#might see a bunch of posts with similar style maybe?
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erimeart · 12 days ago
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uhh I got mad at my original sketch and threw acrylic markers at it :)
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quibbs126 · 9 months ago
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…Okay, you may end up seeing these drawings yet again on a later date
I finished the page, which was small at 500x500 px, but I wanted to make the page bigger. I did that, and I drew one new thing, but now I don’t know what else to draw on there. So for now, I figured I might as well post the original full page right now
Yeah, sorry for the laziness
This is the other sketch I finished on there, for those curious
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Anyways, so yeah, this new style practice I’m trying
The original page I tried these out on is this, which also isn’t full, but I thought trying it out with actual characters instead of just random poses and shapes would be better, so I switched over to Cookie Run characters
The method is still a work in progress when it comes to all the shapes and the red sketch layer
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I suppose what I should do now is try drawing a bunch of different Cookies that have different body shapes, so that I have practice with that. As well as maybe attempt some full body ones
I suppose you can suggest some if you want, considering I don’t know who to draw other than like, Hollyberry or Avocado, since I should try drawing large but not buff characters here. But I should also probably draw more skinny, and also chubby
But on to what I actually drew
So I already talked about Peach Blossom and the top Dark Choco drawing prior, so no real need to elaborate
The Dark Choco and Dark Cacao one was me drawing them in their younger forms to see how they compare. Not for any sort of study thing, but just in a symbolic sort of way. Since they’re so similar looking
I think I had a lot more fun with Choco, especially his hair. I remember Cacao being mostly annoying for his weird cloak thing that I don’t understand
The hand pose was ass though. I knew the general idea of what I wanted, that being them with their hands over their swords, but I was struggling to figure out how to draw the hands. Not to mention I had to change the pose from the red sketch because the swords were further down than I put them. I still don’t think I did the pose exactly correct, but screw it, it’s good enough
I’m also noticing that Choco looks way lighter in skin tone compared to Cacao. Like yeah, I know he’s normally slightly lighter, but it’s far more noticeable here. I’m pretty sure it’s because I used Dark Choco’s ToA colors here (bc they work better with my black lineart), which are slightly lighter, as well as just that Dark Choco is wearing much lighter colors while Dark Cacao’s are relatively darker. So maybe it just makes them contrast more
I liked drawing them, but I also did basically do the same body type 3 in a row, so I should probably draw different characters
Anyways, let’s talk about that extra sketch
So for those who likely don’t remember, that there is an OC of mine called Prickly Pear Cookie
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I made her entirely on a whim one day, and she doesn’t really have any character or story, just vibes, but I really like her design and wanted to draw it again
I probably should give her some sort of bra though. The shirtless chest looks cool but in my opinion sounds really uncomfortable without at least that
I did originally draw her with the green skin, but it looked weird so I shifted it to more of a yellow so it looks more human
Honestly I really like how she turned out
But yeah, I think that’s about it for now. Just wanted to show this
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sleepypanda01 · 2 months ago
CB theories/thoughts part 5 (Did Prunella's mom actually buy the second key from the flea market?)
After overthinking a bit a thought occurred to me.
Was Goldie indeed the key that we saw at the flea market with Bronze? Was Prunella's mom the one who actually bought the other key? Where am I trying to get at, you may ask. Well, if we take a look at the second key and the key in the craft box of prunella's mom, doesn't the colour seem a bit different? (Or it is just me,I could have sworn they looked a bit different for a second, but it could be the lighting) The second key in the market looks greenish while Goldie looks light brownish when covered in dirt (if you look hard enough? lmao😭)
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Also when we take a look at the back of Goldie we see that the dirt is not in the same places as in the key in the market. But what is more is that their keyrings also seem to have a different colour. The keyrings of the keys in the market are dark while the keyring of Goldie is of a lighter colour.
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What is weird is that the seller says he doesn't remember who he sold it to, but Prunella's mom has a very unique style. You would think that a woman who dresses as if she came out of a fairy tale would be memorable enough. 
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you're telling me he would not remember this woman?
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Then when Chase wonders who bought the key we see a bunch of Shadow of people, you could think that it is not important and they are just shadows meant to depict unimportant characters that we will never see again, unless not really. Next to Chase's bubble of asking who bought the other key there is a shadow who kinda looks like one of Chase's friends. 
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(It is more believable that the seller forgot who bought they key if it was this dude lol)
Maybe the answer to who bought the key was all along right in front of Chase (or well, behind him at that moment cause his back was turned lol). 
If Goldie and the key in the market are not the one and the same,how did Agatha acquire Goldie? Why is he in her possession? Well the same goes for the market guy, why did he have two keys? In previous parts I theorized about people being connected to Ex Libris but having no memory of it due to someone's involvement. They both seem to be unaware of what is the keys' true worth. Going back to my theory in part 4 where I mention that the old man is missing 4 keys, if we accept the theory of the market key not being Goldie for the sake of theorising, then market key is the fourth missing key. 
If that's true then here are the possible missing keys and their (possible) keyholders:
1) missing key: Bronze ,keyholder : Deacon 
2) missing key : Goldie, keyholder: Prunella
3) missing key: villain key,keyholder: Simon?
4) missing key: unknown identity but since it looks so much like Goldie the metal could be brass, and if we look at the paper with all the key symbols there's a crown near the sun and opposite of the apple which is Bronze’s symbol and he was found in the market with some other key, mind you.
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 Deacon also mentioned some key roles when they were trying to figure out what key prunella had and he mentioned the ruler key. 
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So if I had to guess which symbol the ruler key has I would say the crown because a crown defines rulers and the role has similarities to the hero whose symbol is close to it. And if I had to guess the keyholder, I would say Chase's friend whose name I am not sure is mentioned.
So to summarize, the missing keys are the following:
Bronze, the helper key
Goldie, the hero key
The villain Key
The ruler key
Bonus detail: in my previous post I said that Simon might have put up the reward poster but it could have been the other friend too since the posters started appearing a few days later after the flea market day. Besides, birds of the feather flock together and either of Chase’s friends could have the same idea as him and put up posters.
Honestly, out of all the theories I have come up with, this is the most insane one, but the keys at the market were turned around so we could not see their symbols and this could have been on purpose, so who knows? 
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ochrearia · 5 months ago
This will update in time, but for now all I have
I don't have the courage to post this myself so this will probably be scheduled for some horrendous time at night. I also don't have the courage to point out who is who because I'm scared maybe they won't like how they sound, though maybe if I go into detail too hard it might be possible to tell. Lol. This isn't everyone yet. I still need some more time to see who everyone is, blah blah blah, bunch of stupid abstract brain stuff, but. Playlist of my friends I've made here... yeah
Wounds- doesn't count because that's me. Decided to put it there because why not. I don't need to talk about myself let's be real no one cares about that
Norduris. Funny, somehow right away this was you. I love when that happens, when a song just reacts so strongly with the whole person in my head I'm searching for. Everything I've seen of you screams this song and it's. Beautiful to me. Always is but it doesn't get tiring. So much of you seems like it was locked away and buried in worry. Wistful thinking and hoping for the future. There is so much good in you. I think I'll stick around for as long as I can to help you see that. Kind and comforting. Creative and inspired just about every time I've seen you, I think. But I think you worry too much. There's fear and anger in there and I think, maybe, I wish there didn't have to be. Well, not the unjustified ones at least. But it all pools together for a strength that I think fits you. Still hopeful and still going. I like that about people... That might be a recurring theme for everyone really. But it's still you, too. Such slow waltzing shades of gray, like fog and the cover of rain. Pastel yellow like the sun, deep, deep green accompanying the rest. There you are, Kry.
