#min yoonji imagines
joonmon · 4 months
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Day 26 w yoongi's favourite hobby, sleeping😴😆
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
Can I request a drabble with Yoonji? If so, could it be a fluffy flower shop/tattoo parlour au with "I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you.", please? Thank you! 💜
summer mornings and strawberries:
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pairing: tattoo artist! yoonji (yoongi) x f. reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || cisswap || established relationship
summary: sometimes it's hard to put your love for someone into words
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: fluff, wlw, goth gf yoonji x pastel princess m/c (you know that’s right), minor suggestive content but no real smut
notes: women <3 this one felt harder to keep in the 1k boundary because they’re both just so cute :( i might write a short sequel for mommy yoonji since it wouldn't fit into this part if people are interested
drabble requests are closed
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Over here, baby” 
You perk up, Jimin long forgotten as your girlfriend waves you over from her office. 
“Sorry, Minnie” you brush him off as you skip into Yoonji’s arms, completely ignorant to the fact she keeps eye contact with the receptionist as she presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
Jimin snorts, eyes flickering down to your skirt that barely covers your ass. 
Your mouth falls open into a gasp as Yoonji grabs the meat of your thigh, teasing in the way she knows has arousal slicking up your panties. You always had been easy to rile up. 
“You’re late” she murmurs, hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as her breath tickles your cheek. 
“The shop was quite busy today,” you tell her as she kicks the door to her office closed, tattoo equipment already set up for you. 
“You should really tell your boss you can’t do overtime” 
You frown, “But she says I’m the best at bouquets” 
“I’m sure you are the best, my love. Now take a seat, I canceled my next appointment so we can spend the afternoon together” 
“You didn’t have to do that” you giggle, sweater shucked off on the floor somewhere that she picks up, folding it over the back of her chair as you settle down. 
“I don’t wanna hear any of that” 
“Yes ma’am” you mock salute. 
Her eyebrows furrow, silent offer to be a brat, though by now she knows you’re aware of the consequences. 
Her chair kicks backwards as she leans down for a kiss. Purposeful as her lips mold with yours, barely enough room for either of your to breathe until she’s pulling back, and your pink blush is hiding the red that coats your cheeks rosy. 
You’d always found something so utterly mesmerizing about Yoonji, her beauty that of a black dahlia, though you think she was more of a pink rose; gentle. 
Someone you aspired to be, so confident in her own skin, she knew exactly what she wanted, and made sure she got it. 
Sometimes it felt like you couldn’t word exactly how you felt about her, ‘love’ perhaps an umbrella term for all the little things you adored about her mere existence. No amount of flowers with lovely meanings, or poems about undying love that you write in little notes for customers (that had definitely been stolen from the internet), is never truly enough. 
Your friends had drilled the idea in their heads that Yoonji was reserved, and didn’t know how to show her love the right way, ‘cold’ even. A word you had never, and will never use to describe her. 
Because it seemed like she knew how to show her love for you, better than you did for her. 
The world had always had a split view on the term ‘opposites attract’, that you’re good for each other until you’re in a relationship, and then it all goes to shit because you’re two very different people. 
Yoonji never minded how you blasted your music over her speakers, the music she would overwise despise if it weren’t you. Just like how you never liked the hard-hitting rap she absolutely loved, though hummed along as she cleaned the house. 
She never minded how your clothes had split up the blacks of her hoodies and jeans in the closet, or the cute little bedspread you insisted on having because you didn’t like her grey one.
Or how the counter in the bathroom had been permanently doused in glittery eyeshadow. Where shampoo smelt of warm summer mornings and strawberries, instead of muted and never-really-there comfort. Your existence now a permanent fixture in her, no, your home.
It felt as though Yoonji worshipped your very existence, held you in her hands, delicate like you were a daisy, or a gentle buttercup. 
Your person that you couldn’t imagine a future without.
Her art is forever inked into your skin, art that no one else in the world will ever have because maybe tattoos were one of her love languages. Something in your heart squeezing, emotions mushy, that make you want to gush like you were in high school again when you catch a glimpse of her work etched into your skin in the mirror. The work she had spent hours designing specifically for you. 
Yoonji didn’t mind initiating physical contact, something you’d always shied away from, something she’d taught you was okay to want, that yearning wasn’t bad. That touch is just many of the languages of love that the both of you shared.
She liked to cook or take you on picnics in the summer, watching you twirl in dresses made of satin, or smudge your lipstick with a kiss before she helps you reapply it. Only to kiss you again. 
She calls you pretty and loved your body in ways that showed you self-love wasn’t selfish. Because if she could love you, then it shouldn’t be impossible to love yourself.
Yoonji kissed you under the stars and liked how the moon made you shine like a delicate fairy, always so beautiful in her eyes. She held your hand while you ordered food, and visits you during her lunch breaks with coffee and cakes or little sandwiches cut into triangles. 
Every little brush of her fingers over your bare skin had been etched into your mind, hours spent apart missing her even though you knew you’d be going home to your apartment, greeted with a kiss that always has you melting into her chest. 
Over the years your love language had morphed into your job just like hers, and Yoonji found it endearing how you’d come home with flowers for her, test runs for the shop's new theme though you seem to always keep her in mind as you hone your craft. 
And as much as you worried that you were never enough, always so consumed by thoughts she knew were pointless, Yoonji loved you nonetheless. 
“I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you,” she tells you one evening, your head resting on her thighs, careful as she brushes your hair after you’ve both taken a shower together. 
You blink up at her, tongue wetting your bottom lip, “You’re a lot lovelier than I am” 
“Not true” she laughs, thumb rubbing over your jaw, “Besides, you’re the only one that sees me like this” 
“Is it selfish that I like it that way?” 
She hums, tucking her hair behind her ear, sharp eyes never straying away from yours. “It’s okay to be selfish, you know” 
“When it comes to you, I don’t mind” you smile, rolling onto your stomach. 
You blink up at her through your lashes. 
Her lips quirking upwards, always finding it hard not to smile when she’s with you, “I love you, flower” 
“I really love you too” you smile, “And I think I’ll love you forever” 
She tilts her head, “That’s a long time. Think you can put up with me for that long?” 
“As long as you can put up with me for that long, then I don’t mind” 
“You act as though you’re hard to put up with” she pushes your hair out of your face, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips, then your cheek, nose, then each eyelid as you lean into the palm of her hand that cups your cheek. 
“Forever, then” you whisper, eyes barely open as you chase her lips for another kiss. 
She hums, “Forever it is”
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proudahgase-exol · 1 year
Your Rihanna song - bts
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“You Da One” - he used to sing this song a lot at the beginning of your relationship he said this song reminds him of you. This song is one of your guys favorite songs it haves a lot of meanings it makes the guys laugh that this song could have such deep meanings to you guys but they just don’t understand.
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“Only Girl (In The World)”- to you this song describes how you feel around yoongi he does make you feel like your the “only girl on the world” you had told him that and when his not with you and misses you he play the song and it reminds him of you and understand why you love this song so much.
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“Bitch Better Have My Money”- you were drunk and eveytime your get drunk you pay this song start to sing this song well pointing at him well you sing as if you were singing it to him. He found it so funny and eveytime you got drunk he did play this song just to see you sing to it he just love to hear you drunk sing.
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“love On The Brain”- you always have mini concerts when you take showers and this song will sometimes be playing like 4 times in a row. Namjoon new how much you love singing in the shower but also found out that this song it’s your favorite so he ask if you did like to sing it with him and have it recorded just for the two of you and your agreed because why not.
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“ Diamonds”- karaoke nights are your favorite specialty if you get to sing Diamonds with jimin you guys get in character and started to sing it like your life’s depends on it you did sing this multiple times until you guys get bored of singing it and at this point you guys know this song by heart.
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“Love the way you lie pt2”- eveytime you guys had a big fight you did go and seat in the balcony of your shared apartment and but your headphones on with this song playing on full volume it just calm you down and relaxes you and one day after a huge fight you fall asleep on the little couch you guys had in the balcony with this song playing in repeat when he found that you always put this song when you fight he took it the wrong way but than understood why you loved it so much.
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You guys love this song specifically when you guys went for a drive at night you obviously sing Rihanna’s part and be sings Mikky Ekko’s part. You love singing this song with Jungkook it’s one of your favorites because you love how your voices sounded together even if you didn’t know how to sing good JK never made fun of you he only smile and uses his fist as the microphone when you both sing.
Sorry if it’s bad I’ll try my best next time 😆 but I hope you liked it
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honey-boyyoongi · 1 year
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 4.4k Words
Warnings ➪ authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood and feeding; mentions of edible; not beta read;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Hey besties. I was meant to post this last month, but due to some things regarding my dad I couldn't really focus on much. Regardless though I am happy to get this out as an early present for Festa and for my own birthday. I'll continue 'Oh,baby' and should be posting a new part by the end of the month, at least I'm hoping to. As always feedback is appreciated, and if you would like to be added to the taglist please let me know.
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It hurt. Everything hurts. Namjoon could feel every last one of his nerve endings screaming in agony. His head was burning, and it was getting harder to think rationally. What was happening?
It felt like he was being moved in slow motion. He could feel the early fall breeze on his face, but also stiffness on his left side. Something was clawing at him, and he wanted it to stop. 
Namjoon could hear muffled sounds, and felt a sudden warmth enveloping his chest. His heartbeat was slowing down; he was scared.
There began to be gaps in Namjoon’s awareness. When he would come to, sounds were still muffled, but he could feel and smell. The young man could no longer feel his favorite indigo blue set. A sweeping warmth on his skin was quickly followed by the bite of the cold room. He could smell damp earth, incense, and Jimin’s mellow fabric softener.. Jimin.. Yes, it smelled like Jimin. It smelled like his sweet friend. Namjoon started to feel like he was floating, the pain had stopped. He no longer felt scared. Jimin was here. 
“What the fuck are we going to do,” Yoonji hissed. Jimin’s spell hadn’t worked to it’s perceived potential, they had a vampire fledgling in the younger’s work room, and they found out their newest roommate is potentially one of them. Shit was hitting the fan, and it was hitting hard.
The female vampire was having conflicting feelings about their current situation. While Yoonji was grateful for the small moment they got, she was petrified of the inevitable conversation they would be having; being sires, and that none of them were human. The elder vampire had contingency plans, having a few emails drafted if her current life would implode. Her parents taught her to be diligent, always being sure she had backups to her backups. If Yoonji, and her friends, had to hide in her Black Forest estate until this blew over, then so be it. But a small, hopeful, part of Yoonji wanted Y/n to accept them. She hoped their newest roommate wouldn’t be afraid of them. 
