#minnie flipped a coin
lulublack90 · 7 days
Prompt 18 - Saltwater
@wolfstarmicrofic June 18, word count 623
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“Today I’m splitting you four up. Black, Pettigrew, you will be on toilet cleaning duty. I expect every cabin to be spotless. I will be inspecting.” McGonagall pushed rubber gloves into Sirius and Peter’s hands as well as a caddy with cleaning supplies. “Potter and Lupin, you will be helping Irma in the library to rescan the books into the new system.” 
“Wait, how come James and Remus get the good job, and I’m stuck cleaning toilets?” Peter protested. 
“I flipped a coin, Mr Pettigrew,” Minerva said simply. “If you are finished before lunchtime you may join the rest of the campers at the lake on the inflatables,” She turned and walked away, leaving them to their chores. Peter was still grumbling under his breath, but Sirius stepped forward and kissed Remus on the lips gently before grabbing Peter and dragging him to the first cabin. 
Remus and James made their way over to the library.
“Getting pretty serious then?” James teased him, poking him in the side with his finger. Remus jumped out of his reach. 
“I don’t know. He’s the first boyfriend I’ve ever had. It's all very new for me,” He confessed to James, chewing on his lip. 
“Boyfriend?!” James choked. Remus felt his stomach drop. “Did he actually tell you that?” 
“Er, erm—No, I just—I don’t—Erm.” Remus started panicking. He’d just assumed that they were going out. He was such an idiot. 
They entered the cool, quiet library and listened to Ms. Pince’s instructions on how to scan and reshelve the books. Remus was quiet while he worked. James kept trying to get him to talk, but he just nodded and walked away to reshelve the book he’d just scanned. He was reshelving a book on Saltwater Crocodiles when James grabbed him and pulled him behind one of the shelves out of the eyeline of Ms Pince. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I tend to open my mouth before my brain catches up with what’s coming out of it.” James apologised. Remus nodded, not sure what to say. “Remus, are we okay?” Remus looked up to meet his eyes.
“Yeah, of course.” He couldn’t say any more because James had gathered him in his arms and was spinning him around. 
“What on earth are you two doing?” Ms Pince came around the corner in near silence.
“Sorry,” James said as he put Remus back on his feet. “We’ll get back to work now.” 
“Make sure you do,” She stared daggers at them before returning to her desk. They somehow got through all the books just as Sirius came bursting into the library smelling like toilet products. He didn’t even have time to fret over what to say because, for the second time in an hour, he was scooped up off his feet and swung around in a circle. 
“Eww, Sirius, put me down. You smell terrible.” He laughed as Sirius put him down and rubbed himself all over him as he tried to escape. 
“OUT!!!” Ms Pince barked at them. 
“Where’s Pete?” James asked once they were out of the library. 
“He’s in the shower, so I thought I’d come see how you two were getting on. Make sure we can all go on the inflatables.” He’d wrapped his arm around Remus as they walked back to their cabin. 
“I think you need a shower as well,” He wrinkled his nose at the smell. 
“Wanna join me?” Remus stopped dead, eyes bugging out of his face. “Remus, calm down, I’m teasing.” He kissed Remus again and tugged him until he started walking. Remus’s brain was going a million miles a minute. James’s words spinning around his head as he walked up the steps. 
Next part
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skz-elle · 5 months
So remember when I said I wondered how the boys would decide what to eat for dinner? Well here it is!
When I'm figuring out what to do for dinner, there's always a three step process: what do you not want, what are our options, how do we choose.
Let's picture this scenario with Seungmin, because I think he DEFINITELY fits the vibe~
Imagine neither one of you being in the mood to cook - not because of any special reason, just simply neither one of you feels like putting food to pan and pan to stove. So, you decide on take out - but, how do you actually decide on what to get?
It starts out with the question, "Well, what do you NOT want to eat?" To whittle down the options and cross out what foods you're both not up for.
Then, the options; A, B, or a secret C option that ALWAYS pops up no matter what.
Lastly, the mode of decision: do you rock paper scissors for it? Flip a coin to knock out the options? Plug them into a wheel decider and spin for the best two out of three?
How do you think he'd go about it? (Ps I'm sorry if this makes zero sense 😭)
yesss oh my god. my life motto is “i’m not lazy, i’m efficient” — very seungmin style
“pick a letter, a or b” “3” “pabo, i said letter!”
and you’d side eye the hell out of him — “don’t call me pabo, I’m hungry and i don’t want to think. just order food!”
so he does. he orders a, b, and the secret third option.
“minnie this is entirely too much food!”
“this is your fault. you get what you ask for, and you asked for 3!”
it’s okay, you’ll eat too much and watch movies on the couch and then he’ll make sure you both get in your cardio to work it all off later (with a couple orgasms…)
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lindsaywesker · 8 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Not everyone you lose is a loss.
The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
‘LOL’ used to mean ‘lots of love’ before the Internet.
You aren't rich until you have something that money can't buy.
On average, 12 new-borns will be given to the wrong parents daily.
In the eighth century, fishermen in Japan paid their taxes in seaweed.
Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles in their first year but kept going.  (Never give up!)
Boredom is the single largest contributor to the use of drugs and alcohol among teens.
A ‘loophole’ originally meant a narrow slit through which a defender could shoot attackers.
British spies stopped using semen as invisible ink because it began to smell if it wasn’t fresh.
80% of people have at one time found themselves subconsciously singing a song they hate.
In the 1930s, there were plans to build an airport on top of Kings Cross station in London.
The number of heart attacks spike in Brazil on days their team is playing in the World Cup.
“The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.”  (George Carlin)
The Popemobile used by John Paul II on his visit to Ireland can be rented out for stag parties.
The movie ‘Paranormal Activity’ cost less than $15,000 to make but grossed over $193,000,000.
Until 1899, the list of official diseases of the Royal College Of Physicians included ‘nostalgia’.
Coin flips aren’t 50/50, there is a 51% chance you will end up with whatever side you started with.
Only 10% of British teenagers meet the recommended guidelines on sleep, exercise and screen time.
Cameroon is the only country named after a crustacean. It comes from the Portuguese for prawns.
In 1957, Eleanor Roosevelt did a music radio show, taking song requests from children with polio.
Some orchids have spring-loaded traps in their flowers that are activated by male insect’s genitals.
The US Patent Office insisted on proof that the Ouija board worked before granting the patent in 1891.
Some female frogs play dead to avoid mating with male frogs.  (Some women probably wish it were that easy!)
Psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends, it’s either they are still in love, or never were!
The average Bentley driver owns eight cars.  The average Bugatti driver owns 84 cars, three jets and a yacht.
‘Corn sweat’ is the phenomenon whereby the corn fields in the American midwest make the air more humid.
American photographer Danielle Lessnau has created a body of work using a pin-hole camera installed in her vagina.
An unborn baby can taste what their mother is eating and can develop a preference for the foods that she eats.
A new analysis shows that cancers may have more to do with lifestyle, not genetics, in as many as 90% of cases.
Delete your browser cookies before you buy airline tickets.  Ticket prices go up when you visit travel sites multiple times.
During pregnancy if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.
According to a study, the two most common feelings that people tend to bring out in others are enthusiasm and boredom.
If we put a giant mirror ten light years away from Earth and looked at it through a telescope, theoretically we'd see 20 years into the past.
‘Frozen’ and other Disney animated films include a credit for Disney’s coffee guy.  He is credited with ‘caffeination’ and has his own IMDb page.
In a 1930s Mickey Mouse comic, Minnie cheated on Mickey with another mouse.  Mickey then tried to kill himself by jumping off a bridge.
Iceland's population is so small that an Icelandic company has created an anti-incest app to prevent Icelanders from dating their relatives.
The hottest temperature measured on Earth (56.7 degrees Celsius) was recorded in a place called Greenland Ranch in California, now known as Furnace Creek.
During the 1945 Hollywood strike, one tactic employed by protesters was to picket movie theatres and give away the ending to people before they could buy tickets to the film.
“Talent is what they say you have after the novel is published and favourably reviewed.  Beforehand, what you have is a tedious delusion, a hobby like knitting.”  (Marge Piercy)
Since odd numbers are harder for our brains to process, some people actually experience feelings of discomfort when the volume of the television, among other things, is set to an odd number.
You can be declared dead in 48 US states but still alive in New Jersey and New York.  These two states allow families to reject the diagnosis of brain death if it conflicts with their religious beliefs.
When asked why he wrote the theme tune from ‘Mission: Impossible’ in 5/4 time, the composer Lalo Schiffrin said: “The people in outer space have five legs and couldn’t dance to our music, so I wrote this for them.”
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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weaslxtte · 2 years
A summary of harry potter and the cursed child
Harry: u ready to go to school??
Albus: but what if im put in slytherin
Albus: *is put in slytherin* OH FOR FU-
Scorpius: omggg heyyyy bestieee
*a few years later*
Myrtle: oh yeah so cedric died right in front of him-
Albus damn that sucks...do you reckon we should steal a time turner and go back in time to stop cedric from dying so at least one less person had to die right in front of my dad
Scorpius: ...i mean what could go wrong
*steal time turner*
*go back in time*
Albus: ok lets make sure cedric isnt unalived
Albus WAHOOOOOO nailed it!
Cedric: *is a death eater*
Scorpius: ...im guessing this wasnt part of the plan
Harry: but why would he-
Ginny: he's litterally a mini you of course he would go running into danger without thinking if he thought it was the right thing to do
Harry: ...i feel called out
Harry and draco: *arguing*
Ginny: i leave for 5 minutes and this is what i come back to *face palms*
Albus: lets try this again shall we
*go back in time*
Snape: omggg heyyy bestiessss
Albus: oh look its my stupid name sake
Dementors: aaaaoooofjfdjshfjg
Albus: OH FOR FU-
Umbridge: ayo
Albus and scorpius: *travel back to usual time*
Harry, ginny, draco and minnie mcgee: ayo
Albus and scorpius: ...dammit
*insert arguing here*
Minnie mcgee: i swear im the only sane person here
Scorpius: destroying the time turner time woooo
Delphi: lol no crucio
*go back in time*
Albus: omggg its halloween...OMG ITS 1981 NOOOOO
Scorpius: ...ooohhhh
Hermione: so who's gonna dress up as tommy boy
Albus: ME!
Draco: Um hello?? Former deatheater over here
Hermione: well im the minister of magic so-
Scorpius: anyone wanna flip a coin??
Ginny: your all mad! I was possessed by him so I automatically get first dibs
Harry: ...guys im literally harry potter
Harry: damn having no nose is so wierd
Delphi: ayo
Harry: lol bye
Jily: *is murdered*
Harry: ...
Albus: *wakes up* wow that was a funky dream...imma turn it into a play
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 9.3k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now!
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted as the Lady in the first season of The Gentlemen.
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: filmed sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, fingering, praise, creampie, cursing, body worship
banner designer @jamaisjoons​ | dedicated to my sfhs girls and everyone in the villa <3
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The realisation of the decision you have to make hits you like a truck the moment you wake up.
You hadn’t lied to Yoongi last night. Chatting with him about it was helpful, and you’re insanely grateful for his attentiveness and the fact that you can be honest with him about things like that. But it doesn’t mean you’re any closer to knowing who you want to be eliminated.
You’ve barely been awake and coherent for a minute before your phone buzzes noisily on your nightstand. Blinking blearily at the screen, a message from Taehyung lights it up. Bunkroom, please.
He’d sent it two minutes ago, your phone giving you that 2min reminder. It must have been what woke you. Your sleepy fingers manage to type out a quick coming now before you force yourself out from the cosiness of the covers and heading down.
Jimin is already there when you arrive, arms crossed to preserve the warmth of his body and perched on the foot of Taehyung’s bed. The masseuse had picked the two-set of bunks, directly across from the door, and he sits wrapped up in blankets, cross-legged and leaning against the far wall. He pats the mattress with a covered hand and you sit between the two, Jimin naturally scooting up to sandwich you between the two.
“Is this an intervention?” you joke weakly, voice still croaky from sleep.
“Not really.” You feel the pressure of Taehyung’s head on your shoulder. “Do you know who you’re voting out yet?”
You let out a self-deprecating scoff. “I do not.”
Taehyung goes silent for a moment. “Well… I have an idea.”
Jimin turns to face him, clearly just as in the dark as you are. “About who to vote out?”
“Kinda,” Taehyung murmurs. The only light in the room is what sneaks in through the crack of the doorway. You let your eyes slip shut as Taehyung winds his fingers into yours. “I want you to vote out me.”
Both you and Jimin go stiff, protesting at the same time. “Tae…”
“No,” the older man to your left says harshly. “Why would you want that?”
Taehyung seems to similarly shrink away and lean in closer, making himself small. “It would be easier on Y/n,” he states in an equally small voice.
Your eyes snap open even though you can only see grey-scale versions of the boys. “Tae, that’s not how this is meant to be. I’m a big girl; I’ll live.”
“You don’t get it,” Taehyung insists, sitting up and untangling himself from you so he can face you full-on. “I know the decision is hard on you. But it’s really hard on us too, and I realised last night that it’s not because I’m worried about getting voted out, it’s because I hate seeing you so upset. We’ve already made a promise to each other. I’ve seen more of you and shared more with you than most of the other guys, and I just think… You know, fuck the competition. You and Jimin both mean more to me than the game, and so I think I’d be happy to take that hit to make things easier on all of us.” His gaze drops, fingers picking at the thread of the blanket. “And, you know, maybe we’d be able to keep us a secret longer if the others saw you vote me out.”
While you sit stunned into silence, Jimin burst into action, gripping your thigh gently but emphatically. “It should be me, then. You’ve been nothing less than a sweetheart this entire time, Tae, you don’t deserve last place. Let Y/n vote me.”
Taehyung chuckles, no sadness or resentment in his voice. “Nobody would believe that Y/n would vote you out, Minnie,” he quips, his teeth gleaming in the dim room. “You’re too good at what you do.”
“I’ve been an asshole. I got in a fight the other day. I don’t think it’s hard to believe at all.” Taehyung makes a noise of protest in his throat, so Jimin cuts back in before he can voice it. “At least let’s flip a coin for it. Leave it up to chance.”
Your body goes lax against the wall with a silent sob of miserable irony. Just yesterday Taehyung had jauntily suggested you could choose who to vote off with a coin toss, and now he was rifling through his bag for one, to see if he or Jimin would be the one to leave. “I haven’t even said yes,” you point out lowly, “I haven’t said I want this. That I’m happy for one of you to leave.”
Jimin lets out a quiet sigh, his face cast in the warm hallway light as Taehyung opens the door wider to see more. “But would you be happier if you made one of them seventh place? Had them think they’re the worst in the house?”
“At least this way we won’t be offended or mad at you,” Taehyung assures as he returns, running his thumb over the engravings on a 50 won coin. “Doesn’t that count for something?”
They’re waiting for you. You bite down on your tongue and force yourself to think. To picture the faces of the others, of how they might react. Hoseok if he was on the chopping block for the second time in a row. Namjoon if he felt like his inexperience was his downfall. Jungkook thinking the fight yesterday was the nail in his coffin, or Jin seeing your elimination as a rejection of him and his feelings. Yoongi after letting you confide in him only to send him figuratively packing.
You’d have to eliminate them eventually. All but one of the guys on this show would face that goodbye at some point. Was it selfish of you to push it off for one more week?
“You can flip it,” you decide after a moment, your stomach sinking immediately. “Fuck, this sucks. I’m so sorry.”
Jimin’s grip on your thigh squeezes once comfortingly, and Taehyung rubs your shoulder, before he turns to his elder. “Min, heads or tails?”
“Heads,” Jimin picks without hesitation.
Taehyung, however, does hesitate. “Doesn’t heads come up more often?” he questions warily.
Jimin grits his teeth and nods. “It should be me.”
The masseuse frowns, his black curls like a dark halo as he steadies the coin on his thumb. “Whoever’s comes up gets eliminated?”
Jimin nods again. “Flip it, Tae.”
The second he flicks his thumb and the coin rises, you squeeze your eyes shut, not even breathing. Hoping that the moment where both of them are going to stay in could last a little longer.
The two boys go silent. You feel their eyes on you, then their hands, both slipping into yours just seconds apart from each other. Feeling your eyes prickle, you clear your throat. “Who is it?”
Without a word, your right side becomes heavy as Taehyung buries his face into your shoulder, free arm wrapping tightly around your waist.
You begin to cry before you can even think to stop it, leaning back into him as much as you can with both your hands occupied. Opening your eyes, they remain too blurry to really see out of, but you feel the two of them shift, fingers wiping under your cheeks and cupping your jaw.
“Hey, shh, don’t cry, petal,” Taehyung voice croons, smooth like velvet. “It’s okay, we’re okay.”
You sniff shudderingly, detaching your hands from theirs so you can press over your eyes, composing yourself. “Sorry,” you mumble in a thick voice, “I’ll just miss you.”
You blink away the last of your tears so that his face comes into focus, lips curving slightly, eyes swimming with emotion and with tears of his own. “Hey,” he soothes again, “I’m not going anywhere. All this means is that I can’t have sex with you. It’s not like sex is the only valuable thing about you, the only thing I like about you, you know? I can still hold your hand, I can still be beside you, I can still make you smile. I wanna see that pretty smile again, petal.”
Even though you probably look like a mess, and your heart is fizzy with mangled emotion, you can’t fight the smile that stretches across your lips. Taehyung brightens at the sight, praising you softly as you reach out and shove him playfully. “You sap,” you whine petulantly, heart settling nonetheless.
Having let the two of you share that moment together, Jimin finally pitches in, his voice bright and soothing like yuja tea. “Worst case scenario,” he jibes lightly, “you’ll just have to fuck pup with his hands tied and take the punishment.”
Your laugh is watery but it’s genuine. “Ah, Tae, are you gonna put me in some crazy lingerie or something?”
“I don’t have to when you look gorgeous in everything you wear already,” he admits with a fond smile, before it stretches wider, a cheeky glint in his eyes. “Lingerie sounds nice though. Good thinking.”
Jimin clears his throat lightly and stands up off the bed, slipping his phone out of his pocket to consult the time. “It’s just gone eight, so you have about an hour. I’ll give you two some privacy, yeah?”
Jimin shuts the door behind him, inadvertently pitching the room back into darkness. Taehyung lets out a breathy giggle, getting up to stumble around for the curtains.
You wince and shield your eyes when the white walls gleam with the brightness of the morning sun.
Taehyung looks more gorgeous in the well-lit room than he did in a dim one, so you will your eyes to quickly adjust, drinking him in. Deep chocolate curls resting on his brow, he shakes them back as he gestures up with a single hand. “We should probably go on the top bunk.”
You blink. “Huh?”
“I don’t wanna get my hair caught on the metal springs on the bottom there,” he explains, leaning forward to wrap his fingers around the network of wire that holds up the mattress of the top bunk just above your head. “I swear I’ve done that so many times in just this one night. It hurts.”
Slipping out dutifully, you climb the few rungs of the ladder to sit atop the bunk, reminded of the last time you stayed here with Namjoon and Hoseok. The mood is so different now, only emphasised by the way Taehyung gently tips you back against the pillow the second he joins you.
“Tae, what are you- Tae,” you gasp, feeling the slight tickle of his hair on your neck as he leans in and pulls the neckline of your sleep shirt over your shoulder, baring the flesh. His lips leave light butterfly kisses over the sensitive skin, making you sigh out at the feeling. “What are you doing, Tae?”
He sits up, braced by his forearms on either side of your head. Like this, his hair casts a shadow over his face, but you can see the insistent fire in his eyes. “I want to touch you, petal,” he confesses, “one last time.”
Your heart is seized with emotion, a lump thickening in your throat. “It won’t be the last last time, Tae.”
“True,” he acquiesces, “but for the rest of our time here I’ll have to see the others with you, our Minnie will be able to still be with you, but you and I won’t be able to do any more than hold hands. Won’t you let me treat you like your deserve before then?”
You nod quickly, breath hitching. “Touch me, Tae.”
This time he doesn’t waste time shifting the fabric to the side. Instead, his large palms slip under the small of your back, guiding you to arch it so he can slip your shirt off entirely, tossing it down all the way to the floor.
You sit up and peer over the edge with a wince, glancing back up at Taehyung. “Please don’t fall over,” you plead in a small voice.
The masseuse grins fondly, taking a peek before moving the other way, towards the wall. “It’s not that high,” he protests softly, even as he props himself up on one elbow, his leg thrown low over your thighs, keeping you locked in close too. His hand lowers to run lightly down your side, making you shiver. “Better?”
You bite your lip and nod. “Better.”
With a slightly bemused hum, Taehyung dips his head and his lips find your skin again, making use of the lack of shirt to trail kisses lower, unhurried even with the very real threat of the deadline hanging over you.
You let out an airy sigh at the intimate way he moves down your shoulder, over your collarbones, to the swell of your chest. Instead of a straight line, every kiss is plotted out in mindless curls and loops, like he wants to cover as much ground as possible.
As his hair tickles your skin, it sends tingles running down your nerves, your nipples peaking as they anticipate his attention. “Tae…” you breathe, giggling when his chaste touches make you shiver.
His voice vibrates slightly against your skin. “You’re so beautiful,” he praises, his free arm slipping over to gently grasp your arm, thumb running over the crook of your inner elbow. “So gorgeous, petal.”
His palms are like hot coals against your skin as it breaks out in goosebumps, hair standing on end. It feels like a quiet eternity before his mouth reaches one of your nipples, closing around it with the sudden wet heat of his tongue. You cry out at the unexpected stimulation and jerk, but the weight of his head, leg and arm carefully pinning you against the sheets keep you steady.
Taehyung takes his time worshipping your breasts, sucking your nipple with a wet pop as his hand shifts once more to play with the other. Pausing to lick the pads of his thumb and forefinger, he returns to roll the bud between them, making heat pool in your core.
Part of you feels like pushing his head between your legs, or wrapping your legs around his waist and demanding he fills you, but you don’t want this moment to be over any sooner than it has to be. Instead, your fingers wind into his hair, cradling his head to you as you arch your chest up into that delicious stimulation.
Even as you feel his cock plump up between the layers of clothing that separate you, he doesn’t so much as grind his hips, focussing fully on your pleasure. After what could be mere moments or entire minutes, he swaps over, leaning to the opposite breast to lave his tongue over it, baring the slightest nip of teeth to make you gasp.
It feels like a lazy eternity before his hand moves again, this time running a flat palm between your breasts, down your stomach and slipping under the worn elastic waistband. Wanting to give yourself a little room to breathe under the baggy pants you’d worn to bed, you’d foregone panties, and Taehyung hisses in sharply when his fingers run over your mound and immediately dip into your folds.
