tgcf-fic · 7 months
Here’s a fic rec ask, do you still take them? Do you have any hualian fics that primarily take place in ghost city? Or happen to often have them be in and/or around the gamblers den? I’m not looking for smut fics, which is making my search a bit hard. Thank you for any help you can give.
Hello! This is actually first ask ever over here haha
As for fics happening in the Ghost City there isn't too many I've read but here's a couple I remember being mostly in Ghost City ^^
Paw Prints to my Heart by yunster (G, 3k, hualian, Cursed Xiè Lián, Ferret Xiè Lián, Different First Meeting)
mindsick, heartbound by goneforthestars (T, 20k, hualian, Canon Divergence, Beauty and the Beast Elements, Memory Loss, Angst Fluff, Pining, hualian and the mortifying ordeal of being known to each other, Ghost City, Paradise Manor, slight body horror, Hurt/Comfort, wu ming lives au)
wild heart by lost_riddles (G, 3k, hualian, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Fluff, Bickering, Xie Lian needs a rest, ticklish Xie Lian, Hua Cheng is the best husband, the ghosts are tiring, High-speed chase, spirit dog, Established Relationship)
a bet, a boy, and what remains by joonkorre (M, 3k, hualian, Child Abuse, not between hualian and the kid ok, Adoption, Bets & Wagers, Ghost City, Mentions of Blood, mentions of gore, hualian being married, Implied/Referenced Sexual Abuse, as in kids being in harems)
Roll the Dice by unfortunategay (G, 2k, hualian, Post-Canon, Gambling, Xie Lian's Bad Luck, except he uses it to help and fuck with people)
Sunshine in the Night by Dgcakes (ficsnfun) (T, 20k, hualian, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Humor, Meeting Early, kid Hua Cheng (temporary), Affection, Getting to Know Each Other, Identity Reveal)
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hualian-fic-recs · 2 years
Hi! So, I’m an avid Hualian fan fic reader, but I may or may not have lost two very similar fan fics that I just need in my life.
They’re both Fangxin Guoshi!Xie Lian and his time in the coffin. The first one is basically one where he loses his memories (because of a ghost? I don’t really remember why) and thinks he’s hallucinating while in the coffin. Hua Cheng comforts him and tells him that he’d be there the next day, but it turns out that Xie Lian’s past and present selves had switched, so as far as his past self was concerned, Hua Cheng lied to him. (Hua Cheng ended up going back and helping him out, but the pain was beautiful).
The second one I remember far less of. All I know is that by the end, Hua Cheng, Mu Qing, and Feng Xin opened the coffin. I think it was also a time travel thing, but I really just loved the reactions.
If you or anyone else knows them, or could keep their eyes out for them, I’d really appreciate it. And if you have any other coffin fics to suggest I’d love to read it!
Hey there! Ok I found a few that might be the first one:
use me as your stepping stone by EyeElm1654
The Things We Lost by strawberry_ia. Its WIP
The other is a little vague, so I'm just going to list some feely coffin fics and hope one of them is what you're looking for!
Bloody Coffin, Bed of Butterflies by fullmetalpotterhead
Give me your suffering by fullmetalpotterhead
The Awful Dread that Chokes by Naamah_Beherit
Beginning; Anew by SunflowerQueen1. WIP
Galatea by zarasu
As The Rain and Seasons Pass by Jiu_Lei
mindsick, heartbound by goneforthestars
Hope this helps!
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desognthinking · 1 year
head still buzzing about the wn lovecraftian entities au, specifically how everyone else fits into it :
Lilith here's just like, an absolute force of nature, wild and furious and serpentine. The kind of visceral terror of unmitigable natural apocalypse, and the creature that arises tangled in it, almost indistinguishable from the tsunami itself. Melting and rippling seemingly between states of matter, sometimes viscous liquid and miscible with the water, and sometimes suddenly solidifying and churning into shore; eating up into solid land. That sort of monster. But for Lilith I'm especially reminded of a haunting, twisted version of  Peace Like a River.  The dread comes from watching the cool still surface of the lake or the ocean, having the knowledge that there's something terrible down there, and yet being entirely helpless, against that calculated invisibility and silence, to do anything. 
In a way it does fit her: hard, and fierce, and loves like an ocean. & eventually, I think she does also find a kind of peace like a river.
