#mira v3
mirahalyon · 2 years
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i added hotkey expressions to this model several months after creating it!
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agnellolabs · 1 year
Ed: what did Mira say?
Aileen: she said no...
Ed: so why are you asking me?
Terri: cause she's not the boss of you?
Ed: hmmmm
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hi helloo love ur new theme bruce!!!
HII MIRA THANK YOU i love yours too😁😁😁😁
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Motorola Razr v3, but specifically where its bedazzled and shiny ^_^ the razr is a really really iconic phone, and is probably what most think of when they hear flip phone ☝️!
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ujjinatd · 16 days
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Mira el anuncio de HONOR Magic V3 en vivo, directamente desde IFA 2024 El global HONOR El anuncio del Magi... https://ujjina.com/mira-el-anuncio-de-honor-magic-v3-en-vivo-directamente-desde-ifa-2024/?feed_id=752169&_unique_id=66d989276bff4
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michelgrimard-blog · 5 months
Botanique surréaliste
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cointahmin · 1 year
Merkeziyetsiz borsa Uniswap, ölçeklendirme tahlili sağlayıcısı Polygon’un yeni sıfır-bilgili Ethereum Sanal Makinesi (zkEVM) çözümünü piyasaya sürmeye hazırlanıyor.Uniswap token sahiplerinin Uniswap v3’ü zkEVM’de başlatma teklifini oylamak için 14 Nisan saat 12:05’e (TSİ) kadar mühletleri olsa da, teklifin geçmesi için gereken 40 milyon oy eşiğine çoktan ulaşıldı ve entegrasyon lehine 42,4 milyondan fazla oy kaydedildi. Merkezi olmayan finans projeleri için bir oylama aracı olan Tally’e nazaran, 191 Ethereum adresinin tamamı teklif lehine oy kullanırken, finansal modelleme platformu Gauntlet ve ConsenSys, 7’şer milyondan fazla oyla başı çekti. Jack Melnick, Ayrıntılar Hakkında Bilgi VerdiTeklifin mimarı olan Polygon İş Geliştirme başkanı Jack Melnick, Uniswap V3’ü Polygon’un zkEVM’sinde kullanılabilir hale getirmek için gerçek vakit olduğunu zira bunun EVM muadili olduğunu, yani EVM akıllı mukavelelerini yine derlemeye gerek olmadığını savundu. Melnick, kelamlarının devamında ise şu tabirleri kullandı: “Uniswap’in EVM uyumlu bir zk-Rollup’ında mevcut olmasının değerli bir kıymeti var. zkEVM’de erken dağıtım, Uniswap’in bir numaralı DEX ve bir fikir önderi olarak yerini sağlamlaştırmaya yardımcı oluyor.” Melnick, entegrasyonun ayrıyeten zincir dışı süreçler için doğrulama ve süratli sonuçlandırma sağlayacağını söyledi. Buna ek olarak, Polygon’un ulaşmayı başardığı yüksek benimseme seviyesi, Polygon’un zkEVM’sine entegrasyonu bir öncelik haline getiriyor. Melnick, Polygon zkEVM’nin Ethereum’un güvenliğini miras almak için sıfır bilgi delillerini kullanması nedeniyle entegrasyonun en azından başka blok zincirlerine nazaran en az risk oluşturacağından emin. Polygon’un zkEVM’si 27 Mart’ta resmi ana ağ lansmanını gerçekleştirdi. Benzeri bir atılım ile Uniswap V3, 15 Mart’ta Binance tarafından inşa edilen bir akıllı mukavele blok zinciri olan BNB Chain ile entegre oldu. Ancak yönetişim oylaması o kadar kesin değildi ve sırf yüzde 65’i teklif lehinde oy kullandı. En büyük UNI Token sahibi olan teşebbüs sermayesi şirketi Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), 15 milyon UNI token’ıyla BNB teklifine karşı oy kullanmıştı. 
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Korekiyo: *image of a loaf of bread being cut and simultaneously toasted with a very hot knife* imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Maki: it would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful
Kokichi: if you want information it is
Tsumugi: and above, in order, we see a gryffindor, a ravenclaw and a slytherin
Gonta: why would you stab a PERSON when you can have TOAST?
Tsumugi: There’s the hufflepuff
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sweetpozyan · 5 years
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just sketch nothing special
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chiaki-amami · 7 years
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Happy birthday, tomato mage! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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thefoolsprocession · 2 years
I remember seeing a post of urs a while back about Danganronpa being lackluster when you think back on it in comparison to uchikoshi works.
