#wild doge appeared. much wow
thequantumqueer · 4 years
I’m so glad I found this blog- I joined the military right before the trans ban, when recruiters kept talking to me every day at Job Corps- a place for impoverished kids to get a trade & that requires the ASVAB. I had nowhere to go and eventually joined and I have gotten death threats and called horribly transphobic names because I push papers for the navy. I hate every day of it, I can’t transition, and I have spent most of this year handing out masks. Just thanks for thinking I’m a person
fucked up that “thinking military personnel are people” is as uncommon as it is
here’s wishing you a speedy DD214
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cognito-ergo-hazard · 4 years
not to be a critic or anything but I think part of the problem is you're eating strawberries in ... January. try again in early summer when they're actually in season?
lol yeah youre not the first person to say that. i’m already planning on it
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Dogecoin Price Falls Below $0.0025 for the Time Being
Based on the current cryptocurrency market momentum, it is a bit unclear what the weekend will offer exactly. Although there is a fair bit of bearish pressure, which is only to be expected after a wild week, there is always a chance the markets will simply turn around on a dime. In the case of Dogecoin, the current trend may look worrisome, but that is not necessarily the case.
Dogecoin Price Trend Isn’t Half bad
Although most people would have liked to see the cryptocurrency bull run continue for months on end, that is not how most of these markets work exactly. Instead, there is always a need for a correction after strong gains in the past few days. In the case of Dogecoin, such a brief bearish trend could not be avoided altogether, although that doesn’t have to be a bad thing in the slightest.
Over the past 24 hours, there has been an 8.5% decline in the Dogecoin price. This pushes the value down to $0.00246 again, after hitting $0.0027 a few days ago. That is an unfortunate trend, but there isn’t much one can do about this trend under these circumstances. There is also a 4.5% deficit in the DOGE/BTC ratio, which brings the value down to 63 Satoshi. That is a bit of a downer after seeing Dogecoin sustain the 70 Satoshi level, but that is the way things go right now.
On social media, there is never a shortage of Dogecoin-related discussions, which is always a promising trend. When Christmas comes around, this ecosystem sees at least one relatively big giveaway. The year 2018 isn’t any different, as one random Reddit user will get Dogecoin gifts through the Millionaire Makers drawing. Another sign of how the Dogecoin community comes together during times like these.
A random redditor is getting dogecoin gifts for Christmas. Enter Millionaire Makers drawing! via /r/dogecoin https://t.co/0NT1XsGinY hot
Tumblr media
in #reddit #dogecoin #doge #crypto much wow!
— Domain Address Info (@DomainAddress4u) December 22, 2018
Sherilyn Sciame is looking at the current Dogecoin market trend from a slightly different angle. This user is confident Dogecoin is currently in an accumulation stage at discounted prices. In fact, this user expects a near 10x on Dogecoin in the coming months, pushing its value to $0.02. That is an interesting outlook, although it wouldn’t necessarily be impossible to hit such a price target if all markets go into the next major uptrend.
#dogecoin on discount accumulate. reasonable price target is two cents. I hope everyone will have additional 12 month reasonable period happy new year
— Sherilyn Sciame (@sinequanun) December 21, 2018
Dogecoin users will also be pleased to know the Tipestry DOGE tipping solution is back in full effect. After having the service temporarily disabled two days ago, it was brought back online yesterday afternoon. A positive development overall, as spreading the word on Dogecoin is always an option worth looking into.
#dogecoin tipping is back up.
— Tipestry (@tipestry) December 21, 2018
It would appear the bearish pressure may continue throughout most of the weekend, which is a positive sign overall. Rather than seeing one massive dip of 20% or more, this slow and steady retrace paves the way for further gains in the future, assuming the markets will swing that way. For the Dogecoin price, remaining above $0.002 is not a big challenge whatsoever, although it remains to be seen how low the value will go exactly.
Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.
The post Dogecoin Price Falls Below $0.0025 for the Time Being appeared first on NullTX.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
BITCOIN Ready for BIG PRICE RUN! Worldss Top INVESTORS BETTING BIG on Crypto [incredible]
Today in crypto, is Bitcoin getting ready for a big price run with a confluence of technical indicators, historical trends say yes, some of the biggest and most successful investors in history right now are betting big on Bitcoin. And you would be crazy to bet against these guys in theory. And futures have been launched over in the USA. And JP Morgan finally capitulates to Bitcoin, which is mega, mega bullish and kind of funny to the crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. A big thank you to FedEx for sponsoring today’s episode. Fem X is an awesome place to trade the top Alte coins like Tasos and Chain Link, as well as, of course, Bitcoin and FedEx even offers gold for trading as well. They also offer sub-accounts, which allows for even more flexibility in your trading strategy, generous leverage and high liquidity. Make it an excellent option for traders looking for an exchange with institutional architecture and a super user-friendly interface. FedEx is only for experienced traders who properly understand how to manage their risk. There is a link Downbelow where you can get signed up and claim to a one hundred and twelve dollar trading bonus and get started trading today. Okay, so let’s get into the charts now. First, a good shot of opium there for you to get strapped in for today’s episode. The last time Bitcoin had seven green weekly candles, followed by a red doge’s candle, actually led to a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin. In fact, the price rallied by a whopping one hundred and sixty percent. Now, it is just a pattern, and it is far from certain that this pattern will indeed happen again as it did previously. But it is just some awesome opium for you. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Now, moving onto the 20-week moving average, we can see that Bitcoin has been respecting the 20-week moving average, which has been very, very nice. Obviously, we need to see this week confirmed to be sure that it is indeed respected in that line. But if it does hold above this line, then it actually drags us closer and closer towards a break of that massive two-year downtrend for Bitcoin. That breakout moment that could be coming very, very soon, or we could even have a few weeks of sideways action before it does break out more. After the last having. We also had some sideways action before, had a big price run-up. So that could be a possibility here as well. But if Bitcoin does not break out here, then it means that a retest of ten thousand dollars will have failed again and that the moving averages, both the 20-week moving average and the 200-day moving average, have failed to act as important lines of support and essentially that the bears are back in charge of the market. But actually, I think that we are looking quite bullish right now on the daily. You see, the 200-day moving average has just acted as a key line of support for the price of Bitcoin. In fact, we have even bounced back from that. Seeing Bitcoin breakout come back down to retest and now it appears to indeed be moving higher is technically a very, very bullish move. And it could be setting us up for what could be a successful test of ten thousand dollars. Got a break at some point. Right. We have a lot of things coming together here for Bitcoin. Very exciting times. Definitely watching to see how this plays out. Moving forward of the next couple of days. Now onto the first big story of the day. The first CFTC regulated theory and futures contracts have just gone live. Now, these futures are only the second crypto asset after Bitcoin, of course, to pass these strict CFTC regulatory process. These futures contracts are physically delivered, meaning that trading requires buying it theorem to back these contracts, unlike, of course, the CMBS cash futures. This is definitely a cool thing to see. Keep it real. This is from Arris ex and Ara’s ex is far from being the biggest futures player by a long shot. But I do get the feeling that this is setting a precedent and that we will see the CMC actually issuing a theorem future potentially even sometime this year. In other ethereal news, one thousand newly wrapped Bitcoin have been issued on a theory of this one transaction alone, locked up more Bitcoin on the ethereal network than the entire lightning network combined. And that is just for wrapped Bitcoin. There are about three or four other wrapped Bitcoin variants right now like TB, DC and others. Now, until we actually get robust interchange operability, it seems that Bitcoin on ethereal is going to be the way that Bitcoin gets meaningful access to decentralized finance revolution. OK. Now, moving on to what is just a delicious little