’s the best course of action—"
“—With that, I know.” He finished, not raising his voice like she would expect an adult would with an interruption. “I know you don’t want her to leave but this
this is important. I know you want her to stay and I know you want the baby to be born here and that you can all love him and
I want that as well. If she stays
there’s a worse future which means you still don’t get that.”
Mirabel’s head rose back to face him. Her mind stalled a little on that last bit. A worse future? What could possibly happen to make it worse? Her mind jumped to the possibility of
the baby being stillborn. That’d hurt everyone. Yeah
would be a bad future.
“You don’t have to agree or believe me but
Isabela leaving is her best course of action. For her sake and for the baby’s sake.” He reached for the bottle of glue, “At least then she’ll come back
or have the option to.” Bruno held his hand out for the piece Luisa had in her hands and stuck that down. “I’ll leave you two to finish now the important ones are done. Your Abuelita will be here after dinner to talk to your parents.”
Isabela was glad to finally push down and bind the cotton down with her vines to compress it further, binding and compressing down the last bit of the cotton before she shoved the sack over the top and bound that down to allow the internal vines to decay and release without causing the decompression that would split the bag. The vines strained but she was glad to see it hold, having done for a multitude of vines that were swirled together to increase strength integrity in the bind than having them snap as that rope did.
Cotton was now done. Flax for linin was tightly wrapped as well, many seeds were in little bags and stored in a small box for ease of transport. That was set ready to go with the rest of her clothes that she had packed along with the baby stuff she already had. She left a few old presents from selected family members on her desk in a pile because
she didn’t want to open herself up for anything.
Tio Felix had since passed along his gift for the baby so, that she did have packed as well with the baby things which
was only tucked away at the bottom of her bag since there wasn’t as much stuff to carry with him just yet. She packed a few changes of clothes; leaving her pretty dresses behind for good, her makeup but she opted for more practical packing; her tools and equipment. Her looms were covered and bagged. Her spinning wheel was set to be moved. Her bedcovers and pillows, she opted to take as well because that felt like some oversight when they should have some comforts on their travel.
“Isabela.” The voice interrupted her mulling.
Isabela didn’t turn to face her Abuelita but simply belted up her bag. “If you’re here to convince me to stay, you won’t work.” She stated.
“Two more days, Isa. Please.” Abuelita appeared at her side, her withered hand coming to touch her arm.
“No.” Isabela shook her head. “Now that Mirabel knows, I can’t just wait for the rest of the family to suddenly try and stop me
or worse try and throw shit into my face to guilt me into staying.” Not like Mirabel. She didn’t want that. Not again.
“I have yet to talk to the family
. I made sure to ask your siblings to say nothing on the matter until I could talk to them.”
that doesn’t change anything,” Isabela gave her Abuelita a long look. “No matter how long it takes me to leave, their reactions will be the same and
I don’t want to deal with that. Not to mention, when Tia founds out, she’ll flood the place and make it impossible for me to leave in time.” That was another challenge she didn’t want to face. Not after Tia’s blatant interest in seeing Camilo get off his punishments or talking up Sara’s ass. She didn’t need her to pretend to care or get emotional about her going. She had much of a hand in this as the rest.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve made up my mind.” Isabela set her jaw, “I’ll prepare a few letters for the family but I won’t meet with any of them.”
 they deserve more than just letters. You’re cutting them off by leaving without talking to them.” Abuelita looked just as concerned, “if you come back, nothing between you and the family will be healed.”
Isabela shrugged. “Right now, I don’t want to talk to them. They had their chances to do so for the last year and when it’s not convenient for them
 I’m the one in the wrong?” Isabela pressed, “Abuelita, please. It took you pulling me out of Casita every other week for things to improve but that wasn’t enough. Not to mention, Antonio has access to birds who can do what he wants so really, not all the lines are dead after we’re gone.”
Abuelita’s lips pursed. “Do not leave without talking to me first.” There was a touch to her arm before she walked out, the front door distantly shutting.
The last bit about Antonio and his animal friends, Isabela had surprised herself on saying but
it wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it before given how it would be impossible for normal mail service to and from Encanto to where they could wind up. Animals, or trained animals at the least were the next best option; Antonio was the only one who could achieve that if she wanted
any shred of contact with her family.
Certainly for Abuelita and Abuelito
 Antonio himself if he wanted to see his best friend grow up
.assuming the kid would tolerate not actually meeting the baby just yet. The others? She didn’t know. Tio Felix would no doubt oversee anything she sent to Antonio but...Tia Pepa?
How things had truly fallen between her and Tia. How close they used to be, Isabela remembered their dancing lessons mostly; how fun it was and how happy it made Tia. Moments of freedom between two trapped souls. Now

Isabela turned around, coming to the side where the family photo she had was resting face-down before she picked it up, taking a final look to see most people accounted for in the picture—thank the lord she didn’t get a copy of Antonio’s birthday photo. This had
every one of her maternal side. She tossed that into her personal bag before she went in search of another few photos to take with her.
There were a few of her Tia Sofia’s family, but she opted not to take that; she wasn’t overly close with them after all. Word of mouth would be good enough for her son to learn about his other cousins. Her grandparents though were far harder to find. Their wedding photo was beautiful but certainly not one she was going to take. With no photos in frames of appeal, Isabela went to Abuelito’s study for his photo albums.
There, she found the perfect one; both of them in a single frame some years ago when they had their wedding anniversary; married for forty years. Looking very happy and still arm-in-arm. She felt a little envious but
maybe one day she could have that sort of love as well.
She had better chances now than before.
Isabela tucked that photo in between one of her books and added that in and continued to sort through her room.
“Vera, it’s okay.” Ruben’s voice was soft as she paced around the backrooms of their shop.
“No, it’s not. Isabela won’t even try with her family to actually talk and
 I can’t convince her to wait. If I talk to the family now, they’ll get on their high horses and try and stop her
or worse, guilt her. I can’t
I don’t know how to tell them.” Vera admitted, “Everything else, I can handle but
Ruben set aside the set of pants he was adjusting and reached for her. “It’s hard because we know she has to leave and why, mi Vida.”
Vera hummed in agreement; they had to let her go but
how it looked to others meant it looked a tad hypocritical. She was always a ‘stand your ground and fix it’ than ‘run from your problems’ attitude. Telling the family she dies if she stayed felt like emotional blackmail she wasn’t willing to put on the family but there was no good reason aside from the shallow, superficial reasons they’d assume.
At least, none that would work prior to her leaving. After she was gone
 it could be easier with fewer risks of running off to talk her out.
“It looks like I’m helping her pack and getting her lunch together for the trip!” Vera huffed, running her hand down the front of her dress though allowed herself to be tugged into his warm embrace. “I don’t
I don’t want her or anyone to leave with open wounds here.”
“You can’t help them all the time. Some things can’t just be resolved by us. This is something Isabela needs to do with her family.” Ruben rubbed her back, “Some things aren’t for us.”
“We’ve done as much as we can.” Ruben pulled back. “As long as Isabela is safe
that the baby is safe then all we can hope for is that they come back at some point. Things are too rough between Isa and the family and
 her injuries aren’t without reason.”
Vera huffed out. “I know.” She hated to admit that.
