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not ready for spring qtr tmr 🤭
hope everyone is staying safe and happy!
#elainestudyblr#etudiance#eatsleepstudyrepeat#elkstudies#estudiablr#emmastudies#prettylittlestudies#lianxise#yandere#thestudycafe#focusign#saturdaystudying#studyspo#studyspiration#bullet journal#milkstudies#milkystudies#weekly spread#april#plants#study
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5th of March, 2018 || 04:51 PM GMT+7 || 06/100 days of productivity
1. A gloomy/thunderstorm morning. I had to arrived early because there are too many assignments that should be done before tomorrow, huft. 2 and 3. Doing more assignment after classes, which was surprisingly pretty calming. 4. Picking my sister up from school… which is right now… and I’m hungry…
[whoops, i forgot to post yesterday’s challenge… but, let’s just say i’ve got the rest I deserved…]
Now playing: the hardest karaoke song in the world.
#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#emmastudies#rhubarbstudies#studyquill#elkstudies#studying#hey sareena#heyjul#areistotle#milkstudies#janetstudies#janestudies#stvdybuddies#einstetic#acadehmic#heysprouht#thepinkstudyblr#donutdesk#kyeongstudies#kyeong100#this is a weird song but i like it and have them in my head all day long since this morning smh
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Hi guys, I am back with another masterpost which is the third masterpost in my back to school series, this is for all who are in 6,7,8th grade or this can be even applied on 9th grade students. So let's get started - 1) know and obey school rules - this is crucial to know that how your school works, solidify discipline which will be very helpful and your teacher will not scold you for disobedience. 2) avoid unnecessary drama - this will help you not to get in trouble, help you focus on your work. 3) get organized - this is the time when you are going through academic changes, so doing this will save your academic life and this will keep your mental health good. 4) do all your readings - this will help you understand the material better and you can refer to your readings when ever needed. 5) take everything you need - take snacks, water, books, notebooks etc. 6) try to make good friends - as these are the people who will make your life a bit simpler, will be there for you so choose them carefully. 7) solidify good habits - try to accomplish good habits, as they will help you through your life . 8) do not stress - enjoy your life, find new hobbies, try new things, have fun etc. Bye guys, hope it helped
#heyodutchbro#birdkostudies#gaystudies#heyjul#heyabby#natlookhere#iactuallystudyalot#heymel#studyquill#sscluboriginal#middle school#studyblrmartini#studyblrmasterpost#kawaii-notes#milkstudies#lookstudyblr#small studyblr#mine#studyruels
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02.09.17 | i bought a succulent at the beginning of the week and it's so pretty! i'm so happy to be a lil plant mom. i recently hit 1k followers over my hiatus, too! thank you so much and i never thought i'd even reach that amount in the first place.
p.s. sorry for being inactive lately — school's def doing a great job at stressing me out. and i'd like to show you my washi tape samples collection v v soon! 🙈
#mine#studyblr#studyspo#hcbujo#study#elkstudies#emmastudies#nag-aaral#studylustre#bullet journal#studynowsandee#journalsanctuary#mujischolar#mujistudies#peachsstudy#heysareena#mochistudies#milkstudies#meowtlining#spacekidstudies#educatier#studypetals#mahal-tuition#cactus#succulent#productivity#diary#journal#positivity
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[26/100] Nyanko's national exam countdown Last night's biology revision, the teacher postponed the quiz to monday because there's one material that haven't been explained, but we're given an exercise in exchange
#studyblr#studying#studyspo#study#study inspiration#studybuzz#nyankoposts#note taking#elkstudies#peachystudy#milkstudies#milkteastudies#lycheestudy#izzystudies
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#studyblr#studyspiration#study motivation#studyinspo#mildliners#studyign#emmastudies#briellestudies#ahrtstudy#bujo#bullet journal#aescademic#alimastudies#milkstudy#fiercelittlestudyblr#reviscin#intellectus#mujistudies#studeying#academia#coffeestudies
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days of productivity 1/100 ~ mildliners finally came
#studyblr#study motivation#studyspo#studyspiration#mildliners#studyign#elkstudies#Emma studies#briellestudies#ahrtsstudy#bujo#bullet journal#aescademic#alimastudies#milkstudy#fiercelittlestudyblr#reviscin#intellectus#mujistudies#pilot#studeying#academia#coffeestudies
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mini haul <3
#elainestudyblr#heygen#getstudyblr#heyblue#heysareena#hermoinegoals#studypool#studyblrpositivity#haul#stationary#sticky notes#notes#emmastudies#studyplanetarium#etudiance#milkstudies#jessastudy#studyplants#studentsandlattes#eatsleepstudyrepeat#istudypeaches#beastudying#inspiration#studyspiration#planner#kyliestudies#milkystudies#aeristotle#intellectus#estudiablr
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whelps! look who’s back! :D a brand new watercolour swatches just for you!
