#mind blowing ai tools
Sell Smarter, Not Harder: Unleashing the Power of AI in Sales
In today's fast-paced, hyper-competitive business landscape, sales teams are under immense pressure to deliver results. Traditional sales methods, while effective in the past, may no longer suffice in the age of digital transformation. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) can make a significant difference. By leveraging AI-powered tools, sales teams can streamline their processes, improve customer engagement, and ultimately drive revenue growth.
Understanding AI in Sales
AI refers to the development of intelligent systems that can learn, reason, and act autonomously. In the context of sales, AI can be applied in various ways to enhance performance. Some of the key applications include:
Lead Generation and Scoring: AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify potential customers and score them based on their likelihood to convert. This helps sales teams prioritize their efforts and focus on leads with the highest probability of closing deals. Personalized Sales Outreach: AI enables personalized communication by tailoring messages and offers to individual prospects. This improves customer engagement and increases the chances of conversion. Sales Forecasting and Analytics: AI-powered analytics tools can provide valuable insights into sales trends, performance metrics, and customer behavior. This information can be used to optimize sales strategies and make data-driven decisions. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Automation: AI can automate routine CRM tasks, such as data entry and lead nurturing, freeing up sales reps to focus on building relationships with customers. Benefits of AI in Sales
Implementing AI in sales can offer numerous benefits, including:
Increased Efficiency: AI can automate time-consuming tasks, allowing sales teams to focus on more strategic activities. Improved Lead Quality: AI can help identify high-quality leads, reducing wasted time and resources. Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalized communication and targeted offers can lead to a better customer experience. Data-Driven Decision Making: AI provides valuable insights into sales performance, enabling data-driven decision making. Boosted Revenue: By improving efficiency, lead quality, and customer engagement, AI can ultimately drive revenue growth. Implementing AI in Your Sales Strategy
Here are some steps to consider when implementing AI in your sales strategy:
Identify Your Needs: Assess your current sales processes and identify areas where AI can add value. Choose the Right Tools: Select AI-powered tools that align with your specific needs and budget. Train Your Team: Provide your sales team with the necessary training to effectively use AI tools. Start Small and Scale: Begin with a pilot project to test the benefits of AI and gradually expand its use as you see results. Conclusion
AI is no longer a futuristic concept; it is a reality that sales teams can leverage to gain a competitive advantage. By embracing AI-powered tools, sales teams can sell smarter, not harder, and achieve sustainable growth in today's challenging market.
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fakoa · 10 months
Top 10 Mind-Blowing AI Tools You Should Be Using Right Now
Introduction AI tools are advancing at a rapid pace, offering incredible capabilities that were once unimaginable. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 mind-blowing AI tools that are not only free but also compatible with mobile devices. From creating stunning videos to enhancing images, summarizing YouTube videos, generating logos, and much more, these AI tools are revolutionizing the way we…
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Top 10 Mind Blowing Artificial Intelligence Tools (AI)
Top 10 Mind Blowing Artificial Intelligence Tools (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries by offering innovative tools that streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and improve user experiences. Here are the Top 10 Mind Blowing Artificial Intelligence Tools (AI) 1. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT and virtual assistants…
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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txttletale · 9 months
Your discussions on AI art have been really interesting and changed my mind on it quite a bit, so thank you for that! I don’t think I’m interested in using it, but I feel much less threatened by it in the same way. That being said, I was wondering, how you felt about AI generated creative writing: not, like AI writing in the context of garbage listicles or academic essays, but like, people who generate short stories and then submit them to contests. Do you think it’s the same sort of situation as AI art? Do you think there’s a difference in ChatGPT vs mid journey? Legitimate curiosity here! I don’t quite have an opinion on this in the same way, and I’ve seen v little from folks about creative writing in particular vs generated academic essays/articles
i think that ai generated writing is also indisputably writing but it is mostly really really fucking awful writing for the same reason that most ai art is not good art -- that the large training sets and low 'temperature' of commercially available/mass market models mean that anything produced will be the most generic version of itself. i also think that narrative writing is very very poorly suited to LLM generation because it generally requires very basic internal logic which LLMs are famously bad at (i imagine you'd have similar problems trying to create something visual like a comic that requires consistent character or location design rather than the singular images that AI art is mostly used for). i think it's going to be a very long time before we see anything good long-form from an LLM, especially because it's just not a priority for the people making them.
ultimately though i think you could absolutely do some really cool stuff with AI generated text if you had a tighter training set and let it get a bit wild with it. i've really enjoyed a lot of AI writing for being funny, especially when it was being done with tools like botnik that involve more human curation but still have the ability to completely blindside you with choices -- i unironically think the botnik collegehumour sketch is funnier than anything human-written on the channel. & i think that means it could reliably be used, with similar levels of curation, to make some stuff that feels alien, or unsettling, or etheral, or horrifying, because those are somewhat adjacent to the surreal humour i think it excels at. i could absolutely see it being used in workflows -- one of my friends told me recently, essentially, "if i'm stuck with writer's block, i ask chatgpt what should happen next, it gives me a horrible idea, and i immediately think 'that's shit, and i can do much better' and start writing again" -- which is both very funny but i think presents a great use case as a 'rubber duck'.
but yea i think that if there's anything good to be found in AI-written fiction or poetry it's not going to come from chatGPT specifically, it's going to come from some locally hosted GPT model trained on a curated set of influences -- and will have to either be kind of incoherent or heavily curated into coherence.
that said the submission of AI-written stories to short story mags & such fucking blows -- not because it's "not writing" but because it's just bad writing that's very very easy to produce (as in, 'just tell chatGPT 'write a short story'-easy) -- which ofc isn't bad in and of itself but means that the already existing phenomenon of people cynically submitting awful garbage to literary mags that doesn't even meet the submission guidelines has been magnified immensely and editors are finding it hard to keep up. i think part of believing that generative writing and art are legitimate mediums is also believing they are and should be treated as though they are separate mediums -- i don't think that there's no skill in these disciplines (like, if someone managed to make writing with chatGPT that wasnt unreadably bad, i would be very fucking impressed!) but they're deeply different skills to the traditional artforms and so imo should be in general judged, presented, published etc. separately.
