#mini warbler
sillyname30 · 1 year
Remember how at the glee concert 2011, and particularly the video made, that there was that little kid who dressed up as a Warbler and copied all of Darren's moves. And he got to meet Darren and Chris. He'd probably be late teens now. I wonder how he or his parents feel about him being Mini Warbler now. It would be interesting to hear his story since, (or whether he chooses to forget it all?)
I guess he's at an age where he is embarrased. In 20 years he can show the video his kids and embarass them. It will be a fun memory. It won't be enough for an whole episode of the podcast, but a short segment of him or his parents would be nice.
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year
BOTD: Broad-billed Tody
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Photo: Pedro Genaro Rodriguez
"The diminutive Broad-billed Tody is only about the size of a Northern Parula warbler — but this tropical bird has a vibe all its own. Although tiny, the tody has a proportionately large head and long bill, resembling a mini-kingfisher. As it zips through the foliage, it flashes glowing, emerald-green upperparts, a vivid red throat, fluffy pink sides, and a bright yellow-white belly and undertail. Todies are found on certain Caribbean Islands, and nowhere else."
- American Bird Conservancy
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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brinemcallister · 6 months
Spring gathers in flocks of chickadees and warblers. They tuck themselves  between branches to sing and hide in the leaves. The trees hold them close like mini feathered bouquets and welcome the beginning of new life.
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anonsally · 11 months
Weekend in Chicago
Day 0
Unusually, I didn't feel particularly anxious about this trip, though I still slept badly the night before departure. Although I left slightly ahead of schedule, I had a long wait for BART and then a long wait for the little mini-train to my terminal at the airport, and then the line for security was longer than I expected, so I only just had time to buy food for the flight. When I arrived at my gate, my group was already boarding. Since I’m usually at the airport 2 hours before departure, this came as a bit of a shock! But once I was on the plane, it all went smoothly. Nobody was in the middle seat next to me (I had a window), and I spent the flight reading a novel. I finished it just after we landed! [separate post coming about the book]
I landed at Chicago O’Hare around 8pm. Because it was such a short trip, I hadn’t checked a bag, which is practically unheard-of for me; I was proud of packing so light! Although it’s obvious, I still felt surprised at how quickly I could leave the airport since I didn’t have to wait for checked luggage! Because it was dark (and raining a little), I took a cab to my hotel, where Best Friend had already arrived. We went up to the room to drop off my stuff, then went out for dinner. This was a hip hotel in a hip neighborhood called River North, and we were decidedly not cool enough to stay there! However, we were also old enough not to give a shit!
By then it was 9pm (7pm for my body clock though), and we were very hungry. We had thought we would just go to a little ramen shop nearby, as surely at this hour restaurants would be emptying out, but it turned out to be packed. It was Saturday night, and I guess people in Chicago are back to going out at night. We struggled to find a restaurant that could seat us, but we eventually got a table at Hub 51. Chicago is a foodie town, and we enjoyed our meal, though the portion sizes were enormous.
After that, we returned to our hotel and went to bed soon afterwards.
Day 1
We had a leisurely start before heading out to grab breakfast en route to the Art Institute of Chicago, which was the main purpose of this weekend getaway. They had an exhibition of Remedios Varo, my favorite artist, called Science Fictions. It was fabulous. If you are in or near Chicago, I think you still have a week or two to catch this before it closes! I will be posting photos. I had only seen a few of the paintings in person before, and there were more paintings than I expected, along with a bunch of sketches. As always, seeing the paintings in person brought out details I hadn’t noticed when looking at reproductions of them, and in fact, I think there were some paintings I wasn’t familiar with at all. We spent quite a while in that exhibition before moving on to look at other works in the museum, including some great Georgia O’Keeffe paintings (I loved the landscapes) and quite a few Sargents (many from early in his career), the Chagall window, the Tiffany window, some Frank Lloyd Wright-designed things, and some furniture (some of which was great and some of which was hilariously hideous). We ate a late lunch in a sheltered courtyard café in the museum and then resumed looking at art.