Lost. You know the song titles don't really mean anything before you might ask. I never take it into account. Just the way it sounds. I also think you worry far too much but then again you've gone through for too much. But you are creative, and fun, and uplifting. Think you have a little bit of a habit of subduing yourself in fear of something I never quite know. But you are patient, so patient and I value that a lot. Especially when it's given to me. Nervous at times, needing permission before letting yourself shine. Wisdom about you that sometimes I really need to hear. You really know how to rile someone up in a playful way and I don't think enough people play into such things anymore. Wonderful to see really. Like a slow stream in a still air, deep, deep gray and neon blue. Streaks of white too, liminal in a way that reminds me of a barren tundra with nothing to be seen in any direction. Nothing but you. Hey there, Gold <3
daydream. Augh, I feel like my brain is stalling over how to put everything I have seen into words. Something about you just feels so positive, an upbeat air to you even if you're not feeling okay. You're still there, and I see you. Confident a lot of the time, and it's well warranted I believe. Other times not so much. Kind and caring like everyone I know here is, and a childlike excitement every time we talk that I do adore. God you know so well how to make other people excited with you. And you care, so much, I know everyone does but there's something about it with you that's just... electric, is the word I think. There's different styles of care but that one is yours. Funny. I think you make me feel safe in all the fucked up ways my own mind will talk to me. Maybe it's because I think we have a lot of similarities. It's always been positive with you, even when it isn't because you make caring about you easy. You know how the light of the sun shimmers on a body of water? That's kind of how you move, a sweet caramel brown and autumn orange, little drops of red about your air. So wonderful to meet you, Karl.
demise. Again, I swear the titles do not come into play with this. I suppose there's only so much I can repeat about someone being kind, caring, and fun before it starts feeling less special. I promise that never happens, no matter how many people I know like that in my life. Especially when your style of caring is just so... calming. And determined. Offering so much to people you care about even if maybe they haven't earned it yet. That doesn't seem to matter to you. You're giving it anyways. You're a giver, I suppose. You do a lot of creating and it's stunning. And you offer so much to others because you want to. Able to make people feel safe and like they matter. Love the mischief you get up to a lot too. Dedicated to so many things. Greens of jade and pastel grass, white all between them like a snow flurry. A bit of silvery undertones. I'm glad that I get to know you Shed.
Night Beacon. I held off for a few days more before considering you because I wanted to be accurate. There is something to be said about being quiet, in a sense that is positive and not whatever I say when talking about myself. A good kind of quiet, maybe mellow is the word I am looking for. I like when my friends are passionate and you are no exception. A certain type of calmness that I can't quite explain. I think there is a kindness in your ability to just exist and that may not make, sense, but it's the best I can say. You tough through a lot of things you might not want to do but there's a strength in that. And of course, you are creative. I make friends with creatives a lot. I think maybe you are the kind of person I would pick first to surround myself with. Chill overall that can swap into a more serious frame of mind whenever needed, knowing how to navigate around vibes and situations while being kind. And still someone who is enthusiastic about things you like in a way that isn't overwhelming. It's nice. Might put you on a loop more often than I should, lol. Peach and bright orange, with yellow mixed in with it. Along with a pretty desaturated beige, the best I can put it. Literally like the air of the world during a sunset. You should be proud of that Isaac.
Autumn Afternoon. I'd like to think you quite pleasant and lively despite your words of "This group space of which I have butted in". Who cares if you did do that? You butted in and we let you because we wanted to. You belong here with us, and with me. In my head singing sweetly the soul of who you are. You worry a lot. Hey, I do too. Maybe we both definitely worry too much. Being anxious kinda sucks. But you know what? Here you are anyway. You worry about your place but you still sit here and take it. That's wonderful strength and you might say "I owe it to everyone else" but you are still here. You have a lot going on that tries to work against you. A lot of us do too, if not all of us. But you power through anyway. Underneath all that anxiety sits so much passion. Excitement for things you like. You're a damn good artist and a life to have around. Pastel lime and steel blue, dancing like petals swept into the wind of faded silver, hinted with aqua blue. Yeah. You're a wonderful one there, Storm.
Hope. Honestly I take you for a very lively and bubbly person. You have a lot of ideas and you are eager to do them, to share them, stuff like that. Eager is a good word. I think that fits you the most really and that's not to be taken as a bad thing. Nothing in these are really meant to be taken as bad. Just to be taken as you. Curious and learning seems important to you. Being there, being around, I suppose you kind of bring an air that isn't something I can quite find words for, but it's a positive, I promise. Upbeat is a nice thing to be regardless of what you've ben through or are going through. Maybe sometimes you don't even feel that way but you still manage to convey that for the people around you and I think that's special. It's funny because most people wouldn't say gray and silver are necessarily colors that match to that idea but there you are. Lavender is there too, and a specific hue of blue that reminds me of warm and tropical water. Don't know the exact name for it. Kind of like a mix between a pinwheel and a wind chime, and I think it's very pretty, Lunar.
epitaph. You know we may not really talk as much compared to others on this list but that doesn't mean I haven't gotten to know you. You are still very outspoken about the things you believe in and the things you like or dislike and that's a strength I wish I would have myself. I guess the way I see it is you have a strong vocal presence regardless of what's being talked about. But despite that you can still be very hesitant and worry a lot about things, which is something I have to share. Doesn't always have to be bad. Can also mean that you care, and I really don't think enough people now how to do that these days. Caring is good. Space to keep people on your mind because you want to. Maybe there are still things you need to figure out and that helps to play into some hesitation, but when has anyone ever had things all figured out anyway? Stability is always something to seek, but you don't have to consider yourself any less for not knowing all the time. Things can be okay without it being certain. But you still work towards it, and that's admirable. Like having strength and perceived weakness in a balance. Gold and olive green, I think, off-white and a type of orange that seems like it's burning as it exists. Maybe that doesn't make sense. But, it is you, Damien.
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obstinaterixatrix · 4 months ago
metaphor refantazio cooking compatibility tier list
✨ dream team ✨
Eupha & Hulkenberg: While Hulkenberg is less into spices and more into ~natural~ flavor, her expansive palate and interest in local cuisine would make her the perfect sous-chef for Eupha. Eupha would enjoy how enthusiastic Hulkenberg would be about Eupha’s poisonous-if-prepared-wrong ingredients (whereas everyone else would balk a little). With Hulkenberg taking the lead, Eupha’s whole goal is to learn about the outside world so I think she’d take all of Hulkenberg’s eccentricities in stride.
Strohl & Basilio: Both of them are pretty conscientious cooks who are focused on precision and following a set recipe, so they’d follow each other’s instructions pretty well. Basilio talks about still making some mistakes on recipes he’s done a bunch of times, but he’d probably be the type to double-check if he’s doing something new with someone else taking the lead, and I don’t think Strohl would get too annoyed as long as he thought Basilio was Trying His Best. Basilio could trust Strohl to take the cake out of oven at the right time.
Basilio & Junah: Junah’s focus on aesthetics would be perfect for Basilio’s pastries, and Junah’s penchant for experimentation would probably work out really well for making new recipes. Basilio’s pretty familiar with going along with Junah, so he’d probably enjoy himself as long as he was in charge of the timing for the baking portion.
🤝 functional partnership 🤝
Eupha & Basilio + Strohl: They’re just all very normal cooks (barring the potentially deadly ingredients).
Eupha & Heismay: I don’t see that much synergy per se, but Eupha wouldn’t be put off by Heismay’s dough-stomping and there’s nothing that would stop him from working well with Eupha.
Eupha & Junah: Junah’s obviously fond of Eupha and (again, because of deadly ingredients) would have to restrain her wilder whims. Plus, I think she’d want to be Respectful of Eupha’s culture, so all her aesthetic flourishes wouldn’t impede taste; she’d just end up plating. However, she’d probably be feeling a little Artistically Stifled after a while. On the other hand, Eupha following Junah’s lead would probably be ✨dream team✨ for the same reasons as Eupha and Hulkenberg.
