#might come back n rework this one later
the-sandy-hippo · 1 year
Day 4 of a month of ballads: risks
  Aye this here life ain't all drinkin' an' adventurin'. There are perils from every front, from loyalist, sickness, starvin' and other ships. Every sail ya see on the horizon might be yer last!
I... there are reasons I don't sail no more. Many, many years ago durin' a huntin' voyage we saw a big ol' ship laying low and fat. It was too temptin'! And the captain of it knew I suppose. We weren't half a mile- no, 400 yard when a thunderin' volley hit us, dozens flew, and even if few hit they hit HARD.
Ever felt yer skull crack? That'd what you'll think, it smashes through the hull, n if the ball miss ya the splinters won't. Me and a deckhand got sprayed with flyin' wood, I looked like a porcupine and I got lucky, the deckhand... her whole leg got turned ta shreds, bleedin' and screaming to death! We had the carpenter saw it off before it got bad.
What else should we have done?! There be no surgeon on every sloop! We have ta do what we must!! The capin' had us run with our legs 'tween our legs and lived. But tha forces, the great crashes! 'Tis enough to drive ye mad itself.
Speakin of mad, ye should be careful, lest ye also fall into it.
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neoraso · 10 months
survive the night | ksw
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summary: you've had a crush on sunwoo for years, but what happens when he blurs the lines of your friendship? content: ftl, slightest angst but it's over in 4 seconds, happy ending, female reader. nonidol!sunwoo nonidol! reader wc: 5.3k an: this took me a bit to finish and it’s my first full length, i hope you enjoy!! let’s talk about it too~ do not repost or rework/copy any of my posts here or on other sites
The wind bit your cheeks as you hurried your steps towards the apartment complex ahead of you. It was nearing 9 p.m. but Sunwoo had called you an hour earlier asking if you could come through for some drinks and games with a few of the guys. In that very short time you had retouched your makeup and gone through four outfits before deciding on a hoodie and sweatpants Sunwoo had given to you because they were “too small” for him. Maybe it was poor taste to wear his old clothes to his house but honestly, they were comfortable and- you might have been completely head over heels for your friend, no big deal.
Lost in thought, you were almost surprised when you looked up and realized you had already reached the sleek, silver door and raised your hand to knock. Sunwoo had given you the passcode months ago when he was too busy gaming to get up and let you in, but you hadn’t used it since because it felt like you were overstepping some kind of boundary. Of course, that never stopped him from breaking and entering your home on various occasions, always scaring the hell out of you but you could never stay mad at him long.
Before long, Younghoon opened the door for you with a bright smile.
“Oh hey, we thought you were the food delivery”
“No,” you replied, matching his smile. “Sorry to be a disappointment. Who all ended up coming? Sunwoo said he invited everyone.”
“Chanhee and Changmin are home, Juyeon and Jacob and Kevin came. No one is really drinking yet. Maybe they’re waiting for you.” He said with a laugh.
You left your shoes at the door and walked down the hall with Younghoon trailing behind you into a very raucous living room. Everyone was so wrapped up in their own conversations and you were such a familiar face, your presence almost went unnoticed. Of course, Sunwoo was the first face you saw (well actually the first back-of-a-head), but before you could greet him you tripped on Kevin’s outstretched foot.
“Oops, sorry Y/N, is the food here?”
“No Kev, that was me at the door.” You said with a playful roll of your eyes.
At the sound of your voice, Sunwoo perked up and walked over to you with his arms wide open.
“Oh look everyone, it’s my mini me!!”
The sudden attention on you made your cheeks burn and it only got worse when Sunwoo’s taller, lithe frame wrapped around yours. You lagged a bit but snapped to and gently patted his back. He pulled away but stopped when his face was near your ear.
“Are you wearing perfume? It smells nice. Come sit with me, we’re gonna play a game soon.”
Suddenly feeling faint, you were glad to follow him to the couch and sit down. This was going to be a long night.
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Later into the night after your bellies were full of food and too much alcohol, you thought you might have entered into some hellish realm. Sunwoo had been glued to you all night, keeping his arm on the couch behind you and hitting your shoulder or your leg when he laughed a little too hard. To make things exponentially worse, he kept leaning down to whisper side comments to you, his hot breath hitting your cheek a detriment to your sanity. While physical affection between you and any of your friends wasn’t uncommon, something seemed different tonight that you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
The only natural course of action was to keep drinking.
After another hour you were definitely more than tipsy thanks to two rounds of ‘Never Have I Ever’ and an even a special game of ‘Truth or Truth’ (thank you Kevin!). There was some respite when Changmin asked you to get him some water from the kitchen. You enjoyed being with your friends of course but Sunwoo’s proximity tonight was becoming unbearable. You knew he didn’t mean anything by it other than friendly affection, and yet, you could help fantasizing about a day where he made an actual move on you.
The cup of water you were filling spilled over your hand just as Changmin and Chanhee called your name-sounding a bit more like geese than tipsy boys. Taking a deep breath, you decided you couldn’t hide in the kitchen forever. You dragged your feet back to the living room and carefully handed Changmin his water.
“Did I look extra thirsty or something? Why the hell is it so full?”
“Be grateful.” You grumbled.
He ignored your attitude and sipped it anyways.
You plopped onto the couch and instantly an unnaturally warm pair of arms were around you.
It was Sunwoo, hugging you for no good reason that you could come up with. He squeezed you once then pulled away and grinned at you, making your face heat up more than the KGBs he had provided for the occasion. It was almost enraging that no one seemed to notice that you were about to become undone, this was practically abuse. Finding your voice, and sounding more coherent than you felt, you asked him,
 “What was that for??”
“You were just so cute! I couldn’t help it.” He let go of you, putting his arm back behind you leaving your mind in shambles.
He couldn’t help it?  What the hell was that supposed to mean? He had bragged earlier that his alcohol tolerance had gone up, but that seemed to be a lie because why else would he have been so careless?
You spent the next couple of hours trying not to fall asleep which was relatively easy considering how loud the boys still were at such a time of night. Eventually Sunwoo took note of your state and patted your leg.
“Are you tired?”
You nodded and rubbed your eyes. “Yeah, I better start walking home.”
Horrified was the only way to describe the look on his face. “Walk home?! It’s way too late and I can’t come with you, too cold. Just go sleep in my room I’ll come soon, I doubt the guys will stay much longer.”
You debated this. It would not be the first time you had spent the night together, but usually he slept on the floor or the couch. Now he was implying joining you and that was just ridiculous.
“Oh, it’s ok, I don’t have any of my products with me…”
Chanhee, who had apparently been eavesdropping, chimed in from the floor with his eyes closed. “You can borrow my makeup remover and skincare.”
Sunwoo beamed at this. “See? You already have a toothbrush here, just go lay down please, you look pitiful.”
You hesitated. This would most likely create 1000 more problems for you and your feelings for Sunwoo. The worst part of it was, you couldn’t tell where he was coming from. Was he being a kind friend or did he have some sort of hidden agenda? You knew him well enough to know he wasn’t a player, so it didn’t make sense for him to be doing anything unkind to you, and yet…Whatever. It was too late to care anymore.
After bidding everyone a good night (with many whines in return), you stumbled down the hall to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You examined your drunken reflection, sighing as you swiped away your smudged mascara. What did you get yourself into?
After cleansing and moisturizing, you found your way to Sunwoo’s room. There was practically only room for a bed- a small one at that- and you found yourself wondering if you even wanted him to sleep with you or not. While it would be everything you imagined before sleeping pretty much every night, it would haunt you forever if he meant nothing by it.
You were tired, but as you laid there in his bed with his scent permeating everything, anticipating him coming in to do… whatever it was he planned to do, you found yourself tossing and turning. Honestly, you wanted to cry. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you were suddenly overwhelmed by your emotions and anxiety that had built up over the night. Going home wasn’t an option, so you sighed, accepting your fate and tried to sleep.
After what seemed like ten hours, Sunwoo finally cracked open the door, probably thinking you were asleep. He shuffled his way to his dresser and you peeked your eyes open then tried to avert them away from him taking his hoodie off. Before he turned around, you quickly shut your eyes and turned over. You heard him sigh behind you and felt the bed slowly dip with his weight. He adjusted the blanket over you and dragged his hand across your side before bringing his arm back to his chest. The distance between you (or lack thereof) was killing you. Regardless, you tried to control your breathing so as not to give away that you were still very much awake. The spot he had touched felt as though he had electrocuted you. It was heartache.
After a bit, you heard his breath even out and could tell he was asleep. You gathered the courage to turn around and face him.
You’d always thought he looked a little goofy when he slept, mouth slightly open, bangs messy. But tonight, you felt the weight of your heart.
His hair’s grown out you thought absentmindedly, reaching up to move a strand out of his eyes. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his full lips were pursed against the pillow. Before you could help it, tears sprang to your eyes. There was not much longer you could go without confessing, or distancing yourself. This was just too much to bear. However, the thought of confessing brought on another wave of anxiety thinking about your friendship ending if he didn’t feel the same.
 He had been with you since high school, had stuck by you in all your hard times as well as the good ones, consoled you after breakups; you were intertwined. You had always heard men and women can’t be friends and thought you two were the sole exception. That was, until your freshman year of college.
You remembered that time not too fondly. Keeping up with classes and assignments was stressful, but you had Sunwoo who thankfully got accepted to your same university. He was busy on the school’s soccer team but had always made time for you, bringing you coffee on your study dates, cheering you up on your rough days, it meant everything to you. Around winter break, while you two studied for finals (which usually meant him watching YouTube while you studied alone), he confessed he had a crush on a girl in one of his classes and asked you for advice on how to ask for her number. You both had had crushes in high school and it never bothered you when he would talk to other girls, but this time had been different. What had changed in you?
 You thought it would be a small fling but they ended up dating for a year. It was agonizing watching him put his everything into someone else. She never liked you, complaining you and Sunwoo were too close. He tried to keep in touch with you but you saw much less of him than you had in the four years of knowing him.
Eventually she cheated on him. You remembered the dark circles under his eyes when he had knocked on your door the day they broke up. He didn’t say anything, just hugged you and sobbed into your shoulder. In all the time you had known him he had never cried in front of you, it infuriated you to think he had given his heart to someone so careless and vile. You never forgot the way he looked at you when he retold his last conversation with his ex.
“She told me it didn’t matter that she cheated, because my heart was with someone else the whole time. I think she meant you.”
You knew it wasn’t his intention to blame you, but you carried the guilt for months. Not guilty of her parting words and their implication, but guilt in the satisfaction you had for being so important to him. So much so that you were a threat to other women interested in him. It was a sick “If I can’t have him, no one can” mentality and you knew it wasn’t fair to him so for the next few years you resigned yourself to the loyal best friend role.
When you tried to branch out and pursue other guys, Sunwoo was always supportive. When things didn’t work out with other prospects- often because you wouldn’t cut off Sunwoo when they asked- he always ruffled your hair and sighed.
“At least we have each other, right?”
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you rolled to stare at the ceiling.
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You didn’t remember falling asleep but you woke up abruptly and in an odd position.
Then you realized you were being held tightly against Sunwoo. Somehow in the night he had moved his arm under your pillow and had his other arm tucked against your waist, his forehead pressed against the back of your neck.
What the absolute hell?
This was too far for you, still it felt so nice- and natural, as if you were meant to fit together like this forever. This was everything you had dreamed of for years (albeit under different circumstances). Clearly, he did this in his sleep, so you decided to get up before he woke up too and got embarrassed.
You carefully lifted his arm off you and crawled to the end of the bed. He looked so adorable like this, you almost wanted to take a picture before realizing you never wanted to remember this day again.
Tiptoeing your way down the hall, you hoped everyone was still asleep like Kevin who was snoring on the couch. Just as you were about to walk past Chanhee’s room, he opened the door, making you jump
“You scared me Chanhee!” you sharply whispered. “You scared ME. Why are you up so early?”
You checked the time on your phone: 8:12 a.m.
“I’m starting to get a headache. I need some hangover soup. And coffee. ASAP.” You groggily replied, voice still hoarse from just waking up.
“I thought we could order it and eat together? Why are you in such a rush?” He questioned you. “Um, I have some errands to run. Sorry, I’ll text you!” To be fair, you did have errands and the first one was to get away from this house.
“Did something happen?” Chanhee was always good at reading you, but now it was starting to feel like an interrogation.
“Nope!” you lied, “I’ll text you!”
Before he could say anything else, you brushed past him and quickly put your shoes on, feeling like you couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
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The following days were not fun to say the least. The afternoon after you left, Sunwoo and Chanhee texted you multiple times throughout the day to ask if you were alright (Chanhee was a bit excessive). You insisted to them that you were just busy – which was true, you were busy avoiding Sunwoo, rotting in bed, suffering from mental anguish, etc. etc.
The next day, Sunwoo asked if you wanted to go to lunch with him and Hyunjae. While any other day you would’ve gone without hesitation, just the thought of Sunwoo was torturous, and so you politely declined with another excuse. Maybe it would’ve been better if he stopped trying, and you might’ve wished for it. But you knew that if he did, you would be the first person to cry themselves to death. It was a pretty wretched situation that you had put yourself in. This could easily be resolved if you just talked to him, but the idea was simply too terrifying. You had never been good at expressing your emotions out of fear of causing conflict, but this was different.
You realized you were in love with him. There was no going back and you were terrified.
After a week you were invited out with the group- and you decided you’d had enough crying and worrying. Sunwoo’s texts had dwindled to radio silence once he got sick of your dry replies. You didn’t know how you could show your face, but either way you just had to suck it up, meet your friends and put your feelings aside for Sunwoo’s sake.
This was easier said than done as you contemplated cancelling at least six times in the hour it took you to get ready. It was just barbecue and drinks, it was supposed to be fun. Maybe it would be but you didn’t know what to expect from Sunwoo. Would he be mad? Or act like nothing was wrong when it clearly was?  You supposed there was only one way to find out.
When you got to the restaurant you spotted Chanhee first with an empty seat beside him.
“Is anyone sitting here?” You asked timidly.
“Oh hi, no I saved the seat for you.”
Something about his tone seemed off and made the sinking feeling in your gut feel ten times heavier. You looked around the table, greeting everyone and it didn’t take long for you to notice the absence in the group.
“Is Sunwoo in the bathroom or something?” you whispered to Chanhee.
“No, I don’t think he’s coming, he thinks you hate him.” His response was rather curt and made you feel like the walls were closing in around you.
“Oh…” was all you could muster.
“Do you? Hate him I mean. It seemed like whatever happened when you stayed the night completely made you stay away from him- and all of us.”
Awesome. So not only had you burnt the bridge between you and the only man you’ve ever loved, but you had also pushed away all of your closest friends too.
Hyunjae abruptly interrupted your thoughts.  “Where’s Sunwoo? I thought he’d be anywhere you would be.” He looked at you so innocently, which relieved you. At least no one else knew something was up.
“Oh I … I’m not sure… I-“
“Hey what did I miss?” the familiar voice startled you at first, then sent an instinctual calmness through you.
You turned and looked at Sunwoo, trying to express your pain, your guilt. He didn’t even glance at you.
It stung and it took everything in you not to get up and walk out. But you stayed in your seat so you didn’t make a scene.
You spent the evening in silence, only speaking when spoken to and, to your dismay, Sunwoo seemed to be doing the same. After a while, you finally made eye contact for a split second and felt your eyes prick with tears. Excusing yourself to the bathroom, you could barely make it there without breaking down. This was not the time or the place to be having a meltdown. Seeing him in front of you brought all the feelings you had tried to repress to the surface and it was too much.
After calming down a bit and erasing your tear tracks as best as you could, you returned to the table. Leaning down, you whispered in Chanhee’s ear that you weren’t feeling well and were going home. Younghoon had lost rock paper scissors and was paying, so there was no reason you couldn’t leave.
You hurried out of the building and paused outside, breathing in the crisp air. Hailing a taxi, you finally let everything spill over, probably making the driver extremely uncomfortable but you couldn’t really be bothered to care.
What were you going to do?
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You reached home exhausted beyond belief. At least you’d gotten a meal, you thought dejectedly. Unfortunately, there was no plan for what you’d do when you got home. Any more crying seemed like a one-way ticket to Drowningville, but your mind still ran rampant. You could call one of your girlfriends, Mia knew about your crush and had consoled you through the last couple of years. But just as you picked up your phone, someone knocked on your door.
This was unusual. But then, it could be someone from your building management.
You weren’t stupid, you stood on the balls of your feet to look through the peephole and the sight in front of you made your breath catch.
It was him.
He reached up to knock again so you quickly unlocked and opened the door without thinking any further.
Both of you were breathing heavily, your eyes rimmed red and his stare intense.
He spoke first.
“Can I come in?”
You opened the door wordlessly, not really by choice, you were completely caught off guard.
Feeling the tears pooling again, you cursed yourself for being so weak and looked down at your feet. Suddenly, he cupped your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him.
“What is wrong? What did I do? Everything was fine and then it wasn’t. I want my Y/N back.”
His whole expression was pleading and you felt so selfish for running away from your problems again.
“Do you want the whole truth, or the nice version?” You knew he wouldn’t, but you hoped he’d choose the latter option so you could white lie your way out of this situation. He let go of your face to tug your hair lightly and rested his hands on your shoulders.
“What do you think?”
“Ok fine.” You huffed. “I got freaked out the other night when I slept in your room. It just felt… like we were crossing lines and I know I’m being dramatic because it was just cuddling but it’s different for me. I shouldn’t have run away and I feel really bad about blowing off the rest of the guys, but you especially. You know you’re my closest …friend and I didn’t want to lose you but I didn’t know what to do because like I said-“
You suddenly stopped because he dropped his hands from your shoulders and looked away. Honestly, he looked pissed.
Nice, you thought I’ve ruined everything and I haven’t even told him I liked him yet. How much worse could this night get?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to confuse you.” “I know, we’re friends”
“We’re friends… but when you say it’s different for you, what exactly do you mean?”
Now you were starting to sweat, noticing the way he held back a smile. Was he going to make you spell it out like some kind of sadist?
“I mean…It means more to me than just that kind of skinship. Especially when I…”
“When you what?” Now he was smirking and it was starting to anger you.
“We’ll leave it for tonight. As long as I know you’re not mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you I just-“
He pulled you into his arms, his hoodie had faint remnants of his cologne and you wrapped your arms around his waist as he rested his chin on top of your head. His chest rose with a deep inhale and then just as quickly as he grabbed you, he let you go. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed him clenching his fist, he turned to you with a lopsided smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” “What if I was busy?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Y/N.”
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Waking up feeling more rested than you had in a while, your mind wandered to last night. After Sunwoo’s unceremonious appearance (and exit), you had showered in a daze and immediately knocked out into a dreamless sleep.
Now all you had to fear was his threat of seeing you today.
There was no warning or even a text to let you know when this man was ever deciding on showing up. It was only 10 a.m., Sunwoo usually got up after 11 so it could be any time really. Thankfully, you had some time off work for the holidays, so you relished in your leisurely time putting your face and clothes on. You went about your day as normal: eating, watching YouTube, online shopping. All lame distractions from what you were anticipating. It wasn’t until 5:30 when he texted you.
.sunwoo🦝 : if you’re not already ready - get to it, I’ll be over in 30
So pushy, you could only laugh to yourself. It was odd, you thought, how the trauma of the last week was erased by a simple conversation and a hug from Sunwoo. You supposed it had always been like this, pain followed by a soothing only he could provide. He was your confidant, your rock, your safety. Whatever happened tonight was ok with you as long as you could keep him in your life.
Soon enough you heard your door open from your bedroom so you went to greet him. He met you with a rather awkward smile and hands politely behind his back which threw you off- you had never been uncomfortable around each other. Your smile quickly dropped,
“What’s wrong?” you prodded.
“Nothing!” he tried to assuage you with a laugh that sounded a little shaky.
You narrowed your eyes before looking back at his arms hiding something behind his back.
“What are you holding? You’re starting to freak me out…” You might have to forward your medical bill to him the way he constantly had your blood pressure rising. You needed him to get on with whatever he made you wait all day for.
“Well, it’s… well.” He stopped talking and brought his hands forward holding out a bouquet of sunflowers, chamomile and dahlias. You stood there for a couple seconds not understanding what was going on. “These are for you. As an apology for upsetting you, and, well I had something to say…” He trailed off, “Are you just going to stand there like a statue all night? Don’t you have a vase or something to put these in? I don’t want them to die, you know I can’t take care of plants.”
Reaching forward, your fingers brushed his as you took the flowers and felt like you were buzzing. The sweet gesture completely left you dazed, still convinced something was up.
“These are… for me?” you asked a bit dumbly. Before he could reply, you turned to walk to the kitchen.
“Yes, I thought it would be- well I didn’t want to show up empty handed.” His eyes followed your figure to you opening a cabinet to grab a vase that was just out of your reach. Quickly making his way over to you, he stood behind you to grasp it from the shelf. Your breath caught and your heart thumped a little too loudly when you felt his hand lightly rest on your waist as he took the vase and set it on the counter. Thankfully, he moved out of the way for you to fill it with water and put in the flowers trying to regain control of your breathing. The arrangement brightened up the space and reminded you of him- bright and sweet and lovely. You couldn’t imagine him going into a flower shop and picking these out, much less picking them out for you. The thought was a little funny but not funny enough…
Bringing you out of your reverie he softly made his way to you again and leaned against the counter. “You’re so silent I don’t like it.”
“Sorry I just don’t understand…” “I know,” he cut you off, “I just – I don’t know what I was thinking the other night. I’d blame it on the alcohol but really I was just being selfish. Things changed for me a while ago but I didn’t know to approach you. I always loved you but at some point, I started to realize just how much you mean to me. You’ve always taken care of me, cheered me on, been there for me. And then…when you went ghost on me, I panicked, I knew then I couldn’t live without you. I needed you to be mine, not as a best friend but as something more- I mean I feel so much more for you. I hoped you felt the same but I just couldn’t tell with the way you ran away from me. But then last night I felt like I was pressuring you to confess so I wanted to say it first. I like you, please give me a chance to take care of you. I want to be with you as long as you’ll let me.”
Throughout his monologue, you could barely hear him over your blood pumping in your ears and you felt a bit faint. This was everything you’ve wanted for over four years and it was finally coming true- you couldn’t believe this was real life. Your mind kept replaying him saying I’ve always loved you…
“Can you please say something.” He looked a little stern, but moved his hand gently to cup your cheek, stroking the skin there.
“Sunwoo…” He dropped his hand, looking at you with pleading eyes like he was anticipating your rejection. Grabbing his hand, you continued, “You must know how I feel, I’ve wanted you for so long. Please don’t tell me this is a joke.”
“I would never joke about this, you know I treasure your heart. I’ve always protected you. Even when you dated all those losers-“
“You dated losers too.”
“I know that. I couldn’t figure out why I was never satisfied, but I would always compare them to you and I chose our friendship every time.”
You could feel his sincerity and grabbed the fabric of his shirt at his thin waist.
“So… you really want to be with me?”
“More than anything.” He grabbed your face in his hands, just to look at you. It was so tender you wanted to cry. Again. Maybe there was something wrong with your tear ducts… Softly, he spoke up again.
“Can I kiss you? I’ve wanted to for so long.” All you could do was slowly nod and he stepped towards you, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then your temple, your cheek and finally pressed his lips against yours. You moved your hands to his shoulders, sliding them up to grab the hair at his nape, pressing him tighter against you. He kissed you twice more then moved to kiss your cheek again, squishing your face to purse your lips and kiss you again. You felt like you could black out as he ran his lips across your jawline, kissing just under your ear as he whispered an apology, finally pulling away.
