#might come and add more later...
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syksyntuuli · 11 months ago
a collection of my favorite kuumaa lyrics
"vaikka tää on loputon moottoritie, mä tuun vaikka juosten jos sun luo se vie"
"kruuna vai klaava tai mikä vaan, kunhan mä pääsen luokses taas uudestaan"
"sä sanoit että sä palaat viel takaisin, mut mä en pysty vaan oottamaan, ja mä oon päättäny että mä löydän sut. mitä se ikinä vaatikaan"
"ku ei oo mitään muuta enää kun sä, mul on hajalla kengät ja palaa sydän, sä oot ainoa merkki mun kartalle, koska sä oot ylivoimainen"
"kun tulee päätökseen tää tie, nii eteisvalssiin mut viel vie"
"mä painan mieleen noi tähtisilmät ku oot siin viel"
"anna mulle anteeks etten ollut tarpeeks vahva, vaikka kuinka haluan"
"voidaan tanssii eteisvalssii, vielä hetki ja sit kadotaan"
"tiedän et ei voida kelata alkuun, kelata alkuun, vaikka me haluttais"
"hei, meidän ei, ei tarvii miettii enää yhtään. kerro mistä tykkäät, niin kai sen teen"
"ei meille tule uutta aamuu ja kynttilät sammuu"
"ei oo sellasta päivää, ettet sä mun mieleen juolahtais"
"vaikka tää tuntuu vaikeelta, enkä osaa sulle soitella. ni haluun et sä tiedät, joka päivä ootan et palaat"
"mä opettelen kestää kaipuuta. äijä sä oot kaikkein kalleinta ja haluun et sä tiedät, joka päivä ootan et palaat"
"lupaa et mе ollaan niinku ollaan aina oltu. se välillä mua painaa mut en sitä saa sanottuu"
"hei älä ota sitä vakavasti, sanotaan hyvästejä ihanasti"
"tietenkin luotiin unelmii suurii, kun me tähtiä kateltiin"
"mä olin haljeta onnesta sun kaa"
"ja niin kauniina aikana tän sun kaa, tuun muistamaan"
"sanotaan hei hei huolella ja päätetään et se on siin"
"vaik oon maalannu muistojen päälle, miks mä vieläki kuullen sun äänen?"
"aamuja, kun sä olit viel siin ja mä luulin että meillä on aikaa"
"vuodenajat vaihtuu, mut edelleen sua. taloja sortuu ja edelleen sua"
"vaan silmänräpäys taaksepäin sä olit lähellä ja jokainen hetki sun kaa tuntu keväältä"
"oliko se tuuli vain, joka muistutti tuttuu melodiaa? mä löydän vielä uuden kai, mut se mitä me oltiin oli ku elokuvaa"
"epätodellisii hetkii pääsin elämään sun kaa, nyt mä yritän vaan ettii jotain mikä niistä muistuttaa"
"mitä jos ei tuu uutta aamuu? en tiiä mihin täältä lähtis, eikö oo ikävä?"
"mitä sit vaik aurinko sammuu? se ei oo ees taivaan kirkkain tähti, enkä oo minäkään"
"mä haluun kokea kerralla kaiken sen huumaavan iskun taas"
"kunhan tuntuu hetken jossain"
"sä oot kaunis ja kummallinen"
"puolenyön jälkeen kun muut on jo menneet, niin meillä on kauniimpaa"
"kuhan tuntuu hetken jossain, anna mulle mitä vaan"
"sä olit tän kaupungin ainoa valo, jonka näin pois katoavan"
"meidän piti olla jotain suurempaa, ei kasvettu erilleen , ei kasvettu ollenkaan"
"meistä tuli tyypillisii taviksii, hyviksii ja pahiksii"
"tän piti olla ihan eri maa, mut sama sade sataa meidänkin ikkunaan"
"opinnot, kihloihin, muistetaan nyt täytyy pitää hauskaa"
"nyt hymyilet vaan jutuille, jotka sai sut aikasemmin nauraa"
"mä mietin miten rakastuisin, suhun uudelleen ennen aamuu"
"mä en kadu sitä et mä kävelin pois, itseasiassa, mä en kadu mitään"
"mitä jos meiän rakkaus muuttuu heti kun sen tunnustaa?"
