#might as well give permission and means for crimes before u go
fisherrprince · 2 years
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(i'm going to be the virus)
closeups :)
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xigbar: can i have this chip, child ive never met brain, literally two seconds away from dying: go. do a crime. kill
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falling through
prompt: abandoned
whumpee: kurt wallander
fandom: young wallander
hi! a brief bit of bg for this fic - it’s set after the show, in a timeline where kurt and reza are now partners in major crimes and rask is their boss. idk if this would fit with any kind of canon but also idc. my rules :) anyway i hope u like this!!!
It’s not their best idea by any means, but sometimes, to break open a case, you have to take a risk. You have to do something questionable and a little stupid, and you have to do it without the permission or even the knowledge of your boss. This usually works in the movies, at any rate. 
This isn’t a movie, Kurt thinks, as Reza parks the car in front of a long-abandoned, derelict, half-rotted house that Rask definitely hadn’t given them the go-ahead to investigate. This is just a bad idea. But they’re already here, and Reza’s already out of the car, and there is the possibility that they’re going to find something here, at the childhood home of their currently-on-the-run murderer, so he sighs and exits the car, jogging after Reza to catch up.
What’s left of the front door swings open the second Reza touches it, and he and Kurt share a look before stepping over the threshold. Inside, the smell of decay is overwhelming. There are moth-eaten skeletons of furniture and the occasional spray-painted symbol on the peeling, stained wallpaper and the occasional squeaking of a rat. “Lovely place,” Reza mutters, and Kurt laughs. 
Towards the back of the house is a staircase, which is missing approximately half of its steps. It looks less than safe, but upstairs is where the bedrooms (and the most likely sources of evidence) are, so they ascend, one at a time, in slow, halting steps. 
They make it upstairs without incident and end up in a hallway that extends in two directions. Silently, they agree to each take one. Reza goes straight ahead, and Kurt goes to the right. 
He pulls his flashlight out as he walks along, flicking it on and passing it in sweeping arcs over his surroundings. A hole in the wall here, a dead bug or three there, a bathroom with broken porcelain and a window missing its pane, and a bedroom that clearly had once belonged to a young girl and not their murderer. He’s about to turn around and see if Reza’s had any better luck when he hears a clatter from the end of the hallway.
He takes a step forward in the direction of the clatter, and there’s a rather ominous creaking sound beneath his feet. He looks down just in time to watch the floor give out from under him, and then all of a sudden he’s lying on his back on the first floor, the breath knocked right out of him, dazed and stunned and surrounded by rubble. 
For a few seconds he simply lies there with absolutely no idea what’s just happened, and then he hears a voice shout his name from somewhere above him. He opens eyes that he hadn’t realized were closed and finds himself staring upwards at a giant hole in the ceiling, and then he remembers. 
He’s just fallen through the floor. Or the ceiling, depending on how you look at it. The voice calls again, echoing around inside his head, and he recognizes it as Reza. He hears footsteps above him and tries to shout a warning that comes out as little more than a whisper. Fortunately, the footsteps stop moving, and he hears them retreat, and then come thumping down the stairs, and he listens to them approach, and then Reza is standing over him and asking him something that he can’t understand. 
Now that his body has gotten over its initial shock, it hurts. What feels like every single part of his body below his neck is aching and sore. His head feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton. He can feel stinging little cuts and scrapes all over his exposed skin and his right ankle throbs in time with his heartbeat and even his lungs ache from having had the air knocked out of them on impact.  
“Kurt!” Reza’s voice sounds different this time, serious and worried, and Kurt finally manages to think a coherent thought. That doesn’t sound good. He forces himself to speak. 
“Hi,” is the only thing he can think of to say, but it must be good enough for Reza, who at some point has dropped to his knees beside Kurt’s body. He smiles down at Kurt, and Kurt tries to smile back but feels himself failing. It hurts…
“I know,” Reza says, placing a very gentle hand on Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt blinks at him in surprise, not having realized that he’d spoken aloud. He lets his eyes drift closed for a second to try and better take stock of his body and his injuries, but Reza shakes his shoulder and tells him to stay awake. 
“‘M not sleeping,” Kurt manages to say. “Tryin’ to see what hurts.”
“Okay,” Reza replies, “but you try and go drifting off and I’ll kick your ass.”
“Got it,” Kurt whispers back, and then shuts his eyes again and focuses, starting from the top. His head hurts, but not badly enough to be worrying. There’s a rather large cut above his right eyebrow that’s slowly dripping hot, sticky blood down his face, and a few smaller scrapes across the rest of his face and down his neck. His chest and back still ache from the force of impact, but if he concentrates he can move his fingers and toes, so his spine is unharmed. His right sleeve is torn up, and he can feel little scratches all up and down the arm. The same is true for the right leg of his pants. He supposes that’s the part of him that went through the floor first. His right ankle is still aching, and he recognizes the pain as a sprain - irritating and painful, but ultimately harmless. He’s essentially fine. He just aches. 
That survey complete, Kurt opens his eyes again and finds Reza’s face. “‘M fine,” he reports, though he doubts Reza will be very convinced. 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. Banged up, is all. Nothing serious.”
“Good,” Reza says. “Because there’s no service out here.”
“Oh,” Kurt replies, suddenly very glad indeed that none of his injuries are critical, ambulance-worthy ones. 
“Yeah,” Reza says. “That means we’ve gotta get you out of here on our own. You think you can walk?”
“Dunno.” He’s willing to try, though. Kurt presses his palms down firmly into the pile of rubble, which shifts and makes unpleasant noises around him. He pushes his feet into it at the same time, and manages to scramble up onto his feet after several seconds of intense pain. He wavers and very nearly falls right back down, but Reza grabs his shoulders and holds him up. Everything is spinning and his legs are shaking and his right ankle isn’t at all enjoying having weight put on it. Kurt bites back a cry of pain and tries to take a step, because for this to stop, he has to get out of here, but his legs won’t let him move and he feels his eyes well up with frustrated, pained tears, and he tries again to make his legs move but it hurts too much and he can’t, and then…
Then he’s moving? But he’s not walking. His vision is still a bit fuzzy and his body is aching too much to feel anything touching it, and it takes him several seconds to realize that he’s being carried, slightly awkwardly but very gently. He doesn’t have it in him to be embarrassed about this situation, as he normally would be - honestly, he’s just grateful that he doesn’t have to move. 
He watches as his surroundings (which have become clear again, now that he’s not trying to stand up on legs that really don’t want him to be doing that) change, from the interior of the abandoned house to the outside, and then to the backseat of the car. Reza sets him down on the edge of the seat, positioned so that he’s facing out the door. 
“There’s a first aid kit in here somewhere, hold on,” Reza says, and walks around to the back of the car. It’s not really like Kurt has any choice in this matter, so he stays put. 
“What’re you doing?” he asks, when Reza reappears with a large plastic box in his hands. 
“You’re pretty cut up,” Reza replies, setting the box down on the ground and popping it open. He rifles through it and grabs several different things before standing back up and facing Kurt, sliding medical gloves onto his hands. “I don’t want anything getting infected, and I’m sure you would appreciate not having blood all over your face.”
Kurt raises a shaking hand to touch the side of his face. His fingers come away wet and shiny with blood, and he remembers the cut on his forehead. “That would be good,” he agrees, and then sits silently and waits for Reza to get to work. 
Reza begins with an item not from the first aid kit at all - a warm, unopened bottle of water from the front seat of the car. He pours the water onto a cotton ball and begins carefully cleaning Kurt’s face. Kurt flinches backwards out of instinct when the water first hits his face, but it doesn’t actually hurt, and after a while it actually feels kind of nice. Reza continues the process on Kurt’s neck, then sets down his cotton ball and picks up a pair of scissors. Kurt eyes them warily, trying to think of what exactly they might be for. 
“Sorry about this,” Reza says, and Kurt doesn’t have time to panic about what that might mean before Reza is cutting away the right sleeve of his shirt near the shoulder, and the right leg of his pants slightly above the knee. 
“So I can see what I’m working with without your torn-up clothes in the way,” Reza explains, after he’s finished mutilating Kurt’s clothes. Kurt just nods, glad that he hadn’t been particularly attached to this outfit. 
With his work area now exposed, Reza grabs and wets another cotton ball, then repeats the cut-cleaning process on Kurt’s right arm and leg, as well as his left hand. “Can you feel anything anywhere else?” he asks, and Kurt concentrates for a second, then slowly shakes his head.
“This next part might hurt a little. Sorry in advance,” Reza says, and Kurt watches as he grabs a pair of tweezers and a small bottle of something, which Kurt identifies by the smell as rubbing alcohol once Reza opens the bottle and begins pouring it onto the tweezers.
“I can only see a couple cuts with anything in them,” Reza says, which Kurt supposes is something of a reassuring statement. “This shouldn’t take too long.”
True to his word, the process is quick, but stinging and painful. Kurt knows it’s hardly that bad in the grand scheme of things, but it still hurts, and for a few seconds afterwards he sits there and takes deep breaths and blinks his eyes rapidly and mentally yells at himself to get it together. 
“You ready to keep going?” Reza asks after a moment, and Kurt nods. “This part also might be a little uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t sting or hurt that bad,” he continues. 
“What is it?” Kurt thinks to ask, staring warily into the contents of the box. Reza bends down and grabs a small tube, turning the label so Kurt can see it.
“Nothing bad, just an antibiotic,” Reza assures him, and Kurt gives another nod. Reza dabs the ointment on with a gloved finger, and it does feel extremely uncomfortable on the big cut on Kurt’s forehead, but on the majority of the rest he hardly feels a thing. When Reza’s finished, he sticks a bandage to the large cut and to a few of the bigger ones on the rest of Kurt’s body, leaving the rest alone. 
“Done,” he announces, finally, and returns to the box to put away his items. Kurt watches curiously as Reza continues rummaging around in the box after everything is already put away, until eventually he stands back up triumphantly and holds up a small packet of painkillers. “Thought I lost these,” he says. “You want them?”
Kurt nods, and Reza tears open the packet, shaking two small, round pills into Kurt’s left palm, which is the less cut-up of the two. He passes over the now half-empty bottle of water, and Kurt swallows the pills and then drinks the remaining water. 
“How’re you feeling?” Reza asks, when he’s finished. Kurt attempts a shrug and winces in pain. 
“Okay,” he says, which is not really true. He does feel better than he had when he was lying on the floor, and certainly much better than he had when he was trying to stand. 
“Sure you’re okay,” Reza says. “Not like you just fell through a floor or anything.”
“Better, then,” Kurt amends, and Reza nods. “Good. Then let’s go.”
That sounds very agreeable to Kurt, so he turns - very slowly and carefully - until his body is all the way in the car. He tries to buckle his seatbelt but gives up very quickly, and Reza does it for him, then shuts his door and opens the driver’s door. He starts the engine, and Kurt watches out the window as the old, abandoned house disappears. As they rejoin the bustling roads of Malmö, a very worrying thought crosses Kurt’s mind for the first time.
“How are we gonna explain this to Rask?”
thanks for reading!!!! i rlly had a fun time writing this and i hope u liked reading it!
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onecanonlife · 4 years
careful son (you got dreamer's plans)
Wilbur gasps back to life with mud between his fingers and rain in his eyes.
Wilbur was dead. Now, he is not. He can't say that he's particularly happy about it.
Unfortunately, the server is still as tumultuous as ever, even with Dream locked away, so it seems that his involvement in things isn't a matter of if, but when.
(Alternatively: the prodigal son returns, and a broken family finally begins to heal. If, that is, the egg doesn't get them all killed first.)
Chapter Word Count: 5,687
Chapter Warnings: swearing, implied s.uicidal ideation
Chapter Summary: In which Wilbur visits L’Manhole, has his first encounter with the blood vines, and finally sees Tommy again.
(masterlist w/ ao3 links)
(first chapter) (previous chapter) (next chapter)
Chapter Four: head in the dust
L’Manberg really is just a crater in the ground, now.
He knew, of course. Ghostbur saw it in the aftermath, in the aftermath of the TNT and the withers and Techno and Phil standing shoulder to shoulder with Dream, an unholy alliance that no one else stood a chance against.
(is he angry at them, for allying with Dream? he’s done the same thing, and business is business no matter the devil you’re dealing with, as long as you don’t mind your soul being blackened)
(for Tommy’s sake, there is anger. for anyone else’s, well. he doesn’t think he has a right to be indignant on their behalf, not about this, not unless he wants to add being the worst type of hypocrite to his stack of crimes)
But Ghostbur was focused on Friend, then, and not so much the ruin of everything else. It hits differently, to see it now, to see a crater in the ground filled with rubble and broken buildings, the remains of something that used to be more, that used to stand for something, that aspired to a symbol that it could never truly embody.
(not when it was built on a flawed foundation, traitors and child soldiers and a flight path too close to the sun)
Overhead, thunder rumbles. Distant, but there are clouds gathering.
The melody comes to his mind unbidden, lilting and soft. He hums a few bars experimentally. And then a few more, staring out over the wreckage, eyes tracing over the remains of structures that are both familiar and not. So little of his L’Manberg was left by the time Phil and Techno destroyed it, and it is odd to recognize what it turned into, Ghostbur’s memories at odds with the knowledge that he wasn’t here to see it, was very much dead and at peace.
He keeps humming. There is a
song, the song, begging to be played, and he wishes he had his guitar. He’s not sure where it is. He can’t remember whether Ghostbur had it, whether it was left to be destroyed along with everything else. Or whether it was abandoned in Pogtopia, and there it still lies, gathering dust in an empty ravine with the remnants of the potato farms and the training rooms and the corridors they hollowed out and called their own.
The words won’t come to his lips. He knows them intimately, like he knows his own name or perhaps even better, but he holds back.
Lightning forks through the sky. For a second, all the world is black and white, his vision painted with stark shadows. The clouds are darkening; the skies will open up any moment now. He feels a burst of fear, a burst of get inside, get inside now, you’ll melt, and then remembers that he is not Ghostbur, and that a little bit of rain won’t hurt him at all.
It is time to move on, though. Lingering here will gain him nothing.
He looks out over what is left of L’Manberg one last time. And then turns on his heel and continues walking down the Prime Path, his coat flaring out behind him.
It feels so odd to be here, to be walking this road so openly. He hasn’t seen anyone yet, and he probably has the oncoming storm to thank for it. And he is thankful; he’s not sure how he would react if he ran into anyone, or how they would react to running into him. There are old friends here alongside old enemies, as well as people that he hasn’t even met, not really, not properly, not as himself. Time’s marched on without him, and if he’s being honest, he doesn’t know what to make of the changes that have happened in his absence.
He does know that he doesn’t particularly want to see anyone. Anyone other than Tommy, that is. So he’s glad that no one seems to be out and about.
He’s lost in his own thoughts. So he doesn’t notice the vines until he trips right over one, barely catching himself before he falls. He frowns, his humming dying in his throat at he stares at the obstacle.
This is definitely new. Did Ghostbur know anything about it? He can’t remember whether or not he did, which is hardly a good indicator of anything. Either way, now that he’s seen one, he sees a lot more, dotting the landscape all around him—and they were down in the crater too, weren’t they? Thick vines, blood red in color, creeping across the ground and over buildings. They fill him with a sense of uneasiness; the way they grow reminds him of kudzu, covering things and choking the life from them, parasitic and nigh on impossible to get rid of.
He crouches by the one he tripped over, examining it. It’s so large that a person would need an ax to make a dent in it, and frankly, he’s surprised that no one has by now. At least in the case of this one, which is definitely a hazard to anyone trying to use the Prime Path.
He reaches out and pokes it, not sure what he’s expecting, and then his mind fills with
(a warmth, glowing and red and sickly and creeping and wrong wrong wrong)
(a warmth, glowing and red and comforting and familiar and right right right)
(s t a t i c and it h u r t s)
He jerks his hand away, trying to shout, but the sound that escapes him is more of a whine. His momentum carries him backward, and he scrambles back a bit for good measure, his eyes fixed on the vine, half-expecting it to rise up and attack him or something of the like. It does not, but it takes a moment before he feels steady enough to stand, and even then, fine tremors run through his limbs, his body breaking out in a cold sweat.
What the hell was that?
He looks around, forgetting about his earlier trepidation, hoping that there is someone nearby to ask about it. But there is no one.
“Schlatt?” he calls, hating the shake in his voice. But there is no flash of blue, and no smug asshole stepping into view, so he assumes that the ghost isn’t nearby at the moment.
He lets out a breath. Runs a hand through his hair. And he keeps walking, not sure what else to do. He still doesn’t have any weapons, couldn’t do anything about that—that thing, even if he tried. So he keeps walking, giving it a wide berth, and tries to calm himself down, tries to focus on seeing Tommy. Nothing is more important than that. Not the wreckage that was once his city, not the strange and slightly terrifying red vines, not the corner of his mind that is whispering for him to get out while he still can, to leave before he’s well and truly trapped here, stuck in a new lease on life that he never wanted.
(rest rest rest if you want to rest again there’s no one to stop you yet but this is your last chance)
None of that matters.
Tommy’s house comes into sight a few minutes later, and he smiles to see it. In the end, it’s not much more than a hole dug into a hill, but it’s Tommy’s, and that’s always been what matters. He ducks inside, surveying the chests that line one wall, the doorway that leads to the room with the jukebox, a set of stairs leading downward. There’s not much in the way of decoration, but Tommy has never been one for it.
Tommy’s not here, though. The bed looks slept-in, and no dust gathers on the chests, so he’s been here recently, which is a relief. He probably won’t have to go hiking across the entire server looking for him. But he’s not here, and Wilbur’s not sure what to do while he’s not. Should he wait in his home? Maybe. But then, he doesn’t want to startle him too badly, and no one likes returning to their house and finding an unexpected guest, no matter who that guest might be.
He purses his lips, glancing around again. And this time, something tucked in the corner catches his eye. Its shape is familiar, and his heart leaps and stutters, but—no. It can’t be.
(he doesn’t remember whether Ghostbur had it or not but that shouldn’t mean that Tommy does, shouldn’t mean that Tommy managed to hold onto it all this time, between war and exile and war again, because that would be impossible, and even if it weren’t why would he want to keep it for so long why would it matter so much to him)
But it is.
He lifts his guitar with hands that have begun to shake once again. Plucks a string. It’s out of tune, but that can be fixed. It’s a miracle that it’s here in the first place.
He lets out a breath, thin and wavering. He looks around, at this home that is Tommy’s, not his. It wouldn’t feel right to wait here, not when he doesn’t have permission, not when Tommy’s not aware of him at all. So he steps outside, and takes a deep breath; the air is humid and electric, the anticipation of the rain permeating it already. The clouds have grown darker in the minutes he spent inside Tommy’s home.
He takes his guitar and heads for the bench.
It’s Tommy and Tubbo’s bench, really. But with this instrument in his hands and rain about to fall, nostalgia is is tapping out a three-four waltz in his chest. He sits gingerly, setting his guitar across his lap, his fingers already flying across the strings and frets, testing chords, turning the tuning pegs. It takes a few minutes before he’s satisfied with the sound, and by then, a drizzle has begun to fall.
Briefly, he considers going back inside, or mining a few blocks and building an awning of sorts over the bench. But there’s no point in it, really; he enchanted this guitar to last a long time ago, and a bit of water won’t do a thing to it. And what can the rain possibly do to him now?
(he gasps back to life with mud between his fingers and rain in his eyes, and the water means imprisonment and freedom all at once, and something settles inside him, something that pulses with the pattern of the raindrops)
Thunder rolls. But the rain doesn’t seem to be getting any worse than this light shower, so he strums a few chords experimentally. His fingers remember them better than he expected, because he’s not sure when he last sat down and played, truly played. Before Pogtopia, at least, and with that thought, he picks out a familiar melody.
(i heard there was a)
He stops. Stares out into space. The view really is nice from here, vines notwithstanding, though he’s sure it would look better in the light of the sun. Still, there is something about the rain that soothes him, fills in a few of the shattered cracks of his soul. He feels odd, distant, and he doesn’t think it will last, but he’ll take his moments of peace when he can find them, now.
He plays a different song. Something simple, something peppy. And then something else. He doesn’t dip into his own songs, doesn’t feel quite ready to do that
(though there is a song, a symphony, waiting just beyond his hearing, and if he lets them his fingers will fly)
yet, so he dips into the repertoire of songs that he knows, that he’s learned over the years, nights spent around campfires and in forests and under trees and beneath the stars and by the crackling fireplace of the house he once called home, his brothers lounging nearby and calling his playing shit, his father laughing and chiding them and watching him with a gleam of pride in his eyes, his wings tucked behind him and at rest. All of them, at rest.
He doesn’t sing. But he hums along. Quietly, at first, and then with more confidence. The sound of the rain fills his brain until it’s just about all he can hear, the rain and his guitar and his humming, and it’s as if the rest of the world has fallen away for a little while, leaving only him and this bench and the water that is slowly soaking his clothes and plastering his hair to his forehead, and this rain isn’t at all like the rain from last night, really. That rain was cold and biting and it hurt, really, especially in those first few moments when his skin felt so raw, so new. This rain is gentle. Like a caress, almost.
He barely notices what he’s playing. Until he settles on a song, and he is struck by the memory of playing it for Tommy when they were kids, trying to help him fall asleep. It always worked like a charm. Phil used to joke that it was a magic spell, or Tommy’s off sequence, a hack into his code. And then Tommy would scowl and call him a bitch, and Phil would laugh, and Techno would roll his eyes and claim he wanted to leave, but he never did, not really.
(until he did, that is, until he left for Hypixel and the only thing any of them knew of him for a long while afterward was what they could glean from his short messages and the newspapers announcing his wins)
He tilts his head up for a moment. His eyes are watering, but it’s the rain falling on his face. That’s all. He keeps playing, playing and humming, and
(Tommy is drifting off, his eyes sliding shut before he gets through the song, and he lets the chord fade away and his nah nah nah trails into silence, and he smiles and ruffles his little brother’s hair and whispers good night)
Tommy says, “What the hell?”
(take a sad song and make it better)
He hits a wrong note, his fingers spasming, and he flinches. He is suddenly very aware of himself, of the way his coat has begun sticking to him, of the water dripping down his face. The rain is coming down a bit harder now, hard enough that he perhaps should have made that awning after all. He swallows, his gaze fixed on his guitar, on the way the water evaporates when it makes contact with it, the enchantments still holding strong even after all this time.
The rain stops being a comfort. It’s just rain, now, and he feels so terribly present in this moment.
He shifts on the bench, and turns so that he can look behind him.
And it’s—
Tommy. And Tubbo, too, standing next to him. They’ve got an umbrella held between them. They’re staring at him, Tubbo in shock and Tommy—Tommy in—he doesn’t know, can’t tell
(shock yes but what else he doesn’t know is there excitement does he dare hope for happiness please let it not be horror please not anger even though he deserves it he does he knows he does)
what he’s feeling beyond the obvious surprise, and perhaps a bit of disbelief.
His fingers finally still on the strings.
“Hello, Tommy,” he says.
It’s pithy, in the face of everything. It’s weak. It’s too little, too late. It’s all he can think to say.
“What the hell,” Tubbo is saying, an echo of Tommy’s exclamation, “what the hell?” But Wilbur really only has eyes for Tommy, who is standing there, unmoving, unblinking, and worryingly mute. Tommy is never so silent. In the face of a challenge, in the face of something undesirable, in the face of anything unexpected, Tommy’s first instinct has always been to be loud, to shout and yell and puff himself up like a bird playing at being predator. And yet here he is, quiet. Just staring. Eyes wide.
Slowly, Wilbur puts his guitar to the side, and stands. No more words come to his mind. Getting to his feet seems to take all of his energy, all of his willpower, and then he’s glued to the spot. Frozen, his heart in his throat, beating out that traitorous rhythm. Tommy is still just staring, and he wishes he would do something, anything, would rail at him or curse or step forward or run the other direction, because anything would be better than this stalemate, this thick tension that rests between the two of them. Maybe then, Wilbur would be able to find the courage to bridge the gap.
(unless the gap doesn’t want to be bridged and Tommy’s changed his mind after all, has decided that he doesn’t want the return of the man who made him a soldier and then a fugitive, who stole the remainder of his childhood away and replaced it with shadows and paranoia and enemies at every turn and the worst one of all right in front of him, who was supposed to be his brother but turned into a monster and who could blame him, really, if he decided that, if he decided that his life would be better off without such a one in it)
“Tommy—” he starts, not knowing what will come next, and his voice cracks. His voice breaks, terribly, like the word doesn’t belong in his mouth anymore, like he doesn’t have a right to say the name like he used to, and perhaps he doesn’t, after everything he’s done, and then—
“Wilbur,” Tommy whispers, barely audible over the rain.
“It’s me,” he says. It’s a confirmation and it’s a promise and it’s an apology. He wonders if Tommy can hear it.
And then, Tommy is running, is charging straight at him, and Wilbur doesn’t have time to react before Tommy is barreling into him, taking them both to the ground, and all the breath exits his lungs with a soft whumph. And then, there is a fist in his face, and he sees stars, pain erupting in his nose, and he grunts. His vision clears after a moment, and Tommy’s face fills his line of sight, red and splotchy and twisted up. He’s all but sitting on his chest, making it difficult to get that air back. His fist is still raised, still poised to strike again. Wilbur’s surprised that it hasn’t.
“You bastard,” Tommy says. “You bastard, what the actual hell is this, Wilbur you bastard, you can’t just—how are you even here? What are you—how are you—”
Wilbur reaches up and touches his face.
It’s an instinct, really, to touch Tommy when he gets worked up. He’s a bit like a cat, in that way; he’ll pretend until the cows come home that he doesn’t like physical comfort, that he’s too much of a big manly man to do anything more than slap someone on the shoulder, maybe, much less hug them, but as soon as contact is made, all of that flies out the window. If it’s timed right, that is, and Wilbur has had years to become a study in Tommy. So he reaches out and holds his hand against Tommy’s face, and half of it is to calm him down and half of it is for Wilbur to reassure himself that his brother is here, that he’s fine and that he’s real, because he didn’t think that it would be an issue but now that he’s here, looking at Tommy in the flesh, he can’t get the image of Tommy-in-exile out of his mind, worn down and ragged and eyes entirely devoid of life, at the end of his rope even if Ghostbur couldn’t see that, couldn’t understand the pain he was in.
(you should have been there for him should have been there to protect him to keep him safe but you weren’t and whose fault is that and now look at him he’s grown up without you when he shouldn’t have had to grow up at all)
Tommy goes completely still.
“Tommy,” he says. “I am so fucking sorry.”
It’s like a dam has burst within him, and everything he’s been holding back floods him. He looks at his brother, his brother who is still a child and yet looks at him with eyes that have seen more war and death than any child should, and he is struck with the knowledge that he is the one who did this, that he is the one who planted the seeds, that Tommy went to war with him, for him, and he repaid him by isolating him and hurting him and pitting him and Techno against each other and insisting that there was no one he could trust. And perhaps he’s no Dream, but what difference does that make, in the end, when Dream would never have been able to get his hands on Tommy in the first place if it weren’t for him, for his stupid, selfish actions, for his weakness and his inability to see reality for what it was?
He broke, and Tommy paid the price for it. And now here they are.
His vision blurs. It could be the rain. It could be.
“I am so sorry,” he repeats, and it’s a struggle to get the words out, because his throat feels so thick, like it’s closing in on itself. “So sorry for everything, for—god, Tommy, for all of it, I never should’ve—”
“You’re here,” Tommy says, and Wilbur falls silent as the air is once again driven out of his lungs, this time by the full weight of his brother collapsing on his chest and clutching at his shirt, burying his face in the fabric. “You’re here, you fucking—you’re here.”
“I’m here,” he agrees, and he brings one hand up to rest on Tommy’s back and starts carding the other one through his hair, a motion that Tommy usually protests, but now doesn’t say a word against.
“You bastard,” Tommy mumbles. “You’re such a bitch, you—you left me, you promised you wouldn’t and then you left me,  what kind of shit move was that, huh? You absolute—you complete—you stupid bitch!”
“Gremlin child,” he murmurs, and it comes out so soft and so fond and more than a little bit choked up, “I know, I know, I’m so sorry.”
“You’d better be,” Tommy says. “Fuck, Wilbur, I’m so glad you’re back.”
And that gives him pause, just for a second, a moment in which he has no idea how to respond to that, because he isn’t. Not in the broadest sense. How can he be, when the thought of the void still lingers in the back of his mind like a siren’s call, when he’s been ripped away from that peace and shoved into a body that feels everything too sharply, too keenly?
He’s not glad for that.
(he’d escape, if he could, he thinks, but he can’t afford to think on it too long, can’t afford to let that longing settle into his skin, especially not now and not here)
But Tommy can’t know that. He decides it right then and there: Tommy can’t know that. He’s been through so much already; he shouldn’t have to deal with Wilbur’s shit on top of all of it. Shouldn’t have to know that he doesn’t want to be here at all. That he meant it when he told him he didn’t want to be brought back. That he still means it. That he’s not here by choice, no matter how good it is to see his brother again.
Tommy can’t know that. Tommy can’t know that, because it would hurt him, and Wilbur knows that he is not a good person, that he hasn’t been for a long time, but he’ll be damned before he hurts his little brother again.
So, Tommy can’t know.
It’s easier than it should be, to pull together a quick facade. A bit of a mask, a bit of a farce, a bit of a lie, just enough to give the impression that he’s less damaged than he knows he is. He can be broken in private. Tommy shouldn’t have to deal with that. Shouldn’t have to see it.
(he dragged Tommy down with him once)
(never again)
“Me too,” he says,
(and it’s a lie, a lie, a lie, twisted and poisonous on his tongue, tasting of ash and gunpowder)
and smiles.
Tommy pulls away from him, enough to look him in the eyes. His face is blotchy, but Wilbur doesn’t comment on it.
“You’re not upset?” he demands.
“Why would I be upset?” he asks.
“I mean, earlier,” Tommy says. “You do remember that, right? When we talked? And you said you didn’t—you didn’t want to come back? I thought you’d be upset about it.”
“I remember,” he says. “It’s alright. I’m just glad to see you.”
(the question: how many half-truths can he tell?)
(the answer: as many as it takes, and never mind the fallout)
“Yeah?” Tommy says.
“Yeah,” Wilbur replies.
“Well then,” Tommy says, and then, he suddenly seems to realize the position that they’re in, Wilbur sprawled on the wet grass and Tommy half-lying, half-sitting on top of him. Tommy clears his throat, and his next motion is to awkwardly climb off of him, dusting off his pants and looking away awkwardly as if to pretend that none of that just happened. It’s typical, really; Tommy’s always been allergic to overt displays of affection. That much, at least, hasn’t changed.
He sighs, sitting up himself. And then finally remembers that Tubbo is here, too. Has been the whole time, standing there uncomfortably, white-knuckling his grip on the umbrella. He makes eye contact, and there, in Tubbo’s eyes, is the wariness that he was expecting to find in Tommy, that he was surprised not to see.
“Hello, Tubbo,” he says quietly.
“Hi, Wilbur,” Tubbo says. A bit short, a bit cold; not hostile, but not precisely welcoming, either.
“I owe you an apology as well,” he says. “A lot of them, really. I’m sorry for what I did.”
The expression that passes across Tubbo’s face is unmistakably one of surprise. Is it the apology itself? Or was he not expecting Wilbur to apologize to him, specifically?
“You’ll understand if I can’t quite forgive you,” Tubbo says, and Wilbur nods.
(Schlatt grinning on the stage and he knows, he knows that Techno will be unable to withstand this kind of pressure, knows that what Schlatt demands, he will be given, and there is a boy in a box shaking and begging, a boy that Wilbur has known since he followed Tommy home one day, all those years ago, a boy in a box, a sacrificial lamb, and Wilbur turns aside and doesn’t waver at the sound of his scream)
“Of course,” he says, and stands himself. The rain is letting up a bit, and he casts a glance back at his guitar, still sitting on the bench.
“Have you just been sat out here in the rain?” Tommy asks. “Why didn’t you just wait inside? How long have you been here, anyway?”
“Here? I don’t know. It hasn’t been too long,” he says absently. He picks up his guitar again, though he makes no move to play it, holding it loosely at his side. “I thought the rain felt nice.”
“You thought the rain felt nice—”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Wilbur,” Tubbo interrupts, “but how exactly are you back?”
And that—that draws him up short.
Because for the question to be asked like that implies that Tubbo doesn’t know, which means that whatever Tommy did, or got Dream to do, Tubbo wasn’t told. Which makes no sense; Tommy tells Tubbo everything. That’s just the way of the world. And when he looks to Tommy, Tommy is watching him with a curious expression, like he’s interested in the answer too, and that doesn’t make any sense, because Tommy had to have at least known that something had happened, because if he didn’t, that means—
(how many strings does the puppeteer have?)
“I thought,” he starts, and he can’t keep the dread from his voice, “I thought that I should be asking you that question. Since you said that Dream could resurrect me. I thought you got him to do something.”
There is silence for a very long time.
“I’ve been to visit a couple of times,” Tommy says quietly. “The prison, I mean. I hadn’t asked him about it yet. I’ve—I’ve been thinking about what you said a lot. And I wanted you back, so I was probably going to bring it up at some point, but I wanted to be—I wanted to try to be smart about it. I didn’t want the bastard to get one over me. And uh, that thing you said about Schlatt, I didn’t want that to happen, either. So uh, I haven’t actually spoken to Dream about it.”
“Wait, but that doesn’t make any sense,” Tubbo says. “Dream’s got a book, yeah? That Schlatt had? That’s how he knows how to do it, right? But he doesn’t have that in prison, so how could he have done anything?”
He tries not to let his reaction show on his face. But his eyes dart around, seeking out blue, trying to see if Schlatt is around to hear this. He doesn’t see anything, though that doesn’t necessarily say much.
Should he mention Schlatt? Or would that just make things worse?
“I woke up in a forest,” he says. “That’s literally all I know. I woke up in a forest, and it was fucking cold, and I was fucking alive. Beyond that, I’ve got nothing.” He pauses, gauging Tommy’s reaction, and decides to save Schlatt for another time. As well as the fact that he spent the night at Techno’s. All of that can wait until Tommy looks a little less—fragile isn’t quite the right word to use, or at least, it shouldn’t be, because Tommy has been many things but fragile has never been one of them. But there is a brittleness about him, and Wilbur can’t help but be afraid that if he says the wrong thing, if he steps wrongly, Tommy might snap. Might break into little pieces. Or might not, might fracture on the inside and pretend that nothing is wrong, might pull away and refuse to let anyone help him because he thinks he doesn’t need it, or worse, that he doesn’t deserve it—
“We’re going to have to go speak to him, aren’t we,” Tommy states, and yes, yes they are, Wilbur would love nothing more than to see the green bastard face to face and put his fist right through his teeth and wring out an explanation for himself, but—
Tommy’s eyes are hooded. He’s trying to hide it, trying not to let it show. But he’s tense. Like he’s expecting a blow.
(he rages, boils from the inside out, but he can do nothing because there is no one here to fight. no one here to blame. Dream is not here. Schlatt is not here)
(there is no one but himself)
“Yes,” Wilbur says, “but I don’t see why we’d need to right now. We can wait a bit.”
He doesn’t want to wait. He doesn’t want to wait at all. He wants to march down to the prison right now and demand his answers. But the poorly concealed relief on Tommy’s face makes it worth it.
(there is something in him screaming that it doesn’t matter, that this is more important, that Tommy can be a bit uncomfortable if it gets him what he wants, that there is a bigger picture to worry about and they are all ants caught up in a flood, but no, no, no, he sacrificed Tommy to this voice once and he won’t do it again he won’t he’s going to be better)
“Yeah, let’s make that bitch sweat for a while,” Tommy says, all bluster, but it’s comforting in its familiarity. “I bet he’s just waiting on us to come and ask him about it. Bitch has got another thing coming.” He grins, sharp and wild, and Wilbur almost takes a step back, because how long has it been since that expression was directed at him?
(the scene: the results are in and they’ve got a majority, and Tommy is whooping and hollering and Wilbur hates himself for giving him false hope, because he’s got the results in his hand and they should have won but he’s about to have to crush that infectious joy of his, and there’s really no way to do it gently, so he waits just one more second, one more second for his brother to be happy, and then he speaks and the smile slides off Tommy’s face like chalk washed away in the rain)
Too long.
So when he speaks, his voice is entirely too soft.
“I feel like I’ve missed a lot,” he says, and it’s an obvious non-sequitur but he doesn’t care. “Would you like to catch me up?”
And Tommy grins and grins and grins, and he knows he’s made the right choice when Tommy slings an arm around his shoulder and starts talking his ear off, and Tubbo rolls his eyes but follows along with them, and it feels so good and so right and he’s missed this, he has. If life were made of only moments like these, perhaps he would be able to be happy to be here.
For now, being happy in the moment will have to be enough.
“So I’ve got to ask, you don’t feel particularly like blowing anything up at the moment, do you?”
“Tubbo, that’s so fucking rude—”
It stings, the reminder, but it’s deserved. So he smiles, and he answers, and above them, the rain stops.