story. JP Morgan has finally capitulated to Bitcoin. It is now being reported that Coinbase and Gemini have been accepted as banking customers for JP Morgan, which is the first time that the bank has actually accepted clients from the cryptocurrency industry. First, they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then they offer you banking services. That’s the way it goes. Hopefully, this will actually result in better access for retail customers to buy Bitcoin, since many banks, Chase included, have actually been denying purchases on Coinbase and other platforms to their customers when trying to buy with credit or debit cards. So be really nice to see that turnaround in this policy. But JP Morgan finally capitulating and offering banking services to these exchanges. It could be a very good thing for the industry as a whole if we actually see restrictions imposed by banks ease and of course, more banks making it easier for people to buy crypto and for crypto companies to have access to banking services. But wow, this is quite the turnaround for JP Morgan. Remember what JP Morgan frontman Jamie Diamond had to say about Bitcoin back in twenty seventeen? He said Bitcoin is a fraud. And he also said that he would fire any employee caught trading Bitcoin. And now JP Morgan has just accepted two of America’s biggest Bitcoin exchanges as clients. Resistance is futile. The honey badger. It will make all Vall before it. You’re either on the Bitcoin train or you get run over by the Bitcoin train. That’s your choice. And, of course, what better time to be in Bitcoin than to be in Bitcoin right now? News out of the USA is indicating that the USA could be seeing negative rates sooner than later. Trump has tweeted that the USA should accept the gift of negative rates. Imagine calling that a gift. What a gift it will be to watch the bankers suck away two percent every year from your bank account gifts. And on top of that, you, of course, you get the inflation rate, which is around two percent, which slowly devalues your money. More gifts and then you’re losing about four percent a year. All ups were probably actually much more than that. We considered Friday different factors. The game is rigged. No one is going to save you. You have to save yourself. The ship is sinking and Bitcoin is the life raft. And more and more we see it. The world’s biggest investors are waking up to this very reality as we go through the next few minutes. In the video, I want you to ask yourself, are you really going to bet against some of the world’s most wildly successful investors and their Bitcoin plays? First, let’s hear from Mike Novogratz, who now has a great moustache, by the way. And of course, he is the CEO of Galaxy Digital. We’re sitting in our shop just in a huge increase in interest in Bitcoin and getting into crypto from high net worth individuals from funds. This is not easy to buy. It takes a while to get set to buy it. It was easy to buy. It would be much higher. And so it doesn’t happen overnight, but it feels like a herd is on its way. Finally, you know, coined that phrase a long time ago, and I’ve been waiting and waiting for the institutional side. And I think this shooter news is very big news because in some ways it takes the career risk of looking at a buying Bitcoin. You can initialize that as a macro weapon. You know, it might or might not work, but you’re not. People are going to say, oh, you were a hold of that. You know, that’s too low. Now, it’s now seen as a legitimate store of value. And I think it allowed hedge funds to participate as well. Yeah. OK. So there are a few very interesting takeaways from what Mike said here. Yes, there is a huge interest coming from high net worth individuals and from institutional players. We’ve seen evidence of that from a lot of different sources already. That herd of big money, they’re here and it’s only getting bigger as time goes on. It’s going to eventually turn into a stampede of big money, followed by a stampede of retail. More and more Bitcoin is being taken seriously by the world’s biggest and most successful investors. And he’s absolutely right about Paul Tudor Jones entering Bitcoin. It has made it super serious for a whole new class of investors that might have still been on the sidelines thinking Bitcoin can really be seen to be investing in that Novogratz. He didn’t sell his Bitcoin to having either thought that was very interesting that he held his Bitcoin and that he’s calling for a 20 thousand dollar bitcoin by the end of the year. And speaking of Paul Tudor Jones, he got interviewed about his Bitcoin announced and of course, he did. So let’s have a quick listen to see what he had to say about that. If you just think about, say, Bitcoin versus cash, right. With Bitcoin, when I think of stores of value, I think of it four ways. Purchasing power, trustworthiness, liquidity and portability. That’s kind of the categories that put it in. So when it comes to trustworthiness, Bitcoin’s 11 years old, there’s very little trust in it. We’re watching the birthing of store value and whether that succeeds or not, only time will tell. What I do know is that every day that goes by, Bitcoin survives, the trust in it will go up. If you take cash, on the other hand, and you think about it from a purchasing power standpoint, if you own cash in the world today, you know your central bank as an avowed goal of depreciating its value two percent per year. So you have, in essence, a wasting asset in your hands. So Bitcoin, I think it’s great speculation. I’ve got something between one and I think just over just over one percent of my assets in Bitcoin megahits, almost two. There’s some super interesting commentary there. One thing that really stands out to me. We’re watching the birth of a store of value. Crazy, so true, so beautiful, such an incredible opportunity. Getting in on Bitcoin in 2020 is insane. Oh, sure. 2016 was better. 2012 was even better than that. But we are far from too late. There is still incredible potential if someone like Paul Tudor Jones is doing one to two percent of his portfolio into Bitcoin, then you know that this is indeed super serious. Personally, I’m way above the two percent mark, but Jones is also spot on about his statements on Fiat. Your local central bank is indeed devoted to ruining your long term. Wealth. The game’s totally rigged. Negative rates. QE, infinity, debt bubbles, all the stuff we talk about here on the show on a regular basis. It’s totally nuts. And finally, let’s hear from Chamitoff Joe. This is again now. Now you’re seeing a lot of lines of different thinking converge. So when we started to believe in the long term value of Bitcoin, it was as a store of value. And it was that schmuck insurance that you kept under the mattress. And there was a small cohort of us that had to believe this for like almost the last 10 years now. But when you have people like Paul Tudor Jones, sophisticated market participants, who don’t necessarily come to it from that perspective because he was probably first thing in gold or, you know, a curve steepens or whatever. Now, all of a sudden, even he is looking at Bitcoin. And the reason is that we are in this massive deflationary spiral. And you have to figure out how to protect yourself. And so however you think about it from a classic economic theory or the schmuck insurance where you’re somewhat sceptical of the, you know, established governing masses, it is important that we have a hedge non-correlated patch. And I still struggle to find anything that is as uncorrelated to anything else and to everything else than Bitcoin. And I think that you know, if we see it have its day, it’s a moment where you’re going to wish that you had just bought the one percent and just kept it. He knew all along Bitcoin was the one. This guy, by the way, is one of the biggest Bitcoin whales out there. Bitcoin is maturing as a store of value, although, of course, it’s still early in its price discovery phase, which is obviously where the opportunity lies. Bitcoin is the insurance against the craziness of central banks. Bitcoin is the insurance policy for everyone else. Wall Street gets bailouts with central banks. Well, yes. Guess what? People for regular people. Bitcoin is the bailout. All you have to do to get your bailout Bitcoin is to trade in your dirty, dirty Fiat. Anyway, I play these tips today because I want you to understand when you bet against Bitcoin, you’re also betting against some of the most successful investors in the history of the world. People like Peter Teil and Tim Draper and Smyth and Paul Tudor Jones. And of course, the list is only growing with time. These are the guys that the Bitcoin haters are betting against. And time and time again, all of the Bitcoin haters, they are proven wrong. It also says a lot to me that even JP Morgan has finally had to concede that fighting bitcoin, the losing battle. There’s no point continuing to try to do it. That story about Jemini and Coinbase finally getting banking services through JP Morgan, it is huge because it shows the capitulation of one of the biggest outspoken Bitcoin hating companies. Now, all we have to do is to have JP Morgan announced that they are buying and holding bitcoins. The circle will be complete. So your question for today, what percentage of your wealth is sitting in Bitcoin? For me, it’s probably around 30 percent, which I think is a nice little number. Obvious a lot of their stuff, you know, on top of that. But just in Bitcoin, around 30 percent. And in addition to what percentage of your wealth is in Bitcoin. Do you think that that’s the right percentage? Or do you want to increase your overall Bitcoin holdings as a percentage of your portfolio? Or do you think maybe you’re a little too exposed? Bitcoin may want to decrease your percentage a little bit. Let me know down below in the comments section. Thank you so much. Watching today’s episode. As always, you are frickin awesome. Thank you so, so much for your support. It means everything that’s changed is not possible to value. So thank you so, so much. And of course, we did enjoy today’s video. Whack that thumbs up button. Subscribe the channel. If you do around here. Long live the block, Jane. And peace out next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-ready-for-big-price-run/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-ready-for-big-price-run-worldss-top-investors-betting-big-on-crypto-incredible
