partycannoninc · 27 days
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saturnsaurius · 19 days
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I usually don’t join memes but this time I just had to xD I put my spin into it! I added Hello Kitty and her sister Mimi riding dolphins~ I had fun doing this piece! 💗 I also added some memes in the next slides 🤣 Hope y’all like them!!! 🍭🤍🦄
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hellseur · 1 year
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Mimi Sentry and Mini Sentry-Tan
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obigem · 1 year
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The lull between move in time and the Welcome Roundup expired quickly, and before anyone knew it, everyone was gathered around the stage eager to be introduced to the counselors and the itinerary for their week at camp.
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"Good morning and sul, sul, Camp Longhorn campers! I'm Head Counselor Hecking, and I'm so excited that we're all going to be spending the week together!" Head Counselor Hecking gave them the warmest and most enthusiastic welcome.
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"The theme for your week is adventure and discovery. We are going to realize that theme with one structured event a day. We're talking motor advancement through swim time and treehouse building, creative development in the art center, and athletic gains hiking and tree climbing."
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"Outside of structured events, you'll have free time to explore activities individually and make friends with your fellow campers. And don't neglect that part, campers! You may only be here a week, but the friendships you make here will last you a lifetime."
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"Now here to assist me in guiding you all through this amazing week are my junior counselors standing next to me. Each one of them will be in charge of your guided events and will be on standby if you need help during your free time. Give Libbie, Daniel, M, and Evie a hearty sul sul!"
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All of the campers gave the counselors their heartiest sul suls, but one hello in particular immediately caught Evie's eye.
It was Cordelia, waving to what would seem only one counselor in particular, and Evie could tell exactly where her gaze was fixated.
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After she noticed Cordelia's infatuated gaze, she couldn't ignore it for the rest of the roundup.
For the rest of Head Counselor Hecking's speech, she witnessed Cordelia sighing over and over with her lovesick stricken stare focused only on one person.
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And the most frustrating part was that Mimi seemed completely oblivious to it.
She'd thought Mimi had talked to her about it, but clearly something got lost in translation. Evie internally sighed. She'd have to talk to them again about it. This problem could not go on.
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ladyelainehilfur · 20 days
Mimi from Oh My Girl is basically the female version of Mingi from ATEEZ
(both are rappers, have the deepest voices in their group, are the tallest in their group, constantly get whitewashed in photos, have gummy smiles, similar mouth shapes, have a specific lisp when speaking English, whisper their intros, are both from small companies)
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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ojitos lindos q dicen <puto d q lo pario adivina q estoy haciendo no es tan dificil estoy burlando de vos y como cocinas boludo> o algo asi
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multifandomgirl08 · 3 months
The Engagement [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Fiancée!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: He moved his hand over yours, moving the engagement ring that he placed on your finger, side to side.
Warning(s): Fluff
A/N: This was originally on my masterlist months ago and then I took it off because I wasn't happy with it, but after who knows however many months. It's done and I'm happy with it.
Words: 1.4k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
“Hey.” You muttered into Max’s back as he stood on the balcony of the house that you rented out for the last couple of days.
Max didn’t respond, instead just let out a deep breath before you moved your arms up around his middle section.
He moved his hand over yours, moving the engagement ring that he placed on your finger, side to side. It was a weight on your hand that you could definitely get used to.
Max had been outside for a while, looking out into the surf, the glass that was filled with a diluted gin and tonic sitting on the table to his side. You let him have a few moments to himself while you finished up packing the last of your things before you left to go back to Monaco in the morning.
“I’m happy to be going home tomorrow.” He said, turning his head towards you. “I’ve missed Nico.”
Your vacation with Max had been nice, but you also missed the little boy being underfoot all the time when you were all home together.
“I’ve missed him too.” You got up on the tip of your toes and kissed the back of Max’s neck. You could feel his shoulders relax a little more.
“He’ll be excited about the news.” Max said. For a moment you could have sworn you heard Nico’s voice in your head saying, ‘Mimi and Papa are getting married.’
You lightly chuckled, “Be ready for him to come running from the living room when we get home.”
“Yeah, he’ll be a ball of energy until dinner. He’ll be more happy about us getting married than my mum.” He said turning around to pull you close into his arms.
You gave Max a wide smile. In the years you had been dating Max, Sophie had become like a mom to you. She always said that she was a phone call away if you needed someone to talk to, about Max, Nico, or to just be a sympathetic ear. Part of you wondered if she knew about Max proposing to you.
“Does she know about…?” You trailed off, playing with your ring. Max’s eyes went down to your fingers. “Yeah. I showed her the ring just before we left. She sounded happy for me.” Like she approved. You could hear in the silent air.
“Well I’m glad.” Having Sophie’s support was important to you. Max was her only son, and you wanted to make sure that Sophie was okay with you becoming a part of this family.
Max was quick to take your hand in his before moving onto the couch, pulling you into his lap. You both stayed there for a while. Max taking a sip of his watered down gin and tonic before you both went back inside the villa to help him pack the last of the bags and go to sleep for the night. You had a mid-day flight to catch before you would be back in Monaco with Max by your side, and you couldn’t wait to share the happy news with Nico and Sophie.
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24 hours before
You and Max were on vacation in The Bahamas and had been locked away sleeping in until the early hours of the afternoon and spending time on the beach when the sun was no longer at its highest point in the sky. Max even had something that resembled a tan instead of his normal almost shell pink color. It was nice being able to spend time with Max, just the two of you. Nico had stayed with Sophie in Max’s apartment so as to not break his schedule while you were gone.
You had missed Nico being Max’s little shadow, however, it was nice to have Max all to yourself for more than a few hours in the evening.
It was your second to last day before you would be going back home. Max had pulled you out of bed at noon for brunch, you hung out on the beach for a bit before going back to the house, showered, took a short nap, and then he told you to get dressed as he had arranged dinner plans.
You had gotten quite the surprise when you and Max had taken a walk to the beach below to see a table set up for two. The private chef that was hired during your stay had made you food. It felt a little unreal, that you got to slow dance in the surf with Max before desert came.
Max led you back to the table where you had managed to take a few bites of the desert, the sand still stuck between your toes. Max wasn’t eating any of it though. He reached over and placed his hand over yours.
“Y/N,” He breathed out. You let your eyes meet his, his hand was slightly shaking before you saw him get up from his seat and drop down to one knee. Max reached down into the pocket of the loose navy pants that he was wearing to see him pull out a dark blue box. Max seemed like he was slightly stumbling to open the box but you just looked at him, seeing the determined look on his face. He was so serious about this with his brows slightly furrowed as he tried to open the box.
God, did you love him.
