#mill studios
rainbowsky · 8 months
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Netizens and fans are clowning heavily over a license that a company affiliated with Xiao Zhan Studio has obtained.
It's a license to establish a domestic performance agency, valid from Jan 2024-Jan 2026. People are freaking out, hoping that it means GG will be doing concerts. Some were joking that he'd put on a concert to celebrate the expiration of his contract with WJJW.
It's really difficult to say what it's about or what their plans are, or if it will directly involve GG, but one thing is certain - any concert GG had would sell out in seconds, and make a ton of cash.
According to the Tianyancha App, Beijing Zhubao Culture Media Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Xiao Zhan Studio, has recently added a new commercial performance license. The license content is to apply for approval of the establishment of a domestic performance agency, and is valid from January 11, 2024 to 2026. On January 10, the licensing authority was the Beijing Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau. The company was established in August 2021 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan. Xiao Wei serves as the legal representative and is a wholly-owned shareholder.
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bovinefigureoftheday · 7 months
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Bovine figure of the day: Mill Creek Studios "El Patron"
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
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Ambiguous by Nature
I wanted to share a beautiful rendition of Leda and the Swan by the renowned Irish poet William Butler Yeats (1865-1939). It comes from Wisconsin artist Mark Brueggeman, who taught in the Department of Art and Design at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for 27 years. He is a versatile, talented artist known for his work in stain-glass, painting, drawing, and printmaking. This work has now extended his work to include the roles of both publisher and illustrator. According to a quote from hiddenstudiosarttour.com, Brueggeman states he has “always enjoyed the look of text incorporated into drawings and paintings.”
Brueggeman's artwork is a rare gem, a testament to his meticulous craftsmanship. Printed in an edition of 15 copies at Brueggeman's Atelier Vermeil Studio in 2015, the work is a blend of letterpress and intaglio prints on Root River Mill paper handmade by the artist and several of his colleagues, and published as a portfolio of broadsides.
The poem, rooted in a Greek myth about a sexual encounter between the immortal god Zeus and the beautiful Spartan queen Leda, presents a unique perspective. In Yeats’ version, he offers a provocative and ambiguous account of a sexual act. Brueggeman's visual interpretation of the poem adds another layer of intrigue, leaning into the vague nature of the poem itself.
The artwork and poetry blend seamlessly, taking on a sensual yet brutal quality. They intentionally leave much to the reader's imagination, allowing for various interpretations and assumptions. However, one thing is certain in the poem and the artist’s rendering: following the rash and impulsive act, Leda is left on her own, carrying the knowledge of the future consequences that their union has created.
-Melissa, Special Collections Classics Intern
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Official Larian stickers from Giphy
by PopiellART
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handweavers · 5 months
had to get a new warping board for my loom bc mine broke several months ago and i haven't had the energy or will to fix it (it's a handmade wooden one my late stepdad made for me, so i WILL fix it i have to fix it for sentimental reasons but i just can't right now) so after putting it off for ages i finally bit the bullet and ordered a new one. i hate how expensive this equipment is it's literally just 4 pieces of wood with dowels wym it's $160 kms. whatever i can finally weave again
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Count Chocula cereal TV advertisement - Production cel (c.1978)
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okieduckie · 1 year
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honeysucks · 6 months
just started rewatching Once Upon A Time and it has transported me back to when i was younger in 2015/2016 and i read this amazing fic.
the fic was baso a hiccup haddock x reader with the rest of “the big four”, crossed over with the storyline of Once Upon A Time. It was absolutely magical (well to my 11/12 year old brain).
ik the big four has a bad rep/kinda cringe to talk about but this fic was SO GOOD and i want to see if anyone knows what i’m talking about.
the book was on WattPad (bleeeeh) and i think has since been deleted but i thought if i came on here and brought it up, ppl might be able to help me find it or just reminisce.
i can’t actually remember if the writing was good but i do know that the storylines were fantastic.
please someone help
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rolloroberson · 1 year
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George Harrison and Paul McCartney in the studio recording the Beatles’ Anthology, circa 1994.
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vintage1981 · 10 months
The Star Beast: Behind the Scenes | Doctor Who
From comic strip, to script, to screen! Go behind the scenes as the cast and crew adapt 'The Star Beast' for TV 🎬 #DoctorWho
Subscribe to Doctor Who for more exclusive videos: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToDoctorWho
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oltenia · 1 month
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bovinefigureoftheday · 8 months
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Bovine figure of the day: Mill Creek Studios Bison
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mistray-art · 10 months
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» Day 15 » Rage » The Human Equation.
[15 november 2022]
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mansorus · 2 years
New Meek Snippet FLAMERZ FLOWS
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sumiryo0w0o · 1 year
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creative-soul-22 · 1 year
Welcome to Storybrook, Malvina Monroe!
Disenchanted x OUAT-oneshot
@monrolasia and I were texting on thursday night and we had a nice conversation. We came up with the idea of Malvina being in Storybrook and so I wrote this oneshot. Hope you like it!
