#milso challenge
acoustic-aly · 7 years
And just like that, I fell even harder.
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milsolarison-blog · 7 years
Milso challenge day 12: 10 things you like about them 1. His laugh 2. His motivation and dedication to anything he puts his mind to 3. His emotional side 4. His memes - I mean come on that's a given 5. His desire for the plain white-picket fence life (because I want a crazy traveling life so he'll balance me out) 6. His sense of humor 7. His unconditional loyalty and love for everyone he cares about 8. His intelligence 9. The way he sleeps 10. His emotional strength
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malloryshaee · 5 years
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New video is up on my youtube channel! Link in my bio
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ldrdiariess-blog · 7 years
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Our next question today is “When did you both first say “I love you”? If you haven’t tet, when and how do you think it will happen?”
Comment with your answers, post them with the hashtag #LDD30DayChallenge or add your answers to the forum here…
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Lush Cosmetics mission
Since I love Lush products so much I decided that over time (a very long time lol) I want to try every Lush item at least once! My lovely husband agreed to let me spend $20 every paycheck to slowly achieve this!
This paycheck I got:
Cheer Up Buttercup- bath bomb
Mask of Magnaminty-face mask
Yoga Bomb- bath bomb
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Can't eat to try them out! 😍
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the-sailors-mermaid · 8 years
Day 1 – 30 Day Milso Challenge
Well, since @war-at-sea​ is going to be away for so long I decided I’d do this so he’d also have some sappy corny posts to read when he gets his phone again!
How did you meet?
Well we met as in got to know each other’s existence and started talking on tumblr! This was probably two years ago, he followed me for a bit, then I followed back, and we just became friends? We bonded over some silly memes his cousin kept on posting on Facebook haha. In real life though, well, this summer he talked about how he was in New York a little while after I was just in New York, and I joked about how he should come to California a few weeks after because I’ll be there. Plot twist: he happened to be going there on a business trip! So we met at In-N-Out, got lost on our way to Amoeba Records (which we’ll NEVER get to visit now because it’s closing), passed by the strip clubs Motley Crüe talked about, then got drinks in some random bar where I discovered hard root beer.
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milsodiary · 6 years
I have been in the military community since I was born. However, I have never heard of the term dependa until this past week. It was brought to attention by a military spouse and naturally since it is something that I am unfamiliar with, I researched it aka googled it.
According to the seasonedspouse.com, “'Dependa' is a horrible insult mainly used by military spouses to put each other down. Every military spouse is a dependent (unless they are active duty), but to be a dependa infers that someone is useless or stupid.” The second definition that was told to me by the same spouse is a person who posts things on social media to gain attention or sympathy for their service member is away.
Let me start off by saying this, the first definition there is one part that stood out to me. “This is a horrible insult mainly used by military spouses to put each other down”. This is wrong on so many levels. Being on our different MILSO journeys we all have a set of our own challenges. There are already so many external factors that already brings us down, why are we doing it to each other? We, MILSO are a community that should encourage and is there to support each other while our service members are away serving our country. What our loved ones do, it’s scary and carries huge occupational hazards that sometimes cost their lives. We are expected to hold it together on the outside, but really most days I just want to scream. I depend on my little community when times are tough.
The second definition of a MILSO who posts. Many times we are separated from our friends and family due to duty station changes. We deal with time differences, new jobs and trying to make new friends. It isn’t easy, sometimes we only have social media to validate our feelings. Who am I to judge what tools you use to cope. This may be their way of asking for help. Other times such as for me, I use my blog (this blog) as my outlet. A way to lay my whole basket of emotions out rather than taking it out on my soldier while he is deployed. Being this is my first deployment as a MILSO there is a lot of feelings that I am still learning to process. It is different than when my dad was deployed or my uncle. It’s a different situation altogether. I found it easier for me to just write it out and feel better. It’s also there for me to look back on and reflect. This is my process and the best way for me to go on this journey.
I understand that some people believe that dependa give the community a bad name.  But instead of screenshotting and talking behind each other backs why don’t we let them know to their face. Name calling is bullying! Remember we are in this together, so let’s stop putting each other down.
