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tord likers pissing me the fuck off i went on a 10k step walk just to get my mindoff of it and it didnt even work.
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sometimes i doubt that im autistic sorta but a very non consequential order of mine was delayed when i was expecting it today and i got so made i almost called my job to let me work to take my mindoff it
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@somamindoff // Industria local de alta calidad ❤️🔥 Visita nuestra casa o ingresa en costaldeanzuelos.com #sneakers #costaldeanzuelos skateshoes #soma #mindoff #skateboarding #111161 #skatecolombiano #boutiquedesGARÇONS #SkateshopOnirico #skate #skateshop #colombia #bogota #envios #hechoenamerica #calidad #skatelatino #skateboardingcolombia (en Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiKZwiNGuN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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☀️¿Recuerdas cuando...? ☀️ . . Recuerdas cuando sonreíamos sin querer, Cuando viajábamos sin pensar, Cuando soñábamos sin parar, Cuando éramos, Cuando estábamos, Cuando no queríamos parar... Aun recuerdas cuando nada importaba más, Que el simple hecho de estar... Que el nosotros, Que el ahora, Que el mañana, Que el ... juntos. ¿Y tú...Recuerdas ? . . . #remember #summer #stay #happy #outofservice #quarentineparanoia #mindoff #portrait #beachlife🌴 (en Alicante, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-P-kAGKZ_V/?igshid=1dcx4hzrjr57s
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#Repost @mindoffproject https://www.wadiz.kr/web/campaign/detail/49895?utm_source=wadizshare_in&utm_medium=url #마인드오프 #클렌징솝 #천연비누 #유산균비누 #여드름비누 #마인드오프프로젝트 #mindoffproject [ #평점5점앵콜] 피부세균, 그만 키우세요. #맑은피부 를 위한 #세수습관 [ #904퍼센트펀딩 / 평점5점 앵콜] 피부세균, 이제 그만 키우세요. 세안의 시작부터 타올로 닦아내는 마지막 순간까지, #MINDOFF 에서 제안하는 새로운 " #세균케어클렌징습관" • • • • • • 평점 5점 만점의 4.9점 추천템 마인드오프입니다🥰 - #피부세균그만키우세요 97% 사람의 피부에 '벌레'가 살고 있다? #모낭충 이라고 불리는 벌레가 바로 피부 건조함부터 여드름까지 모든 피부 고민의 원인이라고 해요😑 - #세안부터타올까지 올바른 세균케어를 위한 마인드오프 클렌징 키트가 모든 고민을 한번에 해결해 드릴게요🙋♀️ - 🚽변기보다 세균 많은 수건은 이제 그만. 🧽100% 천연 삼베 거품망이 부드럽게 각질케어와 딥클렌징! 🧼유산균과 유용미생물이 들어간 천연비누는 필수 인거 아시죠? - #마인드오프비누 #유산균비누 #모낭충비누 #여드름클렌징 #등드름클렌징 #가드름클렌징 #천연비누 #천연클렌징 https://www.instagram.com/p/B52qHgHArF6/?igshid=9gtah8359o8x
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hard day's chill night 🍷🛀 #bubblebath #rosewine #candlelight #nowork #releasingallworries #relax #abendsprogramm #relaxingbath #bathandwine #medveálom #bathingincandlelight #mindoff #nothoughts #bathbomb #mik #ikozosseg #instahun #hungary #autumnevening #september
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Buon ferragosto! ⛱😎 che fate di bello oggi? Io sole e relax!!! Si spegne la mente tutto il giorno! 🤪 . . #buonferragosto #august #ferragosto #buongiorno #goodmorning #sun #relax #clearday #summer #magic #totally #switch #mindoff #headoff #onlyrelax (presso Vernate, Lombardia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1LVnUqoDyo/?igshid=1pjr8sygucg3f
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#it’s open request season for the next 5hrs to take my mindoff my anxiety dyspnea#nart and history art#my life
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To take (one's) mind off - > sth helps to stop thinking about sth #aseasyaspie #english #englishidioms #englishphrases #englishstudy #englishlearning #idioms #phrases #mindoff #angol #angolnyelv #onlineangol #tvsorozat #tvseries
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Does this happen for you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #sometimes #everything #music #stress #free #clearmind #freetime #musiclover #musiclife #musiclove #musicislife #mindoff #gospelartist #noworries #praise #worship #jmaniworld #meandmymusic #songinmyhead #gospelmusic #gospellover #itsallaboutyou #itsallaboutjesus #itsallaboutgod
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#justdance 💃🏽 #justsmile 😃 #mindoff 👌🏽 #feelingthemusic 🎶 ... Gracias @mtdance_zumbafitnesslanzarote por la foto... 💖 (en Los Realejos)
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yep, this actually happens #mindoff 💦 (en Villaconejos, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
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The #1 Cure for Your Broken Heart