He pulled the lid open on both sides, revealing the ring. It was a little unreal seeing it after all of the conversations that you and Max had about your future together. When did Max have time to go get a ring?
Max looked up at you, his eyes steel blue as he held your gaze, “Y/N,” He started again. “I’ve loved you for a long time. Of course, being able to spend these last few years with you has meant everything to me. You being able to accept Nico as your own. Loving me, just me. Max.” He said putting a hand up to his chest.
“Without everything else that may come with that.” You knew that there were some less-than-stellar parts of Max’s life.
“I can’t imagine a life without you in it. I know that Nico and I would be lucky to have you as part of our family. I’m asking if you will marry me?” Max wasn’t looking at you, as if he was afraid of your answer.
You nodded yes at his words, “Yes, Max.” 
“Are you sure?” He asked looking up at you. You could see the hope flooding his eyes.
“I’m sure.” You said with a final nod.
Max placed the box on the table before reaching for you. He pressed his lips to yours, his hands moving into your hair, drawing you closer to him.
You pulled away slightly, barely coming up for air.
“I wanted to get it right,” Max muttered, the nervousness slipping away from his tone. “I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Max dropped his forehead to yours loving how happy he sounded. “Of course, I chose now. How can I not when you look so gorgeous.”
You couldn’t help the blush that spread over your cheeks. How did he get away with saying things like that?
Max moved back just a step before pulling you out of your chair and onto your feet. He took the ring out of the navy box before sliding it onto your finger. It looked beautiful, like it was meant for you.
“Do you like it?” He asked, looking down at your hand.
“It looks perfect.” You brightly replied.
“You deserve the best,” Max said into your ear.
You put your arms around Max’s neck before looking to meet his eyes. “You’re the best thing that could happen to me. You and Nico.”
“Ik houd van jou, mijn leeuwin.” He said.
“I love you too, Max.” You said back as you and Max walked through the sand with your hands interlocked. You could feel him playing with the band of the ring as you and Max slowly walked back to the house, your hands clasped together. He had pulled you into his arms once you were back in the living room lying against each other. You ended up going to bed late, Max kissing the band of your ring and placing your hand on his chest.
You didn’t get up until the late hours of the morning, and even had to pull yourself away from him as he held you against his chest.
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Ik houd van jou - I love you
Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab, @thedecalcomania-blog, @xoscar03, @em-gvf01, @haikyuen, @shelbyteller , @geniusalpaca
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undying-love · 7 months
Beatles biographers saying totally normal things about John and Paul: A compilation
"‘John always used to say,’ Yoko told me at one point, ‘that no one ever hurt him the way Paul hurt him.’ The words suggested a far deeper emotional attachment between the two than the world ever suspected - they were like those of a spurned lover." -Philip Norman
"No matter how much he loved Yoko, the Gibraltar ceremony seems like something close to an on-the-rebound reaction to the loss of his first great love, Paul McCartney." -Chris Salewicz
"Almost in each other’s face, John and Paul quickly gained an unusual closeness, little or nothing hidden. Paul noticed that ‘John had beautiful hands." -Mark Lewisohn
"With Yoko present, Paul McCartney’s reign as Lennon’s princess was doomed.” -Peter McCabe
"John's in love with Yoko," Paul confessed to a reporter from the 'Evening Standard', "and he's no longer in love with the three of us." But for all intents and purposes, he might as well have been talking about himself." -Bob Spitz
'I thought Paul's was rubbish,' opined Lennon, saying that he preferred George's All Things Must Pass. McCartney studied the article with the morbid fascination of a jilted lover receiving a kiss-off letter. -Howard Sounes
“Lennon could have abandoned the (US) immigration case and returned to Britain, and possibly even to McCartney, but that would have meant accepting that his relationship with Ono was over.”-Peter Dooget
"Theirs was a volatile relationship right up to the end, and was fraught with emotional summits and valleys. While the connection between them was strictly heterosexual, it was deep, passionate, and highly explosive." -Geoffrey Giuliano
"John was insecure, and when he saw Paul he wanted to look cool. He gave up all his friends for Paul. Aunt Mimi recalled that John jumped around the kitchen when he told her about his new friend. She sarcastically said to John that they were like ‘chalk and cheese’ meaning how different they were. And John would start hurling himself around the room shouting ‘Chalk and Cheese!'’ smiling and laughing. He was fucking in love with him, he adored him. She understood he found the partner of his life." -Thomas Rhodes
“The last week in August, Paul McCartney returned to Liverpool, tanned and noticeably slimmer. In addition to starting school, he came back to begin a relationship he seemed destined for: hooking up with John Lennon." -Bob spitz
“Seeing Lennon focus on Ono rather than him [Paul] was as devastating as it would have been for Cynthia Lennon to witness the couple making love.” -Peter Dogget
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hrhmimieucliffe · 29 days
⚠️⚠️Another Mimi Rant Incoming (ik, not again) ⚠️⚠️
Love and Deepspace.
I love the game. I've met so many kind and wonderful people within this fandom. But no fandom is without its problems.
If you know me, you know what my page is all about and how I advocate for the inclusion of more Black women in different fandom spaces and consumable media. We are often either forgotten about, used as comedic relief, stereotypes, or as an antagonist who is loud, bitter, has an attitude, etc.
Cool, fine, whatever, over it.
But one thing I will address is the fact that some people in the LADS fandom seem to have forgotten one major thing about the game. Pertaining to the MC.
Yes, I'm aware the devs use a 'base' look for her on some of the cards and in the previews of new battle mechanics/ five-star kindled scenes. But they're not how she canonically looks. She looks that way because Infold is an eastern based company with certain beauty standards, cool, not asking you to suddenly change her. I'm cool with that.
But people in the FANDOM seem to be forgetting that you can customize her yourself. Into an OC or a self insert, it doesn't matter.
So if you know this, why is it that people with a tan or dark MC receive hate and harassment for making fanart of their self-insert MCs who look like the real them with the MLs?
Why is it that as non pale/fair skinned women, we are expected to always sit back and relate to a pale MC who has a personality that usually doesn't match some of us, either? If we can bear it for our entire lives, why is it a problem when we get a *small crumb* of inclusiveness in making the MC customizable to shape her how we want, it's not a problem until someone actually makes fanart of their MC with an ML and that MC is not the same pale/fair-skinned one?
How is that fair? It's like some people deliberately ignore it or are part of the problem. Especially those who make excuses like
"Oh, but they're not a western based company." I know that. Which is why I'm not aiming this rant at Infold themselves.
"Oh, don't bring politics into the game". First of all, how is the existence of dark or tan people politics? It's not "politics" when it involves someone who is part of the usual beauty standard, is it? Second of all, Infold themselves practically brought those said "politics" in by having tan/dark skinned options into the game in the first place.