Recovering quickly, he begins to massage your hooded clit, using your own wetness to lubricate it for a smoother slide. You let out a throaty moan, legs parting to make more room for his sizeable hand. “Tae,” you pant out again, whimpering when he begins pressing kisses to your stomach.
“Yes, petal?” Taehyung questions sweetly, his movement on your clit so slow that you find yourself rocking your hips against him just for more stimulation.
“Want you to kiss me.”
“I am kissing you,” he counters, lips dragging over your hipbone as he speaks.
You whine. “On the lips, Tae.”
His fingers delve lower, parting your folds. “Which ones?”
Though the thought makes you clench around nothing, you push weakly at his shoulder in protest. “Up here, Tae, wanna kiss you properly.”
He gives in, shifting up to join his swollen lips to yours for the first time since you’d gotten up here. Just as you hook your hand on the nape of his neck and kiss him, he breaches your walls with two slick fingers, making you cry out into his mouth.
Taehyung chuckles, massaging you from the inside, fingers scissoring and curling rather than thrusting. “That feel good, petal?”
You nod shakily, eyes fluttering shut as you put your mind into kissing him properly, tongue running down the seam of his lips so that he parts them for you. He continues to work you open with languid grace, his fingers so long and deft that even the most minimal movements take your breath away.
He may be focused on your pleasure, but he doesn’t seem to be pushing you to orgasm, instead letting you bask in the warmth of your arousal and his steady stimulation. Even as he slips a third finger inside you and uses the base of his palm to rub against your clit, you’re reminded of a massage. The way he draws out the moment so that you can enjoy the experience of it, not just the final result. Your muscles go lax and one of your legs hitch up to spread yourself wider for him, but still his ministrations are so slow that you can’t even hear how obscenely wet you must be.
Still fully clothed, you can feel Taehyung’s hardness against your hip, his leg splayed over one of your thighs to keep you still for him. As your pleasure steadily rises, but that familiar curl in your stomach never tightens, you begin to grow needy. First attempting to rut against his fingers, then nipping at his lip in the hopes of riling him up, you eventually resort to pulling away from him and giving him your best puppy eyes. “Please, Tae, I want you to fuck me.”
His eyes are still blissfully shut from the kiss, and his brows furrow just slightly, hand stilling inside you. “I wanna make this last.”
You bite your lip, pressing a hand to his cheek fondly. “I don’t want to run out of time. We’ll end up being late to the meeting.”
Taehyung sighs, tilting his head to press a kiss to your palm. “Who cares if we’re late?”
Your lip twitches. “Sejin, probably. Do you want him coming up here at one minute past nine, interrupting us?”
The masseuse winces, his fingers slipping out of your wet heat. “You think he’d do that?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t wanna risk it either,” you offer up.
“Fuck.” Taehyung sits up and quickly tugs down your waistband, making you squeal and giggle at his sudden change of pace. “You’re right, shit.”
He strips himself even quicker than he did you, jimmying out of his boxer shorts and tugging his shirt over his head like it’s scalding him. Immediately you feel his erection against your thigh, heavy and wet with precum. Instead of getting back up on top of you, you feel Taehyung’s hand - still sticky from your arousal - pulling your hip up to guide you to lie on your side.
With legs intertwined, he hitches your outer leg over his waist and lines himself up at your entrance. Almost shaking with excitement, you cling to him and hold your breath as he pushes forward, his head entering you slowly but surely.
It’s quiet in the bunkroom, the only sound being your shared breathing, but there’s something so vulnerable and tender in that silence, and you tremble as he bottoms out inside you. The angle you’re both at, lying side by side, makes it feel like he’s deeper than you’ve ever felt before, filling you completely. You picture his cock so far inside you that it presses against your stomach, and the thought makes you tremble.
“Okay?” Taehyung checks in, giving you a moment to adjust.
You nod and lean forward to capture his lips, savouring that familiar embrace. “Ready, Tae,” you confirm, clenching around his girth. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
Taehyung lets out an unbidden groan, and just like that his patience is dissolved, rutting up into you with short, staccato thrusts that punch the air right out of you. Your fingers curl, clutching onto him for dear life as your nerves are set alight.
Every rock of his hips grinds his cock into the base of your clit, and you find yourself grinding against him, helplessly seeking out the best angle. “T-Tae, fuck, so good,” you manage to force out, voice wobbling even more than your legs.
His hands are all over you; running over your thighs, stroking your back, gripping your ass to meet every thrust. As you look over to him blearily, that same desperate hunger is evident in his face. You take a few moments to appreciate him. This will be the last time in a while that he’s writhing in carnal bliss because of you, and you fight to memorise every last inch of his face.
His hair is messy from sleep and the roughness of your current predicament, some curling at his temples even as the rest sticks up at odd angles, but on him it looks like some kind of wild halo that just makes him all the more gorgeous. His eyes are clenched shut even as his mouth goes slack. The tiniest gloss of drool gathers in the corner of his lips, which are a swollen pink, contrasting so beautifully with his olive skin. Light moans and exertions fall past those lips like a steady river, rushing louder every time you clench around him.
Unable to hold yourself back any more, you lurch forward, teeth pinching your lip with how eagerly you rejoin yourself to his. His responding whimper is muffled, but the way his thrusts stutter as his hands fly up to cup your face close to him speaks volumes.
The movement of his cock deep inside you isn’t measured, or ruthless, or graceful. It’s seeking pleasure and giving pleasure mindlessly, wishing to be as close as you possibly can for as long as you can, barely even speaking to each other.
His lips are equally uncoordinated as they slant against you, his tongue dipping out thoughtlessly, teeth nipping needily. You lose your mind to this primal moment between the two of you, sense of time fading away as minute details like a drop of sweat rolling down your back take centre stage. All you can focus on are his fingernails lightly pressing into your cheek; the roughness of his leg hair against your calf; the squeaking of the springs beneath you.
You can’t even tell if you’re making any noise yourself, so lost in those divine notes that slip off his tongue. At one point your mouths slide apart and he tucks his face into the crook of your neck, focuses on thrusting harder. You dig your fingers into his shoulders, trying to meet those thrusts but every moment your pleasure mounts it just gets harder to make your body obey.
When Taehyung speaks, it’s impossible to tell how much time has passed, if Sejin is waiting outside or if you still have most of the hour. Once he buried himself inside you, you slowly stopped caring about the outside world. Those doors felt like an impenetrable wall that would keep you and him secure for as long as you needed it. His voice comes to you muffled, a tickle on your collarbone. “Wanna feel you cum, petal,” he confesses, voice hoarse. “Are you close?”
You gasp, writhing against him. “Need more, Tae.” You barely manage to finish your sentence before fingers are grinding against your clit, pressing it between the pad of his thumb and his cock. Immediately, heat rushes through you, making your eyes roll back. “Fu-fuck, right there,” you cry, core pulsing with every thrust.
With an added source of pleasure, your orgasm begins to quickly approach, your entire body alight with it. At some point your eyes have fallen shut, and you’ve failed to meet his thrusts, almost entirely unable to think, your mind just overwhelmed with the feeling of his cock moving so deeply inside you.
Taehyung, although similarly delirious with pleasure, seems slightly more put together than you. His hips begin to snap faster, fucking into you without abandon even as the angle prevents him from getting too much momentum. His thumb speeds up, rolling your most sensitive bud over his shaft as it drives into you, and his free hand is trapped between you and the sheets, fingers tangled in your hair.
“Close, so close, gon’cum soon, Tae,” you warn him in a garbled stream when the stimulation begins to surmount what your body can handle. Toes curling, you pant and wait before your orgasm to hit any second, whining every time his length pulls out.
When Taehyung speaks, it’s breathy like a prayer. “Kiss me.”
You have just enough time to seek out his lips before the dam breaks and you’re cumming around him. Still seeking his own end, Taehyung ruts into you and makes out with you messily, groaning into your mouth when you tighten, nerves singing with raw pleasure, an orgasm that never seems to end.
You continue to kiss him as he finally begins to spill inside you, going tense and grinding his hips rather than thrusting. It feels so right, being joined like this with limbs entangled and every breath shared.
It takes you a few moments of coming down from your high to notice the wetness on your cheeks. At first you think you’re crying, overwhelmed from a powerful orgasm, but as you crack your eyes open you see Taehyung pull back, shoulders jerking and a hand clapped over his mouth and nose.
He cries silently, tears soaking the pillow and dripping off his nose, but there’s nothing you can say. It’s just a game, you still have me, we only have to wait a little while, these things wouldn’t bring him any comfort, not when he already knew them. His wasn’t a sadness you had to explain away or solve, it was one he just needed to feel in its entirety.
So, just as quietly as sobs wrack his body, you wrap your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck, and hold him close.
He calms down eventually, pressing his cheek against the crown of your head, but the two of you stay like that for every last minute that you have left.
When your phone vibrates, followed quickly by his, you know that your time is up, and you dress in silence.
The meeting starts at 9:12 a.m. You know this, because by the time Taehyung descends the stairs - joining you several minutes later to prevent suspicion - Sejin is wearing a hole in the carpet, informing the group there is a schedule for a reason.
“Can we get started now?” Sejin asks in a snappish tone, before taking in a measured breath, calming himself. “Sorry. Long day.”
“But it’s only nine… thirteen a.m.,” Taehyung supplies helpfully. Sejin doesn’t seem to find it very helpful. “Sorry. Yes, we can start.”
As the masseuse settles himself on a couch beside Jimin, you do your best not to look their way. Sat beside Sejin on the edge of the coffee table, you’re facing the whole group, but there is a strange sense of calm that comes over you when you look at the others. Knowing they’re safe for at least another week.
“Once again,” Sejin announces, knee bumping yours, “the gentlemen have a chance to defend themselves before Y/n makes her decision. Clockwise around the room; Namjoon, we’ll start with you.”
It’s been a pretty rainy morning, a cold front frosting up the windows and making the heatpump slow to act. The academic has himself bundled up in a thick brown sweater and chunky pants, hands slipped between his own thighs for an extra bit of warmth. Somehow, the stocky clothes just make him look smaller. “Y/n,” he begins, “I know I’m never going to be as experienced as the others beside me, but I do really want to keep learning with you, and exploring different things. You make me feel really comfortable and at ease, which is unusual since usually I panic even thinking about kissing someone, and so I’d be really sad if I lost that learning curve that I’m going up with you. I hope you enjoy our time together enough that you’ll let me stay a little longer.”
As he is most days, Hoseok sits beside Namjoon, half-leaning on the taller man. He’s wearing sleek black today; skinny jeans, fitted turtleneck and a cinched waist. Reminiscent of the first two scenes you’d done together, you wonder if he’s wearing those clothes strategically. “My turn? Y/n, if you’re thinking of voting Namjoon out, vote me instead, and if you’re thinking of voting out any of the other guys, good luck to them.” His cheeks lift in a warm smile as you laugh, the humour skimming off some of the tension that weighs the room down. “But on a serious note, I think you and I are extremely sexually compatible, and I take great pleasure in watching you fall apart for me. I want for you to see me as somebody that you can trust to take care of you, but also push you and challenge you. For that, I do hope you choose not to eliminate me.”
You suck in a slow breath. It’s strange hearing them out with no intention of voting them out anyway. Rather than making you feel more indecisive, it reaffirms all the good that you have in this house, that you’re lucky to still retain after the meeting today. You owed Taehyung a massive thank you.
Wedged on the other side of Hoseok is the youngest gentleman. Jungkook has his legs tucked under him, fluffy grey bedsocks peeking out. When Sejin looks at hiim expectantly, he clears his throat. “I actually, um, have a presentation.”
As the rest of the room watches in bewilderment, he hops off the couch and flicks on the television. On the screen, two mirrored selfies of him pouting and winking bracket a message, VOTE FOR JUNGKOOK.
He sucks in a breath suddenly, whirling around to face you. “That should say don’t,” he explains in a rush, “don’t vote for Jungkook.”
Turning back, he crouches beside the cabinet to where a laptop is hooked up to the back of the TV. Changing slides, he straightens up again. A crossfade gives way to a slide which begins with the title, Who Is Jungkook?
“Fucking hell,” Yoongi grumbles, shifting to get himself comfortable on the middle couch he shares with Jin. “Wake me up when it’s my turn.”
Clearing his throat, Jungkook begins to read off the screen. “Who is Jungkook? Successful camboy, avid gamer, budding chef - that’s a picture of me helping hyung cook - and most importantly… Objectively the most attractive guy in the house.”
Even as he hurries to change slides, the other men - namely Jin and Taehyung - protest with cries of outrage and disbelief. Jungkook ignores them, just raising his voice enough to carry over their complaints, waiting for the new slide to bounce in above the previous one. “Why should you save Jungkook?” This time, Jungkook stays crouched, each bullet point having its own slide with a related picture of him. “I will stream with you. I will help cook for you. I will let you play as Widowmaker. I will work out every day so that I stay capable of lifting you easily. I will show you the unflattering pictures I take of the hyungs.” Somehow, Jungkook’s managed to capture a shot of Hoseok mid-yawn, nose scrunched and jaw wide open at the dining table. The man himself lets out an indignant huff, only relaxing once Jungkook switches slides again, a dissolve transition leaving you with a final selfie with Jungkook biting his lip and flicking the camera a peace sign. Jungkook straightens up. “I will give you all these things and more if I’m still in the competition, so please, don’t vote Jungkook.”
Taehyung’s hesitant smattering of applause fills the room as Jungkook switches off the television, sitting himself back down beside Hoseok. Even as he smiles and acts casual about it, you can see his nerves in the way he wrings his hands in his lap. Even if you hadn’t already decided to vote out Tae, there was no way you could’ve voted Jungkook out this week.
Jin is next up, on the couch directly in front of you. His ment is simple. “Vote me out if you think I deserve it. If you genuinely think I’m the worst in the house. I don’t think you do.” The rest of the room falls silent, waiting for him to continue, but he sits back and shuffles Yoongi’s shoulder to indicate his turn.
Sitting up, honey blonde hair disheveled from the back of the couch, Yoongi clears his throat and looks over at you. “You and I spoke last night about the others, about reasons for them to stay in, reasons for them to be voted out. But you didn’t cover me, so here’s mine. Pros: I know my way around the female body in general and, I believe, your body specifically. I’m very willing to give most things a go, I learn fast, and you know that I can keep my head above the water in moments of crisis. I’m a safe person to have in the game.”
You grin. “And your cons?”
Yoongi harrumphs, pouting petulantly. “Well, I’m not going to say them now, am I? I’m trying to promote myself.”
Your bemusement is quick to evaporate when you realise it’s Jimin and Taehyung that are last to defend themselves. Running clockwise, Taehyung is the one who has to speak up now. His eyes dance around the room rather than settling, fingers fiddling with the zipper on his jacket pocket. “Y/n,” he announces, voice so soft and tentative, “I think you and I have a lot of, um, potential together in the bedroom, and, you know, if you keep me in the game, you’ll be able to enjoy the best hands in the business. And I really enjoyed my time with you so much, especially this week. It’s like we have an understanding when we...” Taehyung’s mouth opens, closes. “Uh, so… Don’t vote me out, because you’ll miss out on those things.”
You try not to let the blue cloud in your chest show on your face, staying neutral. You and him both knew you would miss out on those things. That you would miss those things too. Giving a little nod, hyperaware of your reactions, you turn to Jimin.
He’s looking you dead-on, barely moving. “You should vote me out,” he says plainly. “Not...any of the others.” Not Taehyung. “I was a dick the other day, I’ve been an asshole mostly this whole time, and I’m sure the other guys would love it if you did, because they all know I’m the biggest competition. If you ever miss me, I have countless videos online you could watch, or you could watch me fuck one of the guys here. And I’m sure you already have a name in mind, but change it to mine. It should be me.”
Your mouth goes dry, heart racing sickly in your chest. Taehyung’s staring at Jimin with puppy eyes, a silent protest. On the other side of the room, Jungkook lets out a surprised chuckle. “Reverse psychology!” he chirps. “Nice, hyung.”
“So, Y/n,” Sejin asks, voice warm with sympathy, “who’ll it be?”
With eyes stinging, you duck your head, the name on your tongue bitter like battery acid. What you wouldn’t give to throw yourself away instead. “Taehyung.”
The room goes dead quiet. No sighs of relief, expressions of condolence. No announcement from Sejin.
In the two weeks you’d been here, you’d been in this position once before. But that time, exactly one week ago, you’d been subject to a sudden change in events that saved everyone. Now, with Taehyung’s name still hanging in the air like a melancholy ghost, the weight of this decision and its finality sit heavy around the room.
The first cut is the deepest, and as Sejin begins to instruct Taehyung on how to proceed as an eliminated member, you feel like your heart has been sliced in two. The half of you that wants to rush up to him and kiss him silly and take back what you said, and the half that’s filled with an overwhelming relief that you’ve kept the others safe for now.
Taehyung doesn’t look at you much as he leaves. There’s a moment, a single glance, where he gives you a teary smile of approval and comfort. A million words that you can’t say in front of everyone. But then he turns, and he walks out the front door.
Jungkook, who was too shocked into silence to even be listening, straightens up with the wooden thunk of the door closing. “He’s not leaving for good, is he?”
Sejin shakes his head stiffly, before clearing his throat and slipping back into his producer mode. Even as he does so, you can see the elimination upsets him too, his eyes sad. “Taehyung is going around back to the confessional booth for his exit interview. He doesn’t need to be around for prompt distribution, so he’s going to just do it now. Which brings me to this week’s theme.” Sejin pauses for dramatic effect, but it only serves to highlight the sullen mood in the room. “Work hard, play hard.”
You frown in confusion. The first two weeks were easy. Locations, roleplay. You knew what type of thing would be occurring even if you didn’t have the specifics for each member. But this time, you felt totally lost.
Sejin continues. “This week, prompt distribution is also different. Usually, we have you randomly pick a prompt from the bunch. But this time, we have a Bangasm Bomb coming into play. Week 3’s Bangasm Bomb is that whoever won fan favourite in Week 2 will distribute the prompts for Week 3. Yoongi, that’s you.”
Though all of you are a bit reserved, you can’t help but perk up, the interest around the room growing. Yoongi, sat beside Jin but taking up most of the couch, sits up suddenly. “So I give them out randomly, or…?”
“You read all of the prompts and assign them however you choose. Without revealing the prompt to the rest of the group, I ask that you give a reason for each choice.”
Yoongi grins, jumping up in an usual show of liveliness to get the slips of folded paper off Sejin. “I guess I picked the right week to absolutely kill it in the audience vote.” He makes you wait an eternity as he painstakingly opens them all and considers them, eyes dark as they search the room, making little noises of consideration and indecision. Finally, he stands up straight and immediately pockets one.
“A reason, Yoongi,” Sejin reminds.
The doctor blinks. “Because I want it?” Moving to the next one in his pile, he approaches Hoseok first. “Okay, this one is because I think it’s best done by a professional.”
Hoseok takes the slip and holds it close to his chest as he reads, brows lifting. “That’s probably a good idea,” he affirms. “Thanks, hyung.”
Yoongi, clearly gleeful with his position of temporary power, glances at the next slip. “Ooh! Okay, this one is for Jin-hyung because it fits perfectly.”
Jin accepts the slip warily, letting out an exasperated laugh when he reads it. “You little shit.”
Yoongi’s grin is wide enough that you can see his gums. “I love this,” he informs Sejin, “whoever came up with this needs a raise. Anyways; next one.” Opening a fourth piece of paper, he immediately seeks out Namjoon. “I’m giving this to you because I think you’ll get a kick out of it, and I heard through the pipeline that you like to be called daddy.”
Namjoon goes red faster than a changing traffic light, spluttering violently on a lungful of air when he reads the prompt.
Before he has the chance to put it away, Hoseok puts a strong hand on his shoulder and holds him in place so he can quickly sneak a peek of it, collapsing into a peal of laughter when he sees it. “You’re probably right,” he quips to Yoongi, who preens in satisfaction.
“Okay, moving on,” Yoongi continues, “Jungkook, this one’s for you. I figure you’re such a switch that you could play this either way, and I’m curious.”
You furrow your brows, as does Jungkook, but the moment the youngest man reads his prompt, the lines in his face smooth out in realisation. “Thanks, hyung,” he offers up sweetly. “I like this one.”
“I’m sure you do, kid,” the doctor says with a pat of his shoulder, before handing Jimin the final prompt. “And I’m giving you this one because it’s the last one left.”
Jimin scoffs at the weak reasoning, but his eyes dart up to you immediately once he looks at what it says. With a lip curling in bemusement and interest, Jimin thanks Yoongi. “This suits me just fine.”
Done assigning prompts, Yoongi turns to Sejin. “If this show gets greenlit for a second season and you don’t offer me a job, I’ll be personally offended.”
Sejin rolls his eyes with a begrudging smile. “Good job, Yoongi. And meeting adjourned, ev- Wait, no! There’s more; almost forgot.”
You lift your brows, waiting for some other groundbreaking twist or dramatic flair that seemed to keep cropping up during these meetings.
The producer stands himself up, patting his back pocket where his phone rests. “I just had a meeting with the showrunners, and they’re not happy with the punishment for breaking elimination rules. I’ll go tell Taehyung this after, since it mostly concerns him and Y/n, but as an FYI, the protocol around eliminated members has changed a bit.” He takes a breath, hands up and ready to gesture his explanation. “Basically, our old system was that if an eliminated member touched Y/n sexually, he’d be out of the house for good, and if Y/n touched the eliminated member sexually, she had to wear an outfit of that person’s choice. Uh, it seems that second system isn’t really that drastic, and could easily be manipulated, so we’re changing it up upon the showrunners’ request. Now, if the eliminated member touches Y/n sexually, he’ll have to leave as usual, but if Y/n touches him sexually, her punishment has changed to being taken out of the house for 24 hours.”
You tip your head to the side. “That doesn’t sound like a punishment.”
Sejin gives a strained smile. “You’ll be taken out of the house for 24 hours, handcuffed to me.”
“Huh?” Jin asks incredulously. “Bit wish fulfilment isn’t it, big guy?”
The producer has the good grace to blush. “It’s not like that, and it wasn’t my decision. Apparently, the viewers these days are taking more interest in the workings of staff. Additionally, as with the clothing rule, handcuffing Y/n to another member of the house is once again too easy to work around. Anyways, that’s the new rule. Got it?”
