#minus like. the last minute LOL
graciehart · 4 months
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Every Episode of Timeless ⤷ 2x03 “Hollywoodland”
Now can we just forget about Flynn for like, a minute, because... we have each other. Don't we?
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
i thinkkkkkk ive done everything??
just took out the trash about to have a lil snack and chill until sleep consumes me for like. six hours lol
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dredshirtroberts · 8 months
sooooo many things are simultaneously kicking my ass right now thank god i don't play cod or i'd have to also suffer the humiliation of 12yos kicking my ass too
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gender-dropout · 10 months
Honestly stoked out of my gourd bc on sunday i’m going to a small little convention in my town and im doing a cosplay! As specs from insidious! And i’m just so proud of how its turning out im like AUGHHH
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libraryofloveletters · 9 months
A Visit To Santa
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Jude Bellingham x Fem!Reader
Warnings: jobe is being treated like a kid, pranks from you and jude, miss denise gets new photos for her house, childhood coded lol, jobe is like your little brother too, miss denise thinks y'all finna crash her bmw lmao
Word Count: 768
Author's Note: this one is for bookie @themandaloriansdiaries - our favourite brothers :)
Jude decides now that you two are back home in England to take his brother to do the one thing they always did as kids; visit Santa.
England welcomed you two home, a change from the Spanish sunshine was welcomed; though you missed it the moment you got off of the plane.
You and Jude were spending the holidays with his family, both Bellingham brothers, you and their parents were at home. Mark and Denise were making dinner or something of the sorts in the kitchen, Jobe was in his bedroom and you and Jude were in his room.
Jude's head rested on your belly, your fingers tapping on his forehead as you scrolled through your phone with the other hand.
"I'm bored," your boyfriend announces.
"Congratulations," you tell him, as if you were supposed to do something about that.
Jude rolls his eyes, "let's go do something."
"Like what?"
"I don't know," he sighs, sitting up. You look over at him, "how about shopping? Or we could go for a drive or something?"
"The shopping mall?" he asked, looking over your shoulder. There's a look on his face that you've seen before, pure mischief. Your brows raise, waiting for him to continue. "Yeah, let's go."
"What're you up to?" You asked him, Jude pulls you off of the bed.
"I'll go grab Jobe."
You stop your boyfriend, grabbing his hand. "What is this? What's all this excitement? You hate the mall."
His eyes crinkle as he chuckles, "let's take Jobe to see Santa."
You can't help the laugh, letting go of his hand. "Okay babe. Go get him, I'll get the car keys from your mom."
Jude and Jobe meet you downstairs, Denise hands you her car keys. "Be careful please," she warns her sons, not you. She knew you'd handle them.
"We'll be back for dinner," Jude tells his mom, kissing her cheek before grabbing your hand.
You shout a bye to her and Mark as you three are out the front door and pile into the car. You drove of course, Jude doesn't drive and Jobe was a designated back seat driver. Jude had told his brother that you wanted to go shopping and he agreed to join you, saying he could use some fresh air.
The mall was a madhouse, it was T-minus 2 days to Christmas and everyone was rushing to get last minute shopping done.
You made a B-line for Santa's workshop in the mall, making it seem like you wanted to take a couple's photo of you and Jude with Santa.
Jobe shakes his head, "this is ridiculous," he tells you, waiting in line with you two.
"Do you not believe in the magic of Christmas, Jojo?" You teased him, pinching his cheek gently; you looked at Jobe like your little brother as well, teasing him the same way his brother would, having your own little nickname for him.
Jude smiles, watching as Jobe swats your hand away, making you laugh.
It takes a few minutes to get to the front of the line, the woman dressed as an elf calling you up to take your photo.
Jobe feels a light shove, Jude pushing him to Santa. "What?" he asked his brother, looking a bit lost.
"Go take your pic, mate."
"What?" Jobe scoffed, "I'm not going."
You take his coat from him, "go on, Jojo. Santa's waiting." You tell him, lips pressed together so you don't laugh. Jobe grumbles under his breath, something about hating you guys as he begrudgingly walks over to Santa.
The younger Bellingham sits beside Santa, the fakest smile you've ever seen on his face as the camera flashes.
Jude takes your hand, bringing you over to Santa. The two of you joined in. Jobe and Jude on either side of Santa and somehow you ended up on Santa's lap.
"On three, say merry Christmas!" The woman behind the camera says, counting to three before it flashes.
You let Santa speak to Jude and Jobe while you went to the counter to get the printed photos. You got two prints of the photo with the 3 of you, one for your home in Madrid and one for their home here in England. You also got a printed version of the solo shot with Jobe and Santa for the fridge at home.
The boys met you by the counter, Jude handing out his card so you can pay. "I can't believe you made me do that," Jobe mumbled, huffing.
You laugh, kissing his cheek. "It's okay, buddy."
Jude holds your hand, the bag with the photos in hand. "You're still a kid to us, mate." He laughs, pulling you into his side. "Let's go before we get in trouble for being late to dinner.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Things tloz has not been consistent about that you'd think it would be:
Everything. Buckle up.
The hero being called Link. He's Link in the same way Frisk is the character. The player chooses the name in every SINGLE game up until botw, and that only happened because of the voice acting. It's just shorthand for the link between the player and the game.
The princess being called zelda. Wind waker, she was called Tetra.
The princess being in the game at all (links awakening)
There only being one princess (the hero of either hyrule or legend had two)
There only being one hero (hyrule warriors had three and also linkle)
The princess not being a playable character (hw, aoc, and upcoming EoW. There's also non canon games like cadence and smash bros).
The master sword being in the game (four swords, minish cap, triforce heroes (?), ooa/oos only have it as a linked game post story unlockable, zelda 1,2 and la it was the magical sword).
Ganon being in the game (basically the exact same as the last point minus the 1st 3 games)
Ganon being a bad guy (hyrule warriors and generously, GENEROUSLY aoc, where he's playable as an ally post game).
The master sword being needed to defeat ganon (in botw aoc and totk the master sword is entirely optional, and totally inverts the traditional 'zelda weakens and link deals the final blow').
Link being the main character (upcoming eow which I'm cackling about)
The existence of humanity
Link being in green (abotk made him blue :( and took his hat >:((().
Zelda being in pink (abotk)
Zelda being blonde (she's anything from blonde to brown to ginger)
Link being blonde (tp and lttp (why is he pink?! Zelda is blonde! There's brown haired people! Why neon pink??)
Gerudo having rounded ears (up until abotk)
Nintendo making the games (hw and aoc, cadence lol)
Teen/kid link (totk is the only Link over the age of 19)
Link having a companion (it's pretty evenly split)
Zelda having the companion (aoc and eow)
Link having two companions (hw with basically all of them)
The nature of humanity vs hylians
The story taking place in hyrule (literally so many... La, mm, ooa, oos, technically ww, technically ss, half points for lttp and lbw, tfh)
Just the one triforce (lbw)
Just three separate pieces of the triforce (ww)
Any triforce at all (okay this one is complicated bcz depiction/hand marks/Actual Wish Granting Triforce but hylia alone knows where the triforce was in abotk. I'm counting ooa/oos because opening cutscene. La has zilch and I'm pretty sure mc too.)
Literally any religion has come and gone INCLUDING IRL CHRISTIANITY
Knowledge of the triforce
Knowledge of hylia (it's literally just ss abotk and maaaybe lbw)
The existence of hylia (^^^
The general populace being useless (totk) (that's it)
Link being left handed (in ss and abotk he's right handed. Tp is 50% right handed because they flipped the controls (and world) for the wii).
Link being able to swim at the start of the game (only in the 3d games minus lbw and la remake)
Link succeeding in his quest (botw) (I'm not counting failed hero oot because it's a meta attempt at a working timeline)
At least a tiny bit of time travel (loz 1/2, la, fs, lbw, lttp, botw...)
The hylian shield (only appears in the 3d games! (-la remake and ww and mm))
Link using a bow! (surprisingly 50/50)
Epona!! (literally just oot mm and tp. Botk she's noncanon amiibo and she's in mc but doesn't belong to Link T-T.)
A tutorial (varying subtlety, yes, but there's a difference between the great plateau and a 'press x to open menu :D' prompt five minutes into the game while a knight is trying to kill you (lttp)).
Link having the hero's spirit (ww. I personally disagree but hey)
The hero being a hylian! (totk hero's aspect)
Sleepy boy link (botk he has power naps On Lock)
Link being masc presenting (linkle, hw)
The symbolic elements (3/5/7 combos, lightning/ice/water/fire/wind triforce, boar/owl/dragon/whatever tf)
Things tloz has been consistent about in every game:
Link being a gnc short king (tp is the beefiest he ever got and that was 4'9 male gymnast build at BEST).
Him not telling anyone anything important ever.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 months
Personal Torture
Pairing: Bang Chan x female reader
Genre: fluff / gym au
Tropes: established relationship
Warnings: a lot of body soreness lol
Word count: 898
Author’s Note: I wrote this from experience – well, minus that I didn’t have Bang Chan to help me recover. But the rest was very much so written in the moment.
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“Easy… take it slow.”
You whimpered as you slowly descended onto the couch, no part of your body quiet in its protests. The strong hands around your biceps supporting you were a pleasure and a pain, and when you finally sunk deeply into the cushion beneath you, you were relieved when Chan let go.
Crouching down in front of you, your boyfriend tried hard not to laugh at your expense. It made his soft guidance over to the couch seem irrelevant as your eyes – thankfully not hurting in any way – glowered at him. “You okay there?”
“I’m going to hurt you.”
He bit his lip briefly. “I don’t think you can, not at least for a day or two. Besides, if you hurt me, who is going to help you into the shower once I’ve fed you?”
Grumbling at his smart response, you tried to fold your arms across your chest in annoyance. Instead, you winced as your armpits, of all places, ached with the stretch. Christ, was there a part of your body where you wouldn’t ache after today? You let out a huff of air. “I’m never going again.”
“Yes, you will. It was your first session. It makes sense your body would ache afterwards.”
“This much? I feel like I’ve been put into a tumble dryer and thrown about for an hour.”
Chan couldn’t hold back a snort. “It’ll get easier when your body grows accustomed to exercising. I promise.”
“Did you hurt like this the first time?” you asked, looking at your boyfriend’s athletic shape. You then scrunched your nose. “Never mind, I’m sure you came out of the womb this fit.”
Laughing now, Chan patted your knees gently and grimaced when you whined in displeasure. “I don’t remember. I was always pretty active as a kid. And whilst the imagery of baby me coming out with abs is frighteningly hilarious, you’ve seen photos of me as a kid.”
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. It was one thing joining the gym and mucking around on the cardio machines. But a personal trainer? Chan, I just paid a woman sixty dollars to kill me.”
“You’re still alive.”
“My last breath is pending. I’m pretty sure if I try to stand up again, that will be my final act.”
“You’re going to be fine,” he insisted, moving into the kitchen and clanging things about. “I bet as soon as I’ve fed you and then gotten you into a shower to ease the ache in your muscles, you’ll be right as rain.”
“It took me twenty minutes to get inside from the car before, remember?”
“Fifteen of that was you telling me you couldn’t possibly move because you would fall.”
“My legs are still shaking. They’re like jello.”
“No pain, no gain.”
“I don’t want to gain. Actually, I do. Gain weight. That’s always been easy for me to do. Squatting down to my ankles on my first PT session? Surely that was her having a laugh at my expense.”
“Didn’t you finish all three sets?”
You frowned. “Yes, but-”
“Then you are stronger than you feel right now. Look at your effort. You didn’t give up.”
“I wanted to after the squats. That’s an exercise designed by the Devil himself.”
Chan gave you a pointed look. “But you completed it all.”
“I didn’t want to fail my first session!”
“And you didn’t. Think about how much you asked of your body just now. And it responded to all your requests.”
You thought over his words, pursing your lips together. He was irritatingly right. A smug smile bloomed over his face when he realised you had silently acknowledged his claim.
“Surely, what I did today wasn’t the norm. There’s no way I am going to recover from this to repeat that routine again so soon. If the squats don’t kill me, the damn yoga exercise on the ground will. I am now aware of muscles I didn’t know existed, Chan. I’d rather go back to being oblivious of them.”
Bringing over the sandwiches he’d made for you both, Chan sat down heavily beside you, grinning when you glared at him. He then handed over a plate before taking a bite from his own. After swallowing it down, he said, “I’m proud of you.”
“Of course you are. You’re a gym bro who successfully convinced your fitness-illiterate girlfriend into joining a gym and paying money to torture herself.”
“No. I’m a guy who listened to his girlfriend complain one too many times about feeling gross and wanting to be healthier and supported her in making small changes. Whether you never go again or not, I’m proud of you for putting yourself first like that.”
Placing down your sandwich, you took in his genuine expression, a small proud smile crossing your lips. “I didn’t fail.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“My butt is going to look amazing after conquering squats, isn’t it?”
He grinned. “That’s my girl.”
“Are you sure you’ll be proud of me if I never go again?”
“Well, you’ve already paid for your next two sessions, so…”
You groaned loudly, wincing when your body disagreed with your efforts. Having a cute butt wasn’t worth all this agony.
“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,” Chan attempted, though he could tell you were beyond inspirational quotes now.
“Kill me now. It’ll be less painful.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Stray Kids Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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Betcha Won't
Author’s Note: Hello again! I’m so sorry for missing my usual Thursday night upload last week. I was down and out with a migraine for a bit, but now I’m back in action! New avatar, same ole shit, lol. Part 6 of Somethin’ Sweet takes it back a bit with something nice and cozy. I apologize for breaking so many hearts two weeks in a row, so as promised, this one’s much softer. Thanks for reading!! 
Summary: Sy makes a camping trip to the lake a night they’ll never forget.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female OC 
Warnings:  hope you’ve got a dentist appointment on the books, because this is tooth-rotting fluff…minus the smut, of course. Expect a strip tease, descriptions of anatomy, oral sex (female receiving), and p-in-v- sex. I am an adult, and due to the nature of this content, all works created by me will be rated for those 18 years and older. Minors, DNI.
Beta’d by: @peyton--warren ❤️
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“You got any more of that jerky?” They’d been walking for what felt like hours, but in reality was only 30 minutes. As a Colorado native, Merrin really should’ve been more prepared for a hike than this, but he’d really sprung it on her. She’d anticipated another night at the diner. Friday’s special was prime rib and baked potatoes, and though they’d only been at it for a few weeks now, she knew he wasn’t one to pass up a good meal. So when he showed up outside of her house and told her he had a surprise for her, she was keen to see what tricks he had up his sleeve. She just didn’t know their change of plans would include bug spray. Stumbling her way through the foliage of an unfamiliar path, she reached out an expectant hand in wait for her reward. Sy slapped another piece of cured venison into her palm and chuckled at the noises of delight she made as she happily gnawed on it. 
“That’s the last of it. If I’d known how much you’d like my meat, I would’ve brought more.” 
Merrin didn’t have to see his face to know how pleased he was with himself, and she gave a playful wack to the back of his head as they broke through the clearing. She wasn’t quite sure what she’d been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Calm, clear water lapped at the pebbled shoreline of a vast lake surrounded by trees. It was a sight that took her breath away. A tent stood off to her left in the plush carpet of grass, filled with all the blankets and pillows he could gather in those big ole arms of his. A little further down, closer to the bank, a stack of freshly chopped firewood waited to be lit. It was a dreamy little scene, put together with so much forethought. He must’ve been working on it all afternoon. Merrin smiled as she took in the sight, and wrapped an arm around his waist to draw him close. “You did all this for us?”
He took a shot in the dark when he’d made the executive decision to move date night outdoors, and though he hoped she’d like the change in scenery, there was still a part of him that worried that she wouldn’t. Seeing her now, beaming up at him like he’d hung the moon when all he’d really done was fight with a flimsy tent pole for twenty minutes made it all worth while. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he smiled back down at her. 
“Nah, baby. I did it for you.”
They sat together on a blanket in the grass as the sun disappeared behind the trees. Sparks snapped and crackled on their way up to touch the sky. Merrin sat between his open knees and rested back against him. The old radio from the workshop was propped up by the cooler with the sound turned down low. Since his truck only had a tape deck, Sy had taken up making mixed tapes for her. Merrin tapped her toes to the beat as they watched the gentle waves roll in against the shore. He wondered what was on her mind as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. What she said made his heart skip a beat.
“Twenty bucks says you won’t strip down to your skivvies and run into the lake right now.”
Her proposition caught him off guard, and he nearly choked on his beer. Snorting and coughing through the foam, Sy cleared his throat before he spoke. 
“Twenty bucks says what?!”
She giggled and turned to look up at him, a mischievous little grin spread wide across her freckled face. She sure likes to keep him on his toes. “You heard me.”
Sy laughed and shook his head. “Do you know how cold that water is? No way, Darlin’. I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna catch a cold for twenty bucks.”
Without missing a beat, she shrugged. “Fifty says you won’t do it bare-ass naked.”
He stopped. Now that could make for an interesting night. “ You ain’t gotta bribe me to get me naked, babydoll. All ya gotta do is ask.” 
Merrin stood and brushed the sand from the backside of her jeans. “Come on, Capitan, live a little. When’s the last time you did something fun?” 
Sy paused. She was right. Of course she was right. Before her, he couldn’t remember a time in the last decade that he’d let himself do something on a whim. Every t was crossed, every i was dotted. Sitting here by the fire tonight, he realized how much he’d missed out on by overthinking every decision he made. He could stand to lose a little resolve. Before he could make a move, though, Merrin was already kicking off her shoes. She peeled off her socks and tucked them away inside of her beat up sneakers, then worked to loosen her belt.
