#minyard sibling au
graveyardviolence · 2 months
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arden minyard twitter bs bc i said so + the minyard brothers interaction. lets just say andrew does not like sharing his chocolate truffles
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simonsrosebud · 1 month
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don’t leave this in the tags bc ur right…
when i first created the next gen foxes blake was the frontrunner (quickly sidetracked by these two hopelessly pining boys).
once andriel take in blake and elliot it takes her a while to stop mothering elliot bc it’s such a deeply ingrained thing for her to do by then. although he’s only a year younger than her, she took the mantle of his guardian bc he needed someone. he had undiagnosed/unmedicated ADHD & anxiety (despite teachers clocking it easily) bc of their parents, and dyslexia that he only got help with in school. blake had helped him with homework and reading since 5th grade, defended him and brought back to the surface when he got overwhelmed and overstimulated as a kid. it was natural for her to take up the other responsibilities after their mom died.
i try to show how blake still finds herself parenting elliot unintentionally every once in a while. but the thing is, she doesn’t know how to parent bc what she was doing back with their bio dad wasn’t parenting, that was surviving. she was barely 16 when she met andrew, and she’s now still only a 20 year old kid that makes mistakes and doesn’t know best.
in a social media au that’s hard but i did it with these two text threads, for example:
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Neil and Katelyn being friends? Either in your au or just in general. Personally I’m insane about it
Like if you’re asking realistically, if I was to write a post canon Neil and Katelyn friendship it would be that they don’t actually seek out each others company, but when they DO get together it is chaos for the twins. Like no one expected them to have that much or that kind of energy around each other. I don’t even know if I can describe it, it’s something adjacent to a sibling relationship with a wordless agreement to mess with Andrew and Aaron as much as possible and also having that step-sibling vibe that is both ironic hate and a little bit of real “still not a huge fan of u”. I do like Andrew being better with kids so Neil doesn’t necessarily have a special in with kateaaron’s girls.
But they get along completely well enough and are comfy around each other. My weakness for better post canon relationships for everyone strikes again
In the royal au it’s similar, obviously it takes even longer for Abram to be comfy/casual around the queen but once he is they have a fine time when they happen to around each other. As stated previously, he sometimes ends up watching out for her at parties and stuff bc Katelyn has always been incredible at sneaking away from her people - if she isn’t on Aaron’s arm she’s gonna be on Abram’s and like at least halfway drunk, if she’s not somewhere on the floor dancing. Since this universe (or at least Palmetto idk) doesn’t have super strict policy on dances and stuff, sometimes she convinces Abram to dance with her as long as there’s someone else near enough to keep an eye on the room around the prince. Andrew always rolls his eyes at their friendly/sibling-like affection but he’s also relieved Abram’s relaxing enough to allow it. He always lets Abram go dance (Andrew himself keeps the same arm-length distance from Katelyn that he does from everyone else). Aaron doesn’t mind either, HE’S just relieved she picked someone capable of protecting her to go drunkenly talk to when she disappears (he also likes the way she lights up when Aaron eventually comes to collect her. She’s very happy to see her beloved husband and I love that for them).
Anyway Queen Katelyn is very sweet to Abram (bc she’s a sweet person) and eventually yes they ABSOLUTELY cause chaos for the twins hehe
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Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕
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merceyca · 5 months
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Mack the Knife is, at long last, complete. I feel like I just sent a piece of my soul out into the universe, holy shit.
If you want to read about the adventures of Neil’s sister, Mack, now you can!!
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aftgficrec · 1 year
oooof i neeed long and angsty preferably newer ones like i need to entertain myself for a bit <3 it's okay either incomplete or complete works!
Well, friend, what kind of angst are you looking for?  Heavy angst, mild angst, emotional/physical angst, angst with a happy ending?  This fandom delights in angst!  I think we’ve probably got a bit of everything here for you, even if it isn’t all brand new, including some excellent fics for other pairings than Andreil.  Take your pick! - S
A small selection from previous posts: 
Long angsty Andreil here
Long dark Andreil here
‘Oakland’ and ‘Lifeline’ here (since updated)
‘Birds of a Feather’ (recently updated), ‘Innominate’ (since updated) and ‘Die Free or Die a Failure’ (now complete) here
‘Scared to Live (But I'm Scared to Die)’ here
‘Stranger To Stay’ (since updated) here
‘Inked Truths’ series here
‘Joseph’ series here
‘not your homeland anymore’ here
‘North Star’ (now complete) here
‘L’Amour parle en fleurs’ here
‘Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner’ here
‘I Will Always Choose You’ (now complete) and ‘Comeback’  here
‘Not Damsels, Not Knights’ here
‘Make A Believer Out Of Me’ here
‘Pause and Restart My Heart’ series here
‘The Bones of You’ here
‘Back to the Start’ here
‘Sixteen hours’ (jerejean) here
‘Aurora’  (jerejean)  here  (part 1 of Rhapsody: Exile series - part 2 is also complete, part 3 in progress)
‘The Heart and the Knife’ (Matt/Aaron) here
Purely in order of (currently) longest to shortest:
Deals With Devils by ToadlilyAUs [Rated M, 142394 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Neil is on the run with his mother for three years before his father catches up to them. And after finally being handed off to The Ravens his life is never the same. After three more years of brutal training and abuse at the hands of Riko and Tetsuji, his life is changed yet again on the day Kevin Day runs away to the foxes, leaving him and Jean Moreau behind to suffer the consequences. Six more heinous months after that, in the summer before his long promised debut, he's finally allowed to leave the nest...but he's still anything but free. As the list of friends and allies grows, so too does his list of problems. How much of himself is he willing to give away to keep the people who matter to him safe? And how many lies and secrets can he stack on top of one another before his house of cards comes crumbling down?
tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: violence, tw: blood/gore
don't break the glass by cracklingamber [Rated E, 103707 words, complete, 2023]
Part 1 of the glass series
“Who even are you?” Neil blinked at him with those perfect, blue eyes. Andrew became very aware of Neil’s weight at that moment and dropped him. Neil bounced back on the bed and yelped. “I’m the guy who is going to go take a shower and you’re the guy who is going to wait patiently for Kevin to come tend to your needs,” Andrew said. He gestured down to Neil’s blanket covered body. “Whatever this is, is above my pay grade.” [AFTG Crime AU that takes place in Baltimore where the Foxes and Raven's are opposing gangs. Neil escapes the Nest and falls for Andrew, but Riko will do anything to get him back. Kevin and Aaron tumble headlong into a secret relationship and Jeremy Knox fixes a very broken Jean Moreau.]
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced drug use, tw: explicit sexual content
NB: fanart by by @/masslowart on instagram
Not Yours To Bleed by Coffeexandxangst [Rated E, 90858 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
The Pros were never in the cards. Not for an ex-medicated alleged psychotic with a dysfunctional family and an Exy career he’d rather not have. But even if it wasn't his first choice, no matter what happens, it can’t possibly be worse than that one fucked up sophomore year when he stood toe to toe with the Yakuza-and won. At least, that’s what Andrew thinks until a familiar face shows up. Another Raven!Neil AU. Or, the one where the boys don’t meet until the Pros.
tw: rape/noncon, tw: violence, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw: eating disorders, tw: torture, tw: nightmares
I can feel you under my skin by ConventionalExy (Conventionals) [Rated E, 82619 words, incomplete, last updated April 2023]
Part 5 of the Our body series, part 1 here; part 3 here
Neil's second year brings changes. Things slow down and continue softer than they have ever been in his life, Andrew's at his side and they are working on being able to not be together 24/7, he can play Exy to his heart's content, he has a home, a family, a soulmate. He also has Jack and Sheena getting on his nerves, papers to write, Aaron's trial coming closer with each passing day, paranoid habits to break, ghosts to fight when he closes his eyes at night and real-people things to consider like bank accounts and taxes and so. much. more. He also has Andrew, their roof, their bond, their kisses, their touches and the promise of a future that is theirs, to grow and play and live. But things are never that easy for Neil Josten, are they?
tw: violence, tw: depression, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: suicide attempt,  tw: kidnapping, tw: torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: nightmares
turn out the lights by cielalune [Rated M, 70349 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Part 1 of the dark side of the moon series
"What do you think it means to be alive, Andrew?” “What?” "To be alive. Is it just to eat and breathe? Just survive? Because that’s what I’ve been doing my whole life, Andrew, and it doesn’t feel like enough. But I don’t know how to do more. We’re supposed to find meaning or something, right?” See: stupid fucking questions. Like Andrew hadn’t been wondering the same thing his whole life. “Yeah. Yeah, we are.” A The Last of Us AU of AFTG. Set five years after the breakout of Cordyceps, Andrew is tasked with bringing an enigma of a man across the country, who also may just happen to be the cure for humankind.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: minor character death, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: body horror
The Sun Still Rises by mordax [Rated E, 66087 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Somewhere on the road, Mary Hatford gets pregnant with her second child. When she passes, she leaves behind not only Neil, but his toddler brother. Survival is difficult without also raising a kid. Worn out and desperate, Neil still somehow ends up at Palmetto, only this time, he brings his four-year-old brother with him.
