#minimalism is still trending for 2024
gumjrop · 5 months
The Weather
In the US, 41 out of 54 states and territories are at high or very high COVID wastewater levels as of 1/18/2024. Ten states and territories have no data available. It’s important to note that levels of “moderate,” “low,” or “minimal” do not necessarily indicate a low risk of COVID exposure in our daily lives. Viral spread is still ongoing even if at lower levels, and precautions are warranted to protect ourselves and others.
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Looking at the CDC’s national and regional wastewater data over time, we continue to see “Very High” levels nationally. It’s important to note that the last two weeks are provisional data, indicated by a gray shaded area on the graph, meaning that those values can change as additional wastewater sites report data. 
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Although wastewater data does not provide the same level of detail as previous PCR-based testing data, wastewater monitoring is an important ongoing resource to inform us about the current COVID situation. While the provisional data tentatively shows a downward trend this week, time will tell whether this is a true decrease in the final data. A downward trend does not mean continued decreases are guaranteed or that protections should be relaxed. Multilayered protections help drive COVID spread lower, and relaxing protections can lead to a resurgence of viral spread.
Visit the CDC’s State and Territory Trends page to see available wastewater testing near you, including the number of wastewater sites reporting. Write your elected officials to let them know you want to keep and expand wastewater testing in your area and nationally.
In November 2023, the CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) passed a series of draft proposals that will further weaken already insufficient protocols employed within healthcare settings. HICPAC refuses to reckon with the airborne nature of infectious diseases such as SARS-CoV-2, and does not propose crucial measures such as universal masking with well-fitted respirators, isolation periods, and ventilation. The People’s CDC has penned a letter to the ACLU alerting them of HICPAC’s irresponsible decisions, and the ramifications associated with them. We hope that by working together with the ACLU, we can implement public advocacy and legal actions in order to tackle this critical issue.
You can read the full letter here.
Johns Hopkins reinstated healthcare masking on 1/12/2024, in response to high respiratory virus levels. As with many other healthcare systems and public health departments that have restored healthcare masking when facing public pressure, we hope that universal masking can become a standard of care rather than a short term response to a surge. See “Take Action” below for more information.
JN.1, now the most prominent variant in the United States, is estimated to account for 85.7% of circulating variants by 1/20/2024. HV.1 is expected to drop to 5.3%, and all other variants are estimated to make up less than 2% each. Although ongoing viral spread allows opportunities for new variants to emerge, the latest 2023-2024 COVID vaccine boosters, COVID tests, and COVID treatments are still expected to be effective for JN.1.
Current updated booster uptake is low (as of January 19, 2024, the CDC reports that only 21.5% of adults and 11% of children have received it). It is not too late to get the updated booster, and to protect yourself against the latest variant! 
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In the most recent week (ending January 13, 2024), we see a slight downward trend in new hospital admissions, currently at 32,861. We see a similar slight downtick in currently hospitalized patients with COVID , at 27,879. This most recent week shows a slight decrease in hospitalizations, although it is too soon to say whether hospitalizations for the current surge have passed their peak. Hospitals continue to be overwhelmed. The data also lacks information on hospital-acquired infections. We urge you to continue taking stringent precautions, such as donning a well-fitting respirator (e.g., N95, KN95) in all indoor spaces–and especially in healthcare settings.
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Amid ongoing advocacy by Long COVID groups, the US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) held a committee hearing on “Addressing Long COVID: Advancing Research and Improving Patient Care.” The hearing included testimony from three Long COVID patients and four Long COVID physicians and researchers, bringing much-needed attention to the urgent need for funding for Long COVID research and treatments, and to the need for improved access to care for Long COVID patients. We recognize the community care modeled by some of the panelists and attendees who wore masks for the hearing, and we wish the senators on the committee would mask up as well. 
Take Action
Write your elected officials to let them know that Long COVID impacts all of us, and that we need ongoing support for Long COVID research and clinical care. Ask Senators to support bill S.2560, the Long COVID Support Act. Ask Representatives to support bills HR.1114 (Long COVID RECOVERY NOW Act) and HR.3258 (TREAT Long COVID Act).
Although some healthcare settings have reinstated masking in response to high COVID levels along with high respiratory virus activity, ongoing pressure is needed to restore, keep, and expand masking broadly. Use our letter template and toolkit to call or write your elected officials in support of healthcare masking.
Want to do more to support healthcare masking? Consider starting, sharing, or joining a local campaign. Check out work in Illinois, Maryland, and Wisconsin, just to name a few. Also, sign and share our letter to the ACLU asking them to join us in supporting safe and equitable access to healthcare. Sign on is open until 2/1/2024. 
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nqynhhh · 18 days
Slow Fashion in Vietnam: A Movement Gaining Momentum
Slow fashion is not just a trend; it's a shift in mindset. It's about valuing quality over quantity, investing in timeless pieces, and supporting sustainable practices. In recent years, the slow fashion movement in Vietnam has been steadily gaining momentum as consumers become more conscious of the environmental and social impacts of the traditional fast fashion industry. Fueled by a growing awareness of sustainable practices and a desire to support local artisans, Vietnamese brands and designers are embracing the principles of slow fashion and offering thoughtful, ethically-produced alternatives to the mass-produced garments that have long dominated the market.
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Embracing Sustainable Practices
One shining example of the slow fashion ethos in Vietnam is Kilomet109, a Hanoi-based brand that showcases the country's rich textile heritage. Founded by designer Vu Thao, Kilomet109 meticulously crafts each garment, utilizing eco-friendly materials and traditional techniques (Ngo Quynh,2022). Their dedication to sustainability extends beyond the production process, as they actively promote environmental awareness and encourage responsible consumption habits among their customers.
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Another notable brand, Fashion4Freedom, shows the desire to use fashion to liberate and develop. Each F4F product is a true work of art thanks to its uniqueness in concept and processing. Dragon Shoes is an example. The sole of the shoe "takes advantage" of jackfruit wood purchased from local families, intricately carved. F4F also has many impressive products such as patterned costumes of the Ta Oi people, jewelry collections from phones and computers. and broken tablets, wooden jewelry... When looking at products from F4F, we have the right to be proud of a carving culture coming from traditional craft villages (Nhi Nguyen, 2022).
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Environmental Benefits and Cultural Preservation
The environmental benefits of slow fashion in Vietnam are undeniable. Slow fashion brands typically utilize natural, organic materials like organic cotton, hemp, and Tencel. These materials require less water, energy, and harmful chemicals compared to conventional fast-fashion fabrics. Additionally, slow fashion emphasizes smaller production batches, minimizing textile waste, a significant environmental concern in the global fashion industry.