Strohl & Heismay: See, they’d be ✨dream team✨ for recipes where Strohl takes the lead—maybe even more than Strohl and Basilio because they’re very similar in how they cook—but I don’t think Strohl would be able to get over Heismay’s dough-stomping, which bumps them down to 🤝functional partnership🤝.
👎 slightly incompatible 👎
Basilio & Heismay: Two houses both alike in dignity (working with dough), but Basilio would be especially put off by Heismay’s dough-kneading stomps and Heismay’s gonna still be working through some prejudice until pretty far in the game. Post-game, however, they’d be ✨dream team✨ (along with Strohl).
Hulkenberg & Basilio: her cooking style is a little too heavy-handed for his delicate pastries. She’d for sure over-mix the batter for him every time, and he’d be slightly put off by some of her ingredients (but not as much as Heismay and Strohl would).
❌ kitchen nightmare ❌
Strohl & Hulkenberg: They’d fight all the time about everything. When it comes to cooking time, Hulkenberg would want meat cooked rare and Strohl would consider her standards practically raw. When it comes to ingredients, Hulkenberg would want to add monster parts and Strohl Would Not. Strohl would want to follow the recipe and Hulkenberg—when it comes to *Strohl’s* recipes—wouldn’t particularly care and might be a little too prone to experimentation for him. It wouldn’t come to blows… but they’d get into pretty heated arguments.
Hulkenberg & Junah: Hulkenberg doesn’t care about the aesthetics, but she’d just kinda roll over to Junah’s whims due to being so starstruck. They’re not ✨dream team✨ because they’d enable each other’s worst impulses, so while they’d have a good time in the kitchen, whatever they make would end up nigh inedible if not actively damage-dealing.
Heismay & Hulkenberg: The Bugs. I know one of Heismay’s recipes includes a lumibee but let’s put that to the side for now, the second he finds out Hulkenberg’s down to use giant worm meat he’s gonna be on the opposite end of the gauntlet runner no matter what she’s cooking. Cooking with Hulkenberg would be like putting Heismay into a psychological thriller.
Junah & Heismay + Strohl: Junah would be incompatible with Heismay and Strohl for the same reason, which is, her being like “following a recipe is sooo boring!” and her focus on aesthetics above all would send them into conniptions.
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m1d-45 · 1 year ago
Before I drop the actual ask I just wanna say if you had happened to sell your soul to like the devil or something to be able to write the way that you do (I wouldn’t be surprised, your bird!xiao stuff has me bawling my eyes out) then I would totally give you mine out of gratitude for producing such lovely works. Thank you for those!!
Anyways you can ignore this if it makes no sense or you simply don’t want to bother but I have an idea that I’d like you to consider that might be of some interest; I spent my 3am reading through the Shining Nikki Saga tag and it got me thinking about a creator from other similar games/medias. One that has been plaguing my thoughts in particular is a creator- especially Impostor!au- who’s from Honkai Impact 3rd.
A creator who’s a Herrscher, or maybe a Houkai beast or Pseudo-Herrscher the way that Benares is, or even just a standard Valkyrie.
But Just. A creator who isn’t helpless after their unfortunate isekai. They pull up in Teyvat, get attacked by the forces of whichever nation they land in, and their first reaction is “oh haha okay- TAKE THIS SUBSPACE LANCE DUMBASS‼️”
ohhh you understand
first off, i’m glad you liked what i’ve written! thank you very much for the compliment
secondly, that’s very interesting! warning that while i’ve dabbled in hi3, i never actually played it that much (not my style of gameplay). that being said the idea of being able to access those powers while you’re in an isekai has a lot of potential
(obligatory note that while the universes of hi3 and gi are connected, i will not be acknowledging this anywhere else in this post)
(note two: that would be interesting, though. fischl and fischl…)
in terms of hi3, my mind is going to the “kill them with kindness? WRONG, herrscher of the void 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌” meme. this is all i have to offer.
lie. from my limited knowledge i remember a unit who’s abilities centered around painting- dude, the mech suits? good luck killing me when i am a literal transformer. swords don’t do shit against 4tons of steel.
in terms of other various medias, my mind goes to, as always, minecraft. isekai!creator with creative mode. ender pearls for quick getaways, invisibility potions, potions for speed and fire resistance (which will come in handy should they start to pull out witch trial pyres), flying if they’re in creative mode, fireworks and elytras..… honestly, depending how much of the base media you want to pull over into genshin, pretty much any other media would work. i’m also thinking of demon slayer (for the sole reason it has been discussed on this blog prior) and specifically giyu’s “dead calm” breathing, but any of the others will do. depends on the media and a bunch of semantics about lore, but i’m not going to get into that.
redirecting back to mhy games strictly because of star rail (was that out when i first got this ask? god knows but it’s here now), specifically ratio’s burst. imagine being a hunter, seeing a Suspicious Person about, and in response they simply. construct a building of stone and steel out of nowhere, sending it crashing down in front of your platoon. nobody’s hurt, thankfully, but the earthquake echoes.
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unlirise · 10 months ago
🖋️ 240527 • mon
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i wanted to start off this week with something productive. ive already gotten into a rough start by waking up late. i should be stricter with myself so that i can get things done on time. a week of productivity should not be followed by a week of the opposite. especially when it's easy to get carried away by relaxation and other leisurely activities.
to start it off, i did some journaling and decided to put a bit more effort into its layout and composition. later when i get back from my haircut, i'm hoping to make even more progress on my thesis.
ik ive been saying this over and over, maybe i should have a visual tracker so that i can see how much it's moving as well as to actually motivate me to finish it off. the revisions are done but because of the changes in my methodology i might have to make changes to the instrument. these are taking quite some time... especially since i'm doing this thesis solo and research isn't exactly my strongest suit.
rant ahead if you want to keep reading
i'm kinda excited to get my haircut, though. i wish i could say i was very excited but i can't enjoy it because of how controlling my parents are abt it.
not to trauma dump on the internet but it's my blog so here goes. my parents are kinda being dumb about me wanting to cut my hair. i initially wanted a bixie cut that was similar to winona ryder's. when i asked my mom (yes, i have to ask permission to cut my hair bc i'm not paying for it and i'm using their money for it), she was quick to make it all about my sexuality (i'm pan). she even ranted to my grandma about it. so i'm getting a layered bob cut instead, but my parents are adamant that i go to this family friend hairdresser so that he can advise me (?) on how to cut and maintain it (??) so that it looks good on the graduation pictures (???????). that threw me off bc the reasons why i want to cut my hair are:
it's flipping hot, my guy, the humidity isn't giving my hair gets so brittle and dry. ik i can just tie my hair up but sometimes i don't want to bc i need it to breathe. but i don't want to have to feel my hair act as a towel, collecting my nape sweat.
i never liked having long hair. it's too much work for me. the constant hair brushing, the longer showers, the long hair drying, and the long strands getting everywhere? i've never been able to properly take care of long hair. i prefer shorter hair bc it's easier to maintain and easier to style. and personally, i think it suits me so much more.
but my parents want me to keep my hair long for a bunch of graduation pictures that i won't even be taking right now since i'm not graduating this year.
and my mom? i don't understand but ever since i came out as pan to her, she never truly made steps to understand what that means. ugh, idk. might make a long post abt this sometime in the future.