After the museum, we wandered through Maggie Daley Park. It was late afternoon, and I did some birdwatching while Best Friend made a couple of phone calls. I saw a palm warbler! That was a new bird for me, and I also got a good look at a fairly distinctive bird but still couldn’t identify it. I took photos, and was later able to determine that it was an ovenbird, which is also a new one for me! There were lots of white-throated sparrows (uncommon where I live) and yellow-rumped warblers, as well as some northern cardinals (which don’t exist where I live).
We ate dinner at a deep-dish pizza place, which seemed mandatory while in Chicago. It was delicious! This restaurant makes single-person pizzas, which are cute (the fork and pen below are normal-sized and included for scale). I still couldn’t finish mine, so I brought ¼ of it back to the hotel (in a cute box!) to eat for breakfast.
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We then returned to the hotel to pack and wind down.
Day 2
I had set my alarm for the ungodly hour of 6:45am, not because either of us had an early flight (we didn’t), but because we wanted to do something fun before heading to the airport. So we checked out of our hotel at 8:30, left our luggage, and took the metro (well, the el) to the 606, a repurposed elevated rail line that is now a sort of park/trail for bikes and pedestrians. Best Friend admired the architecture of the neighborhoods we were walking through, while I did some birdwatching. We then walked through Humboldt Park (more birdwatching, the highlights of which were a golden-crowned kinglet, wood ducks, lots of white-throated sparrows, and more northern cardinals, though there were also about 60 Canada geese, which was slightly terrifying!).
On our way back to the el, we stopped at Typica Café, which turned out to be Venezuelan. Best Friend had to attend a Zoom meeting for a half hour. I ate a delicious guava-cheese puff pastry, which is apparently a Venezuelan thing and which I highly recommend if you get the opportunity to have one! The hot chocolate was also exceptionally good; it was made using Venezuelan cocoa and, I think, a tiny bit of caramel syrup. It was excellent; not too sweet.
We then walked to the el and rode back to our hotel, picked up our luggage, walked to the pizza place so Best Friend could bring two frozen pizzas back for her husband and son, and then rode the el to the airport. We had gotten day passes for the Chicago el, which were a steal at $5.
At the airport we hugged goodbye as we were on different airlines. Going through security was fine, and I got to walk through the colored light underpass that is the only good thing at O'Hare. I bought snacks to eat on the plane. Boarding was a bit of a fiasco (they started boarding group 3 before group 2 for some reason) and very inefficient, but as we all reminded each other and ourselves, the only thing that really mattered was getting to our destination safely and approximately on time.
The flight itself was full and slightly delayed but fairly uneventful, and I got home via BART within 1.5 hours of landing. Yay! Although it was frankly bananas to fly halfway across the country for a 2-night stay, I feel very refreshed and energized by it and am glad I went, and particularly glad that Best Friend joined me. She's a great travel companion (despite her snoring), and I think it's the first trip we've taken together since she had her son nearly 13 (Edit: 14!) years ago.
I plan to post some photos from the trip. (I realise I didn't manage to do that after the Europe trip this summer, but this was only 2 days so it should be more manageable!)
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fondueforme · 6 months
"Well if it isn't Blaine Warbler..." Brittany said as they strolled up to him, following behind them was a blonde Cheerio with a neck brace on, which would be concerning if it wasn't for the even more concerning fact that she held a phone camera up that was currently recording. "I see you've been decked out in red and white."
Brittany paused then to give the other Cheerio a look and a whispered, "Celeste, make sure to get this outfit on camera." Despite her name not being Celeste, Jordan followed instructions by panning the Dalton Academy student's entire outfit, including a zoom in on his bow tie. "Did Sam buy out the whole store? Did he get you a mini titan too? How does it feel to be in McKinley colors? Thinking of playing for both teams now?' They wiggled their eyebrows as they gave him a small break so Blaine could answer, signaling with nod as they held up a tiny mic in his face.