Furthermore, slow fashion in Vietnam celebrates and revitalizes traditional craftsmanship techniques. Many brands collaborate with local artisans who possess skills in weaving, dyeing, and embroidery passed down through generations. This not only preserves cultural heritage but also empowers local communities by providing sustainable livelihoods for artisans. Brands like Gia Studio, which uses natural dyes and handwoven fabrics to create traditional Vietnamese clothing, are examples of this cultural preservation (Pameyla Cambe,2024)
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A promising for future
The slow fashion movement in Vietnam is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to make a significant impact on the global fashion industry. As more and more Vietnamese consumers embrace slow fashion principles, the industry is poised to play a significant role in reducing the fashion industry's environmental impact and promoting ethical labor practices.
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The rise of slow fashion in Vietnam signals a promising shift towards more sustainable and socially responsible consumption. As this movement grows, it not only brings environmental and economic benefits but also strengthens the cultural fabric of Vietnamese society, weaving a future where fashion respects both people and the planet.
Cambe, P. (2024, April 2). Vietnamese Fashion Brand Gia Studios Is Crafting The Ultimate Minimalist Wardrobe. Grazia Singapore. https://grazia.sg/fashion/gia-studios-lam-gia-khang-vietnamese-fashion-brand-minimalist-interview/
Maker Profile: Kilomet109. (2017, September 21). THE KINDCRAFT. https://thekindcraft.com/kilomet109/
Nguyen, N. (2022, July 18). 5 thương hiệu thời trang việt bền bỉ theo đuổi sự bền vững. Vietcetera. https://vietcetera.com/vn/5-thuong-hieu-thoi-trang-viet-ben-bi-theo-duoi-su-ben-vung
Quynh, N. (2022). Top 10 thương hiệu thời trang bền vững nổi tiếng tại Việt Nam. Coolmate. https://www.coolmate.me/post/cac-thuong-hieu-thoi-trang-ben-vung-tai-viet-nam
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foultastemusic · 4 months
EP Review - Here, Hear. IV – La Dispute (2024)
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This EP was the best gift that 2024 could give me, and we're still only in March. A game between the traumas in the stories recounted in La Dispute's first "great" albums - Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair (2008) and Wildlife (2011) - revolutionary for the experimental world of midwest emo, post-hardcore and the underground community in general, and the latest works of art that are most listened to and reflected on, which tell us through the details of everyday life, feelings, landscapes and images open to the listener's imagination - Rooms of the House (2014) and Panorama (2019) - when recitation becomes part of the post-hardcore trends.
Despite the pained voice and the contrasts that create the perfect synthesis of the guitars and bass, the rhythmic coherence of the drums and the literary personality of the band that has always been faithful to us from the beginning until today, elements that have created the "brand image", I notice that these geniuses of emo music don't mind experimenting with new electronics, the absence of screams and distortions, love, new ways of saying things. The fact that we can't catalog and put aesthetic labels on certain artists, because they are constantly metamorphosing and contradicting themselves with the genres given by fans and record companies, certain types of festivals and events, algorithms of streaming platforms, etc., is a proof that the post-hardcore of these bands that continue to record over the years is maturing as a movement. And this EP has made me reflect on my generation, which adapts to trends by not adapting to it at all. Perhaps silences and improbable harmonic resolutions are the oxygen pump for artists and listeners of music created in a studio as if it’s a laboratory.
Here, Hear. is a collection of four volumes, the first of which was released in 2008, the band's big bang year. In the four volumes, we can see that La Dispute exploded at the beginning and took their own advantage of the sounds in a very genuine, pure and direct way, unashamed to use unconventional instruments such as pianos, maracas and “folklorized” melodies - always recognizable on a timbral level, anyway - but it was in this last one, sixteen years later, that we see the band flourish, not in an explosive way as before, but always pure and honest. They reinforce simplicity and the timeless stories. Sixteen, the fourth song on the EP, and one that had been released before on Spotify, marks a new life of La Dispute: it reminds me of the walks I had to school when I was fourteen and of my first crush had dedicated the song Such Small Hands (2008) to me in anonymity; of the song Woman (In the Mirror) (2014) when I was always at home trying to discover my own way of (always hidden) teenage happiness. Today I've discovered how happy I can be and that the nostalgia for the sadness, heartbreak and melancholy that went on in the corners of my neighborhood while I listened to La Dispute's entire discography for most of the years I lived there is part of it. We were sad listening to sad music, and happiness, today, is based on that. This single, according to my empirical experience and to the community of fans writing online as well, reminds us of those nostalgic times.
And the group's aesthetic minimalism continues. Not just in the music, but in the band's overall image. And I'm enjoying watching it. The lyrics and stories increasingly make sense, since the instrumental part of the EP makes them prevail. In the song Reformation, which concludes the EP in a mode of ecstatic tranquillity, we have a beautiful guitar that harps along with Jordan Dreyer's unsung and unshouted voice. Just like that. Everything that the music of sensitive people needed to offer about the art of growing up and noticing life's little symbols, even when you drink your coffee in the morning before facing the life of an adult who is emotionally trapped by the years that have passed.
«You awake at 3AM to the soft voice of her dream, saying
"These are the people who said that you like him would never die
Until you do and you will and I will too
Just like this, baby, but longer, forever
And there's nothing past that door, I know it"
Before she drifts back to sleep where you can't now and it's okay
Peace be with you»
Reformation, La Dispute (2024)
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34choco · 5 months
Im watching a camrip of Mean Girls 2024 and.... Jesus christ it's like they didn't even want to make a movie of the musical. So many good songs were cut for these awkward, amateur reenactments of the original movie scenes. Most of the cast seems like they can barely hold a note.
Other posts have already talked about how badly they sanitized the script/overall message so I don't need to even get into that but like?? The only reason people asked for this movie is because they wanted to see THE MUSICAL on screen. Nobody wanted a mediocre imitation of the old movie, we could just go back and watch that one whenever we want to because it still holds up. But every detail of this movie feels like there was no faith in the musical aspect being appreciated by the audience. Like they were so embarrassed to have songs in the movie at all, that even the music they did keep in was rearranged to sound as minimalized and nonchalant as possible.
Every second of Cady's songs sounds boring. Gretchen sounds like shes being rushed to finish her song so it can stop being a musical. Karen's song was fucking butchered even though framing it with the whole tiktok online trend thing could have really added to it. Literally the only song with any punch to it was World Burn. THEY TOOK OUT WHERE DO YOU BELONG/MEET THE PLASTICS ENTIRELY!!! IT COULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST PART OF THE MOVIE!?!