They liked their lives here; she loves her life here. Yoonji is teaching pupils that are as passionate as she is. Seokjin is doing more of what he wants, while doing the bare minimum with the council. Jimin was still relatively new, but he had quickly gained loyal regulars that kept him busy. Things had finally set into place, and it’s dissolving in front of them. Yoonji watched as Jimin paced around their small island, and Jin was slouched forward, laying his upper body on the cold tile of the island. 
If Yoonji focused enough she could hear the hissing of the hot water, and the clattering of Y/n’s products. The elder vampire could hear the shower stopping, and the clicking of nails to screen. 
Jin slightly perked up, “I think..we should be truthful.” 
Jimin halted, “Truthful, of what? Of us, what we are, are you insane?”
Seokjin slightly nodded, “She’s going to find out, one way or another. Your friend will wake-up within the next 36 hours confused, scared, and starving. As a new fledgling, everything will be amplified. Y/n has the right to know, to choose whether she wants to stay and witness that, or leave. The first few days of any newborn fledgling are brutal because of the thirst, and immense feeling of overstimulation. It’ll be frightening, even for you.” 
The witch scoffed, “I’ve been around fledglings, they’re not scary.” 
Seokjin narrowed his eyes at Jimin, highly unamused, “A newborn is different, they’re transitioning and everything is overwhelming to them. He won’t be the same person you remember him to be for a while. He’ll be constantly feeding, and losing control of himself. The slightest thing could set him off. If you’re not frightened by his unpredictability, then you’re a fool.”
Yoonji knew Jimin was aware of the changes that would be happening with Namjoon, she’d gone into detail of every fledgling transition she’s witnessed. Only one thing remained constant within those memories, fledglings were unpredictable. The female vampire saw as the tips of Jimin’s ears turned pink from Jinnie’s scolding, clearly embarrassed at being corrected. 
Their witchy roommate sighed, “Are we telling her everything? What we each are, and what’s going on with Joonie?”
“I think we should,” Yoonji said. Jimin nodded, busying himself with cleaning up the bag of O negative from their sink. He sighed deeply, “What if she freaks out..what if… What if she tells someone? Hunters are still a thing. What if they find you, or Seokjin? I wouldn’t be able to live if anything would happen to either of you.”
Seokjin rose from his seat, “Min..” He enveloped the witch from behind, gently tightening his hold to comfort him. Jimin sniffled, hesitantly turning around and reciprocating Jin’s hug. The older vampire wrapped an arm across the witch’s back, and another was cradling his friend’s head into his chest. Jin delicately played with Min’s hair, “Jimin, I know you’re scared, we’re scared too.” 
Jin redirected them towards the couch, clearly wanting to be comfortable during this stressful moment. Yoonji and Seokjin took the ends of the couch, not really giving Jimin any choice in arrangement. They settled in before the older vampire could continue. “A lot of things are happening too quickly, we can’t let ourselves be frightened,” Seokjin said. 
He gestures towards Yoonji, asking her to say something. “I can’t say nothing won’t happen, because it will, but we will work through it. Hunters..are an unfortunate consequence of our existence. We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But what about Joonie,” Min asked, “what if anyone saw Jin jumping on him?”
“What happened with Namjoon was an accident, Jinnie didn’t attack him maliciously. He was trying to help, and an accident happened. If, for some reason, a hunter saw him we’d deal with it,” Yoonji responded. 
Jin nodded along, “We’ll be okay, we’ll work through it Min.”
The trio is huddled together, whispering, when Y/n walks into the living room. Seokjin signals Yoonji to turn towards the kitchen. She panics, stuttering a quirky greeting, “Hey, Y/n, um.. How’d you, uh, sleep?”
Y/n shrugged, “Eh, I guess, I don’t remember falling asleep.” 
Jimin nudged Yoonji to keep talking. She shook her head, too unsure how to carry this conversation. They watch the human make a cup of iced coffee, looking around for any piece of the witch’s pastries. Yoonji notices Y/n is in lounging clothes, and not in her regular jeans. She’s barefaced, and is allowing her hair to air-dry into their natural waves. Her cheeks are still pink from her morning shower, and she’s wearing her glasses today. 
The trio watches as their human roommate goes back and forth with each of her breakfast items to join them in the living room. She sits on the sofa chair on Jin’s side of the living room. 
Y/n sighs as she adjusts into place, takes a big sip of her coffee, and looks towards the trio, “Guys, I had the weirdest dream last night.”
“Weird dream? Like what,” Jimin asked. 
Y/n’s face scrunched up, “I dreamt that Jin got hurt. He was covered in blood, and he wouldn’t respond to me. There was a man at the doorway. I didn’t know him, but he was next to Jin and I was getting scared. I ended up passing out in-dream. Next thing I know, my alarms are going off, and I’m freaking out because I think I’m late for work, but I’m not late because my manager thinks that I’m sick and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Yoonji looked at Y/n in mild terror, she clearly remembered. The vampire gave her friends a look before she spoke, “Y/n.. we need to talk.”
The human looked at the trio worried slightly tilting her head. “Oh, fuck. Did I do something last night,” she rambled. “I mean, I ate an edible that’s probably why I passed out, but if I acted out of line I need you guys to tell me.” 
Yoonji sat stunned, struggling to contain her laughter. The vampire dug her nails into her thighs to keep herself from bursting, “You acted no weirder than you usually do on edibles.” Jimin bursted in a small fit of giggles. Seokjin looked between them, confused as to what an edible was. He gestured his confusion to Jimin, who gestured back that he’d explain later. 
The vampire covered her escaped chuckles with swift coughs. “No.. um.. That dream that you mentioned happened.” She watched as the human stiffened in her seat. “Last night Jinnie came home a bit.. Flustered. There was an accident, and he came home to get help..but there’s more to it.” Yoonji was starting to get uncomfortable, and she could see that Jin was staring at their carpet. “Please, listen to what we have to say.” 
Yoonji took a moment to collect her thoughts, when Seokjin took over, “Last night, I was walking around to waste some time, then I smelled something. I walked deeper into the park trail, desperate to find it. It smelled so good, I just had to see what it was. I thought it was a fox, or a small deer, they’re especially delicious this time of year, but instead I saw a human. He was bleeding from his knee, he said he was fine. Next thing I know my shirt is wet with blood, and the man is passed out. I’m freaking out because I’ve never done anything like this. I bring us back to the house. Yoonji, and Jimin try to help, but I can’t hear them because everything sounds muffled, and my skin feels clammy. I smelled when you came near me, and all I could think about was blood and how yours smelled good enough to be my next meal. I was scared, and Jimin was able to sedate me.” 
The elder vampire released a large sigh, as if a weight had been lifted from him. “When I bit the man, I accidentally released some venom in him. He’s currently transitioning into a vampire.”
Y/n looks at the trio, analyzing them. She takes a small bite from her breakfast sandwich, confusion riddling her face. The human gestured at them, “Are the three of you vampires?”
Jimin shook his head, “No, I’m a witch. I just moved here a couple years ago, and moved in a year and a half ago. Yoonji, and Jinnie are vampires. They’re currently part of a small group of vampires that pre-date the Joseon dynasty.”
Yoonji grumbled, hating being reminded of her age. She watched as the human continued eating her breakfast with a vacant look. To Y/n’s left Jin was trying his hardest to control his shaking leg, and was slightly chewing at the sides of his thumb. Next to him, Jimin was turning pink from the pressure of the situation. 
They watched as Y/n finished her breakfast, leisurely drinkin the last of her morning coffee. She turned to them, face slightly scrunched. “So let me get this straight, Yoonji and Seokjin are vampires. Jimin is a witch. Seokjin accidently got himself a vampire kid, and I almost got eaten until Jimin knocked out Seokjin.” The trio nodded, Y/n continued speaking, “Did I get knocked out too? Where’s the new vampire? I assume since you guys are, you know, you..that there’s more of you guys? I don’t know what to call you. It feels weird to call you supernatural, because what you are is normal to you guys, and oh my god, why am I making a big deal out of this?”
Jimin was intrigued, “Like Jin said, you got a little too close to him while he was a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t know, it’s no one’s fault. We didn’t know how to explain what happened, even when we didn’t fully know ourselves.” The witch watched the human nod along to what he was saying. “The new vampling is in my workroom, he’s transitioning in a safe environment, and will be properly supported by Jinnie and Yoonji. As for the umbrella label, that's fine. In our world we just call each other by our species names, humans wouldn’t know every one of us so it’s fine.”
Seokjin stared at the human with curiosity, he couldn’t decipher any emotions from her. He was perplexed and needed to know why she was so calm. “Are you not afraid,” he blurted out, “I confessed to wanting your blood as a meal, and you’re indifferent.”
Y/n was startled by Jin’s harsh statement. “As ridiculous as it sounds, yes and no. Yes, because of course with anything unknown, fear always accompanies it. No, well if you’d had wanted to hurt me, or worse eat me, you would’ve done so the first week of me living here. Maybe not even the week. Of course the possibility that you could’ve bit me frightens me, but you didn’t and I’m here now without any harm. At this point I just wanna ask questions about your species. As well as figure out who contacted my manager.”
Jimin looked at Y/n mildly guilty, “I called her after we had settled you into your room, and made sure both Jinnie and Joonie were sedated.”
“Who’s Joonie,” she asked. 
Jimin shifted in his seat, “Namjoon is the man that is currently in the workroom. Jinnie didn’t know who he was, it was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The human turned towards the elder vampire, “Why’d you attack him?” Yoonji could see Y/n was angry and confused. They had just spent time establishing they would never harm her, just to say an innocent human was attacked by one of theirs. 
Seokjin looked at their human roommate in shame, “I didn’t mean to.” He took a moment to take a few deep breaths, collecting himself back up. He looked at Yoonji, trying to gain courage from his longest friend. “Yoonie, is it okay if I talk about what happened a few weeks ago,” he asked. Yoonji nodded her consent, urging Jin to continue. “A few weeks ago Yoonji was sick, she was starving. I drank from a few donors to help her. Came home, helped her, then two days after I left for Mongolia to help with a territory dispute. During my two week stay there was a limited amount of blood we could consume, therefore only took what would keep us functional. When we came back I was denied entry to our donor wing. I called up my blood supplier, and while I waited for him to arrive, I found Namjoon. I didn’t attack him for fun, I attacked him because I was starving. For almost three weeks I was kept at the verge of hunger. I haven’t attacked a human since I was a small vampling.”
