#larry loves laurels
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dobythealpaca · 1 year ago
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hey guys what if- *gets shot*
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peachy-doodles · 1 year ago
relating to my text posts... i have drawn him with the laurels once back when i was first researching them !!
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hes kinda wonky but if i were to ever make a keychain for myself i think summit with this vibe (larey n his flowers) would be rly fun....
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salad-006 · 1 month ago
Im sorry to Ask a lot But can we get at LEAST Some made up headcanons
(idk why but i would see the cast as;
Larry, Bing , Hellucard and Dewis ? Idk like u whant ;-;)
This one entranced me i ended up doing a lot more than i expected
Larrysworld as a concept very much feels like the Tomsworld of Bingsworld, so of course I had to do that one first
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The requested headcanons below
I tried to avoid doing the thing everyone does where its just character's swapping roles and personalities, instead i kept everyones personality the same whilst just changing their role. Group of idiots band together to make films, shenanigans ensue
For Bingsworld
Bing- Edds role. Main director and the leader of the group. Skilled in general evildoing however his true passion lies in filmmaking, even if he's terrible at it
Larry- Toms role. Assistant/Friend(?) to Bing, somehow the smartest one there and usually left picking up after everyone
Laurel- Matts role. Actress they picked up a few years back during auditions, came to love the team and chose to stick around
Zanta- Tords role. Not particularly a mainstay, rather an old friend of Bings who will stop by often.
J.L- Ringos role. Beloved pet monkey
For Larrysworld
Larry- Edds role. Main Director and leader of the group. Passionate filmmaker who, begrudgingly, took on a team for the simple fact that filmmaking is kinda impossible as solo work.
Bing- Toms role. Old college roomie turned co-writer/assistant. Unfortunately he's not very good at either job, usually leaving Larry to do the brunt of the work.
Diwi- Matts role. Actor they picked up during auditions a few years back who chose to stick around, much to Larry and Bings horror.
Tom- Tords role. Old filmmaking buddy of Larrys, will pop in occasionally when requested.
P.M- Ringos role. Beloved pet monkey
Also fun fact- i stole the designs for swapped bing and larry from a sketch i actually made just a few days ago . Good timing lol
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balloooonn · 7 months ago
HEYA GUYS GIRLS NON BINARY NO GENDER ALL OF YOU HOW ARE YOU!!! (Long text aheadd!) (Plus grammatic isn't that good I think, apologizes for that)
So I can't stop combining my fixations together. I had to mix Eddsworld with Gravity Falls, since this last one revived haha. Sorry not sorry! As I said on Instagram, this is TOTALLY NOT an excuse for making eduarjon/jonuardo... Yeah, yeah totally not... Anyways, look at these guys, Eduardo as stanford, Jon as mcgucket!!
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I have to say these are just my own, personal interpretations for the characters. It's totally OK if you don't think the same as me!! I made this for fun, and oh boy It was so fun while making it and deciding which characters could fit in each other's papers.
Let me show you some more!! :D
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To my surprise (not really LOL), I searched if anyone made the same in the past, and I found out they thought exactly the same as me! Tom is dipper, Matilda is Mabel, Stanley is Edd and Stanford is Eduardo. Makes sense to me.
And I thought it would be funnier (and better!) if instead of normal Edd, it was Future Edd. Thinking about an old man like Future Edd, who just wants to die but has to maintain a work for 30 years just to re-meet his brother... That makes me laugh, for some reason. XDD Look at his face. Poor guy!
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And for Bill, well, guess who is it here? Tord, because I couldn't think about anyone else! And it wouldn't make sense if he had a human design, because you know what kind of interdimensional, two-dimensional triangle without real physical form he is. Mm, maybe I'm wrong and he could actually have a human form. Should I try making a design for Tord Cipher later?
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That one looks silly! He's just Bill, technically red, has a weird hat and Tord's typical band-aid at the right. Didn't know how to draw this one haha
That's all for now! I'm thinking about the other characters. For now, in my mind, Laurel is Wendy, but mmmmm I don't agree too much, idk. Diwi could be Soos, and I'd LOVE seeing Bing and Larry as the stupid police xD
And MAAAAAYBE an unpopular opinion and somewhat obvious?, But I'd love mixing Eddsworld and Gravity Falls characters personalities together and other things that make them unique, not just switching them fully. What I try to say is, for example, I imagine Edd having his obsession with cola as always, Eduardo with diet cola as well. Edd could have his lucky can, somewhere, and he's just as pathetic as Stanley, despite he's usually more pessimistic, dark and irritable than him sometimes. Tom still haves that sarcastic, rude? essence, but is fascinated with mistery and you know, the weird things that happens in town! And he still conservates liking ska bands. You know, some ideas like that!
