Top 6 Applications of Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy as used in clinical practice is a very flexible and effective approach and can be used in many aspects of life. If you are targeting to address stress, quit specific unfavorable habits, or build higher self-esteem.......Read More
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escueladetantraperu · 6 months
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Costo de la Sesión: S/. 180.00 || PROVINCIAS Atención individual en PROVINCIAS previa confirmación 15 días anticipación. Consulta presupuesto y fecha por Inbox.
Duración de cada Sesión:
3 horas para Sesión de Practicantes Regulares
5 horas mínimo para Sesión de Iniciación (incluye inducción e introducción a la filosofía)
SESIONES INDIVIDUALES DE INICIACIÓN: 3 horas de terapias alternativas de profunda sensibilización, agudización, estimulación de energías, desinhibición con propósitos físicos, psíquicos, psicológicos o metafísicos que tuvieras en Mente. Atención LIMA: agendar 48 horas antes / CIUDADES INTERIOR DE PERÚ: agendar 15 días antes / Ambos por Messenger direcciones virtuales al final de esta publicación.
Sesión de estimulación de Energías, exploración y agudización de tu sensibilidad más allá del plano físico, a niveles extremos DePiesACabeza para liberación psicológica, descarga emocional y desfogue físico de fluidos sexuales y hormonales que el practicante no pueda lograr por sí solo, sin asistencia terapéutica de su Coach.
Una combinación de FisioTerapia, PsicoFisiología, FisioSe x ología Masculina y MetaFísica del S e x @ a través de la Práctica de Tantra S e x u a l: Reflexología DePiesYPiernas, descarga muscular, drenaje linfático (procedimientos físicos), estimulación psicofisiológica de sistemas límbico, nervioso central y periférico sobre todo el Cuerpo para descarga y desfogue de fluidos se x uales y hormonales para eliminación de estrés físico, psicológico y anímico (Fisiología del Estrés).
PROPÓSITO DE ESTA PRÁCTICA: El practicante expone al terapeuta su cuadro físico, psicológico y anímico, su orientación, preferencias, desórdenes o disfunciones físicas y sexuales, si tuviera,
Agenda tu Sesión por Inbox en: https://www.facebook.com/FisioTerapiaMasculinaDanno https://www.escueladetantraperu.tumblr.com [email protected]
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Achieve Mental Clarity and Overcome Depression with 396Hz Frequency Medi...
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withachanceoflaxus · 1 year
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this man is me
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globalsoulhealing · 2 years
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Join Global Soul Healing on a spiritual development journey to help you connect to the soul inside of you and use that energy to make your life beautiful in every way so you can make an impact for years to come in your life for those around you. Our courses will connect you with your soul, God and will help you see the world through new eyes and start taking things positively!! https://www.globalsoulhealing.com/courses.php
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blackkatmagic · 2 months
Hello, do by any chance know where "Jedi mindhealers" come from? I haven't read all the books so I have been wondering which one it comes from
It's entirely fanon. There are basic healers in the Order, but the mindfulness that the Jedi promote is very similar to some types of therapy, so it's always struck me as unnecessary to have specific mindhealer roles.
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twofoursixohjuan · 4 months
as the idea seems to be popular
Brotherband OC Masterpost
reblog with your BB OCs and let's get this to make some sense? I'll start:
Hilde Brightsword. Stefan's grandmother, raised him after the deaths of both parents in a hunting accident. Used to be a shieldmaiden, now uses a wheelchair owing to a battle injury. Might be a mob boss but everyone's too afraid to ask.
Jors Mindhealer, Viking Psychiatrist. Haven't mentioned them much, to be honest. A member of the same brotherband as Erak and Thorn, trained as a medic. After the suicide of another member they turned to developing mental health treatment in Skandia. They mentor Edvin a bit.
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shealynn88 · 1 year
Tinder (Drarry, G)
Relationships: Drarry Word Count: ~650 Eighth year, post-war, a little dark with a happy ending. For the prompt: Drarry, snarky banter resulting in a kiss to shut them up Thank you so much @phdmama, that was just what I needed.  For anyone else, I'm open (ie, begging) for drabble prompts this weekend, I'm in need of distraction. :)
Harry comes back wrong.
It’s normal to feel this way, his Mindhealer tells him. It’s normal to be on edge. To be furious and terrified and endlessly waiting for the next disaster.
Every single person he sees—in the Great Hall or the eighth year Common Room—drives him mad. They watch him too closely or completely ignore him or treat him like he’s a god or like he’ll explode.  And most nights, he does explode, in the end.  That, or heads to bed early and puts up Silencing Charms to pretend he’s alone.
And so much of the time, he feels alone. Horribly, horribly alone. And he knows it’s his own fault, but he can’t see a way through.
Malfoy, of all people, is the one who finds him.
He's different, now, and he’s none of the things that annoy Harry most.  He’s not tentative and he’s not afraid. He doesn’t pretend Harry’s an epic hero.
