#mikayla jordan
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Oc edition!
#that 90s show#betsy kelso#technically isn’t an oc but still#oc: steve jordan#oc: darline joy#oc: sharon adams#oc: etienne st. bernard#also not technically an oc but he isn’t shown on screen#oc: mikayla burke#I never thought of darls as a masc bi but I’m into it#but she still wear lot of sterotypically girly clothes#oc: joanna mitchell#oc: jonas hernandez#oc: kristie forman
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𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 || 𝘍. 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘴 (Masterlist)
On the first day of October, 1984, forty-three women around the world simultaneously gave birth. None of the women showed any prior signs of pregnancy.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire, and playboy adventurer, made it his personal mission to find and adopt as many of these children as possible.
"How much do you want for it?"
He got eight of them.
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You as Mikayla 'Mika' Hargreeves
Number Eight: The Siren
"You know what? I never should've stayed by your side. You wound me, Five."
Aidan Gallagher as Five Hargreeves
Number Five: The boy who cheated time
"We didn't choose this life, we're just living in it."
Tom Hopper as Luther Hargreeves
Number One: The man in space
"No. He must have known something was going to happen."
David Castañeda as Diego Hargreeves
Number Two: The man who never misses
"Hope it turns out better than your marriage, huh?"
Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves
Number Three: The girl who whispers
"When something seems too perfect, it's usually anything but."
Robert Sheehan as Klaus Hargreeves
Number Four: The man who barely cheats death
"Dad, could you stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment?"
Justin H. Min as Ben Hargreeves
Number Six: The man who was loved
"You know what the worst part of being dead is? You're stuck. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to change."
Elliot Page as Vanya/Viktor Hargreeves
Number Seven: The extra-ordinary one
"If you believe in yourself, just once, great things are gonna happen for you."
Colm Feore as Sir Reginald Hargreeves
The Founder of The Umbrella Academy
"The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone."
Adam Godley as Pogo
Jordan Claire Robbins as Grace
Kate Walsh as The Handler
Cameron Britton as Hazel
Mary J. Blige as Cha-Cha
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Mikayla 'Mika' Hargreeves formerly known as 'Number Eight' was one of the lucky forty-three children to be taken in by eccentric billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
Growing up, Mika wasn't so different from her 'siblings' as she also possesed power quite like no other. She was the embodiment of beauty, one that could easily match Aphrodite. Her captivating eyes draw you in, while her voice, as melodic as the sea, enchants all who hear it. She was a dangerous allure, a perilous water to dive into.
Mikayla Hargreeves was a Siren.
"Come on Ben! We wouldn't want to be late for the mission!" Mika called, hurriedly putting her socks on.
As she was rushing out her bedroom door to the lobby, something inside her was screaming 'Do not go, little one. For this mission is a dangerous game.'
Pushing the taunting voices in the back of her head, she brushed off the uneasiness, and focused on the excitement of what's about to come.
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚゚ ⋆
Hello, my future readers
I will be the master of ceremony
for this one
Welcome to Resonance of Shadows
#resonance of shadows#five hargreeves x reader#five x reader#five harvreeves x you#the umbrella academy#umbrella academy#five#number five#number one#number two#number three#number four#number six#number seven#number eight#luther hargreeves#diego hargreeves#allison hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#ben hargreeves#vanya hargreeves#viktor hargreeves#aidan gallagher#dark romance#siren#siren reader#mintyyoo
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Czy Londyn ma tę moc?
“Frozen” Royal Drury Lane Theatre
Muzyka i słowa: Kristen Anderson-Lopez i Robert Lopez
Libretto: Jennifer Lee
Reżyseria: Michael Grandage
Choreografia: Rob Ashford
Scenografia: Christopher Oram
Kostiumy: Christopher Oram
Występują: Samantha Barks, Laura Dawkes, Oliver Ormson, Jammy Kasongo, Ashley Birchall, Mikayla Jade, Craig Gallivan, Richard Frame, India Moon, Phoebe Penfold, Ben Irish, Lizzy-Rose Esin-Kelly, Jak Skelly, Jacqui Sanchez, Ashley J Daniels, Rhianne Alleyne, Gabrielle Cocca, Molly Francis, Isabella Glanznig Santos, Aoife Kenny, Jemma Revell, Caitlin Tipping, Jemal Felix, Jordan Fox, Dominic Adam Griffin, George Hinson, Jonathan Milton, Rodney Vubya, Marianne Bardgett, Rebecca Botterill, Oliver Brenin, Laura Emmitt, Matt Gillett, Justin-Lee Jones, Jordan Livesey, Harriet Samuels, Ed Wade, Anna Woodside
Tekst pisany na podstawie spektaklu z 5 września 2024.
Gdy w 2013 roku "Kraina Lodu" odniosła porażający sukces finansowy, stało się jasne, że sceniczna adaptacja to tylko kwestia czasu. Musical zadebiutował na Broadwayu w 2018 roku, ale zniknął z afisza z powodu pandemii. Na szczęście w 2021 roku odbyła się londyńska premiera musicalu i tytuł pozostał na afiszu do września 2024. W porównaniu z "Królem Lwem" to dość krótko, ale "Kraina Lodu" ma niedługo zawitać do wszystkich domów dzięki platformie Disney+.
