#mikey angel
wheelie-butch · 4 months
tell me about what ships you have for your monprom ocs :)
sorry to leave you waiting like a month but I have finally got some things to share!! Uh I guess I'll go through them one by one, some have more than others!
Mikey I don't have any proper ships for, I think they've got so much to adapt to that figuring out dating is low on the list, but I felt like I could imagine them in a poly situation somehow though I'm not sure who with 🤔 When I first created them I considered shipping with the wolfpack but I think they're just friends and wouldnt really see each other in that way.
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Mallory I also don't have any proper ships for, though I find it funny to think they have a crush on Miranda. They see the good in everyone a lot and probably would be somewhat taken in by her cutesy exterior. They're too focused on all their extracirriculars to spend much time trying to date, but they actually do hook up with other characters on occasion, I'm thinking Polly and I'm not sure who else. Everyone is mostly confused how they have time in their busy schedule.
And they do actually have some admirers! Scott and the Wolfpack both have "crushes" on Mallory, and occasionally will ask them out. Mallory always gently turns them down though, as they feel the werewolves are only interested in them because they are getting confused by their love of bones (mostly correct). I'm sure the boys would treat them well though if they ever did say yes and I did a self-indulgent little doodle of it once :)
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So Lupa is well known as a serial heartbreaker and she has slept with and later ghosted pretty much every female character in the series. Vera is one definite exception, mostly because after years of knowing the Wolfpack she took one look at Lupa and went 'oh god another one' and is immune to her 'charms'.
The one person Lupa has serious feelings for is Dahlia! (Their shipname is DahLupa) The story so far is basically Lupa early on when she joined Spooky High did her usual thing of hooking up with Dahlia, then ghosting her, and she thought that would be the end of it. However, she soon found out that Dahlia is close friends with the Wolfpack and Scott, so often came over to visit or joined them for activities. She tried to keep her distance, feeling awkward because of how she'd behaved before, but to her surprise Dahlia was extremely chill and basically happy to try and continue with a clean slate as friends. Dahlia's enthusiasm and constancy as a new friend eventually won Lupa over and she became her first (and only real) friend at Spooky High. Over time Lupa started to catch real feelings for Dahlia, but now feels too awkward about her previous bad behaviour and afraid of losing her new friend to act on it. So basically there's a lot of pining and Dahlia being obvlious and homoerotic butch bro stuff going on. I'm not sure how they get together just yet but I do think they'll be good together once they manage it!
(art by @ corantus )
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Okay so Georgie I have 2 kind of ships involving her. First isn't exactly a ship but basically her and Vera hate each other but they keep hooking up for hate-sex at parties far more often than either of them would like to admit hehe... Gorgon + Gargoyle it just kind of makes sense...
But her actual ship is for Martin my revenant oc! They've been best friends for a few years, and she has a secret crush on him for much of that, but it takes a while for them to get together. It's probably best I explain this in Martin's section though...
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hehehe Martin... so my main ships for Martin are the Wolfpack Alpha and Georgie, and I recently decided they fit into the same timeline! I'll explain Martin + Alpha (ship name deadwolf) first!
Okay so Martin has like a longtime crush on kind of the whole wolfpack but mostly Alpha basically since he started at Spooky High a few years ago. His friends tease him a lot about his terrible taste and he mostly plays it up for them but the feeling is genuine as well. His feelings come from a couple of places. He's sexually attracted to Alpha because he's hot, but there's also a kind of complicated gender envy/affirmation thing going on too. Martin's trans and so the envy element comes from like he sees the Wolfpack as super confident and masculine. They've also (completely unknowingly) actually given him gender euphoria on several occasions too. The Wolfpack barely know who Martin is 99.99% of the time, he's not sporty so he's off their radar in that respect, and his crutches mean hes off-limits in terms of picking on people, so they mostly just forget who he is despite being classmates for a long time. But there's been a few times when they've been nice to him and forgotten about it immediately but it meant a lot to Martin - like they caught him checking out his facial hair in the bathroom mirror and told him it looks awesome, or given him the 'guy nod' in the corridor, or been impressed by his top surgery scars while getting changed for gym (they believed his joke about it being from a bear attack.) So yeah Martin does have reason to feel well towards them too.