Do you all see what I'm getting at, here?
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This all came about because I'm part of (both) LADS subs on Reddit, and someone recently made a post about how they were attacked on Tiktok by LADS "fans" for her MC being dark in some *FANART* she made of her MC (based on herself) with her favourite ML.
Why can't we just have peace as women who don't conform to the outdated beauty standards? Why does it matter so much if MC is customizable?
What, do people think that as dark or Black women, we're not allowed to have certain interests? We're not allowed to like certain characters, games, movies, shows, etc? Why?
Wake UP and start calling it out when you see it!! You can't claim not to be a part of the "bad part" when you sit back and let it happen which makes those people get comfortable doing it.
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Rant over. Have a nice day girls.
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heeheesang · 4 months
ɾiȥȥɱαƚch | lunch together? on me.
warnings! mentions of food / eating, mentions of verbal abuse.
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“thank you class,” miss tan dismisses the class as everyone stood up and bowed at her. i sat back down and packed my bags as one by one, everyone left.
i took my bag and was about to step out of the classroom when a tall figure towers over me. a boy in business uniform cover with a black jacket, blonde hair with black ends, the cutest moles on his face, smiled down on me. “riki..?”
he nodded and smiles as he leans down to my height, “you’re much prettier in person miss pretty face.” i blushed and punched his shoulder playfully as we both laughed. he was so good looking, mesmerising. we took a seat nearby minju’s table and went to get our food trays.
“so little?” riki says as he pointed to my plate, “not feeling too hungry…” i slightly pouted as he sighed and ruffled his hair, taking a few more pieces of chicken strips and a bowl of soup., “you have classes til six pm, you definitely need more hm?”
i hid my face and smiled, he cares for me? i know he did it because he genuinely wants me to eat more and be full but wow acts of service? as we were about to pay, he held my hand and card down. “for two.”
“riki..!” i tried to get out of his grip as he laughs and teases me, “it’s on me baby, don’t worry.” i immediately stopped and retracted my hand, baby?
we walked back to our table with riki’s figure towering behind me, only to find someone else, unwanted, at our table. “yn, baby!”
i looked over to minju’s table before rolling my eyes at him, “get away from here, anton.”
“but baby..? don’t you miss me? i missed you so much baby, i almost forgot how your kisses felt..!” i gagged at his reply, we never even kissed. he was probably doing a prank video, where’s the cameras?
“who’s this?” riki whispered as he eyed anton.
“your new boy toy, yn? c’mon, just come back to me.. baby please..”
“do not, call riki a boy toy. he is my—“
“i’m her boyfriend.” i looked up to riki in shock, was he being seriously serious right now?
“baby you know you miss me..”
“no anton, fuck you! you’ve done so many shit to me and you’re expecting me to take you back? after you fucking called me names and cursed at me when you were angry that i didn’t want to do anything weird with you? i should’ve known what a bitch you are, instead of liking you. now, stay the fuck away from me and my friends and my boyfriend before i twist and tear off your fucking ballsacks.” i yelled out as i dropped my tray and ran to the toilet, tears dripping from my eyes as i thought about the incident over and over again.
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masterlist | back | next
taglist— @illvding @mxxnintheskyreblogs @whoiss4m @yoonzns @lukesboo @shewoop @yourgirlzeyy @yourssincerely-mimi @wonkixo @sol3chu @n1k1mura @nctsshoes2 @dimplewonie @kookify @rikisgeef @ilovejeongin007 @nan-lzzn @speedymiraclecloud @pkjay @wk20
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peach-artblog · 2 months
could mimi, sora, kari, yolei, the 02 versions get a beach episode?
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there waiting for some refreshing summer snacks kari didn't think the digital world beach would be this hot today, and yolei and sora try to cheer her up as mimi eagerly thinks about herself getting a nice tan!
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chaibewriting · 10 months
prince! enji todoroki x black-coded! (poc friendly) fem! reader x platonic! todoroki kids
content warnings: brief depiction of violence, domestic violence mentioned, suicide mentioned, child neglect mentioned.
notes: this is long overdue, my bad y'all I was dead— hope ya enjoy today's chapter 🕵️
word count: 5.2k
summary: enji gets a taste of his own medicine and an old enemy is coming to the light.
taglist: @easilyobsessedbutflighty @rogueofbullshit @2chickenwangs @mimi-sanisanidiot @megumitodoroki @sexyashbish @nctseventeensworld @flamey-comet @theroosterswife24 @randomjuju @hecate-kitty @bluebreadenthusiast @flvr4ane @theitchbbbb @bunniotomia
prev. chapter six. masterpost. next.
IT’S hand continued to squeeze the throat of the King, unwilling to let go of the man who’d struck you. Surely, you would be leaving a bruise on him.
Whilst the entity continued to grip Enji’s throat in a vice grip, glaring at his face. His lightly tanned skin was slowly turning blue, your terrified son soon broke from his fear-struck state upon seeing you. This new figure seems to make his fear disappear and he isn’t afraid anymore. Afraid of what? Perhaps his father, or more so, what your father could do to you in his blinded rage. As he looks between you, or the creature holding you, and his father, he realizes that there would be dire consequences if you were to accidentally kill the man.
Silently, the little boy lurches forward, sprinting towards the shadowy creature and jumps onto one of its inky black, tree stump legs, wrapping his little arms around it and hugging it. From what he was able to see, you were covered in the blackest flames he'd ever seen, and he had willingly thrown himself into danger at the prospect of being potentially burned as long as it meant you would stop. To his surprise, there was no burning sensation. In fact, he had squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking at the corners, preparing for the searing pain of being set ablaze. However, instead of such an unfortunate fate, he was met with an overwhelming warmth that soothed him immensely; he felt protected, safe, comfortable, and… happy. All of the feelings you had introduced to him ever since you’d made your way into his life was what he felt in that moment, except it was tenfold. He never wanted to be brought out of this fire, his entire body relaxing as he continued to hold onto the creature’s leg. However, the sound of gurgles and grunts reminded him of his current goal, his father’s life was still being threatened. And as much as he deserved to be hurt like he hurt others, he shouldn’t be killed.
In his moment of clarity, he opened his eyes and looked up at the creature’s face and didn’t know what to do. However, he acted before he could think much more. “Mama!! Mama, come back please!! Y-you have to let go!!” He called out, hoping to reach you from wherever you were currently. “Mama, please!!”
The sound of his pleading causes the creature to pause momentarily before looking down, finally noticing the small child who was currently clinging to its leg, fresh tears running down his chubby cheeks. Pain. Hurt. Need. Heartbreak. A child so young shouldn’t be feeling these things.