Breathless, you replied “No need to apologize.” You moved your hands back to his shoulders, and tried not to look at his mouth, glossy from your lip balm and plump from his affections. As he ran his tongue over his lips and slightly smirked you thought,
He will be the death of me.
“Well…” trying to disperse the intense energy in the air you turned to look at the flowers again. “These are really pretty, thank you.”
“Well the lady at the shop helped a lot. Honestly I wanted to get you more gifts but I thought if you rejected me I would have to jump out of your window to escape the humiliation.”
Sighing, you faced him again.
“Honestly Sunwoo, how could you think I would ever reject you??”
“I don’t know!! Damn, I don’t know why it took me so long to admit my feelings. I always hated your boyfriends-“
“All two of them.” You reminded him with an eye roll.
“Ok well still. I hated all two of them.” “How do you think I felt watching you dote on other girls? Being so affectionate, writing songs for them…”
“You were always my inspiration. It was easier to write about someone I had a deeper connection with and that was always you.” “Well now I’m angry.” You pulled away and crossed your arms.
A look of panic washed over his face. “Angry with me already? We can’t start like this. Y/N, even though I didn’t see it quickly enough, we have so much time ahead of us.”
Looking at love itself, you pulled him in for another kiss.
You could never stay mad at him long.
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moonlightndaydreams · 2 months
Room 143 | idol!han x fem!reader \ part 7
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1k followers celebration story
If someone had told you that you would have one night with Han Jisung, you would have laughed in their face.
Read Part 1 here | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Delulu! Absolute delulu! Last year I wrote a little fic about y/n going to the concert and by chance having a night of passion with the yummy Han Jisung. I thought it might be nice to revisit it with a rework (the original had an original female character but I’m changing it to y/n).
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CW: videoing sex, anal, angst heavy.
“Can I video you?” Han asked through ragged breaths. You hesitated. He wants to what? He wants to video you?
Your brain ran through all the possible implications. 
What if someone saw it?
What if it got leaked?
If you let him record you you’d have no control over it.
Has he done this before?
Does he video all his encounters?
Does he have a whole hard drive of conquests?
You had both woken up half an hour earlier at half past five in the morning, so that you could have a few more hours together. He was lazily fucking you, because you needed to be connected for as long as possible, when he popped the video question.
“Baby,” he broke your thoughts. “We don’t have to…” he added. “I..don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He stroked your inner thigh lightly, tenderly.
“Yes…” You whispered. “Yes it’s okay…it’s just…I’ve never done something like that before.” You lowered your eyes sheepishly.
“Me either…But I really want to… If you’re okay with it.” He grinned.
You studied his face. His expression was soft and caring. He was being honest. He was telling the truth.
You nodded. “Yes… let’s do it.” Your concern faded and was replaced with a nervous smile.
He’s going to have you forever.
He’s going to jerk off to this later.
You’re going to make him come long after today.
The thought excited you.
Han pulled himself from your warmth and fetched his phone, then repositioned himself, kneeling between your legs.
He looked up at you. “Are you ready, y/n.” He whispered.
You sucked in your bottom lip and nodded profusely.
Holding the phone near his chest, he aimed it down towards your pussy. Then with a few pumps of his cock with his hand he pushed the head against your lips, sliding it from the entrance up to your clitoris. You gasped and looked down to watch his cock slide up and down through your sensitive folds. They were swollen and sore now from all the delicious fucking you’d been doing, yet you wanted him to give you more.
“Han…” you squeaked, your voice cracking. He looked up at you, camera following his gaze. “I…Please…I need your cock inside me…” you begged. You wanted him to know how much you needed him, right now in this moment, and every time he watched his video in the future. You hooked a hand under each of your thighs and pulled them as wide as you could so you could give him the best view possible.
With what could only described as a growl, he pointed the camera back down between you, and plunged his cock inside of you.
“Fuck… you feel so tight…baby.” He panted. He’d been saying that all night, as though every time he penetrated you was for the first time. For you, each time you felt that first push inside, it felt like relief. Relief that he was finally back where you needed him most. Back where he belonged.
His jaw was slack, mouth agape, as he concentrated on long, slow thrusts. He’d drag his cock out almost to the tip, pause, then squeeze back inside to the hilt. His eyes flickering between what he saw in real life, and the screen on his phone. The noises you were making were becoming obscene and pornographic. You needed him to know how good, how perfect, he felt. He looked so fucking hot filming you like this, just as it felt so erotic being filmed!
“I wanna see you play with yourself, baby.” He instructed.
You let go of one of your legs and Han pressed against it with his free hand, keeping it pinned out of the way. He was stronger than you and pushed your leg further than you thought it could go.
You reached down to your pussy and spread your lips with two fingers, exposing your most intimate parts to the man filming you.
Han’s eyes glazed over, his lids hooded, and he hadn’t closed his mouth yet. He hungrily licked his lip as he watched you begin to swirl your fingers over your clit and then rub and flick the nub in an upward motion.
The camera drifted up your body to your face. You stared right into the lens with an expression of pure pleasure. You bit your lower lip hard as your eyes begged him to ruin you.
Han whispered a “Fuck!” under his breath and he suddenly snapped his hips faster, making your breasts bounce and knock the breath out of you.
“That’s it, Han… Fuck me faster…harder…” you cried out. “I wanna come on your cock!”
His hips pounded into you, and the sudden change from the relentless, slow thrusts that he had been torturing you with previously, to this forceful pace, tipped you over the precipice. Your back bowed off the bed, your hands gripped the sheets as you released a long, primal guttural moan. You didn’t care how you sounded or how you looked, or what it must’ve looked like on video. You were too wrapped up in the moment to give a fuck.
“That was so fucking hot.” Han said dead seriously. He’d stopped fucking you and was simply staring at you in wonderment.
“You make me this way.” You panted and relaxed back into the bed.
Han paused in thought. “Baby…y/n…?” he put the phone down on the bed beside him and crawled up to meet your face. He stroked your cheek and kissed your jawline. “There’s something…one more thing I want to try…” he hovered over you, looking in your eyes with a nervous expression. “And… We really don’t have to do it… And if we start…and you feel like you need to stop… you have to tell me, ‘kay?”
You cupped his adorable cheeks with both hands and kissed him.
“Han…” you cooed. “What is it? What do you want to try?”
Han swallowed “I wanna fuck your ass.” He said and exhaled loudly.
You raised an eyebrow, then softened your face. “Then do it.”
His eyes widened. “Really? You’re sure?” he sounded shocked. “Okay… Um…Well…lube…We’ll need the lube.” He scrambled to retrieve the lube from the bedside table while you positioned yourself on all fours.
He knelt behind you. “Do I need to…you know… prep you?” He had already squirted some lube on his fingers and massaging your rim. You dug your teeth into your lower lip to muffle a moan when his thumb breached your opening. His other hand greedily attacked your sopping cunt, slipping two fingers inside of you and digging into your g-spot.
“Fuck Han!” You squealed. “You’re gonna make me come again doing that!” Your surprised reaction morphed into a laugh, and then into a low moan as his fingers dug at your sensitive walls.
“Just trying to get you ready to take me.” He grinned and slid his two fingers out only to return with three fingers directed straight into your g-spot. You mewled at the stretch and the ache in your pelvis.
“Ah but Han, baby, that’s not the hole you’re getting me ready for!” You teased. He growled roughly and removed his thumb from your ass and repositioned his hand so he could press against you with two lubricated fingers. “Are you ready, baby?”
You nodded. “Please…hurry.”
He pushed his two fingers into you. “Is that better?”
“Mmm-hhhm.” You hissed through gritted teeth.
“Does it hurt, baby? I can stop.”
Does it hurt, baby? Those words made you want nothing more than to have him hurt you deliberately just to say those words. But in your mind instead of saying “I can stop” he’d say “Can you be a good girl and take it for me?”
“Yes…yes it hurts but in the best possible way.” You managed through your panting breath. “Hurt me more.” You whined.
Han hesitated.
“I promise to tell you if I need you stop, okay?” You assured him.
“Okay baby, if you’re sure.” His words were barely a whisper.
He removed all his digits and you cried out at the emptiness. The emptiness wasn’t just in your body, it was in your heart too. Is this what it will feel like when this is over?
You felt his cock push against your ass. “If you’re ready, baby, I want you take me, okay? All of me. I know how badly you want it.” He pushed the head past the entrance.
“Oh…fucking…God…” The stretch was like nothing you’d ever felt. It was like you were being split in two. You gripped the sheets and squeezed your eyes shut, panting until the burning eased and was replaced with pleasure.
“M..more…” you mumbled. “I…want…need -”
“Shhh. It’s okay, baby. It won’t be long until I’m fucking you, okay?” He cooed and massaged your ass cheeks.
As he continued to penetrate you it sounded like he was struggling to compose himself. His breath was short and shallow and he kept muttering how “fucking tight” you were and how good it felt. It felt satisfying knowing that you made him feel this way.
You continued to hiss through your teeth at the intensity of pleasure you felt with every slight movement that was caused merely from breathing. It felt like he was filling up your entire body, stretching you so wide you thought you’d die. His hips met your body. He was completely inside you.
“You’re taking me so well.” He was saying all the right things to make you completely lose your mind.
Holding onto your hips, he guided you forward halfway off his cock and then slid your hips back to meet his.
“Jesus Christ…this…fuck…Oh shit…This feels…” He cried “I have to go harder…is that okay? Do you think you can take it?” He pulled hips away and slammed against you, ramming his cock into you. Then again, groaning loudly.
Your arms gave way making you fall face first into the mattress, and your legs struggled to hold you up. He was so deep inside you it felt like you were going to choke on his cock. You felt like you were going to burst into a million pieces and scatter across the universe.
“Yes, Han…Please…Fuck the feelings out of me!”
Han stopped abruptly and went quiet.
“Han?” Your voice was tiny and wobbly. 
He pulled his cock out of your ass and flipped you onto your back forcefully. Anger burned in his eyes and his brow furrowed as he glared at you. Wordlessly, he grabbed a pillow, folded it in half and pushed it underneath your hips. He grabbed your legs not caring how hard he gripped you, and hooked them over his shoulders.
Leaning forward, he cupped the side of you face and roughly shoved a thumb into the corner of your mouth forcing you to suck his thumb. Then his hand slipped down to your neck. You stared into his burning, furious eyes as he squeezed his hand around your neck. You felt the air constrict. Your eyes widened.
“WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?” he growled. “Why do want me to fuck…the feelings… out of you?” he winced at the last part, his voice sounding hurt. The anger in his eyes turning to despair.
You placed a hand over the hand on your neck, tears welling up in your eyes. He released his grip, but his hand remained where it was. He dropped his head and sighed.
“Hannie…” you sobbed. “It hurts.” He looked up at you confused. “In here.” You moved his hand from around your neck and placed it on your chest. His eyes followed his hand to where you’d placed it over your heart. “I thought maybe you could…like…fuck the feelings away.”
His face turned soft. “Oh baby,” he soothed and took your hand to his chest “it hurts for me too.”
Tears streamed down your face as you sobbed loudly.
“Baby…shh” he leaned in kissing away your tears, stroking your face. “It’ll be okay. It will. I promise.”
“I know…it’s just…hard.” You sniffled.
“Hey, come here.” He said soothingly and his mouth met yours with a slow deep kiss. A kiss that made every part of you surrender, and every inch of your body, every cell of your being melt. His tongue danced tenderly with yours, and you moaned into his mouth making him smile. You sucked on his lower lip taking the flesh into your mouth savoring the feel and the taste, before pushing your tongue inside.
You could feel his cock twitching against you.
“It seems you’re getting excited again, Sir.” You smiled.
“You make me crazy, you know that?” He grinned.
You smirked, although you must have looked a complete mess with your puffy eyes and tear-stained face.
“You know…” he leaned in close to your ear. “I won’t fuck your feelings out…but I tell you what I can do.” He whispered darkly.
“What?” You asked eagerly, your breath hitching.
“I can fuck your brains out.” He said in the deepest voice you’d ever heard.
He pushed himself up to kneel between your legs. “Would you like me to do that?” he asked, pressing himself against your ass again.
“Yes, I want you to.” You replied desperately.
He reapplied whatever remaining lube you still had to his dick, and with barely any warning he pushed his entire length into you.
You welcomed every sensation that came with it. The burning, the stretch, the fullness, the pain. The sensations were amplified as they mirrored how your heart felt. It too burned, and felt stretched, full, and it was definitely in pain. Your heart and body together.
You closed your eyes losing yourself to the feeling as Han hovered above you.
“Don’t take you eyes off me.” It was more of a plead than a demand or request.
You locked eyes on his, his face contorted with angst and euphoria as his cock dragged along your inner walls and you squeezed around him like a vice.
“I’m gonna fuck your brains out now…and you can’t come ‘till I say.” He said huskily. “And you can’t look away. I wanna see your eyes the whole time.”
“O…okay..” you nodded, holding on tight to his shoulder.
He set a brutal pace. It was the hardest he’d gone the entire two nights together. His hips snapped fast, rutting into you relentlessly. He slammed into you so hard that you knew that you would be feeling this for days. It’s what you had wanted all along, to feel him even after this. His body was sweaty and burning hot as you ran your hands over his biceps and shoulders.
The noises were absolutely obscene, your groans, whimpers and cries becoming louder and more feral. Han was making a lot of noise too, his breathing was laboured and heavy, and he kept muttering in Korean. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, but when they were they dark and hazy and locked on yours. You only truly broke eye contact when your mouths crashed together in messy, wet kisses.
“Fuck, I really do think you were made for me, baby.” he breathed.
You could feel your orgasm approaching, and was nearly sent hurtling over the edge with one particularly hard thrust that made you cry out. “Han…!”
“Yes, baby?” he said as he slowed his pace for a moment.
“I…I’m so…so close.” You whined.
He smiled and kissed you. “Me too, baby. You can come when you’re ready, okay?” he leaned his forehead on yours. “I won’t be far behind you.”
You nodded.
He began to move again but he didn’t match the pace he had set before. His thrusts still had force behind them, but they were much slower and it heightened the sensations. You could focus on how exactly his cock felt as it dragged against your insides, or the how your stretched rim felt as he passed through it back and forth, or how your vagina would clench and ache as it yearned to be filled.
“Oh God! Oh….fuck!!!” Your entire body stiffened and you choked on your breath as you saw stars. Your orgasm wouldn’t slow down, it just kept going and you dug your fingers into his shoulders and sobbed loudly.
“Come for me Han Jisung. I want you to own me.” You somehow managed to say, even though you thought your lungs had stopped working.
Han groaned as he released himself deep inside you, coating your walls as your extended orgasm eventually waned.
He pulled out and collapsed on top of you out of breath and panting. He removed the pillow, not caring about the cum seeping out underneath you, and propped himself up on and elbow.
“That was…intense.” He grinned the biggest fucked-out grin you’d ever seen. “You’re incredible.” He shook his head in disbelief. “I’m so lucky to have met you, you know that?”
You stroked his cheek. “You know what happened, don’t you?”
He looked at you intrigued. “What?” he smirked.
“We turned what was supposed to be raw and dirty anal sex into making love.” You laughed.
“Ha!” he bellowed “True! You know what that means, right?”
You shook your head “No. What?”
“With all this making love, we might actually be in love.” He nestled his head onto your chest and you wrapped your arms around him tight.
“Maybe.” You sighed, but you didn’t let your mind entertain that idea.
Han pov.
Han turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to come through.
“I can’t promise I won’t grope you.” He joked as he ushered you into the shower with him. You stepped into the cubicle and allowed him to soap you up.
“And I can’t promise I won’t spank your ass.” You equally teased, smacking him on the butt.
Your time together was almost over and you had finally come to terms with it (not just putting on a brave face, surely).
And after your shower you ordered room service breakfast and scoffed down muffins and fruit because it was tasty (not to squash down your sadness, or anything like that).
Eventually, it really was time to say goodbye.
“Y/n,” He held you tight as you stood at the hotel room entrance. “I’ll never forget…this…What we shared. You don’t know how much you’ve helped me…to feel like myself again.” He admitted.
“You’d better not forget!” You playfully punched his arm. “You’ve got a fucking porno of me in your phone!”
He grinned like an idiot. “Yeah!” he feigned embarrassment.
“Well…” he started and looked down at his feet.
“Yeah…” you responded quietly, eyes downcast.
“I.. I have to go.”
The heaviness between you thick and heavy.
Then you threw your arms around him, almost knocking him over.
You kissed him. Really kissed him. A kiss that was full of love and sorrow. A kiss that was a “thank you” and a “you’re welcome”. A kiss that was a “goodbye” and an “until next time”.
Han kissed you back. He wanted to say so much but he couldn’t find the words. At least not English words. Actually, even the Korean words were hard to find. It was unlike him to be speechless. But he tried to convey how he felt in the way he kissed you. A slow, tender, deep kiss. He tried to memorise the softness of your lips, and the taste of your mouth, and the way you’d bite his lip as he pulled his mouth away.
“Remember me, okay?” He whispered.
“How could I ever forget you?” You replied.
Tears had already running down Han’s face as he walked back to his room, and once he was inside he fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably, where no one could hear or see him.
A month later Han was in a hotel room in Atlanta. He’d just finished a show and he was alone again with his thoughts.
Even though he always kept himself busy, thoughts of you still crept into his head. He hardly slept because he’d dream about you. Last night he dreamed that you were on tour with him, but when he woke up he was alone.
He searched for your face everywhere he went. Every show, every meet, fucking everywhere! He searched even when he knew there was no possibility that you’d even be there. He wrote songs about you. He tried to distract himself with work.
And every night he would open his phone and watch the video of you. Seeing how you came undone on his cock always made him so hard and so heartbroken.
Sometimes he’d jerk off to watching the video like a porno. Sometimes he’d just listen to the audio in the dark and fantasise about fucking you while he got off.
Sometimes he just watched it without masturbating just to see your face and hear your voice.
And sometimes he’d cry when he watched it.
“Pull yourself together.” He would say, or “this is the last time I’m going to watch this.”
He even contemplated deleting the video entirely but he could never bring himself to do it.
That night, Han opened his contact list, like he did every night, and brought your number up on the screen.
“You can’t fucking call her.”  He’d say each and every time.
But this time he hit dial.
After your time with Han your life went back to its regular rhythm, but it was like you were living on autopilot, and in some sort of hazy state. It was like you were doing all of the things you normally did, but nothing felt right anymore.
Stray Kids were finishing their final leg of their tour and it took every ounce of willpower not to watch clips of Han on Instagram. You didn’t want to be reminded of him, and you knew if you did look, it would be like picking a scab off a wound too soon.
It was a struggle to move on and you had often found yourself thinking about him. 
It would start when you opened your eyes in the morning. You’d imagine he was curled up beside you. Then you’d wonder what he was doing right now. If he was in Korea was he still fast asleep? What is he dreaming about? Does he dream about you? If he was in another country what is he doing? Do you creep into his mind too?
Does he watch the video he took?
And then eventually you’d get up and go about your day functioning as best you could. 
You didn’t know how he felt. All you knew for sure was that you hadn’t forgot about him.
The weeks passed and the foggy haze that had been clouding you be began to ease just slightly. You’d decided that it was okay to be sad and to grieve. It was a special, once in a lifetime, romantic encounter, and you shouldn’t want to forget it. You somehow found the trust in yourself that eventually the pain would fade and this will one day be a cherished memory. One that will make your heart burst with happiness, rather than feel heavy and ache. You just wish it’d hurry the fuck up.
One Friday afternoon you were in a cafe working on your laptop, enjoying a coffee and cake. Stray Kids were in the US finishing off their tour. You knew because you’d finally started to be brave and sneak a few peeks at Instagram. It was okay if you looked at clips of the other members, but if you saw Han, your chest would pound and you’d have to turn it off. You were still not ready to look at him.
You finished your work, packed up and paid for your afternoon tea before heading out into the warm afternoon sun. 
As you walked you focused your mind on your surroundings.
What could you see? The beautiful parkland to your left. The green grass. Trees that have been there far longer than you’ve been alive.
What could you feel? The warm sun. The breeze. The heaviness of your laptop bag strap digging into your shoulder.
What could you hear? People talking. Seagulls squawking. Your phone ringing.
Your phone ringing? Fuck! 
You scrambled into your bag searching for your phone. It was probably a client. You pulled it out and looked at who was calling you.
You stopped dead in your tracks as the impossible appeared on your screen.
Incoming Call: Han Jisung
Han video called you every week. And in between he’d send you selfies and sweet messages. Occasionally, you’d get a cheeky dick pic. He said those particular photos were to make you so hungry that you’d fly to Korea.
You would count down the days until your video calls. It’s where you got to learn about, and get to know each other properly. You’d talk about everything. From your childhood to his time as a trainee, your passions, interests, dreams. Sometimes you’d talk about random shit, or he’d show you a new song.
He’d share with you his struggles and worries, and he’d listen to yours, always offering you empathy.
Sometimes your calls turned sexy and he’d masturbate while he instructed you to undress and play with yourself. Sometimes he’d get you to use your toys or demonstrate the fluffy plug for him. 
One particular evening you were on one of your calls and you’d slipped your top off for him. 
“Fuck, baby! I’ll never get sick of your tits!” He hissed and you knew he was playing with himself.
“I should’ve given them more attention.” He said regretfully.
You responded with a seductive smirk and began to play with your nipples and then cup them in your palms, squeezing and massaging them. 
“Imagine these wrapped around you cock, Hannie.” You suggested huskily as you pushed your breasts together. “Would you like to fuck my tits?”
His mouth fell open and his tongue hung out the corner as he worked his cock. You couldn’t see what he was doing but his face told you that he’d cum because of the way he squeezed his eyes shut, and from the choked sound in his throat. You loved seeing Han’s “pleasure face” as you’d affectionately started calling it. 
Once he came back down to earth he stared at you lovingly, and reached out to touch the screen.
“I’d give anything to hold you right now.” He whispered. He had pure longing in his eyes.
You couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. You’d planned to taunt and tease him and drop hints. But the pained, tormented look he was giving you melted your heart.
“Well baby!” You smiled. “You will get to touch me very soon.” 
His expression changed from longing to confusion, and then to hope. He raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened questioningly as realisation hit him.
“Wait! What? … Does that…. mean?” 
You grinned “Yep, Han. I’ve bought flights to Korea!”
The end.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @starr-lvst @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @newhope8 @vanillacupcakefrosting @3rachasdomesticbanana @fun-fanfics @palindrome969 @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @rixenluv @yaorzu-blog @drunkewok @igetcarriedawaywithyou @minh0scat @kiaralynn3838 @everythingboutkpop @jiminssluttyminx @n0y4 @chuuyaobsessed @krayzieestay
@sunnyhonie @minnieprincess85 @stanskzot8
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
Can I please have an imagine where the reader is dating Addison Montgomery and they decide that they want to try for a baby via sperm donor. Fast forward a few months and the reader finds out she’s pregnant. When she tells Addison she is over the moon. She kisses the reader and ends up proposing to her. Another fast forward and they end up having a baby boy. Fluffy please?
❛ 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒖𝒔 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Addison Montgomery x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: So sorry for the wait, I wasn't feeling good :( But I hope you'll like it!
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What's more beautiful than being with someone you like? It's hard to say. You and Addison looked so good together and you both recently decided to try for a baby. Both you and her were thrilled with this choice and were looking forward to nothing more than to have a family.
Since Addison had little chance of getting pregnant, everything was staked on you, the idea of carrying your child made you even more proud and eager to become a mother.
You started with a few donations, choosing a decent donor was as hard as fun, but unfortunately you weren't immediately lucky. You were both doctors, you knew it would take time, so you didn't let yourself be discouraged. Let's say that after other unsuccessful attempts, your enthusiasm gradually vanished, but Addison had that energy that she was able to transmit to you continuously, so you continued to believe it. God, how much you loved her.