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dyde21 · 3 years
Learning 2
Read on AO3 HERE
Summary: MJ is worried about Peter, and when she goes to check on him the next day she finds things are worse than she feared. Now can she help him see he needs help?
Michelle Jones was a bit scared by how easy it was to love Peter. What had started out as a simple fascination with an honest nerd with a bright smile turned into a school girl crush, and ended up with them falling in love and being happily together in college. Growing up, MJ never expected herself to end up in a gushy romance story. It wasn’t that she didn’t think she would fall in love, she just figured she’d be older and have a more mature, graceful descent into it.
But life didn’t care about her plans and she found herself lost in Peter’s smiles and safe in his arms. Something she honestly never expected was that her boyfriend would be an actual superhero. That really was less of throwing a wrench in her plans as much as blowing them up all together. But she was Michelle Fucking Jones. She could handle it. She’d learn, make a plan, and deal with it just like everything else in her life.
It definitely wasn’t easy at times. Having to learn basic first aid to help treat him when he stumbled into her apartment beat half to death, learning to keep up to date on all sorts of crazy villains so she could help him when he needed it, whether or not he asked for it. Having to accept that choosing to stay with him meant that there would be an unfortunate number of missed dates, or early departures. A constant worry that he might face a threat he wouldn’t be able to overcome, and the acceptance that her life may be thrown in the crosshairs eventually too.
But that didn’t matter to MJ. Not as much as he did. The way he listened to and absorbed every word she said, earnestly caring about what she was passionate about. The way he did his absolute best to be there for her when he was able to, and almost never blamed her for being upset with him. The way his eyes would crinkle when he laughed, or he’d see past her harsh words or thinly veiled lies to see what she truly meant and was scared to say. His understanding of her defensive habits built up from a rough childhood, and his patience to get through her walls. The way he gave himself for the city, while never asking for anything in return even when he deserved so much more than he had. 
Her biggest gripe with him was probably that he tried to shoulder everything on his own. He had lost so much in his life, and she knew he felt like if he tried to reach out too much for someone, he’d only lose them too. He didn’t care about taking care of himself because there was always someone else he could help first, and he saw that as more important. She admired how selfless he was, but it also frustrated her because it went beyond being humble into being neglectful of himself and harmful. But he didn’t seem to be able to accept that fact no matter how hard they all tried to get it into his head. It hurt to be with someone like that, especially because of how much she loved him. But Michelle Jones was not a quitter, and nothing was going to get in the way of them. Not her own defensive nature or his self destructive habits, they’d learn together. 
When she heard a knock on her door early on Saturday, her first thought was to look around the room to find a blunt object to bludgeon them with in return. Pulling down the hood of Peter’s hoodie that she had stolen, and needed to replace soon because it was losing his smell, she shuffled her way to the door.
Opening it, she was surprised to see her golden retriever of a boyfriend standing there looking shocked that she answered the door. She realized it had been the first time she had seen his face since he had bailed on their dinner to fight the Rhino. She couldn’t help the flash of frustration that boiled up. She had gone into the night expecting to be disappointed, but that didn’t mean it didn’t still sting when she had to send him off to save the city. 
She knew, she knew perfectly that he really didn’t want to leave. She saw him starting to resign himself to staying with her. But she also knew that if someone died because they were having dinner, it’d destroy him on the inside, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty too. Reasonably she also knew that it wasn’t their fault. Neither of them had an obligation to drop everything, always, to deal with every problem. It was impossible to solve crime in New York completely. But she also knew he had to try, so she had sent him off and tried not to let the disappointment sting too much as she paid for the dinner and left, head hung high in defiance.
Then she saw his face though. The way his cheeks seemed a little more sunken, his beautiful brown eyes seeming just a little bit dimmer. Beyond just nerves, he was seeming even more ragged lately, and she doubted it was just because of the dinner. She felt concern growing in her chest at his state. But she was at least glad to see him. She really did miss seeing him, even if they were busy. Even when they were tense around each other, the first person she always wanted to go to for comfort was him.
“Hi.” She offered, seeing as he was still seemingly reeling from being pulled out of whatever internal spiral he had found himself in. 
“U-uh hi. Yeah. I just…” He rambled, making her raise an eyebrow. She leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms.
“I’m kinda busy.” She said, before wincing. That didn’t come out right. She knew he came over here to properly apologize, and probably had something else to tell her. It wasn’t that he was unwelcome, she just had a lot of studying left to do, and the lack of sleep and stress had made her snappy but she didn’t want him to think she was still angry about the dinner. That fight wasn’t worth it, and she had been the one to give him permission to go instead of making him choose between them that night. Ugh, emotions sucked sometimes. 
“Right! I know.” He cleared his throat. “I know. I promise I’m not here to bother you. I just… here.”
Peter offered her one of her thermos he had borrowed one night. She took a sip a bit confused until she felt the familiar taste of her current favorite tea. She couldn’t help but smile as she knew he remembered her favorite tea, even if she had a habit of changing it monthly. He still always listened and committed it to memory as if her preferences were something he needed to know more than the material for his midterms. 
“Also these. And an apology. I’m really sorry. I know I say that a lot. And it sucks. But I am.” Peter added as MJ found two boxes shoved into her arms too. Looking down, she was surprised as she saw they were boxes of that tea as well. Even when things had been tense, he still went out of his way to bring her a thoughtful gift he really didn’t have to. She wasn’t even waiting for an apology or some sort of peace offering. He had apologized plenty before and after he had left, but he still felt determined to make up the perceived slight to her.
She saw his gaze fall to the floor and she could practically see the crushing guilt he felt for literally saving people’s lives. He really was too kind for this stupid city that did nothing but chew him up and spit him back out. Moving forward, she tilted his chin up after moving her thermos to her other hand and shared a kiss with him.
After the kiss, he stared at her with that adorable slightly dazed expression he always had after they kissed. “I know you have work so I won’t distract you. I just… wanted to give you a little care package, and say I know you’ll rock this. I can proofread your article if you need me to too. Or just to get an opinion.”
Jesus, how did she end up with someone so sweet? He knew she was busy, despite being incredibly busy himself, and just wanted to support her without getting in her way. He also knew she liked getting a second opinion on her writing, and wanted to be there for her despite everything on his plate. Moments like these made her want to ask Stark for a suit just so she could beat up anyone who would dare hurt this man, just so she could keep him safe and give him the world.
“Thanks, Tiger.” She said. She couldn’t get past how ragged he looked though. The bags under his eyes were getting worse and his shoulders were sumping lower than they usually did. “Are you okay though?” She asked as she reached out to gently turn his jaw to get a better look at his profile. What normally made her heart flutter (he was <em>very</em> pretty) was now just making her concerned. His cheekbones weren’t normally this pronounced either, she had sketched them enough times to know for sure.
“Have you been eating? Sleeping? You look like shit.” She called him out, reading his expression to look for any of the rather obvious tells he had for lying. It really was a miracle more people didn’t know his identity because he sucked at lying. Or she had just spent too long staring at his face that she could read him like he was her favorite book. (He was)
“Oh, ouch.” She rolled her eyes, that little shit. He knew exactly what she meant. “Midterms.” Peter brushed off her concerns with a shrug. “Happens to us all. I mean you always look beautiful. But you also look a little less beautiful. Only stunningly gorgeous today.”
He had the audacity to look smug while trying to flatter his way out of her interrogation. No matter how sweet he was, she wasn’t that stupid. She gently shoved his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t try to make myself look nice hoping you’d drop by unannounced.” She replied in a dry tone. “But Gwen and I are making sure we take care of each other. You’re still living alone since Ned moved in with Betty. I’m worried.”
MJ was straightforward like always, knowing beating around the bush with Peter didn’t usually lead anywhere. They resolved things better when they got straight to the point, that’s how they functioned as a couple. Peter would be too flighty if you let him when he was trying to hide something. His solution to hiding something was to leave, which always only made it more glaringly obvious.
“I’ll be fine. Just gotta get a lot done this weekend. Then I’ll rest next week sometime. Maybe we can have a night in, no suit, no alerts.” He said with one of the fake smiles MJ <em>hated</em>. She hated seeing him bottle up what he was feeling, and she was pretty sure even he knew she wasn’t fooled by them. 
But she was also a little startled by the desperation she could see in his eyes. She was used to seeing some sort of exhaustion, all college students had it. Even the non-super powered ones. But this almost scared her a little. Like the light in his eyes was flickering out and he was desperately searching for something to hold onto. A sort of lifeline to keep him going. 
“Yeah. Sounds nice. I’d like that.” She said, honestly meaning that. She wasn't sure if they’d actually get to have that night, but she was desperate to give him the comfort he so clearly needed right now. 
She leaned in for another kiss when her eyes saw his collarbones. “Pete, you need to eat. You’re losing weight again.” She scolded. She had also drawn his collarbones to know that they weren’t usually that pronounced either. (She drew him a lot, okay?)
She could see his own walls starting to form as he was rejecting the truth he was running from. That he needed help, like every person on this freaking planety did. “I will! I bought stuff today.” he offered, and MJ was not impressed.
“I can’t wait to read your article. You better send it to me!” With that he was off down the hallway, leaving MJ to watch him leave and lean against the doorway with a sigh. Her thoughts were now on him, and she could tell he was falling into a rut again. This happened occasionally when everything in his life seemed to pile on. 
Stepping back in, she set the tea down and texted Ned. 
<em>Peter just brought me a gift and offered to help me with work. Lemme know if our little santa shows up at your place next.</em>
There was a beat before Ned responded. 
<em>Oh shit, is he doing rounds again? He’s not Mr.Stark he can’t afford to give gifts every time he’s stressed.</em>
MJ knew that was true and walked back over to her work station, chewing her lip. Stressed out Peter around midterms was bad. But he was also left alone now, which meant it was even easier for him to push everyone away with his bad habits. MJ knew she had to talk to him tomorrow, check in just to make sure he was actually okay. Even if just for her sanity. She’d really rather find out she was reading too much into the situation and be wrong, than realize she was right. 
But that meant she had to finish her work tonight, so she could focus on him properly tomorrow. She didn’t moonlight as a vigilante, and she was a good student, so she was actually not too worried about her midterms, she had been studying properly. She just had to finish this article and she’d be good. Though some of that credit went to Gwen cause while it kinda sucked to keep yourself on track, it was easy to keep someone else focused so they worked together this term. 
When she got the text from Ned a little later, that he had indeed shown up, MJ felt more fear creep into her heart. That meant he was doing his rounds. This wasn’t just thoughtful Peter, this was panicked Peter. She just hoped he would take care of himself and get through this weekend in one piece.
MJ had to employ every trick in her book to stay focused to get through the article and not let her day be wasted worrying about Peter. There wasn’t much she could do right now, other than set herself up to be in a good position to help him.
When she finally heard Gwen come home a little later she looked up and offered a smile.
Gwen turned, one earbud in as she sang along to the music in her ears. A song her boyfriend Miles had shown her recently she recognized. She paused when she saw MJ, and her brow furrowed. “What’s wrong with Peter?” Gwen asked, setting down her stuff and moving to sit across from MJ.
Scowling at being read so easily, she crossed her arms a bit defiantly. “What do you mean?” She asked, just to be a little difficult. 
Gwen rolled her eyes, not impressed with MJ’s show of bravado. “You have your Peter scowl on.” She explained simply.
“I <em>don’t</em> have a Peter scowl.” MJ replied.
In return, Gwen gave MJ the flattest look she had ever seen on the girl. “You’re chewing your lip, your shoulders are hunched and you keep glancing at your phone. You wouldn’t look at the phone if it had to do with your work, and Peter would be over here too if it had to do with Ned. Seeing as I haven’t gotten any major news updates it means Peter’s not kicking butt right now either, which meant something is wrong with him.” Gwen reasoned annoyingly well.
MJ just sighed. “I hate you sometimes.”
Gwen shrugged, a cheerful smile on her face. “You’re not that complicated once someone gets to know you. But what’s up, is he okay?” Gwen asked, leaning forward.
MJ thought about being stubborn for a little longer, but realized she was just being moody because she was in fact worried about Peter. “I don’t know. He’s doing his rounds again.” MJ said, motioning to the tea boxes on the counter.
Gwen looked over before she sighed. “Ah, I see.”
It turned out Gwen and Peter got along pretty well, and she had joined the Friends of Spider-man club pretty quickly. In true Parker fashion, it had been an accident. He had climbed into her window one night after a fight with the vulture, half dead and bleeding. Gwen had heard the thump and MJ’s freaking out, and came to investigate. The blonde had thought she was killing Spider-man until she saw who it was with his mask off. Since then, MJ was actually grateful she had someone else to freak out with when stuck watching the news during a nasty fight, or someone she could openly complain to when it came to the more difficult aspects of dating a superhero. 
Peter had apologized about potentially putting Gwen in danger by knowing and Gwen shut that shit down hard, scolding him almost as bad as MJ had about not getting to choose whether she stays involved with him for her. That was when Gwen had cemented herself as MJ’s number one female friend.
Gwen leaned back on the chair, twirling her hair as she thought through the situation. “I assume May is okay?”
MJ nodded. “He doesn’t hide stuff like that. If she was sick he would have told us straight up. I don’t think it’s Avengers related either. He’s gotten better about telling us when he can’t give us specifics.”
Gwen nodded, sighing. “Maybe it’s just midterms? We’re all kind of a mess right now.”
MJ sighed, running her hand through her hair with frustration. “Maybe. I don’t know. He hasn’t been sleeping and he’s lost a lot of weight. Again. The idiot is also trying to hide it.”
Rolling her eyes, Gwen stood up. “Like he’s good at hiding things.” She put her hands on her hips and looked at MJ. “Come on, you need a break. I’ll order some chinese food, you choose a movie. You’re not going to get any work done like this, and I’m putting off studying.” She replied cheerfully, making MJ laugh. 
“Fine. Fine.” MJ reletened, saving her almost done article and closing her laptop. She needed a distraction and to process the new problem in her mind so she could get back on track.
By the time Gwen had finished ordering their usual MJ had chosen a movie and was curled up on one end of the couch, clutching the pillow close as she stared at the TV. 
“Aww, you don’t even realize you’re doing it, do you?” Gwen said, sitting on the opposite end and nudging MJ’s thigh with her foot.
Returning fire with a confused look, MJ tilted her head slightly. “What?”
Pointing at the pillow MJ was clutching to her chest, Gwen waited. 
Looking down, MJ saw that she was clutching the Spider-man throw pillow Gwen had gotten her as a joke gift for her birthday after she found out about Peter. Petulantly, she turned her head back towards the movie, but made no attempt to hug the pillow less. She did however scowl when Gwen’s laughter rang out. 
When her phone let out the jingle set only to Spidey news, her heart sank. “He’s not stupid enough to go out this weekend, right? He has midterms and he looked like he was barely holding himself together. He’s not that fucking stupid, right?” MJ asked herself mostly as she dove for her phone. Sure enough news reports of Spidey fighting the Rhino were at the top of her notifications. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” MJ said, glancing at Gwen who had already paused their movie and was turning on the news.
Gwen winced as she saw Rhino throw the car at him. “Looks like you might have to get in line.”
“GWEN!” MJ shrieked at her, still staring at the screen. 
“Sorry, wrong time.” Gwen offered, her eyes glued to the shaky footage. 
They both gasped as Peter was slammed against the wall by the car then the Rhino and from the helicopter footage there was a heart-stopping moment where it looked like he had been impaled. Before MJ could even begin to process that horrible reality Peter had kicked him off and continued the fight. 
When Rhino was finally down MJ felt like she had lost another year to her life. “He’s so freaking stupid. I’m switching majors and becoming an architect so I can build him a special prison so he can stay there and be safe. I’ll build him a fucking jungle gym so he can still feel like Spider-man if he wants to. I’m never letting him go out into the fucking streets again.” MJ ranted as Gwen rubbed her back. 
Then they saw the cops pointing guns at Spider-man and MJ was on her feet. “Are you serious? The fucking cops are going to shoot Spider-man because they can’t do their goddamn jobs? That they have to let a student clean up the messes they can’t with their defense fund of a budget in this freaking city?”
Gwen stayed silent. Her dad was a cop, and she knew most of the cops did like Spidey, but she also knew that orders were orders. She was also aware MJ was still in one of her spidey-panics and not actually looking for a calm rational debate about police funding.
Luckily they watched Peter vanish and they switched back to the movie, Gwen stealing glances occasionally as she saw MJ slowly come down from the rush. They finished their movie and food and both went back to work. 
By the time MJ had finished her first draft of the article she felt like she had calmed down. She knew Peter would be back from patrol by now, and hopefully eating and taking a rest so she sent him a text.
<em>Saw the alert. You okay?</em>
She knew he was probably fine if he hadn’t come crawling in her window asking for help. Which was good news. But she also always wanted to just pull him into a hug and keep him safe after she saw him on the news which she didn’t get to do when he was back at his place.
<em>I’m fine. Nothing broken this time. Promise.</em> Was his response. She stared at it for a moment, as if the text on the screen would reveal more information if she intimidated it enough. She was pretty sure he was telling the truth this time at least. “Nothing broken, he says.” She relayed to Gwen, who let out a sigh of relief.
<em>You better not be lying. Wanna read my article? Are you caught up on midterms?</em>
She responded, already pulling open an email to send it to him. She knew his response before he even typed it.
<em>Yeah, doing surprisingly well. I can use a break. Send it over.
Thanks, Tiger.</em> She responded and stared at the body of the email, debating what to say. 
Part of her wanted to scold him for going out when he had so much on his plate. Wanted to tell him he was being reckless. Another part wanted to praise him and leave him a sweet message. Hopefully give him something to smile about when he saw the message after the long fight, but that felt too cheesy.
She typed some stuff, staring at the blinking cursor. 
<em>Here’s the essay. Lemme know your thoughts. Make sure you drink water tonight, and go shower. I know you’re lazy about it after patrol.</em>
She chewed her lip, hovering over the send button. Was she too pushy?
“Oh my god, just hit send.” Gwen said, not even looking up from her own laptop. 
Reflexively MJ hit the send button before she even realized she was. “How did you know?”
“Because if you stared any harder at the laptop without typing anything it was going to catch on fire.” Gwen said, only glancing up to give her a smug smirk before looking back down. 
MJ flipped her off, which Gwen cheerfully returned.
Managing to review a few chapters from the notes she had, she finally got the email back from Peter. Scanning through it, she couldn’t help the smirk on her features. Sometimes fighting crime in spandex and geeking out over the newest electronic thing Tony made made MJ forget how smart Peter was in other fields as well. His points were well reasoned, and his critiques honest but fair. She found herself agreeing with pretty much every point he made, and almost felt dumb she didn’t catch them herself. 
“I take it he sent back useful notes?” 
“Stop reading me, Gwen.”
“Then make it at least a little bit of a challenge.”
MJ just scowled but texted Peter.
<em>Thanks Tiger, you’re the best. You actually made good points, I’m impressed. Need me to check over your essay?</em>
She couldn’t help the smile as she doodled a little spider in the corner of her notebook, spinning a web in the shape of a heart. 
<em>It still needs some work before I can show it to anyone. I’m good, thanks though. Love you.</em> Her phone buzzed. 
This made MJ frown again. “Needs some work” was his slang for not done at all. He wasn’t shy about showing her unpolished writing. He was shy about showing <em>unfinished</em> writing. That meant he was behind. And he still went out fucking patrolling. MJ threw her pen down, leaning her head back and rubbing her face. Was he trying to stress her out or was that a natural gift that came with the spider bite. That meant she needed to make sure he actually got some help with his essay tomorrow so he could get some much needed sleep.
<em>Love you too. Get some sleep, okay? I know the Rhino is annoying and I saw you get hit with that car. I can help you study tomorrow so get some sleep.</em> She practically ordered him. She knew the chances were slim, but she hoped just once he’d be a good little spider and listen to her when she was making sense.
<em>You still have studying to do too, don’t worry. I’ll be fine.</em> So much for that. She couldn’t think of a response that wouldn’t end up with them arguing with each other over text so she just set her phone down. His inability to accept help was seriously a problem and she was going to have to confront him about it after midterms. She’d drag in the whole FoS group if she needed to, because this wasn’t healthy. She knew he knew better, and she really didn’t want to date someone who couldn’t take care of themselves. Especially when she knew he could, but wouldn’t. That was the most frustrating part of it. 
Gwen must have read she was at her wits end because she closed both of their laptops. “That’s enough for tonight. You look like you’re about to kidnap Peter yourself and I stopped caring about my grades about an hour ago so we should sleep. Tomorrow we can figure out how to download the latest update of common sense into Peter, okay?”
MJ nodded, leaning back in her chair. “Yeah. You’re right. Thanks Gwen.” She got up and pulled her friend into a hug. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Gwen returned it and shrugged. “Either kill Peter, or kidnap him and put him in a zoo for safety, probably.”
MJ laughed. “We have some unused space here. We could build a nice little enclosure for him.”
Gwen rolled her eyes. “Please, we both know whenever he’s over here he stays in your bedroom.”
MJ flushed red. “Shut up!” 
Gwen just laughed and walked away, waving her hands as she disappeared into her room.
MJ made sure the apartment was locked up safely before she went to her bed, pulling the little Spider-man plushy she had gotten to see the reaction Peter would make when he saw it a little closer, and was out within minutes. 
The next morning MJ found herself making the trek to his apartment. She had her backpack with her work in it, one of his favorite coffees and some bagels for breakfast. She thought it might be a little early, but also knew that he was probably already up because he was allergic to sleep even when he didn’t have nightmares. What she didn’t expect to see when she made her way up to his floor though was a couple of neighbors standing nervously in the hallway.
She approached a little faster. She quickly made her way to his door, knocking on it. “Peter?”
She tried knocking again when one of his neighbors approached. “You’re his girlfriend right. Is he okay? We heard shouting and a loud crash.” They said a bit nervously. MJ’s heart kicked into overdrive. Peter almost never shouted and crashing in a superhero’s house usually meant very bad things. 
“PETER!” She called out, fishing out his spare key he had given her and unlocked the door, closing it behind her to keep out prying eyes just in case. 
Setting down her bag, she looked around and felt her stomach sink lower and lower with each thing she saw. His place was a disaster, but it didn’t look like a fight had happened. It just looked like a mess. But even just a messy apartment, it was worse. 
Then she saw the pan sticking out of the broken cabinet and she gasped. Peter <em>never</em> abused his super strength. He was also so careful with it, always terrified of hurting or breaking things. 
She finally found him next to the counter on the ground, violently shaking and she could see the tears streaming down his face. “Peter?”
“MJ…” His voice sounded so broken she felt her throat tighten at the sound and it terrified her to her core. Even injured she had seen him with more life than this. She rushed over to his side, trying to find any injuries before she touched him but he seemed fine physically.
But this apartment… she saw the pile of trash, the dirty dishes, the laundry. This wasn’t a healthy space to live in, and was way worse than anything she had ever seen before. Peter was normally a bit of a mess, but all genius’ tended to be. This was different, this was scarier. They often said a person’s workspace is a reflection of who they are as a person, and she prayed that wasn’t true in this moment because she was terrified for Peter if it was.
“Are you okay?” She asked gently as she saw him, still shaking, still crying. MJ knew just how much he hated her seeing him like this, but he wasn’t even able to put up a front. Just what was going on?
“No…” His voice confessed and MJ pulled him into her chest, hugging him as tight as she could. She kissed the top of his hair, just holding him while he shook in her arms and she tried desperately to stay in control of herself. 
How much did Peter have to be hurting to fall this far? What kind of hell was going on in his head that led him to this situation. A part of her wondered how she hadn’t noticed the signs earlier. What kind of girlfriend was she if she couldn’t even tell her boyfriend was falling apart at the seams?
She forced those thoughts deep down inside. Now was not the time to dwell on insecurities. Peter was falling apart right now and Goddamnit she was going to fix it. She was going to help him fix it himself. Peter needed help, and there was no force in the world that would stop her from getting him the help he needed. Whatever it was, whoever it neede to be, MJ vowed as she held her shaking boyfriend that she was going to make sure he got what he needed and what he fucking deserved.
But she needed a plan. This entire situation was almost overwhelming, but she had to get a grip on things right now. Help him get his feet underneath him, so they could start to rebuild.
“S-stove…” He choked out.
MJ nodded, kissing the top of his head one more time before she stood up and turned off the stove that was emanating heat. She felt his hand resting around her ankle, desperate for contact still and a lump formed in her throat. How the hell had he gotten so low without anyone noticing?
She crouched down next to him, seeing him shaking still. She recognized that too now. It wasn’t just sadness, he had gone into a full blown sensory overloaded, because of fucking course Peter wasn’t in enough hell right now. 
“Peter…” She whispered as quiet as she could, knowing he would hear her just fine. “I’m going to turn off the lights then I’ll be right back.”
“I-I fi-” She cut him off with a brief kiss to the lips, staring directly into his eyes. 
“I love you so much, Peter. But I swear to God you are not allowed to use that phrase for the next week or I’m putting on the Rhino outfit and kicking your ass myself.” 
Thankfully her little threat got the tiny smile she was hoping for and she quickly made her way over to the light switch, flicking off all the lights in the apartment so only some light filtered in from the windows. She saw the pancake on the ground, and the plate on the edge and was able to piece together what had happened. She gently picked it up and set it on the plate before she sat down next to Peter again slowly wrapping an arm around him and letting him lean into her. 
MJ could feel his fists balling up in her (his) sweater and he continued to sob into her shoulder. She whispered the quietest reassurances and just let him get it all out. She knew how cathartic a cry could be, and she wanted to just let him ride the wave and let out whatever had been building up for so long. 
“It’s okay, Tiger. Let it all out. I got you. You don’t need to be strong right now. I got you.” She reaffirmed, kissing his head again.
MJ wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, and honestly she didn’t care. He needed her in that moment, and that was where she would be.
Eventually though it seemed like Peter was able to slowly piece himself back together enough for the sobbing to become occasional sniffles. He started to move back, but she held him in place for just a moment longer, not wanting him to rush into putting up any walls. They clearly needed to have a talk, and it was going to happen now. 
Scooting over, she sat so she was in front of him, letting her legs spread on either side of his legs so they could sit opposite in the tiny area between the island and the counter.
He stared at her for a moment, and she saw him open his mouth once or twice to say something before he closed it. 
She raised three fingers. “3 rules, okay?”
Peter seemed surprised, but a little grateful for her making the first move. He nodded after a moment, still quiet. 
“Rule 1. No apologies. Not right now. I love you Peter, and I’m here to help. I know you feel bad, but you do not need to feel sorry for crying, or for needing my help. You can make it up to me later, deal?” She offered, watching his reaction very carefully. She knew Peter, and she was pretty sure what he needed right now was some structure and order. If she felt like her approach was wrong she’d stop immediately, but she slowly saw him nod.
MJ beamed at him, squeezing his knee reassuringly. “Good. Rule 2. For the next week, you are not allowed to say the phrase ‘I’m fine.’ I don’t care if you are, in fact, fine. You can’t say that. Be more descriptive, and be honest. I won’t use that phrase either, deal?” She offered, waiting, watching.
He looked at her for a moment, before he nodded again, another small smile. “Okay.”
MJ grinned and reached over to hold his hand on the floor, entwining their fingers. 
“Good. Rule 3. We’re talking. Right now. About everything we can. No running away, no getting mad, no assigning blame. Either of us. Nothing else matters right now. Not midterms. Not Spider-man. Not even the next season of the Great British Bake-off. Just us. Right here, right now. I’ll be honest with you, and you be honest with me. Deal?” She asked. 
She could see the battle in his eyes. The desperate struggle between asking for the help he needs, and his desire to avoid being a burden to others. 
She waited patiently, but continued to squeeze his hand and beg him to reach out. 
“Please, Tiger. Let me in.” She said softly. 
She saw another tear escape him as he nodded. 
Getting up awkwardly, she managed to lean over and share a quick kiss with him. She tried her best to convey how grateful she was, how much she loved him. Eventually she sat back and watched him carefully. “I’m proud of you. So much. I know how hard it can be, but you’re not alone.”
Peter nodded, resting his head back against the cabinet. 
“How are your senses?” She asked, still in that same barely audible whisper. 
“They’re better now. You noticed right away.” He offered with a small smile that brought just a little bit of light back into MJ’s life right now.
“I always was observant.” She offered, earning a bigger smile from him. 
MJ gently knocked her knee against his. “So what is going on?”
She could see the battle that raged in his eyes. Years of desperate self denial warring with the knowledge he needed help. 
“Peter, you know I love you right?” She offered and he nodded. 
“I can’t stand to see you like this. I can’t date someone who won’t take care of themselves.” For the briefest moment she saw something she almost never saw on him. Pure, unadulterated fear. She’d seen him stare down villains with more tech than him and a single desire to kill him with less fear. Stamping out the flames of <em>any</em> doubt she had just caused with her point she rushed on. 
“Peter, listen. I love you. And I am <em>never</em> letting you go. Not now, not ever. But you need… help.” She said carefully. She felt like she was walking a tightrope. There were a million ways this conversation could go, but she knew it had to happen. It was probably long overdue too.
“I can manage…” Peter tried weakly, and she could still see the warring desperation on his features. That was one look she never wanted to sketch. 
She gestured around a bit. “Tiger, things look a little… rough.” She squeezed his hand, trying to pour as much reassurance as she could into him. “We all need help, Pete. If I called you crying because the stress of finals was too much, would you break up with me?” She asked patiently. A little smirk came to her lips as she saw the instant call to action as he almost looked offended at the suggestion. 
“Of course not! I would nev-”
“See?” She asked, knowing this point had been made before but hoping it stuck a little better this time. “Tiger, you have more on your plate than anyone else I know. You save the city nightly, you’re taking advanced chemistry classes, you’re dating a high-strung girlfriend, and you’re living alone. We can’t do everything alone.”
He was quiet, letting the words sink in. 
“I’m not alone…” He replied in a soft voice.
“Exactly. But you act like it.”
Peter’s eyes widened as he looked at her for a moment, and she could see thoughts forming and bursting in his head as the realization set in. She gave him the time he needed to process it. She wasn’t trying to catch him off guard, or trick him into accepting anything. She needed him to understand and accept the truth he was hiding from. The truth he thought he had to reject.
“How do you feel right now? Before I showed up.” She asked once she saw him relax a little. 
“...tired. I’m so fucking tired, Em.” He confessed after a moment. MJ knew <em>exactly</em> what he meant. It was beyond physical.
“That’s fine, Peter. You deserve to be after all the work you do. It’s normal to feel tired. But it’s also normal to do something about it.” She said and MJ could see it happening. She could see him slowly accepting the truth, slowly reaching out for the help he needed. 
MJ knew Peter’s struggles weren’t unfounded. They weren’t from a sense of laziness or pure stubbornness. Like her own struggles with emotions and letting people in, they were formed as a natural response to years of life battering the lesson into them. Losing his parents, then Ben. Having to hide his identity from the people who loved the most in order to keep them safe because there were people out there who would use them in a heartbeat to get to him. 
Peter’s walls weren’t just him being stubborn. They were a desperate survival instinct to prevent him from losing anyone else. But that had to end. He had some many people in his life who loved him who would be more than happy to help him out just a little of the amount he helped them. He just had to let them. 
“... I don’t know what to do.” His voice was a little louder, as if he was accepting the words finally. “MJ, I promise you I’ve been trying. There’s just so much. There’s just so fucking much right now. I swear I wasn’t trying to let you do-”
MJ silenced him with a kiss, knowing he was on another spiral. She leaned back after a moment, making eye contact with him. “Peter. I know you have. I’m so fucking proud. I know you have been trying. You’ve done so much Peter, I know that. You’ve managed more than what many people could with half of your responsibilities. You’ve always been my hero.” She said with as much conviction as she could possibly muster to get the message across.
 Because she was so fucking proud of him. For both trying as hard as he did, even if it had been a little misguided. She knew how earnest he was in trying to do what he thought was right, and that was what mattered. But she was also filled with pride for him accepting that he needed to change too.
Peter lowered his legs and MJ sat on his lap, straddling him. “It’s okay to not know what to do either. I don’t either. Gwen is half the reason I haven’t dropped out of my classes, and you’re the other half. Peter, you’re the reason I’ve been able to make all these connections in my life. Because you had the answers I needed about opening up, and you helped me.” She admitted, kissing him again. “Peter, you’re the voice in my head when I’m filled with doubt. It’s your red and blue spandex butt that gives me the kick I need.”
Peter laughed, but his eyes were shining at her, like she had just told him the secret to the universe. God, she was so hopelessly in love with her dork.
She pressed on just a little more, knowing they were finally there. “You know what needs to happen next, right?” She asked, reaching up to cup his cheek and give him the permission she knew he was still desperately seeking. 
“I…” He trailed off, chewing his lip. “I need to ask for help.”
MJ kissed him. Hard. God, she was so fucking proud of him. It was such a simple statement, and the farthest thing from a secret. But she knew how hard that statement could be. She knew how hard it was for her when she found herself in college still pushing away anyone who attempted to get close to her and clinging to Peter. Putting yourself out there was one of the scariest things a person could do.
When she pulled back, she gently wiped away some of his tears. “Correct.”
Peter laughed, his arms sliding to her waist. “I should be correct more often, then. If that’s how I get rewarded.”
MJ felt her heart soar that he was making jokes again. That he was slowly pulling himself back together.
She felt his fingers fidgeting on her side. “Do… you think they’ll still help me? I don’t know how much help I need but I’m worried it’s too much…”
MJ couldn’t control the laughter that escaped her as he stared at her, utterly bewildered. 
“Peter…” She said, slowly regaining her composure. “You sweet summer child, you have no idea how many people are in your corner and ready to help you.” She said, reaching her arms up to his shoulders and rubbing her thumbs over his collar bones. “We’ve been waiting for you to ask us.”
Peter’s eyes brimmed with tears again as he nodded. She could see there was still some disbelief. She didn’t blame him, it wasn’t like you could completely change years of habits in one conversation. But she could see his determination there, to make a change. That was all that was ever needed. 
“Peter, I’m pretty sure you could declare war on a country and you have enough people to overthrow it on your side.” She teased, only half joking though. She’d been around the Avengers enough with him to know they would literally walk through hell for him.
“I have had my eye on Canada…” He muttered and MJ laughed again, maybe a little harder than the joke deserved but the rush of endorphins of this conversation and breakthrough had her on an emotional high.
“So what now?” He asked, and she could see the yawn escaping him. She knew just how tiring emotions could be, let alone the fact he clearly had been putting his body through hell if that bruise that she had been doing her best to ignore was still that bad. 
MJ’s mind was already off to the races though. Plans were forming, she knew who she needed to reach out to. The love of her life needed help, and finally, finally asked for it. She was going to make sure he fucking got it. She knew he had to be in control, he had to make the choices if he was going to learn, but she was going to give him every fucking option out there. 
MJ saw him watching her patiently, a slightly goofy smile on his face as he must have known she was deep in a plan.
Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, MJ knew it was show time. “Okay, how much can you trust me this week?” She asked, a fierce determination in her tone.
Peter cocked his head to the side like the fucking golden retriever of a boyfriend he was. “Completely.” <em>Jesus</em>, how did he answer that so quickly and so honestly like that? He was way too good for this hellhole of a city.
Not even bothering to hold back the smile that she was pretty sure was most of her face now, she nodded. “Okay. You’re in complete control this week. You get the final say in everything, but I want you to just listen to me for now and I will do everything I can to help make things better anyway I can.”
She saw his eyes regarding him, flickers of an old doubt creeping in.
“You’re busy with midt-”
“Neither of us will fail our midterms either. I promise you this won’t be putting me out, deal? Let me help you, please. I promise you I want to be doing this, more than you know.” God, it was true too. She finally had a chance to give him just a little bit of the world he deserved, something MJ had been wanting to do for years.
Peter slowly nodded. “Okay, I trust you.”
She gave him a quick kiss before standing up, taking his hand and helping him up. 
“Okay. First things first, this place needs… help.” She said gently, and Peter laughed. 
“That’s an understatement. MJ, I appreciate you being gentle, but your snark won't scare me off. Promise.” He said, squeezing her hand. MJ couldn’t help but smile in return. Even when she was trying to be accommodating to him, he was still trying to reassure her that she didn’t need to change for him. 
“Okay, this place is stressing me out just standing here. You need to survive midterms and you’re not going to do that here. So pack your duffle bag you use for trips with some clothes, and bring all your Spider-man stuff too. You’re staying with us this week.” She ordered.
Peter’s eyes widened but he slowly nodded. He moved to his room to start, but he emerged a second later, eyes downcast. “I… my clothes… laundry…” He muttered out, and MJ could see the shame rolling off of him. She walked over, nudging his shin with her foot until he looked up at her. “We have washing machines too, dork. Just bring some stuff, preferably whatever doesn’t have your blood on it.” She offered with a smile. 
He slowly nodded and went back to packing. MJ was hardly going to fault him for not doing laundry. She understood how with everything piled up, it could just be another knife of shame in his gut, but it wasn’t like she had never had to steal Gwen’s clothes because she had nothing clean.