Just sharing my silly ideas here. Hope you like it :3 ! Thanks for watching.
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pupsmailbox · 4 months ago
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MASCULINE︰ lachlan. laird. lake. lamar. lambert. lamont. lance. landen. landon. landry. landyn. lane. lanford. langston. lanny. larry. laurence. lavern. laverne. lawrence. lawson. layne. layton. laz. leandro. ledger. lee. legacy. legend. leighton. leith. leland. len. lenard. lennie. lennon. lennox. lenny. lenox. leo. leon. leonard. leonardo. leonel. leonidas. leopold. leroi. leroy. les. lesley. leslie. lester. letter. lev. levi. levon. lew. lewin. lewis. lex. leyton. liam. lincoln. linford. link. linton. linus. linwood. lionel. liu. lloyd. logan. london. loren. lorenzo. lorin. lorn. lorne. lorrin. lou. louie. louis. lovel. lovell. lowell. loyal. loyd. luca. lucas. lucca. lucian. luciano. lucius. lucky. luis. luka. lukas. luke. luther. lyall. lyle. lyndon. lynn. lynton. lynwood. lyric.
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FEMININE︰ laila. lainey. lakelynn. lana. laney. lara. laura. laurel. lauren. layla. laylanni. leah. leandra. leanna. leena. legacy. leia. leighton. leila. leilani. lena. lennon. lennox. leona. leslie. letter. lexi. lexie. leya. leyla. lia. liana. libby. liberty. lila. lilah. lilian. liliana. lilianna. lilith. lillian. lilliana. lillie. lilly. lily. lina. lindsey. lisa. liv. logan. lola. london. londyn. lonnie. loralai. lorelai. lorelei. louisa. louise. lucia. luciana. lucille. lucy. luisa. luna. lyanna. lydia. lyla. lylah. lynnette. lyra. lyric.
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NEUTRAL︰ labyrinth. lace. lacy. lai. laiken. laine. lake. laken. lali. lam. lamar. lamp. lance. landry. landyn. lane. lang. lark. larkin. latch. lau. laurel. laurence. laurent. lavan. lave. lavender. lavey. lawan. lawin. layken. layne. layton. lazarus. le. leaf. leather. ledger. lee. left. legaci. legacy. legend. lei. leigh. leighton. leis. leith. lek. lemar. len. leni. lennie. lennon. lennox. lenny. lenox. leo. leon. leone. lesley. leslie. less. letter. levi. levian. levy. lex. lexi. lexington. leyton. li. liam. lian. liann. liberty. lie. liel. life. lilac. lille. lilo. lily. limit. lin. linae. lind. linde. linden. lindi. ling. lingxi. link. linn. linux. lio. lione. lior. lithium. liyan. lo. lock. logan. logic. lois. lok. loki. lolan. london. lone. lonnie. loose. loren. lorin. lost. lotus. lou. loui. louie. louis. love. loyal. loyalty. luca. lucca. lucid. lucka. lucky. ludo. lue. lui. luka. lull. lumi. lumière. lunar. lune. lurch. lurk. luscious. lutfi. lux. ly. lykke. lyn. lyndon. lynn. lynx. lyre. lyric. lyrik. lý.
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zahri-melitor · 3 months ago
New(ish) Comics (25/12/2024)
How many comics come out this week of the cycle that I read?!? Decided to drop the Last Halloween and let it build up as there's too much other stuff going on.
Absolute Wonder Woman #2: maintaining the crown of best Absolute title!
I love Diana's calm 'I don't need you' attitude towards the military in this, which is both making it very clear she was raised by Circe AND clearly Thompson commentary on King.
Also the "yes, my horse is Pegasus. THE Pegasus" conversation made me grin.
Action Comics #1077: Clark's finally on his way back to solve the problem that's troubling Earth; Kenan and Kon have got their moment of stripping the British Museum and returning all the intergalactic treasures to their original planets; and in the Kara backup we find out she's been sent after this world-destroyer because of her hunt for Krem in SWOT.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #19: so I can't believe in the year 2024 we have a story featuring PLAS and DIANA that is busy cementing that the Mirror House and those buying trophies from it were actually separate to the Court of Owls, rather than an earlier incarnation of the imagery. Dave Wielgosz, you are a preboot fanatic trying to link things up.
I'm glad Maxine is getting a story, but hopefully it's one she comes out of safely.
Robin Season remained fairly meh, aside from Tim and Damian uniting in annoyance at Jason (though Killer Moth is famously one of Babs' rogues. I don't think he's had much to do with Jason over the years).
Batman / Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #5: Santa gets JLI membership and Unnecessary Babsgirl appears, two years in a row.
