#mini-golf course
nando161mando · 4 months
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rosefinnigen · 5 months
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Outfit check from day 2 of traveling! These pants used to fall off me, but not anymore haha. Also I’m pretty sure my ass is getting fatter because the stretch marks at the top of my butt are itching like nobody’s business
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sirkustheclown · 6 days
I miss going golfing
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freddieillustration · 5 months
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bugs seen in florida
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canigetuuu · 2 years
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DirkJohn Week day 1: first love/first date
Throckmorton/Casey in the real
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bittsandpieces · 7 months
What about Mini Golf?
Devoid of the environmental bullshit of golf, accessible to children and disabled folks, encourages whimsy. 10/10 I love mini golf. The mini golf place in my hometown also had outdoor skiball machines (they were in a shallow garage thing so they could close the door for weather protection) and it was SO FUN
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misterbrick42 · 10 months
great idea for a splatoon stage. Minnow Minigolf. It's a mini golf course with a few different holes on it. There's windmills and draw bridges. if i had a slightly better sense of stage design i would draw it.
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bastardnoodle · 8 months
heyyyy I'm mims and here's my freaking cool links
commission prices/tos/etc:
all art done by me can be found in this blog under the tag #my art.
you can dm me questions/anything about commissions if you want! ok thanks have a good one
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Do you have any evidence of Roxy playing with the plushes in her room? Mostly because I would like to see it
Okay so I don't have like. The most concrete evidence in the world here, I'm mostly just looking at the environment and thinking about what it says about the characters and stuff. With that said, I'm also not the only one that noticed this (can't remember where I've seen people mention it before but I know I've seen this around a few times in fics and posts and stuff) so I dunno take this as you will
The idea Roxy plays with her plushies comes maingly from how the plushies in her room are arranged and a little from how her plushies are in the most random ass places sometimes. I don't know if there's more locations than the ones I'm about to show you because I don't have the game and can't just wander around looking for them, but here's what I know for sure!
First, Roxy's room!
Roxy's room is the only one of all four rooms on Rockstar Row to have the plushies arranged somewhat properly and not just left strewn about the place. Most importantly though, some of them are placed in ways that make it look like they're doing something. Here's the screenshots of all the ones in there:
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So there's two sat nicely against the base of the kids motorbike ride, with one looking out the window and one looking towards the vanity table. Then there's one sat at a racing arcade cabinet as if it's playing it. There's two laid on the couch like they're taking a nap or just relaxing. There's one on the table either watching the one playing the game or maybe doing some imaginary other thing. There's another on the table, lying face up with a bunch of wrenches, a little shampoo bottle and a helmet so small it's the perfect size for the plushie next to it. Then you have one plushie driving the go-kart and running over another plushie from behind.
Yeah, the ones on the couch might be a little bit of a stretch, but some of these just kinda make it look like Roxy intentionally put them there to display them or to set a scene up. Like the table could be a pretend parts and services or something, hence why ones lying on its back with all the wrenches and stuff. They all just seem a lot less randomly placed, ya know? I think it's pretty cute ngl!
And then you have the Roxy plushies in weird places! Here are the ones I noticed (again, I don't have the game so these are screenshotted from videos I found):
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Gonna quickly explain this one by saying I misremembered it a little bit, but it's still relevant. This random little room in the loading docks area, with nothing but a Sunnydrop poster, a staffbot staring at the door and two wet floor bots, has the Glam Roxy plush collectible in it. Bit of a weird placement given Roxy is literally never in this area to my knowledge and this is typically Chica's territory, so it makes me wonder what the hell it's doing in this werid ass room. An old idea was that Chica was playing with the plushies one day and stuck her in Gay Baby Jail or something.
Though, now I'm looking at it, if Roxy put it there, you could see it as leaving a plush down there to keep these guys company or for them to protect her or somethig? I dunno. A bit sad if she put herself in Gay Baby Jail though lmao but anyway...
