#mihawk x reader x buggy
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Shag - Part 3
Part 3 to the Swing and Sway Dance Series!
There is no smut in this chapter, just truly teasing out the dynamic between the three of you within your new arrangement.
This chapter was brought to you by @feral-artistry's beautiful artwork, teasing this thought from my brain with her wonderful drawing. Who could resist that taunting pout?
Word Count: 3,197
Masterlist here.
Warnings: kisses, touches, no smut. Just throuple-dynamic things, small hints at prior encounters.
The terms were laid out between the three of you: the clown was still first and foremost your captain and you remained his prized acrobat; the shining star and the spotlight beaming onto him to showcase his majesty. The warlord of the seas was granted free reign to lord over you, but never truly rule you. There were a few times where an overlapping tension arose, but never truly resolved itself; lying dormant and ready to strike at a moment’s notice.
Buggy required constant reassurance that you were absolutely his; you belonged as a major part of his crew, your act with Jac being one of the main attractions to his show under his travelling red and white tent. Hands upon his cheeks, gentle kisses laid against his brow, sitting yourself facing him atop his lap as you smoothed the unruly blue strands beneath his red and white bandana, uttering affirming words of affection for him. Whispers of “darling,” and “dearest,” fleeing from your painted lips against his own as you caressed him tenderly beneath you.
Mihawk needed no such encouragement from you; ultimately knowing he could come and go as he pleased with just a smirk falling from his lips and a sneer of teasing directed towards your captain as he laced his arm around your waist and hoisted you against his openly displayed chest.
The dynamic shift of balancing their energies ultimately fell upon you. Mihawk wanted truly to have an obedient woman, someone he could direct and encourage: a trophy for his lap at affairs of importance and a confidant to share his intimate feelings with over a glass of finely aged wine. Buggy was a lost puppy; eyes always searching yours with minor pleading and need for you to be with him always.
Mihawk ultimately knew you would always belong to Buggy, but he had hoped to share this arrangement with the blue-haired clown for as long as you allowed him to. The sway and pull you held over these men was truly impeccable; the Buggy-Pirate crew commenting on it within the green room constantly.
All criticisms and words falling from the mouths of members of your crew in anything other than complete and utter support were not only hushed by the command of your captain; but also your acrobatic partner, Jac. He was your loyal watchdog, constantly checking in with you to ensure you were not overwhelmed in the romantic displays between the men. He was your knight and your rock as you navigated the balance between the two of them, and would immediately bark and gnash his teeth if anyone paid you insult to how you shared yourself between the two powerful men.
The first time there was a call for parley between the two of them was when they began to openly use your body to demonstrate who truly owned you as their partner; who held your truest affections and your full attention. Reassurance and submission did nothing to halt their advances. Fine pieces of jewellery adorning your neck or shirts representing memorabilia and loyalty to the Buggy-Pirates did nothing to satiate their desire to truly keep you completely to themselves.
Mihawk, paying no heed to the fact that you were required to perform on stage, would openly litter your skin with passionate welts of lust against the flesh exposed on your neck and down towards your cleavage. If he chose to grace his presence to witness your performance with Jac, he would arch his brow up with a smirk as soon as Buggy noticed your skin peppered with marks drawn from his lips; his passion displayed openly for all to see.
In response to Mihawk’s fervent exchanges with your body in its open display, Buggy would sooth over the marks with his own lips to trace over the flesh tenderly, while also wearing an exuberant amount of blue body glitter as he held you flush against himself in the thralls of passion.
Paint would stain your cheeks, lips, clavicle and stomach all the way down to your waistline; the tint refusing to come away with water and soap as you scrubbed at the flesh, overzealously to rid yourself from it. The glitter was impossible to fall away from your body and hair; Mihawk often noticing it would transfer onto his own dark locks after you spent a night with him while returning from the arms of your captain the night before.
The parley was not initiated by you nor the two men, but from Jac who was the mediator for the “situationship” you found yourselves falling within. The strain of balancing the men was impeding your ability to perform well, your central balance falling off and no longer being able to manage itself against your acrobatic partner. Jac truly was your greatest ally as you navigated this new venture with the two powerful men.
“You need to work a better arrangement out,” Jac uttered, sternly to the two men as you sat between them at the rectangular table, “I apologise, sir,” he nodded to Buggy, “I am a member of your crew first, but I am also her performing partner. I can’t have her overburdened with all this,” he gestured between the three of you, “and not have a compromise reached to balance it appropriately.”
You sunk back in your seat, pursing your lips and arching your brows in the centre of your face. The two men scowled at Jac as he spoke, but neither made to impede their will over his berating and chastising words; knowing them to be the truth.
They knew it was not a healthy arrangement; Buggy’s gaze falling over your form as you held your eye contact firmly against Jac’s feet. Mihawk held an intimidating stare at your acrobatic partner, looking through his peripherals to meet with his lover, noticing the close attention her chosen spouse was paying to her also.
“And what do you suggest?” Mihawk offered in a bored tone, shifting his gaze onto the crystal wine glass placed in front of him; reaching forward to grasp it within his index and middle finger while steadying the stem with his thumb, “we all sleep together?”
“Yes,” Jac nodded his head, firm in his resolve and unwavering in his dictation, “exactly that.”
“What?” Buggy uttered darkly in question, his voice laced with venom at the sheer notion.
“You share in every other way,” Jac challenged his captain, stepping forward and towering over the table, “look, I’m not suggesting you all fuck each other-.”
The hairs sprung upwards on the back of your neck, eyes wide and shocked at the crassness of your acrobatic partner. The tinge of red flew to the apples of your cheeks, the tips of your ears and pooling at the centre of your chest. Mihawk’s hold on the wine glass tightened as Buggy narrowed his eyes at the thought.
“-Just bed-share,” Jac suggested with a shrug while holding his gaze staring down the warlord of the sea, “her in the middle, you both at the sides. You might find yourselves enjoying the dynamic.”
“And if we don’t?” Buggy chimed in, arching his painted brow upwards, “what then?”
“Then,” Jac stepped forward once more, his thighs meeting with the polished edge of the table as he lowered his lean over it, “this needs to end. It’s not healthy, and I need her to be at her peak performance specifically for safeguarding purposes.”
Mihawk rose a crystal glass to his lips, maintaining eye contact with your partner as he gulped back the crimson liquid. Buggy’s frown deepened at the thought, not truly desiring the prospect of sharing a bed with Dracule Mihawk alongside the woman he came to cherish.
“Or,” Jac shrugged with a downturned smile, “you could all shag?”
Mihawk caught a small choke as he brought the glass down from his lips, the red liquid burning in his oesophagus. Buggy’s eyes held a bitter rage within them, baring his fury up at the broad acrobat.
“The dance, right?” you spoke up beneath your breath, raising your chin upwards to look at your partner warmly, “shag-dancing?”
“Of course,” Jac expressed gleefully, a warm smile rising to his cheeks at your words, “I could have the band play something for you to share the dynamic, something up tempo like we did all those nights ago.”
“That could be fun,” you nodded, looking first to your captain who’s teal orbs beamed at you joyfully before falling his sights to the broody warlord behind you, scowling at him as the notion truly fell over him.
Mihawk remained indifferent, glancing through the corner of his eye at you to assess how respondent you were to the notion of truly sharing yourself with the two of them, completely all together.
“It will help you all find a rhythm,” Jac added, only truly attempting to convince his captain, as the broad-hat adorned warlord hooked his arm around the back of your chair in support. The painted clown leaned in towards you, placing a hand atop your thigh as he did so.
“Is that what you want, sweets?” his brows upturned and almost innocent as he searched your eyes for confirmation, “to dance? To be shared, truly?”
“I don’t know,” you uttered reactionary, “you already both own me. I’m yours,” you reached your hand over towards the dark-haired, honey-eyed warlord while tilting your gaze over to him, “both of yours,” you confirmed. Mihawk leaned in his body towards you, stooping his dominating presence over you as he made to seek out your lips in a kiss; halting as he gazed at the clown through the corner of his amber eyes.
“I’ll leave you to flesh out the details,” your acrobatic partner smiled at the three of you, bowing his head towards the floor and making his grand exit from the small drawing room of the large red and white tent.
You felt your captain approach your cheek from behind, pressing a small kiss against the smooth flesh before pressing his own cheek flush against yours and staring at the swordsman. Your breath hitched in your throat at your captains orders, spoken in hushed tones against your jaw.
“Kiss him,” he whispered darkly, pressing his lips against your jaw, “I need to see it.”
You hesitated, looking deeply into the eyes of Dracule Mihawk; flittering your gaze between his honey-coloured eyes for any reservations in you following the order of your captain and lover. Mihawk narrowed his eyes, baring his gaze down at your captain before softening them and unclenching his jaw as soon as his eyes met yours.
He moved his body closer still, moving his arm from its steady hold on the back of your chair to fall behind your neck and draw himself into you; his lips moving tenderly against your own. Your eyes remained opened staring at the closed lids of the bearded warlord as you felt the small scrape of stubble atop your cheek from Buggy. The three of you remained in this position: your blue-haired captain gawking through his clenched jaw at his spouse and her lover engaging in a tender kiss.
Although he immediately thought to compete for your attention, he instead found his eyes glazing over and his hand moulding itself tighter against the flesh of your thigh; feeling as if he was truly having an outer body experience as he witnessed you deepening your kiss with Mihawk.
He felt through the placement of his cheek flush against your own as you parted your lips to receive the assaulting tongue of Mihawk’s between them. He found himself closing his eyes and truly engaging in the emotion displayed between the two of you, snaking his hands around your waist from behind as he moved his chin down to fall at your shoulder; his lips meeting tenderly at the exposed flesh you revealed through your attire to him.
Mihawk’s brows furrowed as he deepened his ministrations against your lips, his fingertips raking the follicles upon your scalp beneath his touch. He, at first, ignored Buggy’s presence and focussed solely on you and the way you responded so eagerly to his touch. He snuck a glance through half-opened lids and found the clown pressing feverish and hungry kisses against your shoulders and neck, trailing his painted lips up to your jaw from behind once more.