MJ glanced around the apartment while she waited and felt the lump come back in her throat. She wasn’t grossed out as much as sad. She knew that for it to get this bad, everything really must have piled on. He was usually pretty good about cleaning, from helping his aunt while growing up. The place was also barebones now. It hardly looked lived in as much as just where he crashed between activities. But she already had plans on how to help turn this into more of a home, and knew two women who would be more than eager to help him. 
When Peter returned with the duffle bag she saw him glance around. She could tell he was hating himself again so she stepped up. “Now get all the stuff you need for school, okay?” She ordered, snapping him out of his monologue as he nodded and started to gather his laptop and textbooks. MJ walked around, making sure nothing had to be unplugged or was left on, knowing he wouldn’t be here for a while.
A couple of minutes later and he was done. He stood near the door with his two bags, looking at the pile of dishes with unbridled disgust. She stepped into his line of sight, smiling at him. “Everything Spidey is hidden?” He nodded. “Good, now come on. Don’t worry about this place, I already have plans for this, okay? You’re not the only college kid with a dirty apartment.” 
Peter looked at her a bit wary of her plans but nodded with a smile. “Thanks MJ. I’m s-”
“Rule 1.” She interrupted, crossing her arms. 
He rolled his eyes but nodded. “Thank you for helping me, MJ.” 
“Better.” She offered, kissing him before turning him and shoving him out the door. “Let’s go, we still have work to do and my place smells better cause Gwen is obsessed with those air scent things.” 
Peter laughed, and they were able to make small talk as they made the trip back to her place, as she sent a text to Gwen.
<em>Peter is staying with us for the week. He finally asked for help. Time to rally the forces.</em>
A block later she got a text. 
<em>Thank God. He can learn! I assume you have plans? We’ll have a war council later.</em>
<em>So many. Operation Fuck-Parker-Luck is a go.
I’ll leave the fucking to you.
Gwen! I hate you. So much.
Love you too, I’ll bring home his favorite pizza tonight.</em>
MJ rolled her eyes, but glanced back at Peter who was looking at her confused. 
“Gwen is getting Pizza tonight for us.”
“She doesn-”
“Peter, do you really wanna tell Gwen not to help right now? You’re gonna be locked in an apartment with us for a week, I think you’re better off staying on her good side.” She offered and saw Peter let out a defeated sigh. MJ just smiled and squeezed his hand. “Good boy. I really don’t wanna listen to her yelling at you again.”
“Me neither.” Peter said, but she still saw the smile on his face. She knew Gwen was probably the best person to counter his chaotic energy with her own. MJ was probably the most stubborn out of all of them, but Gwen definitely was the more fiery. She remembered one time after a stupid fight she had with Peter, where it had really boiled down to her taking out frustration with school on him, and Gwen had literally locked her out of the apartment until she went and apologized to him.
By the time they made it back to the apartment, Peter looked practically dead on his feet. When she had done her check of his place to turn stuff off she saw how little food he had. She knew his physical state had to be awful as well. 
Ushering him into her room, she let him store his stuff while she moved back to their kitchen and made a quick sandwich. She knew he needed to sleep but wanted him to get a little more food in him first. She could worry about stuffing him full of food properly later. At least this week would give her plenty of time to try out the new recipes she had been collecting.
She knew the first problems she would tackle if she was going to get help for Peter, so while her zombie munched away on the sandwich with his eyes closed, she sent texts to Nat, Wanda, and Pepper. Just to give them a heads up that Peter had to talk to them later. She wasn’t going to make choices for him, but she knew the opportunities he had but was refusing to see so she just had to present them for him. 
By the time she had shuffled Peter back to her bedroom and into comfier clothes she had gotten back affirming messages from all of them to meet later. For now though, she got Peter to lay down and cuddled next to him in the bed, pulling his head against her chest as she carded her fingers through his hair.
“My paper…” he mumbled out, barely conscious. 
“Just sleep for now, Tiger. I got you. Everything will be fine.”  She muttered, kissing the top of his head.
“I know.” He muttered, pulling himself a little closer and he was out cold.
MJ just continued to run her fingers through his hair, so proud of him. So ready to help him. So full of love for him. She knew she had a long week ahead of her, but with him in her arms she never felt more ready for it.
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siapsymud-moved · 4 years
Send me a ❤ and a ship and I’ll answer these questions about them.
Where was their first official date? First ‘date’ they didn’t really have one. Now official date, took Hancock with them to the beach for a weekend to themselves.
What is their favorite date location? Green Dragon, they’re just personally attatched and it’s fun to go.
How many dates before their first kiss? None, kiss came before the dates
Who asked who out first? Oh goodness... it was really neither. The two of them caught feelings and then eventually acted on them
How many dates before they considered each other a couple? So this one is tricky. They already consider themselves best friends and when they eventually found out all the things they’d gone through together it just kept strengthening their bond. When the truth came out that they’d already once had been in love with each other they ended up kissing again. There was never any label formally put on them, no dates they went out on because they’d always been together and after living together for all this time and spending so much time around each other, it was one of those things that just happened. I don’t even know if this makes any sense. They just have always been partners in a way, before it was definitely just partners in crime/treason, and now they’re just--- partners.
How many mutual friends do they have? ...They’re all kinda dead now. BUT They used to have quite a few as their social lives were rather intertwined due to the Sons of Liberty as well as due to the fact that Sam was John’s mentor. Now really the only friends they have in common are Alexander if you count him and Abigail and Joseph. 
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?
Which one has more friends? Back then, it was probably John. Nowadays it’s kind of a toss in between them both, but I feel like Sam might have more just because he keeps befriending teachers.
Which one has introduced the other to more people? I feel like John has always won at this one, even more so with modern times because he’s got friends like Theodore and Dustin while Sam really had no one.
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away? They began as mentor/mentee and just very close friends, that is all they remained as for their first time around. During the war they were allies and friends who’d caught feelings for each other, sadly due to death there was little time for that. Now in modern times they were friends for a long time before they found out the secrets from the past and are exploring a relationship again.
What do they argue about the most? Gosh uh- anything? Mostly stupid arguments that relate to the past in some way or another.
How do they usually solve their disagreements? Sam apologizing and then trying to get John to forgive him, that’s really the only way it’s ever gone.
Do they argue a lot or not very often? They used to argue a lot more in the past, more differences in between them to pick at. Now a days there’s less fights and they happen with less frequency. At the end of the day though, they have been best friends for far longer than partners so butting heads it’s inevitable. But at least the arguments are less explosive.
Who admits to being wrong more often? Samuel does 99.999999% of the time.
Who is more likely to initiate sex? Toss of the hat and depends on the day.
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots? Bed is just easier and more convenient, but it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened in other spots.
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds? EEEEH? I don’t know
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom? Sam tries to be and just because he’s a bossy lil shit, but also because he likes to surprise John
Lights on or off? On
Do they share any kinks? A handful, I think
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other? Not as far as they’ve found out
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before? ...honestly, yeah. DC Fieldtrip, kids were busy with a movie and the two of them slipped away for a few minutes.
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be? Neither, it’s just them both and they like it that way.
When are they most likely to cuddle? At night when they’re both done with work and are usually hanging out after dinner or putting on a movie. And definitely any time one o them is just laying down in bed either reading or scrolling through things on their phone.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle? In bed with Hancock laying down next to them or in between them.
Who’s usually the big spoon? Depends on the day, but Sam likes to hold him so it goes that way.
Do they cuddle often? When they’re both in Boston yes, if you consider they’re apart for 4/7 days of the week then no.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them? Not married, and whether that’s something that could or could not happen is just up in the air. Their relationship is so far from normal that it’s hard to say if it would ever happen, but Sam would like to one day. Or at least just give a ring to John. Can’t exactly get married when your fake identity doesn’t exist. It would be mostly just symbolic and for them if it did happen.
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location? Probably Boston ngl, they’re attatched to the place
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who? Sam to John
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other? I mean--- Sam moved in with John already just because John has the bigger place and Hancock is happy
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids? They have one Hancock
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have? 1 because John is a party pooper and won’t let Sam get a second dog
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids? Hancock
What are three random headcannons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex? 
Samuel steals John’s clothes, even before they were together it just happened. But I mean is it really stealing when John is okay with it and Sam always returned them and you have permission? Also when John himself would just pick out Sam’s clothes
Back many years ago, Sam used to write letters to John. This was back when he still thought John was dead for good. But he was so depressed and so alone that he would write to John as if he were still alive and like he would answer him back and they could bicker like in the old times. Those letters remain but they’re stashed deep into a box.
One of the reasons Samuel regrets that ten year period of not speaking to each other and why he was so broken inside when John died so young was because during those ten years he came close, several times to apologizing to John himself. In the end he always talked himself out of it, convicing himself that he was right and it was John that was wrong and should apologize first. They could have had more time together.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets? Samuel, always Samuel.
Which one eats more snack foods? Samuel, he keeps a drawer stashed with snacks in his classroom 
What is their favorite movie to watch together? Hamilton, they have the whole thing memorized
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together? It’s hard to say when you’re just playing with each other, I’d say probably something really dumb like a trivia game or something that requires actual strategy like chess or so.
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship? How close to each other they are and their bond to each other, how they’re absolutely ridiculous sometimes when you put them together but it just feels so organic that it works, and what they mean to each other and how far they would go for the other.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship? That they are absolute DUMBASSES who can’t seem to communicate on the fact they’ve both had or have feelings for each other, and do all these cutesy things together but it’s always ‘nah we’re just bros’. IT IS GAY WHEN U KISS THE HOMIE AND U BOTH LIKE IT
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it? 11/10
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rookwood-rp · 4 years
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               𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔  𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆  𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎  𝑾𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮  𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬.
                           trigger warnings: rape, depression, violence.
Contrary to popular belief, she was not born in Rookwood. Although she knew the city as well as if not better than anyone who was, she didn’t always reside there. In fact, she wasn’t even American. Cora Marquelle was born in the countryside of Ireland to an Irish mother and an Italian father. Her maternal grandfather was a known criminal, a former member of The Irish Mob in New York City before he returned to his homeland in the mid-50s, striking out on his own with a handful of men and woman loyal to him. It was through his growing cartel that Cora’s mother met the man who would be her husband and the father of her children. Siobhan Ronan and Angelo Marquelle were smitten from the moment they met, and it was only through her father’s blessing that they were permitted to date. That date inevitably lead to another, and another after that, and eventually they were married. And then Cora was born.
From even before her arrival, Cora was spoiled. Her grandfather doted on her as his, at the time only, grandchild. She wanted for nothing and she grew up learning everything from him. Cillian Ronan was a dangerous man, but he was loyal. And he taught Cora to value loyalty above all. Mistakes were often made by the men and women in his employ, but if they learned from those mistakes, he was merciful. If they didn’t, well. There was a moment so distinctive that although she had been very young at the time, she still remembered it to this day. Sitting on her grandfather’s lap as one of his lackey’s begged for forgiveness. Her grandfather, stoic as he faced a rat in his ranks, had met her eye briefly - in that moment, he smiled. He winked at her, and tapped her on the nose, and then he told the boy ( for he was exactly that ) to get on his knees. Cora had watched, still too young to really understand, as her grandfather’s right hand held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. It was brutal, but it was justified. Or that’s what Cora was told to believe. Loyalty, her grandfather had said.
She was three when her sister was born. UTP Marquelle was small, and quiet, but Cora took her responsibilities as big sister very seriously. It was with her that her protective instincts first kicked in. No one was allowed near her unless they were approved of first by Cora. Their parents had been happy to oblige. As they got older, Cora became more and more influenced by the life their parents and their grandfather lead. Their world was never something they intended to force on their children, but Cora dove in head first. It was in this world of organised crime that she first met UTP Lancaster, and when she first heard of Rookwood. The Lancaster’s as a family were one thing, the Lancaster’s as an organisation were another thing entirely. Cora’s family and the Lancaster’s were long time associates. The business they conducted was calculated and precise. It had to be, with an entire ocean between them. Cora inherited her mother’s eyes and accent, but as she got older, her father’s Italian blood began to take. She was beautiful then, and she is stunning now.
         She had learned to use her sensuality as a weapon as deadly as any knife or gun. But when she was seventeen, Cora was sexually assaulted. Almost everyone who knew Cora knew that her family were dangerous. That they were connected to the seedy underbelly of Ireland’s criminal establishment, and most everyone knew that she and her sister were deemed untouchable. Most everyone knew that. That night changed everything for Cora, who had often taken interest from anyone lightly. She knew what she wanted and if she didn’t want someone, then they would find out the hard way that Cora had already moved on. One boy had taken that rejection to heart. Cornering her one late afternoon, she had fought him valiantly but he was, at the end of the day, physically stronger. It was rough, and painful, and despite the way she had clawed at him in protest, he had finished inside her.         
Cora told no one for several weeks. She felt ashamed that she had allowed him to get the best of her. She felt dirty, and sick, and angry. She was so angry. During those weeks, Cora had been volatile. She had a vicious tongue and she used it against anyone who dared engage her. Even her sister. Even her grandfather. It was UTP Lancaster who got through to her, who allowed her to unleash her rage on him until she told him the truth of what had happened to her. Admitting it to him had felt cathartic, but it lead to her confessing a fear she had held deep inside, unable to acknowledge as she dealt with the aftermath of her assault. Cora was late. UTP, with Cora’s permission, confided in her grandfather. Two days later, a boy with still healing scars scratched across his left eye, was found floating in the bay outside Seafield.
She was almost eighteen when she gave birth to a baby girl. Cora held her daughter once, before making the difficult decision to give her up for adoption. It wasn’t because she didn’t have the means to care for her, because she did. But Cora had a deep seated fear of looking at her baby, and being reminded of Him. She didn’t want to resent her daughter, or blame her. However subconsciously it might have been. Adoption really was in everyone’s best interests. The baby’s, and hers.
When Cora had the baby, she experienced an unexpected and uncontrollable bout of post-natal depression. It, coupled with the experience of her assault, left her feeling almost numb. She was still an active member of her grandfather’s cartel, but she had lost any warmth she was known for. This caused concern within her family, and it was suggested that she spend time away from Ireland. Where else was she to go but to Rookwood? The Lancaster family welcomed her with open arms and she was surprised to find that the warmth she had lacked back home was slowly returning to her the longer she stayed. It helped, that she had UTP. Who knew everything. Who she didn’t have to hide from.
Dating UTP had been inevitable. Anyone who knew either of them had long thought they would one day end up together. They got married young, like Cora’s own parents before her, and Evelyn decided to stay in Rookwood after the wedding. UTP took over the Lancaster empire and with Cora at his side, it’s hard to imagine now a time when Cora wasn’t in Rookwood. They have three children together, When they were ultimately betrayed by UTP’s once right hand, Cora was especially upset. A year has passed since then and though they lost a handful of their numbers to the other side, the Lancaster’s are still in power. And Cora, who was taught by her grandfather to value loyalty above all else, is unforgiving.
FULL NAME : Cora Lancaster neé Marquelle.
BIRTHDAY + AGE : November Nineteen + 50.
OCCUPATION : Business Owner ( Lancaster Inc + Sinsations )
TRAITS : Resourceful, Seductive, Manipulative and Protective.
Cora owns Lancaster Inc in Rookwood CBD with her partner UTP LANCASTER. She is on several boards including the board of admissions for Rookwood U, where she graduated with a degree in criminal law. Cora also owns Sinsations, a burlesque club in Locke Lane, as a side business. She is very protective of her employees, especially the dancers, and is also quite strict. She has a no tolerance policy regarding harassment and assault, stemming from her own experience when she was a teenager.
Although the Lancaster legacy was established before Cora officially joined the family, she has a big part in the decisions made by the administration. UTP LANCASTER is the don, or boss. He is the head of the business, but Cora is the head of the family. He will often defer to her when it comes to making decisions that impact them personally, and their children.
Cora has an Irish accent. It is subtle now compared to when she first moved to America, but it becomes more prominent the more emotional she becomes. Che speaks English, Gaelic, Italian and some Spanish.
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no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 5 years
Sibling Jealousy - Chapter 5
Fic’s Summary: Reader has known the Winchesters for a long time, almost two years before Cas entered their lives. After that, since Reader was the only one actually teaching the angel about humanity customs and stuff like that, properly, they developed a closer relationship, on the parent-kid way. But it was never verbally acknowledged. Now, with Lucifer’s child on the way, life stabs some sense and realizations onto Reader, but there’s no time for feelings in this house.
Author’s Note: This is mainly a fic with the purpose of developing a family relationship with the characters, of mutual support, and I don’t plan on adding romance for Reader, because that’s not my final goal.
Pairings: Castiel/Reader (Platonic), Jack Kline/Reader (Platonic), Dean and Sam Winchester/Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Usual canon violence and conflicts, as well as injuries and blood mentions, emotional struggles such as feeling unloved, like an outcast, low self-esteem issues and if you think something else should be mentioned let me know.
<<Last Chapter - Next Chapter>>
Chapter’s Author’s Note: Yes so, a long time has passed, and well, I still am halfway through the next chapter, and I’m still kind of stuck on the same episode from season 13...not having a supportive team for school work sucks u all, don’t be like that. Hope you enjoy this, and remember, comments are highly appreciated, and if you see a typo let me know, it helps me improve ^^
Chapter Five: Therapy and Emptiness
Word Count: 3,170
It’s been almost a week since the discussion on the map room took place, and Dean had been really silent the whole time, while Sam had made small talk to you and Jack, borrowing him a computer he didn’t use all the time.
Jack was spending most of his days on his bedroom, the first two with you teaching him to make his bed, how to work the computer and a few lessons on how to heal people when you bumped against some equipment on the makeshift gym, where you were spending up to three hours divided along the days, a coping mechanism that allowed you to let steam and anger out and left your body tired enough to almost black out at night after touching your bed.
So far he’s been able of healing (yet not every time) from paper cuts to small scraps you had made on your hands while sharpening swords, blades and knives with a sharpening rock - because you also found the process soothing and kind of relaxing, but your mind still wandered making you lost focus, ending on said cuts.
Yet, you told Jack to not tell Sam and Dean about the healing, and when he asked why you were going to lie, you told him the truth...mainly because he still didn’t have a concept of morals good enough to just know why.
“If we tell them you are able of healing injuries, they are not even gonna listen to the fact they are small ones, much less to how exhausted it makes you. They are probably going to expect you to heal their deep cuts, and claw marks and everything they get from hunts. And one, you are not ready yet, second they haven’t earned a right to be healed by you after all what they’ve made you gone through. Maybe Sam, but he’s on thin ice.”
“Ice? But, the floor here is not thin, is it?” Ah, another thing you’ve been up to has been teaching Jack the meaning of some words and expressions, like right there.
The moment Sam told you to get ready because you were going hunting, you immediately asked who was going to stay with Jack.
“No one. He’s coming with us.” He seemed unbothered by his idea, proud even.
“Come again? Jack is going with us to a hunt? Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“He could use some fresh air, and being coped up in here is not going to help him (Y/N). We all need to go out a little.” He almost sounded like he was both asking for permission and just announcing the facts…
“Have you talked to Jack already? What does he thinks about this? Does he wants to tag along?” Even if his answer was a yes, you would be having a talk with Sam to tell him how not just because Jack looked old enough to be on hunt meant he was mentally prepared to be on them.
“Yes, I went to him after talking Dean into letting him come along. And he wants to be good, and with hunting we save people.” He shrugged as if it was the most normal and obvious thing.
“Fine. But we have to make sure Dean doesn’t throw him into the fire line.” You rolled your eyes at the idea, but you were also frowning, so Sam just gave you a grateful smile before going out of your room and telling you how you were leaving in 30 minutes.
You still were going to have to talk to Jack after this, letting him know how things could go wrong. Just, warn the kid.
As usual you were riding on the back of Baby, but Jack was with you this time. You weren’t surprised he wasn’t in a suit, since he barely had clothes (Dean didn’t allow you to take him into town just to get some for him, so you had to go out and get a few things in hopes they would fit and he would like them), but when Dean slammed the car’s door closed you flinched. You could almost touch his despise for Jack.
The first lady’s information didn’t really help, and after finding out Jack had gotten out of the car, you quickly went to close it before getting inside the crime scene, where they were staring at a blood stain, and talking about going to the grave of the wife to salt and burn what seemed to be a ghost issue, or a revenant.
You weren’t so sure it was either of those options, and you told them that, but you were ignored. Well, Jack did pay attention, but he didn’t know a lot about monsters so he couldn’t back you up or give his own opinion...not like Dean would let him anyway.
As night fell, you went to the graveyard, and took the shovels out of the Impala’s truck.
After explaining to Jack why seeing the inside of the grave was of relevance in this case, Dean put him to dig, and went to grab a beer from the car.
Sam went after him, telling him how he was transforming into their dad. You shivered at the memories of John, for both your experiences with him and the stuff the brothers told you about...mainly Sam, but you could see the aftermath of said stuff on Dean almost every day.
You decided to keep Jack company and actually help him, since neither of the brothers seemed like they were going to help after screaming at each other.
Well, the grave did had a body, which left the two main options to just a vengeful spirit.
Sam helped Jack out of the hole and Dean helped you after he saw you were kind of struggling. The soil wasn’t as compacted as you might think okay? I kept crumbling beneath you.
“My mom could be a ghost?” You weren’t sure if what you heard on Jack’s voice was fear or hope.
“No, we burned the bodies. And what burns, stays dead.” At least Dean was kind of talking to Jack…
A quick glance at the green eyed brother told you he meant Castiel. You burned Castiel’s body. And that was his way of accepting Cas wasn’t coming back.
You had to swallow the lump on your throat, and went back to look at the flames consuming the body inside the giant hole.
Turns out, it wasn’t a ghost nor a revenant, as you suspected.
Another person ended up dead, and you had to go to the police station to get more information, finding out all the victims had the same therapist, and deciding that giving her a visit had to be the next step.
The only issue was, how to see her and get to talk to her and see if you could gather more information, more clues about the case and what you were up against.
The solution? Going in as a family and pretend you wanted the family group program.
What could go wrong, right? Right.
Everything could go bad.
First, Jack almost blew your cover at saying he had lost his mom when you all were asked who you’ve lost, issue Sam fixed by saying you all where siblings. Then, after said incident, Dean ordered Jack to not speak unless he told him to, at which you pushed Dean off of Jack.
Inside the room, Sam and Dean took the couch closer to the therapist, while you and Jack took the one across them, yet slightly more afar from Mia, and you could feel how rigid Jack was, and you weren’t even sure if he was paying attention to what was being told on the room.
...But maybe that was for the best.
The therapist quickly wanted to address how Dean handled things, and without warning, Sam and Dean started almost shouting at each other, about how Sam didn’t want to accept Mary was dead, and then about how Dean at least had a relationship with her and how Sam just wanted to hold onto the hope of having the same if Mary was alive.
Welp, that went great.
Sam stormed out of the living room like place, closing the doors behind him, leaving a very awkward silence behind him, which was quickly filled by Dean drinking from his whiskey wine pot bottle, earning a glance and scoff from Mia.
“What? Got a problem?” Please don’t anger her, please don’t anger her...
She first scolded him about his anger issues, and how it wasn’t her business if he wanted to fix that up or not, but she told him about how he directed his anger at everyone around him.
“Jack? The poor kid can even look at you. Look at him he’s terrified of you.” You glanced at him, and saw how indeed he tensed even more at being mentioned in the conversation yet not asked anything directly.
“And (Y/N)? I can see you probably boss them around, if you even acknowledge them to begin with. They don’t feel comfortable here with you, yet stands you because of...I’m going to guess because of Sam and Jack.” Ok, what?
You sent her a confused and undignified look, because well yes, you were bossed around, and got along better with Sam, and now that Jack had joined you did felt like drifting more apart from Dean but you...well, Dean didn’t really spent time with you before if Cas wasn’t around, or if you weren’t watching a movie, because that didn’t involve a lot of talking.
...You didn’t like to think about not really fitting with the Winchesters the latest years and now this woman has brought up all of your doubts to the surface again. Thanks.
“Jack? Pff, we are just peachy, right kid?” Dean’s voice did scare you, like he would snap at any moment.
“Just peachy.” Jack’s reply was a copy of what Dean said and sounded almost robotic.
“And (Y/N) is just fine, if they didn’t like us they would have run away a long time ago. Sam sure did for a while.” Dean didn’t even look at you, at neither of you, and took another swing of the alcohol.
Actually you’ve wanted to leave the brothers since a while ago and go with Cas, but since he always went back to them, to Dean, it wasn’t really an option. And even after all these years you really thought you’ll end up being part of their family again. After all, before Sam left for college you felt like family.
The sound of doors slamming open cut your thoughts and sent you standing up and pulling Jack with you, instincts ticking in.
“Careful! She’s a shifter!!” Screamed Sam while pointing a gun at Mia.
Now you put Jack behind both Sam and you, taking your own gun out. That one didn’t have silver bullets, but they would slow her down enough for you to pull your silver knife from your belt.
Turns out a creature read you all so easily. Well, that couldn’t be good.
After deciding Mia might be telling the truth about wanting to help people, Dean and Jack went to check if it was true she was somewhere else when the first murder took place, while you and Sam stayed behind, checking the footage to see the eyes of everyone who came in and out.
You didn’t really wanted to leave Jack with Dean, but Sam reassured you it was fine.
Since your computer was slower than Sam’s, you decided to go get some water and stretch your legs, and when you came back Sam was gone, Mia informing you that Buddy, her ex, was acting as one of her patiences and Sam went to the address in hopes of finding him and killing the shifter.
Great, he left without a word.
Your face must have shown your hurt, because the therapist answered your unspoken question.
“He told me to let you know he was gonna be fine, and needed you here for whenever your brothers were back...but, the four of you...you are not really siblings, are you?” You let a dry chuckle leave your mouth.
“Nah, just Dean and Sam. Neither Jack nor I are blood related. Dean and Sam, we used to be closer before, as if we were actual family, but, at some point, a distance started forming, and even when it gets slim at moments between one of them and me, there’s always this, feeling, of how if they had to choose they would save each other, leaving me to perish.” It had happened before, that one time they left you in a vampire’s nest. They proclaimed they didn’t know you were held hostage, but Sam was there with you before you were taken.
Talk about trust issues. Castiel was the only one who made sure the three of you were safe and healthy most of the time, taking special attention to you.
“You lost someone too. If their mother isn’t yours, then who did you lose?” When you blinked, you saw how your vision got blurry with unshed tears.
“Uh, a friend of them? Us? He’s older than me, and, well, might as well say it out loud now. I saw him as a father figure. Castiel, he uh, sacrificed himself to save us all, including Jack, and I did get to say bye, but not like I wanted. And I haven’t been able of mourning him, we haven’t had time to rest since…” You stopped talking as soon as you hard the Impala engine outside, and went to wash your face.
You heard Dean being told by Mia about Sam going out, but you didn’t heard Jack requesting Mia to have a chat.
When you got out of the bathroom, you heard shushed voices from behind a door. Recognizing Jack’s you walk closer, and hear him talking to...Kelly? But, she was dead and...oh.
Mia took Jack’s mom form and he was not talking with her. At least what Mia was telling him was good, actual advice and good words.
You left a sigh of relief out, realizing how bad Jack’s been doing, and well, at least he was getting help.
You started to get up, after you heard Jack thanking Mia, but you were soon yeeted threw against and through the door, crashing against a lamp and a small table, and finally landing hard against the floor, bleeding cuts covering your left arm.
When you lifted your head, you saw Dean knocking Jack out, and then he came to do the same to you.
You woke up at the sound of Jack screaming, your blurry vision seeing Buddy flying by that energy Jack created, and Sam on the room’s door.
You were just starting to notice your hands were tied when everything was already over: Mia refused to kill you, Sam had shoot Buddy, the room was all bloody and destroyed and you saw Jack was not very conscious.
After being released, you stepped as far from Dean as you could without looking like a scared, kicked street dog, and went to check on Jack, who was already getting better.
Mia insisted on the four of you to get out, that she would take care of everything (meaning the body and the room), but Sam and you weren’t so sure. It was Dean the one convincing you to leave, and the first one to walk out of the room, Sam following close behind but stopping when he didn’t heard steps behind him.
You saw Mia talking to Jack, and the later giving her a hug. Unconsciously, you hugged yourself, trying to find some comfort. Jack looked like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, meaning the conversation he had with Mia-Kelly did worked.
You were just left feeling emptier than before.
After Jack let her go, he went to walk past you, standing besides Sam.
You looked at Mia, who had a raised eyebrow, making you realize you were still hugging yourself.
“I’m just a little cold, the blood loose dropped my temperature a little.” You made a dismissive gesture with your hand, but you could see you weren’t fooling her. Maybe she was prepared to be a therapist after all.
“Talk to them, you are not alone.” You barely heard her, and nodded to let her know you did.
As if that was easy.
When you got back to the Bunker, you went straight to the sink on the kitchen to clean your arm again, since it was closer than the bathroom.
You were redoing the bandages when Jack came in to get a glass of water, but as soon as he got in, Dean came in too. The tension on the air raised tenfold immediately.
Jack and Dean exchanged little ‘hey’s, but neither was looking at each other.
“Listen kid, you saved Sam back there, I’m grateful...you did good back there, okay? Good job.” You saw the exchange, and noticed how Dean was really trying to look ad Jack, and the almost newborn Nephilim gave him a little smile, nodding.
You now knew the one knocking Jack and yourself out was the shifter, but it triggered the fear you had against Dean from his demon and Mark of Cain days, so when he walked past you, patting your shoulder, you couldn’t help but flinch.
Dean noticed, but didn’t say anything, just murmured a soft ‘sorry’ before leaving the kitchen, probably to find Sam.
Jack, on the other side, went to sit in front of you, and asked with a calm and quiet voice tone.
“Uh, (Y/N)? Are you alright? Does your shoulder hurts?” he was really concerned for you, so maybe you should be honest. After all, he still needs to learn about lies and you didn’t want to be the one teaching him that.
“My shoulder is a little sore, but that’s not why I flinched. Part of my mind thinks Dean will throw or hit me again. I know a few hours ago it was the shifter the one that knocked us up, but my instincts haven’t caught up with that yet.” Okay, you weren’t lying, just leaving certain info out. He didn’t need to know that. Not yet anyway.
He hummed and nodded, understanding what you meant, stood up to pick another glass and filled it with water. You were about to tell him he could use the same glass when he offered it to you.
“Drinking water is vital after losing blood, right?” 
“Water is important in general, but yes. Thank you, Jack.” You washed both glasses after finishing yours and then called for Jack.
“Let’s use the fact I’m already covered in cuts to keep practicing your healing skills, shall we?” the kid glowed at the idea of practicing not hurting people, and catch up with you on the alley.
Maybe not thinking about Cas, but focusing on good things might help you…
Sibling’s Tag List:
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hxseok-honee · 6 years
i found | part 15
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a/n: aye get ready for maximum flUFF IN THIS BOI - let me know what you think!
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“Are you kidding me right now?” Yoongi glances up from his dinner, brought to him by his favorite house elf, to look into Y/n’s eyes. She’s standing with one hand on her hip, observing his slightly beaten state with what he detects as disappointment swimming in her eyes. He rolls his own, turning fully in his spot to greet her.
“It’s not even that bad, stop looking at me like that time I accidentally transfigured your hair into yarn.” She can’t help the breathy laugh that escapes her, mad that he managed to bring this reaction out of her even in this situation. She takes a seat next to him and, ignoring all his protests, starts poking at his injuries to make sure none of them are serious. Annoyed by his attempts to evade her, she reaches out and smacks his arm, resulting in a groan of pain from a mouth full of food.
“What the fuck was that for?” Locating the potential bruise where her hand had made contact, Y/n tugs at his sweater until he aggressively agrees to remove it.
“It’s for being annoying and not letting me see where you’re hurt- can you help me out a little here? I’m trying to make sure I don’t need to drag you to the hospital wing.” He sighs, abandoning his dinner entirely to turn in his seat so she could pull at his shirt. He watches with a smirk as she focuses on unbuttoning it, not even realizing what she’s doing.
“Having fun?” It’s only now that she pauses in her attempts to be his doctor, finally understanding the situation she’s placed herself in. He holds in a laugh as he watches her turn incredibly red but regrets it immediately because as soon as she sees the look on his face, she’s reaching out to clamp down on his ear and tug it as hard as she can. He lets out a strangled yell, prompting the same house elf who brought him his dinner to appear in front of them. When she sees the situation before her, the tiny elf yelps once and disappears again, clearly as flustered as they are by the sight. Y/n releases Yoongi’s ear and leans away from him, leaving him to button his shirt again with a slight smile on his face.
“You’re so much more frustrating now that you actually talk to me.” Yoongi lets out a genuine laugh at her comment, causing her to turn her head and stare at him in the same wonder she always feels when he so much as smiles at her. Amusement still lingering on his features as he finishes buttoning his shirt, he glances up at her and catches her gaze. They hold it for just a second, the tiniest of moments, but Yoongi finds himself struggling to breathe even after she’s looked down at her lap. Pushing his relatively full plate toward her, he points at it with his chin.
“Have some. I’m not really that hungry, and you like those mashed potatoes more than I do, anyway.” She smirks down at it, choosing not to say anything about the fact that he’s taken note of what she eats. Lifting her head to peer at the side of his face and finding herself frowning at the cuts she sees on his skin, she pushes the plate away and meets his eyes steadily.
“Only if you promise to stop fighting.” He frowns back at her before averting his gaze, leaning his elbows on the table as he studies the designs on the wood.
“I don’t think I can agree to that. I don’t even start half of them, and I’m not just gonna let some arrogant kid beat my ass. Anyway-” He lifts his eyes again to meet hers. “-why do you care so much? I’m obviously fine, Y/n. A couple scratches and some bruises aren’t enough to do real damage.” She tilts her head to examine him closely, not even looking away when he starts to fidget under her gaze.
“I don’t like seeing my friends get hurt.” He sighs at her, shaking his head slightly as he keeps his eyes on anything that isn’t her.
“It’s not me you have to worry about. You should save all those concerns for your other friends. They’re not gonna be happy when they find out about me.” Swallowing hard when he hears her noise of surprise, he waits for her to respond as he keeps his eyes on the table.
“What do you mean? Where did that come from?” He shrugs awkwardly, like a disgruntled child, as he grabs his fork and starts pushing food around on his plate.
“It’s just something I’ve been thinking about for a few days… that they’re not going to treat you well after they find out about this.” He doesn’t even have to look to know she’s frowning.
“Us.” He says it quickly, so quickly that she almost doesn’t catch it and even starts to ask him to repeat himself when it registers in her mind. Blinking a few times as she turns slowly to look at him, she’s not surprised that he’s not meeting her eyes again, but she’s a little shocked to see his knee bouncing anxiously and his ears turning a bit red. She tries to keep the smile off her face, but it seems to be happening without her permission. Clearing her throat once and taking note of the way his knee pauses at the sound before continuing its anxious bouncing, she addresses him as if things weren’t just a little uncertain between them.
“Well, they’ll probably be mad, that’s for sure, but… I mean, it’s not a crime to be friends with someone! Even the big bad Slytherin Prince.” She says the last part with a chuckle, hoping he’ll join in, but all he does is turn to examine her closely. Y/n coughs awkwardly, even going as far as taking the fork out of his hand and shoveling some of the mashed potatoes into her mouth as she wonders why it’s suddenly gotten so weird. Finding that he hasn’t looked away, she frowns at him slightly. “What is it this time? Was the Slytherin Prince joke in bad taste or something?”
“Don’t you realize that’s actually who I am, Y/n?” Taking her widened eyes and confused expression as permission for him to clarify, he continues speaking after a long sigh.
“All those rumors and ideas that everyone has about me? A lot of them are obviously bullshit, but the image is fairly accurate, Y/n. I’m the person that everyone avoids in the corridor. I’m the guy that every other guy in this place has tried to fight at some point to deal with their fragile masculinity- I put people in the hospital wing every week for fuck’s sake! And, what? You want to take care of me when I show up with a little cut on my face? You want to stick up for me to your friends when they find out about me? Why? Why would you put that kind of pressure on a group of friends that’s been together since first year- what could I possibly offer you that makes you willing to deal with all the trouble I’m going to bring you? I just-” Yoongi cuts himself off with a noise of frustration, running a hand through his hair as he finishes quietly. “-I just don’t get it. I don’t get you.”
Y/n watches him as he rambles, finally seeing everything he thinks of his position in her life. She sees the frustration in his eyes, the way he starts to breathe heavily and gesture to himself almost manically the longer he talks about himself, the longer he tries to convince her that he’s a bad person. She sees it all, and she hates it.
“That’s bullshit.” She meets his eyes fiercely when his head whips around at her words. She stares into his eyes, unyielding, as he processes what she’s just said to him. She can see that he’s shocked by the fact that she just negated everything he’s said to her, but he doesn’t bother questioning her because his questions are all there, in his eyes.
