#mikoto's victim
highendsheep · 3 months
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that one guy in meme who appears for like 5 seconds. I hope you understand.
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waivyjellyfish · 10 months
tw/blood, TV noize
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Idea that Es can see ghosts following the prisoners. It is not clear whether this from the beginning was idea of MILGRAM or whether it was simply a mistake when they made Es what they are now, but Jackalope is silent and doesn't comment this situation. Anyway the ghosts are very happy to chat. Which is what Es took advantage of.
02 - Yuno’s viktim accept the form that can speak(was it the soul that only was just getting ready to posess the body and become a baby or already possesed body, idk)
05 - Shidou's wife scaring away shido's victims ghosts so there only his family ghosts here
08 - don't really know who was Amane's victim so I draw Riyone 'cause she's probably Amane's mother and Amane said that her mother should have kept her faith to the very end, soo
09 - Mikoto's victim is a collective image
cat is just chilling nearby
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victimcentral · 2 months
Once again doing one of these polls since im interested and very curious!
For this week's poll im asking regarding a popular theory I seen around that Kayano killed his boss. Now whether you believe it is the blonde guy we saw being killed or an unseen victim, it doesn't matter for this poll, what im wondering is just if you believe he is a victim on the Kayano murder in some way! Once again feel free to explore in tags I LOVE reading it :] (If you are unsure/neutral you can just vote whatever you think is more likely!)
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(^ the one calling Mikoto at the start of Double is his Chief for those unaware)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
teruhashi/aiura/akechi haters: ugh theyre such stalkers, we need to protect poor saiki from their obsessive stalking!! theyre so weird!!
saiki meanwhile:
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good-beans · 8 days
I'm curious about people's predictions/wishes/"this will never happen but I can dream" for the T3 album cover theme!
My serious thought is a close-up of prisoners holding/dropping a symbolic object that relates to the mv somehow, my crazy wish is that they're standing either back-to-back or face-to-face with their victim...
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weather-cluddy · 6 months
I know we're too early into Milgram's "so are the prisoners dead or not?" plotline for this, but since it looks like they're doing death-themed illustration for the fourth anniversary, you know what would be really cool?
The Milgram version of this Kagerou Project image:
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Slightly spoilery KagePro context:
In KagePro all the main characters died and came back to life. The X-rays show the cause of death.
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harukapologist · 8 months
sometimes, I think about the fact that Haruka has NOTHING in his real life. His father is clearly out of the picture, his mother is... you know, his classmates probably ignore (or bully) him IF he is in school currently which is a big if, and if Mirai is a real person (I'm one of the "Mirai is Haruka/a symbolism of a part of himself" truthers... I have more than one theory about his murder ok), she appeared to be the only person in Haruka's life whom he had a good relationship with... but she's dead. At his own hands' doing. And that makes me think about how that probably makes Haruka feel 10x more remorseful for his murder; he didn't kill someone of the many people in his life who treated him like trash, he killed the only person who cared about him, the only person he really had. To make matters worse in AKAA Haruka is shown to be having kinda a whole mental breakdown, I believe that the murder was an impulse decision when he wasn't in his right mind, at that time. So I can't help but imagine, when he comes back to his senses and calms down, and sees Mirai's dead body, realizing that not only is she gone but his hands will also forever be stained with her blood... sorry, I'm having a lot of thoughts about their relationship in the case that Mirai is a real person....
Mirai aside, this also makes me wonder what will happen at the end of milgram. Will Haruka just, go back to his shitty mom and awful life? It made me reconsider whether I want him to be inno in T3 or not (currently I still do plan on voting him inno) because if the outcome of being inno is returning to the outside world with absolutely zero changes made I absolutely don't want that... You could think about this for other prisoners too. If Mikoto went back to his regular life, he'll start killing himself working again. If Amane went back to her regular life, she'll probably get punished and we know how inhumanely cruel her cult is when it comes to punishments (a fucking taser... on a child...) I'm just going to keep thinking about my half-joke AU where the prisoners live together as a found family after kidnapping Haruka and Amane from their households
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sakuharuka · 4 months
Imagine a MILGRAM x Danganronpa thingie where MILGRAM characters (the prisoners, Es and some more) get into a Danganronpa-like game!!!
Jackalope gets the role of Monokuma with his teasing persona, often making unnecessary comments about the girls, specially Muu and Mahiru, also with a sadistic side to himself that only Es knows about for some reason.
Es is the ultimate prison guard and the protag! They wake up with no memories in the beach and meet a few more people! In their head, all they know is their name and ultimate. There's a lot to cover.... or rather, recover.
