the-sailors-mermaid · 5 years
Our furniture came today and I love our house!!!
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the-sailors-mermaid · 5 years
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Found this in an antique store the other day and just had to get it.
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the-sailors-mermaid · 5 years
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“Mother of Perpetual Help, we place our trust in thee.” WWII era
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the-sailors-mermaid · 5 years
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Mermaid watercolor series by Thai contemporary artist Chakrabhand Posayakrit
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the-sailors-mermaid · 5 years
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One last kiss. An Italian Carabinierie and his beloved in the minutes before heading for Ethiopia. Napoli. October 1935.
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the-sailors-mermaid · 5 years
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An Italian artilleryman and his wife are married near an anti- aircraft battery in Rome. 1940.
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
I’m still alive.
I’m having the worst time. @war-at-sea is underway and it couldn’t have come at a worse time. I feel like I can’t talk about this shit with anyone and I feel trapped. I don’t know. Keep me in your prayers y’all.
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
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“Burial at sea for a casualty of the battle for Iwo Jima, taken on board USS Hansford (APA-106) while she was evacuating wounded men to Saipan, 25-28 February 1945.”
(NHHC: 80-G-K-3170)
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
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Good Morning by the Daily Mirror, England, April 4, 1944
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
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The way he looks back at the camera before prancing off is the closest thing we have to compare to what sailors of yore reported about mysterious, playful, and michevious mermaids leading their ships into rocky harbours with nothing but coy glances and a few errant splashes
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
The only branch being paid late is CG because they’re DHS instead of DoD.
Government Shutdown
Anyone not sure what the hell they’re gonna do?
Since we won’t get paid during the shut down, I feel like I can’t breathe. I don’t know how to take care of any of our bills. I don’t know how to feed my dog. I’m sobbing.
It pisses me off to NO end hearing certain political people go, “I LOVE our troops!! I love how strong we are as Americans and soldiers deserve the world!” But every time our president wants to throw a fit we don’t get paid. Or paid late. Ugh.
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
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Build for your Navy! Enlist! Vintage WWII recruitment poster that reads in part, “Carpenters, machinists, electricians etc. For information apply to your nearest recruiting station.” Illustrated by Robert Muchley for the WPA. Circa 1940s.
Build for Your Navy Poster | WWII Posters
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
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Military police from the Swedish royal navy directing traffic on Sept. 3rd 1967, the day Sweden officially switched from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right
via reddit
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
Every boy in the military especially when still stuck in the barracks is going to talk big game to promise you a future. Slow down and enjoy y'all's relationship without rushing instead of being another failed young military marriage statistic.
My friends judge me for dating somebody in the military but he’s the first guy that actually seems to want a future with me instead of just a fling. That’s all every other guy I’ve been on dates with/been in a relationship with has wanted. They never wanted a future. But it seems like he actually does and imma fucking take it because I love love. Also, he’s p cute and nice and makes me feel like a princess.
Just don’t rush into anything while you’re currently still in the infatuation stage. It’s easy for us to fall for the promises and the big dreams, but it’s important to experience some tough things together first before diving in head first.
I thought I was ready for marriage at 23. My husband and I just met and had only been dating for 3 months. I thought I would’ve married him right then and there. Looking back now, I definitely wasn’t ready. We had to experience a lot of bullshit together and survive it. We got engaged at 25 and married at 26. I’m glad we waited. It makes everything all the more better. Just my thoughts.
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
When my friend moved after her hubs retired they literally packed up her dildo, bubble wrap and everything 😭😂
I’m in a mood y’all. I posted an amusing meme about how the military won’t pack up your candles or food items but will pack up dirty diapers, trash can, and your cat… and how I was burning all our candles and it smells like Christmas.
It just became one being comment fest on how I can ship them myself or bring them with me. I don’t care to ship them or waste the space that I could use for actual important shit. They are fucking candles. It’s easier and cheaper for me to use the ones I have here and buy new ones.
We don’t have a place to live yet which would require me to set up a P.O. Box. I won’t be there until almost December so it would be randomly sitting somewhere for months.
I said fuck it and deleted the whole thing. It was meant to be funny and light hearted. 🙄
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
girl: oh wow you’re in the army that’s so cool! :b
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the-sailors-mermaid · 6 years
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