#miki nozomu
valkavavaart · 4 years
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stardustlittlenook · 4 years
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♡ Can't take my eyes off you ♡
(Miki Nozomu x Atago Rentaro)
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ten-shika · 5 years
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Inktober Day 14: Candle Witch
The Candle Witch’s task is to perform a ritual. The ritual must be performed every midnight: Light a candle in a dark, secluded room and tell a horror story. This will scare off the ghost and spirits that try to pass through the realms of the living. Blow out the candle once it’s done
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tag urself i’m smol naruto
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cruger2984 · 4 years
Dankira and its Saints
When I heard of Dankira ended its service yesterday, I think it's about time for them to show their feast days in this latest installment to commemorate this occasion. So here it is.
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[Merry Panic]
August 20 - Sora Asahi
St. Bernard of Clairvaux: 12th century French abbot and confessor, and a major leader in the revitalization of Benedictine monasticism through the nascent Order of Cistercians. There he preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary. In 1139, Bernard assisted at the Second Council of the Lateran. He subsequently denounced the teachings of Peter Abelard to the pope, who called a council at Sens in 1141 to settle the matter. Bernard was the first Cistercian placed on the calendar of saints, and was canonized by Pope Alexander III in 1174, and Pope Pius VIII bestowed Bernard the title of Doctor of the Church. His major shrine can be found in Troyes Cathedral.
March 20 - Mahiru Hinata
St. John Nepomucene (John of Nepomuk): 14th century priest and martyr who was drowned in the Vltava river at the behest of Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia (Czech Republic). Later accounts state that he was the confessor of the queen of Bohemia and refused to divulge the secrets of the confessional. On the basis of this account, John of Nepomuk is considered the first martyr of the Seal of the Confessional, a patron against defamation and, because of the manner of his death, a protector from floods and drowning. He is the patron saint of the Spanish Naval Infantry.
November 24 - Reiji Yano
The Vietnamese Martyrs: The Vatican estimates the number of Vietnamese martyrs at between 130,000 and 300,000. Pope St. John Paul II decided to canonize those whose names are known and unknown, giving them a single feast day. One of the most prominent person of the group is Andrew Dũng-Lạc, who was born to a peasant family and is ordained a priest in 1823. Many years later in 1998, he and the rest of the martyrs were canonized by Pope St. John Paul II. Among the number of the martyrs, there were 97 Vietnamese, 11 Dominican missionaries from Spain, and 10 French belonged to the Paris Foreign Mission Society; 59 were lay people and the rest of them are religious and or members of the clergy.
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February 17 - Akira Shido
Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order: The seven holy founders consisted of Alexis Falconieri, Amadeus of the Amidei, Hugh dei Lippi Uggucioni, Benedetto dell' Antella, Gherardino di Sostegno, Buonfiglio dei Monaldi and Giovanni di Buonagiunta. On January 1888, Pope Leo XIII canonized all seven of them, and their feast was inserted in the General Roman Calendar for celebration on 11 February, the anniversary of the granting of canonical approval to the order in 1304. In the 1969 revision of the calendar, 17 February, the date of death of Alexis Falconieri was judged to be more appropriate.
December 11 - Noel Gekkoin
Pope St. Damasus I: 37th bishop of Rome who reigned for 18 years. He presided over the Council of Rome of 382 that determined the canon or official list of sacred scripture, and spoke out against major heresies in the church (including Apollinarianism and Macedonianism) and encouraged production of the Vulgate Bible with his support for Jerome. He helped reconcile the relations between the Church of Rome and the Church of Antioch, and encouraged the veneration of martyrs.
June 27 - Kei Kagemiya
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Our Lady of Perpetual Succour): A Marian title represented in a celebrated 15th-century Byzantine icon also associated with the same Marian apparition. The icon is originated from the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery and has been in Rome since 1499, and today, it is permanently enshrined in the Church of Saint Alphonsus, where the official Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help text is prayed weekly. In 1867, Pope Pius IX granted the image its Canonical Coronation along with its present title. The Redemptorist Congregation of priests and brothers are the only religious order currently entrusted by the Holy See to protect and propagate a Marian religious work of art. Due to promotion by the Redemptorist Priests since 1865, the image has become very popular among Roman Catholics, and modern reproductions are oftentimes displayed in residential homes, commercial establishments, and public transportation.