Everything that comes after happens in just mere seconds, though it feels like it occured in slow motion. Enji was dropped to the ground, gasping for air, catching up on some much needed oxygen, and the creature reached down to scoop Dabi up into one of its hands, pushing him into its chest where you currently were. As soon as he was safe within the confines of the creatures body you were quick to bring the small child to you. The shadowy figure made space and held the two of you inside of it as you cradled him in your arms as best as you could with your belly still in-tow. Shakingly, you cupped Dabi’s face in your hands and began to wipe away his tears with your thumbs. “I’m so sorry, Dabi. You shouldn’t have had to do that. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” The sound of your voice and the concern in your eyes causes Dabi to sob, fresh tears beginning to fall as he wailed. “Mama!! I-I thought you were g-gonna kill… kill dad an’— an’ get e-e-executed..!!”
“What? Oh no, no, baby. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. Mama’s here, okay? We’re okay, everything’s gonna be alright.” You were quick to reassure him, holding onto him for dear life. Nothing else seemed to matter to you in the moment, not even your husband’s gaze that was staring at what you had become. You were more focused on making sure that Dabi was okay and safe.
Inside of the creature was where the two of them currently resided, the creature remaining as it was as it discreetly observed its surroundings. Surprisingly, the ‘room’ you were in was completely black but you were still able to see things clearly around you, including what was going on outside of the creature’s body, almost like you were in a protective glass box despite the outside of the creature’s body being jet black and opaque.
Enji had managed to catch his breath again, a hand on his throat as he measured the level of damage you’d done. The crumpled man stared at the creature that swallowed you and Dabi up with an unreadable expression, his mind swarming with thoughts that even he couldn’t fully comprehend. The most prominent thought that seemed to prevail above all was the fact that he was proud.
Proud of the fact that his wife, his Queen was strong enough to defend herself when her safety was threatened, this new form, whatever it was, reminded him of his own technique where he would engulf the entirety of his body in flame, the fire going as far to even engulf his skeletal system with flames- the sight of it was simply his skeleton on fire.
Slowly, he stood on his feet and the creature seemed to watch him closely, taking note of every move he made, no-doubt ready to strike defensively if it called for that line of action even while still remaining in its squatting position it was still towering over the King.
The two of them, the creature and Enji, appeared to be in a silent staring contest of sorts, almost daring each other to do something even remotely hamrful to the other. As one would expect, the Hellflame user had many questions he wished to ask, but he wouldn’t get the time to ask said questions as the creature began to speak despite its lack of mouth.
“If you bring harm to my user again, I will have no other choice than to consider you as a threat and will eliminate you if such action is called for. I will strike you back with the same force, and perhaps more.”
It’s voice was androgynous, his eyes squinting with each tonal transition of words as they pointed a smokey finger at your husband who appeared to be taken aback by the sentient creature. You had been stunned as well, still holding Dabi in your arms as the creature proceeded to sink down towards the ground, its lower body pouring into a river of smoke that steadily fell until you were back on your feet, currently propping Dabi on one of your hips as you held him. Terrifyingly enough, as the smoke cleared, fanning itself around your now standing form, you scowled at the man in front of you, piggybacking off of your protector’s words. “I don’t wish to see your face now, later, or even after that. You disgust me. You need to leave right now." You stated, leaving no room for argument as you glared at Enji, your resolve and irritation was as clear as day.
He stood still. Staring at you, scrutizining your facial expression and whatever may be going on behind those fierce eyes that had gotten you married to him in the first place. And then, without a word, he turned on his heels and walked away from you, soon passing through the doors that led out to where you were. As soon as he was gone, you relaxed, letting out a breath as you carefully put Dabi onto his feet and then sunk to your knees, digging your nails into the dirt as you attempted to wrap your head around what had just happened and why it had happened. You’d never done such a thing before, and no one had ever told you you could even do something as remotely as possible this. Your awakened power had a sentient being attached to it? Did it lie dormant inside of you at all times? You had to speak to your parents as soon as you possible could to try and get those answers.
From Enji’s perspective, this power appeared to have been awoken by your maternal instincts and the need to protect yourself and the life within you. As he walked down the castle halls, he rubbed at his neck, taking note of the tender, irritated skin, this had been the last thing he'd expected to happen. On one hand, he was glad she’d managed to strike back at him, but on the other hand, he grew excited wondering what their child would have once she was born, would she have a combination of their powers or would she inherit only one in its entirety? Under his pride and excitement was also bewilderment.
Passing by a few servants on his short journey to his office, he paid no attention to the others who seemed to be tripping over themselves to try and move out of his way, though a great majority had taken note of the bruising on his neck as they looked towards his back. Where had he gotten that from?
Once he was in the privacy of his office, he shut the door behind him and approached his desk, taking a seat as he began to further ponder their situation. He had reacted like his mother. He struck Y/N just like how his mother would often strike his father when he didn’t do something correctly to her. He never struck back, no matter how many times Enji would question the late King, wondering why he never stuck up for himself and just took the abuse with a smile. Distinctly, he remembered asking the older man one day when he had just turned around ten why he allowed his mother to hit him without consequence.
"She means well, I know it’s difficult for her to express her emotions verbally so physically expressing it allows me to understand her better.” The man had explained with a smiling bruised face, groaning when he’d stretched his split lip a little too far to offer a reassuring smile.
You had done something his father failed to do, you had struck Enji in retaliation and didn’t just sit back and take what he’d given you. It filled him with a sense of uncertainty, as well as… exuberance.
Back outside, you had slowly regained your strength, sitting back slowly on your legs as you noticed Dabi staring at you with a hairy look in his eyes, making you fully remember what you were doing and who you were currently with. “Ah sh- shoot. I’m sorry you had to see… whatever that was, Dabi– Ah, fuck, where’s Keigo? Keigo!” “‘m right here, Your Majesty!” You felt a slight gust of wind to your right and took note of Keigo who had flown down from a tree nearby once the King had disappeared, making his way over to where the two of you were currently. Sharply inhaling, you were quick to apologize again. “I’m sorry for scaring you both. I didn’t mean to turn into a monster-” “No! You weren’t a monster! You were… were-” Dabi had cut you off in an attempt to make you feel better but couldn’t seem to figure out what word he wanted to use, thankfully, he wasn’t alone. “-cool!!” Keigo yelled, striking a quirky pose after he’d finished Dabi’s sentence for him. “You went like- ‘pow pow’! And then ya turned into fire ‘n were so freakin’ tall!!! I thought ya were gonna set the trees on FIRE!” The tiny blond rambled, attempting to reenact the ‘fighting moves’ you had done, swinging wildly at the air as he continued to babble about how cool you were. You and Dabi watched as he continued his little reenactment, no-doubt dramatizing what had really happened, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly, the mood rising thanks to the little boy’s excitement. Moving to sit beside you on the grass, Dabi gently grabbed your hand and held it, even with your hand easily dwarfing his tiny one, hoping that the gesture would make you feel better as Keigo continued his story. You were glad you weren’t alone at the moment, but you were a bit apprehensive about the fact that the two of them had witnessed such a traumatizing scene. You were unsure of what to say, you could think of a million and one things but none of them seemed right.