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These 3 are my whole 🌍 and I will never be able to express enough how blessed I am, or how grateful I am for their love. And how I feel so undeserving for the husband and children that God has so graciously given to me 🙏👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 . Although the smile says otherwise, today was ROUGH with my shoulder and filled with many tears, outcries of pain, and verbal frustration 😟 But the patience, love, and forgiveness these 3 gave me just has my heart overflowing! 💗 . It is always my goal to show my men all that they mean to me, and to never let a day go by that they aren't told over and over again how much I love them 😍 So I challenge you to never let a day go by where you don't tell those most important and precious how much they matter in your life! You never know how much they need to hear it 🙌💕 . #boymom #wifelife #familylife #lifeisntperfect #eventhroughthesmiles #blessedlife #blessedwife #couldntaskformore #Armywife #milso #milspouse #militarywife #militaryspouse #husbandswithfacialhair (at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvaunWGhwfI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11u8b7ct6df7r
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milsotherapy · 8 years
so I'm still kind of new to this milso thing, my boyfriend is in the air force, & this if my first LDR. We met 7 months ago when he was home through a mutual friend that I had gone to high school with & he was in basic with. Sometimes we get into little disagreements but we always do really well at working things out. I was just wondering if it was normal to get into these every now & then because of distance, & if you had any other advice as he deploys for 6 months here soon. thanks!
Distance is hard, there's no doubt about that. Yes, it's perfectly normal to get into little spats every now and then. It's often because you miss each other, and it can often be because either or you do something that annoys or pisses the other off. All relationships, not just LDR's, go through those motions. I always like to say, if you don't fight, there's no passion. It's great that you two are doing great at working through it though! With the upcoming deployment, just continue to talk things through, express any worries or concerns, and just assure each other of your love. The deployment challenges will come in time but you'll work through them!-Cherie
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The song in the back is literally my brain all day. @anlo.brasi interrupting my song has got to be his love language.? 🤣🤣 I love my husband past the moon and stars. He is amazing and irritating but I love a challenge 🙈👅 Thank you so much for having me as your wife 💋💋💍 Happy Valentines Day Baby #ArmyWife #Milso #NewHome #everlastingLove
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A long deployment can get even more changeling when you have babies and very small children. One of the struggles is that you want time to pass so your husband will be home but at the same time your babies and toddlers are growing and you want to enjoy those moments as well. You don't want to wish away their babyhood. You don't want that to go by too quickly. This was a big challenge for me as my husband deployed when I was 25 weeks pregnant and didn't get home until our son was 11 months old. I wanted to cherish that first year just like I had with my oldest son but it was hard. I also wanted my husband, his father home and in order for that to happen, time would have to go by. I like to think I had a balance between the two but I probably didn't. I took each day as it came, dealing with the ins and outs of motherhood. Knowing that my husband would eventually be home and we would be a full family once again. #military #milspouse #militaryspouse #militarylife #militaryfamily #milso #militarysupport #soldierswifecrazylife #armywife #armylife #militaryblogger
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milsolarison-blog · 8 years
Milso challenge day 3: What’s your oldest memory with him/her?
My oldest memory was our first date. I pulled up outside his apartment, and he stumbled outside pulling up his pants (which I later learned he did on purpose to seem cute). We went to the roof of a building downtown here, and took in the view of our city and the water. Then we went to the marina to just stare out at the water, and he put his arm around me for the first time. Lastly, we went to a park and he climbed the tree. I remember sitting under the tree, looking out at the field and the playground, for the first time feeling serenity. No anxiety, no second thoughts. Comfort. He had to work that evening so I took him back to his apartment, and then dropped him off at the restaurant he was working at at the time. Chase offered me to stay at his place while he worked, and I kinda laughed it off. Halfway home I decided I wanted to, so I went and got some stuff and then picked up his keys from him. That night after I got him from work I watched him play video games, sitting behind him with a leg on each side. He turned to kiss me, and I fell for it. I fell for him. Right there he had me. I later learned it was a trick he learned from a Will Smith movie. I spent the night at his place. I had never done that before, let alone sleep with someone that quickly. I think after heartbreak and loneliness, after everything I went though in my home life and my past, I knew. Somehow, I knew he was the one. 
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MilSo Challenge: Day 3- "Your first memory with them".
