#miles maitland hcs
bright-omens · 1 year
Miles Maitland Headcanons
The lack of Miles headcanons is absolutely criminal, so I will take it upon myself to make both general hcs and also x reader ones because why not. These are just general hcs of how I think he'd be in a relationship :)
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This man would be so sweet and would absolutely spoil his lover
His main love language is physical touch (which sucks, because it's the 30s, but he gets very handsy when in private. In a modern setting/AU though, he would not be able to keep his hands off his boyfriend)
He would love going out to dinner with his lover (if he's dressed for it obviously)
Would never get his lover (too) jealous on purpose, but thinks it's attractive when it happens
He strikes me as the type of person to enjoy deep conversations no matter what time it is, as long as he actually loves the person. It could be 3 in the morning, and he would still be open to any kind of conversation, so long as it's interesting to him and he's learning more about his boyfriend
So many gifts. He would practically pick his lover's wardrobe. He knows his fashion and he knows what would look good and what wouldn't. Most of his gifts would be clothes related
When they aren't though, they're so meaningful and at first glance, they don't seem that deep, but every gift he gives is tied to some sort of memory
That being said, while he's definitely very sweet with his lover, he's also such a little shit
This fucker will tease his boyfriend relentlessly if he catches him doing anything dorky (in the most loving way though)
He is absolutely going to pout just to get his way, as long as it's not a big deal and not in a manipulative way (i.e, he's not going to pout just to get his partner to fuck him, but he will pout to get his partner to buy him that lovely pair of shoes that he's been eying for the past week)
He's definitely the type to subtly tease his boyfriend. Like, it's subtle enough that no one would notice, but it's also obvious enough that his boyfriend and friends would notice, if they paid attention
Speaking of attention, he's an attention whore and will do almost anything for his boyfriend's attention
He's also so dramatic
"What do you mean I can't buy that shawl? It would look absolutely stunning on me...I'm aware I should save my money, but still. I should be allowed to pamper myself."
Cue a very pouty Miles
He's also a big fan of pet names. He'll call his boyfriend "Dear," "Love," "Darling," and anything else he can think of
That's all I have for now. Thanks for reading :)
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marchentraume · 8 months
Hi uh, I'm just gonna list out my Michael Sheen and David Tennant crossover ships with short headcanons and why lol:
Miles Maitland and Ginger Littlejohn (Bright Young Things)
They both existed in the same project before even knowing who the other ways ofc I ship it
Beautiful and full of life Miles balances out the serious Ginger, the latter can make sure Miles is safe from anyone who would hurt him
This one is probably my fave and have been slowly getting more invested, shout out to my kindred spirits who also have a galaxy brain for these two
Martin Whitly (Prodigal Son) and Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
This might just be copying hannigram but I haven't watch Hannibal yet so no clue here haha
Martin is quite literally a criminal but also very educated, he would see Alec and want to save him realizing there's one person he wants to keep safe if not contained and away from the world
Alec is perplexed how such an educated man can do what he did but also attracted to both sides he shows
This isn't a healthy ship but why would I be into shipping for only that :D
Romeo and Romeo (Romeo and Juliet)
Both have played Romeo once in their respective lives and maybe I just want them to kiss
It's nothing deeper than that, both are INCREDIBLY gorgeous in their productions and I wish more photos existed...
Aro (Twilight series) and Peter Vincent (Fright Night 2011)
(yes this is a remake)
Vampire and "vampire hunter"? That's all I need.
You know Aro would love teasing the supposed cowardly Pete but surprisingly turned on when he he stands up to fight back
Of course the angst for Peter gaining attraction for a creature that killed his family
The sex would be insane you know it
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I'm sure I'll build up more as I continue the brain rot but also let me know yours or any additional HCs with these ships I love...sheen and tennant...
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
Youtuber!Beetlejuice Headcanons Part 2
I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but my Youtuber!Beej hcs have gotten almost 200 notes in like under a day (thatsalsocountingthespamjustballoonfishthingsdidbutanyway) and I promised a part two once I reached 100 so. Here we are.