A few minutes had passed before Keigo had finished his excited retelling of what had occurred, the little birdie boy seemed to have tuckered himself out from shadowboxing whatever invisible entity he’d created with his mind. Soon after, an idea came to mind as you looked to your side and down at Dabi with a small smile, deciding to use this difficult situation to your advantage.
“How do you feel about us going to visit grandma and grandpa? I’m sure they’d be plenty happy to see you.”
The sudden question caused the boy to instantly spark up with joy, eagerly nodding his head with a bit of a twinkle in his eyes. Even before your marriage to Enji, your parents have treated Dabi like their first grandchild, smothering him with all sorts of affection and material things— something he had yet to receive from his blood grandmother. Though you were saddened briefly by such news, you didn’t exactly like Enji’s mother, she wasn’t someone you’d sit down to have tea with willingly, but you tolerated her for the sake of everything else.
After hearing Dabi’s answer you were quick to nod and stand up, eager to clean up and leave, however, to your surprise, Minji had appeared out of thin air, almost as if she had a sixth sense, picking up the bottom of her dress to hurriedly approach you, you had nearly missed her entrance but thankfully Keigo was quick to call out to her and ran to hug her middle. As soon as she was in front of you, she began to speak, moving her hands around wildly which was something you had learned the woman had a tendency to do when she was feeling overwhelmed with emotion and also had a tendency to ramble.
“Y/N! What in the world?! The other servants told me you were out here and about the King coming to confront you… Are you alright? Shall I fetch some coolant gel or bandages or gauze or perhaps some ice or should I get the castle doc-“
You were quick to grab a hold of her hands, cutting her off as you encased them both between your hands and gave them a gentle squeeze in an attempt to put her mind at rest, and fortunately, it seemed to work when she stopped fumbling over her words and simply looked at you expectantly. Sharply inhaling, your jaw clenched for a split second before relaxing again, a small smile appearing instead. “I’m fine, Minji. I promise. I just plan on spending a few days in Tenebris with Dabi and my parents, perhaps my brother if he’s not busy with his suitors.”
Minji was quick to nod, taking a quick glance around at the surrounding area before taking note of the remnants of your impromptu picnic that had been all but demolished by the two growing boys nearby, as well as yourself. “Kei Kei and I will clean up here. You two can run along, please tell your mother I said ‘hello’.”
“Nope. Nada. I am not going to let you clean, baby bird and I can handle it. Can’t we, baby?” She asked, looking down at her son with fondness, he chirped in agreement and she reached down to ruffle his fluffy locks of blond, nodding with determination immediately afterwards. “See? We can handle it. You two run away now or I’ll chase ya off with a broom.” She threatened, although her words had a playful edge to them, you knew she was serious, earning a light chuckle from you as you squeezed her hands one last time and then let go of them, allowing her to immediately roll up her sleeves. Despite having such a rebellious set of traits, you had gone quite close to Minji in the last several months, mostly because her words of your souls being connected had interested you, however, you had come to the conclusion that getting to know her had to be one of the best decisions you’d ever made, now considering her a dear friend. And although you were friendly with all the staff, treating them as actual human beings, she had managed to crawl her way into a special part of your heart and you were forever grateful for her in a variety of ways- from helping with morning sickness, to rubbing your back when you were randomly crying because of hormonal imbalances, and also prepared your nasty little cravings whenever you wanted them, even if you’d tell her you didn’t want her to bother doing such trivial matters.
“Goodness, I’m starting to think you’re even more stubborn than a bull… fine. I don’t want a broom on the back of my kneecaps…” You murmured, feeling a tiny hand slip into yours after you had let go of Minji‘s. Looking briefly to the side you smiled at Dabi. “Ready to go, hun?” He nodded and then exchanged goodbyes with Keigo and Minji, then the two of you were on your way, heading back into the castle and ready to pack for a few days out.
Through the grace of some kind of universal power, you had managed to avoid the servants all-together, stealthily packing yourself a bag of necessities with Dabi’s help, and then went onto pack a bag for Dabi, making sure to bring an extra because you just knew your parents had some kind of gifts waiting for him when the two of you would arrive.
And with some luck, as well as a few breaks here and there for you to catch your breath, you’d manage to get yourself a carriage with a driver, thanks to Keiko, aka Minji’s husband and Keigo’s father, who also happened to be the head of the castle’s farm. Before you know it, your bags are packed into the carriage, and you and Dabi are comfortably sitting inside of it, watching as the forest passes you by, the sound of the carriage wheels rolling and the rhythmic click of horse shoes. It’s enough to soothe you to sleep somehow, even the rock of the carriage had abided in lulling you to sleep. Following your lead, Dabi slumps over into a deep sleep as well, carefully leaning against your side with his head against your arm. It was probably for the better that the two of you would remain asleep, seeing how the trip to Tenebris would take quite a bit of time, you’d be lucky if you reached the castle before the sun fully set. Not that you minded, it would distract you from yourself and the road that had led you to this point. Would you tell your parents about what Enji had done? Or would you keep it to yourself, you had yet to decide, your tired brain emptying itself as you further fell into a dreamless sleep.
The amount of time you’d gotten to shut your eyes seemed to be cut short at the sudden gentle call of your title, along with a light rasp on the carriage door that you sat closest to. Stirring in your sleep, your eyes slowly fluttered open, blurriness soon morphing into shapes that you could now comprehend. With a slow blink, you managed to register the sight of the Driver’s face who looks a bit nervous, though he does relax a bit upon seeing your gaze shift to him, immediately, he looks down and away from your eyes, the tips of his ears red as he repeats himself.
“We’ve arrived at your desired destination, Your Majesty.”