Y/n waved her hand at Jimin’s direction, “You called him Joonie.. Jimin, do you know him?”
The witch nodded, “I’ve been friends with Joon for about a year, he doesn’t know about what we are and our world. When Jin brought him home, I was so scared. I knew what happened just by looking at them. I’m upset that an innocent person is caught up in this, but I’m not upset at Jinnie. He was starving, and I know he wouldn’t have attacked anyone on purpose.” 
The human sat in her chair stumped, “Damn, and now your friend is a vampire? Seokjin mentioned venom, does that make you guys like the Twilight vampires? Do y’all sparkle in the sun, because I’ve never seen you guys in direct sunlight.”
Yoonji can feel an overwhelming feeling of ick consuming her. “No, no, no, no, please,” she pleaded. “Anything, but that. First off, in Twilight they aren’t vampires, they’re blood sucking Fae that give real vampires a bad name. Vampires don’t need to exchange blood to transform a human into a fledgling. Much like werewolves, vampires have a venom they can inject into humans to turn them into vampires.”
“Okay, cool, cool,” Y/n replied, “You still didn’t answer if you sparkled.”
Yoonji grew a little infuriated with the little query, “No, we don’t sparkle, only the Fae sparkle. We’re not Fae, we’re vampires! Real vampires, dammit!” 
Y/n clicked her teeth in disappointment, “Man, I was really hoping someone would say ‘this is the skin of a killer Bella’ for me.” The female vampire could feel her eye twitch in annoyance. ‘Twilight this, Twilight that. We’re way better than some snobby Fae,’ she thought. 
“What do you know about vampires,” Seokjin asked their human roommate. 
“I mean the pretty common tropes: aversion to holy objects, sunlight, garlic, mirrors, werewolves, silver, anything sharp that could strike the heart, decapitation, fire. ‘Think that’s it,” she answered. 
Seokjin chuckled, “I don’t know when that rumor of religious items started.”
“Probably when that Irish author wrote the Dracula book,” Yoonji piped up. 
“We tend to have light sensitivity in our early years,” the elder vampire explained, “Everything about us is more sensitive to help us catch prey.” Yoonji nods in agreement, continuing for her friend, “The garlic myth is just that a myth. Back when people were discovering spices they tended to go heavier, and let me tell you people weren’t as hygienic as they are now. Mix that with a sensitive nose and we made sure to keep ourselves away.”
“We also didn’t have an aversion to mirrors, some were just so horribly made lots of us didn’t bother,” Seokjin added. “You can still see our reflections on surfaces, and we film well. To keep ourselves safe is why we avoid any form of documentation via film and why the mirror and reflection myth started.”
“Werewolf bites are, unfortunately, deadly to us. Decapitation is kind of obvious, no one could survive that. As well as a stake to the heart,” Yoonji continued. “No silver aversion, again started by some old fart that considered himself a monster hunter.” She sighed trying to remember all of the things Y/n had asked about. She snapped her fingers, urging herself to remember. “Oh, fire obviously hurts, but it is not deadly to us.”
Y/n nodded along, “Alright cool, cool. Uh, so, what exactly is going to be done about the man/newly turned vampire.” Yoonji could tell their human roommate was trying to handle the onslaught of information with humor. “I don’t know about you guys, but this is my first time with a fresh out of the oven vampire. I don’t know what to expect. Should I even be here?” 
The human gestured towards Jimin and herself, “Should we even be here? I mean, I know Min is a witch, but still, he's still edible, right?”
Seokjin could no longer hold in his laughter, and neither could Yoonji. The vampires found amusement in the human’s worries. Jin could feel small tears forming at the corners of his eyes, and the worry he was carrying himself has started to melt away. “If you wanted to get technical, yes Jimin counts as being edible,” Yoonji says. Jimin scoffed, clearly unamused. 
Y/n mumbled in acknowledgement, she readjusted herself to be laying across the couch. She had a calculating look on her face, Yoonji could clearly see the human was trying hard to understand them. The vampire knew it was a lot, hell the small incident that was currently happening wasn’t even the worst in her and Seokjin’s long friendship. There was always a clusterfuck of things happening around them to the point they have agreed that come with the territory of being who they are within their society. 
Jimin excuses himself to check on Namjoon in the other room, Seokjin offering to go with him, just in case he says. The two women are left alone in the large living room. Yoonji doesn’t know if she should keep talking about what they are, or stay quiet as Y/n is clearly overwhelmed. 
Yoonji lets the human be, cleaning up the remaining dishes on the coffee table into the dishwasher. She fixes herself another blood infused coffee, happy she no longer has to hide her coffee cup. She goes back to the living room, settling back into the corner she was formerly in. 
Y/n doesn’t make a movement, or a noise for 25 minutes. She’s overwhelmed by the information given to her. Her roommates aren’t human, that much was established. There’s a man in the house currently turning into a vampire, and she almost got turned into a meal. What was racking her brain the most was, how did she never notice. 
Y/n always thought Seokjin was eccentric, lots of people these days love dressing up in vintage clothing. He’d be working at odd times of the day, but she chalked it up to it being the runner of the family business. He loved taking pictures of himself, and he always ate dinner with them. He always complained about the sun being too harsh, even on overcast days. He was always the first one up in the mornings, more times than not being the house’s wake-up call. She could never tell when he slept, and he never showed signs of being exhausted. He wasn’t that up to date with current pop culture, sometimes having to explain what a certain joke or meme meant. He didn’t use social media, only using an email that Yoonji had made him create. He still used a flip phone, because newer phones were too complicated, he had said. That was until his infamous pink flip phone officially bit the dust. Seokjin was a big eater, there had been days where he had ordered enough takeout for three. He traveled all the time, and never spoke of anything preventing him from going. 
Yoonji was the complete opposite. She was a bit of a night owl, and a reluctant early riser. Y/n would catch her drinking iced coffee from a large tumbler every day. The female vampire was sluggish, like she didn’t get enough sleep. She’s always avoided the sun, preferring to stay her pale shade, because she claimed to tan unevenly. She would spend hours working on rearranging pieces to her pupils playing level, as well as creating her own. Yoonji would eat meals with them, but she was more of a watcher than an eater. She’d always say she’d get full watching them eat their meals so well. She’s always up to date on memes due to her pupils, some days even repeating some of the new slang to them. Y/n had found out Yoonji likes to upgrade her electronics every couple years, funnily enough the female vampire had taken Jin to finally join them in the modern world with a brand new phone. Yoonji was always vocal about her distaste for Seokjin’s eccentric way of dressing. “Jinnie you’ve been using those pants since the first industrial revolution, please let them go,” She’d heard her say, now thinking back it could’ve been literal. 
Jimin reminded Y/n of her grandmother. She was a bit of an herbalist, and practiced small rituals that her mother used to do in her home. The little things would start to tip her off. Jimin was big on making his own tea blends, and enjoyed gifting a small amount to his returning customers. She’s seen Jimin read tea leaves, and tarot for his customers. He had done a big ritual with the change from summer to autumn. Hell, she remembered that Jimin had knocked her unconscious without so much as touching her. Everything had a purpose, even when one would think otherwise. She’s caught him talking to their plants more times than she can count. Jimin liked to keep the house safe, and she’d see him draw protective sigils around the property. The witch loved to bake, and insisted his pastries could cure anything. Y/n could feel the love, and care Jimin would fill his creations with. He always left the house with a small kit for foraging in his satchel, along with a notebook, and various small drawstring bags. 
More than anything she felt slightly guilty. She’d been basing her knowledge on vampires from ‘Twilight’, and ‘The Vampire Diaries’.  How was she supposed to know vampires apparently live in the outskirts of the city? With roommates? Maybe Taika Waititi was right, vampires are weird and a little reclusive. 
Y/n had a ungodly amount of questions for them:
How long have you been vampires?
Have you ever been dormant?
How long have you owned your current home?
Are you paying off a mortgage?
How is your skin still so silky smooth?
Do you sleep in a coffin, if so do you air it out?
Yet every question she came up with somehow felt more, and more like her brain running on fumes. Y/n would try to sneak glances at Yoonji, but somehow they kept making eye contact, must be vampire instinct. 
Upon having more of a look, Y/n realized the little things gave them away. Yoonji, and Seokjin always had claws, not human type nails. A few times a month she’d see Yoonji fixing her nails, and Jin’s. The permanent dark eye circles that gave away their lack of need for sleep. Yoonji had gone weeks without eating, but still looked relatively healthy when Y/n saw her again. They also carried themselves differently. Both vampires always seemed regal in the way they moved. Yoonji’s extensive knowledge in music should’ve been a dead give away, as well as Seokjin’s very extensive closet. 
But as much as she racked her brain, the more she thought of how they resembled people their age. Yoonji was in love with Kuromi, and had a whole corner dedicated to her collectibles. Seokjin might not be social media savvy, but he was always in the know about the trending restaurants and cafes. The eldest vampire would game for hours, if he had no responsibilities, while Yoonji was a big fan of the local aquarium. Even with the complaints about sun sensitivity, Seokjin was always a nice tan color that made him even more handsome. Though Yoonji looked scary, she actually hated horror movies, or anything of the horror genre. She was terrified of large bugs, and always had to ask Y/n or Jimin to get rid of the creepy crawlies. 
Nothing could’ve tipped her off. 
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The song thief - MYG
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Summary: Min Yoonji makes sure you're not stealing her latest song
Genre: Smut, wlw
AU: Idol AU
Pairing: Idol! Min Yoonji x Idol! Female reader
Word count: 4.5 k words
Warnings: Age gap (6 years), OC falls down pretty hard, smut, fingering, clitoral stimulation, a little bit of of mutual masturbation, nipple play (gentle), apparently Yoonji goes around the hybe building commando (??), Yoonji being an experienced lover and giving me butterflies as I wrote her. 
Feedback is so appreciated! Leave a comment or let’s talk in reblogs.
The door to the practice room that was usually unoccupied was slightly open, which was where you should've stopped anyways. 
Especially because, as you neared it, you heard the fast beat of an unfamiliar song hit your ears. 
You kept your course though, fed up enough from your own group to atleast peek in and see who had hogged your favorite practice room. 
By the time you reached the sliding glass door, the loud music was enough to vibrate your eardrums, yet you still didn't recognize the song.
But when you peeked in, you immediately realized why the song was unfamiliar.