Finally, just when you didn't expect it, it happened. You were pregnant. The answer to the test was more than clear, you must have watched it at least a dozen times before realizing it. You couldn't wait to tell her, you were so happy, her reaction would surely be double yours. And to surprise her by venting all your happiness, you have prepared an excellent dinner.
Addison returned about two hours later, it seemed more for you. She followed the delicious smell coming from the room where you were, welcoming you with a warm smile and giving you a light kiss on your lips.
"Wow, I'm so hungry" she said as you turned to her. "Hey, what's up?" she asked you having noticed your particular happiness.
"Addison Forbes Montgomery" you took her hands, making her feel more curious. "You have no idea how much I'll love you seeing you with our baby" her face lit up, she was probably still reworking. You placed her hands on your belly.
"You- you're pregnant?" her smile became the most beautiful thing for you in that moment.
"Yeah!" you exclaimed, unable to hold back your tears.
"Oh my God Y/n!" she kissed you intensely, then stopping everything to say something.
"Y/n L/n, you'll make me the happiest person giving me a baby and becoming my wife" she looked at your eyes, her words looked so serious and full of love. At that point the tears increased, you didn't know if for the hormones you had taken or for the inexplicable happiness, maybe for both. You began to sob laughing, unable to control yourself.
"Yes, yes, yes!!! I'd love to become your wife" you kissed her again, this time longer than before.
So the wedding and the baby have been the only priority to you in this period. Both had decided that the wedding would be after the baby's birth, also because you didn't want to seem an awful monster on the best day of your life.
For the baby you had done every possible exam, you wanted a beautiful healthy baby, and you'd do everything to make it sure. The funniest thing was that, well, barring your stupid hormones and weird cravings for food that no one would ever eat, you couldn't agree on just one name, you might even have combined all possibilities at the cost of pleasing both. He was a baby boy, and she'd liked to call him Henry, but you liked Jess more. So... Jenry...? For a while you thought that was better to stop thinking about it, at the sight of the baby it was hoped that the name would be chosen immediately.
When you was in labor she was in surgery, trying to save another baby. Let's say it, you were very stubborn, you would even have been able to stop labor with all your might just to have Addison with you.
"Where the fuck is the girl who's gonna be my wife?! I want her here!" you were yelling at anyone trying to calm you down, then Addison finally caught up with you and you began to realize the situation better.
"We're meeting our son, oh my God Y/n it's awesome, I love you so much!" she squeezed your hand as you screamed in pain between the thrusts.
"No, it's not-" you tried to tell her referring to the 'beautiful' experience you were passing at that moment.
When you were finally able to hug your son you did nothing but look at him laughing with tears in your eyes, you didn't believe that such a beautiful thing could grow inside you.
"Ryle" you said. "He's name is Ryle" you looked at Addison and then turned towards the cute baby boy you held.
"Yeah, Ryle. It's perfect" she kissed your forehead and gently stroked the baby's cheek.
In these two months Ryle had already grown a lot, he was becoming more and more adorable. Well, during your wedding ceremony he cried and screamed almost all the time, but somehow it made it special.
As soon as he was with either of you he calmed down, and there were no words to describe that feeling, where the son recognizes his own mother. But you can say you're proud of everything, of you, of Addison, of Ryle, of all of you together.
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obetrolncocktails · 2 months
Karma Sutra | Sam Kiszka X Reader | Part 1
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Warnings: 18+ readers/interaction ONLY. slut-shaming, female objectification, frat boy Sam, crude language, alcohol consumption, mention of drug usage, mention of graphic injury. Fluff. :)
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: I've brought Karma Sutra back from the dead and have reworked much of the story in a way that better suits the way I have always wanted the story line to go. Hope you enjoy! Here's the first of many parts of Karma Sutra.
Listen while you read!
Karma Sutra Playlist
You felt eyes on you as you walked across the quad between classes. For what reason, you couldn’t place, but you knew that you were being watched. Peering across the quad, eyes flitting in all directions, you attempted to find the source of your insecurity. Nothing. You bundled yourself tighter within the thickness of your peacoat, shielding yourself from the evening cold. Making your way under an awning, you smelled the familiar odor of cigarette smoke. It wafted in your direction, beckoning for you to turn your gaze upward. Ugh. Of-fucking-course. Sam douche-bag-extraordinaire Kiszka. “Cold as fuck out here,” he said to you casually, puffing out O-rings of smoke from the side of his mouth. 
“Mm, so you decide to step out in forty degree weather to smoke a ciggy?” You spat sarcastically. 
 “It’s a bad habit, sweetheart. You know what they say…they die hard.” You rolled your eyes and marched away from him. “There’s a party on the row tonight–you coming?” your eyebrows furrowed instantly, turning over your shoulder to meet his gaze. 
“I haven’t been to a frat party in over a year, Sam. Why would I?” He threw his hands in the air, shrugging. His cigarette remained burning between two fingers, dropping ashes every few seconds to the ground. 
“Just thought it might be nice to see a refreshing face for once.” 
What the fuck? Why was Sam taking sudden interest in me? “I gotta make it to class. See you around.” You waved him off and continued walking to class. 
“Hey, Y/N, for old-time’s-sake, it really would be nice to see you there.” His eyes were the color of chocolate, which was ironic. His beauty could melt any girl on campus just like the confection–except for you. You would always be the exception. “Bye, Samuel.”
Samuel. He liked the way his name sounded on your lips. He bit at the corner of his lip, his eyes trailing you as you disappeared within the halls. Mm, I’ll save her for later, he thought. Blowing out the last puff of smoke, he stubbed out his cigarette against the brick wall, dropping it carelessly to the ground before strolling away to the next entertaining encounter. 
Philosophy class soon turned into Philo-so-fucking-boring class extremely fast. Your mind wandered from the lecture, unable to focus. Why the fuck was he watching me? The truth that you wouldn’t even admit to yourself was that you had feelings for Sam, and had since freshman year. They’ve remained in the recesses of your mind ever since. For one, he was an asshole. You and almost every girl on campus knew it; however, some part of you would always have a soft spot for him, no matter how cocky he was. He just didn’t know it, and you sure as hell wouldn’t show it either. Fuck that red turtleneck sweater. Why did he have to look so good in it? You caught yourself doodling random hearts and sparkles in the margins of your notes as you thought about him. 
“Pssst, hey.” Your best friend, Paige, jabbed you from behind with the top of her pen. “Pay attention, there’s going to be an exam tomorrow.” Your hands flew to cover your notebook from her view. “What are you hiding?” She whispered, curious as to why you were being so secretive. 
“It’s nothing, just drawings.” You realized a little bit too late that mere drawings wouldn’t have elicited such a reaction.
 “Doesn’t seem like it’s just a few drawings.”
 “Ladies, would you like to share your conversation with the class? Is it more important than the material that will be on tomorrow’s exam? Would you like to take it today after class since you don’t seem invested in the review?” You fell silent and averted eye contact, heat creeping up your neck to your face. The remainder of class passed excruciatingly slow. When three o’clock finally arrived, you filtered out of the classroom to meet up with Paige. 
“So I was thinking…how would you feel about going to the Row tonight.” Meeting your expectations, she recoiled instantly. 
“Uh, who are you and where is Y/N? You never go to parties.” You turned away from her and began to walk down the hallway. 
“I just thought it might be nice to do something different for a change.” Your cheeks were flaming again. 
“You’re such a liar. Who is it?” You bit your lip. 
“What do you mean?” you stalled. Paige stopped you mid-gait, grabbing at your arm. 
“Who is it, Y/N?” You had no choice but to look at her. 
“Ryan McClean.” Another Lie. It was a good replacement though. He was sweet, good looking and respectful. At least as much as could be expected for a frat boy. Paige stepped back with a hand on her hip. 
“You’ve never mentioned him, let alone told me you have a crush on him.” You continued to walk, ushering her forward.
 “Well, it kinda happened fast. I don’t know–I was hoping to see him tonight. I wanted to look cute.” You saved face by putting on an extra air of confidence. 
“Okay, okay I see you!” Paige grinned, snapping her fingers left and right as she walked. 
“Unfortunately, I have a date with Mark tonight–so I won’t be able to go.” You nodded, secretly relieved that she wouldn’t have to see you lose what little humility you had left. 
“Stay connected to the phone, don’t drink too much, play safe, get home safe,” she counted off on her fingers. 
“Thank you, Mom. Would you like to dress me, too?” you asked, grinning. Paige rolled her eyes playfully. 
“Actually, now that you ask, let’s go pick out an outfit that doesn’t scream ‘pilgrim lost in the twenty-first century.’” You eyed her for a silent moment, challenging each other not to laugh, but you were the first one to lose, throwing your head back and cackling at her. 
“You are such a bitch!” You said, elbowing her. “Let’s go. Paige wouldn’t let you go to that party without looking your best.
“Lacy Monroe.” “Total babe, thirteen out of ten, would fuck her any day,” Wyatt Sellars interjected, a massive grin pasted on his face. 
“Okay, how about Holly?” Matthew asked the question from the ping-pong table, tapping balls back to Wyatt. Christian Hearst entered the room next, a towel wrapped around his waist, applying deodorant to his armpits. 
“Wilson? She’s a bit of a bitch, but I'd chase her for a little while until I got bored.” He chuckled, walking to the fridge for a beer.
“How about Y/N?” The room falls silent, save for the fast bounce of the forfeited ping pong ball that was previously in play. Samuel Francis Kiszka. He sits cross-legged on a lounge chair in the corner, knocking back the rest of his IPA.
“You mean the sexiest girl at school?” Wyatt offered. “Is she Mormon or something? She could have easily made her way through the entire football team by now.” 
“Jesus, you dumb fuck, she’s not Mormon.” Christian came behind Wyatt, thumping him on the back of his head. 
“Well-I didn’t know, I–” 
“I think she’s stunning,” Sam says, leaning forward to place his elbows on his knees. His grin was obvious, and his cunning expression cut through the room.
“Okay, asshole. What’s with the look?” Christian moved to the couch, taking a seat across from sam. 
“I saw her today. Walking to class.” He licked his lips as he talked. Christian rubbed his hands together, prepared to hear about some salacious romp. 
Sam’s eyes grow wider. “Oh, n-nothing happened, I just saw her.” A chorus of disappointed scoffs filled the room.
 “You fucking suck, man. You literally had us going, just for nothing,” Wyatt whined. 
“It’s not like anything would happen– I’m pretty sure she’s a virgin anyway,” Sam continued with a casual shrug. 
“Oh, so she’s the pick of the litter. Nice!” Matthew interjected. Sam looked at him with a minor look of disgust, shaking his head. 
“So why are you being a pussy, Sam? I Bet–” Christian pointed his finger at Sam in a telling gesture. “I bet you…I bet you that she won’t let you take her virginity before the month is over.” Rising from his seat, Sam padded to the kitchen tossing his beer bottle across the room, where it clattered into the trash can. 
“I bet you I can make it happen. Six hundred dollars and open supply of weed for one month–split evenly.” His grin emanated throughout the room. 
“Aha, bet!” Matthew said, coming around Sam to slap him on the back in approval. “Paying up like a man.” Sam took a long gulp of his beer before retreating to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. 
Just as you finished your makeup, your hand slipped and your eyeliner streaked messily through the eyeshadow that you had just applied so effortlessly. “Fuck!” An exasperated sigh escaped your parted lips as you wiped at your eyelid to salvage the look. After several minutes, you emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed except for your top–you didn’t want to ruin it with makeup stains. Just as you pulled your head through the sparkly black crop top, your phone chimes. Paige.
Show Ryan what he’s missing, bitch! Shake that ass in my absence, too. Stay safe, I love you. Call me if you need me.
Right. Ryan. My little secret. You sent her a quick text wishing her well on her date. Pulling a pair of gold hoops through your ears, you got a notification that Carlos, your Uber driver, was waiting outside of your apartment. Grabbing a few last minute items, you made your way downstairs. Pulling up to campus, you noticed one thing first. It was loud. So loud in fact, that your head  was pounding by the time you made it to the Row. The identical houses were arranged in a perfect square with a patch of green lawn in the middle. Adirondack chairs littered the grass, loosely thrown around a glowing brick fire-pit. Girls looped themselves around boys, chattering aimlessly with beverages that sloppily poured over the sides of their cups and onto their laps and into the grass. They giggled and slurred–their heels dug into the earth, causing several unfortunate partygoers to trip and lurch, earning themselves yet another spilled drink or bitchy laugh from gaggles of jealous and judgemental girls.  
You rolled your eyes, debating on going after all, but your feet were already moving underneath you, carrying you along the sidewalk that led to each house. Who were you to think that it was smart to come here alone, especially when it was the first party you had attended in God-knows-how long? 
“Y/n!” Your eyes darted upward, trying to place the voice that was calling your name. You found him. Your eyes met his and you instantly felt like you were drowning. A vignette seemed to filter out the unnecessary material around you; the blaring music muted, the giggles and shouts subsided into soft static. He was impeccably dressed in navy silk. A tailored blazer skimmed his bare chest, provided as a mere accessory rather than a true piece of clothing. His bottoms hugged at his frame, falling just above a perfectly shined pair of leather loafers. His hands were casually tucked into his pockets as he looked directly at you–with that fucking smile. 
He strode towards you, knocking you out of the trance. Your breath hitched, sending bolts of panic through your system as he approached. Oh shit, what do I do? You thought, averting eye contact as you made every attempt to not look as awkward and helpless as you really were. 
“You’re not a figment of my imagination, right? If I remember correctly, you acted like you would rather be caught dead than come to the Row.” His feet landed in front of you as he arrived. You met his eyes, crossing your arms defensively.
“Well, I wanted to see what I was missing–by the looks of it, it just looks like it’ll lead to meaningless sex and a bitch of a hangover.”
He readjusted in his spot, cocking an eyebrow upward. He likes your sass. He likes it a lot. “Well, it is a party, Y/n, what better to do than get drunk and fuck, hmm?” You scoffed at him, stepping off to the side, making your way to the first house. You heard his shoes tapping the pavement as he walked. Good. You wanted him to follow you. 
“What's your drink of choice?” He asked, trying to change the subject to something more playful. “I usually stick with tequila–the citrus notes are just–” You heard him kiss the tips of his fingers in a ‘chef’s kiss’ gesture from behind you. You couldn’t help but grin, careful to maintain your guarded disposition. 
“Got any Pappy?”  You asked, turning over your shoulder with a grin. “I’m an expensive lay.”
Sammy snorted. “Two thousand dollar bourbon? You know the fucking answer, sweetheart.” That earned him a smile. You turned to face him and were immediately tossed upside down at the sight of his dimples. 
“Well, we do have some lovely white claw reserve that was bought at this very upscale store. Maybe you know it–Target?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at him. 
“Shut up, Sam!” He smiled warmly, coming beside you, pulling an arm around your shoulder.
 “Let’s go find something worth drinking, hmm?” You hadn’t processed what was happening, but you didn’t want to, either. You let it happen, weighing risk versus reward.  You stepped forward into the party with him at your side, forgetting the lie you had told Paige. So much for finding Ryan. You had found Sam.
End of Part 1.
Taglist: @gold-mines-melting @itsafullmoon @gracev0609 @dilflover-4ever @fleetingjake @savannhuh @jazzyfigz @ashisill @wetkleenex-gvf @ageofwagner @lipstickitty @muffin-heads @stanfordpinesmarryme @i-choose-the-road. @dannythedog @lizzielbr @mar-rein12 @weneedsomehealing123 @feelslikejakey
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willow-lark · 1 year
one thing about me is that i will always and forever be a stoncy girly. i occasionally rb posts about them but i'm mainyl involved in the byler fandom atm so i don't talk ab them as much as i want to. anyways
stoncy is really interesting to think about particularly considering where things are in canon for the three of them right now. so, firstly, my thoughts on that:
i am 100% rooting for jancy endgame in-show. i'm not a fan of love triangles (hence why i started shipping stoncy in the first place, they all have chemistry n i think they should all kiss each other at the exact same time) but up until s4 there was no reason to think that jancy wouldn't be endgame, and honestly i'm upset that the writers brought stancy back in, considering that steve's s3 arc was all about him learning he doesn't need romantic love to fulfill his life, and what he and nancy each want in life simply are not compatible. jancy r iconic. jancy r goals. jancy had a whole speech in s4 talking about all the things they love about the other. although they've hit a slight rough patch due to jonathan's conflicting desires in supporting her goals while also being there for his family which has historically needed a lot of his support, they just need to get on the same page about this. they WILL prevail i KNOW this i TRUST
okay, lark, you say. if ur so obsessed with jancy endgame then why stoncy at all? AND I WILL TELL YOU WHY.
it all comes down to stonathan. also shoutout to @messrsbyler for championing the stonathan agenda lately. we should all attempt to live up to your example. SO TRUE.
so. post-s1 era in-show. or, honestly, u can rework this and make it fit at any point in the timeline. but anyways: nancy's with steve, they r trying and somewhat struggling to make it work (though they did last an entire YEAR so kudos for that ig). nancy VERY obviously has feelings for jonathan, who hangs out with her sometimes but is generally avoiding both of them. and honestly? steve thinks jonathan's pretty cool too. and, like, he spent a while treating jonathan like shit so he should probably try and make it up to him. right??? AND THEN THEY KISS.
no, but actually: steve's the type not to even realize that he's actually in love with jonathan. he's like, well, nancy loves him, and i love nancy, so... (that's the transitive property, right? i don't remember anything from 5th grade math class.) he doesn't even realize it's gay of him to feel that way. (NOTE: stoncy r bi4bi4bi and you WILL NOT be changing my mind.) if u extend the timeline to post-s3, robin might be able to help him w this LOL, i've read a really good fic or two where that's the case
on the other side, i feel like jonathan would have an easier time accepting his feeling, especially now that steve is making an effort to make friends with him. not to digress about the byers brothers but i'm gonna. when it comes to accepting his bisexuality jonathan doesn't have nearly as much internalized homophobia to deal with as will does regarding being gay. will has really internalized all of the things lonnie/the bullies have said about him, whereas jonathan is openly defiant of them. but in true byers fashion, he's not gonna make a move about it.
honestly i'm inclined to say that nancy, the girlboss that she is, (perhaps along with robin, again, if the timeline goes later) is the one to witness stonathan making goo-goo eyes at each other and she's like. you know what. this Might Actually solve 90% of my problems. so SHE'S the one who prompts them into it. but to be completely honest all three of them are so completely dramatic about everything so i could even see it all coming down to robin and maybe argyle to force them to get their shit together 😆
this is honestly just one way that it could go down, i've read a lot of different iterations and i love them all.
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cherrytree-irl · 9 months
ooc post: random useless facts 2
i'm low on ideas again so it's time for brain sludge.
i guess i'll start by talking about the christmas event i wrote half of and then scrapped.
the event was going to involve N and sylvan going to driftveil for a holiday party, with sylvan reluctantly bringing his father along (because, y'know, people like spending holidays with family or whatever.) and hoping he wouldn't cause problems.
then vernon would cause problems. (he was gonna find out about N's involvement with team plasma.)
i couldn't really think of a good way to resolve said problems, though. part of the reason i didn't finish writing this event. also because i waited too long to start writing it so i didn't have time to think it through or actually write half of it
also linnet was gonna come back. she wouldn't really have a major role, but she'd be there! and latios too, of course.
oh well. i can rework the important stuff into some other event later.
anyway, on to other stuff.
there are not very many sylvans in the multiverse. most universes just... never had one and never will. of the sylvans that have existed, even fewer of them are alive.
not from like, any one specific cause. just most of them Fucked Up somewhere along their journeys.
some real world pokemon games exist within sylvan's universe. mostly ones that don't have human characters, like mystery dungeon and rumble. (miis don't count as human characters they're just player avatars. sorry miis ily :p)
sylvan's brother, oliver, was originally planned to be a bartender. but then i decided to incorporate him into my other pkmn irl blog that i barely use, and there was no reason for the characters i play on that blog to crash land in the pokemon world and immediately go straight to the bar. so he runs a cafe now.
speaking of oliver. sylvan's name was originally oliver. then eventually i decided the name didn't suit him, so i picked out a new one and later gave his old name to his older brother.
sylvan is vegetarian in theory, but usually vegan in practice, since N is vegan and it would be needlessly pricey to buy both vegan and non vegan versions of applicable foods.
he usually does at least have a pack of mac and cheese cups in the apartment though. saves them for when he's sad or stressed or just really wants some damn mac and cheese.
at some point, i thought about secretly having this blog take place a few years in the future. it was kind of just a cheap way to make sylvan easier for me to write, since i would basically be making him the same age as me.
but then i thought. if i ever actually publicly established the fact that the blog took place in 2030, people might start asking questions about what the future is like and stuff and i realized doing this would be causing more difficulties than it would solve.
on new years, when i'd received the egg that would eventually become Idele, i asked my cousin what should be in it.
he said to put a shiny drizzile in it. i told him, "you can't put a drizzile in an egg, dumbass" so he reluctantly changed his answer to shiny sobble.
i then asked my sister for her opinion. she said a shiny cherubi. i guess she had caught one in legends arceus recently, so it was on her mind. but sylvan already has a cherrim, so i didn't really wanna do that.
so i eventually just. picked neither of those options and went for hisuian zorua because It's Cool.
months ago, when i was trying to decide what sort of character(s) to center my possible future pkmn irl blog around, i had three different ideas.
the first was, y'know... sylvan. since he was a pokemon character i had already made. but i worried that people wouldn't find him interesting or that they'd get mad about him dating N. so i tried to think of something else.
my second idea was for a latias disguising herself as a human because... reasons? i didn't have that part worked out yet. (so, like, a first draft version of linnet. and linnet was only like, a second draft version of linnet.) i kinda just didn't have enough enthusiasm about playing that character for an extended period of time, i guess.
my third idea was for a crossover blog. i thought it would be funny to bring a character from yo-kai watch into the pokemon world. for some reason the first that came to mind was komasan. he's not even like, my favorite yo-kai or anything...? (venoct, if you were wondering. which you probably were not.) anyway i wasn't confident enough in my ability to write as him, so the idea was dropped.
eventually i settled on sylvan despite my previous concerns. then i had to decide where in his story i wanted to place the blog.
the main three points in time i was considering were...
1. a few years ahead of his sort of... base form. like, when i think of sylvan, i think of him at 21, right after bw2. but i wanted to move him forward a little if i was going with a "current" form of him. i do not remember why i made that decision, but whatevs. this is the version i chose.
2. when he was a teenager and just starting out his journey. N would not have been involved with this theoretical version of the blog. (unless it went on for... quite a while.) i dropped this because at the time i was writing a fic that covered that same point in his life. also because i wanted N to be there.
3. when he was traveling with N but they weren't romantically involved yet. would have involved Pining™ and going to random places and doing random stuff and syl being really confused (and somewhat concerned) about What The Hell N's Deal Is. i don't remember why i decided against this, it probably would have been a more interesting blog. maybe i just figured it would be easier to write sylvan when all the interesting stuff already happened to him, ha.
that's everything i can think of right now. so. post over
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trashpandafiction · 1 year
We Survive (5)
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Summary: What happens when the Behavioral Analysis Unit comes across a situation they weren’t trained for? When the dead begin to roam the Earth, it challenges the BAU to something they’ve never dealt with before: the apocalypse. Along their journey for survival, they come across Rick Grimes and his group of survivors. Among the survivors is Jocelynn Russo, who thinks that the new group could be helpful to them. Things seem to go well until an unexpected enemy appears. Will Negan and the Saviors be the one thing to break the groups, or will they be able to defend themselves? All anyone knows is they have one common goal; to survive. Pairings: None yet. Word Count: 3,638 Warnings: None. A/N: I really hope you guys are enjoying this! This is also the last completely reworked chapter! From here on out, outside of a couple of plot points, it'll be from scratch. If you’d like to be tagged in future updates, just let me know! Please do not redistribute my work without my permission! Reblogging is fine with credit intact.