After one more outburst in the Common Room, Harry runs into him on the way to the dorms. 
“I see you’re at it again, Potter,” he says dryly. “Well done. Anyone crying, this time? Thanks Merlin they didn’t divide us by house again, you’d give those first years their own personal war trauma. Honestly.”
Harry goes stiff.  “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for any of it.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t think they especially asked for it, either. Salazar on a stick, Potter, I don’t know what you’re spoiling for, but you’re going to get the hefty butt of a broom to the back of the head if you keep it up.”
Harry steps forward, dumbfounded and strangely thrilled. “Is that a threat? Are you actually threatening me?”
Malfoy laughs. “Threatening you? With a broomstick?” He leans in, close enough that Harry feels his breath on his face. “If I was threatening you, you’d know it,” he hisses.
Harry grabs the front of his perfectly pressed shirt and pushes, and follows until Malfoy is pinned to the wall and Harry’s close enough to see every fleck of blue in his eyes. “So what are you gonna do, then? How are you going to stop me, if you’re so worried?” How are you going to stop me if I can't stop myself?
Malfoy shakes his head slightly, his mouth twisted in a grimace. “I’m going to do what I always do." He shoves Harry back. "I’m going to show you who you are.”
Something sparks inside Harry when Malfoy shoves him again.
Malfoy nods. “There you are.” Shove. “Go on. Hit me. I know you want to. Come on, do it. You know I deserve it.”
Harry has no idea what Malfoy deserves. He hits him anyway, right in the mouth, and Malfoy stumbles back. He bounces up with fire in his eye, and, Merlin, Harry feels alive again.
Malfoy spits blood. “That’s it, then? Bloodletting? Let’s do this.” He charges for Harry, aiming low, and Harry crouches to meet him, spins him again and shoves him against the opposite wall.
Breathing hard against Malfoy’s mouth, Harry’s the most vital he’s been since he came back from King’s Cross.  He raises one hand and presses a thumb to Malfoy’s swelling lip.
Malfoy makes a soft, high sound, like some tiny animal lost in a hedge, and something happens. Something huge in Harry breaks open, and he thinks he might cry. He might cry and he might never stop.
And then, somehow, Malfoy’s lips are on his, insistent and more real to him than Harry’s own body. 
He kisses back like he's drowning. He opens his mouth and sucks the blood from Malfoy’s lip, and the moan that follows.  He pushes forward and slides his hands up Malfoy’s back, and he holds on for dear life; Malfoy does the same, as if he was lost, too, and is just now finding his way.
“Merlin above,” Harry murmurs, “what was that?”
“No idea,” Malfoy says wetly against his mouth. “Harry. Again.”
What can Harry do when Malfoy uses his name like that? “Yes,” he says, and he kisses Malfoy—Draco—again, and then again. He loses himself, and finds himself, and loses himself again.
It doesn’t matter, Harry realises as Draco kisses hungrily along his jaw. Draco will find him. Draco knows who he is.
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merlyn-bane · 3 months
For the WIP game: In the Darning, sounds interesing with the pairings, thanks!
AHHH I'm glad you asked!!!
In the Darning is, admittedly, born at least in part out of spite. As anyone who's followed this blog long enough has probably noticed, I am not a fan of Anakin Skywalker. I typically try to be more nuanced with him in my works, because largely I believe that most characters should be handled with nuance (especially because I prefer my characters to have depth) and because a lot of the time, the plot demands it. For example, with Foelu, there were a lot of things with Anakin that I couldn't address without spending more time on him than I wanted to or putting Obi-Wan through even more than I already did, so I focused more on Anakin choosing to make better choices moving forward rather than addressing the things he'd already done.
Darning is, if not the opposite, close to it. I'm putting the rest of this under a read-more since this post is getting a little long.
Essentially, Rex realizes pretty early into the war that the 501st's casualties are higher than they should be. He decides to give their general the benefit of the doubt, because it became clear very quickly after they deployed that (most of) the Jedi had little to no practical experience with warfare. He gives Anakin a year to get his feet underneath him and learn to do better, and then he takes all of the evidence he's compiled over the course of that year to the Jedi Council. Anakin is then pulled from the field and put into mandatory mindhealing, where he opens his mouth and manages to make things...much worse for himself.
Darning is a method of mending fabric wherein the repair is often visible and becomes a part of the fabric itself. It can be very beautiful. This story is about Obi-Wan, Rex, and their family mending themselves and each other in the wake of that.
I am hoping to write this piece for the RexObi Big Bang.
I'm taking as many questions on each WIP as y'all wanna send me, so don't feel like you can't ask about one just because someone else did <3 The WIP game post can be found here.