Yoonji had her back to you, facing the wall of full length mirrors, her dark, sharp eyes trained on her own body that moved fluidly to the fast rhythm of the song that was blaring. 
The sharp beats of the music were such a stark contrast to the way her body moved, almost as if in one fluid motion, yet molded together like second nature. 
You were mesmerized. And the reason you had come here in the first place… what was it exactly? 
And then the beat dropped and her smooth dance routine turned to something much more energetic and edgy. This time, her moves matched the music and elevated it to a whole new level. All the while, her face remained stoic, completely focused on the way her own limbs moved. 
And so were you. You had taken contemporary dance classes, and trained for months before debuting and you were nowhere near her level and here she was, the infamous Min Yoonji, the soloist/producer who was Hybe's pride and joy, and also rumored to be the most standoffish of all 3rd generation idols, so immersed in… dance?
Something that she famously avoided? 
You toyed with your bead bracelet that was a friendship token among your group and had your group's symbol in the middle, mind reeling at the sight in front of you and playing with the idea of running back to your own practice room and telling your friends. 
But before you could come to a decision, Yoonji's feline eyes snapped to yours in the doorway and widened.
"Fuck!" You muttered, starting and snapping the bracelet and sending the beads rolling all over the corridor floor. 
"Hey!" She called out, but you had already turned your back and were sprinting down the corridor at full speed, your heeled boots making a ruckus as you went. 
"Hey, stop!" You heard her voice behind you and heard the padded stomps of her sneakers as she gave chase. 
You needed a detour. Pronto!
Slamming your whole body into the fire exit door, you started ascending the stairs, taking two steps at a time and were huffing and puffing in no time. Fuck these heels. You paused for a moment, unzipping your boots and slipping them off, placing them on the stairs that went up and swung open the door to the floor you were on, not paying attention to which one it was and running, full speed down the corridor. 
Bad idea. Such a bad idea, because as soon as you turned a random corner, your socked feet slipped on the pristine, tiled floor and you slammed down onto the ground. Groaning at the shock of pain that had just run up your spine, you were trying to get back up, because you had heard the fire exit door open behind you (why wouldn't she just give up?) when you noticed hurried footsteps rushing towards you from the opposite direction too. 
"Y/n! Are you okay? What are you doing up here?" A somewhat concerned, deep voice asked you. Looking up, you saw two extremely handsome, extremely concerned men looking down at you. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, the ballad duo that had taken the nation by storm. 
"Sunbae! Help!" You said urgently, putting out a hand. The shorter one, Jimin, who was standing a step behind, was quick to take your hand and easily pull you up, letting you hold onto his arms as you tested your ankle urgently by putting weight on it. Luckily, it didn't hurt. Perfect, there was no time to lose! 
"Well? Where are you headed?" He asked.
"Sunbaenim, I can't explain right now. If someone asks for me, you never saw me okay? Thank you, I owe you!" You didn't even wait to finish the whole sentence and were already running away. 
"What was that about?" Jimin asked Taehyung, who was looking at you, a confused pout on his face. 
Taehyung shrugged, but before he could speak, another ball of energy had turned the corner and halted right before them. Jimin's eyes widened, as he automatically bowed, "Yoonji noona, what… " his question died on his lips as he registered the redness on Yoonji's pale face and how she looked out of breath. 
"Jiminie," she gasped, "Taehyungie, did you see anyone running this way?"
Jimin's mind was reeling at a million miles an hour. Why were you running away from Yoonji? And in such a fright that you didn't even care if you broke your ankle? And why was Yoonji chasing you anyway? He had never seen her this worked up. Before he could open his mouth, Taehyung stepped in.
"Nope, we just came out of the tea room, we haven't seen anyone." He pointed over his shoulder, "What's going on?"
Yoonji collected a deep breath, peeking over their shoulders at the empty corridor behind them. She had lost whoever the fucker was. 
"I was rehearsing the new choreo for my new song. But someone was outside the practice room. It was a girl, that much I'm sure of. I don't know most of the newer kids, but the thing is, I was blaring my song on full volume. What if the person was trying to steal it?" 
Taehyung bit back a laugh. There was no way you were trying to steal Yoonji's song, you just had a penchant for being in the worst places at the worst times, he knew that much from being friends with your brother. 
"Maybe they were just enjoying the show noona, it's not everyday you see Min Yoonji dancing" he said lightly, trying to ease her mind. 
Yoonji shook her head, her short hair flowing out at the motion. "You're too optimistic about the cut throat nature of our jobs."
Jimin locked eyes with Taehyung, a silent understanding passing between them to calm the senior down. 
"Or maybe you're too skeptical of people in your own company. Come, the staff brought up some fresh steamed buns, have some with us?" Jimin coerced. 
Yoonji nodded, dejected for now, but a little plan hatching in her genius mind already.
You, on the other hand, were clutching your heart, trying to even out your breathing as the elevator took you back down, thanking all your lucky stars that Jimin and Taehyung had distracted her long enough for you to get the elevator hassle free. 
Reaching your own floor, you wasted no time running to your group's practice room and slamming the door shut, drenched in sweat and never more glad to see the four familiar faces looking at you in shock. 
"Where are your shoes?" Alice, your best friend and maknae, asked you. 
"I… the heel broke." You shrugged and got back into formation. 
The moment replayed in your head the third time during dinner, making your heart race in the most uncomfortable way again. 
Yoonji's clear, focused eyes, her long, beautiful hands roaming down her sides as she swung her hips a way your group's choreographer would never allow you to in fear you'd be overly sexualized. And then the millisecond when her eyes held yours and the thought that she had such pretty eyes, before terror had sent you flying. 
You swallowed your rice a bit too hastily, and it made sure to tell you that was a mistake by lodging in your throat. Coughing, you reached for a water bottle, and your hand bumped into the salt shaker, making it fall and spill it's contents everywhere. 
"Unnie, are you sure you're okay? You're barely eating." 
"Mhmm" you nodded, gulping the water to ease your throat and rose to excuse yourself. "I'm heading back to the studio, I'm not hungry or tired… I think I can squeeze in a few hours of rehearsal" 
The four faces looking back at you seemed skeptical. First, you weren't willing to practice with them, and now you didn't want to eat with them? They slowly nodded nonetheless, and you were headed to your room to change into more appropriate clothes.
Exactly as you slipped on your sports bra, your mind decided to replay the way sweat had run down the back of Yoonji's neck, between the straps of her athletic top and her defined shoulder blades before disappearing into the fabric and you felt a very foreign tightening in your stomach. What was up with you today? 
"Y/n-ie!" The costume designer unnie met you in the hallway, "I got your boots back. They seem fine, why did you abandon my babies like that?" 
You laughed softly, "I'm sorry. Did the staff find them in the staircase?"
"The staircase? No… you left them in the staircase?" She sounded a bit offended now. 
" Unnie, it looks worse than it is, I was taking the stairs up and they were making my feet hurt. I was gonna go back and get them, the staff just found them before me" you reasoned. 
"The staff… didn't find them though."
Your heart sank. " Then who… ?"
" Yoonji-ssi brought them over. Said she was going upstairs and found them outside the main ballad floor. She was asking who they belonged to."
Oh shit shit shitt…
" Did you tell her? " You squeaked. 
" Well… yes. I mean, I told her it was probably one of you girls' and she asked which one of you because she wanted to introduce herself to you anyways and it'd be a nice way to start conversation " the stylist went on innocently, oblivious to the terror thumping in your chest. 
"O-okay… well I'll be sure to thank her." You said softly, bowing and walking towards your studio, thoughts of rehearsal forgotten. 
You were passing by one of the corridors that led off the main one, the one with only one studio in there, the biggest one on the floor, the one no one approached because they probably weren't welcome inside, the one with the cat holding up a middle finger on the floor mat outside, when you stopped, curiosity and a strange pull pleading you to stop for a moment and stare in the direction. 
The studio was sound proof of course, so the corridor was silent, and you stood there, reliving the adrenaline rush of running up three floors from someone you had never talked to and had seen once in your life. It seemed almost silly now, in the silence and security of the Hybe building at night. 
You shook your head at the stupidity of it all and turned to go the way you were, when you saw someone standing not 30 yards away, in the doorway of one of the recording rooms, clad in an oversized baggy t-shirt and boyfriend jeans, a black cap over their hair, looking straight at you. 
It took a moment, and when you finally saw who it was, you had to force yourself to not dash in the opposite direction again. 
Yoonji calmly made her way over to you, oblivious to the way your heart was trying to run out of your body as you stood stock still. 
"May I help you?" She asked monotonously. 
"Um-I–" you were fumbling for words, refusing to believe she was actually in front of you.
Yoonji tilted her head, not quite recognizing who you were, but concluding you were one of the girls from the new group. So the reassuring side of her waited patiently. 
That was until she noticed the streaks of bright purple in your hair and the vision of the purple end of a ponytail flying down the corridor flashed in her eyes and the fact that you were standing outside her studio clicked into place. 
HER STUDIO? So you really were a thief.
"You… " she gasped, her hand subconsciously grabbing hold of your arm so you wouldn't run away again. 
Your eyebrows shot up and you froze in place. You were done for. A blush rose up your cheeks at the thought that you'd have to explain what you were doing running away from her in the afternoon. 
Oblivious to all the extreme ideas Yoonji was having. 
She still had your arm in her hold and was leading the way down the corridor, punching in the numeric code before you had a chance of seeing it and was dragging you in, slamming the door behind you.
"You have some audacity showing your face to me, little thief!" She said.
"Huh?" You were thoroughly confused. 
"Don't act cute with me! You were the one outside the rehearsal room in the morning weren't you? If you so much as try to leak my song, I'll drag you out of the company by your hair myself" her tone was dangerously low.
Everything clicked into place for you. 
"No!" You blurted out without much thought. 
Yoonji tilted her head and regarded you. 
"No, that's not it… " you took a deep breath, "Subaenim, I would never dare to think of doing that, you're mistaken. " 
She raised a perfect arched eyebrow. "Then why were you there?" 
"I- well I usually use that room to practice alone and I didn't know you were in there until I saw you, and I'm a big fan of your work and I was just a bit enamored" you allowed, "But I wouldn't dream of sabotaging your work, I can tell you've been working hard on it."
Yoonji felt her breath come easier and her expression softened. For the first time she noticed how you fidgeted with your hands and refused to look up at her. And also how your cheeks were tainted red with… fear? embarrassment?
She let a finger make a way under your chin to make you meet her eyes, "Then why did you run away?"