Five - The Meeting
          Everyone in Alexandria filed into the church for the meeting about Aaron’s group. Aaron, Spencer, JJ, and Penelope sat in the front row with Jocelynn, Michonne, and Daryl. Rick stood at the front of the church and waited for everyone to be seated so that he could get the meeting started. As they waited, JJ leaned over to Jocelynn, speaking in a hushed tone.
          “All of these people are in your group?” she asked.
          She nodded and gave her a small smile. “Yeah. Some of them were here when we arrived, and others came later.”
          JJ nodded. “I’m just glad there are more people alive than we thought.” She and the rest of the BAU had sort of assumed that there were only a handful of people still alive, including them. Seeing the large group of people in the church was more than comforting to her, even with their losses.
          Rick cleared his throat before speaking up. “As you all might have seen, we’ve got some new faces inside these walls. Jocelynn, Michonne, and I found them on a run yesterday. They were holed up in a cabin and weren’t having much luck in finding supplies or anything. They helped us clear the diner in town and even offered to give up the one weapon we found in exchange for our help. This meeting is about deciding whether or not we’ll let them all stay here with us.” After a few groans and mumbles from the crowd, he held his hand up to quiet them. “I know we’re all skeptical about new people, but we think that they’d be a good addition. Now I know normally in these meetings, I’m the one who does most of the talking, but I’d like to invite them up here to introduce themselves and plead their case in their own words.” He said and looked over at them. “Why don’t you guys come up here and give them a rundown on who you are?”
          JJ looked at Jocelynn and then at her group before standing up with them and heading up to the altar where Rick had stepped to the side. She figured that Aaron would do most of the talking, so she gave everyone a warm smile. Penelope and Spencer joined her, looking out at the crowd. It wasn’t uncommon for them to be in front of a large group, they had done plenty of briefings, press conferences, and seminars. This was a bit different though, since their fate depended on making a good impression on these people.
          Aaron stood with the group and spoke up first, as he always did. “I want to start by thanking you all for letting us have a chance at a safe place to stay. I’m Aaron Hotchner; this is Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia, and Spencer Reid. We all worked in for the FBI in the Behavioral Analysis Unit back at Quantico before all of this.” He explained. Upon looking at the crowd, he realized that he was probably coming off as way too professional. He glanced at JJ before taking a breath. “There were seven of us at the start, but when the house we were staying at got overrun by a herd, we lost three of our friends.” He explained. It was the first time they had really talked about losing Derek, Emily, and David like it was a sure thing, and JJ, Spencer, and Penelope winced at the comment.
          Rick looked at them and then looked at the crowd. Every single person in that church had lost someone, and he knew that the group would understand Aaron’s group’s pain.
          “I know that in times like these it’s very hard to trust people, and I assume that you’ve all run into some people that you wish you hadn’t allowed in, and I’m sure those experiences have turned you off from letting new people in, but all I can give you is my word that we aren’t those type of people. I know that we would prove ourselves to you and we could pull our weight here just like anyone else would.” Aaron spoke.
          JJ looked at him and then interrupted. “All that we’re asking for is a chance. This place is safe and secure, and you all seem to be thriving here. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that we’d give anything for the opportunity to sleep at night without worrying that we’ll be attacked again. I think we’ve shown Rick, Jocelynn, and Michonne that we’re not here for trouble, we’re cooperative, and we’re all just like you all were at one point. We’re starting to run out of morale and out of options. We know it’s a lot to ask when supplies are inconsistent and nothing is certain, but we promise that you won’t regret it.”
          Jocelynn watched the group and felt the corners of her mouth turning upwards as she listened to them speak. They had been through the wringer but were still willing to do anything just for a safe place. Most people wouldn’t be willing to do much to earn their spot anywhere.
          Rick looked at the group and then at the members of Alexandria. “Does anyone have any questions or concerns for Aaron and his group?” he asked.
          Aaron looked out at the crowd and saw a few hands go up. He pointed to a young woman with shoulder length brown hair. “Yes?”
          Maggie spoke up, resting her hands in her lap. “What are all your strengths? How could you help us out here?”
          “We’re all trained with weapons, so we could lend a hand with guard jobs or hunting. Spencer is incredibly intelligent and could lend his knowledge in almost any aspect except telling an understandable joke.” Aaron joked, earning a few smirks and snickers from the group. They were all used to Eugene’s similar behavior so it wouldn’t be a new kind of different to them. “Penelope is good with technology and problem solving. She’s also incredibly kind and creative, which are hard traits to find in this world. Even in the hardest situations, she’s always putting everyone first, making sure they’re taken care of and comfortable. JJ is good with people; she’s good at negotiations and excellent in self-defense. Truthfully, if it weren’t for her, I don’t know if Rick and Jocelynn would have been so welcoming.”
          Penelope piped up, her cheeks a bit pink from Aaron’s kind words. “Aaron is going to be humble, but I will tell you that he’s great at everything he does. He’s strong, brave, and so caring. He’s the best out of us with weapons and I’ve never once seen him crack under pressure, and we faced a lot of it before all of this. He’s a wonderful leader and I think he’d be a killer addition to the group here. No pun intended.” She added.
          Maggie gave a small smile and nodded. They seemed to be decent enough people and weren’t asking for much right off the bat.
          “Anyone else?” Rick spoke up and looked at the group of Alexandrians. One of the men, Jake, raised his hand, earning a nod from him.
          “How long do we have to make a decision?” he asked.
          Rick looked at him and gave a shrug. “Well, I’d like to have a vote now. Joce will take Aaron and his group outside so we can have a discussion, a vote and then I’ll get to a final decision with the council after that.” He explained before looking over at JJ and adding, “Is there anything else you’d like to add?”
          JJ smiled at him and shook her head. “We’re just grateful that you’re all at least considering giving us a chance and hope that we made a good impression. Thank you.”
          Rick nodded to her and looked at Jocelynn. “Why don’t you take them out? Michonne will call you all back in when we’ve reached a decision.”
          She stood up and nodded, heading out of the church with Aaron, JJ, Spencer, and Penelope. As the doors to the church shut behind them, she put her hands on her hips and gave a small smile to them. “You guys did great up there. I know it probably seems a little weird for us to have meetings and a council, but it keeps things in check and keeps things running smoothly.”
          “Hopefully they didn’t think I was too stern.” Aaron said.
          “You did fine, you sounded in control and calm. Really and truly, the final decision lies with the council, and I think they were impressed with you.” she said.
          Penelope looked at her and nodded. “That’s actually somewhat comforting.” She said and sat on the steps of the church.
          JJ joined her and Spencer soon followed. Aaron stood with Jocelynn and looked up at the doors of the church as if looking at the doors would sway the opinions of everyone in there. He wanted a safe place for them to stay, and he was serious about being willing to do anything to get a spot there. His team deserved to feel some sense of normalcy after what they had been through; everyone did.
          She looked up at Aaron, noticing how quiet he had gotten while the others chattered among themselves. “If for some stupid reason they vote no on letting you all stay, I’m going to fight it.” She had no idea why, but she had a good feeling about these people, and she couldn’t bring herself to send them off into uncertainty again. If Rick and Glenn hadn’t fought for her to join his group, who knows where she would have ended up? Maybe this was her way of paying it back.
          He looked down at her and gave her a half smile. “Thank you, Jocelynn. You don’t know how much it means to us that you’re vouching for us. I don’t know how much more we could have taken out there.” He admitted, making sure his team didn’t hear him.
          “I get it. You get tired of running and being on edge all the time. I was like that before Glenn found me. Well, I sort of found them, actually. If he didn’t suggest letting me stay with him and his group, I probably wouldn’t have made it.” She admitted.
          He looked over at her and nodded. She seemed so sure and put together, he couldn’t imagine her in any sort of situation where she would need to be rescued or helped. But even with that, he saw her compassion and desire to pay back the kindness she was shown. “Maybe he’ll remember that when considering our stay.”
          She nodded and let out a breath. “I sure hope so.”
          After close to an hour, the doors of the church opened and Michonne stepped out to let them all in. “We came to a decision.” She said.
          Aaron nodded and headed inside the church with the others. They all headed to the front pew and sat down, the silence in the church almost deafening. Penelope reached over and took both JJ’s and Spencer’s hand in hers, taking a deep breath as Rick headed to the front to speak again.
          “There was almost a landslide vote, and the council and I were all in agreement on the decision.” Rick stated. He looked at Jocelynn before speaking again. “You’re all welcome to stay here in Alexandria.” 
          Penelope let out a breath of relief and smiled over at JJ, giving her a side hug. She hugged her back and put a hand on Aaron’s arm so he knew he could relax. They had a home. Jocelynn looked at Rick and gave him a smile before mouthing out a “thank you” to him as well.
          “If you’re all okay with it, you can stay in the house you’re currently in until we can make some other arrangements. We’ll figure out jobs for you all after lunch and get you all started tomorrow. Other than that, welcome to Alexandria.” Rick said with a small smile.
          Aaron gave him a nod and let out a silent sigh of relief. “Thank you.” he said.
          “Meeting’s over then.” Rick said and watched as the rest of the members of Alexandria started to file out to get back to work. A few of them stayed back to meet the new members, including Maggie, Glenn, Enid, Carol, and Daryl. Maggie and Daryl had seen them when they walked in, and Carol dropped off dinner, but they hadn’t gotten a chance to properly introduce themselves. If they were going to stay, they needed to make a good impression.
          Aaron, JJ, Penelope, and Spencer all stood up with Jocelynn and noticed the ones who stayed back to chat with them.
          Maggie gave a warm smile and spoke up. “We never really got introduced; I’m Maggie, this is my husband, Glenn.” She said and held her hand out.
          “It’s nice to meet you both.” JJ said as she and the others shook her and Glenn’s hands.
          “This is Enid, and this is Carol.” Glenn added, pointing to the younger girl and the older woman with the short hair.
          “We sort of met last night, but it’s nice to really meet you.” Carol said and shook their hands.
           Enid shook their hands as Daryl spoke up. “I’m Daryl. I wouldn’t peg most of you for cops.” He said in a low voice.
          Penelope nodded, piping up. “Well technically I’m not really a cop, I’m a technical analyst.”
          Daryl nodded after a moment. He was used to Eugene’s large and strange vocabulary, so having Penelope here wasn’t much of a culture shock. “Long as you pull your weight around here, you can be the pope if you want.” He said before heading out to go back to his post.
          Jocelynn looked at Daryl and then at the group. “He’s got a heart of gold under all the gruff, I promise.” She half joked, not wanting them to get the wrong impression.
          Rick walked over to them and spoke up. “If you’re all interested, I’d like to invite you over for lunch. It’d be nice to get to know you all a bit better.” He offered.
          JJ nodded and smiled. “That sounds great.” She said, the others agreed.
          “Jocelynn can bring you over when you’re all situated.” He said and put a hand on her shoulder. “See you in a bit?” he asked.
          She looked up at him and nodded. “Thank you.” she said. She knew that it wasn’t just his decision, but she also knew that he had a lot of pull with the people of Alexandria.
          He nodded and gave her shoulder a squeeze before heading out of the church with everyone else. Jocelynn headed out of the church with Hotch and his group, clearing the church. She made sure they were situated, then let them know which house was Rick’s before heading over a bit early to help him cook.
          When they heard a knock, Jocelynn looked up and saw Rick putting something into the oven. She wiped her hands off and headed over to the door to let Aaron’s group in.
          She opened the door and smiled, waving to all of them. “Come on in.” she said, stepping aside to let them in. “Rick’s in the kitchen finishing up some cooking.”
          JJ looked around and noticed a teenage boy coming down the stairs. He seemed to be friendly enough, giving them a small wave.
          “You’re Aaron’s group, right? The new people?” the boy asked.
          Aaron nodded and gave a small smile. “You can call me Hotch. That’s JJ, Spencer, and Penelope.”
          “I’m Carl. Lunch should be done soon.” He said. “Are you guys really FBI?”
          Before they had time to answer, Rick appeared in the doorway and looked at Carl. “Are you on your way to Maggie’s?” he asked.
          “Yeah. I’ll be back later with Judith.” He said and waved to everyone before heading out of the house.
          Rick touched his son’s shoulder and then looked at the guests. “Lunch is served.” He said and gave a small smile.
          The group followed him into the dining area and got plates of food before sitting down at the table. Jocelynn sat across from Hotch and next to Rick who sat at the head of the table, as he usually did.
Once everyone sat down, he spoke up. “Sorry it isn’t a gourmet meal, but I’m pretty sure everyone likes grilled cheese and tomato soup.”
          JJ smirked and nodded. “It’s great. We’ve been living on cold canned food for a while so this might as well be a lobster dinner. Thank you for cooking for us.”
          “Not a problem.” He said.
          The meal started quietly, the only sounds being spoons hitting bowls and content hums as everyone ate. Hotch had plenty of questions to ask, but he also didn’t want to turn lunch into an interrogation either. Since they just got the invitation to stay a little while ago, he didn’t want to get too pushy.
          Jocelynn noticed the silence and decided to change it. “So, what sort of jobs were you guys thinking about taking?”
          Rick looked up from his sandwich and nodded. “There are plenty of jobs here. There’s a good chance that if you’re good at something, we can make it work as a job for you.”
          Hotch looked at them and nodded. “Well, we’re all good with guns, so we’d be happy to help with hunting or guard positions. We’re all first aid and CPR trained too so we can help in the infirmary.”
          Penelope took a sip of her water and then spoke up. “I’m good with computers, which of course isn’t that much help in these times, but I’d be happy to help where I could.”
          “We don’t have computers, but we could find something for you, I’m sure. Eugene could probably use some help. He’s kind of the town scientist and kinda helps out everywhere.” Rick explained.
          Jocelynn looked at Spencer and smiled. “What about you? What are you good at?” she asked before taking a sip of her soup.
          He looked up at her and shrugged a bit. “I’m pretty good with any sort of science or mathematics. I’ve got some skills that won’t really help in a situation like this like photographic memory and above average chess skills, but I’m a decent shot. I was a terrible shot, but I got better before all of this, and I’ve almost perfected my shooting now.”
          Everyone looked at Spencer as he talked, and Jocelynn gave a warm smile. “There’s a job for everyone here. We’ll find something for you all.”
          The rest of the lunch was filled with various conversations, nothing too in depth, just the typical ‘getting-to-know-you’ kind of things. When everyone had finished, JJ offered to help Rick with the dishes, and Jocelynn went to the living room to chat with the rest of the group. When the dishes were finished, Rick walked into the living room with JJ, thanking her for the help.
          “It’s no problem, really, it’s the least I could do.” she assured him.
          “Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve gotta get back to work, and Joce needs to head to her shift. You’re all welcome to wander the place and get to know the rest of the group. They can explain a bit more about the jobs we’ve got as well.”
          Jocelynn nodded. “Everyone’s friendly, so you shouldn’t have any problems, but Eugene and Daryl are a bit of an acquired taste.” she teased. “If you guys have any questions, you’re all more than welcome to come to Rick or myself.” She added.
          “We appreciate that. I’m sure we can find something to occupy our time with.” Hotch said. “We’ll let you guys get to work. Thank you again for lunch, Rick.” He said, sticking his hand out to the other man.
          Rick looked at his hand and then shook it firmly with a lopsided grin. “No problem. Welcome to Alexandria.”
          He returned the handshake and nodded. “Thank you. Good luck with your work, you too, Jocelynn.” he said, earning a smile and a nod from her.
          Hotch and his group headed out of the house and back towards the house they were staying in. After a moment of silence, Rick looked over at Jocelynn and took in her features for a moment. She looked over at him and smirked.
          “What?” she asked.
          He shook his head, the corners of his lips pulling up. “I’m surprised that you’re not throwing out an ‘I told you so’.” He joked, nudging her arm gently.
          She shook her head. “No, I’m not gonna tell you that. Even if it’s true.” She joked and looked up at him.
          “Yeah, I guess.” he said with a smirk. “You better get to work and stop goofing off with your neighbor.” He said and tried to put on a serious face.
          “Right.” she said and smiled, shaking her head. “And you better stop goofing off with yours.” She said and headed for the door. Just before she headed out, she turned to face him. “Hey, Rick?”
          “Yeah?” he asked looking up at her.
          “I did tell you so.” she said with a cheeky grin.
          He returned the smile and shook his head gently. “Yeah, you did.”
          She gave him a wink before heading out and towards the guard tower so she could get to her shift. Even though she was confident now, there was still a part of her that hoped that this would all play out well for them. She liked the new group and knew that everyone had voted for them to stay, but anything could happen in this world. She just hoped that ‘anything’ would be a good one.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Blood and Water: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: a monthly sibling dinner turns into a much more exciting tradition. Y'all know where I'm going with this.
wc: 2.4k
tw: NSFW (former step-siblings, unprotected sex)
Your doorbell rings every first Saturday of the month at 7 pm.
Depending on their schedules, your siblings would show up one after the other or together, but either way, they would show up. Satoru, Shoko, and your step-brother, Suguru.
The tradition started right after your stepmother and father had divorced and moved to different places across the country, leaving you and your adult siblings scrambling for some way to reconnect and stay together.
Thus, Sibling Saturday is created, and you all bring a dish (or buy one, in Satoru's case) for the potluck where you sit around the table and talk about the events of the past month in great detail, often staying overnight due to the amount of wine and beer consumed.
This week, you're in the middle of cooking a pasta recipe you'd stumbled across when your doorbell rings. Admittedly, you'd gotten home late (because of a certain boss that asked you to come in on Saturdays to help rework the blueprints), but when you open the door, you're greeted by Shoko and Satoru, who smile widely and bombard you with compliments, as always.
"You look so good!" Satoru gushes as he enters the kitchen.
"I'm just wearing an apron and a dre--"
"But you're so pretty!" Shoko adds, beaming at you and squishing your cheeks. "What're you cooking this week?" Satoru places two different dishes on the table as you walk back over to the basil pesto pasta cooking on the stove. "Smells so good..."
You smile and stir the pot twice, then look back over at your sister and brother, who are placing the plates and silverware around the table. And for a brief moment, you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the small family bonds that have maintained themselves, despite the hardships you've endured.
"Where's Suguru?" you inquire, and Shoko answers you quickly.
"Oh, he's at the studio today but he said he'd come right after he finished." The doorbell rings right at that moment, and you put your spoon down to attend to the guest, who is undoubtedly your former step-brother.
"Thought you might not make it," you tease, and the dark-haired man leans over to hug you as he chuckles, his long locks brushing your shoulder.
"Just finished up filming the special report," Suguru answers, squeezing your arm. "Had to refilm the last part of the report."
"And you're excited about it?" Shoko calls out from the dining room.
"Of course." Suguru walks into the kitchen, then peeks at your pasta before smiling back at you. "It's going to air in a week. My first special report, y'know?" You grin back at him and shift the pot off the stove before turning it off.
"We'll all get together and watch it when it airs," Satoru suggests, taking the lid off of his purchased cupcakes and reaching in for one, ignoring your disapproving look. "And make a celebration of it."
"I love that plan," Suguru murmurs, pushing his shirt sleeves up to his elbows before setting the beer and wine bottles on the table. "Thanks, you guys. Want anything to drink, Shoko?"
"Nah, I have to be at a birthday party in the early afternoon," she answers, waving her hand in the air.
"Satoru?" But Gojo already has a beer in his hand, so no further discussion is required on his part.
"I drove him here," Shoko begins, rolling her brown eyes and fiddling with her hair. "So it looks like I'll be driving back too."
Satoru groans, pulling the bottle away from his lips. "You roll the seat up too far. I couldn't drive even if I wanted to."
"Still on your 'no alcohol' thing?" your sister asks, and you nod. "Geez. Can't imagine it."
"I'll help you clean up," Suguru offers, a little unsteady on his feet.
"You don't have to," you retort, but he's is already gathering the dishes to put in the sink. Satoru leans back, his blue eyes staring at the ceiling as he groans loudly.
"Gonna feel this in the morning."
"Should get you home," Shoko mumbles and stands, the chair scraping against the floor. "Got a lot to do tomorrow." You say your goodbyes, making sure Shoko and Satoru get to their car safely, before closing the door and shifting back to Suguru.
"Staying the night?" you ask, moving to the sink and turning on the water.
"I think so," he begins, undoing the top button of his shirt. "Drank a lot." You shrug, not really having noticed him drinking at all, but sure that during your tale of your recent breakup, you had missed it.
"Go ahead and get comfortable," you encourage. "I'll finish cleaning up." Suguru flashes his winning smile at you and then departs, leaving you alone in the kitchen. About fifteen minutes later, you put the last dish on the rack, and then dump the dishwater into the sink. Mindlessly, you wipe the counter, then walk to your room as you remove your apron. You hear someone grunting softly, and assume that Suguru is having a hard time, so you backtrack to the guest room, where you see the guest bathroom light on.
"Y/n..." you catch, and you walk to the bathroom door, which is slightly cracked, and you look through it to see if Suguru is okay.
But you were wrong about him having a hard time.
Suguru is facing the mirror, jerking his thick cock repeatedly. "Oh, god..." he moans, his hair falling behind his face as he tilts his head back. "That pussy feels so fucking good."
You want to walk away to give him so privacy, but... you can't move. You're frozen in place as Suguru shoots his cum onto the counter, his mouth dropping open as he squeezes his eyes shut, the white fluid hitting the mirror a little while his cock throbs angrily. You swallow hard, watching him come down from his high in silence before his eyes flick up to the crack in the door.
And to your face.
With this, the spell cast over your feet is broken, and you walk away from the scene, hurrying to your room and shutting the door. You stand in your room, shocked and slightly unnerved by the sight. But it's only when you're showering that you realize there's a considerable amount of slick between your thighs.
Sleep is laced with dreams of Suguru plowing into you, his eyes holding you captive and fingers tugging on your nipples. You even cum a few times, but when you awake in the morning, you realize it was all a machination of your mind.
Groggily, you stumble out of bed and walk into the kitchen to make coffee and possibly eat something. But when you see Suguru standing in the kitchen in his pajamas, you flush a little. He notices you right away, smiling as he pours himself a cup of coffee.
"Morning," he chirps brightly, and you smile briefly before moving to get a mug from the cupboard. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah," you murmur quickly, avoiding looking at him as you make your own cup of coffee.
"Look, y/n... about last ni--"
"It's fine." You turn to the fridge, pulling out the milk and setting it on the counter as Suguru stands, setting the newspaper down.
"Actually," he begins. "It's not."
"No, really," you mutter, but your ex-stepbrother places a hand between you and your coffee, effectively blocking you from doing anything else.
"Y/n, I have to confess that I have feelings for you," Suguru mumbles, and you look up at him in confusion, searching his black eyes for some clarity. "I've had feelings for you for a long time. And I was thinking... we're not related by blood or by paper anymore. Is it possible for me to pursue you?" Your lips part, but no sound comes out of them. "I'll give you time to think about it, but--"
"You're a public figure, Su..." you offer, but he shrugs his broad shoulders.
"Not really a concern of mine."
"What about me? My job? What if they find out we used to be--"
"Used to be." The emphasis makes you pause. You turn to the sink, eyes downcast as your hands grip the polished edge of the counter. "Please," Suguru whispers, coming up behind you and sliding his fingers up your nightgown. "You're so perfect. So beautiful... Having you as my stepsister was amazing, but now..." He kisses the space below your earlobe, and you close your eyes, moaning loudly.
"Su," you start, but can't find any other words to say. Would you really be able to say no to yourself now, when for years you'd wanted nothing more than this very moment to happen?