tw: violence, tw: anxiety, tw: panic attacks,  tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, 
NB: find fanart for this fic by @elidanus on Twitter here
I No Longer Feel Things (I Know I Should) by Major_816 [Not Rated, 59095 words, incomplete, last updated Feb 2023]
Part 2 of the Paralyzed series, part 1 here 
Neil's back in Palmetto with the Foxes' triumph over the Raven's, time to see how much damage has been done. ~ “Yes.” He didn’t remember the car ride back. Were they back? He was in a car. Yes. He remembered bits. Things scattered, Remembered- Eighty percent. A bullet. Blood splatter and Riko’s expression. Watched until eyes fogged over with death. Did he watch that long? Must have. His mother used to say- He blinked. ~ The long-awaited Scared to Live sequel
tw: abuse, tw: violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: torture, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw:  self harm, tw: ptsd, tw: anxiety attacks, tw: eating disorders
Longing Distance by F_C_B [Not Rated, 57545 words, complete, 2023]
Post-canon short thought experiment. Andrew moves away to join his new team, Neil stays in Palmetto. How will being suddenly separated affect their relationship? Andrew's POV. Not Nora-note/canon accurate and might break your heart if you let it.
tw: depression, tw: major character injury
Broken Symmetries by puddlejumper99 [Rated M, 53648 words, incomplete, last updated Feb 2023]
Reasons Neil had Died He cried too much as a baby, and his father made him stop He cried too much as a baby, and his mother tried to muffle the sound, and in her terror she silenced him for good His father wanted to hurt someone, and Neil was nearby The runners came for his mother, and they found him instead His mother hid him in a shack and left him alone as the heat soared They tried to run, and his father caught them They tried to run, and the runners caught them They ran, and they ran, and they ran, and they were still running and it didn’t matter, because his father would not stop, and he picked them off in one world after another until there was nowhere left to hide Reasons Neil had Lived He didn’t know, but there were eight
tw: violence, tw: torture, tw: temporary character death, tw: injuries
No More Fucks To Give by Wrotethis [Rated T, 53269 words, incomplete, last updated March 2023]
Part 1 of No More Fucks Land 
Neil rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. He’d get to play exy, eat regularly, and sleep somewhere with heating- presumably. Not a bad way to spend his last months. And hey, maybe his mother would come back from the dead and kill him herself if he went to Palmetto. Little victories. What if Neil gave up completely on making it through the year when he went to palmetto? What if Neil just did not give a single fuck? Maybe things would turn out better.
tw: violence, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: implied/referenced eating disorders
If Only I Were Enough by Lostintheuniverseslies [Rated M, 33189 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
After Andrew moves to Colorado to start his professional Exy career, he intends on everything being okay between him and Neil. But when his self-destructive tendencies tell him that he doesn't need Neil Josten in his life, everything goes to shit. Things between them seem unrepairable and he's not so sure he wants to even try. But when Neil gets into a dangerous car wreck, Andrew finds himself back at the junkie's side with a deadline to fix things or walk away forever.
tw: depression, tw: violence
Already Gone by Nina_reads1804 [Rated M, 31856 words, incomplete, last updated June 2023]
Neil was the pervasive lie Andrew had foolishly allowed himself to indulge and been unable to shake. A person who would stay? Fairytale. It wouldn’t last. Forevers didn’t exist for him. With graduation on the horizon, Andrew makes the hard decision to leave Neil before Neil can leave him. But after a year, Andrew starts to wonder if maybe he was wrong. Maybe he can have it all.
tw: depression, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm
Sometimes I Think the Way We Met Happened Too Fast by andrewiel [Rated E, 25094 words, incomplete, last updated April 2023]
Neil and Andrew break up, but can never stay far apart.
tw: explicit sexual content
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allfortheslay25 · 1 year
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The Minyard-Josten siblings!
Note that these three are NOT part of the same universe. They do not coexist but I wanted to draw them together anyways
Milo is Neil’s son from my fic: We’ll Both Be Fine
Maya is Andreil’s biological daughter from an old idea
Ollie is Andreil’s adopted son from my prototype Milo
I’ve never introduced Oliver before and it’s lowkey cuz my sister AU shames me and told me to throw him away (cuz I literally have no use for his character anymore) but I couldn’t do that to my bby and somehow I thought of him again in the past few days :’)
When We’ll Both Be Fine is finished, I will make a collections fic of all my prototypes/drafts/and extra content for the Miloverse which will include a oneshot about Oliver aka the original Milo design
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jtl-fics · 5 months
WIP Wednesday 4/10/24 (Closed) | Smalls AU
She looks back at Betsy and she's looking so patiently at Janie that she gets in that moment why even someone like Andrew Minyard would feel like Betsy's ok to talk to. She decides not to care if that is just a facet of her being written that way in this moment. She wants to talk to someone about at least some of what is going on with her.
Her memory is perfect. She remembers so much of her previous life. Her hometown, her mom, her dad, her siblings, her friends, how hard she had worked at college, all of her favorite books and games.