“That’s bullshit, Yoongi. I can’t tell if that’s what you actually believe about yourself or if it’s just what you’re trying to convince me of, but I’m not fooled. That’s not who you are, it’s just who you want people to think you are. I don’t know why you do it, I really don’t, but it’s not you. That guy who walks around ruling the castle with cold eyes and an unforgiving fist is not Min Yoongi. That’s just who you have to be to survive. But you don’t have to be that guy with me, so stop fucking pushing me away like you’re worried that one day I’m going to decide you’re no good for me. I’m not going anywhere.” With an annoyed sigh, she picks up his fork and keeps eating the food he’s clearly forgotten about, letting him know she’s done talking. She’s prepared to give him another speech just in case he argues with her again, but when she looks up at him, he’s staring into her eyes like he’s seeing her for the first time.
It takes all of Yoongi’s strength not to show all the emotions he’s beginning to feel. He stares at her for a few minutes after she’s finished her rant, taking her in as she steals his food and then meets his eyes almost in challenge. When he realizes he’s looked for too long, he clears his throat and looks down at his lap. He’s not entirely sure how he feels. Is he upset that she’s called him out so honestly, or is he just shocked that she’s been this aware of him the whole time? Either way, he has nothing else to say besides-
“Okay.” He hears her little hum of confusion, and she comes into his line of sight as she’s leaning in to hear him better.
“What’s that?” He lifts his head slightly to meet her eyes, blinking several times when he sees how close she’s actually gotten. The whisper that leaves him is not exactly what he intended to say, but he can’t help that he’s a bit distracted in the moment by her proximity.
“I said okay. I won’t push you away anymore. I promise.” They stay that way for a few moments, not even realizing that they’re both just sitting there staring at each other until there’s a loud popping sound right next to them, followed by the sweet house elf’s kind voice.
“Would Mister Min and Miss Y/l/n like anything else to eat or drink?” She says all this while scooping up the empty plate on the table, not noticing that she might have interrupted a personal moment. Y/n leans back, giving herself some room to breathe and try to cool her face while Yoongi tugs at his collar awkwardly.
“U-uh no, Cimny, thank you, we’re all good.” After bowing deeply to Yoongi, she disappears with another loud popping sound, leaving him alone again with Y/n, who looks mildly confused.
“Cimny?” Yoongi takes a glance at Y/n before smiling shyly.
“She’s my family’s house elf.” Y/n lets out a noise of surprise, something Yoongi’s learned over the past few weeks is very standard of her as she tends to be shocked by a lot of the things he tells her.
“Really? Why’s she here then?” He smiles even more shyly than before, realizing he’ll have to tell her quite a bit more than he anticipated tonight.
“Uhm, my father asked the headmaster to, for lack of a better word, hire her for the duration of my time here so she could kind of look out for me. First year was a rough time for me…” Y/n stares at the side of his head for a minute, trying to grasp what he’s telling her, and it clicks in that moment that the entire Slytherin Prince reputation only came about in their third year. Yoongi takes another look at her and sees the recognition in her eyes. He nods slowly, confirming her thought process.
“A lot of people picked on me first year- all Slytherins actually. I guess they didn’t like that I wasn’t big on fitting in and liked to keep to myself. A few of them made a habit of pushing me around and taking my glasses- you remember those big ass glasses I used to have? Those thick ones that made me all bug-eyed? I don’t know if you even knew who I was back then…” Y/n smiles fondly, vaguely remembering the one class she’d had with the Slytherins first year. There, in the corner of her memories, sits a quiet kid with large, round frames practically half the size of his head.
“I remember. I liked those glasses.” Yoongi scoffs loudly, reaching over to push her gently as he shudders at his own memory.
“Whatever, asshole. Anyway, those same kids used to take my glasses during meals so that I couldn’t see for shit, and then they would slip stuff into my food to make me sick. Cruel bastards, I tell you.” He sees the frown the etches itself onto her features, and he can’t help the way he reaches over to pinch her cheek. “Don’t give me that look, it’s not like it’s happening now.” Y/n pulls away, rubbing her face as she responds.
“I know, but it’s still frustrating that you were going through that alone. I had no idea…” Yoongi chuckles softly, staring into the distance almost darkly.
“That’s the thing about snakes. They protect their own. There was no way anyone would find out about any inside torture because everyone covers for each other. But I guess after the third round of food poisoning and one too many nights in the hospital wing, my father picked up on the fact that something was weird, so he sent Cimny to look after me. I guess she watches my plates for me from here in the kitchens every time I eat.” The entire time Yoongi’s speaking, he’s looking down at his hands or scratching at some of the chipped wood in the table, so when he finally looks up at Y/n, he’s pleasantly surprised to find her listening attentively, watching him curiously as he speaks. He expects her to just accept his story and move on to something else, but it seems she’s much more invested in storytime than he was aware.
“So then what happened?”
“What?” She smiles softly, repeating herself.
“What happened after Cimny got here?” Yoongi stumbles for a response, not really sure why this is so interesting for her.
“Uh… nothing? I was fine after that? I think she just always took out all the stuff they would put into my food before I could eat it. I also think she still watches my plates to this day, which I feel kinda bad about since it’s not really necessary anymore. So I come visit her pretty regularly. Ask her how she’s doing and whatnot…” Yoongi sees her smile widen, and it causes him to furrow his eyebrows. “What?”
“You come visit Cimny? That’s so cute.” He rolls his eyes at her, tempted to push her over again, but he lets her have her fun.
“Sue me for being worried that she gets lonely down here- oh, shut up!” She’s laughing softly now, the image of the evil, scary Yoongi coming to make sure his house elf has a friend striking a bit odd to her.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just love it so much, it’s adorable. Who knew you were hiding all these soft tendencies under that hard shell?” He shakes his head at her, secretly happy that she’s having so much fun but refusing to ever show it. He just listens to her laughter, enjoying the sweet sound more than he cares to admit. He’s so busy listening to her laugh that he almost misses her question.
“So how did you become all this then? How’d you go from the bullied, bug-eyed kid with the guardian elf to king of the castle even as a second year?” Yoongi smirks at her, unable to restrain himself.
“It’s ‘prince’, thank you very much- Hey!” He’s rubbing the spot on his leg that she’d decided to unceremoniously pinch in response to his snarky comment, wondering where she’d been hiding all this aggression the past few weeks. “For your information, I didn’t become Prince overnight. I had a lot of help, and I got my ass beat second year more times than I can count. It wasn’t until third year that I started to fill out and could hold my own against the older kids.”
He knows Y/n’s going to let out her little hum of surprise again so he mimics it in time with her, giving her a smug look when she hears him. She grabs at him again but doesn’t get the chance to do anything before he’s catching her hands in his own, bringing her wrists together and holding them with one hand. He pulls her closer so he can sit comfortably, and they end up rather close, their shoulders pressed together as Yoongi holds her leg with his other hand to stop her from attacking him again with her other limbs. He continues his story like this as if they don’t look ridiculous, and Y/n sits through it as quietly as she can, trying to force herself to focus on his words instead of the warmth of his hand on her leg.
“So yeah, anyway, it was about halfway through first year when some seventh year Slytherins took mercy on me and decided to take me under their wings. They’re the closest I’ve ever come to friends- I mean, except you I guess-” Y/n bites her lip to hide the smile threatening to peek out as he stumbles for the right words, nodding along like nothing’s happening. “-and then they taught me how to duel, some pretty advanced hexes and stuff like that. They basically took care of me for the rest of the year, and then they just wished me luck and left. To be honest, I owe them a lot.” Y/n listens diligently, caught between being upset that an eleven-year-old kid had to learn all of those things just to survive at school and being amazed that he had managed to take those impromptu lessons and fight his way to the top.
“So that’s your origin story, huh?” Yoongi glances down at her, laughing quietly.
“If you wanna call it that, I guess.”
“Thank you for telling me all of that… You didn’t have to, you know. But I’m glad you did.” He stares down at her, feeling awkward at her sudden gratitude, but he knows she’s like this a lot so he figures he’ll get used to it eventually. And anyway, he doesn’t really remember a time he had ever talked this much to another person- except for the first night in the astronomy tower, but even then she was pulling answers out of him like it was the most painful thing either of them had ever been through. He realizes now that he actually spoke a lot tonight by his own choice. He’s not really sure what to make of it.
Whatever, she said she wanted me to stop pushing her away. It makes sense.
Glancing at her again and realizing she’s been waiting for an answer, he clears his throat and lets go of her wrists, giving her a chance to scoot away from him if she wanted. He notes that she doesn’t move as far as she had been before, keeping her right leg in contact with his left and letting their shoulders brush every so often. He tries not to smile when he notices, covering his mouth with his hand and leaning his elbow on the table.
“It’s fine. It’s not like it’s some super big secret or anything… but you’ll have to tell me your ‘origin story’ one day soon, too. I don’t like all these unequal sharing sessions we got going on.” She laughs loudly, throwing her head back slightly at how entertaining it is to hear him complain.
“I don’t think I have an origin story, but okay. One day I’ll tell you all about my relatively boring life here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-” She pulls her phone out of her pocket, gasping when she sees how late it is. “-But not tonight because it’s almost 1 am! Let’s go, I have a quiz in Care of Magical Creatures tomorrow.” She wraps a hand around his wrist and pulls him off the bench, dragging him across the room toward the door and laughing at his protests and complaints that she should have told him earlier that she had a quiz so he could watch the time for her.
When they’re standing outside the kitchens, she turns to face him, keeping her hold on his wrist as she jerks her head in the direction of her common room.
“Well, obviously I have to go this way, so I’ll say bye here…” Yoongi nods lamely at her, wondering why he doesn’t have it in him to just say goodbye and leave. They stand there for a few moments, looking around as they wait for the other to speak first. Finally, Yoongi starts to move the wrist that’s still caught in her grasp, twisting it until he can comfortably grip her arm and pull her toward him. It takes forever, and it’s so painfully awkward that Yoongi regrets his decision before he can even do anything, but eventually he manages to bring her close enough that he can let go of her and wrap both of his arms around her shoulders. He tries not to stiffen when he feels her own arms encase his waist, relaxing fully only once they’ve been standing there for a few moments and he knows she’s fine with his weird hug.
Another moment passes and he’s patting her back in an awkward attempt to end the hug, but she gets the cue and lets him go with a soft chuckle.
“We’ll work on that… Good night, Yoongi.” He nods and smiles almost warmly at her, waving as he backs away in the opposite direction.
“Good night...” Yoongi waits until she’s through the entrance to her common room before turning away and heading in the direction of the dungeons. He’s so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t see the 6th year Gryffindor standing around the corner, out of the way and trying to process what the hell he had just seen. Pulling out his phone and re-reading the messages from Namjoon asking him to see if he could find their badger friend who had disappeared without telling them where, Jungkook sighs and recalls the scene he had witnessed not even 5 minutes prior- the way Y/n had pulled Yoongi out of the kitchens with a bright smile on her face, the weird moment they’d had as Yoongi brought her into his arms like they were friends-
Is that it? Is that who she’s been spending her time with? Min Yoongi??
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thequantumqueer · 6 years
hi sorry 2 bother u but would u mind explaining a bit more about how ppl in the military are victims? ofc no pressure only if u wanna I'm just curious to learn wht u mean
yeah definitely!
so it starts with predatory recruitment. military recruiters visit high schools and sometimes even middle schools to normalize the idea that joining the military is no different from going to college. almost none of those kids can actually join, but they try to sell them on it anyway with talk of how cool it’ll be and what a badass it’ll turn you into, and stuff like that. the army even has even put out three T-rated video games about army life since 2007, the most recent in 2015.
it gets even more intense in high school, when they start contacting kids directly. when you take the SAT and ACT, your information automatically gets sent to recruiters and they start sending you recruitment literature that blends in really well with the letters you’re getting from colleges suggesting you apply.
then, once people are old enough to actually join up, the recruitment pitch shifts to more tangible offers with little to no intention of ever following through. one of the biggest selling points is the G.I. Bill, but it comes with a whole host of terms and conditions that no one ever mentions, which often results in the benefits being mostly (or even completely) unusable for a lot of people, with just under half of servicemembers ending up using any of it at all.
they also recruit heavily based on the idea that your time in the military will translate into work experience and make it easier to find a job when you get out, but most military equivalents to civilian jobs deal with highly specialized equipment that makes the experience irrelevant, and you don’t get any certifications or equivalencies.
another big draw is Tricare, which is, quite simply, the best insurance in the world. What they don’t tell you is that your dependents get a shitty knockoff, and you also get kicked over to that shitty knockoff as soon as they determine that whatever’s wrong means you won’t be returning to active duty. they want to protect their investment as long as it can fight for them, but beyond that, you can go fuck yourself. and that’s to say nothing of the nightmare that is the VA, which is infamous for multiple-month wait times for even basic care, which is very often poor quality when you eventually do get it.
once you’ve actually joined, a few things happen that the recruiter never mentioned. first and foremost, you’ve entered into a contract with the united states government, which means that any breach of that contract is a federal felony. in other words, everything in this post from here on out is 100% completely and totally unavoidable without utterly fucking up your life.
the second is that you are now subject to two entire sets of laws that, most likely, you had no idea existed until just now. lots of those laws are standard federal law that only applies to military personnel (title 10, mostly), but the rest are called the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). a lot of the ucmj is pretty straightforward stuff that you’d expect, like “it’s a crime to disobey orders” (Article 92) and the like, but there’s a ton of general conduct laws as well. for example Article 88 - Contempt Toward Officials, which says:
Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
in other words, if you’re an officer it is literally a crime to criticize the government, even in private and even if you’re not in uniform. more generally, though, all military personnel have their political activity severely restricted by a combination of articles 10, 2, and 18 of us code, DOD directives, and military regulations. from this article, here’s a list of some things that you’re not allowed to do if you’re in the military:
Participate in partisan political fundraising activities, rallies, conventions (including making speeches in the course thereof), management of campaigns, or debates, either on one’s own behalf or on that of another, without respect to uniform or inference or appearance of official sponsorship, approval, or endorsement. Participation includes more than mere attendance as a spectator.
Use official authority or influence to interfere with an election, affect the course or outcome of an election, solicit votes for a particular candidate or issue, or require or solicit political contributions from others.
Allow or cause to be published partisan political articles, letters, or endorsements signed or written by the member that solicits votes for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause. However, letters to the editor are allowed.
Serve in any official capacity with or be listed as a sponsor of a partisan political club.
Speak before a partisan political gathering, including any gathering that promotes a partisan political party, candidate, or cause.
Participate in any radio, television, or other program or group discussion as an advocate for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause.
Conduct a political opinion survey under the auspices of a partisan political club or group or distribute partisan political literature.
Perform clerical or other duties for a partisan political committee or candidate during a campaign, on an election day, or after an election day during the process of closing out a campaign.
Solicit or otherwise engage in fundraising activities in Federal offices or facilities, including military reservations, for any political cause or candidate.
March or ride in a partisan political parade.
Display a large political sign, banner, or poster (as distinguished from a bumper sticker) on a private vehicle.
Display a partisan political sign, poster, banner, or similar device visible to the public at one’s residence on a military installation, even if that residence is part of a privatized housing development.
Participate in any organized effort to provide voters with transportation to the polls if the effort is organized by or associated with a partisan political party, cause, or candidate.
Sell tickets for or otherwise actively promote partisan political dinners and similar fundraising events.
Attend partisan political events as an official representative of the Armed Forces, except as a member of a joint Armed Forces color guard at the opening ceremonies of the national conventions of the Republican, Democratic, or other political parties recognized by the Federal Elections Committee or as otherwise authorized by the Secretary concerned.
Make a campaign contribution to, or receive or solicit (on one’s own behalf) a campaign contribution from, any other member of the Armed Forces on active duty.
Any activity that may be reasonably viewed as directly or indirectly associating the Department of Defense or the Department of Homeland Security (in the case of the Coast Guard) or any component of these Departments with a partisan political activity or is otherwise contrary to the spirit and intention of this Directive shall be avoided.
most of that list comes from DoD Directive 1344.10 (full text here) and while there’s plenty of stuff you can do, politically, but almost all of it requires you to be either anonymous or passive about it. so now it’s illegal for you to do anything substantial toward changing policy in any way, and possibly also to even so much as complain about the president or call congress incompetent.
so now that you’ve been properly restricted (and remember, the only way out of this without a felony is with a DD214 (discharge paperwork)) you’re put to work. on the surface, it seems like any other job, but there’s subtle differences. for one thing, literally every person who’s gotten more raises than you is your boss and you have to do whatever they tell you unless it conflicts with what someone who’s gotten even more raises than them already told you to do.
your orders can also be literally anything that’s not illegal. if your boss at starbucks tells you to always stand on one foot while you work the register, you might do it for like an hour or two, but then you’d stop bothering and if your boss got upset about it then that would be unreasonable. if your CO tells you to always say the pledge of allegiance in Farsi, then it’s your responsibility to learn how to say it in Farsi and always do so until that CO or someone above them give you permission to say it in english again, and if you don’t, that’s a crime.
what that means is that if you get assigned to recruitment duty, you can and will be ordered to look and sound excited about being in the military as you tell 13 year olds they should join up after high school, and you will legally have to do it.
and all of this is without even mentioning the missions. combat, and the act of killing another human being, are traumatizing even in the most ideal of situations. if someone breaks into your home to attack you and you push them back and something heavy falls on them and kills them, that’s still a traumatic experience for you. even legitimate wars for good reasons against enemies that really do need to be stopped are horrifying experiences for everyone involved.
but when the war is bullshit and most of the casualties are civilians and you know all this and aren’t even allowed to say anything about it, let alone do anything about it? that combines with combat to royally fuck a person up.
this is the part where everyone who’s read this far gets ready to jump down my throat about how the people being bombed are the real victims and not the people dropping the bombs, so let me remind you that this anon was in response to a post i made that started with the words “The US Military is […] evil” and that im not in any way trying to say that the troops get the worst of it, just that they are being used and abused by the system.
because remember, those troops have been groomed to be recruited since they were five years old and asked their parents why they got veterans day off from kindergarten, and have been pursued more and more actively all the way up through high school. the military lured them in, is chewing them up, and will spit them out when it’s done with them without giving one single fuck about them.
and no matter how you cut it, that describes a victim.
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feisty-mary · 7 years
Reasons Why Marrying William Sloan Is the Best Decision of Your Life (Part 2)
Wow, Part 1 made me realize that there are more people who romanced Mr. Sloan than I originally thought! I just have to say, congratulations on your good taste in men. ;)
To those who have expressed interest in replaying the books to choose this sexy businessman, DO IT! YOU WON’T REGRET IT. Mr. Sloan is a total sweetheart who will sweep you off your feet and raise your expectations of partners so high it’s practically a crime.
- From this point on I’ll refer to the businessman as Mr. Sloan, as he is more familiarly known.
- Read Part 1 before proceeding with this part. They both cover the first book, and most points are interconnected.
4.      Book 1, Chapter 3. During their date in Venice, Mr. Sloan takes MC to Ristorante Oliviero for the best Italian food in the city. Without asking MC, he orders for her.
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MC readily calls him out on it. “excuse u?? I can speak for myself and vote and own land and open a checking account? why are you bossing me around like I wanna choke on your dick??? oh wait”
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Mr. Sloan is unfazed, although he tells MC to trust him in this particular instance. We let it go begrudgingly, although to be fair, the food he orders turns out to be amazing. 
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You have to admit, this kind of behavior on your first date raises a lot of red flags. Who wants to be in a relationship with a guy who decides for you without your permission? 
To make sense of this, we fast forward to Book 1, Chapter 11, where something similar happens. Here Mr. Sloan returns to the cruise ship for his second date with MC. Honestly at this point I’m not even complaining because he flies back to her as soon as he can just to take her to Paris for a date?? 
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Admittedly, he surprises her under the assumption that MC will readily agree/has nothing planned for the rest of the day herself. (Although, to be fair, surprises do have a way of ruining your own plans. That’s kind of the point!)
Here we’re given the option to tell him that he can’t expect us to leave for the Paris trip at a moment’s notice. A good option, too, since we’re trying to be as lowkey thirsty as possible we get to remind him that respect for each other’s time is kind of a thing. Besides, if you’re going to start a relationship with someone you might as well establish a list of acceptable and unacceptable bullshit between the two of you early on, right?
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When MC calls him out, his reaction is surprising; he looks positively contrite. The panels above show him acknowledging his mistake, his tone completely different from when we first call him out in Book 1, Chapter 3. What’s more, he inadvertently reveals that he’s been listening to MC, after all, particularly about that advice to “let loose”. We don’t see him dance until Book 1, Chapter 18 (refer to reason 3 in Part 1), but it is clear even at this point how he’s making an attempt to match MC’s adventurousness and spend more time with her.
Just to put that in perspective, it’s useful to remember that he’s a CEO. In that particular line of work there is very little room for anything messes with plans, blueprints, and established timelines. That he is willing to make time for MC despite his busy schedule (because those meetings were probably scheduled months in advance and rescheduling them would be hell) says something about how much he must really consider being with her as his priority.
What I really want to underscore is how these separate chapters show us Mr. Sloan’s learning curve when it comes to romancing MC - and it’s clear he learns pretty darn fast. I had misgivings about his reaction to us calling him out on his take-charge attitude in Book 1, Chapter 3 but I like how it seems to have been deliberately written that way so we can see how he learns from it several chapters later.
He gets even better at it by the time we reach Book 2, Chapter 16, the night when he proposes to MC for the second time. He surprises her when he shows up at Nomade, and what do you know, this time he directly asks if she has plans for the evening before inviting her to Casablanca.
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Did you see that? Yes, that’s character development.
5.      Because Mr. Sloan is simply the best kind of life partner anyone can possibly ask for. Book 1 Chapter 18 reveals a lot about what we can expect from him as MC’s husband. As I’ve pointed out in reason 1 of Part 1, one of the things I really like about him is his foresight and how it always comes into play even in his relationship with MC, consistent with his work as an investor. He’s always thinking long term.
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One of the ways the conversation with Mr. Sloan in this chapter is so distinctively him is that he doesn’t talk much about feelings anymore. That’s not to say he doesn’t reiterate them, because he does, at least in the beginning. But they don’t take up most of the things that’s said between him and MC.
What do they talk about, though? Well, they talk about important questions in relationships, like where they will live in the future and what MC thinks of having kids (in fact, this surprises MC herself, as shown in the panels below). Perhaps not everyone will agree with me on this, but the way I see it is that this man is already absolutely certain of what he feels for MC. As far as he’s concerned, the dating phase is done, which is why he’s already set that aside and moved on to the next one: planning their future together. Whatever MC’s misgivings might be, it’s clear at this point that Mr. Sloan has given their relationship some pretty serious consideration.
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It’s also worth noting that when MC asks him what he thinks their future will look like, he tells her that she can tell him what she wants and he will just make them come true. 
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In Book 2, Chapter 8, he even goes as far as asking her, “hypothetically speaking”, where his next vacation house should be located. 
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Going back to reason 4 above makes it easier to see how Mr. Sloan’s character develops - he changes from someone who will make MC’s dietary choices for her to someone who looks at her as a partner with whom he can plan a future life together. It’s these small things, these subtle changes in his words and actions that tell us he’s been paying attention and learning from his interaction with MC. That perhaps their time together has actually changed him, and as cliche as it sounds, maybe even changed him for the better. 
6.      Mr. Sloan owns a winery. That’s literally it; who the hell turns down someone who owns a goddamn winery? Oh, and by the way? He names a bottle of wine after MC.
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7.      Because he knows his priorities, and it’s MC above anything else. In Book 2, Chapter 9, Rashad, Mr. Sloan’s very own best friend, warns MC that there’s a very big price to pay in being in a relationship with a CEO. 
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As hostile as Rashad delivers his warning, he makes a very valid point. Book 2, Chapter 9 perfectly underscores this when MC asks Mr. Sloan to go back to bed with her but he sadly turns her down, telling her he has to prepare for another business trip.
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Before the chapter draws to a close, MC considers this silently, wondering if Rashad is right for warning her after all.
Surprisingly enough, in Book 2, Chapter 17, we see Mr. Sloan bite the bullet and very openly discuss Rashad’s thoughts on his relationship with MC. 
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I admit I did not see this coming; I thought it would be one of the things they’d conveniently overlook to give some sort of disadvantage to a potential relationship with Mr. Sloan. I mean, at least give the other suitors a fighting chance, Mr. Sloan?? lmao~
True to his nature as a businessman who most likely considers all angles of a particular negotiation before proceeding, Mr. Sloan talks to MC about his work-life balance and asks her what she thinks of it. 
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We try to be subtle about it, but suddenly Mr. Sloan says these magic words: “Consider it gone.”
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Even MC does a double-take. Because… well, he can’t do that! He can’t just set aside his businesses for MC! Excuse me?? That’s like… totally sweet and romantic I cannot believe?????
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I swear I didn’t cry. Maybe.
8.      Because his proposals are so on point! Mr. Sloan proposed twice to my MC Alyanna because I’ve been loyal to him since the first book hahaha. Let me just spend some time on these proposals because they’re both beautiful and so well-thought-out.
Book 1, Chapter 19. First proposal.
I didn’t realize this until I was almost done with this list, but all the points I’ve listed up until now are mentioned and/or alluded to in his marriage proposal. I don’t want to gloat (who am I kidding, I totally do), but I can say with 100% confidence that our businessman’s first marriage proposal is the best of them all. 
For example, he gather’s MC’s family members to witness the whole thing. One of the key themes in Rules of Engagement is family, and the first book does a good job at letting us see the strong bond between the four siblings. This being said, I thought it was very smart and thoughtful of Mr. Sloan to call them to witness what is arguably one of the most significant moments in MC’s life. It appears he knows what’s important to MC and he considers them important to him, too.
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He also talks about how being with her has changed him, particularly about him dancing, as I’ve discussed in Part 1. In the left panel below, he mentions how MC makes him laugh, but also that she calls him out, unlike other people who appear to be intimidated by “Mr. Sloan from magazines”. I found this to be a nice touch; it gives the feeling that we’ve gone full circle and the time spent with him really helped build up their relationship.
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The (intended?) symbolism is a nice, touch, too - Mr. Sloan proposes in the same place where he first met MC. If we go back to Book 1, Chapter 2, his very own words on the night they meet is “I’m not proposing that we get engaged. I just want to take you out for a romantic night. No strings attached.” Funny how he comes to propose many chapters later, at the very same restaurant and to the very same woman whom he once said those words to.
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This is equal parts adorable and amusing.
In the left panel above, Mr. Sloan recalls the unfortunate (but absolutely hilarious) mix-up during his date with MC in Paris. It’s funny because you can tell he’s been thinking about that little mishap since it happened, and yes, his thoughts all along must have been, “Holy shit that was very embarrassing I swear I will never do that in my life.”
And yet here he is, several weeks (?) later, proposing in front of MC’s family and friends and possibly other people from the cruise. And you know what? He does it anyway. He braves his embarrassment and his discomfort anyway, because he’s decided that it’s okay, because it makes him the happiest, too.
It’s also interesting how he says, “Now, I’d like to put myself out here on a limb for once.” If we want to be very technical about it, “putting someone out on a limb” means “being in a dangerous position” or “doing something risky”. Well, okay, you say. Proposing is inherently risky, isn’t it, because there’s always a chance you’ll get turned down? Mr. Sloan is just acknowledging that fact.
Except, you have to remember he’s a businessman. Taking risks is literally what he does for a living. And if his wealth is any indication, he’s a very successful risk-taker. I actually interpret this as a very subtle way of him telling us how compared to closing business deals, he considers proposing to MC as probably one of the riskiest things he has ever done in his life hahaha.
Book 2, Chapter 17. Second proposal.
I was kidding; of course both of Mr. Sloan’s proposals to MC are better than the others! ;) If anything, his proposal in the Sahara is even better than his first one, because not only does he mention the moments they share together, he also mentions the times they don’t - and how even those form part of the reasons why he wants to spend the rest of his life with MC.
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The four panels above show just how much MC has changed him, and I adore it.
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But, of course, just to be fair to Mr. Sloan, we tell him this isn’t necessary. My MC isn’t here to impose anything on him, so she tells him he doesn’t have to change for her. He gives what is arguably the best response, as shown in the panels below.
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Thank you, Mr. Sloan, for wanting to be that person who will dance with me in my lame black dress in a piazza in Venice. *wipes tears*
The rest of his proposal is absolutely magic, just like how he sees MC in his life.
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I told myself I would let the panels above speak for themselves but ohmygod can we just acknowledge how much punch they pack because you can definitely tell that Mr. Sloan is speaking from the heart. This is exactly their love story. It’s a simple tale of two people finding someone whom they can dance in a piazza with, whom they constantly think about even when they’re far apart, and whom they’ll willingly make sacrifices for, because they put them as priority above all others.
It’s not all that complicated, but then again whoever said the best love stories need to be? ;)
9.     This isn’t exactly a reason but I just wanted to add that Mr. Sloan planned the second proposal for weeks! Planning is his thing, okay, he’s good at that and he has plenty of money to show for it lmao. Here’s his hella cute reaction when we point this out (MC: “You’ve been planning this for weeks?”).
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Dear @ god just please let me marry him already??
Also hey isn’t it funny that Mr. Sloan proposed to us in the Sahara? ahahahaha was our thirst that obvious?????
Okay, that’s it, folks! This took a while but I hope you enjoyed this because I did! Thanks for reading and please don’t hesitate to shoot me a holler if you wanna squeal about Mr. Sloan! ;)
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forkanna · 5 years
NOTE: ¥100 is roughly $0.90 US, for Americans who don't want to have to stop reading and google, which I totally understand. Just approximate ¥100 =$1 for somewhat close conversion purposes.
Also, this is where the story really begins to take off. The setup is complete: let the yuri begin!
                                                 ~ x The Priestess x ~
Less than two hours later, I was sitting nervously on a bed in Dogenzaka. Love Hotel Hill. The last place I ever expected to find myself.
Just in case you don't know about it - which I doubt, Sis - that's where all young couples go when they need a night to themselves. Or just a few hours. Maybe the problem is a messy apartment, maybe it's parents… maybe it's just very thin walls in their building. Either way, love hotels do a lot of business - and that little corner of Shibuya plays host to the highest concentration of them in Tokyo. Finding one that would rent to me for a couple of hours without me already having the second person in tow was the easy part, and only cost me ¥3000.
Especially easy considering my disguise.
The hardest part was actually making the phone call. It took every ounce of courage I had, especially because I would be disguising my voice - which was something I didn't have a lot of experience doing. The memory of the call was still fresh in my mind…
"Housekeeping Service Victoria! What can we do for you today, sir?"
"Um… can I have… a maid?" Did I mention I was also the most nervous I had ever been in my life?
"Sure," the woman on the other end giggled. "That's what we're here for! Do you have a special request, or would you like me to describe a few of our top-rated maids and what services they can help you with?"
"I want Miss K-" That had been a close one. "W-what I mean is, do you have a maid named Becky?"
"Oh! I can certainly transfer you to Becky and see if she's available! One moment please."
Some pleasant, inoffensive harpsichord music played in the background until the transfer connected. The entire time, I had been sweating bullets, practicing making my voice even deeper.
"Hiiii! You've reached Becky! How may I help you today, meow?"
"Two hours. How much?" The less I said, the better.
"That will be ¥10000! Are you sure you need me for two hours, Master? I might be able to get all my work done in half that time!"
"Yes." Her calling me 'master' was already giving me nausea. But I tried to power through; I had to know what she was doing. After all, sweet Ann had given me half the money to request her, so the least I could do was follow through. "Hotel Juliet. Here is the address…"
And that was that. She didn't even waste a second hesitating when I gave her the address of a love hotel; just took it in stride. Which already seemed to be confirming my worst fears, but I told myself that I wouldn't back down or make any more assumptions; that would be even worse than confirming the truth.
So I made the room the tiniest bit messy while I waited for her. Then I sat on the bed, shaking like a leaf and sweating bullets. Right up until I heard the knock at the door.
"Housekeeping!" she called in a sing-song.
"Come in!" She came in. And already, I really wished she hadn't.
My Japanese language teacher stood before me wearing the same frilly black-and-white French maid outfit. What parallel universe did I step into?! Her hair was up in pigtails that hung down to her shoulders - or rather, it was a wig. No way her natural hair was long enough for that. A layer of foundation helped to conceal the very slight signs of ageing, making her passable for 21 or similar. Not that I knew how old she really was.
"It is nice to meet you, Master," she said with a playful curtsy. Really, I didn't think curtsies could be playful, but she did it.
"Good evening," I attempted in my best impression of a male voice.
"My my myyyeeow, but you're so handsome," she buttered me up with a flutter of her mascaraed eyelashes. "I'm such a lucky girl that you'll let me get covered in dust for you!"
"Th-thank you." Was I really handsome, though? My disguise was pretty believable. Ann helped me a lot with it, especially doing the stage makeup that made me look like I had a five o'clock shadow. But it was the big bushy mustache and having my shoulder-length hair stuffed up into fedora that made me look different enough that my teacher might not notice.
She stepped out of her Mary Janes and paced a little closer away from the door. "So! Let's just take care of that silly fee and we can get started right away! Victoria said you would pay in person?"
"Oh! Right, um…" Quick as I could, I fished out ¥10000 and handed it over. A double-shift for her. She pocketed it immediately, not even batting an eye. How many times had she done this?
"Thanks sooooo much! You're the best, Master! What can Becky do for you today?"
"U-um, well… get started on this mess. Then we can relax." That sounded really cheesy and sleazy, but it was the best I could do.
"Of course," she said with a huge wink as she fished a laminated card out of her apron pocket. "You can check this out while I get started! Should only take me a few minutes!"
I accepted it without really thinking, then watched numbly for a moment as she began to tidy up the pillows and sheets I had strewn around the floor. Humming a little tune as she worked. Finally, I decided the card might actually be important and took a look.
Hello, Master! Thank you for using Victoria Housekeeping Service! My name is BECKY ! I'm happy to do whatever you need!
Standard services include:
-Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting -Making beds/Airing out futons -Laundry -Light cooking -Conversation
Premium services (additional charge):
-Dancing alone ¥500 -Dancing together ¥500 -Lap kitten ¥1000 -Lap pillow ¥1000 -Tucking you in ¥1000 -Stocking removal ¥1000 -Keep stockings ¥5000 -Foot/neck massage ¥1000 -Deep back massage ¥2000 -Health Massage ¥5000 (Note: maid may refuse at any time) -Health Kiss ¥10000 (Note: maid may refuse at any time)
Prohibited requests:
-Pictures -Kissing the maid -Touching the maid without explicit permission, with any part of the client's body or objects under their control
Our maids are very important to Victoria! Please treat me with kindness and care! ❤
That had me reeling. Just that Miss Kawakami had to specify that nobody was allowed to touch her without her permission… this was her life after school was out. Being constantly hit on by men who had her all alone in their houses. She must have spent a lot of time hating herself on the inside. I had to wonder if that contributed to how weary she always looked, beyond simply being tired. But then I saw the fine print at the bottom of the card:
Our employees (maids) are not prostitutes and are not allowed to participate in sexual intercourse with unspecified persons. Violators of this policy will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All names and locations of clients are noted in our records and employees who do not report in are treated as victims of crime and the clients as the responsible parties until proven otherwise.
Well… at least there was that.
"Soooo," my temporary maid asked as she picked up the condoms I had dumped out of the bedside table drawer - which I now was horrified about since I hadn't even noticed what they were before, "my master seems to have been very messy just for meeee. Was there another reason you called our service?"
The twinkle in her eye when she winked at me said it all: this was a love hotel. Even if I somehow partied so hard in two hours that I trashed the room, no way would I need to call a separate maid when the hotel staff would take care of that.
"L-lonely," I grumbled, trying to seem standoffish.
"Awwww, that's okay. I offer a lot of premium services, but… if you just wanna talk, we can talk. Becky doesn't mind at all." She finished putting them away, then straightened and folded her hands in front of her lap, waiting patiently for my response. Obediently.
"Um…" Glancing back down at the card, I looked up and asked, "K-keep stockings?"
Only when her eyebrows went up did I realise what that meant. But she was already recovering from her brief surprise and saying, "Master, you really want to keep my stockings? I'm so honoured!"
"W-wait, no, I…" Clearing my throat, desperately trying to deepen my voice again, I tried to play it off. "Maybe later. First… what is 'dancing alone'?"
"Ohhh. Oh, I see - you're just trying to decide what you like on the menu. Do you want a little sample?"
At first, I thought she meant a sample of the stockings. Was she going to cut off a piece?! But then she started doing a little sexy dance - nothing extremely lewd, but it definitely made my pulse speed up slightly. Was this really happening? My teacher was dancing for me - like a stripper without the stripping part! But it was over after only about ten seconds, and then she was giggling and covering her mouth.
"Dancing alone… got it. Very nice." As she bowed, an idea suddenly occurred to me. "Tell me about Becky." Maybe if I asked, she would reveal a little bit about herself. Or I would get some made-up story about this character she had invented. Either way, at least she wouldn't be sitting in my lap or any of those things.
"Sure! May I sit here?" When I nodded, she sank down onto the bed next to me, hands folded neatly on her lap. "Do you like Japanese maids, or Western maids?"
