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Last Five Songs I Heard
i was tagged by @derpylittlenico but kinda forgot.. better late than never!^^
Sabaton - Night Witches
Rammstein - Zerstören
Avicii - The Night
Dritte Wahl - SAS Beluga
The Dead South - Banjo Odysee
...i should really make less random playlists.
feel free to ignore this but:
@chershare @killergirlfuria @minchen0897
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Re: the row of gifs with red lightsabres.
I am aware this take can be ignored because animation and movies have come quite far and also are two different techniques but i want to share it anyway: the red sabres of Kylo Ren and Vision!Ray are flickering at the edges, kinda like flames, which makes them look unstable, and i like to draw parallels to their mental and emotional states from that.
(Because i think it could be cool if the lightsabres reacted to the emotional states of their wielders, beyond bleeding red when said wielder betrays the morals they had when making the sabre and commits atrocities.)
xD My reaction to anything in SW is “but what if it means something??” so we’re on the same wavelength there for sure. The idea of lightsabers reflecting their wielders so immediately is a really good one.
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Hey whirly Today i woke up and had a horrible thought that made me sad. So now i'm sharing. Marco is Moby Dick's Doctor right? And Thatch was attacked on the Moby Dick and died? Depending on how heartbreaking things can be, Thatch died under Marco's hands. (Do you hear that? It was my heart shattering)
okay so i started this awhile ago abut this writers block hit BUT WE ARE HERE NOW AND IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! BUT HERE YOU GO!!!
eight bells ringing
read on ao3!!
warnings: canonical character death
Marco is woken to bells ringing loud and relentless throughout the night. It is not the usual bell for time keeping, soft and melodious and as constant as the sea. No.
This one is violent.
An alarm.
Fuck – it’s the alarm bell.
In an instant, Marco is out of his hammock, blue-gold fire streaming after him as he erupts out of the cabin.
What could be happening? There’s no enemy pinging in his senses, no ships nearby or unfamiliar person on the ship. What could have –
He couldn’t have died, right?
The phoenix burns at his skin and he shifts, blurring into flame and fury as he soars down the hall in smaller, faster form. He has to get too Pops, he has too, he –
The crowd isn’t by Pops room. The yelling isn’t coming from there. The tears aren’t coming from there.
No – it’s – No-
Its Thatch.
Marco changes direction, wings scorching lines into the Moby Dick’s Adam wood, and races back down the hallway.
Thatch – what could have happened?
In seconds, minutes, moments, all time flashes by the same when he’s made of burning flame – he’s by Thatch’s room and breaking through the crowd.
His first thought is there’s blood.
So, so much blood, red and viscous and splattering along the floors. Marco is used to seeing blood.
Just not in his home.
His second thought, as he follows the blood upwards, is that he knows the body which is coming from.
Thatch is always so careful not to get blood on his white chef’s outfit. Its his mark in battle – red everywhere but the white. Marco had always teased him for it.
Now… Now its covered in red. There is no white in sight.
Only Thatch’s chest, barely moving, up, down, up, down, dark and red.
But he’s breathing.
“Thatch!” Marco cries, and he’s on his knees by Thatch, whoever it was with him in the first place moving aside.
It was Ace.
And Ace was crying.)
Marco is a doctor – the ship’s doctor, the one in charge of Whitebeard, the one who disappeared for a year and came back with the knowledge to keep his beloved family alive – and this is his job.
To save his family.
To save Thatch.
But as he moves aside the bunched shirt to get a look at the stab wound, he knows it’s far too late.
(Its not a term any pirate should ever think. But now, Marco isn’t a pirate. He’s a brother.
And fate holds to much pressure on his shoulders for him to think otherwise.)
“Thatch –“ Ace’s voice is breaking beside them, his arms reaching down and hovering uselessly around Thatch’s body as Marco works to do something, anything to help Thatch last a little long, so too late becomes not late enough. Ace’s arms are covered in blood, Marco belatedly notes. He must have been the first to find Thatch dyi- bleeding. Hurt.
