#mikaelson next generation
nightingale2004 · 4 months
The originals next generation: Klaroline version
Adreena Rebekah Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
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Adreena is the first daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
She is the older half-sister of the Saltzman twins, and Hope Mikaelson
Everyone calls her Audrey or Reena for short
She is the oldest amongst her siblings and takes after her mother, but when enemies come after her family, her father's darkside shows completely
She is a werewolf vampire hybrid like her father but prefers her vampire side over her werewolf side
Her wolf form is golden dirty blonde fur when she transforms into her wolf form
She makes sure to keep her temper in check 24/7
She attempts to keep her family in line (it's very difficult)
Like her mom, she is a bit of a control freak and perfectionist
She is Aunt Rebekah's favorite, and they both have a love of fashion
Audrey is extremely overprotective of her family and loves her family very much
Audrey loves Hope, and the Saltzman twins
She helps out at the Salvatore boarding school
Believe it or not, she was conceived during the forest incident between Klaus and Caroline
Cornelius Finn Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Rudy Pankow
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Cornelius is the second child of Caroline and Klaus
Like his sister, he is also a hybrid, but he prefers his werewolf side
He takes after Klaus due to his temper, lack patience, and love for a good fight
He also takes after his uncle Kol by being the mischievous, sarcastic troublemaker in the family, along with being the most playful and unserious among his family
His wolf form is golden blonde fur that is lighter than Audrey's
Loves Madi Gras and walks through the streets of New Orleans
Has a love for jazz, rock, and country music
He loves making his family smile and turning their frowns upside down
Can secretly juggle
Can't dance to save his life, but that doesn't stop him from hitting the dance floor
Is not afraid to embarrass himself in public
He's normally never serious, so when the situation calls for to be serious, he's completely unrecognizable .
He is extremely intelligent but doesn't show it a lot
Henrik Elijah Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Jace Norman
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Henrik is the second son and third child of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
Henrik is named after Klaus's younger late brother Henrik
He is the middle child, and surprisingly enough, for everyone, he was born a tribrid like Hope (the witch genes from Klaus's mother snuck in)
He is a year younger than Hope and tries to keep all three parts of himself in check
He spends time with his aunt Freya and Davina and Uncle Kol a lot since they have a lot of knowledge about the witch side of their family
He loves his family and his siblings
Like Hope, he also feels a bit different, but he also knows his family will be there for him no matter what
He is pretty serious and is the strategist in the family. He plans the alliances and makes sure that when his cousins and siblings take over, they don't make any more enemies than they already inherited from their parents
He also gets along well with the Saltzman twins and loves geeking out on magic with them and the Bennett sisters
His wolf fur is dirty blonde and darker than both his older brother and sister
Clara Evelyn Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Emma Myers
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Clara is the youngest child of Klaus and Caroline
She is also a werewolf vampire hybrid
Everyone calls her the baby wolf of the family
Like her older brother Cornelius, she likes seeing her family happy
She easily makes friends and is very social
She also knows all the drama that's happening in Salvatore boarding school and in New Orleans (she makes sure her family updates her daily)
She can easily get away with anything, and Klaus is weak with her
She is master of blackmail and negotiating
Like her father, she has an artistic soul and likes to paint with Hope a lot (sister sister time yay 😊 )
Despite being the youngest, she can be very intimidating since she takes after both her parents but has her mother's intelligence and nose for drama
Her wolf form is platinum blonde, almost white
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athenamikaelson · 4 months
Written in the Stars
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 1
Word Count- 4.3k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, death, panic attacks, mentions of the confederacy (ew)
A/N- This will be a slow-burn series.
The reader has a brother, I know it’s not very X Reader, but it’s to help the storyline.
I brush down the black tie my younger brother is wearing, the satin fabric making me slightly cringe. 
“Are you sure you’re not going to go? We can go show those stuffy old bitches how to really party.” I let out a small huff at Theo’s question, shaking my head amusingly. 
“I’d rather not spend my Friday night with a bunch of Mystic Falls’ elite. Hearing them talk about how they’re so proud of their southern heritage,” Both my brother and I let out sounds of disgust, “the Confederates lost get over it.”
Theo stands in front of the hallway mirror and goggles himself. Where I am rather introverted, my younger brother is most likely the most self-confident person I have ever met. He has called himself, “A gift to the human race,” on more than one occasion. So it takes him about a good 9 minutes to gaze at himself in the mirror before we walk out the front door to the car. 
We drive in silence, or I drive in silence as Theo hypes himself up in the passenger side mirror. 
After a 10-minute drive that seems to have taken at least twice that time, we finally reach the long driveway of the mayor’s house. 
“Why are you even going to this masquerade thing anyways, you hate dances,” I ask him as we wait behind a line of cars.
“Tyler is my football captain, and this thing is to honor his father, I’m here for my fellow man,” Theo presses a fist to his chest and puts on a fake sympathy look.
“So you’re actually doing it because you want to get on Tyler’s good side so he puts you on Varsity?”
Theo’s sympathetic look drops and is replaced with a shit-eating grin, “You know me so well.”
As we get to the front of the line of cars, I hum along to the Coldplay song playing on the radio.
“So what are you going to do while waiting for me?”
I pull my car up to the front of the “house” which is really just a mansion. 
“I have a feeling you won’t be here very long, or stay out of trouble so I’m just going to park somewhere and wait for you.”
My brother does a look that looks like he agrees with me about him getting into trouble and nods his head in agreement. I put the car in park and Theo unbuckles his seat and gets out, straightening out his suit as he goes.
“Bye nerd, don’t wait up!” Theo yells as he climbs the stairs walking past Mystic Falls’ elite. I let out a sigh and pull away to find a parking spot. 
My fingers graze the pages of my book as I glance at the time, Theo has been here for over an hour now and hasn’t shown any signs of leaving. I bring my back up to continue reading when a figure in the distance catches my eye. I lean forward and catch a glimpse of who I believe is Elena Gilbert. Elena’s a popular girl in my grade, who I’ve probably had two interactions within my short time here in Mystic Falls. I don’t know much about her other than that she’s dating some guy named Stefan, her parents died in a car accident and her brother is in the same grade as Theo. Theo and Elena’s brother don’t hang out either because Theo says he’s a “stoner emo.” Theo’s never been one to keep his thoughts to himself. 
Elena seems to walk with a slight limp which makes me slightly concerned but nothing to make me go out and try to talk to her. I hate talking to people in general, especially kids my age. Elena has always seemed nice but I’m not taking the risk.
 Or at least I wasn’t until I saw a man in a mask start following behind her. I may hate interacting with people but I would never let another girl get attacked if I had the power to stop it. The next thing I know I’m hopping out of my car and jogging behind them. 
“Elena behind you!” I yell to her, but I freeze as the man hits her and knocks her to the ground. I let out a yelp as I turned to try to get help but a sharp pain hits my skull and everything goes black. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?” A voice comes from above me and a wave of nausea washes over me. My eyes open and close a dozen times trying to get used to the bright light before I can focus on the person in front of me. Elena Gilbert. Why is Elena Gilbert in my bedroom?  I mean she’s really pretty and all I just thought she had a boyfriend. I’m not a homewrecker. 
“Oh thank god you’re awake!” Elena whisper-yells to me as she brushes a piece of my hair behind my head and grimaces when she looks at my forehead. She brings her hand back and a wave of fear and disgust washes over me as I see her hand covered in a red liquid. Blood. My blood. I try to bring my hand up but Elena stops me.
“Don’t exert yourself we don’t want it to bleed more, okay?” She gives me a small smile but something about it makes me feel uneasy. I don’t understand why until I turn my gaze away from her and look at our surroundings. Dirt-covered walls, glass-covered floors, and a mildew stench are what take focus. I’ve always been sensitive to smells but with the addition of my raging migraine, I am fighting the urge to keep down the rising bile in my throat. 
My breathing starts to quicken and I can feel the start of a panic attack starting to make an appearance. 
“Elena, where are we?” I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t understand what I was saying since my words seemed to be jumbling together. 
Elena glances around us and gives me a solemn look.
“I don’t know, I woke up here a little while ago before I was knocked back out by the people that took us. I’m truly sorry about this Y/N, I would never wish for you to be a part of this.”
I furrow my eyebrows at her last comment as if she were responsible for the reason we were taken.
“It’s not your fault,” I shake my head and start tapping my fingers together one by one. It’s a thing I do whenever my anxiety gets too strong, almost as a way to ground me. 
Elena’s eyebrows mirror mine and she goes to say something but a young man with shaggy hair walks in.
“Oh goody, the other ones awake. How are you doing sleeping beauty?” 
The man starts to walk over to me with a look in his eyes that makes the bile in my throat inch even closer to the surface. But within another second Elena stands from beside me on what I can see now is a couch and blocks me from the man’s view.
“I’m the one you want, Y/N is innocent, just let her go.” 
I want to back Elena up and defend her too but with the migraine and the onslaught of emotions I’m feeling right now being verbal isn’t something I see happening in my current future. 
“You’re right Dopalicious, she’s not, but I can’t just let her go, what if she were to go and warn those friends of yours? Can’t let that happen now can we?” 
Elena goes to stand her ground but within a blink of an eye, Elena is shoved backward and lands on the other side of the couch. I jump backward at the action which gives the man the opportunity to come in front of me. I start trembling as I look up to him I try to push farther back into the couch but I’m squished into it as far as I can go. 
“Stay away from me,” Finally able to find somewhat of my voice again. This doesn’t seem to scare away the man, and honestly, I don’t blame him. My voice sounded like it came from a scared 5-year-old. 
“Just a taste, I’m starving.” My mouth opens to question what he says but a millisecond later I feel myself being grabbed and a sharp piercing attacks the left side of my neck. I’m hyperventilating and screaming at the same time somehow as I hear Elena’s yells from beside us. 
“Don’t touch her!” Elena’s yell comes from beside us and I’m thrown away back onto the couch. I’m disorientated as I look up to see the man before me rubbing his cheek and Elena standing next to him holding her right hand. She’d punched him. My vision strays from Elena’s red knuckles back up to the man, who has something dripping from his mouth. My chest feels like it locks up as I stare at the liquid dripping, everything seems to be going in slow motion for me as I watch the drops start at the man's chapped lips to the drops of blood falling onto the cracked hardwood floors. Wait, blood. He has blood dripping from his mouth. Had Elena punched him that hard? I start to believe that possibility until I feel a wetness drip between my chest. 
My already shaking hand comes up to my chest as I swipe a finger along the liquid. My vision blurs as the red liquid drips from my fingertip down into the palm of my hand. I can’t register Elena’s voice as she kneels in front of me and presses something to my neck. The blood coating my hand is all I can see and smell. 
“Y/N….Y/N! Just focus on my voice ok, breathe. I think you’re having a panic attack.” A cool hand is pressed onto the side of my face and I close my eyes at the embrace. 
“Ok that’s good, I’m going to stand you up to get a better look at your neck ok?” 
I feel like I’m running on auto-pilot or something else is controlling my body and mind as I stand up and grip Elena’s upper arms to keep myself steady. Elena returns the pink fabric from my neck and leans down to glance at the wound.
“Ok, it’s not as bad as I had originally thought. Just keep this here and it’ll help control the bleeding.” 
I must still be in shock because Elena has to bring the shirt to my hand, wrap my fingers around it, and finally press my hand into my neck. The shock of pain washes through me and brings me back to reality. My vision can’t seem to focus on one thing for too long as my eyes keep darting from the blood on the floor, my blood, to the look on Elena’s face, to the man standing behind us with a scowl on his ugly face. Blood, Elena, man. Blood, Elena, man. Blood, Elena, man. This sequence continues until another person enters the room, a woman.
“He’s here.” The woman with a pixie cut says, her voice seemingly scared.
The man next to us shifts his scowl into a look of pure fear.
“This was a mistake,” He rushes over to the woman and shakes his head. 
“No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me,” She tries to talk him down which only seems to freak him out more.
“No! He wants me dead Rose,”
The woman points at Elena, “He wants her more.” I glance to Elena who is standing in front of me slightly as if to hide me from the two strangers or cannibals. Since I’ve calmed down momentarily and I’ve begun to stop the tears that had unbeknownst to me had fallen on my cheeks, I’ve realized that I’ve been kidnapped by cannibals, that being the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.
The two cannibals start arguing about some man but I turn to Elena who looks almost as scared as I feel. 
“What’s going on Elena, who’s coming?” I whisper to her.
Elena turns her head slightly to me and gives me a frown and a shake of her head. 
“A man named Elijah, but don’t worry ok,” Elena grabs my free hand and holds it in her own, “I’m not going to let them hurt you anymore ok?”
I nod trying to find comfort in her words but the girl in front of me is 17 years old and maybe 120 pounds I don’t see how she’s going to protect us both from two cannibals and whatever mega cannibal these two are terrified of. I don’t know if the other guy is a cannibal but using context clues I’m guessing he is. 
“What are we?” The woman’s voice brings my attention back to them as I see her grab his arms. This seems to calm the man down. 
“We’re family. Forever.” 
I might’ve found this endearing if it weren’t for the fact the man had my blood drying on his upper lip and they were literal cannibals. 
A loud knock startles all four of us as Elena and I both shoot each other wary glances. Our hands are still intertwined. I don’t usually like being touched but given the circumstances I can let this slide. 
The woman looks over at Elena and me as Elena slightly turns her head, “You’re scared.” Elena comments. The woman says something else to her friend and then runs up the stairs 
What seems like forever of waiting and pacing around is broken up by footsteps coming from the top of the banister. I can feel Elena freeze up from beside me as we both look up to see a man in a suit staring down at her. The man has dark hair and eyes and a chiseled face. Why is this cannibal not ugly? Wrong Turn had it all wrong. We all stand there watching Elena and the suited cannibal stare at each other. I can feel Elena’s shaking hand in my own and try to comfort her by squeezing her hand to let her know I’m right beside her. That is until the man transports himself from the top of the banister to in front of Elena in the blink of an eye. The movement has me losing my balance and falling back onto the couch. 
No one seems to notice me as my panic attack starts to build up as I try to understand how this is possible. How could he have been that fast, it’s impossible. Oh god, I'm going to throw up. 
“And who is this?” A deep voice comes from above me and my stomach flips at the sound. Defiantly going to throw up. 
“She’s no one. She has nothing to do with this, just please leave her alone.” 
Hearing Elena’s voice makes me raise my head and I regret it instantly because I lock eyes with the suited monster who is now standing above me staring down at me. The man’s face instantly goes slack as his eyes meet mine, a look of recognition seems to pass through his dark eyes as they move fast across my face. The man opens and closes his mouth many times as if he can’t quite find the right words to say. The slack expression from before softens into something that makes my stomach flip again. This guy is so going to kill me when I throw up on his expensive ass shoes. His soft, dark pink lips curve up at the corners slightly.
“You’re real.” 
These are the first words to come out of the man’s mouth. Everyone else in the room seems to know just as much as me with what he’s talking about because they all have looks of confusion on their faces. Feels somewhat comforting to be on the same page as everyone else for once. 
The man doesn’t once take his eyes off of me this entire time though, “What is your name, Elskan?” 
I freeze under his stare and try to avert my eyes, this gives Elena the ability to step in for me. 
“Her name is Y/N,” I look to the man as he mouths my name slightly to himself as if he wants to know how it sounds on his tongue, “Please don’t hurt her Elijah, she doesn’t even know about the supernatural, I’ll go with you willingly.” 
Elena’s words make me freeze up. What does she mean by supernatural? I flinch as the man, Elijah, brings his hand up. This stops him for a moment. 
“I would never harm you. You have my word on that.” I can only sit there frozen as he cups my face with his hand and uses his thumb to brush a stray tear away that must’ve fallen during one of my many panic attacks. He seems delighted at the moment until the soft expression he has on his face darkens into something that makes that bile rise even farther up. His eyes dart from the top of my head and drag themselves down to my chest and neck. I try to move away but his hand has a soft but firm hold on my face. 
“Who did this to you?” 
My eyebrows furrow at his question, and I must’ve not answered quickly enough because he turns to glare at Elena. Which makes her flinch.
“The head injury is from the kidnapping and then the bite is from um,” she glances towards my neck and then to Trevor who looks like he’s about to internally combust. She goes silent again at Elijah’s stare and he turns his attention back towards me. The glare was long gone and replaced once again with a softer look.
“I see. Here,” I have to swallow back down the bile as I watch the man rip into his wrist and put it in front of my face expectantly. I sit there in horror and quickly look to Elena who doesn’t look as surprised as she defiantly should given that this man just BIT HIMSELF. 
“It’s true Y/N, it’ll heal you.” 
I open my mouth to say something which must’ve somehow been an ok to the man as he presses his wrist to my open mouth. I’m about to push him off, or at least try, but stop at the heavenly liquid that spills into my mouth. Elijah brings his other hand up to brush back my fallen hair.
  “Good girl, Elskan.” 
Elijah removes his wrist and I sit there silently staring at my lap as I realize what I had just done. I just drank fucking blood, and I liked it?!??! Oh god, does this make me a cannibal now?
Elijah seems to be fighting an inner battle as he moves his eyes away from mine and onto the man behind us. Elena and I watch before us as Elijah approaches the scared man/cannibal thing. Thing because I’m not sure what the actual hell is going on here. 
“I’ve waited so long for this day, Elijah. Truly very sorry.” 
Trevor says with a bowed head as Elijah circles him. Almost how a predator would circle its prey. 
“Well, no, your apology is not necessary,” Elijah responds but something in his tone doesn’t sit right with me.
“Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina. And I failed you.”