"mut kauniimpaa, on epävarmuus varmasti"
"jos ollaan näin, ilman lupauksien kahleita"
"vaik lause on jo huulilla. älä sano sitä vielä. mä tunnen sen."
"ja mä oon onnellinen joka hetkestä jonka sä oot mun kaa. mä toivon et sä tiedät. se riittää et mä"
"meil kynttilät poltetaan molemmista päistä, väistä ei kumpikaan"
"parempi ois mennä pihalle jäähtyy, mut kun kerran ollaan vauhtiin päästy"
"jos sun pitää huutaa, huuda sitten luujempaa"
"anna tuulen tuulla ennen ku tyyntyy"
"jos haluat hajottaa, hajotetaan tää sit kokonaan"
"tänään se voi sattuu, ku yö on pimein ennen aamuu"
"ja mä lupaan et tää loppuu huomen"
"mä vannoin etten aio suhun rakastua, mut tulipalo on irti ja mä haluun sua niiku hullu, tuhlaan tulitikkuja"
"sanotaan vaan, et tää oli sattuman kauppaa"
"miten osuttiin samaan paikkaan samaan paikkaan ja aikaan?"
"voi helvetti kuinka oon jäänyt katumaan, sanoja joita en suoriksi saanutkaan"
"ja kun mä sanoin etten odota mitään, mä odotin sua"
"miks en suutani auki mä saanut siinä kun seisoit?"
"kun mä sanoin, että rakastan elämää, tarkotin sua"
"luulin se ois sanomattakin selvää, mut enhän mä voi siitä kun itteeni syyttää"
"kaikki mitä sul on pääl, on ku suunniteltu alunperin sua varten"
"multa lähtee järki, voinko saada kaikki nää mun vinot ajatukset anteeks? anteeks"
"must tuntuu et mä nään, sun mustan takin yhtenään. heijastus mun silmäkulmas, ennen kuin se häviää"
"sä oot kaikkialla. sä oot mun ihon alla"
"tääl mä jäädyn, vaik hies on muut"
"ja se kuinka tanssit mun tajun pois. kyynel kun mietin et mikä sut takas tois?"
"ei me oltu todennäkösii, pelkkii huonoi lopputulemii"
"ei tää oo hyvästi vaa näkemiin, leikitään että tää menee niin"
"ne on nuoren syksyn tuulia tai sit, onkse vaa niin et täs hetkes on kaikki?"
"ollu villi ja vaativa vuosi, mut vieläki hengis"
täs on kaikki mitä mä tarviin, enkä mieti mihin junien täytyy mennä, ku se on tulevaa, mitä sitä suremaan?"
"täs on kaikki mitä mä tarviin, kyllä huomisen jälkeen on päivii vielä, mut se on tulevaa, mitä sitä suremaan?"
"viisaat on koittanu kertoo et kaikki loppuu, haluun uskoa kuitenkin siihen et tää on vast alkuu"
"sä kiskot mua mukanas, sun maailmanlopun maisemiin"
"siks kai mä oon sun"
"sä tuhoat aivan tahallaan, mun mukavuusalueen rakennelmat"
"kun sä lähdet, mä jään, mut tiiät et juosken sun perään"
"kun viereen nukahat, mä jään valvomaan"
"sä tulit ja menit ennen ku tajusin"
"varoittamatta kun radiossa soi se biisi joka saa sut laulamaan, ja kaupungin halki juoksemaan"
"meitä odotetaan, mutta sä tykkäät vaihtaa suuntaa se saa mut seuraamaan"
"sun hulluista runoista, jää vain valoviivoja"
"ollaanko valoviivoja?"
"mut miks on niin vaikeaa, niin kovin vaikeaa pysyy aloillaan?"
"mä irrotan otteen ja liian myöhään tajuan, oot mun ainoa oikea satama"
"miten voi olla, et kaikkein kalleinta satutan?"