Taking heed to his words, you carely sat up straight in your seat and covered your mouth to hide a bit of an abrasive yawn, your eyes watering just the slightest in retaliaton, you then nodded thankfully to the Driver as he disappeared, only to be replaced by the Coach who came to open the door for you, ready to help you down once you were ready to step out. Noticing the sleeping preschooler who was just on the brink of drooling on your dress sleeve, you reached up and lightly ruffled Dabi’s hair, chuckling at how adorable he looked passed out on your shoulder with his mouth ajar. “Time to wake up, kiddo. Your grandparents are gonna be so happy to see you, unless you want me to call someone to come and carry you to be-” “Mm mm… ‘m awake!” He drowsily shouted and sat up as quickly as he possibly could, only to go veering off the side and nearly toppling off of the seat. You were quick to use your awakened power, creating a hand of shadows to cradle his sleeping form that sprouted from your back like a tree branch. This had become a bit of a common thing, Dabi was a bit clumsy, but then again, what four year old wasn’t? You would have been more surprised if he had the balance of a flamingo. With a soft laugh to yourself, the Coach opened the carriage door a bit wider and you slowly stood up, a hand under your belly as you furrowed your brows together, focusing on keeping your own balance as you descended the carriage steps with the help of the Coach, the shadowed hand cradling your son soon following after you. The Coach then shut the door behind you, bowing as you thanked him, making sure to tip him and the Coach handsomely with a few gold pieces, which they joyously accepted with bright smiles.
Soon following, your personal guard, assigned from the Ignitis Kingdom dropped from his white steed that was following behind the carriage and exhaled, handing the lead to a servant from your kingdom that had come running down the front steps of the castle to greet the unexpected guests. Ah, that’s right, you had no time to tell your parents that you would be dropping by, you could only hope they were actually here and not somewhere else, no-doubt doing diplomatic duties.
Takeo, your guard, came to stand silently by your side, the dark haired man had a tall, rugged stature, with unblinking, deep set carmine eyes, a prim and properly trimmed beard and mustache covering half of his face, nursing a scar that went from one side of his face to the other, directly across his nose. To match such a burly man was a pristine outfit made for a modern techoknight of his ranking, the red signifying one's loyalty to the Kingdom of flames.. He rarely spoke, only to answer any questions that he was asked, even then he barely said a few words at a time. You had appreciated his hardwork but it was almost like he was a shadow of sorts, often frightening you when he made himself known to you randomly.
Yet another maid, began to descend down the stairs, heading directly for you, a bright smile across her face.
“Princess! Oh, no, I mean, Queen Y/N, it has been a long time! Your parents will be elated when they see you’ve come by surprise! Please come along! Ah! Shall I fetch Freya to come and carry you?” Blinking, a smile slowly spread across your face as you instantly recognized the older woman who was also the headmaid, she’d been around since before you were born, but still had the energy of an excitable child, along with a mouth to match. Abashsh, directly translating to friendly, talkative, and affable, it was almost as if her name had bestowed upon her unwavering future.
Soon enough, she had stopped in front of you, a bright and cheery smile adorning her face as she makes it a necessity to grab a hold of your cheeks, giving them the softest squish as she coos about how much you’ve grown since she’s seen you, as well as how much you appeared to be glowing thanks to the blossoming bud in your stomach. Her rambling would go on for hours if Takeo hadn’t cleared his throat, causing the older woman to look briefly from your face and then to him, blinking in surprise as he opened his mouth to speak, timber voice matching completely with his mysterious aura.
“Apologies. I don’t mean to interrupt your heartfelt reunion, however, I don’t think the Lady should be standing on her feet for too much longer…” He murmured, glancing between you and Abashsh. The older woman then gasped, realizing what she had been doing. Rather dramatically, she slapped a hand over her mouth and cursed in Arabic, quickly apologzing as well for her rambling. “You’re right! Let’s get you up these stairs and somewhere to sit, my dear! I still can’t believe you were just a baby one day ago and now my tiny royal jasmine is having an even tinier royal jasmine. Oh my goodness, I think I’m finally getting old…” The woman whined, knowing damn well that she didn’t look a day over twenty-five thanks to her awakened power that directly involved mother nature; straight bleach blonde hair fell down her back and over her front, perfectly framing her square shaped face, brown almond eyes, smooth bronze skin and hooked nose. She was quick to grab your hand afterwards and began leading you up the front stairs, Takeo following closely beside you while you continued to carry Dabi up behind you through the use of your own power.
Enji sat in deep thought behind his desk, his elbows propped atop his desk as he remained deep in thought, hardened gaze seeming to map out the intricate carvings on the wood door that was currently closed, his chin resting atop his interlocked fingers. There were many things running through his mind, however, his self-reflection is soon interrupted by a knock on the door, causing him to blink and wet his drying eyes. Letting out a gruff affirmative noise, he signaled that whoever was behind the door could enter. And so they did, quite shakingly I might add as they held a tangerine-colored envelope in his hand, which only meant one thing. Just the sight of it had the King of Ignitis flaring his nostrils, already catching a whiff of the disgusting smell of tangerines, his least favorite fruit, belonging to his least favorite Kingdom that his father had created a treaty with and forced Enji to be allied to for reasons that he was ashamed to admit well after his father's passing. With a quick swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip, he spoke.
“Are you just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to bring me that letter?”
Squeaking, he rushed over and presented the letter with a quick bow, holding the letter out with both hands, thumbs atop the envelope, while the rest of his fingers curled into fists, presenting rather submissively. Enji took the letter, and immediately, the servant disappeared, hurriedly shutting the door behind him, though he made sure not to actually slam it.
With clear frustration, a grim expression, Enji turned the envelope to further examine it, taking note of the sender.
The Kingdom of Solis, King Toshinori Yagi.
Enji had to resist the urge to tear the letter up and throw it like confetti, purely out of bitterness. Thankfully, there was a better alternative, causing him to slice open the top of the envelope to retrieve the letter tucked away inside of it. While holding the letter in one hand, and the actual envelope in the other, he set fire to the envelope and watched with satisfaction as it turned into dust, fluttering down onto the top of his desk. He then exhaled, hesitating to glance towards the letter and actually read it. However, his eyes betrayed him as he began to scan over the words, his face going through a variety of emotions. He was coming.
His rival, a man who’s strength he was threatened by despite being four years younger than the man who probably had no idea that Enji constantly challenged him in his mind. Why did his rival need to come to his castle to personally congratulate him on his marriage as well as his upcoming heir? He was never friendly with the man, in fact, the alliance was proposed by Enji’s father whilst he was still alive, was King Toshinori planning on waging war?
Alas, it seemed he would never be able to get a moment of peace when his office door was suddenly opened, revealing his mother and her personal servant, who opened the door, quaking in her boots at the fact that she was forced to intrude upon the King’s privacy because of the old Queen’s inability to understand boundaries.
With a huff, Eiko sauntered over towards where her son was upon spotting him with the opened letter and snatched it from his hands, diligently reading through it without asking him if she could do such a thing. The words caused her to snort, unbelieving of what she was reading.
“Hah! What are the odds? The King of Solis humbly apologizes for not attending your wedding and wants to give you a gift. I wonder what it could be. A blade to the throat? Or perhaps he’ll set my castle ablaze.”