“Let her leave. I will close early and we can both talk to her before she goes, after which, we can talk to the family. They will be blindsided and hurt but
 maybe that will motivate the family to get into action with the mess they still have. “
Vera’s shoulder’s slumped a little in dismay but
 she knew Ruben was right. The worse lessons come at the biggest costs. Isabela had to go
. And as Isa had said, they weren’t without communication options.
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phoenixlionme · 1 year ago
Favorite Crossover Ships (so far)
No ranking involved.
Sora x Mirabel
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2. Camilo x Nimona
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3. Moana x Mirabel
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4. Sweets x Tiana
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5. Hiccup x Mirabel
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6. Merida x Goldilocks
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7. Mateo x Mirabel
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8. Hiccup x Merida
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9. Jack x Elsa
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frozenwolftemplar · 1 year ago
Elsa °o° Anna °o° Kristoff °o° Olaf °o° Sven °o° Rapunzel °o° Eugene Fitzherbert °o° Pascal °o° Maximus °o° Cassandra °o° Mirabel °o° Isabela °o° Luisa °o° Goliath °o° Elisa Maza °o° Bronx °o° Demona °o° Angela °o° Sisu °o° Raya °o° Luca °o° Alberto °o° Giulia °o° Dug °o° Carl °o° Russel °o° Ariel °o° Eric °o° Flounder °o° Sebastian °o° Ursula °o° Merida °o° Moana °o° Maui °o° Elena °o° Mateo °o° Skylar °o° Belle °o° Beast °o° Gaston °o° Bolt °o° Mittens °o° Rhino °o° Kenai °o° Koda °o° Sitka °o° Denahi °o° Kim Possible °o° Ron Stoppable °o° Shego °o° Dr. Drakken °o° Mal °o° Evie °o° Carlos °o° Jay °o° Aladdin °o° Jasmine °o° Pongo °o° Perdita °o° Patch °o° Sgt. Tibbs °o° Cruella De Vil °o° Spring Sprite °o° Elk °o° Pocahontas °o° John Smith °o° Meeko °o° Flit °o° Percy °o° Mulan °o° Mushu °o° Hercules °o° Meg °o° Tarzan °o° Jane °o° Simba °o° Nala °o° Mufasa °o° Scar °o° Shenzi °o° Oliver °o° Dodger °o° Rita °o° Jenny °o° Lady °o° Tramp °o° Peg °o° Si & Am °o° Jock °o° Bambi °o° Thumper °o° Faline °o° Flower °o° Winnie-the-Pooh °o° Tigger °o° Eeyore °o° Cinderella °o° Tiana °o° Dumbo °o° Snow White
100 characters for 100 years
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newkatzkafe2023 · 1 year ago
Disney Princess Genderbend Villains are
Snow White/ Winter White
And Many More in the future
Now I will tell you now that even though these BOYS are as Evil, Heartless and, And Cruel as they can ever get, you still have a permanent loving spot in their Little black hearts. After All the reason the haven't completely lose touch with everything is Because you are All they have leftâ€ïžâ€đŸ”„â€ïžâ€đŸ”„â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
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colorfulhope95 · 3 years ago
Miguel Mateo and marco when they realize that the new Disney latinx kid with the letter M in their name and a magical object doesn't wear a red hoodie and also is a girl
I Know the edit looks bad but I also wanted to do memes about the Latino Disney boys with red hoodies and M names 😂
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futurstic-divineawakened · 3 years ago
Encanto: A male friend of Mirabel help saves the Miracle
* Well, well, well.. finally my ideas come to life
* Mirabel is so use to doing things on her own she never realize her family notice
* Her friend is a resident of the Encanto
* His name is Mateo Lopéz (The less creative name I could think of)
* His full name is Mateo Ricardo Alejandro de la Cruz Lopez
* He is paler than Mirabel but with thick curly brown shoulder length hair
* He and Mirabel grew up together always close by
* I think he would be even closer to her especially since Camilo was always to busy
* They are the same age with Mirabel being older by 3 months (June 16)
* I think that Mirabel and Mateo celebrated Agustin’s birthday together since they are so close (Juneteenth)*
* Mateo follows the same color scheme as the townspeople
* Wearing the neutral beige colors but he does have blue on his shirt to represent Mirabel
* Mateo let’s Mirabel embroider blue butterflies on the cuff of his button down and on the shoulders are blue patches
* He wears a Blue shirt underneath his button down which he takes off when it’s hot.
* His pants are similar to Mariano’s, and his shoes are similar to Antonio’s
* He also puts his hair up in a green and blue ribbon that Mirabel gave him
* Her nicknames are Mattù , Tetù and Matthew which she calls him that in the same tone as Julieta’s “Ay Agustin”
* His Abuela calls him Matthew since I thought of her as English/Spanish ethnicity
* She would teach them both English words but they only know the bare minimum
* He’s taller 5’6 compare to Mirabel’s 5ïżœïżœïżœ2 (Mirabel’s final heigh growth, she would be 5’6/5’7 while he is 5’8/5’9)*
* So following the movie timeline he would show up to help Mirabel
* Senor Osavalo gives her the “special not special gift”
* The children said she’s in denial
* But this time she doesn’t carry the box herself. Mateo does
* Mirabel thanks him but says she could have done it herself
* “I’m stronger” “I’m smarter”
* They seem to always quip with each other
* Mirabel goes in first as Luisa leaves
* “Watch out sis” as Mateo grabs her wrist and pull her to the side before they collide
* He takes the box inside and almost fell from Pepa’s tornado
* Isabela makes her entrance and mistakes Mateo for Mirabel
* “I’m not Mirabel, Isabela”
* Isabela then see Mateo and looks slightly embrass
* “I am helping Isabela but next time actually talk to me” Mirabel said as she walk toward Mateo
* However Mirabel’s clumsiness succeeds her and she trips
* Mateo holding the box with one hand stablizes Mirabel by wrapping a arm around her waist.
* “Thanks MattĂ©â€ “No problem
 clumsy” “I hate when you call me that
* NOT realizing that, his hand is still wrap around her waist
* That Isabela was staring at his hand still in place
* Then looking at them back and forth with an unseen expression (protectiveness)
* Not realizing that Dolores, Pepa, Felix and Camilo notice the same thing
* Isabela then hit Mirabel with her hair and dragged her towards her quickly
* “Don’t get into any trouble tonight” while putting a flower crown on her head and going back to her task of decorating
* “Isa!” Mirabel exclaim not noticing the smirk on her face.
* As Mirabel led Mateo to the kitchen
* She didn’t see the looks that Pepa and Felix face of excitement and sadness a bit
* Mateo dropped the stuff off while fretting Julieta
* “Señorita Julieta”
* He never fails to call her that, it gets her to laugh everytime
* He then saw Agustin come in with his new stings
* And both he and Mirabel made the same face (like the one she did in the movie)
* While Julieta tend to Agustin
* Mateo told Mirabel he would be back for Antonio’s ceremony with his parents
* She said goodbye to him and he left
* The rest of the movie happened
* I will not change anything even the Antonio and Mirabel moments
* Mirabel tries not to look at the crowd as she walked Antonio
* But she couldn’t help but catch Mateo’s eyes
* The confidence and support he had in her gave her the small push for that final step
* Movie continues; Waiting for a Miracle that song is too underrated
* Nobody but Mateo and his family beleives her about the cracks.