"se on vieras ja kaunis, se syleilyynsä mut sulkee"
"ja mä itelleni selitän, et mun piti tehdä juuri näin. mut silti mä vilkuilen taustapeiliin päin"
"sun pää räjähtää jos et saa mun sydäntä"
"tajuutsä et kaivat vääräst paikast kultaa?"
"sä oot niit tyypei, jotka vie mukanaan, antaa ensin taivaan, sit maahan pudottaa"
"oon kokeillut kaikkea, mutten mä vielkää sua pois mun mielest saa"
"onks sun lääkitykset pieles, vai ootsä vaan vajaa?"
"vai mennääks vaa ulos käppäilee?"
"pitäny ei juosta minnekkään"
"huolia ei ollut, meil yhtään"
"elettiin kai kerran, ku viimmestä päivää"
"vaikken yleensä niin tee, taisin onnesta itkee, mut sua vaa nauratti"
"kaukaa kaikki on aina kauniimpaa, jahtaan jotain mitä ei vaan kiinni saa"
"taas silmät kusettaa ja aina uudestaan mun sydän päätyy sitä uskomaan"
*insert juna-asema* *the whole song* *i can't even*
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doctorho · 1 month ago
this one is for eveyone who needs some extra love around these times.
Viktor knows better than he'd like that life isn't always...pretty. Or simple, or easy, or fair. No matter how hard most of Piltover seemed to pretend that there was something magical in the midwinter turnpoint that made everyone suddenly forget the suffering and misery and the complexities of real-life situations, he knows that's not the case.
Which is why he doesn't ask stupid questions when you stay at the Academy over winter break. He doesn’t pry; he doesn’t need to. It's evident enough in the way you preoccupy yourself with work that it's something you'd rather not discuss. You're focusing harder than usual, and he's familiar enough with what that precarious, tight-knuckle grip on being okay.
And Viktor?
Well. Viktor's more than happy to be a distraction.
When he gets to the lab, mid-morning, you're already there. He's not exactly surprised; he'd anticipated this. Maybe even hoped for it. He'd worked with you for a while now and grown exponentially more attached to your company - not that he'd told you the extent of his affections. But he'd get to that. Hopefully.
He came prepared with two warm drinks and still-steaming pastries, and he silently starts unloading those to the common desk that had been designated as the makeshift kitchen of the room.
"Good morning," he says casually, "I brought breakfast." He thinks of adding if you want some, but upon reflection, doesn't. There's a fine line between respecting someone's free will and pushing them to make good choices, and he's currently erring hard to the side of I don't know if you've eaten anything yet today but you definitely should.
You only hum in response, not lifting your eyes off your current project.
In response to this, he hums back and tilts his head, studies the organized mess on your desk; circuit boards, either half-assembled or half-taken apart, he's not sure, stripped wires, a steaming soldering iron. Your hands, shaking a little.
He places the drink intended for you on your desk, just annoyingly out-of-reach, and waits for you to look up.
"When was the last time you ate something?" he asks, holding up the pastry now that he has your attention.
"Why does that matter?" you ask, reaching for the takeaway cup on the edge of your desk. Viktor leans the handle of his cane to block your reach, which makes you look up at him. Properly.
"Just trying to determine if I should make you take a lunch break while I'm bothering you, or if the pastry will suffice."
He lifts his eyebrows, waiting for you to answer.
You shift in your seat. He can hear your back crack in several places, and not in the pleasant type of way.
"Last night," you answer, leaning back with a sigh, then quietly add, "I think."
Viktor reaches over to turn off your soldering iron. "Lunchbreak it is, then. These can be dessert."
"I'm fine-" you start, and he lifts an eyebrow.
"I don't believe you," he says, completely casually, "I think you're pushing through low blood sugar to get this-" he gestures towards the desk, "finished, and I can tell you it's much easier to make mistakes when you aren't thinking clearly."
When you're quiet, he continues, picking up your coat and offering it to you. "You can trust me on this," he says, "I have more than enough experience."
You take a deep breath and sigh it out, feeling somewhat like a toddler.