“Come on, Clay. You really gonna make me do it alone?”
 Sy sat back again for a moment to take in the sight. He’d been trying to come up with ways to get her out of those jeans all night long, yet here she was, baring herself to him out in the open like this. Any action they’d had up until now had taken place over the clothes. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her, because fuck, did he want her so badly. In truth, he’d been stalling. It’d been almost a year since he’d been with a woman, since before he met her, before his last deployment. Merrin was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, and he just didn’t want to let her down. He knew he wouldn’t last very long once he finally had her. It was apparent now that he’d been stalling for so long that she’d decided to take matters into her own hands. She pulled him back down to earth when she tossed her panties at his face. He snatched them away eagerly to get a better look at her. 
“Well, get to it, then. I’ve shown you mine. Now you gotta show me yours.”
Snapping his mouth closed, Sy lept to his feet to toe off his boots. By the time he finished stripping, she’d already made it to the water.
Squealing in surprise, Merrin shuttered as the cold water lapped at her toes. Maybe skinny dipping wasn't such a good idea after all. When she turned round, ready to admit her misjudgment, she bumped right into him. His bare chest was warm against hers, and fuzzier than she’d imagined. She reached out to trace her fingers through the blanket of dark hair and let them trail down his stomach without a second thought. Heart pounding loudly in her ears, she fought to keep her gaze above the waist. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t- fuck. 
Fuck was right. One glance at what was waiting for her made her head spin. She didn’t have a chance to react though, before she was suddenly hoisted up into the air and thrown over a broad shoulder. Sy laughed as she squealed and squirmed to free herself from his grasp. 
“Nuh uh, no ma’am. Yer the one who wanted me out here. Time ta’ put yer money where yer mouth is. Now hold yer nose.” 
Merrin took a deep breath just in time, when they crashed together into the lake. Just as predicted, the water was freezing cold, and when she broke the surface again, Merrin let out a scream of surprise. Laughing through the shock, she stood and splashed him in retaliation. 
“Fuck, its cold!”
“I tried ta’ tell ya! Come here.”
Sy chuckled and wiped the water from his eyes, then held out a hand to her. Drawing her in close, he wrapped her up in his arms and swept damp strands of hair from her face. They held each other close and giggled like children beneath the moonlight. He looked down at her as their laughter faded to echoes, tracing each goosebump on her arm with the back of his knuckles. No matter how many times he’d imagined this moment, nothing could compare to the way she felt in his arms tonight. Skin on skin, knee deep in crystal clear water beneath a blanket of stars, not a cloud in sight. A lot had changed since he'd been here last, and though not all of it was good, he was thankful for it all. He’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant he could stay with her like this forever. 
Neither of them had to speak to know what would come next. Sy carried her back to shore and laid her down on the bed of pillows he’d crammed into the two-man tent. Neither of them cared that they were still wet from their dip in the lake. In the moment, it didn’t matter. The passion between them burned hotter than the smoldering embers of the campfire outside. She welcomed him onto her and tangled her arms around his neck as they kissed. No matter how close he got, it would never be close enough. She wanted him inside of her, body, mind, and spirit, but he had other plans for her. His lips brushed down her chin and he nuzzled upward until her head fell back in submission. The scratch of his beard against her throat and he kissed his way down felt delicious, and she ached to feel it all over. Though the cold weather made her nipples stand at attention first, they perked up for him now with each pass of his tongue. He caught one between his teeth, but only for a moment, long enough to put a smile on his face as he listened to her purr for him. 
“That’s it, Sugar. Sing for me.”
Merrin trembled when his tongue traced around the outside of her navel. Swallowing thickly, she dug her fingernails into the flesh of his shoulders and watched as he settled in to rest between her thighs. Merrin bit her lip as she watched him size her up from there. Maybe it was the beer that made her brave enough to make the first move, but laying beneath him now, she hoped he wouldn’t look too closely. Stretch marks snaked across her stomach and hips, cellulite dimpled the skin of her thighs and ass. Growing up, she’d always been a little heavier than her friends. It wasn’t until she’d gotten older than she’d become more comfortable in the body she was given. Sy looked up at her through lids heavy with lust, as if to read her mind. Sharp teeth carved gently across the inside of her knee to silence the thoughts running through her head. Arching her back, she bucked her hips up towards him to stop his teasing. 
“Sy…” Merrin begged through shaky breaths. “Please…”
He sat back on his haunches to admire her. She’d smack that look right off his face if she didn’t think her hands would tremble. He reveled in her desperation, and she knew that. Whining and squirming beneath him, she tried to close her legs in embarrassment. Sy caught her by the knees, one in each hand, and held them wider than before, clear up to her shoulders. 
“Nuh uh, little Miss Merrin,” he shook his head in feigned disappointment. “Tell me what’chu want from me.”
Her face turned beet red as blood rushed to her cheeks and spread down her neck as she turned her head to look away. He didn’t like that much. With both of her legs pinned beneath one rough hand, he redirected her by the chin to meet his eyes again. Sucking his teeth, he shook his head again. Say it. Just say it, and I’ll give you the world. He held her gaze and waited patiently for her to get the nerve to open her mouth again. Chuckling softly, Merrin let out a shaky breath as she reached for him. 
“I want you, Clay. More than anything.” 
“How? How do you want me?” 
Draping one of her legs over his shoulder, lips moving at a snail’s pace, Sy kissed his way all the way down. He had the patience of a saint. He could do this all night. Merrin, on the other hand…
“Fuck’s sake, Clayton Lee! Are you just gonna stare at it, or are you gonna eat my fuckin' pussy?”
That was all he needed. Confirmation, one way or another, that she wanted this just as much as he did. His laughter shook the tent, and in the blink of an eye, he dove right in. He spread her open with his thumbs and used the tip of his tongue to explore her weeping folds. Slow, precise, probing movements until he had the lay of the land, then it was game over. He devoured her, lips, tongue, and teeth working together to draw her close to the edge. Merrin mewled and moaned, head back and back arched, ass hovering above the ground as he held her thighs and shook his head from side to side. It wasn’t long before a familiar tightness began to blossom low in her belly, and before she knew it, he had her seeing stars.
He gave her space to come back down to earth again, and once she caught her breath again, he lowered her hips back down onto the blankets. Calloused thumbs rubbed soothing circles into the dips of her hip bones as he waited patiently for her word again. He wore the evidence of her arousal in his beard with pride, the sticky-sweet nectar gleaming in the glow of the nearby fire. Merrin ran a hand through her sweat-dampened hair and melted against the pillow beneath her head. 
“Well, shit…If I’d known you were so good at that, I would’ve stripped for you a lot sooner.”
Sy threw his head back and barked out a laugh that drew her own laughter with it. “Baby doll, all ya had ta’ do was ask. I’ve been dreamin’ about eatin’ that little pussy from the moment I first laid eyes on ya.”
But when she moved to sit up, he nudged her back down again. She frowned, confused. Didn’t he want her to return the favor? He simply shook his head, as he intertwined their fingers together and gave a squeeze of reassurance. 
“No, baby, it’s alright. I won’t last if ya do that fer me. Let’s save that fer another time.” 
Merrin laid back on her elbows and eyed him with reluctancy. She’d never met a man who’d turn down a blowjob, but whatever floats his boat, she guessed. Sy took a moment to reach over into his bag and retrieve the shiny little packet from the outside pocket. Good ole Sy, always planning ahead. He tore through it with his teeth and sat back to grip himself with his left hand. They both watched eagerly as the condom unrolled down his impressive length, and he sighed once he’d finished. Merrin wasn’t inexperienced, but the thought of him splitting her open on that thing had her stomach in knots. He could sense her apprehension, and truth be told, he was nervous too. In a fleeting moment of thought, he wondered if this is what it would’ve felt like to lose his virginity on prom night. He didn’t go to his senior prom, was too busy helping his uncle in the fields that spring, but the nerves he felt now sure felt that way. Every moment they’ve spent together had led up to this. Leaning in to brush his nose against hers, he whispered softly against her lips. 
“I’ll go slow. Just…tell me if it hurts, m‘kay?”
“Go slow,” She nodded slowly, repeating his promise out loud as if to make that promise to him too. Dragging the tip of his aching cock through her folds once, then once more, he gathered her wetness there to help smooth the tension. Merrin gasped when he caught at her entrance and breathed through the sting of the stretch her walls gave around him as he worked his way inside of her. Nice and slow, just as promised, he pulled out all the way and tried again and again, until he was fully engulfed inside of her. Hearts pounding in their chests, they clung to each other and worked together, two souls finally coming together as one. One spark, and they’d set the whole forest ablaze. 
The shock and awe melted away, leaving room for nothing but unbridled fervor. The gentle, probing shift of hips turned to hungry thrusts. Loud smacks of skin on skin only adding to the ambiance their bodies made. Sounds of lust echoed across the lake, creating a beautiful symphony with the radio and the woods. A bead of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, seeking shelter in the dip of her collarbone. Painted fingernails left pink lines through the ink on his back. “More…more, more, more,” was all she could think to say, and more, he gave her. He gave her all he had, until he just couldn’t take it anymore. The cry of a warrior ripped through his chest, as he pounded her endlessly and emptied himself into the condom deep inside of her. She came too with a shout, body seizing and writing beneath him, as they rode out their shared climax. When everything was said and done, Sy collapsed on top of her with a grunt. They listened to the bullfrogs croak as they sought the breath they’d fucked out of one another. Moments passed, when Merrin finally broke the silence again. 
“Fuck yeah, or what the fuck was that?”
The grin she gave him was answer enough, as he turned over to lay beside her. 
“Fuck yeah.”
Sy chuckled, grabbing a blanket to pull over them to keep the cool night air out. Even though he hadn’t lasted as long as he would’ve liked, it certainly made for a night he’ll never forget. 
“Fuck yeah, baby doll. Fuck yeah.”
Sy was downright giddy the next morning as he drove her back into town. He might’ve stuck his head out the window and sung her praises to the world around them, If it weren’t 8:30 on a Sunday. Instead, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and hummed quietly to himself. Across the bench seat, Merrin flipped open the glove compartment and rooted through it for his collection of tapes. When a beam of early morning sunlight gleamed caught something shiny, she dug through the mess to find the source. He watched her from the corner of his eye, but by the time he’d comprehended what she’d found, it was too late. Mouth hanging open, he watched as she examined the condom in her hands. 
“Hm,” she said thoughtfully, turning it over to read the back as if she were flipping through the funny’s in the morning paper. “Ya know, I’ve never seen a gold one in real life before. I mean, I knew they were real, but damn. You could drain a bathtub with one’a these things.”
Sy laughed and scratched the back of his neck, relieved to know that she didn’t think he was some kinda sex fiend for keeping a stash here just in case. Well…Maybe she wouldn’t have been too far off, but still. They were still new to this. 
“Yeah…Yeah, they’re pretty big, huh.”
Merrin scoffed. 
“Pretty big? That steak you devoured was pretty big. You’re fuckin’ huge, babe.” 
They pulled up to her house a moment later. Sy put the truck in park and turned off the ignition, but left the keys there. He didn’t want to intrude, so he sat back against the cracked leather seat and looked her way. 
“So…got any plans fer today?”
She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. 
“Besides sitting on a bag of frozen peas? Nothin’, really.”
He nearly choked on his own spit. Merrin giggled as he fumbled to come up with a coherent thought, an apology, something, then leaned across the console to kiss him on the cheek. He’s cute when he’s pussy drunk. 
“Come on, Cowboy. I’ll make you some pancakes.”
His stomach growled at the thought of food, and in an instant, he snatched the keys from the dash. He had her door open before she could even laugh. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
taglist: @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren @kingliam2019 @uunotheangel @deandoesthingstome @drewharrisonwriter @foxyjwls007 @melissareadsstuff @totalwool @summersong69 @caramariehurst @niallhorwen @warriormirkwood @mairablue @omgkatinka @evansabove1981 @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @enchantedbytomandhenry @bascmve01
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qqtxt · 2 years
[🐯] 1:11am wish (you’ll stay) [m]
✿ pairing: beomgyu x you / female reader / angst to fluff, smut / 8,120 words / reader calls him ‘gyu’/’gyu-yah’ / mentions and descriptions of unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it babes) and explicit scenes and language ✿ in which you try giving him one last “planned” date before you try to make an exit in his life... only for it to backfire when he knows it from the start. ✿ a/n: um... this... this was supposed to be a short one but my hand, slipped, and it somehow became smut, lol. anyway, enjoy! ✿ 🎧: ghosting by txt (lofi version) / 📍 @kflixnet​ [masterlist 🌸] / there’s rated m content so minors please dni!
additional note: this... gets very filthy in the end, and i haven’t written smut in a while so please be kind :”)
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today would be one of the perfect days beomgyu would add to his list of never ending days he’d have with you. i’ve got something planned for us, gyu-yah. just bring yourself. he brought his undivided attention; spending every second thinking about you despite being next to you, holding your hand, kissing your cheek, laughing when you laugh. it couldn’t get anymore perfect than this.
but he’s no fool, either. beomgyu knows you like the back of his hand, notices how you get affected differently when he says we’ll come back here next time or it’ll be my treat when i’m back–because he’s leaving, he won’t be around for months and months on end and it drives you insane... but there’s something more than him just leaving.
this wasn’t a date to remember, it was a date to say goodbye.
beomgyu tries not to break your facade, not when he knows how much thought you’ve put into the whole thing. he sees you almost cracking but he doesn’t call you out on it. he doesn’t know if he doesn’t call you out for your sake or his. he doesn’t know if he can handle it now. t-minus two days before he’s leaving for a tour and he’s unsure if he’s prepared for the heartbreak now... or later. whether he should rip the bandaid out or let it hopelessly fall on its own.
though, he’s able to live in his fantasy through the start of the day. swallowing the bites you give him with an open heart, downing the pain. smiling when you–augh, what a messy boy i have–reaching to brush the smudge of sauce at the corner of his mouth. feeling your hand in his as you swing it back and forth, walking down the sidewalk with a smile on your face; a radiant sun, his personal sun that felt like it was going to set and he’d never see the light again. how... cruel could you be to do that without breaking down?
morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight. every minute passes by so quickly, yet not fast enough. he wants to savour each second, but he wants to reach to the end to find out how it ends. the anxiety bites his nerves, but the euphoria to pretend numbs the pain. yet... it has to be now, no other than time than now, beomgyu thinks. 
the night ended with having drinks with the boys at the dorm and turning in early for the night before it could end in regrets and mistakes too many to count (the boys said that beomgyu has found someone to match his energy a bit too well, being able to ramp him up twice as much or tone it down when they needed it–a blessing and a curse, as it seems).
beomgyu feels you shifting from your side of the bed, and his eyes peel open to stare at the clock ahead of him: 1:06AM. the numbers glare at him, taunt him, almost provoking him to say something. he gives you sixty seconds as he prepares himself, well-aware of what’s to come... or maybe he doesn’t. 
honestly, nothing could prepare him for what’s about to come. he takes in a deep breath and speaks to the dimly-lit room, well-aware it would reach you wherever you stand in his room: “so this is it?”
you softly gasp as your hand shakes the doorknob in your hands, unable to hide the fact that–”gyu-yah...”
when beomgyu sits up from his spot on the bed, he searches for your eyes and sees that you’re... you’re already crying. silently, trying not to let the sounds out but it already echoes loudly in his head. ringing, stinging, hurting. beomgyu hates that the first thing he wants to do is comfort you, when he should be comforting himself.
he’s going through the pain here, isn’t he? why does he want to protect you more than himself? you watch as his expression changes under the glow of the moonlight; silently staring at one another without anything being said but everything at once.
“this is the final step of the plan, isn’t it?” beomgyu clenches his hands on the bed, refusing to let the tears fall despite them pooling in his eyes. he watches as you try to stammer a response, clearly, you hadn’t think you’d make it this far without cracking. 
“i know,” he says, sniffing a little, “i know that today is the day you were going to leave,” he uses the back of his hand to wipe his nose, “i know, even if you didn’t say anything.”
he finally hears your voice when you croak a soft: “then...?” 
why the fuck did you go along with it?
your heart aches when he allows for a couple of tears to fall, dripping onto the bedsheets as he whispers: “i just wanted to be with you.”
beomgyu watches as his words sink in your bones, making you drop your bag by your side and soon your knees grow weak. you can’t pretend anymore, and your walls crumble as you slide to the floor with your back against the door. he bites down on his tongue, stubbornly staying where he’s at because he feels like if he makes any sudden movements, he’ll scare you away.
he doesn’t want that. doesn’t know what he’ll do if you do that. he wants... he wants you to–the clock beeps, it must be–beomgyu glances to the clock, noticing the numbers 1:11am now glowing in pink; his eyes must be playing tricks on him, but surely, that’s what it is.
he doesn’t know if this is a joke, or if it’s a chance, but he asks anyway.