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This one is located in the Kid's Cove boat! I'm pretty sure that aside from the Golden Sunny plush and regular Moon plushie collectibles, this is the only plushie in Kid's Cove. Which is to say this is the only plushie I noticed that was actually visible. Given the light from the left is from a TV screen playing nothing but static (what's up with that??), this plushie was having a movie night or something. Or someone's living in the Cove. Or Roxy's made herself a secret hideout in the Cove. I dunno, but you see how the little drinks can is within the plushie's reach and all the... maybe sweets near its feet? I dunno whats going on with the shoes and the tiny Roxy mask, maybe there was a dress-up thing going on, who knows? I dunno if this is Cassie's secret hideout and she was playing with a Roxy plushie but regardless! This is a weird ass place for a Roxy plushie when everything else around there is Sunny and Moon themed!
Oh yeah and there's also another itty bitty helmet off screen to the right. Maybe the story is that this Roxy was driving the boat but it sunk or something? I dunno. I'm convinced those tiny helmets are for the plushies or some other toy cause there's a height limit on the go-karts they are not letting babies drive go-karts lmao
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These two are in the dressing room style area thing of the Superstar Theatre. There's a good few plushies dotted around here but look! The one on the right is keeping the endo company! :)
Anyway, I don't know where the others are. I know there's a good few of her plushies just fucking everywhere in weird places and someone had to put them there, right? Her room having them all arranged like that is the only reason I would think Roxy's putting her own plushies everywhere though. I just think it's kinda cute that they usually seem very deliberately placed there by someone and given the whole murder scene going on in her room, Roxy seems the most likely culprit lmao
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charleyhull · 1 day
Kiss me when the sun goes down ❤️
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dazeymazey · 5 months
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[ id: a comic featuring three object-head characters - Chip, who is tall & dark-skinned with a cardboard box head, Aloe, who is shorter and curvy with light brown skin & a lava lamp head, and Petra, who is tall and fat with brown skin and a cactus head. a golf ball is struck by a club, and lands straight into the water. the three of them stand in silence in the direction of the ball, Petra in the foreground with a wide-eyed expression. Aloe says "Wow. That's the seventh ball you've drowned." Petra scratches their face and says, "Seven, huh.. too bad that's not the name of the game." Aloe jokes "You'd be a pro by now." and Chip chimes in, signing "Totally unmatched." with a smile. Off-screen, Petra light-heartedly responds "Stooop!". end id ]
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horangslay · 11 months
I would literally kill someone for a Seongjoong & Verkwan interaction
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sirkustheclown · 8 days
Who wants to go golfing?
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ioletia · 3 months
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Today at the Traveler Championship golf nonsense game, some people stormed the field to protest something. People are attributing it to Just Stop Oil, a British based environmental group, but as of right now no one is certain- and, honestly, I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about the nonsense that are golf courses...
I could and should write out a whole treatise on why exactly golf courses and their existence within the world are both ethically and morally "bad," but no one's going to read that twenty page document. So, bullet points.
Golf courses, and the associated country clubs, were (and still are) notoriously bigoted- specifically towards Jewish and BIPOC people. If you aren't a WASP, good luck finding a foothold in the sport/community.
Golf courses, and the associated country clubs, actively exclude anyone not of a certain wealth. This has a number of knock on effects, such as keeping average people out of "green" spaces, actively gentrifying nearby areas, and just generally creating a very insular community. And, as we all know, insular communities tend to become quite bigoted- see the first bullet.
Golf courses are monocultures. A monoculture refers to a large swath of area predominately populated by one species to the exclusion of others. Golf courses use one or two species of grass to populate their entire course. This pushes out local native species of plants that many native species of wildlife need to survive.
To continue, golf courses aren't allowed to seed. Grasses need to go through a period of growth before they push up seed heads, but, because golf requires very consistent turf, that is prevented by constant cutting and over seeding. This essentially creates a vast wasteland that pushes out local wildlife and starves any that might try to stay within it. Golf courses might look "natural" and "green," but are literally as far from those concepts as you could possible be.