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
BITCOIN Ready for BIG PRICE RUN! Worlds’s Top INVESTORS BETTING BIG on Crypto [incredible]
Today in crypto, is Bitcoin getting ready for a big price run with a confluence of technical indicators, historical trends say yes, some of the biggest and most successful investors in history right now are betting big on Bitcoin. And you would be crazy to bet against these guys in theory. And futures have been launched over in the USA. And JP Morgan finally capitulates to Bitcoin, which is mega, mega bullish and kind of funny to the crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. A big thank you to FedEx for sponsoring today’s episode. Fem X is an awesome place to trade the top Alte coins like Tasos and Chain Link, as well as, of course, Bitcoin and FedEx even offers gold for trading as well. They also offer sub-accounts, which allows for even more flexibility in your trading strategy, generous leverage and high liquidity. Make it an excellent option for traders looking for an exchange with institutional architecture and a super user-friendly interface. FedEx is only for experienced traders who properly understand how to manage their risk. There is a link Downbelow where you can get signed up and claim to a one hundred and twelve dollar trading bonus and get started trading today. Okay, so let’s get into the charts now. First, a good shot of opium there for you to get strapped in for today’s episode. The last time Bitcoin had seven green weekly candles, followed by a red doge’s candle, actually led to a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin. In fact, the price rallied by a whopping one hundred and sixty percent. Now, it is just a pattern, and it is far from certain that this pattern will indeed happen again as it did previously. But it is just some awesome opium for you. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Now, moving onto the 20-week moving average, we can see that Bitcoin has been respecting the 20-week moving average, which has been very, very nice. Obviously, we need to see this week confirmed to be sure that it is indeed respected in that line. But if it does hold above this line, then it actually drags us closer and closer towards a break of that massive two-year downtrend for Bitcoin. That breakout moment that could be coming very, very soon, or we could even have a few weeks of sideways action before it does break out more. After the last having. We also had some sideways action before, had a big price run-up. So that could be a possibility here as well. But if Bitcoin does not break out here, then it means that a retest of ten thousand dollars will have failed again and that the moving averages, both the 20-week moving average and the 200-day moving average, have failed to act as important lines of support and essentially that the bears are back in charge of the market. But actually, I think that we are looking quite bullish right now on the daily. You see, the 200-day moving average has just acted as a key line of support for the price of Bitcoin. In fact, we have even bounced back from that. Seeing Bitcoin breakout come back down to retest and now it appears to indeed be moving higher is technically a very, very bullish move. And it could be setting us up for what could be a successful test of ten thousand dollars. Got a break at some point. Right. We have a lot of things coming together here for Bitcoin. Very exciting times. Definitely watching to see how this plays out. Moving forward of the next couple of days. Now onto the first big story of the day. The first CFTC regulated theory and futures contracts have just gone live. Now, these futures are only the second crypto asset after Bitcoin, of course, to pass these strict CFTC regulatory process. These futures contracts are physically delivered, meaning that trading requires buying it theorem to back these contracts, unlike, of course, the CMBS cash futures. This is definitely a cool thing to see. Keep it real. This is from Arris ex and Ara’s ex is far from being the biggest futures player by a long shot. But I do get the feeling that this is setting a precedent and that we will see the CMC actually issuing a theorem future potentially even sometime this year. In other ethereal news, one thousand newly wrapped Bitcoin have been issued on a theory of this one transaction alone, locked up more Bitcoin on the ethereal network than the entire lightning network combined. And that is just for wrapped Bitcoin. There are about three or four other wrapped Bitcoin variants right now like TB, DC and others. Now, until we actually get robust interchange operability, it seems that Bitcoin on ethereal is going to be the way that Bitcoin gets meaningful access to decentralized finance revolution. OK. Now, moving on to what is just a delicious little story. JP Morgan has finally capitulated to Bitcoin. It is now being reported that Coinbase and Gemini have been accepted as banking customers for JP Morgan, which is the first time that the bank has actually accepted clients from the cryptocurrency industry. First, they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then they offer you banking services. That’s the way it goes. Hopefully, this will actually result in better access for retail customers to buy Bitcoin, since many banks, Chase included, have actually been denying purchases on Coinbase and other platforms to their customers when trying to buy with credit or debit cards. So be really nice to see that turnaround in this policy. But JP Morgan finally capitulating and offering banking services to these exchanges. It could be a very good thing for the industry as a whole if we actually see restrictions imposed by banks ease and of course, more banks making it easier for people to buy crypto and for crypto companies to have access to banking services. But wow, this is quite the turnaround for JP Morgan. Remember what JP Morgan frontman Jamie Diamond had to say about Bitcoin back in twenty seventeen? He said Bitcoin is a fraud. And he also said that he would fire any employee caught trading Bitcoin. And now JP Morgan has just accepted two of America’s biggest Bitcoin exchanges as clients. Resistance is futile. The honey badger. It will make all Vall before it. You’re either on the Bitcoin train or you get run over by the Bitcoin train. That’s your choice. And, of course, what better time to be in Bitcoin than to be in Bitcoin right now? News out of the USA is indicating that the USA could be seeing negative rates sooner than later. Trump has tweeted that the USA should accept the gift of negative rates. Imagine calling that a gift. What a gift it will be to watch the bankers suck away two percent every year from your bank account gifts. And on top of that, you, of course, you get the inflation rate, which is around two percent, which slowly devalues your money. More gifts and then you’re losing about four percent a year. All ups were probably actually much more than that. We considered Friday different factors. The game is rigged. No one is going to save you. You have to save yourself. The ship is sinking and Bitcoin is the life raft. And more and more we see it. The world’s biggest investors are waking up to this very reality as we go through the next few minutes. In the video, I want you to ask yourself, are you really going to bet against some of the world’s most wildly successful investors and their Bitcoin plays? First, let’s hear from Mike Novogratz, who now has a great moustache, by the way. And of course, he is the CEO of Galaxy Digital. We’re sitting in our shop just in a huge increase in interest in Bitcoin and getting into crypto from high net worth individuals from funds. This is not easy to buy. It takes a while to get set to buy it. It was easy to buy. It would be much higher. And so it doesn’t happen overnight, but it feels like a herd is on its way. Finally, you know, coined that phrase a long time ago, and I’ve been waiting and waiting for the institutional side. And I think this shooter news is very big news because in some ways it takes the career risk of looking at a buying Bitcoin. You can initialize that as a macro weapon. You know, it might or might not work, but you’re not. People are going to say, oh, you were a hold of that. You know, that’s too low. Now, it’s now seen as a legitimate store of value. And I think it allowed hedge funds to participate as well. Yeah. OK. So there are a few very