He turned his sights to you now, acknowledging truly your desire and emotion behind your closed lids and a moan escaping from between your lips; falling freely into Mihawk’s mouth. His eyes began to roll back as he brought his other hand to rest against your free jaw and raise your head upwards to allow for a deeper and more intimate connection.
Mihawk felt you hesitate against his grip, the first time you had ever shown apprehension towards his domination; prompting him to almost completely withdraw himself from your touch. You chased his retreating lips with your own, bringing your hand up to lace your fingers beneath his dark curls and rise to stand from your seated position.
Buggy was unsure as to where he was going, but was happy to chase you; your hand grasping at his mustard-coloured cravat to pull him into you as you hooked your legs over the lap of the warlord and sat atop him. The blue-haired, clown-captain began to stand awkwardly beside the intimidating aura of the warlord as he watched him engage with rough and passionate kisses with his acrobat. A small aura of dread fell onto him, apprehension following your feverish and passionate kisses against the lips of the mighty warlord.
Sensing his retreat, you broke from the lips of Dracule Mihawk and clutched tighter against the necktie of your captain, pulling his lips into you as you engaged with his red-tinted mouth; passionately encapsulating his skin and tasting the grease-paint beneath it.
The dynamic shift between the two men was so intoxicating, you found yourself beginning to fall under the enchantment of their complete duality. You unlaced your fingertips from Mihawk’s hair, choosing to drag them upwards to collect more of the blue-haired clown to draw him into yourself, dominating him with your lips to almost bully him into submission: something you found your captain to be quite fond of during your isolated bedroom tussles.
Mihawk felt a groan escaping his lips, stifling it as it exited in response to the sight of you engaging in a more dominant role against the lips of your captain. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, his hands helplessly falling to grip your thighs and steady you against himself. He chose not to engage you as you locked your lips against the torso and head of Buggy the clown, trailing your lips to fall against the clown’s jaw and neck; forming a haste and desperate path down towards his collarbone.
Buggy and Mihawk locked their eyes together at that point, almost persuading each other to back off from their arrangement. The feel of your feverish kisses against Buggy’s clavicle and the raking of your pelvis against Mihawk’s thighs were enough to persuade them otherwise as they gave into their emotions and the sensations you made available to the two of them. Buggy’s eyes rolled back as he grit his teeth, never one to ever shy away from an audience. Mihawk focussed his gaze on the swirling of your tongue against the tender skin of Buggy’s neck, empathetically experiencing how truly sensual the kiss felt as if it was against his own skin.
You were left completely shocked. Never had you thought these two men alone would hold a candle to you; let alone you sat atop ones lap while you passionately engaged with the other.
Buggy reached his gloved hand below your chin, breaking you from your connection against his skin and leading you towards the awaiting lips of Mihawk. You began kissing his bearded jaw and trailing a path upwards towards his mouth, capturing him in a warm and welcoming kiss as you would if you were truly alone. Mihawk held his watchful gaze against the teal-coloured eyes of the infamous genius-jester as he apprehensively smirked at the sight laid before him, moulding his lips against your own for the second time.
A small moan fell from your lips as you broke your lip contact from the warlord and circled your nose against his.
“I’m up for a shag if you both are,” you giggled, nudging your nose against the warlords before turning your attention towards your captain and pressing your lips gently against his blue-stubbled chin.
“The dance, right doll?” Buggy asked in a small warning tone, prompting another giggle to flee from your lips.
“I can take whatever you both can give me,” you teased him, an apprehensive moan escaping from Mihawk’s lips; surprising the three of you with its presence. You all turned your attention towards the broody warlord, his amber eyes falling to your paint-smeared lips. You softened your eyes, looking to the reddened lips of Mihawk, as he too accepted Buggy’s painted lips through your bridging kisses; presenting true artistry between the three of you.
“You’re sure, darling?” Mihawk asked you, seeking any apprehension from your eyes at his question. You nodded in affirmation, a warm smile falling to your lips in adoration and affection.
“If you’re at all uncomfortable,” Mihawk continued, bringing his palm to rest against your cheek, “let us know and we’ll stop.”
You leaned into his palm and shut your eyes at his warm touch. Buggy’s eyes softened at witnessing the exchange between you. He found himself truly in awe at the fact that he was not only engaging with you intimately, but to be the rival of a warlord romantically was exceptionally flabbergasting.
“Let’s go then,” you said once you reopened your eyes. You sought out your captain’s gloved fingertips with your own and brought his knuckles to your lips; pressing a small kiss against them once you found them, “my quarters are the most neutral of the options presented to us currently.”
“Agreed,” Mihawk stated almost too suddenly, stunned at his eagerness to engage with the two of you.
“I guess that’s for the best,” Buggy nodded with a melancholy smile. Sensing his apprehension, you immediately stood from your place atop Mihawk’s lap with furrowed brows.
“My darling,” you began, smoothing over his cheeks and jaw with your hand and uttering firmly, “if you are uncomfortable, you will let me know.”
“Oh, honey, I’m not uncomfortable,” he cooed darkly at you, his eyes blown wildly with lust, “I’m just keen on where exactly we’re going to begin.”
Mihawk hummed in agreement, too rising to his feet and circling his arms around your waist.
“Lead the way,” the dark-haired warlord spoke against your jaw before releasing you and taking one of your hands away from the painted cheek of your captain and clasping gently within his own. You turned your head towards the warlord, looking up at him through your eyelashes before capturing the white gloved hand of your captain and began leading the two of them towards your quarters to see where the night truly took the three of you.
#one piece#opla#opla fic#one piece live action#x reader#buggy#captain buggy#buggy x you#buggy fic#buggy the clown x reader#mihawk#dracule mihawk#mihawk x you#mihawk x reader#mihawk x reader x buggy#buggy x reader x mihawk#dance series
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Who fell first and who fell harder - One Piece edition
Zoro: He fell first and harder
Law: You fell first, he fell harder
Kid: He fell first and harder
Luffy: You fell first and harder
Ace: He fell first and harder
Shanks: You fell first, he fell harder
Crocodile: You fell first and harder
Mihawk: You fell first and harder
Buggy: He fell first and harder
Sanji: He fell first and harder
Sabo: He fell first, you fell harder
Marco: You fell first, he fell harder
Doflamingo: You fell first and harder
Rob Lucci: You fell first and harder
Corazon: He fell first and harder (literally and figuratively)
#one piece imagine#one piece x you#one piece x reader#zoro x you#zoro x reader#roronoa zoro#law x you#law x reader#trafalgar law#eustass kid x you#kid x reader#monkey d. luffy#luffy x reader#luffy x you#ace x you#ace x reader#portgas d ace#shanks x you#shanks x reader#sir crocodile#crocodile x you#crocodile x reader#dracule mihawk#mihawk x reader#mihawk x you#buggy x reader#buggy x you#doflamingo x you#marco the phoenix#rob lucci
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╰➤Riding Them || One Piece
featuring: doflamingo, corazon, buggy, mihawk and ace
a/n: finally a third part for this series!! thanks for the love and support guys!! <33!! // hugs and kisses to everyone!! uwu
summary: riding these beautiful one piece men because I’m whore when it comes to anime men. 😩😩 // part 1 ,, part 2
warnings: doflamingo, nsfw, riding, buggy being a bottom, mihawk being a top, face fucking.
✦•·················• 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃!! •·················•✦
This man is ruthless whenever you’re riding him and despite him being the bottom he still has his ways to dominate you and your feelings. And this man will degenerate you in every way possible. He’s spitting either god awful dirty things at you or sweet words. Such as !! “Such a dirty whore, you love riding my cock? Can’t get enough of it?” Or “Such a good Princess. Keep making me feel good, such a good girl.”
He gets even more rough with you when he’s had a long and hard day. He’ll just make his way towards your direction and shove you slightly towards the his private room. He doesn’t care if you’re in a middle of conversation. And once in the room he’ll sit on the bed and patted his leg. “Sit. It’s been a long day and I need a good fucking.”
And once you end up on his lap his hands are all over your body, squeezing anything he can grab. And he isn’t gentle, not wasting time he’s always striping you from your clothes, and he’s already stripping himself from everything…well besides his sunglasses. Placing sloppy kisses across your neck . “Come on princess.” He whispered, as he stroke himself. “Sit on your throne and ride away.”
And he helps you aline yourself with him, and this man is so huge and thick that you wince every time you’re in this position. Whimpering softly, as he allows you to adjust to his size, and he can’t help but have a smug smirk across his face. “So tight. So good Princess…you love riding me. Right?” And to which you moan and nod, looking at his eyes and nod. “Mm so good Doffy…so big…you fill me up so good..”
Doflamingo loves watching you shake in pleasure as your riding him, the way your hips move against his, the way your chest bounces. Everything gets him so hard for you. And sadly you do tend to get tried quicker than him so when you start to slow down he’ll hold down your hips and fuck you to his liking. And you better scream his name, he wants everyone that you belong to him.
And this man doesn’t believe in aftercare…so good luck with that.
He’s the quite opposite from his brother, than man is more shy than anything. He’s scared that he’ll hurt you due to his size. After all he’s much taller than you and he doesn’t want to harm you. But after one day of trying to convince him he decided to try it out and he ended up loving this sex position. So he loves when you offer to ride him. “Mm I need to ride you sweetheart. May I?” You cooed out softly, to which he began turning red.
He’s so gentle with you. Treating with such care and with so much love. And whenever you’re on top of him, he loves to admire your beautiful body and face. He’ll run his hands along your waist and hips. “Feel so good…you look so beautiful on top of me..” He moans out. Cora loves watching how your boobs bounce, he can’t help but squeeze them. He loves watching how prefectly you fit him.
He’s always using his devil fruit abilities when having sex with you. Especially when you’re riding him. Because let’s be honest he’s a moaner. He wants to every single noise you make. So when you try to cover your mouth he’ll move your hand. “It’s okay my dear. Feel free to moan my name out. No one is going to hear us.” Because god forbid Doflamingo
He loves thrusting his hips upwards and hitting every sweet spot of yours. He loves how your body reacts to every little thing. The way your head is thrown back moaning his name. “Mm Cora…you feel so good…” And this babey would also praise you. Let’s say you’re getting tried he’ll hold your hips and thrust upwards and take over “It’s okay my dear. I’ll take it from here.”