Regina Mills, the Mayor of Storybrooke, calmly sat in her office going through some papers. This was so boring. She had NOT enacted a curse sacrificing her father's life by squashing his heart to do THIS. Why was a land without magic so horrible? Paperwork? Really? Was that worth killing her father for? Regina moaned. But then the already half-burned painting of a bird that Snow White had put there when she was the mayor for a brief time caught her eye. Luckily, it wasn't a land without magic anymore. With a diabolical smile on her face, Regina formed a fireball in her hands and threw it onto the painting. It imediately caught fire and light the room up. The fire reflected in the mayors eyes as her diabolical smile widened and grew into a wicked laugh. Regina liked the painting much more when it was on fire. It was way more interesting and much more fun this way.
Regina could have watched the painting burn for the rest of the day but suddenly her phone rang. "Yes?", she answered the phone. "Regina? It's me, Emma. You've got to come to the city limits. There's something going on here", Emma's clearly worried voice could be heard trough the phone. Regina was alarmed. It never meant good news when Emma said this. So she asked: "Emma? What's going on?" "I can't tell you on phone. Just come here as quickly as possible", Emma explained with her voice lowered before she hung up the phone. "Emma? Emma!" Regina exhaled before she teleported herself to the city limits.
A cloud of purple smoke appeared at the city limits, and when it was gone, it revealed the mayor of Storybrooke. "Emma! What's...", Regina asked, only to be immediately shushed out by the blonde woman. Emma carefully pointed to the city's red marked border. "Shh. Or you'll miss this", she whispered. Regina followed the savior's finger with her eye and then she saw it. Three people where standing infront of the city limits. Two women and one man. One of the women had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, the other one had black hair. Regina couldn't see her face because she had her back turned on her. "You are a disgrace for Monrolasia, Malvina Monroe", spat the blonde woman out. The man next to her grinned visciously. The black haired woman which had been adressed as Malvina Monroe responded in sadness: "I am disgrace to Monrolasia?! You are the ones who are kicking me out." "You deserve it", the other woman continously bullied her, "you tried to kill me! You poised an apple!" She than took an red apple out of her bag and threw it to the woman who Regina assumed went by the name Malvina. Malvina caught it. "Giselle, let me explain...", she started but quickly got snapped by the woman that she called Giselle. "No. You see this, Malvina?" The woman being called Giselle held a little glass with a purple liquid in it. "It belongs to us now", she stated. "No! Giselle, this isn't like you anymore. You were always so kindhearted and gave everyone a chance. Even me", the woman with the black hair and black dress explained. Regina felt like her heart broke. Malvina reminded her of her own. She was homeless, perspectiveless. Hopeless. "We've got to help her", the mayor of Storybrook decided. Giselle laughed. "Those days are over now." And then all of a sudden, she threw the purple liquid in Regina's and Emma's direction! It crossed the red line and hit the ground. Malvina turned around and looked for the liquid, but couldn't see it. Giselle and the man next to her also looked surprised but then smiled visciously, turned around and left Malvina alone. After watching them leave, she took the apple in her hands and threw it as far as she could. And then she saw it. "Oh no. She saw it. She knows it", Regina immeadiately recognized. "There is something beyond here", Malvina stated. She reached her hand out behind the invisible curtain that was in front of her and screamed when she felt a grab on her hand that pulled her on the other side. She Suddenly she saw two women standing in front of her. "Hi. I'm Emma Swan", a blond haired-woman with a leather jacket and jeans greeted her with a smile. "I'm Malvina Monroe. Queen of Monrolasia. Or at least I used to be", Malvina said with a sad voice. Then she saw her liquid. The glass was shattered and the liquid covered the ground. "My poison", Malvina sadly noticed. "I'm Regina Mills. Welcome to Storybrooke, Malvina Monroe", she was greeted by a black-haired woman. "Storybrooke?" Malvina looked around. All she saw was a road and woods on both sides. "Yes, Storybrook", Regina replied with a smile. "It's a quiet yet lovely little town." Emma got into her car followed by Regina Mills who encouraged the former Queen of Monrolasia to do so, too.
Former Queen of Monrolasia, Malvina Monroe thought while driving to Storybrooke. I really am the former Queen. All she could think was that she once had her little town, too. It had been lovely, pieceful and quiet. Until Giselle had showed up and had ruined everything with her stupid wish. Now Malvina's beloved Monroeville was Monrolasia and Giselle and Robert were likely to rule as King and Queen since they had kicked Malvina out. Storybrooke seemed nice and so Malvina decided to stay for recover. But Storybrooke seemed so lovely, it reminded her of Monroeville and she couldn't help but feeling heartbroken. A tear streamed down her cheek. Then Emma Swan stopped the car. "We're there", she stated. The three women got off the car. "Granny's Diner?", Malvina asked in surprise. "Who's Granny is it and why does she have a diner?" Regina laughed. "It's Red's Granny and she runs a diner, well because we need a diner here in Storybrooke." The mayor couldn't help but getting nervous. Everything was new to Malvina and she had just lost her home so Regina did not want to overwhelm her by telling her about the curse. She would have plenty of time to tell her about it. But for now she just wanted to offer the lady a place where she could rest her head. "Emma what are we doing here? We should take Malvina to Granny's Bed and Breakfast where she can have a room", Regina asked. Emma replied: "Yes, we will take her there. But Granny highly likely is in the diner now and I think Cruella De Vil is probably drinking one Gin after another. Maybe she wants some company." Malvina stood in front of the diner, looking around. "Okay, let's introduce you to Granny", the mayor of Storybrooke decided, quickly grabbed the hand of the newest citizen and took her inside the diner. Emma Swan remained outside. "Regina!", she shouted and followed them inside.