Doing this a few hours earlier than usual because I'm going to bed early and because I miss the fuck out of him right now... So our very first memory, I don't really recall because I was drunk off my ass. I just met him for the first time. He had a girlfriend, I had a boyfriend so I'm going to mention the second memory, but the one I remember perfectly. So like I said in my day 1, we were friends with each other's exes so going on double dates wasn't out of the ordinary. He was home on leave after A-School & we all wanted to hang out. So me, Anthony, Any (his ex), Daniel (my ex), and a couple of others all went bowling then out to dinner. At the bowling alley, there were two couches in our little corner that were facing each other. Anthony would sit with Any on one, and Daniel would sit with me on another. And everyone else was scattered amongst the couches waiting for our turns to bowl. So I kept feeling eyes piercing into my face, and every time I would look up, Anthony would be staring directly at me. And to me, I got flustered because I always thought he was so handsome. I just kept thinking "what is he doing? He's with Any." But I couldn't help keeping my eyes off of him either. So we would continuously keep making eye contact and look away. We never flirted or anything of that nature, but our eyes spoke loud enough. We would just talk about random things at the bowling alley. Then we went out to dinner. Anthony sat right across from me. And I kid you not, we sat and talked the whole time we were there. We couldn't stop. Later that night, I told my mom "mark my words. I will be with him one day". It took a year and a half of lost contact for us to find each other again, but this time, we were both single so we were actually flirtatious and sparked the most beautiful relationship you could ever possibly think of.
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ldrdiariess-blog · 7 years
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Our next question today is “How do you deal with arguments in your relationship?”
Comment with your answers, post them with the hashtag #LDD30DayChallenge or add your answers to the forum here…
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cynthiadshaw · 5 years
#LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like
Too many of us grew up only seeing one kind of boss or leader in the media. The lack of representation for other groups reinforced harmful stereotypes and acted as a self-fulfilling prophesy, but would our opinion of what a leader looks like be different if the media did a better job at representing the true diversity of leadership in America?
Women and other under-represented groups are already leading many great companies, organizations, & academic institutions; others are authoring best-sellers, building engaged audiences, leading movements and more.
We had the honor of connecting with many of the best and brightest female leaders from in and around the city and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
We encourage you to check out the female leaders we’ve highlighted below, follow them on social media if you find their work or story interesting and most importantly do your part to #fightstereotypes.
Stacie Dahlbeck | Yoga instructor and Hip Hop Yoga Creator
When faced with a challenge that seems insurmountable, it is important to remember that your reaction to a challenge determines how the situation unfolds. Remember to be bold, take challenges head on, and know that everything you need to handle your situation is already within you. On another Note, take solace in knowing that every notable achievement thus far was once deemed impossible and insurmountable.
@yogi_stacie [email protected]
Claudia | nail artist & lash | pmu artist
Don’t give up! Keep going and never let someone else’s opinion of you define you or keep you from following your dreams. Anything can be mastered with practice and practice will make perfect!  It’s only failure if you quit.
Natasha Chimney, BBA, CPT | Founder of She Who Embraces | Author | Entrepreneur | Mentor | Personal Trainer
The best advice that I would give to a fellow brother/sister facing difficult challenges would be to truly hang on & seek God first! I, too, have faced many challenging and dark seasons but I had to trust that God was with me every step of the way. I was always told “one day you will look back on this moment and smile” and I must say I overcame my Giant and did just that! It took me not only evaluating myself, my environment but my circumstances, as well. If I wanted a different outcome, I need to change my outlook, along with my decision making and/or behaviors. Trouble truly doesn’t last always. Now every troubling experience I have, I’m fully equipped with His armor because my previous lessons prepared me & it can do the same for you! I have provided a bible verse to serve as your reminder as you push through your seasons: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭16:33‬ ‭NIV‬‬ God promises that your battles will be won! Hang on to His every Word & in due time you will experience victory!! Your roads will get tough, but give yourself credit! You are much more stronger than you think!! Believe in His promises & also believe in yourself!