It's been a while since I played dr but I remember playing it after ze & feeling let down by the mystery itself among other things
what specifically do you think didn't work for you when thinking back or was just not well written? I'd just love to hear ur thoughts ❤️
Spoilers for danganronpa, zero escape, and aitsf:
For starters, Uchikoshi puts a lot more care into his characters. None of the characters are there purely for tropes or to act purely as a ploy for the protagonist. Even Lotus and Alice, who come off as “Cunning boob lady” have a whole lot more going on beneath the surface, with Lotus potentially being a single mother of twin girls, and Alice willing to stop at nothing to avenge her father (and of course they are both insanely smart). I feel like he also puts some very deep and insightful real-world commentary with his villains (Ace being a CEO of a pharmaceutical company, Dio being a religious extremist, and Saito being the spoiled son of a wealthy politician) which definitely makes them a lot more interesting to analyse. The ableism is very very unfortunate (wrt to Saito, Mira, and Ace) but that is one of the few major downsides to Uchikoshi’s writing. Emphasis on FEW.
In terms of mystery writing, a lot of the twists in dr don’t really hold a candle to the twists in zero escape and aitsf? I don’t think that’s entirely Kodaka’s fault though, considering they are very different settings. But I didn’t exactly feel shocked to hear about the timeskip in dr1. It was incredibly predictable. The simulation reveal was EXTREMELY cool in sdr2, and it’s part of the reason why sdr2 is my favourite from the main trilogy (that and Chiaki and Hajime are two of my favourite characters). As for V3, well that’s a whole other kettle of fish that I won’t get into (mostly because I’m extremely conflicted about a LOT of things that happened in that game). V3 puts quite a big damper on the rest of the series from the get-go by killing off the female protagonist for the male protagonist’s development (a move that becomes increasingly more shitty as time goes on) and really V3 just doesn’t really improve from there. In fact, up until the last trial, it really just goes downhill. The Truman Show reveal was pretty clever and it gave the series the necessary conclusion it needed (despite a fuck ton of complaints) but apart from that V3 just. Kinda sucks. A boring character who sits in the background and occasionally makes good quips or snarky comments doesn’t make for a good twist villain. Ace on the other hand, plays a pretty major role throughout the entirety of 999. He just comes off as a wise and kind old man with a quick wit at first before rapidly becoming sinister and cartoonishly evil after the reveal. Santa too is incredibly interesting after you revisit 999. Santa being smug and rude is a great way to misdirect the player. It makes us THINK he’s evil, and if you got the Coffin route on your first run like I did, it makes you think he’s the Big Bad, only to discover by the end of the game that he was actually doing all that to save his sister and punish the people who abused him. It’s upsetting that he didn’t make any sort of reappearance in zero time dilemma and he was only mentioned in one conversation between Junpei and Akane (honestly they should have swapped Carlos for Santa that would have interesting).
As for aitsf I could ramble all fucking day about that game. But for starters I think the art is just ten times better than any of the other games I mentioned (with the exception of 999 because I think the way that game is stylised is perfect) and the character writing AND voice acting is absolutely incredible. The fact that several of the voice actors had to do their voices in multiple different ways, such as Saito!Boss, Date!Boss, Date!Saito, Saito!Date, even Saito!Iris to an extent. Even though Saito was pretending to be Iris there are still noticeable differences in her demeanor, for instance Saito!Iris is a lot more reserved and doesn’t act as excited all the time as regular Iris.
I think the number one difference in character writing though which separates Uchikoshi and Kodaka’s writing is how they write children. I’m not even gonna begin to say how awful Ultra Despair Girls is (iykyk), but even when it comes to teenagers or the younger characters (Hiyoko in particular comes to mind), Uchikoshi is just so much better at writing them. Iris actually FEELS like a teenager. And even though Mizuki and Quark are both very clever and mature for their age, it’s still obvious that they are children in the way that they act. Meanwhile, while Hiyoko definitely exhibits a lot of child-like behaviour, the fact that a lot of people misconstrue that and somehow believe she’s the same age as the others, kinda shows that Kodaka kinda failed to make that more obvious (however I do agree that there’s a fuck-ton of subtext to suggest that Hiyoko is a lot younger). Mizuki and Quark are just far better handled for so many reasons. Mizuki is probably one of the best-written characters like, ever. Which is why I’m sooo excited for Nirvana Initiative
Moreover, I think Uchikoshi just does a better job at writing women, and is a bet more sensitive than Kodaka is with certain topics (for instance, although Mama isn’t perfect, she’s a damn sight better than what happened to Chihiro). Hitomi is by far one of the best written female characters I think I’ve ever seen. Boss is fantastic, Clover is fantastic, and above all else, AKANE KURASHIKI IS FUCKING FANTASTIC. Akane is DEFINITELY the quintessential “morally grey female character” and Uchikoshi did such a good job at delivering that. Our sympathy for her in 999 conflicts her coldness in VLR, and again it’s challenged in ZTD (although I disagree heavily with the way Akane was written in ZTD they had some good points). ZTD Akane and Junpei are very interesting because Junpei is resentful and nihilistic, and Akane is forced to live with the realisation that it was, for the most part, HER FAULT. She loves him, but she put him through so much trauma. ZTD kinda hit the nail in the coffin and made everyone realise that Junpei and Akane were just never meant to be together. It’s a disaster waiting to happen (DIVORCE JOKES!!!)