You blink. “So… let’s say I run outside right now and touch Tae’s dick. I’d then have to be handcuffed to you for a whole day and like, do producer shit? Meetings and editing and stuff?”
“That is correct.”
“What happens when one of us needs to pee?”
Sejin lets out a weak laugh. “You’d be allowed out of the cuffs to use the bathroom.”
“What happens when it’s nighttime?” you question, heart sinking as you realise your loophole to Tae is quickly closing up.
“Well, I usually go home around 11 each night, and my girlfriend is happy to take the couch should that happen.”
“What- What if-” Your mind whirls as the other guys chuckle at your predicament. “What if I wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink but you’re still sleeping? What if the guys in your meetings ask why you have a young girl handcuffed to you and I have to explain it’s technically a sex thing? What if-”
“All the things that make this a punishment, Y/n. I suggest you practice restraint and avoid breaking the rule.”
Your glare is softened by a petulant pout. “You’re a sadist.”
“This wasn’t my idea, Y/n. It’ll be a punishment for me too.” Sejin clears his throat. “Anyways; meeting adjourned. I’m off to catch Taehyung up.”
The stunned silence lasts no more than ten seconds once Sejin leaves. Jungkook, a toothy grin and cheeky eyes, starts bouncing in his seat. “Y/n and Sejin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-”
“Shut up,” you shout with a whine. “This sucks.”
“Such a relief you have six other dicks still to choose from,” Yoongi drawls. “I’m sure you’ll live without one.”
Without thinking, you stick your tongue out at him, making him laugh at your antics, before pushing on Jin’s thigh to stand up. “Well,” the doctor announces, “I, for one, could do with a celebratory brunch.”
Jimin frowns. “What are we celebrating?”
Yoongi beams. “Me making you all my little bitch,” he declares, letting out a startled hoot when Jin jumps up to tackle him, manhandling him towards the kitchen.
As the two chefs of the house begin to lug out ingredients from the pantry, Jungkook turns to the rest of the group with a worried frown. “D’you think Tae is gonna be really sad?” he asks in a small voice.
Finally getting up off the hard surface of the coffee table, you make your way over to him, perching yourself on the arm of the couch. “Maybe,” you admit honestly, “but I think if he needs space, he’ll go upstairs, and if he wants comfort, he’ll come back to us. We should let him choose.”
As it turns out, Taehyung chooses both. The kitchen is steaming with a delightfully savoury aroma by the time he comes back in through the front door. He hovers in the entrance to the kitchen and dining area for a moment or two, waiting for the chatter to die down once everyone catches sight of him.
Announcing that he was taking a long shower but that he’d be back down and not to wait up, he’d rushed to his bedroom and left you all to confusedly finish preparing the food. He doesn’t return until you’ve all almost finished eating.
When he does, though, he appears like an entirely different person.
Wearing a raggedy shirt and pants, face red from a hot shower but hair dry, he dumps a white plastic bag on an empty space on the table with a dramatic flair.
Jimin watches him warily. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Taehyung chirps easily, “we’re dying our hair today.”
The words out of his mouth are totally unexpected, and everyone freezes into a bewildered silence.
Hoseok, with a spoonful of soup and green onion halfway to his face, falters. “Sorry, what?”
“I’ve been thinking,” Taehyung explains, like this is the most important thing he’s ever said. “I don’t want to be excluded and I want to have some fun with you guys instead of moping, so we’re going to dye our hair together.” Pushing aside empty bowls and half-eaten side dishes, the masseuse begins emptying the plastic bag onto the table. Bleach, developer, blood red dye, an emerald green and a deep royal blue.
“Where did you even get those from?” Jin asks, abandoning his plate to eye the products with interest.
“Ordered them online,” Taehyung answers with a shrug. “Well - technically I ordered them ages ago, Jungkookie wanted the e-girl TikTok hair, but I reckon we should just go for it. Some of us are in urgent need of a dye job. Namjoon; that’s you.”
The academic recoils, tugging at his grown-out faded purple ends. “Okay, that’s fair.”
Hoseok winces. “We don’t all have to dye our hair, do we?”
“‘Course not, hyung, you can supervise.”
It takes Yoongi insisting that everyone help clean up the table first that springs everyone into action, and in no time at all Taehyung has scoffed up whatever leftovers remained, and Jin has gathered additional supplies like bowls, towels and tin foil, hustling your ragtag group of eight down to the first-floor bathroom.
It doesnt take long before a temporary salon has been set up in there. With chairs taken from the kitchen, product being mixed in little black bowls on the sink benchtop, and three willing victims clutching towels over their shoulders.
In the first chair, Namjoon is watching in mild alarm as Jimin mixes bleach and developer in a bowl, eyeballing the measurements. With gleaming blue hair of his own, Jimin seems more experienced than some of you, but his job is more difficult than the other stylists of the day, since he had to get rid of Namjoon’s purple before bleaching and dying the lot.
You’d chosen the easiest of the three, Jungkook, and painstakingly consult with some of his favourite TikToks for the right amount of hair to section out as Taehyung takes charge of mixing his own concoction of bleach.
Finally, it’s Jin who has also volunteered to dye hair, although it’s not his own that he wishes to dye. Yoongi sits with a bitter scowl on his face as Jin pours in different coloured dyes into one bowl like a mad scientist. With already blonde hair, Yoongi at least has the luxury of skipping out the extra step, but it just gives Jin more time to conceive a crazy colour.
Hoseok, happy to take on the supervisor role, flutters around and hypes everyone up; massaging Namjoon’s shoulders, letting Jungkook show him countless videos and grimacing at what Jin has in his bowl.
“Hey, Tae,” Yoongi calls out in a forced casual tone, “why is it that when you were the one who bought the dye, you aren’t the one getting chemicals all over his hair?”
The masseuse shrugs easily, a tea towel thrown over his shoulder as he stirs away. “What can I say? I’m an artist, not a canvas.”
Jungkook blinks up at him past your shoulder. “I’d like to see you dye your hair, Tae. You’d look pretty with any colour.”
Taehyung reaches out to pinch the maknae’s cheek fondly, but accidentally leaves a smear of white behind. Jumping into action, you hold Jungkook’s chin steady as you wipe it off with your thumb, feeling his eyes on you and his breath hitch.
“Oh, you’re not- Y- You’re going straight in there,” Namjoon stutters shakily. Letting go of Jungkook’s face and stepping away, you glance over to Namjoon and Jimin.
The younger man has Namjoon’s hair sectioned with clips, painting thick globs of bleach onto the purple in his lower layers. “Don’t worry,” Jimin assures, “you’ll look fantastic after this.”
“Worst case scenario, you can lop it all off,” Jin points out cheerily.
Yoongi’s arm reaches out between folds of the towel on his shoulders, keeping Jin at bay. “You better not lay a fucking hand on me with that mindset.”
“Don’t be silly, Yoonie,” Jin teases, adding in some more green. “You’re my Mona Lisa.”
Yoongi humphs and collapses back against his chair, pink smattering his cheekbones.
Taehyung’s hand wraps lightly around your wrist, handing you the bleach he’d mixed up. “We’re good to go,” he declares to you and Jungkook, “I wanna go see what colour Yoongi-hyung’s getting. You guys start.”
Left in charge of the bleach, you turn back to Jungkook. Standing over him, it’s impossible to ignore the way his doe-eyes observe your every move. “Are you still good with these two chunks?” you check.
He nods quickly, lips pressing into an eager but shy smile. “Do you think it’ll look good?” he asks hopefully.
“You’ll look gorgeous.” Getting him to hold the bowl of bleach up for you, you dip the brush included in the box and begin to brush the white, thick liquid over the strands of black hair. He doesn’t flinch as the brush moves higher, sitting so still and patient. “What colour are you going to get it?”
His cheeks puff as he blows air into them. “Hm, I don’t know. Tae said maybe pink? I could mix in only a little bit of red so it’s not so strong. But then pink fades fast.”
You hum, switching to the other side. “You could dye it red and then when it fades it would fade to pink.”
He lets out a little gasp. “That’s smart! I like it.”
From down the room, Taehyung’s voice echoes. “Hyung, you’re fucked!”
“Hey!” Jin cries. “It’s going to look good, just trust me on this!”
Taehyung leans his back against the sink and clasps his palms together like he’s praying. “Yoongi-hyung, picture this. You’re Bob Ross. You’re painting a beautiful lake on a sunny day. Blue sky, clear water, lush riverbanks. Can you see it?”
Yoongi frowns. “Sure.”
“The little cup of dirty water you used to clean your brushes with? That’ll be your hair.”
“Oh, god,” Yoongi moans miserably, slumping so low he almost falls off the seat.
“Disrespectful little brat,” Jin enunciates as Taehyung moves back across the room. “This was your idea!”
It takes the entire rest of the day, but by the time you all sit down on the couches for dinner - courtesy of a food delivery app, Yoongi and Jin both too tired to cook - three of the eight of you have shiny new looks.
Jungkook looks undeniably striking with his stripes of firetruck red framing his face. Contrasting sharply with the black of the rest of his hair, you could easily mistake him for a Twitch streamer or something, pulling off the look with a natural coolness.
Done with purple, Namjoon had taken advantage of Jimin’s decent level of expertise and let the blue-haired man work his magic, bleaching his hair a couple of times and dying it to the unusual choice of silvery grey, the roots slightly darker so that - in Jimin’s words - he could get away with regrowth for longer.
But perhaps the biggest surprise of all is Yoongi, who smugly peacocks around the room with a unique shade somewhere between mint and teal in his hair. Jin had quietly confessed to you and Jungkook when he was cleaning his bowl that it wasn’t in fact, the colour he intended it to be, but that what Yoongi didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
The blue-green tones are somewhat reminiscent of the clear lake Taehyung was describing, and it brings out the soft pink of Yoongi’s lips and his dark lashes so beautifully. How Jin’s luck never seemed to run out, you didn’t know, but part of you wished you had volunteered yourself for a dye job too. Now you, Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung were the leftovers with natural hair.
Like some sort of unspoken agreement, the seven of you keep a close eye on Taehyung throughout the evening. You let him pick a movie for all of you to watch, pile extra food into his bowl, Jungkook even brings a secret stash of chocolate down from his room to share with him. All of you sensitive of how he must be feeling, it’s only natural that you take extra good care of the masseuse.
And, when it finally comes to head up to bed, Taehyung is flooded by offers to keep him company in the bunkroom. It’s Jungkook he picks, the two thick as thieves, and shortly after midnight your phone goes off from a text that Jungkook has sent to everyone except Taehyung. Just two words that are enough to allow your mind and body to rest. He’s okay.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
coin flip finale — jhs
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Plot: A trained spy and assassin has to choose between his power-hungry brother and the benevolent Queen he’s falling in love with.
Pairing(s): Butler/Spy!Hoseok x Queen!OC (Name: Rosyne)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 7k
Genre: Royal | Angst | Smut
Tags & Warnings: angst, nudity, explicit smut, pregnancy, hidden pregnancy, violence, minor character death
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The clouds gather close together deepening into an almost blackened grey as the air wafting from the windows were harsh and nippy. Hoseok relishes in the sharp breeze while he scratches the quill against the parchment calmly, making sure every word was clear. Today was the day. He could hear Rosyne’s favourite horse neighing outside in the courtyard. Maybe it was in his head since the yard was so far away.
He hears the door click open and merely glances over his shoulder to find Yoongi eyeing him curiously through the gap. “Come in.” Hoseok acknowledges, eyes scanning across the words to ensure everything was correct before placing it into the envelope.
“How’re you feeling?” Yoongis’ raspy voice echoes through his room giving a calming feeling of sorts mixed with the grey sky outside.
Hoseok smiles sadly. “I don’t think it matters what I’m feeling.”
“It matters to me, brother.” The older male walks over to the window, harsh cold breeze hitting his face but he welcomes it openly. “Minnie is still fighting with Namjoon about the whole ordeal. Her voice is hoarse at this point.”
“I can see why you like her more than Joon.”
He raises a brow looking over at him. “Can say the same about you with Rosyne.”
Hoseok couldn’t help but scoff out a light chuckle, losing all Jungkooklity to deny the males’ words anymore. “Kiku?”
“Possibly the scariest woman I’ve ever met and I’ve met my mother.” Yoongi has a small smile plastering on his face despite the dark day settling in the usually bright land of Wisteria. “I want to feel bad…I mean, I do but—there’s something about her…and this place.” He scans around the view of the kingdom.
“It’s not all what it seems.” Hoseok mutters, finger pads brushing across the rough parchment surface. “You almost feel like something’s working in Rosyne’s head but none of us can figure it out.”
Yoongi turns his head to meet the younger males’ gaze, flickering down to the closed envelope on the table. “She’s not completely vulnerable…is she?”
Hoseok chuckles through his nose softly. “Maybe in some vague sense, she is. But no she’s not.”
“What’re you going to do?”
“Protect the mother of my child.”
Yoongi sighs. “Hoseok…”
“If you found out Minnie was pregnant…and she was being mistreated—”
“I’ll kill him.”
Hoseok smiles. “Exactly.”
“The ride is going to happen today…that letter isn’t going to reach on time.”
“The ride is the least of our concerns, believe me I know Rosyne and I know Wisteria.” He taps the letter on the surface. “Rosyne and Kiku can’t send letters, they’re being spied on from every corner.” Hoseok winces knowing he trained all of those goddamn spies at a time. “And Namjoon…Namjoon wants to raise taxes for military forces, do you know what that means?”
“Wisteria won’t be the first kingdom he takes over by force.” Yoongi gulps down. This tower their brother was trying to make was too fragile, so easily breakable by a single gust of wind. “He’s going to do it to more Royals.”
Hoseok nods. “He wants to be a conqueror. A ruthless warrior who cuts down Kings and Queens. So I’m calling his perfect match.” He raises the letter up a little.
“Who’s that?”
“The real Commander of Wisterian Forces.”
When she sat there looking at the empty throne, it was easy to believe that maybe things were not changing. Maybe her father was okay and just out on a walk somewhere while Rosyne could live out more days as a princess without the entire territory dropped onto her shoulders. Life wasn’t always kind that way however.
Rosyne walks through the large double doors into the dark hall. Candles lit around the well-dressed body rested on a lilac and gold altar, so calm and serene almost as if he was just sleeping. Shining sword clasped in his limp hands to showcase that he was a warrior and protector above all things. To the people anyway.
To her, he was the man that encouraged her to be kind and considerate to the people. He comforted her during the time where everything in the world seemed close in on her. He tortured the suitor who took advantage of her kindness when she was a younger princess. The King who many called ruthless was the one of the few people who ever made her feel safe. He made the people feel safe when they were in his hands.
Would they feel the same with her? Were her hands too delicate and loose to hold such a big responsibility?
Light footsteps reverberate through the hall and Rosyne notices Gaia stand next to her from the corner of her eye.
“I half-thought he would’ve died in a war or battle of some kind.” Gaia speaks up. “Mother always said his recklessness would kill him.”
Rosyne couldn’t help but smile a little at the little arguments their parents used to have. King Eirin changed a lot after mother died but his kindness towards his daughters never changed in the slightest. Although Rosyne always noticed the sadness in his eyes. “He’s reunited with her now. He must be happy.” Eyes glazed with fresh new tears but she slowly takes deep breath to calm herself down.
Gaia nods silently, clasping her fingers together in a formal stance as she always did out of habit. “Wisteria is going to be very vulnerable…even with our military forces.”
She relaxes her face into one of preparation now. Every time a royal passed, it had to be immediate decisions here and there, ensuring everything was in place and no loose ends were left untied. “Which is why I need you to leave.”
Forehead knitted, the younger female turns her head to face her sister properly. Trying to find some kind of inhibition that could stop her from finalizing this decision but all she could notice was determination. “I can’t leave you here.”
“If we’re both in the same place at the same time then we’ll be even more vulnerable. Easy to take down.” Rosyne turns her reddened eyes to meet her sister. “We need to be in two places at once until I settle some court matters.”
Gaia fully moves her body, features twisting in concern as her belly kept tugging. “If an enemy cross our borders and I’m not here…”
“You’ll be able to get into the palace walls.”
“If they hurt you—”
“I can take a lot more hurt than you think.” Rosyne swallows the lump in her throat.
Gaia stammers lightly before sighing in defeat. “I know that but that’s not what I mean. I should—be here with you, protecting you.”
“Please just—just trust me.” The older female whispers but loud enough for Gaia to hear.
“And Hoseok—”
“I know you don’t think Hoseok is trustworthy but I believe he’s a good man.” Rosyne reaches out and holds onto her hands. “He’s not going to let anything bad happen.”
“How do you know that?”
“I don’t. But I’m not going to punish the man I love on a whim. Can you understand that?”
Despite the unconvinced look on her face, Gaia nods. “If anything goes out of order…I’m coming right back.”
Rosyne smiles. “I won’t stop you.”
Clouds looking thicker than ever and the air incredibly cool and damp, King Namjoon’s council stood at the edge of the stairs leading to the entrance of the palace. A tawny horse with a white mane stood calmly in front of them, tapping its hoofs onto the pavement. Rosyne walks down the stairs with a purple velvet robe.
The council members expression immediately soften when they notice the large protruding belly she caresses gently. Even Jimin looks apprehensive to let this happen especially the air was so cool. Too cold.
Rosyne stands next to her horse Misty, patting it lovingly as it neighed a little in delight causing her to smile. She hadn’t gone for a ride in so long that it feels comforting having the soft hair under her palm again.
Hoseok tightens his jaw curling his fingers into fists wanting to swing it at something so strongly but he takes a deep breath. Nothing good will come from getting angry. He walks forward patting Misty gently. “It starts from the silk merchants stall to the university.” He speaks softly so it’s only between the two of them.
She nods, carefully untying her robe so it loosens over her body before shrugging it off her shoulders. Cold winds causes goosebumps to raise on her skin as she shivers a little. Thick long hair over her shoulder covering her breasts though they still ached from the sensitivity. Rosyne hands the robe over to Hoseok who accepts it reluctantly.
“She can’t sit on the leather saddle.” Minnie mutters, feeling utterly putrid for being so warm while the kind Queen was vulnerable and bare in the cold. Sighing she takes off the thick winter cloak from her shoulders leaving her in her off shoulder dress. But her hair was enough to keep them warm. Walking over to the saddle, she drapes it over as neatly as possible.
Hoseok couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips when he watches the queen place something warm on the saddle.
“I know it’s not enough.” Minnie states with a slight rasp in her voice.
“It’s enough.” Rosyne smiles.
Minnie nods despite her face still not relaxed in the slightest as she walks back over to Namjoon’s side. The king merely gives an unreadable side glance before licking his teeth.
Hoseok firmly held onto her hips even though it was difficult to lift her up and try to ensure she was not in pain. It was not safe to be riding in this condition, he knew it. Even Namjoon knew it and the idea itself causes a burn of anger that bubbles right up to his throat. Eventually he heard Rosyne sigh in relaxation, situating herself on the now warm and soft saddle. “Do you feel any pain?”
Rosyne shakes her head absentmindedly caressing the back of his hand. “I’m okay.” There was a dull ache around her belly but she tries to push it down for the time being.
“Perhaps someone should walk with Queen Rosyne…to ensure she’s safe.” Yoongi speaks up this time causing another side glance from Namjoon.
“I’ll go.” Hoseok didn’t hesitate to offer.
“This isn’t some kind of parade.” Namjoon speaks through gritted teeth, shooting glares at both of them. “Queen Rosyne has answered to a deal and I’m sure she can get through it all on her own.”
“Thank you, gentlemen.” Rosyne smiles softly at the two men. “My mother went to battle with my sister in her belly. I’ll be okay.” She lightly nudges Misty with a slight encouraging noise before the gorgeous creature galloped slowly out of the courtyard into the town.
“Where is her sister anyway?” Namjoon asks mostly to himself but Hoseok and Yoongi share a quick glance at one another.
“No one knows. Some speculate she may have died at battle.” Jimin speaks this time in a casual tone once Rosyne disappears out into the town.
The King hums in response and the rest of the council stands in silence until the ride was finished.
The cold seeped through her skin deep, freezing her very bones as they tremble on the horse. Rosyne scans around the silk merchant stall but it was empty. Past the houses and the taverns, all the doors and windows barred causing her brows to furrow for a moment. Though she quickly understands why the city must be empty. It could just be for the storm brewing soon but even in the rain, she would notice some of the taverns booming with happy noise.
There was nothing. She slowly realizes why no one decided to leave their houses and the thought makes her smile a little. Namjoon’s influence was not as strong as he assumed. Rosyne looks up at the darkening sky with a soft expression, still shivering a little as she tries to press her palms against the cloak to provide some warmth.
“We haven’t ridden in so long, haven’t we?” Rosyne asks the creature reaching out and caressing her mane gently with a grin though it feels uncomfortable to move so much. “I’m a little heavier.” She looks down at her protruding belly, palm caressing over the bare, stretched skin. Much to her delight she feels her child moving calmly inside and the ache began again. “We’re almost there, my sweet.”
As they close in on the university, Rosyne still hasn’t seen a single soul out and about. Even the children were back in their homes and some of their clothes still hanging out on lines despite the thunder booming across the skies. She has the urge to hug herself a little as her teeth rattle a little too frequently.
Finally past the university, Misty gallops back into the courtyard where the council still stands proudly. Queen Minnie now has another black cloak over her which Rosyne suspects was lent from Yoongi when all he had was his coat.
Hoseok didn’t hesitate a single second as Misty pauses in front of the stairs, helping Rosyne down and feeling a jolt of fury when he could feel her skin so cold while she tries so hard not to shiver too much. He wraps the robe back over her body again, tying it firmly before rubbing her arms up and down to warm her up. “I’m sorry.” He whispers weakly.
“It’s okay.” Rosyne smiles. “No one was in the town.”
“Excuse me?” Namjoon asks breaking their momentary comfort.
“It seems trying to punish Rosyne in a city that loves her was…not the most effective decision.” Jimin speaks clearly trying not to smile too much for the sake of his King.
“But…” Seokjin speaks up this time with a firm voice. “Lady Rosyne has done what was asked of her. Therefore the deal must be returned accordingly.”
Namjoon feels a sharp rush of cold pass through him when he catches a figure walk from behind him towards Rosyne.
Kiku had an air around her that could cut like ice spikes but it quickly soothed into something comfortable when she sees Rosyne. “Are you in any kind of pain?”
“I’ve been having little cramps here and there.” Rosyne says honestly this time now that the ride was finished.