“Well, yes, you are the guilty one,” Elijah glances at him and then up to the woman, “And Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That I honor…”
Elijah comes to stand in front of the man, “Where was your loyalty?”
“I beg your forgiveness.”
The oxygen in the room seems to be dwindling as everyone watches the interaction.
“So granted.” 
The deep breath I was to let out is replaced by a scream and I can only watch in horror as Elijah throws his hand over to the man who decapitates him. A heart-wrenching wail comes from Rose and I can’t seem to take my eyes away from the body-less head that is lying in front of me. 
“I’m going to-” Vomit spits from my mouth and onto the floor in front of me, the burning from the back of my throat causes tears to build up and block my vision. I feel someone lift my hand and hold it away from my face. For a second I thought it was Elena before Elijah’s voice came from beside me.
“I’m truly sorry, Elskan. I shouldn’t have done that in front of you.” 
I lift my head to stare at him and find him kneeling right next to me. He reaches into his front pocket grabs a fancy napkin and wipes my mouth with it. Not seeming disgusted just saddened. He wraps his hand in my mind and stands me up. 
“We can leave now, we have quite the journey ahead of us,” Elijah leads me over to where Elena is standing and motions for her to follow.
“No! What about the moonstone?” She questions him.
He stands in front of her with a small scowl, “What do you know about the moonstone?”
“I know that you need it. And I know where it is. I can help you get it”
Elijah nods his head, “Tell me where it is.” 
“It doesn’t work that way.”
Elijah’s eyebrow twitches in annoyance as he glances back at Rose, “Are you negotiating with me?”
Rose just shakes her head and tells him she doesn’t know anything. Elijah then turns back around to stare at Elena for a moment before scowling and reaching up to her necklace, ripping it off. 
“What is this vervain doing around your neck,” He throws the necklace behind him and grabs Elena by the neck, dropping my hand in the process. I go to try to get her away but Elijah shoots me a warning look that has me freezing in place, “Tell me where the moonstone is.”
In a monotone voice, Elena replies, “In the tomb underneath the church ruins.”
“What is it doing there?”
“It’s with Kathrine.”
The rest of their interaction is cut short when a glass shatters from somewhere upstairs. Elijah comes over to me and grabs me by my waist bringing me into him almost protectively. 
“What was that?” He asks Rose.
“I don’t know.”
“Who else is in this house?’’ To which he gets the same response. 
Elijah grabs Elena quite harshly with his free hand and guides both of us to the top of the banister. His hand never moved from the top of my hip. Once we make it to the entryway something rushes by us, Elijah pushes Elena off into Rose’s arms but never drops his hold on me. 
“Up here.”
“Down Here.”
A voice call from the top and bottom of the stairs caught all of our attention. Elijah lifts his hand from my hip and motions for me to go over to Rose.
“Don’t let her out of your sight.” He warns her as he moves to the staircase. 
A moment goes by before something flies through the air and pierces itself through Elijah’s hand. I let out a yelp but Elijah doesn’t even seem fazed. 
My vision is blurred for a moment as I now standing next to Rose with an unfamiliar dark-haired man in front of us. He motions with his finger to be quiet. Ya as if I was going to say anything anyway. 
“Excuse me,” Elijah’s voice comes from below, “To whom it may concern. You’re making a grave mistake if you think that you can beat me. And you can’t. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls on the count of three, or heads will roll.” 
The man who has his hands on Rose’s and I’s mouths moves his head to glance at Elijah downstairs. 
“Do we understand each other?” 
“I’ll come with you,” I perk up at Elena’s voice. Wondering what the actual hell she was doing. But the blue-eyed man in front of me shakes his head at me telling me not to move. 
“Just please don’t hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out.”
“What game are you playing with me? Where is Y/N? I won’t be leaving without her.” Elijah’s skeptical voice questions her. There’s a sound a medal, and then a loud boom,  before Elijah lets out a yell. The sound for some reason makes my chest feel like it wants to cave in on itself. Rustling and fighting sounds come from below us before the man holding Rose and I leave. Rose runs after him, but I can’t seem to get my feet to work so I just sit there on the dusty floor staring at the wall peeling wallpaper in front of me. 
A few moments pass before I hear Elena’s voice along with two unfamiliar men, one who I’m assuming is the blue-eyed guy from before. 
“Where is Y/N,” Elena asks.
“Are you talking about that girl that smells like vomit?” A snarky voice questions her. If I hadn’t just gotten kidnapped and had one of the worst days of my life, I might take offense but I did just get kidnapped and honestly, I do smell like vomit so he’s not wrong. 
“I think she’s over there.” 
Footsteps get closer to me as I look up with tears in my eyes at Elena. She gives me a small smile before kneeling and wrapping her arms around me in a hug. 
“What is happening Elena?” 
“I’ll explain everything if you want me to ok? Let’s just get out of here first ok?”
Elena stands up and reaches down her hand for me to take, and with a deep breath, I do.
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klausysworld · 8 months
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My latest obsession
Part 1
(Written from Klaus Mikaelson’s perspective)
Over the course of a thousand years relationships have come and gone without any trouble.
Tatia was first, though she chose my brother, I loved her to an extent. But when I think of her now I could never imagine wanting her, whether that is due to my other interactions with her doppelgängers I do not know.
Then it was Aurora. She was the first person to accept me, to learn my secrets and love me anyway. Aurora was the first to break my heart but not the last.
I fell in love time and time again, often the one I longed for was just out of reach. I grew to enjoy the chase, the thrill of burn. Once I had what I wanted, I struggled to ever let it go.
The first girl I had grown significantly attached to was one from a low status family and at the time I was regarded rather highly. Her mother had been working for me and had begged for a job for her daughter and with the push from Elijah I accepted. Her daughter was so scared all of the time, so skittish and apologetic that it was pathetic. But for some reason I enjoyed it. I liked to see how frightened I could get her, how close before I was touching her. It took much longer to get her into my bed compared to other woman of my past but the wait, the hunt had made it seem all that much more worth it. Nothing had felt better than finally having her after so long.
For a small while it was amazing. She was mine and she knew it. However once her mother found out, she was both petrified and horrified. She didn’t want us together, that much was abundantly clear.
I wasn’t sure where the anger had come from but when she kept trying to take my love away, the rage built. One thing lead to another and I had to kill her, Elijah was furious and my girl was distraught that her mother was dead, more so that it was my fault. I was willing to wait for her to grieve but Elijah, the Nobel and considerate Elijah, decided to ‘help’ her.
When I found out she was gone, I couldn’t stop myself from hunting her. She kept running and so I had to make sure that she couldn’t.
The snap of her neck rings through my head to this day, and the reminder of my inhuman strength.
Elijah was daggered for him part in her death and I moved away again.
Rebekah and Kol were both awake for the next girl. They both learned the hard way to not take her from me.
It became a pattern that every couple centuries, when we settled somewhere for too long, that I would attach my feelings to someone. Of course there were girls in between but love only came with the obsession.
However as time continued, I loved much less, felt less in general. I could feel myself becoming colder and I gradually became more calculated.
I rarely slept with the same woman more than three times unless I they were my witch, in that case I would keep them around satisfied before inevitably killing them.
Death was a quick and easy way to get rid of someone. I leant to kill the ones that I loved so that I could move on. Unhealthy? Perhaps, but effective nonetheless.
I hadn’t become attached to anyone is nearly over 300 years and I certainly didn’t plan to.
I didn't plan to do a lot of things.
However, when word spread of my doppelgänger being alive and ready to sacrifice, I ended up back in the dreaded town known as Mystic Falls. I had promised to only return to this part of the world under absolutely necessary circumstances after the memories that haunted the land.
My curse being broken was the most necessary situation.
Arrangements were made and I arrived in Virginia for both my doppelgängers, a werewolf and a vampire. I had already acquired my witch and she was more than eager, in many aspects.
Body-jumping was an old trick of mine. It was one that inexperienced supernaturals fell for easily. The spell went smoothly, I transferred myself in the vessel of Alaric Saltzman. He was close enough to the doppelgänger that he would be in on everything but not so close that they would notice if he behaved a little oddly, besides he had an excuse. He and his girlfriend were going through a rough patch. His ex-wife, Isobel told me all about it.
The town was dingy and had very little to do, a bar: the Mystic Grill-creative-, a primary school and highschool who were also recognised as the TimberWolves-ironic-, then quiet little businesses like coffee shops and flower boutiques. It was the kind of place where everyone knew everyone else's business and involve themselves as much as possible.
Not my kind of place. I didn't plan to stay long.
That plan went down the drain almost instantly once I saw her. She hadn't been at the school when I was teaching as Alaric and Katerina had only briefly mentioned her as she wasn't "anything special". Oh Katerina couldn't have been more wrong.
Knocking on the Salvatore's door and being greeted my Damon was the lowest point of my day though it surely skyrocketed when my eyes met hers. Y/n, I knew her name to be, immediately came over with a smile painted across her cherry lips. The body I was in went stiff and the inhalation of air I had just taken got trapped at the back of my throat when her arms went round my midsection. I let out the breath and took in another through my nose letting the rich, sweet, fruity, and sensual scent invade me.
Damon pulled her away with a grumble before I could react properly and she went and sat beside my old friend Stefan.
I cursed myself internally. Now was not the time to become focused on a girl. I needed to break my curse, build my army and eventually an empire. I needed to focus on the Bennett witch's plan however my gaze kept wondering over to Y/n.
Her features aligned themselves perfectly, her expression showing traces of anxiety making her little nose twitch like a bunny's as she leaned against Stefan's side for comfort. My eyes drifted to the smoothness of her neck, the desire to drag my teeth along it made my mouth water and my blood to rush lower. I sighed to myself and tried to regain focus but I kept looking back to her. My vision following the curve of her ample breasts. My jaw clenched at the way they pressed against each other and showed out of the top of her blouse. Continuing down her body remained exquisite, the way her hips were moulded made me want to grab them, I longed to have her on my lap. The plumpness of her ass would feel so good against my hands and the thickness of her thighs would wrap beautifully round my head.
My breathing was laboured and I had to close my eyes to gain some composure.
Everyone else left fairly quickly to get ready for the decade dance, Y/n included however Damon had grabbed my shoulder with an amused smirk on his face.
"Isn't it against some sort of code to be attracted to your students Ric?" He laughed, passing me a glass of bourbon. I cleared my throat and clenched my jaw before denying his accusation. But the bastard wouldn't let up. "Hey man I get it. We've all thought about her like that. Who wouldn't? She could be a goddamn pornstar-" He joked, at least I tell myself he was joking so that I didn't rip his throat out right there and then.
"Aren't you in love with Elena?" I questioned, brows high as I gave him a look and he shrugged.
"Wouldn't stop me from fucking Y/n" he muttered with a dazed expression as he imagined it. I couldn't help the rage forming within me but I bit it back and managed to get out.
Katerina knew something was up as soon as I stepped foot inside but kept her trap shut after I strangled her for questioning me. I was able to prepare myself and briefly push Y/n out of my mind as I went to the dance. She was out of sight which confused me but I pushed it to the back of my mind and followed through my plan to get the Bennett witch alone.
I had assumed my plan successful when Bonnie collapsed, blood trickling down her face and heart no longer beating. And so I made my way out of the building only to come face to face with my sweet girl. She scrambled to halt and looked up at me with nothing but panic in those round eyes of hers. I could feel a smile twitch at my lips as she bolted to her right and decided to indulge.
I chased her throughout the school, being in a human body made it a little trickier but all as much entertaining. I let out a laugh when I saw a window hanging open and put my head through it to see her running along the street opposite.
Smart little bunny.
I couldn't wait to be in my own form.
And soon enough, I was.
Just to my luck she was at the grill when I arrived. Sat with some humans that I didn't recognise while Damon and Alaric sipped their drinks and glanced over to her.
I made my approach, a couple gentle warnings and then ordered my girl a 'sex on the beach' cocktail. I placed it on the table in front of her, leaning right over the top of her to do so. Two of the girls she was with went pink and wide eyed as they became bashful. Y/n lifted her head back to look up at me and went a similar state. Her mouth gaped a couple of times making me smile and caress her shoulder as I made my way out of the grill.
I listened as her friends began to gush and ask who I was and she of course had no idea until Damon came and pulled her away, revealing the truth.
I stopped by her house before the ritual for my curse. I knocked the door and her parents answered. Before any questions could begin I compelled them to invite me in. Silly Bunny, not ensuring they intake vervain. I compelled them to ignore my presence whenever I was there and that was exactly what they did. Just pretended that I wasn't there.
I headed for her bedroom, rolling my eyes at the amount of pictures pinned against her walls and the mountain of teddy bears in their own corner of the room. I sat down at her vanity and opened the drawer revealing the abundance of makeup and perfume. I smelt each one to figure out which was the one that she was wearing when she hugged me.
Once I found it, I took a photo and put everything back. I pulled a single white rose out from the inside pocket of my jacket and placed it on top of the desk before leaving.
She was there at the ritual, she gave my brother a helpless look as he apologised for not killing me. Then we vanished and I finally shifted into my wolf for the first time in a thousand years.
It was a wonderfully freeing experience, being able to tear people and animals to shreds without a single care in the world. Elijah was cleaning up every last drop of blood, every paw print I left in the dirt, every bloody hair that I shed. Honestly at some points I wondered which one of us was supposed to be the dog.
The was only a short time gap where my wolf must have taken full control, but I knew exactly where it had taken me. I was sat on the street opposite Y/n's house and all I wanted to do was get her. I always had strong urges when I became obsessive but I assume this other half of me must've doubled down on those instincts because I got into that house within seconds. Elijah whisper yelled at me the entire time but was unable to get inside himself. My claws tapped against the wooden steps before I pushed her door open with my nose.
A low sound vibrated from my chest as I laid my eyes upon her sleeping form. The duvet was covering her entire body but her face was exposed, eyes closed and features relaxed. My body moved through her room with ease and stepped onto her double bed. It was smaller than my usual choice making it a little tight to lay down beside her but I just about fit in this form. I lay my chin against the crook of her neck and rest my eyes until the sun began to rise. Her sweet smell travelled throughout my system making my mind spin and blood rush.
I left early in the morning so she wouldn't wake with an animal in her bed, though part of me wanted to remain there regardless and entertain myself with her reaction. But alas, I did not.
I continued to terrorise a couple surrounding villages before eventually collapsing into a heap of exhaustion.
When I woke I was back in my usual human like form. A sense of exhilaration filled me at the knowledge of my achievement. Elijah wasn't exactly pleased with me but I didn't particularly care. He continued to pester me about our family and I ignored him as usual, my mind instead drifting back to Y/n.
Courting women had changed significantly through the centuries. I remember when a simple conversation with one's father would be enough for marriage. A few shiny pieces of jewellery and a nice dress and they would drop to their knees thinking I was an angel. Chasing girls now took a little more effort, flattery and gifts were still a definite yes however for whatever reason they had to be constantly reassured of my feelings which would be a tad more difficult if things went according to plan and I was driving through North Carolina. However luckily, living as long as I have meant that I had a way with words, poems and letters along with flowers and other treats would have her heart racing all the same before I returned with my hybrids and took her for myself.
And that was exactly what I did.
I sent a bouquet of white roses each week along with a hand written note and a range of little gifts. It sated me enough as the days flew by of tracking down werewolves. I admit my spirits lowered when I experiment failed, my anger may have gotten the better of me for a split moment and I made sure to inform my dearest darling of what had occurred and how I planned to overcome the situation.
Things seemed to get a little better and then they got a lot worse.
Which was how I ended up driving a truck with my whining sister beside me and a more dead than usual Stefan in the back. The fucker had been keeping the doppelgängers survival a secret which was enough of a betrayal that I could ruin his life and still sleep like a baby.
Besides, I got to see my girl at the Senior Prank Night or whatever the stupid highschool tradition was in this town.
What wasn't good?
I found her in a classroom kissing a boy. A boy that was unfamiliar to be and completely irrelevant.
How on earth could she give herself to another when she so obviously obtained my affections, my love by this point. Were the diamond earrings and perfectly executed drawings of her not enough of a sign? Perhaps she was just crazy.
Didn't matter, I fixed it.
The boy was dead without a second thought and I dragged her screaming body into the gym where everyone else was. I left her on the ground against the wall while I continued to play out my theories.
She sobbed the entire bloody time.
Eventually I snapped and had her by the shoulders, holding her up so she couldn't reach the ground. Elena was whining to no end and Stefan was letting his emotions get the better of him but I ignored them as my eyes locked onto Y/n's watery ones.
"I will hurt you if you don't stop" I murmured, my voice purposely quiet so the others wouldn't hear our exchange. Unfortunately she still didn't shut up and my grip got tighter until she was surely bruising. I watched as she bit her tongue in an attempt to stop a cry leaving her and I slowly softened my hold as she choked and hiccuped her sounds down. I sat her back down on the floor and caressed her head gently "Don't run and don't speak" I ordered before turning back to the task at hand.
I caught sight of Rebekah who was already staring back at me with a small smirk playing on her lips. I brushed past her and told her to shut her mouth as I made my way to the ripper.
By the end of the evening Tyler was officially my first successful hybrid. And, as I had assumed, he was sired to me. I had Elena, Y/n and Rebekah in my car and we were on the way to the hospital. Rebekah had been trying to get Y/n to say something for five minutes now and I could tell my girl just wanted to be at home but she wouldn't be going there as of right now.
I pulled up outside of the hospital and told Rebekah to have the nurses take as much of Elena's blood as they could without her dying. Then I turned round to see Y/n looking back at me with wide eyes. I unclipped my belt and reached over my seat to reach her. A whimper of distress broke from her as I pulled her out of her seat and onto my lap. Her body was tense but she was smart enough not to pull away just yet.
