#mike obviously picking up on it and confronting him
chirpsythismorning · 4 months
s5 byler real
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dinitride-art · 1 year
“Mike wheeler’s armpit of a basement”
“I’ve seen Mike’s room look worse than this”
“I was being a total self pitying idiot”
“Why am I the bad guy”
“One day she’s going to realize that I’m just some random nerd”
“At least Lois Lane is an ace reporter for the Daily Planet”
“I’ve been bullied my whole life”
“Mike’s always whining about it”
“And yet you still have a C in Spanish”
“You can’t even write it Mike”
“You made it super clear that you’re not interested in anything I have to say”
“-and if I said that thing then maybe she’d want me there with her, wherever she is”
“The bad government dudes are after your super-girlfriend right? Right?! Okay, so, maybe the cops can help us find out where she is because they’re gonna kill her, man. And if they kill her, there gonna kill us!”
“Oh, no, no, no, no- it’s a shitty knock off, yeah”
“Who’s that twig with her?”
“That doesn’t mean he’s wrong. I mean, if that guy would’ve lived one more second- one more second- th- we could know where she is. Wh-why didn’t he just say the number? I-I should’ve explained myself, cuz then maybe, Eleven would’ve taken me with her and things would be different but I-I didn’t know what to say”
“And I feel like maybe I-I was worrying too much about El, and I don’t know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something”
“Y’know the last few days, I’ve had to think about the last talk we had. You know, before the cops and the whole word went to shit and everything? I- I guess- I just- I- I dunno- I guess I just wanted to- to say-”
“But… but what if after all of this is over… sh-she doesn’t need me anymore?”
“No I… it’s so stupid, given everything that’s going on. It’s just… I… I don’t know. I just”
“I, love you.”
Mike’s flopping on the floor like a miserable and suffocating fish out of water season. His friends make fun of him. Eddie made fun of his clothes. Karen told Dustin he’s welcome at the Wheeler’s anytime which implies that Mike isn’t really talking to his friends outside of school. Dustin and Mike didn’t know when Lucas’ basketball game was, which implies that they haven’t really been talking to Lucas a lot. Mike did call the Byers but wasn’t able to get through. El and Will are have been in Lenora for months and Mike hasn’t really been able to talk to either of them. El’s been lying to him in her letters and writing and signing letters is a reminder that he’s avoiding writing the word love. Everyone’s telling him that he’s doing something wrong. This kids going through it.
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mysillytdsideblog · 1 year
Hello! I am in the middle of a td hyperfixation, and my brain has chosen Mike and his system as The Precious, so I was super happy to see a blog producing content for my beloved. For a question, because I'd like to see another hc/idea, what do you think happened that landed their system in juvie?
Sorry if you've already discussed this somewhere!!
I think Mal was the host during this time, I think he wanted to be in juvie a bit just to get away from his parents but was mad that he couldn’t do whatever he wanted to do.
Mal got them landed in juvie in the first place. He was a very reckless petty criminal but got away with most bc he was good at manipulation, which he learned from trying to survive his abusive parents.
Then, one day Vito got into a pretty public fight with someone, Mal came out and resisted arrest too. Both Mal and Vito acted very rude in probation and broke the rules of it a lot. Mal leaning more towards petty theft and Vito towards picking fights. Obviously they found out, and he got sent to juvie.
They didn’t know they were a system before they had a court ordered psychiatrist visit them in juvie on account of staff noticing he has a “possible trauma disorder” because he was having PTSD episodes and switching a lot (it wasn’t as obvious, but his opinions and reactions kept rapidly changing).
I think Mike was scared out of his MIND!!!! He didn’t want to be there at all. He didn’t even feel like he deserved to be in there because he was following rules and doing what he needed to do, he didn’t know about Mal and Vito breaking rules at that time but once he found out he was even more confused and scared that he was having these blackouts. He thought he was secretly evil or something.
Mike actually fronted a lot in juvie. Mal used this to his advantage to gain people’s trust to get closer to them.
Mike doesn’t like the fact he was ever in juvie. He keeps it as a secret because he’s extremely conscious about his image. He feels like his mental problems and family issues are enough to drive people away, he doesn’t need more of a reason for people to leave him.
Manitoba wasn’t created yet, Chester was aware of everything and he complained about it all the time, and Svetlana was too scared to front.
Vito was annoyed to be in Juvie but he was very social in it, which was a good and bad thing. He met a lot of people he got along with, and a lot he didn’t. And Vito has a problem with anger and fighting, which got them a lot longer of a stay. He made quite a lot of friends despite that, none of which he ever saw again.
Mal wasn’t keen on making friends, he preferred to get to know people only so he could use them to do his bidding, get him things, and make living there easier for him. He used people for money a lot and stole from his “friends”. But he always kept buddy-buddy with them out of obligation.
He did find tormenting those who already didn’t like them fun. He had a lot of pent up aggression from dealing with abuse, and took it out on those around him. He would do just horrible shit that would intimidate anyone from messing w/ him.
Duncan was SCARED of him. He totally didn’t cross his path unless approached, which he was only really asked for money and supplies which he always gave them.
Mal was sooooo theatrical. Obviously, his signature whistle that he would do walking down the hall. He also did it when he was about to confront someone, so thats how people would know shit was about to go down.
People stayed away from Mike a lot because they knew what would happen if they didn’t. Mike was very lonely and he didn’t like Vito’s friends at all so he would try to avoid them. He just assumed they wanted something from him, he didn’t know they were already established friends with him.
A lot of people think Mal lost a tooth in a fistfight, but honestly I see it more as his parents never giving him dental care. (Image of baby eating sand with the caption I let him eat sand because I dont like him)
His parents called him in juvie, mostly to yell at him for being such a bad child and “ruining their family”. Mal didn’t let this bother him, but Mike took it hard and hated himself.
Mal never wanted to leave juvie, it was like a vacation from abuse. At Vito’s age the abuse towards him had already stopped but he was glad he didn’t have to see his abuser(s) on a regular basis.
When they were forced to get therapy, Mal told everything he knew in order to hopefully bring his parents to justice, but he only got a diagnosis out of it.
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cherubchoirs · 4 months
hi! hope you don’t mind me dropping into your inbox, i know you have a lot of other people sending asks already ^^;;
i was mainly wondering if you have any sort of thoughts on a timeline for the rise & fall au, especially at the beginning? i seem to recall michael came back to heaven pretty quickly after gabriel falls, but gabriel seems like he’s already gone through a decent amount of his ‘fallen angel adjustment’ character arc by the time michael confronts him. if there isn’t any timeline though that’s fine of course! i happened to see your “the au is more about character dynamics than hard and fast plot” post after drafting this, so if this question is unnecessary just feel free to go ‘yeah no there’s nothing specific here’ or not even answer! very sorry to bother you about this, it’s just something i was curious about haha
and!! i happened to reread your “the ultrakill characters react to media” post from ages ago, and i was wondering if v1 would find wall-e (the movie, but also the character) relatable? y’know, stuck doing as your programming tells you in a dying world, only to have your life change forever when you meet someone with a white and blue color scheme from up above…it’s kind of cute to imagine v1 wildly pointing at itself every time wall-e shows up onscreen—and maybe pointing at gabe every time eve is there heehee (i found out after thinking of this that several other people have also had this idea. ah well at least it means i can pick up on parallels decently lol) (also. no pressure but if you’re interested in sharing how your lovely ultrakill ocs would react to a piece of media that resonated with them, it’d be super fun to read that :D)
i hope you’re doing well and getting time to take care of yourself!
