#midsommer murders
dragon-hoard · 5 months
I think my favorite implications over A LOT of epsiodes is that barnaby is at least mild to mid psychic
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escapebygawking · 9 months
Binging on Midsummer Murders after a long time. Interestingly, and unexpectedly, it is relighting my old childish crush on Gavin Troy.. Don't really know what I liked about him when i was younger, not sure now. Working on it.
BUT. Interesting headcanon.
We all see that Troy is pretty bigoted, homophobic in the first seasons. What about his upbringing, what happened to cause it? Troy is not a heartless person per se: he helps others without realising it, gets flustered easily, his emotional reaction is clear on his face most of the times. Noticed how he likely comes from a pretty blue-collar background (a pretty average school; him never having been to a theatre). What about an unhealthy father figure, making fun, or pure insulting Troy's softer side when he was a child.? That experience would totally make you resent every queer aspect in yourself and others. And you have to REALLY work on it as an adult, to grow out of it. He is just not there yet.
(i am sorry if its too obvious, or too weird; am still on S2, and previously watched the show more than 10 years ago. Perhaps i missed some real canon)
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imjustli · 2 months
When actors are very obviously doing something very rehearsed but not I a way that makes them look like bad actors, because they are not bad actors, but because the characters are bad actors >>>>>>>>>>>>>
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abstractmelons · 8 months
me exclaiming toby!!!!!" every time i see tobias menzies on screen like he is one of my oldest and dearests friend is my most long running tradition
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neechees · 2 years
How is the cult from Midsommer white supremacist? Because they are swedish and borrow from paganism? The nazis appropriated Norse culture, they even misused different runes and symbols, and Scandinavia is one of the most tolerant regions in Europe.
There's Nazi imagery throughout the film, & the fact that all the poc die first is no mistake. Ari Aster himself has said that the Harga are White Supremacists:
Defying an outdated horror trope, Aster does not kill off Josh (William Jackson Harper) — the only black character for miles — first. As Aster points out, though, the Hårga are racist, a callback to “a part of Swedish history and European history,” and all of the “outsiders” or “new blood” recruited for mating are purposely white.
“He’s thrown away in a way that the other members of the main cast are not," Aster notes. “And that is because these people have no further use for him.”
The Harga, when not inbreeding with each other, go out and groom new members to either 1. Be sacrified or 2. Introduce new genes by manipulating people into the cult or drugging & raping them (what they did to Dani & Christian), & they ONLY pick white people for this. There are no nonwhite Harga & that's not an accident.
The script also makes it crystal clear that the nonwhite couple were specifically chosen (bc they are not white) & brought there to be sacrificed & were never going to live. The member that brought the nonwhite couple displays hatred & malice towards them when they're not looking, but doesn't do this with the other white outsiders
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(Ingemar is the Harga that brought Connie & Simon, the nonwhite couple). Connie & Simon didn't do anything wrong, they didn't do anything outright to insult the Harga. The only thing they did was be shocked about seeing the ritual suicide & express desire to leave (and they weren't the only ones who did this, Dani also did). And yet they were some of the first to die.
Even the visuals-- the Harga wear all White, it's always in blinding daylight. Whiteness is a GLARING theme. There's also foreshadowing early on in the film, where a book titled "The secret Nazi language of the Uthark" featured in Christian's room just before they go to Sweden.
There's also other Nazi ideology present within the Harga, such as the strict gender roles (the women all wear dresses & cook & clean & care for the children together but the men butcher the bear together), eugenics & ableism (the elderly are killed off at a certain age because they see disability & needing to be cared for as an elder "shameful", which is what one Harga states at the ritual suicide scene, & of course killing off the nonwhite characters), the "return to tradition" ideology (there are NO modern technology in the community, & it's in the countryside).
You see a cult full of ONLY White people, using Norse paganism (something VERY popular with Nazis) in an isolated area, who routinely murder poc, don't intermix with poc, kill off their elderly, Dani (the blonde, light eyed white girl) is praised for her beauty & made their May queen by the Harga, with strict gender roles, & this film was made by a JEWISH MAN to show the Harga as the bad guys, & you don't have a hunch that the Harga are maybe supposed to be white supremacists/nazis? That doesn't raise any red flags for you?