* Julieta and Mirabel scene happen
* However later at night. Mirabel would hear something at her window
* She opens it to see Mateo
* Mateo asks Casita if he could get up there quietly
* Casita does this and he sits on the window still
* “Are you ok?” “I am fine” “Liar”
* He ask if she has a plan to fix the miracle.
* Mirabel said no and she explains how upset she is that no one believed her
* “Well then I guess we just have our work cut out for us ” “
* She would tell him it’s not necessary
* But Mateo would refute that he is her best friend and would support her anyway
* Mirabel than thank him and was happy it was too dark to see her get misty
* Mateo then said he will leave and would see her in the morning
* Mirabel goes to sleep even more determine to save the miracle and her family
* Not knowing that Mateo and her would be the talk of the town
I’m just going to ask. I won’t tell you why but
Dolores and Camilo or Isabela and Luisa?
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...okay look. We need more Mateo bonding with the kids like....you know what fuck magic or any bullshit like that I'm going to be the BEST uncle for all the brats.
And one of his siblings is like Mateo being a good uncle isn't a competition and he's like The Hell it isn't! You just watch I'll be their favorite!
Aw? You guys genuinely liked Mateo huh? Alright, let's have some Mateo (FĂ©lix's younger brother)and Julio (Felix's older brother) content!
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
Mateo couldn't get one fucking day off around here. He got up from the couch, beer in hand, and went to open the door. His older brother, FĂ©lix. And every booger eater in the house.
"Mateo, hey, listen, I need mami to watch the kids, something came up and-"
"Shit outta luck then, its Wednesday. Date night, remember?"
FĂ©lix groaned into his hand. His brother was usually pretty chill, so whatever this was had to be pretty important if it stressed him out.
"Is ANYONE else here?"
"Just Julio, he got back from the market a second ago."
"Dios Pepa is gonna kill me- can you guys watch the kids?"
Mateo was about to respond when Julio, who was walking down the steps, did it for him.
"Sure, we can watch them."
"Fuck you- all this 'we' bullshit."
Mateo was always mami's favorite, taking responsibility and shit. Julio walked up to them, and he HATED how much taller he was than him, a good three feet at least.
"WE will watch them, yes."
"What if I don't fucking want to?"
"Then I will."
"...oh I see- you think this makes you better than me? Screw you, I can out uncle you anyday."
"Babysitting isn't a contest."
"LIKE FUCK IT AIN'T. You know what, we'll watch your little snot rockets for you, and they'll see who's the better uncle!"
FĂ©lix looked around wildly, as if he wanted to trust a stranger with them, before groaning.
"Okay. Fine. You guys can watch them for like, two hours. But we need rules."
"No more cussing in front of them. Camilo called Dolores a 'fuckhead' the other day and Pepa was going to kill me."
"What makes you think that was ME?"
Camilo pointed at Mateo, and loudly yelled.
"RULE TWO. No threatening to beat up the kids. These are children, not a guy at the bar. You cannot fight them, and I WILL give you a barriga rosa."
Mateo folded his arms, and scoffed. Asshole. Julio nodded in understanding. FĂ©lix held up his fingers after every rule. Some of which he actually paid attention to, but he knew Julio was always paying attention.
"...five, no yelling, Dolores's ears are sensitive. And six, make sure Camilo keeps stuff OUT of his mouth. Hes been getting into licking stuff. You guys got all of that?"
"Yeah yeah we get it. Go do your thing bro."
FĂ©lix hesitated, before he knelt down to the kid's levels.
"You guys be good, okay? I'll be back in a bit, I PROMISE."
He gave them all their due kisses and hugs, before leaving. Then the kids turned to them. Fucking hell, five whole ass kids. Mateo stared at them, unsure of what to do. Julio, the jackass, was always way better with kids, even though he was boring as a bump on a log.
"Would you all like something to drink?"
Camilo immediately ran into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and held up one of his beers.
"This one!"
"Alright let me get a bottle opener-"
"Mateo these are children."
"Listen if he wants to get black out drunk, thats on him."
"Yeah! Besides, I'm an adult!"
Camilo turned into Mateo, and he gave himself a once over.
"An ugly adult, but an adult nonetheless."
"Listen here you little-!"
"Can I have juice?"
"I want lemonade!"
"I want hot chocolate!"
Many of them scrambled into the kitchen, while a couple ran into the living room. Mateo immediately went to the living room while Julio went for the kitchen. One of the girls lifted the couch clean off the floor, while Dolores picked up something off the floor.
"Oh. We found a peso!"
"Hey- put that down!"
She put it down harshly, and the sound made Dolores cover her ears, and cry. This made the other one cry too, attempting to comfort Dolores, while only making it worse. Meanwhile you had one kid throwing flowers around, one turning different adults and trying to avoid getting caught by Mateo. And you had one of them, the one with glasses, standing in place, drinking her juice. She had no 'gift' to use to contribute to this mess. That was when it clicked. He waited until 'Pepa' dashed past him, before he caught him in his arms, before Julio stomped on the floor, loudly, forcing them all into silence (save for a whimpering Dolores). Julio was holding flowers in his arms, and both her and Camilo stared up at them in curiosity. Mateo sighed.
"Okay, okay. How about we play a game?"
"I like games."
Muttered Dolores.
"Great. We're gonna play 'act like'...uh...Julio, remind me what that one's name is?"
"Did you seriously forget your niece's name?"
"You...forgot my name?"
She started to swell up in tears, and both Flowers and Muscles shot him a mean look. God women were scary.
"No no no! I just wanted to uh...see if Julio did! Julio, what's her name?"
Listen, his brother only brought over Camilo and Dolores, how the fuck was he supposed to know? Julio sighed.
"Right! Mirabel. We're all gonna pretend to be like Mirabel! So, everyone's gonna calm down, and everyone's gonna knock off the magic stuff."
Camilo stuck his tongue out to make a fart noise.
"Sounds boring."
"But the PRIZE isn't."
"Keep talkin' short stack."
Mateo flicked his forehead before continuing.
"The person to last use their powers gets to have the stash of candy I keep...somewhere. The whole bag, no sharing."
Flowers raised her hand.
"What about Dolores? She can't control hers."
"Then she can just knock off the damn tears."
Mirabel tugged on his shirt.
"But...I'm Mirabel. I act the most like me. Don't I win automatically?"
She had him there. He stammered for a response, before Julio came in to save him.
"Mirabel gets the second prize. Ice cream."
"Great, we're all excited. So no shape shifting, no lifting heavy shit, and no...f...flowers-!"
He sneezed into his elbow. God he REALLY hated this particular power. The kids looked at each other, before nodding. Julio put her down, before leaning into his brother's ear.
"How are we going to play this if you don't remember their names?"
"Uh...that's...how we start the game! Everyone gets to make nametags!"
They got the kids to sit down, gave them crayons and papers (from Julio's last kid. Not something they talked about too much in the family), and they all made their own little nametags. Julio and Mateo watched them from the kitchen, appreciating the beers, and moments of silence.
"We're fucked. So fucked. These kids are fucking nuts."