(Maybe, if Marco keeps denying it, the truth will change.)
“Thatch-“ Ace tries again, and it hurts, it really does. “Thatch who did this to you?” The anger in Ace’s voice hurts even more.
Thatch turns his head, only a little bit, glassy eyes flickering to all their siblings past them. “Teach.” He says, blood flicking out of his mouth as he does so. “Bastard. Wanted the fruit.” He coughs then, but his eyes don’t stop watching all of them, drinking his family in one last time.
(Marco knows Whitebeard won’t get here in time to say farewell to his beloved son.)
Ace’s eyes cloud with anger, but a bloody hand slaps at him, grabbing his attention. “A…Ace.” Thatch says, and Marco watches, and wonders which word will be Thatch’s last. “Don’t.”
He doesn’t say what Ace shouldn’t do. His breath is becoming rapid, stuttering, faltering. There are tears in Marco’s eyes.
“I’m… happy…” Thatch stutters out, thoughts of traitors in their family not mattering to him. He’s happy.
Marco isn’t. He isn’t.
“Love… you… all.” Thatch says, and he smiles, with blood coating each tooth. His hair is a mess. Marco should tease him. He should.
But there’s blood between his fingers as blue flames burst forth, trying to heal, heal, heal, but phoenix fire doesn’t burn family and it doesn’t cauterize – and Marco needs to awaken this right now, like he hasn’t cared before but –
Thatch breathes in, breathes out, and doesn’t breath again.
There’s a smile on his face as his skin grows cold.
And Marco has never heard something more terrible than the screams that come from his own mouth.
(That night, Marco stands watch as eight bells ring throughout the night. Eight bells for the end. Eight bells for a sailor gone home.
Eight bells ringing out, as Thatch drops to the sea in a cannon laden hammock, a brother lost forever.
Marco hates the sound of bells, and hates his hands that cannot save anything but a few mere moments to say goodbye.)
There are no bells at Marineford. No, those come after.
Now, there is blood and the sound of canon fire. Now, there is death of a thousand beloved brothers that Marco can’t save with healing hands, and now, there is fire and light clashing in the sky.
Now, Marco watches seastone be slapped upon his wrists, and his brother take a fist through the chest right in front of him.
After Thatch, Marco worked again, worked to learn, to heal.
The phoenix means life. Rebirth.
And Marco can do that now – he is the awakened phoenix. He can heal so much more than himself, than what he could with a mere doctor’s hands.
But he can’t do that with this sea-stone –
Another brother he couldn’t save. Another brother who died smiling. Another brother who said I love you, and I was happy, as he died because of wound to the back by a traitor to everything the world held dear.
Marco rings the eight bells twice after Marineford, once his father and once brother, and knows they mean an era ended, not an era began.
A farewell, to his family.
Marco hates bells.
(But then Monkey D. Luffy rings in a new era, and maybe he doesn’t hate the ringing so much anymore. Not when it means a new era in the hands of a king.)
eight bells: a naval euphemism for finished, often used at sea burials. It is symbolic of the end of the watch, midnight, and the end of the year.
#marco the phoenix#portgas d. ace#thatch#ace#marco#op#one piece#opfic#whirlywhat#whirlyanswers#whirlywrites#whitebeard pirates#minchen0897
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Ooooh! Could you please tell what Krayt is about? If you don't mind of course :D I hope you have a wonderful day!
So, ah, guess what, there are actually two WIP files that are titled Krayt (no one will ever accuse me of having an organization system that makes sense, which is how I can make messes like that). The first one is a Current of Fate outtake (I’m considering creating a story within that series where each chapter just covers random things that get missed in both PiaR and SiaD) that actually tells the story of the first time Obi-Wan met the Greater Krayt dragon post O66 and how they became friends.
The second story with that title is about someone (yes, Obi-Wan) being ritually sacrificed.