"I promise you can go right back to poking at this later." He adds, and you slowly take the jacket from him.
"Good," he says, "I know a place."
It's a careful dance, and he knows this; he doesn’t want to push you. But he's been there, and he doesn’t want you to suffer more than absolutely necessary. And he really does know a place.
He re-packs the drinks and the pastries, and you follow him to a nearby cafe-and-drink-cart that's serving small steaming dishes outside. They're serving small steaming cups of - stew? Soup? And warm bread filled with different things, and you hadn't really noticed it before, but now that you were looking at - and smelling - the food, you were starving.
By the time you've registered the selection, he's already ordered for the both of you, and then the guy at the cart is offering you a brown paper bag and Viktor is moving again, and you take a few hurried steps to catch up with him.
"Where are we going?"
You can see him smile before he answers.
"Well," he says, "I was thinking we could take advantage of the great hall being empty, and eat there." He turns to look at you with an eyebrow raised, "I can only imagine how displeased the Academy Staff would be if we risked dirtying their marble floors with common food."
"Oh, really, you can only imagine?"
He shrugs, grinning. "Are you insinuating I have experience with matters such as these?"
"Yes," you answer, opening the paper bag to study its contents while you walked.
He hums in answer. "I am shocked by your accusations." He says, then, clearly fighting a smile, "I would never get caught breaking such a boring rule."
You smile now, too. "Right," you answer, "only the interesting ones."
The way he glances at you and smiles is more than enough of a response.
He stops at one of the long tables at the grand hall, and as he shrugs off his jacket and sits down, you place down the paper bag and do the same. He starts unpacking the contents of the bag, focused, placing down steaming bowls with a spicy scent to them, paper-covered wraps of something, utensils, and smaller bowls of... something colorful. Spices? Toppings?
Viktor opens the containers one by one, making the contents of the single takeaway bag look like a pretty impressive feast.
And you study him as he moves. Careful, confident in his movements, calm. While your insides felt like they were trying to hide, and had felt like that for... a good while now, he was calm like any other day. A rock-solid presence in the otherwise empty room.
"Are you not going to ask me?" you ask, "why I'm working through the winter break."
Viktor's only imminent reaction is the gentle lift of a single eyebrow.
"No," he answers, casually, and it sounds simple when he says it like that.
He meets your eyes, and that feels simple, too; because he is here, too.
It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. He unwraps a folded paper napkin with careful fingers, and then places a steaming-soft bread in front of you.
You look at him for a moment, and then take a bite of the bread. It is soft and warm and heavenly, and when you taste the stew-soup-something, it's like it warms you down to your soul. You eat in silence; but it feels like there's a gentle bubble of understanding surrounding you.
You hold the warm bowl, and slowly, your hands shake less and less. The tension around your head gives away a little, too.
"Do you like the snow?" Viktor asks, and you follow his gaze out the window.
"I probably shouldn't," he continues, "the cold isn't exactly gentle on me. But it is pretty, I can't deny that."
You hum in answer. "Yeah," you agree with a small sigh, "it is beautiful."
His eyes meet yours, and he tilts his head.
"Do you want to break another rule?" he asks, something michievous curling at the end of his words.
You tilt your head in response. "A more interesting one?"
"Infinitely," he responds with a smile, and you're already on your feet.
And that's how you end up breaking into the roof of the Academy with him. Or, it's probably not technically breaking, since he has the keys, but you definitely aren't supposed to be in there, so that's what it feels like.
It also feels... breathless. And not just because it feels illegal, but it's... it's beautiful, and he holds your hand in the dark stairway and doesn't let go when he guides you to the expanse of the roof, and there's snow floating down all around you-
and for a moment, it feels like you're the only two people in the world, surrounded by a gentle blanket of snow and silence.
Or... not-silence. There is a song softly floating through the air, like it's being reflected in the snowflakes all around you.
And Viktor is offering you a hand.
You furrow your brows as your head catches up with your heart. "Are you asking me to dance?"
"Would you say yes if I was?"
And that was the question, wasn't it;
would you?
Your head tries to butt in with should you, but... something still-soft and light in your heart comes in way too solid with a yes.