I sighed and leaned back with her in my hold. She wouldn't understand how much I had needed that. My hand slid up along her arm, my eyes glancing to the already forming bruises from where I'd grabbed her. The deepening violet looked so beautiful against her skin, I stroked along it soothingly with a small hum.
"I do wish you hadn't been with that boy" I muttered and she sniffed. "What was his name?" I asked and she made a small sound of upset,
"Elliot" She whispered to me
"Elliot" I repeated, letting the bitterness of his name linger on my tongue, "What was so special about Elliot?"
"I dunno...he was nice" she sniffled and I let out a small chuckle
"Someone like you should never settle for 'nice' " I told her and she frowned making me feel the crease of her skin between her brows with my fingertip.
"What would I settle for if not nice?" she asked quietly making me smile and caress her cheek, not reacting to how she flinched at the contact.
"You'll learn to settle for me" I mumble "Even if it takes you a while to realise it. You'll love me." I tell her with a hum.
"Why?" she whispered and I tilted my head asking for her to say a little more. "Why do you want me to love you so bad?"
"Haven't you read my letters?" I questioned and she nodded "Perhaps you didn't read them properly. They should explain why." I answer and I know I'm right. I tell her a hundred different ways why I love her and why we shall be together, she just has to look for them.
One day she'll understand.
(This is gonna be a multiple part story from Klaus’s perspective. I just wanted to try out writing from his point of view. I’m aware that it needs more work but this is my first shot at it❤️)
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blackleatherjacketz · 4 months
Shadow and Sin: Chapter 2
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Elijah Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: Having just moved to New Orleans, you get intimately acquainted with both Mikaelson brothers, but don't find out who they truly are until it's too late.
This Chapter: Looking for information on Klaus, you find your brother in the library and run into another handsome stranger.
Warnings: Sexual Tension, Dark Themes, Dante's Inferno, The Phantom of the Opera, Literary References, Delicate Touches
Word Count: 2k+
Read the rest of the story HERE
You spent the next few days staring at the number written on your palm, the name ‘Klaus’ scribbled beneath it as the ink slowly began to fade with each wash. Putting the number into your phone for safe keeping, you continually fought the urge to call him and take him up on his tantalizingly generous offer. Just to be safe, though, you asked your brother to look up any information he could find on this playboy billionaire philanthropist, but he wasn’t answering his phone, which wasn’t like him. This either meant that he was buried in casework, that he was purposefully ignoring you, or something way worse.
You decide to go to the library and check his most likely location.
“Shit, sorry.” Austin looks at his phone to see your three missed calls and four text messages after uncovering it from his scattered papers on the library’s study desk. “I should have told you I couldn’t make it to your art show the other day, but Allan’s really kicking my ass with this one.” Your brother hurriedly takes the cup of coffee that you brought him, the bags beneath his eyes growing darker by the minute. “I really do plan on going to see it, I promise I will as soon as this case is over.”
Law school had really put your brother through the ringer, draining him of the light that used to shine bright within him. He’d said that once school was over, things would be better, but you’ll believe it when you see it.
“No, I get it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay when you didn’t respond. And you know what they say: ‘It can be pretty dangerous in the city after dark’.” You nudge him in the side, repeating one of his favorite phrases back to him in a mocking tone.
“Hey, I mean it when I say that!” He shouts in a defensive whisper, taking a sip of coffee with a grateful sigh. “If only I could show you half of the stuff I see at work without getting fired, I would…”
“I know, you’re just looking after me.” You ruffle his hair affectionately as you assess his messy work station. “You hungry or what?”
He rifles through his papers as if he’s lost something very near and dear to him, the crinkling sound seeming to drive him even more insane than anything. “Give me… forty-five minutes and we can get something to eat? Thai food?” He looks up at you, exasperated by the state of his workload.
“Fine,” you roll your eyes. “Forty-five minutes, and not a minute more!”
You turn away and leave him to his madness, silently exiting the most boring part of the library, walking through the science fiction and mystery sections in order to get to your favorite part; the horror section. You stroll through the alphabetized authors of terror, skimming past dozens of Stephen King novels before pulling out one of your favorites that had inspired a handful of adaptations over the years, all of them successfully paying it due homage. You’ve read it more times than you can even count, having collected a slew of copies of it at home, but none of them like this.
You admire the intricate cover of the hardback, smiling at the familiar sight of the white mask and red rose before tucking the tome lovingly into your chest. Knowing that the next forty-five minutes will surely fly by now, you turn down the aisle to find a quiet place to read, only to bump into a man you hadn’t seen there before.
He’s dressed in a three piece suit seemingly cut out of shadow and sin as an ancient aura surrounds him, almost as if he were as old as the city itself. His face, in turn, is just as timeless, reminding you of the old black and white Cary Grant movies you used to watch with your grandmother before she passed. Only he’s here now in living color, and it takes everything you have just to stop staring as a chill runs down your spine.
“Sorry,” you whisper shakily.
“Apologies are all mine,” his voice is deep and refined as he steps into your space, carefully placing the book back in its spot directly in front of you. “I wouldn’t want to create more work for the librarian.”
“This coming from someone reading Dante’s Inferno?” You finally say to break your awkward silence, noticing the famous title as he pushes it all the way in. “That’s a pretty heavy read for a Thursday night.”
He smiles with a low chuckle, eyes black as night glancing down at you before he deflects the attention away from himself. “And the Phantom of the Opera is such a light hearted story.”
“I find it comforting and romantic.” You defend the book in your arms with a grin.
“Is that so?” He tilts his head, taking the book from you without a hint of remorse before tracing the raised letters on the cover, almost as if to memorize the feel of them. “Two lovers obsessing over one incredibly talented beautiful woman? One driven mad with obsessive infatuation while the other truly has her best interest at heart?”
“So, you’ve read it?” You joke, noting the underlying bitterness in his tone despite his charming smile. This story’s personal to him, just like it is for you.
“Several times, yes.” He turns toward you, flicking through the pages as if he’s able to read them at superhuman speed. “Leroux really did know how to set the scene, didn’t he? A beautiful French city always seems to make it easier to fall in love.”
“Is that a fact?” You attempt to play it cool as he speaks so fondly of one of your favorite authors, drawing you in a little closer as he speaks.
“It’s a common literary device used in countless classics throughout the centuries, but I’m sure you already knew that.” He pauses, the dim lighting of the library making his dark eyes seem less imposing, almost sparkling as they look you over before scanning through the pages one more time. “Or maybe it’s the drama you prefer, the constant danger, the countless brushes with death that make you feel more alive than ever? Making the romance that much more palpable than if it were against any other monotonous backdrop?”
Jesus, is it written all over your face that you like a little bit of darkness with your romance? Is there a sign on your forehead that reads… What did the other man call you? Ah yes, ‘morbidly disturbed’? Was it so glaringly evident that you moved to this city to relish in the black magic you’ve heard so much about? Or maybe everyone else here is just as crazy as you are, no matter how elegant and put together they may seem.
“A little bit of both.” You decide to lean into the madness, slowly brushing your fingertips over his hand in order to catch him off guard just long enough to take your book back from him. “But what fun is romance without any stakes? It doesn’t make for a very good story, now does it?”
“I suppose not.” He smiles, the skin around his eyes wrinkling as he stares at you, warming you to the idea of opening up a little bit more.
“Or maybe there’s something to say about someone who is so in love that they’re willing to fight for it, willing to kill for that other person because they can’t imagine a world without it, without them.”
He raises his eyebrows as he considers your words, visibly tensing up as he clears his throat and shifts the weight in his hips. “The Phantom doesn’t kill for Christine, he kills despite her. It’s who he is at his very core before he even gets involved with her. He’s a ghost, a phantom, a monster.”
“A monster capable of love and empathy after he’s finally shown that in return.” You counter, now unsure if you came away with the correct message from the book.
“Ah, a truly hopeless romantic.” He grins, licking his lips before speaking again. “I didn’t think they still existed.” His eyes rake over your entire frame, taking in every inch of you as he allows the following silence to remain between you, hovering around you both in a heavy fog as the weight of it nearly takes your breath away.
“But enough about me,” you laugh nervously, changing the subject as you feel your cheeks begin to redden beneath his gaze. “What draws a man like you to The Divine Comedy? Are you the religious type, or are you just trying to figure out which circle of hell you’re doomed to spend eternity in?”
“Oh I already know that answer too well, I’m afraid.” He lets out a long sigh before leaning against the bookshelf. “But Dante’s work can be studied from a more worldly perspective on how the justice system deems their punishments worthy of someone’s crimes.”
“So you’re a lawyer like my brother. That explains the suit.”
He smirks again with a shake of his head, clearly amused by your failed attempt to figure him out.
“Well, a professor certainly wouldn’t get paid enough to wear a jacket or watch as nice as yours, so I think that Dante would place you in the… fourth circle, if memory serves me correctly.”
“A hoarder of wealth? Is that what you think of me?” He laughs, stepping in just close enough so that his smoky scent of cedarwood swims around the both of you, pairing perfectly with the musk of the leather bound books beside you. “And what other assumptions have you already made based on my appearance, young lady?”
Young lady?! Uh oh. Your eyes widen, the muscles in your abdomen tightening as his term of endearment triggers your brain to start trickling oxytocin into your bloodstream.
His answer, however, gives you pause, forcing your eyes to narrow as you take in everything about him. He’s not a lawyer or a professor, but he certainly carries himself like someone of equal or higher importance, like an executive of some major company that you know nothing about. He’s a mystery cloaked in a seductively elegant darkness, and you can’t help but want to get wrapped up in it.
“I ummm…” you trail off, fearing that the dim lighting is doing little to hide the deepening flush of your cheeks right about now. This man is way out of your league, and it’s only a matter of time before he realizes that you’re in uncharted territory.
“Well, as long as we’re going off of first impressions, I’d say you would fall into the first circle with the Greek philosophers… if you qualify at all.” Those onyx eyes seem fixated on you still, dropping down to your neck and chest before glancing back up at your face, spreading that blush up into your ears.
“The virtuous unbaptized?” You try not to laugh, wondering how it was possible that the man yesterday had thought you to be such a dark and tortured soul, while this one paints you as some sort of angel. They were both wrong in their own way, a single thread of truth holding each of their ideals together. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid that the second circle is where my most devious nature starts and stops,” you confess, feeling your heart race as he closes the gap between you.
“The sins of the flesh.” He smirks, clenching his jaw before delicately touching the spine of your book. “Unsurprising. I assume that a beautiful woman such as yourself is provided ample opportunities to get you into trouble there.”
“You assume correctly.” You let your mind wander about what he looks like underneath all those expensive clothes as he leans in further, the top of your book now pressing against his tie as his fingertips graze the back of your knuckles, forcing the hair on the back of your hand to stand on end.
“Alright, I’m done!” Your brother interrupts your conversation as he walks down the aisle, his messy work bag barely hanging off his shoulder when he spots your new friend. “Who the hell is this?”
The man gives you a somber look before clasping both of his hands over yours, finally looking up to address your brother. “Forgive me, it seems that I’ve lost my manners, I’m Elijah.”
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onlyfreds · 2 years
Someday | E.M.
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Title: Someday
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: A girl and an original, sounds like a fantasy, but nothing is impossible when it comes to love.
A/N: It's been a hot minute since I posted a fic, so hopefully this is half as decent as I hope it is and you guys like it
The story of a girl and her vampire: if any outsider were to hear the story, it would sound crazy, almost like some sort of fantasy.
Shutting the door of the taxi, you stepped out into the cobblestone streets and took a deep breath. 
“Finally.” You thought, having achieved your lifelong dream of moving to New Orleans. 
Lugging your suitcase behind you, you searched for the address of the place you’d be staying at. 
“And here is your room.” Cami, a friend from high school who’d you be staying with gestured to the guest room next to her own room.
“Thanks Cami. You’re the best!” You smiled, proceeding to give the girl a hug, “I promise I’ll move out the minute I find a more affordable apartment.” 
She laughed, “Nonsense, stay here as long as you like. Anyway, I have to go back to my shift at the bar now but when I close up, we can definitely go out for dinner.” 
“Sounds great! I can also help out at the bar if you want.” You offered. 
“Stop.” The blonde grinned, “You are my guest and you will do no such thing. Now go and unpack.”
“Fine. Fine.” You gave in with a playful eye roll.
“Does this place do deliveries? I don’t think I want to eat anywhere else ever again.” You took a sip of water making Cami laugh.
“I’m pretty sure they do.” She said as the waiter dropped off the bill.
While Cami was searching for her wallet in her bag, you pulled out some cash and hurriedly gave it to the waiter, “Take it before she finds hers.” 
Realizing what had just happened, Cami gave you a pointed look, “Y/N.” 
“Cami.” You mirrored her tone, giving her the same look, “It’s on me, I swear.”
“But-” She tried to protest. 
“Shh.” You interrupted, “You’re already practically giving me a place to stay, provided that I pay for my share for the water and electricity bills. Ever since I have arrived, you have been nothing but incredibly generous to me. Let me do this.” 
“Fine.” Cami gave in with a roll of her eyes, “But when you go to the bar, drinks are on me.” 
This made you smile, “Now who am I to turn down free drinks?” 
“Who are the Mikaelsons?” You asked after Cami had told you that you should come along to a party they were hosting that night. 
“They’re the most influential family in Orleans.” She said, ruffling through her closet in search of something to wear, “The Mikaelsons are practically like royalty.” 
You raised a brow in question, “So, they’re pretentious?”
“Not all of them.” Cami smiled, “Klaus is a little though, but the rest of them aren’t so.” 
Laughing, you said, “Can’t wait to meet them. I don’t have a dress though.” 
“There’s a boutique down the corner.” Cami said, “When can go take a look there if you want.” 
Cami sure wasn’t joking when she said that the Mikaelsons were like royalty. 
The compound you and Cami had just walked into was majestic and almost mansion-like. The lights that decorated the walls just seemed to make the place even bigger. 
“That’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Cami said, noticing how awestruck and speechless you were.  
“First thought that came into my mind was ‘you’re joking’. But, after seeing this, I think it's not entirely impossible.” You said.
“Camille! Glad to see you could make it.” A deep and husky voice boomed from the corridor as the owner approached the two of you.
“Klaus.” Your friend smiled, “Nice to see you too.” 
“I see you’ve also brought a friend.” The man, or rather Klaus, mused before turning to you, “I’m sure that I’ve already been introduced by my entrance, so, may I know your name?” 
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled. 
“Niklaus.” A man in a suit came up next to Klaus, almost appearing out of thin air, “Are you causing someone an inconvenience again?”  
Klaus dramatically gasped, now turning his attention to the man next to him, “I’m offended at how you think I bother everyone.” 
“That seems to be the case, sometimes.” The man nods to Cami, “Camille.” 
He then turns to you, a small smile growing on his handsome face while he reaches for your hand and brushes his lips against your knuckles, “And may I be able to put a name to that beautiful face?” 
Giggling, you could feel the butterflies starting to stir, “I’m Y/N and you are?” 
“Elijah.” He answered.
“So, Y/N. May I have this dance?” Elijah asked, offering a hand to you.
Glancing over at Cami, she gave a nod along with a subtle wink.
“I would love to.” You grinned, taking his hand and he led you away from your friend.
That was where it all started, with two lonely hearts beating in the dark.
“Your company has been the best I’ve had in a while.” Elijah smiled as the two of you stopped in front of Cami’s house. Cami had disappeared with Klaus leaving you to fend for yourself.
“Glad to have been of service then.” You laughed.
“Hopefully, this isn’t the last time I’ll be catching any sight of your captivating presence.” He said. 
“I assure you, Elijah, you won’t be getting rid of me that easily.” You smiled.
The gentleman smiled as well, kissing along your knuckles the same way when you had first met earlier, “I’ll be counting on that.” 
“I’m home!” It’s been a month since your arrival to New Orleans, finally having signed a lease for your own apartment, the only downside was the fact that you couldn’t move there for another month.
“So, how was your date?” Cami came into the living room as you were kicking off your shoes. 
Rolling your eyes at her teasing, you retorted, “Cami, how many times do I have to tell you that it's’ not a date. Elijah and I just went to watch theater like friends do.”
“Yeah, friends do go to the theater but even a blind person could see how you and Elijah are a far cry from friends.” She said. 
You went to the kitchen to get some water, “Touche, I can literally say the same about you and Klaus.” 
Cami was immediately on your trail, “Klaus and I acknowledge our feelings. You and Elijah don’t. It seems like both of you have this intense fear of rejection. To be honest, the two of you would be a pretty amazing couple.” 
“Is my crush on him that obvious?” You asked, leaning against the door of the fridge.
“Even someone who doesn’t believe in the concept of love could see it.” She confirmed, throwing a teasing smile.
“Oh my-” You groaned, “Then this means that he knows as well.” 
Although Cami had been successful at holding back a laugh, a grin still appeared on her face as she fondly shook her head as a mother would, “You and him are the only people oblivious to each other’s feelings.” 
“Whatever.” You felt the heat starting to take over your face, “I’m going out, we’re out of milk.” 
“In the middle of the night?” Cami asked.
You started putting your shoes on, “No better time.” 
For the past half hour, you couldn’t stop thinking about what your friend had said, could Elijah possibly bear the same feelings for you?
Strangely, the city sounds and the gravel crunching under your feet didn’t distract you at all. But you couldn’t shake off the strange feeling you had, almost like your gut was telling you that something is…eerie. 
You could’ve sworn that someone had to be walking behind you but when you turned around, there was nothing but a gust of wind rattling the leaves.