She just doesn't know a damn thing about Janie. Janie might not even have anything to know, she was just supposed to be a plot contrivance for Neil Josten to join the Foxes. Janie doesn't have a past for Janie to remember.
Make Me Write: This Week's WIP Wednesday
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bratprinceofexy · 8 months
Aftg Rdr2 AU
This absolutely unhinged au came to me last night, and now I have to share it. I realized as I was matching characters to rdr2 characters that in this au, the Van der Lindes are significantly less doomed.
Foxes(Van der Lindes)
Wymack- Dutch, this is easy, though he would be much less unhinged than the real dutch
Andrew- Arthur, andrew can draw in this au! Arthur just makes so much sense for andrew at his core. I think instead of improperly prescribed drugs, the focus can just be on alcoholism and the debts.
Aaron- John, if andrew is arthur, aaronn is john. I think their pact would have to be different and they might just be adopted siblings in this au. Adding the arthur-john sibling dynamic to the minyard twins would be really fun
Katelyn- Abigail, because aaron is john, katelyn has to be abigail roberts. Jack exists in this au as their son. Love an au where katelyn and andrew are besties
Nicky- Josiah Trelawney, I originally went with Javier for him, but trelawney works so much better! He's gay, he has a ring of 'men down on their luck', he has a secret family in saint denis (Erik!); it's perfect!
Renee- Charles, renee was difficult, but I chose charles because of how he is torn between his identities. She would obviously not be christian, and I think it would be more of her discovering more about her identity as she connects with the Wapiti and her indigenous heritage. Also, Charles is Arthur's bestie (and more in canon if you believe in charthur, though that would not be a factor here)
Bee- Hosea, this was chosen mostly because of bee's relationship to andrew, but also she'd be so interesting as hosea. We'd really get to see her mischievious side :)
Abby- Grimshaw, it fits best for her role. I think this au implies a polycule between abby, wymack, and bee
Dan- Tilly, Tilly is sister to Arthur and I think her personality is in line with Dan
Matt- Lenny, he's the closest fit, but it's a bit of a stretch. I don't know how lenny's backstory would mesh with Matt's. If anyone has a better match, let me know.
Allison- Karen, they are loud, confident, and bitchy. It's an easy match
Seth- Sean, this is less a personality match and more of a role in the story match. Sean's relationship with Karen meshes on well to Allison and Seth too.
Kevin- the one character who doesn't have a match to an rdr2 character. I do have an idea about how he fits in with Kayleigh Day and Riko though
Neil- Sadie, this is another character where the role in the story matches well more than personality. I think he and mary would have been at that homestead and mary was killed there. His father is Nathan Bronte, crime lord and puppetmaster of the political leaders in saint denis
Kayleigh Day- Annabelle, annabelle has zero backstory other than that she died, similar to Kayleigh Day! I think she was involved in the creation of both the foxes and the o'driscoll(ravens in this au) gangs and Testsuji killed her sparking the rivalry between the gangs. Kevin was raised with the O'driscolls and fled to the foxes when Riko broke his shooting hand
Tetsuji and Riko run the O'driscolls and work with both the Brontes (wesninskis) and Ichirou moriyama, who is a wealthy businessman in blackwater with ties to both the criminal world and the pinkertons. Also a friend of Leviticus Cornwall.
Jean was stolen as compensation from some poor family and is considered riko's property
Misc Characters(chosen for what was funniest):
Roland- Fence in Emerald
Jeremy Knox- Albert Mason
I'm having a lot of fun piecing this au together and I might turn it into a fic if it gets that far!
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kbirbpods · 2 years
Dear Podficcer,
I thought I'd start with my personal "do not wants" to get them out of the way. I don't want: non-con, dubious consent, infedelity, suicide, adult/minor au, pregnancy, split personality as a trope, or slave-fic (though I do understand that the clones would be considered slaves, so fics that tackle that are okay).
I'm okay with but do not prefer: explicit content in general (mature is fine, I'm just pretty picky with explicit stuff because I'm ace), unhappy endings, A/B/O, cannibalism, or permanent character death. Also I have a weird trigger with cockroaches.
AUs I love: I'm a sucker for a good bookshop/coffee shop/flower shop AU, werewolf AU, fandom crossover (especially the "put them in the story to replace the characters"), no Order-66/Order-66 happens differently, adoption fics, time travel/time travel fix-its (and fix-its in general), modern au, and ESPECIALLY a good soulmate au
Tropes I love: friends-to-lovers, enemies/rivals/exes-to-lovers, fake dating, angst with a happy ending, especially FOUND FAMILY, and secret identities (oops same bed is so fun).
Fandoms, Characters, and Ships: These are not in any order, I have ADHD so it's what popped into my brain. Feel free to check out my AO3 for what I've written/podficced!