Yes, you would.
So you take his hand, and meet him halfway to an embrace. He pulls you close to his chest, and the dance is as gentle as the snowfall around you; just a soft sway from side to side, breathing in sync with the music.
And Viktor isn't sure if this is a good idea, but... you look like you're further away from that edge now, no-longer shaking, and... he hated seeing you in your head that deep, and if he could do anything to help you find your way back to yourself, he'd do that.
It feels a little selfish, this dance, but... it was difficult to justify that when you were in his arms, breathing calm and even.
"I really am fine," you tell him quietly, and he runs a hand up your back slowly. You swallow. "Or I will be, at least."
"I know," he breathes out, and he means it.
You close your eyes, and believe it.
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edenfire · 1 month ago
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🪽❤️ can you feel your soul melting away? ❤️🪽
i was inspired by skyberia's piece of goro and doodled this up☺️💞🌸
I'm happy with some parts, but I still feel really unsure about other parts... I guess that's just part of the process^^
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myokk · 1 month ago
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Ok this is why my fanart has been 0 this week😆😆 I’m working on this self portrait in my free time and😤😭
I really need to trust the process bc I don’t hate it as much as I did before…BUT🫠 I’m still really unsatisfied with it!!!!!!🥲 the underpainting I did was TERRIBLE and yet I thought I could paint on top of it😆😆😆😆 I Am A Fool but I’m having fun bc it’s been a long time since I used oil paints!!!
Under the cut is jumpscare numver 2 my reference😆😆😆
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becauseplot · 1 year ago
i think it could be really fun to write a crowmonster!philza and warrior!etoiles au for the soul purpose of writing their little "sparring" matches where instead of beating each other with sticks it's just etoiles wrestling his big ol dragon-esque monster friend. etoiles clinging onto phil's back/tail feathers as phil tries to buck him off. phil holding etoiles in his beak and shaking him around like a chew toy. etoiles hooking an arm/rope around phil's throat and phil doing this great big dramatic roaring cry as he stumbles and flops onto his back and "dies", talons in the air, twitching, also crushing etoiles in the process. everyone else looking on with bewildered concern as phil seems to be gnawing etoiles' arm off and etoiles is just lying there declaring deadpan, "ohhh no he is too strong, the monster has defeated me, he is killing me, it is so slow and painful, i am dying, ggs bro, ggs." (<-he is perfectly fine, phil is only play-mauling)
other fun points:
phil tossing etoiles around in the air like he weighs literally nothing
etoiles pinning one of phil's wing-arms behind his back like its no big deal
etoiles ripping out some of phil's feathers during one of their play fights and phil freezing mid-thrash just to shoot him the flattest, most offended look to ever come from a non-human creature
phil accidentally going too far and ripping up etoiles' shoulder and phil just becoming the biggest, most whimpery apologetic mass of feathers and spikes as etoiles pats his beak and tells him it's no problem, it doesn't even hurt that bad (and phil just wails louder)
both of them nudging/bugging/poking each other when they're bored to goad the other into a play fight, with varying degrees of success
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coyoteclan · 1 year ago
Big TW for pet loss
Hey, clangen tumblr and those who just enjoy the silly cats on this blog. I know it's been a little bit of time since my last update, but unfortunately during the past few months, I have been caring for my closest friend, Comet.
She's been my best friend for 15 whole years, and on February 9th of 2024, I'm sad to say that she has passed. I won't lie when I say that this is one of the hardest posts I've ever made, but I want to continue this blog in her honor. Normally, I have a terrible habit of just letting projects like this slip by me and gather dust; however Comet was meant to play an integral part within the blog to immortalize her, and I refuse to let something meant just for her to go to waste.
I want to thank you all first of all for being such an amazing community. I've genuinely had so much joy come of this blog, and it pains me that I let it go stagnant for as long as I have. There are 568 of you now, which is so extremely wild to me; but I hope that from now on, you can all love Comet as much as I did, even if as a memory.
I hope to return to posting content both here and on my main, @mxssacre , but for now I still need time to grieve and come to terms with the loss of someone that was so incredibly intertwined with everything I've done since I was 9 years old.