“what do you wish for?” his voice is shaky, even if he’s trying to put up a strong front. he’s quietly crying now, breathing slowly getting heavier and harder to breathe but he knows he’ll have to pull through. he looks at you, despite the dark enveloping the pair of you in, he can still see everything clearly.
he can see the tears in your eyes, the tears in his eyes. he sees how your lips tremble, your hands shaking as you hug yourself to anchor to the floor. it takes every nerve in his being not to lunge at you; hold you, keep you close, make you stay. instead, he watches. he watches as your emotions surface and... and...
you scoff a laugh as your head leans back against the door; how pathetic. this was your idea. this was your doing, but now it’s all blowing up in your face. at beomgyu’s question, to something being a cute ritual of asking each other what they wish for when the clock strikes 1:11 or 11:11, it’s making your heart break. as you loosely hug your knees, you turn the cheek to spare him a glance, “you can’t be serious.”
he’s quick with his reply, as if he–“answer me,” he says, clearing his throat, swallowing the lump in his throat, “i deserve that much.”
beomgyu feels his legs shaking as he anxiously waits. his heart is beating so fast, he thinks it’s only a matter of time before it stops completely when he hears you–“i wish i knew what i was doing.”
he doesn’t know if he wants to scream at you, or cry with you. his mind only has one thought appears. it slips past his lips before he can stop himself. a broken whisper, a desperate plea.
“i wish you would stay.”
his voice, so soft, but his words, rings loud. he sees what his words do to you. and it’s festering in your heart, spreading like poison that it forces you to try to get up from where you are that... fuck it. he’s quicker than you are, hurrying onto his feet before you can find your footing to stand properly. he sees you flinching when he’s right in front of you, hands holding you up by the waist and your eyes snap shut.
“look at me,” beomgyu murmurs, squeezing your waist. he hates how you don’t respond, tightly closing your eyes as your hands stubbornly remain by your sides. 
“hold me,” he tries again, leaning in closer as he rests his forehead against yours. “please.”
“i...” you rasp, hands forming into balls of fists, “i can’t.”
“why not?” he eggs on, you know what he’s doing, you fucking know, don’t let him–”because you don’t love me anymore?”
beomgyu knows this is cruel, but he has to do it. he has to. he needs to hear you say it. he needs to hear it come from your mouth. that reaffirmation. your eyes snap open, tears still rolling down your cheeks, nose getting stuffy from the crying but the fiery spirit in you ignites at his words.
“don’t you fucking dare say that,” your voice trembles through the syllables, and your emotions overtake you as you feebly get through: “i... i love you so much that i–”beomgyu doesn’t wait for the rest of your words to come out, already pulling you in his embrace as you cry. he doesn’t know where his anger dissolves to, but it’s gone the second he hears you love him.
this was what he knew was coming. the frustrations, the pain, the difficulties of maintaining a relationship through long distance and time apart. not being there physically for one another when things are tough, masking the pain with smiles as if nothing would go wrong. beomgyu hates the thought of you going through the grief alone, as if you couldn’t go to him to try to work things out. it pained him, it made him wonder how it was like trying to plan the entire day today well-aware of what would happen at the end of it.
would you be crying alone when you reach your apartment? would you start to ignore his messages, block him, pretend like you never knew him and turn into a ghost that was once in his life? the more beomgyu thinks about it, the tighter he holds onto you to reassure himself–no, you’re here. you’re here with me now. now and forever, you’ll be with me even if we’re not physically together.
beomgyu feels his heart at ease, relieved of the pain when you hug him back and sink in his arms. one of his arms secure you around the waist to keep you close, the other starts to stroke the back of your head down to your back; over and over again as he draws out all the cries from you. he finds his release as he cries silently with you, resting the side of his head against yours and lets go.
this was what you two needed. 
to break down together, to find a way to seal things together.
maybe it’s a couple of minutes, maybe it’s twenty minutes, it could be an hour. one thing’s for sure is he knows your emotions are stabilising, and he can lean you back to get a good look at you. both of your eyes are puffy and slightly red, but when they meet his, there’s a different feeling to it.
acceptance. calm. clarity. hope... love. there’s love. 
love was always there.
“please don’t go,” beomgyu breaks the silence, his words echoing in your ears.
“you’re the one leaving,” you thought your words would hurt him, but it only makes him smile.
“my heart’s with you, though.”
he smiles wider when you crack a smile and use a hand to nudge him by the shoulder, “gross.”
he takes this opportunity to catch your hand, luring you to the bed with him. he makes you sit on his lap, straddling him as he leans his back against the headrest and stretches his legs out. the familiarity of the position makes your heart pinch; at the thought that this was what you would miss and reminisce on your time alone... but now it’s being replayed in front of you; live, right now.
beomgyu places your hands to rest on his shoulder, then one of his hands rest on your waist while the other cups your cheek to make you look at him.
“do you love me?”
the question took everything in beomgyu’s being to ask... because whatever your answer was, he would accept it. if it was no, he would let you walk out of his life. he loves you that much to want you to find your own happiness. but if it was yes... if it was the answer he had been hoping for, he wants you to know he’ll work for it. for you, with you.
beomgyu watches as you take in a deep breath, a shaky exhale after. your hands squeeze his shoulders. your eyes avoid his, looking at everywhere but him. he knows this moment is the most crucial. it’ll make or break your relationship. he can only wait. because he knows where his heart is, where his intentions lie. he’s made that very clear from the moment you two started dating; that immaterial of how hard things got, he wanted to work through it all with you as long as you were the same.
so if that had wavered. if that changed for you... he was ready, even if he actually wasn’t.
the silence is almost deafening despite the night sleeping away. there’s still light sounds of the city muffled from the windows and sounds from the dorm because the members get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night but relatively, it’s quiet. too quiet. the kind of quiet that beomgyu is certain his heart might take over with the sounds and–your lips parting makes beomgyu gape, anticipating for whatever’s to come–“so much...” your voice is gentle, soft, so fragile it sounds like it’s going to fade away that he has to hear it properly.
he searches for the answer in your eyes when you will the strength to lock gazes. he feels this rich warmth spreading in his chest; addictive wildfire when your voice kisses his ears, “i love you so much, gyu-yah.”
you’ve got him in a trance, swaying at your fingertips as your words sink in his system. he manages to nod as he smiles at you, stroking your cheek as if to say thank you for being honest with me. but then he needs to push on for answers. he needs to know: “then why are you leaving me?”
the answer comes faster than he had imagined.
“because it hurts.”
beomgyu frowns when your eyes flutter shut and you lean into his touch as your lips tremble, he can tell you’re about to cry again but you want to be able to explain yourself. so he encourages you, silently, holding you, keeping you still to stop yourself from crumbling.
“it hurts whenever you leave and i know you won’t be back until months later. i feel like my heart longs for you whenever you’re gone, even when you’re with me, i still miss you because i know you’ll leave again. i keep thinking,” you take a deep breath in and he breathes along with you. you find support by squeezing his shoulders and he strokes your cheek tenderly, patient, giving you all the time you need. the small pause allows you to stop yourself from crying.
“e-every time i’m with you, every time you leave, i keep thinking when would be the next time i’ll see you. there’s a timer that keeps ticking; how many days i have left with you, how many hours until you’re gone again?” your eyes open, only to realise the hotness that stings your eyes have been the tears; tears that beomgyu had been wiping away as they roll down your cheek. his throat feels numb, unable to speak as he presses his lips together. “i wait... i wait for a call, i stay up for the live streams, to see your face, to hear your voice. i get lonely, i get so lonely and i miss you. and it hurts.”
he nods a little, to show you that he’s listening, but it’s to reaffirm himself that yes, yes he’s listening. he carefully caresses your face, and squeezes your waist to give you any sort of comfort for braving up to tell him.
“it hurts but... i know this is what comes to being with you. and i want to stay–god, i want to stay–you’re all i want to be with but it’s hard... i feel so alone.”
at your own confession, you had expected beomgyu to counter you. to tell you that he’s having it worse, that he’s dealing with things, too. the things he’s dealt with to get to where he is today is a list upon a list of struggles he had to pull through. the last thing you’d want to insinuate was that you were having a tougher time but this isn’t a room for competition. you’re well-prepared for what he might say but nothing can prepare you for the way he shifts a little higher so he can look into your eyes.
you blink the tears away until you see him clearly.
he’s... he’s upset... but not for reasons you had expected.
“why didn’t you tell me?” his voice cracks, and you feel a new batch of tears about to fall but you hold them in, pressing your lips together, keeping yourself shut as his voice makes your heart ache. “i–if... if only you told me,” he whispers, “you–why did you go through all of that alone? why did you suffer all by yourself?”
you shake your head as your eyes close, feeling the few stray tears fall and against the pad of his thumb on your cheek, “i-i don’t know.” you feel yourself falling backwards, but beomgyu lures you forward with his hand on your cheek, so you can lean your forehead on his. slowly, your eyes open and he’s still looking at you intently.
“...i didn’t know how to bring it up, i wasn’t sure if it was just me. i didn’t know what to expect when it came to doing long distance and i...” you sniff a little, looking back into his eyes, “i’m sorry, gyu-yah.”
initially, beomgyu thought that’s what he needed to hear, but now, it wasn’t. all he needed to hear was how you felt, the reasons why, not the apology itself. hearing the apology, it makes him shake his head, “that’s not important. what’s important is you tell me whenever you feel these things. that way, i can know what to do or how to help, and most importantly,” your eyes widen in anticipation, breath hitching when his hand rests on your neck, “you’re not going through this alone. we’re going through every step of the way together. but i’m gonna need you to talk to me...” he gently squeezes your waist, “okay?”
you nod, a couple of times until it’s clear as day.
beomgyu smirks, the playfulness already rising in his veins.
“you still gonna leave me?”
you use a hand to hit his shoulder, huffing. that’s when he laughs, head leaning back on the headrest as you pout. when you try to shift from his lap, he tightens his grip to keep you on him, shaking his head, “oh no,” he grins, that shit-eating-grin appears that makes your heart swoon with the way he’s looking at you, “you’re not going anywhere.”
his laugh laces over with your squeal when he lunges forward, making you fall back on the bed as he switches up the position. you sigh when you feel the softness of his mattress welcoming you, then it’s the warmth of his body on top of you as he cages you in, settling between your legs. he lets you lay on one of his arms with his other hand now pushing the hair back from your face, then settling against your cheek. one of your hands remain on his shoulder, while your other wanders to gently go through his hair and his eyes flutter shut with a sigh of bliss. 
then, as your hand slides down to his face, he nuzzles into your touch.
after a couple of beats, his eyes opens and you shift your gaze to align with his. you watch as his eyes travel from your eyes down to your lips, slightly parted. so tempting, so inviting–beomgyu leans in without realising and kisses you. he groans into your mouth when your legs start to wrap around his waist, trying to get him closer.
kissing him felt different; the good kind of different. throughout the whole day it was a reminder that it was the last, but now, now it was with a newfound significance. it was a promise; over and over again that you would commit to him. it was trust, it was love, love, love, it was love. beomgyu smirks when you feel him getting hard as he presses against your stomach, his body sliding down to brush against your core.
you whimper, softly, into his ears, already shaking him to his bones at the thought of the sounds he’ll be able to hear as this progresses.
“to think that you were going to leave and not let me hear this anymore,” he murmurs over your lips, past the lust-filled eyes, sparking with anticipation. you breathe deep and heavy, shaking your head, “wanna be with you.” 
your words etch to his memory, making his heart swell in his chest at your confession.
always wanna be with you.
beomgyu takes his time with you, savouring each sound you make that realistically is soft, barely anyone can hear but him. the members were still around, after all, but beomgyu wanted to hear you regardless. 
it resorts to you two being as careful as you can be, occasionally kissing one another to shut the other up when things got too hot and loaded to bear. clothes come off, one after another, piling and scattering the floor of his bedroom until you’re bare; naked and all in your beauty as beomgyu rakes your figure with his eyes and soon his hands and mouth to get a taste of you all over. he enjoys every touch you leave on his skin, from his face, to his hair, down his back and as you stroke his cock slowly hardening in your grasp, growing full and hot. he lays you back and takes over.
the night transcends to beomgyu sliding into you slowly, then filling you to the brim as the stars burn the back of your eyes. slow, slow, slower, i got you, i got you, you’re doing so good for me. he kisses you, giving you the time you need. he kisses you more, deeper as he stills inside of you. 
then the initial sting numbs; this euphoric pleasure making you feel warm. he pulls away from kissing you when he feels you squeezing his pulsing cock in you; your legs locking him in, your lips parting to tell him to m-move, please. the feeling of your hard nipples brushing against his chest with each stroke of his cock pushing in and out. 
fast, fast, faster–please, please, please, gyu–please, gonna come–beomgyu kisses you to silence you, but whines into your mouth when he feels it. your nails pressing to the bare of his back, keeping him close. the airy whines that blesses his ears, the way your thighs trembles with each thrust back home, muffled noises of skin slapping. sweat, making his locks stick to his forehead that he resorts to shake it aside to press his forehead on yours, forcing you to look at me, wanna see you look at me when you come. wanna see those pretty eyes on me.
the coil tightening, tight; you feel so good, love you, love you so much. your hands flatten on his back, snaking your arms hug him closer, pulling him down until your chests meet. beomgyu picks up the pace when your eyes barely stays open, giving into the pleasure as you start to tremble and he’s trying his best not to falter. he succumbs to the way you swallow him in, squeezing him sinfully, legs locking him in, driving him deeper that he gapes at the feeling.
then it hits. 
he sinks into you and you feel the warmth filling you up; hot, familiar, gonna stay in you, wanna be close to you. beomgyu rests his face in your neck, trying to catch his breath as you do the same. his thrusts slows down after a while and then he stills inside of you. there’s this bloom in his chest as you hold him close. the soft sighs you make as the shocks of pleasure stimulates your body; his body, both intertwined in post-bliss, in shared mutual silence.
you feel light-headed and satiated, playing with beomgyu’s hair as he occasionally kisses your neck. there’s a moment of tranquil just staying like that; heavy breathing, soft sighs, being connected, emotionally and physically, at ease, in each other’s arms.
you involuntarily whine when he pulls out after his initial promise. you’re about to question where he’s going when he lifts himself up from laying down on top of you. as your eyes peel open, you start to tense up when you feel him crawling down on your body. he doesn’t give you time to process what’s happening until you feel him pulling you down so your legs dangle off the end of the bed and he’s kneeling on the floor, body bent forward as he kisses his way towards your center.
you sit up on your elbows, watching as beomgyu disappears between your legs. he shows mercy, starting with kissing your inner thigh and stroking your quivering thighs. then, he makes you beg for it. makes you want the way he’s able to kiss your sweet flesh and juices that heavenly lures him in. he makes sure you’re anticipating each swipe of his tongue, every lap he makes from your slit up to your clit. he moans against you, making you feel the vibrations that initially hurt from the overstimulation; then it’s everything you want.
ask for it, let me hear you ask for it. he kisses your skin, teasing. his fingers, brushing lightly, slipping in and curling; you arch your back and quietly moan, shaking your head as your toes curl. please, gyu, please, please.
he chuckles when he pulls away, crawling back up, hovering over you until he reaches your face. he gives you a soft kiss, and it surprises you because the next thing he says makes your stomach clench at the thought.
“i’ll only let you come if you sit on my face.”
you gape, a hand pushing his bare chest, “w-what?”
“that’s the only way you’re getting it, y/n,” he says lowly, leaning down to peck your lips, then he raises a brow at you for your response, “hm?”
no way, no way, no way–oh my god.