Star Wars: Finn/Poe Dameron, Finn/Rey/Poe, Obi-Wan/Cody, Obi-Wan/Satine, PLATONIC Obi-Wan/Anakin, Ahsoka Tano in general, Leia in general, Clone OCs (okay with clone ships, too!!), and pretty much any AU where Hevy lives (I just got really attached to him). Rey as a Kenobi. Exploring Fox/Quin recently so if you find good content, please do! Anything Rogue One focused!
Teen Wolf: Scott Mccall/Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, any AU where Allison lives, Scott/Allison/Isaac
The Locked Tomb: Gideon Nav/Harrowhark, basically any fic in this fandom will make me happy (avoiding triggers of course)
First Kill: Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont, fics focusing on Theo
Our Flag Means Death: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Jim/Oluande, anything Lucius focused, anything focused on Jim
Marvel: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes, anything focused on Kate Bishop (especially femslash)
DC: anything Batfam but especially Jason Todd. I do look at them as a family so I prefer fics that pair them outside of the family. Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy. I love Young Justice and Wally West/Artemis!
The Sandman: Dream/Hob Gadling, fics about Dream and Death's sibling relationship
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tara
Stranger Things: anything with Robin Buckley (especially exploring her friendship with Steve), Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson.
The Tarot Sequence: Rune Saint John/Addam Saint Nicholas, Rune/Brand/Addam, fics focusing on the friendships between the kids
The Adventure Zone: Taako/Kravitz, Lup/Barry
Venom: Venom/Eddie (this is like the ONE ship that I would 100% be cool with explicit content in, no need to question it)
All for the Game: Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau, Allison Reynolds/Renee Walker, Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten, Kevin Day being happy in general - note: talking about Andrew's self-harm or past experiences with consent are a-okay here. Same with Jean!
X-Files: Scully/Mulder
Avatar the Last Airbender: Zuko/Sokka
Percy Jackson: Nico/Will, Percy/Annabeth, any of the femslash really
I'm a huge Regency era fan and love anything Jane Austen as well!
Feel free to check out my main fandom blog @themisfitthrone for any specifics.
Some authors I adore with blanket permissions in case you need a starting point: Flowerparrish, isabrella, saiditallbefore, trixree, wanderingjedihistorian, WitchyBee, HSavinien, bzedan, mestiket
I also have BPs as a note!
Offers: Any of the fandoms above! I'll gladly podfic any pairs from them, with the exception of the ships I listed as "do not wants." I again shy away from explicit content but if paired with someone who loves it, I'll do mu best.
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kevinqueenofexy · 7 years
Alice Minyard
Her heart was beating ridiculously fast as Wymack looked at her, his hand on the doorknob. Behind this door were the Foxes. Behind this door was her cousin. Behind this door were her brothers. It felt like a dream, a surreal and incredibly weird dream. This couldn't be true. She was an abandoned child, she had no family. Yet behind this door were the people who should've been with her for her whole life. She felt like it was yesterday that she had found out she had two older brothers after stealing the papers her social worker kept about her. She had also found out the name of her mother - Tilda Minyard. And then, one day, after she had been playing Exy for almost a year, she saw them on the TV. Andrew and Aaron Minyard. So she had done some research on these two boys who looked unbelievably similar to her. It was a good thing that she has always been very good at hacking. And now she was finally here. "Are you ready?" She had totally forgotten that Wymack was standing right next to her. Somehow she managed a quick nod. She wasn't ready at all. Her heart was about to explode. Wymack had warned her about Aaron and Andrew. The reunion of the Minyard-siblings would probably not turn out like she imagined. But after eighteen years of way too many Foster families she was used to things turning out differently towards how she had imagined them. Wymack hadn't told the twins yet that their sister was coming. According to him, he hadn't even told Dan or Kevin who she was. He has only told the Foxes that they were getting a new freshman. Wymack opened the door. She was late to arrive. All the other freshmen had already been with the Foxes for weeks now. She was late but she was here and there was no turning back. All the eyes where on her as she entered the room. Almost all the eyes. She found them immediately. They weren't sitting next to each other, which didn't surprise her. Aaron sat next to a tall boy with ruffled dark hair - Nicky Hemmick. Her cousin. Aaron looked at her with a bored expression. Andrew was sitting on Nicky's other side, next to him a red-haired boy, who she recognised as Neil Josten. Andrew wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Neil. She flinched as Wymack cleared his throat. "Guys, this is our newest addition. She's a striker," he declared. "We don't need another striker," a boy protested. She didn't recognise him so he probably was a freshman as well. "Our lineup can always use more players, Jack," Dan Wilds, team captain responded. She shot her a quick glance, smiling but it was obvious that she didn't know what to think of her. "What's her name?" a blonde girl asked Wymack. She recognised her as Allison Reynolds. Wymack started to talk, but she interrupted him. "I can speak for myself. My name is Alice Minyard." The room went quiet within a second. Alice felt the blood rising in her cheeks, making her pale skin look red. She didn't dare to look at Aaron and Andrew. She was afraid to witness their reactions. For so long she had been waiting for this moment and now it was finally here. The Foxes looked at her with their mouths hanging open and their expressions blank. Even Kevin and Neil were shocked. After seconds or minutes or hours of silence someone finally reacted. It was Nicky. He got up from the couch and walked slowly towards Alice. He rose his arms carefully, probably knowing from experience that a Minyard didn't like to be touched without giving permission. At first Alice was confused but then she realised that Nicky wanted to hug her. She slowly rose her arms and he immediately threw his arms around her and squeezed her. "Welcome to the family," he said. Over his shoulder Alice got a glance at her brothers. They both stared at her, Aaron with obvious confusion, Andrew with a blank stare. It wasn't what she had hoped for. It was so much more. She had finally arrived.
