#milk cult
I went to the San Diego Zoo today and saw the platypus and naturally thought of you. #milkcult
#milkcult4lyfe !!!!🥛
I went to the zoo this weekend and was upset there were so few Australian animals because I knew that there would be no pwlyypi considering this isn't san Diego but at the same time I wanted to see as close as I could find. Thanks for living my dream💖
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shadqw-milk · 6 months
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Alternate Universe Cult of Lamb, starring Vanilla and Shadow Milk respectively, my cute kitty's idea: @silly-vanilla Love them
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silly-vanilla · 6 months
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In fact, before the art below, the first Pure Vanilla sketch in a long time was this crossover that I no longer remember how it came about. Silly circus cultist.
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
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I MADE THE EXECUTIVE DECISION TO BUY THE LAST REMAINING MARKETABLE BISHOP PLUSHIE BECAUSE A SECOND ONE SOLD OUT TODAY.....I will not confirm which one it was until it arrives. Am disappointed the poll didn't decide my fate due to divine intervention, but I'd rather have one of these doofuses than have the last one also vanish 5ever. I contacted the maker to see if there'll be a restock in the future, so if you guys end up voting for the one I didn't get. I'll get that one in the future <3
THEY'RE SO GOOFY LOOKING, I SHOULD'VE POSTED PICS SOONER BUT I DON'T THINK YOU CAN PUT PICTURES ON POLLS. I made a poorly drawn tribute to these goobers because they're so silly I need them all:
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Thank you to everyone who voted on the poll and again I am so sorry it didn't go according to plan but I definitely cannot control when people decide they desperately need plush toys of the antagonists of hit indie game Cult of the Lamb (2022)
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unwri-ten · 6 months
���Is milking my cow follower unethical”…..Yes. Yes it is.
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the disciples are all their childhood friends so this happens a lot don't mind them
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lolo3h · 8 months
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At this point I'm just using Shadow Milk to voice my own commentary on Cookie Odyssey
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
AU Prompts #12 - ✦💓
<Reader is fem here btw>
CONTENT WARNING : There is a cult, human sacrifices, a bit of drowning and depictions of multiple eyes.
Admittedly, staying in a cult probably wasn't your best idea after finding out that you were living in a cult for most of your life. But alas, you were stupid. Upon the day of your village's Eclipse Festival, you were called into the Mayor's office. You'd only gone because you didn't really want them to catch onto the fact that you knew about the cult... Unfortunately it turns out that the Mayor called you in because they wanted you as sacrifice... Yippee. So, here you are in your fancy multiple layer dress of thin fabrics(or well, pastry if you wanna get into cookie terms), your body feels numb as you stand off the edge of the cliff at the rushing seas that had turned pitch black. Your mind feels less numb than your body, yet you can barely tell what's going on. You're pretty sure that the Mayor hypnotized you as well. The Beast of the Shadows... You're pretty sure that that's the thing they worship. You can only hope that it doesn't exist, and that you'd die a hopefully peaceful death of drowning. Or maybe a quick one of getting impaled on one of the rocks below. You don't know. And then, you're falling through the air. It feels for a moment like your sailing through space, you couldn't really tell up from down despite knowing what each were earlier. You felt a bit strange from your sudden spinning worldview. Time slowed as you began to think, everything you loved, dreamed, feared, and everything else that seemed so terrifying... You were leaving it behind right now. You hit the water with a loud splash, leaving a trail of bubbles in your wake as your slowly sunk down into the shadows of the sea. Well, at least you didn't get impaled on any of the rocks. In fact, all you could see around you was darkness. Darkness... darkness... Damn, that's a lot of darkness. Oh, there's something new.... Eyes? There's lots of them, big ones as well. Each one bares its gaze into your soul as you sink deeper and deeper. The first coherent though you have? ' Fuck, the beast might be real then.' You feel your back land upon something large, all the while a particularly bright pair of eyes stare at you. And then, there was just darkness.