She nods in response despite the unimpressed look plastering over her face. “Queen Rosyne must rest, she is far too close to her due to be doing anything too straining.” Kiku doesn’t take it as a request and simply holds onto Rosyne’s hand and leads her back up the stairs blatantly passing Namjoon without a look of fear on her face.
Once Kiku and Rosyne walk away, Hoseoks’ eye burn with such a fire as he stares at Namjoon. “If anything…and I mean anything happens to Rosyne or my child…” He walks forward up the stairs right until on the stair Namjoon was standing on. Their gazes boring into each other as the heat of his anger wafted to the King. “You won’t see the light of day again.”
“You’ve been loyal all this time…right to this point…what makes you think you’ll ever have the courage to kill me?” Namjoon scoffs.
“You said it yourself…I don’t even blink after I kill someone. That was for you. But for her? And my baby?” Hoseok smiles with such a sinister aura that Namjoon doesn’t have the strength to keep his firm expression. “I’ll fucking uproot your entire existence…and you’ll spend the rest of your afterlife as a lonely speck of dust.” He seethes. “And you know very well I can do that, brother.”
Namjoon presses his lips together as he forces himself to raise his chin.
Hoseok keeps a sharp glare before bumping his shoulder against Namjoon’s as he walks up the stairs.
A tense silence passes through the council members as they shift in their positions. Except one. Minnie stands calmly, eyes flickering up to the sky as a peek of lightning shot somewhere in the distance. Slowly and dangerously coming slowly their way, light trickles of rain began to darken the courtyard surface. “A great storm is brewing.”
Rain pours in a steady fall once everyone is in the palace. The council members situate themselves in Yoongi’s chambers while Jimin stares out the window. Seokjin, on the other hand spews curses and shouts indirectly shooting at Namjoon and trying to let the frustrations he so graciously kept in during the ride.
“We helped Namjoon because we thought he’d bring a new dawn to the territories! Something modern and helpful!” Seokjin roughly rakes through his hair. “What he did out there is stupidly ancient! Letting the poor girl go out like that when she was so vulnerable!”
Yoongi sits on the edge of the bed quietly, Taehyung perches himself on one of the dining chair and Jungkook leans himself against a wall near the changing partition. All of them quietly listening to their oldest brother. Except Jimin who opts to relish in the sounds of the soft rain slowly gaining in its strengths and dropping harder on the ground.
“It was a good thing Wisteria has more sense than our brother. A whole fucking town knew to respect Rosyne but not this one man.” Seokjin scoffs feeling his legs wobble and fingers tremble from the anger seeping through his veins, slowly with a struggle calming down as he spews more words.
Jimin takes a deep breath in the midst of tension, closing his eyes to let the sound of raindrops hitting the ground relax his bones. When silence spread across Yoongis’ chambers, he begins to speak. “What was the thing our brother said about kindness?”
“What?” Seokjin asks in a slightly weakened voice.
“Hoseok…you said he spoke something about kindness that you liked.” The younger male says still in the same serene tone like nothing ever bothered him.
“Don’t mistake kindness for softness.”
Jimin hums padding away from the window as the rain grew more violent. He walks over to Taehyung and gently perches himself on his lap with the male’s hands around his hips, keeping him secure.
“Why do you ask?” Yoongi narrows his gaze for a moment.
He shrugs nonchalantly, playing with Taehyung’s fingers. “I smell something brewing. Something strong and…angry. Very angry.” Jimin feels the warmth curdle in his gut tugging to warn him that whatever he could smell was nearing.
“A revolt?” Seokjin walks towards the dining table and leans over the edge.
“No…much more dangerous than that.” Jimin shakes his head feeling his gut twist a little. It was close. She was close. “I smell the anger of a warrior. Her fire cracks metal and her mere gaze breaks Kings.”
“Must you always speak in riddles?” Jungkook shakes his head causing Jimin to let out a small giggle.
“You needn’t wait much longer.” Jimin relaxes a little more, brushing his fingers through Taehyungs’ hair. “Our brother Namjoon will soon meet the error of his ways in underestimating the royals of Wisteria.”
The cramps turned into searing pain when the rain began smacking the windows in its might. Her whole body heated, blood rushing through her veins so quickly Rosyne couldn’t keep up with breathing normally. Something wet trickled down between her legs causing a state of panic. She leans against the pillars of the bed, unbridled agonized cry leaving her lips as tears stream down her cheeks.
“Your Majesty…” One of the maids whisper before she shouts at another to call the physician quickly and the young one obliges without hesitation.
Rosyne cries out again, nails scratching against the wood as pain burst like wildfire squeezing through her body. More liquid trailing down her legs onto the floor. She shakily reaches down into her dress before bringing up her drenched hand, the liquid clear and watery. “The baby—”
“It’s normal, Your Majesty, the baby’s coming.” The maid rubbed her back up and down trying to keep a gentle tone though there was a slight shake to it. She guides the Queen properly to lie down on the bed.
Rosyne desperately tries to take in a deep breaths, cheeks puffing out as she exhales. The pain became a little more bearable for a few moments allowing her to properly lie back with a few pillows elevating her upper body. “H-Hoseok, I-I need—” She grabs onto the maid’s hand tightly.
Before she could try and finish her sentences, the door burst open with Kiku, Hoseok and the maid rushing inside. Kiku shrugs off her coat leaving her a loose white shirt, sleeves rolled up before she pulled on some black gloves. The young maid pulls in a tray of tools in front of the bed while Kiku climbs closer, gently spreading Rosyne’s legs.
Hoseok moves over to Rosyne’s side immediately holding onto her hand. “Is everything—”
“She’s okay. You’re in labour.” Kiku mutters gently loud enough for them to hear over the sound of heavy rain outside the palace. She places a gloved hand on the belly as a familiar sharp chill jolts in the room for a brief moment. “Sorry...” She whispers. “Your baby is in the right position, I just need you to breathe.”
Rosyne nods, immediately wincing when the pain burst through her again causing her to whimper, heaving in as many deep breaths as she could. “The—the court…” She gulps down.
“I’ll take care of it.” Hoseok mutters how deeply her nails dug into his skin. “I’ll take care of everything, I promise.” He looks down at Kiku briefly and sees the physician staring right into him. He knows what she’s doing. The male keeps her gaze, firm and ready as a chill ran down his spine before he watches Kiku’s expression—for the first time ever grow soft with a tinge of a smile.
“Your people and kingdom are safe, your Majesty.” Kiku addresses with a much wider smile which Rosyne replies with a mixture of a sob and a chuckle. “Now just breathe.”
“You’ve taken care of us and this kingdom for a long time.” Hoseok whispers in her ear. “Let us take care of you, okay?” He brushes through her dampening hair, gently wiping away the tear rolling down her cheek.
Rosynes’ chest rises and falls deeply before she nods. “O-okay…”
Storm spreads across the land of Wisteria, hues of grey and blue covering each corner of the sky as mud puddles gathers on the grounds. An almost endless line of horses and figures march towards the gates of the kingdoms leaving the watchers in slight shock. Though the purple banners were not hard to miss even in their blurry line of sight. It was one of their own. At least from their ‘previous’ monarch.
The watch guards do not wait long before letting the gates open knowing the figure riding under the purple umbrella attached to the horse was not to be toyed with.
Namjoon sits on his throne feeling much colder than he would like since Minnie refused to sleep next to him after the whole ride to town. He tries to catch a few glimpses of her next to him, her beautiful long hair poorly attempting to hide the purpling marks on her neck which were not made by him. He quickly averts his gaze to prevent the sink in his chest.
“You knew…you fucking knew I loved her.” Yoongi whispered, back facing him as Namjoon broke the news of their wedding. “And you still agreed.”
Namjoon pressed his lips together. “So did she.”
“You’re a fucking Prince in your own right, Namjoon, you could’ve said no.” The older male turned his head to his side. “You know what Minnie’s parents are like. She had no choice.”
“I had to agree to the marriage if I was going to get her parent’s army.” He attempted to explain but he was only met with reddened eyes staring back at him, angry and heartbroken.
“That’s all you care about.” Yoongi shook his head. “It’s not about building a good world with your brothers anymore, it’s just you and your goddamn obsession with power.”
“That’s not true.”
“What else can it be?” He winced.
“Maybe you should stop living in your own head and realize that Minnie might have just wanted to marry me.” Namjoon explained though something nudged inside him that it was a lie. He saw the look on Minnie’s when she had to agree. He noticed the tear rolling down her cheek that she desperately tried to blink away.
Yoongi scoffed bitterly. “Maybe she does.” He gulped down, features contorting as he turned his back to the male again.
Namjoon tightened his jaw biting down any words that may have been used to reassure him somehow. But he couldn’t. It was done.
Perhaps there was a part of him that wanted to believe things would be different and Minnie would soften up to him, forget Yoongi while his brother would do the same. Life was never kind that way though.
The double doors crashes open with a deafening thud alerting the guards as they stumble to get away from the heavy doors while the members of the councils now walk forward closer to the King and Queen. Heavy boots stomps on the wooden floors hitting the walls right to Namjoons’ eardrums as he sees a burst of royal purple walk towards him.
Velvet royal purple coat, long dark curls with a familiar pair of striking violet eyes. Except this one had less roundness to them. Less softness. This was sharp like daggers shooting straight through him so much that he could feel the sting on his skin.
Dozens of guards pad into the throne room behind her marching without a single ounce of hesitation when they stood at the sides of the hall. Now the woman stands in the center, her gaze unblinking as it bore into Namjoon making him feel small despite sitting on the throne.
“Who are you supposed to be?” Namjoon asks as he hears lighter footsteps from his side. From the corner of his eye, he makes out Hoseoks’ familiar figure walking to stand next to him before looking back at the stranger.
The woman flickered those harsh eyes to Hoseok only for a second until her lips part. “Princess Gaia of Wisteria…who are you supposed to be?”
“New King of Wisteria.” Namjoon ignores the sink in his belly as he tries not to glare at Jimin for feeding him false and unconfirmed information.
Gaia presses her lips together again into a thin line. “So I’ve heard.” She raises a brow. Barely a few words spoken from the woman and she already made him feel like he was lying somehow.
He taps the arm of the throne lightly to mask his fingers trembling a little as his eyes scans over to the members of the council who stood silent. “I’m sure this won’t cause trouble between the two of us as I’ve—”
“Your claim to the throne is illegal, new king.”
Namjoon chuckles nervously. “It’s Namjoon.”
“I didn’t ask.” Gaia replies simply creating a pin drop silence in the hall.
Jimin tries his best to bite down an amused smile as he flickers his eyes over to Hoseok who stands calm and confident. Though he smells it far too thickly in the room. A mixture of immense failure and ultimate success. He could guess which scent belonged to whom.
Namjoon immediately clears his throat as he shifts in his throne, glancing over at Minnie who didn’t look like she had any interest in paying attention. “The contract to hand over the kingdom needed to be signed by the Queen and Commander. Which they were.”
“And where’s your commander?” Gaia asks with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.
He confidently gestures to the figure hidden somewhere behind Jungkook. There was no response for a while causing his stomach to twist.
Jungkook moves to pull the armored fool from the shadows and push him towards Gaia.
Metal clangs as the old man lands on the floor making a small noise that could resemble a sob. He kneels down properly in front of Gaia with a loud cry. “I did what you asked, C-Commander! Please d-don’t h-hurt me!”
Gaia asked him to do whatever Rosyne ordered him to do which the man did and the younger female wasn’t sure whether to punish him or reward him for his loyalty. Then again this was not what she expected her sister to do. “It’s alright.” She mutters softly.
Fingers curl up into tight fists, grimacing down at the shivering male bowing down to the woman with the utmost respect and fear. “Command—”
“Oh yes…Princess Gaia…” She bows slightly. “Official Commander of Wisterian Forces.” The ghost of a smirk now forms into a full smile with all the bitterness in the world lacing through it.
Namjoon feels his entire body crash through the floor. The constant feeling of falling with no end rushing through his veins causing his fingers to openly tremble. “You did this.” He turns his head to face Hoseok.
“This is funny the thing about loyalty…” Gaia speaks up tilting her head. “You don’t just take it and expect it to last. You can earn it but just as easily lose it.” She grins, eyes flickering over to the members of the council. “Now get off my sister’s chair...”
Without a single wave of her hand, the guards situated in the room raise their spears and point it straight at him.
“Your Majesty…” Kiku’s voice causes everyone to pause their actions for a moment. She scans around the room, heart relaxing to see Gaia standing in the center while the pretend council was now cornered. “Queen Rosyne has given birth a healthy baby girl.”
Something burst in Hoseoks’ chest as the news lingered in the air, almost like butterfly or angel wings fluttering in his belly. A smile almost immediately stretched across his lips. “Can I—” He whispers in such a soft noise that he worries Kiku might not have heard him but thankfully the Physician nods. He glances over his shoulder to Gaia for a moment.
Gaia doesn’t hesitate to nod for him to disappear out of the throne room.
Namjoon couldn’t control himself, heart pounding right up to his throat as he pushed off the throne and lunges on Gaia with his sword in hand. Before his sense could catch up to him, two blades clash with one another. A piercing screech echoes through the room as their sword separate. “You really think I’m just going to give it back to you?” He seethes. “I’ve worked my entire life to ensure this kingdom goes to a better monarch.”
“And you call yourself a better monarch on what grounds? Asking a nine month pregnant woman to ride around town? Simply because she asked for military taxes to be lowered.” Gaia’s eyes burn through Namjoon’s skull. She notices the male raising his sword again which she swung away cutting his hand and forcing him to drop the sword to the ground. The tip of her sword presses against Namjoon’s jugular. “My sister might have been patient with you.” She didn’t hesitate to push the blade further against the mans’ skin.
Namjoon tries to stand up straight and keep his stance but Gaia wasn’t stopping. The blade piercing through his skin, pushing harder causing him to move back. Stumbling a little until he finally dropped, the back of his head hitting the seat of the throne.
“But I won’t waste a single second to gut you right in front of your followers.” Gaia didn’t loosen the pressure on his jugular as the storm smacks on the windows, the wind whistling in such a volume it was almost screaming. “So stay put.” Once she could feel the male staying still enough, she pulls the sword away wiping away the excess blood on the blade against Namjoon’s sleeves.
“Maybe it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t abandoned your sister.” Namjoon touches his injury gently, his fingers pads immediately drenching with blood.
Gaia sighs softly unsheathing her sword silently and slowly. Letting the sound of metal lightly sing as it disappears into the sheath. Before anyone could prepare themselves, she raised her heavy booted foot and jabbed right in between Namjoons’ legs.
A crippling shout echoes through the room as she kicks again.
Kick. The throne shifts from its position.
Kick. At the same spot over and over again until Minnie almost catches a whimper from the usually composed male.
She then kicks the throne back even more so Namjoon could fall limp on the ground, groaning and arms covering his destroyed limb, damp with the mud from her boots.
“I didn’t abandon her.” Gaia finally speaks in a calm tone ignoring the look of shock even gripping Jimin’s expression. “It’s usually tradition for siblings to stay in separate places whenever their parent passes away to ensure both of them are not eliminated.” She walks back to the center of the throne room without even a slight shake in her voice. Almost as if she had done this to many people before. “Just in case a lowly prince decides to get any ideas.” Gaia turns back to notice tears gathering in Namjoons’ reddened eyes.
Namjoon keeps breathing heavily, eyes flickering from side to side as if finding some words to spit back at her but nothing came out.
“I’d kill you right now, you know.” Gaia tilts her head. “Wisteria wouldn’t even take a second glance if I had your head on the spike outside.” She gestures out at the windows, still drenching thickly with rain. “But that’s why Rosyne is Queen. So sorry souls like you can get a second chance you probably don’t even deserve.”
“Your Highness…” Seokjin speaks up this time with a careful tone, taking a few steps forward. “May I ask what our punishment will be?”
She shakes her head. “It’s up to Rosyne. Knowing her though, no one is going to be executed.” There was slight sense of disappointed lacing in the woman’s tone but Seokjin nods and kindly takes that as a good enough answer. “Detain them.” Gaia orders and a few guards walk forward to take the council members and carry Namjoon. “Leave the girl and whoever’s called Yoongi.” She gestures to the side who stare at her in deep confusion though the younger female does not explain further.
Frankly the couple was afraid to ask.
Once the throne room was left with the three of them, Gaia walks forward to the throne and gently shifts it back to its place. “Hoseok’s letter informed me that you both aided my sister against your King’s wishes. I thank you for that.”
“Truthfully, Your Highness…” Yoongi speaks up with the same care as Seokjin. “I only helped her because I knew she was important to Hoseok.”
“Nevertheless you helped her.” Gaia gives a small pat on the chair. “Even when you didn’t have to.”
“If I may ask, Princess Gaia—what is Rosyne going to do to them?” Minnie asks. Maybe a small part of her wonders if Rosyne would give Namjoon the second chance or they would have to deal with another surprise.
Gaia sighs as she relaxes on the arm of the throne. “At this point, just hope Rosyne has her same patience after just pushing out a baby.”
Her belly burst with joy hearing that shrieking cry of a tiny angel, drenched in blood and almost looking like it was shivering. Kiku whispers that she was a girl before moving to clean her up. Sheets and sheets soaked in red now thrown into a hamper for cleaning while the crying fades into a calm whining.
Rosyne rests back against the pillow finally being able to breathe a little more easily, dark hair matting to her temples, eyes still reddened from the incessant sobbing and screaming. The storm outside fades back into a steady rain instead of the screaming wind giving off a more relaxing atmosphere. She peers through hooded lids as Kiku walks over to her holding the most precious thing in the entire world in her arms.
Despite all the crying, she still feels her eyes burning with more tears when Kiku places the little girl in her embrace. The child stirs a little slightly waving around her tiny hands with her eyes slowly opening and closing. A light coo emitting from her breath.
“Hello…” Rosyne whispers, shaking her gently. “My princess.” She lets out a small mixture of a sob and giggles before leaning in and kissing the top of the baby’s head.
Kiku had walked out to the throne room to inform Hoseok of the birth while the maids tried to wrap up all the sheets and towels.
In minutes, the door opens with Hoseok walking through, glazed eyes looking over at the scene before him. His whole body fills up with comfortable warmth. A small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. There was something so strange seeing the little life made by the two of them. A whole person holding a part of him manifested with the woman he loved. “I—”
Rosyne grins lightly patting the space next to her. “Come closer.”
He hesitates for a brief moment before finally moving to sit down on the soft surface. His breath hitches in his throat when he sees her. The sweet little human tiredly opening her eyes to attempt to look up at her mother, blinking curiously while her tiny lips part. Hoseok couldn’t help but grin ear to ear seeing the tinge of violet in the child’s eyes. “She’s beautiful.”
She hums in response biting down her bottom lips as more tears trail down her cheek. “I wanted to name her Chikara.”
“Chikara…” Hoseok mutters to himself before smiling. “It’s good.” His smiles fades for a moment when he notices Rosyne sobbing a little quietly to herself. “Hey—hey, what’s wrong?” He reaches out to wipe away a few tears across her face.
Rosyne quickly shakes her head giving him a quick smile. “I’m just happy.” She holds onto his hand, pressing a small kiss on his fingers before gently placing it near Chikara. “I’ve been hiding her for so long, I almost didn’t believe it sometimes.” She chuckles weakly. “Now she’s here.”
“You did such a good job.” Hoseok wraps one arm around the girl, pressing his lips against her temples. He moves his hand further to caress Chikara’s delicate skin feeling a tingle down his spine. Then the butterflies soared across his chest again when her tiniest fingers wrap gently around his bigger finger. “Gaia’s here.”
“She’s taking care of him.” Hoseok brushes through his hair to soothe her. “You don’t have to worry about anything for now.”
Rosyne relaxes a little and leans her head on his shoulder, finally being able to completely relish in the calm. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Hoseok nudges his nose against her temple. “You don’t ever have to thank me. You deserve all the happiness in the world.” He mutters in her ear with the softest voice he could muster while his eyes focus on little Chikara finally attempting to hold an exhausted gaze. “Princess Chikara.”
It didn’t even take a night’s sleep or time to think when Hoseok decides that he would do anything in the world to protect his family.
Morning brought a bright sun shining in the clear sky, drying up the mud puddles and bringing a new glow to all the crops in Wisterian farms. Inside the palace, Queen Rosyne sits on her throne with the little princess in her arms, raising her tiny hands while her mother playfully taps her nose. Chikara adorns a soft lilac dress which almost feels like a cloud under her palm courtesy of the Royal seamstress who enchanted it to make it as comfortable as possible.
Hoseok stands next to the throne fondly smiling down at his daughters’ little movements with Kiku standing on the other side of the throne. Thankfully Minnie and Yoongi were let off on any imprisonment sentence automatically as they stood at the side of the throne room. The rest of his brothers would also be given less harsh treatments while Rosyne allowed Gaia to lay a punishment on Namjoon. Since Namjoon never harmed Rosyne, he was not to be tortured in any way but simply had to leave the kingdom barefoot for the people of Wisteria to observe.
Double doors thud open with Gaia leading the trail of figures walking through. The council members now released of their shackles while Namjoon was still in chains from his feet to his wrists. Standing in the center of the throne room, Gaia gives a bow and walks to the side of the throne room.
Rosyne presses a small kiss on Chikara’s forehead before gently handing her to Hoseok who holds onto her happily.
Pin-drop silence plunges into the room save for the few cooing noises coming from the child. The Queen raises her chin, hardened expression adorning her features as she observes Namjoon’s ragged clothing and messy hair. “You already know your sentence, I’m sure.”
Namjoon has his head hung purposely staying quiet for a minutes longer than most people’s patience. But then he slowly breaks. “Why have you called me here then?” He mumbles mostly under his breath but Rosyne hears him enough.
“Your soldiers—are relinquishing their allegiance to you.” Rosyne’s announcement causes the male’s head to shoot up a little along with a few confused expressions from the council members, particularly the young Jungkook.
“You mean you forced them to relinquish.” Namjoon seethes.
“I don’t force people to do anything.” Rosyne replies simply. “Your…deal to have me ride around town naked seemed to have caused a light tremor of disbelief amongst your troops. Apparently their Captain specifically taught them not to follow a leader who cannot respect vulnerable people.”
Jungkook’s round eyes widen a little as his Adam’s apple bobs up and down, averting his gaze from the front of the throne room.
“Your Captain seems to know more about respect than you do.” Gaia speaks up, hands clasped behind her back.
“Your Majesty…” Jungkook speaks finally although with a careful voice. “Where are the soldiers’ going to go?”
“Some of them want to sign up for Wisterian Forces and fight under Commander Gaia’s name.” Rosyne nods towards her younger sister. “There are a few who want to go back home and begin normal lives with their families.”