“i... what if i suffocate you?” you can’t believe this is happening, but with the way he looks beneath you, pleading eyes just begging to please you, it’s hard to say no to. he strokes your thighs approvingly, adoring the way he’s able to see the gorgeous curvature of your body from beneath you. “that would be the best way to go.”
you’re about to hit him, or get off him, you don’t know which, but he doesn’t give you much time to ponder when he easily pulls you down until you’re seated on his face. you can’t believe out of all the times he decides to give into one of your suggestions a while ago, it’s now he decides to act upon it. the new angle is foreign, but soon the familiarity of pleasure starts to wash over. hesitant at first, you have a hand on the head rest for support, the other lightly tangled in his hair.
soon, he has you riding his face as you try to muffle your sounds. your body curls forward just a little and beomgyu watches as your chest heaves in deep breaths of air from the pleasure he’s giving you. it makes his cock twitch against his stomach, pre-come soon starts to leak and he’s a whining mess against your folds, lapping you up faster, his tongue digging into the right spots, nose grinding against your clit, eager to chase your high with just his tongue and fingers.
he holds out until you start to tremble again, the familiar build up coming undone. his heart is ramming in his chest at the sight, at the feeling of your thighs quivering by his ears and how you’re restraining yourself to not clench your thighs to his head. the way he groans seeing you come that it adds to your heightened pleasure, making you start shaking from the overstimulation when he doesn’t let up his fingers in you, his lips sucking on your clit before his tongue swirls around it. you catch yourself against the headrest, shaking your head to get him to stop but he–his arms tighten his hold on you, keeping you to his face as he starts to dig his tongue against your clit harder, a shaky plea escaping your lips to get him to s-stop, gyu! please, please, please!
he only lets you go when you start to hit the headrest. you manage to squirm away from him, trying your best not to knee him in the face as you fall beside him with a huff. the sight is endearing to him. he starts cackling against the pillows, arm over his eyes. he hadn’t realised the movements from the bed until he finds himself in warm, wet heat.
his hips jut forward as he sits up, gasping when he feels the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat and you swallow around him. oh fuck–fuck–feels good. he can’t seem to speak when you pull him out of your mouth and start to stroke him lightly. it makes him open his eyes, half-lidded, half-way meeting his peak and it was evident. you grin up to him as he sits up, looking at you on your knees between his legs, his cock in your hands; a sinful sight that makes him throb. “already?” you chuckle, “did eating me out make you that hard?”
he scoffs and pushes the hair from your face, his hand cupping your cheek as he supports himself with his other hand on the bed, “as if you needed to ask. we’re doing that again by the way, you looked so–fuck!” beomgyu throws his head back in a gasp when you take him in after lightly brushing your thumb over the tip of his cock. use me, use me as you want, however you want. beomgyu feels like he’s on fire, body hot all over and his thighs quiver.
he doesn’t hesitate, thrusting into your mouth and harder, faster, gonna come, fuck–fuck–ah, shit!
you feel the familiar heat that strokes the walls of your mouth. a twitch, a tremble, and soon, the warmth starts to spurt and goes down your throat as he trembles in your grasp, body curled forward until his forehead leans atop of your head with shaky breaths. he’s breathless, trying to find the strength to breathe as you ride out his high with a couple more bobs up and down his cock, milking him completely. 
as your movements slow down, that’s when he guides himself out of your mouth so he can cup your chin. you blink up to him, a small knowing smile on your lips that makes him narrow his eyes at you. how can someone as innocent looking as you commit to some of the most sinful acts and still look like this? he gently nudges you to lean up so he can kiss you; taste you on his lips, let you taste yourself from his lips.
he lets you feel the smile he has against your lips; tongues brush lightly and hands; hands finding wherever they can to hold leverage. beomgyu pulls you up more, higher, breaking the kiss momentarily. then, joining him back on the bed. you lay atop of him with one leg between his own, the other cased by his side as he holds you; kissing you, wanting to prolong this moment as much as he can is making your heart grow fuller and fuller. you soften in his hold, gasping when he pulls away from kissing you to find his way to your neck.
you’re well-aware of his drive and how far he can go but today is different. emotions were still running high, and it’s always the case whenever either of you were emotional; be it makeup sex or i’m feeling extra loving tonight. you feel it when he has a hand by your neck, the other crawling up along the side of your thigh before he smoothens his palm over the curve of your ass and then he grips onto one cheek in his fingers, earning himself a soft moan that makes you feel his cock slowly growing hard again.
your leg between his shifts ever so lightly, feeling the brush of your skin against his cock makes him grunt against your neck. your hands flatten on his chest, pushing him back a little so you can get a good look at him. he cranes up to you, blinking at you sleepily, but you can tell he wants more. he won’t rest until he has more to fill his cup.
he tries to lean in for a kiss but you stop him with your hands on his chest, placing him down with a chuckle, “gyu-yah... are you not tired?”
he nods lightly, “i am,” you’re already trying to move off him but he stills you with his hand now hooking around your waist, keeping you on him, “but i wanna feel you again. wanna be close to you.”
you instinctively lean down to rest your forehead on his, hearing his sigh of relief when you’re near him.
“but if you’re tired, we can wash up and head to bed,” his hand moves to hold the side of your face, and he feels his heart skipping a beat when your eyes gaze into his with a small smile itching at your lips, “i wanna feel you too.”
he grins, sitting up a little, “one more?”
you nod, giving in to him, “one more.”
the rhythm begins and beomgyu kisses you. slowly, tenderly, this one’s more mellow than before, more drawn out, more emotional as he sits you up along with him. you follow his motion, his pace, as he moves you to sit on his lap and your legs fold by his side as you rise up and he pumps himself a couple of times with your hand lapping over his.
your other hand rakes through his hair, shifting closer towards his scalp and he groans when you lightly tug on his strands. the jolts from his head sends the tingles down his spine and you feel him hardening between your fingers, his fingers, and then he gives you a couple of nods to rise your hips up to slowly start sinking down on him.
you hide your face in his neck, whining quietly at the stretch that deliciously fills you up. your hands clasp behind his neck, finding an anchor to hold on to and beomgyu’s got you by the waist, groaning softly when you’re fully seated on him as you welcome him into your heat. he starts peppering the side of your face with kisses, down to your neck where he makes you squirm on him as you adjust to the feeling of having him inside you again.
then, the pace starts to quicken as he instinctively rolls his hips and you feel him moving in you. it’s a domino effect of having you return the gesture, hips grinding down on him and him continuously going back and forth. hitting the spots that makes the colours burn in your eyes, but getting lost in beomgyu’s eyes when he gets you to look at me, look at me when i fuck you like this.
and you comply. shyly, then allowing him to occasionally muffle your whines when it’s starting to f-feels good, gyu–so good. his breathing starts to get heavy when he feels the same as you do, tilting his head forward until it meets yours. his hands grip tighter on your waist, almost digging into the flesh as he rocks you over his cock, harder, deeper, until the sounds you make nearly pitch up an octave with your head falling backwards and away from him.
he springs forward and pushes you back onto the bed, plunging deeper at the force and change of position. you wince and clutch onto him, clenching him tight and he groans, finding his footing with a hand on your waist, the other reaching up to hold the side of your neck as your arms loosely hug his neck and your legs naturally wrap around his waist.
his thrusts grow powerful with each slap of his thighs hitting your skin, his cock plunging out and back in; all the way home that it makes your back arch towards him. he pins you down, forehead meeting yours again, lips brushing over yours as the addictive build up starts to form in your belly; unravelling through each stroke that goes in, every roll of his hips.
he squeezes the side of your neck, and you force your eyes open to meet with his lustful gaze; that washes away to reveal the admiration he has for you, how hopelessly in love he was with you, and it falls from his lips with a soft i love you, i love you, love you, baby, so much. you feel the tears forming in your eyes, and the sight alone is what makes him start to get emotional; quickening his pace with sharp and deep thrusts.
i love you, so so much.
he kisses you, and it’s messy. it’s sloppy but he wants to kiss you, wants to taste you in the midst of havoc happening; the chase for one more high, wanting to please you, pleasure you, feel you come undone with him deep in you one more time. lucky to have you, lucky to be in you. feel so good, gonna come.
you fervently kiss him back, your fingers lightly pulling on a couple of strands of hair you can manage from the pleasure overtaking your body; eyelids growing heavy but you force them to stay open. to lock your eyes on him. watch him as he feels good; as he reaches–come with me, come now, baby–his mouth gawks open at his cock pulsing in you with the following thrusts, with your walls clenching on him erratically as you quiver and come undone for the third time. his hips stutter as he starts to spill inside you, warm ropes of his release filling your insides as he slowly starts to stop, riding out your highs quietly.
the heavy breathing fills the room as he presses his chest down on yours, head over your shoulder as he lies down for a moment. his body jolts a little as he relaxes, and you carefully run your fingers through his hair and start to play with the strands, one of the things he’s told you he loves whenever. as you two bask in the moment of post-bliss, you feel him pulling out and–”fuck, you look so hot like this.”
you find the strength to open your eyes, past your half-lidded eyes to see beomgyu sit on his heels and admire your legs spread out, fucked out, his come leaking out of you. you can tell what he’s about to do when he threatens to crawl down, tongue darting out but you stop him by sitting up with your thighs closed, “this time i will actually crush your skull with my thighs, gyu.”
he laughs and shakes his head, hands on your kneecaps as he bends forward, “ah, i’d die happy.”
you scoff a laugh and roll your eyes, even with the way he’s wiggling his brows at you. just as you try to nudge him by the shoulder, he grabs onto your hand and kisses your knuckles, smiling against your skin after. as the moonlight starts to fade into the night and it grows darker than before with the city lights turning off one by one, you’re about to–”hey, c’mere, we have to wash up first.”
you whine and refuse to move, stubbornly curling up on the bed as you shake your head, “’m too tired, don’t wanna move,” you close your eyes and turn away from him, “it’s all your fault.”
“my fault?” he has a hand on his chest, scoffing at you. then you feel a light smack to your bum, “i had to do something so you can’t leave.”
you use your hands to cover your ears and childishly remain on the bed, to which beomgyu sighs and kisses the side of your head, “okay, okay. wait for me.” you don’t remember if you respond, because you’re a goner the second beomgyu allows you to close your eyes.
he returns to the bed to see that you’re already dozing off as you curl up into a fetal position. he tries not to make any sounds that could wake you up but his heart just feels... full. so full. the kind of happy he hasn’t felt in a while. sure, it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the whole day but it’s... it’s in the quiet moments that beomgyu truly remembers feeling at ease with you. 
safe and collected. at ease and being able to embrace himself.
he carefully wipes you down and cleans you up with a wet cloth, rinsing it a few times and wiping you a few more times after that. when he’s done that, he quietly tries to change the sheets from one side, rolling you over and doing the other; all while you’re still asleep (don’t worry, it astonishes him as much as it does yourself).
he manages to dress you up in one of his hoodies, and slipping on a pair of your panties from his drawer (don’t ask), and he watches as you purr in delight when he puts the blanket over you. then it’s his turn to take a quick rinse in the shower and when he’s done patting himself dry, he slips on a pair of boxers and a white tank before he joins you in bed.
almost naturally, as he dips down on the bed, you start to move towards him that he chuckles softly at the sight of you. he lightly lifts your head up so you can lay on his arm and he curls it to pull you close as you press your face to his chest, snuggling against him with your hands between your bodies. he tugs the blanket up with his free hand, covering you and him in the process. he continues to gaze at you as you sleep peacefully, his hand stroking the side of your head as you slept and soon, his eyes grow heavy with each time his hand meets the top of your head, down to the side, and all over again.
his eyes flutter shut and soon, beomgyu succumbs to sleep, hopeful that in some way, some how, he’ll see you in his dreams, too.
((morning comes, and it’s quiet. somehow, the boys had given up in trying to wake you and beomgyu up, deciding to grab breakfast while some remained at home. the soft and muffled chit chat comes from the living room; probably taehyun and kai, or was that soobin? ah, it doesn’t matter.
beomgyu comes to when the sunlight hits his eyes and he groans, stretching his body a little. he notices you two have untangled from one another in the middle of the night, and he rolls closer so he can look at you as you start to wake up, a soft whine leaving your lips as you search for warmth and he grins when you curl up against him, eyes peeling open.
you tilt your chin and meet his gaze, but you’re still tired so your eyes close after that.
“how do you feel?” he asks, so gentle, so loving with his hand pushing your hair back, then his hand rests against your cheek. you lean into his touch, smiling a little, “tired...”
“you just woke up,” he chuckles, welcoming you in when you scoot closer towards him, until you have your cheek to his chest. you ignore him and resort to putting your arms around him to hug him loosely, relishing in his warmth as your legs tangle under the blanket.
“what do you wanna do today?” he murmurs into your ear as he kisses the side of your head, turning his body to face you properly as he plays with your hair.
“just wanna be with you. doesn’t matter,” you answer softly, and beomgyu nods, “okay.”
even with the havoc that soon transpires from the dorm room takes over, with seemingly taehyun and kai screaming at the television because they’re playing mario kart, to yeonjun yelling at them to keep it down but then joining them with soobin trying to pull the leader card for some peace and quiet, it all doesn’t matter. 
beomgyu gazes down to you in his arms, and he smiles when you peek up and your eyes meet. both your eyes soften at the sight of one another, and he knows, you know. that the days ahead, coming to separation won’t be easy. it’ll be hard, and there will be difficult days... but with the way you’re looking at him like this, hand slowly reaching up to cup his face, stroking the under of his eye tenderly, his eyes flutter shut and he leans into your touch. relishing the way your finger pads his skin; gentle, tender, loving.
you sigh when he leans down to rest his forehead on yours, slipping your hand from his face but this time, he has his hand up to pillow his palm to the side of your face, gently rubbing circles against your temple. your eyes close, the same time beomgyu’s open to see you at ease, peaceful, calm.
he lifts his head up and presses a kiss to your forehead. that grants you to snuggle closer to him and then he feels your lips pressing to his clothed chest. he chuckles and wraps his arms around you, cocooning you in and being as close to you as possible for however long he can.
in beomgyu’s arms, everything seems to be okay. even if in a couple of days he won’t be here anymore, in some way, since yesterday, your relationship with him has changed. for the better, towards growth, and leaning towards learning something new about each other. having more patience, being more understanding, and learning to trust each other as you go through this together.))
(((beomgyu’s freshened up for the day and he enters his bedroom to see that you’ve managed to sit up with your feet on the floor, but when you look up to him, there’s this frown on your face that he finds adorable.
“what’s with that look?” he snorts, stepping in and closing the door behind him. he tosses his towel onto the rack as he stands in front of you, more so when you reach for his hands, “i... i can’t walk on my own. help me get to the bathroom.”
his eyes widen at you with his head bobbing backwards, “what?”
“don’t what me, help me.” you whine a little, but even as you try to shake your body as a way to convince him, it makes you wince from the soreness between your legs. he tries not to look proud (even though you know for a fucking chance he is) as he relents with a okay, come here you big baby.
as you emerge from the bedroom with beomgyu holding you up with an arm around your waist, the other keeping your arm around his shoulder as he walks you slowly to the bathroom, the boys seem to quiet down when kai innocently asks: “yo, are you okay? you were fine yesterday, what happened?”
yeonjun is the first to grow wide-eyed, and immediately pushes kai’s head to–”just ignore it, kai-yah. ignore it and never ask why again.” then yeonjun snaps his head to glare at beomgyu who pokes his tongue at him, “you filthy monsters!”)))
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
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realized i left it out of my a/n last update but, after every major arc in one piece, there will be a "[name] wiki" that will just highlight information that might have been missed/not so obviously stated about [name] as well as bonus infomration on relationships, fun facts, etc!!! anyway, enjoy this little filler update before skypiea <333
link to original fanfic where thsi wiki is based from :D
full name: [REDACTED] D. [NAME]
age: 20, departed from foosha village at 17 — it’s been three years since then
— connection with Shanks/Red Hair Pirates in some way
— [REDACTED] Pirates, temporary member, mutual gain
— Straw Hat Pirates
epithet: [REDACTED]
The Cursed Orphan
birthday: [xx/xx] ← this is your own birthday LOL
height: 6’5
there is a reason he is so tall, please trust me he is not insanely tall for no reason. like there are plot reasons as to why he built like a beanstock.
- related: i forgot that his height was lowkey a plot point (a teensy teensy tiny bit) so i forgot to mention his height until very very very very very recently in the chaptesr LMFAOOA
— 200,000,000
— 250,000,000
japanese va: junichi suwabe … or … yuki kaji … or more like kenjiro tsuda (i cant decide unfortunately lmk in comments bc i like all of these vas a lot) 
— has a giant tattoo expanding over his shoulders/back. they look like wings (minus the figure in the middle). they don’t look like the typical tattooed angel wings going downwards, they more-so stretch across his back and the tips end at his deltoids.
— keeps a black cloth wrapped around one of his wrists, at all times. this cloth was torn from shanks’ cloak and [name] keeps it as a safe keeping
— always is wearing a silver necklace. it’s a simple, thin chain that is almost unnoticeable, but he is never seen without it.
— has scars all over his body. they’re not battle scars. they start from his face and go all the way down to his feet. if you were to see his entire body, you would see that most of the scars are single lines that do NOT disconnect from their starting point. they run almost continuously. for example, the scarred line that starts at his face goes all the way down to his feet, without being “interrupted.” origins are unknown.
weapon: a sword that was passed down from shanks and given to him as a gift. he doesn’t know the proper name of it, but it looks like a regular katana. he has never drawn his sword in the series yet, seeing as he only reveals the blade when he is out to very seriously maim, torture, or kill his enemies. the katana radiates an intimidating aura and anyone around [name] can feel it.
standard outfit: just jeans and a t-shirt, nothing crazy goes on here LMFAO or whatever you wanna envision him to be wearing.
abilities: have not been completely revealed, but it does have something to do with water. this explains his ability to control people’s bodies, seeing as their blood and overall body mass has a high percentage of water.
— he has some control over sea water, but only for short bursts of time.
— he is not completely immune to the effects of sea water, though. if he is submerged in it for a long enough period of time <a couple of minutes>, then he will begin drowning and sinking just like a devil fruit eater would.
— did not eat a devil fruit. the origins of his powers are unknown at this time.
— skilled swordsman, source: trust me bro. but seriously, he doesn’t just swing around the sword, even though we’ve never seen him use it, he’s generally very good with weapons of all kinds — but has a specialty in blades.
— has been seen using geppo, soru, and shigan. 
favorite food: COFFEE BEANS + SEAFOOD :) cheese
fun facts:
likes: all the strawhats, animals, bitter flavors
dislikes: the world gov + navy, anyone that isn't a strawhat, anything sweet flavored
— the name the government gave him was due to how they could not find any family lineage tied to him
— considers dadan and makino as his mother figures!
— the song he is always humming is for fruits basket <333
— its not that he only drinks coffee and not anything else — like booze, its just he doesnt like the taste of booze. he can drink it, but he wont like it.
— if he were to live in the real world, he would have a job in child protective services. he cares a lot for children. plus he feels the natural instinct to be protective of those around him.
— he can tell if there is anybody nearby due to how he is able to see water concentration to a certain extent. that is why whenever he squints in the distance or at the water, he is looking for something to pop out and is expecting to see someone/something.
— is really offstandish when it comes to strangers. it takes a lot to get trust out of him, but if it’s someone that luffy or the others trust, then he’s quick to lower his guard.
— finds it really amusing whenever chopper, nami, or usopp run to hide behind him when they see any enemies. he doesn’t mind it, but still thinks its really funny whenever it happens.
— he enjoys pissing off zoro, but never brings up their past fight. to him, it was a silly thing that happened in the past so he doesn’t hold it over zoro’s head, plus he saw how much it affected the swordsman.