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graveyardviolence · 2 months
random arden thoughts:
loves loves LOVES sour candy. eats warheads with a straight face.
he HAS to drink coffee every morning or else he gets bitchy and annoying
there are so many knots in his converse laces its horrendous
he majors in communications for the first two years of college and then switches to greek mythology
he paints his nails & practices doing different makeup looks
listens to divorced dad rock & dark wave
he loves going to parties. he always gets invited to them since his one of his bsfs is on the cheer team— which, he’s also on good terms with the cheer team and the band
he smells like cinnamon and smoke and mild hints of vanilla
he has long ass eyelashes & very nicely shaped eyebrows
king of not blinking for long periods of time bc he got lost in thought
he & nicky make dinner together every Wednesday. it becomes a thing.
he drags Robin out to do mundane things with him. they both bond over the trauma of being kidnapped
he from behind looks just like aaron and andrew and it’s usually when they see his piercings they realize its actually him
he buys fake plants bc he cant keep real ones alive
he definitely needs glasses
he watches documentaries for fun. he knows things.
his eyes have a more reddish tone to them than gold
he’s so fucking clumsy
he comes off as very arrogant. and honestly he kinda is
he should not be left alone with neil. ever. those two are actually HORRIBLE together they’re so dramatic and have such big mouths
he terrorizes kevin so much kevin actually can’t stand him
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palmettofoxesthings · 4 years
More twin au wildness. Fellow Junkies, this is why I started the conversation about Neil’s real age IM SORRY A one shot about what happens when Nat visits for their birthday in January but the Foxes think it should be March
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merceyca · 3 years
Mack update!! This one’s all in Neil’s POV so it’s a little different, but I hope y’all like it :))
Chapters: 17/21Fandom: All For The Game - Nora SakavicRating: MatureWarnings: Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceRelationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day & Neil Josten, Kevin Day & Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Original Character(s), Andrew Minyard & Original Character(s)Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Mackenzie Josten/Dinah Hatford/Mary "Mack" Dinah Wesninski (OC), Kevin Day, Aaron Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Matt Boyd, Renee Walker, Allison Reynolds, Dan Wilds, David Wymack, Abigail Winfield, Betsy Dobson, Dorian Landler (OC), Stuart Hatford, Rada Lebedev (OC), Lola Malcolm, Tristan Landler (OC), Sheena (All For The Game), Helena Lebedeva (OC)Additional Tags: sister fic, Josten sister AU, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Andreil, Gun Violence, Mild Language, Explicit Language, this has literally no purpose, i just really like badass women, and the aftg universe, Neil Josten is a Little Shit, he will send Mack to an early goddamn grave, this was fun to write, I hope it's fun to read, Post-Canon, Wesninski sister, Sibling AU, established andreil, I get way too invested in Mack's story, I'm not sorry, this is just an excuse to write Neil as a woman, the Jostens have big bastard energies and I love them for it, Gang Wars, Neil gets the chance to come out to his family, this is mostly wholesome i promise, okay that last tag’s a lie, have fun, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced SuicideSummary:
‘You’re alive.’It wasn’t what Neil had wanted to say, but the words seemed to spill from his lips and he couldn’t take them back.‘So are you,’ his sister scoffed, her eyes as sharp as her tone. ‘Fuck knows how.’
 Neil Josten's sister, Mary "Mack" Wesninski, isn't as dead as he'd once thought and—to his ultimate displeasure—she's got plans. Andrew's going to kill him. He just narrowly avoided one mob war.
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aftgficrec · 1 year
Dead Girl Walking
Heyyy so I have another fic rec 😅. Anyways its called Dead Girl Walking by deadangelo on AO3 its also on wattpad too. I really like it I don’t wanna spoil it too much but its about an oc called Mara West she was in the nest with Kevin and joined the foxes with Kevin too. Its really good and really sad too and gets u a little on edge. She’s linked to Neil’s past and everything unfolds as it goes on. 