THIS IS 100% FOR AFTERCARE!! He’ll kiss your hickeys and praise you once again. “You did wonderful my dear.” Also!! He’ll grab your favorite snacks and run you a warm bath!! And after that he’ll cuddle you until you fall asleep. A lot of head kisses and a bunch of “I love you.”
This man is a total bottom for you. And he loves to brag to everyone that he’s the top of your guys relationship but behind close doors he’s falling onto his knees for you. He loves it whenever you dominate him. Especially when you ride him because he gets a good fucking and a good view of your tits. He loves squeezing your tits and saying “Honk”
You’ll start off by sitting on his lap and taking his lips against yours into a heated kiss. “Mmm…I need you to ride me again..” He whispered against the kiss. And you gladly accepted his offer. Stripping him from his close, placing small kisses along his neck. And before sinking into his cock you’ll stroke nice and slowly and tease him. “Such a dirty little clown…can’t get enough of me?” Biting his neck, and sitting on his lap.
Buggy has to beg for you to do anything. “Please Y/N…stop teasing me…” And you’ll cut him off mid sentence by pinning him against his back and sinking onto his cock. And he has to bite his lip from moaning out loudly. And you’ll move your hips slowly, until he’s begging for more. “Come on clown. Beg for more.”
You love hearing him moan your name out. So whenever he tries to cover his mouth. You shake you head. “Tch..naughty clown. I want to hear your pretty little sounds.” And he’s a whimpering and moaning mess. The rest of the crew probably hears him and they tease the hell out of him. Poor Buggy.
Buggy uses his Devil Fruit abilities whenever you’re riding him. One floating hand will be teasing your nipples, while the other hand is playing with your clit. “Heh..I make you so good huh?” And speaking of his devil fruit abilities, you’ll make him remove his head and place it across the room and you’ll ride his body. You’re the star of the show and he’s enjoying it.
Pspsps Mihawk and Crocodile know he’s the bottom of your guys relationship and honestly they aren’t so surprised.
This man…this is definitely the top of your guys relationship. He isn’t going to submit to anyone and that also includes you. So whenever you are riding him it’s on his terms and only on his terms. “Hmm I think you deserve a treat my dear. You’ve been such a good girl, how about tonight you take the lead.” And his words are already making you weak to your knees.
Before riding him he’ll appreciate a nice lingerie, he loves to admire your beauty. And you bet your ass he’s going to praise you. “Such a beautiful dear…you’re going to look even more beautiful on top.” He say softly and grab your hand and lead you to the bed and he’ll sit down and pat on his leg. “Sit my dear.”
And once in his lap he’ll place a gentle kiss on your lips. “Just because you’re on top doesn’t mean I’m submitting to you.” He whisper against your lips. Nodding, you place small kisses along his cheeks and neck which will earn your a hum of approval. And once he’s admired your body, he’ll strip his own clothes and yours and stroke himself as he smirks at you. “Now careful, don’t break yourself dear.”
And once he’s inside of you, you take a moment because he feels so much bigger in this position. “Mm Mihawk…so big..” Moaning out, and he groans as he felt your walls clench around him. He gives you a moment to adjust before placing his hands on your hips and moves his hips upwards. And he knows what spots to make you cry out.
Whenever Mihawk notices your getting tried he’ll run a finger along your clit. “Now don’t disappoint me my dear.” He coos, which makes you whimper and move your hips against his until you guys reach each other’s climax’s. And when you do finish, he’ll quickly flip you over. Being on top once again.. “Now, my turn to fuck you my dear.”
This man is a total switch, and if you want to ride his dick he’s already dragging you to the bedroom. And he’s already kissing you with such hunger. Hands all over body. “Damn..you wanna bounce on my cock again?” He’ll tease you and strip you naked. And once you’re naked he’ll whistle. “Wow, beautiful as always.”
His favorite position is reserve cowgirl style, and to top off the position he’ll make you wear his hat. God…seeing you in his hat makes him cum alone. So this position is top three favorites. And he also loves watching the view…the way your ass is bouncing off of him. “God babe…you know how to drive a man crazy.”
Ace doesn’t bother trying to muffle his moans, if you’re making him feel good then he’s gonna let the whole ship know. And the same goes to you…both of you guys are loud. “God babe…your pussy makes me feel so good…fucking good.” He moans out, smacking your ass which earned a loud moan from your lips. “Fuck Ace…dick so good.”
You guys are so loud that the ship knows you guys are fucking and they have to bang on the door to keep you guys quiet. “You guys fuck like rabbit! Keep it down! We’re trying to sleep.” To which results in you and Ace laughing.
Speaking of dick riding. He loves when you face fuck him. Ride his face…he fucking loves it. And he doesn’t want 10% percent of your body weight he wants you to full sit. USE HIS FACE AS YOUR CHAIR UWU.
#x reader#one piece#op#anime#headcanons#smut#one piece x reader#one piece smut#doflamingo#donquixote doflamingo#doflamingo x reader#Doflamingo smut#corazon x reader#Corazon#donquixote rosinante#Corazon smut#miahwk#mihawk x reader#Mihawk smut#dracule mihawk#buggy#buggy the clown#buggy smut#portgas ace x reader#ace smut#portgas d ace#portgas ace smut
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#buggy x reader#mihawk x reader#shanks x reader#one piece#buggy#shanks#mihawk#self insert#shitpost#alignment#opla
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One Piece Fic Recs that occupy my mind nonstop
After really getting into One Piece this past spring, I've been reading as much as tumblr and AO3 have offered me in terms of One Piece content. It's been hard to keep track of everything that I have read, however, certain stories/headcanons/posts linger in my mind and I thought I'd share them with you!
Minors DNI with fics marked as NSFW and for anyone, be sure to read the content warnings the authors have mentioned!
Hope y'all enjoy!
Updated: October 1, 2024
Childhood Crush by @analogwriting
does involve violent themes, please be sure to read content warnings for each chapter
Will You Let Me? by @fanaticsnail
NSFW, Pollen AU
Dreaming of You by @fanaticsnail
this also includes Heat and Kid
The Break (Kid x reader x Killer) by @standfucker
Gore, graphic description of injury/pain/first aid, hurt/comfort, confessions, highly oblivious reader
Rotation (Heat, Kid, Killer, Wire x reader) by @standfucker
explicit NSFW content
Loving you is easy by @sheerxfiction
Three Times Killer Tried to Confess and The One Time That He Did by @nina-ya
Acid, Salt, Fat, and Heat (w/ Kid) by @fanaticsnail
A world we are both in by @my-love-is-sunlight
Kiss by @my-love-is-sunlight
Patching Up Ace's Wounds by @nina-ya SFW
there are more of this prompt with different characters btw!
Help by @sanjisprincesswifey
Blinders On by @froggiewrites
Taking the hit for him by @grandline-fics
Open Flame by @willowbelle
Ace + back dimples by @tetzoro
Fated Reunions by @tetzoro
Coward by @mimi-ya
Need by @maddddstuff
Ass or Tits? by @cloudzoro
Follow Through by @froggiewrites
My Pretty Little Thief by @turtletaubwrites
Bloom by @tetzoro
brazen by @mydearlybeloathed
"we should get married" by @grandlinedreams
wake him up! by @sleepymarimo
He Loves Me by @clare-875
Got me losin' my cool by @bitchimasnake-sss
Insomnia: owner's instruction by @revasserium
The Right Direction by @willowbelle
with hearts aligned by @eelnoise
2 years overdue by @heyitsdoe
pumpkin by @cloudzoro
beg for me by @angel1010xx
Waterflow by @otkuhotgirl
touch-starved Law by @maroronoa
the death of me by @weneeya
too sweet for me by @my-love-is-sunlight
there are no conditions by @cozage
Hidden symptoms by @escenariosinfumables
Unspoken affections by @avocadorablepirate
Tethered Together by @tetzoro
A secret by @missmugiwara
18+, suggestive
you can talk to me, but you already know by @mydearlybeloathed
clueless by @grandline-fics
Bachata by @fanaticsnail
Sapsorrow by @fanaticsnail
has both SFW and NSFW so make sure to read the chapter warnings!
Creative Cures by @discordantwritings
Remember Me by @fanaticsnail
Dancando Lambada by @fanaticsnail
Always return to you by @discordantwritings
Citrus by @otkuhotgirl
Multiple characters
Hey Doc by @fanaticsnail
some NSFW themes depending on the drabble
so very very funny
The Kissing Booth by @fanaticsnail
Paulie, Luffy, Hongo, Smoker, Aokiji, Heat, Crocodile, Sanji, Shachi, Law, and Zoro (right now)
my favorite ones are: Luffy, Smoker, Heat, Shachi !
Competency, Stupidity, Duality by @fanaticsnail
kid, zoro, and killer
Post Injury by @standfucker
law, shanks, rosinate, blackbeard, mihawk
gore content warnings
Gremlin Reader by @standfucker
Straw Hats, Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, and Kid Pirates
literally the funniest fucking thing I've ever read
they hurt you while controlled by a devil fruit by @grandline-fics
zoro, law, shanks
angst, descriptions of injury, and hurt/comfort
Beauty scars by @cozage
law, kidd
borderline NSFW
Truth or Dare by @cozage
Ace, Shanks, Luffy, and Law
SFW + NSFW, the NSFW section is clearly marked by the author
Oblivious flirting by @cozage
Law, Luffy, Ace
A Plushie Substitute by @cozage
Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Law
Five things he says when he thinks you're asleep by @imasimpforshanks
Law, Ace, Shanks
the moment they knew you were the one by @imasimpforshanks
Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Sanji, Shanks, Law, Sabo
Falling in love with them by @imasimpforshanks
Ace, Law
OP to you being clueless to their flirting/feelings part 1 by @astelren
Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Zoro Sanji, Izou, Cavendish, Rayleigh, Law
there's a part 2!
Being scared to have sex with them by @strawhatsoraya
Zoro, Law, Kid, Ace
obviously NSFW
Calling them my love by @lehguru
Law, Sabo, Ace, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo
Kid, Zoro, Law, & Sanji with a s/o afraid of having sex by @eustasskidagenda
there are 2 other parts with different characters!
A celestial dragon wants their fem!s/o by @uramakimochi
Zoro, Sanji, Law
there's another part too!