— hates manspreaders → has a chronic, worst case of manspreading anyone has ever seen
— has the highest debt to nami in the entire crew (somewhere in the 300-400,000)
— the tattoo over ace’s heart are words that he and ace shared with each other (”together in chaos”) when they were children (LOOOREEEE)
— wants to start working out with zoro, but due to their recent adventures hasn’t had the chance to :(
— unlike luffy, he has no qualms in killing his enemies. he wishes he were like luffy in this sense, but he is paranoid that these people will come back for him, or worse — the crew, so he eliminates them when he can.
— [name] really, really wanted vivi to come along. but he didn't verbalize it so as to not pressure her or manipulate the decision of what she herself wanted.
— whenever he wakes up from sleep, he’s in one of three odd positions: 1. luffy and him somehow end up cuddling, 2. he’s on the floor, or 3. he’s (not maliciously aka they're not actually dying.) choking either zoro or sanji with his arm.
— feels particularly protective of nami — not because she is a woman, but because he saw how sick she had gotten and was scared she would die. addtionally, he trusts her and her ability to fight, but if she requests for his help in a battle, he wouldn’t hesitate to go and help her.
— if him and sanji can't sleep at night, they go out on the deck and smoke together until one of them gets tired and they go back to bed.
— rather prideful in being strong. at the same time, he doesn’t really enjoy the nature of his abilities
— [name] had a bad history with the people on whiskey peak, which explains his hostility to them in the beginning chapters (they fooled him by giving him a lot of food, then they tried attacking him while he was sleeping, and he had to fight them.) doesn't like being lied to.
— vivi wishes she could have knighted [name] into holding a formal title as a guardian in the kingdom of alabasta, but igaram rejected the idea. her father and pell were close to agreeing, but ultimately decided that they couldn't and shouldn't seeing as [name] was too infamous for being a lethal pirate. vivi sulked about this for a while.
love language : acts of service and physical touch
— the more comfortable he is with someone, the more likely he is to crack jokes around them. it means hes relaxed and can feel comfortable being himself rather than being on edge and guarded.
— vivi often times hums the song that [name] always hummed, smiling whenever she remembers the amount of memories she had made with the crew. that song has now become her favorite despite her not knowing where it was from or if there were even words that went along with it.
— animal representation: crow
— who would he be if the strawhats were a family? the one younger cousin that keeps running around shouting about how he wants to fight/do something that requires a lot of energy from everyone else (or, cool uncle)
— he actually naturally has a very sweet scent, but since he is always brewing coffee/eating coffee beans, he masks that scent with coffee since he hates it :)
personality type : ENFP
→ characters that are ENFP: jinx (arcane/league of legends), hu tao (genshin impact), harley quinn (dc universe), and ellie (the last of us)
how would [name] describe his relationships:
with luffy: captain, dearest person in his life, partner in crime in annoying the rest of the crew, personal backpack since luffy is always climbing him
with zoro: most reliable crewmate, best first mate to luffy, good friendly competitor 1/2 strongest swordsman in the world
with nami: smartest crewmate!! admires her navigation abilities, enjoys her company when she isn't yelling bloody murder at him </3 1/3 of his priority people to protect
with usopp: fun to tease and joke around with, enjoys the way usopp lies even though he hates liars, 2/3 of his priority people to protect
with sanji: the best chef in the world, genuinely a very kind man, sees eye to eye with him more often than not, thinks his rude persona is just a front LOL good friendly competitor 2/2
with chopper: cutest mascot, thinks he is genuinely very strong, admires his mental strength and his story, 3/3 of his priority people to protect
with vivi: worrisome princess, braver than she gives herself credit for, very close friend he hopes to reunite with in the future! a crewmate in his mind even if she is not sailing with them
with ace: idiot, but also a very cute idiot <3 freckles, sees a lot of their childhood in ace’s eyes which makes him slightly emotional, reckless, misses him a lot right now
playlist !
his theme songs are: chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey, i know ? by travis scott, here comes your man by the pixies ← will add more songs in each wiki !!!
— cotcc : “it’s beautiful, how this deep normality settles down over me. i’m not bored or unhappy, i’m still so strange and wild. you’re in the wind, i’m in the water. nobody’s son, nobody’s daughte,”
— i know ?: “tell me, is you still up. it’s 5 a.m. and i’m drunk right now. tell me, can we still fuck. // i know, mami, i know, it’s 2 a.m., don’t stress. at 3, that bullshit kick in, in thirty, you’ll feel your best”
— here comes your man, “take me away to nowhere plains. there is a wait so long (so long, so long). you'll never wait so long. here comes your man, here comes your man, here comes your man, here comes your man”
luffy & [name]: video games, “it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you. everything i do — i tell you all the time. heaven is a place on earth with you. // it’s better than i ever even knew. they say that the world was built for two. only worth living if somebody is loving you.”
zoro & [name]: married with children, “i hate the way that you are so sarcastic and you’re not very bright. you think that everything you’ve done’s fantastic. your music’s shit, it keeps me up all night, up all night // and it will be nice to be alone, for a week or two. but i knew then i will be right, right back here with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you”
sanji & [name]: right side of my neck, “the right side of my neck still smells like you. the right side of my neck still smells like you”
nami & [name]: LOYALTY, “tell me when your loyalty is comin’ from the heart. tell me who you loyal to. do it start with your women or your man? do it end with your family and friends? or you’re loyal to yourself in advance?”
usopp & [name]: my way, “for what is a man, what has he got? if not himself, then he has naught. to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels. the record shows i took the blows. and did it my way”
vivi & [name]: happiness is a butterfly, “if he’s a serial killer, then what’s the worst thing that could happen to a girl who’s already hurt? i’m already hurt. if he’s as bad as they say, then i guess i’m cursed. looking into his eyes, i think he’s already hurt. he’s already hurt.”
chopper & [name]: live and let die, “when you were young and your heart was an open book, you used to say live and let live. but if this ever changing world in which we’re living, makes you give in and cry — say live and let die”
ace & [name]: my love mine all mine, “nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love, mine, all mine, all mine. // nothing in the world is mine for free, but my love mine, all mine, all mine”
taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s, @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @kaulitzer, @notplutos, @cheetosins
[ .ᐟ ] PSA ! DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS  (older version of this) STORY ON WATTPAD I REPEATTTTT DO NOTTT BECAUSE ! MY OLD VERSION OF THIS STORY IS STILL PUBLISHED bc i dont rlly want to take it down tbh bc a lot of ppl still read it AND IT IS SPOILLLERRRSS FOR WHAT I PLAN ON DOING WITH THIS STORY !!! because this is re-written and a much much much much much improved version of that oldddd story + it is still following that original plot line i had all those years ago just like 10000x better bc idk what drugs i was on when i was writing that ff all those years ago bc that shit is crazy LMFOAOAOA i beg, i BEG, of you to not read it i want this experience to be so fun with all the plotwists and motives of characters like pleaseeee do not read it (also ??? its jus so cringe worthy jus dont read it LFMAO) 
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infinitegalahad · 4 months
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Pairing: Jimmy Vesey x Female! Indentifying Reader Summary: It took Jimmy a second, and it sent him into shock. Chills overtook his body. God, Jimmy felt fucking old, and like a damn dirty dog.  He tried, tried to say no, but he couldn’t. He sent her a rose and threw his phone down.  Not even a minute later, Jimmy’s phone buzzed. Immediately flipping it over and bracing for the worst, he saw the notification that he thought was fake.  (Y/n) liked you! Match to return the conversation.  Word Count: 3.3k Warnings: Age gap, mentions of trauma, depression, and alcoholism/alcohol abuse. Notes: This idea has been infecting my mind for months on end. There's been a lack of Vesey content, and given my expierences this year, I had to contribute them! To myself and Jimmy Vesey, of course. This chapter starts out a little slow, but the buildup is there (and Kevin and Brady being the best bros to ever exist). Things will definitely pick up next chapter, I promise. Idk anyone watched the game tonight, but NO QUIT IN NEW YORK. AND WE DEMAND MORE VESEY CONTENT. I promise to go in more about what the hell happened in my life soon, in another note! Tomorrow since I wanna read some fanfiction and go to bed lol. And Here is a playlist for the story. I recommend listening to Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen and Duckworth by Kendrick Lamar for the best vibes of this story. . Anyways enjoy!! :) Taglist | Masterlist
Jimmy had been sitting a whole thirty minutes in a corner until somebody noticed him. 
Jimmy didn’t want to be there, but he really didn’t want to be there. Even before Kevin’s and Katya’s wedding, he had spent so many days drinking and socializing. Not that he had an issue with it, but nothing was new and interesting with him, minus being thrown around the country before landing back in New York. With his new contract, he was secured in New York. No more jumping around, for at least another two years. 
And of course, it had to be Kevin four beers deep. He dragged himself over from one edge of the table to another, draping an arm around Jimmy. Jimmy, of course, threw his phone down at sight. 
“You need to meet somebody,” Kevin bluntly stated, as if Jimmy didn’t know that. Jimmy looked around the table to see the gaggle of Rangers, ex-Rangers, and Philadelphia players, all with wives or girlfriends. 
“I’m trying,” Jimmy quietly said, not making eye contact as he held his beer. 
“Well, you need to try harder,” Kevin said, slinging an arm around Jimmy. You’re telling me you can’t find anybody?” 
Jimmy sighed and shrugged his shoulders, looking at Kevin with a helpless look. He wanted to crack a joke, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He knew there was a sadness in his eyes. He felt like he had most of everything, even though it was perfect, but he lacked one thing; somebody else. 
Here he is, as a thirty-year-old, still in the same boat he was at eighteen. After years of one serious relationship, a few hookups here and there in between moving teams, and another serious relationship that devastated him, Jimmy felt like couldn’t catch a break, nor could he catch one. 
Jimmy shook his head and took a swig of his beer. He had been keeping count, and it was his first one of the night. It wouldn’t be his last, but that was for later. He didn’t like getting drunk, especially around other people. Years of drinking he thought would have taught him to hold it, and he can, just not his emotions. Those always manage to come out. Everybody at the table knew that since they had seen it. 
Secret Garden lowly played in the background of Blue Ribbon, matching the quaint and hipster ambiance of the SoHo restaurant. 
Kevin was an asshole, but he was a loveable asshole. Jimmy was a brother to him, and he knew when and when to not make fun of him. He patted Jimmy’s shoulder and brought him close. He didn’t make a big deal of Jimmy’s loneliness, which Jimmy thanked him for. He simply sat and closed his eyes, feeling lightly tipsy as he listened to the low melody of the lyrics. He had tickets for a Bruce Springsteen Concert Labor Day Weekend, which was literally next weekend, and yet no one to go with. 
When that stupid lonely emotion started to make him feel heavy and shitty, Jimmy sighed and pulled his seat out. 
“I need to piss,” Jimmy mumbled to Kevin and patted his shoulder. He made a quick escape to the bathroom, needing a moment to pull himself together. 
Kevin wanted to go after him, but he knew JImmy needed his time. Out of the whole table, Jimmy was the only guy without a partner. And as much as Kevin loved him, it was point blank obvious before, during, and even after the wedding. Everybody was aware of it, and whale they did what they could, nothing budged, and nor would Jimmy. 
The other guys had dates, but that was different. Jimmy came, per usual, empty handed. From what Kevin knew, he hadn’t been out on the market since he his breakup with Madison. Jimmy didn’t like to talk about her or how it ended. Of course, he had moved past it, but some of the past was holding him back. 
Kevin looked down and saw Jimmy’s caseless iPhone on the counter. The screen was bright under the hardwood table, and Kevin’s thoughts were racing. He didn’t know if it was the beers talking or him, but a minute later Jimmy’s phone was in his hand. It showed off his Hinge profile, which Kevin partly didn’t want to see, but was also incredibly curious. 
In good old Jimmy Vesey nature, in between the zoomed photos and short prompt responses, it lacked character and information. No wonder he was having no luck; his presentation on daring apps was awful,
“Kevin, what the fuck?” 
Nearly pissing himself as a grown map, Kevin held the phone to his chest and swung over to see a topple of gorgeous salt and pepper hair; it was Brady. With a furrowed eyebrow and flushed cheeks, Brady gave a confused expression both at whatever he and Kevin just witnessed. 
Brady held his hand out, and Kevin let out a sad sigh. He handed it over, and Brady took a few seconds to scroll, making both disgusted and cringed faces at Jimmy’s profile. 
“My best trait is being chill?” Brady cringed.
“It’s better than his first photo being of him–at Harvard,” Kevin put his head into his hands, “Oy vey.” 
“I love Jimmy, but this is not a good look,” Brady said as he scrolled through his profile again. 
“What’s not a good look?” Katya said as she came behind. He saw Kevin and Brady loudly moping and throwing a phone around. 
Kevin and Brady helplessly looked at Katya, and Kevin handed her Jimmy’s phone. Takenaback, Katya took the phone. She was blinded up the bright and cracked screen of purple and white, but quickly adjusted to the profile. Taking her time as she scrolled through, she also too had a face of disgust.
“Oh wow, that is…” Katya said, trying to formulate words, “This is not good.”
“Oh believe us, we know,” Brady sighed as he pushed back his hair. 
“He couldn’t even get a date–” Kevin moped as he fell back into the table, “A damn date! Jimmy’s a fox, he can get any girl he wants–”
“--If he puts in the effort,” Brady finished Kevin’s sentence. 
Katya still stared at the screen. The photos weren’t the issue, it was just the presentation. She had known Jimmy for years. For a many who played Hockey, he was one of the better ones. He was kind but most importantly respectful. She knew his breakup had devastated him through the many long phone calls and Jimmy’s stays at there summer house, but it had almost been five years since he broke up with Madison. Especially since Jimmy was going to be in New York for a long time. 
Out with the old, and in with the new. 
“And he can do that, with some help,” Katya said as she sat between Kevin and Brady. Kevin and Brady, grab your phones. Send me every good photo of Jimmy you have right now.” 
“What are you-” Kevin asked before Katya placed a finger on his lip. 
“Best photos of Jimmy, now. Please and thank you.” 
When Jimmy came back to the table, at least five different guys and their partners were huddled together. Curious, Jimmy walked forward. Among the hushed whispers and nods, his phone was handed back to him–by Kevin, of course, who was red and all smiley. He giggled like a mischievous child, and knowing Kevin, he was up to no good. 
“What did you do?” Jimmy bluntly questioned, shoving his phone into his pocket. 
“Absolutely nothing,” Brady stated, putting his hands together. Jimmy looked down at him as Brady contained his laughter. Confused, Jimmy looked at both of them with a “what the fuck” expression. 
“You’ll see,” Kevin pointed out, “Don’t worry.”
Jimmy raised an eyebrow, “Well, I’m scared to look. And I’m very worried.”
As Kevin and Brady drunkenly laughed, Katya noticed and came over. She put a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder and reassuringly patted it. 
“Don’t listen to them,” Katya reassured, “You will be totally fine. We just…helped you out.” 
Now Jimmy was beyond fucking confused. Not to mention, he was tired. And he was feeling a lot of emotions he didn’t want to be feeling or thinking about. But the anger was outweighed by his sheer exhaustion. With a yawn, Jimmy sighed, figuring out it was a dumb prank. 
“Well, fuck the whole lot of you, I’m going home,” Jimmy announced. Acting over dramatically upset, Kevin and Brady wished him a goodbye. They laughed as well, telling him to “be careful” and “make sure to use a condom”. Jimmy scoffed and shrugged it off as teasing, primarily coming from the alcohol. After bidding his goodbye and congrats, Jimmy grunted and ordered himself an uber. The subway was not the route tonight. All he wanted to do was just get home and most importantly, be alone.
Even though he hated it. 
Name: Jimmy
Age: 30
Location: New York
Hometown: Boston
Occupation: Sports Professional
School: Harvard
My Ideal Date: Trying out a new recipe together at home, followed by a cozy movie night with homemade popcorn and our favorite snacks. As long as I get to be the big spoon. 
A random fact about me that surprises people…: I read a lot. My favorite way to unwind after a long day is curling up with a good book and a cup of tea. Looking for a cuddle buddy. 
I'm Looking For: Long-term, open to short-term (Monogomy)
Two Truths and a Lie: I speak Mandarin fluently, I play for a professional sports team, and I love Sushi. 
My Anthem: Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
Jimmy sent you a rose. 
Name: (Y/n)
Age: 21
Location: New York
Hometown: New York
Occupation: Consultant and Law Student 
School: GW, UVA, Columbia Law School
My ideal weekend getaway destination is...: A charming bed and breakfast in a quaint coastal town, where I can spend my days exploring local shops, indulging in fresh seafood, and taking long walks along the beach.
I'm Looking For: Long-Term Relationship. No games, please. 
A random fact about me that surprises people...: Despite my innocent appearance, I have a mischievous side that loves to tease and flirt shamelessly.
My Anthem: Fire Fly by Childish Gambino
You now have a new match.
Jimmy got home around 9:30ish. Naturally, his growing feeling of loneliness had remained with constant reminders. The couple on the edge of the street, the doorman asking if he had been coming back from a date, and the worst of all; the damn couple in the elevator. With ti already being a small space, they couldn’t keep their hands off eachother. With Jimmy watching them unable to keep their hands off eachother, it made it all the more awkward. 
Hitting the 56th floor, Jimmy escaped. He heard giggles and shushes as the elevator silently shut. Looking back and sighing, Jimmy scoffed and dug in his pocket to grab his keys. 