Księżniczka Anna z Arendell (Laura Dawkes) nie może się doczekać koronacji swojej siostry, Elsy (Samantha Barks), która zakończy wieloletnią izolację królewskiego dworu. Elsa nie podziela jej ekscytacji, obawia się stanięcia przed poddanymi i konieczności ukrycia lodowych mocy, z którymi zmaga się od dzieciństwa. Niestety, pośpieszne zaręczyny siostry z księciem Hansem (Oliver Ormson) sprawiają, że traci kontrolę, zamraża królestwo i przerażona ucieka w góry. Poczuwając się do odpowiedzialności, Anna wyrusza za nią. Z pomocą sprzedawcy lodu Kristoffa (Jammy Kasongo), jego wiernego renifera Svena (Ashley Birchall) i magicznego bałwanka Olafa (Craig Gallivan) chce znaleźć siostrę, przywrócić lato i uratować Arendell.
Gwiazdą spektaklu była bez wątpienia fenomenalna Samantha Barks. Odpowiednio królewska i majestatyczna, pokazywała dwa oblicza Elsy: idealną królową i zagubioną dziewczynę, rozpaczliwie potrzebującą miłości i pomocy. Przepiękny, mocny głos Barks sprawia, że jej wykonanie ikonicznego “Let it go” nie ustępowało wersji filmowej. A pamiętajmy, że śpiewając musiała też zgrać się z efektami specjalnymi. Warto też wspomnieć o perfekcyjnym odwzorowaniu zachowania animowanej postaci, łącznie z pamiętnym szelmowskim uśmiechem.
Laura Dawkes wniosła w rolę Anny wiele charyzmy i chaotycznej energii, kreując tym samym postać realistycznej dziewczyny, której daleko do perfekcyjnej księżniczki. Jej optymizm i pozytywne zakręcenie ujmowały za serce i stanowiły ciekawy kontrast do pozornie oschłej Elsy. Uroczo wypadała zarówno w duetach z Barks jak i grającym Kristoffa Jammym Kasongo.
Oliver Ormson świetnie prezentował się jako kłamliwy książę Hans. Łatwo uwierzyć, że z jego charyzmą i mocnym głosem da radę porwać tłumy i podbić serc mieszkańców Arandell. Niestety, od pierwszego pojawienia się na scenie wydawał się nieco zbyt złowieszczy, co zmniejszyło zaskoczenie, gdy w końcu pokazał prawdziwą twarz.
Jammy Kasongo był za to wspaniałym Kristoffem. Musical sprawnie rozszerza tę postać, pozwalając aktorowi pobawić się rolą (chociażby dodając trochę pazura w scenie poznania Anny i Hansa na targu) i mocniej zarysować relację z Anną. Kasongo świetnie pokazuje zażyłość między Kristoffem i Svenem i błyszczy szczególnie w drugim akcie, gdy w dopisanej na rzecz musicalu piosence “Kristoff Lullaby” niepokoi się o Annę.
Craig Gallivan miał przed sobą zadanie trudne zadanie, bo rola Olafa nie ogranicza się do zadania wokalnego i aktorskiego, trzeba też operować skomplikowaną kukiełką bałwanka. Co więcej, przez cały spektakl trzeba balansować na cienkiej linii pomiędzy byciem uroczym, a irytującym. W wykonaniu Gallivana Olaf wypadł idealnie, nieprzesadnie słodko, niczym rozczulające, małe dziecko.
Ogromny szacunek należy się też aktorkom wcielającym się w role małej Anny i Elsy: India Moon (Anna) to wulkan energii, którym wprost nie dało się nie zachwycić, a Phoebe Penfold (Elsa) perfekcyjnie opanowała choreografię magii. Ibie dziewczynki świetnie oddają siostrzaną więź swoich postaci.
Nie można też nie wspomnieć o Ashley Birchall, która w “Krainie Lodu” mierzyła się z najtrudniejszą chyba rolą na West Endzie. Spędzenie całego spektaklu ciężkim kostiumie Svena, poruszając się w wiecznie zgiętej pozycji wygląda mi na zadanie wprost z koszmaru.
Sam kostium był wprost przepiękny, bardzo realistyczny i genialnie zaprojektowany, tak by pozwalać animatorce poruszać się jak renifer, a nawet mrugać oczami. Równie dobrze wypadała misternie wykonana kukiełka Olafa przyczepiona do kostiumu grającego go aktora, która nawet z wysokości balkonu wyglądała miękką w dotyku i pozwalała rozróżnić wyraz twarzy bałwanka.
Zaprojektowane przez Christophera Orama kostiumy stanowiły perfekcyjne odwzorowanie filmu animowanego. Można było zobaczyć zarówno stroje koronacyjne jak i ikoniczną lodową suknię. Pojawiło się też kilka nowych pomysłów, jak na przykład wspaniale realistyczny śnieżny strój Anny czy bitewny kombinezon Elsy z drugiego aktu.