& let's not forget how Scandanavia committed genocide against the Saami, the Indigenous population who were there for hundreds of years before anyone else. That's a little off topic, but as a First Nations Canadian I aint gunna let that just go unacknowledged. Scandanavia has a white supremacy problem too, & Ari Aster is right for pointing it out
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leseigneurdufeu · 11 months
midsommer murders is wild because half the episodes are like "there's this village of 150 people in which everyone is weirdly obsessed with butterflies and hate each other. also the local school has a secret society" and the other half is "you know those local legends? yeah someone's committing ritual murders based on them. also the family in the big house has at least one incest case but good luck figuring out who slept with who" and you've got absolutely no way to know which will be which and also there are actors from Downton Abbey in it
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teaboot · 5 months
What are your favorite pieces of media?
hhhhng Uhhhh
growing up, probably The Pendragon Chronicles- from what I recall it's a series of books about a kid who has to correct cataclysmic events on a bunch of separate worlds caused by a being who intends to end life on all of them.
One world is Modern Earth, where he's the only one able to use the portal to travel to other worlds, one is 1920's Past Earth, one is Future Earth in a sort of cyberpunk setting, one is a desert planet in the midst of war, one is a jungle world in which the dominant species is a race of bipedal cats, one is a water world where all food is farmed on a series of island-sized boats.. and I think that's all of them, unless I'm forgetting?
And on each world there's one guardian, and they meet up and fight and shit, and they can't blow their cover on any world, and each world has a large, distinct world-ending event brewing- The water one may lose their source of food, for example, and in future-earth people are wasting away in a virtual reality game they become addicted to.
It's one of the rare long series of teen books that I feel had a pretty satisfying ending despite the huge buildup, and I'd really recommend it to anyone interested.
I also really like X-Men, and Trigun, and while I haven't seen the new Percy Jackson series it was UNCONTESTED my number one favourite- I still have it on my shelf, absolute A+.
Aaaaand.... I enjoy the Batman Fandom more than most of the comics themselves but I'm in there, too. Was a homestuck cosplayer back in the day, as well. Loved Gravity Falls, loved Steven Universe.
Six Underground ins my favourite "sick at home" comfort movie. Also the only two John Wick movies in existence, shame they never made more sequels. Lord of the Rings. The Princess Diaries. Stardust. Ella Enchanted.
Oh, and the Inkheart books were FABULOUS. Really, they read like nothing else, just such a fantastic and unique flavour in fantasy!
Uhhhhh. Hellboy, too. Hell's Paradise. Bleach. Darker Than Black I vaguely remember enjoying, but I have the DISTINCT MEMORY of despising season two, so fuck that shit, whatever it was.
And I remember... oh, maybe twelve years ago, now? Really liking the spy series Nikita, and the urban fantasy Lost Girl, though I don't think I finished either.
Oh, and Elementary is a must-watch!
Poirot, too, and Perry Mason, and Midsommer Murders.
Also Blown Away, glassmaking reality series, and Forged In Fire, a bladesmith reality series.
Kitchen Nightmares, Hotel Hell, Hell's Kitchen, all good.
Puppet History. Watcher. Game Changer.
And webcomics Dead End and Check Please.
................I may need to spend more time on this
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Good for Her 🥂
(by the girl who brought you @catholic-character-tournament)
aka. a woman who has a satisfying revenge arc, overcomes something traumatic and, usually, murdering a man or two in the process
There are no auto-ins because I want other people to write summaries but some examples are: Elle Woods, Black Cat, Martha (Knives Out), Jennifer (Jennifer's Body), Dani (Midsommer)
check out this imdb list for good for you movies
Only women! No men!!!! femme-align nb character are allowed
Only fictional character. Unless it's super funny
Not exclusive to horror movies, but must fulfill the spirit of the "good for her" genre by getting revenge and coming out of top
The movie/film/book doesn't need to end with the character "winning" as long as she achieves her "good for you" moment
No Harry Potter, Homestuck, Star Wars
At least 1/4 of the character need to be women of color. Ideally, closer to 1/3 but who knows ;-;
Probably 32 character but who knows. Not me.
Submissions open until CCT tournament ends
Inspired by @horror-lady-tournament, @horrorgirlspoll, @ultimatepinkgirl, @tournament-winners-tournament, @4thwallbreakersshowdown, @cowboycompetition and many many others
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Propaganda Under Cut:
Carla Sunday (Adoptive Mother of Ruby and Foster Mother to many children): Carla has taken in and loved many children over the years, providing for them for as little or as long as they needed. She adopted a foundling child Ruby who she loved as her own. She supported her in finding out who her birth mother was. When Ruby began to travel with the Doctor she made the Doctor promise to protect her.
Joyce Barnaby (Mother of Cully): Joyce is very close with her daughter.
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abubblingcandle · 9 months
“Let writers ramble to you about their stories and they will forever love you.”
PLEASE RAMBLE AWAY. I will forever love you if you do ;)
I'm using this as an excuse to word vomit and talk about some things that I am working through particularly in the Higgins fic.