He opened the door and was welcomed to a dark and unlived-in apartment illuminated by the World Trade Center and the skyline of Hoboken. As the light danced on the water, Jimmy kicked off his shoes, threw his keys into a bowl full of restaurant cards and matchboxes, and switched on the overhead lights. He wanted to rip off his clothes and simply decompress. 
A rinse-off and Corona certainly did the job for Jimmy. Slipping on a pair of boxers and an aged Harvard Men’s Hockey shirt, Jimmy took his beer and jumped into bed. The drinking was bad in college, and Jimmy thought it would go away with age, but somehow, it got worse—especially when he was alone and feeling what he called his therapist “things he didn’t want to feel.” 
Mindlessly scrolling through Netflix, he had already finished another beer. The bitter and blunt taste left a heavy taste in his mouth. He leaned back and let out a loud sigh, knowing he didn’t want another one. But he had training tomorrow, and he needed a good sleep. 
Forcing himself out of bed, Jimmy dragged himself to the kitchen. Opening the fridge and grabbing a beer, he looked at his phone for a distraction, checking his notifications. Emails, texts, and most importantly–Hinge notifications. 
He went from having two likes to fifteen, which was certainly progress. Forgetting his beer, Jimmy proceeded to scroll his matches. Expecting some hope, he found none. None of them rang a bell. Jimmy rested against the counter, resting his hand on his cheek as he mindlessly scrolled. 
Too boring, Too old, Too Familiar–
However, reaching his last match, something caught Jimmy’s attention.
It was a short yellow and lace dress, a bright smile, rosy cheeks, and dewy (y/s/c) skin. The girl posed with another group of girls, but among them, she stood out. Not just because of her dress (and how well it fit her and defined her figure), but it was how dead-drop gorgeous Jimmy thought she was. She had looked done up, but in a natural way, with soft makeup and silky curled (y/h/c) (y/h/t). Regardless, something about her intrigued Jimmy and made him feel warm inside. 
Upon further scrolling, (Y/n) was the yellow dress girl’s name. All of her photos were, as the first, beautiful. In the photos with groups, she always stood out in the best way possible. There were photos of her with friends, one of her serving in tennis, one with her diving on a beach–they all caused Jimmy to stare longer than he usually did. Not to mention, her prompts were perfect and interesting. (Y/n)  was adventurous, flirty, and full–a total minx. A mixture of gorgeous and cute, who had a fiery streak. Just what Jimmy loved. 
Not to mention, (Y/n) was smart, which made her more attractive than she already was. A political communication major, a former Divison 1 tennis player, and someone who just got her Master’s in Public Policy, she was more than accomplished.   
“Beauty and brains,” Jimmy smirked to himself, scrolling through his profile. The beer had become a pastime. 
Reaching the first photo, Jimmy scrolled to see her recent job. She was in her first year at Columbia Law School, working part-time as a consultant at one of those big think tanks. 
And she was twenty-fucking-one years old. 
It took Jimmy a second, and it sent him into shock. Chills overtook his body.
God, Jimmy felt fucking old, and like a damn dirty dog. 
He tried, tried to say no, but he couldn’t. He sent her a rose and threw his phone down. 
Not even a minute later, Jimmy’s phone buzzed. Immediately flipping it over and bracing for the worst, he saw the notification that he thought was fake. 
(Y/n) liked you! Match to return the conversation. 
(Y/n)’s profile opens, and Jimmy’s heart stops. She might be the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Through a series of speed tying to the point were his eyes blur att he small letters on the screen, Jimmy throws his phone down, again. He does it again–a stupid decision, of course. 
Jimmy: Consultant by day, law student by night, and a secret tease all the time? I think we might just be a match made in heaven. 
Nervously speeding back to his bedroom, he sat on the edge on his bed when his phone buzzed. Not even a minute later, and y/n responded. 
Y/n: Heyy Jimmy ;) Sexy, sporty, and smart? You’re a rare breed lol You’re definitely my kind of guy
In between (Y/n)’s response and her profile, Jimmy switched back and forth. Fuck, she was an absolute beauty. Inside most importantly, but also out. 
Jimmy:  You’re definitely my kind of girl. You seem fun. Why don’t we test out our chemistry? 😉 Y/n: What ideas do you have for a date? Jimmy: How about we put our brains and flirtation skills to the test over dinner sometime? Y/n: Haha damnnn Are you a Harvard exam? Because you've got me feeling all kinds of pressure 😏
A flash of white and yellow lace flashed across Jimmy’s eyes. He imagined his fingers tracing her thighs, which hugged the short edges of her dress, slowly riding up her curved thighs and-
Jimmy blinked and shook his head, distracting himself by typing up a response, red as a lovesick puppy.
Jimmy: Slow your horses, sweetheart Good thing I'm great under pressure. Let's see if you can keep up. Y/n: Haha I can you old man lol ;) Not even a hi, hello, how is your night And they say chivalry is dead lol  Jimmy:  How is your night? You’re the tease, not me.  Y/n:  And you fell into my trap lol It’s better now I’m bed with a face mask on lol, how about you? 
Jimmy felt a cool breeze as he made himself comfortable, bringing the heavy comforter over his lower body. 
Jimmy:  Not too bad, it would be better if you were right next to me.  As the little spoon, of course Y/n:  Hmmm, that is a tempting idea  You’re tall, you look like you give good cuddles Jimmy:  Anything to make you smile You have a beautiful smile, by the way Y/n: Aww, thank you ;) You’re pretty handsome, ngl   Once again you’re my type haha  Jimmy:  And you’re a dream come true I wanna know more about you, y/n Want me to order an uber? 
Fuck. It was a dumb response, but Jimmy couldn’t control himself around Y/n. He just wanted to see her in person. Not even to touch her, but to see her. If he could lucky, even hold her. Jimmy just wanted the company and the warmth, not her body. 
Y/n:  Oh wow! Not even the first date yet haha  Guess you are right, chivalry truly isn’t dead lol
With his thoughts racing, Jimmy overthought her response, which he never did with anyone. 
Jimmy:  I was joking, don’t worry. Not a dirty dog for nothing I just wanna get to know you because you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen on the app so far.   Y/n:  I knew it, I can tell you are a good guy don’t worry :) I wanna get to know you too, I like talking to you…a lot I’ve got some questions to ask you
Jimmy felt his cheeks go red as he smiled, hearitng all three of her messages. 
Jimmy:  And you are a good girl, straight off the bat  I like talking to you too 😌 I’m an open book. Speak to me  Y/n:  It’s about your two truths and lie I’m good at this game, but I can’t figure it out. Walk me through it? Jimmy:  And what do I get in exchange with you?  Y/n:  My company, of course! Jimmy:  Fair point, y/n.  I said dinner, but I just remembered something. Are you free on Labor Day weekend? Specifically, Sunday?  Y/n:  Yes…why ask? Jimmy: You, me, suite tickets to Bruce Springsteen at Metlife. Uber, drinks, and dinner are all on me.  Anxiously awaiting her response, (Y/n) took her time to respond, but eventually came through.  Y/n:  That doesn’t sound too bad at all  Alright, you got me  But I have one rule  Jimmy:  Talk to me, baby  Y/n:  Answer my questions nothing but truthfully?  Jimmy:  Of course, honesty is key.  What are your questions, sweetheart? Y/n:  Do you play for the New York Rangers, Mr. Hobey Baker? 
Holding the phone in his hand, Jimmy looked at the message and the time. It was just a little past eleven. When he thought his night was ending, it was only beginning. 
Jimmy:  Y/n, what time do you have to get up tomorrow? Y/n: Not early Why ask? Jimmy: I’m not a good texter. How does call sound? Y/n: Not even the first date…and I’m not saying no, at all 
Within the minute, she sent her number. 
For the first time in a while, Jimmy didn’t feel lonely. It was a change in scenery—a nice one, too. 
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Have I ever told you this? (Probably! But I'll say it again, ha) It's been an absolute treat reading your Royai fics. Thank you for joining this fandom!
What are your inspirations? 😃 In terms of writing style, but also ideas, etc. Please indulge us all, and please do geek out about your writing process too!
I always love learning about how fan fic writers work and write!
Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day~
Hey there!
You are so kind. It's hard to put into words how much it means to have had such a lovely reception from the FMA fandom. I used to write a lot when I was a kid, but eventually stopped due to some unfortunate and painful circumstances. Writing for this fandom over the last couple of months has been an incredible journey. It has healed some very intrinsic parts of me that I’d forgotten were wounded, and I have written more in the last few months than I have in 15+ years.
So, first and foremost, thank YOU.
Inspirations: I've always been a lover of fantasy and science fiction. My very first fandom was Star Wars, followed shortly thereafter by Avatar: The Last Airbender. Recently, I've become a huge Sarah J. Maas fan (I read ALL of her books in the year 2023 - minus the new one that came out in January). I've also enjoyed Suzanne Collins and Leigh Bardugo (particularly her Six of Crows duology).
But really, I just love stories. I love adventure, magic, and romance. I look for complex characters, vibrant worlds, strong magic systems, and rich backstories. My favorites always involve women who embody strength (mental, physical, and emotional), capable leadership, and femininity. Characters who are equal parts war-like and compassionate, fearsome yet soft.
But my very best inspiration comes from real-life: my sweet husband. It's going to sound silly, but I feel like I write about true love because I've experienced it. This guy was 100% written by a woman (lol). He's read everything I've written, and provides the most wonderful feedback and encouragement.
As far as style/process, I feel like I am still developing it? Haha! It's only been a minute since I got back into writing. But it usually starts with daydreaming to music (often songs without lyrics; Secession Studies is a favorite), typically while I'm in the car. With my first FMA fic, The Counteroffer, I was listening to "Beautiful Things" by Benson Boone on repeat. Something about the way he sings "Please stay / I want you, I need you, oh God" really set the tone for that story. That, combined with inspiration from the infamous Chapter 54 of A Court of Mist and Fury.
There's usually an moment or a line of dialogue that pops into my brain first (for The Counteroffer, it was Hawkeye lifting the discharge paperwork to find Mustang has also given her an unsigned marriage certificate). I write that bit, then the rest of the story sort of fills in around it. I write in disjointed fragments, adding chunks here and there and then connecting them together. Sometimes I shuffle things around, moving chunks to different locations in the story to see how it changes the flow.
Beginnings, endings, and titles are usually the hardest for me to come up with.
And here's a few of my own patterns that I've started to notice:
I love stories that read with a poetic beat to them (I think the best example of this in my own work is Hourglass).
I use line breaks for emphasis a lot.
I am intentional about keeping things concise but impactful. When it comes to word count, my personal rule is quality > quantity, always.
I try not to use "said/says" without other descriptive words.
If a portion of the story is dialogue driven, I'll read it aloud to make sure it actually flows like real conversation.
I often drop "and" from sentences when I feel like it messes with the poetic flow ("She became familiar with the space between heartbeats, the squeeze of the trigger, the wet sound of a bullet finding its mark." - Hourglass).
In the same vein, I use a sort of "rule of threes" quite a bit. I break sentences into three parts, offer three descriptions of a character's observation/sensation/emotion, repeat the same phrase three times, etc. (Oh look, I've done it again.)
I write in third person, present tense, always from the perspective of one character at a time. I feel like this puts myself and the reader right in the middle of the action, as it's happening. I dive deep into the primary character's thoughts and senses, both internal and external.
I re-read/re-watch the original content (i.e. FMAB, the manga) often, even if it's just in small parts. It keeps me grounded to who these characters are, and prevents me from going OOC. It's so easy to lose track of characterization if it's been too long since I watched an episode or read a chapter.
Hoo boy this got long. Thanks so much for the delightful ask! It was a lot of fun to dive into my own writing process and habits.
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aemondsprincesss · 2 years
Can we get the dragon reader to spit fire lol? Like more of her protective side maybe towards aemond?
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This happened on the day that the court finally found out what you really are! A little more than half a year later. By the time you were more... clingy (you all better know what I mean!).
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Aemond left you with Helaena. She decided to try and teach you how to embroider, since you like to watch her do it (actually you just love the colorful strings). Aemond saw no harm in it, and decided to leave you two to it. It had been to long since he last trained so he decided to kill one hour in the training yard.
A few minutes in the training with Ser Criston, that was, as always, brandishing his morningstar with brutal skill, Aemond heard a inhuman screeching roar. The sound cutting the air and piercing his ears almost painfully, only to be swallowed by the roaring of fire.
You had become restless as soon as Aemond left. Helaena knows that you are not supposed to walk the castle in day light without Aemond, but you were not listening to her and wanted to go find him. Without options and fearing your crescent frustration, she took you to him.
Looking back, Aemond saw you at one of the balconies. You were standing on top of the parapet, your head throwed back, your flames aimed to the sky.
His sister was behind you with her head between her hands and eyes closed thightly.
The ladies, lords and guards that were watching the match, and a few servants that were working nearby, also turned, horrified. And while the nobles and servants ran to safety, the guards drew their swords. Aemond commanded them to lower it immediately, throwing his to the ground. They hesitated. Minus Ser Criston, that already knew about you and lowered his weapon as soon as Aemond did.
You jumped from the parapet with effortless grace and landed on the muddy ground on your feet. The height would be enough to break the bones of any human.
Seeing your eyes trained on Ser Criston with predatory attention, while you approached slowly, steam coming out your mouth and nostrils, fire burning in your chest, Aemond understood what you thought that was happening. You thought that he was hurting Aemond.
He stood in front of Ser Criston and threatened the guards saying that if they wished to live, they should drop their swords, because even if they survived you, they would die by his hand for attacking you. This convinced them.
In all this time, Aemond did not take his eye from you.
He called your name (yes you have a name, he gave it to you) and told you to calm down in high valyrian. Aemond could see that you became confused, hesitating, but was still hostile.
Still shielding his mentor from your murdering gaze and line of fire, he ordered the men to bend the knee. Anything to make them look less threatening in your eyes, they obeyed nervously.
Aemond began to walk in your direction. Never stopping the calming words of reassurance. Saying that he was ok. That he and Ser Criston were just play fighting like you two do sometimes.
Once he was close enough to touch, you holded his biceps and began to scent him, looking for injuries with a worried expression. And even if the situation was the worse, he could not stop himself from melting inside with your concern.
When you didn’t find any injuries, you hugged him. He hugged you back, cooing and caressing your neck and back. Reassuring you that everything was ok.
Actually it wasn’t. A lot of people saw what you did and found out that you are not human. Surely the word would spread quickly and his mother and grandfather would be mad. But he would take care of everything. You are worth it.
                          •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Tag list:
@dragonride-rs @dothrckis @risaru @omgsuperstarg @bbyaemond @witch-of-letters @chevelledahuman @xcharlottemikaelsonx @oo0lady-mad0oo @zafirina12 @lazypinkpig @theunyieldingsword @pinkyfingy @fallingleaves678 @hi-im-fan-trash @omega-horus @uselessbutinteresting @alysinwonderland-at-tea @ihatepeez @rntrsna @mouseymagines @t4medicroe @juneisreading @mistalli @kaicyl @nex-crowley @moni-cah @universal-chaos-theory @freelyunlikelykingdom @may-machin @rosaryos
Click on the tag below to see more of my Aemond Targaryen x Dragon!Reader works!
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cosmiclion · 7 months
Not even two weeks in and I already turned them into furries. And no, I'm not the tiniest bit sorry for putting this on y'all's dash ✌️
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A few notes:
-Tbh I didn't put that much thought into choosing the animals, I just did some research on the species from the character's countries (minus for Yurio lmao) and chose the ones that felt more like them to me, if that makes sense. -Yuuri was a Japanese river otter up until the very last minute but then I saw the tanuki and couldn't resist its cute lil face, plus I like how the species name rhymes with his last name. -At first I tried to give them hair like their human counterparts, but no matter how I drew it it just looked weird, I don't know how other furry artists do it 😭 So instead I opted for trying to capture their overall vibe, it was a bit hard bc for example I know a key element of Victor and Yurio's designs is the bangs that cover one of their eyes but I hope I more or less nailed it lol. -I don't care if Yurio would be an adult by now and isn't even that much younger than me, he's still my little meow meow 💛
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quintessencewrites · 2 years
Finally ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
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“Remember that promise I made you?”
Riri nods, hands running through Shuri’s curls, lips tucked between her teeth in excitement. 
“I’m ready to act on it.”
Warnings: Angst, happy ending, fluff, explicit language, mention of death, character death (yours)
Word Count: 2.9k+
Tags: @percsane @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @6-noir @kya-rose @saintwrld @someshuriposts @jessiap @ilikegecos @iiluvl4n @katymae12344 @shurismainbxtch @crookedsaladlover @motheroffae
A/N: this was requested forever ago and I finally got to it lol
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Nothingness. It was a beautifully twisted paradox. Chaotic and serene. You could feel your chest retract each time Shuri pushed down on it. Her lips each time they touched yours. Never would you have imagined this would be your first kiss. 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. 
Shuri was no psychic, though her thoughts mirrored yours. 
Your first kiss. Except it shouldn’t be on the floor of the Royal Talon Fighter. She shouldn’t be screaming. You shouldn’t be bleeding; unconscious. She shouldn’t be performing CPR through each kiss. Your heart should be beating.
It wasn’t. It hadn’t been for a minute now. A full minute. 60 fucking seconds. Shuri was counting them in her head and the higher the number got, the harder she pumped. The beads that lay on your chest glowed red through each shock they administered to your nervous system. 
Okoye sat back, heart-shattering because yours wouldn’t start. Ayo piloted, shaken from the sudden change in the day’s events.  Shuri hadn’t even retracted her panther mask before she began her life-saving attempts. 