Tworząc scenografię Oram zdecydował się na połączenie jej klasycznych elementów z ekranami do wizualizacji, stanowiącymi tło. Efekt końcowy zapierał dech w piersiach. Na scenie zbudowano zarówno zamek w Arendell jak i lodowy pałac Elsy, a dzięki ekranom, za oknem można było dojrzeć poruszającą się zorzę polarną. Nie zabrakło też letniej krainy Olafa, która wyrastała z podłogi, by zniknąć, gdy tylko piosenka dobiegła końca. Nie zapomniano też o detalach, wykorzystując nawiązania do kultury skandynawskiej zarówno w kostiumach, jak i wnętrzach.
Świetnie prezentowały się też efekty specjalne, a przecież przeniesienie na scenę animacji, wymagało ogromnej kreatywności i zasobów. “Kraina Lodu” wykorzystywała mieszankę wspomnianych już ekranów, oświetlenia i zachwycających efektów praktycznych, by pokazać ikoniczne momenty z filmu, włączając w to odlatującą na wietrze pelerynę, tworzoną na oczach widza suknię czy zamarzanie Arendell. Szkoda tylko, że lodowy pałac powstaje za kurtyną.
Rob Ashford stworzył choreografię bardzo nierówną, która świetnie sprawdzała się w jednej scenie, a w innej całkiem zawodziła. Wspaniale wypadały sceny używania magii, każdy ruch jest przemyślany i perfekcyjnie zgrany z efektami specjalnymi. Cudownie zaaranżowano każde wejście istot magicznych. Zachwycało też przedstawienie zamieci, którą tworzą przebrani na biało tancerze, ale już goniące się przez nią postaci wypadają dość groteskowo. Zawiodła mnie też piosenka “Miłość stanęła w drzwiach”, która w porównaniu z animacją, czy innymi scenami z musicalu wypadła jednocześnie nudno i dziwacznie. Co gorsza, brakowało w niej też energii.
Jeśli chodzi o libretto, wprowadzono subtelne zmiany względem filmu, pojawiły się też wątki poruszone dopiero w drugiej części animacji. Użyto wszystkich piosenek, które znamy i kochamy z filmu, ale też dopisano nowe, dodające głębi postaciom (“Dangerous to dream” czy “Monster”) i trzymające wysoki poziom, do którego przyzwyczaili nas Kristen Anderson-Lopez i Robert Lopez.
Szczerze powiedziawszy sceniczna “Kraina Lodu” nie zachwyciła mnie tak jak się spodziewałam. Mimo świetnej muzyki, fenomenalnych artystek i pięknej oprawy wizualnej, w wielu scenach po prostu coś mi nie pasowało. Może zawiodła choreografia, może zabrakło czegoś więcej, a może po prostu ja miałam zbyt wysokie wymagania. Dość, że choć płyta z nowojorskiej “Krainy Lodu” pozostanie jednym z moich ulubionych musicalowych soundtracków, nie wybrałabym się ponownie do teatru, nawet gdyby spektakl nie zniknął z afisza. To powiedziawszy, warto było zobaczyć to na scenie, cieszyć się tą niepowtarzalną atmosferą i na żywo podziwiać Samanthę Barks w roli Elsy.
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna.
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Extrovert Introvert Best Friends Disney Pixar Movie
- Avril Lavigne as Hope
- Scott Menville as Dad
- Kath Soucie as Mom
- Brad Pitt as Jonathan, Hope’s older brother
- Ed Asner as Uncle
- Mark Hamill as Mr. Mason, Hope’s teacher
- Justin Bieber as Ivan
- America Ferrera as Kirsten
- Emmanuel Chauvin as Brett
- Krystian Godlewski as Brandon
- Selena Gomez as Nadine
- Ben Stiller as Kevin
- Shayna Fox as Melanie
- Raphael Rossatto as Austin
- Joseph Charles Ashwell as Timothy
- Chiara Zanni as Nadia
- Demi Lovato as Hayley
- Bridgette McNair as Victoria
- Brent Rivera as Marc
- Monika Santucci as Jenny
- Andrew Francis as Tommy
- Kelsea Ballerini as Samantha
- Sofia Carson as Ever
- Seth MacFarlane as Marcus
- Jeff Bennett as Derek
- Dee Bradley Baker as Tyler
- Jack Dylan Grazer as Joshua
- Keone Young as King
- Amber Lee Connors as Mikayla
- Jennifer Hale as Gabriella
- Miranda Cosgrove as Annie
- Grey Delisle as Jocelyn
- Emma Stone as Kimmy
- Khary Payton as Darren
-Jordan Fisher as Shane Robertson, lead singer of Interstellar band
-Jerry Trainor as Mr. Guardian Angel
-Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Guardian Angel
* additional voice casts
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i don't like reading. the statement elicits an eye-roll, a chest heaving sigh - but it's mostly dramatics, rather than a genuine annoyance. mikayla's not the first to say it, and most likely, she'll be far from the last - but some who are insistent still find themselves patrolling the shelves on occasion, hoping for something to break up the monotony of their downtime. with all other options exhausted (extra shifts, attending lectures or one of the group activities in the common areas), they always feel compelled to give books a chance: some return with a hunger for more, slowly developing a voracious attitude for the written word, but others only drop off their experimental text with a small shake of the head.
she wonders which mikayla will be, if she'll ever even turn up in the same manner. (some part of jordan believes she won't - she'll never get tired of what's out there. perhaps in the same way jordan doesn't think she'll ever take to it.)