"Alrighty. So, Becky used to be a little girl whose father liked Western movies. That's how she got such a funny name! And she always dreamed of serving others, making them feel good. She didn't always know how she wanted to do that, but…" She leaned a little closer, and my heart pounded louder in my chest. "Then she one day realised that if she took this job, she would meet Master someday."
"Huh?" Her face was even closer, and my fingers gripped the bedsheet tightly as I fought the instinct to back up. "Me?"
Her nod was completely sure. "My master was going to be the best master. And he would take care of me like I take care of him. That's all Becky ever wanted out of life." Similarly, her smile was warm, and kind. "And I will do whatever I can to make him happy. Okay?"
"Okay. I m-mean… yeah."
"Good!" she sat back with a wider smile, and I let out a sigh of relief. Definitely a made-up story, just to make the client feel gratified in some way. How different listening to that had been from listening to one of her lectures in class; it was like she really was a completely different person.
"Becky," I began as I thought about the list. What was something I could order? I already booked her for two hours, so now I had to find something to do that would fill that time. "What is, um… Health Kiss?"
This shift was obvious, and I could almost reach out and touch the change in atmosphere. Miss Kawakami's eyes dulled for a moment, and she looked through me rather than at me. She took a couple of little breaths. Then a much less genuine smile reappeared on her face - though it might have fooled most of her hornier, less perceptive clientele.
"It's something very special. Becky only gives that to her best Masters, if she can. Sometimes she can't. Is… is that alright with Master?"
"Yes!" I told her right away, eyes wide. "I'm sorry, I… it's okay. I just was curious." Definitely something sexual. That was as much as I really needed to find out, but now I felt awful for asking. My teacher was a Delivery Health professional, even if those services were limited to two sexual acts, apparently.
"Of course. Master can ask whatever he wants!" A little of the genuine cheer started to come back, but she was still shaken. "Well, what can we do? I like talking with Master, but it's okay if Master wants something more from Becky. Even just…" She gestured around. "You don't happen to have a broom, do you?"
"No." I thought frantically. Literally everything on the list of special services intimidated me; how was I supposed to let her sit on my lap? Or massage me?! She would feel my curves underneath the random boy clothes! My finger tapped the stockings. "Are you hot in those?"
Kawakami shrugged a tiny bit. "A little, but I want to look nice for Master. Unless… Master wouldn't mind seeing me without them…?"
"Yes. I… wait." I glanced at the card again, then nodded to myself and fished out another bill. There went my allowance… "Here."
She took it and put it with the rest. None of the standard services besides talking were open to me in a random hotel room, and I was running out of things to say. This was the lesser of the evils; taking off her stockings and the sexy dancing were the only premium ones that didn't involve me, so I thought one of those was probably the smartest move. And at least all this would mean was seeing her legs, and I had seen plenty of girl-legs. It wasn't going to matter to me.
How wrong I was.
"Oooh, I really am hot," she giggled as she began running her hands up and down the outsides of her thighs. "Master had me work so hard to clean the room that now… Becky's so warm…" She bit her bottom lip as she slid her hands up her skirt…
This was unbelievable. Both that I was watching Miss Kawakami strip for me, and that it was affecting me. My heart rate was up, my palms tingling, my head buzzing like it was full of bees. She was a woman! She was my teacher! What on earth was wrong with me?!
Barely an inch of skin became visible beneath the hem of the skirt where it rested above her knees when she fixed me with a level stare. "Master…"
"Huh? What?!" Then I cleared my throat, made my voice more 'butch' again. "I mean… is there a problem?"
"You paid to take them off," she breathed throatily, fluttering her lashes again. "Don't you want to?"
Oh no. I thought I was just paying for her not to be wearing tights anymore. Not for the 'pleasure' of taking them off myself.
"It's alright? I mean… I'll be touching you."
"It's what my Master wants, so of course it is. But I trust you not to let those greedy hands go anywhere!" She admonished me with a wagging finger and a big grin, as if we were joking around; we both knew I wasn't going to do any such things. How laughable!
But there was a pinprick of fear in her eye. She was probably always worried she would get a client who didn't understand the way things worked.
"N-no, ma'am," I said automatically. That did get her blinking a few times, but I quickly followed up with, "This is all I want."
And I leaned down and began to push them off. At first, I tried to do it without really touching her, but I looked stupid and she chuckled a little. It was probably 'cute'. So then I pet along her legs a little before trying again, my grip firmer as I began to pull them down.
"Careful!" she warned me. "You'll tear them if you go too fast. Besides… this is all for you. Take your time! I want Master to have as much fun as he wants with my stockings."
Would this nightmare never end?! Not only did I have to do this now that I paid for it, or else she would figure out something was up, but I had to take my time and 'enjoy myself' - even though what I really wanted was to run screaming from Hotel Juliet as fast as my legs could carry me. Trying to take the safe option, I had gone from watching my teacher strip to stripping my teacher in a matter of seconds. Whoops.
Kawakami did have great legs; clean-shaven and smooth, like she spent a lot of time moisturising. It was easier than I expected to whisper, "Very nice."
"Thank you, Master." She scooted back a little further on the bed as I sat back to get the opaque white fabric moving down along her calves. They were heavily-perfumed, probably just for this reason. And the perfume was nice… but I could catch the vaguest hint of something else underneath the floral scent. Probably her natural scent.
Not that I wanted to think about it. Not that I wanted to do this at all.
"Silly Master," she giggled as I teased the fabric back and forth around her ankles, milking the moment. Now it was more because I didn't know what I was going to do once it was over. Rub my face on them? Pet her legs? Just put them on the bed and lock myself in the bathroom? The last one sounded fantastic at this point.
"Am I?"
"Yes." She booped my nose with her big toe and I couldn't help smiling. Why was that so cute? Why was any of this cute?! "Becky's happy you're having fun with her!"
Though I didn't forget to pitch my voice low, I ended up telling her very honestly, "I guess I am. Wow." Then I refocused and slid the stockings the rest of the way off.
"Oh myyyyy. I guess Master has to see Becky's feet now." Somehow, the tone of her voice made it very clear that she was fishing… because she was. Did she think I had a thing? Her little toes began to 'walk' up the front of my button-up and blazer, heading for my neck, but at a snail's pace. I could stop her very easily. She just wanted to find out what I was curious about and if she could cater to those needs in small ways.
"Guess so." I caught them and held on to keep them from moving higher. "I don't mind at all."
Again, she blinked in surprise, her mood shifting. But she seemed a lot more flattered than fearful this time. "You know… if Master decided he wants a Health Massage after all, Becky could use these…" Her toes flexed in my hands. "If you're patient with me. Becky hasn't tried that before."
"I'll keep that in mind," I hedged, trying not to mentally picture whatever that would be. The idea of sitting here, helping my teacher take off her clothes while she called me 'Master' was already enough to short-circuit my brain; I didn't need additional elements.
But then I was distracted for a second. Kawakami was calculating. I knew that look from you, Sis; when you have a case weighing heavy on your mind, it always happens before you either come up with a new angle for a lead, or work through a puzzle that had been giving you a hard time. Then…
Then she knelt down on the floor, suddenly filling my vision. Glancing down, I could see her cleavage — and forced myself to look back into her chocolatey eyes instead.
"M-miss… Becky…"
"Becky will stop if you want," she whispered very quietly. "But if you can pay the fee… Becky thinks she would like to help her master be more healthy. Take care of… whatever he needs." Her hand fell to pet up and down my side…
That was how the game changed. Suddenly it wasn't just about her body being real, and sensual, in a way no one else's had ever been in my eyes - despite my efforts to prevent that. Now she had awakened mine. And even knowing that it was a specific, intentional, targeted attempt to make me give in and pay her that ¥5000… well, I had never been in a position like this before.
"I don't know," I managed to get out, trying to back up but failing to do it well enough - or quickly enough - to convince her. "I might not… be ready."
"I think you're ready," she whispered as her hand slid up the inside of my thigh. "But don't worry. Becky will do whatever it takes to make you… feel…"
Her hand went higher than I expected that soon after she started. And this, more than anything else, sent pure shock into her wide eyes.
                                              To Be Continued…
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Oct 5 random movie night - Poriot: Five Little Pigs
Prowl’s mad at himself for not picking up enough of the clues, even though he picked up a damn lot of them and had the actual solution as one of the theories he was juggling. This did not stop him from flirting with Soundwave.
They ended the night by cuddling in Soundwave’s room.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm ((back in JUST a jiffy)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm ((OKAY r u ready)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm ((it working now?)) FakeProwl 8:48 pm ((think so!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm ((i am sorry for crappy YT quality but they took 'em off netflix 😐 )) FakeProwl 8:49 pm ((alas)) ((YT will do)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm *Anyway. Soundwave is nice and comfortable on their usual couch, though that space is the only one there this time. His legs are stretched across it; Prowl is welcome to wiggle beneath them and have a lapful or push them to the floor as he pleases* *He may or may not also be nibbling straight off a little bar of silver because he can.* FakeProwl 8:51 pm *Exactly at the appointed time, Nova Prime appears.* *And looks down at himself in confusion.* ... What. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *Aaaand that's him jolting upright in some alarm* (txt): Bonecrusher? FakeProwl 8:52 pm Oh. Hold on. *NOW it's Prowl.* He left his art project as the default setting. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *Slow, slow squint.*
(txt): ...Prove this: Prowl. FakeProwl 8:53 pm ... For starters, I'm not paranoidly watching every camera in the room. Or you, for that matter. Well—I mean—I AM looking at you, but not paranoidly. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm *Soundwave relaxes and nods, resettling himself. He gestures to Prowl's usual space, satisfied.*
(txt): His fate: deserved. However, note: Prowl lacks full camera location knowledge.
*Quiet huff.* FakeProwl 8:56 pm This is true. I could use "antidisestablishmentarianism" correctly in a sentence? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm *............*
(txt): ...Proceed. FakeProwl 8:56 pm *His usual space is occupied by legs. Is he supposed to go under or over them? After a moment of thought, gently sits down on them.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *You know what, he'll take that for now. It's an avatar anyway, it's not like it's going to do him much damage.* FakeProwl 9:04 pm Despite what philosophical scholarship such as that penned by Beachcomber of Ibex might suggest, not ALL early-war Autobot antidisestablishmentarianist rhetoric was from the religiously faithful who were enraged that the newest Prime did not explicitly endorse the exact same Primalist scriptures that the Senate had, nor indeed any given scripture or sect at all; instead, a statistically significant amount of the criticism lobbied at Prime came not from the religiously faithful at all, but from atheistic bots who believed that, because so much of the Prime's legitimacy came from the Matrix's socioreligious role in society and the associated role of its bearer, refusing to endorse the same mythologies that grant the Prime sovereign power would weaken his legitimacy in the eyes of those that DO believe in said mythologies, thus potentially crippling his support base just when he needed it most at the outset of an already divisive war. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Soundwave's optics widen as Prowl keeps talking, up until the midway point of the speech, at which point they crinkle up again in a growing smile.* FakeProwl 9:06 pm ... I used "antidisestablishmentarianist" instead of "antidisestablishmentarianism." Partial credit? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *And it just got about twice as big.* (txt): Partial credit granted.
*Because he caught himself before Soundwave could pick out the letter change for fun.*
(txt): More lectures wanted, in future. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm (txt): Before movie: started, single question. Prowl's stance? FakeProwl 9:09 pm You can have them. *He's going attempt to lean over onto Soundwave. Hold on.* FakeProwl 9:12 pm I'm with the atheists who believe it was bad propaganda. When seventeen percent of the Autobots, give or take eleven percent, follow the Prime MAINLY because their religious beliefs command it, said Prime is an idiot for telling them their beliefs "carry no greater weight than any other belief, or even no belief at all." Never mind the fact that it's true, it's also a good way to lose the loyalty of potentially up to twenty-five percent of your soldiers. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm (txt): If Soundwave: Autobot, that: expected personal stance. However, Soundwave: ex-Decepticon. Current Prime office form still disliked. Disillusioned mechs: welcome then, now. That, return answer.
*Because it was fair to offer one.* *And now if Prowl has somehow managed to get himself leaned up,*
(txt): This, not previewed. Solution: unknown, events: unknown. Prowl: ready? FakeProwl 9:18 pm Ah yes, there's that, too. Disillusioned Autobots make future Decepticons. Hold on. *He's completing the slow, awkward process of leaning against Soundwave's torso.* There. I think. Ready. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm (txt): Some, neutrals.
*Wait. It needs an arm. NOW it's ready.*
(txt): Acknowledged. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm (txt): ...Solution: first? FakeProwl 9:21 pm ... I'm going to bet she was innocent of whatever crime she was hung for. Mainly because that's how these stories usually go. Hm? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm (txt): Prowl's point: reasonable. Disregard comment. FakeProwl 9:22 pm And it DID say "fourteen years later." ((can we turn on the subtitles?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm ((that's why they're not on heh)) FakeProwl 9:23 pm ((fair)) ((that's right. youtube.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((these are close enough i suppose)) FakeProwl 9:24 pm ((im amazed when they line up)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm (txt): Prowl enjoys... phrase uncertain. Iced cases? FakeProwl 9:27 pm Cold cases. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm (txt): Cold cases. FakeProwl 9:29 pm They're frustrating, usually. Very satisfying when they're solved, but only because they usually AREN'T solved. But I like them just fine in mystery stories, because stories come with a guarantee that they WILL be solved. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm (txt): Perhaps Soundwave seeks film without answer. Then, Prowl's insight: fascinating. FakeProwl 9:32 pm Oh, don't. I can't stand mysteries without solutions. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm *He holds a hand up.*
(txt): Prowl's insight: always fascinating. That, more. However, request: acknowledged. FakeProwl 9:35 pm ... Mmmaybe someday. If you tell me first it's going to be one without a solution. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *Nods. He'd only meant to clarify his earlier thought, not to wheedle, but so noted.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm (txt): Presumptuous. FakeProwl 9:38 pm Very. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *And yet intriguing. He can't resist a good tangle of problems.* FakeProwl 9:40 pm The friend calls the wife unpleasant, but it seems to me like she has a fair reason to be. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm (txt): Agreed. This, not amicable arrangement. Permission never given, nothing discussed. Reaction: fair. FakeProwl 9:41 pm Indeed. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm (txt): Own arrangement appreciation: increased. FakeProwl 9:42 pm Mm. *Slides arm around Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *Hm, comfortable.* FakeProwl 9:44 pm We see her with the bottle, but not the glasses. The judge said the poison was in the glass, correct? We don't see how the glasses were dispersed. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm (txt): In glass, pipette, not bottle. FakeProwl 9:46 pm ... I think he's figured something out. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm (txt): Early, if true. Perhaps more confirmation wanted? FakeProwl 9:46 pm Perhaps. Or perhaps he's figured out something, but not everything. ... Well, THAT'S suspicious. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm (txt): ...Would refuse suspect drink. ((LMFAO THEY SAID OMG)) FakeProwl 9:48 pm ((they translated "oh -- YES)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm *Every once in a while he has to admire a human's efforts to manipulate someone else. This approaches that mark.* *But doesn't quite cross. Too obvious, too loud.* FakeProwl 9:52 pm ... I think your first assessment was correct. Presumptuous. I don't think she WAS going to get him. And I bet that statement she says she overheard—that he was going to marry her—was a lie. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm (txt): What reason? FakeProwl 9:54 pm The way she commented that the wife stayed so calm. I bet it's actually because she knew he wasn't going to leave. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *Points at the screen*
(txt): No glass interruption. FakeProwl 9:55 pm "Glass interruption"? I saw that the wife poured the glass. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm (txt): Liquid in bottle, into glass. Where poison implement? FakeProwl 9:57 pm A good question. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Amused puff* FakeProwl 10:00 pm Hm. Perhaps she meant to kill the girl. FakeProwl 10:03 pm ... If he thinks she took it then, then why did he get up during the night to check? FakeProwl 10:06 pm (("OMG")) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm (txt): Noise. However, obvious possibility: open window, theft related. Overlook not understood. (txt): Guilt: muddling. FakeProwl 10:08 pm Indeed. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm (txt): Also not understood: reason judge, jury overlooked. One person, easy. All? Strange. *And not good for his opinion of human intelligence overall* FakeProwl 10:11 pm Occam's razor. If all the evidence appears to point toward one suspect, the trial will focus on the apparently relevant details. FakeProwl 10:12 pm That would APPEAR to cast suspicion on Angela, but Angela only had the bottle, not the cups. FakeProwl 10:16 pm ... Hm. Another possibility: she was cleaning up the evidence to protect someone else. She wouldn't want to protect one of his friends, or the girl. Perhaps her sister. FakeProwl 10:19 pm HE said "it was a joke." HE didn't think he was going to marry her. FakeProwl 10:21 pm Whether or not the sister did do it, the wife thought she did it. Which is why she sent her away. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Taps his fingers, thinking. Hopefully Prowl won't mind, since it's on his arm.* FakeProwl 10:23 pm ... Possibly. *He's not going to conclude anything.* FakeProwl 10:25 pm *Sighs.* He said he solves cases by psychology. If THAT'S what the solution is going to be, rather than evidence, then I won't get it. FakeProwl 10:27 pm See? How did he figure that out. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm ((omg i was trying to word something on soundwave what was it)) FakeProwl 10:28 pm ((poirot figured out by some magic that meredith hit on elsa after the trial)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm ((do you want a moment for last minute thought working out?)) FakeProwl 10:32 pm ((nah)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Soundwave jerks a little* (txt): Herself. FakeProwl 10:33 pm Either the sister did it or she at least thought her sister did it. FakeProwl 10:34 pm ... He wasn't packing Angela's things, it was Elsa's? Was Angela's name mentioned? ... Bottle. She didn't know it was in the— dammit. I should have picked up on that. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm (txt): Soundwave also missed. FakeProwl 10:37 pm You're not a forensic investigator. FakeProwl 10:39 pm All that in the letter I got, just fine. But it only says the wife thinks the sister did it. I got that. But I should have picked up that she wiped the bottle. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *....TAP TAP TAP* [][][]Everything tastes foul today[][][] FakeProwl 10:40 pm It could be literally foul or he could be speaking metaphorically. What's the significance? Ah. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm (txt): What other, "everything"? FakeProwl 10:41 pm ... But I still don't know who actually did it. I should know by now. Yes. Yes—I picked up that he wasn't going to leave his wife. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm (txt): That, also predicted. FakeProwl 10:44 pm Yes. It was. FakeProwl 10:45 pm THAT bit of evidence was a stretch. The fact that she was in the right direction to see a theft doesn't mean automatically that she did see it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm *Is pleased with his one notice, late as it was* FakeProwl 10:50 pm ... So self-absorbed. She murders two people and talks about what a wounded victim she is. FakeProwl 10:51 pm Not shooting her was... the correct decision. But she could have at least decked her across the face. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm (txt): Should. FakeProwl 10:55 pm ... The true story was one I theorized. But I didn't assign it a high enough probability soon enough. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm (txt): Outcome: pleasing. Elsa human's guilt: not passed. If trial, amends demanded. If not, name: smeared, Caroline's torment: shared. Satisfying. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm (txt): Understandable. Prowl stated psychology not own forte. FakeProwl 10:58 pm No. But there was evidence I should have picked up on. I didn't catch the bottle. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm (txt): Prowl: without practice, oiling skills again. Today, already improvement.
*He'd been a bit of all over the place last time, constantly picking up little things but never settling on any one. Except the drugged bottle, which was on the nose.* FakeProwl 11:04 pm ... I didn't think I'd ever stopped practicing. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm (txt): Practice access: reduced. Few cases within apartment, on-site. Last -personal- recollection... torn piece, Lost Light after hours. Closet incident result. FakeProwl 11:10 pm *mumble* Wouldn't mind more of THAT practice. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm [][][]My pistons may be rusty, but my hearing is sharp as ever![][][] FakeProwl 11:12 pm I take it back if Ratchet is coming along. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm (txt): Negative! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm (txt): Limited offer, collection location: nearest Soundwave. (txt): Limit: Prowl. FakeProwl 11:16 pm I think I meet that criterium. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm (txt): Recommendation: Prowl turns, unless lick wanted instead. Soundwave's mouth: here. *Lifts a free hand to tap his own chin with a finger. Tink tink tink behind Prowl.* FakeProwl 11:22 pm ... That's a difficult choice. *That said, though, he shifts around to face Soundwave, and leans in to kiss him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Good, because another moment and he would have started thinking about ways to amuse himself in that sense.*
*Soundwave tugs Prowl down and snatches that kiss up for himself without a moment's hesitation. A short one, followed by a brief break for tiny nibbles down to Prowl's chin, and then something a little more enthusiastic. Yes. Good.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm *...You know, if this is what happens when he tries to solve murders with Prowl, he might've spent his life in the wrong line of work.* FakeProwl 11:30 pm *Prowl gladly leans into the kissing, tilting his helm to give Soundwave better access to his jaw and chin (and neck, should he care to venture that far). Soundwave may be pleased to discover that the strut structure under Prowl's face and the facial mesh texture on top is MUCH more realistic now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm *May, nothing. He's delighted - as Prowl may be able to tell by the fact that Soundwave's attention keeps wandering to different places so he can test it all out. Or the one mandible that's unlatched itself and keeps tapping Prowl's cheek every time it has the opportunity.*
(txt): Not squishy. Closer...
*The smallest puff. He quickly gathers himself again and nudges under Prowl's jaw to prick at the cables there with his pincers. He's almost sorry he tormented Bonecrusher, if this is what the mech's been up to.* *Not quite. Just almost.* FakeProwl 11:39 pm *Hook helped.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *Someone remind him to send Hook copies of Remedy's rarer medical texts.* FakeProwl 11:44 pm *Prowl is going to try to lean against that mandible every time he gets. He stretches his neck again as Soundwave relocates to the cables, nuzzling his cheek against Soundwave's crest.* It should almost all be accurate now. Hook said the only struts that still need adjusting are mainly the ones in control of fine facial expressions, so I told him to worry about those last. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm *Soundwave lets a soft rumble slip out at the nuzzle, already imagining the feeling of it in a half-dozen other places, some of which are more innocent than others.*
*But the little voice he's been trying to ignore simultaneously whispers in his audial, reminding him that this means the only other thing keeping Prowl from living as an avatar forever is reduced physical sensation.*
*He suddenly stops biting and pulls Prowl in as tight as he can, going so far as to squeeze with his legs as well.*
(txt): Soundwave:... happy Prowl likes changes.
*They don't have time for him to say more. He'll just have to take this form of closeness while he still has it.* FakeProwl 11:54 pm *... Something changed, and Prowl's not sure what or why.* In... in general, or specifically in my face? In general I wouldn't actually say I like changes all that much, but... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm (txt): Face, avatar. FakeProwl 11:58 pm Ah. Yes. ... Do YOU like them? Yesterday FakeProwl 11:59 pm It's my face, but I don't exactly touch my own face very much, the upgrades are more—er—not—not for my own benefit, per se. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am (txt): Soundwave likes consideration, sensation, Prowl, Prowl's comfort, physical access. Avatar importance, symbolism: understood.
*Leans back enough to look Prowl's helm over and trace one side with his fingers, optics darting from this feature to that.*
(txt): Soundwave - also likes real Prowl. Liked first. ... Misses.
*He shakes his helm.*
(txt): Difficult subject. Longer. Additional time needed. Tonight, this preferred. FakeProwl 12:10 am *Prowl's face stills, ever so slightly.* ... It's a spare part for Devastator. This is closer to the "real Prowl" than that is. FakeProwl 12:11 am Anyway, the intellect, deductive reasoning skills, and personality that you curiously don't find insufferable are all the same. *He leans against Soundwave's hand.* And that's all here. I'm here. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *But that's not everything he - well.*
(txt): Soundwave knows.
*He'll bring this up again later, when they can spare... a couple of hours, probably. For the moment, he wants to rest with those things Prowl listed instead of ending their night on a bad note, and Prowl said he should do what he wants more often.*
(txt): Come. Join upstairs. FakeProwl 12:18 am All right. *Expects he's going to be carried through a bridge again, so wraps his arms over Soundwave's shoulders and prepares to be lifted.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am *He huffs through a kiss to Prowl's chevron, silently thankful Prowl isn't the telepath here, and twist-rolls them off the couch and onto his feet. Through a bridge it is, if only because Prowl already prepared for it, and to the berth.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *For once, he might try to settle himself as the one being held instead of holding or snoozing face down.* FakeProwl 12:21 am *Prowl will be happy to accommodate.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *So be it, and defrag dreams that are neither giddy nor nightmarish.*
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briteboy · 7 years
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Why is her step-douche such a foken piece of shit? omg i hate him
some mysteries are never meant to be explained tbh. why is he so ugly and evil? who wronged him? but also who cares he’s in jail forever now good riddance ugly
I know this is probably really bad, but after I saw the newest molly posts, I thought of that video where the little girl is yelling "MISS KEISHA, MISS KEISHA, oh my fukin gosh she fukin dead"
i don’t blame u i bet when it happens i’m gonna be like “u know she ded”
(To the previous anon) i agree with you so, so much! In Poland, these dumbass politicians are letting shooting pregnant bisons (?? Im not sure how they're called) become legal. Like BITCH WHAT. Can you imagine??? A fucking pregnant lil' cow getting shot????? I feel Molly's pain on an emotional level rn (sorry if this is too nsfw, just needed to get that outta my system...)
i think this was in response to someone saying that hurting pregnant women is one of the worst crimes but um WTF shooting animals at all makes me itchy but pregnant ones..............nah that’s......nah
it’s ok get it outta ur system i’m here 4 u
the first thing I check in the morning is your account.... you have me whipped! ;|
OMG WHA LMAO REALLY that’s wild. i feel like i’m the only one who looks at my page which is dumb but like idk i still feel like a little kid that no one cares about lmao. but then you guys exist and amaze me with your responsiveness every day and i just ;____________; ily all
hi Sunny. first of all i'm gonna say i love your story and your editing style so much! your blog is goals like literally. i need an advice if you don't mind. you always find such amazing angles for your pictures while mine are so boring. any tips or tricks you can share?
HI thank you so much ;-; sooooo i’ve been thinking about this question the past couple of times i went in game, trying to figure out how to describe how i take pictures. for one thing i live in tab mode lmao. meaning you press the tab button on your keyboard to go into camera mode and get all these sexy angles and super zoom and stufffff. i almost always zoom in super far idk why. so there’s one tip. i honestly just play around with going up and down with the q and e keys (i think?) until i find angles i like. i take a lottttt of pictures with so many different angles just so i have a lot to choose from. basically i try to focus on different things in each picture in order to get a mix of the most diverse and dynamic shots possible. you just need to experiment and get creative. i know that’s the most vague advice ever but really just try a new angle that you’ve never considered before and i bet you’ll get cool results. an interesting setting is also the biggest factor, because certain objects and their placements will give you interesting results. 
i honestly want to print out your reaction pic to that one post and just hang it on my wall, put it in my heart locket necklace, stamp it on people's faces, start an email thread with it. i love it.
an add on to the last ask i sent about your reaction pic. i've been looking at it religiously since it was posted, and i dont regret a minute of it. LMAO I'LL STOP NOW.
SAKJDLJKGKSDAF STOPPPP LMAOOO i looked so ugly but that was my pure unadulterated reaction to that question and i trust you all to not judge my ugliness and instead share this reaction with me. i’m glad u liked it that much, i just printed it out and i’m cutting it into a small heart to put inside ur locket ok
everytime i hear cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant i think of a serious case of the novembers like its so fitting and then i get all emo when i listen to it lmao rip
OMMMMGGGGGGG YESSSSS how have i never made that connection before honestly. cage the elephant is one of my faves and i’ve seen them perform twice actually!! i’m watching the music vid for that song now and even that reminds me of my story ;-; i cry
thank you for sending this, and also i cry @ the fact that you used the actual title *dies* now this song is gonna make me emo til the end of time thx
i might sound like some crazy stalker fan but i just want to say you are so freakin awesome and nice and funny and cute and (i can go on forever) so caring! i love your blog so much and all the hard work and care you put into all your posts and followers. thanks for making my day and making me smile so much. you have no clue how much i look forward to seeing your posts and your hilarious hashtags and answers from asks and AMAZING story posts. im sorry i just wanted to let you know ur awesome ily
OFMG WHAT!!!!!! I AM ONLY AN EEL!!!!!! but no you don’t sound like a crazy stalker, i actually love this, you’re too sweet, thank you ;-; i’m just blushin so much reading this omg. YOU EVEN LIKE MY TAGS WOW that’s true love. ily ;-; <333
how do you get your sims' facial expressions to line up with your scenes? I feel like my sims' faces are never right :(
tbh i just use a lot of the same neutral poses...my go-to’s are @helgatisha‘s poses lol. they’re the easiest to work with when i do just plain talking scenes, and often i tweak my sims’ eyebrows and mouths with the liquify tool if i want them to look a bit more concerned, sad, mad, happy, etc., it works like a charm!! i also tend to play around with angles, you’d be surprised how much a different angle can enhance a scene.
Hey smol bean, I'm sent you an ask and now I feel bad that it probably made you feel anxious because you didn't answer it. It was the one about you not liking my posts, I have anxiety too so I'm sorry If I made you feel sad. I think I'm just looking for validation from people I look upto you get me? Anyway sorry again, don't worry about it! Love you!
hiya bb, i know you saw my answer to your original post (and i’m sorry it got some negative attention, i didn’t mean for that to happen by any means) anyway don’t sweat it, and i really appreciate this follow-up message. you didn’t make me feel sad, i just wanna know what i can do. it’s just a hard question y’know. i understand what you mean, i think everyone wants validation to some degree. tbh you can just come off anon and message me, i promise it’s not as nerve-wracking as it seems! ily
How did you make Santi's tattoos? I want some like that for my Sims but idk how to do it
how did you make your characters page on your blog like that?
uoohhh like what?? i used this theme (monolog) if that’s what you mean aheh. here’s a guide on how to use custom page themes
okay so THIS IS MY THEORY: they might keep the baby and molly might actually carry it to full term, but then the kid dies in childbirth and either molly also dies or maybe kills herself or gets killed later? or maybe she's still alive but just won't speak to santi anymore cause she like can't look him in the eye after all of that or idk?? since ppl were sending theories i wanted to add mine lmao. another possible theory is that the stepdad finds out and kills her but thats TOO DARK omg
TOO DARK U SAY...WELL!!! it’s not AS dark as you guessed but only marginally
If Molly turns out to be alive and raising their kid alone (though from what I'm seeing in response to most questions I think that may not be the route) am I allowed to slap Santi (unless Molly didn't give him the option to help) because raising a child alone is not easy I've watched my mom do it for years.
YEAH i would give you permission to slap him lmao he would be a grade A piece o’ shit if that were the case. i would never ever write that tho because santi does own up to his actions if they’re that detrimental. his altruistic nature, no matter how backwards, would never allow him to do that.
There will be complication with the abortion so she will not be able to carry a baby anymore and she's going to kill herself OR her step dad is going to find out and he'll beat her to death. And in both situation Santi his blaming himself because he wasn't there at the right time... Okay I really really hope I'm wrong now !
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I don't even follow your story very closely but every time I see your posts my heart hurts.
OMFG...that’s how u know the pain is real
but like wow my stuff is really so visceral that even my apathetic followers can feel the hurt...that’s real...that’s real my guy
omg!! you should 100% play or at least watch a playthrough of life is strange! legit the best game ever made, its so beautiful. the storyline kills you a thousand times over (much like your beautiful story) <3333
yaaaa i’ve heard lots of good things about it!! my bf played it actually, maybe he’ll revisit it again someday and i’ll watch him do it (i’m only a fan of video games if i can watch them like a movie lmao) thank you btw <3
I am shook and I worship you and your story and you are amazing WOW BYE
WORSHIP LMAO WHAT!!! PLS I AM UNDESERVING...ily tho don’t worship false gods
Do you let Molly and the younger versions of your characters frolic around your main save or do they have a separate one?
UM YES LMAO because i didn’t even know you could have separate saves until after i started the flashbacks lmao i’m...a noob. i don’t want separate saves anyway because 1) it’s too much of a hassle switching back and forth and 2) it gets too confusing for me and i’d be afraid of overwriting one save with another and NOPE too much anxiety for that soooo yeah there’s three santis in my game: child, teen and adult lmfao (fun fact: teen santi’s name is literally just Lil Santi)
I made it to my senior year with 6 A's and 1 B ... Be proud of me too? 😂 Lmao I told this to people and some of them were just like .. okay cool?! LMAO it's so funny but also kinda sad
I AM PROUD OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! my smart childrens
“okay cool” UM PLEASE that’s a feat...at my school if you got an A in a class in senior year you were allowed to be exempt from the final. so yeah that rules. ily
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diyunho · 7 years
The Joker x Reader- “Without Wings”
Each villain gets a protective spirit, kind of like a guardian angel but…not really. The Joker is a handful, that’s why nobody wants the job. Lucky him you love challenges so you’ll take him under your wings (so to speak since you don’t have any; it just sounds nice).
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When the Ace Chemicals incident happened, The Joker’s guardian just left him, fed up with the difficult task of keeping him out of danger so there was nobody watching over The Clown Prince of Crime. You felt the urge to help and stepped in right away because you absolutely love tough assignments.
He almost drowned in that vat but you pulled him out in time. J didn’t see too much before he lost consciousness: just a shadow he assumed it was one of his henchmen (not too much to see anyway since you’re shapeless). You felt so bad about his misfortune – no villain is supposed to be without protection at any given time. You tried to make it up to him by making his eyes a more intense blue and blessed him with a lot of eerie beauty. A guardian spirit is not allowed to change anything about a villain’s personality so you didn’t.
Holy crap, is it hard to keep him out of trouble or what? He’s so reckless, impulsive and temperamental now you realize why nobody wanted him. But you never lost a villain on your watch and you’re not going to start now.
At the present moment you are very concerned about his girlfriend: she was actually sent to assassinate him and he has no clue. For once somebody got under his skin and it worries you. Things are really getting out of hand: she already tried to kill him twice last week.
When she gave The Joker the poisoned grape juice, you tripped him and he spilled it all over his new suit. Man, he had such a fit and it was fun to watch: you always enjoy his tantrums. When she tried to inject him with the toxin in his sleep, you slapped her hand and she dropped the syringe. You broke it to pieces and she was so intrigued: how can plastic shatter like that?!
Bitch, don’t mess with someone under my safekeeping!!
Tonight she will try again and you are so done! You are seriously considering taking over her body, this way you can watch J all the time: he certainly needs extra care and attention. Last time you did this for somebody was about 200 years ago and you recall you didn’t enjoy your mortal adventure too much. Plus, if you decide to do it, you’ll be stuck like that for a year, then you have only a two days window to go back to the Shadow World. If not, you’ll be confined in the body until it dies.
Not very nice options but it’s nighttime and she will make her move soon.
Shit, might as well.
You materialize by their bed and float there for a while, considering all the alternatives and finally determine:
You open your eyes and blink a few times, adjusting to your new status. The Joker senses you’re wiggling around and moves his hand from your waist to your breasts, mumbling something in his sleep.
Watch it, mortal! And you move his hand lower. J feels that and slides his fingers down your tummy, trying to get inside your bikini.
Seriously, human, keep your hands at home. You move his hand away.
A very low growl and he shoves himself into you, opening his eyes for a few seconds. Since you can see in the dark, you have to congratulate yourself: you did such an amazing job on that shade of blue!
“Why are you still awake, Princess?” J yawns, snoozing shortly after.
I just got here, you want to say but you don’t. You never sleep anyway. You turn towards your protégé and carefully remove the blanket off him to admire that eerie beauty you blessed him with a while ago. Yep, you did very good: that pale skin is flawless and all those tattoos amplify the whole ensemble gorgeously.
The Joker is such a light sleeper: you were cautious yet he felt you move the cover and woke up, reaching over to kiss you.
How weird, you back out a bit and he wraps you in his arms.
“What is it, Doll? Wanna go again? I am tired as hell but I can make an exception for you,” he grins, taking a deep breath.
Go where?! It’s in the middle of the night.
“Nooooo,” you mutter because you can tell he needs to rest. Why would he want to get up and go somewhere?!
“OK then, Pumpkin, just let Daddy know if you change your mind, I’m not gonna let my girl hanging,” he stretches, groping you and placing your arms around his neck, this way his head rests on your cleavage.
“U-hum,” you agree, confused, not having a clue what he’s referring to.
He suddenly kisses you one more time and it irritates you: keep your lips at home, mortal! Such a strange sensation; it’s been forever since you’ve been inside a human body. Very interesting, what is it really?! Without even noticing you kiss him back and he moans, groping you again.
“You’re such a naughty girl, Y/N; come on, let’s go again then, you’re making Daddy all worked up,” he purrs, breaking apart from your lips with his eyes closed.
Where does he want to go?! He’s worn out and it shows.
“We can go tomorrow, um… baby,” (that’s how that woman addressed J and it appeared he liked it).
What’s the rush? Just sleep and you can take me wherever you want in the morning.
“Are you sure, Doll?” he nuzzles in your long hair (well, hers), not really wanting to give up on the opportunity.