hey guys it's Matthew I want to talktoday about heartbreak the really toughthing about heartbreak is it's almost Imean obviously in order to feelheartbroken in order to feel the pain ofloss of somebody we have to keep goingback there in our mind there are certaintimes when we tend to go back to thatperson in our mind more than othersso for example when we're not busy ourmind snaps back into a memory of thatperson or the moment we feel we're notbusy and therefore we're lonely we feela sense of loss and then we think of theperson who we wish we were with at thatmoment or of course when we're going tobed at night when we're alone and wehave time to think and process thatagain is a time when at the end of anight we start thinking about thatperson it may also be a time whensomething good is happening I meanthat's the really scary part it canhappen when you are experiencing abeautiful scene when you're looking atnature when you are on holiday and youthink god I wish I was sharing this withthat particular person so sometimes wehave the association that when thingsare bad that's when we'll get most hotbut that's when we'll miss someone themost but actually we often miss someonethe most when things are good when we'reexperiencing something that we know theywould love or we know we would love toshare with them then I look at thisbecause I'm you know me I'm a strategistI always like to think well what'swhat's the cure for certain problems howdo we get past these types of pain howdo we quickly move to a stronger placein our lives and it occurred to me thatthe key isn't just distraction manypeople go straight for distractionactivities when they when someone breaksup with them they go straight to how canI distract myself what can I dohow many activities can I fill my daywith how many friends can I invite overevery single night so that I don't getlonely and I don't even have time tothink about this person but if you'veever been heartbroken you know that youcan try and fill your day for a morningtill night with activities and peoplebut the moment you have time to thinkagain your brain will snap straight backto that person that negative thoughtthat memorymakes your heart ache you'll go straightback there so distraction alone isn't arecipe for or a remedy for curing thathike so what is in any moment in my lifewhere I've truly felt that sense ofheartache over somebody the thing thathas helped me the most is makingprogress on a particular project or apiece of work a life goal or a causethat I'm interested in promoting I wantto make that distinction betweendistraction and progress distraction isa short term solution to heartbreak wedrink we eat we may sleep with otherpeople thinking that that will helpdistract us from the person that wereally care about we go out a lot wespend as much time with friends aspossible we lose ourselves in our workfor as long as possible but these thingsdon't always represent progress if theyonly represent distraction then there'llbe a momentary relief from this personbut they won't be a long-term solutionto moving on from this person forexample if you go about the business ofsleeping with other people so that youcan get over this person what you'llrealize is it's distraction in themoment but afterwards if that person isnot going to stick around if you haven'tactually found someone that you reallylike if that person doesn't match up toyour partner from before thatdistraction will very quickly give wayto an instant depression an instantemotional hangover so it doesn't helpthe situation it just takes your mindoff it progress on the other handactually moves you past it I want toencourage you if you're heartbrokenright now I want to encourage you tothink of what important things you canwork on you can invest in in your lifethat will give you a sense ofachievement and fulfillment because ifyou feel that at the end of working hardon something important you'll feelconfident which means when you feelconfident you feel ready to take onother parts of life you'll be feelinglife intensely because when we work hardon something that's important we'reengaged in life suddenly it feels likelife matters suddenly it feels likewe're dedicateour time and our energy to somethingthat is important this isn't a form ofnumbing I'm not saying work hard so thatyou numb yourself I'm saying focus onimportant things that will give you asense of progress which is the oppositeof numbing it will actually make youfeel alive and when you feel alive youfeel a sense of possibility again andwhen you feel a sense of possibilityagain you just might be able to getyourself to a place where you see wherethings could go in your love life againevery time I have ever been in a placeof heartbreak what fixes it is