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[Theater Bell]
May 12 - Seito Tsubaki
Bl. Imelda Lambertini: Italian laywoman, virgin and mystic. Her parents were devout Catholics and were known for their charity and generosity to the underprivileged of Bologna. On her fifth birthday, she requested to receive Holy Eucharist; however the custom at the time was that children did not receive their First Holy Communion until it reached the age of fourteen. On the day of the vigil of the Ascension, she knelt in prayer and the 'Light of the Host' was reportedly witnessed above her head by the Sacristan, who then fetched the priest so he could see. After seeing this miracle, the priest felt compelled to admit her to receiving the Eucharist. Immediately after receiving it, Lambertini went back to her seat, and decided to stay after mass and pray. Later when a nun came to get Lambertini for supper, she found Lambertini still kneeling with a smile on her face. The nun called her name, but she did not stir, so she lightly tapped Imelda on the shoulder, at which Imelda collapsed to the floor dead. Beatified by Pope Leo XII in 1826, she is the patroness of First Communicants.
July 20 - Soma Yagami
St. Apollinaris of Ravenna: 1st century Syrian bishop and martyr, whom the Roman Martyrology describes as 'a bishop who, according to tradition, while spreading among the nations the unsearchable riches of Christ, led his flock as a good shepherd and honored the Church of Classis near Ravenna by a glorious martyrdom.' A noted miracle worker, Apollinaris is considered especially effective against gout, venereal disease and epilepsy. His relics are at the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo and the 6th century Benedictine Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe, both in Ravenna and in Saint Lambert's church in Düsseldorf, Germany.
November 11 - Nozomu Miki
St. Martin of Tours: Confessor and the third bishop of Tours. One of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints in Western tradition. Martin converted to Christianity at a young age and served in the Roman cavalry in Gaul, but left military service at some point prior to 361, when he became a disciple of Hilary of Poitiers, establishing the monastery at Ligugé. He is best known for the account of his using his military sword to cut his cloak in two, to give half to a beggar clad only in rags in the depth of winter. His shrine in Tours became a famous stopping-point for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. He is the patron of beggars, wool-weavers and tailors, as well as the patron of the United States Army Quartermaster Corps even though he detested violence.
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September 18 - Yukari Wakakusa
St. Joseph of Cupertino: Italian friar from the Conventual Franciscans, a branch of the Franciscan order. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping. Canonized as saint by Pope Clement XIII in 1767, he is the patron of mental handicaps, examinations, aviation and astronauts.
June 13 - Mitsukuni Minamoto
St. Anthony of Padua: Franciscan Portuguese friar and priest who is noted by his contemporaries for his powerful preaching, expert knowledge of scripture, and undying love and devotion to the poor and the sick, he was one of the most quickly canonized saints in church history. Although he is known as the patron of lost items, his major shrine can be found in Padua, Italy. In January 1946, he is proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII, and is given the title of Doctor Evangelicus (Evangelical Doctor).
April 28 - Oboro Kiriyama
St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (Louis de Monfort): French priest and confessor, who was known in his time as a preacher and was made a missionary apostolic by Pope Clement XI. As well as preaching, he found time to write a number of books which went on to become classic Catholic titles and influenced several popes, and he is known for his particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the practice of praying the Rosary. He is considered as one of the early writers in the field of Mariology. His most notable works regarding Marian devotions are contained in Secret of the Rosary and True Devotion to Mary. Monfort is canonized as a saint two years after World War II under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.