(Like I sad, very different stories with that same title).
Here is a snippet from the first of those WIP:
The desert, Obi-Wan had learned quickly, had no care for the careless. It did not matter who or what one was—or had once been—the endless sands and burning suns were the same.
One either learned and survived or failed and died.
Obi-Wan had learned. And thus far at least, he’d survived.
He was still undecided on whether that was a good thing.
The first year on Tatooine had been… difficult. If not because there had been such radical need to learn and adjust, then because Obi-Wan had not been in the mental state necessary to want to.
Survival had been easy enough when it had involved protecting himself from blasters and lightsabers. That had been, in many ways, a well-cultivated instinct Obi-Wan couldn’t turn off even if he wanted to.
But in the wake of so much loss and grief, Obi-Wan’s instinct for survival had… waned. Though in the end, it had not waned quite enough.
And here Obi-Wan was, a mad wizard haunting the wastes.
Just as his past haunted him.
He found what distractions he could. He’d set up what security he could around the Lars’s homestead, he had found and befriended a bantha herd, he had started on a… memoir of sorts, a recollection of his own past, of what the Jedi had once been—and what in his secret hearts of hearts, he hoped that one day they might be able to become again—but it wasn’t enough. It was never enough.
Nothing ever kept him quite distracted enough.
Which is when he found himself wandering through the desert like an idiot offworlder. And yes, he was too often an idiot, and yes he was an offworlder. But he wasn’t that idiot offworlder.
Except when he was.
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@worldtravellingfly @emptysurface @derpylittlenico @ceiaofsilence @minchen0897
fuck it. worm on a string picrew chain. let's fucking go
happy worm creation my friends
tagging @areyoudoingthis @cursed-coat-of-homosexuality @peanutbutterex @tfemteach @piratecaptainscaptainpirates (no pressure 💛)
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(Hopefully this time i didn't misunderstand) So about those languages in One Piece Please share all your hcs because i, too, love the topic! And would love to read aboit it and discuss and share ideas and- (I mean. Only if you want to share them, of course. Sorry for barging in and bothering you tho ^^°)
Alright I checked my notes on this and remembered that I made language hc’s for the The Whole Gang. So this is essentially just me going on a tangent. Also, I didn’t go and make up some languages, this is taking the thought “what if stuff like French existed in the One Piece universe” and running with it.
Robin knows how to say “I apologize on behalf of my crew” in sixteen languages.
Luffys crew ends up picking up Portuguese, since he’s constantly forgetting words in English. None of them are completely fluent, but whenever Ace or Sabo swings on by for a visit they sometimes get lessons, since they’ve got the patience to sit down and teach it, unlike Luffy. (As Luffys brothers they of course speak it fluently.)
Both Ace and Sabo are multilingual.
- Sabo grew up with English and Portuguese, and because of his privileged education he has some French in that mix too. He’s not as good at it though, since he ran away from home very young.
- And since Ace is very dear to me we are politely ignoring that one time he got a burning fist through the tits, which means that the Wb crew are introduced to the Strawhats and Sabo.
- And boy is that a spectacle.
Law is German.
- He and Robin sometimes have lengthy discussions in the language, but it doesn’t get too wordy on Robins side since she’s much better at French and Italian.
- Her German skills get considerably better during the alliance.
Vivi teaches Nami Arabic, and Nami teaches her wife Swedish.
- Namis first language is swedish, but since she grew up traveling a lot she has trained away her accent. But she will probably slip back into it when stressed or mad.
- Luffy thinks it sounds hilarious. (He’s right, it does.)
The inhabitants of Zou have their own native language that is solely spoken there. When they speak English, their accent is some kind of mix between Spanish and. Something else, no one can really tell.
Franky is the only one on the Strawhat crew whose first language is English.
- He also speaks Fishman. Tom taught both him and Iceburg, but both of them have horrendous accents.
Robins Russian accent is only clearly heard if you know it’s there.