Inside the diner it was awfully loud and the lights where painfully bright. After spending time in silence and darkness, Malvina wasn't used to such a crowded room. Regina led her to the bar, where Cruella De Vil sat with a glass of Gin in front of her. After introducing her to Malvina Monroe, the mayor left them alone to talk to Granny about a room for Malvina.
"Hi, Cruella. I'm Malvina. Malvina Monroe", the Monrolasian greeted her. "Hi Malvina, Darling. Nice to meet ya", Cruella greeted back. She already seemed drunk. As she sat there, alone, with a drink, nobody to talk with, Malvina couldn't help but to feel even sadder. This could have been her sitting there. Although Cruella smiled, Malvina could see the loneliness and sadness in her eyes. "Do you always drink on your own?", she asked a little nervously. "Yes. I mean, you don't need somebody else for drinking. See? I can perfectly put the glass to my mouth without help", the fur-obsessed answered and demonstrated it. Then she giggled. Malvina chuckled along but noticed that internally, Cruella cried. "Mind if I sit here with you?", the Queen asked, "I could use a drink, too." Cruella's face darkened as she seem to take a closer look on Malvina Monroe. "You, too?", she asked in surprise. Malvina just nodded as a response and sat next to Cruella De Vil. Granny appeared to ask her new customer's wish. "A glass of Gin, please", Malvina ordered toneless. Granny looked at her in worry. Hopefully the newest citizen did not plan to get drunk on her very first night in Storybrooke. "Of course", she said, "and since it's your first time at Granny's and in Storybrooke, the first drink is free." "Thank you", Malvina replied. She did not try to hide her sadness. She couldn't hide it anymore. How could she sink so low to end up here, getting drunk with someone who's equally lonely because she had nothing better to do? For God's sake, she was the Queen of Monrolasia! But those days were over now. Forever. And as she drank her third Gin she started sobbing. She then sobbed it all out on Cruella's shoulder, telling her all about it. How Giselle first turned Monroeville into Monrolasia only to kick her out then and to rule it herself. How she hated it that her son Tyson was dating Giselle's stepdaughter Morgan. How much she loved and missed him. How much she missed her husband, who was trapped inside a mirror and probably now under Giselle's control. She could picture Giselle already sitting in her throne, wearing her clothes, living in her castle. She had taken Malvina's life without killing her. Cruella then also could not hold back her tears anymore and started crying. She told Malvina how much she'd love to have a friend but nobody liked her so she was always on her own. Which caused her to get drunk to forget about her loneliness and to not feel the pain and the sadness that came with it. She wished to feel numb only to be reliefed from it so she drank bottles of Gin until she felt numb. The two woman drank and sobbed until they were knocked out and fell asleep with their heads lying at the bar table.
The next morning Malvina Monroe and Cruella De Vil woke up in a room in Granny's Bed and Breakfast and felt like they had been run over by a truck. When they found themselves lying in the same bed they were shocked first and feared something had happened that shouldn't have happened. But they sighed in relief when they found that they were fully clothed. "Do you remember what happened last night or how we got up here?", Malvina asked. "No", Cruella replied, still tired. "Me neither", stated Malvina. But then a thought crossed her foggy brain. "Maybe Emma or Regina brought us up here?" "Maybe", Cruella agreed. "So... who's Tyson?", the black-white-haired woman asked. Malvina Monroe gave her a shocked look. "How do you know him?" Cruella shrugged her shoulders. "I don't remember. Maybe you talked about him? It's just that his name was running through my mind since I woke up." Malvina looked sadly at Cruella. "He's my son", she answered. And all of a sudden, a wave of memories crashed Malvina's brain that still felt foggy from all the alcohol. Tyson. The sad look on his face when he watched his mother leaving. Giselle kicking her out of Monrolasia. Regina and Emma welcoming her to Storybrook. Meeting Cruella at Granny's. A tear ran down her cheek. She turned away from Cruella, unable to meet her eyes. "Please don't ask. I don't want to talk about him", she said with her voice breaking. Cruella carefully put her hand on Malvina's shoulder, who turned around and met her eyes. Cruella could see all the pain in her eyes. A damage. Just like David and James. But even worse. "Hey, Malvina. I'm here for you. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you like, we can be friends." And for the first time, Malvina smiled. "That sounds great. Thank you, Cruella." She put her hand on Cruella's, which was still resting on Malvina's shoulder. Then she closed her eyes and layed her cheek on her's and Cruella's hand which made Cruella grow closer and lay her cheek on Malvina's head. They enjoyed the moment and the way it felt. And in this moment, they both were happy.
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