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October 9 - Ageha Kurenai
St. Louis Bertrand: Spanish Dominican friar, confessor, missionary, and religious brother who is known as the 'Apostle of South America.' After his ordination by St. Thomas of Villanova, he went to South America for his missionary work. According to legend, a deadly draught was administered to him by one of the native priests. Through Divine interposition, the poison failed to accomplish its purpose. There is a town festival, called La Tomatina in Buñol, Valencia, in his honor along with Mare de Déu dels Desemparats.
April 12 - Shiki Janome
Pope St. Julius I: 35th successor of St. Peter who reigned for 15 years and is credited with splitting the birth of Christ into two distinct celebrations (Epiphany and the Nativity) as well as asserting the authority of the pope over the Arian Eastern bishops. After his death in 352 AD, he is succeeded by Pope Liberius.
January 12 - Tsukumo Busujima
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys: French nun who is known as the founder of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal in the colony of New France, now part of the province of Québec in Canada.  She is also significant for developing one of the first uncloistered religious communities in the Catholic Church. She was canonized in 1982 and declared a saint by the Catholic Church, the first female saint of Canada.
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[Black Meteor Camp (B.M.C.)]
January 31 - Atago Rentaro
St. John Bosco: Italian priest, educator, confessor and writer who is popularly known as 'Don Bosco' as well as the 'Father and Teacher of Youth'. While working in Turin, where the population suffered many of the ill-effects of industrialization and urbanization, he dedicated his life to the betterment and education of street children, juvenile delinquents, and other disadvantaged youth. He developed teaching methods based on love rather than punishment, a method that became known as the Salesian Preventive System. John was an ardent devotee of Mary, mother of Jesus, under the title Mary Help of Christians. He later dedicated his works to De Sales when he founded the Salesians of Don Bosco, based in Turin. He also founded the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, a religious congregation of nuns dedicated to the care and education of poor girls together with Maria Domenica Mazzarello, and he taught Dominic Savio, of whom he wrote a biography that helped the young boy be canonized.
September 6 - Habashiri Ginko
Zechariah the Prophet: He was a person that can be found in the Hebrew Bible and traditionally considered the author of the Book of Zechariah, the 11th of the Twelve Minor Prophets. He was a prophet of the Kingdom of Judah, and, like the prophet Ezekiel, was of priestly extraction. The Roman Catholic Church honors him with a feast day assigned to this date.
August 4 - Tsubaki Kento
St. John Vianney: French priest and confessor who is known as the patron saint of parish priests. He is often referred to as the 'Curé d'Ars', internationally known for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish in Ars, France, because of the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its surroundings. Catholics attribute this to his saintly life, mortification, persevering ministry in the sacrament of confession, and ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. His major shrine can be found in Ars-sur-Formans.
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Event notice
The new event “Night Entertainment ♡ Gold Club” is going to start on the 20th. The main characters for this event are Ageha Kurenai, Soma Yagami, Seito Tsubaki, Mitsukuni Minamoto, Mahiru Hinata and Nozomu Miki.
The game will include Dankira’s newest song “Heartbeat Blast”.
And for the video lines, since they are vague out of context the meaning can change a little once the event story is revealed.
Seito: guess it can't be helped. Today is a special occasion.
Mitsukuni: everyone's cheering gives us encouragement and support.
Ageha: could it be? Ya got scared 'cuz I'm yer partner?
Soma: Not now~♡ we can do lots of it later... Okay? 
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incorrect-hq-quotes · 5 years
favorite anime of every year of the last decade? (even if you didn't watch them the year they came out) feel free to add you favorite character of said anime too if you want!
Aww! That’s a great ask! 
I really love the idea of looking back on all the anime I’ve seen over the last ten years and which anime came out during that time as well!
We try to put the answer under the cut because the list is obviously pretty long but knowing Tumblr who knows if that works, am I right? ;)
Also: Yes. We do know that our 2010 pick did not come out that year (it run til 2010, but started 2007) but by the time we noticed that, we were already done and too lazy to change it so just ignore this please!
Anyway! Enjoy! 