I believe that Haruka's the ultimate unlucky student due to ""his only ability being bringing misfortune to others"", according to himself. During a free time event, he told Es to call him "the second ultimate artist" to at least make himself slightly happier due to his love for art, albeit he draws rather childishly and his pieces come across as shaky every time. Of course, it's the same ultimate as Mirai's.
Yuno would call herself 'ultimate socialite' -- actually an enjo joshi -- due to her track record of enjo kosai. She's not a fan of her true title due to having recently aborted a child, yet she's willing to hide it with a title just as "dirty" to draw attention off herself.
Fuuta would end up as the ultimate grafitti artist as a connection to Backdraft. He comments that he'd prefer to be a gamer or a soccer player, as being a grafitti artist, for some reason, is something that made him hold deep regret.
Muu would call herself 'ultimate queen bee' -- formally 'ultimate social queen', a title she seems to take as 'too confusing but kind of nice'. Haruka just calls her the ultimate queen. She appreciates it, but she states that she loves bees.
Shidou, of course, is the ultimate surgeon. He reveals in-game that, after a car accident that put his wife and older son in the hospital -- the younger dying instantly, he ended up killing them while just trying to do his job. After that, he gave up on being a surgeon, depressed and suicidal, missing his children and the love of his life.
Mahiru, due to TIHTBILWY, would be the ultimate blogger! She states that her blog is lovable and 'ultra romantic', which even Es, someone rather stoic, gets surprised and lets out a smile by its layout. Mikoto tells her that it's the blog of a professional guru. She seems to get much more excited by that.
As a reference to Half and Cat, Kazui is the ultimate kyogen master. In-game, he bonds with Shidou about "his ultimate having killed his wife", however, his case is more in an abstract sense: Kazui pretending to like her, being something that he's not. Well.... he did like her, just not romantically. He feels quite guilty by that.
Amane's formal title is li'l ultimate devotee, however, she calls herself the 'ultimate cleric' for the sake of her cult. She seems to not like anyone except for Fuuta and Kazui, who she sees as family, calling the rest 'sinners who should rot in hell' much to everyone's dismay. Even Jackalope, well... a jackalope, is a reason for distrust.
Mikoto's the ultimate designer. His formal ultimate specifies *what kind* of designer -- either graphic or fashion-related, but, for some reason different from Es's, his memories are also pretty foggy. Well.... of course he remembers his job..! Just.... not his full title. Rumors during the motives say that he was diagnosed with DID some time ago.
Kotoko's the ultimate vigilante, a title she carries with pride. She has killed a few in a way quite subtle and, much to Es's surprise, neither her nor themself are connected to the government somehow. She seems to be pretty wolf-like in attitude, even biting and scratching others, growling or howling by impulse at times. She seems to connect it with her talent.
Yura Kashiki, Yuno's little brother! He ends up as the li'l ultimate acapella performer. He's a really nice boy and supports Yuno when he can, also trying to sing songs to his older folks. He ends up friends with Amane due to the two of them having similar ages. Although not joining her cult, he seems to memorize its songs due to the green-haired girl's constant prayers. He's quite attached to Yuno and the other way round! Their relationship is quite wholesome!
"Miss Magic", also known as Mana, li'l ultimate magical girl wannabe formally, calls herself 'ultimate good witch' or just 'ultimate witch' despite not able to make true magic. Loves Kazui, sees him as a teacher and loves learning with him due to his ultimate. Amane's not a fan of her due to her name. For some reason revealed in-game, she's terrified of Fuuta and Rumerie. The feelings seem to be mutual for the former, as he gets ungodly disturbed when he sees her, but not for the latter, who finds her weak.
(Fun fact: In that context, Mana is a kirakira name in Japanese that uses the "Ma" kanji as if in "Mahou", magic !! Can represent her username/nickname and also how 'Fuuta thought she had bad intentions before noticing that she was just a middle school girl' since 'Ma', by itself, can also mean the devil!) Mirai, the ultimate artist! Quite fashionable and kind, calm under pressure but secretly pretty overwhelmed under her mask of whimsical kindness. In a free time event with Es, their usual unintentionally cold and rude demeanor with Haruka prompts her to confess about his violent meltdowns, ones who are difficult to control. She states that the two were childhood friends and that her worst trauma was almost dying after seeing her missing dog also dead because she panicked in the wrong moment. Haruka never really liked animals. Mirai loves taking pictures of herself, others, the scenery and moments. Her favorite pictures are of fireworks, a moment she shared with Haruka back when they were children. She likes to fluctuate between styles, sometimes similar to anime, sometimes cartoon-esque, abstract or even realistic.