interesting takeaways from what Mike said here. Yes, there is a huge interest coming from high net worth individuals and from institutional players. We’ve seen evidence of that from a lot of different sources already. That herd of big money, they’re here and it’s only getting bigger as time goes on. It’s going to eventually turn into a stampede of big money, followed by a stampede of retail. More and more Bitcoin is being taken seriously by the world’s biggest and most successful investors. And he’s absolutely right about Paul Tudor Jones entering Bitcoin. It has made it super serious for a whole new class of investors that might have still been on the sidelines thinking Bitcoin can really be seen to be investing in that Novogratz. He didn’t sell his Bitcoin to having either thought that was very interesting that he held his Bitcoin and that he’s calling for a 20 thousand dollar bitcoin by the end of the year. And speaking of Paul Tudor Jones, he got interviewed about his Bitcoin announced and of course, he did. So let’s have a quick listen to see what he had to say about that. If you just think about, say, Bitcoin versus cash, right. With Bitcoin, when I think of stores of value, I think of it four ways. Purchasing power, trustworthiness, liquidity and portability. That’s kind of the categories that put it in. So when it comes to trustworthiness, Bitcoin’s 11 years old, there’s very little trust in it. We’re watching the birthing of store value and whether that succeeds or not, only time will tell. What I do know is that every day that goes by, Bitcoin survives, the trust in it will go up. If you take cash, on the other hand, and you think about it from a purchasing power standpoint, if you own cash in the world today, you know your central bank as an avowed goal of depreciating its value two percent per year. So you have, in essence, a wasting asset in your hands. So Bitcoin, I think it’s great speculation. I’ve got something between one and I think just over just over one percent of my assets in Bitcoin megahits, almost two. There’s some super interesting commentary there. One thing that really stands out to me. We’re watching the birth of a store of value. Crazy, so true, so beautiful, such an incredible opportunity. Getting in on Bitcoin in 2020 is insane. Oh, sure. 2016 was better. 2012 was even better than that. But we are far from too late. There is still incredible potential if someone like Paul Tudor Jones is doing one to two percent of his portfolio into Bitcoin, then you know that this is indeed super serious. Personally, I’m way above the two percent mark, but Jones is also spot on about his statements on Fiat. Your local central bank is indeed devoted to ruining your long term. Wealth. The game’s totally rigged. Negative rates. QE, infinity, debt bubbles, all the stuff we talk about here on the show on a regular basis. It’s totally nuts. And finally, let’s hear from Chamitoff Joe. This is again now. Now you’re seeing a lot of lines of different thinking converge. So when we started to believe in the long term value of Bitcoin, it was as a store of value. And it was that schmuck insurance that you kept under the mattress. And there was a small cohort of us that had to believe this for like almost the last 10 years now. But when you have people like Paul Tudor Jones, sophisticated market participants, who don’t necessarily come to it from that perspective because he was probably first thing in gold or, you know, a curve steepens or whatever. Now, all of a sudden, even he is looking at Bitcoin. And the reason is that we are in this massive deflationary spiral. And you have to figure out how to protect yourself. And so however you think about it from a classic economic theory or the schmuck insurance where you’re somewhat sceptical of the, you know, established governing masses, it is important that we have a hedge non-correlated patch. And I still struggle to find anything that is as uncorrelated to anything else and to everything else than Bitcoin. And I think that you know, if we see it have its day, it’s a moment where you’re going to wish that you had just bought the one percent and just kept it. He knew all along Bitcoin was the one. This guy, by the way, is one of the biggest Bitcoin whales out there. Bitcoin is maturing as a store of value, although, of course, it’s still early in its price discovery phase, which is obviously where the opportunity lies. Bitcoin is the insurance against the craziness of central banks. Bitcoin is the insurance policy for everyone else. Wall Street gets bailouts with central banks. Well, yes. Guess what? People for regular people. Bitcoin is the bailout. All you have to do to get your bailout Bitcoin is to trade in your dirty, dirty Fiat. Anyway, I play these tips today because I want you to understand when you bet against Bitcoin, you’re also betting against some of the most successful investors in the history of the world. People like Peter Teil and Tim Draper and Smyth and Paul Tudor Jones. And of course, the list is only growing with time. These are the guys that the Bitcoin haters are betting against. And time and time again, all of the Bitcoin haters, they are proven wrong. It also says a lot to me that even JP Morgan has finally had to concede that fighting bitcoin, the losing battle. There’s no point continuing to try to do it. That story about Jemini and Coinbase finally getting banking services through JP Morgan, it is huge because it shows the capitulation of one of the biggest outspoken Bitcoin hating companies. Now, all we have to do is to have JP Morgan announced that they are buying and holding bitcoins. The circle will be complete. So your question for today, what percentage of your wealth is sitting in Bitcoin? For me, it’s probably around 30 percent, which I think is a nice little number. Obvious a lot of their stuff, you know, on top of that. But just in Bitcoin, around 30 percent. And in addition to what percentage of your wealth is in Bitcoin. Do you think that that’s the right percentage? Or do you want to increase your overall Bitcoin holdings as a percentage of your portfolio? Or do you think maybe you’re a little too exposed? Bitcoin may want to decrease your percentage a little bit. Let me know down below in the comments section. Thank you so much. Watching today’s episode. As always, you are frickin awesome. Thank you so, so much for your support. It means everything that’s changed is not possible to value. So thank you so, so much. And of course, we did enjoy today’s video. Whack that thumbs up button. Subscribe the channel. If you do around here. Long live the block, Jane. And peace out next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-ready-for-big-price-run/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618231467928174592
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
BITCOIN Ready for BIG PRICE RUN! Worlds’s Top INVESTORS BETTING BIG on Crypto [incredible]
Today in crypto, is Bitcoin getting ready for a big price run with a confluence of technical indicators, historical trends say yes, some of the biggest and most successful investors in history right now are betting big on Bitcoin. And you would be crazy to bet against these guys in theory. And futures have been launched over in the USA. And JP Morgan finally capitulates to Bitcoin, which is mega, mega bullish and kind of funny to the crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. A big thank you to FedEx for sponsoring today’s episode. Fem X is an awesome place to trade the top Alte coins like Tasos and Chain Link, as well as, of course, Bitcoin and FedEx even offers gold for trading as well. They also offer sub-accounts, which allows for even more flexibility in your trading strategy, generous leverage and high liquidity. Make it an excellent option for traders looking for an exchange with institutional architecture and a super user-friendly interface. FedEx is only for experienced traders who properly understand how to manage their risk. There is a link Downbelow where you can get signed up and claim to a one hundred and twelve dollar trading bonus and get started trading today. Okay, so let’s get into the charts now. First, a good shot of opium there for you to get strapped in for today’s episode. The last time Bitcoin had seven green weekly candles, followed by a red doge’s candle, actually led to a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin. In fact, the price rallied by a whopping one hundred and sixty percent. Now, it is just a pattern, and it is far from certain that this pattern will indeed happen again as it did previously. But it is just some awesome opium for you. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Now, moving onto the 20-week moving average, we can see that Bitcoin has been respecting the 20-week moving average, which has been very, very nice. Obviously, we need to see this week confirmed to be sure that it is indeed respected in that line. But if it does hold above this line, then it actually drags us closer and closer towards a break of that massive two-year downtrend for Bitcoin. That breakout moment that could be coming very, very soon, or we could even have a few weeks of sideways action before it does break out more. After the last having. We also had some sideways action before, had a big price run-up. So that could be a possibility here as well. But if Bitcoin does not break out here, then it means that a retest of ten thousand dollars will have failed again and that the moving averages, both the 20-week moving average and the 200-day moving average, have failed to act as important lines of support and essentially that the bears are back in charge of the market. But actually, I think that we are looking quite bullish right now on the daily. You see, the 200-day moving average has just acted as a key line of support for the price of Bitcoin. In fact, we have even bounced back from that. Seeing Bitcoin breakout come back down to retest and now it appears to indeed be moving higher is technically a very, very bullish move. And it could be setting us up for what could be a successful test of ten thousand dollars. Got a break at some point. Right. We have a lot of things coming together here for Bitcoin. Very exciting times. Definitely watching to see how this plays out. Moving forward of the next couple of days. Now onto the first big story of the day. The first CFTC regulated theory and futures contracts have just gone live. Now, these futures are only the second crypto asset after Bitcoin, of course, to pass these strict CFTC regulatory process. These futures contracts are physically delivered, meaning that trading requires buying it theorem to back these contracts, unlike, of course, the CMBS cash futures. This is definitely a cool thing to see. Keep it real. This is from Arris ex and Ara’s ex is far from being the biggest futures player by a long shot. But I do get the feeling that this is setting a precedent and that we will see the CMC actually issuing a theorem future potentially even sometime this year. In other ethereal news, one thousand newly wrapped Bitcoin have been issued on a theory of this one transaction alone, locked up more Bitcoin on the ethereal network than the entire lightning network combined. And that is just for wrapped Bitcoin. There are about three or four other wrapped Bitcoin variants right now like TB, DC and others. Now, until we actually get robust interchange operability, it seems that Bitcoin on ethereal is going to be the way that Bitcoin gets meaningful access to decentralized finance revolution. OK. Now, moving on to what is just a delicious little story. JP Morgan has finally capitulated to Bitcoin. It is now being reported that Coinbase and Gemini have been accepted as banking customers for JP Morgan, which is the first time that the bank has actually accepted clients from the cryptocurrency industry. First, they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then they offer you banking services. That’s the way it goes. Hopefully, this will actually result in better access for retail customers to buy Bitcoin, since many banks, Chase included, have actually been denying purchases on Coinbase and other platforms to their customers when trying to buy with credit or debit cards. So be really nice to see that turnaround in this policy. But JP Morgan finally capitulating and offering banking services to these exchanges. It could be a very good thing for the industry as a whole if we actually see restrictions imposed by banks ease and of course, more banks making it easier for people to buy crypto and for crypto companies to have access to banking services. But wow, this is quite the turnaround for JP Morgan. Remember what JP Morgan frontman Jamie Diamond had to say about Bitcoin back in twenty seventeen? He said Bitcoin is a fraud. And he also said that he would fire any employee caught trading Bitcoin. And now JP Morgan has just accepted two of America’s biggest Bitcoin exchanges as clients. Resistance is futile. The honey badger. It will make all Vall before it. You’re either on the Bitcoin train or you get run over by the Bitcoin train. That’s your choice. And, of course, what better time to be in Bitcoin than to be in Bitcoin right now? News out of the USA is indicating that the USA could be seeing negative rates sooner than later. Trump has tweeted that the USA should accept the gift of negative rates. Imagine calling that a gift. What a gift it will be to watch the bankers suck away two percent every year from your bank account gifts. And on top of that, you, of course, you get the inflation rate, which is around two percent, which slowly devalues your money. More gifts and then you’re losing about four percent a year. All ups were probably actually much more than that. We considered Friday different factors. The game is rigged. No one is going to save you. You have to save yourself. The ship is sinking and Bitcoin is the life raft. And more and more we see it. The world’s biggest investors are waking up to this very reality as we go through the next few minutes. In the video, I want you to ask yourself, are you really going to bet against some of the world’s most wildly successful investors and their Bitcoin plays? First, let’s hear from Mike Novogratz, who now has a great moustache, by the way. And of course, he is the CEO of Galaxy Digital. We’re sitting in our shop just in a huge increase in interest in Bitcoin and getting into crypto from high net worth individuals from funds. This is not easy to buy. It takes a while to get set to buy it. It was easy to buy. It would be much higher. And so it doesn’t happen overnight, but it feels like a herd is on its way. Finally, you know, coined that phrase a long time ago, and I’ve been waiting and waiting for the institutional side. And I think this shooter news is very big news because in some ways it takes the career risk of looking at a buying Bitcoin. You can initialize that as a macro weapon. You know, it might or might not work, but you’re not. People are going to say, oh, you were a hold of that. You know, that’s too low. Now, it’s now seen as a legitimate store of value. And I think it allowed hedge funds to participate as well. Yeah. OK. So there are a few very interesting takeaways from what Mike said here. Yes, there is a huge interest coming from high net worth individuals and from institutional players. We’ve seen evidence of that from a lot of different sources already. That herd of big money, they’re here and it’s only getting bigger as time goes on. It’s going to eventually turn into a stampede of big money, followed by a stampede of retail. More and more Bitcoin is being taken seriously by the world’s biggest and most successful investors. And he’s absolutely right about Paul Tudor Jones entering Bitcoin. It has made it super serious for a whole new class of investors that might have still been on the sidelines thinking Bitcoin can really be seen to be investing in that Novogratz. He didn’t sell his Bitcoin to having either thought that was very interesting that he held his Bitcoin and that he’s calling for a 20 thousand dollar bitcoin by the end of the year. And speaking of Paul Tudor Jones, he got interviewed about his Bitcoin announced and of course, he did. So let’s have a quick listen to see what he had to say about that. If you just think about, say, Bitcoin versus cash, right. With Bitcoin, when I think of stores of value, I think of it four ways. Purchasing power, trustworthiness, liquidity and portability. That’s kind of the categories that put it in. So when it comes to trustworthiness, Bitcoin’s 11 years old, there’s very little trust in it. We’re watching the birthing of store value and whether that succeeds or not, only time will tell. What I do know is that every day that goes by, Bitcoin survives, the trust in it will go up. If you take cash, on the other hand, and you think about it from a purchasing power standpoint, if you own cash in the world today, you know your central bank as an avowed goal of depreciating its value two percent per year. So you have, in essence, a wasting asset in your hands. So Bitcoin, I think it’s great speculation. I’ve got something between one and I think just over just over one percent of my assets in Bitcoin megahits, almost two. There’s some super interesting commentary there. One thing that really stands out to me. We’re watching the birth of a store of value. Crazy, so true, so beautiful, such an incredible opportunity. Getting in on Bitcoin in 2020 is insane. Oh, sure. 2016 was better. 