~ J E S Y ~
2010: Big Windup!↪ Yuichiro Tajima
Honorable Mentions: Maid Sama (Takumi Usui)
2011: Pretty Rhythm: Aurora Dream↪ Mion Takamine
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2012: Kuroko no Basket↪ Seijuro Akashi
Honorable Mentions: AKB0048 (Chieri Sono), K Project (Yashiro Isana)
2013: Karneval↪ Yogi
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2014: Haikyuu!!↪ Yu Nishinoya
Honorable Mentions: Noragami (Yukine)
2015: Owari no Seraph↪ Mikaela Hyakuya
Honorable Mentions: Aoharu x Kikanjuu (Hotaru Tachibana), Charlotte (Shunsuke Otosaka)
2016: Boku no Hero Academia↪ Katsuki Bakugo
Honorable Mentions: Bungo Stray Dogs (Atsushi Nakajima), Cheer Danshi (Kazuma Hashimoto), Dream Festival (Junya Sasaki), Servamp (Sakuya Watanuki), Tsukiuta (Kakeru Shiwasu)
2017: Hitorijime My Hero↪ Asaya Hasekura
Honorable Mentions: THE iDOLM@STER Side M (Kyosuke Aoi), Tsukipro (Ryota Sakuraba)
2018: Tsurune↪ Seiya Takehaya
Honorable Mentions: Idolish7 (Mitsuki Izumi), Persona 5: The Animation (Ryuji Sakamoto)
2019: Given↪ Mafuyu Sato
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~ S I N O N  ~
2010: Big Windup!↪ Ren Mihashi
Honorable Mentions: Maid Sama (Aoi Hyodo)
2011: Puella Magi Madoka Magica↪ Sayaka Miki
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2012: Kuroko no Basket↪ Tetsuya Kuroko
Honorable Mentions: K Project (Yashiro Isana)
2013: Karneval↪ Gareki
Honorable Mentions: /
2014: Haikyuu!!↪ Shoyo Hinata
Honorable Mentions: Noragami (Yato)
2015: Owari no Seraph↪ Mikaela Hyakuya
Honorable Mentions: Charlotte (Yuu Otosaka)
2016: Boku no Hero Academia↪ Shoto Todoroki
Honorable Mentions: Bungo Stray Dogs (Osamu Dazai), Cheer Danshi (Sho Tokugawa), Servamp (Mahiru Shirota), Tsukiuta (Koi Kisaragi)
2017: Hitorijime My Hero↪ Asaya Hasekura
Honorable Mentions: THE iDOLM@STER Side M (Shiki Iseya), Tsukipro (Nozomu Nanase)
2018: Tsurune↪ Nanao Kisaragi
Honorable Mentions: Idolish7 (Nagi Rokuya), Persona 5: The Animation (Ryuji Sakamoto)
2019: Given↪ Ritsuka Uenoyama
Honorable Mentions: /
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bleached · 5 years
hey you guys should play dankira
ok so before start dankira is like... one of my favorite mobile games at the moment and the community (especially the one on tumblr) is really small so i wanted to spread the word about this really fun game. anyways onto the post :
what the hell is a dankira?
dankira (or dance killer trick) is a rhythm game that was made by konami, except instead of focusing on idols like other rhythm games (think utapri, bandori etc.) it’s based around these different dance teams. at the moment there’s only eight songs (nine if you include the event song) and three difficulty levels but its still very fun !!
is there a story?
yes! theres a main story, character stories, soul link stories, and event stories which you can find being translated here by the @/dankira_eng on twitter. it’s still in the process of being translated but you can read up to chapter 2 of the main story. tl;dr the story focuses on the “main unit” merry panic. the members of merry panic, reiji, sora, and mahiru, are all orphans who grew up together and love dankira. together they enter benizuru academy, a school for dankira, in order to reach the top of the dankira world.
how do you play?