Rumerie, the ultimate gamer! He's rather mean-spirited, oftentimes mocking everyone for everything. He likes to call himself Fuuta's friend, a title the guy's not a fan of. Rumerie finds Fuuta's ultimate way more interesting than his, so the two have this complex of wanting to swap ultimates. Just like Fuuta has his easily frightened side, Rumerie shows a softer one with either children that aren't Mana (Amane and Yura) or people who show themselves to be slightly more childish in nature (Haruka). He's quite good at all sorts of videogames and, despite insisting that he prefers fighting games, secretly loves taking care of virtual pets. He tries to hide how cute he finds Jackalope by the beginning of the killing game.
Rei, the ultimate writer! Secretly had a crush on Muu back when she was solely an observer until she ended up as the victim of her and her group's actions. By then, Rei grew to hate her a lot. She's collected, usually expressionless. Hates Muu, Haruka's attachment to the same gives Rei the ick. She's friends with Mirai, almost becoming Yuno's before her inevitable fate. Despite being stoic and disengaged, she wishes to protect everyone from Jackalope and whoever's behind the killing game, including Muu.
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
Could you write a drabble for Mikoto and Shidou plus Blood? This request miiight be inspired by the fact that Mikoto mentions his body hurting a lot but doesn't seem to be receiving any medical treatment, either because Mahiru and Fuuta take priority or because there's no obvious cause, and therefore cure, to his pain...
👀👀👀 Thank you, this is such a good combo ough!! It's so interesting how much focus the others get when it comes to physical health, since Mikoto has clearly complained of his condition :( It looks like Milgram is trying to push the idea that he's completely oblivious to his alters, but I spun it where he's aware, just deep in denial. So have some Mikoto angst to get us hyped for Double!
Mikoto should be grateful. He was lucky. That’s what he kept repeating to himself. He had both of his eyes intact. Both his arms. He was strong enough to walk around freely. He wasn’t on the verge of death, or collapse. Thus, he should be grateful no one was offering him any help, because it meant he didn’t need it. He repeated it again. Maybe this time he would believe it.
With a groan, his body rolled out of bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d woken up actually feeling rested. Everything ached. His muscles tightened with soreness. His throat felt as raw as his knuckles, though he hadn’t been using either. He had no desire to lift his arms over his head, or twist around too much, so he didn’t change out of yesterday’s uniform. Maybe the belts and buckles had made it difficult to sleep. The theory wasn’t a convincing one, but dwelling on things like that had never gotten him anywhere.
He ran his fingers once through his hair, combing out a bit of the mess. Looking in a mirror was the last thing he needed. He made his way to the dining hall. 
The others trickled in for breakfast. His appetite, at least, hadn’t suffered. He hardly noticed the others giving him wide-eyed stares. What were they expecting? Of course he was looking worse for wear, given the circumstances. He ignored them, glad to focus on the hot meal before him.
A hand weighed heavy on his shoulder.
“Mikoto,” Shidou’s voice may have remained calm, but it was urgent. “Do you need some help?”
“Huh?” He shrugged his hand away, offering a weak smile. “I’m fine! Oh, I think Kazui was saving a seat for you over there, if you --”
“-- How about we go to my cell for a moment? Or yours, if that would be more comfortable.”
What was everyone’s problem this morning? Mikoto did his best to keep his voice pleasant. “Really, man, I’m good.” 
Shidou’s expression remained unmoving. Very carefully, he informed him, “you’re bleeding. Pretty badly by the look of it. You’re coming with me.” 
Mikoto blinked. He looked over his shoulder, following Shidou’s gaze. The back of his uniform was torn across the center. A significant splotch of blood seeped into the material, growing even larger as he shifted to see it. 
Back in Shidou’s cell, sad to have left his breakfast plate behind, he slumped into a chair. Shidou gathered together some supplies. As always, he got right to the point. “What happened?”
“I… I’m not sure. I don’t remember anything from last night. I don’t remember most nights, recently. I know that sounds crazy, but…”
“It’s fine. I have definitely heard crazier.” He smiled, something gentle and reassuring. As usual, there was something hidden behind his eyes. It was as if he already knew what Mikoto was up to late at night that earned him so much soreness the following days. He didn’t offer an explanation, though. Mikoto didn’t press him for one.
He winced as he was helped out of his uniform. Removing his shirt revealed the mysterious gash. Shidou’s eyes widened at the array of scratches and scars. Some were fresh, but most originated long before Milgram. Though he didn’t ask, Mikoto answered.