Thank you for everything Comet, my heart, my soul, my love.
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More of my favorite photos of her beneath the cut.
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It's hard to choose favorites out of the thousands of photos I've taken of her over the years, but I hope these do her justice to show what an amazing being she was. I hope you're hunting your toy mice in the stars, Comet.
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sw33t-oubliette · 14 days ago
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nothing comes for free
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 10 months ago
Hornet x Quirrel stuff
• Quirrel telling Hornet stories about the lands outside Hallownest and teaching her more about the world outside. And Hornet telling Quirrel stories of Hallownest and helping him to remember his old home.
• The two of them practice sparing with each other And of course Quirrel teases Hornet about the first time they met.
• Hornet easily relaxing around Quirrel but being upset about it later, after she's realized.
• Quirrel writing about her and sketching pictures of her. (He just finds her so intriguing!)
• Hornet loves dancing, she learned how to dance in the hive and she feels so relaxed and free when she does it. Quirrel would absolutely enjoy dancing with her, and learning from her. And he's a quick learner!
• Quirrel and Hornet doing tasks together and Quirrel gets so easily distracted. Hornet keeps him focused and he helps her to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
• Both of them love water, and swim very well. They spend lots of time at the blue lake, or dancing in the rain in the city.
• Hornet making Quirrel silk bandanas, he loves to wear.
• The two of them visiting the dreamers memorial in the resting grounds. Placing flowers by their stone.
• Herrah and Monomon watching over them, absolutely adoring how close the two have become.
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nerdysk8s · 1 month ago
It's been 40 years since I've been on here 😂 but today's my birthday! I'm not 40 but I am another year closer to 30. A whole 29 years old to be exact.
What's new? Currently momming without The Big Sad so I love that for us. I'm also speculating I have AuDHD but I need to run that past people who can properly verify that. I got my learner's permit and have driven multiple times this weekend!
Current intrests: fashion, Bead bracelet making, figure skating (always my love)
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dreadwo1f · 2 months ago
baldur's gate verse.
came up with a lil idea that solas accidentally travels to faerun through the eluvian, and gets stuck. he voluntarily joins the companions probably because the dread three has something he needs to get him back to thedas ?? he keeps his identity a secret, and pretends that he is just some wood elf from a clan in the forest sent to investigate the nautiloid and got him taken by the mindflayer - and not an ancient elf from a different world. he was never on the ship and he isn't infected with a tadpole, instead you meet him on the beach and solas feels like the smart idea would be to join the adventurers on their quest, all while learning and adapting to this new world. * another thing to note. he would want to save the tieflings and would strongly oppose the druids. killing the tieflings would result in him having a heated exchange before packing his things and leaving. and going alone to face thorm, orin and gortash. i feel like maybe in act two much like the other companions, things become revealed.
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biitchcakes · 3 months ago
The Sacrifice of Hair / The Important Haircut .
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To save her life and Lindsay's, Jessica must tear at own hair. Hair that we have watched grow over the last couple of years as she discovers who she is, learns what it's like to be human. What it's like to be free from Hydra's control. It goes from its natural blonde into its since signature black. It's been a part of her journey, and her literally ripping it apart here comes just two issues before her death ⸺⸺ and subsequent REBIRTH.
( the video that got me thinking about it )
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paalove · 3 months ago
okay thinking about "attitude to personal property" as a defining character trait in j&j might seem a liiiittle obvious bc. thief show. but rose and p'nang talking about being absolutely committed to (rosé's) moral right to her legal property made it click in my mind-
bc theres the loan shark thing too, of course, collateral being property that is yours but isnt, is the boss's but isnt, the way the ring especially is transformed by being collateral and then stolen collateral and then (briefly? depends on next episode) free and clear.