Camila’s kind of at the other end of this. The mindsick illusions that stretches of (seemingly) open, empty land cast on the psyche. It’s foggy, it’s overcast, and Camila’s there, laughing, molecules thrashing in concert with the atmosphere. It’s nighttime, but the sky is awful bright. She has no wing-analogous anatomy but she flies, translucent and half-tangible in this form, settling over the plains like a shudder. Every electronic device in the vicinity goes dead. Not at all hidden – but that’s worse; this is the kind of experience that draws you into endless spirals when you lie awake sleepless afterwards, bone-rigid, questioning and dizzy. Like a physicist kept awake at night by visions of an expanding universe. Something once whispered things to the back of Camila's neck and now it whispers things to everyone too. 
Mary and Shannon haunt a beautiful mountainous region with sharp suspended caves and snowcapped brown-orange peaks jabbing through lower cloud layers. They are a little older and settled a little earlier and so have ended up inadvertently integrated deeply into the mythology of the region. At the base of one of the mountains resides a town some way away, where Mary actually leads ghost tours on the weekends and holidays. They own fridge magnets and ceramic bowls as well as other traditional crafts and artwork made by the residents,  partially because Shannon believes in supporting small local businesses, and partially because some of it is based loosely on them and it’s very pleasing. 
It is, in any case, something of a rarity for a town to be paralyzed and plagued so faithfully – by blood-curdling noises carried on winter wind, and familiar spectral glimpses that always precede the inevitable discovery of the drained-dry husks of the previously reported missing – and yet remain so protective of their own monsters. Many an enterprising paranormal investigator has been turned away unceremoniously, and vandalizing hikers are made unwelcome. Respect what you do not understand, the locals insist, and Shannon and Mary find that even monsters are not immune to growing fond.
Then Shannon disappears on a dry summer’s day. 
Mary throws herself into finding her and rips up earth and sky for it. She refuses to accept, for a long time, that the most dreaded phenomena has taken place – not death, because unnatural creatures are less susceptible to typical natural reckonings, but simply: abrupt, unexplained, indefinite Departure. From which one may still return, but which one cannot predict or theorize in any way. When finally, it becomes apparent that all she can do is wait and hope, she throws herself into the town. 
After the council votes against a new contractor who wants to develop up in the direction of the Creatures, there’s reports of a falling boulder, originally headed towards the laundromat on the edge of town, arrested mid-descent. It rolls laterally and fuses with an outcropping. A fierce fire, spreading from the west, stops at the town’s threshold, the grass at the foot of the Welcome! sign unsinged. When the townspeople go out to survey the damage, piecing together what’s been lost and what’s salvageable, they lay out the carcasses of larger game across the charred trail – for disposal, or, well, just in case. They’re gone the following morning and the trees, overnight, have screwed themselves upright, scarred bark plastered over in ropes of dirty silver. A team from a major studio comes to town, researching for a documentary on local horror oral traditions, and is shooed away. The next day, a rock splits open and spews out a broad, too-sparkling stream that curls and joins the river downstream.
Sometime down the line, Lilith comes by and has coffee with Mary on the edge of a cliff. From up here the town is blocked from their view, and even if it were not, it would be so small as to be insignificant. Lilith had loitered in the town earlier, claiming boredom, although Mary knows the sleepy place hasn’t changed much, if at all, in the last twenty years, and she has no idea what form of interest anyone could take in it.
She stands on the edge now, looks out into the clouds at a view that still prompts sharp pangs of loneliness when regarded without a familiar grin by her side, a head tilted into her shoulder mouthing at her ear playfully in an attempt to appease her for buying ‘just one more cup. And it’s so quaint, too!’
And then when Mary, just for show, would shrug and huff, ‘You know, the shopkeeper’s mom is sick and his kid needs to go to school. How can you be so heartless, Mary, honestly’.
Lilith puts her cup to her mouth and takes a silent sip. “Well,” she says drily, interrupting Mary’s thoughts. Nods down in the general direction of below. “I see you have a cult now.”
Mary, tired and hungry, strong but so lost, bristles with anger and launches herself at Lilith, who lets her. She thinks that to the townspeople this must look like a condensed volcanic explosion, going on and on and blackening a corner of the sky into red-veined hellfire and thunder. She wonders what they think – what they believe.
They tear at each other's throats for what’s probably hours, sending rock scraping down the cliffside and smashing into the ground below. Somehow avoiding the mouth of the little cave network that is Mary’s home – Mary and Shannon’s home, lovingly studded with knickknacks and mismatched cutlery, the shape of rooms cut carefully out of rock, linen sets they’d hauled back from the big city three hours out and carried up the slopes. 