-the infarmo name anon
omg hello infarmo anon i hope you're doing well!!!
u got me for sure i really don't have a hard timeline for that, but i do have something of a loose idea of how it plays out and what leads up to michael's first confrontation with gabriel as a fallen angel. it is true that mike returns shortly after gabe fully falls, though he does begin by taking inventory of what's happened to heaven in his absence - his homecoming causes great celebration in the wake of gabriel's slaughter of the council, the citizens hoping to finally find security in the rightful prince of heaven taking control. this is of course initially shared about tenfold by raphael and a now (mostly) awake uriel, but michael is a very obviously changed entity who refuses to allow any close contact with his attending angels. instead, he quickly works to stabilize the turmoil of heaven, coordinating raph and uri as well as all of their attendants to gain some semblance of normalcy with the assurance to the people that the age of chaos is definitively over. michael has never been much for addresses or speeches, despite his place as leader, but the little he does offer publicly soothes the population by and large - there is power in michael's words coupled with an impossible calm in measured statements that are never grandiose or overstated. he feels in control, he feels collected and entirely unafraid of his course, making the whole host burst with joy to have such impeccable competence at the helm. to them, michael is the next best thing to god.
this naturally takes a bit of time, with michael only beginning to associate closely with his siblings once much of the order of heaven has been restored, as he knows he couldn't risk them finding out his state any earlier. not to say it's easy to do, but michael gives them enough of a workload to offset any suspicion or concern they might have as they all know heaven as whole comes before their reunion. only when heaven is back into a more stable, self-sustainable state does michael turn his attention toward hell and show his brothers what has happened to him. this....obviously creates a significant amount of tension, but michael refuses to yield or change any of his plans despite their pleading with him - he now will move on to reining in hell, including making sure gabriel is bound to his proper layer as a part of that process. this is really where michael's mental state becomes apparent, holding himself together long enough to reestablish a peace in heaven before essentially allowing his pain to dictate how he handles hell and his reunion with gabriel. SO yea it's certainly not a hard timeline, but it does take michael some time to get all of this done, including sweeping through hell to find gabe - by the time they meet again, gabriel's transformation into a fallen angel has progressed a decent amount.
and oh yes, i definitely think there's parallels with v1 and wall-e lol it knows a lot about being a machine still following its code yet also becoming increasingly quirky due to being left to its own devices and slowly corrupting software over time - it would probably take awhile for it to see the similarities though, since its identity is so rooted in being a war machine and wall-e is. definitely not that lol (i almost like the idea of gabriel being the one to point it out and THEN it gets excited like [O]: .......!!!!!!!!) for my ocs, michael is the type that gets uncomfortable when he connects with something too much, not wanting to be any more in his own head than he already is - he appreciates it in a sense, but he'd never engage with it more than once. raphael's the complete opposite, loving that he can experience connection with humanity in that way and seeing it as this beautiful common connection between all of god's creations. uriel's got kind of a weird outlook, considering he knows each and every time something is made that he finds relatable, and he likely has quite the media library (and i think what uriel connects to is very. esoteric in nature. i just know he has thousands of indie films only like 3 people have seen that he just "resonates" with lol) lucifer would find such things very cathartic if not affirming in some way and would likely take a lot of inspiration from it to funnel his own feelings into a similar work - he sees that humanity has understood deep suffering and he doesn't belittle it compared to his own since humanity must be judged by its own scale and limitations. it's good to feel he's not alone. so basically. they're all into it except for mike lol
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Okay this is kinda funny
GN!Reader, Colored Bullet Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage, Rime), man I'm still upset Crisp Rat is gonna be Mario in the movie, we're gonna say you're also a pretty good impressionist because it's funny
Since Astraea obviously doesn't have cartoons or movies or anything like that, the Starsworn have no idea what a voice actor is. Sure there's narrators in stage plays and whatever but that's not really the same thing. You try to explain it to everyone but they still don't get it.
Sage is very curious about the fact you get paid just to speak because!! He can speak too!!! And he can even pronounce the words right most of the time as long it isn't something stupid like the crap in Felix's spell books!!!!
This obviously leads to Felix going on a lecture about how Sage Could Totally Pronounce Them If He Just Tried! And Rime making fun of Sage, which leads to Sage getting pissed and snapping at them both and then Anisa has to snap at them all to shut up and Wow She's Scary And Kinda Hot When She's Annoyed
The easiest way for you to explain it is to just do it. So you clear your throat, wiggle your shoulders, and do your best impersonation of Felix's posh voice stressing enunciations. Then you cycle through Rime's haughty insults, Sage's aggravated snapping, and Anisa's confident shutdown.
Well Sage and Anisa are staring at you like you're possessed but Felix and Rime seem to get the idea at least.
You end up doing a lot of other samples for them; impersonating characters you've voiced before (which also involves explaining the character and the relating story... That could take a while), popping out some sound effects (which you're not as good at but they find it funny so), impersonating a few more people (You manage to do a pretty good Escell scolding Rime for not wearing a proper shirt, which successfully ticks Rime off because Escell Totally Would (and probably has) Bitched About That, etc etc.
And in the following days and weeks, your voice acting talents become called upon somewhat regularly
Sometimes Felix will be doing experiments and asks you to read information from his book for him. You throw on your best 'annoyed magic teacher' voice (obligatory fuck JK Rowling but all I can picture is Snape) and bark out the info, which makes him giggle so much he nearly fucks up his chalk circle.
When you and Anisa go out on patrol and kids come up to you (as they've heard your talents before), you put on a bouncy, silly voice and tell a few jokes or a silly story to make them squeal with laughter. Anisa finds it incredibly heartwarming and she usually laughs along even though she's heard the jokes before.
Sometimes Rime gets anxiety about the Lord of Shadows - guilt for working with him to begin with, worried he'll somehow find a way to come back again, etc etc. So you put on your best Evil Shadow™ voice and start saying truly stupid things. Rime cracks a smile. He'll eventually laugh, if not just because you're trying so hard. The effort you put in probably makes him feel better than your actual performance.
Sage is trying to be flirty, using innuendos and (frankly kinda corny, but it works when it's him) pick-up lines and putting his hand in your knee and whatever, all while you're out in public at the tavern. So you wait until he's taking a (pretty deep) swig of ale to try out a Kermit-the-Frog-esque voice and flirt back. He promptly spits out his drink because he's laughing so hard, but then he kinda chokes like he's got a hairball so. Um. Help.
Side note what if you were a voice actor for Ex Nihilo?? Or the original Last Legacy if you're older??? You confront LoS (who you know is Mike at this point) and do the voice of whatever character you were and he fucking knows that you've figured him out.
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love-kurdt · 10 months
it is wednesday my dudes *screams*
so here is a sneak peek of this is me trying: 2
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As soon as Mike had arrived back at his dorm in January, he diligently thumbtacked the post-it detailing Will’s phone number on the wall above his headboard. He wasn’t normally someone who believed in karma, omens, manifestation, or any of that hippie crap (because Mike was obviously a realist and a pessimist by nature), but he truly believed that seeing Joyce at Melvald’s was fate in its finest form. Forgetting his school supplies (along with his reluctance to just go back home and grab what he needed from his room) resulted in essentially coming out to Will’s mother. And that was one step closer to getting Will back. Now, all he had to do was call that number.
The post-it stayed on his wall for three months. Elvis hadn’t mentioned or questioned it; they weren’t official, anyway, so Mike was free to see whoever he wanted. Except Mike didn’t just want to see Will. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Will. If only Mike could pick up the goddamn phone.