Black Canary: The Best of the Best #2: look I will say that Dinah Drake actively training Dinah Laurel as a kid is not the most common history for the two of them, but given we're still resetting everything here (and we have evidence in this of Larry as her dad, Larry as a Gotham police officer, and the family being in Gotham) I'll give some leeway.
Also there are dead Ollie jokes. I am enjoying how much this title is leaning into Ollie being obligatorily terrible in any Black Canary title.
Detective Comics #1091: using Clark for scans rather than seeking medical attention? I snorted.
The Flash #15: I think I'm going to have to read this whole storyline back to back when it finishes. Wade has a tiny Jack Jack moment.
Okay! humanoid reptiles in Skartaris are actually somewhat uncommon! But at least we are still remembering the language barrier issue where everyone in Skartaris does not speak English! (also please please please for me have Jennifer show up soon, it would be the best easter egg)
Green Arrow #18: I'm enjoying the book going back to a tighter focus rather than having characters standing around effectively doing nothing, but it could also use more than just Ollie. Waiting to see how the story plays out.
Justice League Unlimited #1: look, it's fine, but I'm not a huge fan of "everyone is on the League" style stories. Mostly dipping into the start of this to work out what the overarching plot between this, the Question, and the Atom Project is going to be.
Nightwing #120: I'm enjoying the opening story, and I'm waiting to see where Watters takes the full arc. (Give the rabbit to the Marvels, it can hang out with Hoppy!)
The Warlord #78: look I just said humanoid reptiles aren't common in Skartaris, but this storyline has one. Proving me wrong here, thanks old Warlord issues.
Travis and co head towards New Atlantis to find the stash of Ancient Atlantean weapons he wants to use to drive off New Atlantis. While crawling through tunnels they get attacked by a giant scorpion, Shakira finds a rodent of unusual size while hunting as a cat, and they discover the far future US government dogtags actually activate the Atlantean spaceships-I-mean-gravity-sleds...and one of the dogtags has Travis' name on it!
Travis falls backwards onto the gravity sled holding the activating chip with his name, as Shakira lands on him running away from the ROUS, and...the sled activates, making the two disappear! Dun dun dun!!!
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darkshinesbringingmedoooown · 2 months ago
House of Cards (28411 words) by Faen_piccante Chapter 9: The Heist Fandom: Eddsworld - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Tom & Tord (Eddsworld) Characters: Tom (Eddsworld), Tord (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Bing (Eddsworld), Larry (Eddsworld), Hellucard (Eddsworld), Laurel (Eddsworld) Additional Tags: False Identity, Making Out, Blow Jobs, Humor, Blood and Violence, Enemies to Lovers, Falling In Love, Smoking, Alcohol, Character Growth, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Summary: What starts out as Tord’s attempt to use Tom, turns into Tord learning how let himself love and be loved. But also Tom learning to open up too. Just come along for the ride, we've got sweetness, puns, smut, hurt/comfort and more! (Takes places after the ‘Spares’ Eddisode)
Yeeeeehaw! New long chapter, enjoy y'all!<3
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wildflowercryptid · 11 months ago
For the last/surnames for your mjv pieces, is there any specific meanings/symbolism when you give them those surnames? Like “Hinoki” for Kieran & Carmine, since Hinoki means “cypress” and it’s a real life tree.
(Sorry if this is a specific question. This is my autistic brain and curiosity of fictional name symbolism)
YES, THERE IS!! i'm also an autistic person who's obsessed with name etymology so i love giving characters ( original or otherwise ) names that symbolizes something about them or something they're associated with.
since i didn't do this before, i'm gonna use this as an excuse to explain the etymology behind the full names i gave the SV kids! some of them are more interesting than others, fair warning.
putting it under a cut since this may get a little long.
> cavallari ( spanish, from "caballero" meaning knight, cavalier, or rider ) — referencing their connection to koraidon, the designated ride pokémon of scarlet. > russel ( french, little red ) — meant to signify his role as the protagonist of scarlet. > sigal ( hebrew, viola ) — meant to signify her role as the protagonist of violet.
> camino ( spanish, road ) — references her role as the main companion of the victory road storyline. > valiente ( spanish, brave or bold ) — meant to signify her forward and adventurous nature.
> mito ( spanish, myth or legend ) — references his role as the main companion of the path or legends storyline. > alfaro ( spanish, the lighthouse ) — references the poco path lighthouse, the professor's old lab and his childhood home.
> peonelope ( peony + penelope ) — there's no real significance to this name choice, i just thought it'd be funny if peony continued the trend of shoehorning his own name into his kids' in increasingly ridiculous ways. > cassandra ( greek, to shine or excel ) — meant to sound similar to cassiopeia. it also made me think of shining like a bright star. > espinosa ( spanish, thorn ) — meant to reference penny's relation to chairman rose through her father, peony. this is actually her mother's maiden name, peony took her surname to distance himself from rose and kept it even after getting divorced.