#new studyblr#new study blog#studyspo#studygram#elkstudies#areistotle#einstetic#stvdybuddies#heyjul#milkystudies#milkstudies#studyquill#atudyblr#studybuzz#janetstudies#janestudies#handlettering#mamual#art#swatches#watercolour#acadehmic#hey sareena#heysprouht#donutdesk#studying#emmastudies#rhubarbstudies#kyeongstudies#studyblr
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my desk sure is messy but my notes ain’t too~ ft The Scarlet Letter
#2/100 days of productivity#100 days of productivity#study#notes#milkstudy#succulentstudy#tbhstudying#aescademic#academla#academic
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Hi , do you know any studyblrs related to biology or marine biology?
Hi! Here are the ones I was able to find:
@study-latte - Kim, genetics major
@sootudying - Hannah, biology major, pre-pharmacy
@oh-my-genetics - biology student in Vienna, Austria
@bio-studyblr - Lisa, biology Bachelor 4th Semester
@studyneurons - Kate, premed studying biology
@arctic-biologist - 3rd year studying Wildlife Biology and Conservation at UAF
@elephantsremember - Emma, Zoology and Conservation university student
@studying-zoo -doing a Bachelor of Science double majoring in Zoology and Biological Science
@study-with-m - Marissa, biology major
Marine biology studyblrs I only found these! Rare folks!
@oceanknowledge - with a degree in marine biology at Newcastle University
@studentsparrow - Sparrow, studying Ecology, Evolution and Behavior in college, minoring in Marine Biology
@mermaid-studies - Alice, marine biology student, second year marine vertebrate zoology student at Bangor University (inactive since February :c)
@marinebio-psych-studies - Maggie, high school junior soon to be Marine Biology Major and Psychology Minor (was only active during January :c)
Not studyblr but only marine biology content:
@breathinginbiology - Texas A&M University biology and animal science undergrad
@marinebiologysource - future marine biologist
@cephalogodess - Taryn, studying marine biology & neuroscience
@marinebiologyfacts - degree in Marine Biology, shares information and facts about marine life
Bonus: people who happen to study biology because of their course work (I don’t how longer they will study it):
@motivayytion - Rainey, grade 11 interested in biology
@muststudy - recently finished A-levels in biology
@dragons-studies - Sofia, AP biology student
@studylilium - Lilium
@chrissiestudies - Christine
@n0tesworthy - Judith
@sirenestudies - Mallika, AP biology student
@studyhard-getgrades - Emily, IB student
@milkstudy - Sherry, AP biology student
@chronicles-and-studies - college sophomore, studying biology in premed
@studyain - Ain, pre med Biology student
Active blogs who can relate: tag yourselves so I can add you!
#answered#bioblr#biology#biology studyblr#bio#bio studyblr#masterpost#studyblr community#studyblr#studyblr masterpost#list#biology student#biology community
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Few weeks ago we hit 1K!!!