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tennessoui · 2 years
In the couples counseling au, I SUPER duper get a kick out of imagining the eventual fallout when the counselor breaches the topic of Anakin having a whole ass wife. Just the idea of some innocuous question of her asking Anakin like “well how would you feel if you discovered Obi Wan had a secret spouse?” And Anakin just. Just loses all color in his face, eyes bugging out of his head, panics in Obi Wan’s general direction. Obi Wan of course is oblivious.
anakin, internally: i would know if he had a secret spouse.
anakin to anakin: but didn't palpatine mention seeing him leave a senator's room once???? could that be his secret husband??
anakin: we have dinner every other night, he has no time for a spouse.
anakin to anakin: but we only have dinner with him every other night....that leaves plenty of nights where he could be either meeting his secret spouse or inviting them into his quarters.....MY home....
anakin: omg he could be spending time with his secret spouse while i'm visiting padmé.......
obi-wan: oh, look what you've done, counselor sheari, you've given him heart palpitations
anakin to anakin: he didn't deny it.
(after the session)
anakin on the star wars phone: hey pads, angel, light of my life, etc etc, my mindhealer said.....um.....(checks hand) that it would be good for me to spend continuous time in a familiar environment. like for weeks at a time. every meal. just in case.
padmé: oh excellent! when can i expect you tonight? i may be back late of course, but you know by now to make yourself at home.
anakin: yes well. about that..........
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norcumii · 7 months
Balance: A Last Hope: Closure, 1/5
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Padmé Amidala & Anakin Skywalker Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Siri Tachi, Sabé (Star Wars) Additional Tags: canon typical discussions of slavery and politics, Alternate Universe, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, GFY, Don’t copy to another site Series: Part 9 of Balance
The Shades continue to be reminded that downstream consequences Are A Thing. From mindhealers to raids on slavers to those dang Jedi - and a few new faces - Life keeps happening for everyone.
“Your Majesty, we’ve brought our latest batch of goods for your perusal, and some…news.” Siri was good – the pause wasn’t too noticeable, and her expression made it clear that ‘the news’ wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine with a bunch of Tatooine trinkets.
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escueladetantraperu · 2 years
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TERAPIA DE HIGIENE S E X U AL ASISTIDA - FISIOSEXOLOGÍA Y TANTRISMO || MÉTODO DE LA POTENCIA A LA CONSCIENCIA - 3 horas S/. 180.00 - (máxima discreción - sólo A-Domicilio Lima, Perú - Consultar por Costo A-Provincias)
El deseo sexual es la emoción más fija, fuerte y poderosa del Hombre, no importa la edad que tengas. La sexualidad acompaña al Hombre todos los días de su vida. De ahí que la energía más potente del Hombre sea la energía sexual. El deseo de expresión sexual es innato en el Hombre, es un impulso fisiológico, natural, legítimo. No puede reprimirse, descartarse, eliminarse, menos prohibirse. Para ejemplo de lo que NO puede prohibirse, ahí están los efectos y resultados en los sacerdotes, a quienes se les impone extinguirlo como si eso fuera posible.
Debe habilitarse una vía de escape, no a modo “de desperdicio”, sino a través de prácticas que permitan su expresión y que por el contrario enriquezcan Cuerpo, Mente y Espíritu del Hombre.
Por eso la importancia de aprender a usarlo y controlarlo para lograr administrarlo, meta que no es fácil.
La transmutación del impulso, energía y flujo s e x u a l consiste en el proceso que debe realizarse en la Mente de cambiar la idea fija y pensamiento que tenemos sobre el s e x o por pensamientos de otra naturaleza. Por eso es lógico entender que cuando el Hombre es impulsado por el deseo sexual, pueda llegar a desarrollar la imaginación, intuición e inspiración convirtiéndose en un SuperHombre, es decir, en un Hombre con poderes propios de nuestra naturaleza humana, pero desarrollados sólo por un ínfimo porcentaje de los Hombres del planeta. Y no sólo llegamos a desarrollar facultades metafísicas como la intuición y la inspiración, propias de Hombres evolucionados, sino también facultades humanas como la voluntad y la perseverancia.
La transmutación de la energía s e x u a l exige al Iniciado precisamente esas facultades que desarrolla: fuerza de voluntad y sobre todo perseverancia, pero valen la pena, si el premio a lo largo del tiempo es el éxito, la abundancia y facultades de SuperHombre.
Si el manejo de nuestra energía s e x u a l nos hace mejores Hombres sólo por el hecho de fortalecer nuestras facultades humanas como la voluntad y la perseverancia, cómo no sería un logro sobrehumano, metafísico, desarrollar facultades metafísicas propias de Iniciados y Practicantes de Filosofías que los buscadores estudiamos y adoptamos para evolucionar hacia el Despertar de la Consciencia, hacia el SuperHombre ?
El deseo sexual es tan fuerte y poderoso que si aprendes a controlarlo, enriquece la inteligencia y potencia la imaginación, y puede ser dirigido como fuerza creativa a propósitos superiores como aplicarlo a las ciencias, a la literatura, al arte o a la profesión o empresa a la que te dediques con excelencia, logrando éxito y abundancia.