Eventually they let up, and end up sitting quietly at the dining table inside, nursing freshly brewed coffee in miraculously intact cups. Neither of them apologize. (There is an aching hole in Lilith’s scaly, serrated chest, too.) When the stars rise to their zenith, Lilith gets up to leave and squeezes Mary’s forearm so tightly it would sever if truly only flesh and blood.
“She will come back,” her eyes are black spires pulling light inwards into indistinguishable points far within. “She will.” Then Mary watches Lilith leave, not in a thunderclap but a whisper.
Mother Superion is really not a part of such kinetic drama. She resides, in almost perfect stillness, enmeshed in her glacial home. You could say she is her glacial home: splayed out barely visibly in sensitive, trembling threads snaking through ice. She is ice because the ice has frozen up along with her. In this form she’s so distant from what people think of as a living organism – presence, and the faint transmission of murmurs and vibrations from the way snow falls and shifts around. She’s the overwhelmingly ancient unwordable sense of surrounding in research bases late at night, the thrumming in the engine not attributable to anything mechanical, or even physical. The slightest probe, or reaching-out, and the minutest responding hum, followed by immediate waves of sweating, nausea, nosebleeds. Disintegration and desquamation of the mucus membranes. If she chooses to truly act; if she moves, there will be a magnitudinous shattering, as there once was before. 
The others come to seek her and talk to her, of course, careful not to disturb too much of the snow and ice for fear of accidentally setting off some kind of reflex. Which is how it’s ascertained that, despite her lack of perceptible movement, Mother Superion is eminently capable of conveying a range of complex responses and emotions (mostly centering on unimpressed, sometimes chiding and disapproving, proud, more often than you'd expect, and on the rarest of times, overrun with grief).
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faggvert · 2 years
izzy hands is so workingclass bitter prolegirl mindsick cripplerage.
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hollers-and-holmes · 2 years
“And now, because a story is told for all, an admonition to the mindsick: Be careful whom you choose to hate. The small and the vulnerable own a protection great enough, if you could but see it, to melt you into jelly. Beware those who reside beneath the shadow of the Wings.”
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
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iphigeniacomplex · 1 year
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#bring back mentally ill there was never anything wrong with it
so this was a tag on a post about people calling themselves "neurospicy" and like not to sound like a tumblrina but i actually do think theres something wrong with a label that posits that a mind can be sick. the theory of "chemical imbalance" was, according to modern psychiatrists in response to criticisms of this theory as pseudoscientific, never intended to genuinely explain pathologized behavior (working more as a placeholder theory, according to them), so rather than a diagnosis, "mentally ill" as a label works as a tool for societal categorization. ask yourself why a group of vulnerable people are being called mindsick as an identifier.
not trying to attack anyone who self-identifies as mentally ill obviously but to say there has never been anything wrong with this categorization feels like deliberately obtuse revisionism created entirely because you think some people are being cringe about their chosen categorization.
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cowboy-interstellar · 4 months
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dianadijana · 4 years
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john-ps · 5 years
Sabe, tenho que desabafar, tem algo em mim a qual odeio profundamente, tenho repugnância e aversão a está certa característica ou pensamentos, é algo que me acompanha desde a infância e que me levou muita alegrias. Falo em relação a todos esses pensamentos que me tomam a cabeça toda vez que tenho um tempo, toda vez que tenho 5 minutos pra mim, ou quando eu paro para raciocinar o que estou fazendo, todos esses pensamentos de auto sabotagem, é como se houvesse um agente dentro de mim, levando me a ter um grande paranoia de mim mesmo e de outros em minha volta, desconfiar de todos e principalmente da pessoa que vos fala neste momento, é um sentimento horrível onde não sei como sou induzido a duvidar de tudo, todas certezas e incertezas, todas as alegrias e tristezas, tudo que é bom e tudo que é mau, pensamentos que me fazem me sentir triste, pra baixo, inferior e muitas vezes até inválido. Não sei exatamente o que é isto (tenho minhas próprias conclusões, nada concreto), mas sei que alguém em algum lugar desse planeta deve se sentir assim e se eu puder ajudá-lo, eu irei, justamente por saber a dor que isto causa.