Hand placement by @cloudzoro
Ace, Crocodile, Law, Mihawk, Nami, Reiju, Robin, Sanji, Tashigi, Zoro
god the ones about the girls are SO GOOD
affectionate + strawhats by @lehguru
OP boys in a relationship by @moonydustx
growing old together by @usernameforaboredcat
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
one piece boys rescuing you by @badgerbl00d
law, zoro
heartstopper by @sleepymarimo
luffy, sanji, zoro, law
party games they'd play as an excuse to kiss you by @imasimpforshanks
luffy, zoro, nami, ace, law, shanks
Op characters reacting to you kissing them and running away by @princeoftheeternalbog
luffy, zoro, sanji, nami, robin, usopp, ace, marco, izou, sabo
slightly suggestive, mdni
Number Games by @turtletaubwrites
multi-chapter story with Cross Guild x reader
very NSFW, read the tags very carefully
Random Flirting Headcanons by @feral-artistry
Shanks, Buggy, Sanji, Ace, Law, Zoro
Here's part 2 with more characters
Jealousy fueled kiss w/ “Do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now?” by @grandline-fics
Ace, zoro, law, kid, lucci
Thinkin about: the monster, trio, ace ‘n law! Vs breeding kink! by @bitchimasnake-sss
luffy, zoro, sanji, ace, law
Habits of touch by @clare-875
Zoro, sanji, luffy
Butterflies -- how they realize they have feelings for you (touch edition) with Luffy, Zoro, and Law by @radishaur
luffy, zoro, law
multiple versions! this one is just my favorite hehe
#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece fic recs#one piece imagines#one piece one shots#one piece killer#one piece luffy#one piece ace#one piece law#one piece zoro#roronoa zoro x reader#massacre soldier killer x reader#portgas d. ace x reader#monkey d luffy x reader#trafalgar d law x reader#one piece x you#mihawk x reader#dracule mihawk x reader#shanks x reader#akagami no shanks x reader#nami x reader#robin x reader#eustass kid x readaer#crocodile x reader#sabo x reader#sanji x reader#blackleg sanji x reader#buggy the clown x reader#one piece headcanons#eustass kid x reader
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Titles they like to use in bed - one piece
smut, minors dni
It makes them feel in control but not like they have too much power over you. A simple “Yes, Sir/Ma'am” from you before following an instruction has them ready to tear you apart and put you back together again. You're so well mannered and such a good girl, they'll do anything you ask of them if you throw a “Please Sir/Ma'am” at the end.
- Mihawk, Crocodile, Robin, Sabo, Tashigi
They love when you take the reins, they love hearing “Does that feel good baby?” as you work your fingers inside them, and they love hearing you coo about how pretty your baby is after they cum. The simple and affectionate term stirs a warmth inside them that they can't compare to anything else.
- Sanji, Nami, Ace, Buggy
At first, they think you're poking fun at their title/questioning their authority. You're a brat, a teasing “C'mon Captain” falling from your lips as you whisper how horny you are to them right out on the deck. However when they're fucking you so deep, just like you begged them too, and you moan out the title it ignites the possessive streak within them. They are your captain and you belong to them and no one else.
Law, Shanks, Kidd
When the name first falls from your lips, their whole demeanour changes. The way you cling to them as you whine about how close you are and then slip out a high pitched “Please daddy/mommy” has their hips snapping into you with purpose. They press tender kisses all over your skin promising that they'll take good care of you.
Smoker, Reiju, Hina
Their name
Plain and simple. They don't need to hear anything else. It strikes a possessiveness in them that even you're slightly unnerved by. They'll do anything just to hear their name from those pretty lips. Every time you moan out their name when they're fucking you so good they tell you to do it louder so that everyone else is the surrounding area knows exactly who's making you feel that good.
Zoro, Jinbe, ZORO, Ace, Have I mentioned Zoro yet?, Buggy, zoro
#im actually kind of insane about zoro#one piece smut#one piece x reader#zoro x reader#zoro smut#op x reader#ace x reader#nico robin x reader#mihawk x reader#crocodile smut#buggy x reader#shanks x reader#shanks smut#sanji x reader#nami x reader#law x reader#law smut#sabo x reader
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sleeping separately after an argument pt. 2
characters: mihawk, crocodile, and buggy x fem! reader summary: how cross guild would react to you sleeping alone after an argument CW: mainly fluff, slight angst others: not proofread, lowercase intended, and pictures found on pinterest

Dracula Mihawk
mihawk is known for his stoic and composed demeanor. however, an argument that leads to you sleeping in the guest bedroom would shake his calm exterior. mihawk values control and precision, not just on the battlefield but also in his personal life. The argument would leave him feeling a sense of imbalance, disrupting the harmony he strives to maintain.
initially, he would analyze the argument with the same meticulousness he applies to his swordsmanship. he would replay the conversation, seeking to understand your perspective and where he might have gone wrong. he would be restless and his castle, usually a sanctuary of peace, would start to feel unusually empty and cold.
his conclusion? being right wasn't worth you being upset and distant with him. especially not when it meant sleeping alone.
"dear?" his voice uncharacteristically gentle as he enters the room.
"I would save this for the morning, but that would not sleeping in your arms tonight," he says, kneeling beside the bed and lifting you up bridal style. his actions catching you by surprise as you subconsciously wrap your arms around his neck for support.
"you can tear me a new one in the morning," he jokes (something he rarely did), before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as he made his way back to your shared room.
Sir Crocodile
crocodile would initially react to an argument and subsequent separation with a sense of indifference. or at least that's how it looks on the surface. the argument would leave him brooding as he is not one to easily admit fault, and his pride would make it difficult for him to do so immediately.
he would spend the first half of the night in his office, surrounded by the trappings of his power, telling himself that you'd get over it soon.
as the night wore on, your lack of presence would make him realize that you weren't going to get over it soon. and by this point, he has had enough. he would make his way to the guest bedroom. without even bothering to knock, he would burst through the door, staring down your curled-up form. a pang of guilt would run down his spine as he looked at you.
"when are you coming to bed?" his voice rough, a complete contrast to the worry in his eyes and the guilt that he felt. he already knew the answer, so when you don't respond he would just lift you up, throwing you over his shoulder before landing a firm slap on your ass.
"you're mad? fine, be mad, but be mad in our room," he says sternly as he walks back to your shared room.
Buggy the Clown
buggy with his flamboyant and often comical personality would react to an argument with you more dramatically. the idea of you sleeping separately would initially infuriate him causing his pride and insecurities to flare up.
he would spend the initial moments of the separation grumbling and throwing a minor tantrum to anyone who could listen, convinced that he was right (he wasn't). however, as the night wore on, his anger would give way to the loneliness and regret he felt.
he would pace outside you door, muttering to himself as he debates whether to knock or not. not sure if you even wanted to see him after what he has done.
she's probably waiting, arms wide open, for me
or maybe she's packing her bags finally tired of my antics
oh nika i hope it's not that
in the end, he would knock on the door and try putting on a confident front even though he's low-key expecting you to ignore him. so when the door opens, the first thing you are greeted with is a shocked buggy, making another one of his goofy faces. this subconsciously cracks you up unknowingly breaking the ice for him.
"sugar! oh, how i've missed you," he would immediately pull you into a tight hug. and without much of a warning, he would start word-vomiting his apologies.
"i'm so sorry about my actions from earlier sugar and i’m sorry for being so stubborn about it. I understand now that i went too far and that i should’ve acknowledged that instead of arguing with you. but i promise that it won't ever happen again. so please forgive me this once, sugar?"
you don’t have it in you to send him away after all that so instead you would simply pull him into the room before turning and going back to bed this time with him following suit.
part 1
hi guys! thanks again for reading, this is the second part and honestly the last, for op at least. buggy was surprisingly the easiest to write while mihawk was the hardest TvT. hopefully i did them all justice tho!!
i have a few ideas of what i want to write but if you have any suggestions for plot or character please let me know, i’m open to any ideas :).
#one piece x y/n#one piece imagine#one piece x you#one piece headcanons#one piece fanfiction#one piece x reader#crocodile x reader#crocodile x you#dracule mihawk#one piece mihawk#one piece crocodile#buggy one piece#buggy the clown#buggy x reader#buggy x you#cross guild#cross guild x reader#anime headcanons#anime imagines#op headcanons#op#mihawk x reader#mihawk x y/n#fem reader#one piece x reader fluff#one piece fluff#x reader#op fanfic#fanfic
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Bikinis On Top (OPLA Bikini Headcannons)
Seeing their bbygrl in a bikini opla headcannons
THis gets a lil RISQUE soooo 18+
Hey youguys i know its been a while lol I've been s swamped with work and Enjoy this in honor of hot girl summer approaching lmao I promise I'm getting back into eh groove of writing!
alos pls excuse spelling errors yall know me lmao
-It’s hot and his shirts are open 9 times out of 10 so
-He was a bit stunned to see you with one of Nami's bikini tops adorning your chest with a nice pair of jean shorts.
-Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
-He's really trying to act normal but you can always tell when those big brown eyes start shifting from your face to your chest. And he always has that goofy grin on his face
-Strongly believe he's the type to impulsively bite them. lmao like literally grab two handfuls and CHOMP.
-He always was more of a boobs guy.
-"Where's the rest of your shirt."
-He’s got his eyes skillfully flickering from your chest to your eyes then to you collar bone and again.
-“You don’t like me showing them off?” You question, slipping past him with a smile
-the funny thing is, you’re not talking about your boobs. You’re talking about the bites and hickeys he skillfully placed along them
-crazy how near the end of the day, the only thing the crew can seem to find as a trace of you is the discarded bikini top
-He helped you tie it this morning when the sun had first been shining to brightly into your room, heating both of you up.
-personally, Sanji likes it when you wear the full piece, the straps of your bottoms just barely peaking out from the low-rise jeans you've got on.
-He also is one to pull your strings when you're also so the top just falls down to reveal the girls
-Is the type to lift you up out of the pool and set you up to sit on the steps like the goddess you are and just admire.
-matching swimsuit set matching swimsuit set matching swimsuit set
-He always likes seeing you in a nice brown or sage green two-piece.
-won't say anything but wow when he sees you and smiles.