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ay-heart-collection · 7 months
Story writing: The Assassin Lesson
Greetings everyone. I am trying to get back some story ideas of heart back in my mind with AI support.
I understand that many people feel resistant to AI currently, but I think it could be a chance for some of my buried ideas digging back to light. I think it should be OK for make use of it for drafting and brainstorming. Wish you will accept it and like it.
The Assassin Lesson
In a training site of an assassin group, the mentor lady of the group stood before her class of aspiring young assassins. The leather suit covered by hooded cloak outlined her beautiful body curves. Her piercing gaze surveyed the room, which cause the atmosphere become thick and heavy, but brought a hint of anticipation to the class.
As one of the master of assassin in the group, the lesson of the mentor lady was focusing on the fatal spots of the human body. Before she began her lesson, she brought a beautiful female with a slender figure to her students. She was a young thief captured in an incidental encounter during a mission. Her upper body had been stripped naked, with her wrists bound with tight restraints, stood at the front of the class. Her eyes wide with fear.
"Today, we shall delve into the skill of piercing the human heart."
The mentor lady began, her low and commanding tone sending shivers down the spines of her students. With a swift motion, she spread out a drawing of a human heart, its delicate form sketched meticulously on a piece of parchment.
Walking towards the captive, the mentor caressed the girl carefully, and made use of some simple drawing tool against her bare chest. Soon, a line art appeared between her petite but firm breasts, aligning it with the actual size and position of her ribcage and her heart beneath. The students leaned forward, their eyes fixated on the scene unfolding before them.
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"Now, observe," the mentor said, her voice unwavering.
"The human heart was protected beneath the ribcage, nestled within the chest cavity. To truly strike a fatal blow, one must understand its position and structure."
She pointed to the various parts of the heart drawing on the captive, her finger tracing the major arteries and ventricles. The young thief’s chest rose and fell rapidly, her breath shallow and uneven. Which felt like the mentor’s finger directly touching her myocardium.
"The atria, the ventricles, the aorta," the mentor continued, her voice filled with an unsettling mix of knowledge and detached fascination. "Each component is vital to the heart's function, and each represents a potential fatal spot."
The young thief visibly trembled, her eyes darting around the room, searching for an escape that was not forthcoming.
"One wrong move, and the heart's delicate rhythm is disrupted," the mentor said, her voice dropping to a chilling whisper. "A swift and precise strike, however, can send the body into an irreversible state of shock."
At this point, the mentor paused, allowing her words to hang in the air, the weight of her lesson sinking in. The students exchanged glances, fully aware of the power they were being entrusted with.
"Now, my dear students," the mentor said, her voice rising with an unsettling intensity, "let me introduce the tools we mainly use for piercing the heart.”
The mentor's eyes gleamed with an aggressive pleasure as she revealed an array of common weapons used on the table with a quick motion. As she began explaining each weapon in meticulous detail, the captured girl's terror was palpable, her eyes widening in fear as she gazed upon the deadly tools before her. Feeling as if these sharp edges had already torn her horrified heart.
"First, we have the thin, needle-like stiletto blade," the mentor said, her voice dripping with a chilling enthusiasm. "Its slender form allows for precise entry, slipping between the ribs without causing unnecessary damage."
As she spoke, the mentor demonstrated the correct posture for piercing, gently pressing the stiletto against the girl's exposed skin, mirroring the intended action. The girl's heart beat erratically, a visible thumping against her left breast. She shivered, her body tensing involuntarily at the sensation, a cold sweat forming on her forehead.
"Next, we have the wickedly serrated dagger," the mentor continued, her voice filled with a sinister delight. "Its jagged edges can tear through flesh and bone, ensuring a quick and devastating stab."
With a swift motion, the mentor mimicked the piercing action on the girl's skin, her hand moving in a delicate manner. The young thief let out a stifled gasp, her heart pounding even harder in her chest, as if resisting the impending violence. Beads of crimson blood welled up where the blade had made contact, as a testament to the sharpness of the weapon and the fragility of human flesh.
The mentor's eyes narrowed, relishing in the power that played out before her. She continued her lesson, each weapon explained and demonstrated with excellent precision.
"Now, behold the slender yet deadly rapier," the mentor said, her voice taking on a haunting resonance. "Its long, piercing blade can navigate the narrowest of spaces, reaching the heart with deadly accuracy."
The mentor positioned the rapier against the girl's skin, her hand poised to demonstrate the thrusting motion. The captive's breathing grew shallow, her body trembling uncontrollably under the weight of her fear. As the mentor made a swift but soft thrust, the young heart skipped a beat, as if mirroring the terror coursing through her veins.
As the mentor moved through the remaining weapons, the captured girl's terror only intensified. The mentor's explanations were accompanied by demonstrations on the girl's soft skin, each movement were calculated and precise. The pain and fear etched on the captive's face mirrored the darkness hidden within the mentor's own soul.
"In the next section," the mentor lady paused a second, staring at the captive. "We are to demonstrate the precise locations where the weapons should enter the body, piercing the heart." The terrified thief stood frozen, her eyes wide with fear, as the mentor approached her with a gaze of dominance.
"Pay close attention, my dear students," the mentor commanded, her voice laced with an eerie calmness. "As we delved before, the human heart was well protected within the chest cavity. To penetrate the heart efficiently, we must aim for specific entry points. Allow me to explain."
The mentor positioned herself behind the captive, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders, as if guiding her through the macabre lesson. The captive's body trembled beneath the mentor's touch, her breath was quick and shallow.