Desórdenes físicos y disfunciones psicosexuales, es decir, cuando el Cuerpo “no responde”, no siempre es defecto del Cuerpo.
Hace falta primero activar tus 7 Energías hacia la Homeostasis (Modo Alerta y Defensa de tu Cuerpo) para corregir o revertir desórdenes y disfunciones.
Al estimular tus Energías, los niveles de oxitocina de los neurotransmisores aumentan cientos de veces, activan el óxido nítrico que aumenta el flujo sanguíneo bombeando y llevando más oxígeno y nutrientes a todo el Cuerpo, principalmente al cerebro, excitando la Mente.
Somos Cuerpo, Mente y Espíritu. No es suficiente prestar atención solamente al Cuerpo. Son Cuerpo, Mente y Espíritu las 3 entidades que te sostienen, incluyendo también el componente emocional. De nada sirve centrar esfuerzos en el Cuerpo cuando tienes la Mente perturbada o el Espíritu herido o peor aún, roto.
La estimulación de las Energías del Cuerpo a través de la piel, músculos y articulaciones - habilidades del FisioTerapeuta Manual Ortopédico y del FisioSexólogo - libera 4 hormonas neurotransmisoras: endorfinas, serotonina, dopamina y oxitocina que regulan emociones de Mente y Espíritu, desencadenan estados de relajación física y emocional, alivio de dolor físico y emocional y placer físico y emocional.
Combinación intensiva porque no trabajo sólo el Cuerpo como la mayoría de terapeutas, sino un triple estímulo sobre Cuerpo, Mente y Espíritu que tiene por resultado el EQUILIBRIO.
Un proceso tan lógico como fisiológico. De la misma forma que funcionan corazón y órganos sexuales en la excitación sexual, proceso en el que se bombea la sangre, fluye, llena las cavidades de los genitales y pone al sexo en potencia, análogamente se inyectan las 7 Energías sobre Mente y Espíritu.
Desórdenes y disfunciones NO SE CURAN. La terapia más efectiva, no invasiva, natural, amigable es reprogramar tu Mente y Espíritu, lo que es literal, hacer otra persona de ti. La mayoría de veces el problema NO ESTÁ EN TU CUERPO sino en tu Mente y Espíritu.
Danno FisioTerapeuta Manual Ortopédico
PsicoTerapeuta Metafísico
(máxima discreción - sólo A-Domicilio Lima, Perú - Consultar por Costo A-Provincias)
Para tratamiento de disfunciones comunes:
=> Disfunción sexual: Dificultad recurrente para tener respuesta sexual, deseo u orgasmos.
=> Disfunción eréctil psicológica: disfunción asociada al estado emocional y mental del hombre que la padece.
=> Disfunción psicosexual: disfunción sexual que se debe a causas psicológicas y no a causa física, enfermedad o efectos secundarios de medicamentos. Esta disfunción va asociada a depresión o a ansiedad (sensación de nerviosismo por culpa o temor). COSTO: S/. 180.00 soles
Duración de la Sesión: 3 horas
∞ FisioTerapia (Física = Cuerpo): Descarga Muscular manual, Drenaje Linfático manual, Terapias de Descarga de Estrés Físico, Descarga de Ansiedad, Técnica de Canalización de la Energía Sexual
∞ PsicoTerapia Metafísica (Mente): Programación Neurolingüística (PNL), Reprogramación de tu Sistema de Creencias, Eliminación de Bloqueos Mentales, Control de Emociones y Hábitos
∞ AnimoTerapia (Espíritu): Enfoque en tus metas y deseos, Técnicas para Manifestar (convertir en realidad) tus metas y deseos, Toma de decisiones eficientes, Fortalecimiento de tu confianza y autoestima, Plenitud, Paz interior
( ∞ ) Símbolo del INFINITO ( ∞ ), como tus metas y deseos.
Sesiones Individuales Sólo-A-Domicilio. 2 y 3 horas de profundo alivio, placer y recuperación para DeportistasPRO, Atletas de Élite, Deportistas Amateur, para ATLETAS y ARTISTAS CON ENTRENAMIENTO SEVERO, para TRABAJADORES DE ESFUERZO FÍSICO EXTREMO y para todo Hombre en busca de extrema Liberación, Alivio y Plenitud.
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Análisis Metafísico
El Hombre está dotado de otros sentidos que no conoce, sin embargo, estamos programados y resignados a vivir con sólo 5 sentidos: vista, oído, olfato, gusto y tacto. Si dejas que el mundo controle tu destino, y sólo cuentas con tus 5 sentidos para defenderte, estás perdido. Si nos cuesta enfocarnos o vivimos desorientados en el entorno, es porque no podemos crear el nuestro (nuestra propia realidad).