"Your cooking is amazing... and you and that asshole finally broke up. Just let me make you feel good. Just one time," he breathes into your ear, and you shudder, the feeling working from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. "And if you don't want it... say 'no' and I'm done. I'll never do it again." The fingers that are below your nightgown creep up to the waistband of your underwear, tugging at them suggestively.
"Okay," you breathe, and Suguru inhales deeply, pulling your panties down and letting them drop the floor. He doesn't speak as his fingers roam over your flesh, gripping certain areas with glee before he kneels, trapping your ass between his hands.
"Stay still for me, princess," he whispers before spreading your ass cheeks. "Such a pretty pussy." When Suguru's tongue hits your slick, you immediately raise up on your tiptoes, but his tongue chases your core, slipping across your clit and back up leisurely. You moan again, squeezing your eyes shut as he drives you insane.
"Suguru," you pant, and he hums, hand gripping your right ass cheek a little more. Your fingers reach behind you and grab onto his hair, pushing him into your cunt even more. Your legs begin to shake violently, knees hitting the cupboard below the sink, and Suguru hums again, tongue speeding its movements up. You finally give in to the building orgasm, letting go of his locks and gripping the sink as you buckle. Suguru continues to lap at you as you come down, slurping up your juices loudly before pulling back and licking his lips.
"So good," he murmurs, standing and pushing down his pants to reveal his twitching cock. You move to your knees immediately, taking his length in your hand and licking the tip gently. Su hisses, leaning against the chair behind him, and tilts his head to the side, watching you take the tip in your mouth and suck. You work half of his cock into your mouth before he reaches his hand down and tangles it through your hair. "No hands, princess."
You obey without question, and he bobs your head up and down for you, the head of his thick length hitting the back of your throat and making a clicking noise. "Good girl," Suguru groans, adding another hand to your hair. Tears begin to gather on your waterline as he fucks your mouth, and you swipe your tongue on the backside of his cock when you can to add to the pleasure, placing your hands on his thighs to stabilize yourself.
But Suguru pulls out of your mouth, a trail of saliva connecting his cock to your lower lip. "Stand up and bend over," he orders, and you do so, waiting patiently for him as he tugs at his length while watching you. With his foot, Suguru kicks your legs a little wider then steps between them, nudging the head of his cock against your pussy. "Yep, you're good and ready."
He pushes into you - or tries to, really - then pulls back, grunting. "Tight little thing you've got there," he mentions, spreading your cheeks with one hand. He rubs his cock up and down against your slit, trying again to slide into you, but finding too much resistance. "Arch your back." Your hips go a little higher, but Suguru finds his grip again, finally able to push himself into you a little. You hiss, feeling a sharp jolt of pain, but he pushes you back down with his broad hand.
"Oh, Suguru..." you whine, looking back. He swipes your hair away from your face, eyes meeting yours.
"Shh, shh... It's alright," he whispers, working himself into you with care, one hand on your hip and another resting on your shoulder. "Just relax." You groan again, tucking your head between your hands on the counter. After a few minutes, you release all of the tension in your lower body, and Suguru sighs, pushing into a little deeper. Immediately, his hips are able to connect with yours, and the sounds of your fucking echo in the kitchen.
"Fuck..." you moan, feeling his entire length shift in and out of you, hitting spots your ex couldn't explore. "Feels so fucking good."
"Yeah?" Su wonders, panting. "Such a good pussy. Never felt this perfect..." He speeds up a little, leaning over your back, and kissing your shoulder blade. "I can feel your cervix when we're like this." You groan loudly, tossing your head back. Suguru catches your neck with his hand, leaning your head back.
Your eyes cross, and he huffs a laugh, but your entire body is too full of him and thoughts of him to care.
"Please," you whisper, but you don't know what you're asking for, really. "Please." Suguru's eyebrows scrunch together, onyx eyes focusing on your expression.
"Oh, that's it," he hums. "Already cock-drunk, huh?" You try to nod, but all you can do is manage a strangled moan. A hand is lifted and smacks your ass as he continues fucking you, which is a welcome jolt of pain to add to the pleasure. Your former stepbrother eases his head back, observing the way his cock drives into your pussy. "You should see this... your pussy grips my cock so nicely, and you're creaming all over me."
"Oh, god..." you whine, keeling forward. "Suguru, make me cum."
"Say it again."
"Su, make me cum!" you cry out, shaking furiously.
"What's the magic word?" he pants.
"Please!" He reaches between your legs, rubbing your clit quickly. "Sugur---" You break off with a deep inhale, clenching around him fiercely. Suguru's breath hitches too as he spills his seed inside of you, hips slamming into your cunt three times before his hands slacken around your body. He hunches over you, cradling your body as his head rests on your back.
"That was better than I ever imagined," Suguru finally admits.
"Better than I dreamt last night, too." He laughs, fingers holding you tighter.
"Let me be your boyfriend, y/n."
"What's the magic word?" you shoot back, smiling.
TAGLIST: @missbonekitty @wack0-genius @thankuary @r-i-m-f-009 @sunfloweroranges @leanne-tamashi @rein-icu @brownskinnedgirll @savantsoulfinder @chilledlucifer @kontentious @flare-on @meena-in-a-nutshell @falling-through-pages @naoyasdarling @vabybizzle
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Have I Known You 20 Seconds or 20 Years? – Nikolai Lantsov Series
Chapter 1: Devils Roll the Dice, Angel Roll their Eyes
Chapter 2: You Did a Number on Me
Chapter 3: You Could Call Me Babe for the Weekend
Chapter 4: The Best of Times, The Worst of Crimes
Chapter 5: All I Know Since Yesterday Is Everything Has Changed
A very short summary: Y/N has been working with the crows for a few years. Her life feels complete until she meets the insufferable Nikolai Lantsov. She finds herself forced to work with the King of Ravka on one of Kaz Brekker’s crazy schemes.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Hey there! So this took me a bit longer than expected but here it is! I should probably mention that it's an angsty one. Sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it. I'd love to get some feedback :)
Chapter 5: All I Know Since Yesterday Is Everything Has Changed
She woke that morning wishing she didn’t have to leave her room for the rest of the month. That was going to be difficult, however. Kaz would come to drag her out himself if he had to. She knew he would. It was probably best to avoid angering him any further. He had made his anger quite clear the night before.
Kaz had sent everyone away for the night after having heard their reports and studying the plans for a few more minutes. His gloved fingers had wrapped themselves tightly around her wrist when she’d tried to slip past him.
“Can you get the job done? Or do I have to worry I’ll lose my corporalnik to a king?” His voice had been heavy with disdain.
“Of course, I can do the job, Kaz! How long have I been working for you?” she’d felt panic rise in her, making her nauseous.
“I’ve known Jesper even longer. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t disappointed me.” He snickered. “You haven’t answered my question, Y/N.” The way he’d said her name had sent a shiver down her spine. It had been a barely hidden warning.
“Kaz…” her voice had broken. Would he send me back to Tante Ingrid? She simply couldn’t tell.
“Start tailoring Nikolai and yourself back. I’ll see you in the morning. Do not be late.”
She’d spent the next 3 hours tailoring the king, who threatened to ruin her life by occupying her every thought, and then herself. Nikolai had at least had the decency to stay quiet this time around. She had been far from done when they’d called it a night, but she’d judged it would be enough to keep Kaz off her back.
Y/N got ready quickly, keeping Kaz’s warning in mind. She shrugged off her nightgown. She’d slept terribly. She pulled her white shirt over her head, tucking it in the pants she’d chosen for the day. Her mind kept travelling back to Nikolai’s kiss and Kaz’s terrifying fury. She loosely tied the strings at her shirt’s collar, letting the delicate bow rest on her chest. Her brain seemed to be stuck playing both moments repeatedly. It was ridiculous. Nikolai had only kissed her to keep up the act. There was no reason to jeopardize her place with the crows over something so meaningless. So why couldn’t her mind stop bringing it up?
When she finally reached the music room that currently served as their boss’ office, Inej sent her a look of pity from her perch on Kaz’s armchair. Great, she thought, Kaz is still mad.
Jesper and Wylan were lounging, limbs tangled, on a small couch. She nodded to them, returning their greetings, making her way to the opened glass-paneled doors leading to the garden. She watched Marya Hendriks paint while they waited for Nikolai and Zoya to join them. The older woman was working on a beautiful landscape of the Geldcanal. Y/N focused whole-heartedly on the paintbrush strokes letting them erase the memories of the previous night from her mind as they went. She knew it wasn’t permanent, the problem would still exist once Marya stopped painting, but it brought her comfort for the time being.
“Thank you for gracing us with your presence, your royal highness” Kaz’s raspy voice brought her back to the present. His rage and disdain were barely leashed. She turned in time to catch the surprised look on Nikolai’s face. She might have thought it was funny if she wasn’t so scared of what Kaz could do.
“Good morning, are my general and I late?” Nikolai schooled his feature into a charming grin. “Though, you know, I was under the impression that Kings couldn’t be late, everyone else is simply early.”
Just when Y/N thought it was impossible, Kaz’s eyes darkened further. Nikolai had managed to make him angrier somehow. Kaz sneered, “You are late.” They were in for a horrible day.
The air felt colder than it had a few minutes prior to the Ravkans’ arrival. Kaz continued, “The first part of the job was a success. However, that was the easy part.” He sent a pointed look her way. “The next part will require everyone to follow the plan to the letter.”
She flinched. Kaz isn’t mad. He is livid. She moved away from the open doors opting to take place on the arm of the couch where Wylan and Jesper were still lounging. Jesper reached for her, letting his hand rest on her thigh, giving it a small squeeze as if he felt her distress. She was thankful for that small gesture. It would help her endure Kaz’s wrath.
“I still need time to figure everything out. These blueprints do give us the layout of the factory and the warehouse, but we still don’t have the guards’ rounds schedule. We’ll also need to find out the shipment schedule.”
Inej interrupted him “I’ll take care of that. Just keep planning, I do quite enjoy your scheming face.” Y/N always loved getting a glimpse of their relationship. It was always subtle, but they clearly did love each other. It was endearing how much they did.
Kaz’s features seemed to soften a bit at that. “Of course, my darling. Perhaps General Nazyalensky can be of some assistance.”
Zoya nodded. “Sure, we’ll get you the information. Just make sure we have a way out with the plans and the prototypes we need.”
Kaz nodded and turned back to Y/N his gaze cold and hard. “You’re not done with your tailoring.” It wasn’t a question, it was a critic. She felt a chill travel down her back. “You have to finish this morning before either of you can leave the house.” He considered her for a moment. “Use your room. We can’t risk a servant seeing you like this.”
They’d left the room a few minutes later. Y/N leading the way to her room at the Hendriks mansion. She had been quiet, practically ignoring him the whole way. Only turning to him once to check if he was following her. Her brows were furrowed. Nikolai wasn’t sure if she was mad at him or scared. Scared of what? Me? Or Brekker?
Nikolai now watched her from his seat at the end of the bed as she readied her tailoring kit. She had tailored her body back the night before, but she still had ways to go before she was sporting her beautiful features again. She had her back turned to him, her olive pants hugging the soft curves of her hips just right. Nikolai’s mind kept travelling back to the night before and the outfit the Grisha had chosen for the day wasn’t helping him at all. He wanted to rest his hands on her hips and pull her body to his. He wanted to feel her comforting curves pressed against him, closer than they had been the night before, the fabric of her skirt no longer in the way.
He watched her finally settle in front of the mirrored desk, raising her hands to her face. He was glad she was starting with herself. It would give him time to gain full control of his brain again. He observed the careful movements of her fingers for what felt like hours. He was grateful for the time she’d bought him, until he saw her face as she made her way to him. He couldn’t help but glance at her full lips. He wondered just how different it would feel to kiss her now. Saints, I forgot just how naturally gorgeous she was. The urge to pull her closer was threatening to overwhelm him.
“So, I guess I’m only undoing my own tailoring? Not Genya Safin’s? You still need to look like Sturmhond.” She sounded guarded.
“Yeah. I don’t think you could handle how handsome I really look.” He saw her jaw tick. Saints, what a stupid thing to say. And why did I wink at her again? She’s obviously uncomfortable.
He watched her carefully as she came to a stop, standing between his thighs. Nikolai could feel his heart hammering in his chest. She was standing so close he worried she could hear it. If she did, she made no mention of it. “This is gonna hurt. Tell me if you need a break.” She sounded determined; all traces of her previous insecurity gone. He only nodded, not trusting his voice with her standing so close to him, her floral scent drifting his way due to the soft breeze coming from the open window.
Her fingers were surprisingly cold against his skin. He felt the familiar itch of tailoring as she started before the pain of bone remodeling fully settled in. He tried to stay as still as possible, focusing on the concentration etched in the girl’s features instead of the pain. He felt her set his jaw back, making sure Sturmhond’s characteristically pointed chin was just right. She had made a few adjustments the night before, but she hadn’t done any major alterations. He kept watching her as she set the rest of his face back. Her shirt had slipped dangerously lower on her chest as she worked. The small bow coming lose. It was driving Nikolai completely crazy. He wanted to reach out and finish untying the damned strings. He didn’t think he could take much more of this absolute torture. She was almost done with reworking the bone when he saw her bite her bottom lip, completely lost in her work. He was about to finally lose the last sliver of decency he had been holding on to for the last hour when she straightened up suddenly. She backed away to take in her work.
“I think that should be it for facial structure. I’ll work on your eyes next, and I’ll finish with your hair.” She seemed more at ease now. Whatever had been bothering her almost forgotten.
She took her place back between his legs reaching up to his face once more. Her fingers came to rest on his cheek.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you. It was a mistake.” Nikolai blurted out. He could’ve sworn he saw hurt flash in Y/N’s beautiful green eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. He must have imagined it. He saw her straighten her spine, her shoulders tensing up.
“Whatever, we got out. We got the job done. It doesn’t matter.” Any scrap of ease she’d gained was gone as she turned her back to him, taking a few steps towards the mirrored desk. Why did you have to open your mouth? Nikolai Nothing. Nikolai the Bastard. Pretender. Nikolai the fool. He had clearly upset her.
“Listen, I didn’t mean to upset you. Brekker told me you worked at one of the pleasure houses before… I just – I didn’t mean to cross a line.”
She whirled back towards him. Fury burning in her deep green eyes. “He had no right.” she hissed. Her rage melted quickly however, leaving her looking panicked. Nikolai saw her hands start to shake before she clenched her fists.
Another blunder. “He only told me because I asked about your tattoo.” Her hand flew to the bare skin of her arm hiding the iris burned into her skin from him. I am only making it worse, he realized. I should really learn to stop talking so much.
She lowered her head. “He’s going to send me back.” Her voice was trembling. She sounded absolutely terrified at the idea. Nikolai wanted to reach out to her, to comfort her. Why would she think that? Surely Brekker wouldn’t do that. She’s a corporalnik. If Brekker is actually stupid enough to part with such a gifted Grisha, she could have a place with the Second Army. She could have a place in Ravka… She could have a place with me.
“You could–” Nikolai didn’t get to finish his sentence. Inej had opened the door and walked in carrying a tray with tea and biscuits.
“Figured, you two were probably hungry!” Her warm smile faltered when she saw Y/N’s expression. “Everything alright?”
“Thank you Inej. You are absolutely right!” She laughed; all traces of her panic gone. “I’m starving. I could eat a stack of waffles as tall as you!” A talented corporalnik and actress, Nikolai thought.
tagged: @power-of-words23
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
it’s what he deserves [bucky barnes]
A/n: This is the reworked version of an older fic of mine, altered to fit Bucky!! I liked it and didn’t want it to get lost in the void!
Summary: absolutely no plot, just blow job goodness. (SMUT) 1.6k
Warnings: None, I think. Just be 18+ :)
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Leaving a trail of greedy, sloppy kisses down his ever hardening abdomen, the enticing touch of your hungry lips made Bucky struggle to keep his calm. You could see his whitening knuckles against the edge of your desk and you figured his fingernails would’ve burnt holes through his palms if he didn’t have anything solid to crush into his hands.
Reaching the gray waistband of his underwear that poked above his black jeans, you switched your direction, teasing your way to his sides.
“Baby-” he cooed, feeling your teeth lewdly sink into his burning skin. Another satisfied, yet tormented grunt escaped his lips when your hands pressed against the insides of his knees. He fucking knew what was coming for him and only the thought of it made him start questioning his ability to keep his shit together.
“I’m gonna be so good to you” you murmured with fervor, every word rolling off your lips slowly, as you looked up at him with big, doe eyes. Your chin brushed against his restrained member as your fingernails dug into the flesh of his jean covered inner thighs on their way up. The way his body unconsciously responded to absolutely every stimulus, even the way his wounded stare begged for you; it was all beyond mouth watering.
“(Y/n)-” Bucky cried, bringing a shaky hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear. You knew he didn’t want to show it, but you’ve been pushing his buttons the whole afternoon, creating a build up that could only end in the best way, and not only for him.
“I got you, baby” you smirked, connecting your lips to his abdomen again. His skin was already forming ridiculously small beads of sweat that were slipping down from every pore of his body. Palming him with your right hand, with the other one you unbuttoned his jeans and undid his zipper.
Another choked back wail escaped his dry throat in anticipation, this being the only sound audible in the room besides his jerky breathing. You dragged his pants down his tense, muscular legs, allowing them to pool at his ankles. With your fingers clenched around the elastic of his underwear you pulled back, and dragged your hands down, letting his boxers fall abandoned on the floor.
With his member finally finally free, Bucky threw his head back, hands flexing as his numb legs simply refused to continue to carry his body's weight.
“Suck my cock, baby, come on” he whined as his head fell forward.
Agony was palpable in the air, and at this point all you wanted to do was give him everything he deserved. No matter how much you loved teasing him, there was something about his attitude tonight, the way he simply sat back obeying and accepting everything you threw at him and the way he let you have your way being putty in your hands, made you want to simply treat him like the king you saw him as.
Lifting him up slowly, you licked your lips, eyes shooting up to meet his’. He looked down at you in complete awe, as a slight frown settled above his signature squint, waiting. Shuffling on your knees in order to find your position, Bucky’s warm hand connected to your cheek, as his thumb pressed on your lower lip, pulling it down. You grabbed his hand, kissed his damp palm and then guided it to lay back beside his body.
Half a second later, your eager lips connected to his cock, wrapping perfectly around his tip. After flicking your tongue sinfully slowly against his slit, you brought it flat against the underside of his cock, preparing to take him in.
Bucky’s piercing grumbles colored the air, as his abdominal muscles clenched with every breath he took, sculpting his frame under the soft street lights that managed to make their way into your dark bedroom.
He placed his hand on the top of your head, his fingers digging through your hair and reaching your scalp, subtly controlling your movements. With you on your knees in front of him, this kind of physical touch helped make everything feel more real, feeling your head bop under his hand in order to give him pleasure, always drove him insane.
After taking him as deep as you could, your lips left his cock, your hand taking its place. Tugging in a circular motion and proceeding to further dampen his member with the precum that was already dripping, you made your way lower. As your tongue swiped over his balls before your lips engulfed them in their warmth, Bucky’s hand left your head, flying up into his own locks.
“Love-” he moaned, ruthlessly tugging at his roots. He always pulled your hair like that, but seeing how his control at this moment was basically non-existent, this was the kind of pain he would inflict on himself in order to keep his head on his shoulders, “Darling, fuck- taking me so well, -”
Your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, his words burning deep inside your chest.
“Don’t I always?” you smiled, pulling away and looking into his eyes, your hand still pumping his cock.
“Fuck, (Y/n)” he grunted, as his hips bucked against you the second your lips reconnected to his soft spot. Before you managed to go any further, Bucky’s hand grabbed the back of your head, fingers curling in your hair, “Take me in that pretty mouth of yours,” he pleaded, “Deep, baby, all the way”
As if he’d ever have to tell you twice. You resumed your actions as you placed your hands on his thighs. Your nails toyed with the soft hairs on his legs, as he started helping you slide your mouth along his dick. His tip soon hit the back of your throat, making him cry out in pleasure. Bucky maintained his grip until your fingers, voluntarily ignoring the way your hands slapped his thighs. Your air supply was running low, but he knew just how much you were able to take. As fresh, innocent tears rolled down your cheeks, Bucky kept you in place just a tab bit longer. Eventually he let you go, a guttural moan escaping his lips as he did so.
You came back for air, panting desperately without stopping for even just one second from pumping his cock. Gathering air into your lungs, and with your eyes trained up at him, you got ready to repeat the process.
“Fuck, ok god-” he growled, “I’m so close”
“A bit more” you said, taking him into your mouth again, sucking him from between hollowed cheeks. His hand rested lifelessly this time on the top of your head again, allowing you to finish him off on your own. It was just as satisfying for him as it was for you, the pleasure your touch inflicted on him, obvious in every movement or word that left his mouth. This bliss of his propagated off of his body and into yours, causing your throat to vibrate with a deep moan.
“Love, I’m done, I can’t-” he mumbled, and seeing you weren’t resounding to his words, his fingers interlaced themselves with the roots at the back of your head, pulling you away and forcing your head back.
You gave in and obeyed, your lips leaving his cock as you looked up with a pout. His attention was somewhere else though, as the hand that rested in your hair tilted your head upwards, as he furiously pumped his cock with the other.
“Open” he grunted. You were already patiently waiting for him, tongue out and that playful look in your eyes he loved so much.
Seeing you lick your lips when his thumb brushed along your cheekbone, Bucky was just as good as done. His orgasm hit him in an instant, throwing him down an endless spiral of pure pleasure. Raunchy, impure wails and grunts erupted from his throat, as his chest puffed alarmingly fast. The controlled movements of his own hand drove Bucky into his high, as you waited on the receiving end, welcoming every drop of his cum.
He might have tried to say something but his incoherent mumbles weren’t meant for you to understand. As he came undone, every layer of self-control peeled off of him, curse words you didn’t think you had heard before, paired with your name and a questioning number of whimpers filled the room, not toning down until he was completely finished.
You pulled back from him, swallowed every drop he gave you, and then stood up to his level. His hooded eyes met yours slowly as he struggled to breathe properly. With his eyebrows unconsciously furrowed, his lips clenched as he obviously had trouble allowing the air to circulate from and to his lungs.
He didn’t dare say anything, so you brought your hands to his burning cheeks, taking in his appearance as you crawled closer. He looked as if he had just gotten out of a shower, his hair rebelling like never before; long, wet and sticking to his forehead.
“Fuck, babe- ugh- that was-” he weakly chuckled, as he slowly started to regain his composure.
You looked at him with a smile on your lips, before pressing your forehead against his’, “I fucking told you it would be fun give up control from time to time”
“It was fun,” he panted, “I liked it. Might try again, sometimes, maybe never” 
You both laughed, “Now why don’t you bend over? I’ve been nice long enough, and I don’t want this shit to get to your head. All fours, baby girl”
You grinned up at him, determine to fully crack this tough exterior of his, “Yes, daddy”
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chosetherose · 3 years
Mr Perfectly Fine
So I've seen a lot of theories about Mr Perfectly Fine. I think we all have. The official narrative is that it's another song "about" Joe J*nas. Gaylors think it's about Taymily. I've even seen the argument that "Mr Always Wins" is Taylor throwing shade at current beard Joe Aly*n. (Which I can definitely see, tbh. This is Miss "and you poke that bear, Taylor Kloss come out" TS we're talking about. She's no stranger to sneaky wordplay.) 
But I was listening today and another idea hit me, which I haven't seen anyone talk about so far. 
I wonder if Mr Perfectly Fine is a song about Scott B*rchetta? Specifically, about the Fearless era, when Taylor was "encouraged" to let Emily go for the sake of her career. We can all guess who would have been behind the encouraging. 