- But once in a blue moon she loses her temper, and all the flowing grammar and beautiful pronunciation goes completely out the window.
One of the only instances you can see Luffy cut himself off in the middle of a sentence is when he can’t find the right word for something.
Zoro cannot for the life of him comprehend French.
- Whenever he hears Sanji speaking it he just sorta short circuits.
- “How does a human being make those sounds without choking on their own tongue??”
Thanks to Mihawk Zoro can call someone an imbecile in Spanish, and like, three (3) colours.
- He’s still learning, it’s a work in progress.
Chopper and Ace speak Canadian French, both at different levels of coherency.
- Ace is older, and grew up with Garp teaching him, while Chopper is 15 and focused more on medical studies than language.
- (Don’t ask me to explain my train of thought with that one, I just like the thought of Rouge speaking French ok.)
- Chopper needs some practise, so whenever Ace stops by they speak it as much as possible. Sanji looks on in confusion.
Both Kidd and Killer are Scottish, and Luffy did a double take the first time he met Kidd because he didn’t hear what the fuck he said a first.
Sabo is freakishly good at imitating accents, the Strawhats think it’s the funniest thing.
- Like one of them will say something in their accent, and Sabo can without fail mirror it back.
Whitebeard has an English accent. (I think @chromiwrites can go into more detail, if you wanna know more)
- He does his absolute best to learn as many of his sons languages as he can, so he’s basically a walking dictionary by the time he’s 60.
Marco probably knows Latin.
- His siblings hear him talking something that none of them really know, so it’s definitely a dead language.
The ASL trio know ASL. The fluency differs, but they can all hold a decent conversation.
- Ace, Luffy and Sabo learning about the existence of American Sign Language: !!!
- Robin and Law probably know a bit too.
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Hello hi i've been scrolling up and down your blog and saw that battle droid art you reblogged with the tags of someone asking you about your headcanons for them and uuuuh yes hi i am interested in any and all hcs you are willing to share please :D
ah i’m sorry, i thought i responded! i answered the basics in this post, but did you have anything specific you wanted to ask about??
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Ayeee! Happy Birthday to one of my favorite authors, who also has made my day several times in the last few weeks alone! I wish you the very very best and hope life treats you well. Also, i hope you had a nice cake (or something similar at least) today, because...yk, birthday cake. Again, happy birthday! See you in the next review! ("How ever long i may take to write it" - i say in shame for leaving you waiting so long)
Ahhhh thank you, friend!! Also, speaking of making someone’s day (read: month), you basically made my whole April with your comments. So yeah, you’ve already made a huge difference to this year of my life
And my husband is baking me a cake in the shape of a pirate ship. I’m not saying I married my soulmate or anything, except that’s totally what I’m saying.
#minchen0897#this year has brought me so many good things already#case in point: the absolutely wonderful people I've gotten to know through this fandom#and don't you dare apologise!!#I'm always beside myself when I see your username in my inbox but please don't stress about leaving comments#you have already left SO MANY#I'm still in awe
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My heart it's uuuugggghhhh
Then my job has been done!
Excuse me while I get some tissues for these tears, nice writing btw
I have a box of tissues right here :D (and thank you!)
Thanks for tagging me! This story is pretty awesome and emotional, i like it! :D
No problem! I’m glad you liked it!
I didn't ask for such a heart ache but it is very welcomed when it comes to your writing, so thank you for the pain
You are very much welcome Cami ^^
THIS IS BEAUTIFUL.... I..I am in tears
Thank you! *hands you box of tissues*
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Trope Ranking
i was tagged by @derpylittlenico who gives me joy and random things to do!
fun little thing, thank you for tagging me nico!
feel free to ignore this one, too but not tagging people always looks so sad:
@chershare @killergirlfuria @minchen0897
Here’s the link!