shewhoembraces.com  @shewhoembraces @shewhoembraces01
Jo Lam Founder | Project Beauty (501c3 nonprofit) Empowerment Coach and Speaker
We have to remember that no matter what happens to us. We have the choice to choose how we perceive and respond to that situation. I have been through many obstacles and challenges in my own personal journey, and what I have learned is to master my own energy, my own emotions. We can’t change what happens to us. But we can change how we look at those experiences, and when we change our perspective, what we look at changes. I look at every experience as a teacher. I know that nothing happens in vain. We grow and learn from EVERYTHING. It might be hard to see it while we are going through the storm. But look at your life, how many times you thought you couldn’t make it through. But somehow things always works out. We can’t deny that there is always a Higher Power at play… and when we look at this from the perspective of “I am so glad I got to go through this, because it taught me what I do want or don’t want” you will begin to build gratitude for EVERY experience.
theprojectbeauty.org  @project_beauty_dfw  @projectbeautydfw
Tanika Brooks | Jewelry Making Mama | Jewelry Designer & Milso (Military Spouse) Business Owner
When facing a challenge that feels insurmountable I turn to my faith and creating a plan. Usually something  seems challenging because we think it’s outside of what we are capable of. I often remind myself to pray because I know  with God all things are possible. I then will sit down write out what I think is difficult about the challenge and create a solution that will allow me to conquer the challenge. Breaking down a larger task into smaller ones and creating a list of priorities allows me to concentrate and complete the task. Also as a stay at home mom and wife,by creating smaller tasks I am able to ensure I have some balance between running my business and family time. Being with family when I’m trying to work through a challenge allows me to stay encouraged because they are my why.
honeybeahive.com  @Honeybeahive  @naturallykhaotic
Alison |  manager |  mom blogger
When the world seems like it’s against you and there’s no options stop and pick what you can control, what you can easily solve and take it from there. The minute I stopped fretting over the things out of my control the less insurmountable they felt. You control your life, and your destiny, no one else.
@amomsjourney.tx amomsjourneytx.com
Kj | Social Media Influencer | Beauty Vlogger
As someone who knows there fair share of regular anxiety attacks when a situation appears to be insurmountable the best thing to do is take a deep breath and use what I call The Method of Three: think of 3 solutions, 3 different ways to attack the situation, and 3 positive things that may result once the challenge has been tackled. I find this very helpful in school, and life. 3 different solutions will help you visualize a positive end result, 3 different ways to attack allow your mind to be put at ease because there’s a plan in motion and finally 3 positive things that may result in completing the challenge provides that little bit of motivation I feel we all need to face our challenges head on. Lastly remember, nothing is impossible unless we make it so, You can accomplish anything,be anything and do anything!
youtube.com/channel/UCLQdx8PTyt3DLtEhpOsxW1Q  @Kjradiant
Kennedy Vaughan | Nutritionist & Spin Instructor
The best advice I have for someone facing a challenge that they feel is insurmountable is that the challenges in life will wax and wane. Even though it might feel like the world is caving in, one day we look back at that situation and notice that it was the exact obstacle that helped us get where we are today, stronger. We are never too old to start over and create ourselves again.
Sheena Lu | Dallas Influencer
If you fall, get back up. Once you’re down you can only go up from there. Remember what your goals are and channel that energy to motivation.
Sweta  Das | Beauty fashion lifestyle blogger &youtuber
Keep working hard and stay focused. Maintain a healthy lifestyle is really important If you put out good energy you will receive that in return that’s what i believe Don’t try to conquer everything at once, give some time and gather knowledge. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. be kind to yourself and one another.
@sweta_lolo www.youtube.com/channel/UCW1QkbC2_HuYXY8HQcwYgcw?view_as=subscriber
Bri Franklin | Integrated Nutritionist and Founder of the Fundamental Health Formula
Ask 2 Questions (or better yet, journal/write it down):
1. How will my life change by overcoming this challenge? (be specific, descriptive and tap into it deeply)
2. What is ONE THING I can do right now (or today) that will get me closer achieving this?
Keep asking #2 until you’re experiencing #1.
bfrankcoaching.com  @coachbfrank @FundamentalHealthFormula
Amber Jackson | Frame Stylist | Optician
My best advice for someone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable is to speak positive affirmations over themselves and to “show up” every day. Through perseverance and dedication we are able to achieve what we don’t have fully worked out or the answers to. If you keep hitting a brick wall long enough, eventually it has to break.
glitzopticalonline.com  @glitzoncanvasoptical @glitzoptical
  Avery Foster | Instagram Fashion Blogger & Influencer
When I think about facing a challenge that is seemingly insurmountable, I have to constantly remind myself that everyone had to start somewhere or had to face something similar. Even the most successful people have dealt with tribulations that have hindered them from reaching their absolute best. When it comes to success, it is often difficult to keep this in mind. I know I have wrestled with simply wanting to reach my goals without traversing through tough times. However, when handling struggles with determination and grit, getting through them can make us stronger in the end! It is imperative to remember that what we battle can make reaching our end goal that much more satisfying.