“Mother- don’t you know how to knock? This doesn’t concern you.” He growled at the older woman, standing to snatch the letter back from her to fold it up and tuck it away into one of the drawers in his desk.
“Hah. How do you plan to rub your victories in his face? I would hate to admit it, but perhaps your bride will work nicely if you flash her around him. She is conventionally pretty, after all. And you will have another heir soon, be sure to milk that for everything you've got. How old is he again and still does not have a queen or heir? Something must be wrong with him. Perhaps he is sterile… how unfortunate would that be, if he were to produce a heir, that child would be something to reckon with—”
Enji begrudgingly listened to his mother ramble, a blank expression across his face as he stared through her, an oncoming rush of thoughts swarming through his mind. There was no telling when Toshinori would appear. How would he be able to show off his Queen if she were giving him the cold shoulder?
At first, he did plan to give her her space, but this was an urgent matter. However, he was unsure of what to do to get back on your good side. He couldn't look to his mother for her advice, she never seemed to regret what she did, no matter how many times the late King would seem to slowly break under pressure. Before he could stop himself, a burning question rose and asked itself aloud for his mother's ears.
“Do you ever regret making Dad drive himself to the breaking point of taking his own life to escape you?”
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saturnselkies · 6 months
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Thanks for the tag @i-mybrunettelady!!!😊 I did it for both my commander and wayfinder & if you're reading this and want to do it, you're tagged (and please tag me in your post! So I can read).
-- B A S I C S
name: Penelope Starbinder (formerly Ry). age: 34. She was born on November 1 (Season of the Colossus/Scorpio. I picture her with an Aquarius moon and an Aries rising!). race: She had two mothers, one is Canthan and the other was a Mist Being with draconic blood. gender: NB femme (she/her). orientation: Lesbian. profession: Holosmith and Commander/Champion of Aurene.
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Currently a copper orange. eyes: Right now her eyes have a purple and yellow hue which is impossible in-game, but that's the kind of shade. skin: Tanned. tattoos/scars: She has a tattoo on the base of her neck, it's supposed to represent her title of Starbinder. I haven't designed it yet because I haven't had the opportunity to draw her back AJKFJSF but yeah. Scars: one on her left breast/shoulder from when Bangar shot her.
-- F A M I L Y
parents: Mimi Ry (deceased) and Nvaa (deceased). siblings: Her twin sister Deanna Starlighter (formerly Ry). grandparents: Unknown. Her human mother had no family of note. in laws and others: Jormag - not officially married, but… honestly they have 6 children together so. It makes the Elder Dragons family ig. LMFAOOO. pets: Starry shiba inu.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: Proficient in engineering and holosmith skills; on the same level of Canthan engineering. She would be classified as a genius (she just doesn't use it like asura do, so it's never really commercialized). Great eye for strategy and making small talk with just about anyone. Good at solving things quickly and has a stellar sense of direction. She can't cook good food or sew or anything like that; that's Jormag's thing lol. She doesn't have a hobby or other skills that aren't related to being a commander and she should rethink that. The burnout is real.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Easygoing, extremely loyal, dependable. most negative trait: Martyrdom, impulsiveness, speaks without thinking at times.
-- L I K E S
colors: Purple, gold, cyan. smells: Lavender, coconut, beach. textures: Soft fur/hair, warm skin, weighted blanket. drinks: Energy drinks, cocktails, fizzy soda.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Not usually, but she has. drinks: Yes. drugs: Nope. been arrested: Well yes, canonically so. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
-- B A S I C S
name: Badri the Starstorm (alter ego: The Starfall Ego). age: Unknown, but definitely over 150. race: Unknown. gender: Cis lady (she/her). orientation: Lesbian. profession: Wizard and Wayfinder. Chronomancer. (Alter ego: crazily powerful elemental cosmic magic).
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Mousy blonde, very soft and shiny. (Alter ego: very light lavender/iridescent). eyes: Pale with a golden sparkle. skin: Pale purple-blue. tattoos/scars: None.
-- F A M I L Y
parents: Unknown. siblings: Unknown. grandparents: Unknown. in laws and others: Isgarren is her father figure and Peitha is her toxic yuri. Isak and her share a pretty strong sibling bond even if they are not related at all. pets: Her moth skyscale, Belle, is very much like a cat to her.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: Learned chronomancy from her teacher Basira & her skills are pretty good. She learns any kind of magic pretty easily and with efficiency. She can cook, sew, dance, play instruments, sing, and many other stuff. She's like a swiss army knife of skills. She devoted most of her time to hobbies and reading because she wasn't allowed outside the tower.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Cheerful, tooth-rotting sweet and attentive, caring. most negative trait: Selfish, passive-aggressive, sheltered.
-- L I K E S
colors: Jade, lipstick, periwinkle. smells: Strawberry cake, peppermint, scented candles. textures: Velvet, encrusted gems, embroidery. drinks: Green tea, cocoa with chunky marshmallows, smoothies.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Nope. drinks: Nope. drugs: Nope. been arrested: Nope.
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cardboardheartss · 4 months
Uma Jammeh (S11 Love Island Contestant)
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disclaimer : this is for entertainment purposes only and i used tarot cards to get an estimate of her birth time… if you don’t agree with this technique please kindly scroll by and keep your twitter fingers to yourself!🌹💢
Uma is an estimated Pisces ascendant, hence why she is able to tract in so much attention and has also surprisingly gained a lot of public favor too! +she’s really pretty as well, hence why people are saying “the bombshell is finally bombshelling”
Her Leo Sun in her 6H, I’m sure this interpretation sounds a bit weird but we all know that the 6H represents routines and things we do on our bodies. The Sun in this house, could give her the tendency to want to tan herself, and she seems to enjoy it.
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This placement could also make her have/create a social media account that is truly aesthetically appealing, and where she shows herself enjoying life and traveling around too!
Uma has her Rahu, Jupiter, Moon & Venus in her 5H! She is the definition of a lover girl! She is the type to nurture her husband/partner and will also value communication about her and her partners emotions, instead of bottling them up.
Her moon in cancer along with her positive aspects shows that she could have a possible balanced relationship with her mother too!
Her mercury in Virgo also makes sense because Uma knows how to talk really well… and also probably read people well, which is why she is able to keep the conversation going with the people in the Love Island Villa.
> her earth mercury also gives her that deep / scrunchy voice as well!!
+ Uma has her 7H Vertex square her MC… i personally believe that with this aspect she should’ve avoided finding love through the public eye because it could possibly not work out that very well.