“Of course I’m sure, we can go tomorrow, you’re exhausted,” you reply, playing with his green locks, completely oblivious at the meaning of his statement. All these things you feel are overwhelming but so far it’s not as bad as you remember. Probably need to get reused to everything.
“You know we will!” he promises, cuddling to your chest while you keep on caressing that green hair and you have to admit you’re happy he’s going to take you somewhere  fun on your first day as a mortal.
He keeps on staring at you all day, intrigued.
“What is it?” mortal, you want to add but decide to skip it.
“Something about you changed, Doll. You look sooooo beautiful,” he licks his lips, enticed.
Of course I’m beautiful since I blessed this body with my presence, duh. “Did you change your hair?” he evaluates your assets, trying to guess on what it is.
“Nahhh,” you keep on playing with her cellphone, mesmerized. Wow, this is absolutely fabulous! This piece of technology must be the greatest invention ever on the planet!
“Did you change your makeup?” The Joker insists and walks on the street, trying to get in the limo and you follow, scrolling down all those interesting pages on Google, catching up with what’s going on with humanity these days.
“No, baby, I didn’t.”
“What is it then? Drives me nuts! What changed?” J is not even paying attention to the cars passing so close by and he still stands there, keeping the door opened so you can get in.
“Watch out,” you calmly warn, yanking him close to you just in time before a car almost hits him.
“Jesus, that was close!” he cracks his neck and slaps your butt as an encouragement to enter the limousine. “Thank you, Pumpkin.”
“It’s my job”, you admit, not taking your gaze off your phone.
“What was that?” he grins once he gets in the car by you.
“I said no problem,” you repeat, changing your tune. J takes the cell out of your hand and hides it in his jacket.
“Stop playing with it, Princess, and pay attention to me.”
You whimper, unhappy your toy is gone for the moment.
“Tonight you’re in for some special treatment, Doll,” he winks and you lean your head on his shoulder, bored. “I’m in the mood for some crazy stuff.”
“You’re taking me to that place you wanted to go last night?” you innocently inquire.
“Ahhhh, I love it when you tease me, Kitten,” The Joker roars in your ear, biting it.“Daddy will take you to places you’ve never been before,” he slaps your thigh, aroused.
How cool, my human will take me somewhere awesome tonight.
“You swear?” you double check, excited, unaware of what’s in store for you.
“Always,” J pulls on your bottom lip and you move closer to him. “Lemme take a picture of you, Y/N,” he takes out his phone, “I need a new screen saver… … … Hm, I think there’s something wrong with my phone,” he frowns at the image and tries again. “I need a new one,” he puckers his lips, unhappy. “Look!” he shows you the image and you see the dark shadow covering half of your face.
That’s me, silly, you smile and encourage him to take another picture, making sure your ethereal being doesn’t show this time.
“See? I told you there is nothing wrong with your phone,” you giggle and he is very content with the new screensaver of his pretty Doll.
Ohhhhhhhhh, so that’s what your villain meant when he said he’ll take you places: probably an understatement anyway. Wow, that was really wild! It seemed he enjoyed himself immensely and you don’t know where you stand yet; can’t say you disliked it though. I guess something else to get used to in a human body, no big deal.
Your head is resting on his abs, your feet high on all the pillows while you examine all the bites and hickeys on your body, not pleased with what J did.
“My God, Y/N, you were so feral !!! You scratched me quite badly, look!” he proudly shows you the marks you left on his pale skin.
You asked for it mortal; you can’t do that to me and get away with it!
The Joker messes with your hair for a little bit, then you try to get up and he won’t let you.
“Hey, Pumpkin, wanna go again?” he purrs, attempting to snatch you but his left hand is still handcuffed to the bed so he can’t move too much.
“Go where?” you pout, not in the mood to get out of the penthouse.
“I love it when you tease me, com’ere!” J signals you with his finger and you crawl on top of him because he seems to like that along with the kissing thing. “You can take advantage of me, hm? Go crazy, I’ll let you!” he lifts his head to bite your neck and you dodge his lips, annoyed:
“You’ll let me??! I don’t need your permission, mortal!” you snarl at him, biting his shoulder, calling him that out loud.
“That’s a good one, Y/N; are we playing roles? I can be the mortal and you can be…”
“Kind of like your guardian angel, no wings though,” you give him an evil glance, actually saying the truth but he wouldn’t know.
“Oh, goody, yeah, that works,” he moans, too horny to concentrate on what just came out of your mouth.
Ohhhhhhh, so that’s what your villain meant by “going again.” You really need to get up to speed with all this earthling talk that seems way to unnecessary complicated sometimes. As soon as you get your cell phone back, you’re on it!
** He wakes up in the middle of the night and distinguishes your body shape by the window, mumbling words he can’t understand and softly chuckling to yourself.
“Prinnncessss,” J whines, rubbing his eyes, “what are you doing?”
“Nothing, go back to sleep, I’ll be there in a minute!” you urge him, taking a deep breath, not thrilled you got interrupted.
You are actually communicating with another protective entity; I guess in human words you could call IT best friend and IT is assigned to safeguard Jonny Frost.
“My mortal needs me, “ you whisper in the Shadow World’s language not meant for human ears anyway. Your “friend” understands and vanishes, not that anybody can see IT to start with; only you have the ability since you’re the same.
You crack a few bones and go to bed, which is dull because you never doze off.
“I can’t sleep without you,” The Joker grumbles, and you oblige, taking him in your arms and squeezing him really tight. You even have one leg around his waist and you cling to his body like there’s no tomorrow.
I like my human, he gets so needy but he can’t help it, you reckon, placing soft kisses all over his forehead; you know he enjoys this kind of stuff. You hug him even tighter and he chokes, coughing a few times.
“Baby Doll, I can’t breathe,” he complains, half gone, and you loosen your embrace a bit.
“You’re a great villain,“ you praise in a very low voice but he can’t really understand since he’s snoozing.
“That’s nice, Kitten,” he mutters and you crush him in your arms again.
I really like my mortal, you smirk with such a devilish smile he cannot see and protectively watch him like a hawk all night, even if you don’t really have to.
“Watch out,” you smoothly move J with your finger just an inch to his right and the bullet shrieks by his ear, ricocheting in the wall behind.
“What… the hell?!” he snaps at the hostages, pulling his gun out and shooting the rebel officer that dared commit such atrocity. “Anybody else wants to be a hero?!” he screams and has the worst temper tantrum ever during the heist.
Wow, you think, bedazzled.  This is even more fun to witness from so close, certainly one of the greatest villains ever.  
“Y/N, “ he comes in front of you, panting, super pissed from what just happened, “remind me to thank you tonight, yes? We can go as many times as you want,” J winks at you before restarting his rant and wreaking some havoc he makes sure they’ll never forget.
I know what that means, you gasp, proud you learned the difficult subtleties of this planet’s vocabulary.
“Batsy’s coming, we should go right now,” you tell him, raising your voice so The Joker can hear you over the deafening music in the club.
“No, he’s not, he has no clue about this place,” he keeps you in his lap when you alert of the imminent danger.
“Batsy’s here,” you emotionlessly speak, bored to the maximum and you push him on the floor.“Watch out,” and the explosion in the front of the club makes the ground shake, a few pieces of sharp glass falling right on the spot where he sat a few seconds ago.
“Holy shit, Doll,” J gets all startled, both of you carefully creeping out of the VIP room and take the back exit before things worsen. Batsy really raided the place on a tip from an anonymous source but the evasive King of Gotham was nowhere to be found. AGAIN. How irritating!
**Nothing is going to happen to him under your watch, no way!
His impulsiveness and recklessness gets him in trouble very often, but you can manage: you’ve protected worse before.
One year will just fly by, half is already gone. YOU GOT THIS! **
“Check out my new tattoo, Princess,” J uncovers his shoulder and you gulp, taken by surprise. He got two angel wings on top of your name tattooed on his collarbone. He likes to joke you’re his guardian angel because you bring him good luck. Pretty close, but not quite.
“I …I don’t have wings…but I like it,” you stutter, telling the truth, but The Joker believes you’re being funny.
“Since it seems you are my lucky charm, I thought you would appreciate this more than anything else, am I right?” he licks his lips when he notices how hypnotized you are with his new ink.
“Are you going to be ok when I’m gone?” the unexpected question comes and he rolls his eyes, scoffing.
“Bad mood again?” he wants to know and forcefully pulls you in his arms. “Look what I did for you, be grateful! You’re not going anywhere. Got it?”
I have to, my year will be up tomorrow and I don’t want to be stuck in this body until it dies. You really wish you could explain to The Joker but he won’t understand nor is allowed to know anyway.
“Stop talking nonsense, Doll, you’re making Daddy mad.”
“Why do you keep on calling yourself that?!” you inquire, gazing in his blue eyes.
You really, really did a great job with that shade!
“Because I’m your Daddy and you should call me that more often, you naughty little minx,” he kisses you roughly, grossly groping your butt.
The arrogance this human has! But he’s a good villain, that’s his forte.
“Pumpkin, I can’t breathe,” he moans in his sleep and you loosen your embrace again.
You kiss the tattoo he got for you and he squirms a bit, ticklish.
My mortal likes me, you caress his green hair, getting ready to flee the body. She will take over again but won’t remember too much. That woman won’t have a memory of her mission to kill him so J should be safe. Plus, you’ll always watch over him since you are determined not to fail at your task.
“I’m going now,” you whisper and peck his cheek, ready to get out. “Don’t make my assignment of keeping you secure too hard… Daddy,” you softly laugh and he nuzzles in the crook of your neck, growling.
“You’re not going anywhere,” The Joker barely manages to hum.
“You’re awake?” you test the waters, intrigued.
“Nope,” he sniffles because he just heard bits and pieces, being so tired he can’t even wake himself up to properly talk to you.
Batsy chased him for a full hour around Gotham but he managed to escape since you were in the car also. Yeah, strange how he gets away when you are around; a real mystery!
“I have to go but…”
“No,” he opens one eye and since you can see in the dark, you notice.
“Sleep… you won’t even realize I’m gone,” you trace his Damaged tattoo with your index finger and he closes his eye, purring under your touch.
“I would notice…” J yawns, more awake but having a hard time focusing.
“You don’t even know what I’m talking about,” you giggle, amused he’s such a stubborn mule.
“I need my guardian angel,” he grumbles and you squeeze him really hard again, contemplating your choices.
“I don’t even have wings,” you widely smile but he’s in his trance and really speaks without knowing at this point.
“That’s fine…” and then tugs on your t-shirt. “Pumpkin… I can’t breathe…”
Right, you keep on forgetting you hold him too tight. Just being overprotective, that’s all. It’s your job.
I like my human, you grin, wanting to stay because he’s a good villain and I guess won’t be too bad being trapped alongside him in this body.
Heaven knows The Joker needs all the help he can get.
Even if the help doesn’t have any wings.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
after the stain incident, its going to take a while to come down from the chaos
[[cont from part 73]]
Stain: *leaps over the ice wall at Todoroki* Iida: "..." *Time seems to freeze...* Iida: ("...Ingenium...would protect his friends...Not have them bleed in front of him...This is like before...") {Iida: *kicks down a robot*} {ochako: ....!! } {Iida: *turns--to see the largest robot* "!!!" ("I can't hope to attack it. Time to depart--")} {student: *about to get crushed* *wince*} {Iida: "!!!" *runs past the student*} {student: !!! ah-} {izuku: *MEGAPUNCHES THE ROBOT* O-O } {Iida: "!!! Such power--from that awkwardly walking scrawny student from earlier?"} -...- {tensei: you want to become a hero too, tenya?} {Tenya: *nods, motioning his hand* "Yes! Will you teach me how?"} {tensei: well, it does run in the family, so i guess it's to be expected. its really simple, actually. people who find a lost child and take them to a help desk to find their family, i always thought people like that were the coolest.} {Tenya: "...But you didn't work to find lost children?"} {tensei: ^-^; that's too literal, makes me wonder if you really are a robot. *hair ruffle* you're a lot smarter than i was when i was 10, better reflexes too.} {Tenya: "..." .\\\. } {tensei: you look up to me that much? guess that makes me a great hero or something. *smiles*} Iida: ("...He was right...That murderer was right...I'm nothing like Midoriya and Todoroki...I'm a novice...") Todoroki: *keeps blasting ice--* Stain: *but he's up against him now --* Todoroki: "!!!" ("Too close--can't dodge--") Stain: *swings the blade, landing right at Todoroki's armpit--* Todoroki: "!!!" *Foot to the head* Stain: *knocked back* Todoroki: "..." Iida: *standing...huffing...holding his shoulder* ("Despite it all...a hero stands up!") izuku: iida! Iida: ("Not again...Never again...will anyone, not my brother, not them, will leave me in the dust!") "Recipro...BURST!" Stain: *blocking with his arm--* *CRUNCH* Stain: "Ah!" *holds his own--and slices at Iida* Iida: "No!" *kick--* *CRACK* *The portion of Stain's blade flies up and lands right at Izuku's feet* izuku: O-O;;; meep. Todoroki: "...The Hero Killer's blood quirk hardly lasts. Not so great--" Iida: "Enough to stop me..." Todoroki: "..." Iida: "I'm sorry. Both of you had no reason to get involved--" izuku: iida... Iida: "--because I refuse to let you lose any more blood." Stain: "..." *tosses his blade* "You tumors." izuku: ?? Stain: "...on society, a cancer spreading to warp the concept of 'hero' into a system to support your own selfish desires. Someone needs to correct this system..." Todoroki: "...Take your radical fundamentalist nonsense and shove it." Iida: "No. I...can't call myself a hero..." *Blood drips from Iida's shoulder* Iida: *clenches his fist* "But even if I can't be one yet...I can't let his words break me...or else Ingenium will really die..." Stain: "..." *rushes forward* Todoroki: *fire-blast, directly at Stain* native: just run! it's me and iida he wants! just get out of here! Todoroki: "It won't work: he's got a taste, now he's fired up to take us all out...And he hides in shadows because he's too weak against multiple opponents. Even with his tenacity, we might scare him off--" Iida: "Right!" *tries to fire up--* "No! My engine...Todoroki, how can you control temperatures?" Todoroki: "Not as well with fire." Iida: "Good--because I need your ice. Freeze my leg! Without blocking the exhaust!" Todoroki: "?!" Stain: *leaps, tosses a knife* Iida: "!!! Todoroki!" Todoroki: "!!!" *sees the knife coming at him--* *SHNK* Iida: *knocked to the street--as the blade lands through his arm* Todoroki: "Iida--!" izuku: IIDA! Iida: "DO IT!" izuku: *examining the area* (i think i can get two jumps in...) Todoroki: "..." *lays a hand along Iida's leg* Iida: *grabs the blade's handle with his knee--and pulls* *screams muffled by the blade* izuku: *starts running* Iida: ("I will give up this arm...because what I need--") izuku: *jumps up* *wincing* (i can worry about the leg later, right now, what i need....) Todoroki: "...Go! Now!" *fires one last blast* Iida: "My legs!" izuku: (my fists!) Stain: "!!!" Iida + Izuku: "All I need!" Stain: *punched and kicked, then flame-broiled* izuku: *wince* (sore...but my arm isnt broken...) Stain: "..." *LOUD SCREAM, his fist heading to Izuku's face* izuku: !!! Iida: "Duck!" *slams his foot right into Stain's mouth* izuku: *doing so* -KO- Iida: "Be defeated, like the criminal you are, by the hero I am!" *falling--and can't land* izuku: *flailing* OH FRICK! *An ice slide appears* izuku: woah! *Iida and Izuku slide down--* *CRASH* Iida: "Ow!" izuku: you ok? wait, he- *looks up at the unconscious stain*..... 0_____________0;;;; oh craaaaaaap i think we killed him! Todoroki: "...No. I can feel his heartbeat along the ice..." -a while later, after they met up with the pros- gran torino: honestly, what were ya thinking, running off like that?! Izuku: "Gran Torino, sir! I'm happy to--" -SCREEEAWWWW- gran torino: !!! EVERYONE GET DOWN!! Izuku: "!!! A Nomu!" winged nomu: *grabs izuku and flies up* Stain: "..." *"unconscious"* gran torino: !!! winged nomu: *looks at izuku* d....e...k........u..... *Blood drips from the Nomu onto a hero's face* Izuku: "?!!! How..." hero: what the he- *LIIIIIIIICK* hero: .__________________________. i need all the showers. -the winged nomu falls to the ground- Stain: "Got you." Todoroki: "!!! He escaped!" winged nomu: *looks at izuku* ...d....de....k....uuu..... Izuku: "How do you know my name..." Stain: *running to where Nomu and Izuku are* Iida: "Midoriya!" winged nomu: d...dek- *STAB* winged nomu: *SCREEEEEEEE* Izuku: "!!! No!" Stain: "This society...full of crime..." -the winged nomu twitches violently.....then goes still- -two onlookers observe from the water tower- tomura: *scritch scritch* why...why is that jerk killing the nomu? why are those brats there? this isnt fair....isnt fair isnt fair isnt fair isnt fair..... *scratching so hard he is bleeding slightly* Kurogiri: "Now may be time to retreat--" -on the ground- Endeavor: "Why are you all over there?!" *doesn't see Nomu yet* gran torino: !! Hero #2: "You finished, sir?" Endeavor: "More or less. I had it rough. Shoto! What the hell are you--" *looks to the right* "...What the fuck is that?" Stain: *grabs Izuku's neck* Izuku: "!!!!" gran torino: !!! Endeavor: "Hero Killer!" *summons a flame* gran torino: WAIT! Izuku: *turns, stares hard at Stain* Stain: "...You fake..." *Something falls to the sidewalk* -they all stand frozen with shock- *From a nearby balcony* Bystander: "...You seeing this?" *recording on their phone* person: y-yeah! holy fuckin' shit.... *Stain stands, drooling...his nose is missing* Stain: "If I don't fix this..." Todoroki: "!!!" ("My body...I can't move...") gran torino: (w-what the hell?!) Stain: "...even if that means I'm stained with blood..." Iida: *falls back* Stain: "If I don't reclaim my hero status..." *stomps his foot down* Izuku: "!!!" gran torino: !!!!! Stain: "Come at me! Try it...you fakes! There is only one allowed to kill me..." Endeavor: "..." Stain: "AND HE. IS. ALL MIGHT! THE TRUE HERO!" eiko:....*snaps picture.....grin* *The tension is felt throughout--then stops* Izuku: *blinks* "...???" Todoroki: "..." Iida: *shakes slightly* Endeavor: "This guy...He's...out cold?" Stain: *frozen...his blade drops from his hand* Todoroki: "..." *falls back* -the next morning- Izuku: -_- "Ow..." nurse: sirs? you have visitors. manual: hey. gran torino: *grumble* Izuku: "S-Sir!" Iida: "Mr-Mr..." tsurugamae: hello. Iida: "Police Chief Tsurugamae..." Izuku: ._. tsurugamae: so you three are the ones who stopped the hero killer, right? Iida: "..." Todoroki: "..." Izuku: ._. tsurugamae: seems he ruffed you up. but it seems you ruffed him up as well. burns, broken ribs, and other serious injuries. Iida: "..." *holds his arm* Todoroki: *stares* tsurugamae: while quirks have existed for a long time, the phenomenon of 'heroes' is still a fairly recent phenomenon in the past hundred or so years. however, it doesnt negate the fact that such powers have the potential to kill. Izuku: "..." ("He's reviewing such a long history that I know...but in the heat of battle...") tsurugamae: those who do not have permission, inflicting harm without the say of the authorities and powers that be, even if they were to face someone like the hero killer, would be going against the law. the six of you, you three and your mentors, will have to be dealt with. Todoroki: "Hold on." Iida: "!!! Todoroki--" Todoroki: "Had Iida not intervened, Native would have died. Had Midoriya died, both of them would've died." Izuku: o_o; Todoroki: "No one knew the Hero Killer was here. Should we have let them die, all in the name of _your_ law?" tsurugamae: ...you still have much to learn about the world, young man. Todoroki: "...You dog--" Iida + Izuku: "WOAH!" gran torino: SETTLE DOWN! Todoroki: "..." tsurugamae: *unfazed* that...is what im obligated to tell you as chief of police. Izuku: "???" tsurugamae: the question is, do we make this incident public? if we do so, while you will be lauded by the public, you wont be able to avoid punishment. Iida: "..." tsurugamae: but if we keep this under wraps, then the burns he received will support the evidence that endeavour was the key factor in his capture. fortunately there weren’t many witnesses to the incident. and those who _have_ witnessed can be bribed to keep silent. but if we were to do that, your achievements in this battle will be swept under the rug. so what will it be? Iida: "..." *bows to Manual* "I am sorry, sir." manual: Y-Y it was our fault for letting you go off like that, so we'll take the blame. gran torino: *grumble* Izuku: *bows* "Thank you, sir." Todoroki: -\\\\- "...My remark was completely out of line and bigoted. I'm sorry, Police Chief." tsurugamae: not to worry, its not the first time i've heard it, hoho. -elsewhere- tomura: ugh...so annoying.... himiko: so cool~<3 Dabi: "...He almost fried Endeavor..." tomura: the media didnt even care about the nomu. ahhh it pisses me off so much... Kurogiri: "Maybe it's not all bad..." *holds up an article* "It was reported...on Page 2." tomura:.......aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! *flips a table* twice: wow, salty much? tomura:.................................................im going to take a nap. *slams the door, causing a framed poster to fall* fang: ga? himiko: so cool, right fangy? fang: *babble* Dabi: "...Hmm..." -at the hospital- izuku: iida? Iida: "...Yes?" izuku: how did it go? Iida: "...My left hand...my have permanent damage." izuku: !!!! (first his eyes...now this....?) Iida: "He...severed the brachial plexus nerve. I might regain most feeling and use of my hand and fingers with a nerve transplant." izuku: ..... Iida: "When I found him, my mind went blank. I should have done as Manual said...and the Killer was not completely wrong about my failure to uphold the standards we as heroes must have...Therefore, until I become a true hero, my left hand should be a reminder." izuku:....*looks at his scarred hand* iida. *offers fist bumb* then lets get stronger together. Iida: "..." *smiles* Todoroki: "Sorry..." izuku: ?? Todoroki: "Whenever I"m involved...people's hands are damaged. I'm cursed." izuku:....*chuckles* Iida: "Hee hee..." Todoroki: ._____. "...I'm not joking?" izuku: ^^; Todoroki: "What if I'm the Hand Crusher?" Iida: *laughing hard* "I-I think we found your superhero name!" izuku: *laughs so hard milk comes out his nose* O///x///.; Todoroki: "..." *grabs his phone* "I'll get you some tissues..." *exits* -somewhere, in death city- thug: so whacha got for me? Giran: *holds up his phone* thug:...is that a bunny phone case? Giran: -_-# "Watch the damn video." *presses play* thug: ? Video: "Hero Killer Stain. Real name: Chizome Akaguro. Impressed by All Might's debut, he sought to be a hero. Upset at school over the 'corrupt view of heroes within the educational system,' he dropped out after his first year." thug: so? Giran: "IT'S NOT DONE! WHAT, YOU GOT SOMETHING ELSE TO DO?!" thug: oxo; Video: "He would spend his teen years standing on a soapbox at the public square, insisting on the need for a 'hero revivial,' until he realized 'words fail without power.' For 10 years, he trained himself in the art of killing." woman in video: i cant believe XXXXX would become a hero killer, how frightening... Video: "According to Akaguro, a 'hero' must not seek reward or recompense except through tireless self-sacrifice. 'Only by purging society can this truth emerge,' he printed in his own 'zine." *The video now shows footage of Stain against the Heroes--* Stain on video: "--'stained with blood--'" thug: .... Giran: "Look at this...10,000 hits. And this is at least the fifth time it's been uploaded." thug: shit.... Giran: "As long as both sides battle--to suppress this, and to promote it--this re-ignites that battle we've wanted for so long: the renaissance of heroes brings with it the renaissance of villains." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *dials a number* ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "Hello. How are you?" ochako: been busy. you? Todoroki: "...In the hospital--" ochako: WHAT?! what happened?! Todoroki: "We encountered the Hero Ki--" izuku: SHHHH! ochako: ok! sorry, got pulled away for a moment there. Todoroki: .\\\\. "...We, um, got into a scrape with some criminals." ochako: are you going to be ok? Todoroki: "We--I'll need some time to recover. Let wounds heal--" ochako: hmm. well take care ok? Todoroki: "You too." -elsewhere- gran torino: what do you make of all this, toshinori? All Might: "I was informed that the Nomus contained multiple quirks...as if someone _gave_ them those quirks..." gran torino: you dont think..._he_ is making a move again, do you? All Might: *grips his knee* "It is not a scenario I want to be true...but I would be a fool to not prepare for it." gran torino: you should let him know that... All Might: "..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "We've had our own problems with villains..." lord death: indeed. hopefully thing brings awareness to the villain situation. Yumi: "And more heroes..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *looking at the sky* kotone: brother? Gopher: "...Yes?" kotone: are you alright? Gopher: "...Just thinking, about flying." kotone: ? Gopher: "...What it would be like to see from higher up." inori: are you not able to use your ink feathers to fly? Gopher: "But higher than that...maybe into space..." inori: to the moon? Gopher: "...Perhaps." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Hmm..." *passes papers to Louisa* louisa: *examining* Fitzgerald: "I hate having uncouth individuals associated with my organizations...These 'villains' are not here in our business, are they?" louisa: no sir. we did extensive background checks.. Fitzgerald: "Keep updating them periodically. That means everyone. Including you--" *points down* Mr. Tsubaki: o_o; -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *holds up a tuxedo shirt* "Is this formal enough?" shinra: whats up guys? Vulcan: "Oh, hey. I'm trying to get my outfit in order." *sets out jeans* shinra: oh, for what? Takehisa: "The intra-brigade gala. Have you not reviewed the brigade manual?" *holds up--a 700-page book* shinra: ???? Akitaru: "The brigade commanders collaborate on a joint event each year. This year, Hibana wanted a formal event. You know, fancy foods, dancing, small talk, hold up your pinky when sipping a drink." shinra: oh. that kinda thing? (maybe this is my chance to get answers from the 4th brigade's commander...) Vulcan: "How 'bout this tie?" *holds up a kitty tie* -elsewhere- Assi: "A hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin, please!" ^w^ ???: coming right up si-... O-O -it was mono- mono: O-O;;; Assi: o\\\\o "...Wow..." *stares at the uniform* mono: >/////<;; *goes to put the order in* Assi: .\\\\\. "So, you found work here?" -elsewhere- Joker: *holds a vial* scarlet: ? Joker: "Gunpowder." scarlet: ah. Joker: "Made a big boom when Victor and I used it at the Brigades' training activities..." ivy: is that right? why bring it back out now? Joker: "Who said it ever went away ♤? I always keep it around in case we need a bigger escape--or spectacle." -elsewhere- Iida: *checking his phone* momo: [are you alright?] Iida: "..." [recovering. waiting for doctors to confirm release date] momo: ... [you should be more careful. i dont want you to die.] Iida: [you're right. i'm sorry. i have to learn this lesson] momo: *teary eyed* [ok. get home safe, alright?] Iida: "..." [i will. see you soon?] momo: [yeah] Iida: [oh, and how's your internship with uwabami?] momo: ... [well] Iida: "..." [that's good] ("Something must have happened...") momo:... -_-; -elsewhere- Karim: *lies down* "..." pearl: father fulham? Karim: "Hmm? What is it, Pearl?" pearl: are you feeling alright? Karim: "Just contemplative...Thinking about things." pearl: ah. Karim: "...You went with Burns to the Eighth?" pearl:...yes. Karim: "He asked you to go?" pearl: *she nods* -she explains what all happened- Karim: *sighs* "The Commander, always focused on might and muscle to get things down right." pearl: im just glad i managed to stop things from escalating further... Karim: "Good work. There weren't major injuries, were there?' pearl: thankfully not. Karim: "...Did you have to break up fights in the past when you were younger?" pearl: rarely, but it was always really scary, and i was worried i'd end up hurting someone by accident, so i tried not to use my ability often. Karim: "...You should train that in combat and get better at it." pearl: maybe, but i dont really like fighting... Karim: "Self defense?" pearl: perhaps... Karim: "...I'd be happy to help you practice. Granted, my techniques are different." pearl: i appreciate it. i do want to improve myself... Karim: *sits up, stands* "Okay. Sounds good. We'll start now. We'll begin. Start by summoning a small flame." pearl: w-wait right now? Karim: "Sure. Just some small exercises. Can you handle a small flame?" pearl: i think so....*breathes...a small wall of fire shoots up from the ground* Karim: "!!! A wall?" pearl: *she nods* Karim: "...Can you make it shorter than this?" pearl: *she shrinks it down slightly, so it's at knee height* Karim: "Okay, alright--raise it just about one inch now..." -she does so- pearl: ... Karim: "Can you try widening it by an inch?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *holds up a tie* "Is this what one wears for a 'blind date'?" hirotsu: how about this one? Akutagawa: "That works." *puts it on* "Why do they call it a 'blind date'?" hirotsu: i believe it's because you dont usually know who you're going with, something of a surprise. but you know you're going to be attending dinner with this young lady, so in this case it doesnt count as a blind date. Akutagawa: "...I can change that." higuchi: akutagawa no. Akutagawa: *sighs* "Fine. I'll just stab Tachihara's eyes out." -elsewhere- Shousaku: "...” *looks around the room* -the cell is silent- Shousaku: "..." *his stomach growls* lydia: *outside the cell* ... Shousaku: "Water..." lydia:...very well....*goes to get some* Shousaku: "..." ("She had to have escaped...Right?") -in the death city police station- keek: ... Naomasa: "And he wasn't with you when you were taken from the Rats?" keek: no... he wasnt. Naomasa: "Let's update his description." *holds it out to her* "This is about his height, features, any scars. Any new identification information to add to him?" keek: he looked about the same as the photo.... Naomasa: "...Why did the Rats insist on keeping him?" keek: ...they might plan on using him....but i dont think he'll willingly comply with them... Naomasa: "Why not? Our records show he is not above breaking the law..." keek: ....i guess people can change, for the better or for the worse. Naomasa: "Hmmm...His skills at explosives, did he ever tell you the materials he used in them?" keek: ...*shakes her head* Naomasa: "..." ("The previous explosion, with that man that helped arrest Shousaku before...") "Did he tell you of any plans he had for escape?" keek: ...stealing one of their vehicles and creating a diversion with the water sprinklers. _after_ deactivating the bomb collars... Naomasa: "You deactivated your collar?" keek:....someone else did. the people who helped me to escape. Naomasa: "I see...Did they deactivate Shousaku's?" keek:....i dont know...he's probably still got his....the rats basically left me for dead. Naomasa: "Why take him and not you? Were you two in separate rooms?" keek:...most of the time.... Naomasa: "So the Rats would keep you in the same room at times?" keek:...sometimes. Naomasa: "Were they recording you?" keek:....i-i dont know. Naomasa: "..." *writes something down* "I know he didn't give you a way to contact him, but if he contacted you, you would notify us, yes?" keek:...if it means you'll help him, then yes. Naomasa: "Our goal is to prevent all crimes. That includes kidnapping. So, yes, we intend to retrieve him." keek:...thank you sir...it wasnt his fault for being captured... Naomasa: "..." *offers his hand* "Thank you for this information." -elsewhere- Fyodor: *whistles* -silence- Fyodor: "...Guard? I would like another milkshake..." guard: you can order one next lunch break. guard 2: this is a prison, not some luxury hotel. Fyodor: "But I'm not let out of my cell..." guard 2: not our problem. Fyodor: *pout* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." nurse: sir? Todoroki: "Yes?" nurse: is everything alright? Todoroki: "Yes. The medicine has lessened the pain...Did anyone visit while I was asleep?" nurse 2: phonecall for todoroki! Todoroki: "??? I'll take it here?" -the nurse hands him the phone- Todoroki: "Hello?" fuyumi: oh thank god, do you have _any_ idea how worried sick i was, shouto?! Todoroki: "I-I'm sorry! I had tried calling back before I fell back asleep--" fuyumi: what if you died in that incident?! what would i tell mom?! Todoroki: "I'm sorry...My friends were..." fuyumi: ...*sigh* s-sorry, im just...i worry. Todoroki: "You're not wrong...It did not go well. But I'll recover." fuyumi: right...get home soon, ok? Todoroki: "I will...I bounce back fast." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Mana, you got mail." *hands her an envelope* mana: oh? *opens it* Yohei: "You talked with your family since we moved here?" mana: not often... Yohei: "..." *nods* "May be worth sending them something to let them know you're alive.” mana: ha, funny. Yohei: *small smirk* "Just consider it. If I didn't tell my mom about things, she'd be posting 'Missing' posters around town." mana: .... Yohei: "...It's up to you. You always got a place here, okay?" mana: ..thanks. -elsewhere- Stain: "..." *looks around the cell* -nothing Stain: *small growl...can barely move his mouth with the mask strapped around it* -...- Stain: "..." *SCREAMS LOUDLY* guard: oi! keep it down! Stain: *shaking in his restraints, but the chains will not loosen...he can't even bang his head against the wall* "WWWWWWWWAAAAAH!" guard: keep quiet or we'll have to tranquilize you again! Stain: "When I get out of here, no amount of tranqs will keep me quiet!" guard: *chuckles* good luck with that. Stain: *just shaking in his cell, screaming and growling* -elsewhere- Wes: "Excited for your interview?" liz: yeah, pretty excited. Wes: "Been practicing for the interview?" liz: yep. Wes: "And got your professional outfit ready?" liz: you bet i do. Wes: "Good..." *forehead smooch* liz: =////= Wes: "You'll do great." -elsewhere- Poe: *curled up in bed* o~o lana: edgar? are you alright? Poe: "J-Just wanted to lie down..." *wraps himself in the sheets* lana: hmm... Poe: *small whimper* lana:....*hug* Poe: *calms down a bit, still shivering* lana: somethings bothering you, isnt it? Poe: "J-Just a lot..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: *closes his eyes* =\\\\\= -elsewhere- Hibana: "Here's your carrot sticks, sweetie." hanako: thanks mommy! *nom* Hibana: *smiles, sits down with her* "How you doing today?" -elsewhere- Yukio: *takes off his glasses, looks at his eyes in the mirror* momo sakura: ? Yukio: *stares...* ("They were burning before...") momo sakura: yuki? are you ok? Yukio: "..." *puts on his glasses, smiles* "Just fine. ..." momo sakura: .... Yukio: "...How about some soup?" momo sakura: ok! Yukio: *holding the smile, as he grabs some bowls and cans* ("Rin is better at this, too...") -elsewhere- Kid: *fills up the tub* shiori: babu! Kid: ^^ "All set?" *picks Shiori up and sets her carefully in the tub* shiori: *splash splash* *giggle* Kid: "You've graduated to the big-kids' tub for tonight." *dips the washcloth in the water* "But just for tonight--can't have you in too big a tub..." *washes* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Okay, I made a reservation at Sham's favorite restaurant." naho: yay! Sakuya: "That just leaves guest list and menu...Um...Does he have any friends other than us?" naho: not that i know. *shrug* Sakuya: "...I guess we're just that awesome at smaller numbers." -elsewhere- Free: "She asleep?" eruka: yeah. *phew* Free: "..." *nudge* "I put out some tea." eruka: thanks. Free: *picks up his tiny tea cup* "So, 'bout work..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *hangs up a tuxedo* tamaki: so this formal event... Arthur: "Yes? You got an outfit picked out?" tamaki: not sure what to wear yet... Arthur: "...Well, I don't know the entire dress to put on..." *reaches for something under his pillow: a small wrapped box* tamaki: e-eh? o///o Arthur: *he opens it--there is a necklace, with a cat symbol on it* "Maybe this could work as part of an outfit?" tamaki: ./////. t-thanks, arthur. Arthur: *nods* "You're welcome. I hope the color helps with finding a dress--and bringing out your eyes." tamaki: ... 7////7 Arthur: "..." *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...I'm not a fan of this kind of 'formal' event." fang-hua: i know, but you're kind of obligated to go, being the commander of the 7th and all. Benimaru: *grumbles* "Small talk...Dancing...The food is always tiny." kirei: would you like me to go with you? Benimaru: "Please." kirei: ^^ then i'd be glad to. Benimaru: *small smile* -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: ^^; "Commander, you really need a break, and the dance--" huang: *sigh* right.... Nurse Arg: "I already cleared your schedule with other doctors taking your shifts, and booked an appointment for your hair--" huang: ? (my hair looks fine??) Nurse Arg: owo; "...I can cancel the hair appointment?" -elsewhere- Mikuni: "Good work today! See you tomorrow!" medea: *nods and heads home* Mikuni: "I think she's working out, right? Just kind of quiet." metsu: so i've noticed. Mikuni: "She say anything to you about herself?" metsu: ..not really. she seems distant...almost sad. Mikuni: "...Oh." *looks where she was seated* -morning- Kid: =w= stocking:....