And finally, all three iterations of Zero are just far more interesting than Junko and Monokuma. Okay sorry that was really long but I hope this all made sense byyeeeee
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mirahalyon · 2 years
here’s this model’s final showcase too!
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sprite edit dump finale part 3
Sayaka Sprites:
Chihiro Sprites:
Kyoko Sprites: https://imtryingmyabsolutebest.tumblr.com/post/638239737658916864/can-you-do-kirigiri-edits-or-do-you-only-do-v3
Hajime Sprites:
Chiaki Sprites:
Hina Sprites: https://gentle-gelatin.tumblr.com/post/627826952187854848
Yuta Sprites: 
Ibuki Sprites:
Groups Sprites:
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simadream · 4 years
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(CC + Tray Files) THE HOLLOW Sim Set *All BGC*
Finally, I know.
more pictures and download under the cut!
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Hello, to keep things simple CC made by me or hard to get cc will be included in the download, just make sure you get the rest.
If something is bold, that means it’s a required mesh and necessary for the cc recolors to work.
ALSO, I used this Reshade preset to take the previews. It was made for Reshade 4.2.1, but should work with the latest reshade. Just remember to change under Global Preprocessor Definitions DEPTHBUFFER_IS_REVERSED from 1 to 0.
If you play with vanilla lighting, everything should still look fine. Just brighter.
Obscurus  - Eyelid + Pupil
Obscurus - Nose
Obscurus - Face
Obscurus- Eyebrow
Obscurus - lip
Luumia - Ear presets and Slider
Luumia - Hip Shape
Hellfrozeover- Shoulder
Hellfrozeover- Chest Depth
Gorillax3 - Neck
Dumbaby - Chin
Cmar - Breast Separation
Teanmoon - Mouth Scale
Kijiko - Remove EA Lashes
Alhajero - Everyday Eyelid detail
Chisami - Blush
Ddarkstonee - Lower Eyelid
Kitty 25939 - Neutral Skintones
Pyxiidis - EA teeth begone
Qvoix - Qnie Blush
MsBlue - Skintones v3
Kijiko - Uncurled Lashes skin detail
Glitchsyndrome - skindetail chisami blush
Obscurus nose mask n10
Pixelore Eyeliner
In order from the previews:
Tamo  Eyebags
LazyEyelids  basic tshirt (MESH)
Ajuga Eyebrow 31
Eyelids G1
Honey skinblend
Stealthic Waves Hair (MESH)
GPME Eyelids
Sammmi hazel skinblend
GPME Soft Wink Eyeshadow
GPME Natural Lips CC3
YU115f Hair (MESH)
Mayshuno freckly freckles
LMCS eyeliner 4
WistfulCastle Winter Ladies Mittens (MESH)
Ajuga eyebrow 62
Vivrant Pixels Pout preset No Teeth
Imadako nose redness
Littlecakes - highlighter
Algu blush 10
Stasia skin
Dreambot  No Waves boots
Obscurus Nose Presets 2m
Lazy Eyelidsraglan shirt (MESH)
Mayhair 248M (MESH)
jeans (MESH)
GPME blush CC02
PS eyebrows N111
PS eyeliner N38
colorful T shirt (MESH)
MYOBI figment lipcolor
Simbience love drunk shadow
contour 03
Bitten Hair (MESH)
josie low converse
sammi lip preset 2
Obscurus lips n12
Namine Ogden AM hair (MESH)
Sims 3 Melancholic highlight
Gorillax3 T shirt (MESH)
Sammmi cookie dough skinblend
Alf-si frekles 04
Praline eyebrow contour
3K face shine
Obscurus eyebrows 10
Rosyanne blush ht0
Lazyeyelids joggers (MESH)
MB larry bruises
Obscurus eyebrows 19
PS blush n53
short sleeve t shirt (MESH)
luke hair (MESH)
younzoey beanie (MESH)
komugy babe freckles
Ravensim Sneakers
DOWNLOAD (sfs, no ads)
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gh0stly-shu · 4 years
Buenooo vi q alguien le pregu esto a otra persona entonces yo quiero jsjsjsj so cuáles son tus diseño de personaje fav de cada juego?
💋 anon :p
uuuuuu alta pregunta bro
A ver del primer juego para mi el mejor diseño es Mondo Owada. Nose bien como desarollar el porque pero tipo me encanta como le hicieron los detalles de la campera o saco que usa, del pelo, LA MOTO amigo alta C90 se clavo a- bueno nose LO AMO y lo simpeo.