Part 1
Tagging: @justballoonfishthings, @broadwaytrashstrikesagain, @imma-fucking-nerd
You have figured something wasn’t quite normal with Beetlejuice long before the two of you started dating
For one, he always ate just really weird shit
Bugs, glass, wood, paper, rat poison on one occasion and just constantly eating tide pods
At first you’d panic but as time went on, you figured it was all a prank and it was just sugar made to look like inedible stuff
Would explain his hyperactivity and why he always seemed to just need to Move
But when you eventually started spending more and more time at his and filming your videos at the Deetz’s who were his family but also not apparently, the more you realised
No there was some fucked up shit happening
The amount of times he just....took a glass from the cupboard and started munching, or just took one of Adam’s model houses and slammed the whole thing in his mouth or found a random beetle and just. Fucken ate the sucker
It was terrifying
But according to Lydia, he has a really strong stomach and he won’t die from eating literal poison as he downs a bottle of weed killer
You just watched and decided
Ok. Fine. I can handle this
Then there was the hair. On camera, you thought it was a trick of the light because during the con, his hair was a permanent green with occasionally the tips being pink, but that could be hair chalk
But at home, his hair changed constantly, on its own, according to his mood
Perhaps it was a type of hair dye that changes colour depending on body temperature
Ignoring the fact that his hair is very much, for the most part, away from his scalp
But more small things started to happen. Like how he could just disappear and reappear at random, at first you thought it was ninja skills. But then it became ‘no this is physically impossible for him to be here so quickly’
Once, you swore you saw him levitate
His total lack of regard for danger too, it just all slowly started to add up that perhaps there was more to this story than everyone was letting on
The kicker was when you literally caught him sitting on the ceiling to entertain Lydia
It wasn’t the ceiling part that got you, although that was creepy
It was the fact he was slowly turning his head a full 360 degrees
You booked it out of there, rushing past the concerned Maitlands and the Deetz’s and out the front door, all the way back to your house
Beetlejuice kept blowing up your phone with voice messages, his preferred way to text ‘You ok babes?’ ‘Adam said you looked like you’d seen a ghost!’ ‘Please message me?’ ‘Babes, seriously, are you ok? Everyone’s worried.’ ‘Are we through? Are you ghosting me?’ ‘Very mature Y/N. Call me when you decide you want to be an adult.’ ‘Please. Please at least text me. I’ll get Lydia to read it out! Just. Don’t ignore me, please babes.’
The last one sounded so broken but you ignored it
What the FUCK was that?
You could feel the panic brewing in your gut as the vision played again and again in your brain
Maybe you imagined it? No, there was no way that you thought this up
When you finally collect yourself, you text Lydia
‘What the FUCK was that with Beetlejuice?’ 
Minutes passed before you got a response, simply a question mark.
‘His head was rotating like a fucking owl Lydia!’
Almost instantly, your phone started buzzing with Beetlejuice trying to call you
You hesitate over the ignore button, but figured that it was best to hear the excuse from the man himself.
You press accept
“Babes! Are you alright?” He shouts down the phone, clearly concerned.
“What. The. Fuck.” Is all you get out, anxiety now turning into rage. “What the fuck was that? How the fuck? Beetlejuice, I could accept that perhaps you had this weird biology thing which meant you could eat weird shit, and perhaps you could decide to be light on your feet when usually I can hear you coming towards me a mile off, but what. Was. That?” You spew out in one large rush.
There is a pause, you can feel him thinking
“Say my name three times.” He begs
“What?” The change of subject confused you enough that the anger pretty much all but disappeared. “Is this a hypnosis thing?”
“No!” His protest is loud as he struggles to remain composed. “Look, just. It’s hard to explain. Just say my name three times, it’s gotta be spoken, unbroken ok? Just say my name three times in a row.”
You blink but decide to entertain him.
“Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.”
“One more time. Please babes.”
Suddenly, with a loud pop, he was there. In front of you. Still holding his phone. His hair was blue and purple, which you came to realise was sad and scared. He quickly hangs up and just stares at you as you process what just happened.
“What. Ok. I’m losing my mind.” You finally decide. “Stress, I have too busy a schedule, I’m just stressed.” You flinch when his hands move to grab your shoulders
“No babes, it’s me.” He hesitates for a second before taking a breath. “I’m dead.” “You’re gonna be.” “No, I mean now. I’m the ghost with the most. Dead.”