Her tears were streaming, gasps raging. “Come on, y/n.”
Aneka couldn’t move from her spot on the floor, covered in blood that had begun to dry. She didn’t know how much of it was yours. Too much was all she could determine. 
Shuri was livid. How could you? How fucking dare you? You were trained, you were experienced. In terms of skill, wit, fucking stealth, you were better than even Okoye herself.
You weren’t even supposed to be on this mission. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. A simple trip to the States, there and back. Steal the vibranium that they extracted from the Wakandan artifacts in their museums, and get back, undetected. Okoye and a handful of Dora could handle it. Hell, Shuri didn’t even need to be there. 
You were supposed to be retired. Or on the path to retiring. “One last ‘hoo-rah’”. That’s what you promised. One more mission and then you were done. You’d settle down and stay in Wakanda, maybe even find love. 
“Absolutely not. Y/n, it’s not even a real mission. I don’t need to send Okoye, let alone you.” Shuri wasn’t having it. You were going to go over there and never return; she was sure of it. The States was home for you. This was your ticket back.
Except it wasn’t. You’d left home long ago and you always reminded Shuri that you left for a reason. Your parents always crushed you under a mountain of pressure. The military did the same, expecting things from you that you were unable to continue to deliver. But they trained you until you were training yourself. The U.S. government never expected to build a super soldier, minus the serum. They used you, ran you dry, wringing out every last drop. 
“Bring us the college student. The one who built the Vibranium detector.” That was your last mission. Collecting a kid not much older than yourself. You were expected to do what an entire task force couldn’t. 
“Dead or alive?”
“You choose.”
You would’ve done it. You had done it, so many times before, without batting an eye. 
So why the hell did this college kid have another effect on you? Why couldn’t you bring yourself to snatch her the same way you had with prime ministers and dictators? 
Why did her smile flood your stomach with butterflies? Why did her presence fill you with joy? Why did you find yourself enjoying portraying a college student? With her?
And why, oh why, did you not come to your senses when the Wakandans came for her? 
Instead, you planted your feet in front of her, fighting stance ready, when Okoye emerged from the bathroom, spear drawn. 
That’s when you realized.
The alliance you once had with your country had dissipated. 
So no one was surprised when you stayed in Wakanda after playing a big part in defeating the Talokan. No, you didn’t have a suit made of iron or an ensemble decked out in Vibranium, but, with armor crafted by the Princess Queen herself, your fight and drive made many Wakandans proud. 
No one was surprised when you and the Iron Heart and the Black Panther grew close. It felt like feelings had developed all around. You knew how you felt about Riri; it was the same way you’d felt since the beginning. And you were sure, so sure, that they felt the same about you. 
You, however, were surprised when the two of them became official… Without you.
“Griot, page me into the lab. Ayo! Faster!”
Her biceps burned and underneath the mask, sweat and tears mixed. The exhaustion in her muscles goes ignored. She had to get you back.
“At once, Your Majesty.”
“Clear the lab! Riri, you in there?”
Ri is shocked to hear Shuri’s voice ringing out in the big space. The tools that were in her hands are discarded on the table instead. The young royal failed miserably at hiding her panic and it consumed Riri like a virus. “Y’all heard her! Get out! Y-yeah, ma. I’m here. What’s up?”
Shuri’s voice strained each time she pumped your sternum. “I need my space set up. I don’t know the extent of the injuries yet, but she took a hard blow to the chest. Deep laceration to the upper left bicep. Deep enough to see bone; it’ll need stitches for sure. Unconscious and unresponsive. Been performing CPR for-” She breaks away to retrace the seconds in her head. How long had it been? “-three minutes now. Mouth-to-mouth in between sets. Griot, how long before we arrive?”
“About 30 seconds, Your Majesty.”
“Too long, that’s too long,” Shuri muttered under her breath through gritted teeth. 
Riri jumped into action, grabbing tools from here and there, mimicking the setup a surgeon would have. “Wh-who got hurt? Shuri?”
The Queen almost can’t bring herself to say your name. You used to introduce yourself so proudly. You should be the one saying it now; what if she never heard you say it again?
“Y/n,” it came out stuttered and whispered. She half hoped that you’d hear her call you and wake up.
“Y/n? Our y/n?” Riri found herself frozen. It couldn’t be. Must’ve been a different y/n. Her y/n, their y/n, wasn’t careless enough to get hurt. She’d be on her toes and come back in here cocky with a big head and tales to tell. So for you to not even be breathing…
The Royal Fighter landed and Shuri emerged, your body laying in her arms bridal style. She’d dreamt of carrying you this way, but not like this.
She could barely lay you on the table before Riri was by your side. “Our y/n?”
“She isn’t ours, Riri.”
Tears swam in the smaller girl’s gaze. “She might as fucking well be, Shuri! Wh-what the hell happened? Why is she hurt, why isn’t she-” Sobs broke off the end of her sentence. 
Okoye’s gaze was on the ground as she approached. Aneka and Ayo followed closely behind and when Riri caught sight of Aneka’s blood-stained attire, she lost her mind a little more. “Aneka! Are you okay?”
Aneka’s head hung. How was she to tell Riri that this wasn’t her blood?
She didn’t have to. Riri looked at Aneka avoiding her eyes and slowly turned back to you. “No,” her beautiful face formed such a frown. Her eyebrows were set deep, her tears streaming now. “No, no,” her steps staggered as she walked back to you.
You could hear them all. You felt every touch, every grab, every sting. You wanted to grab Riri, hold and console her. You screamed at your limbs to move, but they wouldn’t. You wanted to kiss Shuri, a real kiss. You wanted to plant kisses all across her marble-etched face. 
Riri was hysterical and Shuri was growing close. The kimoyo bracelet on your chest administered one more shock. They glowed a deep red and Riri screamed. “Griot, what are her vitals?”
The AI stayed silent.  
“Get her out,” Shuri instructed, turning her back to a weeping Riri and reaching for the tools beside her.  
“Shuri, no! No! I’m staying.”
A shaky deep breath filled Shuri’s lungs as she turned to grab Riri’s face. “I need you to go.”
“That’s our girl, Shuri! I’m not going anywhere.”
“She isn’t ours, Riri!” Shuri’s voice finally broke. “Sh-she’s not ours-”
“But we want her to be! We waited, we hesitated, Shuri, and now we might not get the chance-”
In the background, the beads on your bare chest shocked you again. Everyone turned, expecting the red glow to return. Instead, it was a faint green. 
“Y/n’s heart rate is 6 bpm. Oxygen levels are 67%. Her blood pressure is 64/40,” Griot finally rings out at your signs of life. 
You’re begging your eyes to open. Every ache you couldn’t feel before makes itself known now. You’re able to groan in pain, but nothing more. 
Shuri and Riri freeze. “Did she just-” Riri gets ready to step to you, unsure if the noise you just made was true or in her head. 
Shuri pulls Riri close, unable to pull her eyes away from you. “Ri, please. I need you to go.”
If Riri were to see the intensity of the wound on your arm, Shuri was sure she’d be inconsolable. 
“Shuri, I’m not-”
“Please,” Shuri grabs Riri’s face harder, forcing their gazes together. “I’m going to save her. I promise you. Then we’ll make her ours, okay? But I need you to go. I don’t want you to see her like this, sthandwa sam.”
Hesitation wraps Riri in a too-tight hug, but she trusts Shuri. “Okay,” she whispers. “Okay.” She heads toward the exit, mind still racing. Shuri uses her eyes to dismiss Okoye and the couple before turning back to you with a deep breath. 
“Alright, y/n. Come back to me, my love.”
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You take your sweet time finally coming to. Riri’s tears lull her to sleep and Shuri stands on the balcony of the throne room, thoughts consuming her. She did everything she could and still, it didn’t feel like enough. 
She jumps at the feel of a light touch on her lower back. She turns around, expecting Riri, but is met with your eyes instead. So many emotions overtake her. “Y/n!” She wants to hug you hard, euphoria swimming through her. You’re up, standing, walking, giving her a sheepish grin.  
She wants to hit you because you’re standing and walking. Because you inserted yourself in a dangerous situation and got careless. 
“Why are you up? Let’s get back to the lab, sthandwa. You should be laying down!”
A deep chuckle rings from you and Shuri blushes a deep, dark red at the sound. “Shuri, I’m fine. I had the best doctor in the country.”
Her smile mirrors yours. “Where’s Ri?” You continue, leaning on the balcony, soaking in the Wakandan sunset. 
“She’s asleep. She’ll be very excited to see you conscious, though you should probably sit down before she makes you.”
Mm, you hum with a small laugh. Shuri steps closer to you, her arm brushing against your uninjured one. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m okay. Got a lot of thoughts swimming around in this big ass head of mine.”
“Clearly not enough. What the hell, y/n?”
Your head hung and Shuri’s question goes unanswered, though you were sure it was rhetorical anyway. 
She grabs your hand and forces you to look at her. “You died, y/n.”
“I know.”
“You stopped breathing.”
“I know.”
“You had me terrified; had Riri hysterical.”
“I know, Shuri.”
“I had to pump your heart back to life and I thought it wasn’t working-”
“I know, Shuri. I know. I’m done, okay? I’m giving it up.”
“That’s what you said before you wanted to joyride along on this mission.”
“I mean it this time,” You couldn’t ignore the tears in her eyes. “I’ve come close to death before, Shuri. But I’ve never died. I’m done with the game.”
“You’re retiring?” Shuri looked hopeful. She could keep you safe if you stopped running around like a damn vigilante. 
“I’m retiring.”
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You were so fucking bored. How many times were you going to trek around the lab and through the palace before it became routine?  
“Ri, can we go to the market today?”
Riri sat beside you in the big bed, playing with your hands absentmindedly. “Nah, ma. You need to heal before you start trying to walk that far in that heat.”
The sound your lips made when they sucked your teeth was audible. “Imma go ask Shuri then.”
“She gonna tell you the same thing I just did,” she responded. She stood to follow you, though. She’d become your shadow, tracing every step you took. 
“We’ll see.”
“Y/n and Princess Riri are entering the lab,” Griot announced upon your arrival. 
“Why don’t I get to be Princess too?”
Riri laughs at your question and Shuri’s voice rings out. “Hi, sthandwas,” she greets Riri with a kiss on her cheek. Her lips meet your forehead and your cheeks warm up at an action that you should be used to by now. 
“Would you like to join us in the market, My Queen?” Your voice is sickly sweet and Shuri isn’t stupid. The use of her royal title just oozes with your want. 
“Did Riri tell you that you couldn’t go?” Shuri chuckles, pulling her eyes away from you and placing them back on her work.
“She might’ve-” Riri’s brows raise at your half-truth.
“We can go. Go get dressed, sthandwa.”
You almost jump with excitement but the pain in your shoulder reminds you not to. While you rush back to the guest room you’d taken up, Riri turns to Shuri in disbelief. 
“Shuri, what the hell?”
She pulls Riri to her, wrapping her arms around the girl’s legs and resting her head on her stomach before looking up.
“Remember that promise I made you?”
Riri nods, hands running through Shuri’s curls, lips tucked between her teeth in excitement. 
“I’m ready to act on it.”
The market isn’t nearly as crowded as it usually is. Riri’s hand intertwines with yours, swinging with your steps while Shuri stands to your opposite side, careful not to graze your still-healing arm. Several steps behind, Ayo and Aneka act as guards whilst enjoying their own stroll.
The walk is quiet and your steps are slow. Every table you come across, you head to with wide, excited eyes. Every trinket brushes your fingertips as you take in the Wakandan day that you’ve grown to enjoy so much. 
“Y/n,” Shuri calls out to you, drawing your attention away from the merchant you’d struck up in conversation. 
You turn and her hand is reached out to you. “Tell me something, sthandwa.” Riri’s still got your other hand tight in her grasp as Shuri takes hold of the other one. “What’s up, Shuri?”
“While you were unconscious, how much were you aware of?”
“What do you mean?”
Shuri takes a deep breath. It’s as if going back to that day is harder for her than it is for you. “What did you feel? What’d you hear?”
“I could feel you doing those chest compressions. I heard you screaming; I think I heard everyone screaming.”
Shuri nods and Riri squeezes your hand tighter. “What else?” Shuri already knew. If you’d heard that much, you’d heard the rest. 
“I felt you gave me mouth-to-mouth. I tried to wake up, but I couldn’t. I just felt everything hurting bad.”
Mhm, Shuri hums. Her hand releases yours and grazes your cheek. “Mouth-to-mouth isn’t a true kiss, y/n. I’d like to give you a real kiss if that’s okay.”
Your breathing gets stuck in your chest. Riri laughs at your mouth gaping, like a fish out of water. “You gonna answer, y/n, baby?”
Your nod is enough of a yes for the Queen and she closes the gap between you two with a tender kiss to your lips that doesn’t last nearly as long as you want. 
“You died y/n,” she whispers when she pulls away. “You died and I lost you. And I never want to lose you again. Or almost lose you, or anything in between.”
“Ri kept calling you ours that day and I kept denying her. I didn’t think you were. I was too afraid to put myself out there or put my feelings into the open.”
She has you hypnotized, unable to pull away from her gaze, from her words. “I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I don’t want to keep correcting Ri. In fact, I’d like for her to be right. I’d like for you to be ours.”
Words have escaped you. Shuri awaits your answer, resting her forehead against yours. Her perfectly sculpted brow arches into a question mark. “Well?” 
Again, a nod is the only thing that you can give in response. A big, stupid grin spreads across Shuri’s face and she pulls you in for another kiss, a longer kiss. 
Riri is giddy, bouncing next to you, squeezing the feeling out of your hand. “Finally,” her laughter is music to your ears. “My turn,” she pulls your face free from Shuri’s lips and replaces them with her own. 
“Fucking finally,” you whisper as you melt into her touch. 
Fucking finally.
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tyrian-witch · 22 days
In This World of My Own | Chapter Three: One New Message
(Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader)
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Yay! New chapter! Finally, it took me so long (aka a month long) but here it is! A little anxious about my writing still, as well as writing Steve’s character, but overall I’m putting myself out there, along with my work. Anyhow, enjoy! Also, fun fact: one of the scenes with Ozart is kind of what gave me some inspiration for this chapter. (My cat Biscuit is the inspiration in question. In other words, this actually happened, minus a speeding car… that’s all I will say.)
Warnings: some swearing (reader mostly swears lol), a tiny mention of blood (it’s just a scratch, really) some overthinking on reader’s end. Also, she's low-key high-key socially awkward. That’s pretty much it :}
Word count: don’t know, don’t really care 🤷🏻
masterlist • previous part
No work on Saturday meant you had no reason to get up early. You saw your mom briefly this morning before she left to run errands for the day, leaving you home alone with Ozart. You ended up watching Halloween last night when you made it home, and to wash away the creepiness of the film, you now sat with a bowl of cereal in your hands while watching Saturday morning cartoons. Your mind wanders back to the night before, giving Steve your number replays over and over.
Should I have done that? you ask yourself. Probably wasn’t a good idea, he should have given me his number instead. If he wanted to, he would have.
You cringe at the thought, putting your head in your hands.
“Ugh, god why did I do that!?” you groan.
Ozart steps into your lap, nuzzling his little face against your arms.
You give him a little kiss and scratch his head, making him purr. “Hey buddy.”
Eating your cereal, you continue watching whatever cartoon is playing, occasionally petting Ozart, who now is asleep in your lap. You enjoy moments like these, with hardly anything able to disrupt it.
After 20 minutes of just sitting there with numb legs, you decide to take a stretch.
“Hey, let’s take you outside for a bit,” you say sweetly. He makes a little sound in response. “Yeah? Let’s go.”
With Ozart in his red harness, you stood outside on your front lawn, leaving the front door semi-open. He stays close to you. He’s a bit skittish, so you take baby steps with him, slowly walking on the grass. He sniffs it, investigating every bit of earth surrounding him.
Another cloudy autumn day dawned over Hawkins, and this time it was just a bit chillier than it had been lately.
Ozart continues with his inspection as you stand patiently, watching him. You wrap your house coat impossibly tighter around you, feeling the cold sinking in.
“H-hey, we should go back inside soon, bud,” you say through chattering teeth.
He looks up at you with beady eyes and meows, throwing himself on the ground, exposing his tummy.
“Cutie pie. C’mon, we should go.”
In the near distance, you hear the roaring sound of a car engine. Instantly, you reach to pick the cat up, holding him close to you; you can see the alertness set in his eyes, ears back.
“It’s okay,” you coo. “We’re going in.”
At that moment, the car speeds down the street, the booming sound of the engine causing Ozart to attempt to free himself from your hold.
“Nonono- ah, shit!” You hiss, dropping him as he makes a beeline for the open door. You look at the palm of your hand, a pained, wheezing groan leaving your lips. He’s left a scratch on your left hand, starting from the inner side of your thumb, down to the middle bottom section of your palm, a curved line that was now starting to bleed. “Fuckin’ assholes, speeding’ all over the damn place.”
After tending to your wound and bandaging it up with gauze, you lay on your side, under your cozy duvet to warm up, staring at the telephone on your nightstand - Ozart lays at the foot of your bed asleep It was 12:03 pm, and your mind wandered back once again to yesterday.
Maybe he’s working today and I could see- no, just- just don’t do that. I could call- no, I don’t even have his number, idiot. What the hell am I thinking?
"Screw it, I need'a clear my head," you mumble to yourself. "Be back soon, bud."