It wasn’t that Mike didn’t want to call; he wanted nothing more than to hear Will’s voice enveloped in grainy audio. He longed for the day he’d get to say Will’s name out loud instead of just writing it. But Mike was waiting for the right time to do it. He couldn’t call in the morning, because Will had insisted for years that, in the words of his stepfather, “Mornings are for coffee and contemplation,” and refused to be disturbed before 9am. He couldn’t call in the afternoon, because Will would most definitely be in class, or at work if he had a job, or hanging out somewhere with his new friends, and Mike didn’t want to impose upon that. And he couldn’t call in the evening, because what if the conversation went south? He didn’t want Will to go to sleep angry or upset, especially at him.
In reality, no time was a good time. Mike knew that confrontation was inexorable, whether it came across as offensive or not was dependent upon how the conversation began. Mike prepared himself for a multitude of scenarios, from worst to best case; it turned out that predicting all possible outcomes during a supernatural war would help him immensely in this process. Ultimately, he chose to pick up the phone and call Will on the least problematic occasion he could think of: the date was March 22nd, 1990– also known as Will’s 19th birthday.
y’all should mark ur calendars for TIMT 2 coming out on december 16th ✨
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mute-call · 9 months
@nineliabilityrisk said: 11:38 PM. Another night shift for Steven. He's just getting settled in to his office for the night, checking to make sure everything is working as it should be, when he spots movement on the cameras. Not an animatronic, obviously, they don't move in plain sight of the cameras — not like this, at least. Someone else is here. It takes no time at all for them to get close to the office – someone familiar with the building? – and Steven is likely about to call someone, or turn to confront them, or whatever protocol is when it comes to intruders — when there's a light rap of knuckles against the metal frame of the right door and Mike's face appears in the dim light of the office. "Hey, Steve. Sorry 'f I startled you – really didn't mean to – and I know I'm not s'posed to be here tonight, but I also know they gave you a double shift—" Steven had spent most of the day keeping an eye on the patrons and had gotten six hours, at most, before he needed to be back to guard the place— "and I was in the area." His eyes dart to the side, face flushes slightly ... a blatant lie. He was probably nowhere near here. He very much went out of his way to do this. "So. Y'know. I brought you coffee." Sure enough, he steps inside, and he has two to-go cups of coffee precariously balanced in one hand, one he keeps turned towards himself and the other he offers out to Steven. He knows how tired the man must be, and he also knows, better than any, that falling asleep in this office would be a death sentence. So sue him, he ... doesn't want that to happen. Not to Steven. After falling silent for a moment, letting Steven take his coffee and helping make sure nothing spills, he seemingly finds the courage to speak up again. "I... Know I really shouldn't be here. I can go, lock up behind me, if you want. But — if you want the company ... I can stay. I promise you won't have to worry about me. I've spent my fair share of time here. One more night won't hurt."
"J-Jesus, Mike, you scared me! Heh. I thought you were an intruder." Which would be worse news for the intruder than for Steven, admittedly, considering what time it is, but still-- juggling police calls and real, human threats sounds a hell of a lot more stressful than the familiar, manageable dangers of the animatronics.
Or maybe he's just so tired that the thought of anything unexpected happening tonight has immediately set him on-edge.
"You--? ...oh, uh, wow, that's--" that's really quite kind.
"Come on, you didn't have to do that. You know I keep myself well-caffeinated here." Steven smiles and picks up his cup of soda from the desk, giving it a slosh or two to demonstrate. He doesn't mean to sound ungrateful-- on the contrary, he's deeply touched by this surprise visit-- but part of him can't help but wonder what in the world Michael's doing here. This isn't like swinging by a friend's place to drop something off; this is Freddy's. At night. Mike definitely knows better.
...which means that it's all the more considerate of him to have come by at all. It's such a big gesture, or at least it feels that way, that Steven isn't entirely sure how to react.
"...thank you." That's a good start.
The coffee has a sharp, pleasant aroma that makes Bell feel more alert even before he's started drinking it. Much better than soda. Taking the cup and cradling it in his hands, Steven basks in its warmth for a moment before looking back up at Michael, shocked again.
"Are you serious?" Company sounds... amazing. Bell is fond of the animatronics, but they're not exactly the best conversationalists at night. Getting to kill time on a night shift with an actual human being (and Michael, of all people!) sounds like a dream come true.
"I-- no, I couldn't ask you to do that." What if something goes wrong? And even if it doesn't, what kind of man feels entitled enough to another person's time that he'd keep them locked in a room for six hours that could and should be spent on getting some much-needed rest?
On the other hand, Michael came all this way. For him. This doesn't feel like an offer made from hollow cordiality.
"But... it's, uh, getting pretty close to midnight." Steven doesn't meet the other man's eyes. "Maybe staying here is safer than trying to head out?" That's the closest he'll come to saying yes, please, I'd love for you to stay.
He hopes the message comes through.
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
okay okay i'm still thinking about s2
i love that season but but when i say i love the vibe i don't just mean the autumn, cold, gloomy, hospital, possession, UD leaking into Hawkins parts, even tho i do love them all, it's the deeper reaching theme of that season
Mike's and Will's crazy together scene is obviously important for their characters (it was literally so big it was Noah's audition dialogue for s1 lmao) but it's also a good summary of the overall mood for s2 too. because that season is the fallout of s1. they survived all of the horrors and yet they're Still haunted by them. s2 is really the season where everyone is going crazy while thinking they're alone with it
Will is getting haunted (and later possessed) by the UD while his doctors thinks he is suffering from PTSD and the anniversary effect and there is nothing to worry about
Mike is not over seeing El die, tries to contact her relentlessly and somehow picks up on her presence when she says his name in the void which he then thinks was in his head. he subsequently stops contacting her and never tells anyone he ?heard? her speak, because that wasn't real
Dustin hides keeping Dart because he thinks his friends don't understand him or his reason for caring which leads him to hide around his friends
Nancy sees Barb everywhere, and despite knowing Barb is dead she still approaches strangers who look like her, leading to her even break down in a bathroom in Barb's house, which she also never talks about (sibling moment fr)
Joyce is unable to move, on still too haunted and paranoid after losing Will, and is frustrated when she can't let go or verbalize her problem, even with a positive force like Bob actively reaching out to her and offering to walk her through it which should make it easy right?
El is sitting locked away in Hoppers cabin, being forbidden to leave and slowly going stir crazy with the addition of Hopper not keeping promises and "lying" to her. which leads her to her running off and finding out she's Actually been lied to about her birth family her whole life. then she also meets Kali who also doesn't get her which doesn't help
Hopper being confronted with the UD spreading over the town while being the only adult around who knows about it's existence. which means no one is realizing the actual danger of the spread and causes him to work alone and secretively until he eventually falls into the tunnels stretching out under the town where he becomes trapped
the motive of feeling crazy is everywhere. i could go on with the list. every character feels alone and crazy this season. Mike and Will are just the only one's actually verbalizing it to each other and finding comfort in the knowledge of not being alone
and i love the horror on the show. the Demogorgon from s1 is terrifying, the MF looks so good and eerie, etc. but i think the seasons that hit the best for me are the one's that incorporate the psychological into them. s2 felt so good because every character felt alone with their grief and experiences, everyone tries to move on as normal when in reality no one is feeling normal. but because everyone is pretending to have returned back to business as usual they're all left feeling like they are the only one left behind who can't keep up
and yeah i love the sweaters and the giant eldritch horror monster, and the fall vibes. but when i say i love s2 this is such a big part of what i'm talking about. the psychological isolation of the characters was just so 🤌✨ (the sweater weather and cold eerie fall vibes just make the isolation hit harder yk, they're like the spices on top)
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retrorealityrecap · 1 year
Jersey Shore S1
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Episode 2: "The Tanned Triangle"
Characters introduced: Ron Ron Juice
The episode opens with Snooki on the phone with her parents and they all agree she should come home.