> hinoki ( japanese, species of cypress native to central japan ) — references their family's craft of mask making, as hinoki wood is commonly used to make noh masks.
> laureano ( spanish, laurel ) — larry's name from the spanish translation of sv. meant to reference my headcanon that larry is giacomo's father. > morena ( spanish, dark-haired ) — a loose reference to his dark type specialization.
> candella ( spanish, candle ) — a loose reference to her fire type specialization. > lucero ( spanish, derivative of " luz " meaning light or morning star ) — also meant to reference her fire type specialization, along with her role as team star captain.
> álvaro ( spanish, elf warrior ) — meant to signify his fairy type specialization. > vera ( spanish, river bank ) — pulled from veracidad, which i headcanon is the apparel company that ortega's family owns. it also references the ruchbah squad's base's proximity to the water. > regino ( spanish, from the latin " regis " meaning king ) — meant to signify the affluence of his family.
> henzo ( from the scientific name of the fall-blooming anemone, eriocapitella hupehensis ) — atticus's name from the spanish & italian translations of sv. i thought it sounded fitting and i thought it was cool that it could be referencing hattori hanzō, ( who's name could be read as to partially conceal. )
> nespera ( portuguese, common name for loquat ) — eri's name from the italian translation of sv. i just thought it sounded pretty.
> tamayo ( japanese, generational jewel ) — loose reference to her relation to lian, clay's hisuian ancestor. > turner ( from turnip ) — clay's name in the german translation of bw/bw2.
> nerine ( from the genus nerine ) — amarys's name in the original japanese of sv.
> hino ( japanese, fire ) — reference to his fire type specialization.
> lirio ( spanish, iris or lily ) — draydon's name in the spanish translation of bw/bw2.
also, here's the first post i made about their names, along with age, gender. and sexuality headcanons!
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mxttellion · 2 years ago
sort of related to my previous post about not connecting new characters to preexisting ones, I think the issue with adding SO many new side characters comes from fundamentally misunderstanding why those characters became popular in the first place
(it's under a read more because it became..longer than expected LOL)
Side characters like laurel or bing and larry, the rejects are beloved because they ..well, felt like characters, as simple as they might be - and they had memorable roles and character designs to along with them
Background characters are a weird phenomenon, of course, because it's silly to fall in love with a character who only spoke 2 times (talking to myself in the mirror here) but- I personally believe that happens for the same reason why side characters get popular- cool character designs and the possibility of being part of a bigger plot / being developed (the pilots and yuu have that going on when you think about it). Usually bg characters don't become popular unless they have some kind of connection to a main character, in the case of the aforementioned pilots it's their connection to Tord / Red Leader
Beyond is ...basically trying to do what the fandom does but in an inorganic way, almost forced in some sense: Trying to introduce side characters they think Might be interesting for the audience, thinking they might be a hit, but it comes off as awkward (look at the blonzie? stuff) ...because well- why are we supposed to care those guys? And why is the staff / episode pushing so hard for the fandom to care about them? Do we have a reason to care about the bullies when the neighbors already exist? Or that one scientist when the evil director has the same role?
Not to say it never worked with any character, I mean it SORTA worked with Dan and Honey Piper but even then, it seemed more like those were pushed by the staff rather than the fandom actually giving them importance and letting them become popular - that's why I said inorganic beforehand lol
The best comparison I always bring up is deltarune and the addisons, they became popular because of the connection with spamton (namely pink and blue), not because some outside force was pushing them to become popular and to care about them in the first place
I DUNNO where I'm going with this weird ass rant I promise, I'm just saying that they want something like the next Paul and Patryck without remembering why those two became popular in the first place (bait)
Oh, btw, the adding characters thing beyond has going on shares the same issue with cartoons that continue for too much long have. introducing new characters to keep things "fresh", but without developing them, changing the status quo in the worst way possible or replacing characters that already had the same role for some reasons (think of the fairly oddparents for example)
I get that maybe they're trying to add more characters to make the world feel "alive", but when you're focusing on characters that only appeared once and people haven't really attached to the whole thing falls kinda flat, I guess
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lunareclipse06 · 7 months ago
I'm just gonna hop in and say...
I fuckin LOVE your Sugary Sweet infection AU!!!! I've been stalking it for a while actually and it's just-....UGH-...I LOVE IT SO MUCH MAN!!!!