Más allá de los 5 sentidos, tenemos facultades superiores que si desarrolláramos, nuestra realidad sería diferente. Estas facultades psíquicas son la razón, la voluntad, la memoria, la imaginación, la percepción y la intuición. Quien logra dominarlas y usarlas permanentemente, crea su propio entorno.
Pero ésa es la “realidad” a la que todos están acostumbrados. Existe una realidad superior a la “realidad” que todos conocen.
Existen otros sentidos que la mayoría de Hombres no conoce, por tanto no ha desarrollado, y que la ciencia aún llama “fenómenos extrasensoriales” por el solo hecho de no poder medirlos con un instrumento.
Que la ciencia no pueda medirlos no significa que no existan, y tampoco elimina el hecho de que muchos sí podemos usarlos y controlarlos.
Para quienes practicamos Metafísica, esas “facultades extrasensoriales” son sólo otros sentidos más, adicionales a los 5 sentidos conocidos. Quien logra desarrollarlos y utilizarlos como usamos los 5 sentidos, no sólo produce una realidad diferente a la de todos, no sólo puede crear su propia realidad sino que también puede controlarla: Puede lograr todos sus deseos, todo lo que imagine en la Mente, como por ejemplo una Meta Deportiva o un Objetivo Material. Estamos en el Siglo XXI y muchos conceptos del Conocimiento Universal, como la “Energía Cósmica”, siguen siendo un misterio para la mayoría. Sólo una minoría, quienes nos llamamos “Buscadores” (investigadores y estudiosos), buscadores de las Verdades y Principios Universales abordamos temas como las Energías que mueven al Cosmos y al Hombre: la Energía Cósmica, Las Leyes de Atracción y Manifestación, la Energía Sexual, y sus poderes desconocidos como el Poder de la Manifestación.
¿Qué es Manifestar? En lenguaje metafísico, “manifestar” algo consiste en hacerlo aparecer, casi desde la nada.
Manifestar es traer al mundo físico algo del mundo de la Mente y de los deseos por medio de la Ley de la Atracción.
En lo que se refiere a la Alquimia Sexual y a la Energía Sexual, pudo ser un misterio en el pasado, conceptos ocultos o por lo menos no divulgados a la masa porque era patrimonio intelectual de los Ocultistas.
Hoy dejan de ser misterio y esa “Magia” cada día es más difundida y practicada por quienes cultivamos el Cuerpo, la Mente y el Espíritu, de la Potencia a la Consciencia. Mago es aquél que produce cambios a su alrededor de acuerdo a su voluntad. Ésa es la definición Metafísica, tan simple como que inventor es quien desarrolla, perfecciona y devela un invento.
Ambos posibles, ambos reales, ambos humanos.
Un Mago es entonces un Hombre dotado y entrenado en facultades mentales superiores para producir cambios a su alrededor de acuerdo a su voluntad, es decir, cambia la realidad de su entorno para crear su propia realidad. Eso es magia.
Para poder realizar ésa y otras “magias”, fuimos dotados en esta vida de un Cuerpo y de sus facultades mentales, para ejercitar con él y entrenarnos para Evolucionar. El Hombre, como toda Creación del Universo que se rige bajo los Principios Universales, está sujeto a la DUALIDAD de esas Leyes Universales. Algunas develadas por el sabio egipcio Hermes Trismegisto, los Principios Universales: Mentalismo, Correspondencia, Vibración, Polaridad, Ritmo, Causa y Efecto y Generación.
Ejemplos de la DUALIDAD de estas Leyes Universales son los conceptos metafísicos muy utilizados para explicar situaciones que nos toca vivir a diario y que no comprendemos, como son: “como es arriba es abajo”, “nada está inmóvil, todo se mueve”, “todo posee su par de opuestos, todo es doble”, “todo fluye y refluye, todo avanza y retrocede”, “toda causa tiene su efecto, todo efecto tiene su causa”.
No son palabrería, no son “mucho texto”. Son Sabiduría para que aprendas a vivir pleno y feliz en este plano, no infeliz y miserable.
El Hombre no escapa a la dualidad de estas Leyes del Universo y es así que a este plano (a este planeta) vinimos duales, con materia de 2 dimensiones: divinidad o energía sutil de las Regiones Superiores o Abstractas y cuerpo físico o energía densa propios del planeta físico en el que vivimos.
Ésta es la razón por la que somos “dioses”: Porque tenemos parte divina, chispa divina, somos extensión de Dios, somos hijos de Dios como lo llaman las “religiones” o como nos sea más fácil entenderlo.
Tenemos materia de 2 mundos, de 2 dimensiones, la sutil y la densa, la divina y la humana. En esta secuencia y razonamiento, cuando el Hombre tiene una idea en la Mente puede desarrollarla en lo físico. Con su Espíritu conecta con la Divinidad y con sus energías físicas y mentales puede convertir sus ideas de la Mente, sus pensamientos, sus deseos en realidad. Puede crear su propia realidad.