2012 was even better than that. But we are far from too late. There is still incredible potential if someone like Paul Tudor Jones is doing one to two percent of his portfolio into Bitcoin, then you know that this is indeed super serious. Personally, I’m way above the two percent mark, but Jones is also spot on about his statements on Fiat. Your local central bank is indeed devoted to ruining your long term. Wealth. The game’s totally rigged. Negative rates. QE, infinity, debt bubbles, all the stuff we talk about here on the show on a regular basis. It’s totally nuts. And finally, let’s hear from Chamitoff Joe. This is again now. Now you’re seeing a lot of lines of different thinking converge. So when we started to believe in the long term value of Bitcoin, it was as a store of value. And it was that schmuck insurance that you kept under the mattress. And there was a small cohort of us that had to believe this for like almost the last 10 years now. But when you have people like Paul Tudor Jones, sophisticated market participants, who don’t necessarily come to it from that perspective because he was probably first thing in gold or, you know, a curve steepens or whatever. Now, all of a sudden, even he is looking at Bitcoin. And the reason is that we are in this massive deflationary spiral. And you have to figure out how to protect yourself. And so however you think about it from a classic economic theory or the schmuck insurance where you’re somewhat sceptical of the, you know, established governing masses, it is important that we have a hedge non-correlated patch. And I still struggle to find anything that is as uncorrelated to anything else and to everything else than Bitcoin. And I think that you know, if we see it have its day, it’s a moment where you’re going to wish that you had just bought the one percent and just kept it. He knew all along Bitcoin was the one. This guy, by the way, is one of the biggest Bitcoin whales out there. Bitcoin is maturing as a store of value, although, of course, it’s still early in its price discovery phase, which is obviously where the opportunity lies. Bitcoin is the insurance against the craziness of central banks. Bitcoin is the insurance policy for everyone else. Wall Street gets bailouts with central banks. Well, yes. Guess what? People for regular people. Bitcoin is the bailout. All you have to do to get your bailout Bitcoin is to trade in your dirty, dirty Fiat. Anyway, I play these tips today because I want you to understand when you bet against Bitcoin, you’re also betting against some of the most successful investors in the history of the world. People like Peter Teil and Tim Draper and Smyth and Paul Tudor Jones. And of course, the list is only growing with time. These are the guys that the Bitcoin haters are betting against. And time and time again, all of the Bitcoin haters, they are proven wrong. It also says a lot to me that even JP Morgan has finally had to concede that fighting bitcoin, the losing battle. There’s no point continuing to try to do it. That story about Jemini and Coinbase finally getting banking services through JP Morgan, it is huge because it shows the capitulation of one of the biggest outspoken Bitcoin hating companies. Now, all we have to do is to have JP Morgan announced that they are buying and holding bitcoins. The circle will be complete. So your question for today, what percentage of your wealth is sitting in Bitcoin? For me, it’s probably around 30 percent, which I think is a nice little number. Obvious a lot of their stuff, you know, on top of that. But just in Bitcoin, around 30 percent. And in addition to what percentage of your wealth is in Bitcoin. Do you think that that’s the right percentage? Or do you want to increase your overall Bitcoin holdings as a percentage of your portfolio? Or do you think maybe you’re a little too exposed? Bitcoin may want to decrease your percentage a little bit. Let me know down below in the comments section. Thank you so much. Watching today’s episode. As always, you are frickin awesome. Thank you so, so much for your support. It means everything that’s changed is not possible to value. So thank you so, so much. And of course, we did enjoy today’s video. Whack that thumbs up button. Subscribe the channel. If you do around here. Long live the block, Jane. And peace out next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-ready-for-big-price-run/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bitcoin-ready-for-big-price-run-worldss.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
BITCOIN Ready for BIG PRICE RUN! Worlds’s Top INVESTORS BETTING BIG on Crypto [incredible]
Today in crypto, is Bitcoin getting ready for a big price run with a confluence of technical indicators, historical trends say yes, some of the biggest and most successful investors in history right now are betting big on Bitcoin. And you would be crazy to bet against these guys in theory. And futures have been launched over in the USA. And JP Morgan finally capitulates to Bitcoin, which is mega, mega bullish and kind of funny to the crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. A big thank you to FedEx for sponsoring today’s episode. Fem X is an awesome place to trade the top Alte coins like Tasos and Chain Link, as well as, of course, Bitcoin and FedEx even offers gold for trading as well. They also offer sub-accounts, which allows for even more flexibility in your trading strategy, generous leverage and high liquidity. Make it an excellent option for traders looking for an exchange with institutional architecture and a super user-friendly interface. FedEx is only for experienced traders who properly understand how to manage their risk. There is a link Downbelow where you can get signed up and claim to a one hundred and twelve dollar trading bonus and get started trading today. Okay, so let’s get into the charts now. First, a good shot of opium there for you to get strapped in for today’s episode. The last time Bitcoin had seven green weekly candles, followed by a red doge’s candle, actually led to a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin. In fact, the price rallied by a whopping one hundred and sixty percent. Now, it is just a pattern, and it is far from certain that this pattern will indeed happen again as it did previously. But it is just some awesome opium for you. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. Now, moving onto the 20-week moving average, we can see that Bitcoin has been respecting the 20-week moving average, which has been very, very nice. Obviously, we need to see this week confirmed to be sure that it is indeed respected in that line. But if it does hold above this line, then it actually drags us closer and closer towards a break of that massive two-year downtrend for Bitcoin. That breakout moment that could be coming very, very soon, or we could even have a few weeks of sideways action before it does break out more. After the last having. We also had some sideways action before, had a big price run-up. So that could be a possibility here as well. But if Bitcoin does not break out here, then it means that a retest of ten thousand dollars will have failed again and that the moving averages, both the 20-week moving average and the 200-day moving average, have failed to act as important lines of support and essentially that the bears are back in charge of the market. But actually, I think that we are looking quite bullish right now on the daily. You see, the 200-day moving average has just acted as a key line of support for the price of Bitcoin. In fact, we have even bounced back from that. Seeing Bitcoin breakout come back down to retest and now it appears to indeed be moving higher is technically a very, very bullish move. And it could be setting us up for what could be a successful test of ten thousand dollars. Got a break at some point. Right. We have a lot of things coming together here for Bitcoin. Very exciting times. Definitely watching to see how this plays out. Moving forward of the next couple of days. Now onto the first big story of the day. The first CFTC regulated theory and futures contracts have just gone live. Now, these futures are only the second crypto asset after Bitcoin, of course, to pass these strict CFTC regulatory process. These futures contracts are physically delivered, meaning that trading requires buying it theorem to back these contracts, unlike, of course, the CMBS cash futures. This is definitely a cool thing to see. Keep it real. This is from Arris ex and Ara’s ex is far from being the biggest futures player by a long shot. But I do get the feeling that this is setting a precedent and that we will see the CMC actually issuing a theorem future potentially even sometime this year. In other ethereal news, one thousand newly wrapped Bitcoin have been issued on a theory of this one transaction alone, locked up more Bitcoin on the ethereal network than the entire lightning network combined. And that is just for wrapped Bitcoin. There are about three or four other wrapped Bitcoin variants right now like TB, DC and others. Now, until we actually get robust interchange operability, it seems that Bitcoin on ethereal is going to be the way that Bitcoin gets meaningful access to decentralized finance revolution. OK. Now, moving on to what is just a delicious little story. JP Morgan has finally capitulated to Bitcoin. It is now being reported that Coinbase and Gemini have been accepted as banking customers for JP Morgan, which is the first time that the bank has actually accepted clients from the cryptocurrency industry. First, they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then they offer you banking services. That’s the way it goes. Hopefully, this will actually result in better access for retail customers to buy Bitcoin, since many banks, Chase included, have actually been denying purchases on Coinbase and other platforms to their customers when trying to buy with credit or debit cards. So be really nice to see that turnaround in this policy. But JP Morgan finally capitulating and offering banking services to these exchanges. It could be a very good thing for the industry as a whole if we actually see restrictions imposed by banks ease and of course, more banks making it easier for people to buy crypto and for crypto companies to have access to banking services. But wow, this is quite the turnaround for JP Morgan. Remember what JP Morgan frontman Jamie Diamond had to say about Bitcoin back in twenty seventeen? He said Bitcoin is a fraud. And he also said that he would fire any employee caught trading Bitcoin. And now JP Morgan has just accepted two of America’s biggest Bitcoin exchanges as clients. Resistance is futile. The honey badger. It will make all Vall before it. You’re either on the Bitcoin train or you get run over