Brushing it off as a figment of your imagination and the fact that it was almost midnight, you started on the way back home, how on earth did you think that a store would sell you some milk at this hour?
In an attempt to get rid of the chill that was running through your whole body, you tucked your hands into the pockets of your coat. 
Then, under a split second, you were suddenly thrown against the wall - feeling a bit dizzy from the impact. 
You kicked and tried to scratch the person but then the man holding you captive, grinned and flashed his fangs.
At first, you thought that you had gone mad. It was practically impossible for vampires to exist. Then the man’s eyes started to darken and the veins on his face became prominent as he said, “Guess I’m getting some dessert after all.” 
Nothing prepared you for this moment, in school, they never exactly taught what to do in case you run across a vampire (who also happened to not actually exist in the first place).
As the sharp points of the fangs inched closer, you braced yourself for the worst, hoping that you would jolt awake in your bed and find out that this entire thing was just some nightmare. 
The grip on your throat suddenly loosened as the man in front of you limply dropped to the ground.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” The husky voice of your savior pulled you out of your shock.
“Elijah?” If you thought that the prospect of vampires being real was enough of a surprise for a lifetime, wait till you are met with Elijah Mikaelson, seemingly wiping blood off his hands as a real heart lay discarded at his side while he asked if you were okay.
“Do you want me to walk you back to Cami’s?” He asked. 
“Did you just…” You started feeling dizzy, feeling completely overwhelmed with everything to be processed in the last few minutes, “pull his heart out?”
He was rendered speechless, not actually expecting that you would ask this. After a moment of silence, he answered cautiously, “Yes.” 
“H-how?” You asked, not really sure if you wanted to know the answer.
Elijah looked defeated as he offered a small smile, “Let me walk you back to Cami’s and I’ll explain everything once we get there.” 
In an attempt to lighten some of the tension, you asked, “Promise you won’t bite?” 
Elijah laughed, “Promise.” 
It’s been two weeks since you were told of the grand secret of New Orleans: that werewolves, witches and vampires not only roamed the streets but were also practically like royalty and the Mikaelsons happened to be called the “Originals” which are the very first vampires ever.
It’s also been two weeks since you had last seen Elijah Mikaelson. 
After doing everything, even dropping by the compound in desperate hopes that you would actually see him - it was almost like he was avoiding you.
Okay, he was actually avoiding you.
“Hello ‘Bekah.” You grinned as the blonde greeted you with a kiss to the cheek, ‘as the French do’. 
“This is exciting! We haven’t gone shopping in ages.” She asked with a mirroring smile, looping her arm around yours almost dragging you to the shopping center. 
“So, if you don’t mind me asking, did you and Elijah have a fight or something?” Rebekah asked out of the blue while browsing the dresses. 
“No. Why?” You replied.
“The two of you just seem so awfully distant lately.” She said, “And Elijah’s been in some kind of somber mood, he practically just shuts himself in his room all day. It’s Klaus who normally does that.” 
“He’s been avoiding me for two weeks, ever since the incident with a vampire.” You said. 
She raised a brow in question, “What incident?” 
“You mean he didn’t tell you?” You then recounted how you discovered the secret that lies beneath the streets of New Orleans.
Taking a deep breath, your fist hung an inch away from the door to Elijah’s room. After telling Rebekah the whole story, she pestered (and almost dragged) you to go to Elijah and talk it out.
You were about to knock when the door suddenly swung open. Elijah Mikaelson stood there, in a white shirt and pyjama pants, looking very much surprised. 
“Y-Y/N? What’re you doing here?” He asked once he had finally come around. 
“I’m worried.” You admitted, “You’ve been avoiding me for two weeks. I had no idea if something had happened to you or if you were mad at me or something. 
“I’m a vampire, an Original vampire, for goodness sake.” Elijah said, “I’m a monster, Y/N/N, I could hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“‘Lijah, what’re you talking about? You’re anything but a monster. You’re literally the sweetest person I know.” You protested. 
“Aren’t you terrified by the prospect that I was transformed into a creature that feeds off of blood? A creature that nearly killed you?” 
“I’m not and you wanna know why? Because I know the real you and you’re far from just a vampire.” 
“But-” Before he could utter another word you suddenly pressed your lips to his, effectively shutting him up.
“That was.” Elijah grinned as he found it difficult to find the words to describe just how perfect it was. 
You giggled, looping your arms around his neck, “If you’re going to pick back up on your monologue, I’m seriously kicking you.” 
The vampire chuckled, “I can’t seem to recall what the topic was anymore.” before pulling you in for another kiss.
The sun was shining, the air was cool, and all the factions of New Orleans were at peace - nothing could seem more perfect.
Especially with your arm looped around Elijah’s. 
“It feels like eternity since I last saw this.” Elijah mused. 
“Saw what?” You asked. 
“This.” He emphasized, “Everything is at peace, almost as if we were in some sort of paradise.” 
Looking up at him with a smile, you said, “As long as I’m around you, everyday is paradise.”
The original chuckled, pecking a kiss to your cheek, “Now look who’s stealing my lines.” 
“What?” You feigned offence, “Would you rather someone else did?” 
“Never in a million years.” Elijah answered.
“Where is she? Bring me to her, this instance!” Elijah almost screamed as he bursted through the doors of the compound.
“Elijah, you need to calm down, she’s okay.” Rebekah said in an attempt to console her brother. 
“I saw her, Rebekah, I know she isn’t okay - it’s my fault, I need to see her.” Her older brother pleaded. 
“She’s in the guest room with Cami.” 
As soon as the blonde uttered these words, Elijah ran to the room in question, “Camille! How is she?”
Cami shushes him, “She’s okay Elijah, her injuries looked worse than they actually were, she’s just resting now.” 
The original breathed a sigh of relief as he sat down on the seat Cami had been occupying earlier while nursing you, “Thank you Cami, I’m sorry for what happened.” 
Cami gave him a reassuring smile, “It’s not your fault Elijah, none of us would’ve seen it coming.”
She then left the room, closing the door behind her to give you and Elijah some privacy.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be here, go home, it’s too dangerous.” Elijah said the moment he saw you.
“I can’t Eli, I can’t stay home knowing  that all of you are out here.” You protested. 
“It’s too dangerous out here, you could get seriously hurt and I don’t want that.” He argued. 
Before you could argue any further, Elijah immediately vampire-sped you to a secluded part of the area, “Stay here and don’t come out unless you are in grave danger or I come to pick you up.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you quickly pressed a kiss to lips, “Little advice, getting stabbed with the white oak stake, because that will surely get you killed.” 
Despite the ongoing battle, Elijah managed to smile, “I’ll take note of that then.”
Elijah would surely lecture you for this, that is if the both of you make it out of this alive. 
It feels like actual torture to just stand around and wait for the battle to be over, so naturally, you ignored what Eliah had tol you and set out to fight.
Setting aside the tragedy, the whole scenery almost looked like something out of a movie - the blood splattered everyday could’ve been enough to stage a couple of crime scenes, hearts lay discarded, almost indistinguishable figures moved in and out and fortunately, no one has noticed you.
That’s when you saw it, Lucien with the white oak stake in his hand, ready to stab an unsuspecting Elijah busy fighting another vampire. 
So, you did the natural thing and took the stake for him.
Elijah closed his eyes, he could still remember the way his senses told him that something was wrong a little too late, the way the blood soaked your shirt, your pained scream.
He was supposed to protect you, how could he let that happen?
“Elijah…” He suddenly heard the voice he so desperately wanted to hear. 
“Y/N/N,” Elijah stood up, stroking your hair, “How’re you feeling?” 
You smiled at him, “I’m feeling fine, shoulder’s just a bit sore.”
“I’m sorry,  I should’ve been able to protect you, I was supposed to keep you safe. How do I manage to kill every woman I love?” He said.
“It’s not your fault, you protected me, you literally had me hide in a safe place. I was the one who walked into the battlefield.” You insisted. 
A slight pout formed on Elijah’s lips, “But you still got hurt, you literally got stabbed. I should’ve just brought you back to the compound first.” 
“And let you get stabbed with the white oak stake? Not a chance.” You laughed. 
“But you got hurt.” 
“And you’re alive, would you rather it be the other way around?” 
“I don’t like it when you get hurt.” 
“I told you to avoid the white oak stakes.” 
You sighed, intertwining your hands, “Eli, I’m not a damsel in distress, I appreciate that you want to protect me but know that I can also protect you. It’s basically just give and take.” 
“For as long as I can remember, I’ve always protected everyone I loved.” He said.
“Then, me and your family will always be here to protect you.” You answered.
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Klaus Mikaelson x reader - both think the same
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Hey there! Can i request a klaus mikaelson x reader where they both have the same feelings for each other romantically but the reader suffers badly with depression and negative thoughts and feels like klaus doesn't deserve the burden of her so she distances herself away from him, thankss - Anon 💜
TW: mentions of depression and negative thoughts
Glancing across the grill, you smiled a little to yourself before looking away.
You knew that where you went generally Klaus wasn’t far behind, he liked being near you, liked making sure that you were okay, you were safe.
But he never came over, because when he did you would leave, you didn’t want to be near him, he thought maybe it was because of everything that he had done.
But he loved you.
You loved him too, but you couldn’t help the thoughts that ran around your head all the time.
You had gone to dances with him, you had even gone to dinner with him a few times.
He would bring you flowers, leaving them on your doorstep just to see you smile as he stood at the end of your path.
He thought he was making progress, then distance yourself from him when he got a little too close.
You stood up, putting your hood up as you slipped out of the grill, wanting to head home and just get away from people.
You made your way outside into the cold air and shivered a little bit.
Sighing, you turned your gaze towards your feet, slowly walking down the quiet streets, fully aware of the steps behind yours, and when you stopped he stopped.
“Gonna creep woman out doing that.”
“So, we’re talking now?” Klaus asked.
He walked over, following alongside of you as you carried on walking home.
“Never said we weren’t…”
He sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder to make you stop.
“You’re cold.”
He took his jacket off, dropping it over your shoulders and you looked up at him as he smiled softly down at you.
He buttoned up the jacket for you, and you slipped your hands through the sleeves, clutching at the ends of them slightly.
You turned around, going back to walking home and he followed you.
“Why are you doing this?” He asked.
You didn’t reply, and he sighed again.
“One moment I think we have a chance at being friends, the next moment you’re shutting me out as if I’d just thrown a rock through your window.”
You glanced at him.
“That was a shitty example.”
“Perhaps not one of my best ones, no. But it’s true.”
You shrugged a little bit.
He looked at you, the way you kept your head to the ground and he placed a hand on your shoulder.
You stopped and he walked in front of you, he moved his hand and placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head up.
“What’s playing on your mind love?” He asked quietly.
“It’s cold…”
He chuckled, nodding his head.
It wasn’t the answer he was looking for, but he decided to take you home first, so he walked you the rest of the way.
You opened the door to your apartment, and you stepped aside so he could come in before closing it.
You had invited him in before, so Klaus knew he was free to come and go, but he wanted to leave that choice to you.
He stood in front of you, unbuttoning the jacket so he could take it off and hang it up and you put your hood down.
Wondering into the kitchen you grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked over to the couch to sit down.
Klaus walked over, sitting on the arm of the couch.
“So, would you like to tell me what’s really playing on your mind?” He asked.
You shook your head.
“No, no it’s nothing.”
“I don’t believe that, come now, you know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t deem it important.”
You looked at him.
“You always ask, about everything.”
“Because everything’s important when it comes to you love. I know something is bothering you, I’ve known for a while.”
You said nothing.
“Whatever it is I’m sure we can figure this out, work a way about it if there is one.”
“I.. I don’t know…”
You didn’t know how to explain it to him.
How to explain you loved him so much you just wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but you saw yourself as a burden.
How you thought he would be better if he didn’t get to close to you, because you saw yourself as a burden, that someone as powerful as him needed someone powerful at his side.
Klaus studied you quietly, and he moved over, sitting next to you.
He reached out, taking your hand in his, and he ran his thumb along your knuckles.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want.”
“I don’t want to..”
He nodded, smiling down at you, and he placed a hand on the side of your face so you could look at him.
Leaning down he kissed your forehead, then rested your head on his shoulder.
“When you’re ready to talk about it I’m all ears, but for now I believe you have some crappy movies on your TV.”
You laughed a little, and he smiled.
He loved that sound, the sound of your laughter, your happiness.
You were so comfortable, so at home like this, and it almost made you forget why you distanced yourself from him, but you knew why.
Because you felt like you couldn’t have something like this, someone like him.
Klaus didn’t think that, he thought he didn’t deserve you after all he had done, he felt like you were too good for him.
But he wanted you, he wanted to be able to hold you and protect you, no matter how long he had to wait in order for that day to come.
All he could do was hold you while you let him, and remind you just how important you are.
You rested your head on his chest, and you sighed.
He chuckled, placing a hand on your head, gently messaging your scalp.
“You are so beautiful…” he whispered.
You didn’t saw anything but you did smile in return, holding his other hand just as gently as he was holding you.
Maybe you’d go back to distancing yourself from him after this, but then if you did he would just keep trying until one day he was brave enough to say he loved you
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calummss · 2 years
masterlist : part 2
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summary: your cousins, the salvatore brothers, tell you to go straight home after school. an evil vampire has come to town and it’s too dangerous; so what happens when the original vampire appears in your house unannounced
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 1.9k
a/n: my first tvd imagine for literally the man i love the most. this fic has similarities to @frost-queen ‘s work as i requested the imagine to her before i started writing but i wanted to write it myself. so before you come at me she already knows as i asked her first!! :)
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‘After that we miss our chance to make memories.’ You chimed with Bonnie and Elena, all of you smiling as the cool breeze filtered through your hair.
‘Caroline, I’m not that type of person and you know that!’ A giggle escaped your lips, your hands reaching for hers. ‘Besides, I promised Stefan that I’d go straight home after school.’
‘What even is he to you?’ Caroline pulled her most Caroline face ever.
‘Well he feels like my cousin, but technically he’s probably my great x1000 cousin or something. All I know is that I’m a Salvatore and that connects us.’
Caroline pondered for a moment, letting go of your hands and bracing herself. ‘Fine.’
You let out a breath.
You sighed.
‘You have to actually show up to the dance and not just for five minutes before disappearing with Jeremy to never be seen again.’
‘Fine.’ You threw your hands up in the air and walked away from the group. ‘I can’t wait Caroline! I’m going to have so much fun.’ You made fun of yourself, earning chuckles from the girls before they parted ways too.
Stefan, even though your cousin from hundreds of generations ago, acted like your big brother despite being your age (one could argue about that). Stefan and Damon felt more like brothers and that’s what you always referred to them as. Since you started living at the Boarding house and got told the type of lifestyle the brothers lived, they always made sure you were safe. You were truly grateful for that. Having someone actually care about your well-being and not just yell at you to bring food to the table even though you were only nine years old…it was family. But Stefan and Damon could be pushy when it did come to your safety. Especially since that really old vampire came to town and terrorised Mystic Falls’ supernatural citizens. Since you were a human; a human that knew of vampires and was friends with them so they didn’t want to take any chances. So like any other girl with overprotective brothers, you had no other choice but to go home.
You took your time walking back. The sounds of leaves rustling on the pavement. Red-orangey leaves tumbling across the cement. Whistling of the winds as it bolted through the trees.
You felt at peace. Peace you had longed for for a long time.
Arriving at the enormous house , you unlocked the door and threw your school bag next to the shoe rack, slumping your way down the hall, but someone caught your eye.
‘And you are?’ You asked the man whose eyes were glued onto you as you walked down the steps that led to the living room.
‘You don’t know me, love?’ The stranger cocked his head with a sneaky grin on his face.
‘No, otherwise I wouldn’t ask, dumbass.’
The man chuckled, slowly standing up and stepping forwards, ‘I’m Klaus Mikaelson, I think you might’ve heard of me.’
‘That scary old hybrid?’ You gasped, mouth wide open with a weird expression of positive surprise; but you weren't afraid.
‘In the flesh.’ He lifted his arms to his side, palms facing upwards like he stood in front of a civilisation that ought him to be a god.
‘No offence but I thought Klaus was some creepy old man…you're surprisingly hot.’ You confessed, ignoring the fact that you never spoke so directly to a stranger. ‘Well, I don’t know why you're here and I don’t think I care. I made food before I went to school so it should be done by now, do you want some?’ You walked past him, mumbling quietly, knowing he could hear you, and entered the kitchen where your tart from this morning stood.
‘How do I know that you won’t kill me?’ Klaus replied.
‘Well first, I actually don’t know how to kill you,’ you lifted your thumb and started to count the reasons. ‘I would be extremely dumb to even try and I really just want to know if my food tastes good.’
‘So not all the Salvatores are as dumb as the brothers.’ He relaxed his weight into one of the kitchen stools and eyed you up and down, scanning for something.
‘Is that a compliment or are you badmouthing me with mirroring words?’
‘I take that back.’
‘Arsehole.’ You scoffed and walked around the kitchen aisle to grab a plate from one of the cupboards.
‘So what exactly am I looking at,’ Klaus eyes the ceramic pan that you had set out on the island moments before, ‘it looks nice.’
‘It’s a strawberry tart with a layer of condensed whipped cream and a layer of red bean,’ you started to plate the first portion, ‘and before you start with ‘Red bean? oh my god that’s sooooo weird’, it’s a sweet type. Very popular in east Asia. It’s really good.’ You smiled at him and pushed a fork towards him. ‘I could never make something not tasty because I’m a good chef.’