This movie is so afraid to be uncool/cringe that it defeats the entire purpose of making it in the first place. I know we like, been knew this, but Hollywood really is where art goes to die.
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realtorjamier · 6 months
Home Decor in 2024. What’s Hot & What’s Not?
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Pink’s out. Peach is in.
Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2024 is soft and subtle “Peach Fuzz,” replacing last year’s vibrant “Viva Magenta.” Pantone is recognized globally as a leading source of color expertise. 
“In seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance,” says Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute™. 
If you’re looking to revamp your space, consider PANTONE 13-1023 and its complementary colors: everything from creamy, brown and tan neutrals to shades of teal, lavender and mint green. Note: gray is not listed. For those who went wild with gray or greige tones during that trend, you might want to roll up your sleeves and buy a new paint roller.
What’s out?
Say goodbye to Barbiecore (think pink). What else is losing favor? Here’s a quick rundown of trends that seem to be going by the wayside in home decor:
Sliding barn doors (Let’s face it – they don’t even do a great job of blocking light, smells, and sounds.)
White-on-white kitchens
Extremes – whether that means bare minimalism or over-the-top Grand Millennial
Heavy industrial style
What’s in?
Back kitchens
AKA butler’s pantry or scullery, this separate space keeps secondary or backup items hidden from site, tidying up the more public area. Here you can house additional refrigeration and freezing, warming drawers, wine storage, lesser-used mechanical devices, formal entertaining dishes and cutlery, etc. Appliance garages have been around for a while, but they seem to be gaining popularity as another way to streamline kitchens.
Bespoke bedrooms and bathrooms
Behind the scenes, highly personalized spaces offer homeowners comfort and creative freedom. Feel free to layer these rooms with your favorite monogrammed fabrics, artwork, family photos, and heirlooms. Make it meaningful.
Casual luxury
It may sound like an oxymoron, but  luxury doesn’t have to mean formal. Rather than opulent and imposing, choose comfortable, lived-in furniture that is still beautiful and lavish.
Bold wall treatments
Add depth and personality to walls by treating them as large canvases. Incorporate wallpaper, paneling, 3D wall coverings, stone or wood features, decorative molding. This is a take on dopamine decor – which continues to be popular – creative touches that make you feel good when you walk into a room. 
Separated spaces
Demolishing interior walls to create all-in-one living/working/playing areas is seeing a bit of a reversal. Delineating spaces by incorporating walls that still have good flow through the use of doorways and openings allows for rooms with purpose and intention.
Mixed metals
This may come as a relief. Chrome, brass, black, copper, bronze – all can be used when harmoniously paired. Trying to keep up with what’s in shouldn’t mean having to change out plumbing fixtures annually!
Mixed materials
Kitchen countertops don’t have to be one solid matchy-matchy mass. Add interest and dimension to this horizontal space. Consider a mix of materials for visual, tactile and utilitarian variety – natural wood with granite, or quartz with sleek stainless steel. 
Outdoors in
Windows seem to be taking center stage – becoming bigger and bigger. The view outside is more of a focal point than an after-thought. Biophilic design is also a way to get the feeling of nature inside your dwelling by adding large indoor plants and natural wood and stone finishes.
Mud-laundry rooms
Combining a laundry with a mudroom is a space-efficient idea. Storage components can serve double-duty: hooks, cabinets, cubbies and drawers.
Cheap, mass-produced furniture is becoming increasingly unpopular. People are gravitating toward quality pieces that are higher end and/or repurposed for a lesser environmental footprint.
A word of caution
Before you revamp your space with all the latest trends, carefully consider which ones truly work for you. If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, reach out to me and let's talk about what changes will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
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healthcarehubhh · 14 hours
Guidewires Market to Increase at Rapid Pace Owing to Rising Cardiovascular Diseases
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The guidewires market is associated with medical implants, stents, and devices used to perform minimally invasive surgeries. Guidewires are thin, flexible, coated tubes or wires that are used to direct catheters and other medical devices through the body during endovascular procedures like angioplasty and stent placement. Guidewires help navigate through challenging anatomies to reach the target site quickly and with minimal trauma. As cardiovascular diseases continue rising globally due to growing geriatric population and changing lifestyles, demand for such guidewires is projected to surge significantly. The Global guidewires market is estimated to be valued at US$ 8.1 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the guidewires market are Boston Scientific Corporation, ASAHI INTECC Inc., Cordis Corporation and C.R. Bard. The growing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, and neurological disorders is expected to boost demand for guidewires significantly over the forecast period. Minimally invasive procedures are becoming more common due to advantages like reduced recovery time, less scarring, and lower risk of infection associated with them. This is expected to drive demand for guidewires used in such procedures. Technological advancements are expanding the scope of clinical applications for guidewires. Improvements in material composition and surface coatings have made guidewires thinner, more torqueable, and kink-resistant. Newer digital guidewires are integrated with imaging technologies like optical coherence tomography for better tracking and positioning control. These advancements are fueling the adoption of guidewires. Market Trends Hydrophilic coating technology and polymer-based guidewires: Hydrophilic coatings make guidewires less prone to friction and very slippery when wetted by body fluids, facilitating smooth movement through intricate vascular paths. Polymer-based guidewires are lightweight, flexible and radiopaque. Nitinol alloy-based shape memory guidewires: Nitinol alloy offers superior shape memory, kink resistance and torque control properties. These shape memory guidewires can achieve desired configuration upon reaching target sites. Market Opportunities Potential in emerging economies: Emerging economies are witnessing a rise in cardiac interventions like angioplasty and stent placement due to growing disease burden and increasing access to healthcare. This presents lucrative opportunities for guidewires manufacturers. Integration of AI and robotics: Integration of artificial intelligence and robotics could further help in designing steerable, automated guidewires for complex interventions. This presents a key area of innovation. Impact of COVID-19 on Guidewires Market Growth The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the guidewires market. During the initial phases of the pandemic, several elective procedures got postponed to focus on COVID-19 affected patients. This led to a decline in the demand for guidewires in 2020. However, as the pandemic situation gradually stabilized in 2021, the demand started recovering. But it is still below the pre-pandemic levels. The guidewires market was growing at a steady pace before the pandemic. However, COVID-19 brought new challenges like disrupted supply chains, delayed product launches, and decreased sales. Various restrictions affected the normal functioning of healthcare facilities as well as manufacturers. The pandemic also made healthcare professionals and patients more cautious about non-urgent surgeries and treatments.
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priyanshisingh · 8 days
UAE Meat Market Report: Opportunities and Challenges (2023-2032)
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The UAE Meat Market is experiencing substantial growth, as evidenced by the projected increase from USD 3,198.14 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 5,160.56 million by 2032, achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.36% from 2024 to 2032.