The two chapters I've read so far, especially chapter two IS SO VILE n I mean it in a good way! The wonderful blend of horrifying, gross body horror and that sickening sweet royally aesthetic is very unique to me and something I absolutely dig!!! Utterly horrifying Eddsworld grimdark is quite rare to find these days and you DEFINITELY take the cake (pun so very intended hehe)
Can't wait to see more of it hehe!!! You stay the best at what ye do! :3
PS: my favorite designs so far are Matt, Tom, Laurel n Larry!!! Like I actually want to eat them lmao-
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I’m gonna fuckin SOB MANNNNNN
Godddd you might’ve just given me the oomph I needed to get started on chapter 3
I’m so glad you’re enjoying my AU! The fact that the silly people on the internet wanna see more is just aughhhhhh
Makes me so damn happy
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ballsliver432 · 8 months ago
Back to my ideas lol. This time I thought of a concept for an eddsworld movie called: EDD VS THE WORLD!
So the plot I came up with is that the villain of the movie is spreading lies about Edd and the gang, which causes them to be the most wanted men in Britain, after the villain thinks that Edd and crew had left, he completely takes over Britain, turning into a wasteland (as if Britain wasn't already a wasteland/j). After Edd and crew find out about this, they recruit some of the side characters (examples being Laurel, the neighbores, Larry and Chris *the evil director*) To stop the villain's reign of terror, and to clear their image.
That's what I have so far, if you want to comment on this or want to expand upon this, please feel free to do so! I would love to hear your thoughts on this!
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dobythealpaca · 2 years ago
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a hc post,,,,, in disguise???? whattt noooo neverrrr hahahaha- 👀👀👀
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popculturebuffet · 2 years ago
Into the Spider-Verse: Spider-Ham (Marvel Tails #1 and Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham #15) (Comissioned by WeirdKev15)
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Hello all you happy webheads and welcome back to Into the Spider-Verse, my look at the origins of every webslinger from the landmark film in the build up to Across the Spider-Verse. And it's bittersweet to be this close to the end of the web here: i'm proud of myself for this project and kev for having cooked it up as it allowed me to really dig into my love of spider-man, and comics in general, with new ideas and even possible new retrospectives wholesale coming out of this.
But before we can end this ride, we still have one Spidey to cover, who after our previous spider-persons adventures with crackers and milk, their predecesors literal oppisite sex clone, mob goons without fear, rock n roll pop art halluciongens in your giant spider mecha, and giant spiders stripping you naked, one man comes along to say..
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Yes it's time for the debut of Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham a
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And i'm sure many of you, both those familiar with the comics and those who just watched the movie, are asking the same question: why. The answer is simple. Way way back in the 1980's, Marvel had a new animated arm, Marvel Productions, which was a massive deal, producing both GI Joe and Transformers, which both started as comics first to promote the upcoming toylines, as well as Dungeons and Dragons, My LIttle Pony Tales, Muppet Babies, Jem and the Holograms, Kid N Play and the Biker Mice From Mars. There were also of course marvel cartoons like Spider-Man(the 80s one), Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, The Incredible Hulk, the more popular Incredible Hulk and the infamous and destined to be covered Pryde of the X-Men Pilot.
So naturally Marvel wanted more ips to feed into the almighty merchandising machine, because shockingly, companies have ALWAYS wanted every dollar they can get out of making more and more adaptations as long s they can afford it. So two writers set to work to spitball this: They were Tom DeFalco, a longtime spider-man editor who would go on to write the guidebook I had as a kid that really got me into the comics and taught me a lot about his rogues gallery and more importantly would write the book himself briefly, being the one to crystalize Mary Jane's tragic Backstory and her knowing Peter Parker is spider-man all along. WIth him was the wonderful Larry Hama, at the time writing GI JOe for marvel.. and at the time of this writing STILL writing his continuation of that continuity for IDW as he should. Hama deserves all the credit for setting the foundations of the GI Joe universe most adaptations follows and for writing one hell of a comic in the process, and not one to rest on his laurels would later have the defining run on Wolverine's solo book.
So as you can imagine when these two legends get together.. they created a simple but enduringly weird joke that has lasted decades. It's a concept that just works: Spider-Man.. but he's a funny animal. Weirdly though Marvel Animation passed on it, not wanting anything to do with it despite the fact that in a time when Garfield was at the peak of his powers and they'd be making muppet babies, funny animals were a VERY easy sell. Seriously why Marvel Animation was so stupid is a riddle for the ages but Marvel liked printing money, so they put Porker in a one shot, Marvel Tails, parodying the marvel reprint mag marvel Tales. That said DeFalco didn't expect much from it and was suprised months later when the higher ups asked for another issue. He explained it was a one shot.. and then they asked when the next issue was and he got the memo. While DeFalco wrote the one shot that launched the character he freely admits he's not the one who made him a star. That honor goes to Steve Skeates. Skeates had been a mainstay in the industry, paticuarlly having a run on Aquaman i've been trying to read for some time that really launched the character to new heights before Superfriends would shove him back to the depths for a while. He was burnt out on the industry and freely admits he wouldn't of done the book for Larry Hama if it was any other book, but felt the format allowed him to do a throwback to the kinds of books he liked writing while still throwing in plenty of comedy to keep it fresh. The result was pretty great, with Skeates wisely having Porker's various foes not be the obvious joke of being the animals they resemble, for instance the Vulture being a possum in a buzzard suit instead of a vulture.