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"I hope you don't mind, we're recording for my show Fondue for Two. I don't have any fondue on me, but don't worry 'cause if you go inside the school, there's a janitor's closet on the first floor near the boys bathroom where my sister is hosting a cool down room if you're feeling overstimulated that has the fondue." They then handed over a map of the school, seemingly drawn in crayon with a yellow star marked out over the words "Janitor's Closet". There was an 'x' also marked almost perfectly to where they were standing. "Now, I know this is your second show today, so I hope you won't let this get to your well gelled head."
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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17th September 2023: Blackwater and Bolton's Bench in the New Forest
Pictures taken in this set are of: 1. Mushroom at Blackwater. 2 and 5. Views on the great walk at Blackwater. 3. Hawthorn berries laden with raindrops, always a nice intense scene. 4. Water mint which was nice to see. 6. Enigmatic devil's fingers at Bolton's Bench, it was a pleasure to see this bright otherworldly fungus reaching across the grass like the sea creature that gives it its other name (octopus stinkhorn). I've seen them at this very spot in two previous years but never this early in a year, I feel thrilled to see my first big name fungi of the autumn with a few around at varying stages. 7. Another amazing and rare fungus that we'd seen here before, distinctive poronia punctata aka nail fungi, I'd only seen this minute one once before again in this very spot so I was thrilled to see this on some suppressed manure, their habitat. These were both exciting to see. 8. A view at Bolton's Bench. 9. Cotoneaster leaves there. 10. Viburnum in the garden when home.
As the rain cleared on the Blackwater walk we saw a handful of Southern Hawkers, astonishing to watch this bulky dragonfly parade over the path. Common Darter, Speckled Wood and Small White butterflies, hornet and my first ever rhododendron leafhopper on the leaf of this plant (we saw bits of flowering on other plants too) which was fascinating to learn about a pretty insect were other insect highlights. Chaffinch and Woodpigeon were nice birds to see at Blackwater. It was also great to see New Forest Ponies and we got magical views of Fallow Deers near and crossing the path, iconic New Forest imagery. Thistle, rose hips, blackthorn sloes and lichen were also nice to see here. At Bolton's Bench I enjoyed seeing bright Willow Warblers in and around a tree with singing Robin and Blue Tit in too, we quickly saw a warbler either Willow Warbler or Chiffchaff at Blackwater and heard Blue Tit and saw Robin well there too. I liked seeing Blackbird at both. A crow fest of Carrion Crow and Magpie including one of each having a mini scuffle and a fair few of the characteristic Rooks of the area including flying over which was a nice moody scene were other bird highlights at Bolton's Bench. Cross-leaved heath, tormentil, hawksbeard and blackberries were other plant highlights at both with gorse and sheep's sorrel seen at Bolton's Bench. Wasps were nice to see too. Blue Tit, House Sparrow, Collared Dove and other flowers in the garden like sedum were good to see at home today.
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spncrprtr · 3 months
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wait, is that SPENCER PORTER? they kinda look a lot like MIKE FAIST, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY year old is known as the POST-MODERN GAY around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in DALTON ACADEMY WARBLERS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re AMUSING, but don’t be fooled since they’re also REPRESSED. rumor has it, you can find them at FOOTBALL TEAM & BASEBALL TEAM when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around GRASS STAINS ON AN OLD PAIR OF JEANS, PURPOSEFULLY RUINING A NICE MOMENT WITH A HAND-MADE FART SOUND, & ACTING UNBOTHERED WHILE SECRETLY PINING but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
auditioning with: don't go by yungblud 🎵
full name: spencer austin porter
nicknames: spence
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: homosexual
age: 20
date of birth: august 12th
zodiac sign: leo
clubs & teams: the dalton academy warblers, football team, baseball team
major: sports management
when spencer was young, he was considered to be his father's mini-me. one was hardly ever seen without the other, and a the young porter boy learned a lot of lessons from the older man - including a heavy amount of toxic masculinity in the process. his father viewed the world in a very specific way - one that, unfortunately, as spencer started to become more aware of who he was (specifically, his attraction to the other boys at school) - didn't quite sync up as it once had. uncoincidentally they began to grow apart when he came out at the age of twelve, as his father felt like he could no longer relate to the child he'd once been inseparable from.