Just keep those fic recs coming, @yougotnoreasontobeafraid, it’s always great to find something new and spread the word! - S
Dead Girl Walking by deadangelo [Rated M, 217311 words, complete, 2022]
From prodigy to property, from future Raven to current Fox, Mara West has never known what it was like to have control over her own life. She has never known a life that wasn’t under the shadow of one monster or another, so when she flees in the night and ends up at Palmetto State, she is careful not to get comfortable.
She knows Palmetto is temporary—she knows no Raven, future or otherwise, ever leaves the Nest. She knows Riko will come to collect and her freedom will be snatched away like every decent thing before. She knows the hourglass her life’s always been following will run out of sand soon, and this freedom won’t last.
She knows this—but hope is a wildfire she can’t seem to run from.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: torture, tw: injuries, tw: blood, tw: eating disorders, tw: panic attacks, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: homophobic language, tw: implied/referenced animal abuse, tw: vomit, tw: suicidal thoughts
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tamquamalteradam · 3 years
AFTG Characters from the POV of someone who hasn't read it
Andrew Minyard
Ronan Lynch, basically
<3 knives <3
Blue Sargent levels of short
Also Blue Sargent levels of fiesty
Would do anything and everything for Neil
Neil Josten
Jorts? Did he wear jorts once and now his friends will never let it go? I have seen "Neil Jortsen" as part of one too many usernames
Probably also wears crocs
Cannot express his feelings
"i'M fiNe" said Neil, although he was not fine, in any way
The new kid (ok maybe I read the summary on The Foxhole Court)
Aaron Minyard
I feel like the Minyard's parents were never around because they were off doing mafia shit so Aaron had to step up as the "responsible sibling" so now he's seen as annoying but he's actually just trying his best
Lowkey jealous of Andrew in some aspects
I am just projecting Declan/Ronan sibling dynamics onto the Minyard twins? Yes
Jeremy Knox
I think this man dies like 3 pages into the book or something
Or was that Kevin Day?
Sunflowers. This is 100% due to @ronans-sepiaphotograph's Jerejean AU which I have not read (but I will after I finish)
Jean Moreau
Not sure who this is but JEREJEAN
The further down I go on this list the less confident I am in character names/spellings
Renee Walker
Gives me big sister vibes?
She's the one who'll have band-aids and hand sanitizer on trips
Kevin Day
If he isn't Asian— Kevin is like the most Asian guy name out there
Exy coach or head boy or something? Gives me Oliver Wood vibes
Allison Reynolds
I think you are blonde
And gay?
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" We'll be royalty."
:D any ship and uh- royalty au is all i got
Leo!!!! Hi!!! I love this song and prompt so uh!! yeah!!
I totally went of prompt but like that’s how my brain works so!!!
“Hey, Andrew?” Neil calls, opening and closing every door of their apartment. “Andrew, where are—” He opens the door to the laundry room, pausing in amusement at what he finds.
“So you see,” Andrew tells his captive audience of Sir and King from his position on the washer. He’s cross-legged, a knife balanced between two of his fingers as he talks, eyes lively. “All it would take to overthrow the government is a well-planned riot, with our resident junkie being the one to start it.” He doesn’t even bother to look up at Neil, instead gesturing for him to sit down with the cats. “Sit down junkie, this is where you come in. As I was saying...”
Neil makes a noise of amusement, closing the door and sitting in between the cats as Andrew continues to detail how he would take down the government.
“The riot would work, but only as a distraction. See, while you and all the others we associate with—”
“Our friends,” Neil fills in, the corner of his mouth ticked upwards in a smile. It’s taken him a while to get used to the concept of having friends; somedays it still doesn’t feel real, but he likes it.”
“Yes, yes, our friends. As I was saying, while you and our friends—and Aaron—work on keeping the riot running, I will be breaking into the white house. From there, I shall take out the president, whatever shitbag that is, and step into the role as temporary leader of America.”
“Like you could get past the secret service,” Neil snorts, petting Sir, who’s moved to cuddle him. “They’re good at their job. Really good.”
“And how do you know this?”
“Romero and Lola had a sibling who once tried to break into the white house on a dare. They didn’t make it very far.”  Neil says this all with a straight face, not giving away whether it’s a lie or not.
“Point made and ignored,” Andrew says, grabbing the pop can beside him and taking a sip. “I am infinitely better than this long-lost Malcolm sibling, who surely cannot compare to the level of intelligence and stealth I have.”
Neil raises an eyebrow as if to say are you so sure of that?
In response, Andrew raises both his own eyebrow and the can of pop, his expression saying I am absolutely sure of that.
A shake of the head, and then Neil focuses on the pop can. “Andrew,” he says, voice filled with both warning and amusement. “You know you’re only supposed to be having one pop a day. How’d you get this by me?”