So the concept of this fic is that when Jamie Tartt arrived at AFC Richmond, Higgins tried to get him to complete his arrival paperwork and got a classic Tartt response
"It seems like to me mate that you get a hard on for all these forms and shit," Jamie grinned like a lion, locked onto it's prey. "So, how about you fill em in for me, that'd be grand lad. Ta," he laughed, patting Higgins on the cheek and throwing the papers back at his chest. Jamie turned on his heels and left, leaving Higgins in a cascade of blank paperwork and staring at the back of Rupert's most recent wonder signing.
So for want of a better option he filled in Jamie's emergency contact with his own details. Jump to about a year later and Higgins gets a call from a hospital in Manchester that they've got a Jamie Tartt admitted with a dislocated shoulder, a broken elbow and maybe a concussion. Remembering what he does know about Jamie's family from the Ghost Fire speech there's no way he's calling Jamie's dad and Jamie isn't close with his mum so it's either leave him to the Man City physios or drive 4 hours up to Manchester to make sure he's ok. For some reason, Higgins picks the 2nd option.
It explores Higgins seeing that Jamie just needs someone in his corner. Jamie determined that he is fine in Manchester and doesn't need a healthy paternal relationship. Higgins determined that he has five sons and he doesn't need another one. And both of them being wrong.
So I've got a few things I'm working out with the fic as a whole:
Do I write it just as Jamie POV or do I jump? So I personally have a soft spot for writing fics with just one narrator because it really allows for full unreliable narrator but then you are constrained to things that character is seeing. On the other hand if I build in other characters then you get the full picture. Maybe a few Higgins POV chapters and seeing his internal monologue as he somehow ends up basically adopting another child, Rebecca or Ted POV as they work out that Higgins is 100% hiding something with them. Etc. So yeah, I haven't worked it out yet.
Do I post all in one go or in chapters? So I am going to write this fic in chapters because I feels like it just falls that way. It's going to cover a long time period so breaking it down feels right. BUT do I then post when I have a chapter done or wait until they are all done and then post them. On one hand I am so motivated by praise and comments and kudos so posting and getting a positive response will help keep motivation. But on the other hand when I post my brain tends to go, "oh it's posted so I can take a break on that fic" and then I do and it takes forever to get the subsequent chapters out.
Does Jamie end up back at Richmond? So spoilers but in this fic he doesn't go on LCA. This is set about the time he would be signing up for LCA and so he gets affectionately kidnapped by Higgins instead which does mean he doesn't implode his career. He's not going back to Manchester but that doesn't mean only Richmond and that doesn't mean that when his arm heals he'll go back to football. He's going to be in a far healthier place than in canon. So what does he do ... I don't know yet!
How does Dad!Higgins react when brought face to face with James Tartt Sr. This is a confrontation I am looking forward to writing but I also have no clue what it is going to look like lol.
And for dealing with my rambles here's another little sneak peak from a potential Higgins POV:
“But just look at him Leslie. You told me all about him but just look at him,” Julie muttered, tears in her voice as she turned Higgins around to peer into the living room. The end credits of Midsommer Murders were rolling but there was no one awake to switch the channel. Jamie was sprawled out on the settee. His head was pressed against the arm in a way that would give him a crick in his neck when he woke up. His injured arm and shoulder were trapped and propped up in the way the doctor had advised. His breath was whistling softly and his face looked free and unburdened for the first time in the time Higgins had known him. His good arm was buried, mid scratch, on William Shakespaw’s back. The dog was perfectly still, content, looking up at Higgins with tongue lolling as if to say “the human has fallen asleep on me therefore I cannot move until he wakes.”
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dragon-hoard · 5 months
how do I get in touch with people who would hire me to do acting dog training
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scorndotexe · 9 months
the thing is that Midsommer could have been really really good but it did indeed fall flat in some ways. there's a few really strong visuals that had me wishing for certain other aspects to be explored that surrounded more of her grief as opposed to "ooo cult creepy". the way the cult handled grief was something to feel and transform you but that wasn't concrete enough to really feel for the majority of those seeing the movie including horror fans (I think this movie suffered a lot from non horror fans seeing it and making it into something it wasn't tbh). Dani comes to us as a girl who lost her whole family due to depression and now she is untethered trying to cling to a boyfriend who is just some douche but ultimately is just that. the uncaring world she came from vs a world that offers "unity" where she can grieve and have everyone stop to grieve with her like we all wish could happen when losing a loved one. there is your core of the movie but it became so muddled with all this other drawn out "oooooo isn't this WEIRD???" that you cease being able to focus on the legitimate issues of what I do believe Ari was wanting to display. the horror is in a grieving girl being able to be taken advantage of because you have a murder cult offering her what those around her will not. the inherent selfishness of those in her life in "the real world" leads her to seek solace in the world of the cult and she ultimately excuses the cruel physical violence because they didn't give her emotional violence, hence the tragedy of her character and why you are left conflicted at that final scene of her smiling because it is supposed to be a tragedy.
anyway if the story had been more focused I think it would have been excellent but it rambled a lot in the middle. still worth a watch tho for some deam sequences and the crying scene that means more built up feeling bad for her. idk I'd give it a 5-6/10. not as good as Hereditary by a long shot but still interesting enough and I think he has a good eye for constructing scenes.
