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spncrprtr 8 months ago
they'd go a lot better if i had a free coffee during my study hours.
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you could be. no offense, but i don't really think of you in that way. nothing personal, just... not into chicks. then again, to be fair, i don't really think of you at all. that's a little more personal. do something interesting enough to get on my radar, and that could change.
That's fine. I hope your finals go well.
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You figured I was the kinky expert? ...how many other people do you think assumed the same? I promise it's psychology. Everyone can Google it if they're worried about accidentally showing up to, like, a five person sex thing.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
i'd say i'm one too - i mean, i like going for a run in the morning, but getting out of bed is the worst. i like mornings, just not the waking up part.
what's your major now?
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unless the person knows nothing about you, which tends to be the case, because otherwise you would have already been on their list.
Legit. Like, I'm def a morning person so the early classes aren't the problem, it's the fact that they're so boring. I think it's time to rethink my major.
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No they don't! Secret Santa at least ends with people getting gifts picked out for them. Clearly you're presents have been sub par in the past.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
yeah. do that. or at least soundproof the room or something. it's super distracting, to the point where i think it should qualify as cheating.
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Do you expect me to do silent vocal warmups? That defeats the purpose. It doesn't matter who is around me, I would never go into a performance without having warmed up.
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Are you not in a show choir?
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
for some people. not all of us. pretty sure i'd just burst into flames if i stepped into a church anytime soon, considering the thoughts going on up in this noggin of mine.
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and christmas music sucks. the only good one is the trans-siberian orchestra's version of carol of the bells.
Given that Christmas is a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ, I think it's pretty normal to enjoy the church service. I obviously like the music and the movies and the decorations too, but the core of Christmas is the religious part of it.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
wtf. lame. pass.
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dsm? not much of a stretch. just like someone dropped the b. and... i don't know, the five is the number of people, maybe. i'm not all that kinky like that, figured you were the expert or whatever here, just thought it was a vibe i was picking up on. ...but i guess psychology makes more sense, contextually.
Oh... uh. No. BYOC - buy your own coffee.
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What?? Why does it-you know what, actually, best not to ask. It's a psychology thing. I mean, there's some stuff about sex, but I wouldn't classify the whole book as a... sex thing.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
wait, a baby? ...why are you telling us about this then? i thought this was like, an actual, recent accomplishment, not something your parents made happen. i don't wanna watch some baby on tv.
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Well, those creeps can stay away from me. And I'll let you know that when I was on the show, it was certainly not in the six hundredth season. Because Christopher Meloni left in 2011. And yes, I did meet him. We also had a small scene together. I did, however, happen to be a baby during all of this. So I can't say I got his number.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
whatever. maybe, but when i stretch, i don't make a whole show about it. ...unless maybe if there's a hot guy nearby - but that's not the point. i'm not going around annoying people with it.
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it's totally different. those things aren't lame.
Do you mean warmups? As someone who spends time out on the slopes, you should know just how important such a thing is. And it's not like I'm calling a group rehearsal. It's no different from cheerleaders and football players having to maintain their training regimen! Show choir should be taken just as seriously.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
tell me about it. is it my fault that i centered my schedule around having as many morning classes as possible so i could get more free time in the afternoon? ...maybe. debatable. but, god, it makes mornings rough.
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secret santa and white elephant suck. who wants to spend money on someone that's not special enough to warrant buying them a gift in the first place, for something they don't want, and you don't want to give them? it's just a crapfest all around.
i'll take some of those cookies, though.
I am sooooo ready for winter break. This semester has been a snooze fest, so having like a month to hang out with my friends and not force myself to stay awake in class? Let's go. I def should probably talk to my counselor next semester about changing my major.
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But before we all head home for the holidays we should totes get together and do like, a secret santa or white elephant or something. Or bake Christmas cookies! Could be so cute! Who's down?
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
i'm in. coffee's on you, i'm assuming?
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is dsm-5 a sex thing? because it sounds like a sex thing.
A very happy end of the semester to us all! If you're suffering just as much as I am while prepping for finals, please feel free to join me for an unofficial study group at the Lima Bean. I'll be there pretty much 24/7 until break. And if you know a lot about the DSM-5, your presence would be greatly appreciated...
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
you want them to keep practicing during winter break? the whole point is that it's supposed to be a break. you're as bad as the professors that assign projects during the holidays.
thank god you're not on my team - i'm not gonna waste my precious time out on the slopes to make those weird bird calls you insist on doing before competitions. you know we can all hear you in the hallway, right?
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The break between semesters may be coming up, but just a reminder to my fellow members of the New Directions - this time away is not time to get complacent! Sectionals is on the horizon. Please be sure to put in the same amount of rehearsal hours as we would normally have.
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Oh, and happy holidays!