The UAE meat market is experiencing robust growth, fueled by increasing consumer demand for high-quality, diverse meat products and a rising population with varied dietary preferences. This market is characterized by a significant preference for premium meats, including beef, lamb, and poultry, driven by a wealthy consumer base and a growing expatriate population that brings diverse culinary traditions. The market is also witnessing a surge in demand for halal-certified meat products, which cater to the predominantly Muslim population's dietary requirements. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards health-conscious consumption, leading to an increased demand for organic and hormone-free meat products. The UAE's strategic location as a trade hub facilitates the import of high-quality meat from global markets, ensuring a steady supply to meet local demand. Modern retail formats, including supermarkets and hypermarkets, alongside the rising popularity of online meat delivery services, are making meat products more accessible to consumers. The market's growth is also supported by government initiatives to boost domestic meat production and enhance food security. Despite the positive outlook, the market faces challenges such as price volatility and the need for stringent quality control to maintain high standards.
The UAE meat market is influenced by several trending factors that shape consumer behavior and industry dynamics. Here are the key trending factors in the market:
Health and Wellness Trends
Organic and Natural Products: There is a growing demand for organic, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free meat products as consumers become more health-conscious and aware of the potential health benefits of natural and minimally processed foods.
Lean Meats: Consumers are increasingly opting for lean meats such as chicken and turkey, which are perceived as healthier alternatives to red meat due to their lower fat content.
Halal Certification
Halal Meat Demand: Given the UAE's predominantly Muslim population, the demand for halal-certified meat is significant. Halal certification ensures that meat products meet religious dietary requirements, which is a crucial factor for many consumers.
Stringent Standards: Consumers are increasingly looking for assurance regarding the authenticity and adherence to halal standards, prompting suppliers to maintain rigorous certification processes.
Diverse Culinary Preferences
Expatriate Influence: The UAE's large expatriate population has diversified meat consumption patterns, leading to a demand for a wide variety of meat products, including specialty cuts and international cuisines.
Gourmet and Exotic Meats: There is a rising interest in gourmet and exotic meats, such as Wagyu beef and venison, driven by affluent consumers seeking unique and premium dining experiences.
Convenience and Accessibility
Online Meat Delivery: The convenience of online shopping has extended to the meat market, with an increasing number of consumers purchasing meat products through e-commerce platforms that offer home delivery services.
Ready-to-Cook Products: Busy lifestyles are driving the demand for ready-to-cook and pre-marinated meat products that offer convenience without compromising on quality and taste.
Sustainability and Ethical Consumption
Sustainable Practices: Environmental concerns are influencing consumer preferences, leading to a growing interest in sustainably sourced meat products. Consumers are looking for brands that promote ethical farming practices and sustainable supply chains.
Plant-Based Alternatives: While still a niche market, there is a burgeoning interest in plant-based meat alternatives as part of a broader trend towards reducing meat consumption for health and environmental reasons.
Technological Advancements
Smart Farming: The adoption of smart farming technologies is enhancing meat production efficiency and quality. Innovations such as precision farming, automated feeding systems, and livestock health monitoring are gaining traction.
Traceability and Blockchain: There is an increasing emphasis on traceability in the meat supply chain. Technologies like blockchain are being used to provide consumers with detailed information about the origin and processing of meat products, ensuring transparency and building trust.
Government Initiatives
Food Security: The UAE government is investing in initiatives to boost domestic meat production as part of broader efforts to enhance food security. This includes supporting local farmers, developing advanced agricultural technologies, and fostering public-private partnerships.
Import Regulations: The government is also streamlining import regulations to ensure a steady supply of high-quality meat products, facilitating trade with key meat-exporting countries.
Market Competition
Retail Expansion: Major supermarket chains and hypermarkets are expanding their meat product offerings, focusing on quality, variety, and competitive pricing to attract consumers.
Brand Differentiation: Meat producers and suppliers are increasingly focusing on brand differentiation through unique product offerings, superior quality, and innovative marketing strategies to capture consumer attention and loyalty.
Key players
Agthia Group
Americana Foods Inc.
Al Ain Farms
Siniora Food Industries
Tanmiah Food Company
The Savola Group
Albatha Group
Golden Meat
Halwani Bros Company
Forsan Foods
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/uae-meat-market
The UAE meat market presents several opportunities for growth and development, driven by evolving consumer preferences, technological advancements, and strategic investments. Here are some key opportunities in the market:
Premium and Specialty Meat Products
High-Quality and Gourmet Meats: There is a growing demand for premium and specialty meat products, such as Wagyu beef, organic chicken, and exotic meats. This provides opportunities for suppliers to cater to affluent consumers seeking unique and high-quality dining experiences.
Customized Cuts and Portions: Offering customized cuts and portion sizes tailored to consumer preferences can differentiate products and attract discerning customers.
Health and Wellness Focus
Organic and Natural Meats: The increasing health consciousness among consumers creates opportunities for producers to market organic, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free meat products. Highlighting health benefits and quality can appeal to this segment.
Functional Meat Products: Developing meat products enriched with additional nutrients or functional benefits, such as omega-3 fatty acids or probiotics, can cater to health-focused consumers.
Halal Certification and Authenticity
Expanding Halal Range: Expanding the range of halal-certified meat products, including convenience foods and ready-to-eat meals, can tap into the large Muslim consumer base seeking diverse halal options.
Traceability and Transparency: Implementing robust traceability systems to ensure and communicate the authenticity of halal certification can build consumer trust and loyalty.
Convenience and Innovation
Ready-to-Cook and Pre-Marinated Products: The demand for convenience foods offers opportunities for developing ready-to-cook and pre-marinated meat products that save time and effort for busy consumers.
Online Retail and Delivery Services: Expanding online retail platforms and delivery services for meat products can cater to the growing preference for online shopping and home delivery, providing convenience and accessibility.
Sustainable and Ethical Practices
Sustainable Meat Production: Investing in sustainable and ethical farming practices can attract environmentally conscious consumers. This includes promoting grass-fed, free-range, and humanely raised meat products.
Plant-Based Alternatives: While still emerging, the market for plant-based meat alternatives is growing. Introducing high-quality, tasty plant-based meat options can appeal to consumers looking to reduce their meat consumption for health and environmental reasons.
Technological Advancements
Smart Farming Technologies: Adopting smart farming technologies to enhance meat production efficiency, quality, and sustainability can provide a competitive edge. This includes precision farming, automated systems, and advanced animal health monitoring.
Blockchain for Transparency: Utilizing blockchain technology for supply chain transparency can offer detailed information about the origin, processing, and quality of meat products, building consumer trust.