"Don't swear."
"Why are you so CALM?! Jesus fuck FEEL SOMETHING."
Julio just glanced at him blankly. Mateo was about to go off, so tired of his shit, when someone threw a paper ball at his head. The little shit stain, Camilo.
"Oye- we're done! You don't even have fun stuff like glitter!"
"Glitter makes messes."
"Your face makes a mess."
Julio didn't laugh at such an insult, but even Mateo felt himself grinning. Kid was funny sometimes.
"How about we go play ball? Burn some energy outta you runts-what, Dolores?"
Dolores put her raised hand down.
"Kicking the ball is loud. Can I stay inside?"
"Can I stay inside too? I feel like I'd kick it too hard. And my shoes are new, I don't wanna get them dirty."
Julio shrugged.
"I can watch Dolores and Luisa. I don't like sports anyway. Can you handle three out of five?"
"Duh. That's how much better at babysitting I am than you."
Julio shrugged, before plucking a few books from the shelf, and sitting down with the girls. That left three. Camilo, Isabela, and Mirabel. He could handle three, totally. Even though flowers over here made his fucking nose run. He walked them outside, and from the storage shed, pulled out a ball. He let it fall to the ground, before holding it still with his foot.
"Alright, teams of two. Camilo, you're with flowers, I got Mirabel. Goals are there, and there. Whoever gets to three wins."
"Wins what?"
Mateo shrugged.
"You guys get to say one swear word, and I won't tell your parents."
THAT got them excited. He almost wanted to let them have one for free, just in curiosity. He thought about asking Camilo to come on his side instead, but he sorta...well. Felt bad he forgot Glasses' name here. He passed the ball to Camilo, but upon seeing him transform into some tall dude, he grabbed him by his collar, stopping him.
"No magic, none of you. Remember, the game?"
Camilo pouted, before turning back to normal.
"Ugh. Right. Fine. Do over."
Mateo didn't wanna count it, but he supposed the powers were more of a reflex for them at this point. They started over, and Mateo pushed the other two away from Mirabel, letting her run. And this girl could BOLT. These two tried to chase after her, but it was too late. She scored a goal, and Mateo grinned at the opposite team.
"Wow you guys just LET her have that. This is gonna be easy."
They started again. Mirabel took the lead, Camilo tried to steal it from her, and Mateo wanted to laugh as she fucking sent him to the ground. Isabela stole it from her though, and was about to hand it to Camilo, when he stole it (fuck going easy on kids), and made the winning shot. Mirabel lifted her fists in the air in triumph, and Camilo grumbled as Isabela helped him up. His shirt was dirty, but clearly he was more mad about his winning streak. Or lack thereof. Mirabel kicked over the ball, gesturing for him to lean down.
"Think we should let them have a point?"
"Fuck that mess, I say we cream these kids."
"Imma say the biggest bad word ever."
He gave her a little high five. He liked this one. They assumed their positions, and Mirabel was on it like flies to shit. She would've made it, honestly, had she not fallen flat on her face. Isabela took it and brought it to their goal, scoring a point. He would've stopped it, had he not immediately ran to Mirabel when she didn't get up. He helped her to her feet, and winced at the scratch on her forehead.
"Shit- kid you okay?"
"Mhmm. I'm sorry I lost the point..."
"Fuck the point- I thought you cracked your damn head like a nut."
He tried to figure out what to do, when there was suddenly a band aid in his face. Isa was holding out a band aid, covered in a flower pattern. He took it from her and carefully put it on her forehead.
"Mhmm. Thank you tĂŹo. Gracias Isa."
Isabela and Mirabel shared a good squeeze, before they all turned when Camilo whistled. He had his foot on the ball, and he looked short as hell.
"We gonna see who wins or what?!"
Mateo grinned, fist bumping the two girls.
"Let's get it. Bonus points to whoever makes him eat shit."
She looked up at him as he wrote in his sketchbook. She didn't know how long they had been here, but it had been long enough for them to play outside until it got dark, and enough for Luisa and Dolores to make MANY paper flowers for Isa (she had been sad that she couldn't make any during their game). Enough for them to have their bellies full with food (it wasn't very good, since it was 'shitty leftovers', but they were all hungry), and to have everyone but her asleep. Luisa, Dolores, and Isabela were asleep with Julio, while she and Camilo were with Mateo. It was quiet, especially since tĂŹo Julio was asleep too.
"Hey kid. Thought you were asleep."
"I didn't wanna. What are you writing?"
"...it's a song for someone."
"Someone...I like."
His cheeks were red. Usually they got like that when he was angry, but he was also...smiling. Mirabel giggled.
"You LIKE someone. She cute?"
"Uh...yeah. Really cute. Don't go telling people, alright?"
"I won't. If I get to hear what you have so far."
"Blackmail eh? Alright you little cunt, deal. It's not much though. Uh...'At this point it's pretty gratuitous, to say that I love you I think that is obvious that you had something to do with it. I hope I don't ruin it, hope I don't accidentally throw it all away! You make me feel some kinda way, my heart isn't pumping it booms, inside of my stomach's a tiny apartment'. Kinda lost it th-"
"What if butterflies lived in the rooms?"
She didn't look at him from her piece of paper, but she heard him scribbling.
"'And butterflies live in the rooms, but only when I look at you. Uh...'Our time spent together is like planting a flower, and I think it's starting to bloom'. How's that sound?"
"It's pretty. I'd like it if a boy wrote that for me."
"Heh. You're a bit of a different kid, ain't you?"
She nodded, looking at the final folded result.
"That's what mi mami says. But I kinda...liked that about me today. Thank you."
"What for?"
"For msking it cool to not have a gift. To be...Mirabel. Everyone wanted to BE me for once. It felt nice. So, gracias, tĂŹo. You're the best."
"Better than Julio?"
She looked at sleeping Julio, and whispered, as if he'd wake up and hear her.
"Yeah. He's kinda boring. You're way cooler. Though neither of you can cook."
"No, no the fuck we can't. But thanks kid."
She put the folded butterfly on his notepad, and snuggled into his side. He was a short man, but his arm around her as he hugged her, felt like a tidal wave of warmth and affection. Even if he smelled like grown up soda. She was about to drift off into sleep, when her and Dolores woke up upon hearing the door being knocked on. Mateo picked up both her and Camilo as he went to open the door. FĂ©lix and Pepa, looking very tired.
"Hey, there you are! Wow you got him to sleep. They didn't drink anything they shouldn't have, right?"
"What kind of adult do you think I-"
"He said 'if he wants to get black out drunk, thats on him'"
"Dolores you fucking snitch."
TĂŹa Pepa was trying to keep herself calm, probably because he just swore in front of Dolores.
"Never again am I leaving you with any of these kids."
"Shit bitch, they're alive ain't they?"
FĂ©lix had to hold his wife back, chuckling awkwardly to try to diffuse the situation. The thunder was so loud, it woke every else up, most with a cry of surprise.
"He's KIDDING! He knows if he isn't, I'm beating him up. Now come on, let's take the kids home, we've had a long day."
Mateo scoffed, turning away from them.
"Fuck that. Let her go, I'll throw hands with god for these kids, I'm not scared worth a shit."