though he no longer has the bond he once did with his dad, old habits die hard, and there are times where his dad's voice definitely comes through him - not in the best ways. he can be stubborn and abrasive at times, covering up the sensitive and loving parts deep down, pieces of him that were all but destroyed in the rejection from a man he'd once respected so greatly. he's open about who he is, but there's still a part of him that hasn't fully accepted it all, and fears that he'll be seen as less of a man because of his attraction, something that often results in picking on those who are brave enough to be a just a little more free with their own feelings and interests.
because of his need to prove himself, you can often find spencer in the gym or out on the field after the rest of the team has gone, putting in extra work to make sure he can not only keep up with the other men, but be better than them, desperate to not ever slip up and be caught in a singular moment of weakness, so determined to fight against the allegations of being like "all the other gays" to stop and actually question whether or not that'd be such a bad thing.
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cgasue · 2 years
Final Big Year Blog
Wow! I can’t believe that the Big Year is over! This is my final blog of 2022 and I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to read my blog and share my journey with me. I started a list of all the people who have supported me this year and I quickly filled a page with names so I hesitate to list them all here and run the risk of missing someone who helped me find an important bird. There were those of you who would call or text to let me know of a rare bird or one they knew I still needed, there were others who would encourage me when I was a bit down after missing out on a bird and there were those friends and family members who would understand when I would bail on a dinner date or someone’s birthday to go chasing birds. A big thanks to all of you!!
There are two people that do deserve a special thank you: Diane Weiler and my husband, Jim Nagy.
Diane and I set off on this journey together. On January 12, after an extremely successful birding day that included three Ontario rarities, we declared ourselves The Beak Seekers, ordered business cards, started our blogs and set a goal to see and photograph 300 birds in Ontario in 2022. We both far exceeded our expectations and ended up as the top two female eBirders on the Top 100 list for Ontario. I was in fifth position with 335 birds and Diane was in sixth with 333 birds. We enjoyed many hours birding, sharing new experiences, and celebrating our successes with lots of wine! Thank you Diane for a great year!
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Jim was my biggest fan and I absolutely could not have done this without him.
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From our first birding hike on January 1 to our last mini road trip around London on December 31, Jim encouraged me to keep going out looking for that next bird. As an honorary Beak Seeker, he would drive Diane and I all over the province and help us find the birds. He has become an excellent spotter and unknowingly, he has also become a birder along the way :-)
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Highlights of My Big Birding Year:
Reaching the first milestone of 100 birds on January 23rd (Little Gull)
Finding my first OBRC ABA rarity: Barnacle Goose on April 10 (scope photo)
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Finding a Great Gray Owl along the side of the road (April 11)
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Travelling to Rainy River with Diane, Jim, Jeff Skevington and Vince Fryson.
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We learned a lot from Jeff and Vince about birding by car and how to find the absolutely worst roads in Ontario to go birding on!
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In Rainy River, we met a lot of great people and found a lot of great birds too!
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Hitting 300 on June 15 (Kirtland’s Warbler). I was disappointed because I only saw the bird for a few seconds and missed getting a photo but fortunately, my sister and I went back a week later and I was able to get my photograph.
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Finding so many other cool things along the way: bears, moose, foxes, otters, flowers, great parks, hiking trails, and so much more!
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Final Stats:
Total # of Birds Recorded: 335 (334 seen and/or heard and 1 heard only)
Total # of Birds Photographed: 332 (although some of them are not the greatest of photographs :-)
Total # of eBird Checklists completed: 753
Final Standing on eBird Top 100 List: #5 (top female)
This truly has been a wonderful, memorable year for me. It was very hectic at times, lots of ups and downs but overall a great year. I learned so much, met so many wonderful people, travelled to many new places in Ontario and ended up with lots of great photographs and memories.