Del segundo juego tenemos a
Gundham Tanaka
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Kazuichi Soda
Ibuki Mioda
Bueno aca a ver, el diseño Gundham lo AMO porque todo el coso de ser el Overlord of Ice y de sus poderes aaa- LO DEL ARITO JAJDJS me puse re mal cuando lo perdio yo estaba tipo para rey ya te ayudo para que nose como entrar al juego :'<<<. También lo de las vendas que usa por su piel venenosa y todo eso. Pero bueno en si en general me gusto mucho como lo hicieron<3
Con Fuyuhiko BUENO preparate te voy a escribir un ensayo de 300 paginas de porque es un gran diseño y porque es uno de mis best boys a. Amo el hecho de que lo hayan hecho así tipo "baby" y que tenga que lidiar con el "peso" (si se quiere decir así) de ser el Ultimate Yakuza y que se tenga que bancar los chistes de "-jaja este nene es de la yakuza?" y todo eso. Además si miras los diseños anteriores lo habían hecho aprox como Nekomaru, y estaba bueno el diseño, pero me alegro que lo hayan hecho así como quedo porque si lo hacían como el que se parecía al de Nekomaru iba a ser como muy estereotipado? nose me gusta más el resultado final.
Kazuichi, más alla del diseño, me gusta su personalidad (sacando cuando se pone SIMP por sonia 😡). Pero bueno en cuanto al diseño me gusta que el detalle de la trenza de su pelo largo y el gorrito, LOS ✨DIENTES✨ QUE TIENE DIOOOS FLACO y bueno su overol también lo amamos<3
I-BUKI MIO-DA! IBUKI MIODA!!! bueno MI REINA. A ella la verdad la empecé a kinear hace poco, pero siempre reconocí que su diseño es excelente, refleja mucho su personalidad Y OJO amo tanto el diseño que estoy haciendo un cosplay de ella ✨✨✨ (me faltan algunas cosas pero va querien2)
De V3 mis diseños favs son:
Miu Iruma
Tenko Chabashira
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Aca en si en general cada diseño es atractivo pero por ejemplo en el caso de Tenko hasta que ella no dijo su ultimate no entendía bien que era, pero igual amo como es. Después si también en general son atractivos pero yo pienso que (más que nada en sdr2) hubo mejores diseños que hacían destacar a los personajes. A ver no me mal interpretes, amo muchisimos los diseños de v3 pero siento que por ahí no los hace destacar tanto como en otros casos. Puedo decir igual que en el caso de Kirumi ella si se hace destacar.
bueno CREO que eso es mtodo, gracias por la pregunta 💋 anon tkm<3
-Mod Fuyuhiko
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pinkbloodedpoppy · 4 years
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I’m making a v3 Hollow au cuz IT WORKS SO WELL. Like legit so well. There’s two versions of the au: the one where I just replace characters in The Hollow with Danganronpa characters, and the one where the Danganronpa characters just exist in The Hollow’s universe and I guess there’s 5 teams whatever. The second one sounds more fun and lets you be more creative but I rlly like AUs where I just replace characters and change nothing else so I’m working on that one first but if anyone wants to discuss the second one or work on it themselves then go for it
If you haven’t seen The Hollow. GO WATCH IT IT’S SO GOOD. If you haven’t seen Danganronpa. I don’t blame you.
This AU features Tsumugi as Weird Guy (Weird Girl), Shuichi as Adam or Mira idk, Kaede as Adam or Mira I DONT KNOW, Kaito as Kai, Kokichi as Vanessa, Maki as Reeve, Himiko as Skeet, Rantaro as Gretchen, Tenko as Nisha, Angie as Iris, still deciding Tyler but for the LOLZ he could be Kiyo, haven’t thought about that other team yet they were on screen for like a minute. All the characters must be v3, but the other people in The Hollow who aren’t yknow, in a team (trying my best not to spoil here lol), could be DR characters from the first and second games (anime too but idrk the anime, oh and udg)... I want Adam’s childhood bullies to be the kids from udg lmao
So yeah I’ll probably just do like screenshot redraws n stuff for this AU. Eventually I’ll work on the second version of this au but if anyone else wants to start working on that then I’d be excited to see it! Also plz help me with Kaede/Shuichi who should be Adam/Mira hhhhh
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Rantaro: Queen bees are generally too heavy to fly due to their enormous ovaries and i think that's fantastic
Tsumugi: gym teacher: why can't you run laps???
Me, handing over my doctor's note: check this shit out
Miu: my life is weighed down by my bad decisions and my massive ovaries
Kokichi: according to all known laws of oviation—
Maki: I am going to flay your skin from your cowardly bones and wear your hide as a coat
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