“well, if you ever want to give reading a try, i recommend him,” she replies, tapping the cover of the book. the grin jordan flashes should be enough of an answer: yes, he's good. not an all-time favorite, but in the genre? he's unbeaten. “it's real gorey stuff. right up your alley.” jordan very nearly quips about making mikayla a list - for her personal reading and to keep an eye out for, but she can't quite bring herself to. even with this gesture - which isn't really a gesture, because it was all coincidental, spur-of-the-moment, happenstance - jordan still feels guarded, reluctant to allow herself to poke and prod as you would with someone you consider a friend.
they aren't that, but maybe they could be. the not-gesture rouses some feeling of hope in her gut, and jordan can't help but flash another smile as she straightens her stack of books, picking softly at a fraying edge. “okay. i won't expect it to happen again. still - thank you,” she repeats, and it's a little more insistent this time, because she really doesn't want mikayla to think it's just obligation and not a genuine gratitude.
“-also,” jordan continues, a little suddenly, impulsively. “they made a movie about it. hellraiser. i mean, you probably know that. everyone knows hellraiser, i think. but - i have it. well, i borrowed it from someone and haven't given it back,” she clarifies, with a nervous laugh. “so, if you don't want to read the book, i could let you borrow that. even though it's not technically mine to loan out.”
the borderline hesitance on jordan's part threatens to get beneath mikayla's skin, her chest beginning to get hot with annoyance—but she stops herself with the reminder that she's never given jordan a reason to trust her. she hasn't given any of them a reason, outside of her contribution to potrals, keeping her distance from the other inhabitants of the university. it's nothing personal; she'd been the same way at camp, surrounded by people with far more in common with her, and even still, she kept them all at arms-length, if that.
mikayla doesn't recognize the satisfied, warm feeling that arises within her—she wonders if maybe this is how it feels to do something selfless, not for her own benefit, but someone else's. she can almost understand why people do it, but mikayla knows better than to expect some sudden change within her. she'll still be self-focused, still forget the wants of others in exchange for her own. jordan just got lucky this once.
“yeah, i don't know. i don't like reading.” it's more than just the additional effort it takes for her to do it—she'd never shown any interest in the books they had at camp, all in ancient greek, which were far easier for her to read through. the sitting still makes her restless, because she's a fighter, not a scholar. maybe she could use the escapism, step out of her own suffocating thoughts for a while, but keeping her body busy has always done that well enough for her, because she can't think too much about everything that haunts her if she's too physically exhausted at the end of the day to afford a single thought. “but he's... good, i'm guessing?”
she busies herself with picking up all the weapons that had fallen from her bag, feeling more comfortable with the last in her hand, because that had always felt more familiar than whatever this is—it's not often she does anything worth being thanked for, outside of killing something. “it's not a big deal. your last attempt at finding something sucked, so—it's whatever.” she wipes the blade of her knife against her shirt, somewhat relieved to find that its monster dust that smears across the fabric, not blood. mikayla never thought she'd miss only worrying about regular monsters, so the feeling of nostalgia is almost alarming, but she ignores it, shoving the last blade into her bag. “don't expect it to happen again.”
#warpainte#jordan west.#ic: jordan west.#mikayla does something nice on accident and jordan is like wow that's weird but also can we be friends then
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All about angels with Bella Marie “Bells” Rzucek,Celeste Cathryn “CeCe” Rzucek, Charlotte Ruby “Charlie” Emily, Henry Boswell, Ava Jordan Wood, Megan Paige Nichols, Koralynn Marie “Monkey” Fister, Karla Isabelle Ruth “Karly” Sheehan, Emilie Alice “Em” Parker, Semina Mary Halliwell, Rachel Dee Ehmke, Charlotte Helen “Char” Bacon, Charlotte “Charlie” Figi, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Haley Celeste Dunn, Hailey Darlene Dunn, Harry Dunn, Rachel Joy Scott, Madison Taylor “Maddie” Scott, Ashley Nicole Scott, Olivia Ryan Anderson, Nathan Scott Anderson, Alexandra Flynn “Alex” Scott, Ashley Paige Scott, Hannah Louise Scott, Haylie Alexis Wilson Scott, Scott P. McLaughlin, Patricia C. McLaughlin, Kimberly P. McLaughlin, Annette B. McLaughlin, Kelly C. McLaughlin, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Lucy Morgan, Mercedes Losoya, Norah Lee Howard, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Layla Michelle Mata, Kaylen Michelle Young, Madelynn "Maddie" Ciara Mata, Tess Marie Mata, Melanie Jae “Lanie” Powell, Allyceea Mabel Brynne Ennis, Avril Rose Gestes, Amelie Grace Belperio, Amelie Firalves, Aubree Lei Kinney, Olivia Marie Smallsreed, Olivia Engel, Olivia Dahl, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrice of France, Louis XVII, Coralynn Eve “Cora” Sobolik, Rebecca Jeanne Riley, Nichole Lang Veru, Gabrielle Renae “Gabby” Barrett, Colby Curtin, Eliza Adalynn Moore, Kristina Rae Barrett, Mary Crocker, Hannah Mae Martin, Kylie Elise Myers, Mikayla Alice Marie Valentine, Sandra Renee Cantu, Brittany Nicole Hendrickson, Brittany Kaye Kroksh, Brittany Lynn Locklear, Brittany Shenea Rieger, Brittany Michelle McDonald, Crystal A Colon, Susan Blakely, Shantell Marie Cox, Madison Marie Plotts, Heather O'Rourke, Judith Barsi, Rhonda Sue Lynn, Heather Nicole Lynn,
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Leo has been talking about moving offices for quite some time now, but that didn't make it any easier when it actually happened. The new office is in Draper, so about 15-20 minutes further south. Getting to West Jordan was already draining to me, so this is really not good news. Plus, instead of having our own building like I'm used to, we are on the third floor of a massive building. (Originally it was going to require us to have key cards to use the elevator, but that's at least been changed now.) Everything is just less convenient. Each person has less space than they used to, and I'm already over it.