not goingon another holiday it's not trying tojust escape it's not just spending asmuch time with friends and family aspossible because all of those thingswork for a little bit until you're aloneagain and you don't feel like yourlife's moving forward and I see this asthe great equalizer the great levelerbecause if you know someone isheartbroken you won't get them over itby simply taking them on holiday bygiving them nice things by buying thempresents you can give someone a life ofluxury you can give them all the moneyin the world it won't solve their highso even though you can be on holidaywith your friends and your family andyou can feel a sense of distraction evenlove real love from people that careabout youit still doesn't necessarily give youthat feeling of progress so here's mytask to you right now find something inyour life today that you know is somehowimportant to you and focus on that evenif just for an hour and notice thefeeling you get at the end of that hourand how it may not eliminate all of yourheartache at once we let's be realisticso I'm not going to do this overnightbut the sense of satisfaction andachievement and confidence that you getwill change the intensity of the feelingof heartache and it just might make yousee how bright the world can be and ifyou can't think of something that givesyou ultimate purpose right now becauseagain let's let's be real not all of ushave something immediately that we saythis is my life's passion this is thething I want to focus on in my life thisis the thing that gives me purposeeveryone has that okay start small youknow instead of going and getting drunktonightgo find a class at the gym that makesyou feel a sense of progress becauseyou've worked on your body and you'vemade yourself feel good at the end of itdo something that is going to make youfeel good even the gym it may not beyour life's purposebut you can tie it perhaps to somethingthat's important like looking after yourbody like having energy for your biggergoals you can still tie it to somethingimportant and when you do when you havethat little bit of progress it startsthe ball rolling and you could getmomentum so that's it if you aresuffering right now I know how hard thatis and know just how brutal it is to bein that kind of pain there's almostnothing like ityou know there's we can get healthproblems we can you know our family canget sick or get injured and that justabout tops everything but rightunderneath that is high and it's reallyreally hard and no one should everdiminish that or lessen it or make lightof it because it is truly trulydifficult if one of the most importantthings isn't light in life is love thensuffering because of love is clearlygoing to be one of the most painfulthings in life but we're in thistogether we're a team and I promise youwhat I'm saying in this video today isnot just a platitudeit's not just me saying something thatis supposed to make you feel better whenin reality it won't do the job I reallyreally believe this so commit to it Iknow you don't want to right now I knowyou probably don't want to do anythingright now but commit to it focus onsomething that's important and allow itto give your life meaning and to showyou just how bright the world canactually be when we're in a good placeand we feel like life means something
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Painstakingly applied.Surviving as individuals,complete as a whole.Life’s brushstrokes painting our portrait. #art @chelseagalleriesnyc #mindoff
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Mind-off modality @prilaga #lifeofsuccess #mindoffink #prilaga #sundays #relaxation #mindofficiallyblown #mindoffthings #sundaymood #relax #lifeofsuccessor #relaxtime #sundayvibes #beauty #beautycare #sundayfunday #lifeofsuccessfulthinker #beautyandthebeast #lifeofsuccessful #mindoffire #lifeofsuccessfulpeople #beautyaddict #mindoff #relaxing #sunday #relaxed #beautyful #mindoffwork https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eDkGSFQdA/?igshid=1phtjfmx13zoa
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14 days without cutting the cuts have faded some turning into scars some distorting my skin some completely disappearing i wish i could say i'm done with this battle this urge most of the time it's now silent i now turn to healthy coping mechanism ice cubes on my skin numb me enough to take my mind off the urge to cut when that day comes maybe just maybe i'll apologize for being so cruel to my body
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