"First," the mentor began, her voice resonating with authority, "We have the area between the 3rd and 4th rib, near the sternum. This position allows for a quick and efficient stab, aiming directly at the center of the heart's chambers."
With precise movements, the mentor's hand mimicked the action of a weapon, her fingers hovering just above the inner side of the captive's left breast, indicating the location. The captive flinched, a shiver coursing through her body, as if she could feel the cold steel of an imaginary blade piercing her flesh.
"Next," the mentor continued, her voice low and steady, "we have the space between the 4th and 5th rib, commonly known as the apex of the heart. Representing the tip of the left and right ventricles. Striking here can disrupt the heart's rhythm and lead to swift incapacitation," the mentor paused a bit, "And this is actually my favorite piercing spot."
The mentor's hand shifted slightly lower, held tightly under the left breast of the young thief. Her heart raced in response, the rumbling apex hammering against the palm of the mentor. She bit her trembling lip, her eyes darting nervously between the assassin students and the weapons displayed on the table.
"Moving on," the mentor said, her tone filled with a chilling precision, "we have the area below the xiphoid, right below the heart. Here is the blind spot of the ribcage coverage. A well-placed strike here can cause severe damage from the bottom of right ventricle."
The mentor's hand descended further, hovering just above the captive's abdomen, her fingers poised as if preparing to strike. The captive's breath hitched, her body tensing as if bracing for impact. The room seemed to grow colder as she saw the focused eyes of the assassin students.
"And finally," the mentor concluded, her voice dropping to a chilling whisper, "We have the area over the clavicle. This position allows us to bypass most of the chest armor and ribcage, to penetrate the atria and aorta directly, provided the weapon is long enough."
The mentor's hand moved to the captive's collarbone area, caressed the pulsating veins underneath. The captive's eyes widened, a mix of terror and realization reflecting in their depths. The mentor's teachings had painted a dark path ahead, one that demanded a cold and calculated approach for her fellows students.
"And NEXT..." the mentor scanned the room, her eyes flickering with amusement.
"Is the time for PRACTICE."
Hearing this, the captured girl’s heart sank to the bottom of abyss. She knew that her doom was imminent. Her heart raced uncontrollably, pounding against her chest as if desperately trying to escape its impending fate.
The mentor asked her students if any of them would like to recommend themselves for the upcoming practice session. Excitement filled the air as most of the girls eagerly raised their hands, their faces lit up with anticipation.
With a sinister smile, the mentor selected a student from the eager faces. The chosen student stepped forward, took down her hood, her eyes shined with expectations and determination. The mentor allowed the student to have her pick of weapon and piercing spot, relishing in the power dynamics that played out before her.
The student's gaze lingered over the arsenal of deadly tools, selecting a weapon with a menacing aura. She ran her fingers along the blade, savoring the anticipation that filled the room. With a wicked grin, she turned to face the captive girl, her voice dripping with delight.
"I choose the serrated dagger," the student declared, her voice tinged with a chilling excitement. "And I want to strike at the apex of her heart, just like the mentor I admire."
The captive girl's eyes widened in terror, her breath catching in her throat. The mentor's own smile widened, seeing the fear etched across the captive's face. She nodded approvingly, allowing the student to proceed with her choice.
The student approached the captive girl, her movements deliberate and calculated. The air grew heavy with tension as the serrated dagger glinted ominously in her hand. The captive girl's heart was beating in an insane rhythm, facing the incoming intent to kill with full of fear and despair.
As the student positioned herself, the mentor watched intently. Her eyes glimmering with a twisted joyous. The student's hand trembled with anticipation, staring at the throbbing point below the left breast of the shivering young thief. Her blade poised to strike. The captive girl's body tensed, her eyes locked on the weapon that would soon pierce her vulnerable flesh.
"Don’t blame me." whispered by the young assassin.
In one swift and merciless motion, the student thrust the serrated dagger right between the 4th and 5th rib, torn the captive girl's heart from the apex. The room seemed to freeze in that moment, the sound of the blade piercing flesh echoing through the air.
The captive girl let out a choked gasp, her eyes widened with agony. Her body kneeled down, convulsing with the searing pain that seeped through her being.
"Come, my dear," the mentor held up the young thief, and let the outstanding student to listen to her last heaving chest. "Remember this faltering heart sound, representing our power, and the fragile of life." Her desperate heartbeat, staggered with the spurting sound of blood, echoed in the mind of the student.
Her heart, the very core of her existence, reacted with a final surge of desperation. It beat wildly, as if fighting against the intrusion, a futile attempt to cling to life. But the cruel reality of the situation prevailed, and with each weakening beat, the girl's life force slipped away.
The mentor watched with a twisted satisfaction as the young thief's body slumped, lifeless and still. The room fell into an eerie silence. The mentor's eyes gleamed with a sense of accomplishment, reveling in the darkness that had unraveled within her students.
"Observe, my dear fellow students," wiped the stains on her student’s cheek, she declare to everyone with determination. "This is what we have, the power deciding life and death. But remember, the fleeting nature of life binds us all. We have to be skilled to avoid becoming the next fallen heart."
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The End
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berry-s0da · 7 months
AI “art”
Yesterday I argued with an idiot that thought giving directives to an AI makes you as much of an artist as someone that is actually capable of creating art. It’s extremely worrying that our youth is so incapable of understanding this topic, too self absorbed on their own rigid conception of reality and utterly detached from the real world and the importance of the people you share it with, of consequences, of tangibility. They don’t know how to define art, such a core concept for our species, they are unaware that it’s an exclusively human practice a machine cannot produce by itself or for them.
Some of Oxford Language Learner's Dictionary definitions if you want tangible sources for something that has existed for longer than any piece of technology;
Definition of an Artist: a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings.
3 definitions of Art:
1) the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture.
2) the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especially when you study it.
3) an ability or a skill that you can develop with training and practice.