“I’m pretty clumsy, huh?” Maybe this time he would believe it. 
Shidou was kind enough to pretend to. “Here, allow me…”
Shidou got to work cleaning and dressing the injuries. Mikoto closed his eyes. Even though the disinfectant stung, and sometimes those gloved fingers pressed a little two hard, it felt nice to have things patched up. 
“Is there anything else going on? Are you feeling pain anywhere else?”
Mikoto could have laughed. He didn’t. “I’m just sore. And my head’s been killing me, but I’m used to migraines. Perks of the verdict, I’m sure.”
Shidou hummed in thought. 
“Thanks, by the way. I’ll try to be more careful.” Not that he had much choice in the matter, it seemed. But he’d do his best. 
Shidou kept his face straight, but there were traces of pain in his voice. “I will too. I’m sorry, Mikoto. If I had known… I’ve been distracted lately, but I should have paid closer attention.”
“It’s fine,” he flashed a grin. “I know the others are pretty fucked up. And I’m not dying or anything. I’m lucky, you know?”
“I wouldn’t say so. Doctors don’t only treat the dying.”
Mikoto frowned. 
It didn’t take much longer to finish treatment. Shidou gave him a few instructions about the bandages, then offered him a clean shirt. “You’re good to go. I’ll be checking in more often, now. I’ll see if I can find something for your head.” 
“Thanks. Really.”
He returned Mikoto’s torn uniform. “You should talk to Es about getting a new one. Until then, you’ll want to clean this with --”
Mikoto waved a dismissive hand, heading out of the cell. “Don’t worry, I know how to wash blood out of my clothes. Er, that sounds bad. I’m just a clutz, yeah? The blood’s always been my own.”
Maybe this time he would believe it.
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greenbetula · 12 days
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am i making sense
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virtual-idoll · 11 months
mikoto probably did in fact do it. I feel so sorry for John he's trying to save the dude and tell us all of this but like. milgram is restraining mikoto and not you. John you might be wrong about your little meow meow
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thehoneybus · 1 month
finished my rewatch of unnatural and it truly is the best jdrama ever made
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the way milgrammies love to be ableist when it comes to discussing the characters need to be discussed istg
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victimcentral · 9 days
John's second victim
This is written super quickly and might be kind of long but bare with me! I think I found something regarding Mikoto's case! Theory under cut :D
Ever since the trial 2 ending video I been thinking non stop about the fact that seemingly it confirmed the theory that John was a serial killer, for context ever since Double released I was in the belief that John only killed one person (the blonde guy we see in MeMe) and that his memories were just fragmented (since he was still forming during the events of the murder) leaving him to believe he killed multiple people (especially considering how dismissive and well how he doesn't seem to recall much about it, only remembering the fact that he wanted to protect Mikoto). Of course now we know that Milgram basically told us Mikoto is one of the people in Milgram with one of the most kills (idk why they translated to “the most kills” when Shidou is right there, but in jp it’s more like “one of the most”). 
This led me to question, how and who. For John’s blonde victim who for now I will call Blondie, I had a pretty good idea on how the murder and everything happened, I won't get into detail since it would take a lot of time to cover, my oomfie made a post that I agree with. Tldr Annoying coworker Mikoto was not very fond of, pent up rage for this person led to John killing him to get rid of this “stress” that was causing Mikoto (maybe someday I will go more in depth with this idea). But then there was the problem that, ever since the trial end video, I started to notice that MeMe in fact does show two victims, Blondie (the train murder), and… another person. 
From the framing of everything, John wearing the same clothes during both murders, and that it’s shown that it happened on the same night, I concluded John killed two people in the same event, but… my main question was, who was this second victim, I had a pretty solid theory on who Blondie guy, but this second person was a complete mystery to me, I reread everything to try and see if there were other clues but really I had nothing, we don’t even have a design for this person, but we know it exists because of the Undercover crime location, it matches up pretty well with where we see John kill this second person.
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(Especially the wires)  Meanwhile we know Blondie died by the train, so no doubt about it. (I mean he died in a sort of tunnel place, where we can see here clearly they are more in the open, we can see the sky..!)
While talking to my friends about it this night, rewatching MeMe on loop to try and see something, I spotted something interesting: In the scene that we see Blondie crawling away, the screen has like the same effect on the edges as when we see a person walking towards Kayano at the start of MeMe, this effect is supposed to resemble the inside of an eye, as if we are seeing from the point of view of a person.