You blink before mouthing the words ‘dead’. “I need to see a shrink, clearly I’m psychotic.”
Beetlejuice groans. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I was scared you were gonna run off and. Well. I didn’t want that.” His hand moves to cup your cheek, thumb running at the skin under your eyes gently. “But this is real, and I’m still real, even if I’m a dead guy.”
“Hence the glass and bugs and rotating head.” He nods.
“It’s not all I can do, but it’s some of it.”
You poke his chest, causing him to push back slightly before sighing. “Is there anything else I need to know?”
He looks at you confused. “You’re not dumping me?” You raise an eyebrow
“I moved halfway across the country to be closer to you. You’re still the same dumbass I fell in love with, the one with Mommy issues who loves it when people during out livestreams spend the entire time gushing over how lucky I am to have you, because it gives you an excuse to say that you’re the lucky one that I chose you. Still the dumbass who laughs during horror flicks because its so unrealistic and claims to be best pals with the Mothman and is addicted to Buzzfeed Unsolved and wants to do a collab with them. I’m not dumping you. You hid this from me for a reason and I’m just glad that you’ve told me now. But, as I said.” You make eye contact for the first time since you saw his head spin around his body like a Beyblade. “Is there anything else I need to know?”
“I tried to marry Lydia in an attempt to become alive but she killed me shortly after, Delia gave me the ok to kill a man and I’m pretty sure Charles has come close to murdering me too, but we are all friends now. Also, the Maitlands are also ghosts.” He gets it out in one long breath. You just stare at him.
“Is everyone in that house dead?” “No, just me and the Maitlands.” “Lydia looks like she might be dead.” “She is on the inside.”
You nod as the shock slowly goes through your system. “You tried to marry a teenager?” “It was a green card thing!” He protests. “And, and, and! I had a full blown panic attack because breather emotions are evil and that teenager stabbed me!” “I think she had a good reason Beej.”
It takes a little adjusting and a lot more questions, but you are more or less content with the whole thing, a month before you’d fully accepted it and five weeks before you finally processed the whole thing
You had a lot of questions for the Maitlands and when they told you the sort of person Beetlejuice was before he met you, it made sense compared to all the shit he had told you in confidence 
Life goes on
And it turns out you have a dead youtuber for a boyfriend, who lives in a house with two other ghosts, a teen he tried to marry, a spiritual guide who asked him to murder her ‘guru’ named Kevin and one relatively normal guy
Tbh that’s a sitcom that you’d wanna watch.
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caerdroia · 5 years
the only saving grace about miles maitland is going thru tags and finding people's hc of aziraphale befriending him in one of the clubs and taking care of him from that point on
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mrsrcbinscn · 3 years
Franny Career HC Dump #8
Apart from her fame as a bluegrass-folk singer and a member of the all Asian diaspora indie band Seoul Hanoi’d in the Anglophone world, and as a singer-songwriter, drama OST singer, and sought after featured artist in Cambodia, Franny is decently known throughout the French, German, and Italian-speaking world. 
 Part of that is due to over a decade of collaboration with her paternal cousin, Swiss singer-songwriter Jakob "Köbi" Framagucci (stage name Köbi Fram).
 Franny and Köbi 
 Jakob Framagucci is nine years Franny’s junior, the son of her father’s youngest brother (Amaury Framagucci, a retired UN Employee) and his wife Hannelore Schmid. 
 Köbi sings mainly in Swiss German and Franny is not herself fluent in German but has a good enough grasp on the language to sing it. When they songwrite together, they do it in French or Italian, which Köbi also sings in. He is fluent in English as well but struggles to write songs in the language so most of his English songs were either written by Franny for him, or, he gave her Italian or French lyrics and she translated them to the melody of the music he wrote.
 She’s featured on several songs on his albums and when visiting Switzerland they will record some covers together or a duet version of one of their songs for his YouTube channel, or make some music TikToks together because Köbi is indeed a millennial (born 1989) so is even more social media savvy than Franny. They’ve got that self marketing on lock.
 They’re a duo just as dynamic as Franny and Daniel Maitland in Dara & Danny, and even have an official duo side project album in the works -- their official duo name is “We Are Friendly Knives”, shortened to “Friendly Knives” -- because their initials are F and K and because Friendly Knives was the first two words that popped into Franny’s head while they were drunk and trying to come up with a name.