@averyfosterstyle liketoknow.it/averyfosterstyle 
Tina Naidu | Outpatient Program Director | fitness | health & dance enthusiast
No 2 situations are the same and the timeline of emotions (the peaks and valleys) that people go through is different too. An advice for one person may not resonate with the other, but I think it’s important to know that nothing is truly insurmountable. It’s our mindset and how we perceive things. So when we change the way we perceive a challenge it helps us overcome it or possibly find another path in life. When facing a challenge, I try to write down things that I’ve already done and failed and things that I still need to do. It helps me see it in writing instead of dwelling over it in my head. Things don’t always go as planned, it’s okay, slow down, take a step back, adapt!! There isn’t one set way or right way to get to where you want to be. It took me a while to understand all of this too and I am still learning as life throws some curve balls at me. But I’m much happier being able to change my mindset!! It is also very important to surround yourself with those who will lift you up when you truly need it. You can’t always overcome things on your own and it’s okay to ask for help and those who believe in you will be by your side no matter what.
Sarah Blaido | artist | cosplayer | histology lab aide
Challenges that seem too big to tackle often need to be broken into bite sized pieces. My mother always says “just take the first step”. I frequently find myself  falling back on that advice when I am feeling overwhelmed by the big picture. Also remember to use your support group (friends, family, etc) to help you get through challenges. It’s easier when you’re not alone!
@vespidcosplay @vespidqueen
Kristen Cruz | Brand Promotion Strategist & Event Planner
There will be challenges big and small, everyday of your life. The most rewarding part is looking back at that one challenge you thought you’d never overcome and remembering you’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.
kristencruz.com  @kristencruz 
Brandy Haas | Lash Artist
Life can be challenging, the best advice I can give is to be present through it. Taking one day at a time, sometimes even one hour at a time. You’ll emerge and when you do it’ll be growth and perspective you’ll gain.
  Daisy Barrera | Hair stylist
Take a moment to breathe and think about where you started and where you are at currently. Take everything a step at a time.
Kimberly Kirt | Online Entrepreneur | Fitness Fanatic and Owner of Hustle & Flow Social Co.
Take everything one step at a time. When there are massive obstacles in the way, it is best to break them down by small, quickly accomplishable steps, that you can check off and work through every day and every week. It will take time, but if you stay consistent you will overcome that challenge!
instagram.com/kimberlki instagram.com/hustleandflowsoco
Sonya J. Cameron | TCM Classic Movie Junkie | Wife | Mother | Owner of J Cameron House of Linen Rental
Ryan G.  Cameron (UNT Film Student)
If you are still able to experience the emotions (anger, sadness, crying and even screaming) that go along with trials then you maybe down, but you are definitely not out…you still have some fight in you. Each and every challenge that I have faced in life was temporary and after the storm came growth, resilience, determination. You realize just how strong you are.
jcameronhouseoflinens.org @jcameronhouse
Yaasameen Garrett | Entrepreneur & Multi-Media Creative
The best advice I have is to take a step back, think about yourself be selfish in that moment and decided what’s important to you and what makes you happy first. Then break down your challenge, plan it out and accomplish it with little steps, so it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
@loveyaasameenxo Nazeerahlove.com 
Kristin Nicole | Professional Makeup Artist
When someone is facing a challenge that feels insurmountable they need to believe within themselves, have strength that things will get better and can get better. There’s no failure unless you stop trying. So, keep going cause great things will come!
Brittany Howard | Teacher (elementary) & Makeup Artist
My advice to anyone who feels/thinks that the challenges they are facing are insurmountable is: to go all the way through it first. I’ve never faced a challenge that God (as I know him) has never brought me through. And I’ve been through some things. Nothing is too great.
