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From the last video uploaded !
This is a warning for the Covid-19, please stay safe, don’t touch/kiss/shake hand with anybody. Stay at your home if you can, and go out only for groceries.
We need social distancing to stop the proliferation of the virus.
Thank you.
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N O T O U C H I N G :D
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Critical eyes
In a moment of repose
Juggement for who you are?
Juggement for who you are NOT?
Cee U Next Tuesday Sunshine
Judge the picture
Judge its intentions
Judge the words
Don’t judge yourself though
You are perfect
Like shit flung from monkeys
Flying thru the air
Nothing amusing
Nothing impressive
False narratives
No mirrors in your house of soul huh?
Cee U Next Tuesday Sunshine
Chernoblyl’s air upon impact
Celebrating the “snow” falling
Where there is -
One truth
One love
Knowing who/what/where you are
Celebrating the repose
Simple stupid solution to all of this……
#BeYou #DoYou #truth #FecundPutrefaction @blogogg
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Exuded negative energy
Its toxic pollution spewed
Into the stream
Struggling to wade into
Even to enter is questionable
Environmental disaster
A swollen anal gland on a process
In desperate need of expressing
Its vile nature as evident
As the dark narrative spun
Into a twisted fairy tale...
Dark roots growing up into darker trees
The baneful waters beneath
Weaving its serpentine trails
Through the town
Feeding its Happy Meal of nutrition
Popularity a far cry from quality
As witnessed in the dark forest
Where that golden M gleams
Sadly, the ignorance no longer surprising
Just a given/a known/expected
Send the benthivorous to the Kalahari Desert
Hoping the !Kung bushmen can teach
The lessons needed, but they never learn
Until then, galoshes on
I shall continue trudging upstream.
#fairytale #nightmares #EverythingInBetween @blogogg
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1 • Jimbrowski’s aversion was rather ironic now as the serum kicked in turning him into a mancat. He had been putting out fires with gasoline while the judgment made against him was never bent.
#catpeople #TheseTears #CanNeverDry #bowie
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2 • By no means an enjoyment of But most certainly a relatability to A pain that I'm used to No substitution for nor a needing of A pain that I’m used to More pleasure when pleasurable More love when loveable But there is a pain we are all used to. #TheBellsOfTheEpiscopalCarillon #PealTheirFoursquareHymn @blogogg
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3 • Let me sing to you now, about the power/magic/beauty of this flame. Let me sing to you now, about how people turn into other things. Let me sing to you now, about the values of the world we inhabit and the people we surround ourselves with having a profound effect on who we are. Let me sing to you now, about love. Let me sing to you now, about sadness. Let me sing, sing, sing until my throat is parched and the flames are extinguished. #inspire #ovid #metamorphosis #fire @blogogg
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4 • Metacognition Reading in the light Thinking in the shadows Self-assessing/self-correcting Light shifting Mood altering What remains in the recesses Comes out in the thoughts Always present In both the light -when enjoying its warmth- And the shadows -where the memories carry the weight of its words. #reading #bedhead #thinking
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1 • Prosthetics too large to be held by a single strap. Another attached to my back. Think reversed babybjorn. Green screened. Later to be “erased.” The horns/wings added in post too. Quite a character. Quite a production. Quite a wonderful group of humans to be surrounded by!