 That album should be dropping sometime in March.
And stemming from her collaborations with her cousin, she’s collaborated with several other Italian, French, and German language artists. Mostly Swiss artists but due to her various cousins in entertainment, through friends of her cousins and their friends she’s connected with and collaborated with Italians, French, French-Canadians, Belgians, and Germans.
 Franny’s Own Merits
 Apart from Franny and Köbi benefiting from each other, it helps that Franny is actually fluent in Italian and French.
 She’s recorded an entire album of original French-language songs whose five singles all peaked at 15 or above on the Swiss, Belgian, and French charts, and two peaked at 5 or above on the Canadian charts and the other three hit 20-30. 
 One song, whose title translates to Preying Mantis peaked at number 1 and stayed there for two weeks, and didn’t leave the top five for about two months. The song was a cold takedown of former collaborator, English songwriter Miles Harris. (Think Jenny Lewis’ My Pet Snakes level shade.) Franny hasn’t outright said it was about him but fans of her following the #drama between them (involving him screwing her out of money from things they worked on together, allegations he straight up stole work not intended to be used by him, accusations of anti-Asian racism including directed at her, alleged sexual harassment that Franny actually filed a civil suit against him for,  and just general creative differences) are 100% positive it's about him. When asked if the song is about anybody in particular, Franny coyly responded with “I think all songs are about someone.”
 She wrote such a scathing song in French in order to get her feelings out but to not stir the pot as much as if she’d just done it in English.
 The title is Preying Mantis because female praying (with an A) mantises eat their mates and it’s a fuck you song by a woman about a man she once collaborated well with hence Preying with a “e”, but also bc Miles Harris used her trust in him to leech off her, steal from her, and tried to exert power over her. It’s got layers.
Inspired by Linda Ronstadt’s Canciones de Mi Padre album, Franny also has put out an album of all Italian, French, and German songs from the 60s-70s. Like many people don’t know about Linda Ronstadt’s Mexican heritage, people don’t know Franny’s Swiss heritage. The album is titled From My Father’s Record Player.
 Her label was like “girl don’t do it” and she was like “I will literally pay for the production myself if you’re so against it but I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t use my audience to try and get these songs to new ears. This music is just as important to my development and background as a musician and singer as musicals, bluegrass, country, and jazz music are.”
 The album actually sold comparable to her others and her covers of the songs were included on soundtracks for French and Italian movies and tv. 
 Track list:
Due Grosse Lacrima Bianche - Iva Zanicchi
Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht - Siw Malmkvist
Des ronds dans l'eau - Françoise Hardy
Paroles, Paroles - Alain Delon
Padre Davvero - Mia Martini
Oh, wann komst du - Daliah Lavi
Città vuota - Mina
Michaela - Bata Illic
Et si tu n'existais pas - Joe Dassin
Una lacrima sul viso - Bobby Solo
Deux garçons pour une fille - Arlette Zola
Minuetto - Mia Martini
Response   The response to the album was overwhelmingly positive. Some of the artists she covered who were still living said they loved her versions of the songs. When asked by a music journalist why doing the album was so important to her she responded:
 “When I ask you to imagine a Swiss person, you don’t picture someone who looks like me. But like, I’m Swiss. I’m a citizen of Switzerland, I was a citizen before I was given my Cambodian citizenship, and I went to Switzerland before I got a chance to visit Cambodia the first time. Whether or not I look Swiss is irrelevant, because I am. And when my father came to the US from Switzerland he brought his languages and the music in those languages with him.”
 And in another interview:
 “Mia Martini and Jacques Dutronc were as vital to my development as a musician as Dolly Parton, Jenny Lewis, and Ella Fitzgerald. People look at me and they either see ‘oh she’s a mixed Asian’ or they see someone ambiguously brown. Nobody thinks about the other half. They only consider my Asianness to be ‘other’ and don’t think that my white father could be anything but a run-of-the-mill WASP American man, but he’s not American at all. He didn’t become a US citizen until he was in his fifties and that was only because he was getting annoyed with filing paperwork every few years. I’m very proudly and loudly Cambodian, but I’m proud of my Swiss side too.” 