Mike is still laying the moves on Sammi heavily; made her breakfast and he's calling his her work partner. Sammi is EATING IT UP - she shows her poor taste from the beginning.
It's the first day at work and "Jolie" is absolutely over it and says it beneath her, despite signing up for this.
Sammi gives Snooki a pep talk but she's throwing shots the whole time, so I'm not sure if it really had the desires effect. Either way, Snooki is emotionally drained by not being the center of attention 😂 Seriously?
I was wrong. It worked! Snooki is going to stay. After that, Sammi and Mike go to work in basically matching outifts - both wearing black tank tops. Of course the confessionals are about how well they vibe...
JWoww and Angelina's boyfriends are worried that the two girls will cheat but they both say they have something good with their boyfriends....we'll see.
As expected, a few hours later while they're out; JWoww is all over Pauly and Angelina is all over random guys buying her drinks. Back at the house, JWoww and Pauly are making out in bed and we discover that his penis is PIERCED.
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Sammi is asking who else in the house likes her and Mike takes this opportunity to start trashing him - and he openly admits it. The beginning of his villain arc is already here!
Fortunately, Sammi is aware that she needs to be careful with this situation. While these two are gossiping on the roof, Snooki brings her pick of the night up there. While she's trying to make a move, the guy is unsuccessfully trying to hook up.
Then she claims they weren't ever going to hook up...okay girl.
The next day, Angelina doesn't remember cheating and Vinny has pink eye - supposedly from burying his face in an older woman's behind as they danced. Yeah...I don't know.
Second night out:
The Ron Ron Juice makes its debut and Mike is very confident that Sam wants to hook up with him. He also says he has it and Ron doesn't. To his credit, when he does kiss Sam, she happily reciprocates it - just gross.
Pauly and JWoww are once again playing their game of will they or won't they. For some reason, when they share a kiss, she blocks their faces with her hands. She then leaves because she doesn't want to cheat on her boyfriend...which is about 2 mins too late.
Sam then makes a move on Ron, fracturing Mike's very fragile ego. He confronts Sam but she's unphased because she's single- of course, Mike is now playing it that he's shut it down with her. Obviously, Mike then picks a fight with a random because he can't regulate his emotions and it ends with Pauly hitting someone and getting kicked out.
NOW, he's convinced Angelina is into him but she's definitely being a raging b*tch to innocent bystanders.
Notable Quote:
"I think this job is beneath me, you know? I'm a bartender, I do great things." - Angelina
"I'm the princess of fucking Poughkeepsie." - Snooki
"I don't give a f*ck if you fat, ugly or old. I'll dance with you. It's hilarious!" - Vinny
"I guess I technically cheated on my boyfriend." - JWoww
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greetings-inferiors · 11 months
Okay so fnaf movie spoilers but I’m going to do a prediction/how I’d do fnaf 2 & 3
So because of Vanessa being hospitalised (or even dying? Preferably not) Mike has to go round her house to pick something up, but uh oh he either happens to find or gets curious and finds things relating to circus baby’s. Backstory is also revealed that Vanessa is this universe’s equivalent to Michael afton, and that she caused the death of a sibling, the crying child equivalent, and that’s why William had control over her (used the guilt). She could also even have a sister, Elizabeth equivalent, who was killed by and then possessed baby (but this was more explicitly afton’s fault). We also find out about the Charlie equivalent, who possesses the puppet, and Henry, but neither have been seen for years. They go into circus baby’s, and they search for Elizabeth, but after a few nights realise she’s being an evil and hatches the same scooping plot, and Mike gets scooped like in sister location. But to the other characters it seems like baby and the other Funtime animatronics are now destroyed, and that Mike is a okay. But we the audience know that Mike is being puppeted by robots, and maybe Vanessa or even Abby finds out, and that leads to a confrontation. Maybe ennard tries to harm Abby which makes Mike force a moment of control and eject ennard out of the body, and ennard escapes and then, when they’re mourning Mike, cold to the touch, not breathing, and just vomited a human size endoskeleton, his eyes open. End movie. We can have a pre or post credits scene of fazbear frights and them tearing down Freddy’s and finding springtrap.
Fnaf 3: confused as to how he’s still alive, and with the knowledge and exposition from circus baby’s, Mike and the gang learn about remnant, and how it essentially grants immortality, and how the scooper injected Mike with a fuckton, and as the main component is agony, the reason why the animatronics are haunted is because they died in intense agony, maybe they even realise “hold on… what if William is still alive?” Maybe they find out that fire “undoes” remnant. They decide they need to set all the souls free, and so try to find where old animatronics would be, and find fazbear frights, which is where William, the puppet, and ennard (I don’t know if they’ll do the whole scrap baby and molten Freddy thing) and we’re going to do it Vanessa vs William, Mike vs ennard, and Abby vs the puppet (not literally fighting, just confronting) Obviously when Mike and Abby try setting the souls free the puppet won’t like it, as she’ll think they’re up to no good. Ennard, possessed by Elizabeth, would also not like them ruining William’s plans, so will try and stop their old host. I think Abby will try and reason with the puppet (as she’s close in demographic), Mike and Ennard will clash (host vs occupier) and Vanessa and William will too (father vs daughter). In doing so, Abby will fully reason with the puppet, and Vanessa Mike and Abby will try and escape, only to find all entrances are completely sealed. Eventually they’ll find a single exit, the only way out, but (because at some point they learn of Henry’s plan) they know that the animatronics can’t be let out. As Mike is a corpse and knows he can’t carry on, he urges Vanessa and Abby to escape and he’ll fend off William and ennard. He tells Abby that he loves her one last time, and asks Vanessa to look after her. As ennard and William corner Mike and try to escape, Elizabeth says that she’ll kill Mike and let William escape and that she’ll make him proud.
And then the exit seals.
“Connection terminated. I’m sorry Elizabeth, if you even remember that name…” and you know the rest. Fazbear fright was a setup by Henry to get all of the animatronics in one place and set them all free. In the fire, Charlie is already resting, Elizabeth is frantically trying to escape, kicking and screaming, Mike slowly comes to terms with his death, and William… out of the corner of his eye, in the blaze… he sees a child… the one he should not have killed. In his last moments, he begs for life, about how he always comes back, he figured out immortality, it can’t end now… without realising what’s to come, and how much he will wish it could come to an end.
Outside of fazbear frights, Henry meets with Vanessa and Abby, and explains how he was framed for William’s murders, and that all this is finally over.
In the final scene, Vanessa and Abby (and maybe Henry) have ice cream, and sit on the hill, overlooking the graves of William’s victims, mirroring both the end of fnaf 6, but also of security breach (I may hate the game but goddamn it I’ve got to reference that ending, what a shot)
Anyway this is what I’d personally do for the second and third fnaf movies. It’s a shame that I skipped fnaf 4 but honestly I don’t know how I’d include it, I got the minigames in there a bit. But I think having fnaf 2 be 2&5, and fnaf 3 being 3&6 is a great idea. Having fnaf 2 be a mixture of flashbacks to the fnaf 2 era and the modern day with sister location I think is really interesting, and as I was thinking of how to include both fazbear frights and pizzeria simulator in the same movie I just thought… why not combine them into one thing? I think it’d make a really climactic movie.