Camilo leaned forward, falling into his mother's arms, softening her, just for a moment. Julio walked over with the other kids, letting FĂ©lix hold them. FĂ©lix chuckled at the paper crown on his head.
"Let me guess, Luisa?"
"Mhmm. I'm the pretty princess of unicorn city. Neigh."
TĂŹo Julio was never really happy or sad, and his face looked bored, but something about FĂ©lix's smile said he was happy.
"Beautiful bro, beautiful. Now come on, one more for the train ride home."
FĂ©lix held his arms out to her, and she hesitated. She gave Mateo one good squeeze, muttering 'thank you' against his jacket, before letting FĂ©lix take her. FĂ©lix was about to turn around, when Mateo stopped them.
"Wait wait- settle the bet, who was the best uncle. Raise your hand if it was me."
Mirabel and Camilo raised their hands.
"Okay, who's got their vote for stupid Julio?"
Luisa, and Isabela raised their hands.
"Great, now I know who's dead to me- wait. Dolores didn't vote."
"I like TĂŹo Bruno."
"TĂŹo Bruno can suck my left n-"
Julio patted the top of Mateo's head.
"You're just mad because we tied."
"I A M MAD. THIS SUCKS. I'M BETTER THAN YOU. That's it, these two get nothing in my will."
FĂ©lix gave him a look over, brow raised.
"You own a banjo, and a pair of socks."
"TWO pairs, pandejo."
FĂ©lix rolled his eyes, before wrapping up the kids in his arm with his shirt, keeping her and Camilo warm from his body heat. It WAS getting cold.
"Uh huh. Anyhow, I'll be seeing you guys, thanks for watching them."
"Yeah yeah. See you and your crotch goblins later."
The door shut, and FĂ©lix smiled down at her as they startedbto walk home.
"So, how was it?"
"Good. TĂŹo Mateo is funny. I like him. Can we come back?"
FĂ©lix hesitated upon seeing the glare from Pepa.
"I'm...gonna go with a hard maybe. But I'm glad you had fun. Now, mimis, it's past your bedtime."
Mirabel shut her eyes as she snuggled him. Her vision slowly filled with visions of a world where being her, was gift enough.
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years ago
I already shared this idea with @omggypsyesmeraldathings-blog, but since we both liked this idea, I’ve decided to share it publicly.
Before I actually share my idea here, I want to make it EXTREMELY clear that I am NOT one of those creepy Encanto incest shippers do NOT and NEVER WILL ship two siblings together.
But my idea was a Carteo duet similar to “What Else Can I Do?” from Encanto. Where similarly to Isabella experimenting with her powers and seeing what she can do with them, Carla is experimenting with good magic and seeing what she can do with this new magic. Like Isabella and Mirabel, Mateo and Carla both gain a new perspective on each other. During the song, like Mirabel, Mateo realizes that there’s more to Carla than he ever thought and encourages her throughout the song while in awe of her abilities and beginning to fall for her.
Also similarly to Isabella and Mirabel throughout the song (and Carla and Mateo’s dance at the Coronation) Mateo and Carla are dancing symmetrically and mimicing each other’s moves in their own, special, dorky way.
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anaccountnolongerused · 3 years ago
Gone For A Minute - Prologue [Bruno Madrigal x Male Reader]
Tonight was the night Mirabel Madrigal should have been blessed with a gift, just as her sisters, cousins, mother, aunt, and uncle all had before her. Her small hand had reached up to the doorknob and grabbed it gently, and yet it faded away in front of her and the entire village.
Her tiny body shook and her eyes filled with tears as she looked up at her abuela, searching for guidance. Alma, who was in the same amount of shock as the little girl was, quickly whisked her away to her parents, who brought her back to the nursery.
You and Bruno had watched it all from the bottom of the staircase. He chewed on his lip and rocked two of his babies in his arms, glancing at you nervously.
Alma appeared back at the top of the stairs and spoke once more.
"Everyone! Your attention, please. Though this night has not exactly gone as planned... Please enjoy yourselves. Enjoy the food and each other. There is no need to worry." She projected, though she seemed quite worried herself.
Slowly, chatter in the room started up again, and even you found yourself talking to someone. Bruno stood close behind you, tapping his foot. You knew he wanted to talk to Mirabel, but he knew he shouldn't at the moment. He would occasionally add to the conversation or nod along, but his head was clearly somewhere else.
You talked with Pepa and another woman from the village. A cloud had formed over your sister-in-law's head, but you managed to calm her to the point where she wasn't storming.
The women asked questions about the baby laying asleep in your arms, as well as the two in your husband's. The woman you hadn't met before tonight was especially invested, not knowing there were new babies in the Madrigal family.
You introduced the triplets by name, starting with the little girl on your chest.
"This little firecracker is Sofia," You smiled, turning so they could see her tiny sleeping face.
"And these two are Mateo and Carlos!" Bruno smiled and looked down at the two when you mentioned their names.
For a moment, everything was okay. You had almost forgotten anything happened in the first place. That is, until Alma set a heavy hand on Bruno's shoulder and whispered something into his ear.
His face fell as she spoke and he, again, began to chew on his lip. You passed Sofia to Pepa, (who immediately became sunny,) and turned back to your husband.
He smiled weakly at you, gently putting the brothers in your arms and kissing your cheek.
"I'll only be gone for a minute, promise."
You nodded and held the infants close. He’d be back in a minute.
When Bruno did return, it was late at night. The townspeople had all left about an hour ago, and you and the triplets had returned to your room.
The bedroom was simple; a converted guest room to best suit the needs of your little growing family. A full sized bed for you and your husband, three small bassinets lining the wall, a dresser with little trinkets on top. 
The babies were sleeping soundly in their soft beds, their bellies full and content. You, however, sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for your husband to return so you could, hopefully, fall asleep next to him like any other normal night.
Though, this wasn’t a normal night at all, was it?
When Bruno entered the room, he seemed even more stressed than before. He gave you a soft smile at first, trying to ease your nerves, but that smile quickly faded away. 
“Bruno?” You called his name softly as he placed a kiss on each of the baby’s heads. 
“Hi, hi, yeah-” He made his way over to you and wrapped his arms around your torso. “-I know. I was gone for a while. I missed you...” 
He kissed your shoulder while hugging you, your presence seemingly calming him a bit. 
Cupping his face gently, you brought his head up so you could meet his gaze. 
“Bruno, is everything alright?” He smiled at you again and took your hands in his own.
“Mhm, don’t worry, mi amor.” He kissed your knuckles, then your cheek, then the tip of your nose, then your lips. “Mama wanted me to look at Mira’s future.” 
He moved further onto the bed as he spoke, dragging you down gently so you’d cuddle with him. 
“And?” You asked, laying down in his arms. 
“Nothing. She has a fine future ahead of her.” You could tell your husband was lying, but now didn’t seem like a good time to ask more, so you simply snuggled into him.
There were a few minutes of quiet, the only sound was Bruno’s heartbeat, pounding rhythmically in his chest. 
“[Name]? I love you. I’m going to love you forever.” He kissed the top of your head.
“I love you too, Bruno.” You mumbled, eyes heavy with sleep. “And I’m going to love you forever and a day.”