Thank you guys so much! I started this blog before my semester abroad in Tokyo (Japan) and couldn’t work on it that much because so much happened in Tokyo! I have one more year in my japanese master program and I will continue studying because we are never finished ;) and I have so many pictures to share...so stay tuned :D I love the studyblr/langblr/japanblr/bujo community and also appreciate all the aesthetic and artistic posts of you guys! When I feel sad or depressed I open up this tumblr and I instantly feel less stressed ♥ So thank you for following me and thank you for brighten my day when I need it. This sounds really selfish, I’m sorry but some times are harder than others ;3; (espacially after coming home from Japan and a lot of surgery is waiting for me so... n.n) Here are some awesome blogs I love to see on my dash:
animeraingifs (calming)
aringoaday (vocab, very cute!! pls support it!)
asukastudies (inspo)
catcosplayuniverse (funny)
daily-owls (nature)
doxiequeen1 (she is so skilled, love her costumes!)
fuckyeahnativejapanese (vocab, grammer)
getoutoftherecat (funny)
japadventure (cool!)
japanesestudentinhell (funny, but old)
japanesestudyblr (cool :D)
japanloverme (kawaii!!)
kazucamera (original photographer)
koshikakuri (aesthetics)
milkstudy (inspo, aesthetic)
paintings-daily (art history ♥)
raewott (♥)
shibuyaku (one of my first studyblrs to follow :3)
studjapang (sweet)
studyhardgiveyourbest (ganbare spirit)
thelatestkate (mental health, she is doing art, pls support her)
theperksofbeingabookseller (funny and interesting)
@tokyogems (tokyo picuters and cute blogger <3)
I hope all links are working (@_@)
皆さんありがとう ♥ 一緒に頑張ろう!
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Hello!!! Can you recommend me some studyblrs? I just started and wanted to follow some more!
hi welcome!!! well here we go (’:
@bionctes @hittingthebooks @jiyeonstudies @bookfully @einstetic @designyoself f@rhubarbstudies @academiix @aescademic @aestudier @rotina-de-estudo @bookmrk @emmastudies @moonshinestudies @studyblr @equaticns @fromquantumfluctuations @goodgrades-goodcoffee @grapefruitstudyblr @hstudies @janetstudies @ciellene @littlestudyblrblog @logarlthms @milkstudy @natastudies @nerdybun @organizeandstudy @obsidianstudy @paperandcaffeine @productivityplant @peachi-study @rafstudyblr @ravnclaw @studyign @studyquill @tbhstudying @the-girlygeek @universi-tea @moanastudies @study-latte @wendystudies @zealoustudies
wow that was a lot (and i probably forgot some people lol)
these are NOT the only good studyblrs out there!! i’m pretty sure there are so many im forgetting lmao
if u were tagged, feel free to reblog this and add more for our new studyblr friend!
u can also check out my studyblroll!
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april study challenge!
made by nkbstudies! hope you guys are having a wonderful day! everyone and anyone is welcome to join :D
Day 16. Do you prefer binders or notebooks and folders?
Notebooks and folders! I use binders to store old work etc.
Day 17. What are some of your favorite studyblrs?
jiyeonstudies, einstetic, stvdybuddies, studyafterschool, julstudies, tbhstudying, bionctes, quotestudy, studyingmeow, sprouht-studies, moonshinestudies, milkstudy, kyoko-studies, studyinorsk and equaticns just to name a few but so many I haven’t mentioned!
Day 18. How do you like to take notes? What method is your favorite?
I like making flashcards - the process of making them and using them really helps. I’ve recently started making a little ‘cheat book’ where I put small summaries of topics that might be in tests in a small compact B6 sized notebook which it working out nicely so far!
Day 19. What’s your must-have piece of stationery?
A fine tip ballpoint pen in black (less than 1.0 mm, since it makes all my writing so neat)
Day 20. Where are you hoping to be 5 years from now? 10? 15?
By then I would have graduated high school and possibly entered university. I have no idea what to do with my life but I can imagine myself travelling a lot with my friends, overseas travel, work shifts that I will end up either hating or loving and late night parties xD
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