In response, Andrew pulls out the empty coffee mug from behind him, pretending to take a sip as he deadpans, “Mm, good coffee.”
Neil starts to snicker; loudly, and it only gets louder as Andrew slips the pop can inside the coffee mug, demonstrating exactly how his little trick works. In between gasps for air, he finally manages to choke out, “Kevin is going to kill you!”
“Kevin can’t kill me if he’s in the middle of a riot while I take out the president of the United States. Successfully, mind you.”
“Valid point,” Neil scratches King’s ears as she snuggles up against him. “You’ve just got to make sure Kevin doesn’t find out until the riot starts.”
“Semantics,” Andrew says with a lazy wave of the hand, putting the coffee cup and the pop can inside of it down. “What he doesn’t know won’t kill him. Back to the plans. While I am the temporary leader of America, you will be in charge of both getting rid of all the pigs,” his tone is one of disdain and he pulls a face at even the mention of a cop. “And making sure Kevin can never come near me with another healthy food ever again.”
“What if I’m the one trying to make sure you’re eating healthy food?”
“Then you will be banished and thrown to the wolves.” Andrew rests his chin on his hand. “I pity whatever wolves get stuck with you.”
“If I get banished, you’ll miss me, and that would be a tragedy.”
“If you get banished, I will jump for joy.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Neil drawls, focused on both Sir and King, who’re demanding his attention. “Maybe you’ll start to believe it.”
“I do believe it. Anyways; after I have successfully banished you, and made sure Day can never touch another vegetable in his life, I will set America free, and live a peaceful, Exy-free life.”
“That’ll never work, you do know that?”
Andrew stares at Neil impassively, his lips quirking when King meows. “See, King agrees with me. Her and Sir are the only two who know how to properly appreciate my genius. King meows again, and Andrew nods at her. “I know Neil is an idiot, but what does that make me? I am the one dating the idiot.”
Now it’s Sir’s turn to meow, and Andrew tips his head as he listens to her tirade. “Yes, yes, I do know this is the same Junkie I have plans to rule the world with, but you have to understand; sometimes he can be annoying, and that isn’t any fun for me.”
“I can hear you, I hope you know.”
Andrew holds up a finger, turning his stare onto Neil. “Didn’t your mother tell you it’s not nice to eavesdrop?”
“No, but she did tell me that the second one starts talking to a cat, something is very wrong.”
A shrug. “That’s what all of my doctors have said, but just look at me; I’m doing completely fi—good. Well. Splendid. Marvelous.” He rattles off an impressive list of words, never once using fine, just to prove a point.
Neil sighs in amusement, picking Sir up and holding her to his chest. “What was this about ruling the world with me?”
“Also none of your business. Next question.”
“What if my next question is the same as the first?”
“Incorrect. Repeat questions break rule number seventy-nine.”
“And what happens to be rule number seventy-nine?” Neil asks, petting King on the head as she demands attention as well. “Andrew Minyard gets to do whatever he wants?”
A calculated tip of the head. “Close, but not quite. Rule number seventy-nine is—and I quote, mind you—‘Andrew Minyard gets to make and break whatever rules he wishes.’”
“Because that’s a fair rules system, isn’t it?
“Mm, life isn’t fair, so why should rules be?”
“Fair,” Neil says, putting Sir down and standing up. “In the spirit of rules not being fair, I propose an amendment; rule seventy-nine and a half.”
Andrew raises an eyebrow, putting his pop can down and standing up as well. “And what would that be?”
“‘Neil Josten is the exception to the rules.”
He’s always been the exception, but Andrew doesn’t need to tell him that, the Junkie’d start thinking he was more than nothing.
But is co-owning an apartment nothing? Is having two cats and sharing cigarettes and falling asleep in the same bed every night nothing? Because it sure feels an awful lot like something, and that thought is almost scary. When nothing becomes something, how does one cope with the thought that they could lose that very something?
The kind of nothing that Neil is is intangible, held together by promises of forever and whispered truths.
The kind of something that Neil could be is something different; something tangible. It could be a lifetime, set not in stone but in water, ebbing and flowing but never quite leaving. It could be everything and nothing all at once, and the thought makes Andrew want. He wants the kind of shit you hear about in fairytales because for all the lack of romantic feelings he feels, he still wants the stability granted from a relationship.
“Rule seventy-nine and a half sounds like an acceptable rule,” Andrew finally concedes, gesturing for Neil to follow him. “Roof?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Together, they leave their apartment, Neil swiping the pack of cigarettes they keep by the door for this very reason.
If Andrew tells Neil about how they’d rule the world together when they’re finally perched on the roof, well, that falls under rule eighty.
Rule eighty: what happens on the roof, stays on the roof.
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