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In both of these scenes we can see that the “screen” blinks, making it obvious we are seeing from the perspective of a person. 
And it’s not just some visual effect of the scene, as we can see when the scene zooms in, the effect is nowhere to be found.
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But look, during the murder, this eye like effect is on full display
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This person is no other than the second victim. And this shows that victim two witnessed the murder of Blondie, they saw John kill, and once John noticed he killed them to keep away from anyone knowing. Basically victim two is just a witness who saw the first murder, ran away, and got killed. We can tell they ran away since the crime location in MeMe is noticeably somewhat close to where the train station is. (Credits to Doctor Bunny, I wouldn't have been able to notice this haha)
in here I will lay out how I think the events happened, because my wording probably doesn’t make any sense lolll
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also this could explain all the imagery of Mikoto feeling “observed” in both MeMe and Double images here
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(in fact, we even see the same effect on the edges as the victim two pov in here lol)
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(All the eyes… he is being observed)
And to add last, it would make sense of John’s statement of “killing whoever was passing by”, because truth be told, that second victim truly was just a random person that was passing by, who just happened to witness the murder. 
Thx for reading! This probably makes no sense since I literally just noticed this and wanted to talk about it! In the future I may rewrite this honestly… this is prolly written like shit LMAOO, just wanted to spread the idea around :D! And if someone came up with it before and I never noticed it, let it be known :o !! Sorry if that’s the case haha ^^’ And if I explained somth awfully and want me to elaborate let me know pls!! I love rambling bout Milgram haha
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ryuseiired · 8 months
deep cover thoughts, or: who is kotoko's victim, really?
ok. so now that we've seen the deep cover mv, it's late but before i go to bed i want to post my biggest thought/theory on it. that being?
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this girl is the victim that kotoko is in milgram for, and the murder we see in the warehouse is a red herring.
now. one thing about the prisoners that are grouped together is that each duo appears, largely, to have a direct murder and an indirect murder in it.
haruka is seen directly killing in his mvs; yuno's murder is an abortion, something so indirect many people don't even consider it to be such. muu is clearly seen directly stabbing rei in her mvs; fuuta's victim dies indirectly due to him starting online backlash against her. whatever shidou is doing to his patients appears to be pretty direct, while mahiru's boyfriend seems to have died indirectly due to having killed himself. kazui is in the same indirect boat as mahiru with hinako's apparent suicide; meanwhile amane is shown in purge march to have directly attacked and killed her mother.
with one duo, up until now, having been an apparent exception.
we can see these groupings clearly in the first anniversary art with all the prisoners together:
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all the direct murderers are on one side of the table, and their indirect counterpart on the other. all the patterns outlined above, we can see here.
mikoto is on the direct murderers' side of the table, and this makes clear sense with what we see in MeMe's opening shots: as vague as mikoto's mvs can be sometimes, we definitely see him hit that guy with the baseball bat pretty explicitly.
and kotoko? kotoko, as his counterpart, is on the indirect side of the table. this seemed weird, because from what we knew of her murder in harrow... we see her track a guy down into a warehouse and kill him pretty directly. it seems like these two are an exception. but now, we have deep cover, and... are they really both in milgram for a direct murder?
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it seems like something bad is happening in this shot, judging by the girl's expression. what do we see right after? kotoko leaving this girl behind, walking past her. she's looking for her next target, and she doesn't have time to play around right now. only... i think it goes wrong. i think kotoko leaving this girl when she does is a mistake, and that her disregard for the girl leads to her getting hurt and dying somehow. after all... the images on the prisoner cards appear to correspond to the murder location. and kotoko's...
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kotoko's looks an awful lot more like this than it does like that warehouse.
it seems like this girl idealizes kotoko an awful lot for having saved her. maybe she tries to follow kotoko, but something happens. maybe she gets caught by whoever it is that kotoko is trying to hunt down... and maybe this time, she doesn't make it out okay.
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good-beans · 2 months
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Prisoner: @rainbowghostcat and @lostxmelody -- It's trial 2 time!
Status: Both were forgiven in the first trial. They expressed such a strong, similar desire to protect one another through their Mikoto Crimes, it was as if they were the very same prisoner... They spoke up on behalf of the others saying they'd offer forgiveness, though some of the guilty prisoner's actions did seem to affect them.
Additional Crimes Revealed: Two new angst fics from Rain (and a sweeter hurt/comfort one), and a new chapter of Melody's assassin au fic -- all of which tempt you with interesting characterization and sweet moments only to put you (and Mikoto) through the wringer!!
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