“I will not welcome deserters in my kingdom.” Namjoon sends a sharp glare to the Queen but she does not respond with even a flinch.
“It’s not your kingdom anymore.” Rosyne announces.
The male’s brows furrow. “It’s my birthright.”
“You should’ve thought about the consequences before you sent in a spy.”
“A spy who you happily let fuck you without question.” Namjoon smiles bitterly taking a brave step forward despite feeling only immense pain between his legs. “You let him put a goddamn baby in you, for god’s sake.” He chuckles, eyes glossing and reddening by the second. “That child has killer’s blood coursing through her veins, did you know that?”
In mere seconds, the room faded into a frightening chill erupting a small cry from Chikara. Hoseok covers her up in his jacket to keep her warm but the cold only grew stronger.
Kiku walks forward to the center of the throne room watching Namjoon’s neck turn veiny and blue as he let out pathetic choked sounds. “The harshest words always utter from the most terrified people.” She speaks, calmly looking at the male drop down to his knees heaving in deep breaths as the room fades to a normal warmth again.
Rosyne sighs in defeat as Namjoon coughs on the grounds desperately taking in deep breaths that he lost in Kiku’s outburst. “I highly advise not to talk about my child or her father in that manner again.”
Namjoons’ teary eyes flickers up to meet the Queen.
“There may just be a time where they don’t stop. And I won’t stop them.” It never came often. Rosyne always holds a sense of patience around her that to hear her spew a threat in that same gentle tone left a chilling mark in the throne room.
Patient people harbored the most potent fury.
“You will be escorted by my troops and myself back to your kingdom.” Gaia announces, almost sounding like the patient sister for a moment as Rosyne’s quiet anger still lingers in the room. “Anyone who wishes to stay can do so but they will not be allowed in the main rooms of the palace until significant time has passed.” She mostly glances over at Minnie and Yoongi as the couple gave them a brief nod.
Namjoon has confusion gripping his face looking over at Minnie and Yoongi, letting out a shaky breath. “Minnie?” He whispers.
Minnie swallows down the lump in her throat and walks close to Yoongi. Their fingers intertwining together almost perfectly. It didn’t take any words. Not that Minnie could say anything. But the action was enough for Namjoon to hang his head.
“We could have been allies, Namjoon.” Rosyne speaks before sighing. “Unfortunately pride and power always gets the best of someone in a generation.”
No harsh comment were left to swirl in the air. Namjoon keeps his head hanging down almost as if it could detach from his neck altogether. “Just let me go home.” He whispers.
Some strange part of her wants to reassure the male somehow that he could rebuild himself back again if he ever needed to. Except this time Rosyne couldn’t find it in herself to do so. She was still too tired and the soreness still lingered in her body for her to maintain that piece of kindness inside her that would reassure even a raging monster. So in pure silence she nods to Gaia.
Her sister doesn’t waste any time in escorting the council out of the throne room. Minnie and Yoongi follow suit a few minutes after, not forgetting to give a small bow to the Queen before disappearing.
Once the double doors closed, Rosyne lets out a deep sigh and immediately hears Chikara’s fussing a little with small whimpers and whines. She gets up from her throne to see Hoseok gently shaking the baby to a calm state.
“Do you still want me here?” Hoseok asks, his chest clenching a little at the thought of never seeing both their faces again. He hands Chikara over to Rosyne as the woman shushes her quietly and holds her close to her chest.
“I carried her without you.” Rosyne relaxes a little feeling the warmth of her child as she slowly calms down in her embrace.
Hoseok hangs his head, gulping down. Spies and killers never built families or took part in them. They called each other brothers for the sake of appearances for the most part. Namjoon always liked reminding him of that whenever he was sent off to a mission for his conquest.
“But I don’t want to raise her without you.” A smile stretches across her lips as Rosyne reaches out and holds onto his hand.
It doesn’t take Hoseok long to feel his body flutter again with those same butterflies. Wildly soaring across his belly as he moves closer and leans to press a kiss on her lips. One hand cupping her cheeks, he dips down to kiss Chikara’s forehead as she blinks up at him curiously.
Maybe Namjoon was wrong. Maybe Hoseok could finally…truly have a family.
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CyberPunk Love - Part 2
A/N: OMG thank you guys for the support, I really appreciate it!
Pairing: Connor x FemaleReader
Story Summary: After 8 years the Reader comes back to Detroit and engages with her old Parter Hank and his new sidekick Connor, investigating new homicide cases but Connor begins to suspect she’s hiding something.
Chapter Summary: (Y/N) has lunch with Hank and almost confesses the Truth, but gets interrupted by Connor, but a new case came in making the trio work together, but for the reader’s surprise, the case involved her past.
Warnings: Angst and Swearing.
Word Count: 1,804
Tag List: @lamnothome  @margaret-mortem   @pymmsolstice rainbowsithlord @bee-wrecker
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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( Y/N’s View )
“Wow …”
“Yeah I know, it’s still shitty …” Hank sighed at the old Dinner he would often bring you when you were younger. “I’m surprised ... it's still running.” He confessed, looking around for that specific table you guys would sit in.
“Well, I still dig it.” You smiled and Hank just laughed. “Honestly, I never thought you would ever come back.”
“Yeah, me neither … but” You began letting yourself plop on the old squeaky booth cushion. “I can see they haven’t changed one bit.” You looked up to see Hank laughing in front of you. “Yeah, well I haven’t been here since … you know.” He breathes out looking down at the Menu.
“I’m sorry I left …” 
“You had your reasons … You’re still young, and I’m already an Old-Grumpy man, don’t worry about me.” He smiled, making you feel somewhat guilty, but you knew that at that time you had no choice but to leave Detroit.
“Hank …” You softly began, hiding your face with the Menu.
“Hm …” His eyes still locked on the Menu. 
“There’s something I need to tell you …” Biting your lower lip, you were about to speak when ...
“Oh my god is that you (Y/N)!” You instantly recognized the woman’s voice, it was Minny, the owner of the Dinner, she would usually give you free desserts as a kid, and sometimes let you guys eat for free too.
“Look at you! You’re so grown, and Oh my god, Hank, you haven’t changed one bit.” She teased, making Hank smile forcefully. “Hope you remember that we’re almost the same age Minny …” He said with a warning tone.
“The sad reality …” She sighed, winking at you without Hank seeing, making you chuckle. “Anywho, what can I get for you guys? The usual ?”
( Connor’s View )
Connor sat in his chair, waiting for Hank, it had already been an hour since he left with (Y/N). He flipped his coin from left to right, he tried to go over everything that happened, making his LED turning yellow immediately at the thought. The coin ran through his knuckles, back and forth. 
Why did Captain Fowler react that way ... Did he knew ...
Software Instability ^^^
Could she be trusted ...
Software Instability ^^^
Should I tell Hank the truth about (Y/N) ...
Software Instability ^^^
What is she really? 
Connor stopped his actions and began to look up at your profile. Nothing seemed out of place, on the other hand, he became impressed, like Hank you graduated top of your class and even became a Valedictorian. Starting as a beat cop and eventually becoming a Police Detective, and now, a Lieutenant. You had the highest-profiles arrests and even joined the Counterterrorism Division. 
Realizing that he might have miscalculated the things, he began to feel guilty and wanted to apologize. 
“Officer Miller.” Connor turned to a distracted Chris who was about to devour a doughnut in his desk. “Do you know any place where Lieutenant Anderson and (Y/N) might be having their lunch?” 
It took Chris a second until it hit him.
“Try at Minny’s Dinner, he used to take her there all the time.” He said as he took a bite of the glazed doughnut he had.
“Thank you, Officer Miller.” Connor nodded and began to walk to the entrance.
( Y/N’s View )
“Oh my God ... Do you remember ... that one time when ... we ... went fishing and one of the fishes ... slapped you all over the face!” Your laughter taking all over you, you were so red, you couldn’t even breath. 
“And do you remember when you tripped over the boat and fell into the water?” Making you snort and Hank tried not to laugh so hard, but couldn’t hold it, remembering how clumsy you used to be. “Jesus ... we need to go again.”
“Yes, we do.” Taking a sip of your (Reader’s Favorite flavor) milkshake. “So you wanted to tell me something ... What was it?”
You almost chocked on the milkshake it took Hank by surprise. “You alright?” He asked leaning in.
“Yes ...” Clearing your throat, you began to worry.
What if he doesn’t see me the same way after I tell him ...
“(Y/N) ... Are you sure you’re alright?” Hank’s face had completely changed, he looked concerned. As you were about to tell him ... You got interrupted again.
The Dinner’s doorbell ranged, making you and Hank turn, nobody ever came here, unless they were lost since Minny’s Dinner was very well hidden.
It was Connor. 
Thank God ...
“Hank ... I’m looking for ... Hello, Lieutenant (Y/LN), I was hoping I could have a word with you.” Connor said making Hank turn, and sigh in annoyance. “Sure, but right now we’re having lunch, can it wait?” You asked with a quirked eyebrow. “It’s fine (Y/N), just go, or you’ll never get him off your ass.” Hank advised you, making you roll your eyes. “Fine ...” You got up and tapped Hank’s shoulder as the both of you exited the Dinner.
( Connor’s View )
Connor’s Thirium pump began to beat through his chest again. He watched the way your (H/C) hair would move when you would walk, the way your hips would sway with each step you would take, your scent was sweet, and your skin glowed in the sunlight. 
“Take a picture it’ll last longer.”  Her voice quickly turned him back to reality, making him get flustered, his cheeks slowly turning a light blue shade, making (Y/N) grin a little. “I wanted to apologize for my inappropriate behavior back at the office, I shouldn't have approached you in such behavior, it was very rude of me to assume ...”
“Assume what?” She quickly cut him off.
“Assume that an outstanding Detective like you would ever be ...”
“Say it.” She persisted, but Connor didn’t want to make things worse.
“I rather not, I’m afraid that ...”
“Look, Connor, I know that you think I’m an impostor because of ...” You rose your hand and took a moment to look at it. “You have no idea of what I had to go through in order to be here, Alive .” She crossed her arms, looking deeply at Connor. 
The doorbell ranged again, making Connor and (Y/N) turn, this time it was Hank. 
“We gotta go ... There’s been a homicide.”
( Y/N’s View )
The drive was at least 30 tormentors minutes of silence. You thought that you were going to go insane, so you decided to play some music.
“What do you think you’re doing ...” Hank asked, quirking an eyebrow at you. “What do you think I’m doing?” You said as you scroll down at your phone looking for that specific song that you knew it drove Hank crazy. 
As you clicked the song, you noticed Hank’s facial expression change as the song played.
“Oh, my fucking ... WHY!” He rolled his eyes, making you laugh hysterically. 
“ Hey kids, shake it loose together The spotlight's hitting something That's been known to change the weather We'll kill the fatted calf tonight So stick around You're gonna hear electric music Solid walls of sounddddd ...”
You began to lip-sync dramatically along with Elton John, completely forgetting that Connor was in the back, watching you confused yet curiously, Hank, on the other hand, watched you with horror.
“Why did you have to play that fucking song!” He yelled as while you mimicked him. 
After arriving at the crime scene, you begin to notice your surroundings, it looked like a regular neighborhood just outside of the city. “Is everything alright Lieutenant (Y/LN).” You heard Connor behind you. “Yeah, it’s just that you always have to make sure where you are in order to get an idea, of what you're going to be dealing with.” You explained, making Connor nod in agreement. 
“Hey Hank, arrived early I see ... Oh my God ... (Y/N) you’re back!” You heard Detective Ben Collins yelled in excitement. 
“Yes, she is, and now she’s a Lieutenant.” Hank’s pride showing off already, making you smile. “Well, that’s amazing, hopefully, you find out what happened in there.” He said as he pointed inside the old house, disgust was written all over his face. 
And as you walked closer to the house, the smell of rotten became rather familiar. Quickly covering your mouth and nose, you entered the house and ... It was San Francisco all over again. 
“Jesus Christ ... That smell and ... Oh my fucking god.” Hank’s complains could be heard all over the house. You began to walk to the bathroom knowing well that the source of the smell was there.
 “Oh fuck ...” 
Indeed, the smell was coming from here. There was an Android whose limbs were torn apart, and the lifeless body of a middle-aged man was laying on an icy tub. You noticed some red marks on the ceiling and floor, quickly getting your flashlight, you noticed that they were the same ones as the ones you saw a couple of months ago. 
“Great ...”
You heard footsteps coming towards the bath, it was Connor, who suddenly became aware of the bodies and the markings. 
“I’ve already seen this ...” You began, as you turned off your flashlight, and faced the Android. “Back in San Francisco.” Connor still looked around until he gathered what he needed, he turned to look at you. “Did you ever found out what it meant?” 
“Yes, sadly.” You pulled out your phone and scrolled down to find the pictures of the markings, on the same spot, written just like the one that was above you. Connor was trying to figure out what they meant but nothing would show up on his search. “That’s ... strange.”
“Not really.” 
Connor looked up from your phone to look at you. “It’s a blood ritual ... Some people believe that if we replace ourselves with Android’s body parts, we will become a new species.” 
“I’ve noticed the markings on the victim's arm, is similar to ...” You turned at the comment. “Mines ...” You whispered loud enough for him to hear, making him nod. “I will explain later ... for now, let’s just play it cool, I don’t want to worry Hank.”
( Connor’s View )
Connor stood there silently as his LED light turned yellow. 
Software Instability ^^^
Could this mean ... that she’s one of them after all?
“Hey ... I said I was going to explain everything.” (Y/N)’s voice interrupted Connor’s thoughts again. “I’m a meetup with Hank at Jimmy’s Bar, I told him to bring you, so you better not be late, okay.” She warned as she exited the bathroom. 
“I’m never late ...” Connor whispered to himself.
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airoasis · 5 years
The 1 Bitcoin Show- VanEck SolidX is back (as expected)! Walk the walk, NEM? A 17 y/o's bank
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-1-bitcoin-show-vaneck-solidx-is-back-as-expected-walk-the-walk-nem-a-17-y-os-bank/
The 1 Bitcoin Show- VanEck SolidX is back (as expected)! Walk the walk, NEM? A 17 y/o's bank
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Hiya every person this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin exhibit as a strong arms today is January the thirty first 2019 robust hand long-term thinking bow your wealth in bitcoin offended by shelling be a unique beast simple all okay everybody verify out the hyperlinks below everything I talk about within the video is linked to below disrupt meister calm tech ball te CH b LT okay this week in bitcoin the next day to come eight:00 a.M. Japanese Time that’s 1 p.M. In London we got three pleasing company i’ll go away it Oh it should be a shock you they are i do know who they’re expectantly they are going to exhibit up it’s hard to do a show at eight:00 a.M.Japanese Time i will let you know that but i am in Tel Aviv Israel so I received to do it cuz I obtained to head to shul as soon as the solar Goes Down on Friday town that like button for shabbat shalom all right relocating on so Friday’s exhibit can be exceptional however then Saturday there is gonna be one more awesome exhibit we’re gonna go past beyond Bitcoin and talk about a crypto dividend no it is not be hex why are you individuals pondering it can be be hex I stated we are debuting a new crypto dividend that has now not been stated anyplace but on Saturday at three p.M. Eastern time 1 p.M. Mountain time you know like in Denver Colorado and ya are aware of it’s once more I like it’s an airdrop mine i like crypt of dividends on account that you just you’re rewarded for maintaining your big coin I like it you get some new all coin you turning the significant coin babe you received more Bitcoin don’t forget the identify of the exhibit is the one Bitcoin exhibit so for those who get some free crypto dividends you flip it into Bitcoin also you acquired one Bitcoin you are good for your approach they day okay so yeah that is Saturday’s beyond Bitcoin show then Sunday goes to be one more distinct exhibit max Moe is approaching from Venezuela Juan Gault will also be also we’re going to talk so much about Venezuela on Sunday on this very Channel and so as to be at what’s that I consider 3:00 three:30 p.M. Eastern something like that i’m going to remind each person as it will get nearer some some three it’s going to be earlier than the Superbowl don’t worry it should be right earlier than the super Bowl on Sunday we’re gonna talk about like real lifestyles stuff in Venezuela as all of you who as so many humans get drunken fats within the cozy the usa you understand staring at the the Rams and would the Tom Brady’s play the bubbly individuals had been as well like you know coping with actual lifestyles due to the fact they need the Bitcoin down there all right so yeah moving on very first thing I’ve bought so many notes right here a few you know it’s a Sunday exhibit Saturday show oh and about Saturday’s show once more I stated it can be within the men and women who’re hanging on the script of dividend they may be in motion and i hooked a few of them up due to the fact that they three of the dudes know Minnie I had met them individually and you’ve gotten obvious them on the show handiest this for your Bitcoin show earlier than but once more I forgot to say the day prior to this that if you’re in motion and you adore what they’re doing you as a rule can do whatever with them i assume it can be continually good to be so don’t be afraid to contact them or contact me if you happen to got any strategies bear in mind probably the most character who got here up with this really cool air drop crypto dividend concept I feel contacted me I used to be like one of the first humans would contact maybe I was once the primary person you contact I don’t know so and i and i acquired him rolling and Wow it’s simply strong and so for those who’ve got just right recommendations you tell me i can put you in contact with individuals if you are a excellent man or woman I mean I recognize individuals who are emotion and men and women that I’ve conversed with online and who’ve been on the show and who i am in man or woman you know you get a think for men and women after a at the same time after you will have received some wisdom and expertise in life not after which i am no longer sensible like you know like my father used to be smart and a individual over 70 over 60 over 50 there that is wisdom there but yeah i am hopefully i am on light-weight you know you are making mistakes you attain you be taught your lesson you turn out to be you gain some wisdom by means of all of it right to be a whatever we must all a attempt for sir somewhat bit of wisdom and that i feel I’ve obtained it tad little bit of it from a few of this crazy experiences i have been by means of in life residing in Linden Avenue in Baltimore having three houses throughout a short period of time the Bitcoin you don’t seeing how impulsive folks are valuing my wealth see females and then doubling my wealth and bitcoin god it can be enjoyable yeah I can’t lie can’t lie acquired some excellent reviews you understand when you meet me a character good that is what you get k now but you get some more private experiences while you meet me first i try to like hold some matters that preserve off the air so this is a loved ones software with everything let’s get let’s get to the nitty-gritty of matters you want to hear in regards to the band act strong x bitcoin etf its again they the that is from one of the most guys over at van ax van eck pound that like button by the way and been from van eck you tweeted this out what’s this guy’s title Garber the van XIX Bitcoin ETF inspiration rule change has been resubmitted through CBOE hard work by way of all groups worried public document k so you you when you click on that hyperlink you’ll find the general public report oh what a shock its back of path its again of path now when will the hope the entire system begins again so who knows when it’s gonna get approved or disapproved or anything do not hold your breath men and women but of direction its again colossal deal you realize it’ll be time to have a good time once it will get authorized ok it is gonna get a proof eventually no one can say what eventually is though it might not be except 2020 so hello there you go maybe you obtained to put a smile to your face that they’ve resubmitted you failed to hear but there is a news for you so I noticed penny ling hams Twitter thread and he shared up a man who was a pal of his i guess a co-located is he’s a buddy that is they they found that a organization together once he he retweeted this guy’s tweet it’s about a new enterprise what’s this known as grasp on i’m gonna i would step calm certainly a well-funded or shall be a good-funded Silicon Valley but when they might pay for the step dot-com area now there’s a purpose i am bringing up this and you realize and on the grounds that clearly this individual is going with the aid of the rules and once enterprise funding they may be gonna they may be gonna follow the foundations that once they’re talking about young adults I count on they may be speaking about 18 and 19 year olds ok so and there’s a medium put up the guy explains what he’s doing and i am gonna quote from for the put up prior nine months i have been busy at the back of the scenes combining my passions and existence classes with my competencies to hooked up the next big task a trusted banking platform that works with latest trendy lifestyle and teaches not simplest young adults but additionally households the best way to higher manipulate their cash okay and it is step calm which you can go to step calm and you’ll find but I mean once more that that that lifeless URL failed to come low cost so you recognize this dude’s he is talking about a believe a banking a relied on banking platform nobody why do you need to stick me why do you need to persist with these traditions why do you wish to have to maintain it within the bank like the motive I deliver up all this given that I feel this is only a massive waste I believe the fellow’s gonna get some huge cash however he is linked and some thing he’s accomplished this before he’s situated firms he is obtained a good pitch oh he needs Bitcoin k so i’m gonna read i’m gonna read some more there are presently seventy five million kids and young adults under the age of 21 in the U.S. This underserved demographic and i agree it’s underserved demographic he’s overwhelmingly pressured to care for money despite the fact that their lives are digital they cannot use money to shop online pay for an uber order from Amazon download track or participate in online gaming sites like fortnight the potential to transact and have entry to your money immediately is major as tests and cash grow to be less primary in contemporary digital world well dude why don’t you just inform you understand I i will recognize that this man wishes to and in case you learn the whole submit he desires to coach persons to make not make silly financial errors no longer get bank cards with thirty five percentage interest rates I consider part of the schooling it most commonly would be the youngsters which can be under 18 in order that when they stand up for these credit cards they do not fall for it k that’s exceptional however for the rest of the I mean they could learn that from holding Bitcoin from being their possess back to start with they could they might get that schooling that way but I imply if they wish to play video video games on-line in the event that they wish to purchase matters from Amazon or go to over I imply it is a Bitcoin I imply you do not want your you are retaining them in the old mannequin you are preserving them in the bank card banking paradigm but why I don’t know I mean once more I I see you know the unbanked as being folks underneath 18 if you’re 17 if you are 16 free anything I suppose you maybe can have a heritage when you get your mother’s title on it again i’ve alluded to after I began tuition out of 17 so my mom’s identify is still on my banking account to this very day but I believe to preclude such nonsense you just be your own financial institution we’re just I consider it is gonna be a gorgeous world when there may be a bunch of seventeen yr olds available in the market that are their own banks due to the fact that of Bitcoin and i suppose that is and you know that’s you don’t need enterprise funding or an costly URL or you understand a best administrative center in Silicon Valley to bring that message to instruct folks you just want Bitcoin Bitcoin solves all the disorders this man is speakme about so it can be fascinating that Vinnie retweeted this I suppose in view that the fellows is buddy and used to be his accomplice in an extra industry but over again I believe there may be do people still begin tuition when they’re sitting when they may be 17 i do not even understand anymore that is if that’s a factor anymore if it can be if it is even rarer rarity it is it can be now not as long-established because it was traditionally i can anticipate that folks like to start their youngsters at all these moms want their youngsters to be the biggest and the oldest they do not need them to be the youngest in order that they hold them back raids and the whole lot so I do not know how many 17 year-olds institution anymore however that could be a excellent goal viewers target demographic for Bitcoin considering the fact that they’re no longer going to be capable to open their possess banks right now they’re going to be ready to want to have some financial freedom and no longer have their mother sign bank account or have get permission from their dad or whatever I suppose that that is going to be you understand again we have now talked concerning the unbanked in the 1/3 world I think in regards to the unbanked and i’ve realized this I forgot it I point out this on the show earlier than I consider about sixteen yr olds and seventeen 12 months olds simply being busy being equipped to be businessmen there if they’ve Bitcoin they could promoting stuff for Bitcoin they don’t need a financial institution account they don’t need their mom or dad’s permission and once more 17 year-olds go off to university I feel nonetheless I was once one of them as soon as so there you go so I combined