He smiled and gently rubbed your back and kissed your head, to which your body responded with slow breathing and closed eyes. When he thought you were fully asleep, he kissed you once more and slipped out of your arms.
“I’ll only be gone for a minute, promise.” He whispered.
He was only supposed to be gone for a minute.
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sailorwritesstuff · 3 years ago
Bruno leaving his pregnant S/o behind.
+ a little bit of Mirabel fluff.
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Okay so you guys found out you were pregnant not by taking like a pregnancy test or anything but the family is getting ready for breakfast and you are the last two come downstairs and 12-year-old Dolores goes "does anyone hear that?"
of course everyone's confused bc nobody knows what she's talking about and then she keeps talking
"Dolores what are you talking about?" and Dolores frowns and looks at Pepa "mamĂĄ It's an extra heartbeat It's so quiet." She took her head while pepa and Felix Just look at her puzzled.
You finally come downstairs to join everybody and little Dolores grabs your wrist and tugs you towards her.
And then she places her ear on your still flat tummy.
"its coming from you."
everyone else at the table is like freaking out except for The youngest three who are literally 4,5, and 9.
Bruno, who's frozen in his chair staring at Dolores like she grew an extra head
And you. who just came downstairs has no idea what Dolores is talking about. You laugh nervously at her and part her head. "what are you talking about, amor?"
"there's an extra heartbeat in you" you make eye contact with Bruno (and he blushes because he's Bruno)
Julieta insist on a party because honestly no one really thought Bruno was going to have kids.
It's relatively small due to Not a lot of people in town liking him but everyone's really too happy to care.
for a few months everything was perfect every morning when he would wake up he would kiss your stomach and mutter "te amo pequeña mariposa" when he thought you were still sleeping.
he didn't let you do too much due to being paranoid. and anytime the two of you went anywhere he threw salt over his shoulder before entering the room.
seriously tho where does he keep the salt??
The only place he's not allowed to throw salt is in Julieta's the kitchen. his sister will smack him in the back of the head with the wooden spoon "suficiente con la sal!!"
he's constantly making sure you've eaten. and he insist that you wear one of his ponchos everywhere. "What if you get cold, Mi Girasol? or worse you catch a cold."
"you worry to much, miedoso." (scaredy cat)
he insist you wear socks to bed even if they're uncomfortable.
despite that he'll cuddle up with you and throw his arms around your body to hold you close at night.
he'll tell you both good night and sweet dreams.
The two of you discussed names and decided if you had a boy you would name him after Bruno's father Pedro with Alma's permission of course. And if she said no your backup option was Mateo.
and if it was a girl, Which Bruno seemed so sure it was, he decided Aurora, You didn't know where he got it from at all
but it means Dawn Which was the time of day he realized "oh shit I'm in love with them"
Him and Mirabel are so cute together
they both talk to the baby. Not the cute baby talk but they have genuine conversations with this baby. sometimes a kind of feels like you're interrupting.
One time in particular you went to take a nap on the couch and you wake up to Mirabel laying along your legs Her cheeks pressed against her now showing Belly and He finger laying next to your belly button just talking. " 'nd so Luisa said I couldn't beat her in a race and I said of course I can! so we raced and i lost." she huffed. "But I'll show her in a few weeks I'm going to get a really awesome gift. Maybe it'll be super speed. I wonder what kind of gift you'll get, Mariposa."
when you turn your head to the side there is you husband sitting next to the couch head pressed into the sofa arm drooling just a bit.
and then everything went wrong.
those few weeks did pass and Alma asked Bruno to look into Mira's future.
when you asked him how it went he got dodgy and didn't answer. Which was weird because He might have been anxious about things but he always made an effort to talk to you about it.
"everything is fine i promise." And he smiled at you. And you believed him. "go wish Mira good luck for me? I'll be down in just a minute."
And then the gifting ceremony happened and you watched as Mira touch the candle with both her little hands and wipe her nervousness on The top of her dress before reaching out to touch the door handle.
You couldn't really focus because your husband was nowhere to be seen
And when you finally refocused on your niece there was no door. and the crowd was silent.
and Mira looked confused to her Abuela, then to her mamĂĄ, and then to you.
when things finally settled down And all the flowers have been put away and all The townspeople had gone home you wonder back up to Bruno's Tower.
"Miedoso? Mi Amor? are you alright you didn't watch Mira's gifting-..."
but the room is empty.
You turn on your feet to go and ask anyone else if they had seen him.
"He isn't in his room? He said he was going to lay down a bit just earlier."
But he couldn't have. He said he'd be down in a minute and he never came. your brain insisted if he wasn't feeling well he would have told you.
and so the family searched for a bit. No luck.
and in the morning Felix and Luisa searched again.
Dolores avoided you like the plague. and Mirabel clung to you more than ever.
that night for the first time the baby kicked.
and he wasn't there.
of course what you didn't know is he kept an eye on you. through little cracks in the wall
he listens to you when you talk at dinner and sat in the walls when you sang to his little mariposa
So far but so out of reach.
He would leave little gifts around for you to find. And you just thought it was Casita being nice.
I mean it was a magic house
You give birth with Julieta in the room holding your hand.
You had a daughter. Aurora.
Aurora Mariposa Madrigal you were just a little happier
but Bruno cried for days because he couldn't be there.
he watched in silent distress as you moved out of your room. and the door was boarded shut.
He listened as his name became a taboo subject.
But you told Aurora stories about him. the REAL him.
when he came back he was so awkward and in serious need of a shower and maybe a new poncho.
The three of you hugged and he tells you "i missed you amor."
And he looks at your daughter and says "You've gotten so big mariposa."
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casitafallz · 2 years ago
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LTRL AU | 22nd years old, joy...
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Today was the day.
Suffice to say, she was a bundle of nerves with both negative and positive thoughts coming in waves and the plant life in her room became a lot more disorganized as she paced around, waiting until she knew people were about and the bathroom finished the rush before she decided to leave for the day and venture down to breakfast.
Isabela’s heartfelt aflutter as she sat down at the breakfast table, her eyes darting about a little in quiet excitement as everyone took their seats and dug in.
“Happy birthday, Isa.” Mirabel spoke first though as she passed her to sit, much to Isabel’s surprise; she had thought her parents would be the first to say that though now that she noticed; her parents looked a little tired and seated at the other side of the table. Her mother was sipping heavily from the coffee, even Tio Bruno looked tired as well so she assumed there was probably a late-night conversation between the adults.
“Thank you.” Isabela gave her a small smile though Abuela seemed to pull the attention quickly as she began to address the table.
“As many of you are aware, today is a special day.” Isabela straightened up as Abuela’s eyes landed on her briefly, “but, given the events of the last few months, I think it’s best to keep things more reserved. We won’t be opening Casita for a huge party.”
Isabela felt the sharp sting before a low ache of hurt settled in the back of her throat and was swift to silence anything less than a shallow swallow, masking her expression quickly that by a short, polite nod instead, dropping her gaze to her plate.
Abuela carried on. “As such, a simpler meal will surface later today. Dinner, perhaps.”
Isabela opted not to say her part or risk showing the deflation of joy that
 her birthday was reduced down to a simple meal to acknowledge it. She supposed it was better than the alternative; nothing
 but it was her birthday. She was supposed to have a party. She always had a party.