The only good thing I can point to is that Mikayla and I are kind of in our own little space for now - and away from the people who have been so loud and obnoxious for months now. But other than that, I'm really not happy. This could be the final straw that pushes me over the edge into looking for a new job. We continue to be disrespected by our "boss" and the situation gets harder to deal with every single day.
But it was also weird to say goodbye to the old office, which has been my work home for the last five years. Even though this job has been not easy in so many ways, it was oddly sentimental to see it so empty.
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SummerDanse, in Pittsburgh (May 22nd, 2005):
6 & Under Solo:
Madison Hohman - “Springtime” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place / Gold
6 & Under Lines:
“Parade” (Musical Theater) [Abigail Waldron, Sarah Restano, Kassidy Leon, Gianna Palmieri, Mikayla Lovas, Simone Jhan, Ionie Banner, Nadia Liberto, Greta Parr, Regan Check, Nicole Weaver, Avery M, Jakiya F, Alena, Angela Mammats, Victoria V, Tatum, Samantha, Paige Neid, Brianna, Emily Stoken & Emilee J] - Did Not Place / Silver
7-8 Solo:
Jessica Restano - “Mousetrap” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place / Gold
Emily Stoken - “Pajama Jamin” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Jordan Thomas - “Respect” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Diva Award / Gold
Olivia Ice - “Little Egypt” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Silver
Brooke Hyland - “Inchworm” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Silver
7-8 Groups:
“Body Shop” (Jazz) [Jordan Thomas, Claudia Peterman, Mia, Brooke Hyland, Emily Stoken, Natalie Secola, Quinton, Gabrielle Kemp, Gabrielle Casarcia, Madison Hohman & Taylor Breen] - Did Not Place / Gold
“Hey Daddy” (?) [Jordan Thomas, Claudia Peterman, Brooke Hyland, Emily Stoken, Natalie Secola, Gabrielle Kemp, Gabrielle Casarcia, Madison Hohman & Taylor Breen] - Did Not Place / Gold
“At The Copa” (Jazz) [Olivia Ice, Jessica Restano, Ashley Galore, Alysha Matarazzo, Gina Gionta, Nicole Johnson, Essence Kimes, Brittany White, Jackie McKowski & Brandon Pent] - Did Not Place / Gold
“Wake Me Up” (Jazz) [Essence Kimes, Jessica Restano, Nicole Johnson, Gina Gionta, Brittany White, Olivia Ice, Jackie Mackownski, Ashley Galore, Alysha Matarazzo & Gina Chiapelle] - Did Not Place / Silver
9-10 Solo:
Izumi Presberry - “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” (Tap) - 1st Place
Mackenzie Meixner - “Superstition” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Brandon Pent - “G.I Blues” (Hip Hop) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alexa Kacin - “Just A Spoonful Of Sugar” (Ballet) - Did Not Place / Gold
Nina Linhart - “Lila Tremaine” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Gold
Stephanie Pittman - “Little Fairy” (Ballet) - Did Not Place / Gold
Brittany White - “Home” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Stage Presence Award / Gold
Alexis Rectenwald - “Public Enemy” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Dominique Wright - “Ease On Down The Road” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alicia Gelifuss - “The Roof Is On Fire” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Micha McGee - “In My Front Parlour” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Gold
Cassidy Gusallus - “Ocean” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
9-10 Duet/Trio:
Natalee Bailey, Mackenzie Meixner & Alicia Gelifuss - “Three Way Stop” (Hip Hop) - Did Not Place / Gold
Josh Ice & Olivia Joy “Beat Me Daddy” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Silver
9-10 Group:
“Goodies” (Hip Hop) [Ebony Kimes, Dominique Wright, Alexis Rectenwald, Jesse Johnson, Brandon Pent & Izumi Presberry] - 1st Place / Gold
“All The Boys Around me” (Jazz) [Jessica Ice, Andrew, John Michael Fiumara, Izumi Presberry, Dante Wright, Brandon Pent, Quinton, Jesse Johnson & Josh Ice] - Did Not Place / Gold
9-10 Lines:
“Daisy Dukes” (Specialty) [Nina Linhart, Alexis Rectenwald, Mackenzie Meixner, Savanna Carrozzi, Natalee Bailey, Alexa Kacin, Cassidy Gullus, Micha McGee, Stephanie Pittman, Dominique Wright & Alicia Gelifuss] - 1st Place / Gold
“Tickle Me” (Jazz) [Brittany White, Jackie Mckowski, Nicole Johnson, Essence Kimes, Jessica Restano, Ashley Galore, Alysha Matarazzo, Gina Chiapelle, Gina Gionta, Olivia Ice, Micha McGee, Alexa Kacin, Alicia Gelifuss, Maria Gionta & Natalee Bailey] - Did Not Place / Gold
11-12 Solo:
Miranda Maleski - “Hernando’s Hideaway” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place / Gold