+ Her 7H planets have better aspects with her 5H planets, as i had mentioned before she should try find a partner who is able to express their emotions, a “soft” partner. She should rather meet a partner while participating in hobbies and activities she enjoys, so in that sense they have similar interests. Or even her mom can pick her partner too… because we all know moms know the best lol!😹
Uma has her Mars in Sagittarius…. fire signs in astrology also represents ✋🏻 people, and mars represents the boyfriend. So there is a POSSIBILITY that her type leans towards the ✋🏻 man too!
(btw… not saying it’s true or anything… it’s just an interpretation… don’t take it to heart)
She has Chiron in Sagittarius in the 10H… I hope she’s careful whilst on this show because this could mean she could deal with some issues from the public eye.
Finally, Uma has her Aquarius Neptune and Uranus in her 12H, she could possibly be really intuitive and is quick to sense the vibes around her, which i why she mentioned that she wanted to chat with EVERYONE in the villa so she can just ses them out.
+ She could also have a cute and quirky weirdness too her as well! She could also rebel against traditions and do things herself!
Thank you for reading!! And don’t forget to watch Love Island S11 on ITV2 or Dailymotion lol!
I’ll do Mimi’s chart nexttt!!😉
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obigem · 1 year
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But it would seem Daniel would be finding out the answers first hand before Libbie could get a chance.
"That's one hell of a painting. You're pretty good!" He gushed.
"This? No way. It's pretty garbage. I don't paint often."
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"I'm only doing it now to blow off quite a bit of frustration. If you wanna see good painting, you should see what my mom can do. She's a pretty talented professional. I'm nowhere close."
"I see. Well you're better than me. I'm Daniel, by the way. One of the other counselors."
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"Nice to meet you. I'm M." Mimi replied.
"Ohhhh, so you're the mysterious, M! My friend Libbie and I were so curious about counselor number 4. An initial for a name and no gender."
"That's me."
"Yeah, but if you had to check a box, what it would be?"
"Easy. N/A."
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"Look, I get it. Non-binary is non-binary. But you operated on a binary at one point in your life, right? So which one was it? Were you using the little boys room or the little girls room?"
"I was using the toilet like a good little soldier."
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"OK, but in that bathroom there were bahhh, or maybe girrrrr…."
"I'm getting the impression we're not going to get along all that well."
"What? I'm just ribbing ya! Fine I'll lay off. But I will figure you out."
"Yeah, we're definitely not getting off to a great start, Dan."
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achy-boo · 2 months
Dominique De Luca
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Sapphire Lake Dorm's only Master.
A boy with secrets that is too disturbing to heard or talk about
Never ask or mention his bloodied camera..
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Name: Dominique De Luca
Romaji: De Luca Dominique
Quote: "Is it wrong to take a photo of every..single..thing just to keep the memories forever?"
V/A: HiMERU from Enstars(Japanese), Lyney from Genshin(English)
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bisexual demiromatic
Age: 23
Birthday: March 12th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Eye color: gold with a grey aim mark on one eye and an x on the other eye
Ha Color: dark blue(before TWST) a grey and light blue duo color hair (After TWST)
Height: 6'6ft
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Human????
Homeland: Strasbourg, France
Unknown French Mother(Deceased/Murdered)
Unknown Italian Father(Deceased/Murdered)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Sapphire Lake Dorm
School Year: he had to repeat 2nd year due to…an incident
Class: 2-A
Student Number: No.38
Occupation: Florist/Photographer(Part time)
Club: Photography club
Best Subject: History
Favorite Color: Funny enough he loves pastel colors
Favorite Food: Paris-brest
Least Favorite Food: He does not like pecan pie and pumpkin pie(It is the taste of it)
Likes: Desserts, Food, music, coffee or tea, photography, rainy/cloudy days, trying new food, children, watching movies at 3am, anime, manhwa
Dislikes: He hates bitter food/drinks, heat, summer, Crowley(depends), people asking or mention his bloodied camera, reliving his past
Hobbies: drawing, listening to music, drinking tea in the rainy days, photography(this is very important later on)
Talents: Empathy to apathy depends on the situation, silver tongue, blackmailing
Nicknames: Sapphire Lake’s Master(Original Title) France’s Ghost Face(Formal/Never heard in NRC)
Other Nicknames: Domi(Tsukii) Quince(Dawn, Deuce), Mimi(Only the kids and Kianisha can call him that)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Dominque De Luca stands at 6'6 and a half with grey and light blue duo color long hair that reach his knee length, golden eyes with one had a grey aim mark on one eye and a x on the other. He has dark tan skin with two marks on his face(It is removable btw), In Sapphire Lake Dorm, he wears a gothic baggy clothes however he is very fit and muscular under it. He have four tattoos and three piercings(He is more silent about them). One of his signature items is the chains around his right arm.
Personality: Dominique is what people call him. A good package deal. Meaning that you will have to deal with his constant mood changes depending on the person who he is with. Dominique is flirty(HELLA flirty) but he knows his limits. Bro is sadistic in general when it came to words or actions. However due to him being Sapphire Lake’s only Master, he learn to held off the urge until he gets the green light. Other than that, he is one very interesting guy.
He is the only one in 2nd years that have a deep connection with the Libya Family due to him being friends with Valerian and Ambrose Libya(Ambrose is a boy btw)
He had two photographic cameras(one is forbidden to mention or even ask about it)
He is more protective if you get to know him
He had scars on his back
he is very fit and muscular underneath the baggy clothing he wears
He prefers baggy clothes( But skin tight clothes is fine by him)
He lets the others do his hair(He lets Vil, Crewel and Tsukii chooses his aesthetic
He used to be a RSA student but bride Crowley to never tell anyone but Sapphire Lake Dorm about that
The Dark Mirror has to look into his soul 4 times to confirm which dorm he belongs too
His main aesthetic is Gothic Victorian
He has veiny arms and hands
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Scream for the Camera
“Pictures held a thousand words and stories so look at the camera and make your loudest screams. Scream for the camera!!”
Dominique's UM and its involves his bloodied camera. The UM is about you being your childhood/ favorite places and Dominique taking pictures of said places but each picture get more and more terrifying as time past. The pictures will involves your worst fears and regrets until a unidentified killer appears and the real nightmare begins. You will be chased by said killer as you tried to escape while agonizing and blood curling screams was heard constantly. You have 30 minutes to find a camera and snapped the picture of anything until its too late. What happens after you failed? Then you will see Dominique in front of you with a malicious smile and take a picture before...and after your brutal demise.
The skull in the camera is the final moments of the person's life before they are never waking up.
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@yukii0nna @queen-of-twisted @sweetlyvibe @lxdymoon0357 @yumeko2sevilla @kousaka-ayumu @yoghurtsan @aventxsha @txemptress
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