(defining a piece through words could turn into literature, writing is an outlet for creativity and imagination too, the problem is that they want to claim a graphic piece they had no part on as their creation…which makes no sense for obvious reasons. This might blow your mind but you actually have to be involved in the making of a piece in order for it to be an artist. Writing a brief description of what you want the AI to make for you is not a form of creation, it’s a directive for a machine to do what you can’t)
If you don’t have mental resources, talent, skills, capacity of handling different tools, mediums and techniques then you are not an artist (and that’s okay), but you could be if you tried. Writing a prompt is not making art, everyone with enough mental capacity can come up with a concept for a piece, people that commission artists do that and that doesn’t automatically make them artists.
An AI won’t do shit the way you request it even if you say it does. An AI makes an interpretation of the request but asides from mild guidance, you have absolutely nothing to do with the process or the final “piece” (Frankenstein monster of already existing pieces, taken with or without consent).
An AI without regulation isn’t a new medium or something comparable to the fucking Industrial Revolutionjust, specially considering it isn’t a new, easier way to do the same task (like with an art software). It’s but a shameless way of reusing or straight up stealing pieces produced by the same artists you deem to be now useless and outdated. What you call the future is nothing but plagiarism, the usage of things that already existed in a much higher quality, a wonky replica that is only valued because it’s free for your cheap ass.
“Good artists have nothing to worry about, only shitty artists will disappear” im sorry you have to find out this way but every good artist had to be shit first. We reached a point where we are unaware of periods of time any artist needs in order to grow and develop. This logic is baffling because if only good artists are worth of being respected and having stable jobs then we’ll eventually run out of artists, which is not only silly but impossible. This is but an excuse to avoid the obvious issue that represents stepping over people and making it seem as a fair, natural process.
Finally, If you wanna draw, learn to draw first, nobody stops you but yourself. If you wanna paint learn to paint, if you wanna sculpt, learn to sculpt, if you wanna be an artist then get your ass to work. Not everything is laid out for you in life, you actually have to put work into something, as shocking as it sounds. There are people that draw masterpieces holding pencils on their mouths, you have no excuse other than self pity for being useless, being jealous of those that can actually make things and, ultimately, the unreserved, unapologetic disinterest in those affected by this monster y’all wanna have fun with.
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tangibletechnomancy · 10 months
What truly blows my mind is how many business types trying to abuse AI fundamentally don't understand how it works, or at least are banking on other people not understanding it and not even getting slightly curious.
Namely, that it can ABSOLUTELY let one random creative make a larger professional-scale production than they could by conventional means, without a production company - but it very much CAN'T let a production company create new Products with no human creative input.
The entire point is that it expands on human-input ideas. Contrary to what Black Mirror would have us think, it can't algorithmically predict what shows will sell and produce those shows - if anyone tried, the result would be the most boring, samey bullshit you could imagine, and absolutely riddled with nonsense and inconsistencies without heavy editing. Indeed, things that are AI-generated with minimal human input tend to be...bad. I see so many people point this out to hate on the entire concept of AI, to which my response is, so you agree? Making things actually GOOD with AI requires a type of skill?
But use it as a tool to bring something from your own human brain to life, and suddenly you're not limited by things like the need to spend years and years practicing 10 new skills that you appreciate but have no interest in learning yourself except for this one project, have working hands, spend tons of money that most people don't have, or figure out how to turn every hour of your time into the equivalent of 10 man-hours if you want to finish your project to your standards within 10 years.
I look forward to the day that Midjourney Default Style and the like is seen as a cheap-out in large studio productions but endearing indie-jank in single-creator ones.
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Lost and Found (Super)Stars
PT. 3 (index/parts) (Tag: desktop/mobile)
FNAF Security Breach Ruin, post-"betrayal" elevator ending hurt/comfort, Found Family, something I like to call "Hopeful Horror"
Summary: Having had her kindness stomped on then spat back at her, betrayed by who she thought was her friend, and now stuck at the ruined remains of Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex, Cassie tries to find the slightest bit of meaning and worth in all of this.
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Everything was foggy at the seams, colors blurring together, but Cassie could make out a birthday cake before her (carrot cake, her favorite,) with a familiar wolf and bear as they both sung her a birthday song, a boy clapping along to the tune. She can feel her own face beaming with a wide smile before she blows the candles on the cake, somehow blowing everything and everyone around her as if everything was smoke of several colors, the singing fading away.
Cassie opens her eyes and blinks, looking up to see Roxy looking down at her with what she could imagine was a worried expression if she still had her facial features. She could feel the wolf's hand on her back, likely to stop her from being flat on the floor. "Huh... what happened?" She asks, bringing a hand to rub her eyes with her thumb and index.
Roxy's ears gave a light twitch, glad to hear the girl's voice. "It looks like you suffered a dizzy spell. From hitting your head in that elevator, I assume." It wouldn't be a stretch, given Cassie clearly had blood trickling down her head every now and then.
"Dizzy spell?" Cassie parroted, trying to sit herself more upright. "How long?"
"Not long. Around two minutes." Roxy, being a robot, could be sharply precise at counting time, but rounding it up seemed far more useful. "How are you feeling now?"
Cassie, took her hand away from her face, blinking her eyes a few times as she contemplates Roxy's concern. "... better. I think the dizziness passed." She looks down, seeing the V.A.N.N.I mask resting on her lap. Wordlessly, she puts it back on, immediately getting greeted by not only Helpi, but M.X.E.S as well, as the two digital beings look down at her along with Roxy.
"Oh, hey! You're finally awake!" Helpi exclaims, his blue eyes twinkling in relief and joy. "You had us worried there!" He glances back at the cybernetic rabbit. "Isn't that right?"
M.X.E.S rolls its eyes, crossing its arms as it glanced away. It didn't refute Helpi, however.
Helpi just chuckles slightly, winking at Cassie. "Don't mind them! They just need to get used to sharing the V.A.N.N.I system with me!"