Klaus chuckled, the corner of his mouth turning into a slight smile, yet his eyes were just as cold. Grabbing the fork you had placed before him, he took a piece with equal amounts of ingredients and placed it in his mouth.
You eyed him for a long second. He wasn’t smiling, he wasn’t frowning. He wasn’t doing anything. Klaus’ face was blank as the test sheet you had given Mr. Saltzman this morning in first period.
‘So?,’ your eyes still on his face, ‘is it good?’ you leaned in closer, eyes narrowing with a smile. You clicked with your tongue, index finger pointing at the so-called monster in joy, ‘Of course it is!’
Instead of answering your question, Klaus simply took another hit confirming the good taste.
‘I knew it!’ You drummed against the kitchen aisle, ‘Miss Salvatore could never fuck up a dish.’ Amused, you finally gave yourself a piece and enjoyed your tart. ‘So,’ you covered your mouth with your hand, ‘you’re a 1000 year old vampire that everyone’s scared of…why?’
‘I guess it’s because I’m an Original,’ he leaned forward, close enough to smell your scent, ‘Can I have another?’ He eyed the pan.
You nodded.
‘An original vampire,’ you nodded your head cooly. ‘That’s cool. But what brings you here? I doubt you’re vacationing in Mystic Falls. Anyone willing to do that must be boring and have no expectations,’
Klaus snickered in response, his intimidating yet charming eyes felt like they were pushing past your eyes. ‘I need something.’ He confessed.
‘Can’t tell you.’
‘Because you’ll tell your brothers.’ He ate the last piece of tart on his plate and leaned against the counter.
‘They’re more like my cousins,’ you grabbed his plate and set it in the skink, starting to clear things away. ‘Million times removed.’
‘You’re human?’ His tone changed but you couldn’t quite make it out. Did you suddenly fall into his power-play-game?
You hummed in response, turning back to him and sitting down on one of the barstools.
‘Do you like it?’ He asked, some sort of genuineness coating his words.
You hesitated for a second. No one had ever asked you before if you preferred the life you were living. Not even Damon asked you and he was the first to be in favour of turning humans for fun.
‘Sometimes I guess, but the thrill of wanting to be a vampire is overbearing at times.’ You took a sip of water, ‘Stefan and Damon said they’d only ever turn me if there was no other option.’ You took a long pause. ’I feel vulnerable as a human and a spark of confidence couldn’t hurt me, right?’
Klaus turned his head forward, chuckling. ‘I think you already have that spark of confidence you’re talking about, love.’
‘Can I ask you a question? Technically it’s two but,’
‘Go ahead, darling.’
‘Since you’re a thousand years old,’ you turned your body to him, ‘what’s your favourite decade or era you lived in? Like the Victorian era, Tudor age, all that…what’s your most favourite?’
Klaus lingered a smile, seeming almost smitten with your curiosity and sensing a passion for the past.
‘Maybe the 1920s,’ Klaus said, your eyes instantly lighting up. ‘The music, the people, the aura…it was a great time.’
‘I’m jealous,’ your face fell to a pout, swinging the last drop of water down your throat and reaching for the jug to refill your glass. ‘I wish I experienced the twenties,’
‘I think you would’ve loved the 1920s London party scene.’
‘And do you miss it? The past, I mean. Or do you prefer the modern world? I mean certain aspects are obviously for the better but it must be lonely when everything and everyone you knew ceased to exist…I think I’d become lonely.’
‘I have my family.’
‘But humans,’ you cleared your throat, ‘Vampires,’ you corrected yourself. ‘Nonetheless need different people around them. Otherwise we’d go mad.’
‘I’m already mad.’
‘I heard.’ You let out a suppressed laugh. ‘Well anyway, there’s a 1920s decade dance next week and I don’t know if I’ll go. Apparently Mystic Falls is becoming dangerous for humans and I should only go out if completely necessary.’ Shrugging your shoulders, you got up from your chair when the front door suddenly opened and in a matter of seconds Stefan and Danon were standing in the kitchen.
Damon immediately seized your upper arm with force, pulling you closer to him. He scanned your face, then your torso, arms, legs, to see if Klaus had hurt you or compelled you but he didn’t find a single scratch.
‘What?’ Klaus finally stood up and eyes the brothers up and down. ‘You think I’d harm such excellent company?’
‘What did you do?’ Stefan chimed him defensively.
You broke from Damon’s grib and walked to the other side of the kitchen aisle so that you were now between the men. ‘He didn’t do anything. We ate cake and talked. That’s it.’
Stefan eyed you for a while, but he could tell you weren’t lying and there was no reason for you to cover for him so he accepted the scene in front of him.
‘We have what you want, Klaus,’ Damon hissed, ‘but not here. Leave her out of this.’
Klaus turned his head to look at you. ‘Fine,’ now facing back at Damon. ‘but don’t fuck me over again or I will make this living hell for you.’
Stefan pushed forward, ‘We’ll talk outside.’
Klaus followed Damon, Stefan behind him and turned around one last time leaving you a tad puzzled, ‘It was nice to meet you, love.’
‘You too.’
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*1 week later*
Ding ding, Doorbell.
Ugh, you rolled off the couch and stomped towards the door.
‘Caroline I said I’m not going. I can’t be arsed and—oh my god.’ You swung the door open not to reveal the blonde girl that had been nagging at you all week.
Instead it was him. Klaus Mikaelson.
‘I— Ehm— What are you doing here?’
‘I’m here to take you to the 1920s, love.’
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wholoveseggs · 9 months
Christmas Khaos
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~Five days of Fluffmas~
You settle in with the Mikaelsons for a cozy Christmas movie night, but when movie choices spark a sibling feud, chaos ensues.
1k words - No warnings, no smut! just pure fluff.
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You were cautiously carrying your mug of hot cocoa into the living room of the Mikaelson compound, observing Kol and Rebekah putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree as you sat down on the sofa next to Elijah. The plan for the evening involved watching one of those cheesy holiday movies while snuggling in blankets with hot cocoa or eggnog.
"So, what movie did you all decide on?" you asked curiously.
"Die Hard," Kol smirked as he finished placing the last ornament on the tree.
"We already watched that a few days ago," Klaus huffed as he walked into the room. "I want to watch the Grinch."
"Of course you do," Kol scoffed.
"Those movies are terrible. We should watch a better one, like Love Actually!" Rebekah argued.
You turned to Elijah, who had decided not to involve himself in the argument. As the rest of the siblings bickered, you asked him quietly, "What do you want to watch?"
He looked over at his arguing siblings, then back at you. "I will always vote for whatever you want to watch."
You blushed and smiled, "Awww. That's sweet, but I'd still like to know your opinion. Do you have a preference?"
He was silent for a moment, looking deep in thought. "The Nutcracker."
"Seriously?" Kol said, breaking out of the argument he was having.
"Absolutely, The Nutcracker it is then," you announced, earning a raised eyebrow from Kol.
"Are we seriously going to watch a ballet?" he exclaimed, feigning disbelief.
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, Kol! It's a classic! Plus, it's way better than your Die Hard obsession."
Kol shot back, "Die Hard is a Christmas masterpiece, unlike your sugary romantic dramas."
"We are watching The Nutcracker," Elijah said firmly.
The siblings groaned, but they still settled into the living room. You got up to put the movie in the DVD player, then returned to the sofa, sitting between Kol and Elijah. You grabbed the remote, and when you went to press play, nothing happened. You tried again, same result.
Elijah let out a deep sigh and stood, kneeling in front of the TV to fix the issue. Kol turned to you, giving you a sweet smile.
"So, darling, have any plans for New Year's?"
"Yeah," you nodded. "I'm going to a party in the Quarter."
"A party," he hummed. "I suppose you will be needing a ride there."
You gave him a questioning look. "Yeah… I guess."
He leaned in close to you, whispering into your ear, "I will gladly take you. In fact, I could take you home as well."
He leaned back, giving you a devious smirk. You bit your lip, feeling a little flustered. Kol was so hot, and the two of you had hooked up a few times. He was always so sweet and charming afterward and was just a good time in general. However, sometimes he was a little too flirty and mischievous for your taste. He had a habit of getting you into trouble. As his hand came down to rest on your thigh, you realized how easy it was for him to talk you into doing something reckless and dangerous. You had already done a lot of reckless things with him.
"H-how's the TV looking?" you asked Elijah, trying not to sound flustered.
"I can't figure out the source of the problem," Elijah replied, looking behind the TV.
Kol's hand started slowly inching higher up your leg. Your breath hitched as his thumb brushed against the inseam of your pants. You looked up to see Kol's smirk widen. He was really enjoying messing with you, and you were tempted to let him.
"Well, if it's not getting fixed anytime soon, I'll go get another hot cocoa," Rebekah announced, walking past the couch.
Suddenly the room erupted into chaos, the beautiful Christmas tree came crashing down, ornaments shattering on impact and scattering across the floor like glittering confetti. The air was filled with the jarring sound of glass breaking and the collective gasp of astonishment from everyone present. Everyone looked at it in shock, then jumped as the TV began blasting Christmas music at an alarming volume.
"Oh, for the love of—" Klaus started, but his voice was drowned out by the blaring Christmas music.
Elijah, still on his knees in front of the TV, frantically tried to mute the sound.
"Klaus, what did you do now?" Rebekah exclaimed, narrowing her eyes accusingly.
Kol, seizing the opportunity, grinned mischievously, "I bet Klaus sabotaged the tree to avoid watching The Nutcracker. Crafty move, brother."
“How am I getting blamed for this? I was standing across the room!” Klaus yelled in defense.
Rebekah crossed her arms, unconvinced. "Convenient, Klaus. Very convenient."
Kol chimed in, "Maybe the tree was threatened by Klaus's Grinchy energy."
Amidst the chaos, Elijah rose from in front of the TV, his calming presence attempting to restore order. "Enough, all of you! Let's focus on cleaning up this mess and salvaging what's left of our evening."
As Rebekah and Klaus continued to argue, and Elijah attempted to restore order, Kol's lips brushed against your ear again, his tone suggestive, "Care to get out of here?"
"Absolutely," you said, getting up from the couch.
Kol grabbed your hand and led you upstairs to his room. The moment you both entered, he pulled you into a kiss. The door closed behind you, muffling the echoes of the Mikaelson drama downstairs. Kol's mischievous grin persisted as he gently pulled away, guiding you backward towards his bed.
"Care to share what exactly you did downstairs?" you asked, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Just a little Christmas magic, darling," he smiled, leaning in to kiss you again.
You were sure the Mikaelsons would figure out it was Kol and come looking for him, but you weren't too worried. You knew how much trouble Kol was going to get in. Maybe you'd let him get away with it for a little while.
Besides, it was the most wonderful time of the year.
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Credit goes to Anon for this idea ♡♡
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kasagia · 2 years
Heyyy! So I was wondering if it was possible for you to write something where klaus forces the reader to marry him and they have a daughter hope(she can be a baby or a kid) and the reader can kind of tolerate klaus for the sake of her daughter but actually hates him and over time she falls in love with elijah's nobility and confesses to him at a party or something and klaus overhears ending is up to you<3
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Loved by them two
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader, Elijah Mikaelson x reader, Summary: After your parents (pack leaders) arranged your marriage to Klaus (with whom you accidentally had a one-night stand earlier), you tied your fate irrevocably to the Mikaelsons. Problem? 1. You hate your husband for tricking you into this marriage. 2. His noble brother is too alluring. 3. You find out the hard way that hate, love, and lust are a very explosive mixture. Especially when you add the two Mikaelsons to it. Warning(s): argument, fight, blood, love triangle, smut, the first time I wrote something bordering on smut, angst, fluff, the reader kisses Elijah and then goes to bed with Klaus; generally, the reader doesn't know what to do; but she has two hot brothers on her call; three in total because Kol is her best friend; I really like this one after all Nonsense from me: I combined these two requests because they seem to go together. Also sorry if I didn't include enough Elijah x reader (despite my huge crush for all the Mikaelsons, Klaus will always get somehow a girl 😅). I also took a gif from here, because... well it's good. Word count: 8,3k (it's pretty long, I admit, but I don't regret any minute of writing it.)
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You hated Klaus Mikaelson with all your heart. Your abhorrent, psychotic husband. A man who somehow was the father (even though you've tried to disprove it many times) of your precious, sweet little daughter Hope.
If the devil could take human form, no doubt it would be your husband.
You met him by accident. You and your friends went out into the city to have fun. You met a hot, handsome blond guy in a bar, went to bed with him, and left his house the next day without a word, expecting never to see him again. You wouldn't think that when you get back to your pack of wolves, your parents - the alphas of the pack - will tell you that you're getting married in a month. And not just anyone. Klaus Mikaelson was going to be your husband. A 1,000-year-old werewolf and vampire hybrid.
You will remember for the rest of your life what they told you when they were destroying your chance for happiness.
"The pack must be strong. This marriage and your assumption of power will guarantee us a secure position in New Orleans. No witches, vampires, or other werewolves will stand in our way. This alliance with the originals will guarantee us power beyond our ancestors' imagination. The crescent wolf and other packs will succumb to our strength. It is your duty to do this for your people."
Of course, you objected to the idea as soon as they told you. But you weren't a leader yet, so your opinion didn't matter much. Especially when your first meeting with your fiancé was only a few minutes away. At least the first official meeting.
You thought the guy must look like a walking fossil. You were surprised when you met that hottie from last night.
And from then on, your whole life became hell.
You tried everything to back out of that engagement. Really everything. Even a fake pregnancy with another, which turned out not to be so fake after all. And unfortunately for you, the father of your child was HE. The curse of your existence.
So he sped up the wedding, and you became the wife of the most dangerous vampire in the world. Cool! At least you got lots of presents and access to his bank accounts all over the world. The pros of being an incubator for a miracle baby.
Then you met your guardian angel. Elijah Mikaelson - the older brother of your awful husband. Your only consolation (other than Hope) in this terrible situation. Your friend, soul mate, and the man of your dreams.
Fate liked to make fun of you, it forced you to marry the wrong brother.
Elijah was everything any woman could ask for. A tactful gentleman, respecting and supporting female feminism, always keeping his word, a walking ideal. The complete opposite of your cruel husband.
You were completely in love with him. So much so that when he held your beautiful one-year-old daughter in his arms, you imagined that he was her father. Your fantasy was almost always spoiled by your husband stepping on the three of you and taking the baby out of his hands.
You had no idea why Klaus had even chosen to make your life a nightmare. There were other ways he could have taken control of the city; he didn't have to become the leader of your pack and marry you.
But he always did and took what he wanted. You found out after being stuck in this happy swamp of being married to Klaus for a year. So you took great satisfaction in denying him the one thing he could never have and so desired - your love and affection.
It was another big mystery for you when it came to Klaus and his complicated personality. Yes, you had a child together, and you were stuck with him, but before that, you didn't know each other. So why did the mighty hybrid decide to find a mate and lead his own pack with them? And why was he strangely obsessed with creating a happy, loving family with you and Hope?
Worse, he turned out to be a good alpha to your pack and an even better father. You couldn't say a bad thing. You two ruled the werewolves, enhanced by your fusion, as equals. And Hope loved it when he sang her lullabies and tucked her in to sleep. Ironically, she calmed down better in the murderous original's arms than in yours.
Even your own child was against you.
Fortunately, in this cold, dark Mikaelson mansion, there was one soul who stood by your side no matter what. The only one you could trust implicitly without fear of ending up with a stake in your back.
Elijah was a gift from heaven to you.
During your pregnancy with Hope, he helped you in every possible way. He was always there for you, whether it was holding your hair as you returned all the breakfast he had prepared for you earlier or reading aloud to you as he massaged your aching ankles.
And when did you become a hybrid? He was the one who taught you self-control for the most part (while Klaus was busy doing something else and couldn't see the two of you, of course).
There was only one problem. Your terribly possessive husband.
As soon as Klaus came into your sight, Elijah had to move two meters away from you, or all hell would break loose.
And you're not exaggerating at all.
One day, when you were watching a movie and lying on the couch, leaning against each other and covered with one blanket, you didn't notice the hybrid enter the living room. You didn't even blink when your companion was dragged from his place and thrown to the other end of the house. A second later, a very angry and jealous vampire took his place, hugging you much closer than his brother and placing his hands on your growing belly.
You didn't react to his show of strength then.
Elijah and Rebekah taught you long ago to choose your battles with Niklaus. It wasn't worth arguing with him about everything he'd done. Especially since you were pregnant at that time - you didn't always have the strength to get into fights with him.
But now as a hybrid, queen of your pack and whole New Orleans? Oh no, you wouldn't let that man fucking rule you.
You tried to make his life hell. You defied him every step of the way, overthrowing his dark plans and bringing your own to life. Of course, you did it all with a sweet, stupid smile, occasionally showing him small acts of tenderness, such as hugging or kissing on the cheek or forehead (on exceptional, life-threatening occasions, you even sacrificed and kissed him), to lull his vigilance.
But Klaus wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were doing and was happy to let you change a couple of his plans if it meant a kiss from you.
And you thought it was what made him fall for you.
You were stubborn, always getting your way, going over the dead to achieve your goal if it was to protect your loved ones.
And Klaus loved it. You don't know if it was his weird fetish - the guy always got what he wanted and no one dared stand up to him, so he felt for the girl who didn't want to succumb to him. You were probably one of the few survivors of the rebellion against him. And the one who could do literally anything without any fear of the hybrid hurting you.
You get used to this life. Secret meetings with Elijah in the library, discussions in the living room while Hope played with her toys on the carpet and watched cartoons on TV, occasional shopping and girls' nights with Bekah and Freya, and even to Kol's pranks and tricks.