Obviously MPF is like most of the vault tracks on Fearless TV. It's been reworked from Taylor's current point of view, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's angry about more than just the Taymily situation when she sings it now. But it does really fit for that. All you really have to do is change the lyric "I've been Miss Misery since your goodbye" to "I've been Miss Misery since HER goodbye" and boom, you have a song in which "he" isn't the lover but the outside influence who was instrumental  in breaking Taylor's heart. If you've ever read Jane Austen's Persuasion, just imagine Taylor as Anne, Emily (and her other girlfriends) as Captain Wentworth, and Scott as Lady Russell, who talked Taylor out of the match for the sake of her future. 
Verse 1:
Mr. "Perfect face" Mr. "Here to stay"
Mr. "Looked me in the eye and told me you would never go away"
Everything was right Mr. "I've been waitin' for you all my life" Mr. "Every single day until the end, I will be by your side"
This all seems like romantic imagery, but it could also be metaphorical. We all know that Scott and Taylor seemed like a match made in (business) heaven at first. Taylor has talked about how Scott took a chance on her. Scott talked about seeing something unique and special in Taylor, and throwing everything behind her. We all know Taylor basically made Big Machine. It's easy to imagine Scott telling a young Taylor she had the perfect face for country. It's easy to imagine him telling her he was in it for the long haul, willing to promote and develop her as an artist even if it took a while for her to break through. It's easy to imagine both of them thinking their meeting was fate - a perfect partnership that would last her entire career. 
Then comes the pre-chorus and the chorus. 
But that was when I got to know Mr. "Change of heart" Mr. "Leaves me all alone," I fall apart It takes everything in me just to get up each day But it's wonderful to see that you're okay [Chorus] Hello, Mr. "Perfectly fine" How's your heart after breakin' mine? Mr. "Always at the right place at the right time," baby Hello, Mr. "Casually cruel" Mr. "Everything revolves around you" I've been Miss Misery since your goodbye And you're Mr. "Perfectly fine"
We know that Taylor and Emily were together for nearly two years before the break up, and it seems like the break up was directly related to Taylor's increasing success. In this situation, it's not hard to imagine Scott as "Mr Change of Heart" - someone who initially encouraged a private (closeted) relationship, but then changed his mind and decided even that was too dangerous. Taylor was better off alone. She was only a teenager, after all. She had years ahead of her to fall in love again. Maybe this girl thing was just a phase anyway. She was too young to throw away the opportunity of a lifetime. "Mr Casually Cruel" is, of course, a reference to All Too Well's "so casually cruel in the name of being honest". It evokes the same feelings here. It's belittling, from someone who thinks they're older and wiser. It's easy to imagine Emily repeating some of these statements back to Taylor later, claiming they come from the same place of greater maturity. You can see how Taylor came to feel no-one was on her side, when she sings about the Taymily break up in Bye Bye Baby. 
And Scott would be "perfectly fine" after breaking Taylor's heart. Because he's not hurting. He's not part of the loss. I've always thought some of the descriptions Taylor uses for "Emily" in MPF seem overly harsh, and don't tally with her attitude in other songs. But they absolutely fit for 31 year old Taylor looking back at Scott's actions through an adult lens. Angry that he had such influence over her. Angry that he was so dismissive of her feelings, but mined them for a profit. Now she sees it all differently. She feels it was all about him, all about the impact her stardom would have on his label, and he didn't really care about her feelings at all. 
[Verse 2] Mr. "Never told me why" Mr. "Never had to see me cry" Mr. "Insincere apology so he doesn't look like the bad guy" He goes about his day Forgets he ever even heard my name Well, I thought you might be different than the rest, I guess you're all the same
Pre-Chorus] 'Cause I hear he's got his arm 'round a brand-new girl I've been pickin' up my heart, he's been pickin' up her And I never got past what you put me through But it's wonderful to see that it never fazed you
Here is where I think Taylor starts to conflate the past and present. She goes from talking about Scott's first betrayal to his last and worst one. Selling her masters to Sc**ter Braun. Never had to see her cry? No explanation for the betrayal? Insincere apology? Attempts to sign new artists to replace Taylor at Big Machine? Apparent indifference to something Taylor still hasn't got over? All of this checks out for Scott and the masters situation. Especially the line about thinking he was "different than the rest" only to find out "you're all the same". She thought Scott was like a father to her, but when it came down to it he was as greedy and self-serving as Sc**ter. 
She doubles down on this in Verse 3 and the bridge. 
[Verse 3] So dignified in your well-pressed suit So strategized, all the eyes on you Sashay your way to your seat It's the best seat, in the best room Oh, he's so smug, Mr. "Always wins" So far above me in every sense So far above feeling anything [Bridge] And it's really such a shame It's such a shame 'Cause I was Miss "Here to stay" Now I'm Miss "Gonna be alright someday" And someday maybe you'll miss me But by then, you'll be Mr. "Too late"
This is absolutely about a business man. It never fit for Taymily or Joe J*nas. It doesn't fit JA either. ("All eyes on you"? "The best seat in the best room"? "Always wins"? In his dreams!) JA wishes he'd made as much out of Taylor as Scott did. It's like the Mean Girls quote "I like, invented her!" That's what Taylor did for Scott. She put him on the map.
(Just like she's doing right now for JA. Bearding like Scott taught her all those years ago. I think the "always wins" / "alwyn" soundbite is another way of saying they're all the same to her, these men using her for their careers. She doesn't trust JA any more than she trusts Scott. The comparison is pretty revealing about her real feelings regarding JA. Pretty damning.) 
The final lines say it all. Taylor would have stayed with Big Machine if they'd been more supportive of her as a person and as an artist. They could have had it all. All the success she's experiencing now, Scott could have been a part of. But he chose another road, and Taylor was left trying to process it in her songs. Trying to claw back the rights to her work by rerecording her albums. And now all that's left is for Scott to miss what he lost - far, far too late to ever get it back. 
- ❄️🥀
(P.S: You're welcome, Lucky One!) 
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7spaceace7 · 4 years
Secrets (A Donatello x Reader)
This is incredibly self-indulgent and was really just a fic for me to obsess over tesla coils, but my girlfriend convinced me to post it- so here it is! It got kind of long too, but I hope you enjoy! 
Word Count: 3236
Reader is given feminine terms in this one
Mild cursing (thank you Raph)
Absolute fluff attack, the sweetness will rot your teeth
Singing was your greatest passion. From a young age, you had been roped into music, the emotions it could represent with just a few notes and some relatable lyrics. It was happiness, it was sadness, it was anger and excitement, and it was everything you couldn’t express well enough with just words. Being a writer, sometimes that would get frustrating, but music helped you overcome the most challenging spots in a new piece or story. This is why you would constantly have earbuds in as you sang along to every song you’d memorized on your Spotify shuffle. 
And Donnie noticed this. Every time you would enter the turtles’ lair, he would see you unplug and pack-up your headphones. Hell, he was even able to detect your singing from the sounds of the sewer tunnels echoing with every step you took closer. He’d hear you talk about the music or soundtracks of your favorite games and movies, analyzing what every slight twinge or reprise would allude to. And he loved every part of it. He loved getting to see those moments where music was all you could focus on. Your heart rate rose exponentially in anticipation and excitement. Your eyes would screw shut while you broke into a grin. Your hands would mimic motions to the beat as you played on invisible drums, or strummed a nonexistent guitar. 
It was adorable to him, to say the least. But he never told you so. He never said a word, in case this might scare you off for coming across as “creepy” or weird. He knew most people probably didn’t pay this close attention to little things like that, but then again, he also knew that most people weren’t madly in love with you. 
Which Donatello was. 
He couldn’t tell you, because once he started rambling about you, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop. And if he didn’t stop, then he’d run the 89.07% chance risk of telling you how he’d been in love with you since the day they met you. That was way too high for him to be comfortable. No, he couldn’t tell you, no matter how badly he wanted you to know.
“Okay, so what if you just show ‘er you’re interested instead?” Raph asked, half paying attention to his brother’s predicament, half pounding the punching bag before him into the ground. Leo was in the dojo meditating, and Mikey was playing video games in the living room, which left the two middle brothers to their own devices. For Donnie, this was literally. His three-fingered hands fiddled with his latest electrical circuit. It was bound for sending the right amount of voltage into his inventions without needing four power strips and a generator all on their own. Unfortunately, he was too distracted to actually delve into its components, and settled for breaking and piecing it back together again.
“Show her? How would I do that?” Donnie’s voice trembled at the thought.
“I dunno, you’re the genius here,” Raph huffed, “There’s gotta be somethin’ in this place that you think she’d find cool. She loves music, right?”
“Yeah, like a lot, she even-”
“Rhetorical question, Don, heard the rant plenty,” His brother cut him off. Pausing his violent onslaught of the dummy, he turned to face him. “You’re nervous ‘cause you ain’t ever done somethin’ for a pretty girl before, I get it. So do somethin’ you know you’re good at. That’ll take the nerves off, your plan works, and then I won’ have to listen to you babbling about whatever new fuckin’ thing she did today. Win win.”
The younger turtle paused. “That was...actually pretty sound advice, thank you, Raph.”
“Anytime,” Raph nodded, a smug smile tugging at his lips from being able to help. Problem was, now he was invested. He’d listened to his brother’s rants and rambles and failed plans of possibly confessing for weeks now, what was gonna happen once he finally did it? Raph plopped onto one of Donnie’s bean bag chairs. He didn’t bother to pick up the training dummy. “So what ya gonna do, smart guy?”
Donnie blinked a few times, glasses twitching on his nose as he pushed them up. He didn’t know it, but you coined this his “brainstorming face”. He fiddled with the circuits once again.
“Uh...I’m not sure,” His tongue went dry. A million ideas fly through his brain each minute, and this decides to be the time that he can’t think of a single one good enough. Figures. “I could build her something? Maybe a new stereo, or upgrade the one she has.”
Raph made a noise of disapproval. “You can do better, any old fix-it guy could do that.”
“Fair. Maybe I could- ow!”
A short buzz of the air cut him off as his fiddling paid off. To the world’s great irony, a light bulb several inches away lit up.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m good, I…” Donnie trailed off. The purple-clad turtle’s eyes widened as he registered what happened. “I’m better than good, I just had an epiphany!”
“An epiphany, sudden realization, an idea!” Donnie flicked his goggles back down, enhancing his vision with the magnifier on it. Wires were tugged in and out, and a transmitter was displaced. With a snort of triumph, he raised it to the air for his brother to see. “This is the answer!” 
“A tiny board thing. Just what she’s always wanted,” Raph rolled his eyes, but Donnie was prepared for this.
“Not just a tiny board, a tiny board with this!-” With great haste, Donnie was next to Raph, holding the board out properly. “My side-side project, this little thing, look at the coil here, this is it! This is a tesla coil, capable of transmitting thousands and thousands of volts of energy surging through the air, powering anything within its radius, which is perfect and exactly why I needed to reconfigure it to power my lab and this one new machine I’m working on, but that’s not why this is the perfect idea!”
“Wow, please continue, professor, I’m dyin’ to know.”
“Glad you asked! Watch this!” One aux cord, T-Phone connection, and light-dimming later, the lab went dark in anticipation. And suddenly, with the press of a play button on Donnie’s shuffle, music started to fill the air. But it wasn’t coming from his phone. It was coming from the coils, surging and creating not only electric energy that was visible to the human eye as it sparked, but music. Sound. The beats and notes of the song playing sprouted out in the form of electricity.
Raph’s green eyes became transfixed on the sparks flying out. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit is right!” Came the squeals of utter nerding out, “This is only a tabletop version of an SGTC circuit, my own type of it anyway based on Tesla’s original designs, but if I reworked it, made it bigger, made it lifelike and maybe four or five of them, I could create the most advanced musical performance this city has ever seen!”
“I’m gonna pretend I know everything you just said because clearly this is your nerd thing,” Raph started, utterly confused. Even still, a reassuring smile framed his features. “But this looks pretty damn cool. This right here? Exactly what ‘m sayin’, Don.  This is you.”
“Do you think she’ll like it...?” Donnie asked in a hopeful voice. He wasn’t just asking about the invention. 
“Course she will.”
A couple weeks had passed since that fateful conversation with Raph. He’d been in and out of the lab since then, but between patrols and the mandatory bathroom breaks, there was hardly a time he wasn’t working on his great new project. You weren’t even allowed to go into the lab, per his request, for all his time there.
However, he always made sure to make at least one movie whenever you’d come hang out at the lair from work.
Finally, one Friday night, the set up was complete. Pride swelled in Donnie’s chest as he looked at his creation: six symmetrically placed tesla coils sprung up from the ground and walls all around his lab space. The coilings wrapped around metal frames, spiraling into a beautiful arrangement of engineering, if he did say so himself. Mikey said it looked like the lasers out of a DC comic, which was also not a bad thing to be. He just hoped that you would like it. All of it was for you, of course, but over the weeks that he’d been preparing it, he found more beauty in the music of tesla coils than he ever had appreciated before. 
Donnie thought he might thank you for that, if he could get his nerves around it.
God, he was so nervous. Anxiety rushed through his body like the electric pulses he was perfecting. They were already done, but it was all he could do to distract himself while waiting for you to arrive. Maybe the frequencies weren’t in the right key. What if they sounded better this way? Or maybe the firing power wasn’t enough? Trajectory looked alright, maybe it just-
“Gh! Y/N, hey!” Stammered the surprised terrapin after knocking his head against the top of a coil. His goggles were on the setting of night-vision, but that didn’t account for night-spatial-awareness, it seemed.
“I got your text to come,” You tried to smile at him, but the dark laboratory proved to make that difficult. “How come it’s so dark in here?”
“Uh, well, that’s p-part of the surprise! Eheh. Gimme just a second-”
You waited patiently outside of his lab, vision still applicable, but grew concerned the more strange noises and clangs you heard coming from inside. This was definitely a whole new level of “Donnie Surprises” just by how nervous he seemed about it.
You yelped when his hand grabbed your arm and dragged you back inside the darkness.
“Okay, uh,” He started, before clapping his hands together for the lights to switch back on, “This is what I wanted to show you.”
Your gaze spun all around the lab. After adjusting to the light, you could clearly see giant mechanism after mechanism placed strategically around in a dome-like setup. Coils that protruded like round-edged spikes circled you both, and in the center was a metal cage. 
“Oh my god…” You almost whispered. A large grin broke out onto your face as you stared in quiet marvel at the scene. His plan was working, and Donnie lit up with an outstretched arm in presentation.
“These bad boys are called tesla coils-”
“Tesla coils!” You squealed in imperfect unison to what you assumed was the start of an explanation. “You made tesla coils, Donnie, holy shit!”
“You’ve heard of them?!” Donnie exclaimed, eyes widening behind his glasses.
“YES!” Your hands began to wave around excitedly, “Oh my god I used to be OBSESSED with these things! I heard about when I was a kid from that old movie, oh what was it, it was like the apprentice’s-”
“Sorcerer’s Apprentice!”
“THAT! Yes!” 
“I haven’t seen that movie in years!”
“Me neither! All I remember is that Hiccup’s voice actor totally nerded out and programmed his giant tesla coils to play music for the girl he wanted to impress, and it was the coolest thing because these giant machines were playing music, music out of nothing but sparks of electricity at different frequencies, which to be honest probably would have caused more of an energy problem than the movie suggested because goddamn do they take up a lot of power, but I was like six and didn’t care!” You laughed  in an energetic burst of word association, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet.
Donnie could have kissed you then and there for that alone. 
A grin crept onto his lips as he watched you ramble on about the movie, leaving all anxious thoughts to fall from his mind. For once, someone actually understood one of his passions. Better than that, she was explaining the process to him of all people! Sure, she was intuitive enough to know he didn’t need it, he literally had just built them after all. This was just out of pure excitement. Someone in his life was talking about science and technology like they were the most fascinating things on the planet, just as the purple-masked turtle believed it was. Well, second only to the ecstatic girl in front of him. 
“-And so, I randomly remembered it again not that long ago, so I looked it up and found so many videos on YouTube about it. I kid you not, I listened to tesla coils and tesla coils alone for a solid week.” 
You breathed heavily, a little winded after such an intense info-dump. God, he always loved when you got excited about something. 
“This is kind of surreal,” Donnie chuckled a bit, pushing up his glasses when they tumbled down his nose, “I had no idea you’d get what these were, much less have known so much about them.” Donnie’s eyes widened at his own panicked-fueled blabbering. “N-Not that I think you’re stupid! I just-- I mean it’s not-- common? It’s more of-”
“A niche interest, yeah. No worries,” You finished for him, signaling his stuttered words hadn’t fallen on offended ears. Donnie quietly sighed in relief. Time ticked by in seconds, but even that was much too fast for this martial artist to grasp. If he could have constructed a device to pause the fabrics of time, he would have long ago, simply to relish the moments with you that meant everything to him. It wasn’t your fault your eyes captivated him more than any element he’s worked with.
“So,” You began eagerly, startling him out of his thoughts, “Are we gonna listen to some zappy poles go brrr or what?”
Donnie snorted at your juvenile word choice. “Yeah, totally. Now, ah,” He walked over toward the large cage in the center, stepped inside, then poked his head out with a dorky grin. A large, green hand stood outstretched towards you. “I think you’d better step inside my cage.”
“If you keep quoting the damn movie like this, I am going to explode from excitement, and it will be your fault!” It was a wonder how you hadn’t caught onto his plan yet, honestly. You made no sense of hesitation before grabbing his offered hand (even though your hands were small enough that they hardly matched his palm’s size), and clambered into the cage in front of him. This was a great excuse for you to be close to him without it being weird. And now, with your back brushing up against his plastron, the butterflies in his chest told him it was totally a good call.
Donatello would take this secret to his grave, however.
“Put your hands on the rail here, yep just like that,” Donnie nodded after your hands found the safeguard rail. A couple buttons tapped into a laptop later, he settled his own hands next to yours. “Let the magic begin.”
Magic would have been the understatement of the year. A coil in front of you quickly shot out its first spark. Familiar music breached the sound barrier to your ears. The one behind you both caught it instantly. Spark after spark sent back and forth between the coils, soaring through the lab like the most incredible game of electric catch.
“Whoa!” You laughed when the sparks would bounce off the cage itself, pressing closer to the turtle behind you (much to his surprise every time). Your shining e/c eyes never left the electric bolts shooting out. “This is insane!”
“Heh, glad you like it!” Donnie watched you closely that entire time, more entranced by your excitement and wonderstruck self than anything he’d created. He could power up the tesla coils anytime of day, but this was a special moment he’d never be able to recreate in a controlled environment. This was no experiment, this was real and it was happening right now. 
The only thing left to do was tell you how he felt. 
“Y/N, I have to tell you something,” He began, stepping away to give you a bit of space. His heart rate was increasing by the second. The way you turned to look at him wasn’t helping, either. 
“What is it?” You spoke softly, somehow able to be heard over the music. Donnie could hardly meet your eyes, so he took your hands in his instead.
“I...I don’t know how to say this exactly,” He started, “I’ve been trying to do it for months, going over every possible conjuncture of words, something that would be heartfelt and honest, poetic even? But the truth is, words aren’t my thing, th-they never have been. I’m a science guy, I take things apart and put them back together again, I figure out what makes them work, I see life as a million tiny parts to analyze.”
He paused his quickened speech to take a breath. Your hands squeezed his larger ones as an offer to continue.
“And so, I’m...bad at feelings. I see it all as chemicals and components used by the brain to create action and reaction. But now I’m not so sure if that’s all they are, and really the only thing I am sure about is that it’s because of you that I’m questioning everything I ever thought I knew. Maybe, maybe life is more than atoms and chemicals, and instead it’s about..moments. Moments like this. Moments that...that I..that I really want to keep forever and play over and over again.”
“Donnie…” You spoke. This time he squeezed your hands.
“I know I’m rambling and I should really get to the point, so what I’m trying to say is,” He took another breath, steady this time. His gaze met yours again. “I want to live these moments with you every day. You’re special to me. You’re part of our family, but this is more than that, this feeling is-”
“Love.” You finished for him. Both of your eyes widened as you realized the other felt how you each did.  
Donatello nodded slowly, hesitant to be so certain, but knowing it was true. There were no more words to be exchanged after that, only actions, only movements so soft and gentle that the large terrapin was certain he’d break if they could fit in his hands. Your hands left his and instead reached up to grab the long ends of his mask, and tugged gently for him to reach you. He leaned down without a thought. A three-fingered hand found your waist this time. 
You kissed. Soft, human lips connected to his slightly chapped reptilian ones. The turtle had waited for this moment since he realized the attraction he felt towards you was not just powerful chemical reactions, but true feelings. It wasn’t biology, it was chance and fate and one-in-a-million all at once. As the sparks continued to (literally) fly, Donnie let his eyes close. This was the present. He was here, he was holding a great new adventure in his hands, and there was a brilliant future just around the corner. 
The song may have finished, but this is what would last forever. 
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Tumblr Year End Review Game
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), the top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, the 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works you’re most proud of that you released this year
Yoongi is a Rock I tend to make paragraphs sound sing-songy when I write normally 😅 as soon as I started writing this story, I noticed how much everything began rhyming so I completely reworked the story to be like a poem and I'm really proud of what I was able to do. It's not easy to make things rhyme and flow on top of making sentences make sense and tell a good story, that's what I am most proud of. 😄😄
Handshakes of a Lifetime Ch5 It was my first time writing an action kind of story, I am very proud of my "fight" scenes lol. And proud of how badass y/n was 💅🏽this chapter really helped me write Run Run Run: Seoul Flow later on.
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea Ch3 I knew I wanted the time skip/jump in that chapter, and really struggled writing it, but I'm really proud of how it ended up, this is also the longest chapter I've written, it's massive, I didn't sleep for two nights editing it D: that was a feat.
Handshakes of a Lifetime Ch7 About halfway through Tae's story, I realized the twist in chapter 7, it just kind of happened, writers speak about "talking" to their characters, well, I definitely had a moment there with HOAL Joon 😅😅😅like, 'go back here' and 'go back there, see right there.' it was very cool writing experience and I guess I'm proud of my brain lmao. 🥲
4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year
Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special While writing Friendly Neighborhood RM, Yoongi's power seemed kind of lame ngl. But while writing his story, I realized his power is ridiculously overpowered 🥲🥲. And also since we are talking about it, I'm excited for Seokjin and Jimin's Versions (next stories in line for the Super Bangtan Universe) mainly because they are both so full of crack. Seokjin is really a menace with his mindreading powers and shapeshifter Jimin...shapeshifting penises...need I say more lmao. 😳😳😳
HOAL Ch9 which might be coming out sooner than anticipated u.u everyone's sweet comments is really motivating me 😭😭💕💕💕
BV:ITS Ch4 I'm so excited!!! y/n stuck in the middle of two tsunderes Yoongi and Hobi pls, and then add bratty vampire Jimin to the mix...
Go Home, You're Drunk You groan, annoyed. Where did your friends go? WHERE ARE YOU? Everything is muffled, was that a car passing by? Everything is dark and hazy, are you still near the club? These are the questions you should be asking yourself, there should be alarms going off in your head. You should be screaming, crying for help, but you laugh, and laugh, and laugh. “Oof!” Strong arms lift your boneless body up, into his warmth, against his hard frame. Your world tilts and sways and you bury your face in his chest, trying not to throw up. “Who…are…you…” “Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” “Really, ‘cause you look like youugh belong ina boyband.” A one-shot that I don't know whether to make dark and funny or both 🙃🙃🙃 u know just dealing with ✨trauma✨ in my own fucked to way 🤠
3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
I wrote a request 🙊🙊 (requests still scare me please don’t ask lolol) and actually was able to come up with something cohesive and sexy if I do say so myself.