Market Expansion and Diversification
New Product Development: Continuous innovation in meat product offerings, including new flavors, cuts, and packaging options, can keep the market dynamic and attract a broader consumer base.
Geographical Expansion: Expanding distribution networks to underserved areas within the UAE and exploring export opportunities to neighboring countries can drive growth.
Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations
Partnerships with Retailers: Collaborating with major supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty stores can enhance product visibility and accessibility, driving sales.
Collaborations with Restaurants and Foodservice Providers: Partnering with restaurants, hotels, and foodservice providers to offer specialty and premium meat products can increase brand presence and reach.
Government Support and Initiatives
Leveraging Government Initiatives: Taking advantage of government initiatives aimed at boosting domestic meat production and enhancing food security can provide financial and logistical support for meat producers.
Compliance with Import Regulations: Streamlining compliance with import regulations can facilitate the entry of high-quality international meat products into the UAE market.
Based on Type
Others (Camel)
Based on Product
Based on End User
Retail (B2C)
Horeca (Foodservice)
Based on Distribution Channel
Convenience Stores
Butcher Shops
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/uae-meat-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/uae-meat-market-analysis-global-industry-trends-forecast-tgjff
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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burseconstructionus · 15 days
Top 5 Modern Bathroom Remodel Trends in Akron for 2024
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Are you thinking of going for a Bathroom Remodel Akron? Keeping up with current trends will assist you in designing a bathroom that is both fashionable and practical. Modern bathroom designs in 2024 will emphasize strong colors, nature, technology, minimalism, and spa-like elements. Let's examine the top 5 trends for remodeling bathrooms in Akron.
Trend 1: Minimalist Design In 2024, minimalist design will still be very popular. This style places a strong emphasis on uncluttered areas and simplicity. Frameless glass showers, floating vanities, Drywall Installation in Cleveland, and concealed storage are among the features. The end effect is a clean, elegant appearance that enlarges and calms the space in your bathroom.
Trend 2: Smart Bathrooms Adding intelligent technology to your bathroom can improve your everyday schedule. Just a few things like smart mirrors, touchless faucets, and voice activation can make a lot of difference. These innovations make your Bathroom Remodel Akron more convenient and efficient, while also adding a futuristic touch.
Trend 3: Natural Elements In 2024, bringing nature indoors is going to be very trendy. Plants, wood, and other natural elements produce an organic and peaceful ambiance. Consider stone sinks, wooden vanities, and plenty of plants. These components not only have a lovely appearance but also enhance wellbeing.
Trend 4: Bold Colors and Patterns Bid adieu to boring bathrooms. Vibrant hues and designs are returning. Your bathroom can gain character by incorporating bold patterns and colors like emerald greens, and deep blues. Whether it's through accessories, wallpaper, or tiles, utilizing bold features may turn your bathroom into something thatstands out in Your House.
Trend 5: Spa-Like Features Use spa-inspired elements to turn your bathroom into a private heaven. Rain showers, freestanding bathtubs, heated flooring, Drywall Installation Cleveland, and ambient lighting are examples of this. These elements help create a relaxing environment where you can unwind after a long day.
Conclusion Bathroom Remodel Akron can be quite cost-effective, particularly if you use these popular styles. There is something for everyone, regardless of your preference for strong patterns or simple designs. To build a bathroom that is efficient, fashionable, and modern, begin planning your redesign immediately.
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shoesgalaxy · 20 days
Top Men’s Casual Shoes Trends of 2024
The world of men’s fashion is ever-evolving, and 2024 is no exception. This year, casual footwear is taking center stage, blending style, comfort, and sustainability.
Whether you’re updating your wardrobe or looking for the perfect pair to complement your daily wear, here are the top men’s casual shoe trends you need to know for 2024.
Top Men’s Casual Shoes Trends
1. Sustainable Sneakers
Sustainability continues to be a major focus in fashion, and sneakers are leading the charge. Brands are increasingly using recycled materials, eco-friendly dyes, and ethical manufacturing processes. Look for sneakers made from recycled plastic bottles, organic cotton, and plant-based leathers. These shoes not only look good but also make a positive impact on the environment.
Adidas Stan Smith Mylo: Made from mushroom-based leather.
Allbirds Tree Runners: Crafted from eucalyptus tree fibers.
2. Chunky Soles
The chunky sole trend, which gained momentum in recent years, is still going strong in 2024. These shoes offer both style and comfort, with their thick, supportive soles making a bold statement. They are perfect for adding a contemporary touch to any casual outfit.
Balenciaga Triple S: Iconic for its oversized design.
Nike Air Max 270: Known for its large air bubble and cushioned sole.
3. Minimalist Designs
Minimalism is making a comeback with sleek, simple designs dominating the casual shoe market. These shoes focus on clean lines, neutral colors, and understated elegance. They are versatile and can be paired with almost any outfit, making them a must-have for any wardrobe.
Common Projects Achilles Low: A classic, minimalist sneaker.
Everlane Court Sneaker: Simple yet stylish, made with sustainable materials.
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gumjrop · 4 months
The Weather
Amid the CDC’s COVID-minimizing and dangerous rollback to isolation guidance, a new Pew Research poll shows that 27% of Americans are very or somewhat concerned that they will get COVID and require hospitalization, and 40% (nearly half) of Americans are very or somewhat concerned that they will unwittingly spread COVID to others. This number rises substantially for low income brackets, and Black, Hispanic, and Asian adults. Concern about hospitalization was highest in adults with a high school education or less. Despite efforts by the CDC, the Biden Administration, and corporate media to downplay the public’s concern about COVID, these numbers show that a substantial proportion of Americans care about protecting one another.
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A popular program providing free rapid antigen tests through the USPS ended on March 9, 2024. Despite the limitations of rapid antigen tests, these home tests continue to be a vital way to quickly identify COVID cases, both to prevent further onward spread as well as to identify the need for treatment with Paxlovid. You can use our letter campaign to let your elected officials know we still need free rapid home tests.
COVID wastewater levels are decreasing, with no states registering “Very High” levels as of 3/15/2024. Eight states are currently at “High” and 15 are at “Moderate” levels of SARS-CoV-2 detected in wastewater.
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Wastewater levels show a downward trend in the provisional data (gray shaded area) in all regions. The national wastewater levels are overall indicated as “Low.” Lower wastewater activity is an indication of lower overall viral spread, which is certainly a good thing. However, the “Low” designation is not a representation of low risk in our day-to-day lives, and continued masking and multilayered precautions continue to be necessary to protect ourselves and our communities. State and local trends can also provide additional information, where available.