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runicmagitek · 11 months ago
Hiya! I loved loved LOVED Just Deserts, and I wanted to know if you had any more fic ideas you were rolling around for Unicorn Overlord. I love your style and I'd love to see if any other story beats in the world call out to you ; u ;
Ok first off?? Literally me getting this ask:
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You're too kind!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic, so thank you for reaching out and being so sweet 😭😭😭
As for future Unicorn Overlord fics, I have at least two I want to write! One explores Josef and Ilenia's relationship and kinda uses a similar past + present style that Just Deserts uses: flashbacks to their youth, how they grew closer, Ilenia becoming queen, etc., then present missing scene moments with Josef looking out for Alain and all the survivor's guilt around that 🥲
The other is a post-canon Gloucester-centric fic!! I really love him and the desert kids and just wanna dive into them rebuilding and making the desert their own again 🥺 there would be cameos from other Drakenhold characters, along with letters to and from Aramis. He might even pay his old friend a visit >:3c and said friend might give him a dance lesson ehehehe
I'd also love to write for Sharon/Ochlys, but right now I've got like, zero ideas 😭 also also intrigued by the idea of Chloe/Primm (bc I'm upset the resident cook and resident foodie Did Not Get A Rapport Together >:/) and I think they should enjoy food together and maybe smooch~
But yeah! That's all I've got for now, but I never know when inspiration will strike, so who knows what else I'll come up with!! Thanks a bunch for the ask as well 🥰💖
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quirkless-forums · 8 months ago
Deku Centric Gen Fanfiction I’ve read this year (Ft. Dad For One )
I’m back again with more Fanfiction recs. My taste tends to center Midoriya Izuku in non-ship fics, though there are one or two “ship fics” listed in the category.
This is a list of all my favorite MHA / BNHA fics I’ve read this year. The My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero Academia fandom produces so much that it’s hard for me to get to everything, so I thought I’d help out others in a similar situation by posting the fics that I personally were moved or impressed by in some way this year. A surprising number of them were Dad For One, where Midoriya Hisashi (Izuku’s father) is All For One.
The list is sorted from word count descending, with the fics with the most words at the top and the least words at the bottom.
If you click on the name, it'll lead you to the fic.
If you press on the number, it'll lead you to a summary with my thoughts and a link to the fic if you're on the fence about one (I've also put some navigation so you can hop to the previous/next summaries directly).
Category goes by Ao3 standards, where it'll say if it's gen or list the ship that is the main focus.
Of course, status refers to whether or not it's complete and how many chapters it has
It’s a list I’ve posted to Reddit, but maybe I’ll convert it to Tumblr one day.
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For now, here’s the link.
I’d also be remiss as a quirkless blog not to mention the fics that deal with quirklessness in some way!
So All I Hear Are Echoes isn’t technically a quirkless fic, but it interestingly deals with Izuku being assumed quirkless for a bunch of the first few chapters, and therefore you get a sense for how a quirkless identity shaped his character, such as police discussions of fighting style, job hunting, being underestimated by villains, etc.
Mischief in Musutufu is the familiar brand of Quirkless fic that features Deku becoming the quirkless hero he dreamed of while sticking it to those who said he couldn’t—in this case, it was All Might. This quirk plays with the fluidity of quirklessness in a way that kinda inspires me for future fics, but otherwise it’s very classic I’m its lore as a Quirkless Izuku/All Might bashing story. Despite this, I discuss how this fic is honestly more than it seems in this post. Overall a FUN and heartwarming slice of life AU!
in darkness blooms the spider lily is one of those RARE quirkless villain Deku fics that just work so well. First of all, the OOC nature of villainous Izuku doesn’t really matter due to Izuku’s total amnesia surrounding his own villainy.
SPOILERS Second of all, the conditions of living quirkless is portrayed so well, starting from the first few chapters where Izuku assumed his poor medical treatment is due to quirklessness, to the chapters about how he changed the landscape on how a lot of heroes view quirklessness due to his grand villainy, as many heroes had underestimated him based on quirklessness in the past, to the way his villainy is directly tied to his poor treatment as a quirkless person in the vein of a political radicalization (that happened in that time period forgotten through amnesia). The major tension of the fic is whether hero society has improved enough in their treatment of quirkless people to prevent this blank slate from radicalizing again.
Two Hundred Years Isn’t That Long is fascinating because it captures the nuance of how quirklessness is, although very physically real, mostly a social construct. It does so by placing quirklesss Izuku in the context of a time right before quirks were a common thing, and then flinging him to modern society where everyone has one.
SPOILERS. As such, it’s really fascinating to see him interact with students like Bakugou and describe the way he comes from a majority quirkless area, which is unfathomable to the students, until it’s revealed he’s from the past. In a lot of ways, this changes the way they view his quirklessness, since he’s placed within the context of being normal within his own time instead of lacking in this time, especially because this Izuku is actually deathly afraid of quirks and views them the way we would as humans without quirks as a social construct.
So while Bakugou still scoffs at this “useless” person, Izuku in contrast does not take this to heart. This is because quirks are not a real social construct to him, yet, so the significance of his lack of one bounces harmlessly off his skin. And his confidence in his physical capabilities are not mired in any beliefs about his lack of a quirk, so he takes an active role of physical combat in a way he just never did in canon pre-OFA (and therefore impresses Bakugou in a way he would’ve never been able to as normal quirkless Izuku).
This fic is just so cool the way it highlights the socially constructed attitudes about quirks and quirklessness without making it a focus of the fic, which is what I originally liked about MHA in the first place (before I realized that it just wasn’t actually as thought out as I thought).
One Exception is notable for how stereotype about quirkless people contribute not just to their poor treatment, but making them seem harmless. SPOILERS Much like how female abusers are taken less seriously due to the perception that women are weak, it’s fascinating the way this fic uses Izuku’s status as a bullied quirkless character to hide from Katsuki the ways their relationship is actually imbalanced in favor of Izuku, to hide the fact that Izuku is not harmless.
The Steps Taken From Us takes a very fun and similarly indirect perspective into the nuances of quirkless issues by killing Izuku off for unrelated reasons. While this story indeed plays off the fandom trope of “What if Izuku really did take a swan dive like Bakugou said?” the actual truth is that he was murdered, not suicidal, and the story is about Katsuki trying to find Justice for him (and running up against the effects of quirkless discrimination despite not being quirkless himself).
A lot of these monkey’s paw Bakugou Bullying stories are about this concept of Bakugou learning consequences or of directly experiencing how quirkless discrimination causes harm, but I often cringe at how they inadvertently portray suicide in inaccurate and ill-advised ways, especially because it just feels a little unsubtle of a point. Thus, this fic solves that by highlighting the way real life marginalized groups struggle to get Justice for crimes done against them.
Thus, even though Bakugou has benefitted from having a strong quirk’s reputation, in trying to find Justice for Izuku, he learns about the ways quirkless people are dismissed as lost causes, the way saying otherwise will label you crazy, the way Izuku’s concerns were ignored as crazy, the way quirkless people are targeted for this very reason, etc. It’s interesting to see a Bakugou with a messed up reputation instead of Izuku, as it fulfills that monkey’s paw impulse without using suicide as a cudgel.
On top of that, the larger metaphor about Izuku’s voice as a quirkless person being silenced is very poignant, as it helps to symbolize that it’s not about quirkless people being incapable of achieving, but that they’re actively prevented from doing so by other people and society.
Multilante is a classic Quirkless Izuku vigilante story told through the cute gimmick of animal hoodies and other characters projecting onto those hoodies.
Float is interesting in the way it explores Izuku’s relationship to quirks and Bakugou as a post-quirkless person in a way canon never really thought to. In canon, Izuku’s chief concern is proving that with a quirk, he’s now equal to Bakugou and can fight him or whatever, but that kind of just assumes that Bakugou was logical for bullying him over something he couldn’t control. You know, ‘he was quirkless and therefore useless, but now he’s not.’ You know, ‘it wouldn’t have actually been bullying if Deku could just fight back’ (with the quirk he didn’t have lol).
SPOILERS In contrast, this fic throws down the gauntlet to ask, point-blank, what Izuku did to deserve any of the bullying? Nothing. It was illogical, it said he was never good enough, and that cuts someone far deeper than getting a quirk would heal. As such, it’s less about quirklessness and more about the lasting emotional scars of it.