-Keep it polite but just know his hugs from behind will always end with him pulling at your bottom straps and letting them snap against your skin.
"USOPP!" You yelp, narrowing your brows at him while you massage the spot.
"Ok ok, i'm sorry mommas" He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the affected area, his large hands massaging the flesh of your thighs.
-Strictly a bikini gf and wifebeater+swim trunks gf duo lmao
-This can go either way actually. If she feels like a bikini kinda day it's gonna be a bright orange or a pure white with a sunhat and a nice flowy cover-up
-A she can't and won't make it easy for you to keep your hands off her,
-If YOU are in the bikini and she's in the swim trunks she REFUSES to keep her hands off you. She knows her girl looks good asf.
-Expect to have your ass smacked.
-Is definitely keeping you on his lap while everyone else is splashing around. It was a pretty chill day and everyone decided hey why not go for a swim
"Can I please get in the water Shanks?" You sigh, pulling the strings of his swim trunks as he smiles and gives a quick "Nuh-uh"
-"Your ass looks too good. Just stay here a little longer hm?" he asks, squeezing your thighs, pressing kisses to your shoulder.
-He doesn't waste time taking you somewhere secluded to pull those bottoms to the side, somehow loving the way your ass looks in those bottoms every time he thrusts
-He personally likes it when you wear one of that cute pinup like 50's monokinis? And some wedges with a bandana. UGH he's gonna be right there with you avoiding the sun under the umbrella (that pale ass skin lmao)
-Will 100% lather you in sunscreen and just paper your shoulder with kisses.
-He's not taking you to eh pool he's taking you to the beach and you're just sitting together, enjoying one another company
-"I'm fucking you within an inch of your life after this." H admits in monotone, skin already starting to darken in a tan
-"Yes splendid." You reply still resting, enjoying the faint heat of the sun.
-HAHAAAAAA this man will tear it off and then feel bad and get you another one...just to tear that off too
-is a sucker for the bikinis with anything on the boobs lmao he thinks they look like targets
-I like to think that ocean water is the only thing like that is an issue lmao so it is safe to say he's in the pool every summer, roughhousing with you and the rest of his crew
-I mean just a bunch of fucking kids lmao, macro polo, chicken fight, pretending to be a shark, you name it
-accidentally caused a nip slip tho and yelled for everyone to look away while shielding his girl.
#x reader#one piece#reader is black#one piece live action#i don't care he's hot#headcannons#one piece x reader#opla#hes so hot#opla sanji x reader#opla zoro x reader#opla usopp x reader#nami x reader#opla shanks x reader#opla mihawk x reader#opla buggy x reader#sanji x reader#zoro x reader#usopp x reader#shanks x reader#opla luffy x reader#luffy x reader#Buggy x reader#mihawk x reader
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Hello! Hope your having a good day today! Can I request mihawk, shanks and buggy with the prompt "sleeping separately after an argument" You can just do one of the characters listed if your busy! Or change them into a different character it's totally fine with me! - 🪼
DESCRIPTION: Prompt: Sleeping separately after an argument
WARNINGS: slight angst, arguing couples, ends in comfort
CHARACTERS: Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy
WORDS: 4,199
A/N: Thank you for this request! It's my first Buggy request and first time writing for him so I hope he's to your liking. I tried to keep things varied with these and are on the long side to include a happy ending.
“So what? You were never going to send word to me that you were safe?” You’d demanded glaring at your lover that you hadn’t seen in months. Ordinarily you were used to the time and distance apart but he was always in contact with you in some regard. This time however you had no idea about his whereabouts, not until that stupid poster fluttered out of your morning newspaper and you travelled across the sea to Cross Guild to see him for yourself, otherwise you doubted he’d have ever contacted you.
“Well you would have known from the poster’s existence that I was perfectly safe.” Mihawk answered coolly. He hated how he was speaking to you but in his clear view of the world, in the long run this would be best. Underneath his calm exterior, seeing you stroll into Cross Guild had both sent a mix of conflicting feelings through him. On the one hand he loved the sight of you and wanted nothing more than to close the distance between you and welcome you properly. On the other he felt unnerved. He hadn’t been expecting you, if he had known perhaps his approach would have been more thought out but you were the only person to ever rattle him.
All he knew was he needed you gone so he could clear his head and he needed you out of Cross Guild before Crocodile came sniffing around. Acting on instinct, he’d abruptly taken your arm and led you out of the room filled with people. He didn’t need them listening in on any private conversation of his. However you’d only let him get as far as the corridor before you pulled out of his grip and began to interrogate him over his actions. Mihawk refused to tell you the truth, he refused to admit his only worry. Now that he no longer had the protection of Warlord, you would have a clearer and larger target on your head if anyone knew you were romantically involved with him. As much as he knew you could look after yourself he didn’t want to bring any added hassle to your life, nor did he want you to change your life by remaining in Cross Guild just to give him the peace of mind you were safe. “You’ve wasted your journey coming here.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Dracule.” You snarled meeting his steady, impassive stare with your own burning in intensity. You knew he was being guarded for a reason but after all this time you were frustrated and hurt that he wasn’t being honest with you. After all you’d handled together and after proving you were strong enough to be considered his equal, he still wanted to push you away. “You don’t get to stand there and throw some generic one-liner at me. I know you better than that and I deserve better than that. Now talk to me properly and explain yourself.”
“Since when have I ever had to explain my movements?” Mihawk asked arching an eyebrow at you while you continued to glare daggers at him. It never ceased to amaze him that you could always meet his stare. “Cross Guild is new and needed my entire focus, you would have just been an unwelcome distraction and a possible liability.”
As much as his words hurt, they baffled you even more. Hopelessly you stared up at the man in front of you, trying to understand. None of it made sense. You both knew your lives took you in separate directions and you’d never once tried to force yourself into his business just as he respected yours. The only thing you both ensured was contacting the other if something unexpected happened so neither of you worried. Had he just done that, you wouldn’t have come looking for him. You stared at Mihawk and saw he wasn’t going to give in or tell you the truth, whatever his reasons were it was clear he didn’t respect you enough to be honest then was there any point in saying anything more.
Mihawk watched as something switched in your demeanour and the spark in your eyes seemed to snuff out. He didn’t move as you approached and reached out. When your fingers skimmed against his jaw he had to steel his nerve to not give into the temptation you always brought him. It only got worse when you leant in and pressed your lips against his. Mihawk felt his resolve begin to snap but the kiss was over just as fast as it began. You pulled back and stared at him, no longer with understanding but firm resolve and finality. “I’m glad you’re safe and I wish you the best of luck with Cross Guild.”
With nothing left to say you left Mihawk, heading for the entrance to let the stubborn man you loved get back to his new focus only to stop abruptly when Crocodile stepped around the corridor and all but blocked your exit. You stopped and looked at the man you knew mostly from newspapers and reputation. You kept your expression even as Crocodile stared down at you, his keen observation taking you in before drifting up to Mihawk who glared warningly at his business partner. “Leaving so soon?” He asked simply, returning his attention back to you. “You just got here.”
“I was never planning on staying.” You answered dryly, stepping around the broader man only to sigh when he called after you.
“It’s too late for sailing though. There’s plenty of rooms for you to stay in if Mihawk’s room isn’t to your liking.”
“Not necessary.”
“Suit yourself, just know there’re undercover Marines camped out at the only inn on this island. I use the term ‘undercover’ lightly. Still better to know now just in case…” Crocodile’s voice floated towards you and you stopped walking. You turned to watch the man light a cigar, completely at ease. Briefly you flickered your gaze towards Mihawk and you bit your tongue. Looked like you were becoming the liability Mihawk had predicted you’d be.
“Just show me to a room.” You muttered to a smug Crocodile. “I’ll be gone by morning.”
Mihawk couldn’t sleep. In the times he was apart from you he had adopted a talent for forcing his body to rest at least a little and grab naps here and there through necessity. However when you were both in the same vicinity as each other he could never sleep without your body beside his. Knowing you were just a few rooms away was like the cruellest form of torture. Now that he’d had the time to actually think about it all and his actions, he knew he was an idiot and had reacted and let his worries for you direct him when he should have just talked. Mihawk let out a low growl and rose from his bed. Crocodile was a smug, interfering bastard and had made sure to stop by and casually inform him which room you’d be staying in so he found you in no time. Knocking once he waited.
Slowly you opened the door, your eyes stinging with tiredness. After all the tossing and turning you’d done your body was exhausted and so nearly ready to give in and let you sleep. Then Mihawk had to disturb that by knocking. His golden eyes scanned yours and he frowned to see the dark circles. Another thing for him to apologise for. “The last thing I want is for you to feel forced into stopping living your life how you want to. I was worried that with my Warlord status now being gone you’d be targeted to hurt me were people to find out we’re a couple. I know you can look after yourself but I’d hate to think you ever got hurt because of me. I acted poorly and pushed you away without thinking because had I really thought about it, not having you in my life was the worst thing I could think of.”
“You should have just told me sooner. You get so much more talkative when you’re sleepy, did you know that?” You asked with a small smile. “So I’m not a liability or unwelcome distraction?”
“Never a liability.” Mihawk swore, relieved that you’d stepped away from the door and allowed him to move closer to you. “A distraction most definitely but always a welcome one.”
“So I can stay?” You asked, leaning into his touch as his hand cupped your face and lowered his head so your foreheads touched, finally getting to enjoy the reunion at last.
“For as long as you want.”
“What the hell were you thinking?!” Shanks demanded angrily as he stared at you, his eyes zeroed in on the large and painful looking bruise against your cheek and your bandaged leg.
“What do you mean ‘what the hell was I thinking’ Shanks?!” You snapped back viciously. Why the hell was he blaming you for something that was clearly an accident. “I was thinking about stopping one of the recruits from getting crushed, obviously.”
“You weren’t even meant to be there in the first place.”
“It’s a good fucking job I was there.” You retorted, holding your ground fiercely and unwaveringly. “If it hadn’t been for me, they could have been severely injured or killed. Why are you berating me for doing the right thing?” Shanks rarely admonished you or anyone on the crew for that matter. Usually looking out for other members was something he praised. This was just so out of character for him. All you wanted was an explanation, to just understand what it was you’d done that was so bad to deserve all of the animosity. “Had Benn or Lucky been in my place would they be getting this tirade?” From outside the room you and Shanks were arguing in, Benn and Lucky shared a nervous look. Why did they have to be brought into this? Everyone on board bustled about, trying to see to their tasks without making too much noise from fear of drawing yours or Shanks’ ire.