by the Bitcoin train. That’s your choice. And, of course, what better time to be in Bitcoin than to be in Bitcoin right now? News out of the USA is indicating that the USA could be seeing negative rates sooner than later. Trump has tweeted that the USA should accept the gift of negative rates. Imagine calling that a gift. What a gift it will be to watch the bankers suck away two percent every year from your bank account gifts. And on top of that, you, of course, you get the inflation rate, which is around two percent, which slowly devalues your money. More gifts and then you’re losing about four percent a year. All ups were probably actually much more than that. We considered Friday different factors. The game is rigged. No one is going to save you. You have to save yourself. The ship is sinking and Bitcoin is the life raft. And more and more we see it. The world’s biggest investors are waking up to this very reality as we go through the next few minutes. In the video, I want you to ask yourself, are you really going to bet against some of the world’s most wildly successful investors and their Bitcoin plays? First, let’s hear from Mike Novogratz, who now has a great moustache, by the way. And of course, he is the CEO of Galaxy Digital. We’re sitting in our shop just in a huge increase in interest in Bitcoin and getting into crypto from high net worth individuals from funds. This is not easy to buy. It takes a while to get set to buy it. It was easy to buy. It would be much higher. And so it doesn’t happen overnight, but it feels like a herd is on its way. Finally, you know, coined that phrase a long time ago, and I’ve been waiting and waiting for the institutional side. And I think this shooter news is very big news because in some ways it takes the career risk of looking at a buying Bitcoin. You can initialize that as a macro weapon. You know, it might or might not work, but you’re not. People are going to say, oh, you were a hold of that. You know, that’s too low. Now, it’s now seen as a legitimate store of value. And I think it allowed hedge funds to participate as well. Yeah. OK. So there are a few very interesting takeaways from what Mike said here. Yes, there is a huge interest coming from high net worth individuals and from institutional players. We’ve seen evidence of that from a lot of different sources already. That herd of big money, they’re here and it’s only getting bigger as time goes on. It’s going to eventually turn into a stampede of big money, followed by a stampede of retail. More and more Bitcoin is being taken seriously by the world’s biggest and most successful investors. And he’s absolutely right about Paul Tudor Jones entering Bitcoin. It has made it super serious for a whole new class of investors that might have still been on the sidelines thinking Bitcoin can really be seen to be investing in that Novogratz. He didn’t sell his Bitcoin to having either thought that was very interesting that he held his Bitcoin and that he’s calling for a 20 thousand dollar bitcoin by the end of the year. And speaking of Paul Tudor Jones, he got interviewed about his Bitcoin announced and of course, he did. So let’s have a quick listen to see what he had to say about that. If you just think about, say, Bitcoin versus cash, right. With Bitcoin, when I think of stores of value, I think of it four ways. Purchasing power, trustworthiness, liquidity and portability. That’s kind of the categories that put it in. So when it comes to trustworthiness, Bitcoin’s 11 years old, there’s very little trust in it. We’re watching the birthing of store value and whether that succeeds or not, only time will tell. What I do know is that every day that goes by, Bitcoin survives, the trust in it will go up. If you take cash, on the other hand, and you think about it from a purchasing power standpoint, if you own cash in the world today, you know your central bank as an avowed goal of depreciating its value two percent per year. So you have, in essence, a wasting asset in your hands. So Bitcoin, I think it’s great speculation. I’ve got something between one and I think just over just over one percent of my assets in Bitcoin megahits, almost two. There’s some super interesting commentary there. One thing that really stands out to me. We’re watching the birth of a store of value. Crazy, so true, so beautiful, such an incredible opportunity. Getting in on Bitcoin in 2020 is insane. Oh, sure. 2016 was better. 2012 was even better than that. But we are far from too late. There is still incredible potential if someone like Paul Tudor Jones is doing one to two percent of his portfolio into Bitcoin, then you know that this is indeed super serious. Personally, I’m way above the two percent mark, but Jones is also spot on about his statements on Fiat. Your local central bank is indeed devoted to ruining your long term. Wealth. The game’s totally rigged. Negative rates. QE, infinity, debt bubbles, all the stuff we talk about here on the show on a regular basis. It’s totally nuts. And finally, let’s hear from Chamitoff Joe. This is again now. Now you’re seeing a lot of lines of different thinking converge. So when we started to believe in the long term value of Bitcoin, it was as a store of value. And it was that schmuck insurance that you kept under the mattress. And there was a small cohort of us that had to believe this for like almost the last 10 years now. But when you have people like Paul Tudor Jones, sophisticated market participants, who don’t necessarily come to it from that perspective because he was probably first thing in gold or, you know, a curve steepens or whatever. Now, all of a sudden, even he is looking at Bitcoin. And the reason is that we are in this massive deflationary spiral. And you have to figure out how to protect yourself. And so however you think about it from a classic economic theory or the schmuck insurance where you’re somewhat sceptical of the, you know, established governing masses, it is important that we have a hedge non-correlated patch. And I still struggle to find anything that is as uncorrelated to anything else and to everything else than Bitcoin. And I think that you know, if we see it have its day, it’s a moment where you’re going to wish that you had just bought the one percent and just kept it. He knew all along Bitcoin was the one. This guy, by the way, is one of the biggest Bitcoin whales out there. Bitcoin is maturing as a store of value, although, of course, it’s still early in its price discovery phase, which is obviously where the opportunity lies. Bitcoin is the insurance against the craziness of central banks. Bitcoin is the insurance policy for everyone else. Wall Street gets bailouts with central banks. Well, yes. Guess what? People for regular people. Bitcoin is the bailout. All you have to do to get your bailout Bitcoin is to trade in your dirty, dirty Fiat. Anyway, I play these tips today because I want you to understand when you bet against Bitcoin, you’re also betting against some of the most successful investors in the history of the world. People like Peter Teil and Tim Draper and Smyth and Paul Tudor Jones. And of course, the list is only growing with time. These are the guys that the Bitcoin haters are betting against. And time and time again, all of the Bitcoin haters, they are proven wrong. It also says a lot to me that even JP Morgan has finally had to concede that fighting bitcoin, the losing battle. There’s no point continuing to try to do it. That story about Jemini and Coinbase finally getting banking services through JP Morgan, it is huge because it shows the capitulation of one of the biggest outspoken Bitcoin hating companies. Now, all we have to do is to have JP Morgan announced that they are buying and holding bitcoins. The circle will be complete. So your question for today, what percentage of your wealth is sitting in Bitcoin? For me, it’s probably around 30 percent, which I think is a nice little number. Obvious a lot of their stuff, you know, on top of that. But just in Bitcoin, around 30 percent. And in addition to what percentage of your wealth is in Bitcoin. Do you think that that’s the right percentage? Or do you want to increase your overall Bitcoin holdings as a percentage of your portfolio? Or do you think maybe you’re a little too exposed? Bitcoin may want to decrease your percentage a little bit. Let me know down below in the comments section. Thank you so much. Watching today’s episode. As always, you are frickin awesome. Thank you so, so much for your support. It means everything that’s changed is not possible to value. So thank you so, so much. And of course, we did enjoy today’s video. Whack that thumbs up button. Subscribe the channel. If you do around here. Long live the block, Jane. And peace out next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-ready-for-big-price-run/
0 notes
jessicakehoe · 6 years
What to Buy For the Holidays According to Your Favourite Meme
It’s been a difficult year. So what soothes the soul and makes us laugh? Memes, obviously. Whether it’s the seemingly endless iterations of Spongebob memes,  the absurd new genre of moth memes, or tide pods as a forbidden snack, we can’t help but get swept up in the #relatability of it all. And maybe we’ve looked at too many of them lately (hey, we said it was a tough year), but we’ve decided to organize our annual holiday gift guide around our favourite internet in-jokes to create the dankest holiday gift guide ever.