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revasserium · 1 year ago
as a response to this ask: https://revasserium.tumblr.com/post/729580466551799808/but-in-the-meantime-i-love-love-love-childhood
(omg sorry this is so messy ahahah)
i get what you mean about reading being one of the biggest inspirations for writing. whenever i'm in a writing slump, i just pull out a fanfic or a book and i'll suddenly feel the urge to write again XD
and our planning process is surprisingly rather similar? i still like planning bc i like to be specific for foreshadowing and symbolism, but i agree that the story is sometimes... a thing of its own. i'll plan for things to be this way and while writing it just gets snatched out of my hands to become it's own things. it's struggle for me i suppose there's a lot of back and forth: i like my plans, but i can't deny that the story just wants to go elsewhere.
i also normally always start at the start of the story! just like you, i have the words play out in my head word for word, but i normally don't pen down these thoughts because i feel they're not refined. i will repeat them though, and when i sit down i use them as reference or a guide on the angle of my story. it's really nice to compare and see similarities in writing processes! i guess the charm of your work is the story's flow, and that is from how you write unrestrained by a plan. i like that style! >:3c
-- @anonymilk
in response to this ask: https://www.tumblr.com/revasserium/732542620437463040/how-have-you-been-anonymilk i’m doing fine!! i have gotten busier because of work. the most festive the holiday season, the more work for me :/ hahaha. but it’s been good!! although i might not have lots of energy to keep track of replies and reply myself, i do enjoy seeing u on my dash uwu this is soooo overdue, but how was your travels? did you mention where you went? are u comfortable sharing? i would love to travel… but it costs a lot too so :’) gotta work more first ahahahh. — @anonymilk !
cutting for length! :)
i wish i could still write like i used to -- and a part of me thinks i can, bc if i rly tried to force myself, i could just pick a rando prompt and like... write it. but the thing is -- i've got so little mental energy left after most days at work that i can barely work on the fics i DO wanna write u know?
and it's strange bc for the first time in my life, i feel my work literally impeding upon the things i like to do to a degree that im like ??? bruh wut.
not to the point where i'm tryna quit, bc like work pays, and it pays decently well, and for all i complain about it, i actually do love what i do u__u and that's rare enough as it is. but yeah, i really do wish it weren't so mentally taxing so i could have a bit more energy to write.
but yes! :) it's always nice to find someone who has a similar-ish writing process!!! to be like yEAH OMG!!! I DO THAT TOO! :D
now!! for the travel q!! i went to australia and new zealand, about a week in each, and it was so, so lovely!!!! it was so breathtakingly beautiful -- like truly, i didn't know the sky could be that blue or the water could be that clear.
and the wedding that we went to attend was beautiful -- there was drama (bc isn't there always) but it was nothing compared to all the good things that happened :). i was just so fucking tired after i got back LOL i needed vacay from my vacay ukno????
next year, i promised myself that i would travel more for myself, bc this year, i ended up traveling for a bunch of different weddings and engagements, and not !!! that i don't love that and am super happy for my friends!!! but like. it's different traveling for JUST urself vs traveling for someone else's wedding/engagement, ykno? so yeah u__u i think im gonna plan a trip to italy w/ my bf, and maybe one to japan with my mom :D we'll see!!!!
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quaykey · 2 years ago
My Thoughts on Gardener vs. Architect
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I figured it might be worth sharing the approach I take to writing because maybe some people out there might be people out there who find it interesting.
If you're unfamiliar with what the 'Gardner vs. Architect' idea is about, give this a read - it'll explain better than I can:
Gardener vs Architect, Which Type Suits You Best – LivingWriter Writing Blog
My approach is a hybrid between the two. I'm gardner who relies on an architect mentality to achieve a cohesive, creative whole. So how does that look?
At the start of a project, I start to list work out the ideas and themes I have in mind for this story. I'll use a document, a digital whiteboard, whatever feels right. This is supposed to be an idea dump - things I think would be interesting to read. The key here is that there's no structure.
From those pieces, I start to form structure. Perhaps a theme on "loss" could develop into a small arc; character A has to go through a tragic loss. How does the loss happen? What motions do they go through? I chart this idea out into something more structured. This is where the Gardner becomes the Architect.
I repeat this process until I have a bunch of stuff I could string together into a somewhat coherent whole. The purpose of what I'm doing right now is the get the overall storyline.
When I get stuck, I turn to a post-it note style of planning:
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This is a barebones framework for a character arc. It could be the main story arc, or it could be a side arc. Regardless, it's not quite enough to write a whole arc with.
I'll seperate the story beats like so, and in the middle put blank post-it notes:
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Now it's my job to fill in how we get from post-it note 1 to note 3. Again, this doesn't have to be detailed. It could be simple ideas, or specific scenes you had in your braindstorm that could fit in.
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And volia, from nowhere, the bones of a story are starting to form.
I could continue this, or I might start to write the opening scene I have in mind.
While I'm writing that opening scene at the funeral, I might gardener myself some ideas which relate to the beat about "similar circumstances of death."
When she looked at her friends wrist, she noticed that a tatto she had was missing.
Now I have a new thread to add to my structure; the killer removes tattoos.
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And during a later story beat, I might want to explain why that is. I'll add a small post-it note to remind myself to close that thread when I get to that section of the story.
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Now this is no literary work of genius, but for an example it highlights how in a few minutes you can have the structure (architect) of something to allow you to behave like a gardner and explore your ideas freely and expressively.
As I write, I expand my outline. As my outline grows, I might have ideas that I need to go back and add into already completed chapters.
Here's the outline for the work I'm currently writing. It started off with only four or five post-it notes, and grew over the course of a week or two while I've been writing the first three chapters:
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You'll see I use colours to represent threads/arcs/themes, arrows to show the flow of these arcs, and sub-notes whenever I have things I want to remember for future use.
I hope you found this interesting!
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fluffy-critter · 1 month ago
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likeadeadbattery · 2 months ago
Clocky And The Supreme Yapping Session (AT: Clocky’s “Lost Media”)
Fair warning that this post might be long, as I’m discussing what I remember and shit. This is my own personal stuff that I’d consider “lost media”, basically “childhood” mysteries of mine or whatever.
Circles in the Stream
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This book was the one that inspired the whole post. It’s been one of my biggest mysteries for years, something I was trying to figure out that has always been in the back of my mind.
So, I remember this book from early elementary school. For context, my elementary school had book swaps- you brought in sum books and got to take others. This was likely where I got this one.
I used to be really obsessed with it and would draw the creatures in the book. My mom stole this book from me and gave it to my twin sister (despite the multiple HELL NOs I gave her) to bring to the book swap and I never saw it again. Remind me to punch my sister whenever I see her next?
So, I remembered this book VERY VERY vaguely. Just the cover and an aspect of the title. I originally thought it was ‘Ripples’ something. I remembered the fact it looked early 2000’s-ish and kinda anime girl style? Also that somewhere in the book, it described each of the creatures in detail.
I finally couldn’t take it anymore and last night I did a whole bunch of deep research to find it- otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to sleep. I would’ve used the Tipofmytongue subreddit, except for the fact that I don’t use Reddit. It was a Buzzfeed article about early 2000’s book fairs in the end that saved my ass. (Remember those? The good times lol.)
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All together now, folks- my parents were NOT having sex!!!
I remembered this entry very vaguely. I used to be in Girl Scouts around this time, so that’s where the diary is from.
I also remember what happened here too- I was in bed or something, tryna go to sleep, and it was a VERY nasty arguement downstairs. the kitchen. As little Clocky described it, what I remember the most is them “saying the f word all night.” Meaning, more like SCREAMING IT at the top of their lungs.
Baby’s First Fanfic!!! 🥹
It was in a diary similar to the F Word one. I cannot find this one for some reason.
It was a story that I didn’t think of as a fanfic at that time- in fact, I don’t think I even really knew what fanfics were at that time.