unfortunately dankira is region locked to japan, but here’s a guide on how to create a japanese itunes account so you can download it on ios (i am unfamiliar with the process on android so i’m not including that :( afaik it involves using qooapp). anyways, dankira is pretty similar to most rhythm games, but for those unfamiliar with rhythm games i’ll give a small rundown. for starters there is a card collecting/gacha element in dankira, where you collect cards of different characters rated 1-5 stars to form a 3 person unit, which you use to play the songs. however there are two things that set it apart from other rhythm games, 1 is that you are always playing against other people, meaning you can’t play by yourself or with a computer, and also killer tricks. in short killer tricks are special moves that your characters can do and earn a huge amount of clap points. if you want a more in-depth guide, read this gameplay guide.
anyways i should probably introduce the characters now
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this is merry panic ! from left to right, the characters names are reiji yano, sora asahi, and mahiru hinata. reiji is a 1st year in high school while sora and mahiru are both 3rd years in middle school. sora is the team leader of merry panic and their specialty is hip hop dance.
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this is étoile, from left to right the characters are akira shido, noel gekkoin, and kei kagemiya. akira and kei are 1st years in high school while noel is a 3rd year in middle school. noel is étoile’s team leader and they are regarded as the strongest dankira unit in benizuru academy. their specialty is ballet.
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this unit is theater bell. from left to right the characters are seito tsubaki, soma yagami, and nozomu miki. seito is a 3rd year in high school while soma and nozomu are both 2nd years. soma is the team leader and their specialty is jazz dance.
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this is sanzensekai, and from left to right the members are yukari wakakusa, mitsukuni minamoto, and oboro kiriyama. mitsukuni and oboro are both high school 2nd years while yukari is a 1st year in middle school (yes he’s 12). mitsukuni is the team leader of sanzensekai and their specialty is martial arts dance.
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last but definitely not least, this is toxic. from left to right the members are ageha kurenai, shiki janome, and tsukumo busujima. toxic features members from each year, with shiki being a 1st year, ageha a 2nd year, and tsukumo a 3rd year. shiki is the team leader and their specialty is vogue dancing.
anyways, i really wanted to make a “promo post” for this game for a while because it is something i truly love. sure, its definitely not perfect but its super fun and enjoyable to play, and the characters are all very unique and lovable. if you haven’t already, you should give dankira shot, whether by playing it or just by reading the story!
thanks for reading!!
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smilingperformer · 5 years
SM119 - Hypersonic Kuwagannon! The Awakening of Māmane!! Full Summary & VA cast
Māmane enters a Kuwagannon Race! But since his rival Hayate enters as well, the race takes an intense turn! Not only that, but it appears the Rocket Gang are plotting something as well We'll also have the latest news on this summer's movie! Summary: A Kuwagannon Race is being held!! And of course, Māmane starts working on improving his teamwork with Kuwagannon, studying the course and engaging in hard training so they can win the thing! But on the day of the race, he learns that last race's winner and his old rival, Hayate, is entering as well, and as the situation grows tense as the start of the race approaches, the dark shadows of the Rocket Gang are also... What will the result of Māmane's training be? Will he manage to win and get the Bug-Z that's offered as first prize?! We'll also have the latest news on the movie that's premiering this summer!! Voice Cast: Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu Daisuke Namikawa: Rotom Kei Shindo: Lilie Kaito Ishikawa: Kaki Reina Ueda: Mao Hitomi Kikuchi: Suiren Fumiko Takekuma: Māmane Keiichi Nakagawa: Professor Kukui Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth Yuji Ueda: Sonansu Mika Kanai: Togedemaru Nicole Fujita: Nuikoguma Junko Takeuchi: Hapu'u Nozomu Sasaki: Hayate Chinami Nishimura: Yansu Kenta Miyake: De Rosa Azu Sakura: Ana Kenyu Horiuchi: Narration
Date: April 28th
Source: PocketMonsters.Net, link in the source tag!