Natalee Bailey - “It’s Good To Be Back Home” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alex McGee - “Hostess With The Monsters” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Jessica Ice - “Lady of 29 Palms” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Brianne Smail - “Secondhand Rose” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Gold
Savanna Carrozzi - “I’ve Got A Penny” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Erika Maruca - “The Raven” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
John Michael Fiumara - “Spider-Man” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
11-12 Groups:
“Steppin’ To The Bad Side” (Jazz) [Mackenzie Meixner, Brianne Smail, Alexandra Salerno, Alexandra McGee, Kelly Monteleone, Erika Maruca, Alivia Shoop, Miranda Maleski, Hannah Opalko, Jessica Ice & Nina Linhart] - 1st Place / Gold
“The Door On The Floor” (?) [Erika Maruca, Nina Linhart, Alexandra Salerno, Hannah Opalko, Alexandra McGee, Savanna Carrozzi, Brianne Smail, Jessica Ice, Natalee Bailey, Brittany White & Mackenzie Meixner] - Did Not Place / Gold
11-12 Lines:
“Disco Inferno” (Jazz) [Alexandra, Rebecca Hudek, Brittany Pent, Janel Moriarty, Lisa Hulker, Erika Maruca, Alíe, Dominique Wright, John Michael Fiumara, Mackenzie Meixner, Olivia Joy, Ebony Kimes, Brianne Smail, Emily Stoken, Cassidy Gusallus, Donnaya Presberry, Alexandra Salerno, Stacey, Jesse Johnson & Jessica Manza] - Did Not Place / Gold
13-14 Solo:
Kaitlyn Reiser - “Once Upon A Time” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Gold
Alexandra Salerno - “Rodeo” (Ballet) - Did Not Place / Gold
Cydney Miller - “No Good Deed” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place - Gold
Kelly Monteleone - “Cool” (Hip Hop) - Did Not Place / Gold
Hannah Opalko - “Kiss Me In The Rain” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Jessica Manza - “Preakness” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
13-14 Groups:
“Hot Chocolate” (Tap) [Alexandra Salerno, Hannah Opalko, Kelly Monteleone, Brianne Smail, Jessica Manza, Melinda Jennings & Jessica Ice] - 1st Place / Gold
13-14 Lines:
“Giggles” (Jazz) [Gianna Martello, Jennine Wedge, Crystal Jennings, Kaitlyn Reiser, Miranda Maleski, Alivia Shoop, Theresa Moio, Emily Shoop, Leah Pivorotto, Nina Pivorotto, Amanda Stelluto, Romana Henson, Kristina Pendleton, Alexandra Opalko, Bethany Flora, Marissa Mechling, Alisha Boranoti, Kelly Monteleone, Cydney Miller, Cheri Davis, Loren DeMarco] - Did Not Place / Gold
“Ladders” (Contemporary) [Theresa Moio, Alisha Boranoti, Marissa Mechling, Loren DeMarco, Nina Pivorotto, Miranda Maleski, Hannah Opalko, Alexandra Opalko, Jessica Ice, Kelly Monteleone, Kaitlyn Reiser, Jennine Wedge, Emily Shoop, Gianna Martello, Amanda Stelluto, Leah Pivorotto, Alivia Shoop, Romana Henson, Kristina Pendleton, Cydney Miller, Bethany Flora & Crystal Jennings] - Did Not Place / Gold
15-16 Solo:
Alivia Shoop - “Oh Susannah” (Jazz) - 1st Place / Gold
Loren DeMarco - “Woman’s Work” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Beautiful Costume Award / Gold
Emily Shoop - “It’s A New Day” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Gold
Gianna Martello - “Look At Me” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Romana Henson - “Wild” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Gold
Alisha Bonaroti - “Like Ya Used To” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
15-16 Duet/Trio:
Jennine Wedge & Crystal Jennings - “In Her Shadow” (Contemporary) - 1st Place / Best Dynamic Award / Gold
Gianna Martello & Amanda Stelluto - “A Bottle Of Red” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Beautiful Technique Award / Gold
15-16 Groups:
“Sharp Dressed Men” (Tap) [Jennine Wedge, Amanda Stelluto, Gianna Martello, Crystal Jennings, Alisha Bonaroti, Leah Pivorotto & Nina Pivorotto] - 1st Place / Gold
“Cherries” (Musical Theater) [Kaitlyn Reiser, Gianna Martello, Jennine Wedge, Amanda Stelluto & Emily Shoop] - Did Not Place / Gold
17-19 Solo:
Jennine Wedge - “Gotta Move” (Jazz) - 1st Place
Marissa Pampena - “Take Off” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Gold
Bethany Flora - “Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Novice Division:
Teens - “I’m So Excited” (Jazz) [Katelyn, Samantha, Loren, Lyndsey Garret, Jennifer, Megan, Jessica Manza, Cydney, Kasey, Marissa Pampena, Danielle & Sydney] - 1st Place / Gold
Unknown Division Routines:
The Letting Go - Did Not Place / Gold
Irish - Did Not Place / Silver
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“Wow, Jordan. Why are you being so mean to me!” Finn isn’t far off from laughing with his whole belly. If his stomach is sore later, Jordan will be to blame. “How I speak to you here does not exemplify how I speak behind closed doors, thank you very much. But I also don’t walk up to her and straight-faced ask ‘do you want to fuck?’ because where’s the fun in that?”