plenty of things into that i suppose just right good fortune to Vinnie’s pal perhaps you should just you understand it’s forbidden simply motivate humans to make use of Bitcoin however once more he’s it can be howdy cursor professor he is a new counterculture that guy was once competent to elevate a lot of money for from Silicon Valley people have a quality place of work anywhere and Palo Alto San Mateo at any place good for him i guess i am gonna go inform us spread the massive factor phrase once more tech Bolcom disrupt meister comm te c HB alt on twitter that is me bitcoin meister bit backer and steam it all right so yeah uh the day gone by’s exhibit i speak about a further trendy topic in Silicon Valley uh you realize worried about women in tech females in Bitcoin minorities and bitcoin minorities intact you already know discontinue annoying about who’s speaking the talk it it doesn’t matter it can be not gonna make that so much a difference in your private life for those who go to should you pay some huge cash to go to a few conference where some anyone’s paid slightly of money to do what intercourse they are or what race they are you know if they’re talking about some ICO that is such as you gotta make certain you’re jogging the stroll and that you have Bitcoin bitcoin is running the stroll traumatic about who’s speakme to speak who’s talking about cryptocurrency who’s speakme about I cos he’s speaking about tech that is not productive so stroll the stroll before you worry about speakme that who’s speaking to talk and believe me it can be higher just to walk the stroll appear preserve the Bitcoin and let different individuals worry about who’s speakme about big okay with I do I do marvel if a few of these persons complaining concerning the demographics of Bitcoin if they even own any Bitcoin that’s how you make a giant difference you motivate individuals to be their possess banks to manage their own personal keys that helps you know women you already know humans from Greenland folks from at any place or each person’s got an possibility to purchase Bitcoin any there’s nothing protecting them back from from from buying Bitcoin mainly if you’re in the Western world there may be only a few obstacles you get yourself on Bitcoin so is it higher to attend a a speakme gig in San Francisco and pay like a $200 to see some woman talk about Bitcoin or is it higher to possess a fraction of a Bitcoin in your technique to proudly owning one Bitcoin I suppose I believe you received to prioritize right here folks let’s let’s get humans proudly owning Bitcoin not worrying about who’s speaking about considering that there’s nothing you recognize and that i inspire females in case you’ve been in case you think like you may have been discriminated in opposition to and you are not able to talk in the tech convention buy Bitcoin you can get the final left you are going to get the final snigger trust me about that for those who should you feel you’ve gotten been discriminated in opposition to or if you have been discriminated against Bitcoin will fight these big quickman Kansas for me in opposition to any one and it fights towards discrimination actually so there you go so let’s we’re talking about I stated I SEOs and cryptocurrencies and all coins why do not we have a flashback to I consider it was once 2017 when humans were telling me yeah ma’am is that this super Asian or chinese coin or some thing it can be the flavor of the month of some month in 2017 oh I recall it it used to be before iota and after who knows i don’t understand it was once the flavoured a month before ma’am there weren’t too many foot and after veritasium so yeah core desk and that i won point desks has this title and an editorial guys basis practically broke plans layoffs and pivot and in the article it says and that is what the foremost part is there is no longer a whole lot of humans engaged on this platform despite the fact that it can be easy the community is not really there until you go to Japan the enhance the developer stated we want more developer traction on this platform ok so yeah that is what happens the flavors of the month they have got folks don’t in reality use it and then their foundations go bankrupt and again i know the groundwork is not really named however it due to the fact says name is centralized and the truth that they’ve acquired some similarities that you can learn the article if you want to however the flavors of the month are going to maintain on coming they usually’re gonna roll in rather a lot faster as soon as the inexperienced persons roll it again once more we’re in a in terms of Fiat humans say this is a bear crypto advertise’s all cyclical will see the wildness once more there will likely be some why all of the flavors of the month and you know i guess best approaches it inexperienced is a taste of the month right now or anything like that or the opposite ones are the flavor of the month reasonable interesting stuff whatever k so i am adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister recollect subscribe this channel like this video share this video verify out the hyperlinks under pound that like button bang the bell button follow me on twitter and consider day after today exhibit is quickly this weekend Bitcoin might be at 8 a.M.On Friday morning again there is a new show right here daily love you guys i’ll see you in the morning bye bye .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
The 1 Bitcoin Show- VanEck SolidX is back (as expected)! Walk the walk, NEM? A 17 y/o's bank
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-1-bitcoin-show-vaneck-solidx-is-back-as-expected-walk-the-walk-nem-a-17-y-os-bank/
The 1 Bitcoin Show- VanEck SolidX is back (as expected)! Walk the walk, NEM? A 17 y/o's bank
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Hiya every person this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin exhibit as a strong arms today is January the thirty first 2019 robust hand long-term thinking bow your wealth in bitcoin offended by shelling be a unique beast simple all okay everybody verify out the hyperlinks below everything I talk about within the video is linked to below disrupt meister calm tech ball te CH b LT okay this week in bitcoin the next day to come eight:00 a.M. Japanese Time that’s 1 p.M. In London we got three pleasing company i’ll go away it Oh it should be a shock you they are i do know who they’re expectantly they are going to exhibit up it’s hard to do a show at eight:00 a.M.Japanese Time i will let you know that but i am in Tel Aviv Israel so I received to do it cuz I obtained to head to shul as soon as the solar Goes Down on Friday town that like button for shabbat shalom all right relocating on so Friday’s exhibit can be exceptional however then Saturday there is gonna be one more awesome exhibit we’re gonna go past beyond Bitcoin and talk about a crypto dividend no it is not be hex why are you individuals pondering it can be be hex I stated we are debuting a new crypto dividend that has now not been stated anyplace but on Saturday at three p.M. Eastern time 1 p.M. Mountain time you know like in Denver Colorado and ya are aware of it’s once more I like it’s an airdrop mine i like crypt of dividends on account that you just you’re rewarded for maintaining your big coin I like it you get some new all coin you turning the significant coin babe you received more Bitcoin don’t forget the identify of the exhibit is the one Bitcoin exhibit so for those who get some free crypto dividends you flip it into Bitcoin also you acquired one Bitcoin you are good for your approach they day okay so yeah that is Saturday’s beyond Bitcoin show then Sunday goes to be one more distinct exhibit max Moe is approaching from Venezuela Juan Gault will also be also we’re going to talk so much about Venezuela on Sunday on this very Channel and so as to be at what’s that I consider 3:00 three:30 p.M. Eastern something like that i’m going to remind each person as it will get nearer some some three it’s going to be earlier than the Superbowl don’t worry it should be right earlier than the super Bowl on Sunday we’re gonna talk about like real lifestyles stuff in Venezuela as all of you who as so many humans get drunken fats within the cozy the usa you understand staring at the the Rams and would the Tom Brady’s play the bubbly individuals had been as well like you know coping with actual lifestyles due to the fact they need the Bitcoin down there all right so yeah moving on very first thing I’ve bought so many notes right here a few you know it’s a Sunday exhibit Saturday show oh and about Saturday’s show once more I stated it can be within the men and women who’re hanging on the script of dividend they may be in motion and i hooked a few of them up due to the fact that they three of the dudes know Minnie I had met them individually and you’ve gotten obvious them on the show handiest this for your Bitcoin show earlier than but once more I forgot to say the day prior to this that if you’re in motion and you adore what they’re doing you as a rule can do whatever with them i assume it can be continually good to be so don’t be afraid to contact them or contact me if you happen to got any strategies bear in mind probably the most character who got here up with this really cool air drop crypto dividend concept I feel contacted me I used to be like one of the first humans would contact maybe I was once the primary person you contact I don’t know so and i and i acquired him rolling and Wow it’s simply strong and so for those who’ve got just right recommendations you tell me i can put you in contact with individuals if you are a excellent man or woman I mean I recognize individuals who are emotion and men and women that I’ve conversed with online and who’ve been on the show and who i am in man or woman you know you get a think for men and women after a at the same time after you will have received some wisdom and expertise in life not after which i am no longer sensible like you know like my father used to be smart and a individual over 70 over 60 over 50 there that is wisdom there but yeah i am hopefully i am on light-weight you know you are making mistakes you attain you be taught your lesson you turn out to be you gain some wisdom by means of all of it right to be a whatever we must all a attempt for sir somewhat bit of wisdom and that i feel I’ve obtained it tad little bit of it from a few of this crazy experiences i have been by means of in life residing in Linden Avenue in Baltimore having three houses throughout a short period of time the Bitcoin you don’t seeing how impulsive folks are valuing my wealth see females and then doubling my wealth and bitcoin god it can be enjoyable yeah I can’t lie can’t lie acquired some excellent reviews you understand when you meet me a character good that is what you get k now but you get some more private experiences while you meet me first i try to like hold some matters that preserve off the air so this is a loved ones software with everything let’s get let’s get to the nitty-gritty of matters you want to hear in regards to the band act strong x bitcoin etf its again they the that is from one of the most guys over at van ax van eck pound that like button by the way and been from van eck you tweeted this out what’s this guy’s title Garber the van XIX Bitcoin ETF inspiration rule change has been resubmitted through CBOE hard work by way of all groups worried public document k so you you when you click on that hyperlink you’ll find the general public report oh what a shock its back of path its again of path now when will the hope the entire system begins again so who knows when it’s gonna get approved or disapproved or anything do not hold your breath men and women but of direction its again colossal deal you realize it’ll be time to have a good time once it will get authorized ok it is gonna get a proof eventually no one can say what eventually is though it might not be except 2020 so hello there you go maybe you obtained to put a smile to your face that they’ve resubmitted you failed to hear but there is a news for you so I noticed penny ling hams Twitter thread and he shared up a man who was a pal of his i guess a co-located is he’s a buddy that is they they found that a organization together once he he retweeted this guy’s tweet it’s about a new enterprise what’s this known as grasp on i’m gonna i would step calm certainly a well-funded or shall be a good-funded Silicon Valley but when they might pay for the step dot-com area now there’s a purpose i am bringing up this and you realize and on the grounds that clearly this individual is going with the aid of the rules and once enterprise funding they may be gonna they may be gonna follow the foundations that once they’re talking about young adults I count on they may be speaking about 18 and 19 year olds ok so and there’s a medium put up the guy explains what he’s doing and i am gonna quote from for the put up prior nine months i have been busy at the back of the scenes combining my passions and existence classes with my competencies to hooked up the next big task a trusted banking platform that works with latest trendy lifestyle and teaches not simplest young adults but additionally households the best way to higher manipulate their cash okay and it is step calm which you can go to step calm and you’ll find but I mean once more that that that lifeless URL failed to come low cost so you recognize this dude’s he is talking about a believe a banking a relied on banking platform nobody why do you need to stick me why do you need to persist with these traditions why do you wish to have to maintain it within the bank like the motive I deliver up all this given that I feel this is only a massive waste I believe the fellow’s gonna get some huge cash however he is linked and some thing he’s accomplished this before he’s situated firms he is obtained a good pitch oh he needs Bitcoin k so i’m gonna read i’m gonna read some more there are presently seventy five million kids and young adults under the age of 21 in the U.S. This underserved demographic and i agree it’s underserved demographic he’s overwhelmingly pressured to care for money despite the fact that their lives are digital they cannot use money to shop online pay for an uber order from Amazon download track or participate in online gaming sites like fortnight the potential to transact and have entry to your money immediately is major as tests and cash grow to be less primary in contemporary digital world well dude why don’t you just inform you understand I i will recognize that this man wishes to and in case you learn the whole submit he desires to coach persons to make not make silly financial errors no longer get bank cards with thirty five percentage interest rates I consider part of the schooling it most commonly would be the youngsters which can be under 18 in order that when they stand up for these credit cards they do not fall for it k that’s exceptional however for the rest of the I mean they could learn that from holding Bitcoin from being their possess back to start with they could they might get that schooling that way but I imply if they wish to play video video games on-line in the event that they wish to purchase matters from Amazon or go to over I imply it is a Bitcoin I imply you do not want your you are retaining them in the old mannequin you are preserving them in the bank card banking paradigm but why I don’t know I mean once more I I see you know the unbanked as being folks underneath 18 if you’re 17 if you are 16 free anything I suppose you maybe can have a heritage when you get your mother’s title on it again i’ve alluded to after I began tuition out of 17 so my mom’s identify is still on my banking account to this very day but I believe to preclude such nonsense you just be your own financial institution we’re just I consider it is gonna be a gorgeous world when there may be a bunch of seventeen yr olds available in the market that are their own banks due to the fact that of Bitcoin and i suppose that is and you know that’s you don’t need enterprise funding or an costly URL or you understand a best administrative center in Silicon Valley to bring that message to instruct folks you just want Bitcoin Bitcoin solves all the disorders this man is speakme about so it can be fascinating that Vinnie retweeted this I suppose in view that the fellows is buddy and used to be his accomplice in an extra industry but over again I believe there may be do people still begin tuition when they’re sitting when they may be 17 i do not even understand anymore that is if that’s a factor anymore if it can be if it is even rarer rarity it is it can be now not as long-established because it was traditionally i can anticipate that folks like to start their youngsters at all these moms want their youngsters to be the biggest and the oldest they do not need them to be the youngest in order that they hold them back raids and the whole lot so I do not know how many 17 year-olds institution anymore however that could be a excellent goal viewers target demographic for Bitcoin considering the fact that they’re no longer going to be capable to open their possess banks right now they’re going to be ready to want to have some financial freedom and no longer have their mother sign bank account or have get permission from their dad or whatever I suppose that that is going to be you understand again we have now talked concerning the unbanked in the 1/3 world I think in regards to the unbanked and i’ve realized this I forgot it I point out this on the show earlier than I consider about sixteen yr olds and seventeen 12 months olds simply being busy being equipped to be businessmen there if they’ve Bitcoin they could promoting stuff for Bitcoin they don’t need a financial institution account they don’t need their mom or dad’s permission and once more 17 year-olds go off to university I feel nonetheless I was once one of them as soon as so there you go so I combined plenty of things into that i suppose just right good fortune to Vinnie’s pal perhaps you should just you understand it’s forbidden simply motivate humans to make use of Bitcoin however once more he’s it can be howdy cursor professor he is a new counterculture that guy was once competent to elevate a lot of money for from Silicon Valley people have a quality place of work anywhere and Palo Alto San Mateo at any place good for him i guess i am gonna go inform us spread the massive factor phrase once more tech Bolcom disrupt meister comm te c HB alt on twitter that is me bitcoin meister bit backer and steam it all right so yeah uh the day gone by’s exhibit i speak about a further trendy topic in Silicon Valley uh you realize worried about women in tech females in Bitcoin minorities and bitcoin minorities intact you already know discontinue annoying about who’s speaking the talk it it doesn’t matter it can be not gonna make that so much a difference in your private life for those who go to should you pay some huge cash to go to a few conference where some anyone’s paid slightly of money to do what intercourse they are or what race they are you know if they’re talking about some ICO that is such as you gotta make certain you’re jogging the stroll and that you have Bitcoin bitcoin is running the stroll traumatic about who’s speakme to speak who’s talking about cryptocurrency who’s speakme about I cos he’s speaking about tech that is not productive so stroll the stroll before you worry about speakme that who’s speaking to talk and believe me it can be higher just to walk the stroll appear preserve the Bitcoin and let different individuals worry about who’s speakme about big okay with I do I do marvel if a few of these persons complaining concerning the demographics of Bitcoin if they even own any Bitcoin that’s how you make a giant difference you motivate individuals to be their possess banks to manage their own personal keys that helps you know women you already know humans from Greenland folks from at any place or each person’s got an possibility to purchase Bitcoin any there’s nothing protecting them back from from from buying Bitcoin mainly if you’re in the Western world there may be only a few obstacles you get yourself on Bitcoin so is it higher to attend a a speakme gig in San Francisco and pay like a $200 to see some woman talk about Bitcoin or is it higher to possess a fraction of a Bitcoin in your technique to proudly owning one Bitcoin I suppose I believe you received to prioritize right here folks let’s let’s get humans proudly owning Bitcoin not worrying about who’s speaking about considering that there’s nothing you recognize and that i inspire females in case you’ve been in case you think like you may have been discriminated in opposition to and you are not able to talk in the tech convention buy Bitcoin you can get the final left you are going to get the final snigger trust me about that for those who should you feel you’ve gotten been discriminated in opposition to or if you have been discriminated against Bitcoin will fight these big quickman Kansas for me in opposition to any one and it fights towards discrimination actually so there you go so let’s we’re talking about I stated I SEOs and cryptocurrencies and all coins why do not we have a flashback to I consider it was once 2017 when humans were telling me yeah ma’am is that this super Asian or chinese coin or some thing it can be the flavor of the month of some month in 2017 oh I recall it it used to be before iota and after who knows i don’t understand it was once the flavoured a month before ma’am there weren’t too many foot and after veritasium so yeah core desk and that i won point desks has this title and an editorial guys basis practically broke plans layoffs and pivot and in the article it says and that is what the foremost part is there is no longer a whole lot of humans engaged on this platform despite the fact that it can be easy the community is not really there until you go to Japan the enhance the developer stated we want more developer traction on this platform ok so yeah that is what happens the flavors of the month they have got folks don’t in reality use it and then their foundations go bankrupt and again i know the groundwork is not really named however it due to the fact says name is centralized and the truth that they’ve acquired some similarities that you can learn the article if you want to however the flavors of the month are going to maintain on coming they usually’re gonna roll in rather a lot faster as soon as the inexperienced persons roll it again once more we’re in a in terms of Fiat humans say this is a bear crypto advertise’s all cyclical will see the wildness once more there will likely be some why all of the flavors of the month and you know i guess best approaches it inexperienced is a taste of the month right now or anything like that or the opposite ones are the flavor of the month reasonable interesting stuff whatever k so i am adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister recollect subscribe this channel like this video share this video verify out the hyperlinks under pound that like button bang the bell button follow me on twitter and consider day after today exhibit is quickly this weekend Bitcoin might be at 8 a.M.On Friday morning again there is a new show right here daily love you guys i’ll see you in the morning bye bye .
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fresh-outta-jams · 6 years
So Far Away
So Far Away Yoongi x Reader Soulmate AU
Author: Admin Mo
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Min Yoongi loved sleep. He loved sleep more than just about anything. But he’d be darned if he ever let the others know why. Like some of the others, Yoongi had no visible sign of his soulmate. No tattoo. No timer. No red string of fate. And as far as the others knew, he hadn’t manifested anything yet. But that was a lie. Yoongi’s soulmate had manifested before almost all of theirs, it was just something they hadn’t picked up on.
And it was the reason he got so angry when the others woke him up.
Yoongi knew his soulmate pretty well, actually, considering they talked every night in their dreams. It was never for very long, what with time zones and all, but they cherished the time they shared together, however long or short it was.
The first time you met Yoongi was in high school. You had dozed off during class, and suddenly you were somewhere else. A fountain in the center of a park you didn’t recognize. There was a boy standing there dressed in white, flipping a coin into the water. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, his hair a reddish brown mess.
“Hello?” You called. This place was strange. Everything had a sort of misty haze, and the sky seemed too bright. It made you dizzy if you thought about it too hard.
And then he turned around and everything felt right. His warm brown eyes, a soft confident smirk and a voice as deep as the ocean. You knew. You just...knew after looking at him for one second that this was the moment that would define the rest of your life.
“What took you so long?” He held out a hand, silently asking you to come closer.
You did, and once you were close enough, he took your hand in his own. You stood there in silence for a little while, each of you taking the other in. Both of you knew who the other was and why you were here.
“Nice to finally meet you.” You spoke softly.
He smiled and squeezed your hand. “I’m Yoongi.”
It was simple, but sweet, as a lot of your moments had been so far. The next time you met, it was Yoongi who had shown up second. You were sitting at a grand piano in an empty room. The room itself was kind of blank, but the music you were creating filled it with life and color.
When you noticed him, you stopped, and he put a hand over his heart. “Don’t stop because of me!”
“What took you so long?” You tilted your head and smirked at him.
He chuckled and shook his head, sitting next to you on the cushy piano bench. “What were you playing?”
“I was just messing around.” You shrugged, your fingers settling back onto the keys and plucking out a melody.
Yoongi watched for a few seconds and then joined in, his hands crafting a lower harmony beneath your notes. You smiled at the way he played, the way his thigh touched yours, the warmth that seemed to radiate from him.
How could a dream feel so real?
Ironically, since you had lost your voice, music had become your life. It surpassed all languages and barriers and expressed any emotion, even without words. The wordless kind was really the only kind you could make these days.
You had always played piano, and you used to sing along, but those days were over. Instead, you poured your heart out with your fingers, carefully shaping melodies and writing pieces only to forget them the next time you sat down on the bench.
But there was one melody that wouldn’t leave you. And so you named it Yoongi. It floated around your head at school while you daydreamed. Your eyes drifting off into space as you thought about him, the melody playing softly in your head. You thought about his hands a lot. The way they made music so effortlessly, or how they felt wrapped around your own.
Your friend across the table waved her hand in your face. “Are you okay? You zoned out.”
You nodded and lifted up the little whiteboard attached to a string around your neck. You had been learning sign language for the past few years, but your friends weren’t quite there yet, so it was just easier to communicate that way. It took you a while to figure out what to write while you held the marker between your fingertips, but after a few moments, you wrote out: “I kind of met my soulmate?”
“You what?! No way! Tell us everything!”
You laughed soundlessly and erased the previous message to make room for the new one. Now, all of your friends’ eyes were on you as you rushed to write out what had happened as simply as you could. “I only see him in my dreams. His name is Yoongi. We both play the piano.”
“What else?”