I NEVER would have been able to write a story like Your Friendly Neighborhood Superhero, RM before. Twists are hard 🤠
HOAL Ch6 that story was soo difficult to write, but getting through it really helped me with tone, since it was set in ancient Greece I did a lot of research on gods and the time period, added mythology as fun easter eggs, it was one of the first times I felt like my writing was improving.
2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
I really want to figure out how to improve my blog and create more reader engagement 🙂 if only I knew how 🙃🙃🙃
Come up with more special writing events like my X-mas stories.
number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year
THIS IS TOO HARD. 😖😖😖 This is one of my favorites for sure: You look straight into his soul, see him for who he is, and he sees in your tearful eyes the words left unspoken between you, “I love you.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Special Cargo ~ JJK [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 2.1k
↬↬↬Genre: Fluffy, angst, Mafia AU
↬↬↬Pairing: Mafia!Jungkook x reader
↬↬↬A/N: This is a continuation of my Mafia pregnancy reaction for Jungkook, I reworked the beginning into this so there’s no need to read the first part @xworldwidecutieguyx Hope this is okay!!
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Your hands were shaking as you looked down at the pregnancy test which had the clear word 'Pregnant' written across it. You took it over to the drawer filled with others, all them a mixture of plus signs, positive, pregnant or that stupid condescending smile that was staring back at you. As if you could even be happy that you were with child right now, you'd always dreamt of having kids but not yet. Not when Jungkook had made it abundantly clear that he didn't want kids yet either, your mind went back to the conversation you'd had with him months ago. He was the leader of a mafia gang for christ sake, of course, he didn't want to have kids yet. It was far too dangerous for you to be pregnant or to bring a child into his life and yet here you were pregnant with his first child.
"Oh fuck," You mumbled when you heard the front door open and slam shut. You locked the drawer full of tests and headed down the staircase to go and greet him at the door. He was drenched in blood - not his. It was never his but it meant he'd had a really bad day and work and probably wasn't going to speak to you for a couple of hours. It happened occasionally so you stayed silent and went to make him a drink. Jungkook and you had met when you were working for him in one of his local bars and he took a liking to you. You'd been together for four years in December and you knew him like you knew yourself. A bad day meant leaving him alone to do his own thing, staying out of his way and making sure to stay as silent as possible so it was not to annoy him.
Your hands shook as you poured the scotch into a glass with ice cubes before handing it to him, normally you'd have a drink with him but you couldn't now that you were pregnant. The door slammed against the wall and you jumped - you'd think you'd be used to people storming in and out of your place like they owned it but you never did. Namjoon was stood there staring at Jungkook, he was also covered in blood.
"Drink?" He nodded at you and you went to make him the same drink as Jungkook. Your hands grazed as he took the cup from your hand and you avoided his eyes walking away from him. Namjoon was like a psychic when it came to things like this in peoples lives. You rushed up the stairs to go and run Jungkook a bath if he was covered in blood and stressed he was going to want to have a relaxing night instead of one filled with rushing around for himself. You turned on the taps and poured in some bubbles and salts turning around to see Jungkook in the doorway watching your every move.
"I made you a bath, careful it might be-" The door slammed in your face as he walked into the bathroom as you left it,
"Hot." You whispered going into the bedroom and trying to think of when the best time to bring up the fact that you were pregnant with him. You couldn't hide it too long because he was sure to find out about it sooner or later, you'd start showing in a few months so you had to tell him soon.
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After a week of uncomfortable and painful silence, he finally spoke to you one night,
"You're the best, you know that?" He came up behind you and began rubbing his hands on your arms. You were standing over the kitchen sink doing the dishes when he came in from work. He must have had one of the best days ever since he was smiling so much. You bent your head back to kiss him and he smiled at you, kissing your lips and pulling away.
"You are," You whispered drying your hands on a towel before turning to get a real hug from him. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and held you as close to his body as he could with you. That's when he pulled back and put his hand on your forehead, a panicked look came across his face and he sat you down on one of the kitchen chairs.
"What's wrong?" You giggled as he began looking around the room for something, he headed into the medicine cabinet you kept stocked up since he was always coming home with some kind of new injury.
"Here," He took the thermometer out and pressed it against your forehead,
"I heard you throwing up this morning and you were sick yesterday too. Maybe we should get you to a doctor." The machine beeped and he read it out, you had a normal temperature but to Jungkook you were hot to touch. You knew where this was going,
"I already know what's wrong, I don't need a doctor." You told him and he put the machine away before turning to you. You were eating one of the apples from the centre of the table and he chuckled at the sight,
"I erm...I ate something bad but I feel fine now." You lied swallowing the lump of apple and trying to think of something else to say. He'd had a good day and you finally got the loving Jungkook back you didn't want to lose him so quickly.
"Do we have any popcorn?" You asked getting up and hunting around in the cabinets for something, you'd had a craving for them all week which meant you were further along in your pregnancy than you originally thought you were and you were going to run out of time to confess to him.
"It's probably not a good idea to eat popcorn baby, if you said you ate something bad plus you are putting on a little weight." You slammed the cupboard door shut and span around to face him, you were getting angrier with each second he stared at you,
"How dare you?! I work my ass off around the house and you call me fat?" You questioned him staring at him, you placed your hands on your hips to challenge him and he smirked at how cocky you were acting right now. You'd never spoken back to him before.
"Carry on talking to me like that, I dare you." You smirked back at him wanting to see what he was going to do.
"What are you going to do? Tie me up and torture me like you do everyone else?!" Your voice cracked and your hormones made you cry at the thought of Jungkook hurting you. You were an emotional mess and you couldn't stand it,
"I'm right then, looks like Namjoon owes me money." You blinked at him wondering what he meant.
"Well you are pregnant aren't you? Or are you going to deny all of the pregnancy tests, the morning sickness, mood swings and the weight gain?" Your hands went onto your stomach even though there wasn't much to feel you still wanted to touch it. Jungkook sounded pissed off at you in his tone and he shook his head,
"I told you to take the pill. If you just do what you're told we wouldn't be n this mess right now." You agreed with him but he wasn't right,
"I was taking it Jungkook, but it's only 98% effective." You were trying to reason with him when you knew for a fact that he wasn't even listening to you. He was starting to rant on about how he was too young for children, how this world wasn't right to bring someone new into and his work environment wasn't great.
"Jungkook, he or she will be fine. We can look after them-" He grumbled something and walked out of the kitchen,
"Where are you going!? Don't walk away from me!" You yelled at him but the front door was slammed shut, all that could be heard in the huge mansion you lived in was the automatic lock of the door and his car engine starting up outside. He was going to leave you...He was going to leave and you were going to have to raise the child alone.
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The next morning you woke up to Namjoon sitting on your sofa watching something on the TV.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you walked over to him, you sat down beside him and he pointed at the TV.
"A birthing video, it looks painful." You stared at the side of his face as you heard screaming coming from the TV, you turned to look and your mouth fell open.
"Fuck," You sprinted in the direction of the kitchen, throwing up into the sink and holding your own hair back out of your face.
"Here," Namjoon took over holding your hair so you could grip onto the marble sink and hold yourself better, he started rubbing your back and you hummed a thank you in his direction. This was supposed to Jungkook's job but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Any idea where my husband is?" You asked as you cleaned the sink out and turned to look at Namjoon who was looking for something to make you for breakfast.
"Just told me to watch over you." You nodded and walked out of the kitchen to brush your teeth.
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It continued like that for a week, Jungkook would come home late at night and not sleep next to you only to leave early again the next time and you were getting sick of it. You wanted your husband to at least tell you what he wanted you to do, even if it was you leaving. You would do that for him. The front door opened and Jungkook expected you to be asleep as you always were when he came in but he was surprised to see you standing at the door with a suitcase.
"Planning on going somewhere?" He asked looking at the bag next to your feet,  
"I'm leaving you. It's clear you don't want me or the baby so I'm going to save you the hassle of breaking up with me." You picked up the side bag and his eyes filled with tears trying to convince you to stay but you were already pushing your way through the door,
"I don't want you to leave-"
"What do you want Jungkook?! Huh?! Because I've been throwing up every day for a week and instead of my husband being there to comfort me I have his guard!"  He flinched a little as you shouted at him, he was exhausted from the late nights and lack of sleep he'd been getting and he was too tired to yell or fight with you so he took your hand in his and began leading you towards his office upstairs. The office that was always locked and off-limits to you because of all the shady business that went down in there.
"I was trying to clear my head, and then I went out every night so I could do this while you slept." You stared at the back of his head and watched as he unlocked the door and let you inside. The usual office furniture was gone, the deep red walls were painted over in yellow, a crib was in the centre of the room along with boxes of other furniture for children.
"Jungkook this is-"
"This will be the nursery, it's the main room of the house which is impossible to get into, I painted the walls and I was putting the furniture together while you slept...Namjoon was helping me pick out some clothes as well and the wardrobes are full. We even have a lifetime supply of diapers." He began rambling on about what else he had done on the week you thought he was planning to leave you and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by everything. You kissed him roughly on the lips and he steadied you as you rocked a little in place.
"Careful, special cargo." He whispered putting his hands on the bump under your shirt.
"I'm going to be here every step of the way, I promise." He whispered to you and the bump,
"When is the first scan? I'll plan everything around it I promise." Your eyes welled up and you nodded at him letting the tears flow as you realised how happy he actually was to have a son or daughter. Although the timing wasn't perfect a baby was a miracle and a blessing no matter what.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch30: Winter Is Here
Summary: In the wake of the UN Bombing, Steve, Katie and Sam (with help from Sharon) track Bucky to Bucharest and face a race against time to track him down before the CTU. But someone else is also following Bucky, someone who’s been one step ahead and the consequences are disastrous.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Elements of this have been reworked/rewritten…for reasons which will become apparent at some point!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 29 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Bucky liked Bucharest. It was easy enough to blend in and he’d found work at a local Warehouse easily enough. It was no questions asked, cash in hand and no trail. Perfect. Physical labour didn’t bother him, neither did taking the nightshifts which no one else seemed to want. It meant he could sleep most of the days and emerge later at night meaning he had even less people to encounter and deal with. Not that it really mattered, no one really bothered him apart from the Old Lady that lived a few floors down. Bucky often did odd jobs for her, just like he had used to for the old couple that lived across from his parents in Brooklyn before the war.
Since arriving in Europe in September last year, his life had been pretty peaceful. His memories had started to flash back almost the instant he wasn’t re-wiped by HYDRA, but they were random, non-chronological, so he had started writing them in a notebook along with other snippets and facts he found along the way which helped him piece together the parts of the puzzle that was his life. He knew his name, his date of birth, who his parents were, his siblings, Steve- his brother-from-another-Mother, the Howling Commandos, Steve’s wife- Katie,  his ‘death’ and then… well, that bit he tried not to remember on purpose.
He felt better, like himself, and had on more than one occasion thought about reaching out to Steve. But the thing was, even though he’d now been out of HYDRA control for over two years, he knew that what they had done to him or put in his head was still there, and he didn’t want to give anyone the chance to find out the hard-way or give them chance to lock him up like some lab rat. So he had decided it was best to stay off radar.
Pulling his cap down a little, he headed over to his favourite fruit store for some plums. He remembered what a treat they had been back before the war, and he enjoyed the fact they were so readily available now. He reached out with his flesh hand to gently test one. 
“How are they? Are they good?” He asked the vendor in Romanian who nodded to him, smiling “Okay. Give me six, thank you”
With his bag of fruit he walked along, casually scanning around as he ate. And then, across the street, he spotted a vendor at a news-stand watching him. Bucky glanced away hastily then looked back at the man who was still watching him before he suddenly turned and ran from his kiosk. With a sick feeling in his stomach,  Bucky made his way over and picked up a paper reading the front page which contained a number of surveillance-photos and the head line: ‘Winter Soldier cautat pentru Bombardmentul din Viena’. 
A cold feeling washed all over him and he glanced around, swallowing thickly. 
He might have struggled with his memory in the past but he could categorically say this wasn’t one of those times. This wasn’t him, granted it looked like him, but it wasn’t.
Shit, he needed to hide.
Pulling his cap down further, jacket pulled up round his neck he set off home.
****** Having your own private plane certainly has its perks. Katie, Sam and Steve made their way to Vienna and from there, after being given a lead from Sharon, they headed to Bucharest. Steve and Sam had brought all their equipment whereas Katie had opted to simply pack her cat suit and utility belt as they weren’t anticipating any action.
A decision she was starting to regret now.
“Nice place.” Katie commented sarcastically, pulling at the neck of her leather cat-suit as they entered the old rundown apartment that Bucky Barnes now called home. Steve ignored the comment before he carefully closed the door behind them. The two of them ventured further into the small darkened apartment, the windows had been taped over with old newspapers keeping out most of the sunlight and prying eyes. Steve’s shield caught a few of the spots of light which were creeping through tears and gaps in the paper, sending reflections onto bits of the apartment walls. The bedroom and the living area were one, a tattered mattress placed just beneath the window a small desk and lamp next to it. Across from the bed near the entrance was a metal table with two chairs next to it, then there was the kitchen area and a door, which Katie headed through, gun at the ready, finding nothing but a small, grimy and empty bathroom.
She couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of sadness in her gut that the man who had saved her life, a war veteran, was living like this.
Steve took to looking around the kitchen and had found a notebook of sorts with tabs of varying colours sticking out from amongst the pages. As he flicked through he found a leaflet on the Smithsonian Captain America exhibit.
"Heads up guys, German Special Forces approaching from the South.” Sam’s voice came through the coms.
“Understood.” Steve replied gently, replacing the leaflet in the page he had found it, fingers lingering on the paper. He looked up at Katie as she re-entered the room.
“Nobody’s home.” She said softly. “What you got there?” “It’s a journal.” Steve said, “He’s been writing down memories and-“
He stopped dead as a movement crossed his peripheral and his head jerked up. Over his wife’s shoulder he locked eyes with Bucky for the first time since that day over the Potomac. Katie, noticing his demeanour, glanced over her shoulder and instantly spun round to see Bucky watching the pair of them with a cautious sort of curiosity.
“Do you know me?” Steve asked carefully, setting the book he was flipping through down on the cluttered counter. He moved in front of Katie slightly, keeping himself between her and his best friend who was stood stock still, eyeing them up.
“You’re Steve,” Bucky said roughly, “I read about you in a museum.”  He added immediately, nodding to himself. 
Play dumb, Bucky, play dumb…
“They’ve set the perimeter.” Sam spoke in their ears.
“I know you’re nervous, and you’ve got plenty of reason to be, but you’re lying.” Steve spoke calmly, not believing him for a second. He could always tell when Bucky was lying, even as kids he wouldn’t look you in the eye fully, and now wasn’t any different.
“I wasn’t in Vienna. I don’t do that anymore.”  Bucky’s voice wavered slightly, almost pleading with them to believe him. And instantly Katie did.
“They’re entering the building. “ Sam urged. 
“Well, the people who think you did are coming here now.” Katie took a small step forward so that she was slightly in front of Steve. “And they’re not planning on taking you alive.”
 “That’s smart. Good strategy.” He looked at her, cocking his head to one side as he studied her. She was oozing confidence, are far cry from the broken, shattered woman he had rescued last year, and she didn’t seem afraid of him. Which he liked but also didn’t because it meant they weren’t going to just let him slip away.
“They’re on the roof. I’m compromised!”
“This doesn’t have to end in a fight ,Buck.” Steve pleaded desperately while Bucky simply walked over to the table set down his plastic bag and pulled off his glove to reveal his metal hand.
“It always ends in a fight.” He said balling the metal into a fist, his voice lilted with sadness.
“Five seconds.”
“You pulled me from the river and you saved Katie’s life that day in La Ronde.” Steve’s voice took on an urgent tone, almost shouting. “Why?”
“I don’t know.” Bucky replied in frustration finally looking up at Steve and locking eyes with him before he glanced to Katie. Truth be told he did know. That day on the Potomac something had broken his programming, and when Steve had plunged to the river he had known he had to save him, because he had been saving him all his punk-assed life. And then with Katie, well, even before he had recognised her he couldn’t leave a dame to the mercy of HYDRA, not after what they did to him. It was wrong…his ma taught him better.
“Three seconds.”
“Yes you do.” Steve responded,
“Breach, breach, breach!” Came the yell into their earpieces.
Both Steve and Katie looked towards the window prompting Bucky to do the same and in the next second a flash bomb was thrown through, Steve batted it right back out with his shield and then a second bomb came through the other window. Bucky booted it towards Steve who dropped and covered it with his shield, containing the blast. All three of them looked at one another for a split second before a loud bang sounded as the door rattled. Katie quickly kicked the edge of the table so that it wedged between the door and the wall blocking the German Forces entrance for now.
Whilst she was distracted with that, a final bomb was thrown and Bucky lifted up the dirty mattress using it as protection for them both. She nodded to him gently as he tossed it away and then came the soldiers on zip lines through the window. The first landed in the kitchen, training his gun first on Steve, then across towards Bucky, but before he could shoot Steve pulled the rug from beneath him and he ended up firing into the ceiling. The next came in through the window right next to Bucky but he punched him in the face, throwing him over to Katie who aimed a kick at his arm, knocking the gun out of it before kicking him again in the chest, sending him sprawling into the bathroom. Bucky picked the third soldier up easily and slammed him into the wall, letting him fall down.
“Buck, stop! You’re gonna kill someone.” Steve ran forward, but Bucky easily dodged him and slammed into him from behind, knocking him to the floor.
“I’m not gonna kill anyone!” He growled, punching a hole into the floor. He grabbed a backpack from under the floorboards and threw it across the room and out of the window. Then came more gun fire and Katie dropped to the floor, rolling to her right and firing a shot in the direction of the shooting hearing a yell as her bullet hit her target in the knee. Steve, again, flung his shield up and Bucky shoved him hard in the back sending him flying into another solider, taking him down. Katie scrambled to her feet again unable to do anything but watch as Bucky punched a hole through the wall next to the door before bashing it open and continuing to fight his way out.
“You alright?” Steve asked, as she dusted herself off.
“This isn’t exactly going to plan is it?” She shook her head as they ran out of the door just in time to see Bucky jump on a soldier who was descending from a zip wire and swinging down a level in the stairwell of the apartment block. One of the soldiers was screaming into his radio. Steve grabbed it from him, then smashed it with his foot before he jumped down a level after Bucky. Katie, took the sensible option and ran down the stairs, taking out anyone blocking her way.
Bucky was punching soldiers left and right until he ducked as he hit another accidentally sending him over the railing, but Steve was quick to catch him by his vest.
“Come on man,” He sighed wearily. Bucky’s only response was a shrug which he emphasized by elbowing a soldier that was behind him, while Steve pulled up the one he was holding onto and tossed him into a wall. Bucky jumped over the railing down several flights but by the time Steve caught up with him he had dodged into an apartment and jumped from the railings
“Damned it!” Steve cursed as he watched Bucky land on the lower roof of the neighbouring building with some force, but he simply rolled as if the fall hadn’t bothered him at all, picked up his backpack and ran.  But he didn’t get far, a muscular man clad entirely in black slammed into him from behind knocking him down.
“Sam southwest rooftop.” Steve suddenly reported to Sam as he watched the man in the black suit, which looked very much like a big cat moved with breath-taking agility and grace, slashing with sharp claws on each hand as he tackled Bucky.
“Who the hell’s the other guy?” Sam asked Steve on the coms.  
“I’m about to find out.” Steve backed up before he too launched himself from the balcony down onto the neighbouring building. Katie ran into the apartment just in time to see him land on the other roof-top and she frowned at the mystery man in some form of cat suit who was lunging at Bucky with his claws. Bucky grabbed his wrists holding him off but at that moment a helicopter that had appeared began to fire its machine gun. Both Katie from her vantage point, and Steve who was bolting towards the men, frowned as he saw the ammo ping back off the man’s suit just like it did off his shield.
“Sam…” Katie said as Steve continued to run towards Bucky, shield raised. Sam understood what she was implying instantly.  
“Got him.” He replied, flying down he spun under the chopper, grabbing the rails at the bottom, spinning it off course before swooping off. As Katie continued to watch Bucky leapt off the side of the roof to the floor, and the mystery cat man followed using his claws for traction down the side of the building. Steve was shortly behind, rolling along the floor before picking himself up and running after the pair of them, Sam flying behind. Then, the helicopter began to follow, gunfire tearing up the side walk.  
“Shit.” Katie ran down and emerging into the street, sprinting as fast as she could. Spotting an abandoned motorbike which had been ditched in the fracas she hopped on and sped after them, mentally thanking Natasha for the bike driving lessons.
It was chaos, absolute chaos. Bucky jumped down through a gap into the underpass, Steve and the mystery cat man following, as they themselves were being pursued by an armoured vehicle. Well, at least they were until Steve managed to pull the driver out and take the vehicle himself. He saw a motorbike coming up behind him in the mirrors and did a double take as he saw it was Katie. She pulled up alongside him and with one hand she grabbed the passenger door and yanked it open, before placing both her hands on the rim of the door and using it as leverage to swing herself feet first into the car.
“Where did you learn to do that?” Steve asked, open mouthed as she dropped into the seat next to him.
“Nat.” She shrugged, as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do or be taught. Steve gave a small smirk and then turned to look back at the road, switching lanes and cruising past mystery cat man.  Then there was a thud and Katie glanced back over her shoulders. Mystery cat man had latched himself onto the back of the car.
“Hold on!” Steve yelled before swerving the car to the right then the left hoping to dislodge him but no such luck. He even rammed the side of the car into another Special Forces vehicle but nothing, he hung tight.
“Sam we can’t shake this guy.” Steve reported.
“Right behind you.”
In front of them Bucky jumped the barrier to the other side of the road so Steve dropped the car a gear and pressed harder on the gas, breaking straight through it. A quick glance through the mirrors told Katie that it was enough to slow down the Germans but not to dislodge their passenger.
“This guy is more of a pain in the ass than Tony.” Katie sighed, turning back to look out of the front. Just as she did, Bucky clearly decided he needed his own mode of transportation and grabbed the handle bars of a motorbike which was speeding towards him. He dislodged the driver in mid-air while the bike spun and threw his leg over the seat all in one fluid motion. He then landed and sped away.
“Holy shit!” Katie let out a small laugh of disbelief, her jaw dropping slightly as she smirked at Bucky’s unbelievable display of acrobatics. “Did you see that?”
Steve looked at her for a split second, taking in the smirk on her face as she admired Bucky’s agility, surprised to feel he was slightly jealous. With a sigh, more at himself than anything, he shook his head. That insecure little kid from Brooklyn really had picked the most inappropriate time to appear. It didn’t help when she spoke again, a cheeky lilt to her voice.
“Can you do that?”
Steve shot her a glare that would make anyone else shake in their boots but it made Katie do nothing but frown at the open display of hostility he very rarely used on her. Before she could respond, however, there was a thud on the roof as mystery cat man climbed on top of the car and then launched himself at Bucky. The soldier on the bike was prepared though, and grabbed him around the throat, flinging him over his head. But the mystery cat man was persistent, hanging on even as the bike tipped and Bucky was forced to use his metal hand so that he didn’t fall off the bike completely. He kicked the cat man away before straightening his bike and speeding ahead.
Steve swerved to avoid running mystery cat man over while he caught other means of transportation, meaning he grabbed onto Sam’s legs as he was flying by. Ahead of them Bucky threw a sticky bomb at the top of the overpass which immediately went off and began raining down debris.  
“Time to go.” Steve grabbed Katie as he slammed on the breaks turning the car sharply. He pulled her out of the door, using his shield to land on as the car began to tilt on its side. They dodged through the rubble, Steve’s shield over their heads and once they were clear, Steve sped off to where the cat man was mounted on top of Bucky ready to rip his throat out.