"You scared me." You said simply and Yoonji felt her heart melt. Well, she did scare a lot of people but no one had ever accepted it to her face this cutely. 
A little chuckle left her lips and your eyes widened in wonder. 
It was a pretty sound, complimented by such a pretty gummy smile that you found yourself smiling along. 
"I'm sorry again sunbae" you mumbled shyly. 
"Don't be" she shook her head dismissively, the air much easier in the studio. "Sit."
You made your way awkwardly to the couch that faced her massive computer and sat down as she pulled out a drawer and was collecting something from it.
Presently, she came and sat beside you, holding out a fist. You extended your palm and she transferred so many beads to your hand. The remnants of your friendship bracelet. 
"It had your group logo on it, and your stylist was more than willing to tell me all the rest I needed to know. I was going to pay your dance room a visit tomorrow" 
You giggled, putting the beads in your pocket safely. "To drag me out of the company by my hair?" You teased.
To your surprise, a blush rose up Yoonji's cheeks. And it was the prettiest sight you had ever seen. "Forget I ever said that" she mumbled grumpily and you laughed. 
"If you say so." You shrugged. 
You spent the next few minutes getting to know each other better. Well actually, you knew alot about her, so it was basically you introducing yourself to her.
"How old are you?" She asked. 
"I'm a 99 liner." 
"A child" she laughed. 
"I turn 23 next month, what are you talking about?" You laughed. 
"Ah no wonder you're so pretty, you're in your prime"
If a stampede of butterflies was possible, it suddenly broke loose in your stomach. Min Yoonji, the woman as pretty as a goddess, thought you were pretty. You felt your self confidence shoot up like no compliment ever made it. And you had gotten your fair share of them in your time since debut. 
"You're so much prettier though sunbaenim!" You were ready to argue about it. But Yoonji just laughed. 
"I like this one" she said.
There went the butterflies again. 
As her laughter died on her lips she still had a gentle smile playing as she cupped your cheek affectionately. 
The innocent touch had much different effects on you though. You leaned into her touch as if you had been wanting this exactly. 
Yoonji's eyes widened a centimeter and she fought the sensible option of withdrawing her hand, liking the way your cheek felt soft against her palm.
It was when your eyes fluttered shut and you seemed to relax that Yoonji felt something stirring inside her. A strange desire to see more of this soft side of you. 
Subconsciously, she leaned closer to you, admiring your gentle features, beautiful even without any makeup. 
When you opened your eyes, you were slightly shocked to see her in such proximity. You started, the previous pink tint in your cheeks giving way to a much more furious red flush.
"Wh-" you began. 
"Can I kiss you?" She asked straight forward. 
Or was it a culture shock?
You had heard that Yoonji always said what was on her mind. But you would have thought she might have kept certain thoughts to herself.
That being said, the way her tongue had just swept out to lick her perfect tinted lips, you felt something you never had before. 
You nodded despite yourself, tingling in a strange excitement.
She didn't make you wait too long, her lips were on yours the next second. You shivered at the feeling and closed your eyes tightly as she gently kissed your lips once and pulled away. You opened your eyes slowly to see her smiling softly at you. "Was that okay?" 
"It was better than okay" you whispered, much to her delight. 
"Then won't you kiss me back?" 
You regarded her with a shocked look. Was she really serious about this? 
"Hm?" She prodded gently. 
Once again, you were nodding like it was the most okay thing in the world. 
She leaned closer again at that, and this time waited for you to initiate. 
With scattered thoughts and a thumping heart, you closed the distance between you both and pressed your lips to hers. 
It felt different this time. She felt better somehow. You sighed softly and tilted your head, Yoonji's hand coming up to cup your cheek again as she held you against her, thoroughly lost in the sensation. 
This time when you pulled away, both of you were blushing. "So pretty" she whispered and tucked your hair behind your ear. 
You smiled at that and she pecked your lips again, her hand entangling in yours that you gladly held onto. 
Even though she was right here in front of you, you suddenly missed her soft lips on yours and found yourself tugging her to you and kissing her fully again. 
A little sound of surprise left her which somehow got smushed in your lips and you felt something click inside you. 
You wanted her. It didn't matter where it led, for now, you just wanted her. 
She could pretend she never knew you tomorrow for all you cared. 
Your kiss got faster, more desperate. Something that Yoonji did not miss at all. She sensed your intentions and pulled away for a moment, the whine that left your lips proof enough of what she suspected. 
"Sunbae" you whined. 
"What is it, prettiness?"
"I… " 
"I want you." 
She laughed softly. "Yeah? Are you sure?" 
You nodded. 
"Can you keep a secret?"
You locked eyes with her, making it clear you understood what she meant. No one could know. You nodded again, sure of it this time. 
"Good girl" she smiled. 
That should not have made your stomach do somersaults like it did. 
"Go on then" she pulled back and leaned against the couch leisurely, the sight an insane turn on. 
Eagerly, you went closer to peck her lips, lingering there for a few electric moments before trailing little kisses beside her mouth, lower to her jaw till you reached the sharp angle. She really was built like some goddess. And she smelt heavenly too. Right here, in the crook of her neck, her perfume filled your nostrils and a delicious sense of secrecy ran through you. You'd keep a million secrets if it meant you could be privy to her like this. 
She grabbed a hold of your waist and pushed you back onto the couch, throwing one leg over you and holding you down. "Had your fun?" She asked.
"I was just getting started." 
"I'm not a very patient woman, especially when there's a beautiful girl on top of me. I'm a greedy person y/n, you should know that about me" 
Why were you shaking in anticipation? 
Oh, because she had a finger under your chin and was staring straight into your soul with those dark, dark eyes. 
You gulped and the next thing you knew your lips were being devoured, her tongue flitting out to softly caress their soft contours and her breath fanning over them. 
And when she mirrored your path down your jaw all the way to your neck, you craned it eagerly to give her more access. 
It was when one of her hands tugged at the zipper of your hoodie that you realized how eager you were, hand flying to hers and unzipping it in a flash. 
She seemed pleased to find that you were only wearing a sports bra underneath, if the smirk on her cherry red lips was anything to go by. 
You regarded her as her eyes raked over your body greedily, pupils wide. Her hands ghosted over your ribs, smiling delighted at the way your stomach clenched at the sensation. 
Her deft fingers found the straps and she looked at you questioningly, "Is this okay." 
"Yes" you whispered. 
What you weren't anticipating was that she'd simply slip them off your shoulders and tug it below your chest. 
You gasped, her confidence throwing you in for a loop. Because she wasn't shy at all. It was almost as if she had done this many times before. 
Her hands were firm and confident, as if she knew exactly what she was doing and exactly what she wanted. 
And the strange thing was, you trusted her confidence and it made you much more comfortable. 
"See what I mean? Such a pretty one." Her fingers traced up your abdomen, stopping at where your bra was clumped and tugging the strap, letting it snap back in place as you jumped. 
She giggled, clearly enjoying it, claiming your lips again almost as if to soothe you. 
You closed your eyes, even when she pulled away you kept them closed, as her hot breath went down your neck to your collarbone, littering kisses over it. 
"I suppose I can't leave any marks hm?" She asked.
"No… my costume… " 
"Shhh, I understand." Her finger came up to your lips which you kissed, much to her surprise and delight. 
"How cute" she cooed, squeezing your cheeks, before going back to kiss your collarbone, making a straight path lower. 
This is where your breathing started becoming heavier, which was visible by the movement of your chest. 
"Do I make you nervous?" She asked you softly, speaking into your skin. 
"In a good way?"
"In the best way" you breathed. 
"Perfect." She kissed down your cleavage, taking your breath away. 
Her hand was sneaking lower still. First, she took your hand that lay in her lap and placed it on her stomach. You felt the hard outline of her abs from under her shirt and were awestruck. How much cooler could she get? 
"I want your hand to do what mine's doing okay?" She said lowly, sending a thrill through you. 
You nodded eagerly. 
Her hand sat at the waistband of your sweatpants, you realized. And as it slowly sneaked inside, your felt your thighs clench. 
She stopped, still kissing above your boobs. You realized she was waiting for you to mirror her movement, and slowly slipped your fingers past her waistband too. 
You felt her smile against your skin and her hand went lower. 
You gasped. She wasn't wearing any panties. 
She was roaming around the building commando?
Would wonders never cease? 
She laughed at your little exclamation, and then retracted her hand. 
When you were going to mirror, she whispered, "Keep it there." 
You had never complied this easily.
 "There there, you're okay baby" 
Her hand went under again, this time past the band of your panties too. Your eyes shot open and you squirmed. 
She had called you baby. 
You supposed you really were okay. 
You nodded and her hand moved lower. You were mindful to mirror it this time. 
But when her middle finger brushed on your clit, you were gasping again. 
"Such pretty sounds" she licked a stripe down between your boobs and looked up at you. "Shall we make some more?"
And wrapped her mouth around your nipple. Your eyes clamped shut and this time around you moaned at the warm, wet sensation.
Yoonji felt herself getting wet. And she could quite literally feel the dampness in your panties too, something that she was quick to remind you of by wiggling her middle finger slightly making you arch your back against her.
"Subae" you whispered, "that feels so good" another broken moan fell past your lips and your hand slipped deeper into her pants, right where her's was against your core. 
You felt her muscles tighten and she hummed against your skin. 
She knew it felt good. She knew her way around a woman's body after all. 
She let her fingers move against your wetness. 
And she sighed in satisfaction when she felt yours move with hers. 
"Such a good girl" she praised as she let your boob go with a pop, blowing on it softly before switching to the other one. 
You keened at the praise, warmth flooding your insides at the words that fell from her lips. 
This time, instead of mirroring her, you let your hand wander on its own accord and were stroking her opening with gentle but confident fingers. 
She pressed into you harshly. "Keep doing that."
"What if I do more?" You said softly and eased the tip of your finger inside, making her gasp in surprise and then laugh softly. 
"Perfect" she conceded. 
And you wasted no more time, slipping in more and admiring the way her tongue was relentless on your nipple even as her eyes widened at the penetration. 
When she let go of your boob this time, her lips were swollen and her nose was slightly red. She looked so sexy, you felt heat pool to your core. You knew very well that she could feel every wave of arousal that was wrecking through your body.
“You’re so sexy.” you moaned softly.
She smirked, the expression looking like it was made for her. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah” you threw your head back because she had sneakily placed her palm right over your clit and was gently applying pressure over it. “Harder.” you breathed.
That was selfish, and Yoonji made sure you knew that. She softly bit your nipple. It wasn’t hard, but you had assumed she was done with your boobs so the unexpected prick made you welp.