And we'll be seeing that contrast between Porker's humble one shot joke beginings and evolved more nuanced parody as unlike most of the characters featured... Porker didn't get his origin story for a while. While most of the spider-persons got there's in their very first appearance or arc, Porker's origin didn't come about till late in his solo books run. So today we'll be looking at both his first appearance in Marvel Tails, and his origin story in Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham #15 under the cut!
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Spider-Ham begins his career in a typical spider-man setting: stopping a typical gang of thugs with ease and some quips. But it's not long before we get into one of the weird things about this story, something that just dosen't really work with it: Captain Americat. Cap is pictured here as Peter's steadfast partner and a reporter at his paper and none of this works. Now this is an AU, it COULD work and the idea of steve and peter being closer partners and steve mentoring him is great, just as the idea of Tony mentoring him was a brilliant one the movies captalized on. But here it's just treated as a normal thing without really being used for a joke that this is so unusual. A large part of this is something that's easy to forget as it hasn't been true about the character since the early 2000's. Spidey.. used to be a bit of a loner when it came to the rest of the Marvel Universe. Granted he was the kind of loaner who had an entire ongoing dedicated to him teaming up with other heroes and a tv show where he had two super college roomies he'd fight crime with, but when it came to consistant teamups his only real super friends were the fantastic four and in a few years Daredevil. Spider-Woman existed, but Jessica was largely her own thing by design, with only the name in common and wouldn't really become an ally or even friend of peter's till they were in the avengers together. Peter would have team ups but he really wasn't super close with the rest of the marvel universe. This changed in the early 2000's as his joining the new avengers gave him a lot of new allies in the marvel universe: He'd be on the new avengers until Brian Micheal Bendis left the book, he joined HIckman's avengers for the first arc, with Doc Ock taking his place, and joined the Mighty Avengers and Mark Waid's avengers afterwords, only in the last few years taking a break from the group entirely, ironically as his MCU counterpart became heavily associated with them himself. Not only that the dawn of the spider-verse and miles migrating to become the 616's second spider-man, meant peter soon had a spider-family.
Even now in his current tirefire of a solo i've been purposfully avoiding but suspect i'l lhave to confront some day, he has Ms Marvel, soon to be thrown in the fridge, Norman Osborn, long story, and his current girlfriend the black cat. Peter's no longer the solo operator he once was.. but back then it's very weird fo ra parody of the character to just.. casually hang out with Captain America regularly and this angle was wisely dropped.
This isn't the only weird thing in this issue either. For some reason rather than pulling from peter's many rogues, the issue has him face the Masked Marauder, some punk ripping off a super high tech arcade. It comes off more like a Scooby Doo Mystery complete with various red herings and the actual culprit showing up early on. He's not even the main threat as the everlovin hulk is also shoved into this issue. His origin is a little neat, with Bruce Bunny being an arcade game maker who gets shoved into a cabinet.
The result though just isn't that funny. Ther'es a good joke about steve stashing his shield in his coat
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But otherwise i'ts just kinda.. there and didn't leave the best first impression back when I first read it. It's nicely drawn, but dosen't have much actually to say or any really satire of the character. It's clear they had the name but no idea what to do with it. THe backup is pretty funny though, the weird Goose Rider, take a while guess, who just.. spends it riding around, thinking about grabbing a burger, and dealing iwth shouty civlians and some random doofus called chainsaw. This satire.. actually works as from what I can tell Ghost Rider's early rogues gallery before his reinvention in the 90's wasn't all that impressive with few exceptions. It's more what I wanted. Thankfully when Peter got his title shot, things perked up and by the time we get to his origin... we get something delightful.