You didn't expect to wake up, mind now unblurred as you can properly think again. First things first, where the hell are you? Looking around... It seemed to be some kind of palace? Everything was decorated in almost gloomy hues of blue and black, reminding you of the abyss you saw before you passed out. " Where... am I?" You mumble out, not expecting any response to come. " This is the Palace of Shadows." A voice begins, startling you as you let a shriek slip out of your mouth. You turn to see another cookie but... it looks like there's something fundamentally wrong with them. Almost like they'd been hollowed out. " The domain of the Beast of Shadows, or as he is known by here, Shadow Milk Cookie." " Okaaayyyy...." You said in confusion. " And who are you?" The cookie before you giggles, " Me? I have many different names and faces." They say almost gleefully. " But I am just an actor in Shadow Milk's plays, I have no real name or identity." Ah, that... probably explains the hollow feeling you get from them. " But you have a very very special role to play! One that will likely never change!" The cookie said enthusiastically, taking your hands and pulling you up off of the floor. " Yes, a very important role to play indeed!" You stared at them, cracking up a confused eyebrow. " Do I have to play sacrifice again? Because I'm not keen on doing that." You partially joke, and it seems like it was funny enough to send the cookie into a fit of laughter. " No, silly! You get to play the role of our Grand Director's Bride!" ... " what."
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novadoesartforfun · 1 year
Milk Firts [ Coffee Shop AU ]
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They were all disgusted by Narinder's move.
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catastrophicclouds · 6 days
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Here are some notebook drawings from the start of the school year!
I really need to get some sort of scanner so these images aren’t so janky. For now, we’ll just have to cope.
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milktrician · 8 months
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his silliness and depression have captivated me
(feat. my oc gin)
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lazilybeinglassie · 16 days
Cult Of The Beasts AU
Created by LazilyBeingLassie
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After the events of the Cake Tower, Pastry Cookie is struggling with her doubts and fears. Too afraid to turn back on the Order that raised her, too hurt to feel like she should stay. Where else would she go?
It isn't until she stumbles upon a book that calls her name. One made from burnt dough and crystalized jam. Within it's pages are the secrets of the Beast Cookies. All of their knowledge, recorded and printed down in silver ink. Through this, she is able to contact the Beast who could speak to her through the cracks of his prison. Shadow Milk Cookie.
The story progresses as Shadow Milk speaks to Pastry on multiple occasions, whispering words of deceit and knowledge to make her trust him more. Eventually, she gains enough courage to leave the St. Pastry Order, and becomes a follower of the Beasts.
From there, a cult is slowly formed for those who follow the will of the Beast Cookies. Pastry Cookie being the founder as she gets her orders from Shadow Milk. Awaiting for the day when they will be released into the world . . .
The story will be expanded on more and more as I write one shots and story bits here and there. I'll debate opening asks since I'm not sure if I have enough people curious in the AU enough to start those. Do comment if you would like asks. Until then, I'll use this as the master post and add links when I have info or fics to add to this.
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catatombi · 1 year
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teehee part 2 :3c part 1 part 2 u are here  part 3
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moonsfantasyworld · 8 hours
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Some examples of my art:
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THEY ARE OPEN ONCE MORE!! for more info feel free to check the link under!
i gen hate to be having to explain it- but i genuinly would appreciatte as much support as possible
like i say on the image, im in big need of saving up if i really wanna go study next year (which i wasnt able to do already this year due to the same reason), money is in a tricky spot right now, and my dad is the only one supporting both me and my twin brother, who has already moved out for his own studies, and suporting us both will be hard.
i want to help in what i can, so to not burn myself out too much i decided to just take sketch commissions atm
i would really appreciate it if y'all can share with your peers and or if you can buy at least the cheapest option, thanks u all so much in advance 💖
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youngcreamcheese · 3 months
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randomly wanted to draw Lamby brahs he's so cute 🙁
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pk-kai · 4 months
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I just…had a thought and wanted to scribble them down
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Also dual wielding PV just seemed hilarious
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lolo3h · 8 months
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Shadow Milk would be pretty mad about the soul jam being passed around like a hot potato
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