“That’s not the point. This is about-”
“No, it very much is the fucking point.” You interrupted, your blood boiling and patience fraying. “Answer the question. Would you be speaking to them like this had they done the exact same as me?”
“They’re my right and left hands. You’re…” Shanks stopped clumsily and stared at you. This was the crux of the matter. You were different, he cared for everyone on his crew but to see you hurt had made him realise just how much he’d loved you and never faced that feeling before. He had been terrified that afternoon when he’d heard the yells, the heavy crashes of cargo falling after the ropes securing them had snapped from the strain and their age, and came across the seen of you lying on the ground. For a moment he’d feared the absolute worst and because of that, he’d reacted badly and still he was too scared to vocally tell you why. “You’re…”
“Right…” You sniffed slightly, nodding as the pieces seemed to fall into place for you. “I’m just the Captain’s current bedwarmer.”
“What? No!” Seeing the hurt in your eyes at your misinterpretation of the relationship you had, managed to jolt him out of his anger. He took a step toward you, reaching out and watched as you flinched and stepped back. “I didn’t-”
“Don’t bother.” You uttered, continuing to the door. “I’ve had enough of this.”
For the rest of the day you stayed as far away from Shanks as you could but no matter where you were you could feel his stare on you. It felt strange to not be so close, to let your presences mix together in a balanced sense of warmth and strength but at the moment you didn’t want to be near him. You didn’t want to listen to the sound of his voice that usually reassured you and made you smile. Exhausted by the events that led to the argument and the argument itself, you retired to bed early when you’d finished your dinner. Shanks said nothing but watched as you walked away, his frown deepening when he saw you walk in the opposite direction of his quarters that had also doubled as yours since you two got involved. With a long sigh Shanks rubbed his face, as much as he wanted to go after you he wanted to respect your wish for distance.
Despite your desperate need for rest and sleep, it just wouldn’t come. You’d tossed and turned in what had been your old bed that now felt unfamiliar, simply unable to let your mind settle. With that being coupled with being unable to get comfortable in anyway you let out a long sigh and rolled over, staring at the ceiling in frustration. How did it come to the point that without Shanks your body was like a stubborn toddler, refusing the sleep it wanted and clearly needed? Absently your hand settled over your chest and you closed your eyes, trying to think about anything other than the man who you’d fallen for yet had been hurt by. Suddenly from outside your room you heard a muttered curse and dull thud. Dragging yourself out of bed you opened the door and looked down in bewilderment to see Shanks curled up in the corridor with a pillow and blanket. At the sound of the door opening he’d slowly rolled onto his back and looked up at you cautiously. “What are you doing?” You asked tiredly, leaning against the doorframe.
“I didn’t mean to wake you…”
“You didn’t.” Your tone and expression was even but underneath it all you were unsure. “Answer the question, please. What are you doing down there? You could damage your back if you’re not careful.”
“It’d be the least I deserve for speaking to you the way I did.” Shanks muttered, his shame evident. “I didn’t want to sleep in our bed, not without you. It didn’t feel right and I also wanted to give you space but…I still wanted to be near. This was the only thing I could think of.”
“Our bed?” You repeated with a tilt of your head.
“Yes our bed, in our quarters.” Shanks insisted as he sat up but remained firmly on the floor. The fact that you were even willing to speak with him and that you hadn’t slammed the door in his face was enough to give him the courage to say what he should have that morning instead of running his mouth without thinking. “You’re more to me than some ‘bedwarmer,’ you always have been and I’d been too much of a coward to admit it. When I saw you hurt I feared the worst and just panicked. I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way that I had and I certainly should have told you how much I love you before now. For all of that I’m so sorry and will do what I can to make it up to you, only if you’ll let me that is.”
“Okay, three conditions and I’ll forgive you.” You conceded after a few heavy seconds and you fought to hold back your smile at the sight of Shanks’ face lighting up immediately.
“Name them.” He swore with no hesitation, watching as you knelt down beside him.
“First, I get your favourite pillow for the next month.”
“You can have it forever.” Shanks grinned, his hand sliding over your waist as you inched closer. “Next?”
“You carry me back to our room so we can sleep.” Immediately Shanks had you scooped up and was off the floor in a fluid motion that pulled a surprised yelp from your lips. In no time at all you were both back in what you now knew to be your shared quarters and not just his. Shanks settled you on the mattress, making sure your head was cushioned by the pillow you’d only jokingly wanted before he crawled under the covers and held you close. In unison you both felt peace settle over you both, the sleep that your bodies had refused was now creeping through you now but Shanks refused to fall over just yet. “What’s the third condition?”
“Tell me you love me again.” You murmured, your eyes already closed and body pressed against his chest. Shanks sleepily chuckled and held you tighter, vowing to never risk letting you go again. you were his heart after all.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Everyone knew Buggy had a short fuse. They knew that a good mood could turn sour without any warning, all it would take would be the wrong thing at the wrong time and he’d implode his fury on the closest thing possible and it wouldn’t matter if it was to blame or not. Today it seemed you were the focus for his anger. You’d walked into the big top merely to tell your lover that he was needed by both Mihawk and Crocodile. “Hey Bug-”
“No!” You stopped mid-step when the clown’s head detached from his body and whirled through the air and glared down at you. Stunned, you could only stare into his angry eyes and listen to his vicious rant. “I have had it with the sheer incompetence of everyone! How hard is it to listen to simple instructions?” You were sure that Buggy didn’t have any idea that it was you that he was shouting at. When he got like this all he really saw was the person’s outline and no discernible features. Still though, you opened your mouth to try and calm him before his face got as red as his nose but he just got lost in his anger that had reached boiling point. “What did I just say?! Get the hell out of my sight before I use you for target practice!”
The idea of Buggy hurting you caused the amused smile and light laughter to appear out of the sheer absurdity of it all. You were the one Buggy loved, he’d never bring you harm. But all Buggy saw and heard was insubordination, mocking his authority and his status. Now that Mihawk and Crocodile were around the big top was the only place he still had any power. For someone to laugh at him here was only adding fuel to the fire.
His hands detached and grabbed your upper arm, hauling you off your feet so you were now eye level with him. Only now did he blink through his fury and realise who it was he was about to physically punish. But still he was angry and his lack of authority had made him shaken. If he immediately apologised now, he’d seem weak. He needed those who followed him to see he was in charge. You saw the recognition in Buggy’s eyes and thought he'd lessen his hold and set you back on your feet but instead he kept you in the air. “Why do I tolerate you and your lack of respect? Just be grateful for my mercy. Keep out of my way and out of my spotlight! Is that clear?”
Ever since the founding of Cross Guild you'd done your best to reassure Buggy that he was still important and still powerful. You’d navigated his low self-esteem and tantrums for years, knowing him longer and better than anyone. You loved him and you knew he loved you but this made your own anger begin to light. His behaviour like this towards you would not be something you'd let him get away with but you also didn’t want him to lose face in front of the crew who were watching with held breaths. “Crystal clear, Captain Buggy.” You responded in an empty monotone. “Thank you for your mercy. The spotlight is yours and yours alone. If you can let me go I’ll keep out of your way, it won’t happen again.”
“G-good.” Buggy quickly uttered and set you on your feet before releasing your arms. His mind was slowly clearing as he watched with uncertainty as you fixed your clothes and headed for the door. Absently he wondered why you’d been in here in the first place. Dread filled his stomach now, had you come in just to visit him and unintentionally been brought into the firing line? You opened the door and refused to look his way.
“I’ll let Mihawk and Crocodile know you’re busy, Captain.” Your remark made his eyes bug out and he was frozen in place. What did those two want with him now?! Panic filled him as he abruptly dismissed the crew and he hurried for the door you’d left through. When he was in the hallway he saw you were heading for one of the lounge rooms and not Cross Guild’s meeting room, Buggy sighed in relief. He made a mental note to talk to you after and hurried for the meeting.
As the day wore on, Buggy’s mood lifted significantly and the morning’s incident with you was unfortunately pushed further and further to the back of his mind. It wasn't until the evening time that he realised he hadn’t seen much of you. When he passed Alvida he asked if she’d seen where you’d gone. Alvida regarded him silently, confusion pulling at her features. “On your way to apologise?”
“What does my flashy self have to apologise for?” Buggy asked with a confident grin.
“Well this morning, remember?” Alvida asked with a smirk as realisation flickered in Buggy’s eyes. “Yelling at nothing subordinates is one thing, but your lover? You need to talk to them. Sadly I haven’t seen them since you told them to keep out of your way. Hope you find them.” Buggy watched hopelessly as the woman continued on her way, not even bothering to assist him in finding you. Grinding his teeth anxiously, Buggy continued his search. He finally found you in your shared room and with a sigh of relief, believing he didn’t need to apologise after all he flopped himself down onto the bed.
“Been looking everywhere for you. Hey, where’re you going?” He immediately sat up when you moved for the door, watching you turn to look at him with a frown.
“Keeping out of your way Captain Buggy.” You explained. “As per your orders.”
With a sigh Buggy prepared himself to finally apologise. “You know I didn’t mean it. Not with you.”
“But you don’t make mistakes, Captain.” You shook your head, not allowing him to talk him way out of his actions so soon. “Don’t worry I’ll keep out of your spotlight.”
“There’s no spotlight here-”
“Where you are, the spotlight follows that includes here.” Your eyes moved to the bed he was lying on. The last time you and Buggy had slept separately was when he was in Impel Down and it had been the worst time of your lives but you had to do something. Buggy knew that you’d have to be severely hurt by him to even consider putting yourself through that and he knew he was to blame for it. So he could only numbly let you leave to have some space from him. “Sleep well, Captain.”
For hours Buggy tried to sleep but it just refused to come. Even though he knew your body wasn’t beside him, his hands still searched across the cold mattress in the hopes of finding you and his head always turned towards your pillow, eyes desperate to find your face in the dark. With a sigh, Buggy rose, his lesson well and truly learned. Trudging down the silent hallways he moved to the lounge he’d seen you head towards after he’d yelled at you that morning. Stopping in the doorway he saw you lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with heavy eyes that stubbornly wouldn’t close. “Can I come in?”