Whether you’re buying for a bad bitch who always escapes from the slipperiest of situations (Rihanna’s stilettos) to a gossip-wielding self-care obsessive (Kermit sipping tea), these are the gifts you need on your radar this holiday season.
Rihanna’s stilettos
The ultimate bad bitch who always looks flawless despite some very, um, precarious situations.
Balenciaga Sunglasses
($570, SSENSE)
Buy Now
"Le Signe du Lion" Illuminating Powder
($70, Chanel)
Buy Now
Serpenti Secret Watch
(Price upon request, Bvlgari)
Buy Now
Rubi Plunge Underwired Bra and Brief
($970 and $400, Agent Provocateur)
Buy Now
Miu Miu Fleur D'Argent
($95, Sephora)
Buy Now
Dollar Sign Money Clip
($3950, Tiffany & Co.)
Buy Now
24K Gold Rolling Papers
($15, Shine)
Buy Now
($230, Marc Cain)
Buy Now
($9,995, Brikk)
Buy Now
Lismore Diamond Essence Flute
($100, Waterford)
Buy Now
Confused Mr. Krabs
Between work, family drama and the never-ending battle for gender equality, we all have frazzled friends who just need a little help keeping their sh*t together.
Issa 2 Toothbrush
($190, Foreo)
Buy Now
Google Home Mini
($80, Best Buy)
Buy Now
Pantone Notebooks
($30, Amazon.ca)
Buy Now
American Tourister Curio Spinner Carry-on
($135, Samsonite)
Buy Now
Original Sherpa Trucker Jacket
($150, Levi's)
Buy Now
Belt Bag
($195, Coach)
Buy Now
($15, Port and Polish)
Buy Now
Somneo Sleep and Wake Up Light
($220, Philips)
Buy Now
The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook
($50, Urban Outfitters)
Buy Now
Jen Gotch x Iconery Necklace
($50, Ban.do)
Buy Now
Satiny Scarf Scrunchie
($10, Simons)
Buy Now
Kermit sipping tea
That friend who’s an expert at self-care but isn’t, you know, a jerk about it.
Essential Balm
($45, Céla)
Buy Now
Sleep Mask
($120, Michael Michael Kors)
Buy Now
True Thinline Watch
($2,450, Rado)
Buy Now
L'air du Jardin Fragrance Candle
($255, Louis Vuitton)
Buy Now
KOTN Cotton Robe
($90, Holt Renfrew)
Buy Now
Calhoun & Co. Playing Cards
($15, Ban.do)
Buy Now
Van Cleef & Arpels Malachite Vintage Alhambra Bracelet
($5,500, Birks)
Buy Now
G. Sport Crop Top
($95, Goop)
Buy Now
The Muppet Show Sweatshirt
($295, Sandro)
Buy Now
Dreamy Slippers
($835, Louis Vuitton)
Buy Now
the Modern Matcha Essentials
($40, Davids Tea)
Buy Now
French Press
($80, Le Creuset)
Buy Now
Himalayan Salt Lamp
($35, Indigo)
Buy Now
Distracted boyfriend
Our man with the wandering eye—only he’s not checking out other ladies; he’s eyeing dope stuff like this.
Streamline Signet Ring With Black Onyx
($625, David Yurman)
Buy Now
Converse x Off-White
(From $340, GOAT)
Buy Now
Noise-masking sleepbuds
($330, Bose)
Buy Now
Hugo Boss the Scent Private Accord for Him
($86, The Hudson's Bay)
Buy Now
Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers
($1,955, Shinola)
Buy Now
GucciGhost G-Timeless Watch, 38mm
($1,190, Gucci)
Buy Now
Fucking Fabulous Candle
($140, Tom Ford)
Buy Now
Martini Bear Hooded Sweater
($560, Polo Ralph Lauren)
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Wild Turkey Longbranch Bourbon
($60, LCBO)
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Sony Playstation Classic
($130, Best Buy)
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Supreme Stern Pinball Machine
($71,655, Stadium Goods)
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Gym Kardashian
The power-lifting, CrossFit-’gramming, clean-eating fitness fanatic whose mission in life is to get buff or bust.
Deconstructed Track Jacket
($130, Adidas)
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Deconstructed Track Pants
($150, Adidas)
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Silver Pebble Single Earring
($55, Birks Iconic)
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A3300 Blender
($720, Vitamix)
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Classic Bralette
($30, Richer Poorer)
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Spalding NBA Marble Series Basketball
($25, Urban Outfitters)
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($2,250, Fendi)
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($15, Aldo)
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Apple Watch Series 4
(From $520, Apple)
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Our best heckin’ friend. Such gifts. Very holiday. Much presents. Wow.
2 Piece Dog Lover Necklace & Collar in Silver
($32, Foxy Originals)
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"No Fun" Classic Bowl
($10, No Fun)
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Dog Rug
($260, Oeuf)
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Granville Island Pet Treatery Stress Dog Treats
($10, Homes Alive Pets)
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Top Paw Cactus Dog Toy
($8, Pet Smart)
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Dog Camera
($300, Furbo)
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Hot Dog Pin
($20, Pintrill)
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Arborist Winterscape Dog Onesie
($35, Drake General Store)
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La Bourse Dog Bag Dispenser
($70, Unleash)
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Dog Shampoo
($35, Malin+Goetz)
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The post What to Buy For the Holidays According to Your Favourite Meme appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
What to Buy For the Holidays According to Your Favourite Meme published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
stop making everything abt you and asexuality for fucks sake
fucking doesn’t need you to defend it
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
I wasn't alive during the aids crisis but one day after covid ends i'm gonna find your apple pie poem again and cry
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
hi :) you wrote an amazing poem about being bisexual and roots of words and it mentioned tea and how bi originally meaning two doesn't mean bisexual means two, and it was brilliant and also really meaningful to me, so first thank you a lot :) but second i can not find a link for it, so if you have time would you mind directing me towards it? nw if not, and thanks very much either way!!
here you go!
im glad you got something out of it
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
Molded Cherry Starter: I am a monument to all your sins
hang on this gave me an idea
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
Queer. Please die and take your slurs with you
my first death threat! i’ve officially made it!
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
fuck small talk how old were u when it all went wrong
-9 months and 5, 12, and 16 were the big ones
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cognito-ergo-hazard · 4 years
what genders are allowed to objectify you
if you think im hot you think im hot, and if that fucks with your understanding of your sexuality, thats a you problem
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thequantumqueer · 4 years
so i once saw an lp of south park stick of truth and its my only experience w/ sp and in it they go to canada and one of the npcs says pie has the finest sodomy in all of canada and im sick of being the only person whose head that lives in rent free
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