I remember that it was FNAF, ofc. And that Bonnie might’ve been the villain. Bonnie was always the villain in my stories and games for some reason. I remember this specific scene with batteries? Maybe a pit of them? Might’ve been batteries for the animatronics.
The Divorce Diary
That’s all I can really call this one. It wasn’t even a diary, just a single page in a black notebook.
This was also early elementary Clocky’s, maybe late? Around 4th-5th grade. I would find it again, but the only problem is that Ma has a giant box of unused notebooks, and Clocky had a penchant for grabbing them and hoarding them. I have no idea now, maybe I even threw away that one.
You see, at this time, my parents’ marriage was VERY rocky for some reason. I remember one particular night, they were gonna get a divorce. Ma was slumped against the wall in my sister’s room and we were both here. She was crying and shit. I was unaffected- literally just sitting there eating Pirate Booty. She was telling us all about it and showing us places she was gonna rent and go live, and I think even giving us options for who we’d wanna live with. There’s… so many problems with this, now that I think about it???
My Ma had encouraged me to keep a diary after that. I tried it once, in that black notebook, and never picked it up again. I’m both glad and sad about that.
On one hand, it would’ve been super dark. Dad liked hitting me and calling me names and shit even back then, and this was around the time where I really really wanted to kill myself the first time around. Yeah. Elementary school Clocky wanted to kill herself.
But then I would also know for sure that I wasn’t tripping balls, that these things really happened. That he really did and said some of that shit.
“I never thought having another family would go like this.” - My dad, in the middle of an argument/confrontation with little Clocky and Frankie. Oh yes, he def said this to our faces. Little Clocky was a brat, a fucking piece of shit, but gosh, sometimes I wish someone had held her and sung her a lullaby or something. Not tell her to keep stuff inside the household, or tell her she has a penchant for dramatics when she showed them in writing what her dad did to her.
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frankbedbroken · 6 months ago
frankcore september 2024 update!
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ok let's see if we can make this come out at a reasonable time. so the two big-ish chunks of the tracklist this time around are firstly pop in many different flavors and sizes(?) and second a lot of emo and hardcore related stuff, which is not the most common sight in these lists as seen so far.
let's start off with the latter: first off, seminal post-hardcore band fugazi with a song off one of their first eps being a lot more direct than a lot of their following material; later on, a whole lot of emo in various iterations and styles kicking off with the extremely lo-fi and aggressive "la connotación psicoanalítica de raparse la cabeza" by shortlived chilean band conspiración autista, followed by the more mellow "fire engine red" by the (somewhat) obscure boys life with a more slacker-rock-inspired midwest sound. the playlist closes off with a bunch of emo-pop from hey mercedes (apparently a lot of people think the song sounds similar to check yes juliet by we the kings? maybe i'm just not familiar enough with that song apart from the chorus but i don't think i hear it?), taking back sunday (i'm aware that the so-called beef between them and brand new wasn't as big as it was made up to be, but in hindsight anything shading jesse lacey is very welcome lmao) and the anniversary (a lot more indietronica inspired with its 8-bit synths and what not in the chorus, it also has a cool back and forth with the male and female vocalists throughout the song, really nice stuff), and a post-hardcore / alt-rock crossover banger from make good your escape, a song that's apparently featured on a burnout game (i found it through a list on rym hehe) that has extremely satisfying guitar tones and drumwork, it even manages to make the guitar solo section sound good to me which is something that i almost never care for, props!
as for the pop, i want to start off by mentioning two songs from my home country! first, twee synthpop duo siamesa with a song that in a way reminds me of some of the more tranquil moments on something like javiera mena's esquemas juveniles (cámara lenta specifically comes to mind), it (and the album as a whole) has the naivety and sweetness you'd expect from twee in terms of sound but with a slightly more pessimistic and sarcastic edge to the lyricism, all the while still managing to maintain some of the innocent qualities signature to the genre as a whole, pretty compelling stuff overall imo. and second, though not less important, my friends' band second single! a lot janglier and more upbeat when compared to the previous one, and it's probably my favourite song i've heard from them so far. however, i would be amiss if i didn't mention the fact that i actually show up in the music video for this song! essentially since i've been their number one dickrider for the year+ they've been in the scene and i'm pretty much always around, they asked me if i was down to have my own little "subplot" of sorts in the mv which i of course accepted. i have a few gripes about how i did in terms of performance (lmao) but it's whatever, video itself is very good (un saludo al tío diego y a la tía clara), watch it and listen to it NOW!
following with other styles of pop, pairing up well with the previously mentioned track (although it might be a bit of a jump in terms of bpm, god knows this month was a bit of a mess to sort through), the jangly and cheerful cath carroll from british band unrest, yet another band i've found through friends' recommendations over the past year. elsewhere, you can see examples of the glitchier side of altr&b and pop with tracks from lapsung (emphasis on the glitch with this one, but it also has very brooding atmospheres and hard-edged industrial sound stylings here and there), oklou (a very welcome comeback with a track that sounds like walking up to the gates of heaven, hopefully a sign of a new project in the way? pretty please?), twigs (ok, this one's not suuuper glitchy per se, if anything it has more of a classic trance influence, courtesy of electronic dance music deconstructor (?) / trance pointillist (??) koreless, apparently other tracks that twigs previewed for the album are even better than this one so hype is through the roof as of right now) and jane remover (haven't really been keeping tabs on what she's been up to lately but this track really stood out with its surprising influences from cumbia and guaracha as put through a modern edm lens). on the other hand, in the form of slightly more conventional r&b stylings, we've got british girl group flo, which i actually haven't heard much of and considering how good this track is perhaps i should get more hip to them.
we've also got some electropop tracks here, with some of them being very inspired by the sounds of pop and electro house during the 2000s, those being no comma by slayyyter (apparently a very eagerly awaited track for fans of her, had never heard about it before but it's incredibly catchy and hard-hitting) and flop by bassvictim (somewhat part of the whole electroclash / indie sleaze / whatever revivalism movement of acts like snow strippers and the dare, though i personally prefer this one track to most of what i've heard from both, incredibly catchy chorus and there's a wiley interpolation of all things here also). on the opposite end of the spectrum: ttyl, loossemble's newest comeback! these couple of years have pretty much solidified me as a kpop enjoyer, and this is just a very infectious and energetic tune from members of probably my favourite kpop group ever, obviously one would've preferred to not have "rizz me" as part of the lyrics, but oh well, it is the style at the time.
as for the rest: couple of tracks from the more experimental and industrial side of hip hop, first from sound collage / noise / weirdo electronic etc extraordinaire klein on her track exclusive, i am a sucker for an incessantly looping vocal sample and outlandish delivery, it would probably be the most offputting track here for many but i'm a fan for sure; later on we've got palestinian hip hop artist julmud bringing a somewhat short yet extremely effective track with its usage of pots-and-pans style distorted percussion and punchy vocal delivery complete with varied stylings and effects, definitely a scene i'm unfortunately unfamiliar with that i should pay more attention to; and finally, newest single from elucid, half of the abstract hip hop power duo armand hammer, showcasing incredible lyrical skill and delivery over this pummeling beat filled with industrial percussion, super excited for the full project coming soon.
on the electronic side of things, we've got luvdub by the duo new york, which is a project i was mostly unfamiliar with but they appear to go in a similar vein to acts like smerz or tirzah, in the sense of basing themselves on the sound of alternative r&b and taking it to its absolute limits through the usage of very minimal beats and softspoken delivery, the reason i didn't mention them earlier is because it's somewhat hard for me to even consider this pop or r&b at this point just because it has vocals, it almost sounds like something out of the autonomic / nonplus camp, feels very minimal dnb, very uk bass. speaking of the latter, we've also got one of james blake's first productions released on hemlock almost 15 years ago (insane) with an almost undecipherable vocal sample and very playful usage of synths and effects here and there. and then we've got to mention ride by bitch ass darius, an instantly memorable name which is why i feel like some of his work, specifically the follow the sound dj mix he did has reached a pretty big level of popularity in certain music circles, and with good reason: enveloping electro / ghettotech grooves, infectious and extremely memorable melodies and usage of vocal samples, perfectly designed for clubs, it just works very well.
finally, the outlier: heavy water / i'd rather by sleeping by grouper, from what i recall i haven't been the biggest fan of what i've heard from her so far, maybe i get too distracted to really pay attention to her music but this one mashup i heard a while back got me more into this song specifically, so perhaps i should give the one album i heard another shot. idk, this time around i was more willing to get washed away by the lo-fi vocals and the acoustic guitars being combined into this enveloping, tranquil piece.
that's it for the month, tube it!!