“Oh, she knows what she likes.” Yoonji said smugly, increasing the pressure and also rubbing her palm against your bud slightly, immediately making you shiver under her.
“Such a sensitive girl.” she praised, right next to your ear, and you felt your heart almost bursting out of your chest. Your fingers, which had been teasing her hole, were almost still by now, because you were too immersed in your own pleasure. 
“Ohhhhh Sunbae fuuuuuck” your eyes were shut and you were panting.
Because as soon as the little jolt of your body accompanying the yelp had settled down, she slipped a finger completely inside you and you were immediately tensing up around her digit, a prolonged whine falling from your mouth.
“No, look at me. Open your eyes fucking look at me.” she growled.
Yoonji was having the time of her life with all the sounds you were letting out. And she was determined not to give you space to breathe in between attacks at all.
You looked at her, forcing your muscles to relax and your gaze to remain steady to meet hers. And it worked. About the two moments where she didn’t move. Because as soon as she began pumping her finger slowly, you were in shambles again, because whenever her fingers moved, her palm would give your clit this delicious friction and you felt like your entire nervous system was on fire. 
She wasn’t doing anything yet? You were on the brink of an orgasm and she wasn’t doing anything?
She noticed the way you were chewing on your lip and freed it from your teeth, “Talk to me.” she said as her hand was still working magic.
“It’s too much for me…” you pleaded.
“But I’m not doing anything yet.” she said softly. 
“I feel like I’m gonna cum” you whispered.
“That’s what I want. I want you to cum for me, why are you embarrassed about it?” she reassured you.
“Are you sure? Isn’t it too early?”
“Isn’t that how it works?”
Yoonji’s finger stopped and she regarded you with curious eyes. “Do you think you’re gonna get just one orgasm tonight?”
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. And she’d be lying if her heart didn’t break just a little. “Oh baby, who have you been sleeping with?” she said half apologetically and increased her pace again, much faster than before. Your eyes clenched shut again and the tightness in your stomach reached a strange anticipation. Her words replayed in your head. Were you really missing out on something monumental? 
“Feel good?” her breathy voice called you back to Earth. You hummed, your whole body tingling. “So soo fucking good.”
Her deep voice rumbled in your ear as she laughed softly and licked your earlobe. “What more can I do to get you there? Talk to me.” she prompted gently.
“Kiss.” you gasped.
Without wasting another moment, she was molding her lips against yours again, fierce and possessive, two of her fingers pumping in and out of you steadily, her palm rubbing your clit and the only sound that of your heavy breaths and your wetness against her fingers. 
“Enough to have you cum for me?”
You nodded, because suddenly her voice saying it loud had knocked the wind out of your lungs and you were clenching around her hard. 
Even your tongue had eased up.
“I-i–” your voice broke and the orgasm washed over you, every muscle in your body tightening in pleasure, even your throat constricting so that only a broken gasp could leave you for a good minute. 
When you focused on her again, Yoonji was looking really smug, brushing the tiny strands of purple from your forehead. “Came so pretty for me.” she kissed your forehead. 
You blushed furiously. You weren’t sure about the pretty part but you knew you had come hard. You were thinking about what to say, what to do, how to act now. But she was 3 steps ahead of you, because her fingers were in front of your mouth, shiny with arousal. “Will my pretty girl clean up?”
You were shocked, but somehow still extremely turned on, and you had her fingers in your mouth the next second, lickin off your own release from them as if it wasn’t a big deal at all. 
When her fingers were clean, you let them go and she smiled at you as if you were some being of light. She kissed you with the same sweet possessiveness that had sent you over the edge and had you tingling for more. But you wanted to make it even with her. If she let you that is. 
Because she was already tugging you into a hug, which you were only too happy to melt into. “Will you let me take you home? I’m not done with you yet.” she whispered.
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studio-multi · 3 months
Characters #2
Twins Min Yoongi and Min Yoonji in a love triangle with Bisexual!OC/Reader
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hugozboom · 2 years
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pairing: bts x you
genre: camp au! bts x you ff
warnings: language. toxic relationships. sexual scenes and descriptions.
Parts: 1 2 3 4 
plot: you are a camp counselor at an overnight camp. with the drama from the summer before in which you missed snowballing into this summer, you’re caught right in the middle.
you pictured yourself lying on the beach by now as you tied your hair into a tight high pony tail and knotted your sneakers. the blazing heat leaked through the three roomed cabin making your mini complementary fan high class in uselessness.
loose hairs stuck to the exposed parts of your face causing you to take a sip from your water bottle. rosé, the other counselor in your bunk sat plastering thick red lipstick on, the smacking of her lips made you self conscious of your own. the organic chap stick your mother bought to "inspire you" was amateur compared to her mac cherry red lipstick. it kept your lips hydrated for all of 20 minutes.
"the new boy camp counselors are a lot cuter than last year," rosé closed her lipstick and pushed back her straight blonde hair, "and that one girl counselor, the american, she deals with the little ones well i know her from last year, you should get to know her she might just save your life, maybe talk to her at the bonfire."
"bonfire," you question while flopping on the twin bed pressed against the left wall. the window on your side peered into one camper room. it contained wooden bunk beds and plastic mattresses, looked uncomfortable.
gnats buzzed around your face irritatingly fast, swatting at them did nothing.
"the one for counselors only, to get to now each other,a bit more did you not hear the head counselor or were you too focused on the faces of the new male counselors?" rosé grins wickedly causing your red face to become even redder.
"of course not. i don't even want to be here, let alone find romance." it was true. dating back to last summer you sat inside playing video games and going to the gaming cafe enjoying the salty warm potato sticks and buffalo wings, all you could eat. just at the thought your stomach rumbled causing rosé to chuckle.
"well suck it up buttercup, it's going to be a long summer. lets go get some food." rosé grinned and walked outside letting the heat consume her. as you followed you saw the sign 'camp angel.' not all girls were angelic but you understood the concept. rosé however fit the persona of an angel, again making you conscious.
her hourglass figure was complemented by her tank top. you covered your tank top with a green and black flannel. she lead you to the counselor eating area, which was a half a mile from the cabin you were in, located in a building across from where you as counselors were to eat with the campers. the lake as you walk by worked as a mirror, reflecting a murkier green image of yourself.
"hurry and eat, the bonfire is starting soon," rosé waved you over causing you to pick up the pace. the counselor break cabin was cozy and fun looking. it reminded you of your job at the gaming cafe, though you were rarely in the break room, too distracted by gaming ready kids and teens coming and going, it was pretty clean and smelled like polished wood.
you tried to shove the microwave burrito that was still partially cold in the middle down your throat. the micro icicles slid down your throat causing you to just toss the rest in the trash. rosé grinned, "there is a defrost mode you do know that right?"
"that wasn't in the directions," you gulp in embarrassment and rub your arms as the sunset brought the cool summer night air to you. the air was cold as you two wandered on a path in the dark woods with nothing but a flashlight, the snaps and creaks didn't seem to bother rosé much as she marched on like a golden blonde soldier. you on the other hand flinched at every sound.
"the party has arrived," rosé says as she pulls back the trees revealing a warmly lit campfire surrounded by young adults posted in front of a trojan statue. they hugged their knees to bite out the cool summer air and hug the fire just a bit more.
"rosé, y/n, you finally decided to join us," head counselor, kim seokjin says putting together a s'more. rosé takes a seat next to him as you stand there awkwardly. although you've had a brief interaction with everyone at least once in the past day of your arrival, you had yet to become comfortable with the group of adults.
"are you always going to be this aloof or do i need to toss you into the lake a few times to get some sort of reaction," rosé jokes grabbing the box of cinnamon crackers. you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and take the closest empty spot.
the boy to your right had red hair, and his smile sent joyous chills down your body. you just wanted to be extremely happy in that moment. he reaches out a hand greets you, "i don't know if you remember me but i'm hoseok from the counselor dinner yesterday."
"right, right hoseok, i think i remember."
"and you're y/n, i remember. how could i forget a name like y/n, it's so adorable. even if you don't talk much," he turns back to seokjin who started talking. his nonchalant yet flirty attitude stopped you from reading him and analyzing what kind of person he was. it frustrated you for the duration of the bonfire. you didn't sing songs not because you didn't know them, which was true but because the group then decided to tell stories instead.
"i hope these mosquito's enjoy my monster infused blood, i never drink water. enjoy diabetes bitches," Mj, another male counselor for the younger kids jokes.
"remember everyone, bright and early seven o'clock to prepare for the campers. everyone is accustomed to their group, i sent the list to each of your emails. Mj no scaring the campers this year please."
"Ugh you're no fun jinnie," mj crosses his arms and pouts dramatically. seokjin dismisses the group, yet you have no idea where to go, there were multiple paths.
"rosé, a word please," seokjin calls.
rosé turns around and walks to him and seokjin gives you an eye that tells you that it is private.
"they are totally banging," mj whispers in your ear making you grin and nod to yourself. he grabbed a branch from a tree and swatted at the air.
"i wish i was like jin, charming, a friggin' prince that guy is. bagged rosé. lucky fuck," he swatted at a tree causing you to flinch. to you mj was goofy and charming even when his dirty jokes came out at the worst times. you could understand why he was attracted to rosé, he seemed like the type to shower her in love and pamper her until she felt suffocated.
"rosé is pretty," you point the flashlight ahead of you with your right hand while the other hand was snugly tucked under your right arm.
"yeah, i've known her since we were campers here. don't think she ever noticed me."
"if it's been that long i'm sure she has."
he didn't seem too convinced as he stared at the ground and kicked every pebble you came across, "by the way, do yourself a favor and don't wake up at the ass crack of dawn, the campers don't arrive until like 10 and that's the earliest."
you two finally arrived back at camp angel with aches  in your toes, "are you good to go back alone?"
Mj chuckles, "i've been here for years don't worry about me, you should be worrying about yourself."
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"don't go all girl power on me. i mean during the bonfire, you had a few eyes on you. the new guys were eyeing you up. be careful," he turns around, "it might get toasty around here!"
"not funny," you yell laughing, walking into your cabin.
Part ONE of STAFF! Camp Counselor AU. Part two out soon :)
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Now I know how some writers feel bruh cuz I’m still not done writing this fic. Every time I get on my computer or iPad it’s always some shit that makes me turn it off and not get back on it for weeks at a time (it’s the same with my phone) but yeah I swear y’all will get this fic. Just give me some time to reconnect bc the internet is getting to be too much.