You erased and wrote out, “I don’t know! We’ve only met like twice!”
“Mmhmm, suuure…” One of your friends raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “You better tell us everything.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
Months passed, and you saw Yoongi pretty frequently. It wasn’t every night that you saw eachother, but it was often enough. On this night in particular, you were walking along the beach. Which beach, you weren’t sure. The details were obscured by what the two of you had come to refer to as the ‘dream fog’, the overlying feature that made every dream feel like the same place, despite the differences in the settings.
“I missed you.” Yoongi came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
You smiled and leaned into his touch. “You sound tired. How is it possible to be tired while you’re literally asleep?”
“I’m finding new ways to defy logic every day.” He laughed and pressed a kiss to your neck. His hands settled over yours. “How was your day?”
“Good. How was yours?”
“Better now.” His voice was so deep. Deeper than the ocean beside you. And it filled you with a warm feeling you couldn’t describe.
People said that meeting your soulmate in person was the best feeling on the earth, but you decided this was good too. It was almost the same. You got to see him. Feel him. Hold him. Even if it was never for very long.
You liked being able to talk to him. That was something that would certainly complicate things whenever fate finally pushed the two of you together in real life. But for now, It wasn’t a problem, so you didn’t bring it up.
After a few minutes of watching the waves together, you turned around and hugged him, arms wrapped tight around his middle. He chuckled softly, hugging you back.
“You’re clingy today, jagi.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m not complaining, but-”
“Just making the most of the time we have.” You whispered into his chest. Your words made him hold you a little tighter. “We need to find a way to-”
And then you woke up, sighing at your ceiling. It was always like that. As soon as you tried to make a plan to find eachother, it shattered the dreamscape and left you voiceless once again.
But maybe someday…
You and Yoongi had been connected for years by this point. You had done everything in your dreams from playing mini golf to hanging out at the mall. Slowly, you learned to take more control of the dreamscape. You could influence where you went, and even change location in the middle of a dream with enough practice. You learned that talking about meeting in the real world caused whatever dream you were sharing to dissolve around you, so you made conversation of other things.
Yoongi was a rapper, you learned. He liked his coffee black, which he laughed and said was ironic, but when he tried to explain why, the dream dissolved. Yoongi reasoned that he couldn’t disclose anything about Bangtan, his stage name included. So, instead, he asked about you.
You told him that you played the piano, and it slipped out that you used to sing. He asked why you didn’t anymore, and you told him that...you were just spending more time on the piano playing thing these days. He simply nodded and pulled you closer.
The next time you saw eachother, he was playing the grand piano in the big empty room, his fingers pounding out an emotional piece. It somehow managed to be heavy and light at the same time, the contrast between his hands creating a sound unique to him. You could swear you recognized the sound of it from somewhere, but thinking about it too much made the dream haze start to falter, so you stopped trying to place it and instead sat next to him.
“White hair, huh?” You played with his hair, causing him to stop making music and look at you instead. He had that adorable gummy smile on his face. “It’s a good look for you.”
“And your hair is the same as always. Beautiful.” His words caused a flash of heat to course through your veins as you surrendered to his embrace, hiding a blushing face. “So...where do you want to go tonight?”
“Hmmm…” You stroked your chin for a second, thinking about the possibilities. You could literally go anywhere in the entire world. “Have you ever been to Disney World?”
“It’s not the same.” You laughed, taking his hands and willing the scene to fabricate around you. In moments, the two of you were walking down Main Street USA, holding hands, eating chocolate covered ice cream pops, and wearing Mickey and Minnie ears.
Once you were there, the two of you did what you always did: you made the most of the time you had. You rode every ride you could manage, got Dole Whip, met Mickey Mouse, and now that the dream sun was setting, Yoongi stopped you in front of Cinderella Castle, both of your hands in his and looked at you. You looked so cute in your ears, and you were all his, even if you weren’t together in the real world just yet.
“Someday...I’m going to take you here for real.” Yoongi decided. “I promise.”
“Can’t wait.” You hugged him tightly, your very own Disney prince standing in the center of the place where dreams come true. And you wished on every star in the heavens that someday your prince would come.
You just didn’t realize how soon it would be.
Your music teacher in college had stumbled upon an amazing opportunity. He had an old friend and to make a long story short, you and a handful of his favorite students were headed to South Korea to learn more about their music industry.
You slept most of the flight, catching Yoongi’s dream waves for a few minutes, but when you tried to tell him where you were, you woke up. Odd, you thought. But you didn’t think about it too hard.
When you landed and got to the hotel, you got coffee in a coffee shop with the other students.
“(Y/N), are you okay?” Your professor asked.
You nodded and shot him a thumbs-up. You weren’t really sure why, but for some reason, you had this weird feeling. It was odd. A haze of sorts. A pull. It felt like a variation of the dream energy. Odd, you thought.
As the day continued, the feeling only got stronger, causing your heart to race. Even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, you knew what was coming, slowly but surely. You knew Yoongi wasn’t so far away anymore.
The car pulled into the parking lot of a building labeled with a big sign that read ‘Big Hit’. A quick Google told you this particular industry was home of a boy band called BTS. Had you looked at your screen for half a second longer before setting it down, you would have seen a picture of them, your soulmate mixed in with the six other handsome faces.
They gave you a quick tour, and then your teacher pulled you aside.
“I asked, and they said they would let you use the piano if you want to.”
You gave him a bright smile and two enthusiastic thumbs up. He laughed and gave you a pat on the shoulder.
When they brought you to the room with the piano, your heart dropped. You knew this place. This piano. The room was a little more defined here in person, but you knew that as soon as you sat down, your life was going to change forever.
You sat on the bench and reached out with shaky fingers, playing a melody you knew all too well at this point. Despite the feelings that were stirring around your heart, real and thick and warm, you still played the song effortlessly, even if it sounded empty without Yoongi’s half of the duet.
Meanwhile, in another room, the boys were rehearsing one of their dances, and as soon as the music stopped, Yoongi caught something in the distance. He perked up, listening intently. Jimin nudged him, raising an eyebrow.
“Everything okay, hyung?”
“Do you hear that?” He asked.
“The music?” Jimin replied.
Yoongi nodded. “I...I know that song.” He wandered out the door, following the sound. The closer he got, the louder it got, and finally, he was standing outside the door, his hand shaking, hovering over the doorknob.
After a few moments of standing there, Yoongi took a breath, and opened the door.
You looked up and your eyes widened. He smiled and took a few steps closer, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
“D-Don’t stop because of me!”
You were still sitting there frozen, very glad you had taken Korean as your foreign language, but unsure of what to do. You could understand him, sure, but you couldn’t say anything. This was the issue you had been afraid of since the beginning.
So instead of speaking, you stood from the piano bench on wobbly legs and met him in the middle of the room. He immediately took you in his arms, sighing and holding you tight. He felt you shaking, but it wasn’t until a few minutes later when he pulled away to look at you, that he noticed you were crying without even making a noise.
He wiped away your tears, smiling softly. “Don’t cry for me, jagi.”
You pulled his arms back around you and held onto him like it was the last time you would get to. All of the people who had come before you were right. Being here in person was so much different. So, so much different. His warmth was unlike anything you had ever felt, and the way his voice sounded in person sent your heart flying.
Finally, you pulled away and grabbed your white board from the top of the piano. You wrote out. “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you, but I can’t talk.”
He read over the words, his eyebrows crinkling in confusion. His expression softened and he took your face in his hands and then spoke very softly in that deep voice of his. “You don’t have to keep secrets from me. Ever.”
You nodded and mouthed, “I know.” You sighed a shaky breath. “I just...didn’t know...”
“Did you think I would love you any less?” His heart broke at the very thought. When you started to shrug, nodding a little, he pulled you into his arms as quickly as he could. You had never been held so tight in your life. You could hear his voice break as he whispered, “You are PERFECT. Perfect.” His voice shook. “So, so perfect. I love you so much...”
You held him just a little tighter, burying your face in his chest in a way that let him know you loved him too. 
Link to Sequel in Masterlist
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peeterparkr · 6 years
Wearing coordinating Disney-themed outfits to the parks with anyone! And I'm scared of the larger roller coasters like Expedition Everest, so one of the guys holding my hand after they begged me to go on one would also be cute too.
Disney with Peter! 
Here you go Caylee! 
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So Peter would be so excited
you’d wear Mickey and Minnie ears
so pure
with matching outfits
and just loving everything
he was just too pure
It was like he belonged there
disney may be the happiest place on earth
but that wasn’t true
because anywhere you’d go with Peter
was the happiest place on earth
he was ALL for the large roller coasters
He wasn’t afraid of the heights
because well
you know
But you were
And they were too fast
So every time you were near one
You’d go to the other side
Like literally the other side
Look, Pete! 
The nice and steady 
and calm
and not high 
He would be bummed
but would follow along
He wanted you to be happy
And he loved spending time with you
So it was worth it
But he wanted to go to Expedition Everest so badly
and you were scared
He said it was fine
you wanted him to go alone
but he rather wanted to be with you
so you took a deep breath
Why was it so terrifying? 
But Peter would be hugging you all the line
And kissing you
and just distracting you
‘look, love, the yeti stuff’ 
and even making you flip a coin into the wish well 
it wasn’t a well 
but whatever
you were just so mortified
why is it so high
why are people screaming
if they scream they can’t be happy
So Peter offered to get off
but NO
So he would hug you 
and calm you
and be adorable like he is
he then started to explain how the rollercoaster works
something about potential energy
kinetic energy
he was so adorable
science! Peter was just
your favorite peter
you then joked about spider-man swinging off of it
and eventually, you forgot about the ride
until you were standing in front of the cart
No, I will
Peter hugged you
and kissed you
and assured you everything was going to be fine
and if it wasn’t 
he was there to save you
so you got on
he was holding your hand
breath in love
why is it so calm
it isn’t
he squeezed your hand
you did
with all of your heart
screamed the crap out of you
but hey
it wasn’t that bad
it’s actually 
You loved it
and just 
you looked terrified
why was the yeti so terrifying
but you enjoyed it
and Peter was there
so it was cool
and amazing
and yes 
Your stomach actually jumped
and when it finished
Peter was there
to hug you
so it was fine
91 notes · View notes
ericsonclan · 3 years
Nesting A Spot In Our Hearts
Summary: Renata goes into town to get a new quest when she returns with something she wasn't expecting.
Word Count: 3859
Read on AO3: 
“Get ready, Minnie!” Renata spun around, letting her fancy deep blue cape flutter in the wind. The wizard slid across the ground, causing the dust to shoot up in the air before she placed her hands on her heart. “My love will cause you to fly!” Renata declared proudly and shot out her arms, making wind magic appear around the harpy. The wind carried Minnie into the sky and the harpy gave happy, thrilled chirps. Renata beamed up at her wife and laughed excitedly as she danced round.
The necklace Renata wore which held a shimmery reddish pebble swayed with the wizard's movement before she whispered an incantation and sent a small water spell in the shape of a heart up in the air as a display of her love. Minnie spun around in the air, loving twitters escaping her lips. Flying through the sky, she dove down and hugged Renata.
With a small grunt Minnie lifted herself and Renata up into the air with her talons. Renata immediately made small spheres of air under her feet to levitate and watched in amusement as Minnie spun around in circles. Renata quickly dashed through the air and peppered her wife’s face with kisses. Minnie giggled before giving kisses of her own. After a few minutes of flying with Renata the harpy felt Renata place a hand on her arm.
“I have a new trick I want to show you,” Renata smiled up at her love. Minnie gave a quick nod and flew over towards a large flower tree to set her wife down on a tree branch. Renata took Minnie’s hands and gave them a quick kiss before giving a flirtatious wink. The romantic gestures made Minnie’s heart tumble through her chest and her face grow red. The harpy flew back and twirled round in the sky which made Renata’s heart grow warm.
Tossing back her cape, the wizard placed her left hand on her heart and threw her right hand to the sky. “O heavens above, hear my heart’s desire! Winds of the east and the west, listen to my commands and come forth!” Renata moved both hands up to the sky and the wind around the forest began to pick up. Slowly the wind twirled and danced around the couple. Flowers and leaves from the trees and ground spun round Minnie who let out happy tweets at the sight, her smile growing as she looked over at Renata. That is until she saw the wizard hop off the tree branch.
“Ren!” Minnie flew forward but stopped when she noticed the small orbs of wind under each of Renata’s feet.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Renata grinned and traveled forward through the air towards her love. Taking both of Minnie’s hands she pulled the two of them into the center of the wind spell. Both watched in awe at the beauty of the spell. Flowers of all colors danced around them, yellow, red, blue and pink. Minnie saw the joy in her wife’s eyes and quickly flew off to grab a flower for her. Renata was confused for a moment before Minnie revealed the pink flower in her hand, her wedding ring shining brightly in the morning sunlight.
Renata quickly placed more wind magic under them to make sure they were safe as Minnie let her wings rest and moved to give the flower to Renata. Gently Minnie placed the light pink flower in Renata’s bun before her hand traveled down and cupped the wizard’s face.
“I love you, Ren,” Minnie’s words made Renata’s heart do flips which only increased when Minnie’s lips met Renata’s in a tender, passionate kiss. Renata immediately cupped her love’s face and deepened the kiss. The two held onto the kiss for as long as they could before needing to pull back for air.
“I love you too, Min,” Renata stole another kiss. “With all of my heart!”
Those words made the harpy’s heart melt with joy. She wrapped Renata up in a hug and spun her around. The wind magic would soon fade though and so the two traveled back down to the earth just as the flowers and leaves fell to the ground. The couple smiled lovingly at each other, becoming lost in each other’s eyes until a  voice called out. “Renata! Minnie!” Sophie’s bright voice called out to the couple as she flew over. The harpy was leading the way for Mitch and Brody who were happily walking forward hand in hand. “There you two are!” Sophie landed beside the pair.
“What's up, Soph?” Minnie looked over at her twin who was busy preening her feathers.
“Hmm? Oh! Well Mitch, Brody and I were heading into that small town nearby - what was it called, Untfold? Untfart?” Sophie’s guess made Renata burst out laughing which led the harpy to grin.
“It's Untford,” Brody spoke up as she reached the others.
“That's right!” Sophie beamed, “We were hoping to gather some information and find a new quest too.”
“I hope the next one is super kickass!” Mitch declared loudly as he hugged Brody from behind, swaying lightly back and forth. “With me and Brodes we’ll make sure whatever little shits that’re messing with people get their asses kicked!”
Brody smiled up warmly at her husband and kissed his jaw, causing his brain to temporarily short circuit. “We wanted to see if any of you were down to join us. I hear Untford has a beautiful marketplace.” Brody looked over at the harpies and wizard.
“Ooo! Say no more!” Renata strolled forward and dramatically flipped her cape behind her. “The promise of adventures and trinkets sounds too good to pass up!”
“I think I’ll pass. I promised Tenn, Willy and AJ that I’d show them this new aerial trick,” Minnie replied, casually kissed her wife’s cheek.
“Awww, well I’ll be thinking about you until we're reunited!” Renata stole a quick kiss from Minnie which made the harpy happily chirp.
“Alright, then let’s head out!’ Sophie kicked off from the ground and spun into the air. Within seconds she was carrying Renata who was having way too much fun flying. Happy twitters escaped Sophie’s lips as she flew forward with her best friend.
“Don’t worry,  Minnie, we'll make sure they come back safe,” Brody put a reassuring hand on the harpy’s arm.
“Thanks,” Minnie smiled softly at her friend.
“Come on, Brodes! We can’t lose to them!” Mitch snatched his wife’s hand and pulled her forward.
“Mitch!” Brody laughed and soon the two humans were lost within the competitiveness of the moment. Minnie shook her head goodnaturedly then headed back to the campsite to fulfill the promise she had made.
“Betcha can’t catch these, Soph!” Renata whispered a small spell then sent small spheres of water into the air. Sophie smiled confidently and twirled around in the air, catching droplet after droplet. Brody and Mitch were watching in amusement as they causally talked together. Brody’s thumb gently brushed on the top of Mitch’s hand as he spoke about how much fun their next adventure together would be. After about a ten minute walk through the town they spotted the tavern. Sophie flew forward and used her talons to grab the door handle, pulling it open for the others.
“Thanks, friend-o!” The wizard strolled forward and was immediately followed by the two humans before the harpy joined them. The bartender glanced up from his work and grumbled annoyedly when he saw Sophie. The noise made Renata’s brows furrow and she glanced back at her best friend who didn’t seem fazed by it. Different parts of the land had issues with different kinds of fantasy races. It seemed like this one wasn’t the fondest of harpies.
“Hey!” Mitch moved forward and slammed his fist down. “We’re here for information about quests!” Mitch locked eyes with the bartender and looked as intimidating as possible to impress Brody.
“Sorry, my head is a bit foggy so I don’t think I have any quests for you,” The bartender mumbled as he cleaned a tankard.
Brody strode forward tossing a small pouch in her hands, the coins within jingling with each toss. “Are you sure about that?” She smiled smugly when she saw that the man was now paying attention to them.
The bartender remained silent for a moment then placed down the tankard. “I heard there were these odd lizard creatures who can mess with minds a couple kilometers away. Pretty freaky shit. I personally would leave them the fuck alone but the reward for dealing with them is a generous one and the village they live nearby has suffered greatly.”
The four adventurers shared a look; they knew this was the quest they would be taking back to the caravan.
“Can you mark the village on this nifty map?” Renata pulled out a map and placed it on the counter. The bartender shrugged and grabbed a quill to mark the spot.
“Thanks a ton!’ Sophie gave a friendly smile that wasn’t returned.
“Yeah, yeah, now give me the pouch,” The bartender held out his hand.
“You’re not getting all of it,” Brody snatched the pouch and locked eyes with the man, her eyes set and determined. Mitch slowly took out his dagger and made it dance from finger to finger.
“You heard her. You get an eighth of the coins within,” Mitch’s words made the bartender frown and slam his fist on the table.
“A fourth!”
“A sixth!” Mitch stabbed the bar and looked directly into the bartender’s eyes.
“I can throw in a magic trick to sweeten the deal,” Renata leaned forward and smiled.
“Fine, I’ll take that amount. Now get your damn sword out of my bar and leave,” The bartender caught the coins Brody threw then turned his attention to serve new customers. Mitch quickly put his sword back in its sheath and the four strolled out together.
“That was super badass, Brodes,” MItch complimented his wife who blushed lightly.
“Thanks, you weren’t half bad in there yourself,” Brody leaned over and placed a small kiss on Mitch’s cheek that made the mercenary blush softly.
“Alright, so should we check out the marketplace?” Mitch glanced round them as he intertwined his fingers with Brody’s.
Brody smiled lovingly at her husband before her mind was struck with a realization. “Oh shit! I totally forgot that we promised to help out with weapon maintenance! Ruby’s been getting really persnickety about it.”
“Eh, let her be. I feel like checking out the market,” Mitch frowned; he was hoping to surprise Brody by buying her a new necklace.
“We can come back later. I’m not risking the wrath of Ruby and neither are you,” Brody squeezed Mitch’s hand and looked up at him. He could tell by the look in her eyes that he wasn’t going to win this one.
“Fine, but we’re fucking coming back to the marketplace tomorrow before we leave,” Mitch grumbled and kicked a pebble.
“Deal!” Brody’s smile made Mitch’s heart grow warm and fuzzy. Without giving it a second thought he captured her lips in a warm, tender kiss. The two humans smiled lovingly at each other after the kiss only to grow a bit flustered when they realized they had gotten lost in the moment and forgotten that their friends were there.
“I’m gonna head back too. Mar said we could make some cool new armor for Rosie and I don’t wanna miss out on that!” Sophie’s feathers ruffled happily as an excited tweet left her lips.
“Alrighty, well you three have fun. I’m staying back and checking out the marketplace. I’m gonna surprise Min with a gift!” Renata declared proudly as her cape blew in the wind.
“Sounds good,” Brody smiled over at the wizard. Mitch mumbled something, still upset that he couldn’t do the same thing for Brody.
“I’ll be sure to keep it a secret from Minnie!” Sophie grinned and slammed her fist against her heart. “It’s a harpy promise!”
“Thanks,” Renata smiled warmly then gave Sophie a goodbye hug before scampering off towards the marketplace.
Soon Renata had reached the marketplace and was walking happily through it. The wizard spun around and walked backwards as her eyes wandered over each stall and what it had to offer. Nothing was really catching Renata’s eye until she spotted a red stone necklace at a stall on the far right. Sprinting forward, Renata skidded to a stop in front of the necklace.
“Hello there! Did that necklace catch your eye?” The stall worker asked with a friendly expression.
“It sure did and I’m hoping it will make my wife’s heart happy too!” Renata beamed up at the stall worker.
“I hope so too. So…” The worker held up the necklace. “Are you willing to pay the price for it?”
Renata could see it would be a challenge to barter for this item but she was determined to get it no matter what. The red stone reminded her of the pebble Minnie had given to her as a sign of her everlasting love and while they both already had wedding rings Renata wanted to give Minnie a trinket that showed her everlasting love too. Renata worked hard to drop the price; it was tough but eventually she got down to a reasonable amount.
“Thanks a million!” Renata looked back at the stall worker with a grin before her eyes focused on the necklace. Her fingers traced the stone as her excitement grew at the thought of seeing Minnie’s smile. Tucking it away, the wizard turned to leave the town when suddenly she heard whispering nearby.
“Can you believe it? Abandoning a child in the woods.” A lady spoke as she counted the eggs she had just bought.
“Well, it was a giant. No one would want to take care of a giant child. Those kind grow up to be massive. I heard it was already the size of an adult human.” Another lady spoke as she bounced her sleeping child in a sling.
“True, I guess you’re right. I hear giants are hearty beings so I’m sure it can survive just fine on its own.” The lady finished counting her eggs and seemed proud of the amount she’d acquired.
The conversation rubbed Renata the wrong way and a small frown tugged on the corners of her lips. Why would anyone abandon a kid of any fantasy race? It just wasn’t right. “Excuse me!” Renata jogged forward to the pair of ladies.
“We aren’t interested in a magic show,” The lady stated, rocking her baby.
“Hmm? Oh no, no. I wasn’t gonna offer that. I just overheard you two talking about an abandoned kid in the woods and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction to where they were.”
“It was a little ways east in the woods just south of here. Although I don’t think you can feed giants magic,” The lady studied Renata disapprovingly, clearly not thinking that she was fit for what she assumed her plan was.
“Thanks for the tip, but I’ve got snacks so I think that's a better alternative!” Renata gave a wave towards the ladies then ran off towards the woods.