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roxannarambles · 3 years ago
MysMeSsumConnections: Post 1
Hello, all. This is a compilation of my Ssum lab’s first subject of discussion.
Welcome to the lab for discussing theories about how the worlds of Mystic Messenger and Ssum might connect!
First Q: If these two games ARE connected, in what way would you love them to be related?
The consensus seems to be that if there is a connection, it’s probably related to 707 in some way. (Although one user pointed out Teo and V or Zen may meet/become friends due to the career connections)
I’m going to list out some possible ways that Seven could relate to Ssum.
1.) Ssum is a phone game that Seven programmed himself.
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It is possible Seven made a dating app just on a whim (he’s certainly done other pet projects on a whim) and then forgot the password before its release, as seen in the MM screencaps.
(Contributed by: Saiph - gNAPzi) It is also possible he made this app to play out his personal fantasy of having a normal life with MC (with Teo being his self-insert). There are many elements in Ssum that seem to match his personal style and aesthetics (the space theme, the AI bird, etc). The setting is also somewhat similar to MM’s premise; meeting a stranger via a mysterious app that somehow ended up on your phone. 
(Contributed by: Nia - uHARzC) If you subscribe to reset theory or to the idea Seven is fully aware that he is in a phone game, perhaps Seven programmed Ssum as a way of keeping us company and checking in on us. 
2.) Aliens are real and Seven is directly involved with working for the Ssum Forbidden Lab or is at least aware of its existence.
(Contributed by: o6APzn) Perhaps Seven programmed PIU-PIU and some of the Ssum app’s interface. And maybe his involvement runs even deeper and Dr. Cus-Monsieur is just another one of Seven’s many alises-- or, in the very least, Seven knows the Dr and works for them. 
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(Contributed by: Sofia- aeAOzj) Other people have suggested the easter egg you can find in the Achievements section may be hinting at something bigger. What if one day, Seven was hacking something and somehow discovered a signal from the Ssum Lab? He would learn about this incredible series of labs in space run by aliens-- and then he accidentally blocked the signal/lost the data. Seven desperately tries to find it again but never does and remains obsessed with “the space station” he knows is out there, doing mysterious studies on love.
3.) MysMe and Ssum are set in the same universe but have no direct relation (outside of a few easter eggs).
(Contributed by: Ms- ZfAPzT) This is perhaps the least complex theory. It’s simply the idea that Teo lives on the same planet/time as the people from Mystic Messenger do, but they probably won’t interact much, outside of a few easter eggs. However, user Ms pointed out that even though that may not be as exciting, it’s still a very nice thought. “I’m already happy just thinking that perhaps this world (Ssum) is a world where all of [the MM characters] exist, and that the MC of MM is helping them.” 
There is one last theory I did not see posted so far but I wanted to include real quick:
4.) MysMe and Ssum will be connected via some kind of multiverse.
There have already been several hints dropped that Ssum will involve a multiverse in its deeper plotline. PIU-PIU also talks about how they manipulate time and space around Teo, and seems to imply that Teo may exist in a different universe from ours/MC (or a different planet, at least). It’s reasonable to speculate that MysMe may possibly exist in the multiverse in their own dimension, too. (You can also get into a bunch of ideas spitballing off the April Fools Special from MysMe, which implies MC's dimension is seperate from the world of MysMe)
And that’s it for now! A huge thanks to everyone who participated in this lab’s very first research question. If you’d like to join in on the fun, you can find MysMeSsumConnections in the City of Free Men. I plan to post one new discussion topic a week about Ssum & MysMe fan theories, and the top response will get a gift! 🤩
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bluewinnerangel · 4 years ago
Larry Loves Laurels
EDIT: June 30th 2021 because sOmEoNe’s still at it EDIT again: July 2nd because now the other one’s at it too EDIT AGAIN: July 3rd ok now they’re both it at the same time...
This is something I wanted to gather in a post for a while now and with the recent post of Louis wearing a cap that includes a laurel wreath, it’s time to let this monster out of my drafts. It became a long masterpost/timeline of the times laurel wreaths showed up on their clothing or in some other way.
Louis loves laurels. This was a big one, when he wore this shirt while perfoming a bunch of songs for the first time (sept 14 2019):
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And H has 2 massive laurel tattoos:
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And that’s quite inchresting as Larry = laurel. Literally.
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putting a cut in, this gonna be a long one:
The name “Larry” is short for Laurence/Lawrence, which in turn comes from the Latin Laurentius, meaning "From Laurentum" (a city near Rome) which is thought to be derived from the Latin laurus ("laurel"). The name could also be derived from the Old Greek word Lavrenti meaning "bright one, shining one". 
(also “bright one, shining one”, GHUH)
It’s so simple, so loud, it’s pretty much a smack in the face.
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Again like all my posts I’m not saying they’re definitely doing this on purpose and that this is the meaning behind it. Let’s be real here, basically all I’m doing is me see plant me point, but after 10+ years of similar nonsense it wouldn’t be too crazy to think this has turned into some “let’s see if they catch this muwhaha” chaosgay sidebehavior again (I’m tired). It’s also mostly just a Fred Perry catalogue (the brand’s logo is a laurel wreath) but there are some other occurences that do make me go oh wow you lil shit, so darling just hold on, just sit back, pretend to relax, and let’s get this going:
june 5 2015
This not exactly fitting his regular style (at all) sighting of an H in Fred Perry:
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lil edit: now that he’s wearing the jacket again in 2021 I saw this pic resurface so let’s just have in in here as well:
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june 12 2015
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april 18 2016 (for these I’m just gonna link @bulletprooflarry​​​ ‘s tags because it shows both the events and the reactions to it, I hope that works, sorry if tumblr’s gonna be stubborn with that)
Then louis-
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-tomlinson one day decides it’s time. And demonstrating already why it might not be just a random brand choice: the day the man was papped in the larry outfit, the “home made” shirt (H’s tat) and “ellesse” pants (LS, for what, hmm?), is also the first sighting of him wearing Fred Perry too. He wears ‘ellesse” often around this time, but AFAIK Fred Perry only shows up 3 times in 2016, two days in a row and again a few days later. Here’s him in the outfit ft. chocolatemilk
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and the vest (source)
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april 19 2016 
stuntcuddling in a laurel shirt
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I don’t think he wore a larry clowncostume the day before whatever this photoshoot was just for the fun of it, maybe because of it. Just look at this, I mean he looks good modeling but this is just ridiculous:
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Also this was around the time Louis was constantly papped either with strollers or just anything really like he was a kardashian, just insane amounts of times. There is probably a nice timeline of it somewhere but I’m blind so instead here’s a google search for articles in april alone.
Intermission: I was just going around checking if people close to them wear this brand too, and I found 2 instances of James Corden on papwalks in FP shirts too (as well as 2 for Liam on stage, none for Niall or Zayn), but the timing just made me aggressively flop my he-got-the-dagger-arms so I’m gonna mention it: it was right after these pics of louis. Did... did James dark larrie again here? 3 days after Louis+laurel+gf pap pics, there’s an article of James+laurel+wife pap pics (april 22nd 2016) To make things worse, the other time was oct 17 2015 (bears? belfast? that whole uh... *vaguely gestures* time). But I mean, call it a boinky coincindoinky, right? Moving on.
april 26 2016
Then the 3rd sighting, + ellesse cap
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and that’s it for louis as far as I could tell for about a year, but then there’s H:
september 29 2016
H’s Another Man photoshoot
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dec 1st 2016
finds the coat again
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jan 21 2017
That spaceboy cardigan sighting, this is a weak one
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I mean, it’s just unspecified leaves.