“It’s your circus, Captain.” You mumbled, still looking at the ceiling and too tired to move. “You don’t need to ask me for permission for anything.”
“Yes I do.” Buggy insisted, slowly walking into the room and stopped at the foot of the sofa. “You’re not some subordinate and the second I realised it was you I was shouting at I should have stopped. I should have apologised. Any orders I have are for those morons, never you. I’m sorry you had to do this to make me see that.”
Finally you dropped your eyes from the ceiling to observe Buggy, seeing he was free from his makeup and flashy outfit. Not Captain or figurehead, just your Buggy. Slowly you moved your blanket aside to wordlessly invite Buggy to join you. Tiredly you smiled when he wasted no time in moving down to lie with you, his arms circling you and his lips pressing lovingly against your cheek. Buggy relished the way you relaxed against him but knew he still had a hell of a lot of making up to do and come the morning he’d do jus that until you were sick of his flashy apology and spoiling you.
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf
#one piece#one piece imagines#one piece scenario#one piece fic#one piece fanfiction#one piece x reader#one piece x you#mihawk x reader#mihawk x you#shanks x reader#shanks x you#buggy x reader#buggy x you#dracule mihawk one piece#mihawk one piece#dracule mihawk x you#dracule mihawk x reader#dracule mihawk#hawkeye mihawk#one piece mihawk#op mihawk#shanks#red haired shanks#akagami no shanks#red hair shanks#red hair shanks x reader#buggy the clown#buggy the clown x reader#buggy the clown x you#buggy one piece
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You’re Wounded
Summary: how they react to you being wounded
Characters: Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid, Shanks, Beckman, Mihawk, Crocodile, Robin, Nami, Buggy, Usopp
Genre: mix of fluff and angst, very slight
Sees to your wound without a word, making sure it’s disinfected and bandaged and receives proper care until its healed. Places a soft, quiet kiss atop your head, doesn’t say a word. Makes a mental plan to avoid similar situations in the future.
(Law, Beckman, Mihawk, Robin)
Fusses over you while you see to your own wound, feels like they dodged a bullet, blames themselves for any harm that comes to you. “Never again,” they promise themself, bringing you a hot cup of tea to soothe you.
(Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Buggy)
Makes a light joke, inspects the wound himself even if there’s a doctor present, will help bandage you up if you need it. Pretends to be nonchalant about the entire thing, is panicking inside. Fully realizes the depths of his affection for you, is terrified to realize it’s love.
(Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Shanks)
Lectures you on your fighting form, tears into you for taking any unnecessary risks, gets on your case about not seeking medical attention fast enough. Tells you to get some rest, sits at your bed side until you’re better, claims he’s not there for you and is just resting his own eyes.
(Zoro, Kid, Crocodile)
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
#one piece#Luffy#Sanji#Zoro#Ace#Sabo#Law#Kid#Shanks#Beckman#Mihawk#Crocodile#Robin#Nami#luffy x reader#sanji x reader#zoro x reader#ace x reader#sabo x reader#law x reader#eustass kid x reader#shanks x reader#beckman x reader#mihawk x reader#crocodile x reader#robin x reader#nami x reader#x reader#buggy the clown#buggy x reader
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An Apology from FanaticSnail:
For all of you who viewed my most recent post that I have since deleted: I would like to apologise. For context, it was the conclusion of the Swing-Sway-Shag and now "Shimmy".
I posted it and immediately afterwards I decided I was not happy with the turn of events and decided to retract it from Tumblr to develop the plot a little more before reuploading it.
I feel like we all deserve a little more than exclusively 2,400 of explicit smut without plot. The characters deserve better, you guys deserve better and I feel like I have more in me to give to these characters before I bid them farewell and move on towards another project.
If you managed to sneak a look at the words I'd written - I will be keeping them in, just fleshed out a lot more to aid in the dynamic than just an assault of graphically written imagery between the broody warlord and the charismatic clown with our acrobatic reader.
Again, I'm sorry. I'm looking forward to releasing it once it's truly completed and resolved.
Love you all, and I aim to not disappoint you with this next chapter.
(EDIT: new chapter has now been uploaded and doubled in word count)
#one piece#opla#opla fic#one piece live action#x reader#buggy#mihawk#buggy fic#mihawk fic#mihawk x reader x buggy#dance series#opla dance series
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could you do preferences for what the one piece boys would be like getting a blowjob from reader for the first time?
Luffy -
Luffy doesn't even know what's going on, one minute you're making out and the next minute you're getting on your knees in front of him.
“Hey what are you doing down there?” He asks innocently.
“I'm about to give you a blowjob,” you chuckle.
“A what?”
Of course he wouldn't know what a blowjob is, you just laugh and shake your head continuing to get him out of his pants.
The moment you take him in your mouth his eyes go wide and he's about to feel a way he's never felt before.
Zoro -
Zoro leans back and relaxes while you give him a blowjob like he gets so relaxed he could fall asleep.
But he doesn't, I mean he could cause he can fall asleep anywhere so you wouldn't put it past him to fall asleep while his cock is in your mouth.
Anyways, his shirt is off, hands resting behind his head giving you the perfect view of his abs and biceps while you give him a blowjob, what more could you ask for.
Sanji -
Sanji is surprisingly nervous, it's certainly not the first time he's been in this situation but he had been pining for you for so long that he was afraid of messing it up.
He kept offering to go down on you first but you insisted on taking care of him after watching him cook a whole meal for the crew and spilling wine on his shirt which he then took off to clean it before it stained.
You had him pushed against the kitchen counter, him gripping the edge for dear life as you gave him the best blowjob he's ever had.
Usopp -
He can't contain his excitement for what's about to happen, he's heard guys talking about getting blowjobs before but he couldn't believe he was actually about to get one himself.
“Usopp you need to relax,” you tell him.
“I'm sorry I’m just so excited,” he chuckles awkwardly.
“Clearly,” you laugh with his hard cock already dribbling with precum in your hand, “just don't get too excited that you finish before I even get started.”
Ace -
Ace is normally the one pleasuring his partners which he in fact has done for you multiple times already.
You really wanted to make him feel as good as he has made you so you insisted on giving him a blowjob despite him telling you he'd rather go down on you instead.
He's big on praise, telling you how amazing you are, running his hand gently through your hair.
Of course afterwards he must return the favor and makes you see stars cause he's an expert with his mouth.
Buggy -
Buggy can't stop talking, going on and on about some new bit he's planning for the show.
“Buggy are you seriously thinking about that while I have your dick in my mouth?” You state.
“Hey I'm a good multi-tasker,” he tells you.
You shake your head and get back to work, Buggy never shutting up until you get him to cum.
Shanks -
Shanks is a gentleman who would never ask you to do something so crude.
But then you take him by surprise when you push him down onto the edge of your bed and you're sinking to your knees.
“Y/N, love, you don't have to do this if you don't want to,” he says genuinely.
“Shanks I really want to,” you reassure him.
He would never say no to you so he lets you continue and let's just say he may be asking you to do that more often.
Mihawk -
He literally polishes his sword while you're sucking him off.
He's completely silent, cleaning blood off his sword from his last kill while you bob your head.
“Did you enjoy it?” You ask him after he cums.
“Yes it was nice,” is all he says and then he gets up still naked to go out back and sharpen his sword on the whetstone.
Smoker -
Smoker just straight up told you he wanted a blowjob after a long day of work.
You returned to your quarters and as he was changing out of his uniform he said, “you know what would be really nice right now?”
So there you are, Smoker standing half dressed with his cock in your mouth.
He can get pretty rough, tugging on your hair and pushing on your head to take more of him but he surely makes up for it when he takes you to bed afterward.
Crocodile -
Crocodile has had plenty of people on their knees for him and he sweet talked you into doing the same.
He's sitting on his throne completely relaxed while you bob your head up and done as he gives you praise.
He tells you how he's been wanting you to do this ever since you joined the baroques work.
Another agent walks in and he doesn't even care, he handles the business as you're proudly sucking him off.
#one piece imagine#monkey d luffy imagine#monkey d luffy x reader#roronoa zoro imagine#roronoa zoro x reader#sanji imagine#sanji x reader#usopp imagine#usopp x reader#buggy imagine#buggy x reader#portgas d ace imagine#portgas d ace x reader#shanks imagine#shanks x reader#dracule mihawk imagine#dracule mihawk x reader#smoker imagine#smoker x reader#sir crocodile imagine#sir crocodile x reader#x gender neutral reader#preferences
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one piece social media + dating feat: shanks
》 i had to edit half of these photos to have red hair lol

♡ liked by d_mihawk, B.B_buGGY and 8.8k others
_ynln: this man is definitely 'wanted'
tagged: sh444nks
sh444nks: i know you're obsessed but gosh stop flirting with me 😒😒
↳ sh444nks: i have a girlfriend already geez 🙄
↳ _ynln: not with that attitude you won't 😐
↳ sh444nks: WAIT IM JOKING PLEASE 😭🙏
↳ benn__b: I hate you guys, you're literally a meter away from each other right now
YASXPP: Yo captain you're looking a little too fine right now 😍🫵
↳ luckyroux.x: For real Yn gotta start gatekeeping these photos 🤤
↳ _ynln: can u guys stop trying to steal my man 🤨
↳ YASXPP: He was our captain before he became your boyfriend, get in line (liked by luckyroux.x, sh444nks)
♡ liked by luckyroux.x, _ynln and 10.3k others
sh444nks: gf taught me abt angel numbers, that's why my user is now 4️⃣4️⃣4️⃣
tagged: _ynln
_ynln: the yn effect (liked by benn__b, luckyroux.x)
↳ sh444nks: my angel 😇😇
↳ _ynln: nah stop 😔💗
B.B_buGGY: Simp
↳ sh444nks: mad you don't get any huh 🥱
↳ sh444nks: get some skincare that's what u rlly need 😭
↳ sh444nks: also what the hell is wrong with your user
↳ B.B_buGGY: I was drunk
YASXPP: Damn captain you're not gonna post me? 😩😩

♡ liked by sh444nks, benn__b and 6.1k others
_ynln: im gonna miss this little sucker 💓
sh444nks: he’s so annoying though
↳ _ynln: shanks you literally have no say, luffy is literally a mini you 🤨🤨
↳ sh444nks: this is so offensive my love 😔
sh444nks: nah this isn't even cool, luffy stole my girl
↳ d_mihawk: He just has more game than you. (liked by YASXPP, luckyroux.x, _ynln)
↳ luckyroux.x: LMFAOOO 😭😭
↳ sh444nks: MIHAWK WTF BRO
benn_b: Nah cause Luffy had us nervous all the time, little shit
↳ _ynln: HES SOO CUTE THO!!