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A recent Axios article highlights the expanding broad utility of wastewater testing for COVID and other infectious diseases, as well as the uncertain footing of the funding and infrastructure for this essential surveillance tool. We encourage you to write your elected officials to let them know you want to keep and expand wastewater testing in your area and nationally.
On March 13, the People’s CDC hosted a press conference to push back on the CDC’s elimination of COVID isolation guidance and demand accountability to the public (watch the video or read the press release). The online publication (pre-proof) of the People’s CDC External Review in the peer-reviewed scientific journal American Journal of Preventive Medicine Focus was also announced, which is an important authoritative resource highlighting both shortcomings of the CDC’s approach and recommendations for a more transparent, effective, and equitable pandemic response going forward. The full External Review report can be found on the People’s CDC website.
March 15 was Long COVID Awareness Day, and Senator Bernie Sanders along with six cosponsors (Tim Kaine, Edward Markey, John Hickenlooper, Tina Smith, Robert Casey, and Tammy Baldwin) introduced Resolution 590 to formally recognize March 15 as Long COVID Awareness Day. You can ask your senators to support this resolution using this letter campaign. Senator Sanders released a video promising legislation to increase funding for Long COVID research and clinical care, as well as emphasizing the importance of prevention, including vaccination and masking. For more info on Long COVID Awareness Day, see the “Long COVID” section below.
When we make our voices heard, whether with the press, with scientific publications, or with elected officials, we win.
In the CDC’s most recent Nowcast predictions, JN.1 continues to be the most prevalent variant in the United States (86.5%), with a predicted decrease in JN.1 and sublineage JN.1.13 increasing (9.5%).
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The CDC has recommended spring boosters for people age 65 and older, at least 4 months after the previous updated dose. As of 3/2/2024, only about 42.4% of adults age 65 and older had gotten an updated vaccine, and many who were vaccinated in the fall may not realize they are eligible for another dose. 
In addition to the spring boosters recommended for people aged 65 and older, immunocompromised people are eligible for more frequent vaccination. The CDC states, “You can self-attest to your moderately or severely immunocompromised status, which means you do not need any documentation of your status to receive COVID-19 vaccines you might be eligible to receive.”
As a reminder, the currently available COVID vaccine formulations (2023-2024, first available in fall 2023) are effective against the JN.1 variant, with about 54% protection against symptomatic disease. For people of all ages, immunity wanes after 6 months, and, although current eligibility is more limited, we continue to support access to vaccination at least every 6 months for all ages.
If you have not received one of the updated COVID vaccines released last Fall, you can use this tool to find local vaccine providers that are Bridge Access Participants. The Bridge program is currently available through December 31, 2024. 
COVID in Kids
In a recent report in the CDC’s MMWR publication, cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) in 2023 were highlighted. MIS-C is an inflammatory response to a COVID infection that usually occurs 2-6 weeks following an infection. MIS-C may be serious and can affect the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal tract. Although rates of MIS-C have slowed since 2020-2021, 112 cases were reported in 2023, with 82.1% of those occurring in unvaccinated children. Among cases in vaccinated children, 60% occurred in children who had not received a booster within the last year. As of 3/2/2024, only about 13.5% of eligible children aged 6 months to 17 years have received a 2023-2024 COVID vaccine. More info on Long COVID in kids is presented below under “Long COVID.” 
It is clear that kids need protection from COVID, and current efforts are inadequate. We demand that public health authorities take action to protect our children. You can find more information to support protecting kids in our Urgency of Equity toolkit.
March 15 marked the second annual International Long Covid Awareness Day. Across the globe, Long Covid survivors, their allies, and the community fight for increased research, treatment, and visibility for people living with Long Covid. 
Searching #LongCovidAwarenessDay on most social media platforms will connect you to posts from people all over the world describing their experience navigating their ongoing symptoms while trying to educate others about the barriers they face in seeking accessible and effective treatments.
Up to 5.8 million children in the US may be affected by Long COVID. A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that vaccination reduces the risk of Long COVID in children by about 40%. 
Take Action
Super Tuesday has come and gone with nominees in most parties now established for races at the local, state, and national level later this year on November 5th.
People’s CDC wants to remind you that regardless of the outcomes of these elections, we must always continue to organize and fight back against the state’s abandonment of science in favor of corporate interests.
We urge you to use and share our letter campaign demanding that elected officials renew and expand programs to provide free Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). You can also continue to urge elected officials to support maintaining and extending COVID isolation guidance via our letter campaign. Over 13,000 letters have already been sent, and you can use the same template to send follow up letters.
Whether it’s joining a local mutual aid organization or fighting for increased accessibility measures (required masking, improved air quality, and multilayered precautions) in groups you are already part of, your actions can make your communities safer for all people.
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tanyapopli · 1 month
Emerging Trends Cloud Computing: 2024 and Beyond
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Cloud computing has firmly established itself as the backbone of modern IT infrastructure, driving innovation and efficiency across industries. As we move further into 2024, several key trends are shaping the cloud landscape, reflecting both technological advancements and evolving business needs.
1. Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Strategies
Businesses are increasingly adopting hybrid and multi-cloud approaches, combining the best of on-premises, private cloud, and multiple public cloud environments. This strategy allows organizations to leverage the unique strengths of different cloud providers while avoiding vendor lock-in and enhancing resilience. Companies are focusing on integrating these environments seamlessly, using tools and platforms that offer unified management and interoperability.
2. Edge Computing Integration
Edge computing is gaining traction as organizations seek to process data closer to its source, reducing latency and improving performance for real-time applications. This trend is particularly significant in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and autonomous vehicles, where immediate data processing is critical. Cloud trends providers are expanding their services to support edge computing, offering solutions that extend cloud capabilities to the edge of the network.
3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with cloud services continues to accelerate. Cloud platforms are offering advanced AI and ML tools that enable businesses to extract deeper insights from their data, automate processes, and enhance decision-making. The ease of access to scalable computing power and sophisticated algorithms is democratizing AI, allowing even small and medium-sized enterprises to harness its potential.
4. Serverless Computing
Serverless computing, where cloud providers manage the infrastructure and automatically scale resources as needed, is becoming more prevalent. This model allows developers to focus on writing code without worrying about server management, leading to increased productivity and faster time-to-market for applications. The pay-as-you-go pricing model also offers cost efficiency, as businesses only pay for the compute time they actually use.
5. Enhanced Security and Compliance
As cloud adoption grows, so does the emphasis on security and compliance. Cloud providers are continuously improving their security measures, offering advanced encryption, identity management, and threat detection services. Additionally, regulatory requirements are becoming more stringent, pushing providers and businesses to ensure compliance with data protection laws and industry standards. Tools for managing and monitoring security and compliance across complex cloud environments are in high demand.