“Since it’s your birthday, you’re letting off your chores for the day.” Agustín spoke warmly to her, “My parents are coming down this evening to see you as well.”
Isabela nodded softly, “Okay, Papa.” She supposed it would be nice to see Abuelita and Abuelito
 she had only really seen them in passing the last few months, no proper meet up since Mirabel’s quinceañera. She did like them but
before she hadn’t really known how to connect with them—she had been more distant the last couple of years after all. Maybe she should try? See where she landed with them given her
actions against Mirabel.
Isabela didn’t try to hold a conversation as the mood shifted onwards through to the other family members and she was the first to leave and headed straight into town once breakfast was done.
Shops were in the process of opening, kids were milling about before school and it seemed like an average day. Last year people had stopped to wish her a happy birthday and she had been happy to show off and decorate the town for a special day.
Isabela beeline to the post box Mateo had made, fishing the key from around her neck, and opened it up. Inside lay a small, wrapped gift, two notes, and a worn pencil
The first was by Fran:
Meet at the pond, lunch is on me.
The second note was attached to the gift so Isa suspected this was from Mateo.
I wish I could see you today but I have to work an extra shift to finish off another piece of furniture then I can get paid. I can make it up to you tonight? Leave a time in case your family throws a huge party that goes into the night.
Fran told me it was your birthday so I’ve been working on this gift. I hope you like it.
Happy birthday.
Curiously, she set the note down with a time and carefully unwrapped the gift. It was, as she initially expected a wooden box. Light brown, sanded down with smoothened edges, and had a light inscription of her Initials across the top than her full name. No paint but a simple varnish. Nothing too extravagant. But it looked a bit too small for a jewelry box, too flat to hold anything but earrings. So, she opened it up. Her breath paused a little.
Inside the box looked to be where the real effort of Mateo’s work lay in the form of two, hand-carved bookmarks. While most likely cut from scraps last minute, both were about the same length and thickness.
The first was of a flower relief carved into its front of the dark orange surface, a Flor de Mayo that was also unpainted so it was varnished clear with smooth grains while the light reflecting off showed the detail. The second bookmark was a lighter wood and also unpainted was a carving of a cactus. Her initials also were carved into the bottom as well.
Her fingers touched over the markers with a smile. Mateo hated how she folded the book corners in to mark her pages. A personal pet peeve for him. She had once dozed off in her tree after sneaking him in for a round of fun and he had spent an hour straightening out book corners and marking the paged with a leaf before Dolores had snuck him out for her; she hadn’t found out until morning what he had done.
She had enjoyed that far more than she had thought, so this gift was actually really funny. It almost made her chuckle before she folded the box lid down and locked it back up.
To her surprise, the voice that echoed was Mirabel’s. Her eyes turned to see the girl in wonder with Dolores in fast step. If Mirabel was nervous, she didn’t show it before she held up a box to her face happily.
“¡Feliz cumpleaños!” Mirabel bounced on her heel. “I know I already said that but here’s your gift.”
“You got me a gift?” Isabela set Mateo’s gift into her side bag she commonly wore now and didn’t hesitate to take it. She couldn’t help but be surprised that
Mirabel of all people would gift her of all people.
“I made it, Si.” Mirabel shrugged, “Antonio
told me what happened with what Camilo did with that you made me and
 well I’m mad at him about that and
 well why wouldn’t I make you a gift.”
“A few things come to mind,” Isabela remarked, a little dryly.
Mirabel shrugged, a little awkwardly. “You’re still my sister and
 I know this isn’t going to be like your normal birthdays. I’m sorry I can’t give you the party you wanted.” She fiddled with her mochila strap a little.
“Thank you.” Isabela pulled the yarn away and lifted the lid and there, nestled inside was light blue fabric. Lifting it out, Mirabel took the empty box from her hand and opened the fabric to see what looked to be a beautiful, hand-crafted shirt.
Light blue with a gradient doing down, with an inch-wide trim that went from shoulder to shoulder and would expose her collar bones. The trim was decorated with a light, leaf-based design that spread out from an orchid center. The sleeves were ruffled and plain but the main body was decorated with flower stems and small buds with a slightly darker blue thread shade than the rest of the material, giving it more texture than more color.
“You made this for me?” Isabela asked, unable to be anything less than floored by this gift. So much time and effort was put into it.  More than anything she was expecting from Mirabel of all people.
“I noticed you stopped wearing lilacs but also wearing your chores skirt and dress which was blue so...I thought a nicer blue might look good.” Mirabel smiled, touching along the back of the skirt. “It’s nice that you’ve wanted to wear something closer to our family’s side after all.”
Isabela nodded wordlessly, folding the shirt carefully back up and making sure it fit back into its box, She’d probably have to wear this on good occasions, church most likely because she didn’t want Mirabel to think she’d destroy gifts as well.
“Thank you. It’s stunning.”
Mirabel bounced a little on the spot, looking rather pleased. “Come on, Dolores. Let’s go. I’ve got more ideas in mind!”
Isabela was glad Dolores had remained background and that Mirabel was taking her with her, the look Dolores was giving her was starting to get on her nerves.
 Lunchtime, Isabela had made it to the pond side where there were already a few other people, some blankets set up on the grassy space though she stood at the edge given the bench was taken. Señora Pezmuerto was with her fiancĂ© at the edge looking at the fish which Isa was mildly worried about given the woman’s history of
fish. Her name truly was ironic.
“If she kills any of those fish, I’ll hurl her into that pond.” The grumble of Fran startled Isabela, she almost punched her in the face, stepping back sharply before she recognized who it was.
“Ooh, full name bases, Isabela.” Fran winked back then casually slunk an arm over her shoulder, “Follow me; let’s eat.”
Isabela moved with her though suspiciously. “Where are we going?”
“Nowhere important. So, how was your morning of being twenty-two?”
“Ah, yep. That’s a good start, I’m almost afraid to ask.” Frank wrinkled her nose, “They ban having a birthday for you?”
“No, it’s just
 a meal. Dinner time.”
“What, no party? Lots of food, alcohol
 for those able to drink, no passing out drunk and finding yourself in bed with your former, best friend’s brother?”
“That is very specific.” Isabela pointed out. Not entirely surprised if any of that was true for Fran. She doubted the girl was a virgin, despite the expectation of waiting for marriage for all girls here. God forbid, her Abuela would throw a fit about it if she found out.
Fran shrugged with a slight tinge to her cheeks but was otherwise unfazed. As Fran said, nowhere overly important, but it was a nice café with a selection of food.
“So, I’ve spoken to a few people,” Fran started after they ordered, pulling out a notepad and pencil. “this is my birthday present to you, and
 well, I’ll be tagging along.”
“It’s okay, I don’t need a birthday present.”
“Too bad, I’m not looking like a dick for not getting you a present on your birthday. If it’s gonna be a shit one, at least I’m not adding to it.” Fran pointed out before the cafe server dropped off their drinks. “Now, I have no wood skills like Mateo and you’ve got the whole plants thing, it felt weird to try and go for flowers. I decided to get you something far more useful and productive.”
“I’m getting a little paranoid about where this is going.”
“Well don’t be. This is useful because it could be something that’ll earn you money one day.”