I also think I didn’t give a few characters that much to do at times but like I’m only thinking of the overarching plot, everyone would have something to do in each movie lol
The first fnaf movie was genuinely amazing and I can’t wait to see what’s next!
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harveyhawkscripts · 1 year
[A4A] Tsundere Half-Dragon Kicks Friend Out for Scaring Roommate [Modern Fantasy] [Confession] [Roommates to Lovers]
Google Doc
- Okay for monetization
- Please credit me as Harvey Hawk :)
- Tweaks, improv, and pronoun changes are okay! Just please do not rewrite the script completely.
Synopsis: The Half-Dragon Roommate is back! This time they have invited a friend from work, Mike, over for movie night. However, Mike purposely spooks the half-dragon’s roommate, causing a confrontation followed by truths coming to light. 
[SFX and Action]
(.) Short Pause
(...) Longer pause
(Voice instruction)
Word count: 1186
Hey bug, I’ve got a friend coming over for a movie tonight. You in?
I didn’t think you’d mind. He’s just a dude from work.
Fine, I’ll let you know sooner next time. But I’m not gonna call it off. Why don’t you join us? It’ll do you some good to actually socialize.
Great. I’ll call for a pizza and pop some popcorn. Why don’t you go pick a movie? Oh, and get your big teddy off the sofa while you’re at it. I don’t want Mike to see it and think it’s mine; I’d never hear the end of it.
Like I said, he’s a friend from work. A little rough around the edges, but he’s fun to hang out with. He’s one of the only people at my work that I can actually stand.
Well, he’s an elf, good at his job, and he has a bike.
And what? I didn’t ask for his life story. I just chill with him on breaks. Look, he’ll be here soon if you really wanna interrogate him. Anyway, have you picked out a movie yet?
The hell is ‘Danishes and Dragons?’
No. We are not watching a ‘musical romantic comedy about the unlikely romance between a smalltown baker and a big city half-dragon.’
Because it’s schlock, that’s why! Pick something else. Why not that new horror movie?
‘Spiraling Labyrinth: The Bloody Minotaur.’ Sounds pretty cool, right?
Obviously, it’s about a minotaur that traps people in his labyrinth and tortures them. Don’t you know the series?
Oh. Well, they make good standalones anyways.
[Knocking on door]
That’s Mike. Go ahead and rent that, would ya?
(Calls out) Door’s open, come on in!
[Door opens, closes. Footsteps approach]
Hey Mike! How’s it going?
This is my roommate. I just call them bug.
Because –
(Flustered) D-don’t tell him it’s short for snuggle bug! Don’t listen to them, Mike. I call them bug because they’re small and irritating.
Pfft, whatever. We’re watching ‘Spiraling Labyrinth: The Bloody Minotaur.’
(To Mike) Yeah, me too! I’ve watched the series, like, three times.
Eh, bug will be fine. Come on, let’s start the movie.
[Movie noises; eg yells of terror, roaring, etc]
Ha! Called it. I knew blondie would be first to die. He was way too naïve.
[Knocking on door]
That’ll be the pizza. Here, pause it, I gotta go pay the delivery guy. Be right back.
[Popcorn bowl falls, followed by hurried footsteps]
Bug! Are you okay?! I heard you scream –
You! What did you do?
What the hell? What is your problem?!
That’s not a joke – they’re terrified! Gods, you’re such an asshole.
No – shut up! Just get out.
(Snarls) I said get out!
[Slams door]
(Growl – cut off by concern for the listener)
[TV turns off]
(Gently) Hey, snuggle bug. Are you okay?             
You… knocked over the popcorn? That’s okay, I’ll clean it up. What happened, anyway? Sounds like he really scared you.
He pretended to go the bathroom and then jump scared you? Yeah, sounds about right. Mike is such an asshole sometimes. I’m sorry, snuggle bug; I shouldn’t have invited him over.
Hey, you’re shaking. Come here.
Forget about him. Let’s have a movie night with just the two of us.
Of course, we’re not watching the rest of that movie. We’ll watch… Ugh, I guess we’ll watch that stupid rom com. I’ll grab some blankets and we can snuggle. How does that sound?
You want your big teddy? But you always want to snuggle me. That’s like… Our thing!
Wait, are you mad at me?
That’s ridiculous! I’m not the one that scared you; that was Mike!
It’s not like I invited him over because I knew he would do that! Geez!
Okay, I did say that, but you know I didn’t –
And I insisted on a horror movie… Okay, okay. Look, I’m sorry, alright? I shouldn’t have made you pick the movie I wanted, and I shouldn’t have called you small and irritating. I was just… I didn’t want to look like a wimp in front of Mike.
I am not insecure! I just… Look, I have an image to uphold, okay? You wouldn’t get it.
What? No, no way! I don’t like Mike – definitely not in that way. He was the one who suggested coming over; I just owed him for buying me lunch.
Wait… Were you jealous? Of Mike? Haha, that’s hilarious!
No, I didn’t mean – get back here. Look, I didn’t mean it like that. I just find it funny you’d think I have a crush on Mike of all people. Like I said, the guy can be an asshole.
Trust me, snuggle bug, you have nothing to be jealous about.
Sure, keep saying that. I bet you’re secretly glad to have me all to yourself tonight, huh?
Oh, of course, of course. But your big teddy isn’t as warm as me, is it? And big teddy can’t rub your back until you fall asleep.
Sure. I owe you, don’t I? Come on. I’ll lay on the couch, and you can lay on top of me.
There. Cozy?
Heh, good. So, do you want to watch ‘Danishes and Dragons’ or whatever?
No? What, don’t tell me you want to finish the horror movie?
You just… want to talk? Um. Okay. What about?
Oh. Um. I like cuddling you too…? What’s up, bug? You’re acting weird.  
(Amused) Pft, you’re thanking me now? You were just angry at me not two minutes ago! What’s with the mood swings; have you been missing out on sleep again?
Wh – of course I kicked him out! I wasn’t just going to let him mess with you.
Because no one messes with you! Except me, of course. But that’s different. I know how far to take things.
Hm? What’s that?
You wish I would take things… farther? What’s that supposed to mean? Hey, snuggle bug, look at me. Don’t just hide your face in my chest.
Wait, you seriously were jealous earlier, weren’t you? You – snuggle bug, do you like me?
Ohhh. Ohh, so many things make sense now. I can’t believe I didn’t notice sooner!
Wait, what are you – oh, no you don’t!
Sorry to wrap my tail around you so suddenly, but I’m not letting you run from this. Did you really think you could get away with confessing and bolting? You should at least have the decency to wait for a response, you know.
Well, my response is… I like you too, snuggle bug.
(Amused snort) The hell do you mean ‘really’?
Aw, c’mon. You really think that I would tease you about something like this? I’m not that mean, you know. In fact, how about I prove it to you?
Yeah? C’mere then, snuggle bug.
How’s that? Proof enough for you?
(Laughs) You’re too cute, snuggle bug. One more, then.
There. You oughta believe me now, right?
Heh, thought so. So, you wanna put on your movie and dig into that pizza?
Sure. The night is still young. What do you say, snuggle bug?
Alright, then. It’s a date.               
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Even though Byler is endgame, there's still gonna be a lot of ups and downs in this fandom for the next two years.