6. Sustainability and Green Cloud Computing
Sustainability is a growing concern for businesses and consumers alike. Cloud providers are investing in green technologies and practices to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes using renewable energy sources to power data centers, improving energy efficiency, and designing infrastructure that minimizes environmental impact. Companies are increasingly considering the environmental credentials of their cloud providers when making purchasing decisions.
7. Quantum Computing Exploration
While still in its early stages, quantum computing is a frontier that cloud providers are beginning to explore. Quantum computing promises to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Major cloud providers are offering early access to quantum computing resources, allowing researchers and businesses to experiment with this technology and develop future applications.
8. Cloud-native Technologies and DevOps
Cloud-native technologies, including containers, Kubernetes, and microservices, are becoming standard for modern application development. These technologies enable developers to build and deploy applications that are scalable, resilient, and easily maintainable. Coupled with DevOps practices, cloud-native development fosters a culture of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), enhancing the agility and responsiveness of IT teams.
9. Increased Focus on Data Analytics and Big Data
The ability to analyze large volumes of data efficiently is a key driver for cloud adoption. Cloud platforms provide robust data analytics and big data services that allow businesses to collect, process, and analyze data at scale. This capability is crucial for gaining competitive insights, improving customer experiences, and optimizing operations.
10. Cost Management and Optimization
With the expanding use of cloud services, cost management is becoming increasingly important. Businesses are employing sophisticated tools and strategies to monitor and optimize their cloud spending. This includes rightsizing resources, leveraging cost-effective storage solutions, and using automation to manage workloads dynamically.
In conclusion, the cloud computing landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by technological innovations and shifting business priorities. Organizations that stay abreast of these trends and adapt their strategies accordingly will be well-positioned to capitalize on the transformative potential of cloud computing. As cloud technology continues to advance, its role in shaping the future of business and technology will only grow more significant.
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patrickcarpet · 1 month
Here is a 150-word summary in a professional tone, with bullet points, bold key phrases, and headings, in HTML format:
The New Credit Scoring System: What It Means for Your Real Estate Aspirations
As a Credit Specialist, I've been closely monitoring the changes in the credit scoring landscape, and I believe these new developments could significantly impact your ability to secure a mortgage and achieve your real estate goals. Let me break down the key points for you:
The Emerging Credit Scoring Systems
Vantage Score 4.0: This new scoring system focuses on your credit behavior over the past 12-24 months, with a strong emphasis on factors like credit utilization and debt consolidation.
FICO 10T: The "T" stands for "Trending," which means this updated FICO score also considers your recent credit history and payment patterns.
How the New Scoring Systems Benefit You
Increased Accessibility: These new scoring models are designed to be more inclusive, potentially helping individuals who previously struggled to qualify for a mortgage.
Reduced Impact of Certain Negative Items: Paid-off collections, tax liens, and medical debts under 6 months old will have a diminished effect on your credit score.
Importance of Rental History and Utility Payments: Incorporating these payment records can significantly boost your creditworthiness.
Key Considerations and Caveats
Current Lending Practices: While these new scoring systems are on the horizon, lenders are still primarily using the traditional FICO 8 and FICO Bankcard scores for credit approvals.
Marginal Impact: The difference between the new and old scoring models is estimated to be around 20 points, so if you've been managing your credit responsibly, the impact may be minimal.
Manual Underwriting: If you have a limited credit history, you may need to explore manual underwriting options to qualify for a mortgage.
By understanding these developments in the credit scoring landscape, you can better prepare yourself for the evolving real estate market and take proactive steps to strengthen your creditworthiness. If you have any further questions, I'm here to assist you in navigating this exciting new chapter of your real estate journey.
YouTube Source: "Unlock Your Credit Potential: Boost Your Score Rapidly by 100 Points in 2024" YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwTiSgSSNPiNANoB2cREAAg Related Content: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/700732023302152646/
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myfunswag · 2 months
Print on Demand (POD) Fashion: Is it Still a Sustainable Option in 2024
The fashion industry is enticed with a significant tendency: a desire for trendy clothing often matches with the harsh reality of having diverse environmental effects.  Fast fashion, which brings mass production and more textile waste, has intensified a growing search for alternatives.
Print-on-demand (POD) in this fashion industry emerges as a potentially sustainable solution that is oriented toward producing 100% customized designs but reduces waste as well. But is POD truly a sustainable option in 2024, and can it be a profitable venture to invest in?
Through this post, you can discover the potential of print-on-demand clothing and its specifics. Let's dive in...
Potential Benefits of Print-on-Demand Clothing:
Reduced Inventory Waste: This can be counted as the most standout advantage as traditional clothing is based on predicted demand so bulk produced. At last, most of the styles remain unsold, leading to mountains of textile waste ending up in landfills. POD eliminates this issue. This On-Demand manufacturing leads to printing the garments only when ordered.
Thus smaller production runs most easily cater to niche markets and minimize the risk of unwanted inventory.
On-Demand Manufacturing: POD allows for smaller production runs, catering to niche markets and minimizing the risk of unsold inventory.
Customization and Self-Expression Option: POD generally meant no overproduction.
This flexibility allows designers and small businesses to customize new designs without significant upfront costs. Whether it's a custom t-shirt design or Funny T-shirt reflecting personal values, POD offers a platform to grow a trend of individuality and self-expression in fashion.
Reduced Transportation Footprint: POD stress to utilize geographically available printing facilities. This practice reduces the transportation distances for delivering finished products, leading to a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional garment production concentrated in specific regions.
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Is POD Fashion still profitable in 2024?
Print-on-demand clothing can be a profitable business model because of the high-quality products and rapid production cycles that digital printing offers. But the overall profitability in POD fashion depends on several factors:
Target Audience: Identifying a specific niche audience with a strong interest in your designs is crucial. Catering to the specific needs and preferences of the preferred audience lets you put less marketing effort & instead maximize return on investment. Remember, high-quality designs tend to catch an eye & be stand out in a crowded marketplace. Investing in demands that resonate with your target audience is vital too.
Pricing & Marketing: Strike out a balance between profitability and competitiveness is decisive for pricing your products. Conduct market research to understand pricing trends and customer expectations. Always be effective when it comes to marketing, and strategize to attract customers essential to generate sales. Discounts or promotions, and building a reach via various marketing channels remain key to driving qualified traffic.
Considerations and Mistakes to Avoid with POD Clothing:
Print & Fabric Quality: Expand your initial research on POD providers and choose one that offers high-quality printing techniques. In the end product, the quality of the garment plays a significant role. So opt for comfortable, ethically sourced fabrics that complement your designs. To be assured, you can order a few samples beforehand to ensure the final product meets your expectations.