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tgcf-fic · 2 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) Characters: Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Huā Chéng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Yǐn Yù (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Shī Qīngxuán, Hè Xuán (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Beauty and the Beast Elements, Memory Loss, Angst, Fluff, Pining, hualian and the mortifying ordeal of being known to each other, Ghost City (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Paradise Manor, slight body horror, Hurt/Comfort, can finally add the wu ming lives au to the tags Summary:
Xie Lian will have these moments, every so often. His existence is one that plagues him on the regular. He honestly doesn’t know much about himself, except:
1) He gained presence inside a coffin.
2) He doesn’t know when death will come to him.
3) Whatever life he’s lived before the coffin, he doesn’t remember.
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And, now, The Doctor!
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faggvert · 2 years
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I posted 205 times in 2022
32 posts created (16%)
173 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 192 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#pics - 94 posts
#phorustalk - 36 posts
#art - 31 posts
#tv tag - 28 posts
#one piece - 15 posts
#roronoa zoro - 9 posts
#video - 9 posts
#spn - 9 posts
#spnposting - 9 posts
#tvposting - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i have a bunch of og posts (from march 2022 and prior) that arent tagged at all and ill go through and tag them another time
My Top Posts in 2022:
this show is so fucking funny. the winchesters are the only family ever that held the neurotypical child in a worse light than the very AutDHD one. “because i didn’t wanna bow-hunt or hustle pool because i wanted to go to school and live my life, which in our whacked-out family made me the freak.” like that’s hilarious. i just KNOW dean was getting a 60 or below in every class and his dad fucking loved him for it but sam gets straight As and Bs and his dad couldn’t give less of a shit. dean has never completed a piece of homework in his life but sam would always do his AND get it in on time and their dad discouraged sam’s way of thinking because he liked it better when they slacked off. dean’s only friends were other warriors cats kids and they were only friends for like a week because he was too weird even for them. sam made friends with or at least was acquainted with most of his classmates and that was seen as bad because he had less time to hunt monsters. literally magical.
6 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
sorry for theaterposting but the the general impression i'm getting from the rtc fanbase is that not a lot of people like or agree with the idea of noel catfishing mischa but i for one am super on board with it. i think it's hilarious.
think of your high schools soundcloud rapper (there's at least one of them). you don't know him that well and he's got goofy ass rhymes and he's just a funny character. now imagine your school and town are small and insanely boring, and you're the only gay guy there. you're bored as fuck and one day on youtube you see one of this soundcloud rapper's videos in your recommended and you think "hey, wouldn't it be funny if i pretended to be a hot girl and trolled this guy?" so you do and it's funny and you keep it going for a while because what else do you have to do. then it's been a couple months and you realize this guy is super serious about this relationship and you don't want to end it because you're still having fun, and also because deep down you know it'll hurt him and you've kind of gotten to know him. he ends up proposing to you and you don't know what to do so you say yes and you guys are having cringy google translate internet sex on the regular and he starts talking about saving money to go to ukraine where you don't live to meet you and you realize there's no way to get out of this without him getting hurt. you're vaguely considering faking either your death or your catfish persona's death because you love drama. then you go on a choir trip and the guy is there so you do what you usually do and reply to his texts whenever he's not looking. then you fucking DIE and you're like, this sucks but at least i don't have to deal with that fake online relationship i got myself into.
and then you look over and he's there next to you.
7 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
izzy hands is so workingclass bitter prolegirl mindsick cripplerage.
10 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
honestly from now on im considering it a hate crime to think of zoro as straight. and cis for that matter.
13 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love ruining zoro for dudebros. you dont understand him like i do. i know that hes fat and trans and autistic and gay and mentally ill and disabled. but even more importantly i know he likes math.
14 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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granadacooking · 6 years
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Yetiblack "Sickness" out now https://youtu.be/U2WZUd4ftnU #yetiblack #celiarivas #sickness #locura #hormiga #ant #terror #suicide #paranoia #paranoid #enfermedad #dsas #mindsick #videoclip #musicvideo #anim8tion #granada
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pablitocortesp · 7 years
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"A veces sólo hace falta reconocer lo enfermos e imperfectos que somos para enlazar y dejar de jugar a pretender." #sketch #doodle #drawing #art #ink #dark #rebel #share #illness #mindsick #enlace
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sarna666-blog · 7 years
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#moon #breakwater #jetty #falochron #beach #baltic #sea #small #man #mindsick #getting #better #friends #love #together #wecandoeverything (w: Kuznica, Gdansk, Poland)
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dianadijana · 6 years
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