So please, let's not dwell over things said at Cons, only to overreact and decide that we've lost. Otherwise, you're better off just going on a hiatus for the next two years, since this back and forth is not going to stop anytime soon. This is because doubt is extremely necessary for both sides to stay engaged!
They're either queer-baiting or straight-bating. Regardless, both of those scenarios involve basically feeding both sides, until one side has too much confidence and so they have to give the other side some hope to keep everyone going, until the very end. If things around here seem too good to be true, strap in, because doubts are just around the corner to even the score.
The most obvious reason they have to do this is because we're dealing with a mlm ship, with 2 main characters who started out young on the show. Like, it's so shitty, obviously, but this is the most watched show in the world, running on 80's nostalgia, which means most definitely a majority of their overall audience is homophobic (intentional or not), which is why the only way they could go the Byler route in the first place was is if it wasn't official until the last season. Luckily, slow-burn is an awesome trope, so it's not like they're even wrong for going about it this way. I think it's actually going to be pretty epic.
But bylers seriously need to be more realistic with their expectations. We also need to realize that, even though promotion for season 5 will probably involve heavy Byler placement/coding in regards to Mike and Will's characters, similar to season 4, I think there will still be some doubts up until we're actually watching s5 on our screens.
Better to just accept it now, Byler will NOT be getting together in the first episode of season 5, with established relationship fluff for the rest of the season. It's not happening. I know that's what everyone wants, but that's what fan-fiction is for!! Television just doesn't work that way though. The 'will they-won't they' is the whole appeal of most endgame ships, and that means drawing it out for as long as they can.
Absolute best case scenario, I could see us getting Mike and El breaking up once and for all after confronting each other about his monologue, along with Mike fully realizing the extent of Will's feelings, all by the end of 5x02. I could especially see this happening in combination with Mike discovering everything in regards to Will that he has overlooked this last year, because he was too busy trying to suppress his own feelings for Will, ie.:
The painting actually being from Will. I know a lot of bylers are convinced Mike knows for sure that El didn't commission the painting. But I think ya'll are grossly underestimating this whole concept of Will lying to Mike here. It wouldn't make sense to put all this emphasis on Will lying to Mike, for the first time, if Mike didn't fall for it. The reality is, he fell for it because Will never lies to him. Whenever he doubts Will, for example, when Will tried to tell him El was lying to him at Rink-o-mania, Mike said, "bullshit!", only to be proven wrong literal milliseconds later. He's learned his lesson this season not to doubt Will's honesty. So, it makes sense for him to sort of dismiss what El said about the painting in the letter, because his and El's relationship is built on lies, whereas his and Will's isn't. TBH I think Mike was just mesmerized hearing the exact words he wanted to hear from Will and all from Will himself, so there's these moments during Will's monologue where Mike's reaction is just so genuinely shocked and happy, because these words?? are coming from Will??? But I think his feelings in the moment, overshadow his ability to pick up on it in a way that allows him to fully realize Will loves him.
Will loves him. This will instantly explain Will's behavior to Mike as of recent, which was coming from insecurity of rejection, and even more importantly, Will losing him all-together (just like Mike was scared of).
That Will put his feelings aside at every turn to encourage Mike to work through his relationship with El, even though it meant Will putting himself last.
That Mike said, the day Will went missing was the day his life started, in front of Will. (Because if you honestly think Mike knows Will is in love with him and Mike returns those feelings, but still said THAT right in front of him... why do yall still ship them exactly, bc that's fucked up... Like that alone proves to me Mike is still pretty clueless when it comes to the extent of Will’s true feelings. I firmly believe when Mike realizes, his whole world is gonna shift and we’re gonna see it happen. And we haven’t yet… so…)
That the entire confession Mike gave to El was based on Will's feelings, and that the comfort it brought him, with Will's constant encouragement, is what allowed Mike to follow through in the end.
This feels so inevitable, in combination with everything else piling up, but it's likely we'll get an awkward moment where Will finds out about the party playing dnd a lot since he left. I could see it come up when they talk about Eddie's death and Mike finally finding out and mourning. I doubt Will is gonna be mad, he'll probably be bittersweet, like, "I'm used to it by now, it's no big deal, I promise guys," sort of vibes, because he has said he thinks he deserves to be mistreated (Mike: No no no no no! You didn't deserve anything!). So it makes sense that Will would just take this as another blow like it's nothing. Which is why I think this is going to affect Mike a lot, because he's discovering all of these things that reinforce in Will's mind that he's a mistake and no one cares for him. Also because I think the final straw that'll crack Mike completely, is that....
He and everyone forgot Will's birthday!!! And Mike will circle back to that day, re-living it and everything he said/did. And it's gonna hurt. Because he’ll know now that whole time, Will was in love with him!!??? Yes. I am a 'Duffers are lying their asses off about forgetting Will's birthday' truther because, them going out of their way to joke about not remembering the last time they rewatched s2, when there were countless parallels to s2 in s4, is all the proof I need. And I also think all this angst built up against Will is going to make his (and everyone's) happy ending that much more satisfying.
There's just so much potential for angst when it comes to Mike realizing Will's feelings, along with all these other details. And I could honestly see all of this coming to a head in early s5, because they have said the first two episodes of s5 take place directly after s4, so it makes sense that we’ll get the payoff of Mike finding out during that time, since that storyline wasn’t really resolved in s4. But when it comes to actual canon Byler, that will take some time...
At best, I could see an interaction that heavily implies endgame Byler in 5x05 at the earliest (I know that's a popular theory because it follows a pattern of big moments between them in past seasons, and so I could genuinely see them being able to build it up from there, going into the end). This would also allow at least 2-3 episodes of the audience getting to see Mike be fully aware of Will's feelings, without Will knowing that Mike knows and returns those feelings. I think it's necessary for us to get that pining from Mike's POV, with Will being oblivious and so it makes sense for them to put endgame off, at least for that.
This would also allow promotion for season 5 to keep the revelation of Byler endgame in the dark for the most part, until season 5 premieres.
Tbh, the whole appeal of Byler is that their story has been developing romantically this whole time, but that most of the audience missed it bc of heteronormativity. And that's what's going to make the big climax of that storyline be more worthwhile in the end.
When it finally happens, and it's officially confirmed, it will be the end. And people will inevitably go back and rewatch the show from the very beginning, all the way up until the end and go "Oh.?!" That's what’ll make the build-up worth it for everyone that’s willing to see it for what it is.
Of course you can torture yourself for the next two years. And I know many of you will (myself included). But I just had to rant about these doubts realistically at least once, even if only 20 or 100 or a thousand of you see it, I hope it'll give at least a few of you some more confidence about what's to come, even despite some understandable disappointment.
But to be clear, I do still believe in Byler endgame. It's not going to be all sunshine and rainbows the whole way, though. But after all, isn't that what the end is for?