@beatbybritmua snapchat.com/BeeHoww squareup.com/appointments/book/BD1W6148NT2D5/brittany-howard-fort-worth-tx
Tasha Jay | vocalist | vocal coach and artist
Know that you can control the challenge and that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind too. That you’re only faced with things that seem challenging to get you to that next level. Face, Embrace and Conquer your fears.
facebook page: Tasha Jay Music @tashajaymusic
Jen Russum | wife | mom | English professor
Drink lots of water, get enough sleep, make a plan and break it into baby steps, and pray like crazy.
jenrussum.com @jenrussum
Mamta Rana | Lead Henna Artist at Matrika Henna
You know we always hear other people advise us to take ourselves out of the equation and detach ourselves to  see the situation for what it is- without all of the emotion and all the drama. I’ve always had an issue with this because, how does one just shut out their emotions. (They’re involuntary to a certain extent, and we can only control them for so long, before we end up exploding like an emotional volcano.) I think it’s essential to find out why the situation is making us feel like its so big and insurmountable in the first place. See, because it’s all in our head. I’d like to share the following method that my mentor once shared with me- its called the five why’s method. So anytime we feel a certain way about something we ask why, and then we question that reason by asking why four more times. Some research shows that by the time we ask why for the fourth or fifth time we are able to get to the core of the issue at hand. So for example if the issue at hand is,” I feel like I’ll never be able be healthy.”  and we might ask: 1. Why? answer: oh because I don’t have time 2. why? answer: because I work two jobs and have a child 3. Why? answer: because I need to make money, because  my parents abused drugs and alcohol and I don’t want my child to not have to feel like they can’t have a child hood. 4. Why? answer:  Because that is what I had to do. I never had a childhood because my parents abused drugs and alcohol so much that I felt like I grew up too fast and didn’t have a child hood and I want my child to go through that. Now this is just an example all of the format that we may have- the answers will vary from person to person, but answering the questions honestly and in depth and asking why  we feel a certain way about  the situation until  a deep answer is received is key to opening the curtain to whatever situation is seemingly  unbearable. and then when we work thorough the core back up to the situation at hand it doesn’t seem so insurmountable because we now are able to understand our feelings enough to be like okay I get why I’m feeling so bad about this, I have now acknowledged my feelings and can detach my feelings in a loving way and then proceed to look at the issue that was once so big and scary from a practical stand point.
@matrikahenna.official creativestudio.us/book-online
Mayra Alas | Certified Lash Artist | M Lash Studio
When the odds are against you is when we learn the most about ourselves. Take a moment and put things into perspective. With focus and a positive attitude you can achieve anything.
@m_lashstudio mlashstudio.com
Ezmirelda Elizondo | Cosmetologist & Beauty Influencer
My best advice for someone who is facing a challenge that they feel is insurmountable is if you work hard enough and you really want to conquer it, it can be done and to just work hard for whatever you want; It can definitely be accomplished!
instagram.com/msezmirelda/?hl=en instagram.com/glammedbyez
Shelby Plummer | Makeup Artist and University Student
It is easy to forget that our bodies and minds are not permanent on this earth, but the effort you put forth is. Be the example for generations to come and never give in no matter the challenges you face.
Erin Clark | Life Coach and Wellness Advocate for Mompreneurs
When I am faced with challenges that seem too big to overcome, first – I close my eyes and take 10 deep breaths. By slowing myself down, I am able to clear my mind and see the challenge for what it really it. Nothing is too big for your brain to take on if it’s well trained. In my work, I have realized that every problem – and I mean EVERY PROBLEM – can be solved in our mind first. By understanding our thoughts and emotions are the root of our actions and results, we can take on anything without ever changing the circumstance at hand! Nothing is too big for the mind to handle.
facebook.com/erinclarkcoaching instagram.com/erinclarkcoaching
The post #LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/08/01/girlboss-redefining-boss-looks-like/
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the-sailors-mermaid · 8 years
Day 29 – 30 Day Milso Challenge
What is your favorite thing about him/her?
His face is beautiful and angular, his hands are the size of my face and his neck is the size of my thigh. I guess that’s three things 😁
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