↳ sh444nks: what about me yn!
↳ _ynln: no

♡ liked by benn_b, YASXPP and 9.5k others
_ynln: happy birthday my ancient artefact 🎉
tagged: sh444nks
sh444nks: i love you but damn im not THAT old 😭😭
↳ _ynln: love u 2!
B.B_buGGY: Break up
↳ sh444nks: ayo?!!
d_mihawk: Happy birthday you drunk slop
↳ sh444nks: knew you loved me mihawk 🥺🥺💓
↳ d_mihawk: die
#one piece#one piece headcanons#one piece x reader#one piece smau#one piece imagine#luffy x reader#one piece fluff#one piece scenario#smau#shanks x reader#shanks#mihawk x reader#buggy x reader
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Imagine helping Crocodile discover a new way to use his devil fruit
Before the cross guild's morning meeting
You: [watching Crocodile repeatedly thumbing the spark wheel of his sputtering lighter, attempting to light up a cigar] I have a question.
Crocodile: [cocks an eyebrow over at you for your audacity, lips still stubbornly clasped around the cigar]
You: Using your sand, how fast can you get your sand particles to move?
Crocodile: [uses his hand to show you he can move them faster than your eye can see]
Mihawk: [stops reading the newspaper to look up at you]
Buggy, the one who invited you: [looking nervously between you and Crocodile]
You: can you do that while compressing the particles?
Crocodile: [shrugs]
Mihawk: [mildly suspicious of you] Why?
You: [looks between the three men, to realize you might have fucked up, so you start back-pedaling] Oh, no, uh, I just figured if he compressed his sand while trying to circulate it rapidly, the friction would create enough kinetic energy to produce heat that was hot enough to light his cigar. I wasn't, like, meaning to offend.
Crocodile: [lifts his finger in front of him and tries what you just said, and gets it to glow red with heat]
Buggy: UHH?
Mihawk: ( = _ =)?
Crocodile: [lifts his cigar to the glowing whirl of sand pulls off the cigar, and chuckles, swirling smoke escaping his nostrils] Oh this will bring so many more possibilities to me.
Buggy: great, nice going jackass, now he's even more powerful.
You: You probably could use it to cook someone.
Crocodile: excuse me?
Mihawk: shut up, little bird, stop giving him ideas.
Crocodile: [Cages you against the couch with his arms and leans in close] Keep talking, I want to know what fucked up thing is floating around in that little head of yours.
You: [pulls away from him and averts your gaze]
Crocodile: [uses his hook to pull your chin towards him to make you look at him] Look at me when I'm talking to you.
Mihawk: [sighs loudly and leans back in his chair] Leave them alone, Crocodile.
Crocodile: [ignores them] tell me
You: if you have enough sand to encase someone, you could cook them alive.
Buggy: That's kind of scary, kid.
Mihawk: [runs his hand over his face] What the fuck.
Crocodile: [laughs and ruffles your hair after he processes your words] I like this kid, good job Buggy for finding this one.
List of Up-and-coming works || Master list || Twitter| Kofi || Patreon
#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#crocodile x reader#crocodile#sir crocodile#sir crocodile x reader#buggy#buggy the clown#buggy d clown#dracule mihawk#mihawk#cross guild#from the depths of the dragon's hoard#tma original#8/6/24#no beta we die like men
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opla men hc || you tease them with a short skirt

ᴢᴏʀᴏ ; ᴍɪʜᴀᴡᴋ ; ʟᴜғғʏ ; sᴀɴᴊɪ ; sʜᴀɴᴋs ; ʙᴜɢɢʏ
ᴄᴡ: ᴘᴜʙʟɪᴄ ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇꜱ

⤷ when zoro sees you parading around with that skirt hanging dangerously close to your ass cheeks, a whirlwind of emotions goes through him
⤷ he wants to stand behind you to cover you so no one else can see the way your ass revealed slightly when you walked, he wanted to lift it slightly and get a better look, he wanted to pick you up, carry you to his bedroom and fuck you senseless...
⤷ so many scenarios and all he could do was silently play the scenarios in his head over and over as he shamelessly stared at your ass
⤷ it all changed when zoro noticed you'd bend down only when he was watching, you'd sway your hips playfully and bounce back and forth jiggling your ass on purpose
⤷ you were teasing him
⤷ once zoro puts 2 and 2 together he just chuckles
⤷ the swordsman comes behind you, grips your waist and pulls your ass against his growing erection
⤷ "I'm gonna love to see this during the rest of the day, because I'm not fucking or touching you until you're on your knees, begging"
⤷ the second you step out in the miniskirt mihawk smirks
⤷ he instantly knew what you were doing, and smirked - mihawk found it... amusing
⤷ the man loved to see how hard you tried to bend over and expose your ass, desperately trying to get a reaction out of him
⤷ mihawk enjoyed how hard you were working to get his attention
⤷ most of all, he did love the view - the way the skirt almost gave him a look of your pretty panties huggung your ass beautifully...
⤷ "once you've had enough of teasing me, do meet me in my room, it's my turn now"
⤷ luffy is oblivious to what you're trying to do, but either way he doesn't care because he was too focused blatantly staring at your ass
⤷ his eyes were glued to your rear, often brushing against the bits of your cheeks that peeked out of the small piece of fabric
⤷ luffy doesn't care who's watching, if he wants it he gets it, so if he wants to grab your ass, he will
⤷ you didn't think luffy would sneak his hands under your skirt and grab your ass, but he did, several times
⤷ it made it hard for you to maintain your composure, especially when he wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your ass, sneeaking a couple bites in
⤷ he will get very protective, whiny and jealous if he sees other people looking as well though
⤷ "I think I wanna try some new stuff, y/n"
⤷ he didn't even care that you were teasing him
⤷ sanji's hands were all over you the whole day, groaning in your ear and whispering praises and dirty things every time he passed by you
⤷ he would find any and every reason to come behind you and brush his crotch against your ass
⤷ would definitely pull you into a dark corner in the middle of the day and fuck you from the back against a wall while he covered your mouth so no one could hear you
⤷ sanji would cum on your panties and make you walk around with his cum sticking to your pussy
⤷ "how many rounds do you think you can handle, my love?"
⤷ shanks loves it
⤷ he obviously knows what you're doing and you knew he'd catch on so you're not exactly discrete with your plans either
⤷ shanks would make little sexual comments here and there (and would praise you equally as much)
⤷ he wouldn't mind the constant boner throughout the day because he'd love the show you'd be putting on for him
⤷ the man would absolutely love to see the way your crotch squeezed in between your legs when you bent over (and he would definetily tug your panties to the side to "take a peek" while you bent down)
⤷ ass smacks the whole damn time
⤷ will be thinking of all the ways to fuck you at the end of the day and will make sure to whisper all of them to you
⤷ "I'm gonna fuck you for the exact ammount of time you've been teasing me for, how does that sound?"
⤷ oh buggy loves it
⤷ he doesn't even care that you're teasing him
⤷ buggy loves it when you put on a show for him and he loves it even more if you do it in front of others - he wants to show off how lucky he is, how he gets to fuck someone so beautiful and only he can do it
⤷ he would groan at the sight of you asscheeks and panties
⤷ buggy would beg you to sit on his lap while he was on his throne
⤷ the Captain would praise you constantly as he caressed your body and admired the way your ass sat against his cock
⤷ you'd end up riding him on the throne
⤷ and after he'd cum in you he would just wrap his arms around you and have you cockwarm him
⤷ "where can I find more of these pretty skirts? We need to get you some more..."
#zoro#zoro smut#zoro reader insert#zoro x reader smut#sanji#sanji smut#sanji x reader#sanji reader smut#luffy#luffy smut#luffy x reader#luffy reader smut#mihawk#mihawk smut#mihawk x reader#mihawk x reader smut#buggy#buggy smut#buggy reader#buggy x reader smu#buggy x reader smut#shanks#shanks smut#shanks reader smut#shanks x reader smut#one piece#one piece smut#one piece headcanon#one piece headcanons#one piece smut headcanon
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hi i was wondering if you could write about your boyfriend who masturbates to you and takes one of the readers panties? ^-^
Fuck, you smelt so good.
Your honeypot always smelt familiar and homely to your boyfriend as he drank you in, grinding his lips against your vulva. But it was absolutely terrible that you weren't here today, leaving him desperately palming the erection straining in his pants.
Your boyfriend took out his swollen cock, rubbing his thumb along his slit. His fingers trace circles around his own skin, imagining your pretty hands. Imagining tasting your pussy. Imagining his tongue lapping in your pussy.
He could practically taste you on his tongue, bucking his hips in the air to the thought of you. And your panties, fuck, he was so happy you left them over at his place.
Your boyfriend lolled his tongue over the fabric, yearning and whining to feel you. He desperately wanted to finger you, to touch you, to kiss you, to have you melt in his arms.
"A-Ah~ F..fuck.. that's it... ye-yeah.." He would moan to no one in particular, although he wished you were there. Your boyfriend found himself cumming within seconds, coming undone and squirting his hot spend into the crotch of your slutty panties. Fuck... He needed you so bad.
#fushiguro toji x reader#satoru gojo x reader#trafalgar law x reader#shanks x reader#sanji x reader#zoro x reader#suguru geto x reader#eustass kid x reader#kento nanami x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#ace x reader#buggy x reader#mihawk x reader#choso x reader#jjk x reader smut#one piece x reader smut#jjk x reader#one piece x reader#x reader#x reader smut#smut#ryiju-muunie writing
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