Sam emerged from the dust but seconds later there was loud clang and War Machine landed holding up his hand with repulsor beams at the ready in warning. More German Special Forces arrived and they knew the game was up. But Steve and Katie both looked at each other, chests heaving with exertion and dare they say it, relief. They had located Bucky after years of searching, he was still alive and could be questioned, which meant there was a chance they could clear all this up.
Steve felt Bucky step forward, and he instantly held his arm out to stop him. .
“Stand down now.” Rhodey spoke with authority and the Special Forces aimed their guns at them all. Steve relented placing his shield onto his back harness showing compliance as he held his hands up, palms outwards.
“Congratulations Cap, you’re a criminal.” Rhodey said sarcastically. As soldiers surrounded Bucky forcing him down to his knees so they could hand cuff him tightly.
Katie and Sam raised their hands in surrender as the soldiers approached them too. The mystery cat man was the last to comply retracting his claws and reaching up to his helmet.
“Call them off Rhodey.” Katie looked at him, nodding to the soldier who had his gun trained on her “We’ll come quietly.”
Rhodey turned to look at her and then nodded at the officer, who lowered his gun, but that didn’t stop them from handcuffing her. As she shot a look over her shoulder at the man who was slapping on the restraints she gave him a small smirk and then turned back to look at mystery cat man, just as he pulled off his mask.
“What the…” Katie frowned, recognising him instantly. It was T’Challa, the prince of Wakanda.
“Your highness.” Rhodey said.
There was a scuffle to Katie’s right and she turned to see that Bucky was being hauled to the floor.
“Don’t hurt him.” She turned to Rhodey, pleading with him. “Please. He saved my life, he’s still a human being!”
Rhodey hesitated slightly but then one of the soldiers shoved Katie in the back.
“Move.” he said in a thick accent.
“Say please.” She spun round, glaring at him. “Fucking asshole.”
“Katie.” Steve instructed gently as he walked towards her, being marched by two other soldiers. She turned to him and he gave a small shake of his head, warning her not to start another fight, before he nodded towards the black SUV.
“You know what the worse bit about all this is?” Katie sighed, as she fell into step beside Steve.
Steve looked at her, “No, what?”
“The lecture I’m going to get off Tony.”
One they had been stripped of their weapons and gear they were released from their handcuffs. Rubbing her wrists, Katie raised an eyebrow at Rhodey.
“Now what?” 
“You’ll be given chance to change and clean up before going to Berlin,” Rhodey said, as the side of the SUV they were by opened and they were instructed to climb in. “Where you’ll be put into the custody of the Anti-Terrorism Unit.”
“So we’re terrorists now?” Katie snorted.
“You knew what would happen if you went against the law.”
She gave a sarcastic, fake yawn and behind her Sam sniggered before he looked at Rhodey
“This make you feel good?” Sam asked.
“Okay, enough!” Steve loudly shut down the petty squabble that was about to erupt between the two men “Yes, Rhodey we knew what would happen, but we also knew what would happen if we didn’t.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“That you would never have taken him alive.” He nodded to where Bucky was being hauled into the back of a separate vehicle. “And you know that too.”
“So you like cats?”
“Sam.” Steve scolded as Katie snorted, looking out of the window of the SUV as they drove over a bridge that crossed the River Spree. T’Challa was on the front row of the SUV alone, then Steve and Katie had sat on the middle, Sam on the back row.
“What?” Sam asked innocently. “Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don’t wanna’ know more?”
Katie was inclined to agree, Steve however, was curious about something else.
“Your suit. It’s Vibranium?” He asked in interest.
“The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations.” T'Challa began slowly. “A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. And now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?”
T'Challa turned his head to look Steve directly in the eye then turned back around without another word as Steve clenched his jaw.
They arrived at the CIA base in Berlin in record time thanks to the police convey that kept the streets clear. The base was crawling with heavily armed soldiers as they stepped out of the van and were led inside. Katie shrugged on her leather jacket, pausing as Bucky’s cage followed them being moved by a small forklift. Besides her Steve stiffened as he looked over at Bucky and Katie gently placed her hand on at the bottom of his back. Bucky looked at the pair of them before he turned away as he was taken off in a separate direction.
After an introduction of sorts to Thaddeus Ross (Sharon’s boss) they were informed their weapons would be placed in a lock up, prompting Sam to snarl angrily- “I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that.” They were then led over a walkway and Katie looked past Ross and saw a familiar redhead walking towards them. Natasha’s face was blank as she strode down the walkway.
“For the record.” She snapped as she looked at the three of them in turn before she focussed on Steve. “This is what making things worse looks like.”
“He’s alive.” Steve answered shortly, not looking at her as he walked past, his jacket flapping slightly, pulling Katie with him as his hand wrapped around hers.
Natasha just glared at him before she walked quicker, pulling ahead of the group as they reached a large security office. Natasha led the way in, and Katie instantly picked up as she could hear Tony’s voice from inside,
“The remaining of us are now at court-section.” He was saying. And as they entered she saw her brother standing in the centre of the office, talking into his phone with his back to the door as he added, “And, Colonel Ross is supervising the clean-up.”
Despite everything Katie felt a rush of relief, it good to see him, alive and okay after Vienna.
“Try not to break anything while we fix this.” Natasha snapped and Katie’s attention then turned from her brother to her friend and she shook her head.
“Ass kissing doesn’t suit you, Nat.”  
Tony turned to face them all, his face set in a deep frown as he barked into his phone, pulling at his tie to loosen it off. "Consequences? You bet there will be consequences.”
Steve raised his eyebrows slightly, glancing at Katie who rolled her eyes before she looked at Tony as he continued to talk “Obviously you can quote me on that because I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir.”
As he placed his phone back into his pocket, his eyes never left his sister. “You okay?” He asked and she nodded, stepping forwards into his arms, giving him a hug which he returned.
"Consequences?” Steve repeated with a smirk as Tony looked over Katie’s shoulder at him.
“Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted.” Tony answered, stepping back and releasing Katie. “I had to give him something.” He added.
“I’m not getting that shield back, am I?” Steve asked in an almost monotone voice.
“Technically, it’s the government’s property.” Natasha replied cheerily. “Wings too.” She added.
“That’s cold.” Sam countered
“Warmer than jail.” Tony tossed over his shoulder, as he headed off somewhere.
“Stop being so melodramatic.” Katie rolled her eyes, and stuck her hands in the back pockets of her jeans as Natasha led them to an office, talking to them as she went, telling them about what had been going on. They walked in silence, none of them responding. Eventually they reached a glass walled office and stepped inside.
“You’re not in a very talkative mood I can see.” Natasha drawled as Katie dropped her jacket over the back of a chair.
“Hmmm what can we talk about? Let’s see.” Katie looked at her, her face angry. “Oh how about the Accords?” Natasha rolled her eyes as Katie continued with a tone of disdain. “You know, I never had you down as someone that would give in so easily to control.”
“Well sometimes we have to make some tough choices.”
“Why’d you really sign, Nat?“ Steve asked her.
She sighed leaning back on the door frame. “Loyalty. Loyalty to our team. Staying together is more important than how we stay together.”
Steve shook his head, giving a small snort of laughter. “I don’t agree, and deep down, I don’t think you do either.”
“Believe what you want.” She shrugged before leaving.
About half an hour later after the three of them had been brainstorming again who they thought was actually responsible for bombing the UN and trying to fit Bucky up (none of them having any sensible ideas whatsoever), Sam excused himself heading off in search of some food and drink and it wasn’t long before Tony walked into the office were Katie and Steve were sat, Katie’s feet resting in Steve’s lap, his hand sliding up the bottom of her jeans, stroking the smooth skin just above the line of her ankle boots.
“You wanna see something cool?” He asked. Katie and Steve both turned to look at him as he walked in, holding a small black case. “I pulled something from Dad’s archives.” He nodded, “Timely.”
Katie sat up as Tony tossed his suit jacket onto one of the empty seats before he opened the box and placed it down on the shiny, mahogany table in front of Steve.
"FDR signed the Land-Lease bills with these in 1941.” Tony explained what they were. “Provided support to the allies when they needed it the most.”
“Some would say it brought our country closer to war.” Steve countered, a humourless smile on his face as he looked back up at Tony.
Tony met Steve’s eyes evenly and countered with his own point, “See, if not for these, you wouldn’t be here.” Steve’s brow rose, while Tony continued, “I’m trying to, what do you call it? An olive branch. Is that what you call it?
He looked at Steve, leaning his face against his fist as he waited expectantly. Steve pursed his lips unhappily and Katie knew he was struggling and couldn’t tell Tony what he wanted to hear because he didn’t believe in it.
"Is Pepper here?” Katie asked, switching topics as she glanced around the office then added, “I didn’t see her.”
She looked back at Tony as a strange almost regretful look came over his face. Her brows furrowed in confusion as Tony said slowly, measured, “We are… kinda, well not kinda-”
“Pregnant?” Steve interrupted in surprise.
“No, definitely not.” Tony said immediately face souring slightly. He paused, before finally admitting the truth, “We’re taking a break. It’s nobody’s fault.”
“I’m so sorry, Tony.” Steve spoke softly as Katie looked at her brother, who took a seat at the table “I didn’t know.”
“What did you do this time?” Katie asked gently. She hated it when they rowed and broke up. It never lasted long but still…
Tony’s lips twitched like he was going to smile but didn’t, “Few years ago, I almost lost her, so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA. And then Ultron,” he tapped himself in the chest, “my fault.” He sighed again. “And then, and then, and then- I never stopped. Cause the truth is, I don’t wanna stop but I don’t want to lose her. I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference.”
“In her defence, you are a handful.” Katie said, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards.
Tony smiled without it reaching his eyes as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, pacing a little by the glass walls, before he reached up to adjust his tie as he continued bitterly.
“Yet, dad was a pain in the ass, but he and mom always made it work.”
“You know, I never expected Howard would get married.” Steve said, fondly remembering his friend with a smile “Mind you, I only knew him when he was young and single.”
“Oh really?” Tony asked sarcastically as he looked back at Steve. “You two knew each other? He never mentioned that. Maybe only a thousand times.”
Steve winced, dropping his head and while Tony picked up his suit jacket. “God, I hated you.” He spat pulling the jacket on.
“That’s a dick thing to say, Tone!” Katie frowned, narrowing her eyes at her brother.  
Steve sighed, and he looked back at Tony with sad eyes, “I don’t mean to make things difficult.”
“No, you just dropped into my life and married my sister.” Tony snorted “But you’re a very polite person. I mean you asked first.”
“That’s enough.” Katie chastised as Tony walked behind Steve, pacing a little. Steve turned to keep his eyes on him as he sighed
“If I see a situation pointed south, I can’t ignore it. Sometime I wish I could.”
“No, you don’t.” Tony challenged
Steve paused, before he admitted with a small, wry smile shaking his head a little, “No, I don’t.” He sighed, “Sometimes-”
“Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth.” Tony interrupted bitterly. He shrugged like it was a fact, before he added softly, “but I don’t wanna see you gone. We need you, Cap.”
Steve stared at Tony as he considered his words, Katie observing the two of them silently as Tony continued “So far, nothing’s happened that can’t be undone, if you just sign.” He gestured at the pens, “We can make the last twenty-four hours legit. Barnes gets transferred to an American psych centre instead of a Wakanda prison.”
Steve stared at the pens, weighing Tony’s words before he reached out, pulling one slowly from its holder. Tony folded his arms across his chest as Steve stood up playing with the pen in his hands.
“I’m not saying it’s impossible,” he took a deep breath, “but there would have to be safeguards, what do you think, Sweetheart?” He looked at Katie. He was trying here, after everything, to reach the middle ground. He didn’t want to see the Avengers split up and the opportunity of keeping Bucky out of jail and safe was one he couldn’t pass up.
Katie looked at him, searching his face. She hadn’t been completely opposed to some form of sanctions after all, what she had opposed vehemently was a set being force upon them which gave them no control. But maybe, as Steve pointed out, with some amendments, perhaps they could make this work.
“We need to be able to have some control Tony, a say in where we go, when we go and why we go.” Katie eventually looked at her brother. “We’re not to be used as some pawns in a political game, for anyone’s agenda.”
“Sure.” Tony was quick to assure. “Once we put out the PR fire, its documents, they can be amended.” Tony sat back down at the table “I’d file a motion to have you and Wanda reinstated and-.“
"Wanda?” Katie cut him off and looked at him. “What about Wanda?”
“She’s fine.” Tony promised, although wariness leaked into his tone because he knew he had just put his foot in it. “She’s confined in the compound currently. Vision’s keeping her company.”
“Oh God, Tony!” Katie groaned and threw her head backwards in exasperation and disbelief.
At the same time Steve scoffed and shook his head. “Every time. Every time I think you’re seeing things the right way-”
"What?” Tony cut in, “It’s a hundred acres with a lap pool. It’s got a screening room. Trust me, there’s worse ways to protect people.”
“Protection?” Steve repeated, his temper rising. “Is that how you see this? This is protection? It’s internment.”
“She’s not a US citizen-” Tony spoke loudly while Steve and Katie groaned again
“Oh, come on, Tony!”  Katie shook her head, looking at him.
“- and they don’t grant visas to Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Tony finished taking a deep breath
“Wanda’s a kid!” Steve spat out.
“Give me a break!” Tony shouted back angrily.
Katie’s eyes narrowed furiously, but Tony took another deep breath as he visibly tried to calm himself down,
“I’m doing what has to be done,” He paused to look Steve in the eye before he turned to his sister and finished flatly. “To stave off something worse.”
She shook her head and grit her teeth, there was no discussing with him when he was like this, and if he couldn’t see that keeping Wanda on house arrest because she hadn’t signed was wrong then she didn’t really want to discuss it with him anyway.  "You keep telling yourself that.” She answered.
"Hate to break up the set.” Steve dropped the pen back down onto the desk before he left the office.
Katie groaned and banged her head on the desk.
“Just don’t.” She replied, not looking up. “Don’t say a word Tony, you’ve already said enough.”
“The receipt for your gear.”  Sharon walked into the room, handing Sam a piece of paper.
Sam took the paper, glancing down at it. “'Bird costume’? Come on, girl.” He spat incredulously reading the receipt.
“I didn’t write it.” Sharon shot back and Katie raised a brow as she watched the woman, noticing her movements, before she reached past Sam and pressed a button in the middle of the conference table. Instantly the audio from the footage they were watching of Bucky’s questioning flooded the room and Steve looked at Sharon in surprise and she nodded back to him. Katie also gave her a look of appreciation as well and Sharon averted her eyes beyond the conference room. Katie followed her gaze and saw Natasha looking furtively over her shoulder. Katie nodded to Nat, understanding instantly she’d had a hand in this. Nat inclined her head slightly before she turned back around to watch her own set of screens.
“I’m not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James?” The man in the cage gave no response so the doctor tried again. “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, James.”
“My name is Bucky.” Bucky answered voice rough, a hint of defiance in his tone.
Steve’s lips pursed, and he turned back to the table with a frown. He picked up the discarded file, pulling out the Vienna security camera photos that showed the man the task force identified as Bucky from near the bomb site.
“Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?” Steve asked handing the picture over to Katie, as she perched on the table beside him.
Sam frowned, while Sharon shrugged and answered the best way she could, “Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?”
“Right.” Steve said flatly nodding but it wasn’t enough for him. Katie cottoned on instantly.
“It’s a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken.” She shrugged and Sam’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward on his arms, while Steve continued for her.
“Suddenly you’ve got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier.”
“You’re saying someone framed him to find him.” Sharon asked slowly, summarizing their point.
“Steve, we looked for the guy for two years, and bar when he pulled your Missus out of that Hydra base, we found nothing.” Sam pointed out.
“We didn’t bomb the UN.” Katie answered. “That turns a lot of heads.”
“Yeah.” Sharon joined in quietly, “but that doesn’t guarantee that whoever framed him would get him, it guarantees that we would…”
She trailed off as all 4 of them shared an understanding glance.
Steve turned around sharply to look back at the screen showing Bucky and the UN psychiatrist, before he muttered "Yeah.” Someone had brought him here for a reason. Who, and why?
“Tell me Bucky.” The man interrogating Bucky continued on. “You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Bucky answered flatly keeping his response short.
“You feel that, if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don’t worry.” He tapped at his screen “We only have to talk about one.”
The building suddenly went dark, the power going out leaving on the emergency red lights flashing ominously. Katie hopped off the table and Steve turned urgent eyes on Sharon.
“Sub-level five, east wing.” She answered the silent question quickly.
Steve looked at Sam and he nodded then the three of them ran out of the office, using the distraction of the power outage to their advantage as they raced down the stairs to get to the level Bucky was on.
They ran down two flights of stairs before they finally reached the hallway that led to Bucky’s holding room. Steve stopped when they reached the last corridor and spotted the guards lying on the ground. He glanced back to exchange looks with Katie and Sam as they both came to a stop behind him. Now wary of what they were walking into, and highly conscious that none of them had any weapons, they made their way cautiously down the corridor. Katie bent down to check the fallen soldiers. One had a strong pulse, the other…
“He’s dead.” She muttered looking up. Steve let out a sigh of frustration and moved into the security room besides the cell, Sam and Katie close behind.  
The further into the room they went the more dead soldiers they encountered when a sudden raspy voice came from in the room that held Bucky’s containment unit. “Help me.”
Steve looked ahead to see the man who had been interrogating Bucky, lying on his side by the empty cage, clutching his side as if in pain. Steve stomped into the room angrily, ignoring the man as he begged for help again.
“Get up.” He snapped reaching down to grab the man by the front of his jacket, hauling him to his feet. The man eyed him carefully as Steve glared shoving him into a wall and snarling. “Who are you? What do you want?”
The man met his gaze, his eyes becoming cold and dark as answered lowly, “To see an empire fall.”
A movement in the corner of the room caught Katie’s eye. Sam and her ducked just in time as the Winter Soldier leapt from where he had been lurking in the shadows, throwing a punch towards Katie. He missed, hitting the concrete doorway and punching a hole through the rock.
Sam acted quickly, punching at the Winter Soldier’s side, but it didn’t even faze the super-solider as he punched Sam straight in the stomach. Sam winced, and doubled over as the Winter Soldier grabbed his chin in his metal hand, throwing him across the room. He then turned his attention to Katie, and she knew that throwing punches wasn’t going to work so all she could do was duck, using her agility to keep out of his way. She bent backwards as he made to grab her but then Steve ran at him, ducking as the Winter Soldier swung his arm out. Once the metal arm passed over his head, Steve threw a punch of his own, hitting the Soldier right in the face, and the man snarled as he swung his fist back at Steve, who dodged it. The Winter Soldier suddenly kicked out, landing a solid kick right to Steve’s stomach and Steve grunted as he was thrown backwards, landing in the security room.
The Winter Soldier strode towards him but Steve was already back on his feet and blocked the next kick with his bare hands. Katie was powerless to help; she had nothing on her, no stingers, no guns no Supernova suit. She frantically searched the room for something she could use as a weapon as the pair of super soldiers continued to fight, throwing kicks and punches while parrying and blocking the other’s moves, heading back out into the corridor. As Steve fell through the doorway again, Katie grabbed the cable she was holding and launched herself at the Winter Soldier jumping onto his back and wrapping the cable around his neck. He spun round angrily, grabbing at the cable before he reached up with his metal arm and grabbed the back of her hair, flipping her up and over before flinging her across the room at Steve who had pulled himself up against the elevator doors. Steve grunted as he caught her but quickly set her on her feet before shoving her out of the way just in time, as the Winter Soldier threw his whole weight into a punch to Steve’s chest, blowing him straight through the metal doors and down the elevator shaft.
Katie kicked at the desk in front of her, sending it The Soldier’s way as he was now advancing on her, but he broke through it easily, not even slowing in the slightest. She dodged under his arm and aimed a kick at the side of his knee, catching him perfectly and he stumbled forward. She then went to kick him again but he raised his metal arm to take the brunt of it, catching her leg so it was trapped between his arm and chest.
“Bucky this isn’t you.” Her words meant nothing to him. He grabbed a handful of her shirt with his other hand lifting her and tossing her like a rag doll straight into the wall where she banged her head painfully, causing her to see stars. She lay still for a while, dazed but and then she heard Sam shout
“Hey. You alright?”
“I think so.” She blinked groggily as Sam gently helped her to her feet. Everything seemed to work.
“C'mon,” He urged, heading towards the stairs “That so called doctor just left.”
Before Katie could head up the steps after him, a grunt caught her attention, it was Steve, minus his jacket, climbing his way out of the elevator shaft covered in dirt and sweat and looking far more attractive than he had any right to be in the middle of a damned fight.
“You okay?” He questioned only slightly out of breath from the climb, his hand dropping to his wife’s neck
“He went that way.” She pointed to the corridor on the left. "Back out to the facility. The doctor, he went the other way, Sam’s gone after him”
Steve quickly nodded. “I’ll get Bucky. You go after Sam and I’ll meet you outside.”
No further discussion was had as they split up.  By the time Katie emerged into the lobby of the facility, it was utter chaos where employees were all crushed together rushing to get out the doors and get to safety.
“Sam, any sign?” She asked as she found him outside looking round.
“No, come on.” He grabbed her hand so that they didn’t lose each other in the crowd as they moved outside the building. Sam stopped to pick up a discarded jacket that he recognised as belonging to the Fake Doctor, and Katie glanced down at it before looking around the crowd. There was no sign of him. It was then that she heard a chopper and instantly glanced up to the top of the building where a helicopter was attempting to take off. But the two-hundred plus pounds of super-solider hanging onto the landing skids was not letting go that easy. He kept hold as the helicopter dragged him to the edge, his boots skidding on the Heli-pad before he reached the end. Gritting his teeth he clung onto the skids of the helicopter with one hand, the other onto the railing of the building.
“No way.” Sam shook his head as he and Katie stood looking up at Steve who was stopping the helicopter “No goddamned way.”
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The blades of the helicopter spun rapidly but it was going nowhere as Steve switched his grip on the railing. His muscles bulged and felt like they were on fire but he didn’t let go and, with a pained grit of his teeth, he pulled even harder and felt it start to come back to him. Then, it did a sharp turn towards Steve and he dived out of the way as it came to a stop. He stood up, made his way to the door but before he could do anything Bucky’s metal fist smashed through the glass on the door and gripped him round his neck. Steve planted both his feet on the side of the chopper, trying to release himself from the grip but it was no use.
And then the helicopter began sliding.
Katie’s grip tightened around Sam’s hand as they spotted Steve’s figure still attached to the helicopter as it fell from the top of the building and into the lake below. She instantly rushed forwards, but Sam wrapped both arms around her waist to restrain her, stopping her from diving head first into the water after him. 
Not again, she kept thinking to herself, the scenes from the last time him and Bucky had entered the water flashing before her eyes.
She hadn’t realised she was yelling until Sam shouted loudly, and pointed across the water, where a head had broken the surface. Steve was dragging Bucky up beside him. They rushed to the edge of the lake where Steve made sure they got Bucky out first before he hauled himself up beside them, water dripping onto the concrete.
Sam turned his attention to Bucky making sure he was only unconscious and still breathing, while Katie’s focus turned to her husband. The anger at him being a stupid, reckless moron again boiled over.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” She screamed, before she reached back and slapped him hard across the face.  It was enough to make his head snap to the right.
“Ouch.” Sam muttered.
Steve looked at Katie, astonishment and maybe a hint of amusement on his face, before she threw herself into his arms, not caring that he was soaking wet, whilst as he wrapped his arms around her.
“You stupid…” Katie began to sob, her voice muffled as she pressed her face into his wet shirt and his hands tangled in her hair.
“I know, I know.” He muttered. “I’m sorry, Doll.” He dropped a soft kiss to her head before he gently moved her to the side and looked at Sam before nodding to the unconscious Bucky on the floor. “Let’s get out of here.”
**** Chapter 31
**Original Posting**
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