Cassie blinks at the little bear. Sharing the V.A.N.N.I system? Helpi seemed to sense her inquisition. "When you configured the mask into a security node for them, it allowed them integration into the V.A.N.N.I system, just like me!" He paused to give Cassie a bemused smile. "It sure is something I've never considered possible, or considered at all! No one thought of this before. But perhaps it is good that you did." Helpi goes a little more serious, despite his adorable looks. "... their integration into the system appears to have expelled something else from the system." From serious, the tiny bear also expresses remorse, his smile fading a little. "... if I ever said or did anything that misled you and contributed to your plight, I am terribly sorry. That... might not have been truly me."
For an AI programmed to be just a work tool full of that soulless corporate talk, Helpi really does look like he feels guilty for unwittingly setting Cassie up, even though it's likely that he either didn't notice something was wrong or had no say in it. With M.X.E.S integrated into the V.A.N.N.I system, it seems the rabbit turned into an extra protection for the system including Helpi's AI. "I don't remember those moments really, though; it seems that in the process of securing my AI from further interception, my memories from those moments got corrupt. They might be repairable, but I don't see it happening anytime soon."
Well, bummer, if he could remember, he could pinpoint exactly when that thing intervened to lie to Cassie, but perhaps it's the price to pay for a more secure system thanks to M.X.E.S. The rabbit was single-handedly keeping both their minds safer.
Helpi shakes his head at himself, trying to switch back to his more peppy self. "But enough feeling bad! We have work to do, and you've proved to be cut for the job with your thinking outside the box! You'd make an excellent Faz-technician, if you were old enough Fazbear Entertainment would hire you on the spot!" Okay, that's a bit of the corporate talk junk, but beggars can't be choosers.
But either way Helpi was right: they have work to do.
"Think you can stand up?" Roxy asks cautiously as she felt Cassie stirring, keeping her hand on the child's back just in case. The girl lets out a positive hum in response.
"Yeah, I don't feel dizzy anymore."
But Cassie was careful anyways as she stood up to her feet. She looks from Roxy in her holographically reconstructed self, to Helpi, then to M.X.E.S, before briefly glancing to the bunny's server now up and running okay... then to that Glamrock Freddy backpack close to a collapsed vent. She picks it up in her hands, staring down at it. "It is Gregory's."
The name prompts a very low growl from Roxy somewhere behind Cassie but she doesn't say anything. She stares rather intently at the little nametag close to the bottom of the backpack, before her gaze shifted to what looked like muddy smudges from the vent. "I'm pretty sure this is his, too." She pulls out the Freddy-talk from her pocket, which she had collected from the other room before Roxy saved them both from being flattened by a boulder. The same Freddy-talk that thing used to lure her in.
Her grip on the cute little device tightened, her hand shaking slightly with a feeling of bitterness.
It's Gregory's fault that all this happened in the first place.
He was so careless in not only leaving his Freddy-talk behind but also his entire backpack. This carelessness was what gave that old thing an opening to reach her.
Why does Gregory get to commit such mistake and get away with it, but she has to be punished not only for hers but his as well? Why does she have to pay for what was his slip-up so that he can wash his hands at her expense!?
It's not fair.
The longer Cassie stared at the nametag, the more it was as if she was looking at the most insulting word in the entire vocabulary. "He was never my friend." She mutters out bitterly.
She would've thrown the Freddy-talk to the floor in frustration, but couldn't bring herself to do it due to Glamrock Freddy's image. Instead she tucks it back into her pocket to free her hand, then she tugs the tip of Gregory's nametag with her nail until she can pull it, ripping the adhesive off the backpack like a nasty bandaid. She crumples the little tape into a fist and tosses it away, before glancing back at the other three. "Finders keepers."
That seems to amuse Roxy, who barely suppresses a snort. "Hah! It's just too bad it's not a backpack with my face." She says mostly jokingly. But otherwise pays it no mind; Truth be told, she does miss the bookish bear, along with all the good times of the PizzaPlex. "Either way, that will sure come in handy. You're risking losing things from those tiny pockets of yours." Seriously, why are pockets in female clothes borderline unusable?
Cassie opens the backpack, and proceeds to tuck in both the Freddy and Roxy-talkies, then her Faz-Wrench and flashlight, as well as anything else she may have found along the way, then things she had shoved at the bottom of her pockets, which turned out to be a little bunch of cereal bars; Hey, she had prepared a little for what she thought would be a straightforward rescue mission!
Roxy's ears perk up at the sight of the treats; Those kinds of snacks might be the only things in the PizzaPlex that are still safe for human consumption... if they find any more of it. That's something the wolf keeps in the backburner; Cassie certainly will need to eat at some point, being human and all.
"So," Cassie turns to fully face Roxy, as well as Helpi and M.X.E.S, tucking her arms through the backpack's straps to carry it on her back. "- are we ready for that race, after all?"
Roxy's torn up chest emulates a puff forward in pride towards her twice number 1's initiative. "I thought you'd never ask." She gathers Cassie up into her arms then onto her back. "Hang in there, it's a bit of a bump road ahead!" She heeds, leaving the basement room through the hole back into the earth tunnels up which led back to the remains of the old pizzeria. Cassie had to slide the mask up off her face since that area was out of the V.A.N.N.I network zone, but she knew Helpi and M.X.E.S weren't far off.
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To Be Continued...
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totally agree with you on AI. it makes me so sad how pervasive it is… i work in a library and literal librarians are fine with using it for work and it just blows my mind. why not just hire a real person who can actually do it! sighs
I don't work in the library field but yeah, I've heard a similar situation from a former library studies professor.
Apparently they're incorporating AI into more and more toolsets for the universities library and archival projects.
It wouldn't be so bad as *just* a tool for an archivist, but the kicker is when I was there they didn't even have a dedicated archivist for the department!
Their proper archivist had retired years ago and they pulled in someone from another department to semi keep after their archival stuff in the interim.