It’s all in the flirting beforehand. He figures Jordan of all people should get his enjoyment out of banter and the sort, whether the intentions behind it are innocent or not. They have their own back and forth that remains surface-level.
“Ma’am, you’re always judging me, and I wouldn't expect anything less.” At least Finn is confident that if he ever needed the God honest trust, he knows who to go to.
It's a fortunate thing she moves on from it as the flea market calls them, Finn waves her to follow when he pauses where she waits. A gesture to the first line of booths— one filled with what looks to be handmade boho jewelry (something of the likes he thinks Mikayla might like so he is already bee-lining) and another with various ornamental snow globes to start.
"Treasure, huh? We're pillaging, like flea market pirates. Sounds like fun. Let hoist thee anchor and venture forth, me hearty, yo ho."
"You must really suck at dirty talk." Jordan says with a shake of her head. "I hope you'd never go up to her and ask her if she wants to sleep with you." The blonde grimaces at the idea because fucking sounds so much better to her and provides a clearer imagine than two bodies dozing off beside each other.
"Do you feel self-conscious or like I'm judging you -- because I'm not, at least not that harshly." She could do a lot worse, but it was her last ditch effort at making him reconsider talking about it. Though he made it pretty clear that he was shutting down the conversation altogether.
"I know but I think I would get too involved if I were a therapist. Maybe I'd do more damage than good. You're just easy to read."
"That sucks." But she meant more that he sucked.
Looking up, she made a mental note as she unbuckled herself to try her luck at the subject on their way back. "Okay, let's go see what kind of crap we can make our treasure." Closing the car door behind her, she meets him at the front of the car.
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Point Place High School (circa 1995)
Students: Maddie Joy (freshman), Jess Nightly (freshman), Oak Kelso (freshman), Nate Runck (sophomore), Gwen Runck (sophomore), Jay Kelso (sophomore), Nikki Garcia (sophomore), Ozzie Chen (sophomore), Mikayla Patel (sophomore), Sharon Adams (sophomore), Sarah Mitchell (sophomore), Etienne St. Bernard (sophomore), Kevin Hernandez (sophomore), Ian Harris (sophomore), Sophia Kamiśka (junior), Owen Nicholas (junior), Kristie Forman (junior), Teresa Megan (junior), Betsy Kelso (junior), Darline Joy (junior), Mitch Pinciotti (junior), Ridge Pinciotti (junior), Ryland Barnes (junior), Steve Jordan (junior), John Bartlow (junior), Alisha Callesti (junior), Joanna Mitchell (junior), Jared Kwan (junior), Jilly Scott (junior), Jolene Peters (junior), Delilah Reed (junior), Dana Chingkwake (junior), Lydia Martelli (junior), Jonas Hernandez (junior), Aravind Patel (senior), Amaya Callesti (senior)
Teachers: Rhonda Tate (Calculus I), Paige Hart (guidance counselor), Valerie Pinciotti (Physics), Loni Paris (girls soccer coach), Jessica Higley (art teacher), Maurice Hylnad (English IV)
Principal: Mitch Miller (currently), Elaine Miller (former acting principal)
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Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What does your character like the most about themselves? Yes, they have to choose at least one thing, or more! Is there any reasoning behind what they chose?