Thank you to everyone who has shared this journey with me, liked and made comments on my Facebook page and who have followed my blog.
Happy New Year!
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sillyname30 · 11 months
A podcast episode about the concert movie. Clearly they aren’t fans of the movie and this episode just felt so so dragged. I watched the movie ages ago, and if I remember there was that cute little mini warbler. That was the highlight for me. He wasn’t mentioned.
Kevin and Jenna seemed to say they wished they’d kept it like the show,especially as they cut Dog days are over. TheyI probably didn’t appreciate all the Kurt and Blaine stuff.
The tartie takes - eeeuuggghh. Honestly.
I'm not a fan of the movie either. I would have prefered a concert in order without all the other stuff.
I remember the mini Warbler. I guess Jenna and Kevin blocked out anything Warbler out of their memory.
I understand that Jenna is bitter they cut Dog Days. She hadn't much to do on Glee and then they cut her song out of the movie.
I don't remember the movie well enough to choose best song and dance. But why did they single out Amber as performance mvp because of her vocals? Sure she is great. But what about Lea? Or the duet of Chris and Lea? So good. Darren was great too. And that is just what I remember.
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Kurt Fashion: Audition
Link to masterpost
Onto s2!
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Starting off the season strong! Love the chain on the jacket! Also, could be hint to later warbler attire?? Looks v similar to his covert outfit to spy later...
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Yep, another performance outfit but first off: Jeans that actually fit. Second: the fingerless gloves. Artie always gets heat for his driving gloves but lowkey kurt wears them a lot. Not a bad thing tho... Also, Kurt with messy hair is 10/10. Won’t see again til Born This Way but we can appreciate it now. Also, again, Mike Chang the one to go over and include Kurt, my heartt
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Hm. I see we’re still with the layers. I like the white pants, ofc. Ascot is nice. Jacket is a bit bulky? but it all works
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Um, Kurt. Um, do I need to say it? Did anyone else comment? I mean let’s be real would anyone else even know to comment on it?? But anyway, yay for elbow moment. Must be feeling confident, wearing a harness to school XDD
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Mini outfit in the background. Sweet, like the hat. Not much to say
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Ah, the iconic ‘fashion has no gender’ sweater. Damn right, Kurt. I like the glasses pendant, but a bit lost in the look. classic dress shirt/tie combo, v nice. the sweater is fine? Not my type of thing but Kurt can rock it
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bestofgleecast · 6 years
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robynahaley · 2 years
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I'm participating in Meesh's (CookieDove) art challenge this month; avian august. I started out with a digital illustration, hated it. Moved on to traditional gouache, they took too long. Now I'm painting mini 2.5 in x 2.5 bird portraits in acrylic gouache. And I'm sticking to it!
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just-eyris-things · 2 years
1, 4, 7, and 8 :3c
Thanks for sending in an ask :3
1. What was the current story release when you started playing?
I made my accound around Tower of Nightmares. I remember exploring Kessex with my human ranger Tlieta (rest in pepperonis, T... rest in pepperonis...) and it was already ruined. Then I stopped playing for a while because my laptop couldn't handle it and resumed playing when LWs2 started airing.
4. Do you have a favourite playable race?
Sylvari :) I love me some big sentient plants <3
7. What is the biggest or most arduous project you have completed in the game?
I think crafting legendaries would be the biggest project, since it's time consuming and I already have 3. Arduous... definitely re-exploring map and playing story on all the characters. I want to do it, although I need to be in the mood for it, otherwise I can't motivate myself.
8. Do you have any items you keep in your characters’ inventory for purely sentimental reasons?
Eyris has a Cerulean Salamander, which you can gather in the Shiverpeaks by fishing. She has it because it's personal for me - the art resembles Airell's mini form from Familiar AU, and it resembles him a LOT. So it's kind of personal...