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minchen0897 replied to your post :Send me Prompts for short ficlets
Hi! Uh- i hope you can think about something because i really like what i read so far from you :D So how about maybe Kalagang? Maybe a little au-ish, when Kala is in danger because of Rajan and whatever he and his friend are doing, and (as he apparently has a talent for doing) Wolfie appears out of nowhere?
two seconds after typing kalagang on the post i said to myself “maybe you should have seen the current season before you open these doors Alyse. you haven’t even watched the Christmas special.”
I am listening to a popy song right now so this got a little side tracked.
“What?” Wolfgang had the audacity to look completely innocent and completely confused.
“Go.” Kala pointed at the door, like that was actually going to make a difference. Wolfgang pays her no attention and just leans against wall making innocent ‘who me?’ hand motions.
Kala isn’t buying it for a second. They know how this works now and Wolfgang only shows up for particular reasons, and she certainly doesn’t feel her heart fluttering right now.
“I can handle this.” Kala continues.
Of course Kala see’s Wolfgang look over her shoulder and give a little head shake.
“Who was that?” Wolfgang makes a bland face. “You are not as cute as you think you are.”
“True.” Wolfgang agreed with a smile. “I am cuter.” Kala sighed.
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Kat. I remain in awe of you. Because if i see that right that's 4 fic updates in 8 days. That's. Amazing. Awe-inspiring. I bow to you. (I also keep cheering you on re: chapter count. You can do it!!)
(Also...i sincerely hope everyone is patient with you. Otherwise the impatient someone might have to rethink reality vs expectations. I would kindly offer to meet me in the next parking lot for a chat - and i do mean a chat - but alas, current world-wide situation hinders that.)
Minchen, I love you. 💗
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Oh boy i have EMOTIONS about Merry and Sunny and Ships in One Piece and will hopefully remember that i sent this ask in the morning to think up some headcanons and sprinkle them into your askbox or onto a post and tag you fasdajdjgudicic. For now im a bit too tired for coherent thoughts tho, my apologies
AH HECK YEAH SEND ME THOSE THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS PLEASE!!! sleep first get ur thoughts together take care of yourself then please destroy me with merry and sunny thoughts in the morning fshhsjshq
#op#one piece#ur thoughts are always so good... i would like to have more emotions about ships plz#whirlywhat#whirlyanswers#minchen0897
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Hey there! You asked not so long ago about the medieval AU and the werewolf!Jason AU so...okay. I like the medival idea, and have some questions about the Werewolf AU. Like. Damian obviously is hurt. He wanted to leave the manor permanently in the first part, and Jason had a hefty argument w/ Bruce and Dick in the third part, going so far that he threatened them. What do you plan to do now? Will Jason talk to Damian about leaving for a while? Trave around the world? Visit some safehouses?
haha that’s my problem, I HAVE no plans! That’s why I want to headcanon and think about it so I can develop a plan. I used to have a path I wanted to take but I never wrote it down so forgot about it. I’m still bitter haha. All I do remember is an ending scene, where Jason is no longer the wolf and he and Damian have a heart to heart.
But I gotta get there haha.
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Re: Carinam - lovely pairing! I'm kinda bad at prompts for pairings, but i couldn't help myself imagining things? Sorta? If Carina joins the strawhats (V Good!!) there could be poker games between those who can play poker, and endless flirting between Carina and Nami. Also, what is Carinas Favorite Weather? Any ideas? Because resident weather witch Nami could absolutely make it Carina's favorite weather on her birthday, maybe. (Again, sorry for being bad at prompts orz. But thx for taking them!)
Bdbdjdjdbgb There Has Been A Misunderstanding! Thank you for sending this, but I’m not the one taking prompts, that’s @eastdemons!!
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TAG You're it! Once you get this you have to say 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then send this to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable). SPREAD POSITIVITY!
Ah, shit, Imma do this!
I’m creative, I think
almost every time I try something new, I’m mediocre
thus I’m a good stand-in
I managed to have my own apartment
I have two jobs and don’t need to take money from more than one person
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