Nosotros Hombres podemos hacer el papel de Dios pero en un plano denso, muy inferior, no para crear formas con vida sino para hacernos Magos, para hacernos Maestros en el manejo de la Metafísica y así convertir en realidad nuestros pensamientos o deseos, “bajándolos” (manifestándolos) de los planos sutiles, del Cosmos, del Universo, de las Regiones Abstractas, de los Planos Superiores, de “Dios” o como queramos llamarlo, y crear nuestra propia realidad. Para eso venimos a esta vida con un Cuerpo, para practicar con este Cuerpo y perfeccionarlo. Para ser el Dios que algún día seremos, ya no humano sino Dios espiritual en otro plano, si es que - de la Potencia a la Consciencia - logramos la Evolución, o más aún, si logramos la Iluminación como Buda, como Mahoma, como JesuCristo.
Si no experimentamos aquí y ahora con nuestro Cuerpo será imposible evolucionar. Evolucionar de lo denso a lo sutil, de lo más bajo y vulgar hacia lo más puro y espiritual. Como diría la sociedad ignorante: de lo “inmoral” a lo moral, como si algún espécimen de esa “sociedad” fuera moral. Moral es lo que predican, no lo que bien ocultan. Ésta es la Magia por la que el Hombre puede convertirse en Mago, si quiere iniciarse como Mago y convertir sus deseos en realidad.
Éste es el sustento de las Leyes Universales que muchos “iluminados” venden compiladas en “best sellers”: Ley de la Atracción, de la Manifestación, del Mentalismo, etc, etc, etc. La clave es la CONSCIENCIA. Cuando nos damos cuenta, cuando tomamos consciencia de quiénes somos y de las facultades u otros sentidos de los que estamos dotados, cosas fantásticas empiezan a suceder: Controlar la realidad a nuestra voluntad. Si aprendemos a estar sintonizados en una frecuencia más alta que el resto, y logramos mantenernos en ella, atraemos todo lo que necesitamos (Ley de la Atracción) a nuestra voluntad. Si te mantienes a voluntad en una frecuencia más alta, usas tu imaginación y te logras ver tú mismo, allí mismo donde tu imaginación te sitúa, estás a punto de lograrlo. Desde ahí puedes atraer metafísicamente lo necesario para manifestar esa imagen, para convertir en realidad aquello que imaginaste.
No se trata de manifestar nuestros deseos (convertirlos en realidad) practicando una y otra vez esas Leyes y sus técnicas hacia esa realidad. Se trata de practicar el proceso desde esa realidad, es decir, estando ya ubicados en esa realidad que queremos manifestar. Cuando creas en la Mente una imagen de tu meta (un triunfo deportivo o trabajar desde el Caribe), ya la tienes en la Mente. La clave es mantener la Consciencia emocionalmente en esa frecuencia (en el Espíritu). Sólo es cuestión de tiempo para que esa imagen intelectual y emocional tome forma física.
Ésa es la FE que JesuCristo predicaba en los Evangelios. No hay un tiempo “físico” que pueda medirse para que nuestros deseos se vuelvan realidad. Depende con qué intensidad nuestra Consciencia y Energías estén enfocadas en ello. Todas las energías de nuestro Cuerpo enfocadas en ese estado de Consciencia: de la Potencia a la Consciencia. Fantástico verdad ? No es fantástico, es Sabiduría Universal, que
tú puedes
convertir en tu propia realidad.
Si practicas y perseveras puedes crear tu propia realidad. Si leer no te parece “mucho texto” … Danno
FisioTerapeuta Manual Ortopédico
Reflexólogo Certificado PiesYPiernas
QuiroTerapeuta Deportivo
FisioTerapeuta de Percusión
Terapeuta Tántrico Certificado en Filosofía Tantra y Prácticas Tántrikas, Metafísico, Investigador, Académico e Instructor en Metafísica
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nteabodies · 2 years
The Saga Begins, and how it seamlessly fits into the Pop star wars AU
I feel like the Saga Begins is the perfect song to represent @nevertheless-moving's Pop Star Wars AU, bc… it's sung by obi wan! From his pov! During the exact time period he travelled to! Makes references to the future obi wan shouldn't know yet! Is somewhat upbeat with an undercurrent of sadness which is the epitome of Obi-Wan – but more than that, I can envision this weird Al youtube video organically existing within the Pop Star Wars universe!
Peek under the break for my crazed ramblings ig
So, the temple knows the Obi Wan had a huge, life changing vision that changed his behaviour and personality somewhat, but they don't realise he also has an Anakin shaped glob of unresolved trauma with a helpful side of survivors guilt and depression that he is very good at hiding from everyone.