Even your relationship with Klaus has been better lately. You tried so openly not to show your hostility towards the hybrid. After all, he was your daughter's father and Hope deserved at least a semblance of normalcy - parents who don't want to kill each other every 5 minutes.
But tonight, everything was about to change.
"So you want me to go with you to some weird party organized by your current archenemy Tristan, and Klaus gave you his permission to take me out of the house?" you asked the original who made the pancakes for you as you discussed another plan to outsmart the de Martel siblings while cradling Hope in your arms.
"I wouldn't call him an archenemy... just a minor inconvenience."
"Is that why you and Klaus tremble with anger every time I say his name?"
"No, it's because a beautiful lips as yours shouldn't be tainted by such a terrible name."
"So whose name should I keep saying, Elijah?" you asked with a teasing smirk, licking your lips.
The original leaned slightly towards you. The tension in the room was palpable between the two of you. You looked down from his captivating, mesmerizing eyes to those alluring lips you've dreamed of kissing ever since he turned out to be more than your asshole husband's brother to you. You were only a few centimeters apart... so little...
Hope's squirming in your arms reminded you of the baby's presence. And that you were standing so close to your husband's brother in broad daylight and in a place where anyone could easily walk in and see you two. Against your darkest, most hidden desire, you have moved away from the noble original. Elijah cleared his throat, going back to continuing your breakfast.
"I'll be ready at 8 p.m."
"The party starts at 7."
"So? Don't you think being fashionably late will be the perfect combination for the act of surprise when they see me hanging on your arm? We'll get their attention, so Klaus and Kol will do what they do the best."
"You know ladies don't usually talk about such… bloody things while holding babies in their arms?"
"Ladies, Elijah, but my wife is everything but that." the hybrid came out of nowhere with that arrogant smirk on his lips. "Hello, my queen. My little princess." Klaus smiled fondly and took Hope from you, making funny faces at the baby. The traitor started to giggle. You rolled your eyes but also smiled slightly upon hearing your daughter's cute laugh.
"Dada!" she screamed, grabbing his nose with her hands.
Yeah, this little traitor could already talk. No, the first word she said wasn't dad; it was mom. The problem is that her happy "dada" came out of her mouth too often compared to mama. Klaus was too pleased with this fact than you would have liked.
"Well, maybe if my loving husband was an exemplary gentleman, I could act like a lady."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
"How is Aurora? Did she let you out of her arms so quickly?" you asked sarcastically, trying to throw him off balance. You weren't in the mood to put up with that annoying asshole today.
"Did I just hear jealousy in your voice, love?"
"Haha, you wish. You have my full blessing to spend time with whoever wants you."
"Niklaus. I believe we were supposed to have a meeting before we put this grand plan into action. Will you forgive us, Y/N?" Elijah interrupted you before you two broke the incredible peace between you that had lasted for 4 months and started to jump at each other's throats.
"Just take him wherever you want."
"Brother, shall we?"
Klaus muttered something under his breath. He handed our daughter over to me and planted a quick, wet kiss on my neck before stepping out of my personal space. I growled at him, showing my golden eyes. The man merely laughed, waving to the little one before leaving the kitchen.
"Enjoy your meal, Y/N."
"You can try to lose him on the way back!" you screamed after the retreating man in the suit.
"WON'T HAPPEN, LOVE!" your husband shouted back, ruining (as usual) all your dreams.
"It's always worth giving a shot." you murmured, knowing full well that he would be able to hear you. You smiled victoriously, hearing his irritable, grumpy voice as he snapped back at one of his vampire errands.
"You look amazing, Y/N." Elijah greeted you with a delighted smile as he watched you descend the stairs in a long, tight black dress with gold embellishments at the waist and the ends of the sleeves.
With your little tiara in your hair and a gold snake necklace entwined around your neck, you felt like a fucking queen.
You're not going to lie—you went all out with your preparations, and Rebekah made sure she did your makeup for your first big, official outing since Hope was born.
It wasn't until you came downstairs that you noticed that Elijah wasn't the only person sitting in the candlelit room. Klaus was sitting right next to him, looking at you with the same fascination and admiration as his brother. You felt a little uncomfortable being watched by two originals with heart-shaped eyes.
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"Maybe I should choose a dress with a higher neckline after all?" you wondered as you watched them almost drool over your looks. They were both 1,000 years old but acted like horny teenagers.
"So I guess I'm dressed well enough to be a distraction for tonight?" you asked, bringing their attention back to your face. They both decided to act nonchalant, as if they hadn't been staring at your ass a few seconds ago.
"Maybe even to well, love." Klaus' heavy, watchful gaze didn't let you down an inch. You felt an involuntary shiver run through you with each step you took closer to the originals.
"My brother may be right. No one will be able to take their eyes off you."
"Thank you, Elijah."
Klaus cleared his throat as he got up from his chair and faced you. He took your hand gently, and after softly caressing the wedding band and engagement ring from him, he shifted his attention to your wrist, suddenly stopping his movements.
You looked up at his eyes, catching his gaze. You felt enchanted by these calm, blue eyes, their beauty mostly made you went to bed with him a year ago. You felt like any little move could break that strange spell between you two.
At one point, you felt cold metal settling on your wrist. You turned your gaze to the charming bracelet that, surprisingly, matched your outfit.
"It's for protection. In case you need help and no one can find you."
"So you've always known where I am? What is this, some kind of dog collar with a tracker?"
"No. Freya enchanted it for me. It's supposed to sense when you're in danger and let me know." he rolled up his sleeve, showing you a new bracelet on his wrist. "I have a similar one."
"Oh." you groaned in shock, completely not expecting something like this from him.
"Exactly. Oh. I guess I'm not the bad guy all the time."
"I didn't mean..."
"Of course you didn't. Have fun with my brother, love."
For the first time since you've known Klaus, you felt sorry for him. Due to the growing guilt you were feeling, you kept an eye on his receding shape until he passed through the door. You sighed, turning to face Elijah, who had already approached you from behind in a moment of your inattention.
"Don't worry. He'll get over it. Niklaus can't blame you for being careful with him." he tried to comfort you, but deep down you knew it was your fault this time.
And you weren't going to act like your husband, so you decided to apologize to him at the next opportunity. Unlike some, you were able to admit when you were wrong. However, Elijah didn't need to know about your plan.
"Maybe you are right. Let's go to this party."
You were talking to Elijah at the bar while sipping your drink. You entered as planned—late, attracting the attention of most people. Rumors quickly spread throughout the supernatural community. Your favorite was that during that year of your "absence," you divorced Klaus and married his brother, now parading proudly with him around the salons. Elijah seemed to like it too.
You were enjoying the party until one of the de Martel siblings showed up. Tristan.
"Famous Y/N Y/L/N Mikaelson. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"And you sir are…?"
"Tristan de Martel. You must have heard about me from dear Elijah."
"To be honest, not so much. I only know that you're the one who invited us, for which I want to thank you." you played a stupid, naive girl with joy while watching the frown on his forehead. To remember: He does not like to be diminished or underestimated in any way. Mr. big ego.
"So perhaps you would do me the honor and dance with me? We could get to know each other better."
"Actually, this lady promised me her first dance. If you'll excuse us, Tristan."
"Of course. Enjoy yourselves."
Elijah grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor. He pulled you closer to him, rocking you to the beat of the song. The original wanted to cause even more rumors... you wonder if Klaus agreed to his actions.
"He's a slippery guy. Now I know why you wanted me to stay away from him and his sister."
"You just spoke to him, how do you know..."
"Well, starting with the extravagant look of the room, the fact that his suit and watch literally scream I'm rich, and ending with the fact that he carries himself as if he were the master of this world, I've noticed other manic behaviors as well. Besides, it's obvious at first glance that he's desperately trying to imitate you. I don't like him."
"Should I assume that you don't like me as well?"
"No! No. I like you. More than you know. I don't know how I would have dealt with vampirism and all of this without you. Thank you for being there for me. Always." you murmured, resting your head on his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his cologne.
"And forever." he said, placing a tender kiss on top of your head. "You're more to me than I could ever admit."
"Do we have to? Pretend and hide the truth?" during your conversation, you didn't even notice when he led you to a more desolate place. Nobody was looking at you. There was only him and you.
"Have you ever, in your entire, very long life, done something just for yourself, without thinking about your brother or sibling? Have you ever acted selfishly?"
"I can't be selfish with you." he said, resting his forehead against yours. You were so close to each other, so close to getting what you both wanted.
"It will destroy us all."
"Then let the world burn... just for a moment."
Elijah, after a moment's hesitation, leaned closer to you, embracing your slightly trembling figure with anticipation even tighter. He cupped your right cheek with his hand and finally brought your lips together in the long-awaited kiss.
Your first kiss with the original was… completely different from what you imagined. His soft lips didn't match up with yours as well as they did with…
You froze in complete shock as you realized your subconscious was comparing Elijah to Klaus. And surprisingly, it was more sympathetic to your hated husband, from whom you wanted so much to be free. In spite of this strange feeling of guilt that you somehow betrayed Klaus, you returned the kiss with more passion than before, trying to feel that wonderful tingling and buzzing in your head.
But it never came.
Something was missing in this perfect, fabulous setting for the first kiss with the love of your life. And you had no idea what was wrong.
Maybe first kisses with someone new were so… awkward?
Your treacherous mind reminded you that there was NEVER such an awkwardness between you and Klaus. Only pure passion and desire.
What the fuck happened to you? Why didn't you feel anything special when all your wet dreams were coming true?
You moved away first under the pretense of taking a breath. Staring into Elijah's eyes, you could feel the same attraction that accompanied you every time you stole those furtive glances from each other.
"I love you, Y/N. I've loved you since the first day you gave me a lecture on how Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen's best book; how cliché it wasn't." you hit him on the shoulder, making him giggle. "And if the circumstances were completely different, if it were someone completely different, I wouldn't hesitate to be selfish just this once and take something from my brother. But I will not allow any harm to come to you or Hope through my actions."
Before you could say anything, you two heard a howl.
Klaus and Kol.
Elijah nodded at you. You disentangled yourself from his arms and ran upstairs to fulfill your role in the Mikaelsons' plan. You just hoped the guys would distract them long enough for you to find what you were looking for.
You searched their house, wondering how Elijah's confession would affect your relationship now.
But little do you know that you weren't the only one who heard it.
It was a really fucked up night.
The peaceful surveillance of the de Martel house turned into a bloody battle between the originals and the first vampires they turned. Klaus' therapist, Cami, barely escaped a jealous attack by Klaus' ex-Aurora. You wonder how Klaus managed to reach Cami in time and why the red-haired psycho didn't target you and your child. Klaus must have put on quite a show for her.
In all the chaos, you didn't get a second chance for a moment alone with Elijah. The subject of your feelings still remained the elephant in the room. And frankly, you've had enough of it all. All you wanted now was a warm bath and playing with Hope. No more family drama.
Without Klaus, everything would have gone to hell. And as much as you hated that he forgot to include you in his plans for today, you couldn't help but be grateful to him for helping you protect your pack from vampires today. He didn't have to. He could watch the de Martel vampires kill your people and attack them when they get tired of fighting werewolves. Another demonstration of him being more than a villain to you.
It amazed you how one minute he was an irritating, ignorant, disrespectful asshole and the next your savior, protector, and equal partner in crime you could rely on.
You guess that's what your husband was like. Full of contradictions and surprises. Your private pet of nature.
You sighed in relief as you finally walked to your home. You took another step towards the mansion when you saw Klaus and Elijah getting out of the car and heading for the entrance.
You were about to join the originals, but you stopped dead at the sound of Klaus' pretentious voice.
"So we're just going to pretend you didn't kiss my wife and confess your feelings to her, or maybe you have an explanation?" you hid, eavesdropping on their conversation. "Don't think that after all that's happened, I've forgotten that you went a little too far in distracting the de Martels. You may get Aurora away from her that way, but it was superfluous, and I know you enjoyed every bloody second too much for me to just walk away from this."
"I don't have to explain myself to you. If she wants me, it's none of your business, Niklaus. You only married her because you made up a plan - Y/N has never wanted to be your wife and you have never cared about her." Klaus stopped, watching his brother blankly. He looked like something had broken inside him.
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The hybrid suddenly lunged at the other man with his fists.
They started punching each other and throwing things at each other within reach. At one point, they both pushed off each other, landing on opposite walls. (Creating another dent to patch.)
"SHE IS MY WIFE! My mate! My queen! MOTHER OF MY CHILD! You have no right to her, brother! So I'm warning you… If I ever hear the littlest rumours about her having the smallest crush on you, I'll put you back in that bloody coffin, and I will release you after our eighth child comes into this world. She will be so madly in love with me that she won't even spare you a second glance when you meet again."
"I didn't know you loved plans that take over a thousand years to complete, brother. I never thought you could be so patient."
Klaus growled, throwing himself at his brother with a scream. From your hiding place, you could hear the sounds of a fight and shattered furniture.
You decided to wait a little longer before stepping in and heroically separating the two combatants. You didn't want it to seem like you overheard their argument.
Only when there was a sudden outburst followed by a suspicious silence did you decide to run into the house. You wouldn't expect them to demolish the entire living room in minutes, and Klaus would be bleeding out dangerously while trying to patch up the wound and drive the dagger into his brother's heart. 
The men didn't notice you as they tried to disable each other. You weren't going to come between them or stand on either side until Elijah, out of nowhere, pulled out Pappa Tunde's blade.
Your body reacted faster than your brain. You instinctively threw yourself between them, shielding Klaus from the blade.
They both froze when they saw you.
Time seemed to stop as both shocked and incredulous looks from the originals fell on you. To be honest, even you were surprised which side you were on. You blamed your stupid tendency to act instead of think in difficult situations. But you weren't going to show them that you were insecure about your actions. Not when they were both holding weapons harmful to the other one.
"Put it down." you said, looking straight at Elijah. "You too." you added, glancing over your shoulder at your husband, who was staring at you with a strange, unidentifiable look. Amazingly, he dropped the dagger to the ground first. Soon after, Elijah did the same. You quickly bent down to grab both weapons, putting them in your pockets. "Good. Are you calm now?" they nodded silently, waiting for your next move. "Great. So, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL YOU TWO WERE DOING?!"
Elijah took a breath, probably intending to give you some clever answer, but stopped as soon as you felt an unexpected weight fall down your back. You caught Klaus just in time before he slid to the floor. Holding him up, you noticed a wound on his right side. You reached out to touch his wound, but the hybrid's strong grip on your wrist stopped your hand.
"Don't. You'll get burned. Verbena and the wolfbane. Grenade."
"What the hell?! Elijah how could you throw a grenade at him?! Do you throw one back?!" you asked the man in your arms.
"I wanted. You stopped me."
"God, from now on, you're both grounded from being with Hope. Hell knows if that rage won't attack you in front of her! Come Klaus. I'll help you clean it up. Elijah, you can clean up here before Rebekah or Freya come." you said, casting a disappointed look at Elijah's outfit before helping the hybrid up the stairs.
"I would never..." Klaus tried to explain himself as you dragged him to his bedroom.
"Just shut up and sit down." you growled at him, pushing him onto the bed. You took the first aid kit from the bathroom and went back to him to disinfect his wound. "It'll hurt."
"Will you kiss it later? To ease the pain and speed up the healing process, of course."
"Don't try your luck any more today." you warned, rolling your eyes at his mischievous smirk.
He snorted, offended. He looked like a child who had been grounded for snacking on sweets. You sighed, trying not to laugh at his scowl. Unwittingly, you began to wonder what Hope would look like when she went through her rebellious period. Probably like her father when he did something wrong and got caught doing it. Well, at least you'll have some practice before she grows up.
"Do you love my brother?" he burst out suddenly while you were cleaning his wound made by verbena and wolfsbane. Why they had pomegranates from these plants shouldn't shock you as much as it did.
"What?" you asked, shoving a water-soaked cotton ball into his wound, which made him groan in pain. You gave him an apologetic look as you continued working on his side.
"Don't act stupid, it's not like you at all. Do you love my brother?"
"Of course I do, he's my friend and Hope's uncle." you replied unfazed, continuing your work.
"Let me rephrase that. Are you IN LOVE with my nobel brother?"
You tried to pretend that his question had no effect on you. You put down the cotton balls and tried to avoid his gaze to give some answer, but Klaus grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. Fuck. You couldn't lie now. He always knew when you were lying, and now that you were exposed to his watchful gaze, you only knew one way out of this fucked-up situation.
So you pulled him closer to you, kissing him passionately.
He moaned, surprised by the feeling of your soft, enticing lips on his own. He wasted no more time. He put you on his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you as close to him as possible.
The feeling of his warm skin against your clothed body reluctantly brought back memories of the night it all began.
Intoxicated by the feeling of his captivating lips on yours again (after so long), you didn't even notice when he threw you onto the bed, only momentarily breaking your kiss to let your hair down. He melted back into your mouth, hovering over you. The hybrid tangled his hand in your hair, tilting your head so he had better access to your equally eager mouth and tongue.
He moved to your neck, leaving wet kisses and gentle bites and rubbing every inch of your skin, effectively ruining any thought process in your head.
It was just you and him.
And after a very long time, you felt extraordinary pleasure and much-needed relief from the tension that your body had gone through today.
"Nik!" you moaned when he started sucking on the most sensitive spot on your neck, which he knew damn well existed and used every time to tease you.
But this time you moaned for him like a whore, too overwhelmed by the sensations his skilled hands and lips were giving you.
And this time, Klaus didn't hold back. His amber irises and possessive growl were the only warnings he gave you before he ripped your dress in half, revealing your dressed-in-lace-underwear body to him.