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june 25 2017
L’s photoshoot for The Observer Magazine
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Also: The above not being Fred Perry is a big hurray, because this is where our dear Louis either starts asking his stylists to include laurels everywhere and they have trouble finding anything beyond that brand or he just got a brand deal because:
The beloved James Dean ones
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same photoshoot, two more pieces:
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july 11 2017
In the Back To You clip on his instagram
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I don’t know why this one’s extra funny to me
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july 18 2017
Photoshoot for Vice
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oct 11 2017
Just Like You cover, guess what?
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louis wearing larry on his heart part 2828
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september 23 2017
For SIDMAG, baby here we go again
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apparently this photoshoot has its own tumblr so here’s that link
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clearer view of the pants^ (gif from here):
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december 2 2017
THANK GOD SOME NON-PRED FRERRY, but to be fair the mans just wearing a rich people brand like rich people do
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december 22 2017
Miss You’s vertical spotify video
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Despite Harry wearing a ton of different stuff in 2017 including loads of floral prints and a large range of wild stuff, he somehow manages to avoid laurel wreaths/branches altogether (as far as I could find, apart from the maybe spaceboy).
june 4 2018
Harry’s Gucci campaign, straightgay up wearing a laurel wreath, but to be skeptical again that just fits the whole Gucci aesthetic (also I didn’t look at the clothes he’s modeling for as that wouldn’t make much sense, but I thought, maybe the accessories are a pass, I mean he’s also wearing his own rings)
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yes I’m including
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more pictures
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than necessary
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I mean 
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nov 27 2018
some more tommy on the X factor 
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march 12 2019
Two of us spotify video, 2 burberry sweaters this time, because apparently these things come on twos.
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april 25 2019
does this count
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the little heads
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too far?
That was all fun and games (get it, because olympic games), but the unhinging is yet to start, would you believe it? points at a taco
may 8 2019
Because, welp, Louis adds Laurel Wreath to his 28 Songs playlist (lyrics here)
sorry I don’t think I was clear lemme try again:
L A U R E L  W R E A T H. 
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(he doesn’t have the playlist anymore, but here’s the post, here’s the list of songs)
...and if you think he doesn’t gayvinci code with his spotify playlists, you might - be wrong. For instance, the song “Party and Bullshit” before “Just Like You”? I mean come on.
august 6 2019
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september 14 2019
Back to Louis’ performance in Madrid. Look at this man go showing off his 28 tattoo while Kiwi’s playing in the background with a laurel wreath on his heart, about to debut Too Young, Defenceless, Habit, and DLIBYH like what more do you want, the man’s a walking larry billboard.
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september 21 2019
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seriously is he standing this way making sure we see the lil logo with his leg out and holding his shirt so it doesnt possibly fall over it like really son
september 27 2019
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the universe be universing x
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oct 23 2019
His Breaking Down Walls series on his youtube
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that little pull at the logo LOL
gUySs LoOk At My ShIrT
louis be like 
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and the moment is repeated in all his 5 chapter videos too
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nov 17 2019
Hits radio interview and perfomance, yes it’s the round thingy:
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november 23 2019
DLIBYH promo
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Grandpa WHAT is that shirt
dec 11 2019
Fine Line Spotify listening party
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Grandma WHAT is that wallpaper
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iS tHaT fErN!?
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Bright shining golden branches of unspecified leaves that do not NOT look like laurels
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jan 27 2020
Walls listening party
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more pictures than necessary because LOOK AT HIM
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me seeing yet another laurel:
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february 1 2020
Photoshoot For fabulous magazine
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march 3rd 2020
WMI directors cut Q&A videos
mans wearing this larry joke of a jacket again (what were those days tho, when they seemed to have resorted to bluegreening, really what were they on)
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december 4 2020
peculiar spaceboy comes back
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april 10 2021
And the mess that made me finally finish this post:
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EDIT july 3rd 2021:
may 25th 2021
Louis puts that cap on Cliff in E’s insta story
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june 10 2021 Harry / Louis
It appears that if you want to get your picture taken with harry all you need to do is wear some ~subtle~ larry shit and then we got him going YOU THERE YEAH YOU TAKE A PICTURE WITH ME
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Louis’ laurel skull cap comes back yet again as he’s playing football with some kids 
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He’s also pairing it with some wild bluegreening but ok
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june 30 2021
Harry’s in Italy, has been for a while shooting MP, Louis showed up with a tan from all the rain in england yesterday and now suddenly we got Harry stuntcuddling in a laurel shirt, is this 2016 again?
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anyway don’t wanna put stunt pics in here but it’s included in potato mode inside this horrible oddly specific meme so have that instead
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So as this is going on I just keep piling up posts that are all redundant because this is the masterpost but I still wanna link here too, anyway
~next day~
july 1st 2021
People have also pointed out these as laurels
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Another one of his floral print shirts that when initially making this masterpost I would have ignored (as I haven’t included any of those and there are plenty that include ~unspecified leaves~), but given the context (the uh.. laurel flanking days) I guess these unspecified leaves are more convincing than let’s say the spaceboy cardigan for sure so let’s just include them (also again maybe the reason they’re going at it so hard has something to do with the fact that I had to cut out O of the pic here)
~next day, yep laurel game stronk~
july 2nd 2021
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Nevermind the blue greening AGAIN and then he did some more
Really these two take the crown:
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this one as a close third
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really bitch both bluegreening and laureling in one outfit not just once but 3 times really this trick ass bropal bitch
july 3 2021 Harry / Louis 
Don’t want to give this context but I think I gotta because it matters: Louis is with friends watching the UEFA Euro game in England (E’s there too). Harry is in Rome, at the game (O’s there, full on expecting some pap bs soon) (I mean quite a day)
Not only is Harry’s laurel jacket back
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the laurel skull cap is as well 
this isn’t a great pic showing off the cap but it’s a great pic of him so buh it’s gonna be in here
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I guess have this. But it’s clear in the linked vid.
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Does the cap know the bomber jacket is in love with him?
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Woo! That was A LOT. they are a lot
Other meanings
So besides it literally being the meaning of the name “Larry” this interpretation of the laurel tattoo (and with that the use of laurel imagery in general) really shouldn’t be overlooked.
I can’t make this post without mentioning what laurels symbolize in general. In short, the laurel wreath is often used as a symbol of unfading glory, a power status symbol of victory. (In long: the golden laurel crown symbolizing the transience of glory, victory and power instead). It’s used in family/home crests a lot, including nautical themed ones. 
Just scrolling google you find all kinds, this one’s one hell of a larry:
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Guys are we a yachting or sailing team or championship??
Harry take note, I found one where the leaves are replaced with fish:
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Fred Perry has its own history as well. In very short: it’s one of those brands adopted by british working class sub-cultures like mods and chavs, fitting Louis’ aesthetic in 2017-2020 (saying 2020 because we’re all eyeing the new era). Could be it’s just purely this and pre-2017 were just coincidunkirky hiccups, but I feel the man found the best of both worlds and ran with it.
Bonus:  maybe coincidentally  styled-in-fred-perry  fetus Harry  (a haiku by me)
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(I tried to find other members wearing this brand in 1D days but all I have so far is 1x Louis and 1x Niall together with H in the next pics, doesn’t mean they weren’t all just styled in it occasionally tho, I mean, it doesn’t look like it but there’s a limit to how deep I dive):
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In conclusion
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