Rhymes that keep their secrets Will unfold behind the clouds And there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never-ending story
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thranduel · 2 years
i just don’t understand how people don’t see the obvious connection between will and el and the insane amounts of parallels between them and how they’re so similiar. it’s not “shocking” or “unrealistic” for mike to be in love with will. in fact, it’s so obvious that he has repressed feelings for will but is trying to force himself to be romantically attracted to el in order to avoid confronting those feelings. he literally sees will in el and the timing proves it because he meets her in the same place will went missing, and it’s like el was filling the empty gap that will left behind when he disappeared. also from the very beginning in season 1, el is literally described to look like a boy and several people actually thought she was will when they were searching for him
just to make it clear, i’m not saying will and el are the same or that they have experienced the exact same things because they haven’t. el has unique experiences that only she understands and so does will. they are their own people, but i’m just pointing out how the show has focused on many similarities between them especially in regards to their relationship with mike and you can see that in all the parallels
so anyone that says “mike can’t be in love with will because he’s so in love with el” just looks silly because it’s so painfully obvious that will and el are very similiar to mike, and mike’s actions and behaviour towards el also seem to be copied AFTER he acts like that with will. it’s also very important remember he knew will first and they actually have history and a connection that no one else has. it’s like he’s projecting that onto his relationship with el and pretending like that’s who in love with when it isn’t, and it’s so much more obvious in season 3 and 4 especially with how he seems more awkward around will and can’t say he loves el
anyways when will went missing, mike thought he was dead and then realised that he wasn’t, so he continued searching for him without giving up. he does something similiar in season 2 when he calls el after she disappears
when he lost will, he started to look through his drawings. when he lost el, he picked up the star wars ship she was playing with. obviously he loves and cares for both of them, but it’s clearly in different ways (he has repressed romantic feelings for will and platonic feelings for el that he’s forcing to be romantic when they aren’t), and it’s funny that the things he does for el are almost exactly like what he did with will first
so people who use those examples (“mike called el and didn’t give up on her which means he’s in love!”) as “romantic gestures” or “proof that mike loves el” need to remember he actually did them with will before he did them with el, so you’re basically admitting that those actions are romantic and he’s also in love with will LOL. he also wouldn’t have met el if he wasn’t searching for will and the only reason mike let her stay with them was so she could help them find him. you can literally hear mike say he was planning to send her away. he didn’t just welcome her into the party because “it was love at first sight”. mike is a caring person and he saw she needed help so he took her in and cared for her. but she was still a stranger to him and his main priority was finding his best friend. he only started to get more distracted and fascinated by el when he found out she has powers which i find very interesting but i’m not gonna get into that here lol
in season 2 episode 2, el is in the upside down screaming for mike. later on in the SAME EPISODE, will is in the upside down screaming for mike
will feels guilt for being a spy when the mindflayer was possessing him and blames himself for everything that happened and el blames herself for opening the gate and calls herself a monster. then will tells them to close the gate even if it means sacrificing himself and el closes it even if it means it could kill her as well
mike has only had private emotional scenes with these two characters and it’s clear that he is the closest with them. why would the show focus on how similiar these characters and relationships are if it didn’t mean anything more? and how do we explain mike’s weird behaviour in season 3 and 4?
the ending of season 3 is actually one of the most OBVIOUS things that implies mike has repressed feelings for will and isn’t romantically in love with el. i talk about it here and many other people talk about it in more detail as well. i highly recommend going back and watching it again if you didn’t catch everything, because it’s so obvious!
and although these characters and relationships can be so similiar, people need to remember these key differences; mike and will have known each other for most of their lives. they have a relationship that no one else can replace and they’ve experienced things together that they haven’t experienced with anyone else. they’ve been outcasted and bullied since they were kids, they share the same interests and they understand each other more than anyone else. they can actually be themselves around each other. there’s no lying or dodging questions. when they’re alone, they’re open, honest and comfortable with each other. mike is also extremely observant when it comes to will and he notices his behaviour even when no one else does. at the roller rink, he was observing him more than his own girlfriend and knew what he was feeling. he also apologises to will immediately after they fight to check up on him and make sure he’s okay and he takes accountability for things he said that may have hurt him. he doesn’t let will blame himself. mike is completely honest and admits what he did wrong and apologises genuinely. he also takes care of will and comforts him whenever he needs it. he knows him so well and he doesn’t baby him (when will was talking to jonathan he said he doesn’t like being treated like a baby, and he mentioned that joyce, dustin and lucas have all kind of made him feel that way, obviously with good intentions, but he never mentioned mike’s name because mike doesn’t treat him like that). instead mike tries to make him feel better by making light of certain situations. like when he said “you’re like a spy” when the mindflayer was around, will almost started smiling. having true sight and being like a spy would remind will of the characters they play in their games, and it would’ve made him feel slightly better about everything and try to see it as a good thing, even though he was anxious at the same time. in the same scene, mike puts his hand over will’s when he notices that he’s shaking (because of course he does, he’s always observing him and knows how to comfort him). it’s little things like this that mean so much and it’s sad that people don’t pay attention just because it’s not “directly in your face” or “clearly romantic”. it’s still love and you can see it
the thing is, he doesn’t do the above things with el, and the past 2 seasons really focus on that. to start off, they only knew each other for 6 days before mike kissed her, and she didn’t even know what romance actually meant. even now, all she knows about relationships is based off her relationship with mike (her first and only one as well), and romance shows that she saw on tv. also, this is a really good post that talks about how el probably isn’t even romantically in love with mike either and she’s still trying to discover what she likes. obviously they love each other, just not in a romantic way. they’ve just been trying to convince themselves that they do. it’s also important to note that mike and el being in a romantic relationship isn’t healthy or fair to anyone. no other has said anything positive about their relationship at all. in fact, they’ve only been confronted, called out and encouraged to break up by several people. lucas, dustin and will all confronted mike for being too consumed with el, max encouraged el to break up with mike because they’re always lying to each other and she needs to discover herself and grow independently, hopper didn’t like them together because he knows what’s best for el and he rightfully got more angry after mike started disrespecting him, nancy hasn’t really said anything specific and that itself is kinda weird because why wouldn’t she say anything about her brother’s relationship? it’s like she doesn’t even care or think it matters lol. anyways, the point is, mike and el don’t communicate honestly with each other and they always lie. they also run away and exclude their friends which is really immature and frustrating because other people are getting hurt in the process. it’s also like they need to “prove” their love by being all lovey dovey because that’s what they think romance is all about (caleb even said something about how lucas and max’s relationship is more genuine while mike and el’s is childish), and obviously i know they’re just teenagers and i’m not blaming el for this. like i said, she wasn’t aware of romantic relationships before she met mike and she’s still learning more about different types of love, so this is what she thinks it’s all about. mike also seems to be forcing himself to be someone he’s not because he’s struggling with his repressed feelings for will, and this situation just isn’t fair for anyone at all. another thing… in season 4 when mike and el are fighting and el confronts him for not saying he loves her, what does he do? he lies and dodges her questions. he’s not honest or genuine. he can barely even look her in the eye. he just sits there and tells her she’s being ridiculous as she’s crying. they don’t understand each other and they’re not communicating honestly. it’s the complete opposite of the scene with will where they barely have to talk because they already understand each other
el: “you never say it”
mike: “i say it”
will: “i didn’t say it”
mike: “you didn’t have to”
these scenes reveal so much about both relationships. another parallel is when el dumps mike and is so happy afterwards while mike doesn’t seem to care, but when will and mike have a fight, it triggers an emotional breakdown for will and mike ends up riding his bike in a storm to apologise to him
there’s so many more things but i think i’ve said more than enough to prove my point lol
byler isn’t forced or unrealistic. the show started with them. they knew and loved each other first and they’ve been best friends for most of their lives. i personally don’t think mike was ever romantically in love with el and that it was just platonic love, but the thing is, even if people think he’s romantically in love with her, el and will are so similar and a lot of the things mike did with el are what he did with will… so how can people sit there and act like he can’t be in love with will if they think he’s in love with el? the connection between those two characters is so obvious and it’s actually not shocking at all if he was in love with both of them at some point. it’s more realistic than mike only being in love with el and seeing will as a friend. THAT would make no sense to the story and his behaviour at all
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wine-mom-wheeler · 2 years
hc about the guys finding out with time about mike and will’a feeling for each other?