His wolf howled inside him.
He pressed his lips to yours greedily, caressing every inch of your newly exposed skin. You growled into his mouth as he bit your lip harder and dug your nails into his back. He reciprocated by squeezing your thigh tightly as he wrapped your leg around his waist, rubbing your most sensitive parts against each other. You both moaned in unison, pulling your lips apart for a moment. You decided to repay him and slid your fangs out to dig into his neck, drinking his sweet blood greedily. You've been dreaming about it since you became a hybrid. Only in your darkest, wildest dreams, after which you were ashamed to look into the eyes of the hated hybrid who probably drove you to Stockholm syndrome because you wanted him more every day—the man who was the cause of your misery.
It was impossible for you to love him. To love the man who tricked you into this marriage; who lied and killed and tortured so many people; who made you fall head over heels for him. Maybe that's why you fell in love with Elijah? He was his complete opposite. He was self-possessed, calm, reasonable, and kept his word.
But there you were, rubbing against him and moaning as his blood ran down your throat. Wanting him more than his brother—the man of every woman's dreams.
Maybe you were as fucked up as your husband.
Moments later, he copied your idea and dug himself into your neck. The moan coming from him sent shivers through your body all the way THERE. How could a man make you so desperate for him with just some kisses and the slightest touch?
You'd probably go all out and lose yourselves in each other's touch for the rest of the night (and possibly part of the morning) if Hope's cries hadn't come from the baby monitor on his nightstand. You broke apart, breathing heavily. Klaus licked off the rest of the blood dripping from your wound until it closed. He rested his head against your chest, inhaling your scent.
You unknowingly ran your hand through his curly hair, also closing your eyes and getting lost in this special, unique moment of tenderness between you two.
"I love you, Y/N." his soft whisper, combined with the gentle movement of his lips against the skin of your breasts, sent shivers down your spine. The realization of his confession left you completely still, holding his arms in a gentle embrace. "I know you don't feel the same way about me, but I promise you that one day you will. I will be worthy of your affection, my brave, wise, beautiful, merciful queen." he said, placing one last longing kiss on your lips before climbing off of you. He got dressed and left the room to soothe the crying Hope.
You closed your eyes, taking shaky breaths. You covered your mouth with your hand to drown out your silent sobs as you heard the familiar lullaby that Nik usually sings to Hope.
Klaus has really changed for the better since the first time you two met. And any other woman in your situation would surely fall in love with him in a heartbeat. But you've already given your heart to someone you'll never have. Or so you thought.
You felt an inexplicable attraction to Elijah, but with Klaus... everything just felt right - even though the hybrid drove you crazy and was the complete opposite of your dream prince on a white horse, in which Elijah fit perfectly. So maybe your Mr. Right wasn't someone you'd imagined in your head a long time ago…
And now, crying silently on your husband's bed, you realize what you should have done ages ago. But before you did the right thing, you could afford to pay a little attention to your troubled, lost heart.
So you cried until you got tired enough that all you did before falling asleep in Klaus' bedroom was to cover up any traces of your tears. You promised yourself a long time ago that no matter what, you would be the only witness to your tragedies. You'd rather be seen as a cold bitch than a weak, lost girl thrown into the fights the originals always fought.
Because in the end, it was only you (and Hope) against the whole world. Just like always.
"I need you to do me a favor, Kol." you said as you walked into his room without knocking. The original was on the bed, flipping through something on his phone. He lazily shifted his gaze to you. You groaned internally. Bored Kol is a Kol who is very hard to work with. But—shame to admit it—he was your last and only resort.
"Hello to you too, Y/N. Thank you for knocking before storming into someone's room. How am I? I'm very glad you're asking; I'm fine. That's a very beautiful day, don't you think? Yes, indeed. Did marriage with my brother completely make you lose any manners and tact?" he teased as he drank the blood from the bag.
"I want you to compel me." he spat out his drink, choking and staining another carpet. "Rebekah will be mad at him." you thought as you watched how the original was coughing.
"What?!" he shouted, finally coming to himself. "Why?!" he asked, reaching for his half-full bag again.
"I want you to compel me to love Klaus." he spat out his drunken blood again, suffocating. He tossed the bag on the nightstand, deciding not to reach for it again in the face of new revelations. He probably thought you were completely out of your mind.
"What the bloody hell?! But I thought you and Lijah…" he began, confused, jumping out of bed to face you.
"We never gonna happen, Kol. I realized it very clearly yesterday. And I don't want to feel these stupid things around Elijah any more. He will never be mine, and I will never be his. I have Hope. I had to think about her future and happiness. And she deserves… everything. So if I can give her a happy, normal, loving family, I will do it. Even if it means falling for Klaus by your compel."
"Are you sure, darling? Do you even know what you're asking me for? Do you really want me to erase your memories of you and Elijah?"
"No. I don't want to forget. I want to remember all those stupid moments that led me to this fucking rollercoaster of emotions. I need you to convince me that... it was always meant to be Klaus. That my love for Elijah is just a fleeting fascination, and that Klaus is my fucking soulmate and partner, someone who will treat me as an equal and put me and our daughter above everything else. And that seeing him so close with Aurora and Camille made me realize that I only want to be with him."
"You know that these things aren't far from the truth, do you? My brothers love you. Both equally strong. Are you sure that…"
"Yes. I made my decision. I'm just asking you to help me sort out my emotions properly. I can't be the girl who sails between two brothers. I will not let Hope grow up in this mess my feelings have caused. My fate was sealed the day I met Klaus. Now it's time for me to finally accept it."
"I'll help you, darling. On one condition. I'm not going to keep you under my compel forever. I'll take it off someday. Are you then ready to face the consequences of your actions? Organize your feelings on your own? What if you really fall in love with Nik? What if you somehow fall in love with both of them? If Elijah finds someone else? Do you even think about what it will mean to you? You'll be living a lie, Y/N. Are you ready for it?"
"I'll do everything to give Hope the family she deserves. Besides, I'm Y/N Y/L/N-Mikaelson. I always know what to do. And for now, this is the perfect solution. I think I could be happy with Klaus after all. And after everything that happened recently... I just want to finally be happy, Kol. Without all the extra problems that being a Mikalson brings anyway."
"I only hope you're not going to regret this... Look at me, darling. Today you will feel something more than hostility or a little friendliness toward my brother Klaus. After seeing him, being a hero for your pack, and rescuing that human Camille from getting killed, you realized that you'd always had some feelings for him, but before today they were weaker than what you feel for Elijah. You realized that Klaus could be the man of your dreams, someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. You will never forget what you experienced with Elijah, but now you see him more like a brother and an uncle to your child than a life partner. You like Klaus; he's the only man you could be romantically interested in until Hope comes of age. After this time, my compulsion will cease to work. You will forget that I compel you. I told you to get that stupid idea out of your head and told you not to ask anyone else for such a favor. You will follow my command." you snapped out of your stupor, blinking as you tried to remember what the hell had just happened.
"Well, at least promise me you won't tell Klaus, Elijah, or anyone else."
"I hate to say it, but you have my word. Everything will stay between us."
"Good." you nodded your head and left his room. Kol's concerned gaze led you all the way to the door.
At least he circumvented your request and didn't force you to love Klaus directly, he just dulled your infatuation with Elijah. If you started to feel anything for his hybrid brother, it would be real. He only hoped that when Davina, Rebekah, or Nik found out, they wouldn't castrate him for it.
You were pissed off. Incredible furious with your stupid husband and his older brother.
These two morons went with Kol on a solo quest against Lucien and Tristan, locking you (Freya, Davina, Rebekah and you) in the house.
You don't need to tell anyone that they came back with nothing and narrowly escaped death. As soon as the boundary spell was lifted by your witches, you ran out of the house with Hope and went straight to your pack. You left your daughter with your cousin Lily and her witch girlfriend while you went to get wood. You must have landed your rage on something. Trees were better than innocent people or your very guilty and stupid husband, whose face you didn't want to see right now because you knew you'd use it as a dartboard.
However, you forgot that your husband had no self-preservation instinct.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" you growled as you sensed his presence, continuing to chop wood. He really was asking to die today.
"You took our daughter and left the house, you think I won't follow you? Besides, we need to talk, love."
"Well, it's too fucking late now. Fuck off before I shove a branch up your ass."
"Where does such an aggression of yours come from, love?"
"You dare to fucking ask me?! After what you did?! You could all die or get caught! I know you don't care what happens to me, but have you thought about Hope? Your fucking daughter! What would happen if they came for us, for her, when we were closed in the cage, you made?! Tell me, honey, was it your brilliant idea? Or maybe Kol's?"
"It's fascinating that you have such faith in my noble elder brother that you don't even entertain the slightest possibility that it was his plan."
"Elijah wouldn't do something so stupid. He's better than you. Do you even know how it could..."
"Of course our dear Elijah would be a better husband for you!" his brain apparently focused only on that damn part, not the one where you scolded him for being so careless because you were worried about him.
"Don't you dare fucking bring him into this! He was the only goddamn person who cared about my fate after my transformation! He cares enough about me to let me know about his plans, Klaus!"
"I saw perfectly well how he cares for you - by shoving his tongue down your throat!"
"Maybe if you weren't acting like a fucking, arrogant, condescending dick who knows everything best, you'd be in his place!"
"Well, I went further with you than he did last night. You didn't even moan against his mouth as you did against mine. I guess being a dick pays off after all." he replied with a feisty, smug smile.
"You! Fucking! Disgusting! Pervent!" you growled, punching him in the chest each time, causing him to back away from you until you pinned him to a tree. "I fucking hate you. Every time I see the shadow of a man worth loving in you, you always screw it up! I hate you and despise both you and myself that despite all the damn things you've done against me, somehow I still fucking want to see in you someone worth my love!" you screamed, taking out your anger on him with every blow you landed on him.
It shocked you that he didn't do anything to stop you. He just took your punches, standing still in complete silence, until you got tired.
"Better?" he whispered, staring at your panting, disheveled figure as you both tried to calm down.
"A little."
"You tremble." he noticed, carefully touching your cold shoulder. "Let's go back to the camp. We need to warm you up." he said as he took off his leather jacket and tossed it over your shoulders. He grabbed your hand and started leading you through the dark forest.
You don't even remember when you got this far in your anger. It took you a good half silient hour of walking to get back to the sleeping pack.
You sat by the still-burning fire. Klaus added a few logs of wood to make sure it wouldn't go out. He then sat next to you and unrolled the blanket, draping it over your back, creating a warm cocoon around the two of you.
You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder and staring into the fire. You blissfully absorbed the silence between the two of you, losing yourself in Klaus' warmth and scent.
"I'm sorry." he broke the long silence between you. "I should have let you know about my plans or not locked you in the house. You're right. You deserve someone better, love." he said, his voice slightly trembling as he spoke the last words.
"I could love you, you know?" you felt his piercing, surprised look as you played with one of the sticks, staring stubbornly at the fire to avoid his gaze. "A long time ago. If you hadn't acted like a condescending asshole and tried your best to lock me up in that damn house with Hope. If you'd let me in, help me get past that evil, cruel hybrid facade and see the real you, you would have what you so secretly desire."
"And what is that?"
"Unconditional love from someone who isn't forced to give it to you. Unlimited trust and devotion-something you have not experienced in your very long life. You know one day you'll get it from our daughter, but it won't be the same. She will love you because you are her father, her love is conditioned by the bond you have shared since she was born. That's why you want me to love you so much. You want someone who cares about you for no reason."
"And could you? Love me just because you want to? After everything I have done?" he asked, pulling you away from him, not too far away, just enough to look you in the eye.
"You were never quite the villain in my story. I have to admit, I've hated you since I met you... but over time, I've seen that you've made me more than I could have imagined, someone much more powerful, someone whose opinion really matters. You always helped me, even when I thought it was some kind of sabotage against me and when I disagreed with your plan, like when you decided to stop Dalhia alone or play partners in crime with your bloodthirsty father. You take care of my pack like it's your own, and you're such a good father to Hope that sometimes I envy her. Maybe our beginnings weren't the best, and maybe along the way we'll start arguing and fighting like bitter enemies again, but I couldn't imagine anyone else to do it with."
"Even after I forced you into this marriage?"
"Well, if it weren't for you, my parents would've arranged one with a possibly stupid, self-centered werewolf anyway, so I didn't get the worst of it."
"Good to know I'm not the worst option."
"At least you're hot and handsome." you replied, nudging him with your arm. He did the same, making you both laugh.
You stared into his eyes as the firelight reflected in his beautiful irises, emphasizing sparks of amusement and... tenderness.
"I want to be the man who deserves your love."
"Can you let me in then?"
He did not answer. Instead, he pressed his lips to yours. If it had been any other man, you would have insisted on answering this important question. But you knew Klaus too well to know that this passionate, sultry, tender kiss is a silent promise he makes to you. A promise he intends to keep.
Klaus wasn't the perfect man of your dreams, and he often made hasty, sudden decisions without considering the opinions of others. But deep down, you knew there was no other man in the world who made you feel the way you did with Nik. Even Elijah couldn't make you feel half the way you did with his brother. His kiss, his touch, his smile, and his scent made you feel insane. And that (desire, passion, tenderness, warmth, and thristing for his little affection) was the type of love you want to lose yourself in.
Maybe it was Klaus who was supposed to be your Mr. Right after all.
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
The Originals next generation: Elijah's version
Nicolette Ragna Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Alexa Demie
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First daughter of Elijah Mikaelson
Mother unknown (Elijah has an idea but is a bit unsure)
Nicolette and her cousin Adreena are besties
Her father calls her Nicole for short while her cousins call her Nick or Nicky
Nicky liked to think she keeps a cool head like her father, but in truth, her father's aggressive side is more dominant
She is a ✨️fashion icon ✨️ and always manages to look good in any situation
Hates when blood gets on her clothes
She is a Dhampir (half human half vampire)
She knows how to play piano and even makes up her own songs when inspiration strikes
She plays her original pieces ONLY for her family
She helps Adreena take care of the family
She is a ride or die for her family
Like her father, she would give everything she has so her family would be safe and happy
Will not hesitate to snap a neck for her cousins
She scares her younger cousins a lot
She is a "bit" of a diva (when I say a bit, I mean........SHE IS A DIVA)
She throws a mean punch and God-fearing slap
Throws the legendary balls and parties
Aleksandra Faith Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
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Aleksandra is the second daughter of Elijah and the younger sister of Nicolette
Unlike her older sister, Aleksandra is calm one and has inherited more of Elijah's calm and calculative side
Everyone calls her Aleks or Sandra for short
Aleks, Nicky, and Audrey prefer themselves as the leaders and matriarchs of the family
Aleksandra is a heretic
Like her older sister, she too is a ✨️fashion icon ✨️
Has a great respect for Hailey
She and her sister Nicky are very overprotective of their dad, and they make sure to keep tabs on the women he sees
When she gets angry, then nowhere is safe
Elijah made sure that both his daughters never lost sight of their self-worth or value in the world (with his sisters help, of course)
She and Adreena feel like the mothers out of their cousins
Loves hearing her sister play piano
Aleks plays the violin
She and Nicky often do duets together
Believe it or not, but she and a few of her cousins get a headache from trying to make sense of their family tree
Loves going on walks and doing street violin performances in the streets of New Orleans
Loves traveling
She, Nicky, and Clara meet up a lot for tea and gossip
Aleks helps out at the Salvatore boarding school
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dckweed · 10 months
below you'll find a master list of my collective series of works on tumblr. currently, i'm only adding those that are specifically a series because those are the most that i get messages about and i have alot of singular posts and it would be too time consuming currently to go through and add them!
⤷ TOP GUN: MAVERICK (open for requests)
⤿ Jake 'hangman' Seresin
Sugar Sweet: one, two, three,
Babygirl: one, two, three, four, five, six, seve, eight, (this series is also open for request!)
⤿ Bradley 'rooster' Bradshaw
⤿ Robert 'bob' Floyd
THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six,
⤿ Pete 'maverick' Mitchell
⤷ STRANGER THINGS (currently closed for requests while i catch up)
⤿ Steve Harrington
love grows: one, two
⤿ Billy Hargrove
I feel so stupid: one, two, three
Not parent friendly: one, two, three, four
⤿ Gator Tillman
THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
TNTYK BLURBS: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
⤿ General Hux
what was i made for?: taglist, one, two, three, four, five, six
⤿ Benedict Bridgerton
tormented tragedy: taglist, one, two, three, four
⤿ Elijah Mikaelson
Devilish Delights: one, two
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
Hello! I’m a sucker for Kol Mikaelson would you be willing to write some fem!vamp! Reader x kol Mikaelson? A kindred spirits type of thing where she’s also the black sheep of the family and kol is very protective of her? Maybe one of her brothers/sisters comes around and is mean or insults her and kol puts them in their place?
Your place to stay series is my absolute favorite 💛
A/N: Hi! So, this is more humorous than you maybe meant but I still hope you like it!
+200ish words.
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When you first started to date it was a bit weird. Both of you kept your family away from each other and pushed the subject away if it never happened to come up.   
But with time you started to open up to each other, not saying that it was easy but at least it was possible.   
After Kol started to talk about his complicated family situation and you talked about your family, you realized how similar your family situations were and you both were the black sheep of the family.   
You introducing Kol to your family was a bit of a mess and you were near tears by the end, but it really brought the two of you together.   
With you meeting Kol’s siblings..., well it was even a bigger mess. (Two people ended up dead and Klaus made a comment about Kol and you breaking up within the next week.)   