*nibbles his earlobe* Kid: o\\\\\o *looks* stocking: gotcha~ hehe~ Kid: "..." *smirk* "Oh~?" stocking: ? Kid: *turns over, hugging her* stocking: *hugs back* ^///^ Kid: *light kisses along her cheek* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *buttons up his jacket* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *scratches behind Mito's ear* mito: =w= Chuuya: "Keep the home safe while we're out. And keep drinking water." mito: *mreow!* ^o^ Chuuya: ^^ "Ready, Sonia?" sonia: ready papa. *smile* Chuuya: *opens the door* "Great..." *takes her hand* -elsewhere- teacher: momo sakura? momo sakura: here! teacher: samidare asui? aya: *looking out the window* Student: "..." *poke* aya: ? Student: "Don't miss attendance--" teacher: aya koda? aya: ah! here! Student: ^^; "What were you looking at?" aya: just thinking about stuff. Student: "??? Worried about something?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "Bit of homework to catch up on..." atsushi: yeah. Lucy: "You sure you're ready to go back to classes?" atsushi: *he nods* Lucy: "..." *hard pat on the back* "Then that's good!" ^w^ -elsewhere- Rin: *stretching during his walk* "Man, I hope I don't crash in class again..." konekomaru: hey rin. *waves* Rin: "Yo, Konekomaru! What's up?" shiemi: i heard miss adrian is going to be helping with teaching today. Rin: "Ah...I don't remember her teaching style." ^^; Bon: " 'Cause you were dead asleep." Rin: >_< izumo: isnt she the one who walked into a closet? seriously, she has terrible sense of direction. Shima: "Maybe post signs towards the desk..." shiemi: it might help. -elsewhere- Vulcan: *twirls a wrench--and slams the engine* "Try it now." karin: *flips the switch* *The engine runs...but something is rattling* Vulcan: "???" karin: *flips switch off* hmm. lets see here.... Vulcan: *looks over her shoulder* "No way I hit it _that_ hard..." -elsewhere- PlushFix: *typing on a computer* mimeca: o^o~? hina: so this 'stain' guy... -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "So, as a former higher up in 'Happy' Factory, which secrets can you share~?" Zuno: "...Who are you again?" Fitzgerald: -_-# louisa: do go easy on him sir, his condition... Fitzgerald: *sighs* "Right...Mr. Ass--" Assi: "Assi." Fitzgerald: "What can you tell me about 'Happy' Factory?" louisa: *has the typewriter out* Assi: "I took notes...but I coded them, so they're kind of hard to remember what I meant." *flips through some* "...And my handwriting is still bad? Um...'Fear Factory built an...afro to smash the...Afro Fighting Tournament'?" mary: ouo~? Fitzgerald: "Ah, so the true power of 'Happy' Factory was an afro...That is genius!" bram: let me see that. *examines notes* Assi: owo;;;; Zuno: "..." *whispers to Louisa* "Why is there a vampire in this room?" bram: hmmm... louisa: oh, he works here, and he's not actually a vampire- Mr. Tsubaki: o___o;;;;;;; bram: *holds notes away as he coughs up blood* *ahem* 'robot to smash the robot fighting tournament.' Zuno: "Oh, look! A wolf!" Mr. Tsubaki: -_-# Fitzgerald: "...That's it? The plan of Fear Factory, alias for Happy Factory, was to smash a tournament with a robot?" Assi: "And turn humans into slave labor." louisa: ._.; Fitzgerald: "You can't make profit off of slavery--they don't have any money!" -chop- louisa: sir! D8< Fitzgerald: *holding his head* "Fine...Bram, skip to the part about their home computer division." bram: um, r-right. *ahem* *The notes include blueprints for video game systems, computers, a death machine--* bram: ._.; oh...oh heavens. Fitzgerald: "??? Did you find the plans for the Happy Boy handheld video game system?" bram: the what? T-T; -elsewhere- Hyde: *in gym clothes* "Spike it, Licht!" licht: *DROP KICKS THE BALL* Hyde: o_O "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU--" -crater in the floor- student: holy fuck! mitsuba: is he even real?! licht: *poses* i am the angel of the volleyball court. misono: -_-; what is he, the protagonist of a sports anime? Hyde: -_- "No, the protagonist would know not to kick a volleyball..." shinoa: take the streak away, and he'd fit right in. misono: he seems more fitted for swimming. Hyde: "..." misono:....hy- Hyde: *picks up Licht* "Everybody into the pool!" everyone: IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER?! Hyde: "He's an angel--I'm sure he can survive hypothermia." -DROP KICK- licht: --# -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio:...*holds her hand* Meme: "..." *squeezes her hand* "I don't understand..." mio:...we'll find the answers to this. i know we will. Meme: "..." *nods, weak smile* -elsewhere- Izuku: [how are classes?] shinra: [doing good. hoping u get well soon] Izuku: [thanks. you recovered after your injuries?] shinra: [yeah] .... [got a wicked chest scar ow] [*now.] [accurate typo is accurate lmao] Izuku: [lol. and ouch. your chest scar, my hand] shinra: [scar bros 4 life] Izuku: [right! ^^ ] shinra: [get well soon k?] Izuku: [i will. should be released in a few more days] -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Pretty necklace." tamaki: thanks, arthur got it for me. Kyoka: "How long have you been dating?" tamaki: .... .//////. h-how would you know- Kyoka: "It looks expensive, you are wearing it in public, and when he is around your breathing alters ever so slightly, indicating a mix of annoyance, attraction--" tamaki: *covers her mouth* >///<; shinra: *snicker* Kyoka: "..." *pats her hand* tamaki: stuff it, kusakabe! DX< Kyoka: "Are you sure you two are not siblings?" tamaki + shinra: I THOUGHT WE WERE DONE WITH THIS GAG ALREADY! DX< Kyoka: "Evidently not." -elsewhere- Haumea: "We have too many dumbies working here. Why did Flail and Assault have to die?" guruna: flail sucks. assault, i dont know where he is. i think he was here for a bit, but he wandered off. kurukuru~ what a dumbass. Haumea: "...He...wandered...and you just let him walk?" guruna:... OvO;;;;;;;;; Haumea: *picks up chalk, writes on a nearby chalkboard* "At the rate of his speed, the force of his punches, the speed of his fire bullets--Oh, damn it! He could be in Vancouver by this point!" -elsewhere- lydia: <do you see anything yet, ivan?> *riding through the nether on the back of one of her beasts* Ivan: <Yes...A footprint. It looks...like it went in fresh cement?> *lays a hand over it* <No...This footprint feels...hot?> lydia: hmm........!!!! <GET DOWN!> Ivan: "?!!!" *ducks* -FWOOOOM- lydia: <what the hell?!> Assault: *growling, summoning another fire bullet* lydia: <shit> *sending one of her beasts at him* Assault: *aims another bullet at the beast* shadowy-gator: *GRROAR* Assault: *fires* lydia: the hell are you? Assault: "Assault." lydia: ... Assault: "Assault will blast all out of his path..." lydia: ..tch- ivan! Ivan: *Golem fist* "On it!” Golem: “RAAAAWR!" Assault: *doesn't move* "..." *POW* lydia: !! Ivan: "..." *smiles* <Like smashing a bug--> *BOOM* Ivan: "!!!!" *Fiery rocks explode from the Golem's fist* lydia: *grazed* s-shit! Assault: "Assault will burn...Assault will kill...Assault will clear any path!" Ivan: *light bulb* <Not big but precise...Lydia! Distract him!> lydia: <right!> *sending a shadowy hawk at him* hawk: *SCREEEAW* Assault: *swinging an arm* "Away, beast!" Ivan: *makes another Golem fist...and starts condensing it* <Come on, come on...> Assault: *almost hits the hawk* Ivan: <Almost...Get ready, Lydia!> lydia: <understood!> Ivan: *has shrunk the Golem fist to...a pebble* <Pull the beast away! Now!> Assault: *eyes aflame, summoning another bullet* -the hawk flies back- Assault: "Assault will--!" Ivan: *balances the pebble on the palm of his hand, summons a smaller Golem hand which...flicks the pebble at Assault--* Assault: "--destroy anything in his--" *FLICK* *The pebble smashes into Assault's head, knocking blood from his forehead and knocking Assault to the ground, unconscious* lydia: ! Ivan: "..." O____o *loud sigh of relief* <I didn't think that would work!> lydia:...<is he dead?> Ivan: "..." *approaches...rests a hand* <No...Breathing. He is made of toughness: that pebble should have pierced his skull.> lydia: .......<what are we to do with him, then?> Ivan: <...I don't know...If he could be kept under control--> Assault: *moans* Ivan: o_o;;;; Assault: *opens his eyes* "...Who are...Who am I?" lydia:...*glances at ivan* Ivan: "..." *holds out his hand* "Let's get you home...friend." Assault: "??? ..." *takes his hand* lydia: ..... -elsewhere- Friz: *shivers* "...You guys feel that?" guruna: kurun? Friz: "Felt like a chilled air blowing by..." Bee: "...Cut the poetry, Wordsworth." arrow: well, we're underground in the middle of winter. Friz: "...Yeah, that must be it..." *rubs hands together* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." fukuzawa: .... Mori: "...It's a new year?" fukuzawa: yes. Mori: "...I used to have drinks on the eve..." fukuzawa: *listening* Mori: "Sometimes alone...Elise liked ginger ale to pretend it was champagne." fukuzawa: hmm... Mori: "..." *small smile* fukuzawa: should i bring you some? Mori: *nod nod* fukuzawa: *goes to do that* Mori: "..." *looks around the room* -it's a fairly decent size bedroom, with a few traditional style japanese decorations, such as a wooden bear statue on the dresser- Mori: *leans closer to the bear* "..." -just a simple wooden bear with a fish in its mouth- Mori: -_- "So old-fashioned." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "We meet Aya after school." kenji: *nods* Kyoka: "Let's try another path..." *points along the map on her phone* "Maybe somewhere away from fiery religious nutjobs." kenji: good call. Kyoka: "We'll try towards the Port District...and just hope the Mafia leaves us alone." kenji: *salutes* got it! Kyoka: "..." *small smile, as she puts her phone away* "One more class..." -elsewhere- Anya: *looking around the classroom* "..." EF: whats up? Anya: "Have you seen...Nevermind." EF: ?? Anya: "Have you seen Yana?" EF: hmm, not recently, i heard she had a family emergency last year and had to go home... Anya: "...Oh." -elsewhere- yana: ..... Ivan: *wipes his hands* <Our 'long-lost friend' is now situated.> yana: <im amazed you didnt actually kill him.> Ivan: <Not for lack of trying--but he's hard-headed.> yana:... *chuckles* <that's just some bullshit good luck if i ever heard it...> *sigh* Ivan: "???" <What's wrong?> yana: <just lost in my own thoughts, i guess....> Ivan: *nods* <We have time for that, at least now...> -elsewhere- Tachihara: *holding tissue to his bleeding nose* -_-# hirotsu: what have we learned from this? Tachihara: *his voice is nasally* "Look, all I'm saying is that if your ass is that big, it ain't gonna move very quickly out in the field--" -chop- Tachihara: "OW! FUCK!" higuchi: im amazed makarov could even punch that high... katya: he's sunk low enough for me to reach. pushkin: oooooh. Tachihara: -_-## "...You're still a tiny gremlin with horrible breath--" -she stomps on his foot- Tachihara: "AAAAH!" *struggles to hold the tissue and his foot* -pushkin had to physically hold katya back as she screamed violently- Gin: -_-; "This is the fifth worst workplace mixer I have ever attended." higuchi: amen to that. Gin: Tachihara's 'dance' routine is at least inventive." -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" *smooch* stocking: mmmn~<3 Kid: *wraps his arms around her* "Lovely..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "This is new?" *rubs a hand along her side* stocking: *nods* just got it today~ Kid: "Lucky me~" *turns over, wiggles his bottom* stocking: *kiss* Kid: *moans, rubbing against the bed* "It's so revealing..." stocking: *smirks and presses herself against him* Kid: "Ah~!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: "D-Did you put it on to punish or be punished?" stocking: depends~ Kid: "Want to flip for it~?" stocking: sure~ Kid: *smirks--as he turns and pins her* stocking: o////o Kid: "We've flipped..." *kisses her neck* stocking: ah~<3 Kid: *lays his chest over hers* "Want to be tied?" *his finger slides up her bare leg* stocking: oh god yes. Kid: *stretches over her, his chest over her eyes as he takes the rope from the nearby drawer and lifts her right hand* -elsewhere- Yohei: *yawn* toru: *yawn* Yohei: *smiles* "Are you mimicking me?" toru: *babble* Yohei: "Hee hee...You want to be like Daddy?" *cradles him* toru: *reaches for him and smiles* Yohei: *leans closer for Toru to grab him* toru: *grabs his nose* Yohei: "Heh..." *smiles* chie: ^^ Yohei: *looks at Chie, smiles* "About time for kiddo to go to sleep?" -elsewhere- Assault: ._. Hawthorne: "... What am I supposed to do with him?" yana: talk to him? i dunno. Q: *peeeeek* Hawthorne: "..." *sighs* *waves* "Hello." Assault: "Hi? Um...What's my name?" *spots Q* yana: ....*looks at hawthorne* ?? Hawthorne: "..." *opens his Bible* "Your name comes from this book. It is..." yana: adam? Hawthorne: "Yes. Adam." Assault: "...'Adam.' It means 'Earth,' right?" Hawthorne: "Yes." "Adam": "...What is that small creature?" Q: my name's Q! Adam: "...Like the letter?" Q: my full name is Kyusaku. but everyone just calls me 'Q'. Adam: "And we're...Rats?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *sips milk* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *small smile...* *pets Mito* mito: *mewl* Chuuya: *yawns* "..." *kisses Sonia's forehead* -morning- Kid: =w= stocking: zzzz Kid: *holds her close* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his coffee, reading the newspaper* eckleburg: Q______Q Fitzgerald: "You never thought to ask?" eckleburg: TT~TT Fitzgerald: "Perhaps date in your own decade, Old Sport." eckleburg: *facedesk and cries* Fitzgerald: *sighs* *snaps fingers* "Deal with this." louisa: ._.; he's taking it harder than i thought... Daisy: *serious face* -_-# jordan: hey, maybe you should go for it? you're sing- Daisy: *grabs Jordan by the collar* jordan: oh no. *CRASH* Mr. Tsubaki: ._.; jordan: *tossed into a dumpster as a laugh track plays in the background* Daisy: -_-## "Stop crying on the table, Eckleburg." eckleburg: *sniff* im so stupid. im going to hell. Daisy: "I hardly think this is a sin. You just fell in love with an ideal." eckleburg: *muffled* im sorryyyyy.... louisa: i-it's alright. its not the first time it's happened! Fitzgerald: "...It wasn't? Where are they? I'll kill them." louisa: i mean its not the first time someone thought i was older than i was! ^^; Fitzgerald: "...I am still willing to kill them for you." Mr. Tsubaki: *fox facepalm* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *stares at the kitchen* "...How does pouring milk _start a fire_?!" *the fridge is torched* tamaki: Q_Q; Vulcan: "..." *already has a blowtorch and tools* "I can upgrade this bad boy in 3 hours." -elsewhere- Adam: "And what were my responsibilities?" yana: for now, you're a guard. Adam: "Okay! Who do I guard?" yana: you guard the entryway, and if anyone comes by, let us know. Adam: "Right, guard the entryway, and tell them you're coming." yana: no, i mean guard the entryway, and let us know if someone is there. Adam: "Guard the entryway, and let them know if you are there." yana: no-...ivan, explain it to him. Ivan: "...Stand there." Adam: *nods* Ivan: "If you see someone, tell us." Adam: "Okay." Ivan: *smiles* "Great--" Adam: "SOMEONE'S HERE!" *points at Yana* yana: *sharp inhale* <oh dear lord...> -elsewhere- christa: hiyahiya! Marie's Brother: "Aren't you a chatty one!" *smiles* christa: ^u^ marie: she sure is. Brother: "And she looks happy, too. Your mama doing a good job with you, Christa?" christa: yep! marie: *small smile* Brother: "That's awesome!" *picks up Christa* sister: you see that up there? *points to a coat of arms with the same symbol on marie's eyepatch* Brother: "Guess what that is, Christa?" christa: *points to marie's eyepatch* sister: ^^ thats the family sigil. Brother: "And we're proud of it!" marie: we sure are. ^^ -elsewhere- Anya: *sets down her books* "..." tsugumi: you ok? Anya: "Yes...Just surprised Yana had to leave so abruptly." ao: it's strange. we barely know a thing about her. Anya: "I know she had to keep going home all the time..." ao: but where is 'home' exactly? Anya: "...I don’t'..." tsugumi:... Anya: "I didn't get to say goodbye." tsugumi: its ok, im sure you'll see her again someday. Anya: "...I hope." -elsewhere- Izuku: *practicing walking to recover from his ankle injury* "Like this?" nurse: *nods* Izuku: *eases his weight from his good leg to his bad one--and winces slightly* nurse: you ok? Izuku: "I can't put my full weight on it yet..." ^^; nurse: well, take it a little bit at a time, ok? Izuku: "I-I will..." Iida: *walking the halls* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *reviewing maps when--* "...Accordions?" twain: *riding on a unicycle down the hall playing the accordion* yo. Steinbeck: "...Okay, this is like something out of Stephen King--no. Take it outside." emily: what is even going on anymore? oscar: i have no idea. Steinbeck: "I'm trying to keep us focused--and then...this." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *puts on a record* "Now, we begin the experiment..." *starts moving in the lab in time with the music* ayako: ^u^ Motojiro: *mixes the chemicals, tapping along the top of them in time with the music to initiate the chemical reaction* ayako: *jotting notes* *One vial turns yellow* Motojiro: "Yes, YES! The music is working! It is--" *BOOM* Motojiro: ._. *his clothes are burnt* -elsewhere- Katai: "So the cops didn't tell you where your friend went?" keek: no, nothing yet.....im worried. Katai: "...Did you ever get to analyze the Rats' computer network?" keek: i could try, but i'd need to use a blank laptop. Katai: "...Like, factory-new or is used okay?" keek: anything that's blank, really. Katai: *hands one to her* "I had wiped this one--" *opens it--and there is a cat wallpaper on the desktop* keek: ._.; Katai: owo; "...Sorry. I thought the cat wallpaper was cute." keek:...i'll work. *typing something* Katai: "..." *waits* -elsewhere- Gin: "...I feel an urge to stab someone." naoya: oh? Gin: "...Where's Tachihara? He'll do." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holds out the chair* "Okay. You can park your rear here." hirotsu: the wording needs work. Akutagawa: "...'Please park your rear here'?" hirotsu: ... -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "When I left the Guild, I made sure to copy a few pieces of information for future help..." ebie: *raises hand* Steinbeck: "Yes, Ebie?" ebie: i thought we still _were_ the guild?? Steinbeck: "...Well, I mean, when I left _that_ Guild to continue _the_ Guild..." ebie: oh. Steinbeck: "And what that Guild--our Guild--has now, is this..." *rolls a map* "Some of the greatest treasures hidden in the world." -they look- oscar: oh my~ twain: *vibrating* OwO Hemingway: "???" *points* "That's an underwater cavern? Imagine the new species of fish in there..." baum: el 'fucking' dorado, baby! dorothy: -.-; baum: !!! i mean el 'flipping' dorado! ^^;;; Steinbeck: "Now, does that mean you're all on board?" emily: sounds like. twain: OH HELL YEAH!! -elsewhere- Assi: *eating a donut* "...So, how long you been working for Mr. Fitzgerald?" louisa: for a while now, actually. Assi: "Huh. So, you're more familiar with how he works. He seemed kind of irritable back there." louisa: how so? Assi: "I asked about the photo of the woman and the girl--" louisa:...that's a bit of a sore spot for him...*looks around* his daughter died, and his wife is in a psychiatric ward... Assi: "...Oh no." louisa:... Assi: "Thanks for the heads-up. I'll have to tell Zuno..." -elsewhere- Akane: "This is getting absurd..." *tosses an unconscious villain into the police van* "That maniac in Hosu set something off with these people." clay: no kidding... Akane: "And with the hero students on leave for internships..." *sighs* -a villain charges at them- clay: !!!! -BANG- clay: woah, nice save, akemi! homura: you're welcome... Akane: *sighs* "How many more are there?" -elsewhere- Rin: "Zzzz..." madoka:...^^ *tucks him in* Rin: =w= *calmer sleep* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *lying in bed, awake* *grabs his phone* -elsewhere- ochako: *in bed, reading* *A chiptune song starts playing on her phone* ochako: ?? *checks phone* *Todoroki calling* ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "Sorry, did I wake you?" ochako: nah, still awake. Todoroki: "Hmm...How was your day?" ochako: it was busy, you? Todoroki: "I can move my arm a bit more now." ochako: that's good- ah! trixie! *chuckle* trixie no, this is my bed! Todoroki: *smiles* "Training is still ongoing?" ochako: yeah, haha. Todoroki: "How big is Trixie now?" -elsewhere- Emine: *looking up* lin: *opens the roof hatch* hey. i brought hot cocoa. *hands him a thermos* Emine: *takes it* "Thank you...Warm." lin: ^^ Emine: "...Are you warm?" lin: *leans on his shoulder* i am now... Emine: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *staring out his window* "..." mary: ~? Fitzgerald: "Oh, Mary. You aren't asleep?" mary: about to. you ok? Fitzgerald: "..." *spots a blinking green light outside* "Just remembering something." mary: ? Fitzgerald: "..." *looks at Mary* "..." *gulps* ("If she had lived...") mary:....*small hug* you looked like you needed one. Fitzgerald: "..." *pat* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *asleep at table, maps and photos in front of her* atsushi:....*carries her to bed* Kyoka: *shivering* "N-No...Mama...Papa..." atsushi:.....*hugs and tucks her in, head pets* Kyoka: *looks worried in her sleep, but her breathing has calmed* atsushi:.... -morning- Akutagawa: *staring at the calendar* *marks a day* "Two more. I can do this..." *flips to another page, counting the days before he may kill again* "..." *shudders* "..." *sighs* Akutagawa: *exits for the kitchen* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Just a few more days, and it'll be the weekend. Anything you want to do?" naoya: not sure yet. Chuuya: "You checking up on Akutagawa?" naoya: yeah. Chuuya: "How is he?" naoya: alright for what he is. Chuuya: "Hmmm...He's still practicing for his date?" naoya: *nod* Chuuya: "...Better prep for some help after that." naoya: good call. Chuuya: "I'll try to be available to help..." naoya: im sure he'd appreciate that. ^^ Chuuya: *nods* "Dating is...rough." naoya: ....still thinkin' about...y'know...? Chuuya: *nods* naoya:...*pats his back* Chuuya: *slight shake* "Th-Thanks..." naoya: hey, what're friends for, right? haha. *slight punch to the shoulder* Chuuya: ^^; "Right." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *seated in class* atsushi: *taking notes* Akutagawa: "..." *glance...intense glance* atsushi: *focused* Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the board* -the teacher is writing some things down- Akutagawa: *reading some listings* "..." *raises his hand* teacher: yes, araragi? Akutagawa: "Is this going to be on the test or be otherwise useful?" teacher: in some ways, yes. Akutagawa: "I do not see the applicability at this time." -elsewhere- lana: *knock* edgar? you still asleep? Poe: *groans* lana: want me to bring you breakfast? Poe: "...Tea?" lana: sure thing. Poe: *sniffle* "Th-Thank you, love..." lana: anytime...*heading downstairs*........ .//////////////////////////////////////. Poe: *pulls up sheets* .\\\. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." prisoner: he still isnt talkin' Alone: "He saw that girl go splat--" grimoire: too soon. Alone: -3- "It's true..." Kunikida: "..." *staring at the wall* grimoire:..... Kunikida: *turns back, taking up chalk again* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sets down breakfast...three feet of waffles* shinra: *NOM* Takehisa: *pouring juice* Arthur: *building his waffles into a castle* tamaki: so what's the game plan? Akitaru: "...We're continuing our search for the Hoods. And I need you all to have your formal attire ready for inspection this afternoon." shinra: right. Takehisa: "Vulcan and Itou will be finishing maintenance checks on equipment. Licht is reviewing forensics..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Good luck at work, everyone!" Emine: *seated on the couch, reading* -elsewhere- Katai: "Zzz..." *he left his laptop open, searching ID records* blair: *in cat form, nuzzling his cheek* Katai: =w= *opens his eyes* "...??? Blair?" blair: busy night? Katai: *nods* .\\\\. "We're tr-trying to find the Rats..." blair: i thought you already found them? Katai: "According to Keek, some are still out there--and have her friend." blair: oh goodness! that's awful! Katai: *nods* "I was running the search to try to ID people..." *pulls up some artist renderings of Ivan and others* "Seen them?" blair: hmm. no. i havent. Katai: *sighs* "Darn...I had hoped the footage would find something, but it keeps seeming like...like someone is erasing their trail." -elsewhere- yana: *on phone* <hey boss, how's prison?> Fyodor: <It has its small pleasures.> yana: <oh?> *sitting upside down in her chair* Fyodor: <Truly instructive as to human nature.> yana: hmm... Fyodor: <I also have a plan for the future...> yana: <such as?> Fyodor: <Find more information on...Nobuko Sasaki.> yana: <consider it done> Fyodor: *smiles* <Nothing better than long-term planning.> -elsewhere- *There are bunches of flowers in the hospital room* Izuku: ._. Iida: "..." Todoroki: "..." *looks at the card* -get well soon!- -everyone from class 1-A signed it. (yes even bakugo)- Todoroki: "That was very nice of them." *picks up one--and promptly sneezes* =_= -elsewhere- Customer: "What's the special today?" mono: the skull donuts and mocha. Customer: *smiles* "I'll take that--and your number~" mono:.......... mana: ^^# Customer: "..." *frozen smile, sweating* "St-Stop making that face! I'm not good at this sort of thing!" *covers their face* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Let me get that..." yosano: -_-; dazai, she's only in the early stages of pregnancy, she can still handle it. kirako: ^^; Dazai: "I just want to be useful..." *lifts an entire bookshelf* kenji: woah! are you hungry too, dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" *notices what he is doing* "...Send all the doctors--" *collapses under books and the shelf* yosano:...*siiighs* -elsehwere- Mr. Tsubaki: *playing fetch* mary: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *retrieves the ball, bringing it back--drops it, knocks it with his head to her* mary: *pet pet* ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *rolls over* -tummy rubs!- Mr. Tsubaki: *happy fox laugh* louisa: she seems to be enjoying herself. bram: yeah... Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Bram* "..." bram:....*awkwardly looks away* 7.7; Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks at Mary, lets out a fox yelp* mary: what is it, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: *pulls Mary over to Bram* mary: do you wanna play with bram, too? bram: ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *happy yelp* bram:....um...a-alright....*weakly tosses the ball* *The ball slowly rolls to Mr. Tsubaki--then stops about a yard away from him* eckleburg: *sweatdrop* not much gusto... louisa: ._.; no kidding... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *picks it up, slowly walks to Bram, drops it* bram:... ._.; s-sorry im not very good at this.... mary: its ok, you got this! Mr. Tsubaki: *happy pant, bouncing up and down* -elsewhere- Gin: *holding informant by the ankle over the edge of the roof* informant: i-i said i'll talk! Gin: "Name the supplier. I need to re-order." informant: i-it's wild goose medical! Gin: "There. That wasn't so hard. Now I will let you go--" *Lets go* -the informant screams as he falls into the water below- Gin: "...We really need an ability user who is good in water." tachihara: so does this mean we're on a wilde goose chase? Gin: "..." *grabs Tachihara by the collar--and throws him through the wall* tachihara: WORTH IT! -elsewhere- Mori: "Duck, duck--goose!" Lucy: -_-### atsushi: this is terrifying. Odasaku: ._.; ("This feels depressing...") atsushi: i almost want to feel sorry for him...........almost. Mori: *running around Atsushi and Lucy* "Chase me, or you'll be the goose!" Lucy: "You are going to owe me big-time, Tabby." -_-##### atsushi: Q_Q (if we do manage to 'fix' him, he'll go back to being the creepy and really scary mafia boss/doctor. and if not we have to deal with...._this_....it's basically a lose-lose situation!) Odasaku: ("Hang on...Maybe find a happy medium? You could try putting him down for a nap...") atsushi: (one can hope.) -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *in a suit* ._. kouyou: now dont you look precious~? ^^ Akutagawa: "Does this suit look too big?" hirotsu: it shouldnt be, i had it personally tailored to your measurements and aesthetic. Akutagawa: "...You don't want me to use Rashomon through this, do you?" hirotsu: try not to. rashomon: D8< Akutagawa: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Gopher: *carrying groceries* "Is this enough?" inori: i believe that will be sufficient. Gopher: *small smile* "I hope you like the cupcakes." inori: i have tried them once before...they were fluffy. Gopher: "These have filling in them..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...Oscar, you need something more...um...helpful in the great outdoors." oscar: oh? how so? Steinbeck: *holds up satin short shorts* "You got the right idea about avoiding a lot of fabric out there, but satin is not durable enough for rough terrain and warm temperatures." oscar: then what would you suggest? Steinbeck: "Go with denim." oscar: =3= if i must... Steinbeck: "Thank you. Now, Twain-- ... You're going to get sunburned if you don't put on a shirt." twain: maaan im like...burn proof! Steinbeck: "...You are going to get a sunburn. And when you do, I am going to slap you so hard on your back, and the pain will stay with you until your skin peels off, leaving you with cancer and killing you at a young age." twain:.....................dude what the actual fuck. -elsewhere- Marie's Brother: "So things are okay at work?" marie: *she nods* everyone's been doing well. mr mjolnir: and how's death? marie: he and his family are doing great. ^^ Marie's Brother: "Including the tinier reaper?" marie: *she nods* Marie's Brother: "And the even tinier reaper?" marie: yep, she and christa are becoming fast friends. ^^ Marie's Brother: "That so, Little Lady?" christa: yeppy! Marie's Brother: ^^ "Awesome..." -elsewhere- Patty: *steps out in a fancy dress* "This one good enough?" liz: it looks great! stocking: it really suits you. ^^ Patty: ^^ "I want to be all fancy for the gala. Not really sure what to wear around firefighters and such." roxanne: it is a formal event, so... Patty: "Right, but should I have something kind of 'fiery'?" *spots an amber necklace* "Could I borrow that?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Zzz..." akaderu:.....*spooning hug* Kepuri: =w= *sleep-cuddle* akaderu:...love you, babe. Kepuri: *yawns* "Love you, too..." -elsewhere- Karim: "Good work today." pearl: thank you. Karim: "You're coming along better." *hands her a sports drink* pearl: *small sip* Karim: "Keep up your electrolytes on this--don't burn out." pearl: r-right. Karim: "...And maybe some carbs...You been eating okay?" pearl: *she nods* i think so. Karim: "...Any meal requests?" -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *sits up, smiles* lana: how is it? Poe: "A culinary triumph--and tasty! I like the presentation as well." lana: aww. thanks. dad helped. ^^ Mr Shephard: *in his apron* "Yep! The secret is in the spices..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sets out the parfait* sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: *offers a spoon* "Enjoy!" sonia: *nom* >u< Chuuya: *smiles* "It's fluffy, right?" sonia: *nod nod* ^u^ Chuuya: "I'm glad you like it. We should try making one with some other fruit in it." -elsewhere- Master: *hands out envelopes* "Here is your pay." mono: thank you sir! Master: *nods* "Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Okay. You've narrowed down these locations--" Kyoka: *nods* Tanizaki: "But...we've been getting complaints." kenji: like dazai does? Dazai: *collapsed in infirmary bed* "Good one! Ha ha--ow, my pride..." Tanizaki: "I'm just saying, not every person in a deadmau5 shirt is a Rat." aya: it does lead to confusion. =3= Kyoka: "And there has to be a chance--however slim--that those deadmau5 fans are also Rats. I recommend the truth serum--" *pulls out a syringe* yosano: so _that's_ where that needle went~? ^^# Kyoka: "...I was going to ask for your permission after we retrieved our suspects." -elsewhere- Kid: "Father...May I ask you something?" lord death: whats on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...Parenting.” lord death:.....kid. did you get stocking pre- Kid: "N-No. I mean, I don't think she is..." lord death: ...*raises a brow* Kid: "I ask because I want to be ready whenever she and I have kids..." lord death: ah. Kid: "...How do I avoid screwing this up?" lord death: well, you've been doing great so far looking after shiori. ^^ Kid: *small smile* "But that's not the same as tending to a newborn, or waking up at all hours, or...just being terrified." lord death: it's a very busy experience, and it can be scary. but in the end, its all worth it. Kid: "...Where do parents find the time?" lord death: sometimes you have to make the time. Kid: *nods* "...I'm worried about...after Mother..." lord death:....*hug* i worry some days too.... Kid: "..." *hug* "I don't want to lose Stocking..." lord death: she's an angel, right? she's a strong young lady. Kid: *nods* "...I just need to remember that, then?" lord death: *nod nod* Kid: *sniffs, wipes his eyes* "I-I'll try..." -elsewhere- Victor: *crawls into Joker's bar* "Anyone here?" ivy: oh, its you. Victor: *waves* "Hey! Any luck tracking the Hoods?" -elsewhere- Belkia: *tied to a flagpost* otogiri: do i even want to know the circumstances? Belkia: "We were working on a new act...But I forgot to pocket the knife." ayami: im back! *she has scissors* Belkia: ^w^ "Yippee!" otogiri: oh, miss kazuho, it's been a while. ayami: we've been busy behind the scenes~ u///w///u Belkia: "Hee hee..." ^\\\^ otogiri:..... -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sighs* karin: rough night? Akitaru: "Yeah...Thinking." *The photos include some from his youth, with his family--and with the brigade* karin: ah... Akitaru: "Past, present..." karin: *nod* Akitaru: "...How is Nozomi?" karin:..she's getting a little better, little by little. Akitaru: *nods* "All can expect..." -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: you ok? Kid: "...Just thinking..." *looks at her* "..." stocking:.....do you want to lay your face in my boobs? Kid: .\\\\. *nod nod* stocking: *hug* feel better? Kid: *muffled* "Yes...I really like...what we have." stocking: hehe, i like it too. *kiss on his head* i love you so much, honey~ Kid: "I love you so much, too..." *hums lightly against her chest* stocking: ^///^ *pets his head* Kid: "Mmm~" *small purr* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sitting at the fireplace* Mr. Tsubaki: =w= bram: sir? Fitzgerald: "??? Yes, Bram?" bram: still awake i see? Fitzgerald: "The fire felt comforting..." *scratches Mr. Tsubaki's head* bram:...i see....mary had a lot of fun today. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "That's good...She seems happy often. How are you, sport?" bram: well...you know...she's actually much different now from when i first met her. Fitzgerald: "...She wasn't like this?" bram: back when i was studying abroad, i stayed in a rather small village. during a morning stroll, i met a young girl, just sitting by the graveyard, staring at me with a dead, vacant expression on her face... {mary: *bandages over one eye, staring up at him* ......................} bram: she was a local girl. the child of the town's doctor. Fitzgerald: "...A bad doctor?" bram: no, he wasnt abusive if that's what you are asking. from what i gathered, she had awakened her ability rather recently and tried to bring back another girl who had died of illness......it worked..... Fitzgerald: "...Oh." bram: i decided to let her accompany me in my travels, hoping that removing her from that town would help her feel better, and i think it was rather successful. she's a good kid, but still rather innocent about the world, so i have to take responsibility for her. Fitzgerald: *nods* "But she needs some enjoyment, yes?" bram: *he nods* Fitzgerald: "What kind of hobbies does she have?" bram: interestingly enough, dressmaking. Fitzgerald: "Oh? I haven't seen her designs." bram: actually you have, remember her dress at the christmas party? she made it herself. Fitzgerald: "Oh, right! That was a triumph." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Not asleep?" himiko: fangy was crying. *rocking her baby* Kurogiri: "Oh dear." *sits down* "Teething?" himiko: i think so? i dont know much about babies =3= Kurogiri: *takes a clean rag* "Try having him gnaw on this..." himiko: ok. here you go sweetie. fang: *nom nom* Kurogiri: ^^ "Maybe that'll help?" -elsewhere- Kuro: *staring at the kitty tower* "..." *hops up to the top* "This is my spot now." mahiru: ^-^; Kuro: "And everything I see should have snacks on it. Put snacks on top of the sofa." -elsewhere- Izuku: ._.; "...Don't tell Bakugo about this Twitter account." nurse: sir? Izuku: "!!!" *slams the laptop shut--on his fingers* QwQ;;;;; nurse: ?? Izuku: "...May I have some ice?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *grunts* tsubaki: tired? Black Star: *nods* "But I can't sleep..." *sits up* "Maybe milk..." tsubaki: ok then. Black Star: *pulls on a shirt* "Want anything?" tsubaki: im good for now. Black Star: *forehead smooch* tsubaki: ^///^ Black Star: *walks to the kitchen--* "...Oh." tsubaki: ?? black*star-......... ._.; um... Higan: "...Hello. Didn't expect to see you." tsubaki:....*quickly retreats to her room* Higan: "??? What? I got the apron on--" Black Star: *grabs a frying pan, screaming* Higan: "OH SHIT--" *runs* -elsewhere- Yohei: *rocking Toru* chie: ^^ toru: zzz Yohei: *yawns* *whispers* "He's finally slee-*yawns*" chie: i can take him from here if you want. Yohei: *nods* "Thanks..." *lies down on couch in the nursery* chie: *rocking toru* Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: *using a shadow arm to put a blanket over yohei* Yohei: =w= -morning- soul: *streeetch*.....