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
If you’re taking requests could you do Pynk!Yoongi x reader with the prompts “oh, remember when you used to wear that all the time? Good times.” and if you could combine this one with “did that person just take a picture of us?” Too that would great 💕 And I just wanted to let you know that you are a really underrated writer (and a fantastic one at that ) that I wish more people knew about 💕🥺
Awww Thank you so much! This really made my day like you have no idea lol
“oh, remember when you used to wear that all the time? Good times.” + “did that person just take a picture of us?”||M.YJ
(edited the words some for sake of flow in terms of story telling and what not)
Word Count:1290
Warnings: Sex toy(remote cotrol vibrator), slight dom/sub dynamics (if u squint really hard) , kinda just typed this up, cumming in pants, semi-public sex, slight voyeurism i think that’s all 
A/N: This went in a completely different direction than what I was kind of intending tbh but I’m happy with how it turned out. This takes place in the same universe as Pynk btw. Enjoy reader being a simp for Yoonji yall
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Min Yoonji is a menace to society you’ve decided. Sure she was an ACTUAL menace to society what with her business dealing in organized crime in the underworld and the shadows that came with it. Yes she is a menace to society but in this moment her inconveniencing you was more of a pressing issue than whatever the fuck random topic she was going on about to distract you from the buzzing in your pussy. Sure, you did ask for this but you know how they say hindsight is 20/20?
When you first met her Yoonji was so sweet. You never imagined that the pretty girl in the cafe you frequented would be capable of such...terror?Destruction? A pulse from the toy inside you as it shifts to a higher setting.
Ah, that’s right torture would be more fitting here.
Here she is, your lovely girlfriend looking at you with a calculated innocence. The silence of her unanswered question hanging in the air. Fuck, she wants an answer.
 “U-um what… what was that?”
“I said, remember you used to wear stockings all the time? Good times.”
Now that takes you back.
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When you first saw her she seemed so unbothered. As if no matter anyone else’s issues, time would halt for her while she finished her drink and croissant. She moved with an ease that should’ve made you think immediately of how different your statuses must've been. Instead it made you want to get closer to her; to approach her and ask how she made as mundane an action as swiping on her phone put the grace of the most talented ballet dancers to shame. Everything she did was measured as if she knew at every instant exactly how long her actions would take.
It drew you in more than you cared to realize. As embarrassing as it is, her grace was one of the reasons you wanted to know her better. The moment her time was interrupted (and your spell broken) by a phone call on her end, you felt decidedly disappointed but not heartbroken.
It wasn’t until she returned the week after that on the same day that you decided to invest in yourself to make yourself confident enough to even breathe near her. And after that second encounter with her you and your friend went to the store where you would purchase your first pair of stockings.
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“Ah yeah the s-stock...ings.” you managed to whimper out. At this point you began trembling and although she hadn't asked for any further elaboration you were near your peak and not really thinking rationally. Just trying to throw out whatever would make you cum faster. “Y...You know I only wore those for you.”
A silence that occurs alongside a quirk of Yoonji’s eyebrow followed by the vibrations of the vibrator slowing to a dreadful stop. “Oh really, what do you mean princess?”
You curse Yoonji mentally and your earlier self for manifesting this albeit later and at an unwanted time. Still, Yoonji wants an answer and she’ll delay your orgasm until she gets it. “Well I- I thought you were so pretty but out of my league.” you pause hoping that would satisfy her but the silence lets you know that she wants you to continue even without looking at her or any verbal confirmation. “S-so I thought that maybe if I wear stockings then she’ll think I’m classy like her and wanna go o- on a date with me.”
When she doesn’t respond you look up from the table you'd been death gripping to see she’s staring at you with this look of adoration. It’s a bit pitying as though she finds your past self’s train of thought hilariously stupid (which admittedly… it kind of was based on what your relationship is), but overall so...loving. When Yoonji looks at you like you could do no wrong you truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Moments like these make you feel like you’re worthy of Yoonji’s time. Not that she’s ever made you feel inferior but that she’s a busy woman who’s important, beautiful, wealthy, and confident and out of all the people in the world she chooses to be here with you. She enjoys your company more than anyone else in the world and that alone makes you feel better than anything that’s ever been told to you
“Come here my love.” She scoots her chair back and pats her lap and honestly all she had to do was say my love and you were hers. You briefly wonder if she’s aware of how much you’re wrapped around her finger before remembering that you’re the same person who begged her to stick a remote control vibrator inside of you.
You walk over to her and rest your knees on either side of her body, it’s a little cramped in the small chair, but you manage. She cups your ass with her long fingers and turns the vibrator back on. 
Your legs shake immediately at the stimulation and your head falls to her neck as she massages circles into your ass. 
You hump the air, trying to get some friction, but Yoonji’s in no rush to aid you by moving her thigh upwards some. Despite this, electricity shoots through your toes and up your spine and you grip your fingers into Yoonji’s hair. “Baby, I’m gonna cum.”
“There’s no one here, cum for me.”
“I said,” she retorts, turning up the vibrator to the max setting allowed “Cum for me princess.”. She sticks her hands down your pants and squeezes, now unhindered by your jeans. You abandon all pretenses of modesty and cum for her right there in your fucking pants. You came with a shout and a wild bucking of your hips to which she responds by lowering the intensity on the toy and pressing delicate kisses to your neck while whispering gentle and soothing words into your ear. 
You cum and it’s like all good sense returns to you as soon as you feel how soaked your panties are. “Yoonji, why’d you let me do that? Now I’m gonna have to walk around like a penguin for the rest of our date.” you pout and in that moment Yoonji thinks you couldn’t look anymore perfect. Carefully laid edges starting to come undone with the sweat, pouty, lipgloss rubbed off but somehow still managing to shine so beautifully in the sun. It’s almost laughable how quickly you revert to being bratty after getting your way.
“I can always buy you new ones.” she offers pragmatically.
“But baby”, you bury your head into her neck, “I liked-”  -click- you freeze, feeling a multitude of emotions but mortification does a good job encapsulating the way you feel. You frantically assess the situation around you looking for any one person to blame. “D-did someone just take a picture of us?”
The way Yoonji moves is surprisingly unbothered and you look up to see her phone camera pointed at your face. Well, that solves that. She takes a picture of your confusion before wrapping her blazer around your waist and directing her personal waitstaff to escort you to the bathroom and provide you with a fresh change of clothes.
You depart with a quick peck on the lips and promise to be right back. She waves and smiles at you until you’re forced to turn around to be led into her manor.
She turns around searching the endless expanse of the view from her balcony as though she’s already pinpointed her target, something- no someone, she grimaces before growling out,  “Now then, who the hell is trying to intrude on my time with my girlfriend”.
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No Matter What | Moodboard
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pairing: min yoonji x reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: small anxiety attack
Read Here: X 
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“No matter what happens, I'll still love you, and I'll still be with you. Forever.”
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1-800-yugyeom · 6 years
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for @angel-ofcolordeactivated20180104 💛💛 hope you’re feeling better by now love and that this is at least kind of what you wanted 😬😘
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joonmon · 5 months
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Day 3
yoongi in his element is the hottest🥵
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jeonsjiddies · 2 years
Only Yours - drabble | myj [m]
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- Pairing: Yoonji x reader
- Genre: Smut, pwp
- Word Count: 1.3k
- Warnings: unprotected sex, praise kink, pet names, use of sex toys, oral (female recieving), dom yoonji, possessive yoonji, breast/nipple play, teasing, begging, bondage, sensory deprivation? Blindfold, gender bend yoongi?, use of sex machine
- Summary: Your girlfriend has a surprise waiting for you.
A/N: Sorry this took forever! It is unedited, but @ana-rose1 did beta for me because she's the greatest. I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think? Read the story this is based off of here.
“Yoonji, what is going on?” you giggle as your girlfriend leads you through your shared apartment.
She had insisted on blindfolding you the moment you got home, telling you she had a huge surprise waiting for you. Her eyes twinkled with mischief and she had that evil smile on her face; the one she had when she was about to do something bad.
“You’ll see, we’re almost there,” she assures, her voice becoming lower, her hot breath fanning against your ear. 
Your body alights with shivers, her firm grip on your hips intoxicating you as she leads you down the hallway.
“Ready, babygirl?” Her voice is taunting, her fingertips traveling slowly up your sides and to the blindfold, peeling it from your eyes and allowing your vision to be restored.
You look around the room, letting your eyes focus. That’s when you see it. The object on the floor, resembling a mechanical horse saddle; a Sybian. 
“Mmm… do you like it?” She asks, letting her warm breath fan over your neck as she begins peppering kisses along your exposed skin.
“I… it looks fun.”
Yoonji chuckles from behind you, her fingers dancing along your skin as she runs them down your arms. Her tender actions cause you to lower your guard, which is why you gasp aloud when she yanks your arms behind your back, knocking you into her body with her rough movements.
You try to peer behind you but Yoonji has you pressed so tight against her that you can’t. Her nimble fingers move between your bodies and you realize she’s tying your hands behind your back with silk. Your heart begins hammering in your chest, wondering what your girlfriend has in store for you.
“Mmm.. my baby is already excited, isn’t she? I can hear you breathing harder,” she coos into your ear, using your arms to lead you towards the sex machine, “figured my girl deserved to be the first to try our new toy after the rough week you’d had.”
Yoonji squats in front of you, hooking her thumbs into your skirt and panties, pulling them both down at once, sucking in a breath at the sight of your arousal coating your underwear.
“Wet already? You’re such a little slut, always ready to be stuffed with some cock, aren’t you?”
You whimper indignantly and nibble on your lip, but Yoonji only chuckles at your display. She guides you over to the machine, allowing you to get a better look and grabs some lube even though you were soaked, just to be safe, and coats the dildo attachment in it.
“It comes with different attachments, but since this is your first time, I thought I’d go easy on you,” she smiles as you eye the average sized dildo.
“What other ones does it come with?”
“You’ll find out soon enough, pretty girl.”
You clench your thighs at her authoritative tone and the promise held in it. Yoonji gets down on her knees and trails her fingers along your thighs and your outer folds, teasing you.
“Do you think this tight little pussy can take that? Or should I stretch you out a little first…?”
“Please, Yoonji.”
“Please what? Words, babygirl.”
“Touch me, I want your fingers inside me.”
“Good girl,” she praises, slipping two fingers inside your drenched heat, slowly pumping them in and out of you before she begins to scissor them, stretching your walls to accommodate the dildo.