And he is somewhat successful at Naboo. Like, he was 100% expecting Maul (and it was a little pathetic how easily he defeated him this time) so he was able to dissassocate from the situation and miraculously not have a flashback of Qui Gon's death mid-lightsaber swing.
So other than being eerily skilled at Soresu, no one notices him or his trauma, just how he likes it.
But on the trip back to Coruscant, someone manages to stab Qui Gon (who was mildly concussed from the fight with Maul so he's just like "oh my it appears i have been stabbed").
And Obi-Wan had only just begun to start relaxing a little bit now that Qui Gon was safe, so he was taking a nap when the stabbing happened. (he hadn't slept for the entire week long mission, or he would not be taking this nap)
So Obi-Wan wakes up relaxed, does a few stretches and contentedly strolls out of his room then freezes.
He can't sense Qui Gon (because Qui Gon is unconscous). He strains to find him and when he does, he can only sense a weak force presence, and when he sprints to the presence he finds the floor covered in blood (mainly the attackers blood bc a concussed qui gon accidentally stabbed the attacker back while peacefully arresting her) Qui Gon lying down on the floor with a stab wound on his stomach and medic tending to him.
Obi-Wan loses it. He screams a guttural "NOOOO!" that's 10 times more grief stricken than the one in his original life. Qui gon couldn't die! Not again! NOT AGAIN! He was sent back to fix this, wasn't he? Why did everything he tried to fix break? Was everything going to be the same this time? Even with him trying his hardest to stop it?
At this point he's cradling Qui Gon's head against his chest like he's already dead and having a full blown panic attack in front of the shocked pikachu face medic and shock pikachu face qui gon who got shocked awake by the scream (the stabbed attacker gets woken up by the third gutteral scream and resolves to rethink her life if she survived this oredeal)
When Obi Wan comes to he sees his dead master and does the whole you're not dead Master!!! Routine
Long story short, an extremely concerned Qui-Gon sends Obi-Wan to the mind healers at the Jedi temple.
So the mindhealers engage in the usual forms of therapy, but Obi-Wan has had time to collect himself and gain his composure (using the tried and true gaslight gatekeep girboss away your trauma method pioneered by Ben Kenobi)
So realising they're not doing anything other than making Obi wan more closed off and in denial, the mind healers decide to try art therapy which kind of works! he paints his feelings and his visions (and in this AU he's not the best painter so he draws things like 2 stick figures fighting with lightsabers with a lot of fire surrounding them and when the mind healer asks him to describe it his eyes fill with tears/he disassociates and gives classic Old Ben cryptic platitudes.)
Obi-Wan doesn't realise he's acting like Qui-Gon when he retreats into his Old Ben persona, but the healers do. And they think he's emulating his master to escape his visions. What they do know of his 'vision' is:
1) Qui Gon Jinn dies somehow
2) something bad happens to little anakin skywalker
Anyway so that's the reason Anakin and Qui-Gon are roped into his therapy sessions. When they're in the room they can reassure him that nothing has happened to them, that recalling a vision of a future that hasn't happened isn't going affect them in the present.
By this point Obi-Wan is not in denial about his trauma anymore (well not as much as before) and he's willing to try new things. But he draws the line at sharing all the details of his 'vision' with anyone. So he goes "can't we go back to the painting? I liked doing the artistic stuff, it helped me process a little bit without hurting too much" even though it was more of him painting and crying and going in circles with the mind healers
And Qui Gon has this epiphany. He has spent 10 years listening to Obi-Wan singing pretentious indie rock in the shower, humming old jedi lullabies while he watered the plants, crooning a soothing tune to their latest pathetic lifeforms, caterwauling emo metal while blackout drunk and giving Qui Gon a migraine–
The point is that Obi-Wan obviously enjoys singing.
"If you can't say it, why don't you sing it?"
And so Obi Wan finds himself writing a song for the first time. Maybe space Don McLean has already released Space American Pie by this point, so he makes a parody of the lyrics. Should he write about everything? Nah, that's too dangerous. Maybe he should write about the events of the past few weeks, but from the old timeline. Just to process everything that happened so far.
Smol baby Anakin is with him while he's drafting the song and he can't help but compare this rosy cheeked Anakin to Vader. And that's when he finally gets the chorus perfected
Oh my, my this here Anakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later, now he's just a small fry
He left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin', "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi
And smol anakin pretends to be angy that Obi wan called him a small fry but secretly is delighted that the entire chorus is about him.
Obi-wan performs the song for Qui Gon and Anakin one night. Anakin is in bed and begs Obi Wan to sing "that cool song you were writing about just now!"
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Cue some Master Padawan angst after Anakin falls asleep and Qui Gon realises he was supposed to die during the mission to Naboo.