“I’m listening.”
“So, I talked to the potters to see about them teaching you the ways of clay and they’ve agreed to a trial to see how we handle it. They don’t want to commit if we’re not capable of learning.” Fran turned her nose up, “And the other things I’ve done is also talked to the textiles families; you know the weavers, spinners and dyers mostly down at my end of town.”
Isabela gave her a quizzical look, “Textiles?”
“You grow cotton, no doubt hemp and flax too.” Fran listed, “if you learn how to process it, then you can sell threads or even make the material yourself.”
“I thought you hated shortcuts?”
“I do, but if it’s a chance to undermine your strict Abuela, I’m all in because I like inviting chaos and
I think you might enjoy the process. You make the raw product but the processing of it is where your work ethic should be.”
Isabela blinked though she could see entirely the angle Fran was going for. Like the pond; Fran wasn’t too concerned about where she got the plants from, as long as they worked without using it to make the pond stunning and to be as ‘natural’ as possible. They did put a lot of work into it.
“Huh, I suppose you’re right.”
“I know I am. So, here’s the sort of timetable I’ve put together; I left the morning you do your chores out as unavailable and of course your curfew times,” her tone soured as she pushed the notebook to her. “Two to three hours a day or more might be a good, solid start. Once you’ve learned what you need to, they’re redundant unless you’re seeking employment”
“If all else fails, I dry and petals and sell them as tea.” Isabela snorted as an afterthought.
“I’d say don’t scrape the bottom of the barrel just yet. We haven’t even touched on the food side of opportunities but let’s not get too far ahead, you’re looking a little overwhelmed.” Fran patted her arm. “But, let’s talk about that later. Did you get any good presents?”
Isabela inhaled deeply, trying to gather her thoughts of this
present that Fran had given her. She hadn’t anticipated that.
“Bookmarkers from Mateo, Mirabel made me a beautiful shirt, and
 either the others are waiting until dinner or I’m not getting anything.”
“Ugh. I get my presents in the morning and enjoy them for the day.” Fran grumbled, “I wouldn’t tolerate anything less.”
“Oh, that I can see.” Isabela agreed, earning an elbow nudge before their plates arrived.
 Spending most of her day in town, Isabela did enjoy herself; the little extra attention Fran gave her had made her feel a bit better but she knew dinner with the family was next to endure before she could enjoy a few hours of pleasure with Mateo.
Casita even felt a little vacant as she walked back in but she could hear talking from the dining room and hear her mother’s voice. She dropped off her things onto her bed before she opted to change into Mira’s present and chose a deep blue matching skirt, even if it was without dĂ©cor; its colors would blend well.
Returning to the dining room, her heart sunk if a little bit to see the room sparsely decorated. It was set up as a proper meal, food being set down, the table was filled with the family as well, so she clearly arrived just in time, unfortunately, her space at the end of the table. Direct line of sight
“Happy birthday, Mija.” Her mother smiled at her softly, guiding her to her heat touch a soft touch to her back.
“Thank you, Mami.” Her voice was polite, as was the smile but yet it made her mother’s vanish for a moment. Isa sat down swiftly, keeping her back straight.
Dolores was seated to her left and Luisa on her right, Mirabel looked a little put out at the seating but she seemed to light up as she realized what Isa was wearing which
did lighten Isa’s dampened mood.
She suppose she should be grateful that she was getting a birthday dinner, but she felt
.a little bitter. No decorations, no birthday sign even. It made her itch to skip out on this and go to her room instead and
 even if she was to point it out, she’d be the one causing issues; making them feel bad for not fulfilling it. At least then she'd escape to her room.
“You okay?” Dolores asked quietly as they all began to eat though Isa ignored her parent’s looks thrown her way, probably concerned or annoyed.
“Did someone run out of paper for a sign?” Isa remarked softly, “this doesn’t feel like a birthday dinner. Just dinner.”
Dolores sighed softly, “You’ve got presents coming after dessert.”
“Hm.” Her tone was mildly disbelieving. “I just want to go to bed.”
“Don’t be rude, Isa” Luisa hissed softly, “Mama put a lot of work into dinner.”
“She does with every meal she makes, Luisa.” Isabela replied coolly, eyeing her younger sister with a dry look, “The fact it’s my birthday hasn’t changed anything today except I have no chores. My whole special day’s been reduced to dinner and even then no one could be bothered to up a 'feliz cumpleaños' on a sign anywhere.”
“Isa,” Abuela warned softly, “There’s no need to get angry.”
Isabela opted to shove a spoon full of corn into her mouth to stuff her retort back. Fran’s attitude was started to rub on her and she could already feel her temper flaring. The grip on her cutlery increased and she could feel the pace of her heart increase.
Unfortunately, her mouth of corn didn’t last long though seeing Camilo scoff and roll his eyes didn’t help. She narrowed her eyes at him though he tactfully noticed and avoided her stare. Dolores nudged her softly.
The air at the table had changed now, once comfortable now there was a tension hanging in the air. Isa could already guess she had ruined dinner but
 did that really matter? This wasn’t even a birthday dinner.
Her anger simmered a little and she could feel her eyes heat a little but she blinked the tears away.
This wasn’t a birthday dinner.
This was dinner.
Her birthday was reduced to nothing.
She wasn’t worth even a goddamn sign.
“Hey,” Dolores’s hand came to her back, hearing the soft catch in her breathing. “Do you need a minute?”
Isabela nodded, realizing that her knife and fork had a slight shake in her grip before letting them clatter down before she felt Dolores tug her arm and pulled her away from the table.
“Not you, Tia,” Dolores called before the cool air from the courtyard seem to tingle her cheeks.
Her vision blurred a little as the tears returned but thankfully, Dolores led them further away to the far seats.
“You okay?” Dolores whispered.
“I thought they’d
 they’d put up signs
” She sniffled. “Something
 but there’s nothing. It’s my birthday! It’s supposed to acknowledge. I know I did bad, but are they still punishing me for it?”
“Of course not,” Dolores spoke, looking alarmed. “I know this is a different birthday to last year but it has nothing to do with what you did.”
“Don’t lie to me!” Isabela spat, “Last year was a great party! I had friends over! We drank and had an amazing time. No party, no friends, and I’m not even allowed alcohol! Do you really expect me to be happy on that account?!”
Dolores’s head tilted off to the side then back to her. “Isa, the others can hear you.”
“I don’t care. Everything I do is judged against what I did. Why is it that out of everyone in this family, Mirabel actually put effort to give me my present this morning and wished me a 'happy birthday'. No one else did that. Not even you and you were even there. Mama's one barely felt genuine given she waited the entire day to tell me that!”
She gave her younger prima a glare. “I’m done.” with that, Isa turned on her heel and marched straight into her room and the slam echoed down through Casita.
Silence seemed to ring in the dining room though Mirabel felt her cheeks turn pink a little as she felt a few looks her way but she felt the knowing guilt return because
 Isabela was right and yet
wrong as well. She could certainly see Isa’s way
all day hoping and just not seeing. It had to hurt.
“Excuse me.” Mama rose to her feet sharply and walked through the kitchen to where on the side, a little out of view sat a large, decorated cake and a stack of birthday presents.
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