Now even that person is like a year from retirement and no word on if they'll even get a replacement. "AI will fill the gaps" seems to be the basic message from university admin.
I guess all our researchers and grad students will just have to make do with an AI instead of a real archivist who could provide vastly more nuanced and meaningful assistance than a shitty AI toolset.
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fuckinghomepage · 11 months
NOVEMBER 6, 2023
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macmanx · 3 months
Watching this summary of the AI segment from the WWDC keynote, it struck me how Apple positioned the generative text features as highly useful for any setting, even a professional business setting, but specifically labeled the generative art features as a “playground” for use when messaging friends or spicing up your own personal notes.
It feels like they’re aware of the controversy of generative art and are just talking around it.
As for myself, the new Siri is mind blowing, and I'll be using it a lot. I can also see myself using some of the generative text features, like message prioritization, summaries in notifications, and the proofreading tools. For the generative art features, I don't see any proposed use beyond "fun," so I can't imagine I'll bother with it too much.
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nidhi-writes · 6 months
Well I've just began to explore this ship but I just wanted to let you know that VaraDeva edit is simply mind blowing. They're kissing... KISSING OK!! kissing so tenderly and so beautifully. My heart... FINALLY!! I'm soooooo happy. THANK YOU for this gift to this Fandom. You're simply awesome and I hope we get to see more!
also what did you use to make it? Looks Hella Real!!
Thank you for your kind words!! I am glad you liked my edit.
Actually, I just watched the movie, and I loved Deva and Varadha's chemistry more than the intended pairing. So, just let my mind go crazy. I have never done a same-sex pair before, so it is also new to me.
But love is love, and chemistry is chemistry...
I used AI tools.
I am also planning to add my own Pinterest with all my edits. I don't know if it will be welcomed, but I would share it here if it is.
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 26: Magical Exhaustion or Injury
Summary: After going without rest for several days, Obi-wan is more than a little tired. So much so that the continuous use of the Force to keep the parasites in check, begins to take a toll on him.
Warning: N/A
Tacet belongs to @lost-on-kamino
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[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
It takes a long while to go through each and every one of the infected clones to incapacitate their respective parasites. Each instance of him calling upon the Force to get them back under their own control, draining Obi-wan in more ways than one. Not that he says anything on the matter...
The truth is, mind tricks take a lot of concentration. And the fact he feels so uncomfortable influencing the minds of the men makes it all the more difficult to maintain said concentration, while he draws on both his wit and the Force itself to impose his will on another.
He hates the idea of taking that much more of their autonomy from them, when that's all that they have ever experienced. Treated like products by the Kaminoans, or tools by those who'd rather think them as less than the clever people they actually are. Refusing to assume the guilt of having a group without recognition as sentient (a people without rights), at their beck and call no matter how much the Jedi try to advocate for them...
Something which the parasites had also done, making it all the more awful to add an extra layer manipulation over that of the parasite's.
That said if the continuous use of mind tricks is bothering Cody, the commander certainly doesn't comment on it. Neither does Canivete, who busies herself with looking over the men whose transformations had been interrupted. Who remained incomplete and shaky on their feet, as they become aware of themselves once more.
Aware of what they had all nearly become, while still coming out of those cocoons feeling alien in their own bodies.
"You should rest, sir..." Wooley offers, the kindly trooper looking all kinds of haggard after everything they were all put through. He still had a bit of webbing stuck to his hair, but didn't make much effort to get rid of it. Probably not finding it worth wasting his time on tidying his appearance.
"I'll be fine..." Obi-wan tries to shrug off the trooper's worries, focusing instead on the scene before him. Anything but the ache in his muscles and back, or the slight headache that had been gradually setting in.
He watched quietly as Pretty Boy helped his older brother, Lichtenberg, sit down on one of the few crates dotted around. The mutated trooper looking sorry for both himself and for the nasty looking bump he'd caused his brother, during their brief altercation.
Reaching with careful clawed fingers, Lich carefully brushed his knuckles against the bandage on his younger brother's forehead. A gesture which the lancer rejected by pushing his brother's hand away and proudly up puffing his chest. Refusing any sort of apology and proclaiming with pride that what had transpired was simply a slightly stronger than usual kedalbe, and that surely someone like him could easily take such a blow with the thick skin he had.
Or rather, thick skull, as Lich put it with an amused but clearly relieved snort. It was a very touching moment, in this otherwise terrible set of circumstances. That Pretty Boy could so easily forgive his batchmate despite the other acting irrationally.
"With all due respect, that's a load of bantha crap sir..." Wooley huffed in disapproval, insisting on the matter with clear determination. He'd grown into himself since joining the 212th, no longer the awkward rookie he'd once been. That much was clear. "You've said it yourself before. Using the Force in excess is very draining, and you've been on your feet going through all the infected without stopping..."
"...Perhaps I could do with some rest." The bearded Jedi finally relented, taking a seat on the floor so as to hide the way his legs were beginning to shake.
He was actually pretty tired but, with how things currently stood, he couldn't spare all that long to recover his strength. There was no telling how long the parasites would remain dormant, and he really didn't want to risk one or more troopers suddenly attacking them without warning.
"Take your time." Cody ran a hand over his face, his antennae twitching as he tried to figure out what to do. "We need a plan of action..."
"We need more than that..." Canivete grumbled.
They were both right, of course. They needed a plan and the necessary resources to pull it off. Which would mean getting communications back online (again) and perhaps trying to contact the Venators that were currently in orbit. Although, what else they could do in this situation, he really did not know.
Because, with how tired he currently was, Obi-wan would not be able to pull off anything too substantially extraordinary. Like keeping the men under his direct control while also fighting the much stronger Tup...
For all he knew, the moment they were in range of each other, the mind tricks might simply wear off faster. And even if they didn't, there was simply no way the men wouldn't react to the pheromones of what was essentially their 'Queen'.