“She gave you her number and you didn’t think to give her yours??” It was Robin’s voice, and she could not believe her ears.
“Well- yeah, I wasn’t expecting it!” Steve was pacing in his room while he held the receiver in one hand and the telephone in the other. “I guess I didn’t know what to say, it’s like my whole mojo just- disappeared-”
“Well call her, you moron!”
“What if she doesn’t pick up?” he asks, uncertain.
“If she doesn’t, just try again later or something. She seems really nice. You have a chance, I can feel it, just don’t blow it!” his friend encourages on the other end of the line. “Besides, how will you know if you don’t try?”
“Okay, fair enough. Lemme call you back.”
The phone rings in your room, but the only one there is Ozart, still asleep in your bed.
“Hey, this is Y/n. You know what to do.” Beep!
Steve stood very still in his room, the only audible thing was his breathing. “Uh… oh! Hi! This is Steve- from-from- from yesterday, from Family Video- or- the cafe-” he stammers.
Get it together, man.
“You gave me your number. Uh… anyways I wanted to call you but I didn’t know if you’d answer. If you’re not busy sometime, my offer still stands if you wanted to hang out. Uh, whenever you’re free! Or- yeah.”
He cringes at his own words. “Bye!” He hangs up.
Sighing, he dials Robin’s number again.
In no time, she’s picking up.
“So, did she answer?” Her voice is eager on the other end.
“No,” he sighs.
“Well, damn. She might be busy, ya never know.”
Bike rides were your way of clearing your mind, with the additional help of music, but today you couldn’t properly focus with the sound of Queen playing over your speakers.
So instead, you rode in silence, small backpack in the basket of your bike, with a sketchbook and pencil case inside.
You exhale softly, closing your eyes as you breathe in the cool autumn air.
“See,” you say to yourself, “this is why I don’t bother with people. This is exactly why.”
You were coming up on Main Street now, your eye on a little bakery up past the grocery store. You figure you’ll check it out, maybe stop for a bite to eat. Maybe it will ease your mind a bit, stop you from cringing at yesterday’s interaction.
“I’ll take a small chilli and a brioche bun to go, please.”
You stood at the till and ordered your choice of food, the lady at the front nodding and confirming your order.
“Here’s your number,” she says, handing you the small receipt.
Mumbling a ‘thanks,’ you take it and wait patiently, looking around the store. You notice how colourful the inside is with all the pastries and sweets on display, looking almost unreal, their textures just out of reach. You could buy all of them if you had the money.
Ha, imagine that.
Humming a random tune, your eyes wander out the window, and something catches your eye; a maroon BMW across the street. You had noticed it yesterday in the parking lot of Family Video. You could only assume who the owner of the car is.
Is that… no. No way, no. It’s not. It’s whatever.
Feeling suddenly nervous, you turn back around, just in time as the lady serves you your takeout lunch. Thanking her again, you walk out the bakery a little fast, making a beeline towards your bike, You stick your food in the basket and book it out of Main Street, in the opposite direction of the BMW.
Army dreamers
Mammy’s hero
The sun peeked out, the afternoon sky shining in the slightest; you cruise onto a clear, empty path, with a playground in the far distance. The sounds of Kate Bush fills your ears while the outside noise of tweeting birds roam the air.
Our little army boy
Is coming home from B.F.P.O.
I’ve a bunch of purple flowers
To decorate a mammy’s hero
Mourning in the aerodrome
The weather warm, he is colder
Four men in uniform
To carry home my little soldier
You mumble along, now nearing closer to the park. “What could he do, shoulda been a rockstar.”
But he didn’t have the money for a guitar
“What could he do, shoulda been a politician.”
But he never had a proper education
Parking your bike next to a bench, you hop off, lunch in hand now; you carry on with your mumble-singing. “What he could he do, shoulda been a father.”
But he never even made it to his twenties
What a waste
Army dreamers
Oh, what a waste of
Army dreamers
You let the rest of the song play.
Eating your still warm food, you watch a group of ducks swimming in a little pond about a few feet away from the playground. The scene makes you smile.
Getting up, you decide to take half a piece of your brioche bun and slowly make your way over to where the little duck family is relaxing.
"Hey, little guys," you whisper, slowly breaking off the pieces of bread. "I probably shouldn't do this. You hungry?"
The ducks waddle their way over to you, feathered tails wagging while they quack in interest.
You squat down to their level, leaving breadcrumbs their way. "Have some, don't be shy. I should be okay. Don't think I'll get in trouble... I hope not."
"I won't tell anyone," a voice says from behind.
Startled, you try to quickly turn around to see who said that, but you fall flat on your back, followed by a thump.
"Jesus, are you okay?"
Squinting one eye closed, you look up and the one standing before you is none other than Steve Harrington, holding his hand out now for you to take.
"Oh god, uh- y-yeah, I'm good," you mumble.
"Here, lemme help you up," he coaxes.
Taking your right hand, he lifts you up with ease.
"You okay?" he asks a second time, for good measure.
You nod, your shock from before dissipating. “What are you- what are you doing? Here? What are you doing here?” you ask him.
He shoves his hands in his pockets and looks down at his feet. “I was, uh- I called you but-”
“Oh, you did?”
“Yeah but I guess you weren’t home and I thought I’d go out for a drive or something-”
“I’m so sorry, I-”
His head shoots up. “No, don’t be it’s okay! I saw you on Main Street, and-”
Your brows furrow at that. “Did you follow me?”
His eyes widen at your insinuation. “Nonono, I didn’t follow you, I swear.”
“You didn’t??”
“No, but I do come around here sometimes,” he admits. “I swear, I would never- I’m not a creepy stalker or anything, I promise.”
“Well… you said it, not me.”
He freezes momentarily.
That’s when you crack a smile. “I’m kidding. You’re good.”
He runs a hand through his hair and laughs. “Okay, whew! You scared me for a second.”
“You scared me!”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Now he’s smiling sheepishly.
“You’re forgiven,” you tell him with a shrug. You leave the rest of the bread for the ducks and make your way back to where you were sitting before. Steve doesn’t miss a beat and catches up with you.
“So, what are you doing here?” he says.
“Uh, well I didn’t know what to do today, I guess. I figured a little field trip to the park would be a good idea, y’know? Have a bite to eat, somethin’ like that.” You’re sitting down again, scooping bites of your semi-warm chilli. The boy doesn’t hesitate to sit next to you.
He looks at your left hand where the gauze wrap is - concern crossing his features as he points it out. “What happened here?”
“Oh, this?” your mouth is full of food. You put a hand to your mouth so you can finish chewing. As you’re swallowing, you’re waving a hand before talking again. “This is nothing, don’t worry.”
“You sure about that?” he raises a brow.
“Yeah no, it was just my cat,” you tell him nonchalantly.
“You have a cat??”
Boy, he sure asks a lotta questions.
“Yes, I have a cat. Wanna see? Here.” You fish through your backpack until you pick out your wallet. “This,” you say, taking out some Polaroid pictures, “is Ozart!”
He carefully takes the small collection of pictures from your hands and looks through each of them. One was a picture of Ozart sleeping, another one of him laying on his back with his back paws curled, and another of him looking like a loaf of bread. “Oh! Oh, he’s so cute!”
“I know right! He’s my little baby.” Beaming, you resume finishing your lunch.
“What did he do to hurt you?” he asks as he hands back the pictures to you.
Your brows pinch together while you chew. “Some asshole sped down the street while we were outside and I was carrying him. Poor thing got so scared.”
“Oh, well that’s a total dick move,” his tone was disapproving, showing he agreed with your sentiment. How could he not?
“Anyways it’s fine. Shit like that happens all the time,” you tell him matter-of-factly, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“What, having assholes speed down the street?”
“No, getting scratched by Ozart.”
“That’s not normal, is it?”
“For me it is, look.” You roll up your sleeves and display your faded scars from your cat, showing them off like prized trophies. “This is fine.”
“Uh- wow,” his face says it all, looking shocked. “That is so not normal.”
“Eh, for me it is. Only if you have a cat, then you’ll know. I wear these scars proudly,” you say triumphantly.
“I- ok, that’s-” he shakes his head in disbelief, “Jesus, okay.”
You squint your eyes at him. “What, you don’t like cats?”
“No- no, I do!” he defends quickly. “I’ve never had one before.”
“Damn. That’s too bad. Maybe you can meet Ozart one day.” You smile.
He sighs in relief when he sees your expression, and smiles back. “Yeah? That’d be cool.”
The two of you stayed there for a little while, asking each other questions and getting to know each other. You asked him about what Hawkins was like, about the rumours you had heard about it being “cursed,” and him saying something about how “it has its history”. In return, he asked about where you used to live. You tell him you and your mom moved from Detroit, about what it was like. He presses with another question:
“What do you think about Hawkins?"
You think about your answer for a moment before shrugging. "This place seems… chill for the most part.”
He chuckles at that. “Chill. Yeah, totally chill.”
You smile. "Yeah, I mean it's okay. The kids at school tend to stare a lot, though which is kind of annoying?"
Steve frowns when you say that. "Why, have they been giving you any trouble?"
"Oh! No, no, nothing like that. I guess the only do it cause I’m new, which, admittedly is a bit uncomfortable. It’s whatever.”
“Well, if anyone does bother you, just let me know.” His words are full of certainty when he says it. It invites you to trust him a little.
You duck your head to hide your bashfulness before looking back up to meet his eyes. “All right then, I guess I will.”
“Cool.” He smiles kindly at you.
After few minutes of sitting in silence and watching the ducks waddle around the pond, you speak up again. “I should probably head home soon. I don’t want Ozart to get all worried.”
Steve lets out an amused laugh. “Hey, uh before you leave,” he says, reaching into the pocket of his jacket, “lemme give you this.” He hands you a slip of paper with his number on it.
Your eyes light up a bit, a blush creeping on your face. “Oh! Uh- cool. Cool cool,” you try to act nonchalant. “Thanks. Maybe I’ll give you a call.”
“Yeah, you should,” he’s almost teasing you.
“Again, sorry I missed your call.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” He’s genuine when he says it. “See you around, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you tell him. “See ya.”
As you’re taking your leave, you turn around to send him a wave goodbye and he smiles, doing a call motion. He’s telling you ‘call me.’ You roll your eyes playfully, smiling back at him and then you’re gone again on your bike.
“I’m getting back into it I think,” Steve says to Robin later when he’s organizing the newly released films. It’s 3 pm when the afternoon starts to dull the sky, all grey and cloudy.
“I’m not following,” she admits.
“Y/n, I saw her today!”
“Ooh! You did?”
“Yeah, it’s funny cause you were right - she was busy, and I saw her at the park where the duck pond is and-”
“You didn’t stalk her, did you?” Robin laughs.
He scoffs at her accusation and glares. “No. Funny enough she said the same thing. But anyways! I gave her my number this time and get this: she took it, and she didn’t like- act weird about it.”
“You’re finally taking my advice and not throwing yourself at the ladies like an idiot,” she beams playfully. “You’re not being weird.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say, Buckley.”
“Any time dingus!”
The rest of your day had ended up being busy when your mom came home and announced that a grocery shopping spree was much needed, and so was your help.
So your chill Saturday turned into a busy one; now it’s 9 pm and you check the telephone on your nightstand.
“You have one new message,” says the voice of a robotic woman, followed by a ‘beep!’ That’s when you hear his voice.
“Uh… oh! Hi! This is Steve- from-from- from yesterday, from Family Video- or- the cafe-”
You chuckle when he stutters over his words. You think it’s kind of funny… and- cute?
“You gave me your number. Uh… anyways I wanted to call you but I didn’t know if you’d answer. If you’re not busy sometime, my offer still stands if you wanted to hang out. Uh, whenever you’re free! Or- yeah. Bye!”
“Poor guy sounded so nervous,” you say to yourself, dialling his number into the machine now. You stay where you’re sitting on your bed, listening to the receiver ring once, twice, three times. It goes to voicemail.
“Hey, it’s Steve, leave a message.” Beep!
You sit in silence for a moment when you realize you’re meant to talk. “Oh! Hey, it’s me. I finally listened to your message, and now I can actually call you, except now you’re busy,” you say through a soft laugh. “Uh, today was unexpected but also pretty neat. I am free any day, except Wednesday and Thursday but other than that, I’m good. And yes, I accept your offer, Steve. I’d love to hang out with you-” you pause. Love? Okay, just pump the breaks, chill out.
“Anyhow, yeah just gimme a call and I’ll be sure to answer this time,” you say quickly. “Talk later,” and then you hang up.
You fall back onto your bed and look up at the ceiling. “Why am I so weird?”
Fidgeting with a rubber ball in your hand, you toss it up at the ceiling and catch it a few times, doing so out of boredom. After a few minutes, you stop.
Blowing raspberries, you turn over to see Ozart grooming himself. “Hey buddy,” you scratch his little head. As you’re gently petting him, the blaring sound of the phone ringing jolts you out of your peaceful absentmindedness. You reach for the receiver and answer. “Hello?”
You hear shuffling on the other end before someone speaks. “Oh! Hey Y/n!”
You recognize his voice. “Oh! Steve, hi! I thought you’d be… busy?” you say, almost uncertain.
“Uh, yeah no I just got home from work, actually,” he says.
“Ohh I see. That’s good, that’s good.” You play with the curly cord between your fingers. “I’m guessing you got my message?”
He smiles when he hears your soft laughter on the other end. “I did,” he tells you, “and I know for sure you got mine.”
“Yep, yep definitely.”
“Ssso,” he begins, “when would you wanna hang out again?” He felt nervous asking you to see each other a second time, but he’s unaware that you’re genuinely interested and not like the other girls he’s attempted to get to know and then fail so miserably.
“Well, besides watching cartoons every weekend first thing in the morning and spending time with my cat, aka my only friend, I am very much free. We can easily hang out tomorrow.”
“…if you want,” you added.
“I- y-yeah! No, totally! Tomorrow is good!” he says quickly. “Uh, what do you wanna do?”
“Hm…” you contemplate his question. “Well… if you want to be on my short list of friends, you can get me out of the house with food,” you suggest playfully.
His eyebrows shoot up, a giddy expression crossing his face. “In that case, there’s a really good diner across town?” he offers, almost like a question. You can’t see it, but he’s crossing his fingers.
“Ooh! A diner? Count me in,” you lay back on your bed with the phone still in your hand. You sound so excited, he can’t help but smile at how cute you’re being.
“What time should we go?”
“Lunch time is perfect. What say you, stalker?”
“Lunch it is!” he exclaims. “And don’t call me a stalker, I promise I didn’t follow you today.”
“Hmm, weeeell too bad, that’s your new name,” you tell the boy, your teasing tone making him smile fondly on the other end.
He laughs in disbelief, shaking his head at your antics. “Sure whatever you say, cat girl.”
You roll your eyes. “Are you suggesting I’m a cat girl simply because I own a cat and stay indoors?”
“I mean… you don’t get out much, you must be a true, stay-at-home cat girl.”
“If you tried to insult me, it backfired because I will now wear that name like a badge of honour.”
Jesus, this girl’s hilarious, Steve thinks to himself.
A beat of silence.
“Ssssooo…” his voice buzzes through your ears, “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow…” Steve had meant to sound more confident than unsure of himself.
The way he says it has you feeling somehow… giddy? Is that the word to describe how you’re feeling?
You bite your lip and smile. “Yeah of course. Tomorrow noon,” you confirm.
Now it’s him who’s smiling like a kid on Christmas morning. “Yep, exactomundo, you got it!” He hears you giggling.
“Perfect then.”
“Oh! Before I let you go, where do you live?”
“Mmmm- whyyy…?”
“So I can pick you up, duh.”
You’re not sure why those words make your stomach do a bunch of backflips. Your heart beats fast at the thought of tomorrow’s outing. A guy, who you just met, and who also happens to be cute slash insanely handsome (question mark), wants to hang out with you. It’s not a date, though. Just a bite to eat, that’s all.
A bite to eat with a pretty cute guy.
You’ve got to ease the butterflies somehow.
“Are you sure it’s not because you’re a stalker?” you poke at him. “You totally plan on stalking me, don’t you?”
“I- no! I did not stalk you, okay?” He’s baffled, but it hasn’t occurred to him yet that you’re just playing. Just give him a moment to catch on. “I-”
“Lemme guess: you just so happened to go to the same park? It doesn’t help your case when you snuck up on me-”
“I’m allowed to go to the park,” he grumbles.
“Never pegged you as the type to go to the park.”
“Well, it’s a small town, so…”
“Yep, no, nooo for sure.” You cover your mouth to stifle the laughter that threats to spill through.
A few seconds of silence pass before Steve’s voice rings through the speakers again.
“You’re pulling my leg here, aren’t you?” he deadpans.
“Noooooo… maybeeee?” You can’t help but laugh now. It blares through his end of the line, unaware of the way it’s slowly altering his brain chemistry.
A fond scoff escapes him. “Okay, but seriously, where do you live.”
You give yourself a moment to calm down before speaking again.
“I live at 616 Old Cherry Road,” you finally tell him.
“See? Wasn’t so hard, was it?” he teases.
You mock his words childishly. “Yeah, yeah, get your yucks in now, buddy.”
The boy chuckles at your behaviour. “All right then, get your sleep, yeah? See ya tomorrow.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow, stalker.”
Once the goodbyes were exchanged, you hang up and find yourself falling on your back, landing on the softness of your duvet. Sighing to yourself, you can’t help but ask:
“What the hell is happening?”
➤ next part coming soon
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