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As you can tell both by the cover used for this review and from the title, this one's a parody of spider-man no more. Even if you haven't read the story (I've only read the iconic issue iwth the cover), you've doubtlessly seen it's cover, and the various homages to both that and the shot of peter throwing his costume in the trash and walking away, both by spider-heroes and the rest of the marvel. It helps that Sam Rami choose it as the backbone of Spider-Man 2 and ended up making an even BETTER version of the story in the process. Even Miles had his own version of it after his mom died and he blamed himself for it since the second ultimate venom was the reason she died. If you've read more recent comics and seen Rio alive and well that's because Miles befriended the Molocule Man, a very shy man with the power to control molocules... which shockingly for comics has been treated every bit as horrifyingly powerful as it should since his introduction, with MM's only real wekaness being his crippling neurosis. So when the universe died and was put back, Molocule brought her back as a thank you present. I had a point here.. ah yes.. I love the Molocule Man and feel he's a highly underated character. Oh that with the severe stress and sacrifice of being a spider-man, it's not a huge leap to have that moment of doubt. And it's an even shorter leap to take that moment and parody it and Peter's angst for all it's worth. We open with J Jonah Jackal hooking himself up to an idea machine while his three young wards, the junior newsboys watch. They are Jermiah Jackal, JJJ's snooty nephew, Bunson Bunny, our resident nerd who talks in big snetences and Upton Adam Stray, a combination of a black sterotype and
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If your getting some deja vu from a rich magnate having three young sidekicks who both acompany him and try to steer away his worse instincts, one of whom is jonah's literal nephew.. GOOD. It means you have good taste and also get the bit. Spider-Ham has a bit of the old Scrooge McDuck stories in it's dna, simply adding spider-man and his rogues to the mix, and really JJJ is such a perfect fit for scrooge and Peter for Donald, that I can't blame both writers for dipping into this formula when it fits spider-man shockingly well now he's a pig.
This issue is written by steven Mellor, who took over the title later in his run, but like Skeates does a really fun job with it.
With Jonah having peter come to the clubhouse to view an idea he came up with that involves the kids
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Peter deals with typical spider-man things. That is trying to get a date with his ex Betty Bat. It goes about usual for peter
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Also as you might have noticed, hilariously, Peter Porker looks a LOT like John Mulaney, despite having been created only one year after John was born. I mean he's also a talking pig but the hair is distractingly like his future voice actors and I love it.
Baby P decides to handle this like a mature, rational young swine
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Before bemoaning that he's still single.. what I like is that Mellor both really gets how Peter Parker Mopey Rants work, and milks it with everyone starring not sure what to do as peter ineternally rants and the janitor eventually asking him to leave as he's getting his tears on the floor. Peter then reflects back to his origin, the reason we're here. And even for a talking pig.. peter's origin is hilaroiusly bizzare. It's my kind of weird shenanigans. Okay so in this version Peter.. was a spider, which is clever enough.. but May was a mad scientest who befriended peter and showed him her new invention: a fission powered hairdryer. It made her radoactive, it wasn't good.. and well... I can't say what happens next and have most of you belivie it actually happened so here's photographic evdience.
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This.. this is comedy gold, and clever as all hell. Just deciding to have may be radioactive nad bite peter. It's as nuts as it is brilliant and I love it. So we get the standard origin moments of Peter testing out his powers.. and we also get a nice gag out of him bending a pipe in the original amazing fantasy #15
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Peter returns to find may basically the dodering old lady sterotype she was in earlier spider-man comics, and decides to look after her and not tell her the truth, as well as put his powers to use. Peter's genius in this version is also from the bite and thus Spider-Ham is born
After running into flash thompsons counterpart, who sadly isn't named flash beagle, we get jonah's meeting where he's dressed himself and the boys up in superhero outfits and ...
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To become Black Beagle and his beagle brigadeers. Peter is dragged along for this and this.. is easily the weakest part of the issue. While the idea of Jonah becoming a hero himself is great and has been used well, here it's just kinda there and is mostly a setup for them to befriend "Andy Warthog" and see a bunch of celebrity pastiches. It's a boring page or two
Thankfully it picks up with a delightful parody of one of my faviorite spider-man rogue as the Hobgobbler crashes the party! God bless this pun. He kidnaps one of the celebrties and we get a ncie character moment. Despite how silly this character and his origin are... it's still neat to see the core of spider-man.. is still present.
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No matter the universe, no matter who wears the mask... they can't turn down responsiblity. Try as he might.. Peter just can't let someone else get hurt if he can help it and that's what makes spider-man the hero we love so much: that drive to help people no matter what it takes. It's what makes a spider-person what they are wethere they be man, woman, ham or nb.
So Peter naturally wins, in a nicely drawn fight, cooks the turkey and drive sJonah home. He WANTS to just get some deserved sleep but Aunt May has other plans.. thankfully said plans give our hero his much deserved happy ending. Action is already his reward.
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As you can probably figure, this issue is a massive improvment and it's clear even with two diffrent writers, the full ongoing got the concept better and more importantly had more fun with it. The result.. is fucking great. Also the puns. Dear lord the puns. And that's not getting into the backup which has the scavengers fight kangaroo the conquerer. Who damn well better be among the council of kangs. At any rate this issue was greatr and even with the brief slowdown, is a great issue, not only getting me reintrested in this run, but also showing off just what you can do with a parody: have it be both heartfelt and clearly get what it's making fun of while still being great.