"I can get comms back online." Tacet offered. "But I don't think it's a good idea for the Venators to land..."
"No, it most definitely would not be a good idea." Obi-wan agreed with that assessment. "With Tup still on the loose, there could be a risk of further infection."
"Or worse, they could get caught by another Vixus carrier..." Canivete pointed out. "Waxer and I found one pretty easily. Who's to say there aren't more in the area?"
The start of a second outbreak would not be ideal, no. Not to mention they had no idea how Tup might react to a competing Hive suddenly cropping up.
A territory dispute could only end in disaster for all parties involved.
"Maybe we could request aerial support from both Commander Tano and a pilot squadron each of the 501st and 212th?" Cody suggested, one claw tapping on his chin while he crossed his lower set of arms. It was fascinating to watch how quickly he'd adapted to his changes.
"That might attract the attention of the Umbarans..." Canivete shook her head, gnawing uneasily on her lower lip as she considered their options. "We need to be more subtle about this..."
Obi-wan limited himself to listening, his own mind going a mile a minute as he tried to figure out what might be the best course of actions. As he did so, however, he felt his eyelids beginning to droop. Perhaps he had underestimated just how tired he had become...
Surely... If he closed his eyes for just a second...
"Maybe we could get a drop-ship? Have a few of the healthy troopers board and brief the others?" Tacet proposed. "Then they could come back with extra supplies..."
"Again, too flashy..." Cody shook his head no. "We can contact the ships and brief the men, but anything more than that will tip off the enemy that we might be in trouble... And then we'll definitely have emboldened Umbarans thrown into the mix..."
"Sir, are you feeling ok?" Wooley asked, noticing the state Obi-wan was in. The Jedi blinking his eyes back open and regarding him with a slightly confused look.
He also noticed how spotty his vision seemed to him. That couldn't be good.
Canivete was suddenly in front of him, a frown on her face as she pulled one of his eyelids back and flashed a small light into his eye. The sting barely registered. Which he supposes displeases her further.
"Splendid..." She grumbled sarcastically. "Commander, do be a dear and bring our idiot Jetii some water and a ration bar..."
"If you say you're fine sir, I will knock you on your shebs." She paused, squinting at him. "I'll drag you back onto your feet, and then knock you on your shebs that is... I am well aware you haven't rested much in the past few days, and that you were already in no condition to go around doing space wizard things with your space wizard powers."
"The Jedi are not wizards..." He rolled his eyes at the incorrect moniker that many people, the troops included, often denominated them by. The Jedi were monks. Not wizards.
There was a very big difference!
"They are, from a certain point of view." She teased, before her tone turned serious all over again. "But seriously, you're only mortal sir... Force or no Force, you need to eat and sleep just like the rest of us. You're running on fumes like we all are..."
"It's just a little Force Exhaustion..."
"And my name is Shirley." Canivete huffed. "Ration bar, hydration and rest. We'll figure this out, so long as we're all in good enough condition to use our brains."
"...Very well."
He wouldn't argue with a medic. The medics could be scary when they were upset. And Canivete was the owner of a very short fuse whenever she was in mother hen mode, which extended to her superior officers. Or at least the ones she liked.
He supposes it should be a comfort that she liked him enough to care as strongly as she did. Even though he'd gone against his word and used the Force on her brothers.
Rather than devil you know, he supposes...
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dnschmidt · 2 months
Kill writer's block for good with Inspiration Overdose
Kill writer's block for good! Inspiration Overdose has creativity tools and writing prompts with over five septillion combinations. That's enough story ideas to keep you writing until the heat death of the universe! Possibly even longer.
Blow your mind with infinite ideas for science fiction, horror, fantasy, and other stories.
Create new worlds filled with space travel, aliens, encounters with ghosts, vampires, and zombies, post-apocalyptic scenarios, political dystopias, monstrous creatures, psychic powers, superhuman feats, time travel, alternate realities, and androids, robots, and AI.
Available in paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and weird dream.
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arousedai · 16 days
Top Free AI Tools for Nude Image Generation
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AI technology has revolutionized image generation, creating over 15 billion images with tools like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney. The focus here is on free nude AI tools, which offer unique capabilities in this niche. Understanding the ethical and legal aspects of AI-generated content is crucial. Aroused.ai stands out by providing a platform for creating personalized virtual companions, emphasizing privacy and user control. Dive into this fascinating world and explore the possibilities while staying informed about the responsibilities involved.
Overview of AI in Image Generation
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Evolution of AI in Image Creation
Historical Background
AI in image creation has a fascinating history. The journey began with simple algorithms that could barely draw shapes. Over time, technology evolved. In 2018, an AI portrait called Edmond Belamy sold for a whopping $432,000. This event marked a turning point. People started noticing AI's potential in art. By November 2019, AI art generators had emerged. These tools began creating millions of images. The capabilities of AI continued to grow.
Recent Advancements
Recent advancements in AI image generation are mind-blowing. Tools like DALL-E, launched by OpenAI in January 2021, have revolutionized the field. Users can now generate unique images using natural language prompts. Statistics reveal that over 15 billion AI images have been created. The daily output exceeds 34 million images. AI art generators have become more sophisticated. These tools can now produce high-quality and diverse artworks. The impact on both art and technology is profound.
Applications of AI in Image Generation
Artistic Uses
AI has opened new doors in the art world. Artists use AI to explore creative boundaries. AI-generated art pieces often surprise and inspire. The technology allows for experimentation without limits. AI tools help artists visualize concepts quickly. The process becomes more efficient and innovative. Many artists embrace AI as a collaborative partner. The fusion of human creativity and AI power leads to stunning results.
Commercial Uses
Businesses also benefit from AI in image generation. Marketers, for instance, leverage AI tools for eye-catching visuals. Reports show that 25% of U.S. marketers use OpenAI’s DALL-E. These tools help create engaging content effortlessly. Companies save time and resources with AI-generated images. The technology supports branding and advertising efforts. AI tools offer customization options for specific needs. Businesses find value in the versatility of AI-generated visuals.