You moan sweetly, trying to keep quiet, though you know it won’t last long, never around her. She speeds up her fingers, leaning in to kitten lick at your sensitive nub and you cant your hips forward, subconsciously seeking out her touch. Her tongue twirls around your clit before she sucks it between her plump lips. Your veins feel like they’re made of lightning, your core clenching in response to her ministrations. 
Far too soon for your liking, Yoonji pulls away. You whine and your hips chase her, but she doesn’t allow it, holding you still with a firm grip.
“Greedy little baby,” she tsks.
She guides your hips for you to straddle the Sybian. She lines the dildo up with your entrance and assists you with sliding down onto it until it’s fully nestled inside your cunt. You let out a shaky breath at the welcome intrusion. 
“You’re doing great, baby.”
“So full,” you groan, gripping Yoonji’s hand a little tighter “so good.”
Yoonji smiles down at you, pride glittering in her eyes. It is quickly replaced with mischief though, as she presses a button on a little black remote and the dildo stretching your walls begins to vibrate. You moan at the unexpected sensation, and Yoonji holds your hips, guiding them to grind into the machine, pressing the dildo deep into your cunt. The dildo simultaneously rotates and vibrates, sliding against your walls in the most delicious way, which has you panting like a bitch in heat.
Yoonji looms over you, placing a finger under your chin and tilting your head up so she can look into your eyes, her smug expression and arched eyebrow making your cunt clench even more than it was from the toy inside of you.
“You look so damned pretty when you’re all fucked out like this,” she purrs, her fingertips trailing along your collarbones to your breasts, tweaking a nipple and making your body jolt.
A pathetic whine escapes your lips when Yoonji pulls away, and she has pity on you, giving you a deep, quick kiss. Once she pulls away, her breasts are right in your face, that damn necklace dangling between her two perfect mounds and calling out to you. You stick your tongue out, wrapping it delicately around the metal bar and pulling it into your mouth, sucking on it whilst making eye contact with Yoonji and watching her pupils dilate dangerously.
“Such a messy little slut for me,” she praises, caressing your cheek, “good girl.”
Suddenly, the intensity of the vibration on the dildo increases, and you notice Yoonji had picked the remote back up while you’d been distracted with her chest. 
“That’s it babygirl, let everyone hear you, let them all know you’re my personal little whore.”
“Fuuuuuck, Yoonji!” You cry out, your body shaking from the stimulation, and you couldn’t even hold onto anything to ground yourself, your hands firmly fastened behind your back.
Sweat drips from your forehead with the exertion of holding yourself up while the dildo rotates inside your dripping cunt, hitting your walls just right and sending you closer to your high. You close your eyes, feeling dizzy with euphoria. Suddenly, you feel Yoonji’s hands on your back, pressing you forward. Your clit comes in contact with a soft, silicone mat with bumps on it, the vibrations as strong as the dildo inside your heat. The stimulation seems too much, everything seems  too much. 
“Too much,” you whimper.
“You can take it, and you will.”
You groan as she pushes you farther into the silicone mat, your clit throbbing from the intense vibrations. What had seemed like too much quickly turned heavenly, and you didn’t think you could hold off much longer.
“Yoo…nji! Please, fuck, please can I come? Please please please?” You cry, tears dripping down your cheeks as your chest heaves from your labored breathing.
“Let go, princess,” she instructs softly, stroking your hair back out of your face.
A scream erupts from you as your orgasm washes over you. Your vision goes spotty and you slump back into Yoonji’s frame as your body convulses; your walls contracting over and over. You feel yourself squirting all over the machine. Once you calm down, you huff and try to lift your hips from the machine, over sensitivity consuming you. Yoonji turns the Sybian off and helps you slide off of it, into her lap. She cradles you close to her chest and you bury your head there, taking deep breaths. She strokes your head gently, allowing you time to calm down.
“You okay there, beautiful?” She asks, reaching up to wipe a bit of drool from the corner of your lips. 
You nod, intertwining your fingers with hers, “never better.”
“Mmm… well in that case…” she smirks, sliding over a variety of attachments in a neat little case, “think you can go again?”
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frisyx · 2 years
God: where would you go heaven or hell?
Yoongi: where the wifi is fast.
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blushedarmybunny · 3 years
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Welcome, i hope you enjoy your reading.
Kim Seokjin
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⚜Mr. Perfect One Shot
Kim Namjoon
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♔Testing the limits one shot
♔Horny Morning
Min Yoongi
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☽ At His mercy
☽Let’s not fight, baby: part 1 “The Conflict”
☽Let’s not fight, baby: part 2 “The Reunion”
Jung Hoseok
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❁4:00 A.M, 1:00 P.M
Park Jimin
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✙ Domestic Bliss
Domestic Chaos
11:30 (Domestic Bliss Universe)
Kim Taehyung
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✧ On the Same Page series masterlist
✧Feeling like i'm loosing you
Jeon Jungkook
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♡ Validated
♡ We Belong Together
♡Butterfly effect series masterlist
♡After his Shadow PART 2
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silv3rswirls · 3 years
Bts Masterlist
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Last updated 2/7/23
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Clingy: When life becomes too much you always look to Jin for support; however, it seems he’s grown tired of it. (Angst, slight happy ending)
You Like Me, Don’t You?: You love to tease your crush Jin. (Fluff)
Having a special way of saying I love you
I love you too much to date you prompt
Sub Jin: mommy kink, blindfolds, dirty talk | part 2 (18+)
Kinktober Day One- oral (18+)
Untitled: He didn't say anything, just hugged her, and that was all that she needed. (Vent fic, comfort)
Jin with a shy and awkward girlfriend
We'll be okay again, one day (angsty, slight comfort, complicated feelings, mental health)
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Attention:  Yoongi’s feeling needy, but the reader is busy studying. (Fluff)
Cold:  Despite your reservations, Yoongi thinks you look adorable in his beanie. (Fluff)
When I Look At You:  Anyone could tell that Yoongi was undoubtedly head over heels for you. (Fluff)
Promise: Struggling to balance work and his relationship, Yoongi realizes he may lose you for good. (Angst, breakups)
Yoongi’s s/o giving all their attention to Holly
First time with Yoongi (18+)
Kinktober Day Six- Spit Kink
1:32 AM
10:31 PM
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Teaching his s/o to dance
Adopting a pet together
Having an adventurous s/o
Talking about your future together
Morning sex (18+)
Hobi is your special person
Comforting his s/o after a bad visit with their parents
Overstimulation (18+)
music box: He hadn't meant to keep the music box packed away for so long, but the sight of it was just one of many things he couldn't stand anymore. (Mentions of death, grief/loss, angst)
Complimenting the beauty mark on his lip
It's Alright to Take a Break (comfort/fluff)
Unspoken (slight angst/comfort)
Why are you laughing? (angst/comfort, crying)
Just a second: The picture of a man sitting at a grave, with tired sunken eyes haven lost the will to get back up and leave; what a sad picture it was. (angst, grief)
In The Dark: In the dark, when night comes and dreams overtake; he sees you again. (Angst, grief, death)
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Even if It’s a Lie:  Kiss his cheek and tell him that you’ll be fine. Even if it’s a lie. (angst, breakup)
Sunday Cookies: Despite trying his best to bake you a special treat, Namjoon finds them a complete failure; good thing you didn’t mind a little burnt edges. (Fluff)
Corruption Kink (18+)
Learning Experience:  All you wanted was some extra credit, but how did you end up sleeping with your professor? Pt.1 Pt.2 (18+)
Trust: Tired of your constant accusations Namjoon decides to end things, hoping things will turn out well for the both of you. (Breakup)
7:28 PM- slight angst/fluff
Please, Lie To Me: You wished he was lying to you, but you know it's time to stop pretending this is a perfect, novel ending. (Breakup, angst)
Spilled Milk (angst/comfort, allusions to childhood trauma)
Untitled: (fluff)
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Jimin’s reaction to his crush doing aegyo
Readers reaction to Jimin's tiny hands
Jimin tracing I love you
Sharing jewelry
Daisy: It seemed simple enough. The two of you loved each other so you should be together, but fate keeps you apart. With one last trip with you, Jimin is determined to change things. (Angst)
Silence: Afraid he’ll never be able to hear you say you love him again, Jimin breaks down. (Angst)
He Loves Her: It didn't matter what she did or what happened, he would always love her. (Angst, toxic relationships)
Sub Jimin: riding, dirty talk, overstimulation, orgasm denial, begging, slight choking. (18+)
His s/o’s estranged parent wants to come back
Slow Dance: "Do you regret telling her how you felt that night?" (angst)
12:04 AM: mentions of a bad childhood, angst/comfort
I Think I Still Like You (toxic relationships, angst but also some fluff moments?)
Whims (cheating, angsty)
Untitled: (toxic relationships, friends with benefits, mentioned throwing up and alcohol, crying)
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Pout: Taehyung wants a kiss. (fluff)
Honeybee: Taehyung comes home starved for attention after being away for so long. (fluff, domestic)
Pet Me Instead!: Taehyung gets a little jealous over a certain four-legged friend. (Fluff)
Let Her Go: When you ask Taehyung what exactly the two of you are he doesn’t answer. You try to keep playing along, but sometimes it’s best to let things go. (Angst)
That’s Us: Taehyung told himself that wasn’t you and him. You loved each other so much, you were perfect together. Nothing could change that. (Angst, Breakups)
Sub Taehyung: part 2 - nsfw, restraint (rope), pegging (18+)
Exhibitionism with Taehyung: daddy kink, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, hair pulling, Jimin watches y’all fuck (18+)
Ghost: Finally, when he laid eyes on you for the first time in almost a year his heart shrank. The anger he had felt over your absence was pushed aside because you looked so different. You weren’t yourself, he could tell, you looked empty; like a ghost of who you were before. (18+, fluff and angst)
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Paper Cut: Reader gets a paper cut and Jungkook is ready to take care of them. (fluff, domestic)
Take it off: Reader borrows one of Jungkook’s shirts and he wants it back. (fluff, suggestive)
Sledding: Upon hearing that his girlfriend has never been sledding, Jungkook is quick to change that. (Fluff)
Dude: Jungkook hates the new pet name you’ve given him. (Fluff)
Strength Kink (18+)
Rockstar: At a time like this, the last place you expected to be was some seedy bar downtown, but here you were drinking shitty beer and making eyes with the live band’s drummer. (Au, smut) (18+)
Deja Vu: Do you get deja vu when she’s with you? (Breakup)
11:41 PM- Angst
It's Okay to Cry
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