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stardustlittlenook · 4 years
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White’s Day
(Miki Nozomu x Atago Rentaro)
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ask-kurusu-syo · 6 years
Aikatsu Stars! Icons
Yume Nijino
Rola Sakuraba
Koharu Nanakura
Mahiru Kasumi
Ako Saotome
Lily Shirogane
Hime Shiratori
Tsubasa Kisaragi (wip)
Yozora Kasumi (wip)
Yuzu Nikaido
Subaru Yuki
Kanata Kira (wip)
Nozomu Igarashi  (wip)
Asahi Kasumi
Elza Forte
Rei Kizaki
Kirara Hanazono
Aria Futaba
Yuri Ashida (wip)
Miki Katsura (wip)
Luka Haruka (wip)
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Check out this thread for information about the Dankira cast in English! \o/
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Most hated anime characters in Japan
It seems that there are quite a few hated anime characters in Japan, sadly. Some of them were quite surprising, IMHO.
Most annoying/unlikeable anime female characters according to the Japanese female anime fans (17,764 votes): 1. Bleach's Inoue Orihime  (submitted) 2. Gintama's Tsukuyo 3. Haruhi Suzumiya 4. Sword Art Online's Asuna (She’s my precious baby.) 5. Madoka Magica's Homura Akemi 6. Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!'s Hina Takanashi 7. Bakemonogatari's Nadeko Sengoku 8. A Certain Scientific Railgun's Mikoto Misaka 9. K-On!'s Yui Hirasawa 10. Hyōka's Eru Chitanda 11. Kill Me Baby's Yasuna Oribe 12. Familiar of Zero's Louise (I don’t like her, personally.) 13. Toradora's Taiga Aisaka 14. Macross F's Sheryl Nome 15. Fate/stay night's Saber 16. Evangelion's Asuka Langley Shikinami 17. Madoka Magica's Sayaka Miki 18. Inu x Boku SS' Ririchiyo Shirakiin 19. Nyarko-san 20. Blue Exorcist's Shiemi Moriyama (I adore her, personally!) 21. Gundam SEED Destiny's Lacus Clyne 22. Smile Precure's Yayoi Kise 23. Mobile Suit Gundam's 0083's Nina Purpleton 24. Gundam SEED Destiny's Cagalli Yula Athha 25. YuruYuri's Sakurako Ohmuro 26. K-On!'sMio Akiyama 27. Naruto's Sakura Haruno (I’ve already defended her, but I’m sure in Japan, she has more fans than haters.) 28. A Certain Magical Index's Index 29. Hakuōki's Chizuru Yukimura 30. Squid Girl 31. YuruYuri's Akarin 32. Sailor Moon (I like her, but I’m not surprised.) 33. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha's Fate Testarossa 34. (tie) Magic Kaito's Aoko Nakamori 34. (tie) My Neighbor Totoro's Me Kusakabe 36. To Love-Ru's Lala Satalin Deviluke 37. Yu-Gi-Oh's Kotori Mizuki 38. (tie) Joshiraku's Uzannu Uzattei 38. (tie)Taisho Baseball Girls' Akiko Ogasawara 40. (tie) Detective Conan's Sonoko Suzuki 40. (tie) Kuroko's Basketball's Satsuki Momoi 42. Another's Mei Misaki 43. Macross F's Ranka Lee 44. K-On!'s Azusa Nakano 45. A Certain Scientific Railgun's Ruiko Saten 46. Idolmaster: Xenoglossia's Haruka Amami 47. Clannad: After Story's Sanae Furukawa 48. Detective Conan's Ayumi Yoshida 49. Dragon Ball's Lunch 50. Tiger & Bunny's Karina Lyle/Blue Rose Most annoying/unlikeable anime male characters according to the Japanese male anime fans (9371 votes): 1. School Days' Makoto Itou (I can see why, so I’m not submitting him) 2. Accel World's Haruyuki Arita 3. Sword Art Online's Kirito 4. A Certain Scientific Railgun's Toma Kamijo 5. To Love-Ru's Riko Yuusaki 6.IS 's Ichika Orimura 7. Gundam SEED Destiny's Shinn Asuka 8. Hyōka's Satoshi Fukube 9. GundamA GE's Flit Asuno 10. Nyarko-san's Hastur 11. Gintama's Okita Sogo 12. (tie) Kuroko's Basketball's Taiga Kagami 12. (tie) Blue Exorcist's Rin Okumura (Not my precious baby!) 14. Toriko 15. Gundam SEED Destiny's Athrun Zala 16. (tie) Gundam 00's Setsuna F. Seiei 16. (tie) Fate/stay night's Shiro Emiya 18. Code Geass' Lelouch 19. The World Only God Know's Keima Katsuragi 20. Gintama's Kamui 21. Highschool DxD's Issei Hyodo 22. Kimi ni Todoke's Kazehaya Shota 23. Gintama's Gintoki Sakata 24. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei's Nozomu Itoshiki 25. Death Note's Light Yagami (Not submitting him either, he’s so evil and selfish AF.) 26. One Piece's Frankie 27. Detective Conan's Kaito Kuroba 28. Blue Exorcist's Yukio Okumura (Why?) 29. Gundam SEED Destiny's Kira Yamato 30. Persona 4's Yu Narukami (I’ve already defended another anime character named Yuu, from ONS) 31. Hayate the Combat Butler's Hayate Ayasaki 32. Gurren Lagann's Simon  33. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig's Kazundo Goda 34. Baccano's Jacuzzi Splott 35. Natsume's Book of Friends' Shuichi Natori 36. Naruto's Kiba Inuzuka (I’m a bit surprised too, considering he’s another of my precious babies, but here in America (and the west), Sasuke is the most hated.) 37. Kokoro Connect's Taichi Yaegashi 38. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure's Dio Brando 39. Gintama's Ayumu Tojo 40. Tiger & Bunny's Barnaby Brooks Jr. 41. Heaven's Lost Property's Tomoki Sakurai 42. Tantei Opera Milky Holmes' Kai Nijuuri 43. Evangelion's Shinji Ikari 44. Evangelion's Gendo Ikari (Uh, no thanks, not defending him.) 45. Robotics;Note's Kaito Yashio 46. Sengoku Basara's Hisahide Matsunaga
If you want me to defend (almost) ANY of these characters, then tell me. However, I have to either like them or be familiar with the anime they’re from.
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theplayerking · 5 years
VA list for SM119
Ash: Rica Matsumoto
Lana: Hitomi Kikuchi
Kiawe: Kaito Ishikawa
Lillie: Kei Shindo
Sophocles: Fumiko Takekuma
Mallow: Reina Ueda
Pikachu: Ikue Ohtani
Rotom Pokedex: Daisuke Namikawa
Togedemaru: Mika Kanai
Professor Kukui: Keiichi Nakagawa
Jessie: Megumi Hayashibara
James: Shin'ichirō Miki
Meowth: Inuko Inuyama
Wobbuffet: Yuji Ueda
Stufful: Nicole Fujita
Hapu: Junko Takeuchi
Anna: Azu Sakura
Horacio: Nozomu Sasaki
Yansu: Chinami Nishimura
Derosa: Kenta Miyake
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anistargardy · 8 years
RULES:   tell  us  one  favorite  character  from  ten  fictional works ( shows, films, novels, etc. )  &  tag ten  people.
Zero Escape series - Diana
Zelda series - Midna
Yo-Kai Watch - Whisper
Steins:Gate - Mayuri Shiina
Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei - Nozomu Itoshiki 
Read Only Memories - Turing
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Sayaka Miki
Pokemon - Lucario
IT Crowd - Douglas Reynholm
Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy - that sperm whale in Chapter 18
Tagged by:  @panickypeachboy​!
Tagging: @aitokokainounmei @isleomuses @nocturnalbun @multimusemart  @hanbamjvng @royxl-gixnt-xnd-trxiner @victoryxnova @raishimuzu @puerilepetals​ @drinkingisgoodforyou​ and anyone else in the mood for this!
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Dankira!!! Bitesized Rough Sketches
#17. Nozomu Miki & Seito Tsubaki
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