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
i mean, idk if i'd say no one. there's a lot of creeps out there.
oh. gross. i think crying over svu might be worse, actually. at least there's some dignity in getting the hots for a good looking actor. getting emotionally suckered into some plot pulled out of the ass of a writer working on a show's six-hundreth season? that's embarrassing af.
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did you get to meet him? is it too late to get him my number?
No one! That is not what I meant! I meant that it was emotional. God...But Christopher Meloni is very hot though...
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
what do you think your gig would be? lion tamer? i'd wanna be something cool, like the dudes that ride the motorcycles in those big, round cages, but... deep in my heart... i know i'd be a clown. :/
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The further along I get in my education the more often I consider dropping out and joining the circus. We should really bring that back as a legit career option, I think we're missing out as a society due to a lack of trapeze artists and skilled female beard grow-ers.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
dude, it's like, barely three inches. is that really all you can handle? just get thicker boots and grow a pair.
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...that being said... if you need a vacay buddy, i am available. as long as you're paying.
The snow in Ohio is completely inhumane. I can't wait to get my exams over with so I can spend my winter break tanning on a beach in the tropics. I don't know how anyone else is coping, but I've had my fireplace turned on since October.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
whose favorite part of christmas is the church service? that's just the boring night you've gotta get through to get to presents in the morning, i thought this was like, universally known?
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There's always something so uplifting and nostalgic about the holiday season. Christmas is a time for hope and joy to triumph over adversity and I think it's about time I take the chance to embrace that in my life. Not only do I have that to look forward to, but my church's Christmas Eve service is always so beautiful. It's my absolute favorite.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
you donated your vocal "talents"? so that means we don't have to deal with them anymore? praise the lord, it's a christmas miracle.
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After a successful few days of spending time with family and donating my vocal talents to the local soup kitchen, I'm surprisingly glad to be back in Lima. The weather's as sub-par as usual, but on Monday starts a new cardio training regime for Vocal Adrenaline that I've been working on with the help a celebrity guest who will remain unnamed but is known for her 80s aerobics videos that you can catch my nana watching 9 to 5. We'll be a well-oiled machine ready for Sectionals in no time.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
tissues? who tf is rubbing one out to svu? that's gotta be some serial killer shit.
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you know what? i take it back. i forgot about christopher meloni. proceed.
If anyone was tuned in to their TV's over Thanksgiving, just know your eyes were not deceiving you. They did, indeed, play my starring episode of SVU at 7.15pm local time! God, I forgot how good that episode was! Mariska Hargitay and myself have a really touching moment near the end where she saves me from a kidnapper. Tissues at the ready.
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spncrprtr 8 months ago
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wait, is that SPENCER PORTER? they kinda look a lot like MIKE FAIST, don鈥檛 they? i heard the TWENTY year old is known as the POST-MODERN GAY around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in DALTON ACADEMY WARBLERS which is so lame? people at campus have said they鈥檙e AMUSING, but don鈥檛 be fooled since they鈥檙e also REPRESSED. rumor has it, you can find them at FOOTBALL TEAM & BASEBALL TEAM when they aren鈥檛 belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around GRASS STAINS ON AN OLD PAIR OF JEANS, PURPOSEFULLY RUINING A NICE MOMENT WITH A HAND-MADE FART SOUND, & ACTING UNBOTHERED WHILE SECRETLY PINING but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
auditioning with: don't go by yungblud 馃幍
full name: spencer austin porter
nicknames: spence
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: homosexual
age: 20
date of birth: august 12th
zodiac sign: leo
clubs & teams: the dalton academy warblers, football team, baseball team
major: sports management
when spencer was young, he was considered to be his father's mini-me. one was hardly ever seen without the other, and a the young porter boy learned a lot of lessons from the older man - including a heavy amount of toxic masculinity in the process. his father viewed the world in a very specific way - one that, unfortunately, as spencer started to become more aware of who he was (specifically, his attraction to the other boys at school) - didn't quite sync up as it once had. uncoincidentally they began to grow apart when he came out at the age of twelve, as his father felt like he could no longer relate to the child he'd once been inseparable from.
though he no longer has the bond he once did with his dad, old habits die hard, and there are times where his dad's voice definitely comes through him - not in the best ways. he can be stubborn and abrasive at times, covering up the sensitive and loving parts deep down, pieces of him that were all but destroyed in the rejection from a man he'd once respected so greatly. he's open about who he is, but there's still a part of him that hasn't fully accepted it all, and fears that he'll be seen as less of a man because of his attraction, something that often results in picking on those who are brave enough to be a just a little more free with their own feelings and interests.
because of his need to prove himself, you can often find spencer in the gym or out on the field after the rest of the team has gone, putting in extra work to make sure he can not only keep up with the other men, but be better than them, desperate to not ever slip up and be caught in a singular moment of weakness, so determined to fight against the allegations of being like "all the other gays" to stop and actually question whether or not that'd be such a bad thing.
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