Aroused.ai exemplifies the commercial potential of AI. The platform creates personalized virtual companions. Users design AI girlfriends with desired traits. Aroused.ai combines advanced technologies for immersive experiences. Privacy and user control remain a priority. The platform showcases how AI can enhance personal and commercial interactions.
Top Free AI Tools for Nude Image Generation
NightCafe Studio
NightCafe Studio offers a captivating experience for anyone interested in AI-generated art. You can explore a variety of features that cater to artists, designers, and enthusiasts. The platform provides AI Art Generation, Community Engagement, and Daily AI Art Challenges. Users enjoy Diverse Algorithms and Cross-Platform Access. NightCafe Studio also includes AI Chat Rooms and Free Base Generations. This makes it an ideal choice for personal art projects, design prototyping, educational purposes, and commercial artworks.
AI Art Generation
Community Engagement
Daily AI Art Challenges
Diverse Algorithms
Cross-Platform Access
AI Chat Rooms
Free Base Generations
Pros and Cons
Pros include a wide range of features and easy access across platforms. The community aspect enhances user engagement. Cons might involve the learning curve for new users and potential limitations in free versions.
NightCafe Studio offers free access with options for premium features. Users can explore basic functionalities without cost.
Reasons to Try
NightCafe Studio provides a rich environment for exploring AI art. The platform supports creativity and innovation. Users can engage with a vibrant community and participate in daily challenges.
SextingCompanion stands out as a free NSFW image generator. You can use this tool to create adult images with ease. The platform offers both free and paid versions. Users enjoy enhanced capabilities in the paid version. SextingCompanion allows for creative exploration in a safe environment.
NSFW Image Generator
Free and Paid Versions
Enhanced Capabilities in Paid Version
Pros and Cons
Pros include the availability of a free version and enhanced features in the paid option. Cons may involve limited features in the free version and potential ethical concerns.
SextingCompanion provides a free version with a paid option for more advanced features.
Reasons to Try
SextingCompanion offers a straightforward approach to creating NSFW images. Users can explore creative possibilities with minimal investment.
DeepNude.ai specializes in transforming images into realistic nude versions. The platform uses advanced diffusion technology. You can experience the power of AI in image manipulation. DeepNude.ai showcases the capabilities of AI in generating nude depictions.
Nudifier Tool
Advanced Diffusion Technology
Realistic Nude Depictions
Pros and Cons
Pros include realistic image transformations and advanced technology. Cons might involve ethical considerations and legal implications.
DeepNude.ai offers a free version with options for premium features.
Reasons to Try
DeepNude.ai provides a unique tool for exploring AI's potential in image generation. Users can witness the transformation of images with cutting-edge technology.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Legality of AI-Generated Nudes
Current Laws and Regulations
AI-generated nudes have sparked legal debates. Laws vary across regions. Some countries have strict regulations. Others lack clear guidelines. Understanding local laws is crucial. Users must stay informed. Ignorance can lead to legal troubles. Researching laws helps avoid issues.
Potential Legal Issues
AI-generated nudes can cause legal problems. Unauthorized use of images poses risks. Copyright violations may occur. Sharing without consent is illegal. Users should exercise caution. Legal advice can prevent complications. Aroused.ai emphasizes user responsibility. Staying within legal boundaries is essential.
Ethical Implications
Privacy Concerns
Privacy matters in AI-generated content. Users value confidentiality. Data breaches can harm reputations. Protecting personal information is vital. Aroused.ai prioritizes privacy. Encryption safeguards user data. Trust in platforms depends on security. Users should choose secure tools.
Consent and Ownership
Consent plays a key role in ethics. Using images without permission is unethical. Ownership rights must be respected. Creators deserve credit for their work. Aroused.ai promotes ethical practices. Users should seek consent before sharing. Respecting others' rights builds trust.
FAQs on AI-Generated Nudes
Common Questions
How are AI-generated nudes created?
AI-generated nudes come to life through advanced algorithms. These tools analyze and manipulate images using neural networks. The process involves feeding the AI with vast datasets of images. The AI learns patterns and structures from these images. Users provide input, often in the form of text prompts or initial images. The AI then generates a new image based on this input. This method allows for the creation of realistic and detailed images.
Are AI-generated nudes safe to use?
Safety concerns often arise with AI-generated nudes. Users should always consider privacy and consent. Platforms like Aroused.ai prioritize user security. Encryption technology protects personal data. Users should choose reputable platforms that value privacy. Understanding the legal implications is also crucial. Some regions have strict laws regarding AI-generated content. Staying informed helps avoid potential legal issues.
Addressing Misconceptions
AI vs. Human Creativity
Many people wonder if AI can match human creativity. AI-generated art has gained popularity. A survey showed that 56% of Americans enjoyed AI art. Some even found it better than human-created works. AI offers unique possibilities for artists. The technology allows for experimentation without limits. However, human creativity remains irreplaceable. The fusion of AI and human creativity leads to stunning results.
Misuse of AI Technology
Concerns about the misuse of AI technology exist. AI-generated nudes can be used unethically. Unauthorized use of images poses risks. Sharing without consent is a serious issue. Users must exercise caution and responsibility. Platforms like Aroused.ai emphasize ethical practices. Seeking consent and respecting ownership rights is essential. Responsible use builds trust and ensures a positive experience.
You've explored some amazing AI tools for generating nude images. Each tool offers unique features that cater to different needs. NightCafe Studio, SextingCompanion, and DeepNude.ai provide exciting possibilities. Remember, ethical use of these tools is crucial. Privacy, consent, and ownership matter. Aroused.ai emphasizes responsible exploration. Always stay informed about legal guidelines. Use AI technology wisely and creatively. Dive into this fascinating world with awareness and respect.
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