After nearly twenty minutes of wandering through the woods, tripping over rocks and vaulting over logs, Renata spotted the giant toddler. He had tan skin and reddish hair and wore a simple white tunic shirt and brown pants. The toddler was currently busy staring at a rock and shaking it happily. Renata spotted his soft smile and couldn’t help but smile as well. He was a really cute kid. Without thinking twice, Renata strolled forward towards him. Immediately she noticed that the toddler was around the same height as her.
“Hey there, buddy! I heard some buttface left you here!” Renata’s voice made the giant look over at her.
“Rock!” The giant smiled kindly and held up the rock.
“That’s a really cool rock!” Renata strolled forward and held out her hand. “Name’s Renata.”
The giant looked at her for a few moments. Something about her warm smile and the comforting smell of cinnamon made him like her right away. The giant handed over the rock towards Renata who was genuinely touched by the gift though she struggled a bit to hold up the boulder.
“Whoa! Thanks,” Renata paused for a second. She didn’t want to keep calling him buddy. Renata thought about it for a few moments before her mind came up with a name. “Timothy!”
“Timfy,” Timothy tried to say the name but failed.
“”Super good try, Timmy!” Renata smiled and noticed that he had been drawing with a stick. “Oh! You were doodling?” The wizard looked at the ground at the doodle of absolute nonsense. “It looks great!”
Timothy smiled proudly at those words and handed over the stick so Renata could draw. Renata immediately sat down with Timothy and began to draw with the massive branch. She knew in an instant that she was already growing extremely attached to this child. She couldn’t just leave him in the woods. Renata wracked her brain - how could she get a five foot tall toddler back to camp? Suddenly her mind was struck with inspiration.
“Hey, Timmy, wanna snack?” The wizard’s question made the giant tilt his head slightly. He seemed a bit confused until Renata revealed some food from her snack pouch. Timothy seemed excited about the snack. With that confirmation Renata proceeded to stick the food on the long stick and backstep slowly. “Just follow me and you can have all the snacks you want!”
Timothy’s attention was fully on the food and so he began to follow the wizard, his steps shaky but constant.
Minnie was in the middle of preparing a nest so she could cuddle with Renata when she got back from the marketplace. The harpy couldn’t wait for her wife to get back not only because of cuddle time but also because Sohie let it slip that Renata was going to buy something for MInnie at the marketplace. The harpy continued to chirp happily as she finished the last bit of the nest when she heard Ruby.
“Good Lord! Renata! Did you steal a child?!?” The dwarf’s exclamation made Minnie turn her head to see Renata standing beside a giant toddler who was happily eating something off of a branch Renata held in her hand.
“I didn’t steal Timothy, I saved him!” Renata corrected the dwarf who didn’t believe her. Soon others were coming around to look at the giant.
Minnie flew down from her nest and landed beside her wife. “Ren, Sophie told me you were getting me a gift but I wasn’t expecting a toddler.” Minnie glanced over at her wife.
“But I did get you a gift!” Renata made a dramatic victory noise and revealed the red stone necklace. Excited chirps and twitters left Minnie’s lips as Renata put the necklace on her.
“I love it,” Minnie smiled lovingly over at Renata who beamed when she saw her wife’s smile. After a moment though Minnie’s expression became serious. “Now, be honest, Renata - did you steal him?” She looked over at the wizard who handed over the branch to Timothy with a smile.
“No, I didn’t! I swear! I overheard these ladies in town gossiping about a giant child that was abandoned in the woods and I couldn’t just pretend that I didn’t hear that. So I went there, found Timothy and now we’ve bonded so I wanna keep him!” Renata hugged Timothy who laughed and returned the hug, one arm wrapping all the way round her. She looked over at Minnie with large, begging eyes.
“No! What? Ren, that's someone’s kid! We can’t just steal kids!” Minnie huffed, her feathers ruffling.
“But he’s abandoned! With the way those two ladies were talking, the whole town of Upfart didn’t care about him.”
“It's pronounced Untford,” Aasim corrected and everyone looked over at him, clearly annoyed that that was what he was taking away from this conversation.
Everyone quickly backed away to let Renata and Minnie talk. Neither of them were fully on the other’s side and both seemed loathe to budge on the issue. After much discussion between the couple however and some conversation amongst the caravan members, they decided to let Timothy stay the night. In the morning they would try to find an orphanage or some place to take him in.
Minnie yawned and looked over to see that Renata had fallen asleep with her cape draped over her face again. Minnie was about to carefully carry Renata back up to the nest when she saw Timothy. The giant was peacefully sleeping by the tents, a pile of blankets collectively covering his body as no single one was large enough. They had tried to get him into a tent earlier, but he was far too large that he simply couldn’t fit into any of them. The caravan had grown somewhat worried about leaving Timothy to deal with the elements outside but they had done all they could. Minnie stared at him for a minute before walking over towards the child.
Timothy sleepily reached out and grabbed her hand. The gesture startled the harpy but she soon calmed down when she saw the expression on the sleeping giant’s face. He did seem like a really nice kid and from the limited time she had spent with him playing around camp she had grown fond of his mannerisms. The harpy had gotten creative with the games of peekaboo to keep the toddler entertained, flying around and hiding her face behind trees, rocks and greenery alike.
The other kids also seemed to have bonded with Timothy as well. Soon they were begging their Aunt Minnie to join them and Timmy in more games. All these moments of hearing Timothy’s laughter and witnessing his smile as he played amongst the others had warmed Minnie’s heart. She couldn’t believe anybody would leave such an adorable kid behind.  
After watching Timothy for a moment longer, Minnie flew off and returned with fixings for a nest. Without even thinking she began to build a nest around the giant toddler. The harpy poured her heart into the work, striving to make the best nest she could. Minnie wasn’t sure why she was doing this; she supposed it was instinct when seeing a child in need or maybe she had formed some sort of invisible bond with Timothy. Either way she was determined to make him the safest spot to sleep and so the harpy continued to work tirelessly.
Renata woke up early in the morning when her cape fell off her face and she inhaled a pokey leaf. The wizard coughed harshly, hacking roughly to try to get the leaf out of her mouth when suddenly she noticed the nest. Timothy was sleeping peacefully while Minnie was nearby him, her winged arms protectively wrapped around him to shelter him from danger. The harpy looked up with a warm smile though confusion still danced deep within her eyes.
“Ren, I think we have a problem. I want to keep him.”
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minnievirizarry · 5 years
The ultimate social media listening guide for marketers
You’ve heard the talk about social media listening but now you want to know how to put it to use. Listening isn’t a fad and it’s not going away as long as there are online discussions to monitor. These conversations are a significant source of intelligence for your marketing efforts if you know how to incorporate them into your strategy.
To review what social media listening is and how it’s different from monitoring, check out our thorough listening guide here.
This article is meant to be a practical, how-to guide to social listening for social media marketing professionals. In it, we’ll review how you can use social media listening for your company or organization, as well as proving its value to the C-suite.
Advantages of social media listening
Incorporating social media listening into your overall digital marketing strategy has several important benefits. These advantages span the entire company, from product development to customer service.
Immediate research: Analyzing current social media listening data provides you with immediate research that does not need to run through focus groups or other in-person structured analyses. This data is also in real time, providing you with the most accurate findings for timely action.
More affordable: Coordinating focus groups and hiring marketing research agencies can be pricey. Social media listening can be performed at a lower cost than traditional research methods while returning a potentially wider sample of individuals.
Preventative: When you execute social media listening, you’re paying attention to trends and common service complaints. This sort of listening prepares you to take action if needed and prevents a potential backlash to your company.
Depending on how your social media listening is set up, you may find it easier to create and maintain than other research methods. Demographic data is easily available to social media managers already and Twitter advanced search techniques can be executed in minutes. With less cost and time to set up, you’ll free up more resources to take action on your findings.
Create a brand analysis
The clearest use for social media listening is a brand analysis. It’s also very likely that you have the tools in place for this already. To perform a brand analysis, you’ll need data like what keywords are often mentioned with your brand, what customers are talking about online about you and how are they reacting to your products.
A brand analysis ranges from an overall company sentiment to a product-level sentiment. You’ll want to set up social media alerts that cover this range. For a general analysis, a quarterly check-in is acceptable while a more timely one might be necessary for campaigns.
A word cloud like the above helps you understand what is most commonly associated with your company. If the words that show up are desired, then you’re on the right track. If not, then it means you need to understand why they’re there and plan on how to change it up.
Another valuable source of information is the sentiment report. Enter brand names here and see what percentage of the online discussion is positive or negative. In Sprout’s own Sentiment Summary, as shown above, there you can easily view percentages and the trends over any course of time. If you check in on this report on a regular basis, you’ll be able to identify negative trends before they become a catastrophe.
Monitor: brand keywords, misspellings, word clouds
Result: brand sentiment, customer sentiment
Conduct a competitive analysis
One of the most useful parts of social media listening for marketers is its value for conducting a competitive analysis. Checking out what your competitors are doing well, where you can fill in the gap and what their customers complain about will inform your marketing strategy. Our guide to competitive research with listening deep dives into this type of data.
The Sprout Listening report generates themes around the topic you’re looking at. Create one for your competitor and see where they’re performing well and where they could improve.
Another component of the competitor analysis is the share of voice (SOV). This means how much digital space your brand’s voice is taking up in conversations. Are you mentioned more often than your competitors? Where are you dominating the conversation?
In the example above, once you’ve generated the needed reports, you could use these insights to do things like:
Identify your competitor’s weakness is not talking about the value of hydration for their sports drink. Create your next marketing campaign around hydration.
See that the competitor’s most common complaint is unresponsive customer service. Check your own service model and establish one or speed it up.
Notice that their latest campaign had dominated the online conversation but most of the time, customers are discussing your products. No need to act on this information except for a pat on the back for yourself.
Monitor: competitor’s performance, share of voice
Result: share of voice, competitor gap, product development, marketing campaigns
Inform your content strategy
You likely already look at how well your content is performing but do you go beyond that data to find content inspiration? Use social listening to see what others are discussing.
By creating a word cloud around “pizza” and “Chicago,” you can easily see which other words are also being used. Now is a good time to talk about your delivery services, especially if it’s feeling like Antarctica outside.
Let’s say you have multiple products in your sports clothing lineup. Which ones are being discussed more and which are not? Perhaps your sweats line needs a little more attention online. You could use this data to add more sweats-oriented content or create a campaign around it.
And finally, a potential impressions report helps you predict how one type of content will perform. Are you having trouble deciding if your pizza campaign should be in a video or text? Use a report to help you decide instead of flipping a coin.
Additional actions you can take to aid your content strategy:
Use demographic data to see who is resonating the most with your content. Once you realize that mid-thirties women love your videos about hiking, add that to your personas or develop a new one.
Use a hashtag report to see which are the most engaging. Use this hashtag in future posts and to find new people to follow. This report would also surface some content that’s useful for a user-generated content strategy.
Identify potential influencers who are engaging with your content. Then use a potential impressions report to see what their reach would be.
Monitor: competitor’s content, own content
Result: content performance, potential impressions report
Develop your product or service
Social listening lets you identify ways you can improve or add to your current lineup. Because listening data is immediate, it leads to quicker action for your company. Add updates to your app or see where your competitor is missing features. If it makes sense for your brand, add those features to your own product.
Let’s say you’re opening a new restaurant and you want to know what people want to eat the most in your location. Use social listening themes to identify which products are dominating the conversation and therefore, must-haves on the menu. If this report was pulled for an existing location or a competitor, you would see which products are performing poorly and explore that more. Why do the burritos have the most negative mentions? How can you fix this?
A listening report that includes locations is highly useful for growing companies. Let’s say you’re an international franchise company and you’re looking for new locations. Which locations are becoming popular travel destinations and where are your competitors opening up? If you set up the parameters correctly, you can identify your next potential locations with one report. Use this to supplement your other location research data.
Additional ways you can use social listening for product or service research include:
Monitoring industry trends to notice that more people want veggie burgers on the menu. Your restaurant doesn’t have it yet but you use listening data to see what type of veggie burger people are talking most positively about and you add it to your menu.
See that negative reactions to your new eyeliner product discusses its high cost. Drill down to see if the reactions are within your target market. If so, consider lowering costs or developing a new product at a lower cost.
Realize that your competitor released a new necklace but the complaint around it is its durability. Use this information to create a campaign around your own products’ materials and add to your FAQ documents.
Monitor: product sentiment, industry trends
Result: feature requests, bug reports, pain points, popular items
Social media listening is no longer limited to only monitoring your brand’s performance online. Instead, advanced uses of it can go as far back in your company’s development stage to the ideation phase. Every step of product development can be informed by social media listening.
Setting up your monitoring and using it to inform your listening is a continual process. One day, you may be looking at how a product is being discussed online. Another day, you’ll see data for your next franchise location. The possibilities for social media listening are endless.
This post The ultimate social media listening guide for marketers originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-listening-for-marketers/
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junker-town · 6 years
Tracking the NBA standings, the good and the ugly
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The West is wild, the East is complicated, and the race to the bottom is exciting. Follow it all here.
There are no more than seven games remaining on each NBA team’s schedule, which means one thing and one thing only: Every win and loss matters, no matter where your team is seeded.
Depending on your team, a win could be the difference between home-court advantage or a road matchup against the team with the best record in the conference. On the flip side, depending on your team, a win could be the difference between 17.8 percent odds at the No. 1 pick and 8.8 percent.
Friday night hoops did the playoff picture and tank-off no favors.
Let’s look at the playoff picture, first
Eastern Conference
(Seed). (Team): (Record) — (Games Behind No. 1 seed)
Toronto Raptors: 55-20
Boston Celtics: 52-23 — 3.0
Cleveland Cavaliers: 46-30 — 9.5
Philadelphia 76ers: 45-30 — 10
Indiana Pacers: 45-31 — 10.5
Washington Wizards: 41-34 — 14
Miami Heat: 41-35 — 14.5
Milwaukee Bucks: 40-35 — 15
Race to the top
The only way Toronto loses its standing at No. 1 in the East is if they lose three games at the same time the Celtics win three games. The Raptors’ remaining schedule? @ BOS, @ CLE, vs. BOS, vs. IND, vs. ORL, @ DET, @ MIA.
Boston’s? vs. TOR, @ MIL, @ TOR, vs. CHI, vs. ATL, @ WAS, vs. BKN
The Celtics and Raptors have also split their season series at one apiece with two games remaining on the schedule. Without Kyrie Irving (knee surgery), Marcus Smart (thumb), and Daniel Theis (torn meniscus), though, the C’s might be out of luck against the rolling Raptors.
The No. 1 seed is Toronto’s to lose.
Middle of the Pack
3. Cleveland — 9.5 GB 4. Philadelphia — 10 5. Indiana — 10.5
It’s a toss-up at this point between Cleveland, Philly and Washington for seeds No. 3-5. Let’s look at remaining schedules.
Cleveland: vs. DAL, vs. TOR, vs. WAS, @ PHI, @ NYK, vs. NYK Philadelphia: vs. CHA, vs. BKN, @ DET, vs. CLE, vs. DAL, @ ATL, vs. MIL Indiana: @ LAC, @ DEN, @ vs. GSW, @ TOR, @ CHA, vs. CHA,
The Pacers lead the Cavaliers in their season series, 3-1. They also lead the 76ers in the season series, 2-1 If they finish with the same record, Indiana will come out on top
The Cavaliers lead both the 76ers in their season series, 2-1. Philly needs to win its April 6 matchup vs. Cleveland in the event they finish with identical records
Why this is important
The No. 4-5 seed matchup is the toughest first-round series of each playoff series, and the winner of that series faces the winner of the No. 1 vs. No. 8 series, which is almost always the best team in the conference. These teams want that No. 3 seed for their playoff livelihood.
The bottom (well, not really)
6. Washington — 14 GB 7. Miami — 14.5 GB 8. Milwaukee — 14.5 GB
We’re not counting Detroit here because they’d have to win their last seven games and pray seeds No. 6, 7 or 8 lose out. It’s over for the Pistons. Moving right along.
It’s a toss-up between seeds No. 6-8. Washington. John Wall could return from a two-month absence any day now. Miami has been one of the tougher teams to deal with, especially after trading for Dwyane Wade at the deadline. And Milwaukee is a confusing team, but with Giannis Antetokounmpo on the roster, you can never rule them out.
Here’s a look at their remaining schedules:
Washington: vs. CHA, @ CHI, @ HOU, @ CLE, vs. ATL, vs. BOS, @ ORL Miami: vs. BKN, vs. ATL, @ ATL, @ NYK, vs. OKC, vs. TOR Milwaukee: @ DEN, vs. BOS, vs. BKN, @ NYK, vs. ORL, @ PHI
The Bucks and Wizards are tied this season at two apiece, as are the Heat and Wizards. Conference records? Washington: 26-20; Miami: 28-19, Milwaukee: 24-23.
The Heat swept the Bucks in the season series, 3-0
Why this matters
This one’s interesting. The Raptors are playing well, but like the actors that transform in Snickers commercials, they’re not themselves in the playoffs. The wrong matchup at No. 8 could give Toronto fits, and Milwaukee pushed them to six games last season. The same could be said of the No. 6 seed, which could be a matchup against the Cavaliers. Miami just blew out Cleveland and could pose some serious issues in the playoffs. The bottom of the East playoff picture could set the right team up for success.
Western Conference
(Seed). (Team): (Record) — (Games Behind No. 1 seed)
Houston Rockets: 62-14
Golden State Warriors: 54-21 — 7.5
Portland Trail Blazers: 47-29 — 15
San Antonio Spurs: 44-32 — 18
Minnesota Timberwolves: 44-33 — 18.5
Oklahoma City Thunder: 44-33 — 18.5
Utah Jazz: 43-33 — 19
New Orleans Pelicans: 43-33 — 19
Los Angeles Clippers: 41-35 — 21
Denver Nuggets: 41-35 — 21
Houston is safe as the No. 1 seed
Golden State is safe as the No. 2 seed
Nobody else is safe
Will Portland stay No. 3?
It sure looks that way. With their win over the Clippers on Friday, the Trail Blazers created a three-game separation between themselves and the Spurs. And here’s their remaining schedule:
vs. MEM, @ DAL, @ HOU, @ SAS, @ DEN, vs. UTAH
It’s not impossible for Portland to lose against Houston, San Antonio, Denver and Utah, it’s just highly improbable another lower seed wins three in a row to catch them.
Welcome to the jungle
4. San Antonio — 18 GB 5. Minnesota — 18.5 6. Oklahoma City — 18.5 7. Utah — 19 8. New Orleans — 19 — 9. Los Angeles Clippers — 21 10. Denver — 21
At this point, one false move can spell doom for any one of these teams. The Jazz and Pelicans each have the same number of losses as Minny and OKC but only one fewer win. Denver and the Clippers have a lot of ground to cover, but it’s not impossible for either one, or both of them, to sneak into the playoffs. Let’s look at their remaining schedules:
San Antonio: vs. HOU, @ LAC, @ LAL, vs. POR, vs. SAC, @ NOP Minnesota: vs. UTA, @ DEN, @ LAL, vs. MEM, vs. DEN Oklahoma City: @ NOP, vs. GSW, @ HOU, @ MIA, vs. MEM Utah: @ MIN, vs. LAL, vs. LAC, @ LAL, vs. GSW, @ POR New Orleans: vs. OKC, vs. MEM, @ PHX, @ GSW, @ LAC, vs. SAS Los Angeles: vs. IND, vs. SAS, @ UTAH, @ LAC, vs. NOP, vs. LAL Denver: vs. MIL, vs. IND, vs. MIN, @ LAC, vs. POR, @ MIN
Spurs lead Timberwolves, 2-1
Spurs tied with OKC, 2-2
Spurs lead Clippers, 2-0
Spurs tied with Nuggets, 2-2
Timberwolves won series vs. Thunder, 3-1
Timberwolves won series vs. Jazz, 2-1
Timberwolves swept Pelicans, 4-0
Timberwolves swept Clippers, 4-0
Timberwolves lead Nuggets, 2-0
Jazz won series vs. Spurs, 3-1
Jazz won series vs. Pelicans, 3-1
Jazz won series vs. Clippers, 2-1
Jazz ties with Nuggets, 2-2
Pelicans won series vs. Spurs, 2-1
Pelicans won series vs. Clippers, 2-1
Nuggets won series vs. Pelicans, 2-1
Clippers lead Nuggets, 2-0
Yeah, it’s a jungle.
Why this matters
This might just be the wildest West playoff race we’ve seen in a long time. The Spurs are in danger of missing the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. The Timberwolves were supposed to be a lock for the playoffs, but after Jimmy Butler tore his meniscus, they’re looking a little shaky. The Jazz were out of the picture, the Rudy Gobert returned from injury and they forgot what losing was. The Pelicans lost DeMarcus Cousins to a torn Achilles, then Anthony Davis put the team on his back like Captain Planet and went full MVP runner-up mode on the league. And then there’s still Denver and Los Angeles, two injury-riddled teams scrapping for the last spots, and they’re actually in arm’s reach.
This could end any number of ways. We’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out.
Race to the very bottom
Phoenix Suns: 19-58
Atlanta Hawks: 21-55 — 2.5
Memphis Grizzlies: 21-55 — 2.5
Orlando Magic: 22-53 — 4
Dallas Mavericks: 23-53 — 4.5
Sacramento Kings: 24-52 — 5.5
Brooklyn Nets (sadly conveys to Cleveland): 24-51 — 6
Chicago Bulls: 25-51 — 6.5
New York Knicks: 27-49 — 8.5
Los Angeles Lakers (conveys to Philly): 33-42 — 15
Charlotte Hornets: 34-42 — 15.5
Detroit Pistons (conveys to Clippers): 35-40 — 17
Los Angeles Clippers: 41-35 — 22.5
Denver Nuggets: 41-35 — 22.5
We won’t go into tiebreakers this time around. If teams end up with an identical record, there’s a coin toss to see who gets the higher draft lottery odds. For example, last season, the Knicks and Timberwolves both finished with identical records. The Timberwolves won the coin flip, so they drafted seventh and the Knicks eighth. Minnesota took Lauri Markkanen and traded him as a package for Jimmy Butler. The Knicks took Frank Ntilikina.
This year’s draft class is loaded with talent from No. 1-10. Instead of listing the players here, I’ll refer you to our college basketball expert Ricky O’Donnell’s most recent 2018 NBA Mock Draft, where he has Slovenian guard Luka Doncic going No. 1 overall and Oklahoma’s Trae Young going tenth.
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