Design Optimization: POD platforms always have some limitations. Regarding design placement or printing methods try to ensure your designs are optimized for POD printing. Try to understand and be familiar with the size limitations, color compatibility, and file formats to avoid any misplaced outcome. 
The Future of POD Fashion:
As technology advances and industry demands POD printing is expected to become even inclined to be eco-friendly.  The use of recycled materials for blank garments and water-based inks are promising developments toward a more sustainable fashion.
In conclusion, POD fashion has all the capabilities to offer a compelling alternative to traditional manufacturing. However, achieving true sustainability requires conscious efforts from POD providers, designers, and consumers alike.  By prioritizing eco-friendly practices and responsible choices, POD fashion can become a win-win for both style and sustainability in the ever-evolving world of fashion.
Why us
We are a UK brand and we love that our customers not only wear the clothes we make, but they can relate to them as well. We've surrounded our design concepts that have influence and identity. My Fun Swag is about capturing the simple but special moments in our lives.
Get in touch with us -- https://myfunswag.com 
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wengdotlam · 2 months
WEEK 7:  Social Media Influencers and The Slow Fashion
Welcome To Lam’s Blog 
I Hate shopping but love thrifting online through social platform (cause I’m just a young broke uni student smift smift*) My journey into slow fashion started from two main influences. First, thanks to my dad, who enjoys reading articles from The Ecologist. About three years ago, when I was still a young teen splurging on shopping, he shared an article that changed my mindset. It was by Kate Fletcher, introducing the concept of "slow fashion". She compared the slow fashion movement, which was founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986. The slow fashion movement emphasizes the importance of sustainability, ethical production, and a shift from quantity to quality in the fashion industry. (Kate 2017)​. This realization hit me like the refreshing ‘crack’ sound of opening an aluminum, Coke. Around the same time, one of my favorite YouTubers, Erica Ha, influenced me with her thrifting vlogs. Watching her inspired me to join the ‘thrift gang’, and now I rarely buy new brand clothes, opting instead for second-hand finds from online apps and thrift shops. Influencers like Erica Ha have the power to shape opinions and trends through their platforms, and many are now advocating for slow fashion. They educate their followers about its benefits, encouraging thoughtful purchasing decisions that support fair wages, better working conditions, and reduced environmental impact.
The slow fashion philosophy promotes buying fewer but higher quality items that last longer. This approach supports more sustainable and ethical fashion choices. Movements like "Fashion Revolution Day" (LDN 2022) and from the readings that are provided by Norealyna (2024) highlight the growing awareness and demand for such choices, driven by a desire for personal growth, well-being, and ethical commitments. This shift is evident in the increasing number of influencers promoting these ideals on social media.
I'm grateful to see that many people in this generation are embracing thrifting, redesigning their clothes with various materials, and turning them into masterpieces and selling secondhand clothes online. Social media influencers can influence the world by sharing and educating the right information and changing people’s thinking and lifestyles by sustainable practices and ethical consumption.  I hope you guys can take a moment to explore some influencers who champion slow fashion and see how you can incorporate their tips into your own life. Let's make a difference by savoring the joy that comes after the refreshing ‘crack’ of opening Coke. Comment below to share your opinions and let me know who your favorite influencers are and how they’ve influenced you. *heart *
Kate Fletcher, 2017, Slow fashion, The Ecologist, viewed 18 May 2024, <https://theecologist.org/2007/jun/01/slow-fashion>
LDN, S L 2022, What is slow fashion?: Clothing minimalism, Slow Living LDN, viewed 18 May 2024 , <https://slowlivingldn.com/journal/live-consciously/slow-fashion-minimalist-wardrobe>
Norealyna Misman, 2024, ‘MDA 20009 Digital Communities, Week 7: Digital citizenship case study: Social Media Influencers and the slow fashion movement’, MDA20009 Digital Communities, Learning materials via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 24 April, viewed 18 May 2024,
<Week 7: Readings: 2024-HX03-MDA20009-Digital Communities (Subang) (instructure.com)>
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sense-of-cents · 2 months
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figmentglobal · 2 months
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Why Tax Compliance Solutions are Crucial for Entrepreneurs in 2024
As an entrepreneur in the dynamic environment of 2024, navigating the complex tax code is more important than ever. Constantly changing tax laws and increasing scrutiny by authorities have made tax compliance solutions essential for businesses aiming to succeed in today’s environment.
i]. Understanding tax compliance solutions
Tax compliance solutions include procedures and tools designed to ensure that businesses comply with all relevant tax laws and regulations. From accurate tax calculations to timely tax returns, these solutions streamline the entire tax process, reduce errors, and reduce the risk of penalties or audits.
ii]. Simplifying tax administration through technology
In an era saturated with technological advances, tax compliance solutions use automation and digital channels to streamline tax-related tasks. Sophisticated software systems can now handle complex calculations, overcome potential cost savings, and generate complete reports with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.
iii]. Reducing risks and ensuring consistency
One of the main reasons why a tax compliance solution is a must-have for businesses is how they can minimize the risks of non-compliance By staying abreast of the latest changes in the law and its internal structure is difficult to enforce implementation, companies can avoid costly fines and lawsuits, to protect their financial stability and reputation.
iv]. Improving budgeting and decision-making
Beyond just compliance, tax compliance solutions provide valuable insights that can inform strategic and budgetary decisions. By analyzing tax data and trends, entrepreneurs can identify areas of efficiency, maximize tax savings, and allocate resources efficiently to drive sustainable growth and profitability.
How they adapt to the changing legal environment
In 2024, the tax code is changing rapidly. From new reporting requirements to increased scrutiny of digital transactions, staying compliant requires constant vigilance and flexibility. Tax compliance solutions give businesses the agility to navigate these changes seamlessly, ensuring they remain compliant and reduce operational disruption.
The role of expert guidance and support
While tax compliance solutions offer many benefits, navigating complex tax laws still requires expert guidance. Partnering with experienced tax professionals or consulting firms can provide businesses with valuable assistance, helping them optimize their tax planning, mitigate risks and take advantage of growth opportunities.
Conclusion: Adopting tax compliance solutions for success
Tax compliance solutions have emerged as the must-have tools for businesses by 2024. By leveraging technology, reducing risk and enhancing decision making, these solutions empower businesses to confidently and efforts overcome the complexities of taxation Tax compliance in an era of constant change and increasing regulatory scrutiny -Adopting solutions is not only a necessity but a necessary strategy to win time length.
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