Lucas: I think Lucas would find out before Dustin and confront mike and Will ab it. I think after mike and Will start dating they’d act mostly the same just slightly more open about their glances and accidental hand touches. Lucas would definitely pick up on this. I really liked the ‘double date' with Byler and lumax at the movie so I think it’d be cool if they went on another 'double date' but Mike and Will don’t make it out to seem like it’s a double date. Idk where'd they go in Hawkins but maybe they’d go to like some sorta diner or smth idk ANYWAYS. Mike and Will would share a milkshake which Lucas would raise his eyebrows at. Mike would totally laugh at every little joke that Will made. I feel like max would’ve figured out at this point so she’d make comments like “oh my god get a room” and Mike would obviously get defensive at bc ofc he would and Will would just sip his milkshake. Anyways when they’re walking (or smth idk lolz just bare with me) Lucas would whisper to max something like “is it just me or are they acting weird?” Max would respond with “WAIT THEY ARE?!” Then roll her eyes, “Lucas you’re so dumb sometimes.” Then leave it at that. I think then Lucas would think about it for a couple days then finally confront Mike and Will ab it like “are you two like, um like a thing? Not that there’s anything wrong with it no just um, just wondering yeah” then smile awkwardly. Mike and Will would just nod their heads like “haha yeah how'd you figure out?” Then Lucas would explain that they were mega obvious.
Dustin: Dustin is observant but he has a terrible gaydar. He def would notice that something is different about the two of them. I think he'd mention it to Robin and Steve and ofc Robin knows and she just gives Steve a knowing look and tells Dustin to ask them himself. So when Dustin does ask “why are you guys acting so weird and giggly around each other recently 🤨🤨🤨” Mike and Will both evade the question bc it comes off as a little aggressive. But one day he catches Mike staring at Will and he has like a little light bulb go off over his head. And he def remembers when Mike used to look at Eddie like that and finally puts all the puzzle pieces together. So for like a week Dustin is giving Mike like worried looks whenever they hang out the entire party bc he obvi doesn’t want Mike to like be crushed bc like Will an OG party member he thinks drama is like unavoidable. And Dustin still ofc has a terrible gaydar so he def doesn’t think Will is gay. So he gets mike alone one day and basically gives him the breakdown on how he's noticed all of Mike’s glances and how he laughs at Will’s jokes and is like “mike I don’t want this tearing the party apart” and Mike is like “Will already knows I like him..” and then Dustin is like “wait.. what?!” Then he figures it out then he says something like “HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THIS BEFORE” and Mike just like rolls his eyes and like walks away or smth IDK
Anyways I hope u enjoyed, these were a little long lolz I got carried away 💅
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demadogs · 2 years
Please post the other way we might find out Mike is gay.... obviously you don't have to but I would be interested in seeing it
okie dok this one might actually be even more depressing than the last one (here for those who didnt see) so be warned.
i recently posted this prediction that jonathan will pick up on mikes feelings and confront him in private. i initially thought this scene would happen some time after mikes panic scene but it occurred to me the other day that this conversation could also be a way to reveal it to the audience instead of the panic scene.
im imagining jonathon notices that mike has been more distant from will in hopes that his feelings will just go away on their own. this will seem like a red flag to jonathan since all he’s ever known is the two of them being best friends since kindergarten. then i think he’ll start to notice mikes behavior when he thinks no ones watching like the way he looks at will and how visibly anxious he is around him even when theyre safe from whatever theyre running from. all of these will make jonathan start to figure it out and i think he’ll ask mike if they can talk outside. i imagine this happening at night after everyones asleep and jonathan notices mike is still up, maybe looking at will.
if this scene happens this is a rough idea of how it could go down:
jonathan will ask if mikes ok.
mike will say something about their situation and what theyre running from.
"no theres something else going on with you.”
mike will deny it.
jonathan points out how anxious hes been and how hes shutting everyone out, specifically will, which is unlike him at all.
mike will say something about el and how hes just worried about his gf or sad about the breakup, depending on what their status is at this point.
"stop doing that"
"doing what" (he’s visibly annoyed here)
"pretending to be someone youre not!”
"im not-"
"mike…. how you feel about will-”
"stop." (he whispered that).
“im just saying-".
mike will get mad now. “no. why are you even doing this? did you just drag me out here to out me!?"
^^^ that will be the line that kinda confirms it to the audience. although i think this would take place after several hints that made us already begin to wonder. (maybe more so to the lack of his love for el tho, than his love for will. just to make this scene more dramatic of a reveal).
"no i just wanted to talk to you!”
“why do we need to talk about it?”
“because i dont think anyone in your life has ever told you that its okay!!”
"well theres probably a fucking reason for that!" hes crying now.
"mike theres nothing wrong with you. you're not broken because you have a crush on a boy."
he’ll deny it again.
theyre both silent for a while and hes still crying quietly.
“don’t tell him.” (whispered)
“i won’t. but for what its worth im like 90% sure he likes you back.”
i think mike won’t believe that at all cuz hes DUMB and he’ll just shake his head or roll his eyes.
“can i go now.”
and then he leaves and goes back to bed. another version of this conversation could end with them hugging and jonathan giving him a shoulder to cry on. thatd be nice.
this was incredibly specific. like word for word. so im not feeling super confident that this is exactly how it would go, i just had it all in my head from start to finish and wanted to put it out there. this could also easily happen after we get confirmation that mikes gay. or at least to some degree. maybe we do get the panic scene but its not as obvious what he’s freaking out about and this is what confirms it. or maybe we find out a different way altogether. i cant wait to see how they do it.
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byler7comfort · 2 years
Okay this is my first thing on Tumblr pls forgive me lol 😅
I know this has probably been pointed out so many times but I just got excited while thinking about it ^^;;
Basically Mike and Eleven keep doing the same back and forth of lying to each other and being untruthful, we all know that. But I'd like to go further into that, and explain why the monologue and Eleven's first letter to Mike are meant to "piggyback" off each other.
We see Eleven is lying to Mike about her life in Lenora, and we can assume she does this because she doesn't think Mike would love the real her, and what she's feeling and dealing with. She is embarrassed because she has always been the strong one of the group, and without her powers, she is now just a "weirdo" like the rest of them, and picked on because of this. Mike says that he doesn't understand why she'd lie, because he's been through the same thing (which she states they haven't, but that isn't too relevant here).
Later, we see Mike lying to Eleven in his monologue. He is saying things that are obviously lies (ex. him saying he fell in love with her at first sight) and that she's super strong, like a superhero. (Which she has made pretty obvious that she doesn't want her worth defined by that...)
They both lie to each other to hopefully fix their relationship with the other, and actually hurt their relationship in the process of doing so. After Eleven lies to Mike, he is snarky and isn't comforting her like you would assume he would. When Mike lies to Eleven, she doesn't want to talk to him and avoids him.
(not to mention then the third puzzle piece of this is Will lying to Mike to hopefully fix their relationship and it not working either.)
For their relationship to work, they have to be honest with each other. The most important rule of their party is friends don't lie, and it's weird to not be friends with your significant other, no? And the truth? They are no longer in love with each other. They love each other, but they aren't in love. Eleven needs time on her own, to grow as a person and not be shoved into a relationship and Mike needs to confront his sexuality and his internalized homophobia. Then once these truths come to light, then they can finally grow as people together, even if that means they are no longer in a relationship.
(Finn did say he didn't know if they'd be growing together or apart, after all...maybe it is together but once they've broken up?)
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