#RememberWhatThisIsFolks #magic #illusions @blogogg
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2 • Working in progress Literally/figuratively Acceptance spoken/acknowledged Yet some things simply cannot Accept anymore than understand Feeling “in the moment” Doesn’t always feel good Doesn’t always feel right Doesn’t always make sense Loved the self Stretched Sweated out Breathed thru Yet here I lie cramping up Trying to catch up when I have already fallen behind With no resistance The acceptance of what IS carries a painful lactic acid Flushed down like a mighty turd There it is...over there...sun’s shine down. #TheThingsThatTormentedMe #TheMostWereTheVeryThings #That ConnectedMeWithAllThePeople #WhoWereAlive #jamesbaldwin @blogogg
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3 • He says, “It’s my lucky day!” I say, “I love you.” Then closes his eyes to rest. He says, “It’s my lucky day!” I repeat, “I love you.” Then closes his eyes to rest. He says, “Ohhhh, yes!” When I ask a question he has no connection to anymore. Then closes his eyes to rest. He says, “Ohhh yes!” When I ask, “Was that the most delicious meal you ever had?” When I ask, “Did you dance and sing and have fun today?” He says, “It’s my lucky day!” I say, “No Dad. It is mine.” #dementia #sucks #SoLove’EmIfYaGot’Em @blogogg
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4 • The love of such while dealing with the pain that existsAlways present as always awareOf that which wasOf that which isOf that which was the way it isAs convoluted as the feeling Pleasure whilst still feeling the pain Living the smileFeeling the frustrationsExperiencing the loveNever forgetting to rememberWhile everything I remember is sometimes worth forgetting Guess that is the yin and yang herePainted these brushstrokes on canvasHung it in this Insta-gallery to shareCome and go as you shallTake what you want, but know what you needThose in my space, I love/appreciate deeply“Thank you for coming,” I share to those while exiting the galley’s gift shop. #XO#giftshop#friends#family@blogogg
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5 • Searching for the fusang Appassionata Sonata circles The cotyledon of my memory Found to replace an explanation Of why to the what for the where A book written counting down life Its moments in words and fragments Seedlings to germinate Landing upside down It will still find its way to right the wrong In order to grow. #LookingOut #ReachingIn @blogogg
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Its thick snot coloured malaise. Obscuring the brilliance of the blues behind. The shine of the sun above. A filter placed. Obscuring. Obfuscating. Resting behind it awaiting the farmer’s blow. “Passage clear again,” he sighs as he takes a step away from the trodden path.
The impermanence of it all resides in the permanence of what is now...waiting. It clears. It shines again.
#pollution #gogol #workinprogress @blogogg
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Never regret
Acknowledge mistakes
But don’t regret
Admit when wrong
But never regret
Love in technicolor
All is not black&white Accepting it is not all good
Carved into a tree
Placed in a bottle adrift in the ocean
Left in your path
Discovered now
Discovered later
Timeless message upon discovery.
#writeItDown #Giv’er #SetMusings @/blogogg
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Precariously balanced. Sitting in the silence. Bathing in the noise. Building in the breaks in between. Meditating on acceptance while that being resisted is the acceptance of both. Accepting the resistance in order to gather the former into my arms. Seussical in its wording as much as the conflux it breeds within. Balance. Balance. Balance. Lean too far one way....Humpty experienced on that wall. #ParadoxOfThis #RealityOfThat #LoveOfItAll #remembering #rememberanceday @/blogogg
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Meeting ones inspiration. Mine. Expectations surpassed. Oft quoted. More often lived and breathed his songs. The words. His gift shared. Pill form discussed. Gord remembered. Man crush?! Diminishes the love/admiration I have for this man and his immense talent. Each song. A lyric. A phrase. A torch passed to better oneself and to pass along to those beside you. “I've always been dark.
With light somewhere in the distance.” Thank you Dallas/Justin/Tricia. A deeply special evening. @/cityandcolour_official #Nutshell
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Sitting in not sitting around
Not waiting for the moment
Not expecting an about face
Not seeing a change
Nor needing it from that
Sitting in this moment
Full life living it
Saddened by the nefarious greed
Enlivened by the love Never those two shall meet
The darkness sits outside
The lightness sits inside me
Staying in opened to all. #Hope #Understood #ToThoseThatMatterMost @/iddophoto @/blogogg
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Promulgated thru this. Reverence for the process which is that. Sharing despite the shadows. Experiencing in spite of feeling a lack of silver at times. That struggle becoming the most powerful part of the future story. Told over and around. Passed to learn from and to. Tools to become more evolved. Authenticity in complexity. Takes more than just being a member of the Wise Club. #StayInPower #Statisticalimprobability
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Plenty of ways to make problems/challenges feel better. The strength/true growth achieved thru making them better....going straight up that fucking hill...embracing the climb...not avoiding/circumnavigating it. #GetIt #FaceIt #AcceptIt #MakeITbetter
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