Next Time: The web ends as we look at the movie itself. Anyone can wear the mask but is one Miles Morales up to the task? Can he fill peter's shoes? Well yeah, I mean there's even a sequel, but it's still one hell of a ride.
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scarletdex · 1 year ago
��� ✶ ⟫ — INFO.
FULL NAME : Florian Russel Cavallari NICKNAMES : Flori, Little Buddy ( by Arven ) AGE : 15 years old BIRTHDAY : April 29th HEIGHT : 6"1' ( 185.4 cm ) GENDER : Nonbinary PRONOUNS : He / Him SEXUALITY : Gay ETHNICITY : Galarian ( Black British ) & Paldean ( Afro-Spaniard ) HOMETOWN : Wyndon, Galar CURRENT RESIDENCE : Cabo Poco, Paldea OCCUPATION : 2nd Year Student at Naranja Academy ( Currently Attending Blueberry Academy as an Exchange Student )
TRAINER CLASS : Pokémon Trainer NATURE : Modest CHARACTERISTIC : Highly Curious ABILITY : Friend Guard
ROLE : Co-Protagonist of Scarlet ( Path of Legends, ) Protagonist of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, Terapagos's " Chosen Hero " GOAL : To become Paldea's Resident Pokémon Professor STRENGTHS : Extremely Good with Pokémon, Fiercely Devoted to Goals & Loved Ones, Very Booksmart, Strong-Spirited, Good at Cooking, Lucky ( ? ), Selfless ( to a fault ) WEAKNESSES : Has a tendency to rest on his laurels, Really Neurotic at times, Overthinks A LOT, Struggles with Understanding the finer details of Battling ( A lot of it goes over his head, ) Stumbles into Trouble Frequently
✦ SALVIA ( Mother / Horticulturist ) ✦ RHODEN ( Father / Works for Paldea's Pokémon League under Larry ) ✦ JULIANA ( Older Sister / 2nd Year Naranja Student & Champion, Also attending BB Academy ) ✦ BAYA the Skwovet ( Family Pokémon / Brought Home by Florian when he was 5 )
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zahri-melitor · 4 months ago
I got Black Canary: Best of the Best #1! And I had a great time reading it.
It’s interesting, what stories this has been drawing from. We’re going with the Simone Shiva history retcon, which I somewhat expected, as I think it’s somewhat better known at this point. Also it doesn’t define WHEN Sandra and Carolyn moved, so still lines mostly up with the Chicago history.
Equally, this is Dinah Laurel Lance, with a bit of a mixed history. Dinah Drake is back to being basically her preboot self, all n52 retcons gone, but the story’s indicating Dinah Laurel didn’t grow up in Gotham (which. Is fine. I’m slightly bitter for backstory reasons involving Larry, but it’s fine. I will take any amount of this over the n52 history)
The ‘why are you wearing the blonde hair’ line twisted just as well as it was intended to (I mean. It’s a wig Dinah Drake already had)
I loved the bit that listed all of the teams Dinah’s been on, including specific versions of the Justice League, even if it meant we had to acknowledge Team 7’s existence. You could have retconned that one out.
Also Dinah and Ollie are fighting and I lost it giggling because it’s not a real Black Canary solo if she and Ollie aren’t having issues during it.
I had quibbles, of course. I know a bunch of people are going to be mad that the answer to why we’re fighting is essentially ‘blackmail’, I know other people are going to be mad that Shiva was stated by the announcer as being undefeated (I presume she didn’t bother mentioning the fights with Cass or Tim that they’ve won in her CV, though not boasting about Cass is slightly funny), and Barry is talking like he still has access to the Speed Force even though this is presumably post-Absolute Power.
It was fun! I was entertained! I’m now excited for issue 2, especially as Knightsend was specifically referenced in the issue, so the answer to ‘why does Dinah ask Bruce for help in issue 3’ is the the obvious one of ‘because of the Tengu Mask training’.
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darkshinesbringingmedoooown · 2 months ago
House of Cards (22415 words) by Faen_piccante Chapter 8: Tunisian Leather! Fandom: Eddsworld - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Tom & Tord (Eddsworld) Characters: Tom (Eddsworld), Tord (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Bing (Eddsworld), Larry (Eddsworld), Hellucard (Eddsworld), Laurel (Eddsworld) Additional Tags: False Identity, Making Out, Blow Jobs, Humor, Blood and Violence, Enemies to Lovers, Falling In Love, Smoking, Alcohol, Character Growth, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Summary: What starts out as Tord’s attempt to use Tom, turns into Tord learning how let himself love and be loved. But also Tom learning to open up too. Just come along for the ride, we've got sweetness, puns, smut, hurt/comfort and more! (Takes places after the ‘Spares’ Eddisode)
New Chapter is out ^_^ Lots of cuteness in this one~
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