Fast Forward a few weeks and it's Anakin's favourite lullaby because its about him! And it has his name! And obi wan looks so fond when he sings the chorus to him! (Qui Gon secretly records it and uploads it to his space youtube channel that no one watches)
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And it's on one of these nights when Obi Wan has an epiphany. Bc... didn't space Don McLean make like a billion credits from this song alone? And what about that other annoyingly catchy song that hasn't been released yet?? Etc, leading to the Pop Star Wars AU premise
Ok now, fast forward to the war and General Kenobi has a lot of… dedicated fans. And a very small niche of these fans found the old spaceyoutube video and are like, omg the general is smol, the general can sing! Which leads to the conspiracy theory that general kenobi and the elusive BK are the same person. But it's a fringe theory, unknown even within the fandom and you'd have to dig pretty deep into the cross section of the Kenobi and BK fandom iceberg to find this theory.
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Among the hardcore fans who know of it, it's considered a hilarious crack theory that makes a little too much sense (like the Sith Lord Jar Jar Binks theory)
Fast forward again! Another 30 ish years! Big identity reveal! Omg Kenobi and BK are the SAME PERSON! The video blows up. It becomes a meme.
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And now, Space Weird Al who specialises in parodies makes an official music video of the song!
He's done extensive research into how everyone from the time period would look like and even managed to source authentic vintage jedi robes for it.
And that's how Obi Wan Kenobi gets shown this video by a gleeful Anakin while Qui Gon sips tea in the background like it's not his fault all of this happened.
And they all lived happily ever after, except obi wan who jumped out the window in mortification.
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blackat-t7t · 1 year
A Star Wars headcanon of mine:
So, in Legends, in addition to the diplomat and warrior jedi, there were also the jedi corps: the Agricorps (farming, animal husbandry, plant science, the Living Force), Medicorps (Force healers, doctors, maybe mindhealers), Educorps (professors, teachers), and Exploracorps (scientists, explorers, especially in the unknown regions).
During the Clone Wars, a lot of them would have been pulled into the war as generals, or at least as medics, because the war effort needed everyone who could contribute. But I also think there would have been some who felt they couldn't actually contibute to the war effort. Or at least, they would be of less help there than they would in their other roles, helping planets recover from orbital bombardment, setting up hospitals and schools for refugees. They wouldn't have clone battalions with them- they never needed them before, and they can't take troops away from the front lines jsut to guard them. The non-Jedi GAR officers, and the senate, probably forgot about those Jedi in the focus on the war, if they ever even knew they existed.
So I imagine that even after O66, there were still a lot of Jedi in the galaxy. Just- not the warrior kind. And since they were used to being away from the temple, out in the community, and had skills that were obviously already needed, I think it would have been easy for them to slip away, scatter, reestablish themselves on distant plantets and just... keep doing what they'd been doing. They may not tell people they're Jedi, but that's still what they are, what they do. Jedi help.
They could make their own networks, using their exploratory ships or farming trade routes, and pass Force sensitive younglings into the schools run by Educorp members who cpuld teach them about their abilities.
And once the Sith are gone, they could help Luke rebuild the Temples and the Order too.
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prof-hemp420 · 1 year
@plasma-veracity Since you have no memories, we will be assigning someone to defend your case once you are tried.
Mindhealers will start tommorow.
How are the healers tending your injuries and your cold treating you?
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
A Long Road Chapter 16 Ficbit - Well Warned
“MindHealer Crathach, and yes,” Wei Wuxian agreed. “I know, no one wants to involve strangers in sect matters. But the Heralds are already involved with your sect. They may not know cultivation, but they know enough about how their Gifts work to draw some obvious conclusions.
Queen Selenay saw the first array, she knows the Nie built a cultivation back door into her land. And she has enough enemies on one border. She needs assurances that you won’t use the arrays for invasion.” He took a breath. “If we can tell her your sect members need her people’s help, then... Qinghe Nie has good reasons for an alliance, and Valdemar can get the assistance of cultivators - magic Ancar has never fought - if their war with Hardorn flares up again.”
“If.” Nie Zonghui grimaced. “You mean when.”
“Nie-xiong.” Nie Huaisang flipped open his fan. “We can’t know that.”
“Yes, we can,” Nie’s First Disciple nodded, short and sharp. “A man stealing power from bloody murder, sharing a border with a kingdom full of spirit-guardians? That’s going to last only as long as he thinks he can’t crush them like rotted bamboo. He knows Queen Selenay wants him dead. So he’ll strike first.”
Wei Wuxian sighed. “And about that blood....”
Wen Qing tensed as he drew out the last word, and tensed tighter as her brother winced. Oh no. She’d already seen strange looks from those of Rabbit Hole at some of their cultivation techniques. After which the local grannies and midwife had carefully invited her to sit and sip tisanes, while they asked exactly what was up with dotting blood in places, after all you didn’t want to do that in the woods, my no, there were bears....
“Heralds have some very... clear-cut concepts of energy manipulation using blood,” Wei Wuxian stated, very carefully. “So! I need to warn you both, and Lan Wangji, about what they call blood magic.”
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