The album helped further her reach outside of English and Khmer speaking audiences.
 Franny’s dealt with tweets and comments fired at her questioning her claim to Swiss heritage in response to an Instagram photo she posted on Swiss National Day where she was wearing folk costume typical of a Ticino Swiss and her brothers in Geneva folk costume to represent the home cantons of their grandparents, drinking at a Swiss National Day festival. Since she’s very open that her father is her stepfather, technically, people want to raise questions about if it’s cultural appropriation. Since Franny is so vocal against white people appropriating Asian cultures for the aesthetic.
 When asked if she felt she could claim Swiss heritage when her father is technically her stepfather in another interview, she replied:
  “Yes. Just as much as my genetically very white brothers can claim our mother’s Cambodian culture, and my adopted son can claim my Southern, Swiss, and Cambodian cultures. Culture is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of the particular nation, people, or other social group that you are raised in. Adopted children and stepchildren fit that category. Telling me, or my brothers, or my son that they can’t own the heritage of their adopted families is really gross and just pushes the narrative that if they’re not your blood, they’re not really yours. I hold citizenship in Switzerland via my father; I am every bit Swiss as I am Cambodian, as I am American.”
 Adoption advocacy groups have praised her for this statement and the Swiss president even retweeted that article and said “Switzerland is proud to be represented by Franny Sor Robinson. I thank your father for giving you a love for his homeland and the languages that call it home.”
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bright-omens · 1 year
Do you have any miles headcannons it can be angst or fluffy or a little bit of both. It's up to you
Haha. You gave me too much power. Also, I wasn't super sure if you meant general headcanons or, like, x reader kinda ones, so you get general hc's (if that's not what you wanted, I apologize and will write whatever it is you actually wanted lol). Anyways! On with the headcanons :D
TW: Angst, slight mentions of SH, mention of panic attack, mention of drugs, mention of sex
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Fluffy headcanons
He absolutely adores the piano. I think it's canon that he at least knows how to play the piano, but I feel like he really likes it and kinda uses it as a stress reliever of sorts
I feel like he'd also just like the sound of a piano being played, which is what made him want to learn in the first place (The mental image of him serenading his lover by playing the piano. I ascend)
Personally, I feel like he's neurodivergent in some way, so when he gets really excited or happy, he stims in very subtle ways. Like, watch the scene where Miles is telling everyone to go to Tiger's race, and that's what I'm talking about
He's the type of friend that's there for his friends no matter what. He will drop everything just to help them if they need it
He is a little shit though and he will mess around with them and tease them if they do something stupid
I honestly feel like his mom is actually really supportive of him being gay and encourages him to wear what he wants and to do what he wants to do (y'all saw how she kept Simon from the party right? I know she said it was because he was spreading rumors about her son, but part of me feels like it's because she knew and didn't want him to be exposed)
In a modern AU, he's a Swiftie and also loves Lana Del Rey (but only specific songs). I take no critisism
I feel like he definitely had an attraction to Adam at one point, but then Nina showed an interest in Adam, and he backed off. Adam never knew that Miles liked him, and was confused as to why Miles started acting slightly differently when him and Nina got together
Miles did get over the attraction though, so it's not like he was heartbroken or anything
He ends up knowing a lot about cars after dating Tiger
I also feel like Tiger was his first actual relationship. Before Tiger, it was all just one-night stands
Angsty Headcanons
After the Tiger incident, he has trust issues
It takes him a while to fully trust someone again (especially in a romantic sense)
He's back to one-night stands and uses it as a coping mechanism
He also falls further into drugs for a while
We never see his dad in the movie, so I feel like he just kinda...left him and his mom, which really upset him when he was younger, but now he really doesn't care
He kinda went into a really dark place after the whole Tiger incident
Once he realized that he had no friends, he had a panic attack on the train and just cried the entire time
When the letters were first revealed, he briefly considered harming himself
If he ever does get a boyfriend again, I feel like he'd do his best to keep said boyfriend at arms length. He'd feel terrible for it, but he just wanted to protect himself
He misses his mom and his friends, and will cry himself to sleep sometimes because of how much he misses them and wishes he could see them all again
That's all I have! Sorry this took so long, I've been busy and swamped with work these last few days and I hate it lmao
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