In addition, maintaining a thick lush turf requires constant fertilizing, watering, and biocides/pesticides, which are rarely ever contained to only the golf course. These chemicals can run off to local water ways causing all sorts of environmental damage to wildlife species that were already pushed out of their habitats.
Golf courses take up so much space! Which, in and of itself isn't an issue, but when you combine this with the environmental impact they can have as well as the exclusionary culture they operate under, it becomes a huge issue. Instead of having a green space for everyone, including the local wildlife, there's a WASP club that actively poisons the area around it.
So, yeah, fuck golf. We should be protesting it all the time. It's bad.
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Dear diary,
I've been considering getting hair cut short. One of those bob styles cause hate how the heat makes my medium length hair feel so icky~
Read a few articles on styles and on hair. Did you know you're hair grows the fastest between ages 15 to 20 or 25 depending on article? Apparently guys after 30, may experience thinning and hair loss because hair doesn't grow as quickly after 30 and for girls it's like after 40 to 50 that hair doesn't grow as quickly according to various beauty articles.~
So I don't know, mean could cut hair short but what if it took forever and a week to grow back out? I don't even think short hair would look good on me, less variety for styling but at the same time I just dont think am pretty atm either~
I think def want to try blunt or curtain bangs tho, they look cute and are kinda childish and tbh I want the adorable factor tho maybe I am just not that cute?~
Also like never ever foam hot cocoa pple, I ordered a small hot cocoa and the barista made it like it was a latte and the taste, sooo awful but didn't want to waste the purchase. I mean if I were a more less caring or wasn't worried about being confrontational in public I would have said something~
Pillows, I need a good pillow, am sure if I had one it might help improve sleep but I've yet to find a good one. Itd have to be fluffy like a cloud and cool like a winter breeze. I saw the most adorable pillow ever but problem is it's 270 with tax. Like if it were 80, I'd consider it sure expense but might be worth it if it's as good quality as claimed by advertising.~
Unfortunately I am just not sure, I mean I'd have to save for like at least a few months to get it and do I really need it? Its childish cause shaped like a dashound in a hot dog costume... but like where would I find such an adorable pillow again, it's unique~
I need to decide Halloween costume too, I mean if do go ahead and get gothic outfit from poll could pair it with some bat wings or angel ones and have costume. But that's like putting a bulleyes on yourself, dressing like an angelic being or succubus/bat demon girl would make people stare~
Plus the demon/succubus aspect is kinda ironically hilarious cause I can't even flirt with guys or girls for that matter, little miss shy and awkward~
I was brave and contacted customer service over missing package and about refund. I was ping ponged back and forth between company and shipping provider until finally got confirmation they'd issue refund as package was lost and couldn't determine where it got lost at etc~
I didn't actually talk, it was online communication through service line but still~
I took some pictures of sky because the clouds were particularly picturesque and fluffy~ I felt so self conscious though like do I just look weird or something? Haven't you ever seen someone look up at sky with camera before?~
I am tempted to just avoid public all together until October but realistically I'll get lured out in July for cotton candy vendors, fresh squeezed fair lemonade and prize contests to try to win cute plushies <4th of july>. Do I think fireworks are beautiful? Yes but am one of those people that would want to wear noise cancelling headphones and look like a dork cause of it~ the loud noise though just unsettles me, it's like really loud thunder or lighting makes me jump scare myself sometimes~
I found a Harry Potter themed bar crawl event and golf event that I kinda want to go too. Not so much the bar as mini golf the thing is I know it'll be crowded and am not the best at mini golf soooooo do I really want to torture myself mentally by weaving through crowds, long lines and ultimately failing to win prizes by missing the getting the golf ball into the hole?~
Plus I'd want to wear a harry potter themed costume and have nothing to wear for that~
Including pictures of clouds because I can~
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verbjectives · 4 months
wildest thing about today is that i walked out of a social experience with the thought of "huh...maybe i should give pool a try..."
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