Yvrell has a Nuhoch Warbler which you get by choosing to ally with Nuhoch in HoT story. Warblers are important in hylek culture (or so I guess considering some NPC dialogues) so I would feel bad for getting rid of it. Yvrell also carries twenty six (26) marsh frogs from Bloodtide Coast because I cannot just "destroy" them D":
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 years
For the character ask: Sebastian Smythe
This is a very creative character I know 😳
Nah, this is a great character for this thing!
Sorry this reply is coming so late, I got distracted by The Flash and other stuff.
How I feel about this character
When I was actually watching Glee, I didn't like him at all. I thought of him as just a snooty, rich, Jess Mariano wannabe (if Jess had been after Dean instead of Rory), but without as much charm or redeeming qualities. And tbh he didn't progress much in canon. He did go through some growth, but by season 4 it was like he had only turned over a new leaf out of guilt over what happened to Karofsky, and didn't genuinely want to be better for other people's benefit, it was just a way of making himself feel better.
That said, Grant is so charming himself and did such a great job playing him, and the fandom has such great interpretations of his character that now I'm able to see him as someone who's brimming with potential. There are so many ways he could have been given more depth and complexity, and there are a lot of little acting moments that allow lots of room for interpretation, and to build development off of.
The first version of Sebastian I ever loved was the one I met in Glad You Came (the fic, not the performance), and I've since found a lot of other depictions of him that I love, and now I have my own headcanons about what he's really like as well, and that's made the canon character much more enjoyable. So even though nothing has changed about the character that was represented in canon, my perception of him has changed a lot, if that makes sense, and that's enabled me to like him a whole lot more.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kurt. Literally just Kurt. I did read a fic I liked once where he ended up with Karofsky, and there was another good one that I think started to set him up with Elliott, and I really liked the way those authors brought those relationships about, but there is no other Sebastian ship that I would ever actively seek out content for. If it just happens in the middle of a good fic and it makes sense, then great, but otherwise, I'm Team Kurtbastian all the way (though that's not to say that he's the only person I ship Kurt with).
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Elliott. I feel like they could be really great friends. Also Alex + the rest of the Scoobs from the GUC-verse, if we're counting characters who didn't exist in canon.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I honestly don't know which of my opinions about him would be considered popular or unpopular because the fandom is so divided on his character in general, between the Kurtbastianites, Seblainers, and people who hate his guts. One opinion I know will be pretty unpopular, though, isn't just about Sebastian, but the Warblers in general, and that's that I don't like their uniforms. It's partially because I can't not associate them with Blaine, but it's also just because red lining on navy just is not a look. I think they're tacky and pretentious looking, and the fact that that Elite show brought that same design back just has me facepalming all over again (I will say that it does look better on Sebastian than anyone else, though).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Well, one thing I wish DIDN'T happen was that he'd gone along with the infamous proposal. Not just because I wish the proposal had never happened, period, for Kurt's sake, but also because it just doesn't seem very in character of Sebastian to be so agreeable about it. Him helping Blaine get engaged to Kurt just felt forced to me, for multiple reasons.
I also wish that he had properly apologized to Kurt about the slushie thing. He apologized to Blaine for hurting his eye, but not a word to Kurt, who was the person he was actually aiming for. I just hate that from the moment the slushie hits Blaine, Blaine is suddenly the victim of the story who Must Be Avenged, when his dumb ass humoring Sebastian's advances made Kurt the target of that slushie attack in the first place, and I think that if Sebastian had apologized to Kurt personally, it would both make his mini redemption arc feel more genuine, and serve as an acknowledgement that Kurt was wronged, too, and Blaine doesn't have the monopoly on valid reasons to dislike and distrust Sebastian.
(I know I could have just said "that Kurtbastian was canon", but honestly, we all know RIB does not have the skill to do them justice.)
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