so yeah there's joke as A Thief - if it helps me, if youre using it wrong, then it's mine, and there's the desperation-led thefts of tattoo and safe, which are interesting in their own right, but the really interesting thing is jack returning the ring because its not really his if he hasnt acquired it Legitimately - in a way he perceives as legitimate, perhaps in a way the law does too. this aligns him with rosé and nang but in the inverse of their statement - "what's mine has to be mine", then "what's owed to others has to be theirs", and i suspect we'll see rosé trying to align her previously inwardly-focused beliefs with this, over the next couple of episodes.
and when you start asking questions about the extent to which love and people fit into this, it gets really interesting. nang makes it explicit with jack, but - the ring as jack's parents' (and jack's parents as jack's) and the necklace as arun's mother's/boss's wife's (the question of which of them has the right to it, thereby to her memory, being absolutely key to arun's arc lately!). rosé is more straightforward - don't even look at jack's things, give me jack.
(and boss, of course, doesnt see a distinction really - underlings, at least, are always things. he can take and damage arun's things/people, because arun is ultimately his too - he can give away jack, because jack is absolutely his.)
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yeyayeya · 1 month ago
I was scrolling through my abandoned drafts and found a Scáthach/Arthur fic that I started writing almost 6 months ago that I forgot about, and I surprisingly wrote quite a lot
I might have enough motivation to eventually finish it, but I ain’t exactly sure if I will
I might eventually post it, but don’t be surprised if I don’t actually finish
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aroacettorney · 5 months ago
au where bretus kindom took marias selmore as hostage to blackmail casey and have her track down heathcliff van bretus for them
#academy's undercover professor#academy's undercover professor spoilers#like come on they gotta have other plans than relying on grander to agree to become their bait#fresh idea that has yet properly developed but i just think it would be fun to chew on#i might add more later as it comes#this could have happened in place of the fake fiance arc/timeline (but lbr all roads lead to rome)#instead of coming to ludger w a marriage proposal she told him abt the kidnapping of her sister and what bretus kingdom wanted in exchange#ludger: what does that have anything to do w me?#casey: you. you are him arent you?#which rendered ludger speechless bc how tf could she even deduce that#anyway they eventually negotiated to infiltrate bretus together to extract marias#they also found out marias was brainwashed & casey had to subdue her herself (while ludger dealt w his sibs) which led to her enlightenment#this obviously is gonna out ludger as heathcliff but the holy war has to happen somehow#yknow whats more fun. after casey and ludger got away they r both branded as wanted criminals by bretus lmfao#(ludger used this opportunity to joke abt how he had made casey into a false criminal therefore they are now even :D)#exilion empire got dragged in and eileen + terinna had to pick a side (casey & terinna angst!!! <2)#ludger and casey had to deal w the opposing force while on the run themselves#(later marias who was saved clocked their closeness and stopped bothering casey w arranged marriage)#(meanwhile ludger got the intel of the relics from marias as compensation)
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burntblueberrywaffles · 1 year ago
23 for the drawing ask
23 on my spotify wrapped was... Push from the Barbie Movie! I just had to draw out the scene and immediately got WAY too into it and dropped everything to make this LOL
for how quickly I made it I think it turned out great :3
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Spotify ask game!!!! tell me the number of the song and i will draw a silly little digital drawing (stick figures even) based on the name of the song or one of its lyrics !! please mention it's for the drawing ask game!
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lipssoscarlett · 7 months ago
do you think after taylor swift comes out (if she does come out), she will be regarded as a queer icon/pioneer of queer rights or not?
i think it really depends on what she does after! lets assume that she comes out in a very lowkey way, like she says "men or women" in an interview or on stage or something, and then later confirms on social media that she means she's queer.
it's taylor so i don't think this means she'll all of a suden start saying who every song is about, but she might make it more clear that she's talking about a woman in lyrics (using female pronouns, talking about dresses, idk shit like that)
if she keeps on doing what she has been (even with a formal coming out) i think a LOT of people will accuse her of queerbaiting, even more than already do. If she releases a song that is widely believed to be about a woman, I think a lot of swifties would consider it performative bisexuality (ex i kissed a girl & like most of 2000s celebrity culture)
if she starts doing more public advocacy and speaking out against homophobia (like i hope she does and like she talked about in the early lover era) then yes i think she will be remembered on the level as elton john and the like.
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