ALSO I think it is really telling that he wrote it after a break up. like I wanted a different movie with the nuggets there does that make sense? like I didn't want it to be what he did with it I wanted the focus on something else
god you're the one who should have written this film not ari aster who apparently thinks the ending is a happy, triumphant one. i think i agree with you overall, it could have been way more compelling if it focused its themes on grief and how easy it is for cults to prey on the vulnerable.
maybe if it knew what it was trying to say it wouldn't feel like some kind of trauma porn film
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abstractmelons · 8 months
girl help 31 year old Tobias Menzies is doing things to me
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rosie-love98 · 8 months
Poor Miss. Duchene...
Seriously, why do they always have Kate Duchene cast as a wife in an unhappy marriage of infidelity? "A Sense Of Guilt", "The Bill", "All Good Children", "Kiss Me Kate", "Henry VIII", etc.
No wonder why her character in "Midsommer Murders" killed her cheating mom! It was emotional built up from her other lives...
And then there's "Worst Witch" where Constance Hardbroom pretty abhorent with love (though she was interest in Icy Stevens and Richard Avalon...)...
@yaviae @m1lfinghot @theworstwitch @theworstwitchforever
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bosinclairsgff · 1 year
Requests Rules <3
Hey everyone, I want to get back into writing fanfiction and stuff like that! So here are my request rules and other important things to know! (I used to only write on Wattpad so I'm new to using Tumblr pls be nice <3)
Requests: open
Will do
Hurt x comfort
Head cannons
Sometimes mentions of abuse, kidnapping, murder or sh (there will be trigger warnings)
Light angst
Characters hurting the reader (there will be a tw)
Reader with depression or anxiety
Won't do
Pregnant reader
Child reader
Parent reader
x male, ftm, mtf or poly reader (I am not qualified to write about those as I have no experience involving them)
Characters I will write for
Halloween: RZ Micheal Myers, Corey Cunningham
Amusement: The Laugh
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Nubbins Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Vilmer Sawyer
Scream: Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Amber Freeman, Sydney
Friday The 13th: Jason Voorhees
House Of Wax: Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair
Saw: Amanda Young, Mark Hoffman
House Of 1,000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
American Psycho: Patrick Bateman
Child's Play: Tiffany Valentine
The Black Phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
The Collector: Arkin
Silent Hilld/DBD: Pyramid Head
Carrie: Carrie White
Ghost Ship: Jack Ferriman
Thirteen Ghosts: Dennis Rafkin
The Shining: Jack Torrance, Wendy Torrance
The Invitation: Walter Deville
Midnight Mass: Father Paul
The funhouse massacre: Doll face
A nightmare on Elm Street (2010) : Quentin Smith
My Bloody Valentine 3-D: Tom Hanniger
Don’t breathe: Norman Nordstrom
The Purge Anarchy: Leo Barnes
Midsommer: Pelle
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
Leather face (2017) : Jedediah Sawyer
American horror story : Kai Anderson, Kit Walker, Patrick March
Jennifer’s Body : Jennifer Check
Re- animator: Herbert West
Urban Legend: Brenda
Jeepers Creepers: Darry Jenner
Grave Enconters: Lance Preston, Alex Wright
Dead Silence: Jamie
The Dare: Credence, Dominic
31: Doomhead
Final Destination 3: Kevin Fischer
Longlegs: Dale Kobble, Lee Harker
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nsomniacsdream · 3 months
I'm watching midsommer murders, season 8? i think. and holy shit every adult in this episode is going out of their way to traumatize every child they can find. "WHO WAS THAT MAN YOU WERE TALKING TO?!" "oh it was an old man walking by, he was telling me how school was when he went to this school." "YOU SEE HIM AGAIN, YOU RUN SCREAMING 'PEDOFILE' AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS TO THE FIRST ADULT YOU SEE!!!"
"you've told the other students a ghost story? We're bringing in a cop to debunk it" cop comes in "Tell everyone you lied or else" "sir, I didn't lie" "I have a gun kid, and no one can stop me."
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