And of course, Kol retaliated by punching Klaus, which of course led to a fight. (While Kol and Klaus were fighting, you and Rebekah simply chose to drink some expensive whiskey.)  
So, in general you and Kol make an awesome couple and after a while of dating, his family will grow to accept you and are happy to see that you bring out the best of each other.   
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elleejayy · 6 months
The rules are simple: Complete all requirements for a generation to advance onto the next. Cheats to be used at your own discretion, though it’s more fun without.
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TRAITS: Over-Emotional, Dramatic, Brave, Family-Orientated, Hopeless Romantic. Any LTW, Any Career - Do NOT have to complete either.
Start in a fresh, untouched save.
Have 2 Best Friends.
Fall in love with a sim
Then fall in love with their sibling.
Have 2 children (2 boys) with second sim.
Die as an Adult. Accidental or on purpose.
Following your death, your partner has a One Night Stand that results in a baby.
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TRAITS: Good Sense of Humour, Family-Orientated, Supernatural Sceptic, Flirty, Brave LTW: Surrounded by Family Any Career
Start as a teen, in a new town.
Never develop any close relationships with anyone except your younger brother.
Have a negative relationship with Father.
Meet your Half-Sibling as a Young Adult.
Move out with your younger brother.
Meet the love of your life at a bar.
Have 5 Children with her.
Have a One night stand with a Werewolf, results in an affair baby. (This will be your heir!)
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TRAITS: Mean Spirited, Brooding, Supernatural Fan, Kleptomaniac, Unstable LTW: Leader of the Pack No Career Allowed
Start as a teenager.
Have a negative relationship with father, step-mother and half-siblings.
Earn all money through collecting/hunting as a werewolf.
Have an affair with a siblings partner, affair baby comes from this. (This will be your heir!)
Adopt a teenager, turn them into a werewolf.
Only have a close relationship with your children.
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TRAITS: Brave, Charismatic, Good Sense of Humour, Athletic, Daredevil LTW: World Renowned Surgeon CAREER: Medicine
If a werewolf, get cured. You don’t want to harm anyone.
As a young adult, disown your werewolf parent.
Meet the love of your life at work.
Have 2 children.
Have 2 children who are siblings, your adoptive family.
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TRAITS: Shy, Hydrophobic, Family-Orientated, Hopeless Romantic, Clumsy LTW: Resort Empire No Career Allowed
Start as a teen, ideally in Isla Paradiso.
Make 2 best friends.
Find the abandoned resort, buy it.
Fall in love with a visitor to the resort.
Have as many children as you desire.
Optional: Become a mermaid.
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TRAITS: Party Animal, Perceptive, Inappropriate, Flirty, Great Kisser LTW: Pervasive Private Eye CAREER: Private Investigator
Move town.
Master Mixology skill.
Become a Casanova/Natasha OR Slimeball.
Throw a party as least once a week.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Charismatic, Born Salesperson, Diva, Proper, Perfectionist LTW: CEO of a Mega-Corporation CAREER: Business
Master charisma skill.
Max Business career.
Throw a dinner party once a season.
Own 3 different venues in town.
Have 5 children, 4 boys & 1 girl.
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TRAITS: Athletic, Born Salesperson, Disciplined, Unlucky, Over-Emotional LTW: Master Romancer CAREER: Criminal
Master Athletic Skill.
Take up gambling, a few times a week. [Sims 3 Store]
Endless failed relationships, until you meet the one when you’re days away from being an adult.
Have a set of twins.
When the twins are teens, one must die (or disappear).
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TRAITS: Unstable, Great Kisser, Irresistible, Neurotic, Rebellious LTW: Super Popular Any Career.
Be best friend with your twin before they die/disappear.
Own a motorbike.
Max Rebel social group.
Final love as a young adult with another rebel.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Genius, Hydrophobic, Loser, Computer Whiz, Socially Awkward LTW: Perfect Student CAREER: Science
You’re smart, attending university is a must.
Honor roll as a child and teen, A+. Always complete homework.
Perfect GPA.
Master Science skill.
Master Logic skill.
Master Gardening skill.
Master Handiness Skill.
Master Fishing Skill.
Master Arcade Machine skill. [Hidden]
Have a Plant Sim baby.
Scientifically engineer a baby.
Have an Alien Baby. [This is your heir!]
Die a virgin.
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TRAITS: Athletic, Brave, Genius, Ambitious, Hot-Headed LTW: Become an Astronaut CAREER: Military
Live in Lunar Lakes, or a Custom Alien World
Master Athletic skill.
Master Handiness Skill.
Find love with a Supernatural Sim.
Have as many hybrid children as you desire.
Have a Holo disc pet.
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TRAITS: Brave, Genius, Family-Orientated, Loner, Light Sleeper LTW: Alchemy Artisan CAREER: Alchemist
As a child, you’re sent to boarding school.
As a teenager, you focus on learning more about your supernatural abilities.
Master Alchemy skill.
Earn money from selling elixirs at the Consignment store.
Have as many children as you desire.
Accidentally leave a Bottled Curse of the Lycan out for your heir to drink.
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TRAITS: Grumpy, Brooding, Night Owl, Perceptive, Good LTW: Leader of the Pack Any Career.
Become a werewolf as a teenager.
Turn a few people on Full Moons.
Master Lycanthropy Skill.
Buy Alpha Wolf Lifetime Reward.
Have a single child later in life, as an older adult.
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TRAITS: Ambitious, Charismatic, Dramatic, Snob, Family-Orientated Any LTW CAREER: Education
Optional: Cure Lycanthropy
Move to a new town after your parent has died of old age. (You can speed this up with Trigger Age Transition)
Have 4 Best Friends
Date and marry one of your best friends
Adopt one child, due to fertility issues.
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TRAITS: Star Quality, Snob, Natural Born Performer, Excitable, Diva LTW: Vocal Legend CAREER: Singer
Live in a New York-style world.
Master Singing skill. [Hidden]
Have 3 friends.
Be a 5-Star celebrity.
Marry someone with the Athletic trait.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Brave, Charismatic, Brooding, Heavy Sleeper, Fmaily-Orientated LTW: International Super Spy CAREER: Law Enforcement
Move to a small town world.
Master logic skill.
Master Athletic skill.
Have 1 best friend.
Get married to a townie.
Have 1 child with the townie.
Your partner has an affair with your best friend, resulting in a baby.
Raise the baby as your own.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⁰⁰¹ (masterlist.)
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dream of kisses – yandere!klaus mikaelson x reader // klaus enters y/n's room at night and leaves her gifts and watches her sleep, while gently caressing her face, and enters her mind and is surprised that she is having a dream about him. @klausysworld
yandere!klaus mikaelson x reader // general headcannons. @angelsworks
klaus mikaelson x reader // being his soulmate. @madwomansapologist
1920s love – klaus mikaelson x reader // your cousins, the salvatore brothers, tell you to go straight home after school. an evil vampire has come to town and it’s too dangerous; so what happens when the original vampire appears in your house unannounced. @calummss
cheater on the bridge – klaus mikaelson x elena's sister!reader // you've been sneaking around with Klaus for several months now, cheating on your boyfriend, stefan. you feel terrible about it, but you're afraid to break up with stefan because you don't know how he'll react to it. however, elena finds out about your little affair. and everything goes to hell. @kasagia
our little game – klaus mikaelson x witch!reader // you and klaus have been playing this game between yourselves since your first meeting. one day, you two would fight with each other like dogs, and the next day, you would flirt and act like people completely mad with love. but whatever was between you two, you would never lose this game and admit that you fell for him. he would only use you for your power, right? at least that's what you were telling yourself all this time. @/kasagia
he’s what you want, i’m what you need – elijah mikaelson x reader x klaus mikaelson // an argument with klaus has you turning to other methods of coping. @inpraizeof
he’s what you want, i’m what you need – elijah mikaelson x reader x klaus mikaelson // an argument with klaus has you turning to other methods of coping. @/inpraizeof
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Being an original would include:
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Under the cut because it got too long!! This turned out fairly Kol centric, which I’m really happy about as he’s one of my favourite tvd/to characters. Parts of this aren’t exactly Klaus friendly. You’ve been warned. Let me know what you think, because I’m tossing up whether to do a part 2. 😊
Edit June 9: part 2 out now!
Child. Sibling. Witch. Original. Monster. Mikaelson.
You’ve had many names throughout history.
But you prefer Y/N.
You’re Kol’s younger twin, born minutes after him. You’re inseparable as children, rarely seen apart from each other.
You know how he thinks and he can understand you with a look, which makes you closer to each other than the rest of your family.
‘Always and forever’ never applied to either of you. Instead you had ‘Us against the world’, an unspoken promise that was made with clasped hands, pats on the back and little smiles that you tried to hide from your siblings.
You both tapped into your magic early, spending days with your mother and Ayana as they taught you the principles of magic. The feeling of your skin buzzing as your first spell succeeded remains one of your favourite memories.
Life is hard in the 10th century, but your siblings are a bright spot that keep you going.
You stopped thinking of your parents with any affection after they created the ritual.
After waking up without the familiar feeling of magic crawling in your veins and an overwhelming urge for blood that can’t be quenched, the horror of what you have become dawns on you.
You were the one to witness Nik murder Esther. Part of you is angry that he did it first. When you hear him lie about Mikael being the murderer, you let the matter be and privately tell Kol the truth.
He shares your animosity for your biological creators, so the truth won’t pass his lips either.
Klaus never realised that you both knew.
You come and go among your family. After spending the first century together, you and Kol start visiting different covens.
On one trip, you met the love of your life. His name was Paolo, a member of a famous witch family in Italy.
You adored him with every bone in your body. And, by some miracle, he loved you too.
He didn't want to become a vampire, so you spent the rest of his life together.
The plague took him after nearly 20 years together. You nursed him throughout his illness.
He made you promise to keep your heart open and to find happiness again. You reluctantly agreed, swearing it again and again every time he asked.
When he finally died, Kol was the only family member you contacted. He stood beside you as Paolo was buried. He helped you grieve.
Your grief resulted in you and Kol creating a bloodbath in Eastern Europe, that was later thought to be a plague outbreak.
It's the first time Nik daggered you.
It wouldn't be the last.
Paolo stayed a secret between you and your twin. You never tell the others.
And as the centuries passed, you found yourself loving again.
There was Stanislav, Alice, Margarita and Magnus. All of them were special in their own way.
But you still keep the ring Paolo gave you hidden in a box that goes everywhere with you.
Your history is filled with stories of empires and kingdoms won and lost because of your schemes and plots.
It's better to be the power behind the throne instead of the one wearing the crown.
You've been an advisor to Emperors, Queens, nobles and some of the brightest minds in history.
But Klaus' paranoia and Elijah's constant catering to his whims means the time you spend in your coffin gets longer and longer.
You secretly alerted Mikael to your family's presence in Cadiz in 1702. The speed of his arrival startled you, but you all managed to escape.
It's the only secret you've kept from Kol.
You spend the next 2 centuries befriending New Orleans’ witch community.
Although opinions on your family remain divided, there’s a general consensus that Y/N Mikaelson is one of the more reasonable members of the family to be approached if one finds themselves in need of aid.
Witches soon learn that you’re happy to be drawn into discussions on different types of magic and if a witch is clever enough, they might be taught a spell from one of your many personal grimoires that you’ve collected across the centuries.
Your relationship with your family remains cordial, but you find it hard at times to swallow your resentment for them.
You can trust Elijah with any matter that doesn’t involve Klaus.
You like Rebekah but you don’t trust her with anything beyond superficial matters because she’ll go running to your older brothers at the first sign of discontent.
You love Nik, but you can’t stand the person he’s become after so many centuries. Sometimes you catch glimpses of the boy he was, but these days, he’s more Klaus than Nik. You don’t trust him at all.
You know about Kol’s war against Klaus, but you won’t get involved. If it had happened 300 years earlier you would’ve been scheming right beside your twin, but your time being daggered and watching Klaus’ descent in paranoia has left you skeptical about the chances of success. You warn Kol once about the possible consequences before staying silent on the matter.
The only secret Kol ever kept from you is just how close he got to creating a dagger for your dear older brother.
You barely escape New Orleans after Christmas in 1914. Kol is daggered and put back in his much hated coffin, but Klaus remains convinced that you’re involved in the scheme too. You’re saved from a similar fate by an ally of Klaus’, a witch who owes you a debt after you saved her child’s life five years earlier.
The next ninety years are spent in far-flung corners of the world. You know how to keep a low profile and there’s no bloody way you’re going back into a coffin.
It’s not all bad though. Time spent with an Estonian coven gave you a soul link with Kol. Although his body remains in his coffin, his ghost is living life beside you.
However this has limits. You have to be carrying something special to your brother (a ring he had taken from a King six hundred years earlier) and it only works if you’re in the same country as his physical body. You soon resign yourself to staying in the same country as Klaus, but your network of supernatural contacts keeps you abreast of his movements.
You finally feel safe enough to make contact with Klaus after he completes his transformation.
‘Congratulations on finally achieving your life’s goal. Hope it was everything you hoped it would be. Maybe we can do a family reunion soon with all our siblings, xoxo’
You also send a selfie of you “celebrating on his behalf” in an LA bar with drinks and compelled partygoers.
Of course you flee the city after messaging him because you’re not ready to be found just yet.
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andreal831 · 2 months
What are your overall thoughts on Katherine Pierce? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you talk about her.
My personal opinion: Everyone always says she did terrible things in the her 500 years and make it seem like she had a choice in the matter, when she really didn’t. She didn’t have a choice in general regarding the direction her life went, she would be hunted by Klaus.
I think majority of the things we see her do is justifiable or can be explained: it was for survival. If the protagonists gang doing immoral things for survival is justified, then why can’t Katherine? Speaking of protagonists, I absolutely despise the fact that she’s the villain when characters like Damon or Klaus do so much worse.
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You're not going to like this one.
I don't talk about Katherine Pierce very often because I'm just not a fan.
I'm going to preface this by saying this is just my opinion and it doesn't mean liking Katherine is wrong. People tend to get offended when I don't like their favorite characters or ships, but it's just my opinion.
This is going to need some TW: SA/Rape
For me, I have a few deal breakers for characters and one of them is SA and rape. I know there is a lot of debate in the fandom about Katherine and Damon, but I've said it before, what Katherine did to Stefan is rape. She took away his autonomy and continued to have sex with him multiple times. No wonder when he turned into a vampire he hated her. I could never just move past this. I get a lot of what she does is for survival, but that was not. I can justify a lot of behavior because I think people can be pushed into situations where they do terrible things, but what Katherine did to Stefan has no justifiable reason.
But I can put that aside and talk about her as an overall character.
To me, Katherine had more of a choice in her life than a lot of the fandom gives her credit for. What the Mikaelsons and her own family did to Katherine when she was a teenager was beyond awful, but it doesn't blanket justify the next 500 years. Just like what Mikael did to Klaus doesn't justify the next 1000 years.
I would be more likely to feel more sympathy for Katherine if we saw any kind of evidence that she was living in fear for 500 years of Klaus. But we just don't see that. During the time she is supposed to be running for her life, we see the Mikaelsons hanging out in New Orleans never once thinking about her. Now we can insert some headcanons and say that the Mikaelsons had their network of vampires out there hunting Katherine, but we don't see that from Katherine's perspective either.
When she meets the Salvators she is just hanging out with them. I won't even get into her problematic relationship with Emily right now. But the Katherine we meet in the 1800s is acting like life is all just a game and inserts herself between brothers just for fun. The show just needed to spend more time showing her running or even just showing that Klaus even remembered she existed. To me, Katherine could have just settled down somewhere and stopped causing havoc and been safe. Much like Klaus from Mikael.
Katherine is the only person to know that she had a child and there was a possibility of more dopplegangers. Seeing as how she treated Elena, I'm honestly surprised she didn't seek out her doppleganger sooner to turn her over to Klaus. I personally headcanon that's why she ended up in MF. She was tracking down her ancestor to trade them for her own freedom and got distracted by the brothers.
I do think there is a lot of misogyny in the fandom and Katherine does face a bit of it. Her and Damon are essentially the same character and I have definitely seen her criticized for things that Damon is applauded for. But at the same time, I think Elena gets it a lot worse because of Katherine. Katherine is not a girls girl and is constantly making misogynistic comments. She criticizes Elena for the exact same thing she is envious of Elena. And it's not like Elena had some blessed life that Katherine missed out on. Elena also lost her entire family. I do think Elena had more of a support system, but that is in spite of Katherine's best efforts. Like Elijah points out, Elena was "fated to live the same life that [Katherine] endured" and a lot of that was because of Katherine.
To me, I think they needed to let the villains be the villains and that was something I appreciated with Katherine. Because, yes, she had a tragic past, but no, she didn't need to do a lot of what she did. The fact that half her motivations throughout the show was just trying to get Stefan back or ruin Elena's life made her more of a villain than a protagonist. What she did to Stefan, Elena, Mason, Caroline, etc. makes her a villain. I once saw someone say she only kills when necessary, but the scene at the party where she so easily kills a teenager to prove a point to Stefan makes me disagree. Much like all of the villains, she kills without reason or care. I wish they had gone more into her dark past to really cement her as a villain, but I actually like that they never redeem her.
I love a good villain and even more so when it's a woman. But, like I said, Katherine just went to far with Stefan and I can't look past it. I also didn't find her Stefan obsession that compelling. Or her hatred of Elena. I liked the season when she grows close to Nadia and when she did try and help Stefan with his PTSD, but other than that, I didn't find her to be a compelling character. Although, I absolutely love her entrance into the show. It will always be iconic.
Thanks for the ask! I don't get a lot of them from TVD so it's always fun to talk about!
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