Unfortunately for him, since they have basically no memory of who he is, all his attempts to bond or flirt have always fallen flat. The poetry incident was probably a low point -- for Valentine's day he wrote Alpha an anonymous love poem and left it in his locker. He failed to account for the fact that Alpha is an idiot unable to understand poetry though. Alpha, confused by the message and vaguely remembering Martin as 'that guy in our class who likes writing books maybe??' asks Martin to help him read it. So Martin has to spend lunchtime in the library with his crush, explaining what his anonymous love poem meant, while the whole time Alpha is being like 'man poetry is weird huh lol. wonder who sent it? I hope it's [classmate] they're hot haha'. RIP Martin.
Where this goes I'm going to screenshot the notes from my phone for the next bit:
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Though if I'm honest I'm not sure if Deadwolf ever are on proper speaking terms again... lol.
And I've started writing out some scenes of the deadwolf -> morgie saga I'll screenshot here:
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I don't have much content for morgie yet but I'm planning on adding to it in the future :)
UH so yeah I think that's all my monprom oc ships for the moment! Thank you for asking lol I hope it's fun to read about
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
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IM FUCKING BACK BABYYYY!!!! [Read tags for a lil info!]
(Please accept this silly doodle dump of my brainrot boys uvu ✨)
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phykoha · 4 months
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anyway happy pride idk what I am but we out here anyway✨✨
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ccomilk · 1 year
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WOO NEW BRUSH!!!!! have some mikey dodles
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atlantian-kong · 2 months
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"This is my baby! I'm not leaving it outside! Crime around here is crazy! We're literally in a warehouse full of criminals!"-Angelina
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It’s giving “Our Lady of Sorrows” by American rocks band My Chemical Romance
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mikeyswayy · 5 months
I love mikey
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mcrchivemedia · 2 years
ALL THE ANGELS for the first time ever! #MCRLA3
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moraent-keys · 6 months
I know this is really late but-
A bunch of asexual headcanons for national asexuality day!
Ignore that Alastor is just straight up canon
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inanearlierr · 2 years
Killjoys made from neon
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matchstique · 1 year
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I have no idea what I’m doing
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wheelie-butch · 6 months
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Put together some little intro sheets for all my monster prom ocs so far! They're of varying levels of terrible and also all disabled and I love them all!
A little bit of an intro to them all under the cut:
Lupa Howl: Scott & The Wolfpack's *other* cousin. Disaster lesbian heartbreaker, amateur kickboxer, a whole host of ~issues~. Lore dump here. Friends with Dahlia, developing a crush on her.
Mikey: An angel who did not so much fall as is on thin fucking ice. They tell everyone they're an exchange student from Heavenly High, but have actually been exiled from Heaven. They're having trouble getting used to crazy life at Spooky High and adapting to their disability, but are slowly making friends.
Georgie + Mallory + Martin are best friends. They like to pretend they're in a band called The Rolling Gravestones. None of them can play an instrument.
Georgie Rayne: A keen environmentalist. She can be pretty intense because she's so dedicated to her cause, and sometimes forgets to just enjoy highschool life. Secret crush on Martin. Enemies with Vera.
Mallory Graves: The only member of the prom planning committee, and the busiest person at Spooky High. Involved in every club and student council thing possible. Really cheesy sense of humour, sees the best in everyone, a delight really. Scott + the Wolfpack say they all have crushes on them, but they think it's really just cause werewolves like bones, so they don't take it too seriously.
Martin George: A revenant bought back from the dead by the strength of his desire to finish his novel. He's been working on it for years and hasn't finished page 1 yet. An incurable procrastinator. A chill guy, except for when talking about his book, with jealous tendencies. Not-so-secret crush on the Wolfpack. Friends with Liam and Zoe.
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joyfuladorable · 8 months
<Cover | Ch.7>
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Okay, here ya go:
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Faux screenshot doodles for each chapter cuz my impulse control is nonexistent when inspiration strikes! ;P
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phykoha · 2 months
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don't think I forgot that Angel has lore....
present timeline ref
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sanfezu · 8 months
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intheafterall · 7 months
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It's been a rough week... Saw this post @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang made and got thinking
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