Once Mikayla's true hair color (indigo) comes out she starts liking it because it reminds of constellations! She also likes her basketball talent and always shows off to impress Ace
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Broadway shots 2022
#wicked#wicked the musical#elphaba#glinda#fiyero#talia suskauer#brittney johnson#james d gish#sharon sachs#jordan barrow#mikayla renfrow#clifton davis#wicked broadway#wicked 2022
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when she looks away, his eyes remain on her, mostly just amused— because he’s seen that same look in layla’s eyes when she was looking back at him, and it’s hard not to feel giddy just as the sight of someone else experiencing that kind of love. he doesn’t know much about mikayla— but he knows what she’s been through, what asher’s told him about in the aftermath, and he knows that she seems to deserve it more than anyone. ❝ oh, ❞ he mutters in response, furrowing a brow to make it all too obvious that’s not what he was expecting to hear. clearly, asher didn’t give him much context— but enough to make jordan assume that’s what this was. when she mentions asher, jordan shoulders slump, and he shrugs, bouncing his weight between his feet to act casual. ❝ i mean— ❞ he mumbles, trying to think about it now. did asher say that? or maybe he said he thought—or they should. jordan doesn’t remember the specifics, but he glances back to taissa, catching her looking over here, at mikayla, with the same look in her eye mikayla just had, and he lets out a small chuckle. ❝ yeah, i think he did. is she not? ❞ he asks, raising a brow, trying to get some intel himself, but he feels confident enough at least that she definitely wants it to be. ❝ you two look good together, anyway. ❞
she assumed asher would be the first to say something about the two of them, not his best friend— mikayla could tell asher wanted to when she first mentioned bringing tai, but he was too hesitant, too nervous to actually come out with it. she wants to keep her cool, appear unaffected, brush it off like it's nothing, but if someone who hardly knows either of them at all can see something between them, maybe she's not wrong to think they're finding their way back. or maybe she's getting her hopes up too high, setting herself up for disappointment. “ we're not... ” she trails off when she glances in taissa's direction, getting distracted just by the sight of her, which isn't uncommon at all, but she's usually better at hiding it. “ we're just friends, ” she sighs, forcing herself to turn back to jordan, hoping she doesn't sound as disappointed saying that as she feels. “ asher called her my date? ”
#manslaught#thread: j. baker.#pls remember all he knows is from ASHERS perspective so if hes bein too nice about him.. thats ashers fault dont blame me
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Extrovert Introvert Best Friends (Disney Pixar Movie) full cast
- Avril Lavigne as Hope
- Scott Menville as Dad
- Kath Soucie as Mom
- Brad Pitt as Jonathan, Hope's older brother
- Ed Asner as Uncle
- Mark Hamill as Mr. Mason, Hope's teacher
- Justin Bieber as Ivan
- America Ferrera as Kirsten
- Selena Gomez as Nadine
- Ben Stiller as Kevin
- Raphael Rossatto as Austin
- Demi Lovato as Hayley
- Brent Rivera as Marc
- Monika Santucci as Jenny
- Kelsea Ballerini as Samantha
- Sofia Carson as Ever
- Seth MacFarlane as Marcus
- Jeff Bennett as Derek
- Dee Bradley Baker as Tyler
- Jack Dylan Grazer as Joshua
- Keone Young as King
- Amber Lee Connors as Mikayla
- Miranda Cosgrove as Annie
- Grey Delisle as Jocelyn
- Emma Stone as Kimmy
- Khary Payton as Darren
-Jordan Fisher as Shane Robertson, lead singer of Interstellar band
-Jerry Trainor as Mr. Guardian Angel
-Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Guardian Angel
* additional voice casts
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Rebecca Kaye Toone, Kiera Marie Pulaski, Savannah Rose “Vanna” Hardin, Arianna Savannah Carmack, Christen Lynn Anderson, Elizabeth Cary “Lillie” Gilbert, Sarah “Sally” Burr, Anne “Annie” Caton, Adrianna Elaine Hutto, Amália Alves and Amanda Alves, Alithia Haven Ramirez, Amerie Jo Garza, Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, Makenna Lee Elrod, Saffie Rose Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Charlotte Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Riley Faith Steep, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Adriana Dukic, Mercedes Losoya, Sidra Hassouna, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Athena Strand, Athena Brownfield, Macie Hill, Emily Grace Jones, Ava Jordan Wood, Leiliana Wright, Star Hobson, Inez Clarke Briggs, Annie Kerr Aiken, Gracie Perry Watson, Mei Leung, Avery Jean Lane, Madison Charlotte Weeks, Judith Barsi, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Norah Lee Howard,Sarah Payne, Alicia Lynn Clark, Tristyn Bailey, Aubreigh Paige Wyatt, Nicole Lynn Clark, Jean Marie Warhola, Luna Mandic, Jennifer Kranz, Margaux Hende, Julissia Batties, Megan Hally, Chloey Ann Stoudt, Jadyn Rhea “JJ” Basinger, Kinsley Ann “Anny” Basinger, Reera Esmaeilion, Brooklyn Koy Saechao, Kylie Ann “Ky-Ky” Gonzales, Finley Puleo Boyle, Emily Hope Mason, Kara Elizabeth Hartrich, MaCali Elizabeth Marie Cormier, Annayah Rosa Balmer, Colby Curtin, Jaquita Mack, Bella Bond, Opal Jo Dace Jennings, Amber Rene Hagerman, Jessica Eileen Knott, John Earl “Littlejohn” Strickland Jr., Alannah Louise Mikac, Madeleine Grace Mikac, Ciara Nicole Floyd, Mikayla Brianne Lewis, Megan Elizabeth Kraft, Shae Mattie Keats-Hammond, Kylie Ann Rosset, Pamela Jean “Pam” Allen, Margaux Larissa van den Hende, Ophelia Magdalena Rose “Opie, Philly” Fitz Fitz, Jennifer Lynn “JLK” Kranz, Paisley Joyce “PayPay” Collins, Amberly Bernice Northern, Adelynn Nichole Merrell, Shanda Renée Sharer, Alex and Lydia Mater, rest in peace tribute for all angels and Alithia Haven Ramirez and Amerie Jo Garza
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Wicked the Musical: Let’s dance! 💚
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