*gets up and makes breakfast* *Soul's phone is blinking with at least one text* soul: hm? *checks phone* Wes: [have time for coffee this afternoon?] soul: *checks calendar* [ya. im open] Wes: [great! my treat! see you at deathbucks] -elsewhere- Akutagawa: =_= "...Today is the Day." hirotsu: alright. you have dinner at seven, what time will you be arriving? Akutagawa: "Um...6:45?" hirotsu: i see. Akutagawa: "That should give me enough time to investigate the waiters and staff. If my investigation shows they cannot be trusted, kill, replace with our own people, and dispose of the evidence." hirotsu:....................... Akutagawa: "...Oh, wait. My no-killing promise...Shit." hirotsu:...points for effort. Akutagawa: "...I don't want to screw up." -elsewhere- Higan: *head still shoved into the dishwasher* lavender: need any help? Higan: "...Yes. I think my hair is caught in dirty forks." -elsewhere- Relan: "Hero students still out on internships?" shinra: yep. wonder how they're doing. Relan: "Maybe call them after classes?" -elsewhere- Meme: "..." *just staring out the window* mio: .... Meme: *looks at a pigeon on the windowsill* pigeon: *coo* Meme: "..." *shakes lightly* mio:...*hug* Meme: *holds onto Mio* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." *whispers* "Why is Akutagawa shaking in his seat?" Akutagawa: *shaking in his seat* atsushi: that's an oddly specific description, but im not sure... Lucy: "Don't stare--it'll get contagious." atsushi: ._.;;;; *screams internally* Lucy: "..." *pats his hand* atsushi: Q-Q i dont want the tables to turn this way Q____Q;;; Lucy: "???" -elsewhere- Wes: "Thanks for coming!" soul: any time. so whats up? Wes: "Wanted to catch up. How's mission prep going?" soul: its taking a very....VERY...long time. Wes: ^^; "I know. Liz's interview was the same..." -elsewhere- Stein: *dials Liz's number* liz: yes? Stein: "Hello, Liz, this is Stein. How are you?" liz: doing well, sir. Stein: "Good...The interview committee has reached its decision." liz: *listening* Stein: "...So, you gonna work for us or not?" liz: im looking forwards to it. Stein: "Good. Orientation is on Monday--be there." liz: ok. *hangs up*... >w< *SQUEEEEE!!!!* Patty: *pops into the room* "What? What?!" liz: *stoic* got the job. Patty: "..." *loud happy scream* liz: *SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!* Patty: *SQUEE X2* Kid: *covering his ears* riley: *with a wiffle bat* WHAT?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! Patty: "SIS GOT EMPLOYMENT!" riley: oh, awesome. i thought someone broke in. -elsewhere- Iida: "That should be everything to pack..." nurse: going home already? Iida: "I will be recovering at my family's residence here and returning to this hospital for check-ups." Todoroki: *putting on his jacket* "And I have to check on Endeavor." izuku: *glances at todoroki's bag* *There is a kitty stitch on the bag* Todoroki: "..." izuku: *glances away quickly* Todoroki: "..." *scratches his cheek* "You going to be okay on your own, Izuku?" izuku: *nods* yeah. Iida: "We'll call to check in. Given prior experiences, you'll bounce back quickly from these injuries." izuku: yeah. see ya. ^^ Todoroki: *waves* Iida: *bows* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *muttering* child: hey lookie! its kacchan! Bakugo: -_-# *slowly turns, glaring at the kid* child: *punches him in the balls. hard.* Bakugo: .____O *collapses to the floor, voice high-pitched* "What the fuck..." -MEANWHILE IN THE FUTURE- taiga: woah, that was weird kai: what was weird? taiga: i feel like i just flickered out of existence for a moment. kai:...huh. -BACK IN PRESENT TIME- Deathgoro: "Are the hostages out?!" jirou: there's two people stuck in there yet. Deathgoro: "Damn it...Okay. You lead them out when I give the order for us to go in." jirou:..... NOW! Deathgoro: *kicks down the door* "Freeze!" jirou: *to the hostages* this way! Hostage #1: "We're free!" Hostage #2: "Thank you, hero!" -elsewhere- Kid: *showing charts* "We've had increased attacks from Villains here, here, and here...and...Quirk holders have been targeted." homura: damn... Kid: *nods* "It is hard enough quelling Villains' crimes. Now Quirk holders--innocent or not--are being targeted just for being Quirk holders." mami: how terrible... nygus: we need to enforce that death city is a safe haven, regardless of abilities. Yumi: "We are speaking with the Hero teachers. Having their public presence will do a lot to change public opinions." stocking: ...*nod* Kid: "..." *closes the folder* "Let's pause here and meet back in the morning. Father is still meeting with Nedzu." -elsewhere- girl: .///w///. Akutagawa: "...You look nice." girl: u///w///u thanks, ryuzaki <3 Akutagawa: "You look as if you showered." girl: hehe~ Gin: *watching through binoculars* "..." tachihara: so how bad does it look? Gin: "He just said he appreciated that he showered and did not come here smelling badly. ...She doesn't seemed angry." tachihara: that's good so far. Akutagawa: "Are you enjoying the...what soup is that?" -elsewhere- naho: how're you enjoying the party? Shamrock: XwT *happy sobs* "This bread is delicious." tsubaki: ^^ glad to hear. Black Star: *scarfing breadsticks* Sakuya: ^^; "Wait 'til you see the gift, man." lavender: we all worked real hard on it. ^^ Shamrock: XwO "Really? All of you--" Belkia: "I helped by staying out of the way!" *has straws up his nose* otogiri: -_-; Shamrock: "How...kind?" Waiter: "Okay, who ordered the lobster?" -elsewhere- Victor: *in a pink tuxedo* shinra:... not gonna question it. Victor: "I wanted to stand out. I'm not used to formal stuff..." owo shinra: i see. Victor: "You got your clothes set up? Going for a matching set?" -somewhere, in the gulf of mexico- tsuyu: pretty dark out here... Sirius: "Smugglers obviously use it to hide their criminal activities..." *listening* tsuyu: .... Sirius: "Wait..." *holds a hand to her earpiece* tsuyu: ribbit? Sirius: "I'm hearing the Captain...!!! They were locked up! The product isn't on that ship!" tsuyu: !! sailor: *runs to go get him* Sirius: "No! He wants us to follow!" sailor: ?? Sirius: "The boat has to be along the coast to meet up with their boss...Captain says to hurry, now!" sailor: got it! tsuyu: but what about selkie and the others? Sirius: "The Captain knows more than we do on this case, and I have seen his calls get it right too many times to discount his judgment." *stares at Tsuyu* "You believe him in, too, right, Froppy?" tsuyu:...*nod* right. Sirius: *lays out the map* "Follow this course! We'll search the shoreline..." sailor: got it! -later along the coast- Sirius: "Froppy, what do you see?" tsuyu:...there's something between the rocks. Sirius: *nods* "Mick, get the boat. We're heading over. No lights." mick: *nods* Sirius: *hops in, looks up* "...Froppy, let's go!" tsuyu: *follows* Sirius: *paddling over* "Grab a paddle..." -on the boat- Sirius: *whispers* "I'll triangulate. Mick, take center. Froppy, starboard." tsuyu: *nod* mick: got it. *SPLURT* mick: WHAT THE FU- Sirius: "Mick! Duck--" *A tentacle shoots out, swings, and knocks Tsuyu into the cavern wall* tsuyu: oof-! Sirius: "Frop--" *Another tentacle grabs Sirius* Innsmouth: "Big mistake, squirt." Sirius: *choking* tsuyu: sirius! *Sirius's earpiece radio*: "Sirius! Respond!" Innsmouth: *removes the earpiece* "...These things ain't your ears?" Sirius: *choking too much to snark back* Innsmouth: *looks at Tsuyu, offers the earpiece* "Tell them you have found nothing and to search elsewhere...or your coworker becomes an invertebrate." tsuyu:....*looks at sirius* Sirius: *shakes her head 'no'* Innsmouth: "Don't look at her!" *Innsmouth crushes Sirius more* Sirius: "AAARG!" tsuyu: !!! Innsmouth: "I'm waiting..." {Sirius: "You believe him in, too, right, Froppy?"} tsuyu:....the smugglers are by twin rock! Innsmouth: "You little brat!" *throws Sirius to the floor and rushes at Tsuyu* tsuyu: *jumps up onto the rock* Innsmouth: *launches tentacles at her path* tsuyu: *jump + dodging* Innsmouth: *leaps at the wall, reaching for her neck* tsuyu: !! -three simultaneous screams grow louder- Innsmouth: "WHAT?!" *Large splash up in the air* lackeys: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* Innsmouth: "!!! My crew! Who dares--" Selkie: *flies out of the ocean like a majestic seal* tsuyu:...woah. Innsmouth: ._.;;; "Oh, tartar sauce..." -KO- Innsmouth: o______O "I didn't even get to ink--" Selkie: "CRAM IT, YOU SPLATOON REJECT!" -after that- Selkie: "--and that takes care of the illegal substances they were distributing." coast guard: thanks again for your services. tsuyu:... *smiles* Selkie: "Pass along that thanks to my intern, Froppy!" Sirius: "She called in the help we needed and gave that Innsmouth one-for!" tsuyu: aww, shucks guys. ^^ Selkie: *puts his hands together, tilts his head* "It's so c--" Sirius: -_-# *grabs Selkie's whisker* "No." tsuyu: ^-^; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *paws at Eckleburg* eckleburg: *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *nudges* eckleburg: ^^ *Knock knock* eckleburg: its open. Daisy: *enters* "The boss is requesting those files." eckleburg: ah! right! -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." girl: thanks for tonight. ^^ Akutagawa: "You're welcome." girl:....so- Akutagawa: "I want you to know I have no romantic or sexual interest in you." girl:....oh... Akutagawa: "Yes. Sorry." naoya: *from the rooftops* ouch. girl:....so...is ozaki single? Akutagawa: "...He is in mourning." girl: .....oh..... Akutagawa: *nods* "I would try getting to know someone by talking to them directly in non-high pressure social situations, such as asking for help with an in-class assignment, a study group, or just chatting. A date is too momentous to treat so lightly when it can provoke intense anxiety in some individuals. I will not say there is someone for everyone, but you seem pleasant, and I'm sure someone would at least enjoy talking with you." girl:...right. thanks... Akutagawa: *nods* "...I will see you in class?" girl: sure then. night. *small waves before heading inside* Akutagawa: "..." *walks away* naoya: wow, heartbreaker much? Akutagawa: "...How long?" naoya: ? Akutagawa: "How long were you observing my date?" naoya: just making sure you were ok. *pats his back* you handled it well tonight, akuta, im proud of ya. Akutagawa: "..." T\\\T naoya: i'll drop ya off. *hops onto her motorcycle* Akutagawa: "O-Okay..." -morning- Iida: "..." bee maid: welcome home, sir. Iida: *nods* "Thank you..." *looks at breakfast* -egg toast- Iida: "..." *leans down, trying to grab it with his mouth* -elsewhere- Wes: *sets an apple down* "Something for work." liz: aww. *smooch* Wes: ^\\\^ "You'll do great...See you tonight?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *seated in class* atsushi: *taking notes* Akutagawa: "..." *shifts his chair closer to Atsushi* atsushi: .-.; Akutagawa: "..." *whispers* "So, I went on a date." atsushi: *almost jumps out of his seat* Akutagawa: "She wasn't my type. Obviously." atsushi: how....unfortunate. Akutagawa: *nods* "I hope I let her down gently." -elsewhere- Rin: *asleep...at his desk* shiemi: *sweatdrop* Yukio: "..." *turns to trainee teacher* "Wake him." seiya: *summons one fox* beni, do your thing. beni:...*bites his tail* Rin: O______o *leaps up* "YEOOOOOOOOOOW!" *lands* "WHAT THE HELL?!" seiya: good morning. Rin: *glare* "My tail is not a chew-toy! And I wasn't sleeping--I was resting my eyes!" izumo: sure, rin. Rin: T3T *holding his tail* Yukio: "Open your book to Page 345 and read aloud, Rin..." Rin: *flips to the page* "Stupid fox..." -elsewhere- Ojiro: [how's it going?] hagakure: [exhausting, but rewarding, i think. we helped a lot of quirk humans during my stay here so far....tho the locals are a hassle.] Ojiro: [aside from the usual chicago rudeness?] hagakure: *wipes eyes* [more or less. it's even worse given the whole 'stain' fiasco. how's everything on ur end?] Ojiro: [i have not encountered anti-quirk reactions. then again, it's been mostly office work and civil service, a lot of trash pickup] *Texts a photo of him picking up trash* hagakure: [nice] Ojiro: [it made a difference at least--park looks nicer. you heard from midoriya?] hagakure: [still in the hospital. todoroki and iida are discharged now.] Ojiro: [good for them. man, lucky they didn't run into that madman] -elsewhere- Gunhead: "Okay. Come at me." ochako: *charges, swinging the knife* Gunhead: *steps back and around--and snatches her wrist* ochako: gah- Gunhead: *puts arm behind her back, pins her to the mat* "Sometimes a straight line is not the best approach." ochako: >-< Gunhead: *lets go, stands up* "You want to confuse your opponent, using feints to distract and divide their focus to think of multiple paths you can take. If I can grab your wrist that easily, you want to wait until the right moment so I _can't_ grab it." ochako: *nod nod* -elsewhere- Assi: "You'll like it! The coffee is really good, sir." Fitzgerald: "...The decor looks cheap." Master: "..." mono: how may i hel-........... 0-0; Assi: ^\\\^ "Hiiiiiiii!" Fitzgerald: "...This is what they wear in this establishment?" miranda: um, yeah? it's part of the uniform? louisa: *almost faints from shock* Fitzgerald: "..." *looks at Assi* "Oooooooh! Now I see!" Assi: "???" Fitzgerald: *puts Assi in a headlock* Assi: O____o louisa: si- Fitzgerald: *to Mono* "Young lady, has my clerk--" *tightens his grip* "--been giving you trouble?" Assi: *slapping his hand on the table, choking* mono: depends on what you mean. Fitzgerald: *tightens grip* "Oh? Do I need to call the police on him?" mono: *looks at ashi* Assi: *glasses off* "Heeeelp meeeeee?" mono: hmmmm. he's good. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Excellent!" *drops Assi to the floor* Assi: "Umph! You have a heart after a-“ mono: dont push it. Assi: OxO;; Fitzgerald: *hands Mono a $100 bill* "Here you go." mono: o_________. ........... right this way everyone~<3 -elsewhere- Katai: "Keek, the file's ready." keek: *examining it* Katai: "Where do they get their money?" keek: mostly looting bodies... Katai: Q_Q "So that's where my coins went..." -elsewhere- Tachihara: "What you sore at me for? The date worked out for him." hirotsu: you dragged him into it against his will. -_-; Tachihara: "He went along with it, so that 'against his will' thing is debatable." hirotsu: ... Tachihara: "And he got to try talking to someone other than his potential boyfriend." hirotsu: ...hm.. Tachihara: *smiles* "See? You know I'm right on this." hirotsu:...what say you, akutagawa? Akutagawa: "It was not as embarrassing as I thought." Tachihara: ^w^ hirotsu: ....hmm. -elsewhere- Anya: *sips tea* ao: ... Anya: "It's a lot quieter..." ao:...im a bit concerned for meme... Anya: "...Has she mentioned any new findings?" ao: not recently. Anya: "Maybe we can find something." -elsewhere- mushitaro: *reading and humming to himself* Adam: "..." mushitaro:...what? Adam: "Do you read a lot?" mushitaro: sometimes. Adam: "The Bible?" mushitaro: eh, not my speed. im more of a mystery novel kind of a guy. Adam: " 'Mystery,' like about the universe?" mushitaro: ... -.-; go talk to the priest if you want to talk about stuff like that. Adam: "...He's busy." mushitaro:....oh for fuckin'....*siiigh* -elsewhere- sonia: papa? Chuuya: "??? Yes?" sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!!" *pat pat, hug* "Thanks..." sonia: i love you papa. Chuuya: "I love you, too, Sonia." sonia: mama loves you too. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Yes. She loves you, too." -elsewhere- lana: *stroking poe's head* Poe: QwQ lana: does that help? Poe: *nod nod* "J-Just overwhelmed..." lana: we’re here, ok? karl: *pap pap* Poe: YYwYY *nod nod nod nod* lana: *hum* Poe: *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Mifune: *sets down dinner* yuma: *nom* Mifune: "How is it?" yuma: tastes good. thanks dad. Mifune: "..." *smiles* "You're welcome." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Here we are..." kouyou: oh, hello sweeties! *huuug* sonia: hi grandma. *hug* Chuuya: *pat pat* "Happy birthday..." leo: ....right this way, everyone... *leads them to the 'party room'* naoya: ay, he's here! Chuuya: *waves* "Hey." hirotsu: arriving fashionably late, i see. Chuuya: ^^; "Sorry. We were getting dressed up." Kouyou: "You look well. I love the new dress, Sonia." sonia: thanks, grandma. ^^ Kouyou: "I think the meal should be just about ready. You ever have ceviche?" sonia: ? Kouyou: "It's a fish dish." sonia: no, i havent. Kouyou: "Try a bit at dinner. And then you can have dessert." Chuuya: "..." sonia: ok. leo:....mr nakahara? Chuuya: *wince* "Hmm?" leo: is everything alright? Chuuya: "..." *rubs his eye* "I-I'm fine..." leo: ... Chuuya: *puts on a smile* "How has work been?" leo: it's been nice... Chuuya: "Any odd interruptions?" leo: like what? Chuuya: "Has anyone dropped by unannounced or been harassing you?" leo: well, mr kajii visits often, but he doesnt cause too much trouble. Chuuya: "Yeah...Not everyone gets along with him. But he's largely harmless to others here." leo:... *she nods* Chuuya: "Otherwise, is the work too much?" leo: *shakes her head* it does...give me a place to stay. Chuuya: "...Always good to have one." leo: .... Chuuya: "..." *cough* "...I think there are snacks to consume." leo: r-right. carry on, sir. *walks over to another guest* Chuuya: "..." *rubs his eyes* sonia:.. ? papa? Chuuya: "Y-Yes?" sonia:...*hug* Chuuya: "..." *hug, pat pat* -elsewhere- Black Star: *doing push-ups* tsubaki: *timing him* Black Star: "5,789...5,790..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *blows into a party favor* fukuzawa: -///-; ranpo: happy birthday, dad! Kyoka: "...Did he just..." yosano: ok, who's up for some mario party tag team edition? Tanizaki: "Sounds great!" aya: im on kunikida-...... Tanizaki: "..." Dazai: "..." Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* aya:...im on kyouka's team then... Kyoka: *sad smile, nods* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: =w= Kid: "Feel better?" stocking: yes. *nuzzle* Kid: *cuddle, smooch* stocking hehehe~ Kid: "You're just perfect..." *purrs* stocking: mmmhmhmhm~<3 *kisses on his hand* Kid: =///= "Ah...Angel kisses..." stocking: *nuzzles into the crook of his neck* ^///^ Kid: *puts an arm around her, holding her close* stocking: so soft... Kid: "You too..." stocking: mmmm.... u///u Kid: *closes his eyes, rubs her side* stocking: i love you. Kid: "I love you, too." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *blows lightly over her ear* stocking: a-ah~ >//o Kid: *small smile* "Soft breeze..." stocking: >///w///< Kid: "Oh...We should go to the beach again, when it warms up." stocking: *she nods* i would like that. Kid: "Walk on the beach...Get you a new sundress..." stocking: or a new swimsuit~ Kid: "Definitely..." *rubs her hip* "Maybe one that brings out your eyes." stocking: *kiss* Kid: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- sonia: *asleep with her head on chuuya’s lap* Chuuya: "I think the party wore her out." mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *strokes Mito* "Let's get her to bed, okay?" mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *picks her up* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *sets her in bed, brushes hair off her face* sonia: zzz... Chuuya: *places her teddy bear in her arms, tucks her in* sonia: =w= Chuuya: *closes the door carefully...picks up Mito* mito: *purr* Chuuya: *pet, stroke* "And you need to play a bit before you get some sleep." mito: *mreow!* Chuuya: *grabs the toy on the string, holding it up* mito: *jumps up* Chuuya: *pulls, letting Mito keep hunting for it* mito: *kitty butt wiggle and pounces for it* *Caught* Chuuya: "You got it!" mito: *mew!* Chuuya: *pulls it back* "Go get it!" -pounce!- Chuuya: "Super!" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." lisa: *asleep* Vulcan: *pulls the covers over them, tucking both of them in* yu: zzzz Vulcan: *tucks Yu in* -elsewhere- Meme: *reading in bed* mio: zzzz... Meme: "..." *lies down...hug* mio:....*hugs* -morning- Kid: *flipping pancakes* stocking: mmm smells good~ Kid: "The fruit is fresh, too..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *yawn* naoya: [mornin'!] Akutagawa: [hello. how are you?] naoya: [good. hirotsu got ur bento set up 4 2day] Akutagawa: "???" [bento?] naoya: [box lunch] Akutagawa: [right, i know. sorry. just surprised to have meals made for me] naoya: [want me 2 drop u off or r u good?] Akutagawa: [sure. meet you here?] naoya: [*thumbs up emoticon*] Akutagawa: [thanks] -elsewhere- Lucy: *walking* naho: hi lucy! Lucy: "!!! Naho!" *waves* "How are you?" naho: doing good, you? Lucy: "...Better than a few days ago...Um, heading to school?" naho: yep. Lucy: *nods* "How's the semester been so far?" naho: it's been pretty good. ^^ Lucy: "What year are you?" naho: second year now i think? still in NOT class. Lucy: "Yes, the setup of classes here is different regarding years...How are your teachers?" -elsewhere- Meme: *marking a map in her journal* tsugumi: ?? Meme: "..." *smiles at Tsugumi* "Just...looking at a path." tsugumi:... Meme: "...Do you...think she's still out there? That witch?" tsugumi:...well, nothing was confirmed about her after the raid....so maybe... Meme: "...I want to know what she knows." tsugumi: then that's our goal. Meme: " 'Our'?" tsugumi: we're your friends, right? ao: then we're with you, all the way. ^^ mio: *smiles* Anya: *nods* Meme: "..." Q______Q -elsewhere- Patty: *staring at Mana in her Deathbucks uniform* "..." *whispers* "Sis? This girl stole my face..." liz: ? mana: can i help you? Patty: "One hot chocolate and my face back, doppelganger." mana: im sorry? ._.; liz: sorry, typical death city strangeness Patty: *stare* "You ever wear a cowboy hat and turn into a gun?" mana: i think i did have a hat like that once, but i never turned into a gun. ^^; Patty: "You should try--it makes you heavy but more portable!" mana: .... liz: ^^; Patty: *picks up Liz* "See? Sis, turn into a gun." liz: NOT IN A PUBLIC FACILITY! D8< Patty: "What? Master would be fine with it--" Master: *death glare* Patty: ._____.; miranda: never a dull moment. *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *lays out the map* "And we go there, there, and there." shaula: oho, this is gonna be gooood. PlushFix: "Little something-something for everyone: cash, jewels, whatever weird chemicals and flowers you wanted." -elsewhere- Poe: "...Why did he make a fort out of books?" Jacqueline: ._. clerk: who di-.... what the heck? Hyde: *in the book fort* "This is my castle now! Be gone, or my archers will attack!" *tosses a pencil over the "fort's" walls* Poe: "Eeep!" *steps back before the pencil lands at his feet* Jacqueline: -_-; licht: -_-; Hyde: *puts up a sign: "No Lichts allowed"* -elsewhere- Mori: "Whatever happened to that guy with the glasses?" fukuzawa:.............. Mori: "Little guy with a silly cap? Ate a lot of sugar?" fukuzawa: oh. he's- ranpo *pokes head in* yo. fukuzawa: right here. Mori: "...Oh. I miss the rat-tail." ranpo: like yours? fukuzawa:....*trembling, trying not to laugh* Mori: "...Bring me scissors and a razor." ranpo: ._. um... fukuzawa: i think it would be in everyone's best interest to keep sharp objects away from you. Mori: "Safety scissors? Or one of those paper cutters?" *imitates the long blade swinging up and down* fukuzawa: ... Mori: "...No, huh? How about shampoo?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, in a washbashin* -_-# louisa: *scrubbing him off* Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes* louisa: >.< Mr. Tsubaki: *still wet* *small fox grumble* -elsewhere- Yohei: *has shaving cream on, looks at Toru* "Where's Daddy?" toru: .... O.O .... Q.Q .. *screaming* chie: ^^; *rocks him* it's ok, sweetie, it's daddy! Yohei: *nervous laugh as he washes it off* "S-See?" ^~^;;;; toru:....ba! ^o^ Yohei: "Yep! Daddy! Just need to get rid of the whiskers..." -elsewhere- Hiro: *stretches* "Okay...I'm ready..." *on the mark at the indoor race track* EF: *timing him* Hiro: *runs...* *falls into a hole* EF:...how- Victor: *pops up* "..." *looks around* "..." *pulls out a map* "Maybe I made the wrong turn--" Hiro: X_____X EF:....what the fu- -elsewhere- Relan: "...I guess...it'll be easier to get to school?" *kicks a rock into the hole at the 8th's backyard* shinra: ._. *calls out* helloooooo? ???: "Hi." shinra: HOLYSHITWHATTHEFUCKOHMYGOD!!! D8 Relan: "Eeeek!" *grabs Shinra* *Someone pops up with bug-eye night vision goggles* shinra: *blinks* wait a sec... Vulcan: *pulls up the goggles* "...Oh, hey guys!" Relan: *glare* Q^Q shinra: oh, its just vulcan... Vulcan: "Yep! ...'Just'?" Relan: -_-# -elsewhere- girl: *arriving via plane* ok....the agency office should beeee.... this way! right? *walking in that direction* Tanizaki: *sweeping* *humming* girl: um excuse me, is this the....*examines note* 'armed detective agency'? Tanizaki: "Yes, it is." girl: *she hands him the note* -inside- naomi: an actual princess?! *shiny eyes* fukuzawa: *he nods* we will be acting as her caretakers during her trip abroad. try and make her feel welcome. Tanizaki: ._. Kyoka: "???" girl: ^^ nice to meet you all, my name is Princess Maria Bolkonskaya of Aouda. it's wonderful to meet all of you! ^u^ Kyoka: "I am Kyoka." *holds out her hand* maria: *shakes her hand, smiling* atsushi: (never a dull moment at the agency ^^; ) ranpo: here's hoping she's not a royal pain. Tanizaki: "..." *facepalm* maria: ouo~? Kyoka: "If we are watching her, should we bring food here?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *pushes can of beer away* naoya: still mad about last time, akuta? Akutagawa: "I don't think I'm ready for it yet." -elsewhere- leo: *finishing cleaning dishes* Kouyou: *sipping tea* leo: how is it, miss kouyou? Kouyou: "Quite good. Is there ginger?" leo: let me check... Kouyou: *looks out the window* -there is a light snowfall- {chuuya: mooooom, dazai put a rock in his snow ball and hit me with it!} {Kouyou: *hugs Chuuya*} {chuuya: *sniff* TT~TT } {Kouyou: *takes out the bandages* "Oh, that is a mark..." *cleans the cut*} {chuuya: *wince* >~Q } {Kouyou: "Did that hurt?"} {chuuya: a-a little bit...} {Kouyou: *puts on the bandage* "There. You're good as new." *smiles*} {chuuya: *sniffle* t-thanks mom...} {Kouyou: "..." *pats his head* "You're welcome."} Kouyou: *wipes her eyes* leo: ma'am? Kouyou: *smiles* "Just remembering previous winters..." leo: ...i see. Kouyou: *holds her teacup, looking into her reflection* -elsewhere- tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "So, what you want us to do exactly?" lord death: just a check in with the tokyo branch on how the whole magaki incident has been going on. Black Star: "...They found Magaki?" lord death: *he nods* they're currently being kept in a cell to determine what to do with them. tsubaki:..... Black Star: "You want us to talk to them?" lord death: *he nods* tsubaki:...ok. Black Star: "...Yeah." *turns* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *tosses in bed* (...pa....papa!...PAPA!) Chuuya: "!!!" *sits up* -silence...- Chuuya: *gets out of bed, goes to Sonia's room* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *stares at her...* ("Why did I hear that?") -if you did die to corruption.....what would happen to her?- Chuuya: *shudders, looks behind him* -...nothing- Chuuya: "...I can't..." -...- Chuuya: "..." *rubs his arms* -..- Chuuya: *sits down, watches Sonia sleep* sonia: *small sleepy muttering* mama.... Chuuya: "..." *wipes his eyes* -...- Chuuya: *tucks in Sonia* sonia: =w= Chuuya: *sets the teddy bear in her arms* "..." ("I'm sorry, Sonia...") -...- Chuuya: ("I can't...let this happen...") *holds his hands* sonia: *stirs* Chuuya: "..." *watches* sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." ("I have to stay...") -...- Chuuya: ("...Rain...") -...- Chuuya: ("I'll protect her...") -elsewhere-
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whitegladiolus · 6 years
im doing an askmeme for my three and simply answering everything lol. below the cut and the meme is this one.
morning 🌞📿
Are they physically affectionate? extremely in private and after like permission to be (time/obviousness/etc); eventually in public, too, once he’s married and like... u kno once u save the world or whatever it feels like people can get over u kissing in public even if ur using tongue.  Do they have a type? Decently Attractive And Nice To Me What are their deal breakers? being called. stupid. lmfao. unwillingness to engage like emotionally. inability to take him seriously. like being too mean. Are they sub, dom or switch? i feel like this was meant to be top/bottom/switch bc like sub/dom is so... specific to a subculture. morning doesn’t really like hardline d/s stuff. he likes a little light bondage in either role is as far as he’d go. How long do their relationships tend to last? real relationships he usually lets fizzle out, so they go longer than they should. shortest was a year. but he had a lot of one-offs, or things he knew would only go for like a month. Would they ever get married? he IS married. he is married and IN LOVE. Do they give their partners cute nicknames? nothing will top honeybee he really peaked huh Are they more sensual or sexual? hard to say... he is very sexual but i guess for him with gman after like. the first few times together i wouldn’t really separate these two. What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? kind of just lay around on each other? snuggling but like when ur doing other things like reading What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? nothing in particular, i think, he’s mostly seeking out specific sounds and reactions. getting him sputtering. Are they prone to jealousy? noooot really Does their demeanor change when in a relationship? yeah... he’s... he’s already SO sweet but he gets really touchy-feely like a cat next to a heater. uhh very defensive of the other person i guess too. Do they display affection in public? What about in private? answered above Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? threesomes yes but not polyamory he can’t manage that Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? people who are Too Mean How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? LMFAO YEARS :-) Would they ever confess their feelings first? only after being EXTREMELY SURE the other person would reciprocate. sometimes u already live together and whatever before u say anything. it’s no big deal. (it is kinda) Would they ever cheat on their partner? no :( Do they want children? yes :) and he has three :) Are they a cuddler? big time baby....... absolute top tier big spoon material but likes being laid on and laying on others too. hims... a cat. Do they believe in soul mates? yes.................................................. Are they protective of their partner? yes............................................. sometimes u die in a graveyard for them lol How far are they willing to go for the person they love? sometimes ur happy to die to the king of demons if it means ur family wont deal with it :))))) Do they fall in love easily? emotionally he is an open oozing wound so yes Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? absolutely not Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? nope Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner? of course. of course. warm. tender touching. little sleep noises. the delight of waking up first and seeing his stupid sleep face. it’s all very good.
sawyer 🗡️🐀 
i dont know why the formatting went haywire here lmfao
Are they physically affectionate? they can be? but it’s not common or meant to express affection. they’re not really assocating “i want to hang off this person” with affection even if that’s what it might be.
Do they have a type? fast and clever and loud. somebody who can keep up with them but not like tie them down while STILL having a Okay... No point. i hate to say this. but probably fucking benny.
What are their deal breakers? too serious, not willing to break rules for the sake of fun. rigidity in general.
Are they sub, dom or switch? absolutely hates d/s stuff. in general the epitome of vers tho.
How long do their relationships tend to last? not long at all. they were married i guess three times but the longest of those was like... i wanna say three years. they’re too flighty.
Would they ever get married? for japes and fun.
Do they give their partners cute nicknames? not really
Are they more sensual or sexual? sexual
What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? i feel like crimes is too on the nose, but probably pranks and capers. just something active and fast. dungeon delving. object recovery. setting up OR solving a mystery.
What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? Weird Physical Things. changing their body around mid act. wrestling for dominance. etc.
Are they prone to jealousy? nope
Does their demeanor change when in a relationship? incidentally being sawyer’s friend is exactly like being their partner except you see them naked 45% less
Do they display affection in public? What about in private? they will in public if they think it’ll embarrass their partner. privately they have like moments of compulsion where they can’t like... help but be affectionate. like walk by and spontaneously hug or kiss their face or whatever. a random vigorous handshake. stuff like that.
Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? yes and yes but they don’t really have the stability to do the latter
Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? the answer to this is Morning, while also resolutely knowing they would 100% fuck the daylights out of him
How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? immediately, but their idea of these things is admittedly way different from normal
Would they ever confess their feelings first? i don’t think they have ever actually confessed feelings. they just kind of express things and figure they’ll figure it out or just like Know it. possibly this is why they have had three divorces lmfao.
Would they ever cheat on their partner? nah
Do they want children? not when their friends have so generously provided them with theirs :)
Are they a cuddler? in the way a cold animal is
Do they believe in soul mates? no
Are they protective of their partner? not really
How far are they willing to go for the person they love? they don’t really have separate spheres of Friends and Partners so equidistant on the terms of: Well I Won’t Die, But Someone Else Might
Do they fall in love easily? yes and no, i will not explain further
Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? ajfl;ajg;ahga no they just think everyone knows what they know and don’t realize that like. if you could have a passive deception score. theirs is 25.
Are they concerned with the social status of their partner?nnnnah
Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner? it keeps them worm :o)
constance 🐿️🏜️
Are they physically affectionate?  haltingly. he’s affectionate enough with people he likes in general - lot of casual touching, upper arms and shoulders. but that drops away once he’s aware of like. Having Feelings. gets awkward.  Do they have a type? no! :-) What are their deal breakers? impatience, lack of curiosity Are they sub, dom or switch? he is a baby, he does not know these things. the only thing about a d/s relationship that would appeal to him is the aftercare part and you can just, like, have that. you can have just that lol. How long do their relationships tend to last? he’d try and make it work as long as he could, or as long as feasible. he knows people have Responsibilities.  Would they ever get married? for love? possibly. in general? he will. Do they give their partners cute nicknames? only if they do first, mirrors a lot of behavior in order to figure out what feels good Are they more sensual or sexual? sensual............................ What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? he likes to rough house. share things he’s learning or working on. ideally he would do projects with his partner. just having smth to work on together. Collaborative Efforts. What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? constance............................................ makes love and i can’t answer this. the answer is sucking dick but it’s killing me to type it. my hands are shaking. Are they prone to jealousy? oh absolutely. hypervigilant towards being replaced. it’s not like great. Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  more bashful. he’s trying a lot of new things/new ways of being with people. uhh more willing to just be exuberant and enthusiastic about things, as opposed to trying to check those behaviors in order to not take up too much space/seem too affected. Do they display affection in public? What about in private? only until somebody said something, and then he’d stop. privately it’s extremely muted, small things like just some part of the body touching or whatever rather than like constant petting or etc. Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? probably he would have a threesome under EXTREMELY SPECIFIC circumstances. not polyamory though. Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? someone who’s going to antagonize (like genuinely antagonize) him for fun, make fun of his interests, etc How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? i don’t know! i think there is a comfort that comes with knowing something is going to end eventually. Would they ever confess their feelings first? nah, he’s used to just simmering on things. also he really wants to be romanced while knowing it won’t happen without some kind of catalyst from himself, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the thing. Would they ever cheat on their partner? i want to say no, but he would openly have an affair in the marriage his parents arranged. on somebody he actually considered his partner, however? no. Do they want children? i don’t know that he can separate want and will have honestly Are they a cuddler? not at first. he doesn’t really know what’s appropriate. eventually he would be but only for a little bit at a time. doing it for too long would drive him nuts. Do they believe in soul mates? hmmm.... no Are they protective of their partner? in the sense that he is for most people... but not especially so. lot of respect for autonomy. How far are they willing to go for the person they love? :-) we’ll find out won’t we :-) Do they fall in love easily? kind of. there’s handful of different little gestures that would do it near immediately. Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? yeah Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? he really has a strong division between partner and spouse - for a partner, no. for a spouse, yes. he’d have to be like REALLY in love or else REALLY established individually in order to ignore it. Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner? yeah, sometimes it helps just to know you make someone happy ya kno
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